Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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renvs or < uii cntrTioV !
t fly ( Mnrni.iir V'xiltlon ) Including Similar
Bur. , ( ) n Your . . . . . . 4. . . (100)
ForBlt.MontlH . . . . . . Bill
For Thtfo Mentis . SOI
Die Otimlm Hmulny llKfi , innllod to nny
< Iilic < s , One Ytnr. - . . . .4. Sou
v tu nrrtrr , ASH Ml FnfA i Prnrrr.
IOHK omrn. HOOM c , TIIIIII'VK lirn.msn.
OFFICE , PouHTeesTiiSTiifci.r.
All communlcntinns relating t" news mn1odl
torlnt iriRlo" ( l ] ( > uM bo nddiussuil to tliu Kill-
All hiKltir ; s letters ntnl t-rmlttnnep should bo
iMiltTKicil to TUB linn I'UiiMsuiMt COMPANY ,
OttAllA. Drafts , rtiocks nnil po'toHIco oriloM
to bo innile jin > ublo to the onltrof the company ,
m BEE poBiisHiNTcipm , Ffiopmtions ,
K. ItOSEWATF.n. EniTon.
Hworn Statement of Clrcttlntlon ,
Htntc of Nebraska , ) , ,
County of Douglas , f
OPO. It. T7 c.huek , secretary of The Hee
1'ubllshlng company , does solemnly swear
that the ncttinl circulation of the Dally llco
for tlio week ending Nov. 1th , 1SSO , was ns
follows : 13OTO
Hunilnv. : il uuwo
jMondny. Nov. l in.700
TtieMlav. 3 l'J.Sin
Wednesday , a 16,400
Thursday , 4 10,170
Friday , b 13.W5
Average 14.037
Sworn to and subscribed In my piesenco
this Oth day of November , A , D. , ISSfi.
N. P. FKtr. ,
[ SKAL ] Notary 1'ubllc.
( Jco. U. T/schuck , being first duly swoin ,
deposes mid says that ho it secretary nf tlio
Jieo Publishing company , that the actual nv-
< > raeo dally circulation of tliu D.tllv HUP lor
the month ot Janiimy , IBbfi , wns U > . ! t.8 copies ,
for Fubrunrv. " 18-Mi , lUBU."i , copies ; for Mnich ,
1880 , ll.Ktf"copies ; lor April , 1SSO , 13,101
copies : for May. IKSfl. 1J.4. ! , ! copies ; for June ,
185 , 12,2518 copies : for July , IbN ) , VJ.itU copies ;
for Aiiciist , 18.sO , 13,404 coplesfnr ; September.
1SSO , l,00copies. ! ) : ! Guo. 1) ) . T/.scittH'K.
Subscribed and swoin tobefoin mo thls2d
day of October , A. I ) . , 1880. N. P. Fun. .
( SEA hi Notary 1'ubllc.
Contents of the Suntlny HOP.
' 1. Nowlork Herald '
1'ago Cablpgraui'--
Specials to tliu Uii : : . General Tclogmplilc
Page 3. Tcleeinphlc News. City News.
Pnt-e 3. Special Advertisements. General
nnrt Local Maikets.
Pauo 4. Kdltorlals. Political Points.
Press Comments. Sunday ( Josslp. The
Diamond Campaign , by Henry Chndwlck.
Page 5. Lincoln News. Miscellany. Ad
Page 0. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany.
Pngo 7. Paying Off Urldnl Debts.-The
Week In Society.
Page 8. Uencral City News. Local Ad
Pngo 0. Hobbies ot thn Gothnni Girls , by
Clara Hollo. ( Sonera ! HaUcau's Letter.
Scandinavian Politics , by a Member of the
Storthing. True Klotnience. Astonishing
the Indians.
Page I" . Adventures of Major North , by
Alfred SoreiiMin. Woman at Work and
3'Iay. Sam Small's Watch. What Man is
Composed Of.
Pftire 11. Among the AVIts nnd Wags.
Ilonoyfor the Ladies. Conmiblalitles. Ito-
Jiglous. Kdncntlonal. Impieties. Musical
and Dramatic. The Unfoituimto Claimants.
The State of Matrlmonv.
Pace 13. Hints to Homo nulldeis. Ho
Wns Jlnntod to Death. Surprising the Eng
lishman. Hlrnm Weslou's Double. The
Field ot Fair Oaks.
THE cold wave and tliu coal denier
Stand iuwith cucb. other.
ACCOUDINO to the B. & M. organ at
.Lincoln "there will bo no republican cau
cus. " Probably not. There is also a
strong likelihood Unit there will bo no
dcmoerntic caucus.
MR. RANDALL is dancing iu glee over
the dofoatof the free trndcra in his party.
Hut Mr. Randall will not control tliu
next house. Thcro will bo no tariff re
forms on the lines proposed at the Inst
congress by the Pennsylvania advocate
of industrial monopolists.
McSiiA.Nn's election was a bitter pill
for the defunct firm of Hoyd & Miller ,
and the dose doesn't yet sot lirmly on
thuir stomachs. The powerful oilbrts of
llm Herald In tlio canvtiss worn devoted
chlotly toward knifing tlie men who were
> Torkin j hardest to defeat McSlmno's op
ponent. _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ - _ _
CHALLUNGIID to uroduco the evidence
that tliero are onoujzli out and out Van
Wyok men cleotod to control tlio result ,
tbo HIK : points to the returns. The Her
ald has been to busy revising the local
figures day by day since the election thni
It has evidently had no time to ( lav-otu lethe
the IcKlsluttiro outdldo of Io"glis. ? [
A WAsniNa-rojr lU atciTsai-s Postmas
ter General VU may bo called to ac
count for violating the prosidont's civil
* orvlojordor iumakinga political spoooh
jJ'X Iho Iowa campaign. The violation
was palpable , but wo have little faith
1 hat the P. M. 0. will bo required to unswcr
for it. Mr. Cluvuland will draw the line
t Vllas.
