Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    J" k * * MfA9L ttAt KM * * , u
The Employes of the OhioaRO Packing
Houses Again on a Strike.
A I'rnmliiont Pookor'n Opinion I'rolj-
nullity of n Ijonj ; HtrtiRRlcPink -
crtou Men Again IJcliiR
Into Jlcqiilsllloii.
A Ornnrt AVnlk Out.
CHICAOO , Nov. 0. The executive coin-
inlttco of the Knights of Labor Issued nil
order opR-rlng nil men employed In the pack
ing establishment.1 ! at tlio Union stockyards
in both ( ho beef mid pork tracking depatt-
jiimiHtOHtopwotlt nt ! I o'clock this after
noon. It was ascertained that Knight of
Labor Han v , who was sent here dm Ing the
last strike , Is at the ynuls. Ho Is accom
panied by another ropiesentatlvo of the
knights. Armour A Uo. commenced killing
beef at their old house this afternoon. The
flrm declared that many of their men re
turned to work. Tliehoi ? killers employed
at the International 1'acklnR company's
house went on n stnko at 2 o'clock this of ter-
noon ,
The strike became shortly nftcr 3
o'clock. All the men In thereat housci of
Fowler Hros. , Jolin Cmlahy , ana nearly all of
Armour's men left their woik by order of
the executive board about 4 o'clock this after
noon. Tlicnicru very tow men left In the
' I'nrds. One of the prominent packers wald :
"I am ready to shut down sixty days If nil
the other packers wilt do the same. The
strikers then , " he said , "would have n peed
opportunity to rest nil they wanted to. " Ills
notoxactly known what policy the packers
will now pursue , but It Is understood they
will at onto advertise for men to take the
place of the stilkcrri. The demand mndo on
behalf of the uii'ii , It Is understood , was that
eight hours .should constitute n clay's work ,
the men agreeing to adopt a 10 per cent ro-
. dnctlon In their piesent wao | < . fourteen
thousand mini stopped woik In response to
the older , hut It Is estimated lliq outer indi
rectly ntrects 0,000 to 8,000 more.
Yesterday mornliiK a local pajier published
r n .Inteiview with Nelson Morris , of the
packing linn of Nelson Morris < & Co. . in the
course of which It appealed that -Mr. Morris
exhibited n con ti net with the butchers as-
" Bombly of the Knluhtsof Labor in which the
latterau'ieed to v.otk ton hums per day , the
sumo being sinned by the mumbeis of tno ex
ecutive boaid of that assembly. Uranvlllo
Sawyer , mumberof the executive board of tlic
cattlu hutcliurs assembly , Knights of Labor ,
denied positisely to-night to an Associated
lircss lupoitcr that any order fiom thu gen
eral assembly oiderini ; I'acklniitown em
ployes out had been lucolved. Such an order ,
If issued , would necessnilly come tliroimli his
board , ho said. Mr. Saw\er said also tliat not
more than 800 or 'MO men were now out and
th y had acted on their individual icspoiml-
billties in ( jiilt tine work.
There seems to bu Indlvattons tlint the
strikers ot iiacklngtown are weakening. A
careful review of the situation to-night re
veals that the contract referred to in these
. dispatcher between Nelson Monis and the
executive Hoard of the Cattle Butcheis' as
sembly , though not signed by naitles of the
second Dart , was tacitly accepted by them
and went into ellect .Monday morning. This
is admitted by two incmbms of that board.
while another to-niglitdetiied any knowledge
of the contract and said no order to strike
had been Issued by the geneinl executive
2 boaid and claimed that not nuuo than 1,100
men are out. It is luained Irom the
Chicago Tlmei that fully 10,000 men are
out , among them bcinir the employes of
.every packing liousu at the yards. Voiy few
,0f Armours men are out , however , the
' ' fetrikcrs being mostly employes of Fowler
Bros. , Sllbcihom and the Chicago Packing
company. Thcic is a difference of opinion
'mnoim ' emploves as to the authority of Dis
trict Master Woikiiian Butler tor > rder a
( strike , some claiming , that such action lies In ,
'the ' province of the general executive board.
T It Is .said that the steadier and cooler headed
fr oof the employes are very much opposed to a
general strike , while thu movement is chiefly
agitated by restless chaiacteis and so-called
' .hoodlum clement. There is nothing what-
A-ever in the natuio of a distuibance at the
'yards ' to-nUht. Half an hour alter closing
time scaicely an umpo ! > o was to be seen
fi about the yards.
Fatal AITrny in Georgia.
MOKTOOMKIIV , Ala. , Nov. 0. A special
from Shellman , Oa. , says : Gcorue Oliver ,
one of the best citizens < K the place , Is postmaster -
, master , express agent and telegraph opera
tor , in which ho is assisted by his son Joe , n
young man just attaining manhood. Yes-
tei-dny a negro glil named Frances Coleman
went to the depot to look after a box.Vhllo \
there she took otlensc at something and roT -
T turning homo reported the matter to
lior two brothers. Aiming themselves
this morning with sticks nnd knives ,
. they repaired to the depot and set upon Joe
Oliver , suddenly plugging thu knife Into his
throat. The negroes then lied , but were pur
sued by Jesse Oliver nnd his brother , rather
and uncle of the unfortunate lad. When the
negroes arrived at homo , their mother ran out
„ with n musket , which aim handed to
* . onoof her sons , tclllni ; him to shoot. He did
t nnd Jesse Oliver fell from his horse , shot
through the arm. One of the negroes was
fcllleit by the Oliver brotheis and the other
lied to the woods , whore ho is now being
hunted. A tliitd negro man , trlrl ttnd mother
" VHira arrested. It Is tliought.loe Oliver will
, , die , and Jesslo Oliver In dangoioualy hurt.
\ -
A "Want the Iiuw Enforce ! ! .
SioUX Cu'V , la. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele-
< i , Biam to thoUui : . ] The law and order league
lias formulated Its articles for pte.scnt.itlon to
* ' " - ' JIftvor Clelland upon his leturn , which will
probablybo to-mouow or Momhty. Itistlto
( -f purpose of the league to place the mayor and
( i present city goveinment on rceoul upon the
0' ' prohibition question. Ho will bo asked
whether he is In favor , as tlni ollidnl head of
* thoclty , of enfoiulng thu piosont piohlbltnry
° * law. and If so whether he will aid In enfoic-
AQiiig tile laws In thneltyto tlio extent of his
? JT ability anil olliee , whleli Includes Instructions
\lo tin ) police to enlorru the law against
y Haloons , gambling houses and houses of pios-
, y tltutlon. Thus tar the mayor has apparently
JiUVaded thu Issue and does not seoiu Inellned
i' to go on leeord. Hut no nlturnntlvo will bo
0)eft ) him , as the leu ; no Is determined In the
t Ki'uopllnn to Henry Goorgo.
