Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMHER 7 , 1880TWELVE PAGES. . I'lirao - ' ) montnir. Hospp. 1.113 liouelun. 393 n IHM : I.nrKO clean towc ! , cheap. Omnlm Towel Co. , 1517 Jloward at. BAtZ MIBCEZ.X.AZIXOUB. IjOIl SAI.K Sorrel pony , peed Hotter , broke 1 to mlillci. Imiulro In the evening f. li cor. 1'jtli nml 1'iuil. 675 H * \V ATNKD-Oood chambermaid at lie N oth. > > St. 6701 8 * " " poll HAt.K-Ona pnrlor nnd tioilroom millo. 1 two lm o burners nd cook stove , cnli oren on tlmo. 003 N. 15th st. Kit 7 * OH SAI.K-Tcnm of horses. Sclilo ln ? er llros. , Oil 8. 10th et. 638 TTIOIt SAI.K Sorvlcnhlo huetry. In BOOH con JJ dltlon. Apply to Dr. 13. H.'jioITtiinn , Uth nnd .Incksonsts. Kfl 0 . . . . . SAt.K llorfov-Ono pin of mitcheil ilrlvlntr mules I family cnrrlniro horse , 2 1,2 sot of harness. 114 Sloth st. . . l-'urniitiro and le o ot Mvronm FOII.SAI.K part. Call I20J North l7th ! ft r oft , two blocks from Ilcd Car line. KM T7U"1 SAM2 Clionp-fomo hon cheM furnl- J tnro and flno organ , bmuUoino parrot. Win Bt Mary1 * nvo. 4K.C ! _ biiKKy.ono tni | liitirjry cheap , A. llo po. < ln "T < III8KS txita.rarmal.anila inonoy loaned. II Ilomh IBth and Douulas atrceli. 2 ! ' > iort HAMC ( .nriip. iron columns ind win- < low cnps sultahlo for front on brick bit lid- y. Forpnrtlonlnrsapply at Ihlsotnce. HI3 HE1.P. WANTii : At once n woman cook nt I'lalto Valley Ifouso , Anhlund , Nob. OKI1S : > A competent pui > an to do IKIIK.C. WANTii nt i aiSoiitli2Jlli street. 6.V-11 > i i.ii ( iooil iliiiliitrronm ami kllolien WA Klrls nt oncu at Norrls' restauiant , H > Rt , liot. Uodfo ( and DoUKlas. liW.8. ; WANT ! ' . ! ) Dlnlnir room ( fir ) nt the Kmmct house. f' " " _ ANTP.II flood Blrl tnilo llplit linu i'WorU In fniiiilj-of thiee , Call iininodlnlolv at BIO a , llth M. rn'1 } W ANTKI- irlrl Tor | rvncr > il iiommwik In n Rtnnll rnmlly. Inquire nt 'J15 \ \ bunion st. , ( North L'fith ) 61 * 7 ANTKl A irlrl for second work. Appy 600 S. I'lth st. 5IU 7 ANTin-A : ulrl In family of three/Jill t ! II- fornlu St. _ _ ANTKD flood ( -III. 1707CHS8. AV nsj n - : ) - ( ) forffeneral Housework : Herman - man preferred. Mrs. I ) II. Wheelrr , M4 Bouth Utlth st. 4 1 WANTii-A : good Klrl for Kitchen work ; al o , u niirM ) Kirl. Uurinuns proferied. 015 CaBS St. 474 6 ANI'iiI > nily room mate. Hoforcnccs 1410 ( "hlcairo street. M7 _ _ \ \ 7ANTii : Chainbcrmala at 012 KoilBlas. V ? It ; ANTKI ) A dish wnMior nt Miller's Itrstnur- VV inn , loot N loth st. 1 ° : L _ \\ANTii > A Riioilulrlfor ifoncrnl house' IT work In fiuiilly of two. Kofcroneos ro , quired. Apply to Mrs. W. It Annln , U ) " Shop man live , hoiul of Clark stioot : t5 ! I.nly of line tusto to assist In copying business , can Tiirkat homo If preferred : permanent work , iroud I"1no ser vants wanted. Hours 10 to 5. Art Copying llooins,3.-JN.10tb St. )0 ) MALI : UELP. W ANTKI ) An experienced nhoo taloimnn None other need npiily l'niiit'Btloinilile | reference roonlrod. CIiicnKO lliunnln Shoo Co. , lillS DoilKhis street. 7-lt > A linker Apply at Pumiders st. WANTKI Hnki-ry , 141(1 ( Saunders st. H2.V7 * ANTKI ) A dollvory clork. Ilefon-nces re t ' W ' quired. Cull nt oneo. II. W. Spnuldluir , 'I cor. Li'iivenworth nml Park nve. KJS ) 7 ANTKI Experienced stock-keeper lit yv MlslltClotliliw parlor. eifl B T-r'ANTl'i > A inlddlo-nircd man for Konoral V > llirht work. Callat 100'J N. 20th sU after 5 p. m. ; n Kood homo for the winter. 531 " * i A NTIID TravclTiiK FaT sman for nholo- V halo li-its and caps for I8S-for now Omiihii hoiifo newly oifc'iinUfd. Address S. 44 lleo ollice. 5M 7 * rANTKD Kxpcrloncoi. sohcltois at once. \ \ Address ( i. II. Drown , 317 south 13th 627 C V7ANTfc.ljrontj with good nppimrnncos V > for u mnvurtlflucun ; miiKo ? 5 to $8 a dny. Cilll nt 1131 8 11th ht. TO ! W INTKU Tiimors , Rt Whitman Ac Scovlllo , ! IIU N. Iflthst. MIC \l7ANTin ] : AKBtits to cimviiss for nn elo- V uiint nnw hot of Christinas books In No- brankn. Bolls from Wo to $ .1.00. Ono nulv re ports h9 orders Inst woek. Address nt otico. J. M. French & Co. , lit lliishinnn block , Oiniihn. VX7ANTKU A No. 1 collar liniiil nnd I ' ' puukliiKhoiiao linnds , nt Sliouly' lioutie. 517 A HUNTS In the city or country cnn mukof5 to $10 n dny sullinv our Bporlnltics. N. W. Novelty coinpnn > . U1I7 Kurniim t t. .177 T.T rANTUD-Aii orpoilcnccd mtllcor. South T > Oiniilin iliiuy. Apply nt Slonno * Hnxo ere , Soutli Oinnfin. 580 M * ) A man to take euro of n cow Apply t * ) MIH. Klnit- n'.un , Wl I'loiisniit fi. fctfj 0 * WANTKU-A ( food lioilniCl1' ' " i" | > n wtt . * -0 eiinb. us pnr'nor ; uiin lining U'onl * ' " f ° ! ! M per day to oversee n oiits nml poll C ° "S "l thl.sstHto. AdilruiH , S Id , lleo ollleu. . " | TrANTKD Active , onoririitlo ntjents to In- TT timined the most rnplil M-iK nrttclcs m exlRtouco. Piollts lawn. $5 00 per day and ups - iranlH onslly made , ( I L. Thompson , Mfr. . 221 till IXVO.i , ChlciiKo. 311 0 * rASTUD-lioolc Hitunta , tl'Nulll & Co . pub- V > llshors nml ifi'iiurnl ntreiits lor giibscrlpllon bnoki , box lt'J ) , Oiniilin Nob. IS n U ' - - nml rooKinon for WANI'KU-ToaiiiPti-rH Wyomliirfi jandiir All nmtor'A work. Allbrltflit'i l.nuor Anuuoy , IMS rnrmiin st. ( v\7ANTii : ) AKuiTli-Clirlsiiniis book now > ready Don't delay to send tor circulars and tonns : outtlt r > o. KnurKLtlo I idles cim imiko f JO to VM by Curtaining ! day. Addro'S Nil- tloiiiil Library Assoclntlon , I'JJ Btuto St. . Chi- C-BKO , 111 , : n , fl V/AHTEH. WANTii-'ogtloii : ] | with BOIHO rallioml , lonn or Insiirnnco compnny or biialncsa houcdln the oltyoroiiinlin , HI modnrnto wnirnn , by n joum ; iiiiin of-r > yours , nho has been for ni'iiily tuo years citsldor ot u nnllonnl linnk. nnd hnd otbnr busliiuas oxponeneo. 'Ihe lirst roferonccs idvi'ii. Atldrosi N , L. Tilmblo , Omnlm lloo. 6.17.7 * " \X7.\NTKD Iiiiiiinilli-toly by u inlildlo nued , T > iiicatod | Indy ol dlsuietlou , n position In quiet fiiRilly , HH nhsiHtniit In ciro ol tioueo nnd fmnlly fowlnjr. Wiu-os not no much of AII ob Jci't ns n couifortnble lioiuo. Address S , M lloo ollh-e. BID , S * TtrANTl'iHliimllon : ns dry woods clerk by VT I.iuly of 3 yeura'oxpcrluuro Good rofor- eiicr . Address 8. 64 , lleo ollleu. iciO , 111 * WANTl'n : robltion us c'uslilor or iilnro of Iriibl by Hyount ; Inrty from Now Vorlt. Four yenra' iiiperionco. llost reforoucos. Or coinpimloit , M. U K. 10 , n. e , cor. 1Mb & | ) I IKO , B17.7 * \\rANTI I ) fltimtlon by 2 eolored trlrlg , cook TT mid socoiul K'rl or laundress , Call lor 3 dnjf utdlU Wtilnut Htreet. ItiV 7 * W A ST1 > ; | | Position lij JOIHIJ ? duly KSH8- Mstmit book keet'cr , copjrlet or otlico work , liood rflft-ronce , AiMlofs * , 52 llreonico. ! ! j" _ \\J VNITO \ widow luily about 35 yonrsof > tviro , without n fnniily deiilres n slluntlon R bookkeeper or some other suitable employ ment. Address M , A. Itybom , cm o John Led- wlcli , Ji'OI 11 o\uu.I . St t > . J \\rANTKD linmo-lliitiily , by n middlo-nted , TT uilucniu-l Indyof dis-crdtlon , a position In iiiii | > t familyan usslt-tiint luoiiroor hoiitinind fmnlly scrliiu.Vuyus not tin much un oblret 9 H tomlortnble home. Addicts 8. M , HOL- cllicu. _ 0 lU-b' \\rANTRD-A vointnUiiiit ami oxpcrlcncod TT hlciioirrapliurmid typowritBr dcsnosn po- citlon. Siiliuj17VIII turutjli luiichiiio. Ad- diessS. I * Ilvo oHIcu. S7U 7 * W.V\TICI > Situation byuounir ir.nil , will- Inv to do any ililntr. licet of ruTou-iires. Addies S 4t ! , Uoc'olllue. 