WIIKN a labor candidate polls 03,000
votes In a single city , the Intluenoo of
labor as a factor In politics can no longer
bo snuored at. Henry Goorgo's ' great
.vote Is.tlio most significant feature in the
late elections. It moans that aroused
labor lias found a weapon which will
command for her tlio respect of political
parties and the wholonomu dread of lime
nerving politicians.
EVKIIY fire in Omaha calls renewed at
tentlon to the filmsy character of the
buildings constructed. There can bo nc
middle line botwuon the fire proof and tin
< ire trap. Talk about "blow burning
buildings" is worth very httlo. A struct
ire filled with InllammablQ pinu part !
tions , pine lathing , plno stalrwaj-d am
| ) ino woodwork is a lire trap no mallei
what the character of its ouUidu walls.
Tnr. respectful attention of "Dear Mr
Her and others" is called to the following
choice article from the editorial column !
nf the Omaha JfemM : ' 'The Herald doe :
not know that all the democrats eluctut
to the legislature are pledged to oppost
vrohibitlon , except as their party declar < > (
ngninst it in .state convention. Supposi
three or four votes were needed to pas :
11 amendment to oc bubmlltod.'vouldn'ti
bo good political tactic-.s for Iho democrat !
to help force the issim on the ropublicat
imrtyV" The "political tni-tlcs" of tin
democratic benders own liavo been s (
Itoouliar and complicated that Its sug
yjstion as to what would bo good or wha
bad in political tactics is hardly wortl
considering , The anti-prohlDitiouist.
among the democracy will doubtless reai
with pleasure the suggestion funii tin
Hfrald that democratic members vote fo
the submission of prohibition iu order t <
"help force the issue on the republics !
Warty. "
Harvard' * Annlvcrnnry
To-day the litllo oily of
Mass. , whoso chief pride and honor is
the fact that it Is the scat of Harvard uni
versity , is thronged by the alumni of the
college and the distinguished giifst * \\lio
\vill participate to-morrow in the 2SOlh
anniversary of the founding of Harvard.
The cvontis one of far-reaching interest ,
for till over t'io ' land there are men to
whom it will bring cherished memories ,
while to all people who have any concern
for the cause and piojrrcss of education
in this country it will suggest interesting
and instructive reileclions regarding the
vast work and inestimable service that
Harvard has performed. It Is the oldest
of American college , and dottbtlesi do-
iorvcs to bo credited with having done
more for thn cause of education than any
other of our chief institutions of learn
ing. Certainly it can bo claimed for It
that It is not second to any other in the
character of the educators it has sent out
to enlighten the world and extern ! the
principles and precepts which they there
acquired , and equally does it take a fore
most rank with rcipcot lo llio number ,
wortli and tnihtotico of the men whom It
lias given to the professions , to science
and art , to religion , and to politics. It
is a great and grand army of which Har
vard is the alma mater.
It Is to bo said also of Harvard that it
is distinguished in having been the most
progressive of the great American col
leges. It has boon remarked that it is
the youth of Harvard even more than its
ago which makes the coming rolobratiou
an event of national importance. It has
not hesitated to push out in directions
which the traditional conservatism of
the other colleges shunned , and to under
take experiments whleh they had not the
courage to venture , for the most part
with results that justified the action. In
ono important respect it lias set a great
example in becoming avowedly and
actually non-sectarian , while the results
of its policy of elective ro-o.irch have
been so satisfactory that other colleges
are falling into line , giving promise that
in a few years this system will have be
come general. Another distinctive char
acteristic of Harvard is its popular form
of government. Every alumnus of the
academic department becomes , on gain
ing years ot discretion , a factor in the
governing machinery of the university , a
policy which is not favorable to fossiliza-
tion. Still another claim In behalf of
Harvard is the fact that it has never had
recourse to any questionable expe
dients to increase its apparent pros
perity , but in its business management
has always adhered to the highest stand
ards. There was recently some sharp
criticism of tlio class distinctions per
mitted and the favor shown or tlio tolera
tion given to aristocratic pretension and
lavish expenditure among the students ,
but it was sullicieut to call attention to
these faults to have them corrected.
To-morrow the achievements and the
glory of Harvard , which are so much a
part of all that has been accomplished
in this land m the cause of education ,
will be told by orator and poet , and
surely their gilts could not bo moro
worthily employed. Harvard merits all
Iho praise and honor that can be given it.
l < nck of Prensiirc.
Friday evening's hro wa burning vig
orously before tlio water mains tnct tlio
demands of the occasion. At tlio very
outset there was the old complaint of
"lack of pressure. ' ' Fifteen minutes of
precious time was lost before tlio pres
sure was "at full head. " Then the other
extreme was reached in burstcd hose.
The deficiencies of Iho diroet pressure
system wore never more clearly shown.
Omaha defeated the Holly job through
the bitter light made by this paper and
saved herself nearly half a million of
dollars on the contract for the express
purpose of securing reservoir pressure.
Gravitation is called for by our present
contract and an equalized and steady
pressure from water stored on the hills
overlooking the city. From the begin
ning this city lias been given a direct
pressure system. We have been made
dependent upon the pumus on the bottom
rather than on the reservoirs on the hill.
The results are known to allj muddy
water for domcatie use , enormous plumb
ing bills , broken connections nuii.
burstcd mains , trouble at fires
ami general dissatisfaction. It is
J > ! gh time that the water works com
pany should bo made to comply with the
ordinance under which they operate.
They have steadily and persistently violated
lated their contract with the city.
Promises nro no longer par.
Onwliu demands compliance with the
contract. Another main must bo built to
the reservoir. The ridiculous farce ot
pretending to pump water into the btor-
ago reservoir and to distribute It from the
reservoir through tnc same pipe has beqa
pltiyod long enough.
