Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Yorlc. Nov. C. MONP.T On call
quiet nt 4 ( < iO per cent , closing nt.1 per cent
Pimm MKncAXTiLC 1'APEii i@5 per
STKIU.IXO HxciiAjfoK Quiet and steady
nt S4.bO > Cfor sixty day bills ; S4.W for de
mand ,
GOVERNMENTS Government bontls were
dull and r.Ulirr heavy.
STOCKS Tlio stock markc * . was firm to
stronjr without any marked Improvement In
lirlcus until toward tlio clo e. The openliiK
vin.sstioiiK , llrst prices showing ndvnnrcs
over last I'vonliiK'fl closing tltjures , ranging
from' < Ci ? ! ( per cent , , tlio latter In Headini ; ,
nnd early tnullnit was quiet and nearly nion-
opollrcd by balf n tloon stock * . Tlio ijen-
crnl list wan linn , and so continued until
neailv " r > . m , . when realizations wrecked tlio
list nnd small fr.icl ons wurti lost. A smalt
rally Just previous to tlio close steadied the
* Sccil bonds. . 100Y C. AN. W <
17. H. 4U's. " ' preferred. . ! ! ?
New 4's 121' ,
I'nclHod's of ' 03. 12(1 ( Orccon Trail. . . . SO' " ?
Central 1'nci tic. , 40 I'aclilc JIall
111 IM ) . & K
100 liir4
c. fi.At ; Hock Island. . . W7U
i > . i , . A\V L. AH. F. . . . sk
I ) . All U 3UJ/I nruferrcd. . .
ErlP in C. , N. ikSt. 1' . . .
preform' . . ICJ/1 nrofoncd. . .
Illinois Oiitrnl. 184 ( St. P. .tO
I. , H. AW HM/I preferred. . . Hi :
KnnsaR ATcxas. .Y ) < Texas 1'aclllo. . .
l.nko.Slioru IHl.VUtnon r.vclllo. . .
I , . AN 17 ( , W.St. L. & I1. . . . picfuni'd. . .
Mo. 1'aclllc 'W Wrslurn Union.
Northern Tiio. . . O. . K. AN
picfcrred. . .
Olitcnco , Nov. 0. Flour Steady and nn-
cbiinuud ; winter wtioat llour , S4.0'@j4.1U ;
Mjiilliein , J3. jor .00 ; Wisconsin , S4-00 ( < 54.10 ;
Mlclilirali softsprlni : wliuat , 33.Mi4.10 ) ( : Mm-
nesotHlakeri , : i.W ) ; < t4.lOpatciits.g4.wc ; : < J'4.00 ;
lowKtn'le.sS ' l.T ' . ' . " .1 ! ; rye llour. ( puiet nt
8i.irx : ! 3.M ) In bah els. mid S3.00@a.20 In
Wheat Quiet but llrnipr ; ndvanced J ( jfc
nnd closed lc above ycslcrday ; cnsli , 7i ; ; < ( ! $
December , 74 11-lOc ; January , 75a'c ;
it Coin ( Julct ; declined f < @ 9fc from oponluc
clostiiK Ko below ycHtcrilny ; wisli , UoJfCe ; Ue-
rumburHi : c : .January ! ) " HCo ; May , 42 i-ific.
OatH Steady and nncliniiKcu : cash , 2j
SCc : December. 20 0 ; May ,
llyc Firm at file.
itarloy Dull at 52c.
Timothy seed Prime , 81.0-1.
Whisky S1.18.
1'ork Weak ; declined 15)0c ) , closiiiK at
Ihori'diictioii ; cash 5J0.20@'J.2J ' > i ; January ,
. . .
Laid Drellnrd l &Oc , closing quiet ;
cash , 8S.87U : December , S : > .37K&UK ( ) ; Jan-
unry , S5.26oin.22ii.
Utilk Mt-atH Easier , with light demand ;
shoit rihs. S'i.iO@.W : cash.
lititter Steatly ; creamery , C0@20c ; dairy ,
Cliceso Knll-crram Cheddars ,
Hats , HJ < f@lt o ; youutt Americas ,
I2tfc : skims ,
liulos Heavy grrcn salted , fully cured ,
its c ; llirht. do , 8K"S u ; damaged , 7 ®
7 > < c ; bull hides , fifc ! ; dry salted , ll12c ; dry
Hint. 13Q14c ; call skins , 8@lO > jc ; deacons ,
tOe each.
Tallow No. 1 country , ; No,2.
8c : cake , SJfc.
KirnlDt. < > blnpmcnts.'s ' . 1'J.OOO C,000
WlivaLbu . M.OOO 21.000
Coil ) . DU . 200,000 115.000
Oats.DU . OU.OOO 170.000
live , DU . 1.000 ,000
Unrlev.Oil . 51,000
Now Yorfc. Nov. 0. Wheat Kcrelpts ,
ll > r,000 , ; oxpotts , 7,000 , ; spot'tfgMc better only
moderately active. Options opened > ( < 5rtC
better ; clo.scd dull , udvancu partly luai ;
iiiiKiimcd rcd,7SC < T87Kc ; No. a redb2Vc In ele
vator , KlJ onlloat ; No. 8 red. Hie In elevator ,
b5aS54calloat ( ; Dcceuibtir closinK
Coin lllulier ; receiiitH IS'l.OOO ; cxpoits ,
1.000 ; miiM-adcd , 4rii4t'i ( > 4c ; old No.i.'c : ) :
No2. 40clneluvator-10 4ii-17c5 ( ulloat ; Diuc'iii-
bcr clost'd at 47c.
Oats Illchor , but le s active ; iccelpts
38,000 ; mixed westeiu , yj Q'JJc ; white wust-
J'etroloum Kirm ; United closed
haul Unsettled and lower ; weatein steam
spot ,
Duller l''irm with a good demand ; west-
em. I2@2 c.
Chei'si1 Firm with a modeiato inquiry ;
wustPin Hat , U5f12c. (
Poi k Active and generally bteady ; new
Cincinnati. Nov. 0. Wheat Easier ; No.
2 n d , 75Je.
Corn 1 < Inner ; No. 2 mixed , SiTc.
OatH-IlijtherjNo. a. mixeil , 28
Kyo-Flim : No. 2 , 5 ! ' c.
l.ard Kasler ; prime steam. SS.OOgO.OO.
Whisky Awl vu but llrm at S1.13.
Nov. 0 Wheat Cash
( hade better ; lutuies lower ; No. 1 hard , fiHi.
72Kc ; Deeembor. 7Uo ; Jnnuniy , 74j u ; No. 1
northern , cash , 70lr ; Ducombor. 71c ; Junn-
ury , Tl a : No. 2 noitlicrii , cash , CSJ.j'c ; Uc-
crmber , Wi" Jaiiuaiv , lO e.
Flout Fhmlv held ; patents , S1.10C'1.25 ;
b.ikoiH , S.f .10 ( . ; .S5.
Hi'celnts Wheat , 107.000 bu. ; lloiir,2Mtbls. )
hhlpmputs Wheat , ai.OOO bu ; Hour , yo.000
Bllhrntikcc , Nov. < i. Wheat- Finn ;
cash , 71Jfc ; Dccombcr , 728fu ; J.inuaiy , TJ.uje.
Com Steady : No. 2 , ace.
Oats-Qulct ; No. 2 , 20c.
Uye-Dull ; No. 1,5'c.
Haihiv-Qiilot ; No , 2. SSlfc.
1'rovlbUms Lower , Novembi > rporUS9.17tf. }
Ht. ijoulH. Nov. 0. Wheat Dull and
without Important changes ; No. 2 red , cash.
7."if'87a\'c ; November. 'iO'i.c ; December , 7C > 4'c ;
Alav , h4 > ( T < ' .
Corn tjulnt nnd dull : No. 2 mixed. riMi ,
R4)ii-l'l ) ( ; ! ! < e' Duceuiher , U4c ; Jauuaiy , > . ! 5,1jc ;
Muv. H'J ' < < .
Oats No. 8. cash , 20J ( gUi Kc ; December ,
2flil ; Muv. fOXe.
Uve-Uiu-lianieil ; at 4&J ® tOc.
Lard-Steady at 85.00 ( < ? 5.P.- .
Huttor Firm nnd unchanged ; creamery , ! J4
O-Tic : dairy , "l26s"JOc.
KansnH City , Nov. 0. Wlieat StroiiGer :
No. 3 led. , tVSJ < e.