67i ? \\7.\NTiil : Bltuntlon by yoiinir mirrlcil , T man , wililiu until most unyiliuii ; . has 6 ycnib' o\u-riiii'io ns clork. references fur- nUHi'd. Addiont h 10 , i" > 5 C' \\rANT : i-A ) position as hoiuoKuopcr by T > liuly of u iorlciu' . Addroti S 40. lieu glBce. 4SU ' \l i ANTKI ) Sltiiatlon. II- 11 muirlnd man T > He clerk , ua. < i iuut book kruprr or collect or ll tof rofriicnccs fitrc' ! : va. A'ldiosaS W , lieu ollice. - 4VJ ( < riJ Drc smiO < lnr ( to do In famlllcK. Inqnlroot Ml l Jacot > aon.SO ! tnrnpy Mrt-vt. 41t 7 * MX8CEI.I.AWEOU3 WASTS. ANTliTl To buy 7ioiif7 niil lot Infill pnrtiof the city. ( Into City Itonl r.stnto Co , IS.O Douglas. 0.7.7. \\ANTii ; > to liny onn timro of ctock In "V OiiiiilialiO'ii-ilof trnilc. $ . A. Sloinnn.lJlS 'nrntimst. 071 \\rAjn < liTF J"riTicJr ( ? * "jfenfTTo loirn tele- > > prnpliy l'ro | 'i' ' < t loin ! for poMtlon when competent : address W. J. I ) . , Itoom 1 , Crounso ilk.Oinnlm. 137 WANTii : To liny nny niul every lot ( lint cnn lie Imd for rt luirKitln. I'nrtle * wiMi- MK to cpllliu sure niul cull tinileeoii licfon sell- intt. Onto City llcul 1 slate Co. , 13-.M DoiiRlns. JS7.7 _ _ _ \\rAM-HI ) I.mly. middle nuc.niid two jonnif men to loiirn ioo'Voeplti ) ' | ? . Situations J. 11. Snillli , Ifalil lliicniro St. M5 7' \lfANTit-A : tnnn linlilnir po l'on ! n ppclnl ' ' Apt. Insurance , n pntii < ir liip In llriil K < s- tntunnd liHiinuico oillco. llolorcnco A I. Ad dress for 10 tliiyi" , C'urson , llnulslmu' , Ncli. 5G3-G * Al'ANrKO .V ) tiicn to cnt biie'cwlio-it ' cakei T nnd nmp'o ' - < yrup oventnoinlii'snt NorrlV ItcMiitiKiiit , lith ; St l > ol. D.i.Itro mid DoOKliiR. StrnlKht tjom-.l per uccKf.r ! : > ; -I ineiil ticutls , M w. sort. A'NTr.D-Stock of dry pooil , clotldiii : mid coins' fimihlilnir trim. In or boots inul sluios In I'xt'liniiRU r < ir Oitinlm real estate. Sslilesln- pur IIii9. , Clt 8. Ifltli at. fi'O 8 _ \ ANTiF : ) To purchase. a prlviito bunk in town in Nolrniska or Kaiisiin. ( ilvo pmtlciilar * niul uddruss James Sutherland , Nortli 1'littte , Noli. _ r'n0llL WANTii-20)ioOyii"d9ordlrt : ) ( ntt Innil next west ot Crelxhton College , llojrB-i llill. WANTI5D To buy or rent chonp n irood No. - ItoinliiKton Type-writer. Ad lnA. . H . llotCiI.elty. _ li"-1 * fl RENT HOUUES AND X.OTB. TOH iloru with i-ollnr RtvU J ? room" , ' > 1 * > rniiilinr street. Apply to 1) . 11. Smeiiloii , cor. lltb niul Hartley , wltli Tootle , Mnul i. Co. C.TI " " pOK liNT-SloTo : lninilliiir aasW , with rt rooim rnriilidied ubovo , mi " 4tli iinrl iluson Sis. K ) per month. A. 1 * . Tnkoy , iW4 : I'lirniim 5 1 _ i 17 ) IC TfilNTVuriilsTioMmuso nt 111) ) I'ur- oJ iiiuii sl.uso ; of turiilturc tnUi-n In board. Foil UKNT-D-ronm homo ; teiinsSM per iiiiinth. Inquire north lutli st , bet Klin iiiul C < Milro. fi-H " m IlKNl'-KctlilciKoNo. I'UJ rnrniun sT7 , II room * , nil inodurn Improveiiioms. Itrni , ? 7"i per month , L-arpiMB mid furniture for fiile. Apply 8. A. Sloimin. I'dI'linnim st. _ _ _ -T-H _ TpOK IUNT-l.nn-'olioino with moilorn 1m- JO pioyemciits."Jib mid I'Mimm sts. A. 1' TuU-y , l.TOI Piiriiittn st. WM _ F OH HUNT llousoof ten rooiup , with burn , 1M28 Mh . IjVHl KKNT bO ncros nljolnlnc ; city nort'l- wrM.Hiiltnlilo for diury or market irimlon. Apply to Thco. Williams , Hue Olllee , U14 Fur- mini. ys _ FOK KKNT 5 room lioii'c , 8. e. corner 17th nnd Dorens. 4'J. ) i < * F OK ItKNT H ) ncro fnrin , with KOOI ! bufld- inuf , ncnr city , nil uiidor cultivation. Sellleslnitor llros. . iiH S. 10th - > t. f > )3 .S FOH URNT Kor n torin o f yours , n biisoinnnt nearly VlxtW , airy nnd well llphtoil , ntor nnd KIH : Hiiltiiblo for Ilirl.t mnmifat.'tiirliitr , luiiiidrv.clo : loontod on ono of tlio bestbu-i- ncsqstreotfl in the city , ii.-nr poatolllco. Ad dress Sii" . , Hoe ollk'o ifci'.l ( I OK KK.ST Sloro iiS.xW , lllii Jnclisoii St. , 7W FOKKKVP Six room hou e , UTth Ht. , noith of DodKC. Kiuitllro J. T.VIllirow , lilt I Hill noy si 7W FOH Itn.NT Now 8-room house , all modern iiiiprinmnents. on Mlclilirun st. , north end Catherine Bt ; 5.W month. 1 , Coltrln. nlS Park nvo. IJ''G ' ' fi * FOH HUNT Kl ( > ven room hou o cor 21st nnd Lonvenworth st. Two blocks from street car. Apply to llarkn & ltirkalo\v : , Uouirliisst or W. U. Annln , Itcoollleq. < vr- _ FOIIIIKNT KIcKiint 10 room rosulenco on Fnrnnn , Rt. nil modern Improvomcnts , fur- nltiiro nnd cnrpotfor nlo : nil now ; inn com pelled to lvo up on nccount ot Illness. Ad " , llooomco. 51J ! _ HKNT-Storo Biiltnblo for Hogtuurant , ; . Peterson. r,78 FOK ItKNT fiOlotHfln the Kelt It It In Oak Chnlliam , just south of the Rirnto n school house. These lots can be rented for 1U years on reasonable termi. John 1 .Itedlck. ; t"l N 7 roa KB JIT BOOMS. F OK KKNT-Furnlshcd room. filO N. (118 ( F ItKNT Two nicely furnished rooms. P suitable tor 2or3 t-'cntlotncn. Ixivcly loca tion with every modern lmirovcmcnt. ] 1415 Jones street. 1- . ) Foil ItKNT Nowlv pln-terml riioms , very eomlortnble. Central and with.overj con- venlenca. W. S. Scmoy , 111 Houth 14 btreiit. U.4,8 FOH KKNT Pleasant fnrnl-diefl nnil tinfiir nlhhod rooms with use of Lath. 1H10 Web ster stieet. 1'iJl 12 * FOH KKNT Sunny , cheerful room , with board , nto of pinno and bnth. I'lcutiint home. Terms reasonable. 535 1'lonsint stinot 6J3 13' _ FOH HUNT Newly furnished rooms In new house. Modern conveniences , at 1921 Dodge street. 838 K Ir\OH \ KKNT Ono furnished Iront loomant 1 clo < ot , snltaolo for 1 or 2 uontloiiiun. f. W , cor. d and Lcavouworlh. O''b 12 * FOH KKNT Two or three unlurnlshci rooms. 1C09 Howard. 012-8' FtJi ? 'IKNT I'nrnli-lioil room > vlth elo < nt nun glove , nt 417 N , Htli , bet Clilcago nn Cuss bts glJ | > o"lt KKNT Nk-riy furnlshod front loom 17 1 with use ol pin lor and bnth , for one or two gentlemen , at (15 per inontn , 1'll'J ' Howniil st. Foil KKNT Three unfiiriilBhed rooms , pult ublo for IlKht liom-oUcoiilriK , to n family nil' ' out children , also two busomcut rooms lit ! N 17th at. C.I7 FOH HUNT -I'leasant inrnlnhod'rooniH wltli board , eouthoast cor. Ifitli and Howard gts , & 3I tl FOll HUNT 3 rooms and a kitchen $17 per month. Inquire Itntchur shop cor. Saun- deiaaud _ _ _ poll HUNT Lame olcKHntly furnished room 1 with closet at 823 a ICtli st. 1 * lj < Oll HUNT Furnlshod rooms with board L' ! U34 Wohstor St.reference required. 84:1.7 : * FOH HIsNT Hooms , siimlo or en enlto , In newly furnished house ; bo.ird can bo had next door. Ill S. 18th St. , near Dodiro. 5011) ) ' I.-'OH KKNT Lariro llbt of furni hoil rooms. 1 Mont deslrablo neighborhood ) * . Keys , real i and icntliik'a i.'iioy. IStb mid DOIIK over linymoiid's Jewelry sloro. 571 b * 1r OU HUNT Two ulcRiintly furnished roomb . in liouso with all modern Impiovcinents borne comforts. b07 N. 17th vt UJ7 ' . ' fTIOH IlKNT-SuIto of furnslhcd rooms. J- ' healed , with irai ana bath looms ; Ironi f-5 to l"l"i. Iniituro of Schwartz , the hoe dealer , 410 N , IGth st. , or 40S Kstiilnook block. 