Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Bm 1
1520 Douglas St.
LittUcs' Ullages' unit Chlltlrcns' Suits , coalnmes , mantle *
ulsters , jackets , initlcnvcar and furnishing anotls.
A Full and Complete Stock of sealskin Cloaks
and Fine Furs.
The tarncut ami best assortment in the
J'rlce.s tltr. lowest. Clillilrctm' and Infants' dresses. 1'erfcctJU andt > at- .
Iffactton ifttarantccd In crcrsale. / .
1520 Douglas St.
How tlio Installment Plan Works in the
Matter of Marriage Gifts.
A Variety of Social HnppnnliiES l
Omnliii TlmatrlcnlMusical , niul
Art Gossip Personal Notes.
Drltlnl 1'roHcntn.
In the last two wuoks , Hays a society
liidy in the St. Louis Glebe Dumocrut : I
have | iiid : tl O for bridal presents , and I
do not expect to go through the season
under $500 for this item of expense. I
would avoid it il' 1 could , but the fact is ,
when I wiis married , three years ago , it
was my misfortune to rcceivoabout J2,500 ,
worth of presents from my friends and
relative * , and I am gradually paying
hack their value to those who gave mo
presents and to whom I must give in re
turn. 1 thought such a liberal donation
fortunate at the time , bull huvo learned
differently by experience. Whenever I
sue a great display of presents at .n wed
ding now I say to niyhelf : "There is a
debt of so many hundreds or thousands
of dollars that this young conplu has
paddlu'd upon them at thu beginning of
thuir career. " It is a custom that has
Krown to ubiiBO , and tlio only merit 1 sco
in it is that they pay back on the install
ment plan. I huvo several years to pay
my debt , but still I must pay for many
articles for which 1 have not had ttio
Joiibt uso. "
A Quiet "Week In Omaha Suclcty.
Society sullered a total collapse last
week , not a single club reception , no
luncheons , nnd only one or two evening
parties. Such a dead calm has not been
before since the season begun and no
doubt it is but a temporary lull to bo
succeeded by a fresh burst of activity.
People have shown an unusual devotion
for the theatre and crowded houses have
been the rnlo without exception. Thurs
day evening the audience was exception
ally line , nearly nil of the representative
people ot Omaha being present. Opera is
such a rarity hero , notwithstanding the
anpotito that exists for it , that most any
thing short of u barn-storming will draw
like a porous plaster. The members of
Iho troupe .showed delighted astonish
ment at tlio enthusiasm ana repeated calls
that greeted their feeblest attempts at
fun and must have concluded that they
wore presenting the Mikado to an audience -
once nitherto ignorant of that erratic
Unique JlcnuMiilmuioes.
Ono of the most delightful parties of
the season was given Friday evening by
Mrs. Dr. in honor of her guest ,
MIPS .Jennie Wilbon , of St. Joo. There
wore twulvo tuhlus of progressive euchre ,
and mirth and ONcituinont were high ,
Tim cards by which partners wore ohoson
we to unique and tastottil , hearts , diamonds
mends , spades and clubs. The ladies
holding the black ones and tlio gentle
men tlio red. The score cards wore of
nigged shagreen boant. The invitation
list included Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ,
Mr , and Mrs. Col. Aikon , Mr. and Mrs.
Colpet/.er , Mr. and Mrs , DietMr. . and
Mrs. Gilbert , Mi. ainl'Mrs. Hdliolm , Mr.
and Airs. O , T. Smith , Mr. and Mrs.
( lould , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. ( Jims. HoberUon , Mr. and
Airs. Squires , Mr. and Mrs. SticUney , Mr.
and Mrs , U , J ) . Woohvorth , Mr , ami Mrs.
Annin , Mr. and Mrs , F. McCnnnol ) , Mr.
and Mrs. Xabriskie , Mr and Mr.s. C. S.
Haymond , Mr. and Mrs. Minor , Mr. and
I\lvH \ , tlnilkin , Mr. and Mrn , Watson , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jiay Mills , Mr. nnd Mrs. 1) . W.
Snxe , Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Wilson , St.
Joe ; Mr , nnd Mrs , Hiirvoy XiiHh , St. Jooj
Miss Ciilbort , thu Mis i-s huntMlds
Woohvorth , Miss Mauit Ken
dall , Miss Dilraucii , Arthur
Shiverick , Mr. Howard , Dr. Chas. Smith.
Mr. Dniwstur , Mr. , Mr. Aikon anil
Will McCngue. The curd pln.yors were
ivfn'hliml ' in the course of the evening
witli acnllnpod oysters , cliickun snkul unit
olives , coll'eo , pistachio cream , wino jelly
and assorted cakes. Tim tirat men a
pri/.ii was a duok of cards in n line 1111-
iiortod case won by Mr. Stevens , The ladies prize was n handsoniu chair
pillow of yellow china silk , without lining
in bhades of ml which full to the lot of
Mrs , ( tilbort. The booby prices were
a hottlu of catsup lubollctl "catch up"
and n gllduu left shoe , with
an aeoompanynlg inscription. "Left
Ltih ( " taken ri'sycetivuly by Miss Woolworth -
worth niul Mr. Williams.
A IlrIIInut ! Hop.
1'ort Oninlui wns the scouo of a brilliant
rncpption Friday evening , given in honor
of Lieutenant Aburcrombio and his fair
bridu. The olll urs' moss was gaily duo-
orated witli Hags niul two mountain
howitzers were placed at either sldo of
the stago. The Second infantry band
fnrnUhwl inspiring strains for iho dance.