Com Steady ; No. 2 , cash , W bid.
Oats No. 2 , ca h , 24fis asked.
folrilu , Nov. 0 Wheat Dull and steady ;
cash , 77c.
Com Steady hut lower ; cash , SSc.
Oath Nt'Klcctud.
Now OrloanH , Nov. 6. Corn Stcadv ;
mlxi-d , 45lOc ; yellow , W c ; whlti47Q
Oats Klrmi'r : obolro western , S5c ,
CoillllllMl-lJllU't .it SJ.15.
Ho ; 1'ioitiictb In good demand at full
in Iros.
J.aid-Kcliucd tlcn'P. SO.iX ) .
UulK .Meats Sliouldors , 85,12) ) * ; long
clear und clear rll > , SO.'S ,
Ijlvnrponl , Nov. 0. Wlieat OITerrd
jnodt'iately ' : now , No , a , winter , C b. M ;
spring , Cs8d.
Flour Supply ROOI ! but dull at 8s 7d.
Coin Supply K > )0l5 ) ( spot , November and
December , -Is 4it ; January , 4-t : i > j'd.
ll\'K STOCK.
Ohlon o , Nov. 0 , The Diover's Journal
ronortKas follows :
Cattle-Itccolpts , ! i50 ; steady but nonil.
nal ; blibiplng sti't-rs , 5UXu4.iMj ! ( ; btockeru
inil leodoro. 51.wa'V. i : bulk , koo MO ;
cows , bulls ami mlxod , Sl.i @i75 ; through
Texas eattlii steady. 83.05&r. .tK ) ; western
rangers , natlvoi , and nulf-breeda , ci.O'JGi.70 ; : > ;
wlnteied Toxiuih , S-.75 < 3'l.iri.
Ho2 Itect'lpta , yo.OOU ; active and A slmilo
lower ; ruucb mm mixeii , $ a.4P1.75 ;
varkliiK and shlpplnu , SXTOQl.Ou ; ll lit ,
f8.10(3H.05 ( ; bklps , S'.Vi.WS. t.
Slieop-Kt'celpts , 1'J > JU ; Meady : natlres ,
J'J.OXg ( i.70 ; we.stcrn. SH.10S3.50 ( ; lexaiib ,
f2.0oSi.OO : ; lambs ,
St. I/nuts , Nov. fi. Caltlo Hecelpts ,
500 ; bhliuneuts nonu ; steady ; cholco native
utoeit , , S4.oO.(4.bO ; modiuin toxood ( .blpuura ,
: i.0i ( < l.iO : ; biitcln-rs' stfi-in , fair to best , ; fiM'deis , fair to tjood , S3.fAg
8.25 ; btoi'kers , fan t good , S2.'JOlJ.N ! ) .
Jloes lU-wliil' . , 2.000 ; slilpinonls , 1,000 ;
strong on lltbt nnd luiiciicr , Aiul wnak on
racklni ; uradus ; cholco heavy and butohuiV ,
| a.W ( < J4.15 ; jiai'kfrs , ( air to choice. si.o.Vcj :
8.W ; VoikerH. fall-to best. a.76 < i3.W ; pits ,
common to Kood , $ a"0iji.75. (
KuiiM.18 City , Nov. C. Citllo Uecelptii ,
240 : thlimirntg , none ; steady ; common to
choir * , IIL'JO tl.GO' Ktocktsrs , S2.V. i.7& ;
feeding steers. 8' . ' . 0 < 3J.60 ; CO\YS , Sl.SO-jtf.CO.
Uogs-'Hecelpts. H.WOj ghlpiBents. noiio ;
lo U- : c uimou to choice ,
Saturday Eyenln ? , Nov. 0.
CATii.n The receipts of cattle \\cre lib
eral to-day and the market active. Morn cattle -
tle changed haiids to-dav tlian on any other
daj for several weeks. Therowas consider
able inquiry for feeder. " , and a jrood many
were Hold. Corn fed steers \UTC liij'ood
rrrpicst. and sold readily at HI in nnccs. One
load or choice heavy rattle was sold at
84. W. which Is the outside price for some
lime. There was some demand for butcher's
fitiilT , nnd a few cows and odds and ends
HOOH The receipts were not nn to yester
day's. The market continued about steady ,
and was fairly active. There were a number
of loaJs on the market that had been held
o\cr from the day bofoti1. biituverythlni ; was
sold and tlio liens cleared e.irly In the day.
SttEir : There was onu buiicli sold to-day.
Cattle . 3,000
Ho 3 . . . . . . . . 80C
Provnlllnit I'rlocs.
Showing the provalllnK price ) paid for live
stock on th Is market.
Cholco steers , 18VI to IVM Ihs . 34.2 @ 4.C.-
Cholco sleors , lieu to 1MJ Ibs . n.75fr n.,0 ;
Medium stecis , 12.W to i)5J : ) Ib3. . . a.00y5) ) I. ir
( Jood fcodurs , . AIW3.05
Oood to ciioicu corn-led cows .
Fair to medium Brass cows . 2.00ri .2' )
( Jowl to choice oulh . l.ftO
Lnrht and medium nog ? .
tiood to choice heavy hogs . H.fiOM.0 : ! >
Oood to cholco mixed ho s . : i.-fj . : l..V
i throw outs . 'J..V.
( ! ooi ( to ehoico sheep ii.7WW.'i )
Falrtojjuod sheep. ! WJ2.0 ( ! ;
KepreseiiltUlvc Hales.
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
ti.llfil $ Af5 ' .WJ..S10 sy.CT )
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
C..1041 S'J.55
9TP.KIW TAlI.INtl 3.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
I.11)12 ! ) S1.73 0 ! i S'J.53
nirrciicns' STOCK MIXIU. :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4..1aO ! 53.00
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r
31. . . . < JbO S'.73
i : STEIH .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4. . .1115 SII.OO 170 . . .WJO Sl.M
ai . . .lyoo 4.25 to. . . . nor.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11. . .120 if 1.50
smur. :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
aos. . . cy S2.r :
No.Av. . Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
42..3.SJ CbO 83..10 55..SOO 40 SO.OO
G.1..2C7 120 : U > r 121. . 270 101) ) S.X ( )
cj..2s.ri : ; oo a.57K 01..2G3 100 : i.oj' ' < f
71. . 270 100 8.00 OJ..278 bO : ! .0.i
50..2M ) 3.00 H..2J4 .1.05
is.1) . cso us ,8J rae 3.0. ' .
IU..211 bO 3.CO 113. . 301 bO : UH
00. .207 80 8.M ) 59. . 900 bO ii.a'ijif '
&l . 100 8.00 GO. . 213 120 'MB
70. . 257 ICO 8.00 50..U93 bO 3.70
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
( I . . .UiS 120 S.i.10 8. . . 213 bO 58.23
4 . . ! W7 80 8.10 8 . DCS 80 11.23
5. . . .410 40 3.25 2. . . . 4bO bO 3.40
of Prices.
Showing tlio lilithost and lowest
paid for loads ol'lioRS on this maikct < liiiinj ;
tliu past seven days and lor the same tune
last year :
Oct. 18S8. Nov. 1831) ) . Nov. 11-85.
1st ' 380 y.Oj © :3 : 70 Sunday
3.SO 4J1.33
; u-d Sunday 3. CO
uii 4.10 ffJJ.ST , .
Cth 4.0r. © t M I1.57V5 11.00 ( >
mil , g , I 2- , 3.40 < it3.70 ; ioo < L < 'ur >
7th il.bO iil.OO Sunday. : ) OJ
the number of cars o cattle , hogs
and hhcop shipped Irom South Omaha during
the day :
No. cars. Iloutu. Destination.
10 15. it M Button , Neb
17 . itM UiKlow , ilo
2 0.U. & Q Cliicago
B C. H. AQ ; Chicago
1 0. B. &Q Pacllio Jc. , la
Alls.ilcsof stock in this market arc made
percAVt. llvo weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hess .sell at MO per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags SO Ibs.
Nolc ft.
( logs all sold.
O.Utlo active.
Light receipts of hoijs.
Corn fed c.ittle sold quickly.
A very fair maiket lor Saturday.
lloss averaned sixty-two to the car.
Over 1,200 head ot cattle changed hands.
F. Hey , Silver Creek , had a of cattle
at the yards.
W. Obborne , Ncola , was hero and marketed
a load of liou'S.
Over l.TOO brad of cattle were sold on tlio
market to-day.