00 7 Furnished rooms. ISIo arnoy. ll IliNT-(3ood : , furnlhhod rooms. 311 N JJ st. , bctw ecu llavenport and Chicago fits. Wi 11 * "I71OK HUNT FurilUlind rooms , lor JL1 men , near bualnosa part of city 2011 liar- ney si. C04 fi' F1)H HUNT Lart'O furnlshod trout loom , 8 w . cor. 17th and .laciison ( . flJ ) C F I OH HUNT A nicely fnriilflied Ironi room sultablo lor two , 1UI2 Chirairo s5MJ \ U * TTlOi ; KKNT Two rooms ndjo nine , sullnble JJ furl ) or I tfunlltiucn , vritu Ilut-tlass bonrd ; 18'J Dint st. 5Mi 7 JMiii JIKNT Two rorniTaTulakluliT nTlius S. 1 Utli , near I'leico. r-f'J 7 * "I7HH HUNT NIceTy furnlshod looms Jr. pri- 1vatu fnmlly. All moUurii roiivriiliindus. tiliitflo or in suite r.K ) foulli iTtliSl. 6"1 7 * FOIt ItKNT Furul bci | room chcnpnt 1fi3 | Clncayoat. KM 7 * I7 OH HIINT-Nlcoly fundslifd front room ; tiltablo for one or two . fiitlcmun ; refer eiict-s re-ulroil. ] Cull at i.'IS Cupitol nv D& ! 7 FOK KKNT A luriilfhod room , | 5 -nouih , at COS N , 17th st. fll& b FlifilfiiNT-fuo uTftirnuned rooinl ! fir quire cor. Culdtrtll und ( . 'ump'oell bin Gil 7 * 1OH HKNT-Klcifiintly furnished front J. for one ijrtwo tt'iitleuicn , & blocks Ironi i > oslcllco ! ; bantras , lurmico and bulb. r ) N' . 17th tt. &J9 _ FOH HUNT Nloely furnished parlor and board , suitable for two gentlemen , for $ . "i ) per month for both pnrtlfd. : : W 3. rjt j , cor Si ilarjr nvy C12 7 FOH HENT-Furnlsbei ? front rodin. IPtll J'arnnm. 101 8 "ITIofl HUNT Furnished rooms oonvcnicnt lor JL1 housekeeping N W cor 18th nnd Clark. 35 * FOK HUNT Nicely furnished ronin , iiltnblo lor man and class. Will rent for $10 , f20 and * 4l per month , i inoti Douglas street , 3 < 1 floor. Foil KKNT Newly fnrnlfthcf front parlor bedroom , pus nml flro : nl o Sleuplnif room newly furnished : rout reasonable , i.iill nt 1IJ3 rnriiniiist. 611 8 * ITU ) It KKNT flood , furnished , fiont i"om. J3 no. cor.l t nnd I'lttonpurt. 4.M 0 _ _ | TU > K KKNT SI * nicely furnished 1001111 lit J ] No. 71 N. l"th ! " struct. _ _ _ W' < 17 * _ "IJlOH HUNT Trout office , second lloor ; Ifilh J ? M.I near Fnrn-inr Will rent ouo or two room * . Addt ess S , BO , lleo ofllco. 410 T OH HIJNT-Kuriilshod room ? , 1030 fit Vt 1 HH HUNT-riiriihhed front room , WI5 Hurt. 17MIH KKNT Nicely fuinlshod rooms nml JL1 hoard , 019 Ninth. St. _ _ f-U V FOH HUN r riirnl ! iutl rooms for Ilirht homo keeping. lleemortlosk , cor sth& llowatd , T.uTrliSk-Blrlnit : nleoly fnriiMhud rooms JL wllh board , rnll AtUl N , I4th street. Day bonrd.SlOJ per week. " " ' " "TTVMt HUNT A nice l.xrKe front elmmbiir. Jl newly furnished , has l furnnuo nnd bnth.Wl St'utlistiiic.irSt. Mrto'sn\o. OH HUNT 'f\uT'InrxVTronl rooms. ioir > DoilKC. noj.7 * i 5olT IlKNF After NcV. 10 , fiirnishrd rooms 1 atil8noith : ir.thst. SIH IS * itTil IHINl' NL-ely furnlfhod front room at r.lfiSontliillth , near St. Mary's iivonuo. 870. lOHHHN I' j'urutshoil room , 18IO I'o life. 253 1 ! R OOM With boanl for two , lillll Cipllol ( nvo. FOll HKVT-I'artor floor for lUht m-iiiilfic- tnrinir purposes. Centrally located. Low rent. 1AJ7 l-'nniniu St. upgtnlm. _ 434 , Poll ItKNT I'ttrnhhril rooms for Bentlo- men. nt Z Ki Diif.jru st. U75 FOH HKNT Nicely filrnl- lied nnd lioifd room KUltnblo lor two ccntlotncu nt liJl : Faiimm t. _ ifc-4 Oil HUNT Fiirtilshcd rooms , fcouthe.iot cor- I " tier "l t mid Wohstor. 41)10 ) * , ' < ll KKS'T Two plcaiant , unfiiriiisiio.1 , ] 1 fiolit rootnto , innn mid wife. I.I81 N. l th street. 4-J3 0 _ _ il HUNT Nlco lar < o f-oiitb front room Ip ' ' with biy ; window , furnishi-d or unlur- iilsliol.cUcap. Apply Ml I'ark nvo. , uornot * Lcavonwortli. W ' Foil 11KNT Nicely fiirnlshcl rooms with boiwl or without. 507S. lull St.4.J4 7 * ip ) K KKNT A l.irjre , cloJtantlfuiiiMie.l ' loom , lor two Kontlcuieii. 1910 Dodao st. F IOlilir.Nr Suite of rooms , with board , 1812 2J I flOIl ItlJVT Lirc front room , irood olllco location. 11.V. . Huntress , lUS : l-'ariiim. : FOHItKNl' FnriiNhcd room lor one or two irentlcmcn : fiirn'.tiiro nuw , loca tion ; Howard St. , bet. Mb anil 'Jth. ; koiith shlc. 421 "IJtOll HUNT A nicely furnlsliol front room J. with ulcovo , to Houtlemoii only , nl No. 18ll Fiirnnin st. " > ' . ) < Foil UK.vr Newly turnlshed room.iiJi ! St , Mary's nve. ail bit ItKNTKle niit fuinlshoil rooms , IIVJ7 lloU'as. ' ] Ko'oionecs rotiilro.l. | 511 FOB BA.I > B Hat73B3 LOTS. T/ilOHPALK-Ily M. L. Hlfffflns & Co. , 15JO Ju Douglas si ll very choice lots In 'Manhattan. i ! very choleo k.ts In Lincoln Place. ; i \ery eholi-e lots In llo > or\olriiild. 3 very elioicu lots In Lowe's First mid. 3 very i-l-oluu Intn In hlnn'a 1'lrst aild. 3\cry choice lots In Piospcct I'laeo. H very choice lots In Orelmnl Hill. livery choice lots in Dollono'o and 3 very choice lots In Isaac & Scldoii's mid. 3 very choice lots in's mid. 3 very choice lots In Hnnaco'ii I'hco. 3 very choice lots In Klrkwooil. 3 very ciioico lots InMct'ormlck's add. 3 very choice lots in Hi-dick'a Orovo. II vervchoico lots In Kllby I'lnco. 3 vciy choice lots in West Side. J very choice lors In 1'ottor's mid. 3 vi'ry choice lots In Ilrookllno , ( acres ) . ! l very choice lots In I'ellmn I'laco. ( L'l.IO 3 very cbolco lota on Tarnum Bt. F 1011 SALK-Uy M L.HIwIns &Co. , 1503 lou InS-Et. , a new 2-story double boiihc. 8 rooms vnch. south front , with nno pla//.as , itns , city wntor , bath room and water-closet com bined , grates , mantels , etc Hcntt lor $1,2 0 a year. A bargain for any ono wmittnv an in vestment. All lor S8.00) ) . "IXX ) cash , bal. to suit. This properly is actually worth S10.000. Also n lot in .MeC'ormlek's ndd. 44X170 ft , front ing on HIM ney and Howard St. A decided tar- pain at S40ii. Kasy terms. Also a superb n-s- Idonco lot In llancomo ji'a'-o for $2'OJ , lyintr be iwccn two lots that have justclmnKcd hr.nds at $ ) , ( .OJ. Will only bo on the nuukct Ilvo ( lavs. 6M-8 T Oll HENT-lly M. IHl Ins & To , 1601 - DoiiKins si. , n teu-ioom house on l-'iirmim St. , with ( ins , hot and cold Wftte > , b.uth rffom and water-closet combined. Now and m Ihfl VorJ" Dcst of older. All for fCO per month. Alfo an 8-room bouse with irna , bath loom , city wntcr , cistern nnd all modern Impiovcmcnis , ' for J50 per month. Alto a i-lx-room house , with linrn , In Walnut Hill , for 15 per month. Altas AND HAltHlS3fls.l5th street. A tow special tjart'iilns In Kount/o li lluth's add. , Hawthorn , Onuuia VIow. Hcudenro prop- oity,2lil.V ; Doduo Sl.nopff3 A ; Hill's M odd. Also fconin irood business propcily. fl23,7 FOK .SAI.i-HoiiBos nnd lots In all pints of the city Unto City Heal IJstato Co . ii.0 : ' Doiiflnu. C27.7 T 1ST your property with us ; vo can sell any- Jl thiiiR placed In our hands. Goto Citv Heal Kbtate Co. , 132J DoJglas. T2.-.7 _ BAIMJAIN House of 0 rooms , city water and cellar , toecthor with stone building on 221 ttieot near Lca\enuorb : , rents for oboiit * IO per month ; lot 41'2ll feet. Prlco S-l.uiu , hall e.iBh. balance 1,2 mid 3 years , J. r. Hum- mend , Ilj'f-Jfijl' " 5"4 7 _ _ TTT.ndANT 10 room' irahlcnco on Park nvo. Jit All moilorn Improvements stcnm heat tbroiiKhout the house , two story stable and carriage Inuso , ftoni ; walks about the ( .MoiindR. Lot MxllO $1I,5UO 1-3 cash. J. 1' ' lli.inmond. 