Thu cuiumittou , Captain Mills , Captain
Dewpsey , l icutonnnt Uirsoti , hltitennnt
Itowell and 1/iuutuntint Van 1/unv , did nil
that roulii bu ilonu to muko the occasion
an enjoyable ono , Thn o piesont were
( icnenifand Mrs. Dandy , A. K. MoKono ,
( ionenil andMrs. Wheaton , Mrs. 1' . S.
Ku-tis , Mr. and Mrs. Miller , Gunonil Me-
Parliu , Miss KusUs , Miss ( JdlViths , Miss
Uerlin , Dr. and Mrs. Ilaskins , Lieutenant
and Mrs. Kcniion. General and Mrs.
Hrcek , Miss Mlllur , Mrs. Head ,
Mrs. Ilawcs , Miss Sinitli , Mayor
and Mrs. Duller , Charles Duller ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Prilchult , General and
Mrs. Crook , Mr. and Mrs , Cowin , Miss
Chambers , Mr. Mitchell , Mr. Ott M
Downo.y , Mr. and Mrs. Dttrns , Mi ss
Hums , General and Mrs , Hawkins , F. G.
Hamilton , Lieutenant and Mrs. Powell ,
Cuptaid D ( . < inpsuvMr.s and Miss Demi- )
si y , Alajor nnd Mrs. Brown , Miss Hick-
man , Captain and Mrs. Ulio , Lieutenant
Wright , Lieutenant Wilson , Colonel and
Mrs. Daggott , Lieutenant und Mrs. Van
Liew , Miss Harper , Lieutenant Towslcy ,
Mrs. M. J. Towbloy , Lieutenant and Mrs.
Lurson , Mrs. Brayton , Mrs. Porter , Lieu
tenant Earlc , Miss Karln , Captain llains ,
Mrs. and Miss Euttertltwaito.N
Liaclics' IVluslcal.
The ladies' musical was held in the
tabernacle , Wednesday. The programme ,
which was arranged by Miss Kustin and
Miss Jones , consisted entirely ol sacred
numbers , most of it heavy oratorio work.
Tlio audience wns small and the pro
gramme was too uniformly ponderous to
be really enjoyable. The selections
might have bcnn confined to the purely
classical , and yet have been made much
brighter with pleasing effect. Thu mem
bers of the Congregational choir , Mrs.
Squires , Mrs. Kstabrook , Mr. Wilkins
and Mr. Eslabraok , aid good solo duet
and quartet work. Mr. Wilkins sang "I
Bow Me , Almighty,1' ami earned n double
recall , although it is against the rules of
thcsouiuty to encore. Since his iHili/u :
lion by two of the loading choirs , Mr.
Wilkins' delightful voice is mooting with
the recognition it is has always deserved.
Mrs. Cotton's solo , "J Will Kxtol Thee
from Eli , " was sung with great linish
and niiisioianlv feeling. Her voice is
as pure and soft as a snowilaku , and yet
with all its softness has considcraulo.
carrying power , and unlike too many
singers , she never sacrilices melody to
noisy effect. Mr. Ponnell's rich reson
ant voice seems peculiarly fitted for
oratorio , and his solo , "Lord God of
Abraham , "from Elijah , was well handled ,
his power of sustaining notes showing
A IMiantotii 1'nrty ,
Miss Edith Sttiht gave a "phantom
party" Hallow'con to a number of hoi
friends. Music and dancing wuro in
dulged in until 12 o'clock whou the
guests took thuir departure. Among
tlioso present \voro the Misses Nellie Hoe-
Inn , Kate Hewitt , Ida and Carrie Kiewitt ,
Millie Bhuine , Lena Wells , Julia Milieu ,
Lida Patterson , Nellie Patterson , Millie
Dorn , Anna Peterson , Katie Hcnipol.
Mary and Norn Flannory , Mrs. Hall urn !
Mrs. Jackson ; the Messrs. Ed Burke ,
John Mullen , Will Doran , .John nnd Hun
W'lttig , Ernest Durko and brother , ( Jus
Acronmn , Phil Tebbins , Hurt Voss. Wil
PuiQrMm , L. 11. Uuur , WillPinkurton and
Will Cox. _ _
The Glrttly Danco.
The Misses Sharp gave n dancing
party Thursday evening at their homo
! )021 ) Douglas. All the young people
married and single , wcro there , making
the largest private party of the season
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sharp and Mr
nnd Mrs , William A. Paxton assisted ii
receiving tlio guest.s. Four conncctinr ,
rooms were canvasm ! for dancing , the
Musical Union orchestra furnishing the
music , Tim programmes were vur. >
dainty , thu dance list being enclosed in
etching paper btmring u copnurplati
etching in sepia niul tied with huavj
tassuls. Underneath each dance was in
appropriate quotation from bomo wul
known author ,
Aft Gossip ,
Miss May Her is panning a lluled cuj
and saucer which has a light cofl'eo color
ground witli gold relief.
Mrs. Munnuigh is putting dogwooi
blossoms on n jcndarmo blue idush lain
brequin with pretty effect.
Miss Hena Strung showotl great premise
iso in bur first nUouipt at painting , draw
ing with accuracy and swiftness. The
object of hnr skill Is a sachet bag of sal
mon satin lined witli ) > istuho : : green am
linishcd with bows of the snmn color am
iunrl ) dotted laco. Delicate blossoms am
loose petals nro scattered ovur thu sutii
without any conventional arrangement
Mrs , Higginsoii dons not lind art iu-
cnmpatiblu with a bnttorbowl , She i
decorating ono with a fetormy inaiiiu
scene and to. ins Mto \ > bo mounted ii
Miss Dnllmoh is working on n salai
bowl of nniqiio ih'sign , the ground of pah
cotl'uo color with convolvulus in tthudci
gold relief.
