Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered liy cnmcr in r.nj rmrtof tlit-clty at
twcntj cuits per week.
11. W.TII.TOJJ. - - Mnnngcr.
ncpisrMOincr. , No , I.
NiuiiTlInnoit Xo 2) ) .
N. Y. Plumbing Co. '
Nuw fall goods nt Keitor'.o.
lltn Sciil brand oysters , tlio bi-st.
Coopur & Alc ( po "oil Imnlwaro.
Clionp rallrond tickuU at llnsliiiiill' * .
I'nnuis nl $ : UiO pur tlozcn at Schmidt's
Biilh'r.y , Main street.
This city must bo Improving in morals.
Not a OAKU for tin ; police court .ye turilay.
The Slandard Oil uompuny Is urranjj-
inir to Innnm&o giuullv ilrf uapaeily In tins
Luster & Allen's uiiii'itrcl.s npijcnriul at
the opr-ru hoitsu last evening , r'rom hnro
they jro to Pliittsmouth.
Leave to ninrrv was yr tcnliiy given ( J.
II. Nlclioln. of ' 'oik county , ami Nellie
Welsh , of Cook county. Illinois.
Cluirlos anil Lloyd Korsrravi-3.
gave a boxinu exlubltion ultbe Itroailway
tliuutre last niglit as a .sieelal | attractions
Kd .shcrlock ba.s litteil lip one of his
windows as n glass refrlgetator for tint
keeping of tish , meats , etc. , for bis Inneh
If Uncle .Sam doesn't hurry up with bis
now benne , Pottawattamie county will
have its bouse done , although it com
menced .so much later. "
The board of conntv supervisors will
on Tuesday settle all election bets , o far
as this county Is concerned. The ollicial
cnnvasH will be made then.
It is reported that Colonel Keatley is to
take an editorial position on the Omaha
Herald. He is a .strong writer , a veteran
in the democratic ranks , and can well till
almost any position on an editorial stall' .
Am on < r the movers who went llying
through hero yesterday was a party of
Indians , including squaws In due proper
tion. the driver of the team ami ap
parently tlie chief of the party being a
wlilto man.
Dr. Hlbs has sold bis residence in tho.
suburbs of the city 10 J. I * Langmaidthe
proprietor of the Metropolitan hotel , the
consideration being 5,750. Dr Ellis will
probably move further into the city. The'
Bale made through the real estate
ugeney of Cook & Haker.
While other citi/.ens are having the bottom
tom knocked out ot their booms , Council
Ulull's is having a boom knocked out of
its bottoms. Bottom land here has
alrcay made a jump , and if half the im
provements contemplated are ever actu
ally made , bottom propeity will more
than double in pi ice.
The Ku.stler seems to have rustled and
been rustled .so much that its wind bus
given out and yosterdav it failed to make
n public appearance. The social circles
of the city will now wait witb impatience.
for some new victim tu the hallucination
that there is a Jong felt want to be tilled
right away , and that lu is the only and
original one who can till it.
Miss Haltie K. , widow oi
James Snilowski , died Friday oveninjr of
consumption , after an illness of about
two years. She was aged twcntj-live
S-IU'S und lhre months. Her husband , it
will bu VulnGniburoil 07 rr.f.ay , nn * UUc'I
in the Chicago & Noitbwei-tern yards
about three j ears ago. She leaves three
little children. Her mother , Airs Amelia
Greene , of Marshal. Mich , arrived last
evening to attend tins funeral wliiuli is to
bo held at 3.00 o'clock to-morrow after
noon at the residence of Air. John
Skinklc , No. 17ll ! ! Second avenue , corner
of 1'Jighteenth > trcct.
Yesterday there was little ch.ingo in
the Munition in regaid to the .sewerditch.
The city engineer and Aldermen Keller
and Hammer went over the work and
looked at the banks , which it is claimed
must bo smoothed and graded before the
work is accepted. Mr. Sweeney , the
foreman for the contractor , Mitchell Vin
cent , says he tried again yesterday to get
Borne expression from them as to what
they thought of it , and what the city
would do , but they evaded dim. He
called on Mr Langmaid as a witness to
his request , anil is apparently paving the
way for a fight in the com Is , it the matter -
tor cannot be otherwise arranged. The
complicated allair will probably reeeive
the attention of the council at the Mon
day night meeting.
Iliohmoml Ranges for hard coal are
the best. Cooper & McCee sell them.
Anything you want in Housekeeper's
Hardware and Tinware at Cooper &
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Weather [ .trips at Chapman's , 105 Main.