117 s. Mill st. 5bl-7 _ < ) IST. . Clark , now 5-ronin hon o , irooil ' cellar , well mideisteril. rents for 520 , C'lblo ' line nlie.idy laid just behind It on rtm. ClnrK st. ordered pa\od to 2ith this full ; ono oftho bet-'t lir-iilns ! on tbo lli-t. I.oi : Uvl32 ) ; price fi'01 , fwlW cash , bnlanco 1 , 2 and 3 years. J. I' . Hammond , 117 S : lOihbt. 58J 7 * N"I3W house of 5 looms on LaKe st , just west of Pith , bay window , porch , coal house , cis tern etc. Lot aOx'JU , price Jl.'jou ' , tlOOciif.h , Hal- mice time. J. F. Hammond , 117 s. 1'tth ' et. 5S4.7 KAHR chance for a homo , 3 room hilckbouso with basement , irood well and cl-lcrn In Omnlm VIew ; price fl.4. > 0 , f W ) c.i h , Imlmico tlO per month , J , F. llmmiiond , 117 f. IBtli tt. 6S47 _ BKAI'TIFIT * N. w. cor lot In Mutant & LyiiMin's iiddltion. I'rlco 575' ' ) ! J cusii. J. F. HmniiMind , 1178. Hith M , 581 7 MAliNlFICKNTnw cor on Farnam stuet. I'lno houro and bi'rn < m premises , city water. Kits , seueritKH , cti * . All special and icir- ular taxes paid. 1'ricu SH , < 00 , ij ciish. . ) F , Ilammoiid , 117 S liltb kt 53 7 OAIIP. llarKiiln on H'th ' st. I'lno 1'i story -II hoiiM1. 7 room' , city water , euutiaKUj'-- ftory building tu icar , ttiouir mil well built , Miltablo lor tiny purpo < o , even to Increase of hoiiM ) loom , Stone wnlkn nbout premises nnd boHiitllnl etono embankiucnt wall with Iron Kiito in Iiont , lot : ! Uxl2 ! , witli ailditioiml l''xH : \tenitlnito alley. I'rlco > ! , ' > ' ) ) ; * U. Kciisli , bal I > md2cais. J , F. Hammond , 1178 llth hi. 581 7 o of the iMnsi bcnutllul lots In ( Jrnmr.ey paik ) 4UUU 1'ilcu ( ItUaml f4.pkl4j i'H > h. lial. $1U pormonlh , J , 1' , Hammond , 117 s , IBth si.HI7 To Contractors , Scaled piopo ale will bu lecclvcd at tboollloi of the division oiiKinucr , Union I'nclliu Hullwu ) , corner of loth and Lcuvcnworth tts. , Omaha , Neb. . torKiiiuliiK tin ) line I or second main track from present end of doutdu track to the can twitch at i'apillion , Neb. , u illsluncoof nlno und one half miles , until the evening of Nov.V. Profiles may tie fceu and sncclncatlons ob- Inlnod at thiiotUceof Division Hnnineer. The right U ruMirvixl to reject any or ull bids. O , I. UOHHANCK , Bupt. Neb. Dlv. Oct 31 novlidin. P. BOYEB & OO. UKALBIISIIC and Jci ! Work. lO 'O l-'imium Succt , Ouahu. Neb. Tin' ' pnnnni t'rnn ni\irt > Tn THE SPLCHLAIIVL MAHRETS , The E.trly Market Inclined to Dullness , Biit With Steady Prices. CORN DROPS TO A LOW FIGURE. An 1'iiH.v l-'ct-lltiR t'ruvnlN In Pork A ( ii nornlly Uiisntlsttti2ti > ry Tratlo Week Jn Cattle lings Ai'l H r y notal ion * ! . i _ CIIK'ACO PKODUCK MA It KM1. CuifAiio , Nov. Q. ( Special Telcuram to the UIH.J : The early market was lncllne-1 to dullness , bid prices weic steady. 'I'r.nlliK did not start out as thoiuh It was unlii ' tn Im more than nn ordinarily active d.ty. Decent- bir heat opened at T-tViWyc , Rot tii | to , back ngiln to the opening li ' .nes andlorlho iiiarter | of an hour showed nouieater movcme'il ' than this , Corn opened just where II closed , or at I'JV f f Mty. I.ntcrltsoldat-l'i'je. 'I'hete wetv idonty of sellers of .lann.iry pork at 310.i : > , 2'ic low -r llian It closed list n'lit. ; Fresh receipts were 17. ) taw of wheit. 'JM ears of corn , Of of oat.s nnd 25,000 of hojs. It did not lake pork lone ; to break down to $10.03 for Janu ary , though H afterward tceoveretl to SIO.O.I. The cuslnesvis duo to tlio feeling that pos sibly the labor troubles at fit ) yaids would soon terniiinite in favor of the packers. Corn dioppcd down to 4-Je. thomli ; wheat kept very steadily anmnd 74 > jt M.s c. As the Isesslon advanced , noihliiR wli.xlover c.imu Into It tn HID way ot news , and thn bulk of the time between the opening nnd chHC , values dn ed along In n very spiritless and - < loveiilv fashion. About tin ; middle ot the dav CllU'ord Im an Ittiyliu ; n little wheat , but nothim ; could put the De cember option ? abir c 7 1 * $ ( tl7 1 ' ! f e , nil I it only lemalncil at that imnta flhuit lltim. Later it foil back to 7UiiM\i' ( , aualn pleke.i iti | to 7lat' , , and short h alter noon airain hteadicd down around 7 .aj' ' . ' ( 'in. , smallest p ) - . * ) ! iiuotaor outside news was received , and or ders f i tun the e.isl or any Interior polnleio even less iilentlfnl than yesterday , when they were In a very decided minority , lint the'snsplelon is timilui ; mound tle ; Hour that next week things will be altogether dllferent. and tilings : ne now beiiiK' ci.idually shaped for tlio mllklnir pioness. Theie was one solitary tr.tdo in May oats on Ihe basis of yesteidav's prices. Corn was an inactive deal , but not nine so than \estenlay. A little May .sold fit % e , as noted above , but tlio bulk ot it dimmed hands nrnnnd 4Jiy > . The easy lecliiif ; noted in pork eontinneil till tlio close , January sold at SlWJtf halt an hour belore that time. cmuAoo iiivB srouic. Cittrvdo , Nov. C. ( Spcolal 'I'eloar.tiii to the HKI : . ] OATTI.I : . ThoRCiii'ial trade week has been hlow , unccitain and unsalistactory. Monday pi ices went elf l.@Jje on accnunl of the strike , but since then the market for fat shipping cattle has been steady , while the trade lor Inferior to fair kinds of steeis not de.sirablo for sliippim ? was almost lifeless. Hammond A : Armour have been buying and slaughtering , but Swift fc Morris have for- wauled considerable nnmber.s to the east to behlannlitered. Shlnplng steer. " , 8:5.40ft4.tKi : ; bulk. . 4.00 ( < Z ! 1.40. ' In e cattle there was nothing to chatiitn thft situation to-day. Only a iiandfnl of fresh cYtitlo arrived , but there were a good , ) naty [ canning cattle left over fiom jo tyiday. Sales were iiiado at steady prices and tlicio was e.tttlo .siildvliicli could not be sold yestnrdav. About all of the Tiivatis weie trout Kansas City. Sales : 1)67 ) Wyoming. 120J Ibs. § a.iO ; 20 cows , 10111 Ihs , Ji50 ; . \Vyomln. ! . ' . - , 12'.w lb < . Sf.OO : ; 110 Woom1n s Hiflbs , SW5 ; 0 taillius. 14il Ibs , S'-'J/i / lions Tiie mat ket. was aelivo and prices about r > ClOe lower oil the ( military run of packini ; and mixed. Some fancv assorted lots wen- nearly as lit-'h as yeMeiday , but in a ueneral way flijlil sorts sold figslOc lower. Tlio bulk of the packini ; sorts sold at Sl.70@ ! H.bO , and fancy heavy , inelmilnit butchers' pics , at SJ'.NXg'l.OO ' ' ; roiiL'h and common , 81.30 @ 3.GO ; ll lit sorts , § : : ; Yorkers , Sii.OO. Vni'lr. Nov. ( ' . . MOVBY On call quiet at 4C r percent , closing at 5 percent asked. Pmxiu .MKIICANTILK I'Arrcit 4@5 tier cent. STKtti.iN'o KxcitANnn Quiet and steady at $ l.l30for ! Dills . - . bixty day ; S4.64 lor de mand. CovBKMMi'.NTS liovcrninont bonds were dull and latlier heavy. STOCKS The stock inarke * . was linn to strong without any marked impiovemcnt in prices until ton-aid tlio close. The opening washtioiiK. prices -nowitif , ' adviiiipes over lastevoniiiK's closing lUurcs , rangini ; 1iom ' ( ' , © ' 4 per cent , , the latter In Heading , and eiuly ttadlni ; was quiet and nearly mon opolized by half a do/e'i stocks. Tlio ien- eral list was linn , and .so continued until ncarlv 2 p. m , , when leali/.ilions wrecked the ii.