NuwYoiiK , Nov. 0. Henry George , thn
Tdcfealed labor candidate tor mayor , was
given a largo reception at Cooper Union
j lo-nlght. James Kldpath nnd John Svvlntou
sVioccuplcd Hpatson the platform. Resolutions
vvoro udopled calling on distilct orgnnlza-
pilous to continue their woik , throw open
" "their doois to new mumbein , and prupaio by
Tirganl/atlou and edueatlon for tuturu eon-
tests. . The central laboi union Is called upon
to Issue an address to organisations lu other
cities asking their oo-iipeintion by similar
movements that n national paify might be
lormed. Jleniv CeorgiMiiailu an In
\\hlcli I ui uuullcted that thu mnumieiit In-
nnguntted hciu would spicad thioughout thu
niulno In Now York ,
New YoitK , Nov , 0. Jlon. James ( i.
JJliiino dined this evening at the icMdence. ol
( Stephen 1) ) . Klkens. It was announced that
thu dinner was a puiely social alTalr ami
without political significance. Among those
lire.sent were fJoneml Tom Kwlng , Chauneev
H. Depow , Lovl 1 * . Moiton , Chailes iimary
Smith and Wliltvlaw Held. Hl.iluo tecelved
> a good many callers this morning at the
"fifth avonun hotel and at noon took u coupe
. And was dilven to thu steamer Eliiula to PC
JJSuitator Halo and litmily off for Kuiope.
Itlalnu says huuiay lomalii in the city lor days.
Jioiu-N or hahur Koduced.
AUGUSTA , ( Ja. , Jsov , ( K Thoiactories have
voluntarily reduced the hours of labor from
blxty-eUht to sixtylivehours per week , and
will bu In opeiatiou on .Monday.
A Democratic '
. , TJIKNTCW , N. J. , Nov. ( X Olllclal reltirus
II nfiom the FouitlicouciutteUiiial dIMrlut glyo
J'idcoct , ilemooiat , a mnjurlly ol 110 over
Van JJIiuconi , ii'iiubllcau. , ' .
Mr. Tucker Declined Appointment on
the CJroimtl of Poverty.
Ni.w \ OISK , Nov.0. The following letter
to the president has been published :
Ni.w YOJIK. Nov. 0. To Orover Cleveland ,
President of the Tnlted States. Sir : The
new-ip.iper.s Plato that you have designated
me as a "commissioner to examine and ie-
pott on 100 miles of rnllrond constituted bi
lbo Oiegou it Callfoinla Itntlroad company , "
In Southwestern Oregon. No such appoint
ment hns leached me , but as a public an
nouncement of U was made at the uhlto
house by your private cecietarv to newspaper
repoitt-is 1 assume It to have been or deter
mined upon bj such inquiry'as 1 have been
enabled to lunKo I lenin that this commls-
slonei.xhlp Ispnulded for In one of those
laws bj ulilchcoriupteoiigies esha\i ! In Into
> enisglicn auay to rniliond capitalists vast
tiacts of land belonglne to the American
peoiilu subject to favoinblo reports \\hen
made to thepiesldent by the commlssionein
named bj Him to examine the completed
roads. My training and evocations have not
especially lilted me for such examination- ,
as It Is doubtful whether my employment in
them would bo beneficial or satisfactory to
the public. Hut I lia\o tuither ic.t'-on for de
clining thu oJlice. An examination ot this
kind , 1 am told , is treated as n sort of enter
tainment given to the commissioner by the
otllcials of the rord subjected tocxamiimtlon ,
of free rides In palace cars , of fiee quarters nt
liolols and n hospitality which , at the same
time , uene.-oitsnndseliish , MO commonly ex
tended. A favorabl'i report , however , just
lies under the Imputation of havlntr been
purchased. On thn other hand , thu commis
sioner who would rrlttsnnil favors cannot
more than emit the expenses of ordinary
travel. I am a poor man , depending upon
my woik for an Income , nud cannot afford to
lake this appointment. In acceptluc my de
clination , also , please , accept my respectful
acknowledgment , ( SUned )
UtuaioK : J. TucKiat.
The California Election.
SAN Fn.VNrisco , Gala. , Nov. 0. Changes
to-day from thu Interior precincts of the state
icducc Uartlett's ( democrat ) , malorlty over
Swift ( icpubllcan ) , for governor to SOI. The
remaining precincts to bo heard from In the
uountaln counties will probably incicaso
these figures for liartlctt. but the final result
cannot yet bo determined.- The lopubllcans
nssert that Swift was counted out
n San Francisco. The republi
can state ccnttal committee has
jy permission placed seals on packages
containing voles nnd on the vaults In which
Jiey have been placed. They have also
ulaced two men to watch the vaults. The
[ 'list congressional distilct is the only olio
tiow doubtful. Ulifgs , do-mod at , is elected
n the Second. The icmalnlng lour havn
jeen cnirled by the republicans. Kelums for
: he legislature aiustill incomplete , but tbeio
s no doubt It Is democratic bv at least six ma
jority on ioint ballots. Flgutcs alieady re-
delved Indicate twelve , but republican ma
jorities at some points will probnhlvcut these
PiiiLAnr.i.i'iiiA , Nov. 0. Ollielal returns
if the vote for governor have been iceeiveil
From every county In the state except Phila
delphia. With Philadelphia put at 2T,100
) linallty for Beaver , lepublican , the lattci's
iilurallty In the .state over Black , democrat , IK
42.SKJO. 'Tho estimate in Philadelphia Is based
on unofficial footings ot complete returns ,
nud the official count , which has not yet been
completed , will not materially change the
iiurcs Kivcn. Wolfe , prohibitionist lor iov-
; ruor , icceived aboutM,000 : ) votes.
TSatlonal Jockey Club.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 0. The closing day of
the National Jockey club races , the last three
run in tlio mud.
Seveu-fllglitli mile : Duablne won , Count
Luna second , Uelax llilid. Time 1:30. :
For three-year-olds nnd upwards , mile ,
weights twenty-eight pounds above the scale :
Hermitage won , Hessle second , Harry Kus-
6ell third. Time 1-14.
Handicap , onu nml one-eighth miles :
Tello Dot won , Irani : Ward second , Gouta-
lon third. Time 1:50K. :
Three-quarter mlln heats : fust heat Er
ror won. Kiiinkle 13. second , Tom Berlin
third. Time 1:10. : Second Jieat Fraukie
I ) , 'won , Error second , Tom Berlin third.
Time 1:10. Third heat Franklo B. won ,
Error second. Time 1:10K. :
Mile : Blugonncttp won , Mamie Hunt second
end , Bonanza third. Time 1:41. :
Nntionnl Cattle Growers.