Aleck Lafferty. Ashland , was among to
day's visitors nt the yaids.
J. II. Howe was here and bought a load of
fat sheep for Paclllc Junction.
C. llccht and biother , Laramli1 , wcio hcio
with twenty-one loads ot cattle.
It Is expected that J. K. lioyd will bo a
heavy buyer on the maiket this winter.
Mr. P.irkinp ! > t , of Paikhurst A ; Wells , of
Grand Island , was a visitor at the yards.
Ldlck A ; Dunlap , 'IVkamah , had llvo loads
of cattle In to day. Mr. Dunlap was hoie.
Tom Powers. Sutton , was hero and sold a
Joail of boss nud bought ! ! 12 head of feeders.
Air. Foricst. of Cl.iv & Foriost. wns heie
with sixteen loads of cattle iroiu Itrennon ,
Dakersit Co. Inut In twenty-two loach of
rattle , and 0. 11. Ueckwith ono load liom
J. Asksvls Ar Co. , Lvons. had In a load of
veiy Unocoin fed cattle. Mr. Smith came In
with them.
The Northwestern has begun to call In its
western Moel : agents , sign that thu cattle
inn is about over.
Fowler BIOS , houcht their first IIORS In the
maikct to-day. They Intend to bce'ln killing
bomti tlmu next wcuk.
With Fowler IJios. and LIpton on the mar-
kut , besides the other buyerw , thuro will un
doubtedly tie a 0od ho maiket.
F. J. Hale , IJ.ittlu Cieek. the nomineeon
the democratic ticket lor htato treasurer , was
hcru and sold ten loadb ot corn led cattle and
onuloadot lions.
Kvcryono is pleaded at the prospect of
therii beluga public Inspector at the yaids.
It will do away with what has always been a
a bouico of contention.
Tlio Now Hampshlro Cattle company are
puttlni ; out cattle. In lots ot forty or more , tote
to bn ted , the company ngieelnp to nay 7cnei
pound for t ha additional wclKht gained dur-
Inu' the ttnio nt feeding ! ,
On the maiket with liosrs : W. It.yilson
& Co. , Pllgcr ; Slater , Fuuier & Co. , Wayne ;
A. Fnivlor , llonov Uieok ; Clarkit Utos , . Dun-
lap , la. ; D. A. Hale. Madison , W. C. Pottnr
A ; Son , Uorulns , la. ; Ueorco W. Mitchell ,
The commission mmi held a meeting to-day
nnd appointed Co ! , K. P. Savage and ( Jew.
S. Humn an oxcrntivo commltteo to net with
two others appointed by the p.iekots. Thu
commltteo will nu-et on Monday and appoint
a public Inspector. The commission num
will elect an arbltiator lor tlneo mcuthf , und
the packers onu for three montus.
Gonorul i'roduoo.
Saturday , Nov. 0.
Tliefollowlitg price * arc /or romvl lots of
proil\tfe , as otu oit tlie nuirteJ ( o-t ? / | / . T/KJ /
quotations on fruits reprf-aent. tneprioea tU
\vliichnntxlacordcrs tire filial ,
Keas TKI ! receipts of fiesh stock are not
IIUKO and the marKet Is steady at20c. A
good many cold.stnrano eKKsaro comlnc In ,
which arc generally sellliiR at Wo , which
kix-ps tlio maiket down.
UUITKII Tbo bultt'iiuo Jaw went Into
olU'ct nn tlio Hist of tlio montli , an < ls l \ brliiK
stiictly cnfurrel. It lias hml a ton-
ili'uvy to Iticioasi' tbe demand for but
ter. Vre-Ai creamery , V3Wc : fresh dairy ,
; cholcn country roll , Ib'i0o ; choirs
country , solid packftl , ITC ifo ; Rood
country roll , 16@17e ; good country , solid
packed , LVitUJo ; lr lr , ll@Uo ; common ,
4f n.
crcam . . . cheddars _ . . , single , 13c ,
' tull cream Uats , twins , 13cVouiir ; ( American.
! 3 > < c : fancy Swiss , 14jtl5c ( : Swles , imported ,
B3t Llmburxer. liiK ! bni'k , I8c.
Poui.TitY Tlit ) inaikot is not very active.
Tbo receipts of live poultry are not heavy
nud tbey wll slow. The weather
has been too warm for handling
dressed poultry to the best ndvnnlnco.
Old chickens choice , per do/ . , S2.00&2.50 ;
spring eblcken.s , 52.00-42 M ; ducks , $ J.50fi ?
2.7. . ; turkeys , per Jb. J < c ; necst , S < 5. < XK tS.OO.
Dressed poultry , chickens ntr Ib , s ( < iOc ;
( lurks. I0&iic ( : turkejs , iKjtl'c. .
POT ATOI : There bavo boon a good many
potatoes In and the maiktt has been lalrly
active. The approach of cold weather his
lundo retail dealers moie aiivlous to put In
their winter stock ? . ( Jood choice stoek Is
selling all the \\ny from 57C35V. Small or
poorstokw@IOc. ;
OtJio.v Tnoto has been a car of ebolco
yellow Michigan onions In tills week which
sold ntl'Oc1. Common Nebraska stock Is slow
sale , In small lots , all Hie way from fiocsnop.
Ai' : There Is nn scarcity of apples.
Tlio market Is liberally supplied with all
glades. " 'lit1 market Is fairly nctlvc. Com
mon slock , S1.7.Vrt200 ; ebolco Missouri stoelc ,
S..ou/e2.2"i ; Michigan stoek , 'J.cOtJ.50 ; fancy
Michigan , S3.00.
Cr.t.Knv The receipts nrc o heavy that
dealers arn unable to dispose of it nil.
Choice slock Is selling at : 'iO ( 40c per do ? .
OYHTIMIS- The demand for oysters Is heavy
and dealers rciioit a uiucli better trade than
last year. Pi Ices remain unchanged ,
Mediums , avj ; standards , 30 ; selects , use ;
N. Y. counts. 40c.
MAPMJSuoAU Hrlcke , peril ) , 12Xc ; pen
ny rases , per Ib , 15c.
MAi'i.iiSvnt'i * Hulk , 13 to 17 gal kegs ,
per gal , 51.00-pal cans , ner gal , 81.05 ; J < ; gal
cans , nor pal. 81.10. York.perbbl , Sr > .50Ncw ; ork ,
} tf bbl , S4.2I5 : Crab , ner do/ tits , S2.i5 ; Michi
gan t rellned , per bbl , 8rt.80.
VINKOAH White Mlnp. 1315c : rider vin
egar , l.i15.o ; single strength , 12c ; tilplo
btiongth , Mit&lSc. &
.Sweet Potatoes There are not many on the
maikct nt thn picsent lime ; eholeu stock Is
quoted at IJ/f'V'c.
LEMONS Messina , per box S .00@7.t > 0 ;
Malaga. Stl.OO
OiiAXor.s ! Jamaica , per box , SVfiO : per
bbl. . 8'J.ftO ' ; Florida oranpes per box ,
CnANiiiiniis : : Capo cod , fancy , per bbl. ,
Stf.OO ; Hell and Bugle , nor bbl. , S7..00 ; Uel
anil Cheiry , per bbl. . ST.OO.
HAXAXAS Them is no cliansc In the mar
ket. Hnnanas yellow , uui bunch. S2.00 ®
2.50 ; bananas , yellow , lait'o bunch , sS2.M )
® 3.50.
"GnAi-ns Malaga , regular bbl. , 83.00 : Mal
aga , cxtrn large bbl. , S1M @ . 0 ; New i'mk ,
Concords , perU-lb basket , -iO"59c ; Catawbas ,
fi-lb baskets. 60@"jc ; 10 Ib baskets. We.
HONKY Nebraska , cholre. wliito clover ,
M@l5c. : Nebraska , dark.l2 13c.
Pitovisioxs Hum , lie ; breakfast bacon ,
0)s ) © lOc ; clear side bacon , 8s'c } ; dry salt sides ,
NJ ; shoulders , 7Kc ; dried beer , reutilar , lie ;
dried bocf. ham pieces , I4e : lardr o ib cans.
G5 c ; laid , 20 Ib rans , Kali banks , ( i4'c ; 10
lo cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; 6 Ib cans , Fair
banks , 7'tr ' ; : > Ib cans. Fairbanks 7'/e.