Nothing so good for a Sunday dinner
AS a can of Edmaiihon'H Star brand oys-
from Uaird'a No. W3 li road way.
Oakland Clilns.
Henry O'Ncil and lidy will winter in
York state ,
Warren Farwell returned from Wyom
ing the fore part of the week.
( jus Lola Is about one hundred dollar
ahead over the result hiit Tuesday-
M. J. Dedrafl' , of South Omaha , was In
town on business the fore part of the
Henry O'Ncil , has trailed his hotel
property hero to J. D. Daly , for Kansas
Dr. Gibson has rented his dwelling to
A. A. LcnocKcr and has gone to Camilla
to .spend the winter.
Mr. Snangler , assistant at the depot , Is
yery sick with lung disease , Kd 1urge -
eon binashcs baggage during his illness.
The election Tuesday passed on" quietly ,
a pretty full vote being tiollod Quito a
number of farmers stuck to their corn
There Is strong talk of organl/ing a
homo company for dramatic purposes.
Oakland has fiomo good talent and could
furnish a good company ,
This week wo olnonicle the wedding
of one of Oakland's most popular young
men. At the residence of the bride'.s
father , Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock ,
Mr. A. A. Lenoeker , of the linn of l , P.
Clayton & Co. . was united in marriage to
Miss Kllloj. \ . KrautItev. . Wood of the
M. K chinch , officiating. Mr. Lenocker
fans been In Oakland about a year and by
liis gentlemanly deportment and uood
business qualities , gained for himself a
host of friends whose well wishes go witb
him in bis new venture. On Thursday
evening the Oakland Cornet band mar
shalled in full foico ami repaired to bis
residence , und tendered himself and lady
H delightful serenade ,
See that your books are made by More
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Closing Out Sain
of silver plated ware to make room for
our new stock. Wo oiler our present
etook regardless of cost ,
C. U. jACgi'KMIN & CO. ,
No. 37 Main street.
lloston chips at Buinl's , ft. ' ! } Broadway.
Nearly everybody relishes good eandy ,
wlille adulterated Mull' is not lit to
Uaird keeps only pure candies. Ho has
the finest stock in Urn city , and a largo
E'roportlon of it is inamifaetured right
ere by the Council BiufTs Candy com *
pany. Fruits , cigar ? , nutd , oto. , all the
beat. No. 023 Broadway.
Activity in Real Estate Opens Vith a Sale
of the Bnllard Tract.
A VOIIUK Mn Wanted nt St. Joe-
Kail Cnxc of Drilttiitlon unit
Jcath Prtsonnl I'IUM-
tlii r.ottomi.
The talk of a boom for Council Bliifl's
seeiiH to be resulting in more than talk ,
and the feeling strengthens daily that
this city is to have a more rapid growth
than has clmractori/ml it for years past.
The residents themselves arc feeling
more eontideuee , nnd there is le s whin
ing and less givint. ' up to the blues.
Council IJlull's has been Inclined to think
les of Itself than others think of it , but
now there is evident a disposition to
look I ho world eqnare In the face and
stretch up with a little lustilhijile pride
at the progress madeand the biijiht pros-
pecH for the future.
In real estate circles there Is alroailv
apparent increased confidence and ac
tivity. There ate more Itiquiricft for
pinpvrl ) than for iv longtime past , and
more silcs : than for years. While there
Is no great advance in price * ) , yet there is
a feeling I hat if properly can only bu
bought nt old price > the investments , nro
good , and give ti chance for a prolil in
the future.
Yefctirday arrangements were com
pleted for a very important transfer of
real estate. A syndicate formed of
Omaha ami Council Blnn's parties , who-c
names are temporarily withheld , pur
chased what is known as the Hallard
tract , which contain * about eighty
acres , and bclouds to the Hallard o tato.
The property is located west ami north
of the transfer. The consideration is
.stated at } 2 1,000. Those purchasing it
are to plat it at once. The projectors ot
the enterprise are planning to make some
great improvements in that part of the
city , and it is looked upon as the nesrin-
ninr of the boom on bottom lots. Ninth
avenue is to be extended rijjht through
the northern portion of this property ,
and this is to be one of the lines for the
street ears. The s-ilo wi'S made yester
day through the agency of Odell Hros. &
CM. , wbo nave had the matter in hand
for some time , but have kept it quiet until
the details could all be arranged with
care. The propeity is to bo christened
as the Omaha addition to Council Blnlls.