CHICAGO , Nov. 0. All railways Included
in the Western Traffic association have
united In extending a halt rate tare to all
delegates to attend the national cattle crow-
ers' convention to be held In Chlcaco Novem
ber 1C and 17 , nnd it is expected that the
Union Pacific , Santa Fe nnd other leading
western lines will join in extending the same
rate. Among tlio notable men expected to
attend are Senators Kd inn .ids. Cullom , Beck
nud Miller , Judge Hancock ol Texas , Hon.
Thomas Sturgis of Wyomlne , Maujuis
de Mores nud others , all of whom aie ex
pected to dcllior addicsses. The American
iat.stock , dairy and horse show will be held
nt thu same time.
Will Extradlto Him.
NB\V VOKIJ , Nov. 0. A Montreal special
says : Mrs. Holce , wife of the defaulting
book keeper of ; i Peorla , Ills. , , her law
yer , Mr. Irving , of Peoria , 111. , Assistant
Cashier T. ( J. Kly and Director C. C. Clarke ,
ai rived hern by tlio Chicago express this
morning. The latter In an interview stated
that Ollicet Hitchcock , of 1'eoila , was on his
way heru from Washington wild tlie noees-
.sary papers lor Iloku's extrailltion on tlio
charge of foigery. Cltti Ice * > .iys he has checks
fenced by lloko to thu iinioiint of 40,000.
lloKiisaul this morning that he intended
lighting the extradition proceeding , and lias
letaltied leading counsel. Ho says the bank
was managed in n most careless manner , and
that he will show up the dliuctors before ho
gets through. The hearing has been tixed
for Tuesday.
Tlio Presidential Party.
Jto&Tox , Nov. 0. Mrs. Cleveland , accom
panied by Secretary nnd Mis. Kndljott , ar
rived In this city at 3:30 : this afternoon and
thu party , entci ing the secretary's carriage ,
wore ilrivnn to the residence of Mrs. Powell
Mason , ail * Commonwealth avenue. The
party alighted troin the train at Columbus
iivcnitfl Mitlon , thnicby giving the waitIng -
Ing crowd nt the depot the slip.
Mrs. 1'owell Mason Is a sister of Mis. Hndl-
colt and the jnity will remain at lier house
to-nmht and to-moiiow. This evening Mrs.
Mason ga\oi ! dinner party In honor ot Mrs.
Cleveland , roveis b ling laid for about thirty
poisons. The guests Included Sir Lyon and
Lady 1'laylalr , Mr. and Mrs. 1.e\eiiMt Salton-
stall , Mr. and Mrs Jh I miner and Secielaiy
and Mrs. IJiipIcott.
Itandnll For President.
Niw : YOHK , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to
the BKI : . ] The Sun prints Urn following this
morning ; "Through all the political contests
of the just ten years , one fact has been ap
parent , and no event during that time has
dlmlshed its significance. It Is morn prom
Incut to-day than ever , and it Is that n pin\er
till democridlu national ticket would bo'For
president , Samuel Jackson Hantlall. ' "
ltooocvult'8 Coinlni ; Marrlngo ,
Ni\v : VIIIIK , Nov. 0. Theodore Koow.velr ,
eaiuliilite of the icpubllcan party tur mayor
of this city at the last election , Milled fur
Kuiopo to-day. 'J'ho Commercial AdveiUser
na > s he nlll be ubroail cometlme and that
\\hllo abroad ho will marry .Miss Kdith
tai ! < uof this city , lloosevelt has been a
> \liluuer tor tuo years.
lilt ) Queer Mission to Cnnndii
MoNTiirAi. , ( juebeo , Nov. 0. TImd S. Kly ,
cashier of the Merchant * ' bank of IVorla ,
111. , has uirlvcd hcie to look after the bank's
Interests In the prosecution ot J. if , Jloke.
defaulting book-keeper ,
Itlu Dumber Mill liiirneil.
IDIIIKA : : , Cala. , Nov. 0. The llunibolt
Lumbi > reoiuianv'ii mill burned last night.
Loss , SSO.lXO ! paitlally Insuied. It was
onned by llorbell Itros. , K. L. Cuttun , J.
Se.ddtr and J. Someis.
V. M. O. A. Notes.
Bible uhiss Sunday morning at ) Jil5
Service in jail .Sunitay at I o'clock.
( Jospol inoetliiK in the V. M.O. . A.
room , Fifteenth and Dodge , Williams
block , Sunday Jiftornoon nt 4 o'clock ,
Monthly mucting AlomliXy nliilit.
Noon-ilu ? prayer mcetiuij daily from 13
to 1 o'.elook.
Jeff Long Convicted at North Phito of
Murdering the Bascombs.
HttHlmml ntul tt'lfo llcatcn to Death
With nn Iron Holt anil the
Cremated In Their
Ihn Penalty Is Death.
XOKTII I'LATTI : , Neb. , Nov. 0. fSpeda
Telegram to the JJr.E.1 Jell LOIIB was yes
terday convicted of belne ncce-sory to pro
curing Ihe murder ot Ktnlly Uascomb. The
detail ! ) of the crime stamp It as onu of the
'iiostalioclnus ' In the annals of Nebraska.
On the moi nltiR of Aprils , 1881 , Jell Loin
: uou ht the news to North IMatto that the
liousu of Itlohard U.ucoml ) , his nearest nolqli *
lor , had burned during Iho nlglil and that
Dascombaiidhls wife Emily \\ero almost
consumed In tlio lire. Acoioner's ) jury was
summoned at once nnd a thorough Investiga
tion was made , over a month being occupied
without developing any facts other than that
the icmalns of Kinlly Un&comb
were cntliety consumed except a
portion of the pelvis bone.
Itlclmrd Bascomb being n Lirce man his body
lad not entliely consumed andllhore was n
liortlon of his suspenders and coat .still ad
hering to his body , which was an indication
that hu had not ( 'ono to bed before the lire oc
curred nnd that a murder had been commit
ted. The coroner's jury rendered n veullct
that lllclmnl and Ktnlly Ha comb hail been
murdeied by a person unknown. Suspicion
lested from the beginning on Jeff Lone and
Krnest and Kugcno Aleyer , all nclghboia of
the Hascombs , buttlicio was not proof sulll-
cent to justify any nricsls until the grand
jury met last Febiuaiy , when Indictments
wens found against Krnest Meyer and Homy
Tedcrmati for killing the Jlascombs , nnd
against JelT Long for procuring and abettlnc
the killing. At the time of the murder Terd-
enmu and Krnest filoyor were In
thu employ of Jeff J.oug. Shortly
after the inuidcr Krnest Jloyer lied the coun
try with a team of horses that had belonged
to LOUR , and has never since been heard of.