- ! n 'l small traet'ons were lost. A small rally jmtinSVioiW to tlio close steadied the market , STOCKS ON WA.T.L , smURfi cent bonds. . 10)3KC.&N. ) W . W > f U. K. 4U's . 11 1 ' i preferred . . . 142 New4's . I'-W'Jy. y. C Pacific fl's of TO. 12(1 ( lOrciron Tran. . Central Pacific. . 48'i'Paciiic ' Mall C.&A . 144 I1 , i ) . , t K : ni Yjr j orrpC4 - ' I' , r. 0 " ' " " ' I4t : C. fi. A ( ' . . . . . . . iiKi's'ilocli Island" . . . . rJ7' < 1) . L. * \V H1'4-St. h. iVS. K. . . . S5 tf I ) . &KG " . i iirclcn-ud. . . 7ll < Erie SO C.M. & St. I' . . . ! H3 < pieferre ( ! . . 709J'1 nrc'neil. ! . . 1"OJ $ Illinois Central. 134 iSt. I' . &O & 'i'fi 1. , W ID' I piefcrred. . . 313 KansaoAToxas. S5 ITcxas 1'aullie. . . 219 LalteShore ( ! ' ( , Union P.iciliu. . . m < L. AN 57'iW. , , St. L.ife I' . , a ) ' Mich. Central. . . IKi i prefened . . . HO'f ' Mo. 1'acllic 1174Vcfctein Union. 7b-1Y Noithern Pac. . . 2i ! | O. . It ' " pielerred. . . cPij : | riiuuucii ? Chlonco , Nov. 0. Flour Steady and tin- chanuod ; winter wheat Hour , S4.0@I.10 ; Miuthern , S3.00W4.00 ; Wisconsin , S4'004.10 ; MIcblKoiiMiftfiprlnu' wlioat. SH.MOt-l.lO : Min nesota bakers , si.WW4.lOpntenl : ; ; ! . iJ.UOC ? < ; lowgrades.S 1.7r2,75 ; rye Hour , quiet at $ .2.v < i : ! . > in barrels , and 83.OOQa.20 in saokn. Wheat Quiet but firmer ; advanced } /CVc and closed ' c above yesterday ; cash , IH'hCjJ 7ll54'e ; Depiiinber , 74 ll-li > c ; January , 7Vec ) ; .May , BlU-lOc. [ > Corn ( Julct ; declined / © Tc from openinc closing } < J J below yc.sterdaj ; cash , S5 c ; De cember , , u > Ji'c ; January J(7 ( 1-lOc : May , 42 l-Hic. Oats Steady and unchaiiKed ; cash , 23 2fp ; Deeember.SnXc ; May , llyp Finn atftlc. Uarloy Dull at Kc. Timothy seed Prime. $1.01. Whisky 1.18. Pork Weak ; di'clmed l.VWido , closing at thu reduction ; cash fc9.'JO@'A22) ) $ ; Jannaiy , . l.ard Declined 7J4iiflOe , closing iiulct ; casli , sr .b7J < i : December , S > . )4ft-W0 ( ; Jan- nary , S.VCO ( .V.-2 | / . Hulk Mtatb-Enler , with llsht demand ; shoit libs , 8A.05.&oi'asli. ! ! HiiltetSteady ; civ-nnery , SOSMc ; dairy , ITfil'COc. Cheese Full-cifani cl-edilars , ll ! { Hats , \\Wn\We\ \ \ \ \ young Americas , Vilic ; fcklniH , fthjsc. Ksst-Vii < We. Hides lieavy . green silted , fully cured , 'jje ' : Unlit , do , b < ( ( b / ( * ; ( hima-'ed , 7 ( ) o ; bull hides , Oin-.drv balled , Ul2e ; dry Hint , WOJUc ; call shins , b < < jlu)4'c ; deacons , SOe each. Tallow-No. 1 country , sytS ty N0,2. 8c ; cake , 8J4'C. Flour.bbis . 1'J.ouO 0,000 Wheat , bu . W,0JO ( 21.00) Corn , on . 200.000 IIS.O-W OatH.Du . W.030 17fi.OCO | { ye , on . l.OOJ 3.000 llarlev.ou . 51.00'J ft > ,0 > Xl Now York , Nov. 0. Wheat Itecelptf , mr.OOO ; exports , 7.00J ; f.pot' ( iij < c bi-tteronlv nioder.ilcly active. Options opi-ned Kfj-Ye belter : closed dull , advance nully lust ; ungraded ml.76C 8f''iC ' ; No. a redWe Inclt- v.itor.t > : < j)4'cailuat ) ; No , 2ieil. Me In alevaloi , wcaba calloat ; Deceiuner closln-j at oifa ; Corn Higher : leeolnts 15J.OOO ; expoits , 1.000 ; nngraded , .4.V Mi'H < > ; " l No. : i. 45c ; No 2 , 4GcineK'v.ilor,4.i 4 ( < i47o alloit ; Deom- her elod at 47c. Oals-llliilnir , but less active ; iccelpts SS.OO'J ; mUoU'Weatcru , 32) ; ( 34c ; white weil- eru Pftrolouiu Finn ; lulled elixed nt ri5 , c. l.nrd Vtisfttlcdand lower ; \\estein stu.tin * pot , SO.'XQl.'JS. Uutter rirmllhniood ; demand ; west * Finn \Mtli a inodenito liuiulry ; \\v-triin Hat , llMl e. PoiU Active nnd generally steady ; now ' ' KR lii'ill. Clnolnnntl. Nov. 0. Wheat F.asler ; No. 2 led , 7Ve. Corn1inner ; No. 0 mixed , 5V. O.its Higher : No. 'J. inKed , 8 > ( i 2s'c. ' K > e I'lrm : No. ' . ' , 51'jc. Pork Onict at $ { ) . ( > 3' ' , . l.ard K.isler ; prime strain. SVSKKilf-.CO. Whlky Active but linn at Minneapolis Nov. O. Wlieat Cash shade belter ; futures lower ; No. I hard , cash. 72'c ; December. 7ie ! ; January , 74J < c ; No. 1 noithern , ensh , 7)e ) ' ; Ik-comber. 7tc ; .lanii- nr.v , Wji * : No. 8 nuilheru , cash , Gv4e ; 1)0- ) I'ember , Clio ; Janturv , 70 > 4C- Flour Fhinlv held ; patents , S4.lftjJ4.55 ; bakers. sUO : , < r.25. : ! I llecL'Ipts-Whe.U , 107.0W bu. ; Hour , 2VJ Mil * . Shipments-\ , 81,000 bu ; Hour , ftooo bbls. Mllwmtkcc. Nov. 0. Wheat Firm ; cash , 71 Vc ; December , 72V ; Janu.iry , 7e. : : ' < . 'orn Ste.uly ; No. 'J , We. O.lts-llet ( } ! ; No. . > . 2'5c. ' Hye-Dull ; No. i.fiic. Il.irliiV-gillet : No. 2 , iVH f. Piovlslons l.owoi ; NovenibiriiiirkSy.l7'5. ! ' Si. tionli. Nov. 0. Wheat Dull and without Important ehatues ; No. 2 red , cash , 7ViSr5\e ; November , 75'o ; December , "O e ; .May , * < lAtie. C'oiit-ijnli't and dull : No. s mixed , c'tsh. JH's'niVPnc ' ; December , UlJiJe ; January5 ! ! | i ; ; Al.iv. iRl'fte. U.its No. 2. cash. 25'tftR3.1J < c ; December , W.e ; May , : u4e. ) Ifye t'nelmunud ' at 4sU'@U'e. ' \Vblsky-Sl.l ! ! . Polls J50.75. ItrdSteady at SS.OO S 0\ Itutter Finn and ; cieauiery , 31 ( ! * i-'o ; daily. rJH"J ( > c. Kansas CiNov. \ . 0. Wheat Stronger : No. 8 led. cash , rs'e. Corn Steady ; No. 2. cash , 894u bid. Oats No. " , casliil e asked. 1'olrdo , Nov. D Wheat Dull and blcady ; cash , 77e. Corn Steady but lower ; cash , .ISc. Oats Neglected. Now Orlcanx , Nov. 0. Corn Steady ; mixed , 45I0c ; yellow , -lfii47e ( ; while , -irci ? ) ( ) ats Firmer : choice western , . ' ! 5e. Uoinmeal ijnlet at Sil5. Ho ; Products In good demand at full prices. Poik-SlO.O'J. l.aid-1'eiined tleice , $0.00. Hulls .Me.its Shoulders , S5.12,1long ; clea ; and lib , Sii.'Jo. tiivci-pool , Nov. 0. Wheat Offered moilciatclyi new , No , 2vintor , , Os b ) d ; spring , ( is 8d. Flour Supply j-ood but dull at Ss 7d. Com Supply good : spot , November and December , -is-UI ; January , 4s ! > J4d. IjIVIS STOCK. CJliiuago , Nov. 0. This DioverM Journal renoitsas follow- , : Cattle Ilecclpti , MO ; stra'lv but nomi nal ; bliluplni ; steer.tJMOtnl.flJ ; stockeis and toedcrn , Sl.r > 0@i.0 : : ! : bulk , SI.OOfoll.