His a "boom" starter , and the transfer
is the largest made here in a long time.
There is a largo amount of improve
ments gnintr on near the transfer , and
onecannot glance over the work in prog
ress without being convinced that there
is Mill more coming. Ten bridges have
been put in over Spoon lake , and ten
more arc to be built , while tracks are be
ing laid in all directions. It has already
been announced that the Union L'aoilic had
plans for the erection of several buildings
here , and work on is to commence
at once , the material already beginning
to nirivu. A large building lor the stor
age of supplies tor thopasicngcr coaches ,
etc. . is to be put up a hundred feet west
of the land ollice. lioyoml that are to bo
other buildings. A large ice bouse is to
be. built on Spoon lake with a capacity of
2,000 tons. Rop.iir shops are to be put
up hole and a round house. Alrcadv
there is a lame amount of the switching
l.'C'jig done here , and live cncinos are
boli" 1 ' " " : ? ' 'f , . V j11 " ' 'ls work alone , and
then" the tracks ilVe elWrr.c.lHH'
other tracks will bo laid as fast as possi
ble to accommodate the needs , dipt.
HathaWiiy was asked about some of the
details yesterday , but he evidently had
his instructions to keep "mum. " He
remarked. "It's no use saying that I don't
know for I do , but it's too early yet to
talk. Wait a little. You'll know soon
enough. I do Know that we are awfully
busy , and there is more woik laid out for
this side than a hundred men can do in
a year to come. "
See West IVint base beater. Latest im
provement in hcatingntoves.V.A.Vood. .
\VniitoU nt St. Joe.
The young man Kschelman has been
lying in jail here for some time on the
charge of obtaining a lot of goods at St.
Joe under false pretenses. lie had got
these goods on the .strength of bis father's
reputation , and was peddling them out in
this part of the country , and pocketing or
spending the cash when he was cobbled
up. It appeared tlikt he bad before this
beat Mctcalf Bros , out of a small amount
by a like process. Li order to hold him
until the St. Joe parties could get out
requisition papers , etc. . this lesser charge
wa.s brought against him. Yesterday the
St. Joe olncers wore here after him , but
they Fcomcd disposed toget out of paying
the coMs of capturing the young man ,
and were nearly all day cll'ectinga settle
ment. The matter was at last
arranged , and the young man will start
back thin morning. The history of all
such eases repeats itself. Ollleer-s are ex
pected to uo to all sorts of expense to
capture a crook , but in nine cases out of
ten those most interested in seeming a
capture aru unwilling to defray the ex
pense. The city and county refuse to pay
micli expense , and the oflicers are left in
the lurch. With the present salaries and
with the usual ending of such cases , is it
any wonder that olliccrs are not over
anxious to follow up a criminal's trail ,
especially when it leads out of the city ?
Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main.
Airs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices , No. U.'S Broadway.
Death and iJCHtltmion.
A sad case of destitution nnd sorrow
was discovered yesterday. In a little
shanty about 8\10 feet , located in the
northwest part of the city , a more dry
goods box , through which the cold wind
rushes at will , lay the dead body of a
woman. Huddled In the room , it reemit
it could bo called , were six little children ,
the youmrcct a habo , More utter destitu
tion could not bo imagined. The chil
dren were almost naked , and the woman
had literally but ono garment , und that
was hardly decent , much less e.omfoi ta
ble. The woman's namu wasMrs. Clark
Little was to bo learned of her history ,
ar.d there wcro evidently more pressintr
needs than that of gratifying mere curi
osity. Some charitably inclined ladies
hurriedly entered upon the work of pre
paring the body for decent burial , und
caring temporarily for the needs of the
children. A few dollars were raised by
those whose attention \vns called to the
casu , M > that the dead and the living could
be cared for until permanent relict could
be ghon thu orphan children.
Dr. HanchettiollicoNo 13 Pearl streets
Itcsldcnco 120 Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
K , H.Shcafe & Co , , loan money on
ebattlu security of every description ; of
fice No 000 Broadway , upstairs.
of I'irty.
The following notes of ohnreh services
to be held to-day , have been handed infer
for publication ;
Rev Dwight Speneer , who spent six
\vars In Utah , will deliver , Sunday even
ing In thu Baptist church , an address OK
"Morinonism Its Strength und Dan-
gen" The address bas been given in
' ninny of the largest churches of tin East ,
and liecn everywhere received with the
highest commendation.