The case against Tederman was nollled and
he was used by the state as a witness against
Ah to the way the crime was done , the only
o\idenco that lias eomo to the surloro Is thu
statements of Tederman and Kucono Meyeis
us to what Einest Meyeis told them about It.
Tederman's statement is to the ellect that
Krnettt .Mineis told him that he ( ICtnest ) and
Kuceiie leyers had committed the crime ;
that KiiKene shot Kichnrd Bicomb ; down in
his hotihe : that limlly Bascomb attempted to
escape and tan iUite | a piece from thu house ,
and that K ! ; ene followed her and biought
her baek to the house : that she beugcd pile-
ously for herllfethat ; Ktigcne beat her brains
out with an lion bolt nnd lin-
islied killing the old man with
the 8,11110 weapon , and then sot lire to the
housa. Kugene's story is to the ellect that
Ernest hart told him that he had committed
tlio crime : that Jetr Long had agiccd to pay
him SoOOfor the deed.
The testimony against Lone was entirely
clicnuihtantial. It was shown at thu trial Long had made threats aizalnst the lias-
comues , and that ho had expressed n desiic
to have them put out of the wav ; that Long
had tuinished Krneht Jleyer with the team of
horses with which he lied thu country. Hut
the most damacins testimony nganibt LOUR
was some notes that ho had passed to lerdo-
maii wliilo they weie both in
jail , cautioninc T eideman as to
wluithesjlioulddoandnay in recant to the
matter. District Attorney Sinclair J.v. .
Ulxlernnd A. JL Church ably rcpicsenled the
state. The defeii o was represented by
Tlmrston , Hinmanlames , Xesblr , Hoa land ,
Heist and Kevill. The eus was well con
tested on both .sides and took six days to per-
sent to the jury. The jury were out but
twenty-live minutes.
A motion for n now trial was filed by the
defense and .ludge Kaininer set November "T
for heaiIng arguments on tlio motion. An
indictment was found against Kuuene Meyer
in July last for being implicated In theciimo.
Kugene is in j.ill awaiting a trial.
Another Stntc .Journal tile.
i : , Neb. Nov. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the lii.J ! : : A special in the Lincoln
Journal of this date , from Beatrice , is a tissue
of lies. The senatorial vote In this county Is
as follows : Van Wyck , 2.000 ; Paddock ,
1,514. Mr. Paddork did make an elfoit to se
cure votes , and the tickets about tlio head
quarters of Mr. Bulks , of the democratic cen
tral committee , bore Mr. Paddock's name as
preference for Untied States senator , and
they were In Mr. Paddock's own handwrit
ing , as were many of the republican tickets
on tlio same question. Van Wyck's vote
was largely lupubllcnu. The Express , a
chronic bolter , trios to ( inure that it came
from the democrats , but this Is not so. Jt
also denies that Colby traded Howe away ,
which is known to bu true How
does the liKU account for the sudden and
ovonveaiilng love the Mas tor Colby ,
after all thu years It has abused him ? It Is
true , also , that Paddock was at the polls : \I1 \
day , uud the returns show that wliilo he , like
Colby , was helping himself , ho was verv nil-
mlndtul of Howe's Intciust. Only Paddock's '
residence hero enabled him to get votes.
They were purely complimentary.
Church Kmlorsriiirnt of
LINCOLNNeb. . , Nov. 0. In a letter to
John Kit/Kcrald , piesldent of the Jrlsli Na
tional league , acknowledging his biibsciln-
tlou of SV,00 ! for St. Pdttlck's church In
Home , Archbishop Walsh , of Dublin , make *
the follow Ing significant allusion to tlio col
lapse of nrn-Encllsh Inllueneo at Ino Vatican :
"Tho Holy Father takes a special peisonul
inteicbl In this work. YcinmnyieM nssuied
then that jour splendid gilt toil will attiaet
his attention. It will lurnisli
him with another inldencu of tlio
tiiilh uhleh ho ( us so fully
leull/cd. that our lrlt.ii imuemcnt is very far
Indeed tioni belnit wliat our enemies a shoit
time slnco so Inclustiioubly labored to deceive
him into believing It to be. " Key. Father
Ciljnn , promoter ol the new chinch , wiites to
Mr , Klt/geiuld : "The bibhopMit your native
land dcslio that your luttei should tie re.ul
wherever our fellow-couutijinen and their
eluldien have found a liome. It will not fail
to semi a tlnlll ot Joy tlimutrh their lumits
and will soi vo the cause of fultli and father
hood ,
Knots Prom Frnnklln ,
FJIAMU.I.V , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special to the
Uin.j : Now unilorms have reached the
academy boys. They came out In full mili
tary array. Two new churchus Haptlst and
Lutheran are just completed. These , with
tlio Methodist and Congregational churches ,
thu public school house , the academy , Stuw-
nit hall and Ladies' hull have nil been built
within Ihu jeais. It speaks \\ell for the
public spiiitof FiunKlin. C. H. Haulson ,
prohibition c.iudliUUi ( or eongio > s liom thin
distriet , lia- > been Invited to tmcomu lln.tnuial
nient lor Doanu college at Cruti ) but declines.
Uo remains as a ent for l-'raiiklin acadumy.
A fjarsjo Mnjonty I'op Vnn Wy Ic ,
AixsNOiiTH , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special to
the Hr.r..l HIOWII county gives Vnn Wyck a
JaiKO majority. The count Is not jot com
pleted. . , ! P , Wood , democrat , has a majority
of t\\enly-tour tor the Twentieth leiiresenta-
ti\o district. The total vote of the county is
Coiintr'H Olllclal Vote.
Nonrii PI.ATTI : , Neb. . Nov. 7. [ Special
Tele''iam ' to the HIK.J : The following Is the
Olllclal count of the total vote of Lincoln
county : Total vote l.lfti. Preference for
United States senator Van Wyck S'J7 , Pad
dock 7 and Thurslon 4.
On no rrcscnintion.
SHIXKV , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram
to thu UIK. : ] Alderman Chailes TroBiiltz
was piejisnted this evening with a handsome
gold headed cane by the city council , Mayor
O'Uerfelder presided. The presentation
speech was made byjudee Norvell. Speeches
Were also made by General Morrow , JudKO
Shuuinr , Hon. J. Mclntosh , Jmlico Pease ,
Colonel Will HelUy and many others. A
crand banquet follivreif. Mr. Trognlt lias
worked nssiduouslv' fn 'the Intcrcs.t of this
community , resulting In this maik of cslcom
from Ills colleagues. _
KtilitH | oTTinlirlr Cntltlnncit ,
BOSTON' , Nov. O.PhMo has been consid
erable excitement among the Knights of
Labor In this city recently over the discovery
that quite a number of fho members of the
order had gone to Chicago to woilc In the
packinghouses In whiell the labor troubles
an ; at present existing. ! The executive hoard
of district assembly No. 0 , of Uio Knights
of Labor to-day Usueu a ciicular to all
knights In the dNtrict , 'falling ' attention to
the pnoklnc house Doubles nnd fottilddltiir
them under itcnnlt ) to go to Chlcaco to work
In those houses until llic'ltrouhlus arc settled.