Miss Hitnnoii is at a pretty panel
showing n warm purplish sky l .
foam crested wavei and bold , rocky pro
Another pupil is finishing n branch o
lilacs on a large porcfiain placquo ,
Graceful oa < > ! ilrapery is niatlc outlining
n half width of madias with various
shades of tinsi'l.
Mrs. J. A. ( larlick has done ono of tlin
best piucoj. of Koiislngton painting uviir
POOH , it Is u piano drami of wino velvet
with loiig sprayfc of yellow rosus.
Small unit ICurly.
There vas u gay phantcm party at Mrs.
Crarv's Saturday wo < jk.
Miss Ncttia ( iuunoll , wall known hero.
WAS married Wednesday afternoon to
Mr. Joioph Childors. The Huv. A. F ,
Shcrrrill tied Iho knot in the presence of
n largo mimbpr of guests
Callers at the club ladies 'day , were
"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harton. of Burling-
on , Vt. ; Mr. nnt ( Mrs. J.T. Barton , Mr.
inii Mrs. Guy Barton , Mrs. W. G. CMiain-
icrlaln , Dem or ; Mrs , 15. James , Mr. and
Mrs. 11. Gibson , Mrs. M. Lindsay ,
Miss Her entertained n few friends
iVcdncsday evening. Fine music wns a
'cattirc of the evening , Mr. Hutlcr's play-
ng being cspeeinlly admired.
A party was given at the residence of
Alexander Dunham , Thursday evening ,
u honor of Mrs. Beiiluini's birthday.
V distinguished guest present was a rela
tive of Mrs. ISunhiim's , Sir Charles Eaton ,
ucinburof parliament for Bath , England.
Military movements.
Miss llickman , of Cincinnati , is viMtlng
Major and Mrs. Brown.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Abcrcotnbio nra
occupying * quarters. No. 4.
Dr. und Mrs. Ilaskins have returned
troiii n delightful eastern visit ,
Mrs. Clark , wife of Captain S. E. Clark ,
Second infantry , lias returned from New
York , where she has been undergoing
medical treatment , n.ui is enjoying re
newed health.
Mrs. Llouteunnt Cornmnu , of Ft. Sid
ney , gave n progressive euchre party
Thursday evening of last week.
Tiiestlav the news was received of tlio
dcitth of fr. Clements , the widely-Known
post surgeon at Fort Leavonworth.
A I'lcasniit Card Party.
A jrny little party occurred at Mrs
Polauk's Wednesday evening. Thu af-
Falr wns luild in honor of Miss Dollio
Hoscnstock , of Elko , Nevada , who Is vis
iting Mrs. Polack on her way from the
oast. The guests wore Miss Calm , of
New 1'ork ; Miss Drnndcis , Miss Hose-
water , Miss Fell , of Cleveland ; the
Misses. Kotlichild , Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Caha , Mis. Aaron Calm , Mr. and Mrs.
Gatz , Mr. and Mrs S. Sicilian , Mr. and
Mrs. Hcllman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert
Calm , Mr. Shin' , Mr. Branileis , Mr. Obor-
fplilcr. Mr. Meyer ; Mr. Fisher und E.
Cahn. _
Ait Klcuaiit Ijiincli.
Mrs , General Mandorson entertained
the Ladles' afternoon club Friday at the
Millard in elegant style. Lunch was served
iu the ordinary and ttie menu wab tlio
very acme of culinary art. The ladies in
attendance were Mrs. J. N. 11. Patriot ; ,
Mrs. J. M. Watson , Mrs. Dorrauce , Mrs.
Lney.Mrs. Joseph BarlcrMrs. llanscoin ,
Mrs. Pritchctt. Mr.s. General Dandy , Mrs.
Wakclv , Mrs. Cowin , Mrs. L. M. Bennett ,
Mrs. Herman Kount/.o and Mrs. J. D.
Brown. _
The stone cutters' annual ball will oc
cur Nov. li ) .
The Hyperion club will give a hop in
the annex Nov. 0.
The Typographical Union wil give n
party in the annex , Nov. l.
The Metropolitan club will have a party
Nov. 11 , at Metropolitan hall.
The college graduates will give a grand
ball at Metropolitan hall , Nov. 25.
The Ancient order of American Me
chanics will give a large ball soon.
The "Select Five , " a newly oraraniwd
club , will give thuir opening party Nov.
The Homo Circle club have issued
handsome invitations for a party to oc
cur Nov. " 0. _
Mrs. E. C , McShane is visiting in tlio
Mrs. L. M. Bennett is uack from Chi
cago.Mrs. . Lewis Heed has returned from
the east.
Mrs. Gilbert is homo from a sojourn in
the country.
Gco. W. llolbrook is spending a week
with rural friends.
General Crook ha.s returned from his
trip to Wyoming.
John Wilbur is bpeuding a fortnight's
holiday in Now York.
Mrs. ri J. Nicholas , of Freeport , 111. , is
visiiing friends here.
II. B. Lockwood has purchased a pretty
residence on Park avenue.
The afternoon luncheon club mot at
Mr.s. Sloman's Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Van Burcn are homo
from an extended lour of tlio cast ,
Mrs. H. U. Uingwalt has returned from
a visit of several weeks in the east.
Miss Brcckcr of Milwaukee is the guest
of Mrs. Holler on St. Mary's nvcnuo.
The Hon. A. G. Hull , on Biughainpton ,
is. Y. , is visiting his sou. 1) . G. Hull.
Mrs. Bordcn rejoined the Haymond
company at Kansas City , Thursday.
The Hon. E , E. Whaloy , a banker o )
Loup City is Iho guest of J. S. Cooloy.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave \ \ ise , of Lincoln ,
arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calm.
