Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 12, Image 12

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The Advancement of Household Decoration
In the Past Decade.
The Growth or Sclflisliiicfw I" Clillilrcii
Knconrngcil l y Mothers-Six
Ways or Having Tlnio nnil
Money In the KUcliCn.
A Happy
Mir. Harm ! ) < )
"Imve a very hnnpy home , wlicro peace Is
( vi > r found , . .
Where-contli'tieas and love their fragrance
breathe nronnii ; ,
Where Kindness mid content make pleasant
everyday , . , ,
While sorrow , ; > li ] mid entente banished fnr
Where , when the diw Is o'er , tny darling one
retains ,
To share with those ho loves the honest
wealth he enrnn ;
Where hiipuy children arc-without them
liiiniu Is nmiulit . , , ,
Where trntli Is Kindly learned and just ns
glbtlly taught.
Whotc | ilcty iirovalls , and faith In Provi
dence ,
And eacli to each the choicest cms presents.
That Is n happy home where sadness Is un
known , . ,
Where loving words nit- said and loving i > re-
CCptS bllOWU. ,
Household Decoration * .
San Francisco Chrontolu : Hefore ntcu
now younir ware born , iiml when nie.n
now well advanced in life won ) young , it
wns n inntter of no small dillietilty and
expense to make a houiu beautiful. Pict
ures were Hearce : iu < l dear. Wall-p'ipor
was not cheap * nnd was hideous. The
work of the ( eulptor was only for thn
very rich. In line houses an occasional
oil painting geiierelly a family portrait
relieved the dead whitonc.-s of the
walls ! but as a rule art was represented
by colored engravings vilely executed ,
nnd the eye was supposed to bu sulH-
clently soothed when it rested on a collec
tion o'f Wedgewood ware , on which blue
deer brow.sed under the foliage of blue
trees. Hefore the revolution" rich men
imported their turnltnre from Kngland ,
and the practice continued to prevail for
HO long afterward that men now living
can reiuembqr when the lirst handsome
uarlor sets weru made in New York and
Boston. Our , fathers loved heavy mahogany -
any sideboards and table and massive
chnirs in black horsehair. When they
had tilled their rooms with these and hung
above them a steele engraving represent
ing Washington signing the declaration
of independence , or a colored lithograph
of General Scott on a horse twenty-live
hands high bidding delianee to the Kng-
lish-at Lundy's Lane , they deemed their
diity douo so far as art and decoration
were concerned. In the house of the
poor there was neither room nor means
lor art. Daru white walls , pine furniture ,
nn occasional cho.ip print , a still' sofa , on
which one could neither sit nor lie , with
perhaps a teapot from China or a piece
of porcelain from France , anil a tall clocK
which not only marked time but kept
strangers awake by its loud ticking such
were half a century ago the contents of
thn home of a well-to-de mechanic or
small tradesman.
Young peoulc who are going to house
keeping this year of grace Itif-'ii arc not
half grateful enough for the opportuni
ties tliey enjoy of making their homes
beautiful. In no branch of manufacturing
has greater progress been made of late
years than in cabinctimiking. Furniture
IB now made to cheap that for a couple
of hundred dollars a yountr couple can
furnish a email cottage decently , with
Rome show of comfort ; while at the same
time , wives can , spend on the furnishing
of a single parlor more money than it
cost John Iliuicock to outlit the house at
lioston which was the wonder of the
city. The fortunate partner in a thriving
monopoly can cover his floors with a
French nioquct which cost $10 a yard ,
and may strew odd corners of his room
with Persian rngHwhieh ropreserTtasmall
fortune ; but a young couple starting in
life may hide their parlor floor with a rag
cat pet at 50 cents , or , still better , with si
a China matting costing ! 10 cents a yard.
At the great furniture warehouses in this
city thousands may be spent on a bed
room set with appropriate additions ami
ornaments ; but a very pretty cottage set ,
looking cool and frosli , and answering all
the purposes of bedroom furniture , can
bo bought for $80 or less , livery purse
and every taste can be suited.
So with the decoration of walls. In the
nantf there are housekeepers who sot their
faces against papered walls on the ground
thlit they prove a nursery for insect life ;
anioiig this class white walls are tinted ,
nnd If the colors are judiciously selected
tlioy looL pretty enough while 'the paint
is fresh. Hut most people prefer paper , , again there is the widest pos
sible Tango in cost , from lincrusta and
embossed leather to simple patterns ,
which can bo bought as low as 8 cents and
10 cents a roll. A rich man can spend
1(1,000011 the walls and frescoed ceilings
of his drawing-root- ! fact , if ho goes
in for high art , it is dillictilt to sot a limit
to the sum hu can lay out in this way ; but
for $ " } a young hoiiboxyifo can set oil1 her
little parlor with a bright , pretty paper ,
on which the eye rests comfortably. Shu
can buy curtains for her windows al .f2..liO
n pair ; they will uot last very long nor
Will they long look fresh , but they will
answer the purpose for a time.
Mother * ) anil Tlinlr Children.
Now York Commercial Advertiser :
There is a tendency on the part of some
mothers to do no much for their children
thai virtually a premium is placed upon
Bullishness. The child whoso every wish
is anticipated , and tor whom nothing is
too good , is apt to grow up an exceed
ingly unpleasant port-on , unless , indeed ,
j there bo an extraordinary amount of
I natural good in him to counterbalance
i the undue indulgence. Shielding nhil-
Iron from every chillng breath of Ufa's
air- begets a life of ease and hellish enjoy
ment which becomes fixed when child
hood is past. A mother , for example ,
had denied herself of oyory comfort. She
hadrisen early , and taken rest late , in
order that her daughters might have a
"perfectly happy girlhood. " No duty
wna exacted of them. If they minded to
help , they might to so ; jf not , there was to ease the weary mother of her
burden , Small wonder is it that after
I thvo girls grew tip their solo thought
r wnsforsolf. The mother was ignored
I by tiiDin ; disrespectfully spoken of as
I"old fashioned" and "without taste. "
I' Indued , she WAS only regarded as one
I who coind bake ami brow , and was even
I , ' 'ordered" no oilier word can bi- used
I to wait upon them while they lolled In
E their , easy chairs. Never having been
I taught to spend and be spent in doing
I peed > thesoyoung women were not the
I "Helpers of those in need , and never car-
I ricd , sunshine into darkened home. } .