OtMin tl ) dnnntln.
Fit.vxrisco , Nov. rt. Charles W.
Hanks , nno of the cashicis of the Wells
Fnrgo Impress company , has disappeared ,
leaving S''O.OOO unaccounted for on his books.
Ho Is missing slnco the HI Instant , and Is be
lle vod to bo on his way to Canada via Vic
toria , British Columbia. ills wife Is In New
Union 1'nolllo
UOSTO.V. Nov. . The statement ot the
Union Pac I lie rail road lor September shows :
Gross earnings S'i,517,702 ; net earnings ,
S'.ULSOl. The net earnings for nluo months.
cutlliiL' September SO , woie SO.Hn.'JIl , against
yo,453.20r > for the corresponding nine months
of lSi > S. The dect ease was caused by the In-
cicaso In expenses ,
Sonrecl to Tliolr Death.
CIXCIXNATI , Nox0. . The steamer Dale , n
little vessel that plies up the Ohio to a point
loin t ten miles fiom here , blew out her boiler-
head to-night on her down trip. Very little
damage resulted. Two men In fright jumped
overboard and wore di owned.
Iowa nml Nohrnskn Woutlicr.
For Mebraslca : Fair weather , slightly
warmer , vdiiablu winds , shifting to suutli-
For Iowa : Fair weather , slluhtly warmer ,
variable winds , shlltlncto soutlierjy.
For Missionary Work.
Nr.w Ynnic , Nov. 0. The board ot nils-
fiions of the Methodist Kplseopal cliurch , In
session heie , has appropriated $ 'r > WM47 for
foreign mission this year , against SUiir , > ; MJ
last j ear.
Knights of Pythias , Tnlco Notice.
The Brethren of Nebraska Lodge , No.
1 , K. ol P. , : ire requested to meet ut CHS-
tin hull , on Hth street , between Douglas
and Dodge , this diy : ( Sunday ) at liill ) p.
m , hhnri ) , to attend the funeral of
Brother K. B. Carter. Brother : xiul Sister -
tor Lodges , nnd nil visiting Knights uro
cordially invited to unite with us. By
order ,
J W. Lounxsimu , C. C.
J. E. SMITH , K. K.ANI > S.
Bishop Qnlntnrd , of Tennessee , will
preach at tlio Trinity Cathedral ut 11
o'clock to-day. Rev. Gardner will con
duct the evening service.
The Rev. C. S. Withcrppoon , who hns
been visiting here for a few ihiys with
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Alorony , will leave next
week for his liqinu in Ohi9. He will
prciich in St. John's church this morninc.
Miss Clara Bnrlvpt'of ! Grand Jsland ,
Nob. , who hus beuii vj'sitiiie her friend ,
Miss Inez Haskcil , for thu past two
weeks , loft for her lionVo yestordny.
Housekeepers RJjhptiiislblo for a Very
UiiKatlsrdctoryiOojitjtlloii of Affnirs.
Atlantic Monthly : Aloro than any class
of women in the vjorltj , if wo except the
indolent Asiatic , do llio American women
need servants.'o liijtvo not the robust
fniinc nor tlic sturdy strength of the
British matron oTl.tlioiCicrman liaiisfratt.
Onr climate is-'pilllmtJUng' , our lives nre
varied unu. ' cfivoHfng * quV frames1' are
slight and ourjnotvcs'"weak. We can
do much \yith our heads much planning
and thinking , much arranging and direct
ing. To supplement this we need the
strong arms , the tireless baekfi of the
peasant woman of the Old World. If we
wore wise and sensible enough to pay
them moderately but fairly , to. make them
dress .suitably and live plainly , in every
case where \vc now can have but one pair
of hands to assist in Iho household work ,
while we make shift -to do the rest , we
might have two. Yes , there ! . - > no
that if the maid-of-all-\vork
question - - - \ ,
who now receives $10 per month and is
"fed like one of the family , " wore to re
ceive the bame wages that an English
hou&9keoper would pay , to eat what
English servants are given to eat instead
of our broils and roasts and dainty luxu
ries in the way of' desserts , the jaded
female hcud of our smaller American
households would lind 'that she could
"keep two girls" without adding a dollar
to her yearly expenses.
And why cannot this bo done ? Is it
nor , a positive wrong that it should not bo
done1 ! The poor ot Kurope tire crowding
to our shores , demanding work , and
there is none for them , begging for food
and shelter and sullering misery and
lapsing into sin for want of decent homes
and honest labor. Are not onr women
blind to their duty in giving one wlmt
is abundant for two , in keening up an
unnatural and unreasonable scale of
prices for the benefit of a few ? Wo have
not waited for onr umploycs to impress
the boycott upon its ; wo have boycotted
ournelvos. Without reason , without out-
Mdo pressure , in defiance ot common
seii'io and to their detriment and ours ,
wo insist upon n state of allairs that is ji
sarcasm upon our judgment and con
vincing proof that , whatever wo may at
tain to in future , men are very right yet
in saying that wo laek business knowl
edge nnd capacity , and show ourseiu-s
hingnlarly unintelligent in regard to the
conduct of nll'rtirs.
Diamonds liy the Ton.
There have been some very large pnr-
chases of diamonds by Americans in
London during the last season , owing to
their great cheapness. The market here
is Hooded with stones Irom the South
African Holds , where the yield is said to
have reached fully a ton per month.
Stones of this South African variety sell
as low as $ oO a carat , and in rough at
four or live dollars a carat. It is no
longer true that dhiniumls are the safest
investment , for it lookas though the excess -
cess from Africa NvVinld make then too
common to maintain their place in the
Hrst rank of - . ! ' 'Au'jp , , . > . .t.
In Cincinnati tbei otlwr day a boy of
abonteighteen youraotago was sentonoed
to jail for larceny. Ab hu was being led
down I stairs hu haa'UlT/ swallowed some
I f
Dills from a MnalI'vlal , * Ho was placed
behind ' the bars aMf began to cry bitterly.