Mr. Nat IJiigham will leave in n tow
days for a visit of three weeks in Boston ,
Mrs. General McArthur , of Ohio , is
spending n fortnight with Mrs. Itobcrt
Mns. W II. Alexander has returned
from n month's visit witli friends iu
Quin cy.
The Park AVPIIUO club had an enjoy
able mooting at Mr. D. H. Goodrich s
last week.
Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Paul have returner
from Chicago , wliuro they lost their little
Miss Philomcmi Morgan went to Chicago
cage Tuesday to spend n month in visit
ing friends.
Mrs. J. W. Morse and a party of friends
left TiU'Mlny for a pleasure trip over the
Union Pnciliu.
Miss Bennett aud her guest Miss Cam
bers , of Jackson , 111. , tiro" spending a
weak in Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estubrook have
moved from Chicago .street to T wonly
eiirhth and Dccalur.
Mrs. Barney Hughes nnd daughter , o
Memphis , Tenn. , are vlbitiug Air. uin
Mrs. John McCrcary ,
Mrs , John Mills und Dr. McAfcu , ol
Clinton , In. , arc guests of Mrs. Day
Mlllo , at ICSa Dodge.
Augustus Christie , of Sinithland , la. ,
was a guest of Mrs , Stewart last weuk , ei
routu tor Chumgo ,
Lieutenant Cochrnn and bridu arrived
in Omaha Thur.sdar morning aud are
quartered at the I'-ixtou.
Miss Rollins , who has been visiting
Miss Honglnml , has returned to her homo
iu St. Louis , accompanied by the latter
OThu Hev. Mr Xalincr. who has boon
calhul to All Saintb' diuroh , will taUo
ono of Mr. Hculiul'a hoiisua un Twenty
llflh street ,
Miss Mury Deaiior , of Mu catlnu , la.
nnd Mis.s Elma Irwin , of Itml Oak , who
have ] been guests of Mrs. Traynor , have
returned home.
Mrs. Sam Jones and Mr. and Mrs
Yo-t have gunu on a pleasure trin to
Portland , Oregon whuro thci will ioin
Mrs. J W. Morse.
Mrs , Chas , Thompson has roturnci
from a month' * visit with her mother it
Mnrshalltown , la , , ami Mr. Thompson's
relative in Tukainah ,
Mr , and Mrs. Hiohnrdsoii.accouipanlL'i
by Miss UlclunUoii , arrived home Wed
nesilay morning from New York. Mit > s
Hicharibon railed from Liverpool in a
heavy galu.
Mbs Minnie B , Carter has returned to
Omaha to spend thu winter with her sis
ter and broth.rin law , Dr. and Airs
Murnnin , on l.iglauenth
Mr. I'onnelj left yesterday for a three
wceki Msit with relatives in New York
Miss IVnndl a'ct-'ullyssangaracoucevt iu
Wnlerbury , Conn. , whh flattering suc
Captain Am' ' Jte S. A. Herman left
Tnusdiiv wJte for San irancisco ,
wucro they w 11 Wit > end tlio winter tulips' }
ould- not prove buticllcial ,
n which cascftHuyill try IMS Angeles
or San Hcrnivr < Uno.
Mrs. Dwjght .Jtull has left for
innipton , N. Yirto bo with her I brother ,
Mr. Conklln , formerly of tlio Union
. 'aoillc telegraph department , who is
s hopelessly ill Micro. On her way she
will stop nt Notre Dnmo to visit her
laughter whojia attending school there.
Uabbl Donsoiu returned Tuesday from
Nebraska City" where ho oflieiatcd at
the marring" of Miss Anna Siohl , of that
city , nnd Mark Loyi , of Hastings. It
was an elaborate ? afl'air , a praiseworthy
fcuturo bolnc the donation by the guests
of a oonsiilcrablo Mini toward tlio Jewish
Orphans homo at Cleveland.
To-day's Service * nt Iho Different
CtmrolicM Throughout tlio City.
The Saints Chanel , on Twonty-iirst and
Clark streets. Preaching at 11 a. in. and
7:80 p.m. Sabbath school at l'JOp. : ! ! in.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. All
invited. ,
Park Avcnub United Presbyterian
church , corner 1'ark nvonno and Grant
street. Servlcus at 11 a. in. Conducted
by llov. J. W. Harris. No services in the
evening. Sabbath school at 3:30 : p.m.
Unity church , corner Seventeenth and
Cass streets. Service at 11 a. m. ; Sab
bath school at 12:15. : llov. W. E. Cope-
lan.l , pastor. To-morrow morning tlio
pastor will preach a sermon in commem
oration of tno 'J.'iOtli anniversary of the
foundation of Harvard university. Music
appropriate to the occasion will be fur-
mshcti by the Harvard club.
CastellarStrcot. Prosbytnrlan. Sixteenth
tun ! Castellar. Hoy. J. N. Wilson , pas
tor. Preaching by tlio pastor and public
worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sauhath
school , 3 p. m. Young people's meet
ing , 7 p. in.
Southwest Presbyterian. Twentieth and
Leaven woi th streets. Preaching at 11 a.
m. by Hev. J. N. Doyd. Sabb.uh school ,
il p. in. Young people's meeting , 0:45 : p.m.
No evening sermon.
German Lutheran churoh. 1005 South
Twentieth street. Service every Sunday
10 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in. E. J.
Frcso , pastor.
North Prcsbvterian , Saunders street ,
Kev. Wm. It. Henderson , pastor. Ser
vice at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday
school at noon. Youugpuoplo's meeting
at 0:31) : ) p. m. On account , of the union
meeting in the exposition building there
will bo no evLMiinar service. Strangers
made welcome at all the services.