I Even their best friends tired of Ihem.aud .
I' ' their lives were unlovely and discon-
I : tented , There can bo no happiness in
I'lifo' unless the straight line of duty ,
I which loads to "beauty's curve , " bo eon-
I Bctcntioiii-ly followed. Let every mother
mnetilento In her children's minds that it
I ; Is more blessed to give than to receive.
I ) ' The opposite of this unpleasant pictitro
I is been in a family of seven daughters ,
If reared ! n wealth ami luxury. There was
I no absolute need of their doing any
I household work , as Uinro were "man-sei1-
I vanls and maid-s.Tvaists" enough to per-
Inform wery duty. Although her lirst do-
I elr < was to make her children happy , the
I inotlivroi HUM * girl * knew there eould
I iu u < ) lianpluoss without work ; so each
I'/child / had her M'yi'lal. duty and was held.
I to trlct acioii'i'ai ) lity for .its perform-
r HUGO * ' -Hie < ' > othr.V " * Uio. 'ci'tftml 'suu
around which the.y all revolved ; her
lightest v.isii was tln command of an
empress , so perfectly was it obeyed. J'ho
one thought was "to help to please
mother , " And the family was duvote.d
to good works. In later years , when the
oliler daughters had grown up , the whir
ligig of time brought severe reverses so
severe thai the beautiful home , replcln
with all that culture nnd wealth could
command , had to bo given up and atnew
homo found among strangers. as a
word of repining heard ? No ; although
the new home was small , commonplace
nnd without a trace of those of those com
forts to which HID family had been accus
tomed. Hut the girl ? immediately set to
work to alter the dead level of disagree-
( idleness and make "tho desert blossom
as the rose. " The united endeavor of
their trained ami willing hands , under
the supervision of the mother , soon made
a bower of beauty of the bare habitation.
It became a place of refreshment to all
who had the privilege of visiting it.
These irlrls bring sunshine into every
place , anil the du. ire to help every one
with whom they come in contact Is as
natural to them as it is for them to
ICeoiionty In the Household.
1. After mixing bread at night take up
all bits of crusted llour left on the mixing
hoard and sift them into u saucer ,
li'iough llour will be saved to use to Hour
the board at the morning mixing , and
only a few scraps need be thrown away ,
Instead of the saucerful which the ser
vants iHiially waste.
13 , When all the bones have beer ) re
moved from a fowl in prewiring it for a
pie or for pressing , there Is still a little
gelatinous and nutritious substance left
on them. Put the bones IKICK into the
pot with enough water to cover them and
boil for a half-hour longer. Kilougli liq
uor to thicken sliirhtly for gravy tor the
dinner will be added to that already ob
tained from the boiling of the fowl.
U. The line wheat meal wliich is much
used now as a breakfast subntituto for the
once universal oatmeal n.akes a very pal
atable and nutritions pudding. There is
usually a little more cooked than is
served , and if this is saved from one or
two breakfasts it may appear in the term
of a pudding. The cold boiled meal is
better than the hot , too , to make the pud
ding , as the meal should come to a boil
with the milk in which it is baknd. Three
pints of milk , three eggs , a teacup full of
sugar , nnd a coffee-cup full of the cooked
meal are the proportions. Flavor ti suit
the taste and b.ike half an hour.
1. There is no need of nutting eggs
into cakes made in layers for cream or
jelly , ami in the winter , when eggs are
not cheap , this is worth remembering.
Much less butter than the usual COOKbook -
book recipes demand may also be. used
for this sort of cako. A half cup of but
ter , a cup of sugar , a enp and a halt of
sweet milk , and two tablespoons of
baking powder ( always sifted with the
llour ) , in two cups and si half of Hour ,
are a very useful recipe for a simple
foundation for corustarch cream or for
5. When meat boils dry and burns on ,
as meat lias a way of doing once in a
while in the oest regulated kitchens , do
not turn it out directly into n pan and
waste that still good part of the fibre
wliich adheres to the burned and spoiled
part. J'lungo the pot into a deep pan of
coid water as quickly as possible , then
take the meat put of tint pot with a ladle ,
a clean cooking towel , a largo fork ,
whichever is at hand. The cold water
under the got iron makes the meat steam
and break off immediately almost where
it is desirable that it should. And if the
pot is well washed , and the meat put
back into it in hot water , there will be no
burnt llavor record of the catastrophe.
0. Enough bits of meat gristle and
bone are thrown away in nearly every
meat-eating family to keep the the prov
erbial French family of line economies in
soup stock all of the time. An American
household might not realize the French
dcliciouuncss of soup "made out of noth
ing ; " if none of its members were in-
structqd in the Gallic mysteries of soup-
iugr but it is certain that this slock might
bu used for making simple gravies , wnich
are more mcalthful , especially for chil
dren , than too much butter.
The Konmncc of Deserter From tlio
French Nnvy.