J'ho prisoners raised , tjo | alarm that ho
hail taken nrj > eiiu. | ' A plivsiciati and
Momach pump were hunt for , and ho was
laid on the lloor and thoroughly pumped
out. When liogotttn.iipportimity . to ex
plain ho bald that fro Had merely taken
Bomo harmless penils'fbr ' his brita'th
8. S. Kf.OOn , A. H McOAMl'lIHU.
MamtiurlialvoiloiiCnt-IMBinbur .Sow l > rotn ! Cot-
> ? r.k * ? V.stv'lUU'i ' ' l' 'H * < 1l Ji' ' < "ml Chlcv
Mcrchuiiti Jiirliiiiue. | to llonul ol 'Jrailo ,
IlllOKKitb IN
Grain , Provisions , Pclrolciini
And Stocks , ,
For Future Delivery
Will he Heady fur Jtiisiness About No
vember 7tli.
101) and in so 111'JI lUlli ST.
liftcr Id lit .Nation * ! Uuk. Omihi
ar. A. UPTON. E. T. GADD
Successors to Hatcher , G-acld& Co. ,
1509 Farnam , Opp , MCI clients' ' Hotel , Omaha ,
Ill a Krniviiw * "l'J' I" the most snfc.Hiirc nnd iirofllablovny to rcnl-
Izo good returns Tor amount * expended.
' Ilio IiBl of nil Avenlth. fire cnnnot destroy. Thieves cnnnotD
On < S od interest on your money when yon l ny really In Omaliu
nt present prlees iinywliere ivllliiii two and one-half miles from
tiic [ lotlolllce. Rxeeptcnst. FnrllK r < nnt than that "Von payn
and takes ' ehoU-c" Let those who
your money you j'our arc well
lip in the art of "I'lattiii " ( and lying ) spoil the good farm * . WI2
recommend ba-uilnn that Alii : WOUTfl TiJBMOM1V. ; .
Lots in any Part of Omaha and South Omaha
For Sale.
Gentlemanly nnd intelligent salesmen with elegant rig * to
show them. We have nearly every lot Hint N for sale in South
Omaha the future live gtoek market of the world. SonndNhix ,
don't itluit Keep your eye on the giiii and see how Ion ; ; before
it tsets there. " Aere and farm properly for sale or cxehange. If
yon want to uny , sell or trade eotne and NCC us.
M. A. UPTON & CO , 1509 Farnani
N-\V. \ Cor , 13th and Douglas Sta.
3133.14th Strcot.
Falconer's Block , 15th and Douglaa.
IPOC Fnrnnm Street.
L. D. 1IOL.MR5 . ,
Attorney at. Lwwt
ItoomS 1'ronrcr lllook , Opposite Vostofflce.
Physician & Surgeon ,
214 S. 12lh ? t. , cor. Furnnin. Iron Bunk flulldlnp.
Offlco hours , 2 to 1 nud 7 to U p. m. 10 to on
Siindny. _
o. s. uaorrB/\x ni. i > . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Onico Telephone 40. " . Hoaldeiico'I'olcphoiiolB ,
Yvr. .
Surgeon and Physician
OFriCE , N.I'Co * . 14th and Douglas St ,
OicfiTi'Iophono4G5. | ] lleslileiuo Tt'loiliouu. ' > C3
JAMES nrric.vibiY ! ) , ? i7i >
rlivfllclaii and
j , No. 1407 Jones Strcot OfTloo ,
WlllniDll Jflodc , Tvleiihonu , ruslilonco , No. 134.
Offleo miit Uosldeneo , T7I N. IQIIiHt.
Jl. A. WOltLKY , M. D. ,
OfllCO 1411) POllRO Slll'llt. 'lVIOlllPIIO | l .
Hcfcldonco 17ia Ciiiltnl | Avo. TeluiilionoStO.
l"in " Tf > lifo St , 1st rloor wiit of I > O , Take nlo
lit or to ioom U'\ \ ' } third lloor. Telephone No
UoslileiiceB3N , 20th streot. Telephone No. M
Thyslclan and Surgeon , Olllco.'in 9. 14th at
Jloimcopathlst ,
Offlro , 318 8. 14th st , Telephone Mi.
Kit. .t. W. m'SART ,
Surgeon and Physician
JV.U' . 'or. lUIJi A Dlou-ard ,
ItcsMi IILC 1611 IlolKOBt. iTulophono ,
Olllco ho in a , 1U to U n. mid 2 tp 5 p.m.
U. T. TAi'LOR.
General Agent
Odlcitror. llth nnd Douirlai Sta.
Issuo-Ordiniujr l.lfu , Kndoumont , Limited
iiiloHinfint , Kl\o Veur Dividend I'lun und tlio
1'opulnr Non-Fortf Itluif Tonllno i'oliclcj ,
MU over * X > ,0 , < X,00) ) ) . AirenU uuto.1.
General Airont
Protfdent Saving Lira Assuraac ] Go
of Now York.
Mlllnrd Ho ol llloo : ; , Omnho.
The fti.'cllv "Nniuriil 1 r mliim 1'lan. " Acttm
avernfc'O yearly cost duriiiK 1831 , 133J aud 1883 ,
Bt iitfo7. . for 110,000 , was f 7S.N ) .
Printers , Book Binders
And niflnk book Manufacturen. Nos. 100 and
] OPS.14th street. OmnlmNeb. J.F. Falrllo , Super
intendent Illndory. Telephone No. 253.
Mnnutnetnrer nnd denier In
liarnej-i. puddle. * , whips , horse
clothlmr , etc. All errndtta of
lmruinl -nys Kept on hnnd
or in ad c to order. Kopalrlnff
nspeclnlty llfl N. Kith Sr
but. Dod o nnd Capital Ave ,
Auction and Commission
Consignments solicited ; furniture boutrhtiuil
Hold , bales of live stock nnd household furni
ture lit prlvnto icslilciii'os H n specialty with ui.
Iti-niiniiber the plnco , West i ; 1'illsuhcr'd liloolc
N Hlh st. No ltd
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Hte. Also Tin ItooflDif , aultnrln .Spoutlu ? , uiii
Qenornl Job Tinning. The bust of work anJ ran
Bonablucliiiitr'M , Milk runs nnd ether tinware
nHtoek. J. ) Cumin : ; .St. Imnln ) > . Nub.
Dentists ,
Dentists ,
13tli Street Market.
All kinds of froin and salt rasas oonjtaotlj
ai bnud.
1'oultry , irninn , nto. , In scnson.
K. lluuiii UTII Ho. Hth stroot.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $260,000
Surplus . 30,000
11V. . Viiles , I'roslilout.
A. U. Tou/.iilin , v'Ico l'rt' . ° lilont.
\V. II S. llii-lics , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
II. W Yates , howls H. Heed.
A. K. Totualin.
Cor ISth and I'urtmm St *
A Ur.ncral luulinK ! ; Business 1'rnnsnctcd.
. ] & .