Kev. ( t.V. \ . Crofts returned from hU
trip to Illinois Ftlday eveuintr. and will
preach as usual In the Congregational
church to day. .Subject In the motnlng ,
"The Time to Worn : " evening , "The
Whole Duty of Man. " A cordial invita
tion Is extended.
Hcv. .1. V. McDowell \uI ! preach in
Saints' church to day , morning und even
ing Hvcnlug subject , "Is the Doctrine
of Eternal Punishment Biblical , Reason
able or Ju t "
Topics at the M. K. church to-day :
Morning , "The Debt Which Science
Owes to Christianity ; " evening , "Moral
Character Due to Kciigious Inllucnces. "
There uill bo no services ill St. Paul's
cjmich to day on account of the non-ar-
rival of the heating apparatus.
Services to-day at Tnion chapel , Har
mony street , at ! l o'clock , conducted by
Itcv Dr. Coolcy , p.u-lor of First Baptist
church. Sabbath school and Bible class
nt I o'clock. Piaver meeting ' 1 hurday
evening at 7-i0 ! o'clock ; topic , , "Prodigal
Son. "
ST. I'At'i/s ciit'iini Mri\m.i : .
The ladies of S.iint Paul's church oncn
the social season tills winter by a church
sociable , to be held nest Tuesday evening
lit the icsidenec of Mr. Simon 'Hl-oman ,
on Park street. Mrs Kiscman will bo
assisted by Mrs. K. II. Odell , Mrs. T. K.
Cavin , Mrs. Cicoigu Bebblnpton and Mrs.
Kiolmrd CJteen. It is hoped that strang
ers in the church will avail themselves of
this opportunity of becoming acquainted ,
and that a lull attendanecof all members
of the congregation will bo present.
( iood music , refreshments nnd a pleasant
lini'j ate piomiscd by the ladies In
The HOIICN ot'.lolui ( Cust T'oiind in n
KittiMiH Cornllcl < l.
Last evening a telegram was received
from ICast Leavcnwoith stating that the
body of the missing John Kost had been
found near that place in a cornfield. The
body was so badly decomposed that it
could not be identiliud , but a watch and
chain were found on his person , the
watch bearing his name. In his
pockets were foundj Various papers uUo
bearing his name , and a railway ticket
from Springfield , III. , to Council Blull's.
so that there could be no question , but
that it was the missing man. KtM has
been'ng ' since August 1'i , and his
friends here have been anxiously search
ing for him. His nephew was night
clerk at the Crestou house , and was
taken with rheumatism , sitfleriiig so
greatly that he concluded to go
to iiis home in Springlield , III. ,
and Mr Ko.- accompanied him ,
On returning Ivoil readied Kan.-as
City on Snnda.criming , and made in
quiry as to when he could get a train for
Council 1 ! lull's. Learning that he could
not leave until the ne\t < fiiv , he asked the
operator , whose office was adjoining the
ticket office , to scud a dispatch for him.
The operator wioto out a telugiam uy his
dictation , informing Ins tamily that be
would be home on .Monday. Tncre was
nothing about the appearance or actions
of the man to arouse the suspicion ot thu
agent or operator , but that he must have
been deranged or soon afterwards be
came so , now seems evident. Diligent
search was made to l"arn where ho
stopped over night , but his name could
not oe found icgistcrcd at any of the
hotels. The next trace found of him
was his taking a tram lor Council BlullV ,
on Monday , but he got oil'at Beverly.
He shook hands with the agent there
and talked strangely. The agent did not
know him , but atterwards , on being
jjiown his photograph ami hearing the
description , poslcivcii'lontiliod him as
the man. Kost talkou Co nm : t > *
if ho thought he was then in
Council Blull's and remarked that be
must go to the store. He started down
the railway track towards Kansas City ,
and no more could be learned ot wbcrc
be went.
A short time later it was
learned that a man bad been
killed by the cars at Indcpcnd-
cnce. Mo. , ami the body was disinterred
with the expectation that it would prove
to be Kost's but it was not.
When Kost left here ho bad $32 with
him. It was evident that ho did not in
tend to be absent any length of time for
he left a cash balance in the bank and all
bi.s business matters running as usual , he
being a partner in the grocery hou e of
Kost & llmck. The finding of the watch and
papeis , indicate that tie wa.s not robbed ,
and the onjy theory now held is that
while suffering from mental derangement
he wandered oil' and perished in the liclil
where his bones wers found.
lie was aged about li. ! ( years , and leaves
a wife and two children. lie was well
known in this city and vicinity , and
while the news ot his death is in some
sense a relief from the fearful un\iety
which bis friends have felt , yet the wor.-Tt
that was feared , now being rcali/.ed , the
sorrow felt is great , and the sympathy of
many goes out to the family thus stricken.
l > uratraplis.