Adolphe Ualasho and John F. Oirard ,
of Cherbourg , France , are searching fill
the mill localities in Rhode Island
for one Edouard Marie Reeamior ,
who must bo an old man by this
time , but who , if found , will have no
diHiculty in coming into possession of a
largo fortune wliich awaits him in France ,
his native land. Roeamier is believed to
have followed from his youth the calling
of a weaver , nnd there is evidence that
lie came to Rhode Island and found em
ployment. Messrs. Halashe. and Gir.ird
are endeavoring in a legitimate and lion-
orable manner to secure the reward of
fered for the discovery of the where
abouts of the object of their .search.
They state that during the First Kmpiro
and when Mine. Uecamier was a noted
hello , a near relative ! of hers and heir lo
large estates , deserted his family and en
tered the navy as a sailor under an as
sumed name , lie was but n mere lad at
the time , and was placed on board of the
brig Pommed'Or , which saw considerable
service during Napoleon's reign.
Young Uecamier was naturally unsuit-
cd ( o his position and he was not long in
gaining the ill-will of his messmates mid
of his superior officers ns well. Accus
tomed to a lifo of ease and luxury , lie
found living on board ship before the
mast as a common sailor very disagroo-
nblo , and ho was often disciplined for dis
obeying orders. A young lieutenant who
had obtained his commission through the
intercession of Aline. Kecamier , com
plained of him often , and finally MIC-
ecedcd In having him triced up to the
breach of a gun , where he was obliged to
submit In a flogging. The lieutenant lit
tle reali/.ed who the young man was , but
the latter knew him. Heat once became
a sworn enemy of the empire. While his
shin wan at Now OrKans ho deserted her ,
and coming north Im fell in with a French
pirl near lioston , ami made her his wife.
The girl was an operative in : i cotton-
mill , and she supported her husband , A
child was horn and soon after this event
Uecamlor deserted them both.
When thu First Kmpiro was overthrown
ho returned to Franco and hail the privi
lege of assisting in th.i execution of Ilio
lieutenant who hail humiliated him on
board ship.Vlnlo \ in Franco ho paid
court to a lady of rank , n rolutirn , it is
said , ot Mine , Itolnnd , and ho concealed
his American marriage. The lady's ' name
was Millie. Arnot , ami she soon married
Kecamier. Snven children were born ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hecamier died about fifty
years ago. Ten years after their death
their children , wno had come into pos
session ot their property , discovered a
paper among thpirelt'ccls which disclosed
tin ) fact of the lirst marriage , which , of
course , nu'de the second marriage illegal ,
It was learned from thn paper that Huca-
mier had made some ell'orl to discover
his lirst wife ami her child in order that
ho might in n measure atone for the
wrong wliich he had done , Tim heirs by
Ihe second marriage agreed to destroy
the paper and divide the property among
them The nnpor was destroyed and for
forty years tlm estates have been In their
hands * Jiut the secret could not bo kept.
An inevitable quarrel look place , and one
of thu parties , now rich from other
sources , disclosed the scandal for revenge
and oilers to give up his portion of the
Inheritance , Knowing that the others will
bo ruined when they are obliged to fol
low .his example. A reward of UO.OOOf.
was offered for the. discovery of the child
by the American marriage , wliich is Hecu-
mier's lir&tborn and heir to his. e.itutes
Messrs ( Jirard and llalashuaro in eariu-st
and ' will Inavo-ijo ptoilo unturned ( g find
The Strange Story of Alfred Uritt Who
Died Recently in a Poorhcrass.
How Hett Pursued to Cleveland ,
Cincinnati nnd Iionlsvllle hy
nn Assassin.
There lately died ill a county house In
Ohio a man with a record HO strange that
it should be preserved ill history. Ho
was received under the name of Alfred
llril t , and his ago was recorded as twenty-
live. Ho was patlially paralyzed , the re
sult of a bullet wound In the back , and
although ho was an inmate of the house
for year or more , it was not until a few
days before Ids death that he related any
facts about himself.
llritt was born in Boston , nnd when
three or four days old was put into a bas
ket with a supply of clothes and $100 in
money mid left on the doorstep of a hum
ble mechanic named Alexander ( ! ray. It
was one out of a bcore ot cases occurring
nvery year , but instead of the boy being
bundled off to tha poor house or un asy
lum , hu was taken in nnd adopted. < > ray
was doubtless decided in his action by
the money , which to a man in his circum
stances , and in those days of a dollar a-
day ami store pay at that , .seemed a for
tune. However , he had no children of
his own , though having been married
six or seven years , and the wife
gladly fell in with thn idea of adopting
the little stranger as their own ohilil.
riie line texture of the clothes and the
roll of money were proofs that the baby's
father belonged to the wealthy elass.
Thu abandonment was also proof that
the child was illegitimate , and that the
guilty parties were seeking to evade tlm
punishment of their sin , but these facti
did not disturb the ( iniys. The basl e.t
nud clothes were laid awaythe child was
tenderly cared for , and the money was
used to better thu condition of the family.
Only two or tiirooof the neighbors knew
of Ihe child being left , and none of them
knew all the circumstances.
One day , when Ihe baby had crown to
be a child three years old , and could run
about , ho was playing in tiio back yard
when . > man sought to steal him away.
The stranger entered by the alley gale ,
and picked litllo Alfred up , but a savage
dog owned by Gray attacked the man ,
and niado him drop his prey. Mrs. ( ! ray
saw it all from the window.and the man's
actions convinced her that abduction was
his object. A week later , while the boy
was in the yard again one afternoon , a
large stone was hurled at himand barely
missed his head. Some boys saw the
miscreant as he crept tip the alley to
throw the slone and Ihe po
lice were furnished with a descrip
tion , but the search for him availed
nothing. The detective employed in the
case was told alt about the child , and he
came to thu conclusion that some one
hail an object in putting the boy out of
the way. Litllo Alfred was remarkably
handsome , and perhaps it was feared his
fealures would betray his relationship to
some one. Gray was cautioned to keep
him close , and he did so for several
weeks. One .November eyeiiintr after
lamplight the boy pulled aside the cur
tain from a window looking out upoi : the
yards of a factory , lie bad not stood
there over two minutes when a shot , was
fired at him. The bullet cut a lock of
hair from his head and was buried in the
opposite wall of the room. The new out
rage was reported , and the duteclive
found that some one had stood at the
corner of a lumber pile about twenty
feet from the window to lire the shot.