JJA XKKltS , OH IV. t C O.
DflUnC < ) f f'onntlcn , Cities and others or
UvieUO hlfrli K f bouh'lit and bold Knitoru
offlce ex Oevonililre ut. . lloston. Cornciioud-
enc solicited.
IDIAI " " " * i / < * > > * " "
I nlQI Neriuu IlcCllllr , | ITO !
I llinL lurru t. , i .i Manh.oj ,
. . < kl. * 4 lKll . Tl l ( 'k | < I to. i > U | < rt .
IJB A. U. OI.IN CO. , St. in W .lU/ ' . > blrKl1Cklcv' .
111. tl.OO nr l'u < jkug . l
Athertl rmcuts umlerthls , lOcontspor
line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for ench nib-
pequcnt ln crton ! , nnd Sl.M ) line per mouth
No mlvcrtlscmont tnkon for le s th n C5 conti
for tlio Hrst intcMlon. Scren words will be
counted to tlio lines tlioy mut run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr-
tlsctnonLs mu t t > o hnndoJ In before 3 o'elo k
p.m. , nnd under no olrciimMftncei will thoyb *
taken ordl oonllrmcd lir trlophono.
I'nrtlts ndtcrtlstntr In tliow lolumns nnd hit-
Injr the answer * nOilrcssnl In onto of TIIK HE *
will pleapo nfk for a eliock tofnidilothem toRCt
their letters , ns uono will bn delivered except
on nrp'outntlftn of check. All nnwori to n < i'
rorti < cinoiit < clioulil bo onploiril in imvrlniira.
1 011 SAMJ-A ilwt olajfl furniture mid mi-
iloilnkltiirtiuMtiMi In a town of 2,000 Inlintil *
tnntsot .NoitlieHSt.Nel ) . Address 8 SI lleoolllco.
fiST 10
\VANTI5nuIi'AHTSiH-Iirdr or"penth'ranti
: - ( ' ,
> ' with smnll rnpltnl , to ttiUo halt intcro-t In
p tnlill3lied , iicrmiiiipnt , llril-t'lno * olty
no s.jmymit F-.WO to $ IOOJ jonrlyi irooi ] red-
sons for.m'llhiK : wrand olinneo for rlulit pntty.
lleo ollice. 68
"ITlOlt SAMJ-A nleo , clean nnd ollu ortoil
JL ptockor I'ontsiunl ' slioi" locntcMl luonoof tit *
liost towns tu Nfliriioku , dolmr n good hiiRlucM.
flock will Invalei ) nlirut nix thoimiitid dollars
lil.KXl. ( ) Part L'ltfdi.lialnnonoii lout ? tliuo ; nt *
Isfiiotory renMius ( jl\on for BelllntrAililrcss
fW ) lice nlllco. BTti "
FOIt SAM- : Host pa > lmr I.uneh C-juntor imJ
Chop MOIIS.O III ( no I'liy. Hood rcnsinu lor
solllntf. U L. Ilnnchett , 1X'4 DoiiKlus.
409 7 *
FOR 8AM5-70 ncres lylim nlonir II & M Uy. .
two mlios Irom toek yiinls. * , W.O > 1 p < r
nrro If uold while nwnor li llnro.Vooil ononwh
can bo out otr to pnrt pay for It. Kasy tornid.
Aildro < H S 40 , lleo Olllco. 4'I.1J ! '
8A1.H A atimll hnieli couutor iloinR n
( rood Iui lno9s : will sell clicHji. Address 8.
4llcii Olllco B B *
FOIt HAr.K AnS-ioom hnnrdlnv house , filr-
nlsliocl , roiuly for occupation ; Rood locu
tion. Inijtifro 1.11(1 DodKo , tor II ilnyn. 5.VIO
TTlOtts Ai.n .Oiio of the lie t pnyhiff hotels In
4. thl eity , miihlnir minioy fnst. licst ot
rcncoiiR fdrpcllini. . f J.WHI cash loiulrod to got
It C. K. lcc , liU7 Fnrnim Ht. 475
| T < Oll > > . \I.K A restiiuraut locntod on n lively
JL biHlnusa stroot. AUdross S li'J ' lleoolllco.
48211 *
ITlOHSAIiR The balance of n very tlno Ory
A ( roods stock , ionsl tlnir of nbout J600 woith
ofcoloicd Bilks' ' , $ liniO ot dress Kood , f.V * ) of
hoslerr nnd ttnderwonr fMKl plushes , volvot.s
mid voholren , lirocmlod nnd plain ; { 400 broche
nnd linn Impoititil slmwls , $4)0 ) clnnks mid
Hiiips , fnOO not Ions nud Sl''lU iloinesllo rllihoiu.
cornets , fringes nnd nklitH. llnnn nud whlto
( loodfl.VlllhoFolil at n HiicilDeo. Addums ,
( ! . lo\vllnz. ) Mlllnid Hotel , Oiniihil. COO 7 *
"ITIOH SAM : A rcstnurnnt doing irooil busl-
J. noss. ItKiulroof IMwIuDnvl ? , 1603 rnrtinm
St. 3'Jfi
FOH SA tiB riiiuitwiira lliisino-'S- otTer
onr shelf mid licuvy Imrdwuro Inisluona Tor
sale , together with our lonso nml ( food will.
Trntio Inrpest In the cltv nnd location the host.
llftlrlnp frnm the business rnuso for sollliiB
The llruuii IlHuhviiro Co. , IOU'8 O St. , Lincoln.
_ _ _ 787 _ _ _
Foil SAI.t : All f iirnlahed commercial liotol
S rooms , nlso sntnplo room , llvory burn ,
trlnil mill ; only hotel In town. Uradfliikw Neb.
M. P. HotchkUs. 700 nl8 *
Foil SAM5 Ono of the eldest nnd best par-
lus firooory llnslncss In tlio city. For pnr-
ticulars.ltuiuli-o at Ul'i.lotion st. OJ8
H IOII KS Lots.rnrnm.lJimm tnnnoy lonnml.
Hemis , Kith and DoiiKluu stroots. 295
IOST Strnjod from my burna Boiro ) mule
J ( innro ) . live yenrs old , cl lit I.PtOlbfl. He-
ward for return lo U08 Ciitlioi iuo Btioot.V. . 0.
Sloan. 63o
OST On the street , a Bcarf pin , with clintii
nnd ImiiKlcs ; u dliuiiotid sot In u tlnlsv ,
iirkud "Hurtle. " Itownnl for return 10 this
LOST Frnm 8. c. cor. of Snunders ami i.nko
sts. , Wednesday , udiuk liny mine pony , 0
yeaisnld. Huwtinl lor lolurn. tXXI u *
T OST A K. of I1 , slinnldrr strnp. Finder
.L ; loiivo ut the Nob. & lowu Ins. Co. . 15th nnd
llnrnoy. 685 u
LOST firny glniwl , Iilm-lc bonlnr iinil frlnire ,
llndnr return to I-'ll DoJgu uiul gut reward.