! ! IANB Interior stock. . 0.75@1.0 ( ) ; good
clean connuy. S1.00@1.2. : medliim , liniul
picked , 81.50j81.HO ; band picked navy , 81.00
Ki.oi'it AND Mn.i.STUrrs Winter wheat
llour , best qunllt } patent , 52.75 ; second qual
ity. S2.40 ; best quality sprint ; wheat
flour , patent , 32.00braii,50cperc\Ytcliopnid ; ; ;
fec-d , 70c per cwt : wliito corn meal. Me ;
yellow corn meal , MO ) per cwt ; scrvcnliiR , ( We
per cwt ; hominy , S'iOo per cwt ; shoits , .Wo
liorcwt ; crahain , 51.CO ; hay , in bales , S5.r > 0@
fi.OO per ton.
( luAix Corn , 2'ie ; new oats , 23c ; iyo y3c ;
wlieat. No. 2. Me.
General Markets.
WOOL Medium 18 < )20e ) per Ib ; fine heavy ,
14dilCc ! ; llfjlit , iCdjlSc ; coarse , 14@10c ; burry
wool , 2C < J5c otT.
' HnKa ) Grppn bittchcis , fi' c ; ceecn cured ,
s'ctS ( o ; dry Hint. lloic : ! ; dry salt. ! > © 10e ;
green calC skins , 'JOj'.iWc ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds piico. Tallow HJfe. ( Jrcaso
Prime white , 3n : yullow. 2c ; brown , 14
bbcen Pelts , 257ic.
UIATHII : : Prime slnnchtor solo leather ,
oalt kip , KKisw'p ; 1'ieiicii KIP ,
hem , calf , 81.uowl.10 : o.ilc calf ,
Kiencll calf , Sl.2a@t.bO : Morocco , boot leg ,
: ; 0 ( ' . i'-c : Morocco oil pebble. 2SS32c ; toppings
and linings , GOSiUOc.
UKAVY ilAunwAitr. Iron , rate $2.iO : ;
plow stf-ul special cast , 4c ; eiueiblo steel , Cc ;
cast lools , do. 12fE ( > lSc ; wagon spokes , per sut ,
Sl.7oM3.00 ; hubs , per fact , Sl.23 ; tulloes ,
sawed dry. Sl.M ; tongues , e.ieh , r u ; axols
each. 7."ic : sqiiaio nuts , per 11) . Ifft71c ; cell
chain , peril ) . ( > ( * 12e ; miilleable. 0 © c ; iron
wwlsps , fie ; crowbars , fto ; hartow teeth , 4c ;
spilug steel , 7 { .Sc ; JJuulcn's lioibo shoes ,
54.-10 ; liiiidiiii's mule shoes , 33.-10. Haibed
wire , In car lots , SI.OO per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates 10 toM ) , 82.60 ; steel nails , 52.03.
Shot , S1.03 ; buckshot , S1.85 ; oriental powder , '
kpirs , S'2.50 ; do. half kegs , S2.00 ; do. quarter
kegs , Sl.oO : bluitlng kegs , 52.35 ; I use , per 10
feet , GJC. Lead bar , Slii.
"V Auxisiins Harrels , per gallon : furni
ture , cxtrn , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , SI.OO ;
coach cxtin , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 ; IJa-
mar , p\tia , 31.75 ; Jupaii , 70c ; nsiihaltiini ,
pxtia Ku ; bhullac , S3..rX ) ; hard oil linibli ,
biMitiT.s Colocnosphits , 183 jiroof , SI.17 ;
do 101 proof , SI.18 ; spirits , scvond quality ,
101 prool , 81.17 : do Ibb pioof , 551.10. Alcohol.
IfcS proof , S'.MS per wino gallon. Hedlstllli-il
wbibklcs , S1.00@1.50. Cln , blended. Sl.-W ®
2.00 : Keiituckj bouibons , S2.00ffir,00 ; Ken-
tneky and Pennsylvania ryes , S'J.OOjtfl.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskies ,
1.50 < g3.00. Urandles , imported , S5.00@a.60 ;
domestic , Sl. : @ 3.oo. ( ilns imnorte < i , S4.W )
OfC.OO ; domestic , 51.25'it3.00. CliampaRiiPS.
imported , per case , 5'JS.OO@ ; 1.00 ; American ,
percaso , SiO.OO ( . < ilfi.OO.
I'Aix-rs i.v Oir. Whlto lend. Omalia.P. P. ,
7kc ; white lead , St. Kouls , pine , S7.70 ; Mar
seilles giecn. 1 to 5 Ib cans. 2c ; Fiench zinc ,
irreen seal , 12c ; KiiMich nine , red seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc , In vainlsli nsst , 20c ; Kreneh
/me , 75c ; vermllllon , American , 1So ; Indian
red , lOc : ro > , i ) plnK , lie ; Venetiiui red , Cook-
son's , 2"fc ; Venetian led , Ameilcan , I'jc ;
led lead , W. cluomo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chromo vellow , 1C , 12c ; ocluo , rochelle , ! iu ;
ochre , Kiencli , 2 > fc ; oclnv , American ,
1' c ; Winter's mint-mi , 2' e ; I.ehlgb blown ,
2ijc ; Spanish brown , " ) < lc ; i'linco's mineral ,
lnv PAINTS AVblto lead , 8e ; Frcneb sine ,
12o ; Paris wliltim ; , 2Uc ; wliHIiii ; , u'llders ,
2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , I1/ " ! lampblack , HIT-
iminslown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , c ;
Pinviiun blnoli5ciiltrainurlnc ; , Ito ; vandyK-
brown , be ; umber , biniit.ic ; nmbcr. law,4 o
sienna , burnt , 4e ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane
green , irenulne , 250. Pails gicen , common ,
22 s ; cluomo green , N. Y. , S0eclironn ; green
K , 1-c : vcriiillllon , Knu'llsli , in oil , 75C ;
raw and burnt limber , 1 Ib cans , 12o ; iuw and
burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke brown , lc ! ! : relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; eoacli blaek nnd Ivoiy
black , lOc ; drop black , We ; Prussian blue ,
40e ; iiltramarlno black. 18c ; cbromo grrnu/ ) . ,
M , A IX , Kic ; blind and shutter giuon. L. , I.
V L > . , lOc : Paris green , lSj ! Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian red , t'e ' ; Tuscan. 22c ; Anicrlenn
\ormilllon , L. A I ) . , 20c ; yellow ocluo , 2c ; U
M. A O. I ) . , Ibc ; good oclne , K c ; patent
diver , Bo ; cralnlng color , llilit oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and nsh , 12e. Ciii'.MirAiA Acid , enrbollc ,
32o ; ucid , tnrtaile , f > Zo\ \ balsam copalbn , pur
Jtj , 4c : ! : bark sassafras per Hi , 10o ; calomel ,
pur Ib , 78c , ehlnchoiililln , per o40c ; chloio-
loim , per ll > , We : Dover's powdeis , pei II' ,
S1.25 ; epsom salts , ] > er Hi , 3j c ; glyceilno ,
pine , perlb , 25o ; lead , ni'etale , per .Ib , 21o ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per irl , , S1.50e ; oil castor ,
No. , per gnl. , S1.4D ; oil olive.per gal. , 1.40 ;
nil oiU'iiiinnm , Mi- ; opium , $3.20 ; qiilnino ,
P. ifc W. and It. A : S , , per 02. 70n ; polas.slum
iodidu , per It ) , 5sullcln ; , peroz. 40u ; sul-
iibatomorpblne , per oz. $2.85 : sulphur , per
U > , 4o ; strychnlno , per oz. S1.25.
Grocors' Jjlnt.
riciu.ns Medium , in bbls. SO.M ; do , In
half bbls , S3.15 ; simiil , in Dbls. S7.50 ; do , In
halt bbls. S4.25 ; shcikins , in bbls. SS.50 ; do ,
In half bbls , 4.75.
Sviiiip No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 51.20 ; Now
Orleans , per cation Mx-nic ( ; uiaplo byrup ,
half bbla , % 'old time , " per gallon , 72o ; 1 gal
lon cans , ner doz , S10.00 ; half gallon cans ,
per do ? , 5.00 ; quniloans , S.0u. : :
STAIIUII Mirror glass. 1 Ib , Bjtfc ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 6 > ifo ; minor gloss , Olb , H4c ; '
Gnnes' corn , 1 ( b , Co ; Klngsloid's corn , 1 Jb ,
7o ; KiiicntonrBcloss , 1 ib. 7o : Klnirsford's
elosi , 0 Ib , 7Ko : Klngsford's ' pure , 3 Ib. ! $ & ;
Klngbfordsbulk , 4c.