The ground gave evidence that he had
been on the watch from that point for
several nights.
There was a patient scinch , but no re
ward. It was clear now that the boy's
life was sought after , and as Gray had
had an offer of a good situation in Cleve
land , he determined to remove to that
city. With the help of a detective he
made his preparations very secretly , his
goods leaving the house alter midnight ,
and the boy bciig : taken to the train
dressed as a girl. He reached his new
home without , adventure and enjoyed a
rest of nearly a year before the enemy
made another move. One dny a man
came into the shop where Gray was at
work , and made some inquiries of him ,
and ascertained that ho wns Alexander
Gray. Two days after that as Alfred
was playing outside the gate the same
man who had visited the shop drove up
with a horse and buggy and alighted.
He certainly meant to siozo and carry
off the boy , but his object was" defeated
by Mrs. Gray , who , with an acquaintance
suddenly turned the corner on their way
home from a shopping expedition. They
ran full upon the stranger ns he was ex
hibiting u paper of candies to the chil
dren , and hu stammered an apology ami
got into his bujrgv and drove off. After
this episode Gray reasoned that the
lioston parties had in some manner
traced his whereabouts , and that he was
almost helpless to checkmate their mach
inations. He subsequently learned that a
stranger had made inquiries for him in
several cities , thus showing that some
trusted agent had been sent out to hunt
the whole country over until the whole
family was found. Gray had a brother
in Indianapolis , and after some necessary
correspondence the boy was shipped
there in the euro of a trusted friend.
It wns a move which baflled the enemy
for three long years. For the lii > t three
months after Alfred left cvorv expedient
was resorted to that the whe'reabouts of
the child might be discovered. Pretended
tended agents and peddlers called at the
house , in hopes to get sight of the child
if ho was there , and to quiz the mother
if thuv found no traces of him. Gray
had a boy at the postolllco. and strangers
came there and asked for his letters , but
could not obtain them. So-called detect
ives waylaid Gray , and charged that ho
was under suspicion of having killed the
boy In u lit of passion , and that ho must
produce Alfred or snller arrest , but they
could not scare him into revealing the
secret. Some of the neighbors had been
olfored $ BOO reward to tell the boy's
whereabouts , but as none of thorn had
been taken into the confidence of the
Grays , they could make no headway.
Now ami then , for a whole year after the
boy had loft Cleveland , Gray had proof
that the enemy were on the alert , but
they dually seemed to tire of the useless
chase , and for the next two years nothing
occurred to alarm him nuow.
When Alfred was seven years old ho
was so handsome in feature and bright
of intellect that he was often pointed out
oil the Htreot , and on three or four occa
sions tus wonderful resemblance to a
prominent ciU/en of Boston was remarked
by Now Knglailders. Mrs. Gray mourned
so much for him that Gray decided to
move to Cincinnati , whore ho hoped to
have Alfred with him. He nia.lo a se
cret move again , got the boy from Indianapolis -
dianapolis , and had scarcely got seated
in his new homo when the uncmv ap
peared , having probably tracked his
every Bteu in spite of his precautions.
Alfred was run over on a crosswalk by a
liorao and buggy as ho was coming from
school. The children who were with
him declared that the men must have
done it on purpose , and that ho drove
rapidly nway after the accident. It was
generally sot down as a piece of carelessness -
ness , but Gray fully and lirmly believed
that it was a new move on the part of
the enemy. The horsn and vehicle were
so well described that ho found tlm
owner , but all he could learn was that H
stranger had .hired the outlit" for a
couple .of hours and returned it in good
order. The boy hnd. an arm broken
nnd was .severely bruised , nud wns out
svalii in a few weeks. That was the last
attempt on his lifo imtiUhif WM twelve
years old. A stranger tlie.iMitruck at him
over Ihe gate one evening With an iron
bolt , but the boy dodgedrthd blow. .Soon
after that episode Mr. Gisiy-Uicd. and the
widow and the bey went 4o "Louisville to
reside with one of hor'brothers. Here
Alfred remained until he was eighteen ,
without another nttcinil | upon Ids lifo.
Mrs. Gray died , and ono of the local
papers , in making notion of the faet ,
made a scn.o.itional notice about the
foundling , and narralediKoino of the nt-
tempts upon his life. A'month ' had not
passed before ho was shot at through his
chamber window. The swould-bo mur
derer could see the young man's shadow
on the. curtain , but hit ! bullet failed to
reach the target aimed nt. < It so hap
pened that a policeman was at hand , and
arrested the man who lirrtd the shot , but
ho alleged that it was an accident , and
was not held. Ho was an entire stranger
to Louisville , but expHined his presence
bv asserting that ho was selling county
iTsrhts tor a" patent churn , ami by exhib
iting a model.