Cracking the Boseg' Whip ,
Dr. George L. Miller , whoso fidelity to
tlio interests of great corporate monopo
lies has boon the condition of his Ilium *
clal success , fools called upon to read the
riot act to prospective democratic members <
bors of tlio Nebraska legislature. He
warns the faithful that nnydemocrat whc
refuses to throw away his vote by sticking
to a democratic candidate for sonatoi
will bo politically ostracised. Chagrined
by the defeat of his old corporation pal
Church Howe , ho fumes and froths aboul
"foul consplracicn" to elont John A. Mo
Shane and hints at "rceimt sales" am1
"meditated treasons , " while ho cracks
the whip of the political bos.s ovoi
the heads of his party associates ,
"Domocratio fidelity" of which Jaj
Gould's biographer and flatterer talks EC
glibly on papnr nnd practices when II
falls into line with his own interests ami
that of the. corporations whioh he hai
served for years , will not prevent a mini
bor of honest democrats from casting
their votes thin winter for Charles H. Var
Wyck. At least twenty democratic members
bors elected against notorious monopoly
tools owe their election to friends of Senator
ator Van \Vyck both in nnd out of the
democratic party. Many of them won
nominated by conventions iu which Gen
crul Van Wyok was named as the ropub
Mean choice nf the delegates assembler
and in which the candidates noiuinatci
pledged thomsolve ? to vote for him Ir
case the election of a domocratio sonatoi
could not be secured. There is about a :
much chance of the election of a demo
cralio senator as there is of Or. Miller securing
curing a * eat in ( Jloveland's cabinet. Tin
democratic inombers of the legislature
numbering less than u third of the tola
membership , will decline-to act ns cat a
paws for the monopolies- aiding iu tin
defeat of Van Wyck nnd the election of n
railroad republican. Dr. Miller may note
the prediction.
Clinnslnjj the GnrrUon * .
The imnending arrival of the Highlit In
fantry , Colonel Kant/ commanding , has
compelled n reorganization of the garri
sons in the department of the Plattc.
Ten additional companies of troops are
lo bo placed where they will do the most
good nnd various changed arc inndo
necessary in consequence. 1'ollowing
out General Crook's old-time policy ,
which has since been made the policy of
the war department nnd of General Sheri
dan , the troops will bo concentrated as as possible at largo posts on lines of
railway and adjacent to the strategic
positions in the dciurtmcnt. The con
rcntratlon of the Sixth infantry at Camp
Douglas mouths ago , made that garrison
ono of the few at which tin entire regi
ment is stationed. Within a few weeks ,
Fort Omaha will follow with the entire
command of the Second infantry , located
ut the barrack ? , and Colonel AVhealon
will have his ontlro olllclal family
around him , ten companies strong. The
increased garrisons resulting from the
accession of Iroons , will bo Omaha , Nio-
brara and Robinson. The Niobrara is
made the headquarters of the Eighth
infantry , and six companies of
that regiment will bo added
to the throe troops of cavalry
now stationed thero. Fort Robinson will
have Iho garrison increased from four to
seven companies as soon as now quarters
can he built for the men. An earnest ef
fort will bo made by our congressional
delegation at the coming session tosccuro
tlio pa xago of Senator Mandorson's bill
appropriating funds for now quarters and
barracks at FerN Robinson and Niobrara.
Should this bo accoinnlishcd each will
doubtless bo made u regimental post , in
accordance with the expressed wishes of
the war department. The policy of con
centration of troops in largo garrisons is
dictated by considerations of economy ind
availability in case of a demand for their
services. The three garrisons named are
all immcdiatol } ' adjacent lo lines of rail
road. One of them , Fort Robinson , is
directly on the railroad. There are no
long hauls by wagon , causing expensive
maintenance of troops and a largo quar
termaster's train. In case of outbreak
nearly three regiments could bo hm'riod
at a moment's notice to the scene of
Aa to Prohibition.
The fatal mistake of a rcmiblican con
vention in yielding to the pressure of im
practical fanatics is shown by a greatly
decreased republican vote throughout
the state. There is scarcely a county
whore republican losses cannot be di
rectly traced to this act of republican
folly. An increase of from thirteen to
fifteen votes in the democratic strength
of the legislature is also chiofiy duo to
this one cause. The foreign born voting
clement were incensed at a * threatened
invasion of their rights. Several thou
sand conservative republicans wore
alarmed at a menace to the material in
terests of the state , and either
secretly voted for the demo
cratic nominees or remained away
from the polls. Had the danger of the
submission of n prohibitory amendment
been generally considered as hnucndfng ,
the revolt would have boon even moro
The republican party gave Nebraska
its high license law with the features of
local option and school maintenance.
The same political organization placed
on our statute books the law makimg
liquor sellers responsible for the aamago
inllicted by their trallic. Combined , the
two laws are as stringent in their prohib
itory features as the one under which
Georgia is now operating. Tnere
is not iv county in the .state to-day whore
u no license stmtimont pi avails
where prohibition cannot bo so-
cured. There is no community ,
whatever tlio sentiment , where a judge
and jury will not mete out the penalties
of a violation of the damage law if tlio of
fense is brought to their attention.
Under such circumstances Statutory
prohibition , which al' ' c-xporienco has
proved to ba impossible of general en
forcement , would boa criminal blunder.
Leaving out of the discussion the damage
lo party , the loss of property interests ,
tlio dangerous invasion of individual
rights , it would bo substilutlnt ; a dead
letter for a living reality. Many republi
cans see this. The democratic party are
pledged against it. Hoth combined wlli
bo strong enough to defeat tliu oll'ort to
put Nebraska in the line \yith groaning
Iowa , bleeding Kau r.s , and ridiculous
Rhode Island , \vhore prohibition does not
prohiblt'trunkonncssbut makes up tor the by stimulating law breaking and in
creasing taxation.
A Blguiflontit Story.