-U > : cows , bulls and mixed , 31.iXu-5 ! ; through Texas cattln steady , 88.05ss-.MK ) ; we tern r.ingeis , natives and hall-breeds , $ ; ] ,00i.70 ! ; xvtnteicd Tcxans , . * ' . ' .75@.15. ! Ho's Kecuipts , : w.OOU ; active and a shade lower ; loituli and mixed , 8H.'lt' ' < 'J.75 ; packing and sliinplni : , Si.70@t.0-i : : light. ga10'1.05 ; skips , $8.25i.'i" ( : > . Slieei-Kfeelpl.s | , , ' . ' ! ) ; titcadv : natives , S'-.00Bi.70 ( ( ; western , Si-10L : : : ! . " > 0 ; 'luxans , $ J.OOi.l.OJ , ( ; laml ) , Pit.OOji-l.'J. " ) . Ht , 1/ouiH , Nov. 0. Cattle Uecelpts , 500 ; shipment- ) , none ; steady : clioieo native Jlou's-iit'ceipts , 2,000 ; shipmeiils , 1,000 ; strong on light and butchers , . .uideak on City , Nov. . C-ittle llecelpts , 240 ; shipments , none ; steady ; common to choice , $ a'JO < au.flOstockeis , 83.25WJ.7ri ; leeding steers , S2.W-.00 ) ) ; cows , 81.50 ( < ti2.tX ) . Hogs Receipts , O.oiX ) ; shipments , none ; steady : common to choice , SS.50@3.05. : OMAHA liIV12 STOCK. Saturday Evening , Nov. 0. CATTi.n The ieceil.sot ) cattle were lib eral to-day and the market active. Mom cat tle changed hands to-day than on any other da\ fur M-veral weeks. Tnere was consider able inquiiy tor feeders , and a good many wcie sold. Corn fed .steers were in good request , and Mild re.idily at firm prices. One ot choice lieavy cattle was sold at SI. bO. widen Is the outside price for some time. There was home demand tor butcher's stulf , and u few cows and odds nnd ends weie hold , lions The receipts were not uo to yester day's. The market continued about steady , and was tairly active. Tlicro were a number of loa Is on the market that had been held over Mom the day belore , butcvurythlni ; was sold nnd the pens cleat ed c.irly in the day , SIIKIP : There uas one bunch sold to-day. . Cattle . i.COO Hogs . . . 8JC I'rcvnilln-j t'rlco * . ShowJnj thu | ) rov.iilln price * paid for live stock on this tnariGt , Choice steers , Lift to l.TOO Ibg. . . . . " . . S4.3i@4.05 Choice utoars , 1100 to 1SOJ Ibs . . . MCWO Medium sleers , li" 0 to 1'Jjj Ibs. . . H.OOjM.lS ( iood feeders , . 2.110 ( :1.05 : ( iood to ctioico corn-led cows . 2.iOi ! : i.OO Kanjjocows . 2.2' > ( g-j.50 Fair to medium KHISS cows . 2.00i l.25 Hood to choice Dulls . 1.50 hiu'htand medium IIOKH . : i.riO@.r : ! > 5 ( iood to choice lieavv IMKS . : s.j ! > ) ( < ti.G5 : < ! oed to choice mixed no s . : i.45 ( 0.l.55 KoitL'ii throw outs . 2.r > oc < ei.oo ! ( iooil to choice sheep . 3.75ftdi.2.- : > Falrtosood sheep . 2.2jg2.50 ( ICeprc.scntativo Mules. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. Si..1151 S'i.S5 20.S10 : ) S-'i.Oj cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ( i..10-11 $ ! i..V5 STiiits : : TAIMNOS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. a..1012 SI.75 ( I..10IB S'2.5'J ' IIUTf'IIKIIS * STOCK MISKII. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr , 4..1i.'id SU.OO WVOMINO TKXAS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r 31. . . . 1) ) 0 * 'J.75 COISN I'ID ; STIIIIH. : : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 4. . .1115 SU.OO 170..Will Sl.r , ' . 03..iOG : ; 4.21 10. . . . Ull.SO ( IIL'I.I.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 11..12SO S1..V ) blir.KI' . No. Ay. Pr. _ No. Av. Pr. HOOK. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 4tfii ! : : rwi S.40 : ) 5r . . : iuo 40 si-C' : ( VI.207 120 H.5121..270 10' ' ) li.Cfl fi'i..2S5 ! ! W ) : t.57M ( il..2Ht : 1C' ) a CJ 71..270 100 ! i.OO II. . .278 bO ! 5.tl5' M..2S ) iLIXJ II..SM aC'i iS5..2Ci ) ] fso : uo : Jiao : i.o5 W.'JI4 M ) 3fiO iw.0i : ! NI : t.m 00..207 N ) . ' ! . ) f/J.iK : ( ) NI il.Vt ( < , . M.'Jtfi W ) il.fiO 6U.,2ii : IM ! ! . ( ; 70.257 101) ) ! l. 0 50. . 291 bO 11.70 TIIIIOWOIJTS No. Av. Shk , I'r. No. Av. ShK. Pi. n..ri , 120 S'lio u . . 215 wi $ ; ; . > ; 4 . . ; i7 w : 2 ; ai5 NI : i.2i 5 . . . .no10 ! i-i5 a. . . , 4 0 i : i.u Han U Showlni ; the likhnst and lowest prices paid for loads of ho s on this nniket diitlni ; the pait seven days and lor the S.UMO tune last year ; _ _ _ I Oct Ibbl | Nov. lB J. T"NovribHC I- 1st 3.SO < ft.n 30 * b ii ml ay 3nd ,8.61 ttl-5) 3rd SuoMy 3 W ) 4tli 4.10 SUM 3 45 3.l21ja3 15 . .tli ! t.ur , ( 4 : :0 : .1.57'i 3(10 ( < i.l.i ; tii : t.yi HI a-i U 10 4H 7U 3UJ ( K.r.,1.15 7III , y.NJ Cil.UO Suiubir. : j ( l ) < \ . \ ' > Slllpniniltrt. Ihfl nuiu'jurof c.tisof nattlc * . anil sheep shipped IIOIH Soulh O.ualui ilnrin. ; the day ; OATTI.I : . Xo. pars. Jtouto. D 10 JJ. it M Suiton , 17 H. V : M UlKlnw , .Mo J C. II. .V tj Cliina i MIIKII : * . 8 C. 11. .Vj ( . Clnpa-/ i 1 . , , .0.1) ) . AQ , ,1'neiiic Ju. , J.i Allsttcsof stock In lltU tni\rkotnrc inndo wrcwt. Ilvo vvelubt unless otliPtwiv > t.tloil Dm I lines veil ; u Sc IHT Hi. for nil wcizlits , jJkino , " or hem woltlilni : less tliimi \ Un. nVAltio. PruKiinnt sows are ducKtM ID lb < . nnd stags SO lln. Notes. sold. Cattlt' nctlvo. Llirlit iccoipts of lio'js. Corn foil c.itllo sold iiulrkly. A very fnlr nntket for S.ttttnl.iy. lloss tiM-inird ; s\tj-vo | ( to ( lu-cnr. Over l.'OO Iicad of cattle rtmnp'd lintuls. F. lloj. SiluT Clock , hud .1 load of catllo nt llio i mils. \ \ \ Oslionip. Ni'ohns hi-ro and niarl.ctnl n load of lio.-s. Over l.K ( > head of catllccto old on tin1 inntUel tii-iliy. Alt-cJs L.tnVrlv. Ashluttd , was ninoni ; to day's \isllois ni tlio yanls. J , H. Ilnwp w.i.shoio mid bmitrhl a load of fat slippp for I'aclllo.lur.i'tlon. ( \ Iloi-ht and In oilier , Iii.nne ; ! , \\oio line with UM'iily-oni1 loads of catllc. It Is expected Hint J. K. lto\d \ will be n lieavy luijcroii tinumrkct this wlnler. Mr. IMrkhnr-l , of PftiUhurst .t Wells , Of ( ttand Islnndrsa visitor nt tin ! jntibi. > V Dtnilnp , 'IVkntn.ih , hail live of cattle In to-day. Mr. Dunlap w.w lii'u > . Tom I'owcis. Sutton , was hen : niul sold n load ol hius and hotiulit ! head of feeders. -Mr. Fullest , of Cl.iv it Kotu-st. was hoio with slxti-on lo.ids of citttlu iioni lliennun , D.ik. D.ik.D.ikers D.ikers & Co. had In tW ( < nt-t\M ) > loads of at lie , nnd C. 11. HccKwith ODD I nun . ) . Askwlg it Co. , lvon . had in a load of vciy tinicoin ! fed eattle. Mr. Smith came In with them. The Northwestern hashpjiin to call tn Us western stock ngcuts , a sign that tlio eattle inn is about over. Fowler Hros. bouzht their Mist hogs In tlio market to-day. They intend to begin killing some timunext wvek. With Fowler BIOS , and Upton on the mar- set , besides the oilier bujers , there will un doubtedly tic a good bog ni.uket. F. J. II de , U.ittlo . Cieek. tlio nominee on Ihodeiuoeiatlc ticket for f-tato ticasnrer , was here and suit ! ten loadol coin led c.ittlc and one load ot hogs. F.vcrvono H pleased at the prniptvt of llu're tieing 11 puhlie lnsiectiir ] at the yards. It \ \ III do aw.iy with what has always been a a somcc of eonlentlon , The New Hampshire Cattln company nio iinttluir outeallle. In lots ot foityor more , to In be fed , thocemnany tuieelng to ii.iy "eucr iiiiund for I he additional weight gained dur ing the UIIKof tccdiiig , On tlic market with hogs : W. It. Wilson fc Co. . i'iigei ; Slater , Frav.ierit Co. , Wsivne ; A. Fi.i/.lor , lloncv Cieck ; Clarke Ilios. , Dun- lap , la. ; D. A. Hale , Madison , W. C. Potter A ; Son , Coining , la. ; ( Jleoix'o W , Mitchell , \oilc. The eoinuiKsioii ui"ii held n meeting to-day nnd apointed | ) Col. 1C. P. Savage and feo. ! S. litovtii an executive committee to net with two otheis appointed by the packets. The committee will meet on Monday and appoint a public insneetor. Tin ; commission men will elect an arbitrator tor three months , ami the packers one for tlnee months. OMAHA WIlOIjIdSAIjK MAHIC ! : TS. Goiioritl 1'roiluc . Satin day , Nov. 6. Tlio followlnn iirlcci arc jor round Int * of ' c , ( munition the mnrhel lol l > i > i. 