Alfred had been told of all that had
passed before , and soon aftcrthls attempt
and unbeknown to any of his friends , he
secretly left Louisville and went to Mis
souri ami Kansas , where ho remained
until about a year ago , He was then
twenty-live years of age , and ns ho had
not been pursued for seven years ho
deemed it safe lo return , Ho had not
maintained correspondence with his
friends , and he returned to Louisville to
lind them gone nnd their whereabouts
unktn.wn. The relative at Indianapolis
bad removed to Colorado and could not
be1 definitely located. Britt was on his
way to Columbus , O. , and was stand
ing on the platform of a passen
ger car while the train was just
reaviiig a slatio.i between Dayton
and Acnia , when he was shot in the
back by some unknown and unseen per
son. It was just at dark , and hu fell in a
boa ] ) and was unconscious for a quarter
of nit hour Whether ho was shot by a
passenger , sonic one who leaped off , or
by some one standing beside the track ,
could not be told. It wns looked upon
ns an accident , by all except Britt. Hu
was sent to a hospital , cared for as long
ns his money lasted , and then went to I Mo
poorhouse , of his own accord. When
told thai he might live a few months , but
could never get well , ho expressed his
thankfulness that such was the ease.
AVhen Ills last days were at hand he told
his story , and added that death would be
a relief. Ho had been haunted and
hunted down until lie. felt that the grave
alone would bring him immunity.
Itanlccr ItnlHton's Hospitable KfTortH
to MnKc the Yon UK Fellow's
Vinlt I'lcusnnt.
Snn Francisco Post : In the llalston
davs , whon'ISelniont was in its glory , and
its profuse hospitality was the talk of thu
country , a young Englishman of title
called upon the banker with letters of
introduction from the American minister
in London , an old friend of Ralston. Of
course , he was invited to Bolniont.
"Rather a line place , youknow. . " ho
remarked to Ralston , MH his host toted
him down to Belmont ; "but ; some of our
fellows who weru out hernlhive told the
most outrageous stories , yousktiow , about
California your bears .liuMi.imense re
gattas , and all that sort fof 'think so 1
have determined to keeprm. .e.yes open ,
i imagine , you know , tbitv they have
been noaxcd. By gau , * MrU Ralston , I
have been all over tlid world , and it
would take a pretty witle twako follow
to hoax me , don't you kn < Jw. ? "
During this convorsatioli'iMr. Ralston
registered a mental oath Unit ; if money
or inlluenccs could producer that wide-
awake fellow , ho would Hoj < iforthcoming
before the termination of-thhtnobleman s
visit. At Belmont wero-assembled a few
choice spirits. Leaving ) hit ? guest in
charge of ono of them , K&Ktort at once
called a council ofwar .
"This Englishman | must be fooled , " he
said. "Now let us put our heads together
nnd give him something to talk about
when he returns to the l ondon clubs. "
The private wire was busy that even
ing , and a close carriage was sent to
meet the next train. No expense was
spared to make the Britisher's stay in
every sense delightful.
When Ralston and his iruests sauntered
into the dining room the Englishman
opened his eyes ami stared in bewildered
astonishment at the table service. And
well ho might. The bottles were of that
colossal si/.e , holding lir.lf gallons , which
the beer and wine men used for advertis
ing purposes.
"Now , by Jove , you Californians must
bo a thirsty lot , " said the Englishman.
"I never saw such bottles in my life. "
' 'Ob , nonsense , " said Ralston ; "don't
you have that si/.oin England ? They used
to have them when I lived there , many
years ago. "
"That size ! great heavens , no. "
"Well , hero goes , anyhow. Peter , some
champagne11 ; and tho'bullor , with impas
sive face , opened a half gallon bottle of
fi// , the cork going off like the explosion
of a rifle. As the dinner progressed , the
guests plied the Britisher with the most
marvelous tales of the lawlessness of the
country ; the bears , lions and antelopes
that roamed the neighboring lulls , and
everything , in line , that the most fantas
tic imagination could invent. It was ar
ranged to have the house attacked that
night by outlaws , but they feared the
lord might get suspicious , so that scheme
was abandoned. A deer hunt was de
cided upon for the next morning , and a
fishing party for the afternoon.
The party were out before daybreak
and the lord was stationed near u milk
ranch , and instructed not to utir until
one of the hunters came to fetch him.
When ho was properly planted the others
returned to the house , for the hunting
grounds wore not a milu away , and
amused themselves until noon with lay
ing new plans for the delectation of their
victim. . Meanwhile , though thu poor
foreigner did not see a deer , he heard
shots about him at intervals , and when
ho was informed that the run was over ,
and that there would bo no more shoot-
imr that day , hu was taken back to the
" 1 am awfully sorry you did not have
better luck , " said Ralston when the dis
gusted Britisher appeared , "Our follows
did fairly , you see , " and ho pointed to
the carcasses of half a down deer 1 viug
on thu pia//a , wliich iuulanfived from the
market by the morning trahM
"Didn't you really get a shot ? Confess ,
now , you bla/.cd away at afstag or two
and missed , "
"Stag ! 1 assure you my dean fellow , I
didn't sec a siuirlc beast , protested thu
mortified nobleman.
"Well , never mind , nevermind , " wild
his host ; "we'll see how theViishing pans
out. "
The fishing took place Lu n. pond near
the house. But while every , one else
pulled out trout , salmon , and .bven rock
cod , not a fish came neaf the English
man's hook , though ho angled with the
most industrious persistence. Of course
the San Francisco fish nvirKet had been
gutted to permit the supply , and so
cleverly were the liah attached to the
hooks and hauled into the boats with
shouts and splashing * that his lordship
had not the faintest idea that lie was
being most unmercifully hoaxed. The
rook cod staggered him a little , but
Ralston explained this by the statement
that the lake was connected with the
ocean by n subterranean stream. When
every fantastical hoax had been ex
hausted , Ralston accompanied his victim
to the city and saw him homeward bound.
"By jove , Mr. Ralston , you have a
wonderful country. " said the Britisher ,
as ho bade his host good by. "I tell you
it will open the eyes of those fellows at
lioino wnon 1 give them a history of this
visH , "
A Storj as Singular ns That of Shake
spjare's Two D.omios.