Our telegraph columns yesterday morn
ing contained a special dispatoh from
New York giving an extract from
a Now York Jltmld article in
which the presence of Mr , IHninc ii :
Now York and some peculiar move'
ments of the proprietor nnd managing
editor of the Times of that city , Mr
George Jones and Mr. John Hold , wen
associated as giving color to a report tlin
eflorts had been made to cfiuct n recoil
ciliation between Iho Maine slalcsmai
and the loading mugwump journal of the
country. Although such a report will up
pear incredible to those who are at ul
familiar with the long and bitter untip <
alhy of Iho Times under its present man
ngomcnt to Air. Itlaino , it is possible tc
regard it as not ontiroh without plans !
bility.Vo \ are not anfllciontly familial
with the cause of this hostility to staler
with unquestionable accuracy , but it an-
tedales Iho national republican convon
lion of 1870 and IKU since been persist
ently maintained. One of the most potoni
forces opposing Mr , Hlalno at Cincinnati
in 1870 , where ho received from Col ,
Ingorsoll the title of "Plumed Knight,1
was the antagonism of tlio Now York
Tinits , licforo the convention , when the
prospects of lllulno seemed more thar
brilliant , that paper notified the rcpnbll
can party , with which It was then in fnl
accord , that If he wore nominated I
would oppose his election regardless o
whom the democrats placed in nomina
lion , To emphasize lids antagonism Mr
George Jones appeared in person at Cm
cinnati and made every possible muni
festation of his hostility to Blaine
Again in 1680 the Times renewed its warfare
faro upon the gentleman from Maine
though perhaps leas conspicuously than
before , yet not without effect , while iti
course iu 1884 , in repudiating his nouii
to indicate Iho significance of a reconcil
iation , if that has realjyjiecu sought and
shall lie effected , wliotlcr , the overture
thereto comes from The Titiits people or
from Mr. Hlalno. Tno first suggestion
that gives a Dl.iiislbifity to the story is the
probability that the \ Tics \ managomenl
have grown tired of. , their unenviable ,
and doubtless tinpixJlltable , attitude as
the chief exponents of1 mugwiimplsiu.
It Is not que tionabl6 that iu abandoning
llielr republican allegiance they made a
very considerable pecuniary sacrifice ,
and it is more than probable that it
has been continuous. It practically
left the entire field of metro
politan republican journalism
to the Tribune , nnd the opportunity was
improved by tliu latter paper greatly lo
its financial advantage. There Is reason
to believe that the Tribune never before
enjoyed as great a degree of prosperity
as II has had during the pa t l\v < > years ,
and is now having in increasing volume ,
a part of which the Times management
understand is their loss. Another and
far moro interesting suggestion is tjie
probable fact that Iho political foresight
of the Times discerns Ihc strong promise
of a restoration of the government to re
publican control two years hence , in
whleh event it would bo at a still greater
disadvantage if still out of favor with
that party. A forcible indication of n
desire lo return to in former allegiance
appeared in its great activity and zeal In
supporting Hooscvelt for mayor , In thn
course of which it was of necessity com
pelled to proclaim republican views.
Possibly if tlio rcnomlnation and reelection
tion of Cleveland were reasonably as
sured , tlio Times would feel constrained
to continue- tlio course it has pitr.-ucit
for the past two years , but it sees that the
probabilily of cither of the o ovcnls lak-
Ing place is steadily growing less , while
widespread democratic dlsallection , dem
onstrated in the results of the late election ,
menaces the party with disaster in the
next national campaign. In that ease ,
standing where it now stahds , it would
necessarily share in the ashes of defeat.
It shrewdly prefers to put itself iu posi
tion to partake of the fruits of victory.
Hut why de.stre , as a prerequisite to a
return to its former allegiance , a recon
ciliation with the man it has so long ami
so relentlessly fought ? Is it to be in
ferred that Ihe Times regards Mr. Hlaino
as Hie coming man , against whoso
strength and popularity it will bo useless
to longer battle' 'Not ' necessarily. It
may not deem him to bo even a possi
bility , but as a rceo iiiii d party leader
it is obviously necessary to be al peace
with him as a con.ditip'n to complete
allegiance. Thn Thnts , cannot retract
all that it has said in Iho pasl leu years
in condemnation of Mr. Blaine , but it
can lot him alone , arid Inis is probably
all the cousi Jeralion' ' lie Vould require of
it. Unq uestionably'lhe panaRing editor
of llio Times , who islumped , in llio dis
patch , and the men who write its politi
cal opinions , are In their political sympa
thies and afiilintions republicans , audit
is not unlikely Unit ? tlujy have grown
weary of solf-slultificalion. It would bo
gratifying to. liud tho/2 ; H < v ! buck in line
as a straightforward exponent of rcmib-
hcan principles , aud it would bo a good
thing for that very excellent newspaper.
A Hint from OoFoc.
Mr. Howe is reported as remarking
that the only balm for his harrowed feel
ings is the failure of the editor of the HUE
to secure a seat in the legislaluro. Mr.
Howe is suffering from a bad attack of
political paralysis , and a kindly charity
should throw n veil over his tortures. If
the defeat of the editor of this paper alle
viates them ho is welcome to the prescrip
tion. It will doubtless still further grat
ify him to know that the persistent atten
tion bestowed by Itoscxrator on Ciinrch
Howe's candidacy ws ; rcslon3iui0 solely
for his on lailuro to secmo an election.
The defeat of ono was needed lo purge
Nebraska republicanism. The election
of the other was a matter of trilling
importance compared with it.