Mrs. J. B , Atkins has returned from her
eastern visit.
Mrs. Lewis , the artist , has returned
from Chicago with a full I'ne ' of studies
for her winter classes.
Kov. G. W. Crofts has returcd from a
visit to friends in Illinois.
A. L , Harvey , of Logan , was among
those at the Pacific 3'esterday.
A. Christie , of Smilhland , la , , spent the
day in the Blull's.
Dr. Conkling , of Onuilia , dined at
Bechteles yesterday.
, J. T , Hurley left last evening for Chicago
cage called there by a telegram announc
ing the Illness of some rela'tive.
II. II. Field returned yesterday from
Chicago , where he has been looking after
tliu interests of his patent door.
Capt. C. S. Hubbard spends bis Sunday
in Shenandoah.
Simon Kisnman , of Kisoman's People's
store returned yesterday afternoon from
a business trip ,
( Scorao Marshall , who icprcsents Lori'
& Taylor , of New York , was yesterday
evening taking Kisunmn & Co. 's orders
tor the latest imported novelties in dress
A Now York druggist entered n res-
tauruntTncsday morning and ordered a
beefsteak. The meat was so tough , how
ever , that be asked the water to give him
a tender steak. The waiter gaye him no
satisfaction and , nfler waiting for some
time , O'Bricn drew from his pocket a
bright revolver , eighteen inches long ,
and , nourishing it , demanded that he bo
Kive.n an eatable steak. Persons exper
ienced In restaurant edibles , wbo will
naturally synipatld/o with him , will bu
surprised lo know that hu was arrested
fur thus endeavored to enforce his rights.
The grand object of many visitors to
the fair , says a Boston paper , seemed to
bo the accumulation of as many advertis
ing circulars as possible. They went
about with their arms full , nnd ono stout
lady actually carried a market basket.
into which she carefully laid any bit ot
printed paper ofl'eiod her. Perhaps she
collected enough paper to nay her admis
sion fee , or , at least , to seiner up in tin
dippers for the winter
The greatest wild pidgeou roost in the
United State.Is located just now about
twenty miles north of Tahleqnnb , I. T.
A man just from thorn says thu trees cov
ering a milo square of timbered land are
literally as full as the limbs will bear , nt
night , with UK-SI ) birds , .Millions ot
pigeons aru there , ho says , and at night
wncn tboy eomo in to rooat they make a
uolsu like mighty tbuudur.
New Goods , Lowest Prices. Headquar
ters for
illOSfS llrw
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Broadway , Council
I Will Pay the HLigliest Price in Co b.
XO. CO * 1I OAEVAY , riH , ItLttJH'FS.
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
f All llcodijig Sbylos and Impor/babiops opstapbly op [ H
14O0 Farnnm Street , Omnho.Ncb. .
We tii'entlll o./V' ' ' / / / tltcyreulestlmr-
w offered in thin r/fi/or the west.
Our stwlf is at lr \ je and complete
as ana you can find , and we ynai--
antcc jtrlcen atvay below all com
ire /
Ofallaradcfi and make , incliiilinij
Lace , Turcoman , Chenille , Irish
1'olnt , etc , , etc.
OUR RUG Department
Knes TarkisJi , Swyriila , Ker-
raclt , lii'iH-selH , A.nn luster , etc. , at
prices lower than the lowest.
And flftures , Oil Cloths , Mattinys ,
LlncHlenms , etc. A largo line of
HHkand Mohair I'ln hes and Up-
holstcritjonds ; Kasn Chairs. Otto
mans , Foot Kc H , etc. , for the hol
iday trade.
Fprclnl AdviTtltemeuls , Bueh as last , To mil
To I inn , For B.ile , To llcmt , Viants , Iloiirdlmr ,
etc , > \ll ) liolnfoitol In this column nt the low
rateof TUN CUNTS IVIl LINK fortho first Inset-
qiind I'lvo Cents Tor Unoforeach Kubsofjuont
Insortlon. I.cavo adveitUomcnts at our olllco
No. U 1'eul btrcet , llroadway , Council
oil HUNT Vine nowi roomi with ueo of
bath room In Iir Woodbury'h Hats , No.