The StrlUluc Similarity
An Unsolved Mystery Connected
AVIih UncofTlii-nt ,
It has often been said that somowhori
in this world every pcreon has his double
The assertion is too broad for acceptance
but it is certain that there aru double ?
nnd that the close similarity belweet
people has led to many grave compllca
tons. : It is not yet ten years ago that a
man named Hiram Weston , living in a
small town in Ontario , was hired by :
tinsmith to drive a peddler's wa-ion
He made two trips and started on a third
but after he had been irene two days tl.
outlit was returned by a fanner , who sail
that it had been left In his barnyard at
night. As Wostou was missing , searcl
was at once begun , and it was llnalli
shown that ho had boon soon in com pan j
with two strangers at n railway station
where alt had taken the train for Hullalo
AM the tinsmith had lost nothing ho dii
not care to follow the ease up. It w.-u
pretty generally known Unit ueston ami
Ills wife did not live agreeably , am
although she insisted that ho had me :
with foul play , and wanted the searcl
continued , it was soon dropped on thu
idea that ho had run away from her
lie was little missed by the community
and when the ease was called up it was
nn'i verbally conceded that he would turn
up safe when lie got ready.
One day , live months after his disappearance
poarance , Weatoii returned , lie was
lirst seen at the depot by throe or four
citi/.ens who had known him for ten
years. One of these , a Mr. Williams
saluted him with :
"Well , Hi , you aren't dead ? "
"Oh , no. "
"Comeback to stay * "
" 1 guess so. "
"Which way have you beciiV'1
"Out west. "
" 1 was talking with your wife ycstcr-
day.and she said you had never written a
word to her. "
Weston grinned and scratched his
head , but made no reply. A Mr. Do
Mann then said :
"Wo spent four weeks looking for
case of murder. Next time you are goiun
to step out you'd better let some of tis
know it. "
"Yes , iwill , " answered Weston , as ho
started tin the street. It was afterward
remembered that he acted like a strangi
man in a strange place. He inquired o ;
A boy aoout hotels , and thu lad directed
him to one , and adued :
" 1 saw your boy Fred yesterday , am
he has got an awful boil on his leg. '
The landlord of the hotel .saluted him
as Hi Weston ; as did some of the gnu-its ,
and the fact of his engaging board was
not considered strange , though his wift
lived only a mile away. Perhaps lie
didu't intend lo go back lo her at all , or
perhap s he wanted to get certain prom
ises before ho did go back. He entered
the town at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ,
and it was 8 in the evening when IUF son ,
Fred , a boy of 10 , and his daughter ,
Edith , a girl of 7 , called at the hotel tc
urge him to come home. They kis ci
him. called him father , and hu seemed
glad to see them. In the presence of Ihe
landlord ho asked some questions aboul
their mother which seemed very strange
at the time , but were at' once forgotten.
He asked her age , how many children
she had , how long the father had beet :
gone , and what vocation he followed
when at homo. Ho did not ask these
questions direct , but yutm such iimnnnei
that satisfaclory answers were returned ,
and in such n way us to cause the land
lord lo remark :
"Why , Hi , one would think you had
forgotten your family and had lost your
sell. "
"Yes , " he replied , ns he rose up to go
go with the children , "but I've been gone
quite a spell , you know. "
Mrs. Weston was neither a smart nor
an educated woman , and had the reput.-i
lion of having a bitter tongue. Several
people followed Hiram home to sec the
fun , but there was none. The wife met
and kissed him at the door and had no
reproaches. After two or Ihrec days ho
went to work digging a well fet a citizen ,
and for the next six months he labored
very steadily' so much so that it was
generally remarked that Hiram Weston
had changed his time. lie seemed to live
very happily with his family , and his
wife's father , mother , and brothers were
often at the house to speak his praise.
At the end of about six months a very
curious thinir occurred. Hiram \ \ eston
started oil' one day -vilh his dinner pail ,
having been hired to repair a fence lor a
.suburban farmer. At 10 o'clock that
morning Hiram Weston also came in on
Iho train from Buffalo , and Ihe lirst thing
when ho got off the cars he asked after
his family.
"Why , "I saw you home last evening , "
replied the uiti/.en who had been qucs
'Hut I have not been nearer home than
thin for over eleyon months ! "
He wns laughed at. Ho went straight
to his house , and as lie entered it his wife
asked :
"What's the matter ; and where is your
dinner pally"
Now. scolfif you will , but it is a matter
of record and also of newspaper publica
tion that there were two Hiram WuMons.
That is , there were two men so exactly
alike in build , height , and general ap
pearance that even wife and children
were deceived. Fora time Mrs. Weston
believed the newcomer to be the other
Hiram returned from his work , but he
tol-l her a story which opened her eyes.
Ho had gone oft with a couple of sharp
ers , and in return tor some "work" done
in Hiillalo he had been sent to stain prison
lor u year. Ho was in prison when the
other Weston came to town , and had in
deed been discharged only the day pre
vious to his own arrival It may bo
stated hero that all his allegations were
found lo bo true. Ho was identified by
the prison otllcials , and there was his de
scriptions on the books. The detective
who arnssled him nnd Iho judge who sen
tenced him further identified him.
Who , then , was the other Hiram Wcs-
Ion ? Allhouch he left the house with
his dinner pail to go lo work he did not
show tip at the place , and has not sineo
been heard from. When people came lo
see and talk with the true Weston many
peculiarities wore remembered. He used
more oaths than the other ; he had a habit
of spitting as he talked ; Ills voice was
somewhat gruffer ; ho never htood for two
minutoi without hitching up his trousers ,
sailor fauhion ; ho acknowledged some
small debts , which the other totally repu
diated , The children had no explana
tions to offer , as the true father had never
oxhibilcd any affection for them. Thu
stranger has been more kind , ami no sus
picion of his identity had been born.