0490 *
rovr 1'ioin Mnrsh's sliiutflitor IIOIIHO , 8 fnt
'lu'ifors iiiiukocl with tin-over lilps. Howard
lor Intoimallon or return. 3.1) . I'uisons.filW N.
] Ctli8t. 4U U *
I OST A JM-HOW brlndlo bull torrlor , black
inii//o ] nnd trlinnu-d onrx , S months old.
lletinii tos. w. cor. Dodtfo nud IMli HIS. nml
get reward 003 7 *
$ r.00 ItnWA'lTiTfol1 the ictnrn of lied Irlih
Setter ! l months old hitch. Ansuursto iinino
or Nelllo Tux tiiir N'o. HI ) , ulso adilioss on col-
Inr. Itoturn tot iO" 1'lorco. 4300 *
I OST 2 notes nml Mnrtxnirn signed l > y Fred
* Armbiuit In fuvor ofVm Jloronoy , nt
Omaiiu Nntl bank. Itctnru to lleo olllcu and
got rownrtl. JL'O 0
TOST--I.ndy' small ( fold wiitch with mono-
Jirrinn SI L. W. on back. I'lndurplonsolonva
lit tins otllc-o. 315
MADAJI ALASICA rnvonU imat present nnd
liitnro. how ninny In fiunlly , nifu , etc , , bow
U ) hold infections of Imslmnd or loyyr. hntls-
fni'tlon guaranteed " . " ) cents nnd upwnrdi. Mi !
S.16th at. 271
FUSONA1-WIII tlionontloinniltlint
three weeks niro onHth nnd Iloniird ntropfi
lor hoii8tkoopor plaasa call iiffiiin. Ut'emui-'s
building. 040.7'
"IEHSONATi"I.Bdlos wlshlnfi- peed domohtlo
I help ciui bo " < ill Biippboil by cnllliiK' nt
Oinulin Kiiiployiiiunt Iliiroun , ll'J North ICth ,
St. , Crounso block. r > 17.
] > ! ' ; U ( ) NAl-Sce tliu now student lamps at
Moody'solilimBtoieKJ : ) Nortn lOllim.fi03
fi03 7
I > iilSi.\AI : , E iIoCnmpl'H School of Miiflln
1- Mini Volro Culture , l"l N. lOtb St. , mom A.
'f" > l'Hl' < > NAI.-.Miin ulm labor should nrc our
J htronnnd iluinhlnsnllH nt M.ft ) and wnrrn
wlnlorovurooiitHiU * ; .OH. Wu ciui Htivn you
inoni'y on nil KriHlcp of I'lothlnir. Ii. O. .lonos
i. C o. , III09 PHI until St. , nln | of tliujliijf. 4'JI-7
] ) IJIISOX.Miss A. Mliipnurnii , piol'ehHlonal
niiiecwllh ( rood retoninieniliitloim. r.rT . )
ronth Hlh Hlicot , 'M lloor , room No. fi , ovnr
Donnnn'w dry oods sloro. 3SJ-n 10
. Mrs. Ir ) N'nniiie V , Wnrron
clinr oMni , Mi die a ) nnd IjimlncuB Medium
Itooni No. 3 , K'l Korlh ICtli bt , Omaha , N b.
A'J'KIMON'IAIi I'AI'P.ltHIi'hly TiliisTintod ,
IflpMK'i'a.fil coliiniMS. Tlio Novitmbor In-
HUD JUKI out I'oiitHlns marly MW ndurlltoinenU
ol lailli'a and udiitii'inen wanting rorrespond-
ciilH ; nlin n siipeib full PIIHII oiiRmvliw do-
Bltiiifd o iuiSi.y ) | lor our journal , unlltlud "A
Mnlden's liieam. It Isone ol Iho rluhott plo
lliri'H ovur prodnrod on impor , nnrl inilBt lie
HOUII to tionpprri'liitiid. BiillU'o umay every nil-
marrliil | IUIK < JII f-Uonld pii.ihins it. Miifiple copy
III trills lu Hllvur. Aildrots Heart nud Uantl.ut
iidWi Dfliirbnin ft. , Cldcuiro , III l > ll 7 *
MATIllMONJACj 1'Hiior contnlmi neatly 00
iichortMiiimmtH from Indlns nnd irentlo-
men wanting oorre'poiiilontiionl y months
tor 1U cnnts , Adduiib , Helping Hund , 7 ia
Hallo st ri'iit , Cli Icnifo. 89 UG
AI1STIIACTS OP TITU ; irnithiul on Bliort
nnllcn 1 1 nm mj c'lunplulo l of bouks. It.
( I'lilterM ) ! ! . lltimml Iliunoy , fi'Jl
. htoiuitfi-aplior iloidri-s n looin-miito
3 milnrly nmployi'd , who lu lively nml 1ms u
Kood inpiitatlon Adilross ti 13 , lieu ililce ,
f lS 7 *
lIoKiloi/.iMi to huusl , IIOOH nnd shoi i or
$ ( fniilh1 inrniolilii ! , ' K < > "di ) , in will loan nnovn
nino'iiit in "trllt udtfu" i > nit > irivliiK me sltua
lion ; ( , ' 0'd ( luforcufti , 6 45 , lion olllue ,
K8 7 *
li TllAiTJ HI' TfTI.K fiiru Bhi d on short
A notlto. U , U. I'Htlt'ison , | , | | nml llarnoy.
rpol.lir A job Inlclt work T. Muiruy.
( CIIODI , 1)1' STI'.NOoTtAl'HViind typo-writ-
fr Ing , Uootiis 7 ftnd H , lion HunK. U.w. llukor.
vu N ai
' [ POIt A HICMAIIfjnnd | ; i-omiilelo nbstriiot of
J. t.llnitoto the ollleo of H. li I'tiltorcon ,
16th unil Huinc > . KC
fPltKDS , ltosrlirnbsteui . pfantrcl frao for
.L poifon ? biiytin ; ol Ooj las Co. Nuriurlci
C.O. Jlonrurl. I'rop. , I' . O , box 2.iO. w > 7-nl < !
-.U AHANTIJKn AIl&TflACTS rrouT my rom
* plolo itdt uf nli triidt lionkt on short tuxhie
II. O. I'litlni-.von , l&th nnd llnriiciy.
Tr . ° , ! TIt.l'N"Tr : < > r * n * montu.
J5I3 Douglas.
Itl'.STBnr7iJnri UirroTi momhiT.
i 15U