In the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran
church , corner of Cass and Nineteenth
streets , divine sorvics and preaching by
the pastor , E. A. Fogelstrom , at 10:30 : a.
in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school ut 3:30 :
p. m. Tuesday evening , prnyur mooting ,
and Thursday evening , preaching of the
gospel. Scandinavians are invited to at
tend all the meetings.
Presbyterian'1 church , corner Dodge
and Suventennth streets Services at
10:30 : ii. in. ( KiinjFnuniun and reception of
new member * ' .Sunday . school : U close of
service. ig c
Seward stifect Methodist church , on
Twenty-secoiiU and Seward streets.
Prcacing at 1\:30 \ : a. thepastor.Kev.
Charles W. Savldgc. Preaching at 7:30 :
p. m. by lie v. M. Millard , pastor of the
A'ew Park iVJcUioilist church. Seats
free and all will lie welcome. Sab
batli school luT&ft ) p. in.
First ChrisXiiVn hurch , corner Tiven-
tittth street tuid Cjipitnl av.cnno. Prcach-
ing at 10:30 : and 8 p. in. , bv the now pas
tor. Ur. . I. H. Fey , D.D. , L.L.D. . of St.
Louis. Scats frco. Public invited. Sun
day school at i\3SK \
Kount/.o Memorial , English -Lutheran ,
corner 01 Sixteenth and llarnoy streets.
llov. J. S. Detwoilor , pastor. Sunday
scliool at 11:40 : a. m. * Church services -and
preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a.m. and
7:30 : p. in. Morning sermon will be for
young1 pcopjo. Subject : "The Eagle. "
Evening subject : "Our Election. "
St. Barnabas church , Nineteenth and
California strouts. Plain celebration at
7:30 : a. m. Choral celebration at 11 a. in.
Even bong at 4 p. m. Sunday school at
12:30 : p. in. Scats free. JohnWilliams ,
St. Philip's chapel. Evening at 2:30 : p.
in. Sunday school at 3 p. m. John Wil
liams. pastor.
The llov. Alex Thompson will lecture
this morning at Doyd's Opera house at 11
o'clock. Subject : "Creed and Charac
ter. " No collections and no charge.
Baptist churoh , services at 10:30 : a. m.
and 7:30 : p. m , Kev. Reynolds , of Kan
sas , will proaoh morning and oven-
ing. Sunday scliool and 12 in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday ovniiing at 7:30. :
First German Free Evangelical church.
Service at No.I L'ngino house , corner
Eleventh and Dorcas streets , at 10:30 : a.
m. Preaching by llov. F. li. W. Brno-
chert , pastor. Sabbath school at II a. in.
Friends and children arc cordially in
vited and welcome.
St. Mark's ' Evangigolical Lutheran
Mission , Sninidoro street , near Charlus ,
Kev. ( Jeo. H. Schnur , pastor. Sunday
school at 3iO : ! p.m. ; church service and
preaching by tlio pastor at 7:30 : p. m.
Mooting for Biblu study and prayer
Thursday , at 7:30 : p. in.
St. Matthew's ' Evangelical Lutheran
Sunday school meets every Sunday after
noon at 3:30 : p. m. in Cosmopolitan hall.
1531 south Thirteenth street.
St. i John's church , ( Grace chapel ) cor-
ncr Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets.
Services at 8 a. in. . 11 00 a. m. , and 7:30 :
p.m. Sunday school at 0:15 : a. in. Jlov.
Win. Ogood Poiu > on , rector.
There is a large Catholic church in
Washington attended exclusively by
colored people , with black saints in tlio
niches and other things to correspond.
It is attended by a colored aristocracy ,
and a membership in It is considered n
sign of tone by some. There Is a tine
choir of negro voices , and musses arc
snug quite as well as in those attended
by tno whites , Thera is also a colored
Episcopal churuii , the rector of which is
a graduate or'Tnnitv college and a man
ofninch nbilUv ? ; .Hut aside from the two
Presbyterian churches nearly tlio tintim
colored population attend worship nl
those of the .Methodist or the Buptisl
faith. , , . . rt'
People whonprjvo in Washington from
the wint over the Baltimore jte Ohio rail
road report titt | : at the station nenr
lloinnoy , W. .VsiVllhpro is a largo Hign
which reads. fivXIils is the place where
President Clovolanil shot the deer October
15 , 18W1. " Tim sign is painted in large
letters , and at ri < \Js the attention of every
0110 in thu pavii traiiiH. and every ono
wonders why thfy.liero , because the pros-
idunt did not itfoot iho doer , being a
quarter of n mile-away when the minimi
was killRtl by Mr. Dhins.
A remarkable cat , which moves nnd
acts hko a kangaroo , is owned by Joe
Ellov , a pat uniniul fancier of Now
Haven. Besides the usual number of
claws on each of its paws a nail grows
out of oauh front paw , ouo of which Is
roiled up like a keyring , and looks Hkou
little ram's horn. Its fore legs have an
extra joint , anil its tail would do honor tea
a well-bred pug dog , The cat sits up
after the manner of a kangaroo , anil is a
great rat catcher. It is valued nt ? 100 ,
A novel on divorce in Now England
may now -bo looked for. William I ) .
HowujU has Leon MHMI carefully observ
ing divorce casus that wcro being tried
before Jiulgti Duvous iu the supreme
court In Boston ,
and Heavy Hardware
Stores and Ranges , Mechanic's Tools and
Job Work a Specialty , it 19 Saunders St.
Sontlin'CKt Corner J tit li and Clth'nyo
Streets ,
Onialia Nebraska
_ , , _
Medical and Business Medium
KpoiuJl , 121 X. ICUiJt. , ( hnnhn , NoJ ) .
fl. FULL ER ,
nr.vLKii IK
Harness , Saddles , Whis , Robes
Cinntnu Street.