ToiiArcp Plug , pJlmax , 4-Jo ; borsesbop ,
37c ; star. 89c ; spearhead , 30c ; plperheldsick ,
loj gold shield , S4u ; merry war , 23o : J. T.
Durham , Is , 51o ; s.
meerscliiim , 30o ; old
. . . . . . . . j ; spirit curea , 45c.
MATCHES Per caddie. 2Sc ; square cases ,
$1.70 ; mulosquaic , 81.20.
CANDY MKwl , OlftlIKe ; stick , 8) ) < @ 9 ? c.
CIIAOKKIIS ( jarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , ftVfc ; cruamsti > e ; ginger snaps , 8o ;
citi soda , 7Kc ,
SOAPSKirk's savon imperial , 82.70 ;
Kiik's satlnel. 83.00 ; Kirk's standard , S3.M ;
Kirk's wlillo lUissiaii , $4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , $ G.M > ; dome , sa.M ; washboard , S3.10 ;
white cloud , S3.75.
noiK incb. 0 c ; % Inch , lO cj J inch ,
iJniKD FMUIT No. 1 quarter apples , 3 } ( @
4c ; In ovapotated boxej , UI QUKc ; black
berries , buses , 0 @lJ ) < o ; peael-os , Salt Lake ,
Itvifi , 7H(3' ( ? c ; pvacbp1 * , uvaporatcd , 15 @
17c : raspberries , now , 19@iyfc ; curieuts ,
1 CK&'Jio'j prunes , new" ,
rle.s. per case , SO.OO ; p urns , per ea < e , S3.ft %
iilupberrlci , per case , Sl.M ; e plums. 2 Ib
perca e , 52.5U : plneapliles , a Ib , per ca o
S3.20a)5.7ri ( ) ; 1 Ih nvaekPirt. per ;
Ib salmon , per dc ,'1.00j 2 Ib goose ,
beiile , per ca e. Sl.73 } 2 Ib string beans , per
case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ca p , S1. X > :
2 Ib marrowfat pea . p < : r case , S2.40 ; 2 Ib
early Juno peas , to. cae , S2.75 ; 3 Ib toioa-
toes. 82.10(32.23. (
CoFFi-.KS-Ordlnnrv grades , ICc fair ,
12J flSc ; prime , lt13Ke ! : clmleo , 14l4He ;
fanov green and jellow , 14W@lCc ; old
Drf Liumoor.
110A1U > S.
No. 1 Con. 8.1. s. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft . $17.50
No. 3 " ' 12 , Handle U . 14.75
Na3 ' 12 , 14 and 10 it . 13.50
No. 4 " " 12. Handle ft . 12.00
112 ft 14 ft l ft 18 ft 20 ft J23 ft 24 ft
"it 10.M18.50 IB.50 17.00 18.00 21.00 21.00
sun 'iii.rioio.nti ' IB 51) 17.0'J 1K.O.I ' 'i.OO B2.UO
! M8 IH.W10M IS.MI
(10MIC60 1B.50 17.00 le.oj'-j.iio''iw
ZxlO ( IU IK'i I w JVJ I tVU )
2x12. , in.rr in.MlB.fiO , 17.00 1S.OO 2-.UXV 00
> H-8x8 I1C.M l8.KllB.fla 17.00 IB-OO/JOIK ) 2000
No. 1 , 4 A Inch , 13 and U ft. , rough. . .817.05
No. 2,4 & Glncli , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. , . 14.00
1st com. , Jf in Whlto Pine Partition. . .833.00
" " " " . )
! M ' ' . 2T..M
2d Com. % In. Norway Pine Ccllin ? . . . 14.00
A Cinch , white pilic.M 0 S2H.OO
C Ollich " " ! M 1) 21.50
A 12 Inch. s. Is. 4110 ,
ItrJIneli " " 4'il )
No. 1 , emu. 12 In. , s. 1 a. . 10. ISA 20 ft , 21.00
No. 2 , " ' " " " . . . ID..JU
2 " " " 12 & 14
No. , ft 17.00
' " " " IB ft lli.0 | )
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch S17.50
No. 2 , plain.Sand 10 Inch 15.50
sm.vm.r.s , I.ATH.
XX clear. 82.O ! ; A stnndaid , 82.50 ; No. 1 ,
Sl.i5 : ; Lath. S2.2.'i. '
POSTh-Whlto Cedar , 0 In. , KS , 12c ; 8 In.
qrs. ,
1st ami 3d. clear , 1U Inch , H. 2s S00
: ! d , clear , 1 lucU. s.2 s 45.00
: M , clear , IV. lt , 2 in 47.50
B 801001,11110 3.28 2.00 ( )
U select , 1JC , l'4,2ln ' , 30.00
COItNER 13tll AUD Dntlnr.A-3 STRRETi
Capital Stock $150,000
Liability of Stockholders 300,000
The only regular havlnirs Imnk In the stixto. Five
per cent Interest pnld onduposlta.
OuyO. llRrton , Prcslduntl .1. 3. Brown , Vlco
Prosldunt ; L. M . llcnnett , ManiiKlnir Di
rector : .lolui E. AVUhur Cushion
Wu-A.l'AXTONPros. L.'B.Wll.LiAMSVice-Pros '
215 S. 13th Sh , Oninliu , Neb.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
Hour. L. GAULiniD , V. B. JOHNSON ,
tjccretiiry. Trensuicr.
All Binds of boildlnff plants for sale.
3locks ! North of T , . 11. Williams' tosldonco.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Horuian Konntze , President
John A. Crcighton , Vice President.
T.H. Davis , Oashlot
W. H. Mogquler , Ass'C Oashsc
J , JO North JWIi Sired ,
Paid in Capital $100,000
GKO. H. nAllKKIt , President.
JtOUT. L. UAHUCIIS , Vice-President.
1' . I ! JOIINSO.VC.isliiCf.
mmxToiis :
fAMUEI.ll. JOIINt-OX , Uhll. K. IlAIIKCIt ,
ItoiiT. I. . UAiti.iciiti , WM. Siuvnis ,
A Kcncrul bnnUInjr business trnnsactcd.
liitL'tcsl ullnwpil oil tlmo ilojioslts.
Notice to Property Ovruers or r , 8soen.
YOU Htu huruliy notlllt'il to Iny sldownlics
upon the Krniloil Mtcets " ( cut train tha
nu b line where the BIIIIIO IB uilinUsiililu-iinil
Pilprailu ol sirci't Inli'iHoctloiig
iiKHlniiH. J. K. IIOIJS13.
Chiilnimii Itnunl of Public \Voiks.
Omnlui , Nob. , Nov. 1st , U8J. nSillUt
Supolies for 1887.
Tha Union I'ncillu liullnnv Compnny Invltos
TcmU'tv , for Its irluilu mpplyof stnplo nrilclcg
lor Iho year 1W7. A li < t of unifies will bo lur-
nlhlie'l upon nppllcution. Tor iiiirllciilnis nil-
ilneJ. J. lluriis , Uuneiul SloroueepiT.Onuiha ,
. S. ; t. CAl.hAWA\ ,
IjX7SCD3 = lE W W
R adr fur uiu In DUB mlnutei OT I labor , tlnio and
troublai conUlnialllb * int-'ri'dlentnuied bylaundrr-
ment ulveitthaniliomerpululithaii anyolficrHtarcli
erer inanufacturedi II It put up III HJI.l. I'OUM )
PACKAO EM , no thort * eUhl . One pound equal
two pounds of iinjr other btarcb. hold br all ftr.t
dun croceri , Hbu tupplx SAMPLE I'AtKAUB.
Nolle ? ,
John CaEomont , James ( 'urllslo and Chester
W , Collliia , dbfundants , will takn notice thut on
the tlritduy of October , It * ' , Duiuol Condon ,
pluliulir. herointiled his petition la the county
court , for IOUK < * S county. Nub. , agulnn tali !
dureiulants.thu object and pruyerof uhlch are
tortoover tlio sum of fffiO , torvork , hibornnd
miuoriuU furnlihed thorn In and about the con.
struct Ion of u line of railroad la NobruiKa , cull'
ed tlio MUsourl Puclllo Itallwoy , And that jour
property and monies In the hunda of the II le-
fcouiI Paeido Hallway company Intro beea at
tached and said company Kurni&hccd ,
You uro rciiulrnl to nntiwcr ald petition on
or before thoeth d y of Deceinbor. IWfl.
