Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1886, Page 10, Image 10

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White Chief of The Pawnco Scouts-Ilia
Frontier Experiences *
Coimor'H Campaign Contltiuoil A
Slystory ICxplalncd Suffering ,
Starvation nml Timely
llclloi :
coTvut iiTio. :
Hit Siiiulau life Ji/lf/nc | < iSni i m. ]
The linst Comninnil.
A day or two after tlio departure of Iho
Arapahoe squaws from Camp Connor ,
< jenoral Connor proceeded witli his com
mand down Tongue river to Us junction
xvllli the YelloxvslotiG , the march occupy
ing ton days. Ho reached this point
about the 1st of September , ( ISli.f , ) this
being the tlnio at which ho expected to
inc-el llie commands of Colonel Cole nutl
ColonelWalkor at this plnco. Hero the
oommnnd wont into camp and the country
was scouted to thc'wcstward through the
Panther mountains , while scouts were
also sent southward to look for Cole &
and Walker's commands , as it was time
for them to put in an appearance. Seven
days paw-u-d by without any news being
received from Colonel Colo'scominaml of
1,800 men , and General Connor , becoming
uneasy concerning them , us ho knew they
must bo out of provisions , ordered Cap
tain North to take fifty of his I'axvneos
nnil six days' rations and proceed to
Powder river to sco if nny trace could bo
found of their whereabouts.
Accordingly on the morning of the 8th
of September , Captain North arose at an
curly hour , and blurted out with his Paw
nees through a heavy rainstorm , which
rendered it impracticable to carry any
rations on pack animals. The men there
fore took only a small quantity of pro
visions which they could carry on their
own horses , and determined to depend ,
in case of necessity , upon thoganio which
they could kill. All day they rode through
u drenching rain , and after having made
thirty-live miles they went in to camp in a
canon in the mountains. During the
night the rain turned into sleet , which
continued all the next day. When Cap-
luin North and his men got out into the
open plain next morning they found the
storm so severe and blinding that it was
impossible for them to keep their course.
They had never been in the country
belore , and had no guides They traveled
for abolition miles with a small compass
for their guide , and the storm , increasing
in severity , ilnajly forced thorn to go into
camp nmf remain there the rest of the
day and all Jiiuht. No\t morning the sun
came out bright and warm , and ilia com
mand resumed the inarch , the sleet en
tirely disappearmz by noon. During the
day they killed some bull'aloos and pro
cured a quantity of meat which they
thought would be snlHciont to last them
for the trip. They frequently discovered
signs of Indians , und at about 3 o'clock
in the alternoon two scouts , who hail
been kept some distance in advnnce , re
turned to the command and reported to
Captain Notth that they had sighted
on Powder river. The captain thereupon
immediately changed his course and
moved the command oil' to the right ,
finally going into a dcoo canon of the
mountains where they would bo secreted
by the heavy pines. Accompanied by
throe of his most trusty men he climbed
up the rooky mountain side , to the high
est point , whore lie could obtain n good
view of the Powder river valley , liais
ing his lield irlass to his ores , ho looked
down in the valley and saw Indians
riding to and fro. and observed smoke
in the timber arising from their topees.
but from his position ho could not toll
the si/0 of their camp. Captain North
and his command remained secreted until
dark , and then under cover of the night
they cautiously wont down the Powder
river to a point two or three miles below
the Indian camp , on the side of the
stream. They could Und no trace of the
troops for whom they were looking Cap
tain North sent two of his men across the
river to make a little bcout , and when
they returned , in the of a few
liourn , they reported having found
which Deemed to bo only two or three
days old. The captain immediately
crossed the whole command over the
river , and taking this trail followed it up
the stream for about half a milo whore it
crossed to the west side , where was found
the place where Colonel Cole liad camped
during the storm. Here
A. nouitini.i : SIOIIT
met Iho gaze of the command. The
ground was literally strewn with dead
liorsn.s and on counting thorn their num
ber footed up 000. The feelings of the
men on beholding this ghastly spectacle
cannot bo justly described , sunieo it to
say that for n time they wore completely
overcome with astonishment and wonder.
especially ns they did not know how. Iho
animals had rome to their death , Cap
tain North's first impression \v.s that , as
many of the horses had IjuciVshot through
the head , -
A 'rE Hini.K I'ir.iiT
had taken uV.ico between the troops and
the Indlr.ns , and that the troops had killed
the horses and used thorn as breastworks.