Lammerich & Grimm ,
Keep everything iu their line. Good meal *
and fair prices. Cor. Lake and Saun *
dcrs streets.
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSPE , Jli. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151,1 Pnugliii Street , Omiilm.
Agricultural Implements.
\Vboteinlo Dealer In
Agricultural Jmplemcnts , Wagons ,
CnrrlHBca und lliintlof. Jonoi ntrccl , between I'tb
Agricultural Implements ,
Waitont.Carrlavca , HIIEKIOK , Etc. , Wholc Ma , Omaha.
Agriculinrnl Implements ,
( Vngonsand Bueglcs , tfll.WVJOi nnd 107 , Joocs
Butter and Eggs.
Uttyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator nnd Parkins llouio. Ktli nml Lonven-
worth St. , U. P. li. II. Track , omnlm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buildors'irardwarcA Scale licpair Shop
Mechanics' Tools nnd IlufTttln Scales. 14W Douzlas at. ,
Onialin , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
TlDwnru , Sheet Iron , Kc. ! Acnnts for Howe Scales ,
und Miami Piiwdcrlv > . .OmiilmNoh.
"Wholesale Hardware.
Western agents for Jefferson Btcel Nallo. Auntln
Powder Co , Fairbanks Mnndnrd Scales. Corner
10th and Harrier , Omnhn.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
Bridges , viaducts. Hoof Tnnse , Stearu Pile nrlrlns ,
Piling , Oak and PlncltrlileDljumbur , 15th it. , near
'Farnum. Oiimha.Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
Farnam at. , Omaha , Nob.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , eta 120G , IHHanrt 1210 Farnara ot. , Oroabn ,
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron nulldlnc Work , Iron Stair * ,
Knlliuif , Deanm and UlrUtira , bteam Knclnes , Itrasi
Wurli , tiinoral Foundry , Machine nnd Blacksmith
Work. Otllco and \Vorks , U. P. Ity. nnd mil utiuet.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Uoalori IQ
Boots and Shoes ,
Complete Mock of Ilubhor Goods Hlvrays on hand
Ml 8. miiBU.Unmha. Nub.A.T. Aiirtln , Amnt.
w. r. MORSE o co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1111 Fanmui i > t , Omaha. Neb. Manufactory , Summer
ctrcet , lliiBtun ,
# . T. LIA'JtSEY ' iU CO.
WJiolcsaie Itnbbor lioots and Shoes.
Itubllcr and Oiled Clot > < l"i ; unit rclt Ilootn , 20J S. lltb
Street. _ L _ _ _
Apt. for Anhcnsor-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Kpcclal Hniiid" . Fautt , Dudwolicr nnd Krlnniter.
Liger : Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North IBlh .Street , Omiiha , Neb.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
CL.iRlfETTliOsT C"CO. ,
Omaha Coll'oo nnd Splco .Mills.
Toss.Oofrroi.t-nlioi , Ilalilnz Pondur , J'livoilns EX'
traeta , J.ttuudry lllue. Ink , lti > , MK-lCIlitrney
Mrc'ulOuiuhn , Neb ,
Homo Com-cnnd Hpit-n Mills M'f'g Co.
IJoITuoHo'iBterannd Hploi Orlndi'rn , .Miurifuttureri
of Ilnkliii , ' 1'o.vder , I'livorlru ixtructf , Illuhii ; . ltr. !
TryoQO ni > of our l-it > pitclcimolloinuuloiidltojtteil
OotTou , KUiiIonard St.OninUu , Neb.
John Kpenetcr , Prop.
Manufacturer < > l Galrnnlicd Iron nnd Cornlno. & 23
Dodta mid 103 and ia& N , IQiU tt. . Utnuliu , Neb.
Mnnufneturcra ot
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormur Wlnrtown , Klnnl , > lciullcriklik-lit , tc. 3101 } .
\ Wt , Ouialia.
C. Sppcht , Prop.
Galvnnl/crt Iron rornlciut , etc. Bpott'slinprorcd Pat-
cntAlyUlliietylUht. Ua iindtliJ b l.'lli v..OnMliu ,
Jobber ! of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , lings ,
I.lnoluuina , Matllngt Kl" 1511 luug'a ' < slrort.
STA. O lWiIAltD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Malting * , Curtain Onodi , KIO. 1111 Furnim Mreot ,
imuha , Neb-
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlruovji , etc. Office , 31 ? Boulh Ulh
( ) iimba , Net' .
Commission and Storage.
D. Ji7 UUR'LEY , '
Commission and .lobbing.
It'ittcr , Kcyaand Produce. Coutuiitaemt rollclted.
iicaaquiruira far'blondwaru , llrrry llai ( od
O'Mpa li > tci . Kit JK1eHfectOroaba )
' '
Commission MerchitnU.
Ftulu , Produce ami PrarUlor.i. OnuLt , Net' .
decided tn i\M\t \ hn ine * my entire
or STO\I > . iiAiimvAur . OAHITN-
rs TOOLS , imrsiMTitNisiiiNu ( loons.
lioDoio > l forciilo nteosl , iintllrlo < cd out , fur
cnsli only. Store llxtuios for tale. Now is
the tune to ojj.
11. It. SEYDEL.
y.ll' . Cottnth and California Kt.
Meat Market
All kinds of meats , both Suit nnd 1'icsh
fOiHliiutly on linuil.
Fresli Bread , Pies & , Cakes ,
loll\eioil lonny imrt ofUmclty IPtli niul Ciinv
7P. MMLENDER & CO. , '
Denlers In
Boots Shoes Hats Caps
, , , ,
Notions mill Rents rurtilslilnir GooiK Cor. 13th
nnd Loiivctnvoi th stB. , Uninhn , Kob.