( K)0 ) Illults stio ot. h "II , " Iteo otllcc ,
'OH HUNT-Hurnlsiiud rooms , 818
WANTKD-A boy with pony to carry lice
route , _
"fj Oll 8AM-Old papers for'ealo ht the Hoe
_ ollico. _ _ _
WANTED Parties Intciiillnw lo bo mairled
are wantoil too ill nt , the I'rjnr'u lice job
ollice to Eelcct their v.eddlncaul ; .
JiMirnali , C'ounly und
Ilunli Wor2c or All Kinds uHpec-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Kverct Block , Council Blulls.
Standard Papers Used. All btyles of bind
ing in Mugailnus and
C. II. National Hank , il , K. BiFilth & Co. ,
CltizeiiR' Uaiik. Dctre. WolU Ac Co ,
iret NmlonkJ ItunV , O. II. In'iirrxnoe ( Xj. ,
olliterii t'uaey.Uauiurj.O.ll tuviu d
jyine Jfunylntf Lamps , House Far-
nlshiny douds , e'.c.
Xo , aat cO .Vtf5 Jlroudivau.
Dliililhcrla l - . .
( Ion. Ten jours' trlalof Dlt. THOa. .
lU'.MKDV lor tlnit fntul ini'linly lias ileiuon-
el rated the fuot that It K Intnllllilu nh u i rovcnt-
Iveiinilcum. If jnii iiornilt join ciillilren to
die uitli illphtlioiiii , "Tlu.'h' Ulooil lie upon your
litnd. " Tor ' ale only nt thoonico. No I
bill sticct , Council nfurj-f , In. , or sent
on receipt of ( irlco. f2.
From thu Unuihu lk > o :
Mr. .1. II. Hutk-r. of Hazel Doll.l'ottnwaltamle
Co. , Iowa , and Ins family ot eleven porfons ,
M ri o all Mck with iimllirnant illiihthcrln. K\cry
oneolthum has rutaiuioil bv tlio HBO of Dr.
Jcllorlh' I'iniiintlxci mill Cure lor Ulplitlicrln ,
without tlic , ' Hid at u iihyflcliiM.
C. II. UhikcMuc ! , of o Hid Cniniihull Btrr-et ,
Oinnhn , who recently lost u l > ritiUlul : nml 1 1-
torcstlii ) ? daughter , IIRCI ! iibout 15 jonrs , liy
.llpbtnoilu , under the troatnient ot ono of tbo
be-t phyMoliins In Onmlmiitcsto Dr. .Iclleris ,
ot tins oily : " Vinir romodyior illiihthuria eiiino
too Into , our itonr daiiuhtcr WHS nvlnn when it
uus roculveil , I urn B.itlsllcd thut bcr llfu votild
hnvo bntii iivitl. Another oiuot onriUlldron
who liiKlllioillpliilioriii , hur throat wns tlllo'l
ili ] wttli tbo putrid ulcerutlon , uo iifnl your
innllclne unil in twelve hours ( Uu dlacHso ne
complotcly subdii'jil. In tbo fnturo wo will
keep your medli-lno At mi times In our houso.
Wo fi'i I thnt It taviid the llfeol ono of our chil
dren. Uonroory tlmnKful to jou. and only
rnyrct that wo did not call on you sooner. "
From the Council llluffn Dully Ulohe :
M. A. Mcl'lku , editor ot tbuUutnbiln ( Ebons-
burK , 1'a. ) rioL'inun , has boon tb < >
IrhMidof Ihocdltorof tlio Gloho for morct than
twenty 70.11 s. and Is known whcrcixor lin Is
known us onr of the bust mon llvlnir. Ills tamily
was raviijred with dlpbthcrlii , anil jricatly ills-
tii'tBPd. Somoof Dr. Ji'lTcrls' Dlphtheiln Cure
was used , nnd the lives of thu n < * t nt his child-
icn suvc'd. Jettors from Mr. Mcl'lko are un
bounded In tholr ( ivprofislmiH or pratltudo for
finding tinno moHUH ot nvoillnu' the ln-s of all
hlfllitilo olios , rive of Mr. Mcl'Iko'B ehlldrim
out ofulKht died fioin dlphtluiila lioforo h had
an oppoi tunlty of uhlnir Dr. JolTcrlit remedy.
Dyspeptic , why live in misery nn.l die in dls-
pair with ctmci-r of the Htomiic-h ? Dr. Thonias
Jelfails cures evnry case of Indl ostlon anil
const Ijiat Ion In n very short time , licet of rof-
I'luiui'H triven. Drppcpala IH llin causa of
ninety pur cent ot ml illsciD-C'd coinlllUins.