There are no shafts rankling iu the
breast of Iho editor of this pupor Locaiiso
lie failed of an election ir. a contest which
buried the republican candidate for con
gress , lost Ucnoral Thayer this county by
eighty votes , and defeated nearly a half
ot the legislative ticket. IIo recognized
fully the uncertainty of the. result before
he entered the canvass , and the outcome
was not surprising. The editor of an in
fluential journal necessarily makes many
personal enemies , and an election brings
them out. It was Daniel DeFoe who m
Iho olden lime incisively remarked :
"If I might give a short hint
to an impartial writer It would be to loll
him his falo. If ho resolved to venture
upon the dangerous precipice of lolling
unbiased truth , let him proclaim war
upon mankind neither to give nor lo
lake quarter. If ho tolls the crimes of
groal men they fall upon him with the
iron ImmU of the law ; if ho tolls them
of virlucs. when they have any , llion the
mob attack him with idandor. Hut if ho
regards trulh lot him expect martyrdom
on both sides , and thun ho may go on
foarles- > . "
TJIK Louisville , Ky , , d Mctgavoa ma
jority for the republican ) candidate for
congress , wherefore the'star-oyed ' god
dess of reform gnaaliclh her teeth and
swearcth vengeance 'gafyist the demo
cratic traitors. fl
, . _ |
The rich Mrs. Hetty Creen , of New Vork ,
has scciirud control of Ulio UJeorgla Central
railroad. She Is woitlr 333,000,000. ,
The richest man In CtjLm. . 1) , Thomas Ter
ry , died recently , worth ; f.W.OOO.OOO. He be
gan life as a peddler , i
John S. Wosby , the cx'-confedcialo , has
cold , tray expressionless eycsand never gets
excited. Ho Is going to lecture at S.'WOa
Professor 1'at Shecdy refois to 1'iofossor
John L. Sullivan In hU patent leather shoes ,
high collars and loud neckties ns > 'ratlie (
nlggeilsh. "
Mr. Dartlett , the American who married
the Uaioness Hnrdett-Coiitls , rides about In
a cairlaze embla/.oiicd with his site's and his
own coat-of-arms ,
Theodora Tilton's daughter Florence resides -
sides In Switzerland and hkt other dniightet
In Chicago. Mrs. TlUon is in a protestnut
convent In Newark.
Miss Davis , daughter of-Mr. John Davls.ot
Washington , it ; reported en gaged to Lord
Churlci Moutaguc , a brother ot Lord Mnn <
devllle , and a son of the duke ot Manches
Uancioft , thehtstoilan. has collected ftnd
claMlllcdall thcmnleiial fur his hlstoiy up
to tl'c ' wnr of the lebelllon. lie hns not done
much lltcrarv work since the death of his
wife , however.
A \Vashinton \ special to the Cincinnati
Commercial tinrette ? nys Kdwln .1. 1'helps ,
minister to Kuclalid , called Cleveland n litth-
late lawer theda\ the latler Was nominated
for picsldiMil ,
Ml s Amy Hewitt , daughter ot Ahum S.
llowltl , will bo mauled .Vo\ember l" > to l > r.
.Inmes ( ) . ( ireon of Kentucky. MM Hewitt
iMlevrlbed ns n dimming girl , btlght , cul
tured and amiable to nil unusual degiee.
.Itiilee Albion W. Touicee , author of "A
Fool's Krraiul , " ha * In Vented a set of liarim
consisting entliely of bias * nnd steel , out of
which ho hopes to make n fortune that will
lelmhurse him tor his lo'-si-s In publishing
the Continent ,
Kx-Ctoveruor Ho idly denies that his pay
ment of the .Mnnulx bonds has wrecked his
fin I line. He snys he Is wottli inoio now than
whun ho was governor ol Ohio , and now that
he Isout ot polities'and beyond the stiikcis
he feels ilch.
Dr. Noyd Cnipenlcr , bi 1mpnl IMpnn. when
Inylng n corner stone recently W'as Invited by
tin1 atchltect to become an "opeintlvo mason"
'for a few minutes. "No , " fa Id he , " 1 cannot
hnnn opeintlve mason1 bull am awoiking
Catpenter. "
Abinm JN Hewitt Is now sixty-four .vonrs
old. lie Is of sllu'lit suture , ot medium
height , and he walks with n ijulck , rnpld ,
jeiky slop. His shoulilcis are slightly
stooped , his chest is natiow , ' nnd he often
goes abend with Ids head down , His inco is
a lie ) \oiitly Intellectual one , nnd It IM eo\eicd
with shoit whlftkcra ot sllveiy whiteness ,
His linlr Is also white aud line In textuio.
Jell Davis Is tepoitcd hv n recent wilier ns
Iu better healtii lids fall than lor n number ot
yeai < . Ills mind Is clear and ho U Incoming
n veiy splilled talker. This Indicates a
chaiiuoliin niaiked deiciee , for , aside Irom
( ] ueuiliiiHiutbnists ( In the newspapers occa-
siouallv. the old man has been Inclined to
mope and nllect nil antipathy to sociability.
He isicpiesented ns hind nt woik on a new
book that ho expects In some way or nnnlher
to nccomiilish what his couledeincy bajonets
Cause for Profound Study.
C/ifrnoi / ) Time * .
Mr. Henry George's 07,000 votes have
plunged the politicians ol' every vailetyinlo
a very piotound study.
llogus butter has to bo stumped nowadays.
What nplty tliccountiy can't hi\e : similar
piotectiun nsaiust bogus statesmanship.
A K\K \ Drop.
Oifoi0o Ilamlilci.
Dr. Marv Walker Is nominated by Texas
Sittings tor the editorship ol the Literary
Life. 1'iom Tyrian pants is a big
"f feel that wu aie rislnir every hour on the
ciest of n great wave , " said Koosevelt on the
eve of election. He's spinwlliig on the beach
i >
Passed Around the Hat.
AVic ( ) r/r / < iii I'femmne.
Proud of her Stntue of Liberty though she
may be , New York must not forget that she
passed mound the hat for money to build the
Seized ly Bvvll'l KCIIIOI-KC.
Dtlmtt I'ire 7'cs .
Twenty vcais ago a Cincinnati man fniled
in business mid paid but 10 percent. Two
weeks ago he paid nil credltois the other 90
percent. , and last week he was seal to an
insane asylum.
Jlatl/ord Tflcaram.
It Is a disgi nco nnd nn outrage that capital
ists in Iho west are permitted to hire a Jot of
armed ratlins called "IMnkcrton men" when
ever they hnvo tioublc with their employes
and desire to play the role of bulldozers.
Ought to be Imitated.
i'lKnfiiiiv C/iirmfclf.