'Hie quoiimoiut on fruits rcitrwut tne iirlacs < it wlitch ouisffic onlcrx nrc tlllc'l. Knos The rccelntsot licshMoek aie not largo and the maikct is steady at SOe. A good many cold stoiago eggs me coming In , which aie generally .selling at llk , which keeps the maiket down. UuiTKU The Imttcrino law wont into effect on the liistof the month , and is being strictly enforce 1. It has had a ten dency to incicasu the demand for but ter. Fic-jh creamery , 2-vt'lOc ; ficsh dairy , IS Z'JOe ; clioico country r.ill , IS 'Oj ; choice country , solid nackuJ , 17 < JdSc ; good country roll , I0tf17c ; good enmity , solid packed , I5gl0c ; Fair , ll@llc ; common , . Cnr.Ksi : Full cream chcdilais , singlP , We , full cream Hutu , twlna , i:5e : ; YonnuAtiTftiMii , HIXc ; lanoy Swiss , 14i2l5u ( ; Swiws. liniioitcd , hliubui'Kcr : , 12K ; brTek , ic. : ! roui.Tiiv The market Is not very active. The receipts of live poultry nro not lieavy and thej' hell slow. Tim weather has been too warm for handling dressed poultry to the best advantage. Old chickens , choice , pordoz. . S'2.Ki.'J..r. ( ) sprlnK chickens SiOOfW.oO ; divks , 2.7.1 } ; turkeys , per Id. tfe ; necse , SO.O Dicsscd poultry , chickens , HIT Ib , din'ks.lO ( ! llctnrke.\s ; , lli12Kc. ( I'ot'ATons There have been a tooil ; many potatoes In and the maikct has been lalrly active. The approach of cold weather has made retail dealeis mote nnvfotis to put in tlior : winter stocks. Ciood ehoicn slock is selling nil HIP way liom SIQjji.Sin.Ul or poor stock I'O.'iilOc. ONIONS Tfioto has been a car of choice yellow onions in this \veok which sold atfO1. Common Nebmska stock Is slow sale , in small lots , all the way trotn GO(3'Wc. ( ' ! Ai'i'i.ns Them Is no scarcity of apples. The market is liberally supplied with all Blades. The market is fairly nctlvc. Com mon slock , S1.7.M0JOO ; choice JJIs--oiiil Moclc. J.'J- > ; Michigan stock , vi.UOi . .r)0 ; ianey , CKI.KRY The receipts are so heavy that dealers are unable to dispose ot it ull. Choice stock Is spill in ; at : il' ( > MUc per do/ . Ovsrnits- The demand for oyatuisi- , heavy and dealers repoi'l u much holler trade than last year. 1'iiees lemain nnelianced. .Mediums , 25c ; standards , ! ! 0 : selects , ar > c ; Iv. V , conn Is , 40c. JlArr.r tirtAit Hrlcks , perlb , 12X1' ! I'd'- ' ny canes , per II ) , iSc. AlAi'Mt Sriiui1 Hulk , l.'t to 17 gal ki'ifs , pernal , S1.00nal : cans , pet tfal , S1.U5 ; } ; " ' cans , per nal. $1.10 C'.iunNew : York.iierblil , Sn..WN'ow ; Vmk , X bbl , 51.25 : Crab , per dorjis , S .To ; Michi gan relined , pel lib ) , SC..r > n. VINKO.VHWhite wine , lltC lSu : eider vln- CRar , IKCiJlfie : single stiength , 1-c ; liiple suen lh , l.W < o. Sweet I'otiitocB Tlicie are not many on tlic market at thu pu-smit lime ; choice slock Is ( liuiled al IJ/dfic. JJBMONS .Messlmi , per foor S7.W@7..r)0 ( ; Malaga. SD.K ( ) Oj A.N'ius : tlaniiilcii , per bov , 5"0 : per bbl , , J'l.rXJ ' ; Kloiulu oianges , | iur box , SA.fiO. CitAXiiKiilliis ; Cnno cod , fancv , per bbl. , fH.lHJ ; Hell and Uiiuht. pel bbl. , S7..M ) ; licl and Cherry , per bbl. . 5 > r.U ( UANANAS Theio Is no chaiuo In thn mar ket. Itiinanas , jollow , pet bunch , S2.0Ui J..r > 0 ; bananas , yellow , l.ut'O Uuncli , S- ! . H-MulaKa , tvRiilar bill. , SS.OO : Mal- ra lar e bbl. , ! . ( ) ( ! ? ' . ' ! New Voik , Colicoids , per 1Mb basket , -10 i'.r > Ju ; C. itu , 5-lb baskets , S0ti rric ; 10 Ib h.isKcts , bUc. 11 ONKV Nebraska , choice , white clover , 1-Hiti.ic. ; Ncbntbka , dark , I'AHlI 'c. ritDVisio.vs ilain , lie ; bieakfast b.teon , ' .i ; < ; @ Ife : clearsldo bacon , s' ' c ; dry salt sides , be : sliouldeiH , 7 e ; dilcd booi , leenlat , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , He ; lard.W Ib cans. ( > % c ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Falibanks , ( iJ4'c : li ) It ) catiH , Fairbanks , Tc ; r > Ib cans , Fair- b.inku , T' ' e ; : t Ib cans , Fairbanks , T'i'e. ' liKANR Intotlor stock. $0.75ai.OU ( ; KOOI ! clean eountiy , Sl.iKiotl.e.'i ; medium , band picked , 5l.r.Oi I.OU ; hand picked navy , Sl.OO Fiot'it ' AND Mii.ryrtM-Tr. \ \ Inter wheat llotn , best qunlih p.unnl , t' .V.'i : second qnal- 11 v , ! < " .4U ; best quality spring ulieat flour , patent , 5i.Mbran. W > e purcwtchoppcd ; fetil , 70c per < : wt ; white corn meal , Wh ; jellowcorn meal , Min percwt : scicenln , 'iO'- ' percwl ; lipimny , S'-.Oo ner cwt ; slioiis. Wo percwt : graham , SI.GO ; hay , in bales , S-VjOieO 0.lXpcr ) ton. ( litAis1 Corn , -"c ; now oalsi , 1'c ; rye li/ic / ; wheat. No. 2. MP. Geru-riil Mnrlcnl-i. \\'on \ \ ! . Medium ISi iK- per Ib ; linn lii'.wy , 14iHie ! ; llRlit , It tlso ; eoaise , Hvfiriu ; huiry wool , - .r/e olf. lliins : Oieen hulclicia , Oluc ; cet'fn cured , bKediv ; Hint. ! l ! . ' ) c ; do salt , VtttlOu ; cri'i-n call slun > ' , ' . ( ) > ; e ; damaged hides , hVO-tlf'Mi" ' piiio. T.tllow ! UCe. ( Jrcase - yi-iir.v , -J3 ; brown. Hf . bl.iushlcr sole Jeathet , 3'ic ; prliniHUk i oo ! liritbei , ! hVi-JSc. ( I'ppui leather per foot , 20jipiVj ; hem , kip. 2.nV ( s ; oak kin. bV'1'.nc ; Ftench kip , SI.W ( ( < ci.'JO ; IIHIII , CHll. Sl.Wf41.lU ; oik c.ilr. $ l.Aft.25 ( | ; Fieiicli rnlf , Sl.21 1 N ) : Moroini , noel lcj , ' Moroprooil pr-uble , 2NaiJ : ( ; t IIKAVV llAitiiWAiti : lion , ' r.tlti S''iO ; plow bel e.ust. lc ; uini-ilil < > bleol. fie ; cast tools , do. I'-i'iil1 ; wa'inn spokes , per iot , SJ.75fa.tTJ : ) ; ImtH , per set. & 1.25 ; lelloes , sawed dry. i'l.M ; loii ue.s , e.ich , 7.Vuxols ; each. 7-V : Minaiit nuts , pur Ib. K < (7lo ; poll plmln , per Ib. C/'U-e ; mHllu.ibhi. Cfsc ; iron wriliftiii , tic ; cio\vb < irB , Co ; h.inow teelliIcj spring Mccl , "i'Jse. liurdeii's iHirnu shoes , 'it.W , Hni'den s Jiinle Mioen , .lO , Ha \\ire , in rar loU , si.09 per IW Nail * , tales , lOtoJjO , SJ.50J steel Wills , S'i.M. Shot , St.0.i ; hdcixshot , SIS. > : MH'iiUl powder , kcgi , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , S'-HW ! do. tn > i ' kcijs , S1.50 ; bla-ting ki-gs , S2.i5j : : fuse , pe 10 feet. Ojc , Lead , SUV , IKS Hands , per gallon ! furni ture , evlra , SI. in ; fmnUinc , No. 1 , P | 00 ; co.ich extra , SI.-I" ; coach , No. l , St .M ; D.v mar. extra , $1,7. " ) : .Inn.iii , 70c ; n < i > iiututn : , e\tm ! wc ; shellac , S3. . ' > 0 ; hard oil linish , sViniTo Colnsriipsnlrlli. 1S9 proof , 51,17 ; do 501 ptoof , SI. IS : spuiis , seeotld quality , 101 proof , SI. 17 : do IS * proof. 551.10. Alcohol , iss proof , S'.is per wine gallon. Redistilled vtlniMcs 5l.Wnl.fta ( Sin. blended , I..Vtf ( $ iM ! ( : Kentuek\ bourbons , S-MUH'I'lOO ' ; Ken- . tucliV nnd Ivnii-\l\.inln r.uvs S..W. n fiO ; Ooldeii bliiMf bimrbon ami no whKklps , SI-WitltK ) . Hi. unties , impot led , S.VOOtuS.M ) ! ilomcsile , ? : ! ( ( ( iln * . Innioitcit , 3t.fto ( ii : 1)0 ) , domestic , SIVxi3.ixi. . Champaiinea , Impintcd. i-ercase. K'i.OOnrsi.OO ; American , ' perc.ise , S10.tXVlfi.oo. rAixr iv On , While lead. Omaha , ! ' . P. , 7Ve ; Vtlntoleid , SI. I.ouls , pure. $7,75 : Mar- tellies Kieen , I to. * i Ibc.insJo ; French 7inc , creen , l'V ; Flench 7 1 ne. red seal , lie ; Fiencli zinc , In varnish ns > t , 'JOc ; French , , , , , , A i T niln ini'i till. hr. . * - | | ; IIKIWll , J''c ; Spanish brown , 'J.'fc ' ; Trlnco's icineral , e. e.Ditv PAIN -Whlle lead , J = c : l-'renoh - sine. I'-V ; Paris wiiltlng. i\c ! ; whiting , gilders , ' - ' > < : nhlllli ) ! . com'l , 1'ie ' ; lanipblaek , ( ) er- iimnstoun , 1'Jo ; lampblack , tndlnary , Sc ; Prussian blue.V > eultrnmarlne ; , INM ; ; II < I.M- brown , Vc ; umber , ; umber , raw , 4 o sienna , burnt , -tc ; .sienna , taw , -Ic ; I'ario bin nt sienna , I''ennilyku : blown , l.'ic ; relined - lined lampblack , lUe ; coach black nnd Ivory black. 