1'rlrn JS for two wnpkn ticntmont.
Dr. .li'lfoils' dlphthurla mndliilno IH Infalllblo
for all UnUi > of wiio throats. Indlspcusllile In
pillildKOio throat. In mnlltrnant warlot fuxrr ,
cliatiKliitflt In < HIOIII. | | I ) tlinliii'li' ! ] foi in. Infal-
Illilo cure lor all Inilammatorv , uleeratlvc , put
rid. canrcroim ulcoratlon of the womb tin ! all
uitiiiihal eondltluns.
1'ull pilnti'd InatriictloiiB liow to ute tlioiuuill.
cine.s MIIU with them. No doctor roqulred.
Ur .lelTerla' nimodliw ciin only Uo ohtitlnud at
hlB ollice , No. ! South IJIuhtli street , Council
IlltitfB , ] ouuor Bent sy express on receipt of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iq H\o \ following Companies ;
German American , of Hew Yvik
Plmnti , ' at Hartfotit ,
Hatlfotd , * of Hattfcid ,
Califotnlan. of San Francltco ,
Scottlt.ll Union A National , cf fiilnouig.
Union , of San fiancllco.
State. * of Dei Malnet.
Wllllamsbury City. ' of Brooklyn.
Thost marked with a * Intuie also nyalmt loss by
V'lnJ btorms. Cyclones anil Jornadtxi
ONKY LOANED ox noon env
* " * " '
* * * *
All Work Guaranteed to Give Satis
Wo hn Drss3S ;
InllieLa'cslSty'o , , v Kto $7 $
'sikaidYuet ! (
Dresses to OrJer ,
None but experienced baiuU emplovcd.
Out of town ord rs solicited. Refers to
those who bfcve hade \ \ , done.
Mrs , L , Simmons ,
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. its "minj ; a $5 hat or bonnet , one fate
\\ill be paid ; ijlo , loutul I rip.
No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Parisian Mil.insry Co. , Manager.
18 N. Mn'n st , Council UlulP , la. , and 20 ! )
S. loth st , loom 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Mnnufiicttnor'Bgcnlfor the
Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels ,
Plate and Window Class , Show Oases ,
Elevators , ( hand and.iulic , el c.
Justice of the Peace
Office over Amei lean E\pre s.
Horses and Mules
For all burposcs , bought and told , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to sclec
ftom Several pairs of fine diivers , sin
gle or double ,
Council Ulull's.
No. 13 Pearl St , Council Bluffs.
House , sign and decoiative painter. Papier
Machc wall ornaments.
None but best hands employed and chaigeb
reasonab c.
Practice in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 ShiiKtrt-cno : ] ! Ulo'ilc. Q
Star Sale Stables and Mule Mi
Opposite Dummy Depot.
QHorscs and innlcK kojit constantly nn
hand , for sale at retail or in uir : loads.Or-
durs promptly Illlcd by contract on short
milieu. .Stock hold on coininiHslon.
Huurme & : , l'ioprlo is ,
Toh-pliotn- . 114.
Fonnurly of Kfil Sale Stiiblcs , corner
1st live and -Itli street.
B. KICS , M. D.t
° r otl-er Tlllinir * reninvnl ullboul
ibn kiillu ordrawlni-of blood.
Orer thiily joais piMLtirnlexpcrlence.
No. 11 I'oiirl St. , Coinieil lllutTH.
fWConsultation frie.
I'j ' j |
Fora buyer to jjo u here tne largest Stock
and GiiMtckt Varieties are Kept in anyone
line. Again , if teller h.-.h ICXPICKIKNCKD
ACCOMMCPA uoNh faithful and tiust)1 help
those \\lio \ Mwll be agreeably fcnrd ,
and if fcellcrgftcs n i.u weights and >
nres , jou ha\e ilneiexcellent icasons for
patroni/ing such a fit in.
Fuel consumers ought tlicro'ore to buy of
No G2HIioadn.iy ! , Couutil DluflV.
Telephone 110.
In : hocity tan bn btnntu > i by piitronliifctbe
( MM
Ut.unrll JMuffi
{ JKO , W. KUllIXDKI'K ,
Non < > hut uxprricnt'Od hands
Out of town orders by nml i r
licitcd , and all work Warranted.
_ _ .7t'/Mf . , t.VPIKMEXT. < .
Agricultural Implements , Bu&iu , , rto. Council Illnffs. town.