11AN1BL CONIJON , Plaintiff.
PAHKi : GODWIN. Attorney.
H-ailway * iine Table
„ . . OMAHA.
The following Is tlio time of nmvM am ! de
parture of trams l > y Centrnl SlnmMnl Time i t
tlio locnl ilciot- | < . Trains of the I' , 81. I' . , M. A
O. nrrlvo nml depart from tholrdcpot , cornnrof
14th nndVcli < tor streets ! t Ml in on tlio 11. & M ,
a . Ay.nnJ 1C. C , Pt. J. A p II. from Iho R
* M. depot nil others front t'.io Union 1'iiclQa
llltlDGK THAIN9.
Ilrldgo trains will lonvo U. 1' . depot ixt < ! .
ii7:35-8oo-s:4 : : > ) - < ifo-niooo ; : uuu : . m.t nisi
1:20 : IW 2W : ( 3:00 : 1I4IW ! 5UU : SilMtl J-
7:00 : 11:10 : p. m.
Ijcnro Tran jfer for Omnhn nt7:12 : B1:15--0S1 : :
9 : < J--111 : 'Vi 10iT-ll:17 : : : H." 2U-2I7 : :
-3HO-D:37-4:37 : : : .1:50 : GI2 ; :2J : : 7:5)-3:5D- :
UI.UP. m
I.pnvo llroadwny 10 IIS p. m : ArlvoOinnha
lino. l.v. Omnhu 10 00 p. m , ; Ar. Ilronduny
102.5. In rTivt ( Autfiist CTtli noill further no-
tlco. Tins Is mUUtlontil to prc ont ittiln service.
J.V. . MOItSlI , 0.1' . A.
Arrlvnl nnd duparturo of trnltil from tlio
Transfer Depot nt Council Hindi :
H 7:10 : A.M. I DUilii A. > f.
lltitlSA. H. II 5u : : 1- . > t.
CliilJP. M. I 1I7DI' : . M.
ADlir > A. M. I A'.1:16 : A.M.
A 6 : < 0i > M. -I A 700 ! I' . U.
CHICAOO , nnui.isoTos i gt'tNOr.
A 0i5 : : \ . M. I A Oifi \ . M.
116:401- : . ] iiti2i ) > . M.
I A ' , SCO I' . M.
A 9:1.11. : U. I A 0:15 : A. M
A 8:40 : P.M. I A 7:0.11' : . M
KANSAS C1TV , ST. JOE & COf M'lt , llt.Ul'M.
A10WA. M. I 1)0:3. ) : . A. M.
C8o5r. : M. I A5AriP. : u.
A3COi- : . I AJ:3Jl' : . M.
8IOUX CITY t rACltttl
A 7:05 : A.M. I APMA.M. :
A 0 : S5 P. VI. I A B-'VJ 1' M.
\VKSTWAltD. Arn\
p. M. I UNION ! IAOIl'l67 ! ' 77M. I l1. uT
b:2U.x : ! I'litlllo Kxptoss . . . 7o0.l : |
l..lletivnr Rxpross ! BriJa
B:0in : . . . .IxjcM Kxnr < W , llOJa :
It. A M. IN NBI1.
8:10:1 : : . . . Mull Hnd r.xpi ess. . . . . OttOa
. . .Nli.'ht KxpieM. . liiUJnJ . . . .
_ lciintt.
A.M. ! P. M. Ml SOl'Itl I'ACll'IC A.M. P. U.
11:10.1 : ! Day Uxptosu . . . . 6i3J ;
9:10b . . . .Nlpnt lltprcB'
1C. C. , ST. .1 & C. U.
.Vln I'lnlHinuiilli. 7:01 : jrtia
NOKTU WAItlJ. Al l-lvc.
C. , hT. 1' . , M. ft O. I A.M. ' 1- . > l.
.Sioux City Uxprcsj | . . . . 6:45o :
> " ' ' - '
AcconnnixrnllOtnoa . . . .
_ JJopntJ. _ _
A , ll.'l P. M. I O. . 11. & Q. I A.M. I P. II.
_ > :20 : | _ fi:0l : | .VIn Pluttsmoiith..I _ i l | 7:10 :
" '
. NOTEA.t.'iilnsdnlly ; 11. dxlly cxcopt "Su't
dnyC ; , daily except Saturday ; D , daily OJtcopt
trill leftvc U. P. depot , Utnuliu , nt ' 0 : < 0 7:3o- :
8S51 ; 0OUa. : m : 2:00-3:05 : : 105 ; 5L'J : b:00 : p. m
Pacific Kinross , 8:20 : p. m. ; Denver hv. , 10ij :
n. in. ; 1/ociJ Er.,0:05 : p. m.
I.envestock yards for Oinnhn at ' 7:05 : 3:10 :
j:30 : llXni.m.2:30 : ; : 3a5-4:3j : 0:03 : * 35 n. m.
Atlantic Kx. . lo S. O , 7:35 : n. in. ; Cblciuo Kv. ,
le 8.0.6:07 : p.m. : T.ocnl Ex.le. S. 0.10:51 : n.m. ;
Mo. P o. Ex. , le. S. O. 5:17 : p. ra. ; Sd M. P. LU- . ,
B:09a.ra. :
'Except Sunday.
STATE OF NnilHASKA , Douplns Coiinlv. s :
At u county court held nt the coiinly couit
loom , In and tor said rniintvNov. Cth , A. I ) .
IfcWI. Present , .1. H. McCullocli.counlv judfo.
In tlio mnttei of the oMuto of Oln Nllson , do-
reused :
On luadlnc nnd fllinitlio petition nf John
, liihii--oiipiaylnjf tlmt his llniil accounttllril ( let.
( Ith , IMA , niuy botillo od.und Hint ho niny boilH-
cliui-Ki-il fiom his trust as adinltil&tuitor ot tlio
estate of said deceased.
Oi-di'icd , Hint Dec. 7th , A. n. Ifffl. nt 10
o'clock .11. m. , ho ns ieiipd lor licailni ? said
lictltion , when all pur-ons Inloie'leil In said
nuitler may appear nt a oounty uouit to l > u held.
In and for nld enmity , and show caiisu why the
prnjerol snld petitioner bliould not IIOKIanted ;
nnd that notleo of the pcndoncy ol mild potl-
tlon and the hcnrltitf thuicof , bo Klven to all
peisona Intciestfd In said matter , by piitliMilntf
n copy ol this owlor In tlio Omaha Daily tlco , 11
new-paper piintt-d In ald county , onto ouch
eclt lor lour sutcc she weeks JHlor In snld
day of heurlncJ. . H. McCl'LhOClI.
[ A true copy.l County J udiro.
DOL'dl.AS ( 'OL'.NTV. ( ' '
At a county court held nt the county court
room , In and for said county , Nofilli. . A D.
IfSII. Pietent , J. H. McCiilloch , Toiinty .luduo.
In the matterof the estate ol Nils J Wcsici-
lund , deceased.
On rcadmir nnd llllnp the petition nf John
JohnsonpnivliiKtnat his llnal iieconnt.llI'Ml Out.
( Ith , Ib8i ) , may un allowed , and ( hut he may bo
dlsuhiuRed from his trust as udmlnhtiator of
thu citato ol mild deceased.
Ordered , That Dec. 7th. A. D. IfPfl , at 10
o'clock n. in. , bo as-.iniil . | for heai Inj ; eald peti
tion , \\hun all pei > ons liitciested In Mild inattor
may appear at H county couit to bo held , In ucd
forhiild count } , und show ciiUM.-nliv the piajur
ol the paid pi'lltloner s-honld not bo Knuitcd ;
and that notice ol'tho pondoncy of said peti
tion and the Itoarlni ; thereof , be Blven to nil
tiersotis Intciestcd Insuid iiuittor , hy publishing
n tony ol this order lu the Oimilm Dully fli-o. n
nouapiipcr pi Inled In wild county , 01:00 : each
week forfoin succesbUuvpolii prior to enid
tiny of heiulntr. J. 11. MiCiJl.MH II ,
A tnio copy. Countv Jiuluo.
On Wheat , Corn , OaU , Poik , l.ard and II. It.
RtooUh , lorl.ontand Shoit Time , i-und lorl'ih'a
Clicular. H. P. HAHT & Co. , 12i ! Wuetilniftoii
PI. , Chicago , 111. lloli-rcuco : American
cbanucXnllonal Dank
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs
\'M Doiiflin ftroct , Omclri.