Keep a complete line of Drugs , Chcmlculi ,
Patent Medicines nnd Sundries , New
Stock and New Men. 721 N. IGth st.
H' . J ? . JIIDDELL ,
Storapo and Coinmisalnn Mcrrhnnt.
Speclnllln * llulter. KR ( . Chooio , Poultry. Cntuo ,
( Ijilurn. Uto. , Ktc. Ill South lull tri'8t.
WTEDKjfA A * tC CO. ,
Produce Commission Mcrclmnts ,
Foultry , lluttcr , Unnif , KtultK , etc. 5JO B. lllhlU
Oiunlni , Ni'li ,
Gonornl Commission Murchanta ,
And Jolibcru nf Fnrolun unit Domemlo Frutts. J'orro-
epoiulcnco follcltiMl. Wurohoiuo ami onico.110 N.
Thlrlpenlli St. , Omnlin. Ni'li. Tclnplionn TO.
r. itocco tt ; co. ,
reporters mnl wholoi-alodoalors In
Itnliau 1'roilucc ,
Forelen. Dome'llOHnJ CiillCornla I'rults and Cqrarali.
ilon llercbunti. 10(8. Htli st. Only oxcluilrt
fruit bouio 1.1 Omnhii.
Coal antLime. .
Dealers In
Hnrtt ami Soft Coal ,
Office and yanl , IMh nnd Nlclmln * ittn. , Oiualia , Mob.
Yard Telephone , CC7.
Uiu. i .i.AhAini.l'rcs. C. F.aoonMAK , V. Prei.
J. A. HUNI > tlltANn , foe. nnd Tras.
.Tohhcvs of Hani anil Soft Coal.
a Smith Thirteenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
o co. ,
Mannfitctttrcrs of Illinois White Lime.
And Mil | ) | > uri < of Coal nnd Cnkp. Comont. I'lantcr ,
JjRip , ll'ilr. Klru llrlcU , Uruln. Tile anil fl w r l > ipo.
( mice. I'.ixtcm Hotel , fnriium Bt. , Omilia , Ki'U.
Tclopnonn Hll. _
f , J > t jr fir < c C ( )
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobber * of Frullii.Nuts nntl Cltnu. Hll Ft mam St.
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oco. Ilurko , ManiRor. :
Dnlon.Stock VnrdK.8. Omnha. TeUphono 6S2.
Live Stock Coniniission Merchants ,
Shipment ! ! of liny nnd nil klurtu of Block solicited.
Union Stock. Vanla , Oinnba , Nub.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Johhcrg of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quni and Ammunition. 315 to 221 H. Hill St. , 1020 to
I0. ( Fnrimm ft. , OinnhH.Nuli.
iranufactnrcrs of Fine Cigars ,
And Wbolcialn Dcnlern In I.aaf Tobaccos , Wo . 106
and III ) N , Hth utri'cl , O.uuliu.
Whnleialo Donlori In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Agouti for D. Lcl.Iomtlorf & Co. , Kino-Hut nnd Hmok-
Inr Tobaocni , MllwaukooTlsconaln. . No. 313
North Sliteoiitu Btraet , Omulia , Nob.
Dry Cootls.
J f. E. SMITir ,0 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Not ions
1103 and HOI DnutilHg , cor. lltu Bt. , Omuba , Nob.
Distill era.
Dlatllcr ! of Ilinor , Alcohol nnd Fplrlts. Importers
and JoblxTsof Wlncmnrt Mquors.
CO. and JLER l ) CO. ,
Impottcrr nnd Jobboriof Fine WlnPB nnrt TJqnorB.
Bglo innnufncturer oJ Keniudv'H r.ant Indln lilt-
tcr unit Domrmlc I.lquon. 1113 llnrney M.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
- . -re { fc Drug , Paint , Oil & Glass House
Weatof Clilcncu. Cnmnlrto l.lno of DruKglbti Sun-
dries. 1111 llnrnej ri..Oiualin ,
Wholesale DiuggibiH.
Anil nenlcnln Paints , OIlB niulVlncloir ( ! In , Omalit ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. , jl.HArcii.rr" . J.W nKiironii.Kec.A.Troni
li. J.CATISOK. V.l'roa.nndsnpt.
Office 213 R. Illh it. . Oninhn , Nob. Mnclilni-rr and
for llnnufuctinIUL' Cvmunt Dialu TJU. !
Butchers' Tools.
UutcherH' Tools and Supplies ,
} au go Cuflnm nt nil klniU nlwiy : lu muck. 13U
JontiA il. i Umnha ,
Groceries ,
Wliolosalo Hrocfirius and Provisions ,
Nos. 70.TIC , TWliwlTII H. lOtli ht , Ouinhn , ' 'Ob.
t , jK < ij > rco. ( \ . ,
" \Vholcsalo \ Orucorn ,
IStbnnil IxnTinvrnrlti rtiOiniha ,
Hard Hare.
fV ? , r. It IIOATUU , ' "
Jlurdwuvo , Iron and Htoel ,
Hprlngi , Wncon StocU , lUrdHirn I.umbcr.ctc. 12U9
and I''ll lluu.ujr > [ . , Diiiuliu.
Wholosulo Iron and Steel ,
TTyronmul Currlnco Wood Bloc * , lll'jvr llarrtwiiro ,
Kin , UII mid IVi'J ' J.cuvrnwurth ft. . Oninlm , Neb.
StovnH , JliuigcH , FtiniaPL'H , Tiles ,
Mtutlci Orate , llrutu Condi Inland 1J2J I'Jtnata
biru < t ,
Dealer in Lnmbpr , Lnth , Jjinip , Sasli ,
Duort , Utc. VnrdtOirncr'th and I > oa ! ai ; Ooruut
i'tb nnd Duuilas.