"Daniel ? "
"Yes , sire. "
" 1 noticrt that three mcmbeis of the Ficnch
cabinet have resigned. "
"Yes , sire : 1 noticed that. "
"I think , Daniel , that some French cus
toms could bo veiy profitably I'.riiinted in
this country. " i
Chicago Hnmliler ,
"Tommy , " said the politician sternly to his
ten year old son , "I bought a cnsc of beer iho
dny before yesterday. "
"Did you pa ? " Queried the boy Innocently.
"How nice ! "
"Tommy , " still moio sternly , "don't you
try to deceive your father. Over half thnt
case is gone altoiuly. What did you do with
It' . " '
"Well , pa , " whimpered the boy apologeti
cally , "you see we organi/.ed a foot bail club
ycsteulay. "
"And did that call for the use of beer ? "
"Yes. I wns niniilnc tor oftlcc. "
"Uin-nh-politlcs , ah' . ' Well , that makes
a difference. Did you get It',1"
"Yes. 1 wns elected captain. "
"You were , eh ? Well , see here , Tommy ,
you just take the icfit of that case and see If
you cnn't bo president ot the club. You
have discovered Iho loyal road lo political
advancement , "
The Cry oftlio Dreamer.
. John JiavU O'ltttllv.
I am tired of planning and lolling
in the crowded hlvos of men ;
Heait weary ol buildlnc and spoiling ,
Andflimllinir and ImllUIng n train ,
And 1 loin : for the denr old river ,
Whoto 1 dreamed my vouth away ,
For a diciinier lives forever ,
And n teller dies In a day.
I am Blck of the showy seeming
Of tliu llio that Is half a lie ;
Of the facts lined with scheming
In tliu throng that liuirlf.s l > y.
Fiom the sleepless thought's endenvor
J would go wheio tliu children play ;
For a dicamer lives toievcr ,
And a teller dies In a day.
feel no pride , hut Pity.
For the burdens the rich enduie :
There Is nothing sweet In Iho < ; lty
Hut thn patient lives ol the poor.
Oh , the little hiinils too Hkilllnl
And the child-mind rhoUod with weeds !
The daughter's heart grown willful ,
And the lather's huait that bleeds ,
No. nn ! from the street's rude bustle ,
From tinphlcs of mart and stage ,
I would lly to the woods' low rustle
And the meadow's kindly page ,
Let mo dream as of old by the liver ,
And IMS loved for the dream nlwuy ,
For tlie dreamer lives torever ,
And the teller dlesjn a day.
Tliero was a surprised learn of farm
horses near Springfield , U. , the other
day , when n locomotive spark blow in a
load of unlhroshcd clover they were haul
ing , setting it on liro. The frightened
horses dnsiied madly around and around
the Held , the wind fanning the Humes
into a small conflagration and making
things look something like ' 'hades on
wheels , " to borrow and make classical
the language of a witness of Ihe scene.
Fortumito'y ' the horses broke loose from
the wagon or they might have suffered
Remarkable things are found iu books
sometimes. Hero is a list of a few discov
ered in a Koran lhat was stripped pre
paratory to robindlng by a London
binder the other dny : A lieu , buctle , spi
der , ily , buvcral seeds , gome grains of
corn nnd n myslorious insect , which ao
ono has been yet able to identify ,
"llmv much did yohr campaign co t von1'
a ked a Hrr. reprc enallvo ( of a Potnjlas
county candidate. "Xp.irlj' ft thousand dnl-
Inrs , ' hoieplied. Theolllce to\\ldch he Wai
elected hna only an oidiiiiiiy s.iluy attach
ment. The fnel Is Hint politic * I * a verve * ,
pensive amusement. First comes the onilnj
to .secure the iiomlnnlioii , which < ; oiiietlme < s
miiomiU lo n consldciable stun. Next Is the
reijulnrassessment by khe ceiitial commlllce.
The moment ( hat a man U nnmlnnlcd he U
be et by an ntni } of \\niil politician * and
bummers , \\ltu Inuo been imtienlly waltlnc
foi election to make n stake. Helms to "IK"
most ol tliescnuMi in some wa.\ either with
cash or promises \\hleh must bo Kept
nclnio election dixy. Then he Is besleccd
utth all Kilts nf sub < ciiptlon
impcis. to \\hlcii he Is expected
Locontilbule ; fiom one to ihcdollnis. Kveiy
time he enters a saloon anil he ennnotell
a\old golntr Into siieh plares-he ilnds a
thlislyciowd waltliiR to ( she lilniawnim
welcome nnd woids ol encouinp'iiient. "Set
'em up tin Iho cJowd.Mr. li.irkeeper. " lie says
without a moment's hesitationand a I'i\e dollar
lar bill Is km eked completely out In the lii-t
loiind. At the end of tlio second round the
candidate becomes veiy wenrv , and gener
ally fnlls loeomo to time in the thlid loiiiul.
He seeks flesh air , unit as soon ns he has re-
Knitted his hro.ith hit Is tendy for another
lonnd In nnolhet snloon. As n rale ho teels
r-ompelled to make the com
plete tour. Ills pocket-book Is'
kept open nil tlm tl nn. When election dny
conies It Is completely turned Inside out. lie
hns to pay his woikers ntthe polls f mm live to
ten dnllniscnch ; lie has to" < .ct 'cm np"c\ery
live or ten minutes ; hchnstohliee.xtln livery
UK * , and pay n hundred other expenses that
nrc plied on him uninciclfully. Ho Is the
victim ot n skin Rnmo until the polls close.
The leeches five him no icsl until the last
Miteisdchntllcd. At least T5 percent of the
inono thns expended gees Into the pockets
of the men among whom It Is dKttibiitcd ,
nnd stays theic , notwithstanding the assur
ance ilint they nio to UM > It In the
Inteicst of the candidate. Ajrient many ol
the "woikcis" simply "woik" the candidate
for every cent they cnn " ( meo/o out of him.
This class of workers take numc } Irom both
sides , II they cnn cet it , and do not woik for
either party. Theic nicsomo woikeis , how
ever , who me honest and e.un eveiy cent
paid to thorn. The expenses of a candidate
for an ordinary olllce , however , nm nolhinj ;
commrcd with those of a candidate fur an
linpoituut position.