Agricultural Imrlements.
\VUuK'i < uleualcrln
Agricultural Implements , AVujronH ,
UB ni.d lliiKgl. . Jnnr Uruct , betwtron Ctb
nnil lOlli.Oinnhn , Neb.
Agricultural Imiilements ,
Gg , HucRlcs , Ktc. , Wboloalo , Ounha
\Vliulciale Dculors In
Apfricul'tural Implements ,
( Taeona and Uiiji les. VOI , M.'l , : OJ and'.KIT , Jonea nt
Butter and Eggs ,
Unyors of Nutter nnil
ItcfrltJenitcir anil J'trklnit llouiic , lull nn < I
woilliSt , U. I'II. . It.'J'nuK.omahu.
Builders' Hardware anil Scales.
Bnildera'Hardware&Sc.ilolfeiiairShop '
Woclmillc-n' Toolu and Illiff.ilf ) Sralot , 1103 DouL'lui u ,
Omaha , Noli.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlawnro , hhrct Iron. Ktc. A tent for Howe Hcalo * ,
und MUin.1 1'owder l'ii , . Oniuliii l ) . _
Wholesale Hardware.
We > tem geuu for Jcllcmon Mtcl NH | | . Ai
rowderCu , Kalriianlni Unndard hc lc . Con
10th and llarncy , umaUa.
Engineers and Contractors ,
EiiBineers and Contractors ,
Bride ei , VladucK , Hoot Truitn. Steam Pile Drltlcj ,
llllnif , Oak and Pine llrldne Lumber , l ! > lu it. , nCir
tarnuui , Oniaba.Nrb.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers iu Furniture.
Varnara it. , Omaba , Neb.
Furniture , Uedding1 , Upholstery ,
Ulrrori.etc. laAl aand UIO Farniintt , Oo-jt
Iron Works ,
Iron Works ,
WrouRbt and Cntt Iron Building Work. Iron Stnr | ,
KolliuK , lle i and ( Jlrrters , Moara Kpflutt , HraM
Work , Utneral Foundrr , Ma < bln i.d Ulacktmltb
Yfort. OfllcoandWurH.H. P. Uf.audlltu u < l.
Boots and Shoes ,
llamifacttirtrsandVholc5nlc 1'eilcrs In
Hoots niul Shoes ,
Complete MocV of lliihhor ( Jocl "Mwaj on hind
tW b. 13111 St.OmMia , Neb. A.T.AuHln _ _ , Annl.
ir. r. MORSE o co.
Jobbers of Hoots nnil Shoes.
Illl FaniAm tl , Omnha. Nrb. Mmmtiutorj , Summer
Mrcrt , UuMon.
r. LIMJSEY , ? co.
Wholesale Uubber Hoot * ami Shoes.
Ilubller and Oiled Cloti'lnc and rcltllool. , aws. Hth
d trcot.
Apt. for Aiihcnscr-Husli Drcwlng1 Ass'u
il IlranrtK. Kaiut.Iludweliiora
Lager Jleer Ilrowera ,
1U1 Norlli Iflh Mroet , Omaha. Nob.
Coffes , Spices , Etc ,
c7 i7/rK 7iTKo5 ? . " .Ti co. ,
Onmlia ColTeo niul Spice Mills.
fa , OoTi'0 ! , Splco . Il'iVlnic Powdnr. tl Torlnv'
ttncls , l.uuiiiiy llliio. Ink. KIP. Illl 10 H.irucy
MrioiOimliNi Nu.
.lolni Kpoiiotcr , Prop.
Mnniifnelnrcr of Oalranlrpd Iron nnd Cornlpe. 9ZS
lloOtunnd IQJnml 106 K , loin M. . Om li , Nfb.
JtUEMI'lXG .0 11OLTE ,
Mnmifncturcri of
Ornnincntol Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer \YliiUo ! . , rinnlf.MelnllcMijllflit.clc. J10B.
12t i M. , Ottialm.
tSjirclit , I'l-oii.
[ Inlvnnlrcil Iron ( ornlcpn , etc. SiircfBlranrnTpil Pnt
cut MoUllo SkflUlil. UU antliilO S.l''ili xt , Oni dm.
Jobber * of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Matting * . Klc. IM1 Dougln Btrcct.
S. 'A. Oli CIIA 111) ,
Wholesale Garnets , Oil Cloths ,
, Curtain ( JotxK Ktc. 123 Karnsm fct
Onialin , Ni-b.
Crockery and Notions.
Aco&t for tlio Mamtfiu Hirers niul Importurt of
Crockery , Classwuru ,
Lamps , Clilmr.ujs , rtc. Office , 317 South 13th et.
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
1) . A. l
roininission itnd .
DuttPr , EcssRiul 1'roilucc. roinlnnmenis solicited.
Il : n1uiuttora for Htunuwnri ! . licrry HOTOS unil
( lr.iu | < llinKuts. 1111
Coniinission Jrcrchants.
FrnltR , Proilucn and I'raTl loiiS , Outulia , Nob.
Stora < jo and ( Commission Jlcrchant.
ypeclultlcK Hn'tar , KRII. Clieeso , Poultry. Oamo ,
( IjTiitars , itc- ; Tic ll'Ji-nutli IJIh utieet.
WrEm-MAK A CO. ,
Produce Commission Jlercliants ,
j , Butter , Quire , 1'rultv etc. SM B. ] < tu > l.
tunihn , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
Anil Jobbers of Korolrcn nnd Domestic l-'rults. Corro-
euondenco FOlUlteil. Wnn'liouBaund nfllco , 1IJN.
Thlrtucnlli t. , Omuhn , Nob. Telciluiuc7I | > .
r. nocco o co. ,
loportorft nnd wholc 'ilodcalora In
Italian Produce ,
foreign. Domestic and Culirouila Fruits nnrt Commit.
ilea Morchnnti. lots. Hi list. Only nxcluslio
tniltliouno In OmuliH.
Coal anif Lime.
Dc.tlcrn In
Hard nud Soft , Coal ,
OWconnrt THI.I , Kill mfd Nlrliolat itls. , Omaha , Nob.
Yinl'lclciiliune : , ( T.
UEO. r.i.MiAiiH. Tres. C. F. OoonMA.v , V. Pr * .
J. A. < iu.\'HElil.\NI ) , ! < ur. Hiid Trcm.
Jobbers of Hard and SoftConl.
SO'iHuiilhTlilrtcontli ' Street , Omalm , Neli.
,7. , r. JOJiysoN r co. ,
Jlaniifui'turnrsof Illinois \YliitoLinie.
And t-lilpi > cri * * , f ( 'nil fiuil Goto , Coiuunt , IMa.ti r ,
IJi-ii ) , llulr , I'Iro Ilrlrk , Drain. Tlio niul si'wcr 1'lpn.
O.llti' . I'.ixtou llot-il. rainum t-l. , om ilia , Nub.
V. r. VAY < v > co. , '
Manufacturing : Confectioners ,
Jobbers of I'luUis.Nuls mnl ri.'un. 1211 Turnum St ,
Livt Stock Commission.
M. HdJlKE , t ) .S'O.V.V ,
Live Stock Commission.
Ono. IlirLo , Slimnccr.
Union Htncfc ) nrdi > , H. Oiuulm. 'Jolepliono ' 'AI.
Live Stoek Commission .Merchants ,
Eblpmcnla of nuy and nil blmln of hiock
Union Ktorianlr , OiuiUn , heli.
Cigars ami Tobacco.
* " ' "
MAXMEYER * ? co. ,
Jobbers of Cifrarn , Tobacco ,
GUB and Ammunition , : i > toZfl .S. lltu H. , 1730 to
lll.'l 1-nriiHin HI , ( ) iniliil..Niil > .
lliuiulactiirers of Fine
And Wliolcenlo Doalrr * III I. nf Tobnrrns. Km. 1M
( .Mill ( tirri , O-.inlin.
Wlioln al l ) ' luij In
Cigars , Tobaccos ? , Pines and Smokers
A enufor I ) . l.oldurilorf A Co , l-'Inc-Cctrend Smofc
li.f 1 biiiiOrf , Mlhruukcp , vyiioonsln. No , 312
Nortli Slxtocntli Hlrael Dm ilin , Ncti.
Dry Coou's.
. E. fiMinr o co. ,
Dry Goods , Furniahinpf Goods fcN'ofiou
uKl , cur. lltli yt.OmnliuNeb.