The wife wns covered with confusion , but
she offered in explanation thn fact that
Weston had been absent live months1
She had noticed many changes , but all
for the bettor. The stranger was not a
talkative man , while her husband was ,
but she got over this by thinking h < j had
met with trouble while away. She used
sometimes lo be startled for n moment
ns she looked nt him.or as ho propounded
some question which would have been
asked by a stranger , but as for denying
that he was her husband , site had never
thought of it. One day. after her father's
family had been to the house , her mother
said ;
"Lucy , there is something queer about
Hi. He's either got some trouble op his
luilitl or else he's gem insane , Didn't
The nbovo Trade MnrU jo n Cunrnntoo thnt Every Arllclo boarlng U la
the Flno9t nnd Boat _ thjj onn ho mncio for Iho nrlco nslTodT
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Detroit , Mich. Chicaao. 111. Buffalo. N. Y.
you hear him a. .k when our barn burned ,
as if both of you were not sleeping in our
house thnt night and he did not discover
the bla/.o lirst V"
Who was the. second Hiram Weston , or
the man who assumed the name * 'The
real one was a foundling from New York j
city. It was not improlmble that he had
a twin brother , and ( hattho stianger was
the one. It was possible , too , that the
stranger was not related to him , though
his double. Why he went away as he did
was a further mj > tcry , tor he could not
have foreseen that anything was golmr to
happen. But for the , evidence in black
and white , peonle would have believed
him a choit. The writer has no further
theories tooflor. lie has known Hiram
Westou and family ever since the strange
happenings , and visited them nt the depot
in St. Thomas less than a mouth ago.
The particulars herein given , strange as
they may read , were gathered Irqm their
own lip's , and who can imagine they
would invent such a story ? 1 have sim
ply suppressed the right name , as Weston
is now a resident of another locality , and
in a place lo make gossip an unpleasant
How Skolicle ff S\\rm llic
The versatile Russian painter Veres-
chagin , in his ontorlaining sketches of
adventure during the Russo Turkish I t
War of 1877 , published in a serial form
in tlio Journal des Debats of Paris , gives
a pleasant account of one of the many
dare-devil episodes of adventure in the
career of the younger General Skobelell' .
This was the. swimming of the Danube
on horseback. Let M. Vereschagin be
his own narrator :
'I was .seated in my tent late one after
noon , when I observed several Ossetes
passing at a gallop. Inquiring what this
meant , I was told that the younger Gen
eral Skobeleir had proponed to Toulon-
mine that lie should try to swim the Dan
ube with his whole brigade. The gen
eral alleged that it was eminently neces
sary to have cavalry on .the other side of
the stream , and that it was impossible
vo wait , until the pontoon biidge was
constructed to get the men over there.
And inasmuch asTouloumine and Levis
had frankly declined to make the at
tempt , for the excellent reason that the
entire brigade- would most likely be
drowned , the Danube being at the pro
posed point more than four kilometres
wide , Skobelell' had begged them to
scare up a few volunteers , and to send
thorn to him. The Ossotes whom 1 had
seen passing were the volunteers in nuejj
" 1 had my horse saddled and galloped
of in thu direction of the river. Pres
ently I found assembled on a'bank nearly
all the ollicers of the brigade.
"A little in advance ot the groups the
older Skobelell' stood between Levis and
Touloumine , watching his son , stripped
to his shirt and trousers , with his cross of
commander of the. Order of St. George
around his neck. Michael Dmitricvileh
SkobelofV leaped on hor.iebaek , and urged
tlio huge brownish bay steed into the
stream. At lirst the animal resisted ,
shook his ears , neighed , then bravely
struck out .swimming. For a short time
Skobulell'remained in the saddle , bccaiino
wo could see his shoulders above the
water , hut soon wo saw nothing but his
bend. I learned afterwards that in order
not lo fnliguo his ImfM ) ho had stepped
into the river , and keeping hold of the
animal's tail , swam along beside him.
The father began to tremble for him and
tocrv after him in his nasal tones :
' 'Mioha , inv little Miehael.come back !
M-i-i-eiia will be drowned1 !
Micha , - - - , you
"The old man's anxiety was pitiful to
"But little Michael continued to swim
without looking baeu , making Meady
progress. A few tlMcle * had thrown
themselves into thu stream , following the
general , and one of them , swimming out
a long distuned , would certainly have
been drowned and his horse with him , if
a boat had not been sent to his relief.
"As for mvself , as soon as I arrhcd on
the shore , nfy lirst movement was to un
dress , hi less than two minutes I w s in
the water with my horse. The creature
swam a few moments , then turned
around and made for tlio Fhoni , is spite
of all the blov/f I could bestow on his
nack. The commandant of the .second
Miundron. Actnkhy , had no heller luck
than 1 did. Skobelell' was no longer uny-
thing but a black dot a long way on" . To
imso our conoelewc's , wodarted after
him in a boat , drawing horses after us
by the bridles , and we made our way
towards a Miiall Ishind. It was
only after reaching this point and ga/.iiig
at thu enormous distance which
had to lilt crossed before reiu-hing the
Turkish shore , that 1 understood how
> vi-elv ' my liooe hail acted in disobeying
mo 'There was not the shadow of a
doubt that I should have been drowned.
But how it happened that , not knowing
how to.swim , 1 had thrown m.rsdlf into
the water behind the general ? I only
know that wheu 1 saw .Skobelell'go in , J
said , drown rather than iib.uidoti him ?
The elder Skobeluu"remained motionless
on the bank , following the Jiltlo blaek
point , scarcely perceptible on the sur-
fil''o of the stream.