1t' c ; drop black , Hie ; Pinsshin blue. lOe : nllramatlne black. f < e ; clirome gteen.U , M , .V 1) ) . , Hip ; blind and shntler gieen , 1/.M. * I ) . , lOe : Palis giecn , IV ; li-.dlan ted , Ifip. ; Venetian ted , IV ; Tuscan , ' . " 'c ; Ameilcan \orinllllnii. I , . V 1) . , 2tv : jellow opine , ' 'c ; U M. * O. I ) . , 1SV : good ochre , K'e ; patent divei , Ss ; L'r.tlnlng color , Ili-lti oak , datkoak , walnnl , eliestnnt nnd asli , IL'c. Dnf i- AND 1'nnMir M.S. ACHI , carbolic , ! > 2c ; acid , t.tilaileVJc ; luKam eopulba , per Hi , 'l"c : ' "assntras per Hi. 10o ; calomel , tier II ) , 7c ! ? , ehlnclionidla. per o40e ; chloro- im m , per Ib , r-V ( : Dovers powdcis , per Hi , S1.2 * > ; t'psinn salts , per Ib , il'tPJ Klyceilno , ptlle , per Hi. 2V ; lead , acetate , per Hi. 2lc ; nil , castor , No. 1 , per Khl. , Sl.f > 0c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , Sl.-iO ; oil olive , per , S1.10 ; oil orltrannnm. . 'A' ; opltiin , SM.'JO : quinine , P. AT W. and It. & S , , per m , 71V ; potassium Iodide , per Hi , SW > ; s.ilicln , per oz. 4ic ) ; sul- uhate mornhlne , jier oS - . ! * , " > ; hiilphnr , per D , 4e ; strychnine , per osl.'J'i. . Cii'occrs' IjlHU VirKi.r.i Medium , In bbls , : do. In hall bbls , $ H.5 ; .small. In bbls , .fT.M ) ; do , In liiill bbls S4.Ti ; uherklnti , in bids , Sf.M ; do , In half bbls , sS-t.'J.'i. SviifP No. ' ( ) . l-galliiii kegs , 51.20 ; Now Orleans , per gallon x < Me < ; maple svrnp. half bbls , "old lime , " per gallon , 72c ; 1 gal lon cans , ner doK10.UU ; halt gallon cans , jier doSn.OO ; qua , ! cans , Sil.OO. SfAitrn Minor glnsj1. 1 Ib , ! > 1a minor ph-ss , : i ib , ni.c : inlirur gloss , ( tlb , dKe. ; ( iiuves' corn , 1 Ib , tip. ; Kingstiud's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klinisloul's gloss , I Ib. 7e : Kliigsforil'ii gloss , Oil ) . 7'ie ' , Ivingstord's pure , ! 51b , 7J/e ; Kinizstords bulk , -le. ToiiAcr-o Ping , climax , 4'ic ; liorseshoc , ; ! 7c ; star. : is > e ; Bprathead , ! > ' . ) c : plperhelilsick , ( lOc : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , 2Jo ! : J. T. J. . : ! Jc. ToiiAcro Smokin , Dtiiham , 1 * , file ; } I'H , 5le : Jfs. . 'iTe : V , Wmeersehnm ) ; , : > 0p ; old style , 22c ; V. N. O. . Ific ; spiiit emeu , 45c. > lAirins-l'ercaddlp : , 2So ; square cases , SI. 70 ; nude sqnaie , Sl.-C. CANDY Mixed. C'H' ' e ; stick , 8'3'B'e. ! , CitM'KKits Caincjiu's soda , butler and picnic , .V < je ; creams , 8Uc ; glnjersnap.sSHc ; ; clt\ soda , "Me. SiiAi's--Kirk's savon imperhil , S'J/iO ; Kuk'statincl.saoo ; Klik's standatd , Si.05 : ; Kirk's white Itu.sHian. SI tX ) ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , SO.fiO ; dome , SiltS ; wushboaid , 5'UO ' ; \vhile cloud , S'J.7,1) . Kot'K-K l th. ; O'l'e ; \ Inch , lOUCc ; JJInch , KHUIC > . 1 quarter apples , e ; in evaporated Tioxfll , O SSJiCL , - berries , bjxes. UJBil'e ( ; peaches , ballLaTe ? IbsO. 7' C'7l/c ! : po.iehns , ey.iporited , 15) (3 ( 17e : raspberries , new , lP < $ ! ! $ ; citnents , ® * ? ; prnnes , new , ihutwc. SroAits Powdered , " ( r' ' e ; cut loaf , OJ < @ 7e ; j-iaiiulated , ii > fo ; contectioneis' A , ft'oCivfic ; standard extra C , ft " < ( ; . ' > % < ; ; extra C. fiV'tSJ u ; medinm yellow , i > , . @ , ° ic. CANNI : ( ! OODS Oysters , stand.ird. jior case. St.,0 : : ; struwbeiiies. 'i Ib , per case , S'i.OO ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , -V-.OO ; Ciilllornia iie.irs , iiur ease , < ) : apilcots , per easj , 554.00 ; peaches , per , S.V.i.'i ; w hlto cher ries , per case , S'i.OO ' ; puims. per case , SH.flV Ulnebenies , per case , ? 1.S. " > : iv.g plums , t ) leper per case , S2.50 ; plneapnles , 2 Ib , per case S'JO@.7 : ! : > ; l Ib niackeinl. per doSl.DO : 1 Ib Kalmon. per do/ , ; 2 Ib KOOSC , berries , p-rcase. S1.7."i ; 2 Ib string beans , jter case , SI. 70 ; 2 Hi lima beans , per case , 81.C-0 ; 2 Ib maiiowfat peas , jier ease , S'2.43 ; 2 Ib early .Inne peas , po case , 8'i.75 ; : i Ib toma toes , S'J.10Gi 2.2.-i. CiiKfKMh Oidltiiirv grades , 12c fair , 12Jfficiie : ; piiim > , IWiCi.'lJie : choice , 14@MJ e ; fancy green and yellow , llXC&l'to ' : old cov- crnment Java , 20@irte ; inlcnur .lava , 10) (31 ( 20e ; .Mocha , 2j.i(2 < : A i buckle's ro.isted , 17' ' < e ; Mclangldln's XXXX ronsteil , 17u ; Jllworth's , 17o ; Ited Cioss , 17'fc. Drr Ijuiuoor. 110AUUS. Ko. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 17.80 No.a " 12,14 ami 1UU . U.75 No.3 " " 12 , M and 10 It . 13.50 No. 4 _ I1 _ " _ 12. 14 and 10 ft. . . . . _ 12.00 IIIMKNslONs ANII UMilt.llS. | li ! tl II ft Hi ft ID It 0 ftp It 4 ft Uxl llO.r/l IB.BO H1.CO 17.00 18.00 31.00 81.00 jxll ; lt0 10 W ) III.W , 17.01) ) lli.OI32.0023.00 i-\s IIH.M ! s IT.OO'IH.W/JI.IIU ' SUM SxIO. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' jo-- ; ) in.v , ui.oa I7.UU IH.O'J. .Miai.OO 2XIS . . . . . . . . 'im.i ! i'i in.w I7.U1) ) IS.t 83.0U S.MK ) ixi-S\K . . . . Ilium Id.Ullii'OCtliO.OO No. 1 , 4 f. Inch , 12 and 11 ft. , roiiu'h..S17.0 4 it Gincll , 12 and 14 It. , lough. . . 14.00 CIIIIINK AMI I'AHI'I S'lON' . 1st com. , J/ln Wliile I'lnn I'.ulitioii. , .S"-'I.OO . B7.M ) 2d Com. ? In. Norway Pine Cellini : . . , . H.OO I'l.OOItlNd. A filnch , while pine , 2i > C Si'.OO ' ' CO Inch , " " : ! l D 21. . ' * Aroris nuAiiDb. A 12 Inch. s. 1 H. 400 WOO lU'JIncli " " 421) 2.1,50 No. l , com. 12 In. , . 1 s. , 10. ib A so ft. . . 21.00 No. 2 , " ' " " ' . 1N.M ) No. 2 , " " " 12 & 14 It 17,00 10ft i. , lfi.0o mi IP i.Ar. No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 iucli S17.50 No. 2 , jl.intJ ) ; and 10 Inch 15.50 HIIIN I.S | , I.ATII. XX clear. 53.K ) ; A standout , 8'.W ) ; No. 1 , Sl.irt ; hath , S2.2. ' . . POHIS Wliltu Cedar , 0 In. , JiM , 12c ; 8 in. " ' * ' ri.viftiiiNfi. Island 2d. clear , 1'4 Inch , s. 2 s S-VMX ) ; ( d , clear , 1 inch , H.'J a 45.00 ( i. ulcar , lj , I < y. 2 in 47.50 H M-lcct , 1 ineh , H. i ! b M)0 ) W .select , III LOO ELECTRIC " " " nor s NOT -n U"'rii"nii"iis ; v. Iti-Htly tji ate In oiio Diniiilft tifrt lulxir , tliu unil truulilo , cotitu lit nil llio inrrcd-iiilM'tinl l' lo'in'.ry. Him. LlVkl u lidnilxiiili-r I'1' ' ' Ii > l > - < ' > " ' } MlirrIn t'll ri-r in.ii.uliii-iureil II ' | iil mi l.i H/I.I I'l I Ml 1'AI KAltKS IK > fcbort i i-li l Oiiiiuimil 1i-ltl inn pmin.U . of nn utl" K'ar'li > I'll' r ' ' ' ' > " . " , ' iln > toiirwho > uiilr ; | \JUI'I I. r.\ ( Iv 'ill. " " " PUTS AND"CALLS. . / On trn. . Out Is , I'l lU , Jar. ' WU'I K , II. Jit Htoakg , lor I.UIIK nml H ) ii'jrt Tiuxhiinl li l IVco f J Cliu-Jlar K 1' . lUur X ( o. , 1J-1 VViiKSmylou / I HI. , Cliii.U-0 , 111. He : i-rum-o : Aii'iri 'un lit- ' I ctittl > i < tiiUti : iul 11 r