Dis < . - .
UUtlllcra t > l l.liucir .AIci. , r > l rt'lrlli. Importers
anil Jul'liuraof ' \ \ ini-Huiiil Llquori.
CO. nnd ILER 0 CO. ,
Importer ! and Johlicnnf Kino Wlnrn niul I.linrii
hole ii ) niil.'iotiirL'l iil Kiuneilf'ii Kn l liulln illt
K'l mill J > umi' l < i M'iiir | . Illl IliirnujM.
Drugs , Paint s , Etc.
Larje { t Druff , Paint , Oil & Glass Hous
VTrttof Clilcicn Cnmiiletn Mm ) of DruccUK Bun
drlvt , Illl llunifcyH . ( Minim ,
Wholesale DiUfftfists. Pealort In I'nlnli , Olli und Window ilat .Opi ba.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. ll.BAt 111I'm J.W.Hcrirrmn.Ecr.&Treni
II. J.CiHSON , Vl'r l.nuilbupt.
1 > It A IN TILE CO. ,
OBc US s. lull M , Omnlui , Neb. Slnchlncrr and
Pjpjllf ( < frrXuiiiiraoturinu Ccmeut Uraln Tile.' Tools.
" " "
/ . .oVf.SJIKLLEK ,
Hutcliera' Tooli and Supplies ,
UuujtJ Cmin o ( all Vtuilt nltraT * ttuck , 1J1S :
Jouml , < ) IL U
_ Groceries ,
' 'AXTOy , GALLAGHER ,0 7 : < C
Vlmlpsnlo Groceries and Provisional
yp TO. . . 7(17. ( TTOond 7119 , 10lhi-t.,0ni hn.b. .
Wholesale ( irocers ,
Ulh mnl l.MTetiTrnrlli t . , Oni hn.
Heavy II imhvurp , Iron niul Steel ,
prlngs , > v ( rnn Moo * , llnnln.iro Lumber , etc. 1SCC
_ ami Mil llarnry ft. , Ouiitba.
Wholesale Iron nud Steel ,
Vaeon and ( V rrl ia Wood Stock , llrnrj llarinat-fl ,
Kir. KIT mid 13IK I.ruTonworth Mtiuibn ) , Nob.
Stoves , Kaiiprcs , I'limncc ? , Tiles , \ \
Mintlrs , ( lrnte , Unit ( Iwd . 1M1 and 1S3J Kntntm
LOUIS } tiiA nroitn ,
) calcr in Lumber , Lath , riiini' , Sash ,
) oor , Kto. Vnrdi-CnrnrrTlli and DouRla | Curnor
I'll ) ami lloiulns.
Wholesale Lumber ,
US. 14lhMioft.Oni.ilm , Neb. r.Colpeticr , M nn cr.
Wholesale .lewolers mid Music Dealers.
> ralcr * In llv < 'rwaro , Dhnioiiilf , Wntrho , Clnrkf.
Jowi-lei's Tool * u < l * . PIC. 101 unil 10,114111
I. , cor. DmlKP , ( Hnnli-i. Noli.
c. aV. nirrrz ,
13th and California Streets. Omfthi , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Ceniuut , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb nud liouclns Ms , Omnba , Nob.
Lumber ,
2' . ir. HARVEY LUMBER CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Oftlco , 1(03 ( Knrnum Mrc tOmana.
Jlnrihrooil Lumber ,
Wood Carpets cind Parquet rloorlnu. Via and Doufla >
AVholcsnlo Lumber , Ktc.
Imported and Aixorlrnn 1'orllnnd Omrnt. Ht t
Aicia for Jlll [ uilii'i ) HvdiHiilIc Cement mid licit
yulncr WliitoMme.
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Mmltcil. John F. Bovd , Snporlntcr.detit ,
Millinery and Notions.
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Millinery anil Xotions ,
1513 nnil n5 llnrncy Ht.cct , Oinnlin , Nob.
c. s. Goomrrvir'tC co. ,
Arc Iho only Direct Importcisut
jovninn & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Nubinsliii. ( Milcnui ) prlcot duiilU'ntod vrltliout Hdd *
liu n < M'lit. | HI. ) Kninaui f-uri'tOnuili.i.
tf. T. ROB1XSOX XOT103 CO. ,
\Vliiilapnlo Iiettlcri lu
Notions and Furnishing Oooda ,
( III niul 4r ( > H. Tenth Rt , Omnhu.
Jobbrri In
Notions , Hosiery und Gents' Funiisliing'
Knrnnin t. , Onnih , Nol > .
Paper Bates
, J. L. W1LKIE ,
Maniifacturor ofl'apor Uoxos ,
lllliSt.Oinilin , Nubnisku. Oili-rH : by mall (0-
llclluduml will lecclvo prompt attention.
Jfaiinfacliirt'r.s of Overalls ,
Jonm r.uils , Milrte , Ktc. Haiiuul 1101 DoiiKloi Struct.
Oiiiuhit , .N'i'li.
.Job Printers , 151ink : lonk ? 3Iiil < cra.
And Boole Hinders. 10.1 uinl W Kouth Tourtucuth
Btioi-t. Uumlit.Krl ) .
An.xllinry PubliHliov ? .
Jcnlcr In Typo , IV"14 01 mill I'rlntnrVHiipiilloi. 609
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
.MaiMifiKturoir , I'nckrrannd Dcnlcrx In
Pioltlos & Strictly 1'nro Aiiplo
Iliklic 1'nwdcr , rinvurlriK litlmiMii. Tntlo HnutJ.
I ri'iii-h .MiiKliiri Wnfh liriilnt. UrnifiB' S-35sci | ! ! !
l-olu i.urmi tor Vcuk Minn hnnil Itttliifd Applu Ci
der. liMl c-ivcnnoith .1. . OiiMlm.
Safes , Etc.
j * . BOYEfl iG CO. ,
Aponts for Ilnll'rf Snl'o & Lock Co.s'
Flro and llunr'ar ' Pi iof Knfis , Tlmo l.ncVn , Vanltl
\Vnr * . toj ) r.iruim Bli.-i't Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Kaf Works.
llnnufnctHrPrsnf Flro niul lliirslarl'ronfflafei , Vnnlt
UcKirH , J.iil Wirk.Mnil ci < und \Vlru Work. Cor.
llttitiniljni'kiiin SH .oni.ili.i , Nib ,
Sash , Doors , Etc ,
o co. ,
Sash , DOOI-H , lilinils and JIoultlliiuH
Ilrnncn ufflce , 13lliand J/nrd rl . , OuiaUuNol > ,
G. J'L \ MAX ,
Husli , Duor , JUitulH , 31ouIiliiiH ,
liulMlm : I'jpnr , PIC. Kui Hiiutli TlilrU'enlli hlroot ,
( Jiuulia , Neb , A rfiiniilctii ttuckuf lluiMcr * '
llunlnmo ,
iirAXifFACT'irJTixa co. ,
Manufacturers , of Sasli , Dears , Blinds ,
ld'rvn.i-talr ' WoiKand InUllor Haul Wood Klnllh
ktupfiiuU. N. I" tor 8ih unil I.u.iMiiiuuitnoli.
Olinilin , NI It ,
" \VholosnIi \ ! PiimjiH , Pipe , Fi
fleam nnd Wntrr Runiillna lIfnilqiiHitiT > I r Unit
l'0j t < ' liunilii. Illl 1 arniiat m , ( ii..iliii.Nciu.
I'nmim , PipnH und Kn iiioH ,
Cteain , WUUT , Ilallnay mlMlllliiK hnpiEKi. Kto ,
MU , Wiurdv.l 1'makiii t. , Oimilm , Kuli.
u. % . ; r/ vExttrxE nnd 'ruMi *
JJnllndBfWInd MIIU : plciim und Whter HiippllOf ,
I'lunililiiifOoo-ln , llultlnt , ll < . WS JJJ lur-
num it. , Oninliu. h I ; . I'ulK'ii ' , M iniior. :
Ji'leptninoru.2l0. ?
' / / . / / . MA JlnOFI < \
Wholesale Trunks ,
illnnl Hotel Illock ,
Wagois and Carriage ! .
The Fuctoi-y ,
14TJ and 1(11 ulrc-ot. Oia lj ,
BiiilJing Matirtul.
ll Alitrln All Km < lj
1)1111(11111 ( ? at '
lEUb .Sfo t iid Piirfio Tr cl' , Oit i