Later on. wo learned that Genera ! [
Michael , aficr narrowly escaping death I
hi' drowning n hundred tunes , had
reached tlio opposite Lank. And Skobu-
lei ) ' was a prince of swimmers with a
matchless horeo. Think what would
have become of the hrigado , if Toulon-
mine , accepting Skobcluff's proposition ,
had launched 'his squadrons forth into ,
the Danube ? How ninny wmild ba\e
ruacltu u t j. 'J 111.1L tl.oic ; '
A Tlirtlty Farmer wlm .Speculates In
Soldier * ' Hknll * anil Itcllcn.
The condition of the battle gromid of
Seven I'iues and Fair Oaks is a disgrace
| to the citi/.ens of Virginia and the nation
at largo , says a Richmond ( Va. ) corre
spondent of the Philadelphia News.
Bones of those who died in that bloody
conflict are scattered thickly on the sur
face of the ground , and if the facts were
told many of the Stones which stand in
the. national cemetery of Seven Pines ,
within a quarter of a mile of where many
men u ho wore the blue and grey fell ,
mark almost empty graves.
It would be hard lor any one. who had
not gone over the ground of one of the battles ever fought to believe that
twenty-four years afterward the bones of
the slain lie half hidden by leaves and
brush by the score , and yet such is the
case. The theater of the great but tinde-
eisive struggle at Seven Pines has been
turned a place where a few men can
reap linancial profit by guiding visitors
to the spot where skulls protrude from
the ground and where all that remains of
ot many brave lads who are numbered
among the missing , lie. It is dillicult to
escape thu guides , but it pays the visitor
to make his own way over the field of
battle. He does not follow the beaten
path in which those who gain money t > y
exhibiting the bones of the boys who died
amid the roar of cannon and the rattle of
musketry take their victims , and ho
gains for himself positive information of
the actual condition of things.
A Sunday News correspondent , in com
pany with W. II. Barrett and Michael
Fogarty , of Philadelphia , and M. C.
Thorlont of Wisconsin , .slipped away from
these guides nnd were horrified at what
they found. Under the leaves and twigs ,
and amid tlm thick brush of oak and
pines which find sprung up during the
last twenty years , the bones of many
brave men were found. They had an-
sxvered to the order to charge the bat
teries which stood on the other side of
the plowed Held , and laid down their
lives tro the outer inlrcnchmont was
taken. As night fell on the iUUh dny
of May , ISdJ , many of the boys
failed to answer the roll-call nnd
were placed among the missing. It
wns a partly cultivated liejd then. Now'
pines twenty feet in height cover the
bloody ground and even stand on tlio
on the breastworks from behind which
the rebel cannon belched forth death , and
where the marks of the wheels of the ar
tillery are still visible. The bones of
manv of the fallen .still lie there , although
the lag ) which flies from the stall' in the
Seven Pines cemetery is within sight.
Whether those bones were clothed in the
blue or the gray is unknown , but many
men are ready to testify that whoever
was intrusted with the duly of collecting
those bones has failed ill Ins trust.
Thi ) reason for the faiiire is
The fact ( fiat the bones still lie there at
tracts many people to the field of car
nage , and every one that falls into the
clutches of the guides must pay hi
toll. A parly of twenty-one , wliich in
cluded several men from Philadelphia
and vicinity , had to pay $ .V ! r > for walking
behind a guide for an hour. This same
guide owns 700 acres of Iho laud upon
which the battle was fought. Ho began
by iiiirehasingono acre , for which ho
paid ? : ! . The same price was paid for
the remainder of the ground , which ho
has bought , and every cnntof the money
was extorted from northern visitors lo the
battle Held. He was ordered by the gov
ernment to pick up all tlm bones ,
disinter Ihe buried soldiers and see that
they were removed to Ihe cemetery jiiht
across the road. Instead of doing so ho
has placed skulls and other bones of the
( lead in various places , and uuidoH the
visitors by beaten paths to these cipolri.
Ho never takes them through the thicket.
Another dodge of this man Lyiinu is lo
lind a battered musket bull on the ground
and sell it to the visitor for 50 ceiils if ho
can , and for 10 cents if ho can get no
more. The balls are dropped by him
when Ihe vMlor is not looking and
pieked up by him when hu is looking.
It bother.- the man , however , when the
party ho is guiding is large , and when ho
dropped the ball last Sunday afternoon
the notion was seen , and rolio-sulliiig for
that day was at a very low obb.
An Accident.
liambler : "What's ( he matter , John-
limy" asked a small boy , ILS .lonniiio em
erged from the house crying.
"Frightful accident ! " ivpiiud .Joliiinin
"No' ' What wiii ItV"
"Well , yoo see. I was talking lo inollh
or , and I got mm ! and sarsed her "
"Yes. "
"And 'lieu she .started for me. '
"Yes. "
"And I ran nil over the house , n'nd
down into the yard and round that ; nrd
then into the wuod-i-hed , you know "
"Ve.if , go o ill"
"Well. I wasruniiin' under full steam ,
' '
you MJIJ.
' 'Yes , yes ; of courto. "
"And 1 ran into an open switch. The
old gentleman was in Iho wood-shed with
nne. Terrible accident on that road , I
win tel ! you. Tracks aint clear yet. No ,
don't believe I'll sit on the1 feiicei I'd '
rather stand up. "
Foil winter ne/.ema , or the viojenC *
itching with peciilar tealy and pimpiy
prnptioii on the skin beneath Iho cloth
ing , mix .somo flour of .sulphur with Dr.
,1. II. McLean' * Volcanic Oil Liniment
nnd bathe. Iho skin , and you will liiui.
prompt rcl.i'f , mid niro emu.