$ Wliolosalo Lumber ,
SltS. Illh dre lOm bi.Neb. { - .
Denlot In
Acorn Base Heaters ,
A specialty , a 107 Ginning St.
A. N. McVAHOKlt ,
410 N , 16th SI ,
lliii'ihvip ' , mechanics1 ' "
Stoves nnd Tinware. Sells the c < icb'ntcd
" West Point" UAS.C Iturncr.
Real Estate and Loans
Houses Itenln ) , ItentaOillcotiM , Money t-on
'I'n.M I'nlil , Invejtiiienls Miulc lor Jxoti ttcst
iH'iit ? . Telepliunu < ) i > J.
Williams tllook , N. K. eor. 1Mb niul Ddilgo
Otimtin , Noli.
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
AND VK1U ) .
Country Produce n Snccialty. Saumlcrg
nnd Lake St . , Oinnhn Neb.
Surgical Instruments
And Ifoma'imthlc lloincdics ,
1)107 ) Fnviiam Street.
Wliolcsaio .Towolors nnd Music Dealers.
Dealers In Hllrvrnnrn. Dlatuondi , Watches , Clocks ,
Jonulor'a Tools nnd Mntarlal * . He. Idi and ID ) lilb ,
Hi. , cor. Dodge , Ounibii , Neb.
' '
c. A7 ; niETz , ,
irth nnd California ! -'trect < , Oninlm , Neb ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. ftth nnd Douglas Ms. , Omnha , Neb , '
Lumber. "
T. W. IIAl
To Dealers Only.
Office , H03 rnrnnm atrcet Qraabn. '
" *
C1IAS. It. LEE ,
JIardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpels mi J Pnrnnct Floorlne. Stli and Donglnl
_ Oiiinha. _ i
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnd American Portland Cement. 8t U
Agent f or Mllnaukoo llydrnullo Cement and licit
Uulney WblloMmo.
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
IJmltnd. John F. Dojd , Buporlntcrdent ,
Milliner ) ' and Notions.
Importers nnd Jobbers nf
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and ISlSIIarney St.uctOmahnNob.
Ara the only Direct Importers of
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In NebniHkn. ChlciiRO prices iluiillcnteil tvltlmut add.
Inn frcluht. 1415 Karimin Hm-ct.OmiUin.
Wholesale. Pcnlpm In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
id ) nnd 403 B. Ht. , Omaha.
Jobbcra In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishlnaf
10m and 1004 F.inmm at. , Omnhn , Neb ,
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILKIE ,
Mannfactnrpr of Paper Boxes ,
.1UII St. , Om ill ii , Nebraska. Orders by mat
llelted and will rocelvo prompt Httcntlou.
jranufacturers of Overalls ,
Jenni PanU , Hhlrts , Ktc. 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas Btroet ,
Omahn , Neb.
Job Printers , Blank Book Haknra ,
And Jtook llliidom. 101 nnd 108 South Fourteenth
itroct. Oiuulia , Ni'li.
Auxiliary Publishers.
D alare InTyi'C , rrfti H ami 1'rlntcrn' Hupplloii , fff )
Boiiih Tivcirtli htreot ,
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Manufacturers , Pnckom und Iic.ilrraln
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
IlaklnR Powder , I'lavorlnK Ilitraelf , Tnblo Nnuco.
) -fiicli Mu l "i Wnili Illulnu , IJrocerr' r-ccci ! ; ! ! !
holu i.iimiu for York Htnto t-iunl llcllned Apple Cl <
ilor. m i 1 cuvrnnorth > t. . Omiiha ,
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Work ? .
Unnufnclnrernof Flrn and HurclurProof Riifce , Vault
I > our , Jnll Workriliut. r und Wlru Wurk. Cor.
lltb anil JaektunrllB. , Omnha , NJb ,
J' . DOVER 0 CO. ,
Agoitts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
rirn and Ilurw'ar Proof fiif , Tlnw ! .oclr . Vnnlti
nnd Jail Work. IWI rnrii-un almet Omulia , N b ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. nifiniion'tO co. ,
Wbolcinlu M > niifi < Inreri of
Bash , Doors , Hlinils and Mouldings ,
llmncli ulTIcaUtlionil Ijiiril M . , < > iii lni.NoG.
(77 ! ' . LYMA N ,
Hash , Door , Blinds , Mouldings.
IlulUlliiB 1'aiinr , ale , Jim Houlh 'Jlilrtreiitli Blreot ,
Omalu , Net ) , A rnmiilntn ilocltof Jlulldt-u' '
Manufacturers , of Siisli , Doors , Dlitids ,
Mnnl'nKH.KlBlrW ! * > rkiind InteriorllnrU Wrxxl KlnliU
Juil utieneil. K. K.cor btli unit l.i'Kvetiwuitlibts.
Oiiiubn , Net > .
r co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe. Killings ,
Stduin.iuil IV'iilcr Hupitlicii . . . . .
" udoi.iU. lilirurniiiu m.dunlinHou ,
PtuniiM , I'ipoH and Kiiginos ,
Btcutu , Wnlcr llnlhrnr uml .Milling t < U ] > l > llci. IIto ,
1W ) , bJlmid " 21 Kuinxoi § 1. , Ou.nliu , ft b.
US \ , WlifD ENG Jtv'/ } " < iiid rUMJL'
IlullailnyVlnd Mills. rlf ul unit Wl r Hupplkl ,
iLinu t.oi.Jt. Ilefllni' . llnt . HU uuJ COO JTn.r >
uuu it. , uainlin. H K. fvilon , Manuuer.
IVUphiuiu tiu. 210.
II. 'jirAItJWFF ,
Wiiolesaln TruiikH ,
MIKurd llcivl Illiwk ,