* #
"Xobody outside of himself will piohnbly
ever know what his election cost John
A. MeShnne , " said a prominent
dcmocintic politician. "Ho waj assessed
52,700 by the central committee. His other
expenses and I icfer now only to legitimate
expenses were very heavy. Von can take It
for ginntcdlhntho paid out aKU'atinanv
thousand dolhrs to the leeches , ward
bummers , nnd bilks , ns well as to his nnny
of workers. You nslc me to "stlmato the cost
of his election. I can't do It. I am at'inid I
wouldn't get the amount large enough. Lean
say the same thing of Howe , who let go of a
big bundle of moncylin thcsnntc way. 1 know
that one candidate on the rcmibllcin state
ticket , who wns sure of election , was assessed
Sr > 00. The assessment was for Howe's bene
fit. Soetc a great many other assess
ments. "
* %
In Kngland the expenses of election arc nil
regulated by law. Parliament iccoini/cs the
fact thai elections mo expensive , and the
amount nny candidate can spend for election
purposes Is limited. The limit Is regulated
by n sliding scale proportioned to the si/.o of
the constituencies. In the lame cities ncnn-
didnto Is permitted to spend 52.1.000 for elec
tion purposes. In smaller cities the sums
tire less. Under the election ci lines net
a full leturn of expenses must hn
made by each candidate , through his agent ,
under oath to the government. In this re
port every cent expended must be accounted
for. In England things nre done on a much
larger scale than in tills country , the qualifi
cations of suffrage rendering It amorodilli-
cult task to find out Iho vote is nnd provldo
them with proper cnmpnUn matoiinland con
trol them at the polls on election dixy. Evciy
condiilnto has an agent , who with a number
of clerks takes full charge oC the campaign
In its tinfluclul dcpaitinent. Ho hlr < u * [ -U |
hoadquarlois for the can uato and dlsbmses
nil inoneiw ? br legitimate expenses. Up to
fho time of the passage of the election criines
act aRiuuchassjJ.jO.OOO liavo boon known to
bo expended in a single parliamentary cam
paign In onu distilct.
THE method of counting votes In Omaha Is
simply outrageous. The definite ru-mlt Is not
known until two or three days after election.
Not a vote Is counted until after the polls are
closed. The New York S3-stciii should ho
adopted In Omaha , nnd wo llnpothntat the
next session of thn Icgislatmc It will ho in-
coipoialed In the Omaha clmiter which need *
several amendments. In New Veil ; . count
Is made of the votes every hour , Snd within
two hours after the chJt'tlim the icsult Is
known all over USD cllv.
* *
Another trouble with the Omaha method is
Iho appointment of Incompetent men and
political pcnsionerr. as jwlgos nnd clerks of
elecllon. The count In the hands of such
persons l.i not only slow but geneiallv Incor-
rerl. Too miu'li cnio cannot heoxoicised In
the elections of the ulciks and judges.
"There seems to be considerable competi
tion here tor one of thn positions of olllciiil
cotiit repoiter , which hits bdeii temporality
filled by tnc Judge , " s.ild a prnmlnnnt Jaw-
yor yestoiday. "Tim man who has leonntly
been appointed to the position , it seems , Is
totally Ignoied by t'io ' undaunted compet
itors , two of whom now hold ollictal appoint
ments hi Judicial district ? of lesser impor
tance ill ttm state , it in B-Ud the judge
will not nppMnt a reporter from another dis
trict under any clic.iiuiitances , and In this he
Is correct. The. Inw providing for official re-
rollers requires the icporttr to live within
the district ot his appointment , and them Is
no reason why its piovlslons should not be
entorced In this respect. At any rate impor
ters of outside districts should not lay Milge
to llio ( at oltioo ot' this dlstncl until they re
sign their own districts. 1 hear that gome of
the lawyer * will look up thh mallei during
tlio imxUciblon of tliu Icglslntuio , "
"After.spending a few days in Chicago
ami walking Its crowded thoroughfori-d , It
totally unfits me for walking the streets ot
Omaha , " mdd a merchant the other day.
"Vou sco , in Chicago the teaniEleis and
drivers of all vehicles mo compelled uy
Inw and tliu police to give way nnd t > e
watchful for the safety of Kdestiiaus , ami
they know better than to violate the luu in
this respect. Why , the other day a man
with a binirle ilg ran against a feubln , giny-
halrcd man at the corner of Fourteenth nnd
I'.iniam , nnd knocked him violently down
upon the granite pavement. The old man
was nn the ( lagging put in across I'mntciuilli
stnH't , nnil hail a light theie , A passer-by
picked the old man up , got his hut lor him ,
and stnrtad linuon ; but he was ditmt and
bruised. Tnodilmcot out of the May at
oncu didn't oven wail to hco Iho old man
picked up. Ho w.-isproluhly afiaid nn otllccr
would airest him , but wlmiewRs the oil'icvr/
Yes , you nre contlniinlly dodjflng vehicles In
the streets of OiiinUn , and it'ti wi o to Undue
tliuip or > ou will bit knocked down like the
Id i mm J have mpiitlnnrd. When wo ant
considering the matter uf imiUng Oiunlfii a
metropolitan city , no take hope and livp on ,
exin-cHn'to ; fii'Ubiioli ordinances passed aud
enforced Dy thn policea * vsIH better protect
tin ; pedestrian. "
The Fields Strewn .With tha Rcninavh of
Wrecked Olttbs.
lll | > poilroiittiiir , GntnbllnK nntt Drink'
JnetUo Cnr c oftho Gnine ' ( lie
Jealousies of Ctubi HID
Vlutoty of Ml. lionls ,
Nr.w YOHK , Nov. ! [ Correspondcneo
of tlio Hii : : . ] Looking over the ground
on whleh the battles of the bascb.tll eilu- :
palgiH have boon fought , nnd cxanimliv ;
the plans and operations of the contest
lug forces in the League and American
arenas , Its plainly observable that lh
same blunders of club management have
characterised the season as liavo hither.i !