Mniiufacturprsof nnd Dralrraln
Hand ani Pvwer Coin JLell rs ,
Ami ngetionil line of flr t ola s aerloultutal
Implement- " .
Kos. 1501,1W , IStH Rtid 15)7 South M ln Slr t ,
Council HitUT % lei * .
Manuf'rs nn 1 Jobtinr * of
flgrlcultaral Iinplements.Wagons . , Busies ,
fViri l jo . and nil klmU of K rm Mixohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Main Street , CounoU Ulul/n
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Cloths , Curtain Futures , trphoUtotr flee
Kto. No , 406 llroadwny Council Hluff *
PKHK(50Y ( & MOOKE ,
Wholonlo Jobbnig In th
Finest Brands of Clears , Tobacco A PIjJM
NOB. rs.Miiln anil .T I'OKI ! Sts. Council Ulufi
loirn. * 1
frail and Prodnce Commission Merchant
Xo. Hl'oitl 8t , Council MltlCfs.
11AHLK , HAAS * CO. .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , .
1 PnmlHi-1. lUo. No. 12 Miiln St. , nnl
No. Ul 1'ciiil St. , Online ! ! HlulTs
( ) . W. HUTTS ,
Wholesale California FmiU a Speclalt/
Go no nil Comml'Mon. Nn. 51) ) llr ndwur ,
Comic ! ) lllmT * .
Wholesale1 Fruits , Confectionery ,
Nim. l ( > iiiitl 18 1'oail t. . Council
JI.Miii'fuMuicis of mi'l Whole-Vila Doilorjli
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No K > M.tln ? t. . Cuiniiill lllutj , low * .
j's. inc.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps Mil Gtovas.
NOE. III ! nnil all nioiilwiiv , CoTiCil Itl.i'M. .
Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware , m
And Wood Stock , Council iilulfi , Iowa.
Wbnlcbnlo Donlcr * In
Illuminating & Lubricathj oil : Ganllu
ETO. , E3TO.
E.Theodore , Aeont , Council UluTs. Iowa.
! ! ; ; ; ; ! ! ? WLIKO KTC.
A. OVKIITON ( te CO. .
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pilla-
< kn < ll > rfi"a9 > Inteilal Special ! lns\Vliolo ne ! Lumber
' Ollleo No. I3J Main 8t
ber of m > rU'lj8Ollleo ,
Coun. , ! ! Uluirs. Jown.
Imported and Domestic Wiuai & Liquors
for St. Cotllmni'fl Ilorb lllttou. No. II
Council DIulTd
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ac ( . 'W ' .WiiOi St. , Council U'.uffa. '
W ! oKsalo Liqu r Dealers ,
No. 416 llroadwny , Council Illuffs
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , ,
AtW.S llcmur & Co'a. No. 38Mnin st
Council Hlufls ,
The only hotel in Council I ! lull' ' , having
And nil nio em improvements.
210 , ii7 unil S1U Main st.
Tbocnly petfuct aubstltuto ( or IMnthni'i
"L11 ! ! Inyaluulilo in Chnlera Infantum
ntl loethlnr. . A pr .dlt : * iert rood for Dyn-
naptlcs , Con urnntlvn , convalescent * .
I'urrrct ojtrlont In ull WaatlnK ll oiR i.
llcqulrei ) : no cofjkln Our JiunV. Tna Care
and Fnecllne or Inf.intx , inrllvd Iron.
PUUMQB. ( KJOIIALU U CO. . noctoa. *
nrt rrlruaoit i.
rlilii. ! " ffcirUir" Iliillurliialiil
CINCINNATI. 11. rt. A.
-E HIHSUIINC -.r.v , - :
. , . . . . . .
t MM * < I h.MMrf . < I M. . "
" ' " .1. , . . -i-- . .i
* ' * - " . - ; t1 * V C * * tt . .I
. .
. , , . . . , .
i MM. I M ' MiM..r
TRADE MARK U.l- . . , . .l . , I-M H" . . . -
' , „ - : ; . - ' . : , " , ' : rrzffavo./ii . /
liintrf. . j .iiiifi .
. . , . .
IU > > II I I. ! > . < . . 3UI ASUM' ; . H.i.
iT.JflltlJ I'VriRIIH. TIcCiT'tttSrriria
ill : II lit , Uu' rr I in imp ! *
Ml llacl- ul I. il' ' O < - ' 'iliiUainn
) i , ' . U , UkUitAL Ltfi. .