prevailed , although not lo the same ex
tent. Hut tlic o errors are n * conspecu-
Otis , almost , as if the experience of tv-
conl years had laught no lessons , co tly
as It has been In a financial point of view
Drunkenness In the ranks 1ms boon toler
ated through the mistaken policy of con
doning such oflcuscs. Tlio evil of "kick-
Ing" by uudl.sclplincd players lias been
permitted , with the consequent rcsull nf
disgraceful disturbances on Iho ball field
when It Is allowed , and there has been
nearly the same amount of undorham !
work in the ftlrugijlo of rival clubs , In
both associations , to secure the services
ol noted players. Moreover , the Bamo
mistaken judgment lias been shown in
the management of club-teams as pre
vailed in tlio earlier days in respect to Iho
continual changes made in the material
of a club team securing the champion
ship season , the natural consequences nf
such a policy being the distancing of the
badly managed clubs in the pennant
race. Witness tlio tail end positions of
Iho Washluglon and lialtimore clubs in
their respective pennant races. My way
of compensation , however , for these blun
ders of piofusslonal club management
there .stand out in bold relief not only the
record of the splendid exhibition of Hold
ing skill in the champjonshlp contest of
tins .season , together with striking exam
ples of first-class management of club-
teams , but above all a thorough record
for integrity of ilay in the rinks of nil
the professional clubs , north , onst nnd
west of the Southern League district ,
which fully balances all the minor draw
backs of tlit ) past season's caiiipaigns
above referred to ; lor while the preserva
tion of honest play among the tratornity
is the very foundation of the Mieco < s-
ful existence of the whole profess
ional structure , the mistakes of judg
ment in club management only alluets tno
financial prosperity of the organisations
immediately concerned. The only draw
back to a ercditab'o record of the whole
base ball campaign of 1S8G is that a min
ority of the clubs of the Southern longuo
failed to follow the lead of the Northern
longuo in barring out that curse of all
sports , noil-selling and pool-gambling.
A costly lesson haw been taught to them ,
however , in the form of a financial dis
aster , ami next year they will doubtless
profit by it.
One result of the final scries of the
championship games of the season ,
played at Chicago and St. Louis in Octo
ber , between the League club of Chicago ,
mid tlio American club of St. Louis , was
that the vietory scored by the St. Louis
club gave the lie to thoslauderonr charge
of "hippodoniing" made by the gamblers
of the two cities. The absurdity ot the
charge was shown in the fact that the
gate receipts of the series of six games
went to the winning club , leaving out the
risk involved in the loss of a single game ,
The Chicago defeat of the St. Louis club
in the lir-il game of the seriei was easily
to bo accounted for , on the basis not only
of that club's playing on the Chicago
club's grounds , but also from their nervous -
vous anxiety to win. As for the signal de
feat unstained by llio Chicago club the
next day , that was so plainly duo ( the
weak exhibition of witchi by iMcCot-
miok ns to i ; ; * no surprise to those well
posted in base ball matters , his weak
ness being due to his over indulgence in
drinking since the close of Iho regular
campaign , The contest may have lioen
saiii to bo the turning point of the sorlc.s ,
inasmuch as after such a victory the visi
tors were umpired With a degree of con
fidence in thuir ability lo win on their
homo grounds at St. Louis , which
the ultimate issue of the con
test proved to be well fo.U > ' . ' .ed.
Naturally enough , llm Chicago
people feel very aonj ov j. the defcal of
their champioiijj. nj does Mr. Simulding.
the preside of llio club. The latler.
howcivtir , finds much consoling thought
! 7i thn fact tlnit the issue of the contest
entirely upset the theory of "hippodrom-
ing" In connection with the games. The
financial result was the receipt of $111,010
in gate receipts , jtfi.r ! , > ! 5 of whioh was
taken ut Chinago , ami ! ? 7 , 5.5atSt Louis.
Kuoh club paid its own expenses , and the
winning club the expenses of the eorps
of umpires , amounting to $125 each.
Rnui .lone ; ) .
for the &umliu lUc l > \ > Lit II. Cahe.
The annals of the world aio lilled with names
That once have lived upon the lips ot men ;
( leadeiH of the thton s for selfish ends ,
Tlii'ir boon no sooner non than lost again.
To win .1 IhroiH ) nnd ciown , hnrolc souls
Iliuo Illicit the world with wonderaudwlth
blood ;
And by the ruin mid thr woo they wrought ,
They Kiilni'd the jirl/.o , not by eoul-aiivlnir
1'or Kl < > ry , men have hiaved the cannon's
mouth ,
And bue the buiihla fiotn the hand of
diath ;
Or Mingled on through years of civic stuf
To llcklu Ir.iiie , to luio It In a bieath.
Hut thou dost lend the engcr multitudes ,
Not for a dny , noi for tliyf > lf alone ,
IJul for eternity ; lor thee , for them ,
Tlm"ludpIcs > Sorj" ! ami lite crown and
throne ,
One of the most important industries
of the day is the canning trade , and Mary
land ami Cullfoinla are Iho principal
canning status. Maryland alone gives
employment lo 00,0110 persons in cunning
friills'and oyster * , thn estimate being
100,000,009 cans annually The principle
canning in California Is fruit and salmon.
Louisiana , Mississippi and Florida are
also ass-timing some importance in the
canning of pmou.ipliis , orangeo aud sim
ilar products.
It is said Unit the paper furnished under
the now contracts , on which the silver
certificates urn being printed , is of infe
rior quality. Instead of two , there is
bill uiu sill : thread tunning Iho length nf
the bill , nnd thnro are no scattered silk
threads to bo i.e-jn. An export saye thai
II will not wear well.
Gold dollars nresaid to bring.apremium
of liO emits in Philadelphia because of
the largo number made into bangles.
nid d by tnu fact tlmtonly u few thousand
of them are coined each year ,
i - -
The wheat crop of Kuusiu ia reported to
be u failure this year.