Places wore also f9und where fires had
been built , into which the bridles , baddies
and other equipments had boon thrown
und burned up , the iron bits and rings
nnd other iron attachments being burled
in the ashes Still laboring under the 1m-
irc8 ion that a terrible light had occurred
Captain North concluded that it was not
f afo for him to remain there vorv long
with n force of only lifty men , and ho no-
rordingly resumed the march on the trail ,
which led up the Powder river to a point
from which the Indian earn ) ) , had been
the trail led right into this camp. Night
was now approaohinirand Captain North
at once started back for General Con
uir's iump on Tongue river. Hilling all
night and the next day ho arrived at the
camp just at dark , having made the ride
in twenty-tour hours , which had con.
snmod parts of throe days on tlioir out
ward scout , ( Jimural Connor , to whom
ho reported the result of his trip , was
equally at a lo.---i with the captain to arrive -
rive at any satisfactory conclusion con
cerning the deserted camp and the duud
Karlv next morning the genera ! moved
out of camp with his whole command ,
following the old trail up Tongue river
to reach Colo's command , which was
known to bo out of piovuions by thU
time. Forced marches wore made for
1 1 vu days up the river , and it was evident
( o Captain North that the general was
greatly worded concerning the safety of
C'olonol Cole On the lith ( day out , after
ho | iorsos had been urisudillcd. ( ionora )
Connor went to the quai tors' of Captain
North , iviul said to him , "I can't cuduru
Ibis terrible uncertainty auy longer , cap
tain , 1 must find Colo's eoinnuud as
soon ns possible. 1 want you to take
forty-live Or of your'scouls , and withlifty
ton days rations ou puck-mules , go
across the country from this point and
try to head Cole off , and giro his men
temporary relief. "
"Very ' well , general , Pllstart at oncp , "
rcplied'thc captain.
' 'Mere is a letter of instructions to Col-
otio ! Colo,1'said the ) he handed
it to lilnii "and on your nrmnl nt Pow-
der.nvcr , if von nnd the trail two days
old. vou are to send back live men to me ,
witlftlio Information. You arc then to
follow ou witli the balance of your men
night and dai Until .you overtake Colonel
Colo. If the trail is over two days old ,
then you are to send live men ahead on
the trail witli the letter of instructions ,
and you are to return to camp. I will re
main hero till 1 hear from you. "
Captain North .soon had his command
mounted , and they started out at once.
Thny rode until midnight , nnd then rested
until daylight , when they resumed tie !
march. Karlv in * the afternoon they
reached the Powder river and .struck
Cole s tiail in the valley , which on close
examination looked to bo less than two
days old. Captain North thereupon wrote
n note to Hint cllect to ( Scncral Connor ,
staling also that he would overtake Cole
and bring the command to the crossing
of Clear creek , where ho asked ( Jonoral
Connor to mee.l him. The captain , after
despatching the live couriers with this
note to ( icncral Connor , pushed forward
on the trail nnd rode lifty miles from this
point by 10 o'clock lliat night , passing
two of Colo's camps , where Iho tioops
had spout Iho night , which proved con
clusively that Iho trail was older than ho
had at ttrst supposed , for If It was only
two days old ho ought to have overtaken
Cole by this time. Every now and then
dead horses , which had fallen in their
tracks from starvation and exhaustion ,
plainly marked the trail , and told
which struck deep In to the hourl of Cap-
lain Noilh , who ne\t morning at day
light pushed on with renewed cnonry.
At 'J o'clock in the afternoon ho sighted
Cole's column moving up Powder river.
This was on the Tilth of September , just
nineteen days after thu time for which
thn command had been supplied with
Captain North and his Pawnees rode
up lo the command on a full gollop , their
sudden appearance creating an inde
scribable commotion and excitement
among the famished and disheartened
soldiers , who cheered with
iin : Avn.wisr KrmirsiASM
and throw up their hats for joy. It was
like the joy of Iho shimvrccked mariner
in mid-ocean upon discovering a ship approaching
preaching lo the rescue.
There wore eighteen hundred men ,
Colonel Walker having joined Colonel
Cole with liis command on Powder river
during Iho lalter part of August. Col
onel Cole , being the senior olliccr. had
assumed the command of thu united
forces. The men were actually in a star
ving condition. Thirty-live had
and exposure , and all the rest looked
thin and emaciated , and their horses
looked no bettor. Many of the animals
had also died from starvation and the
remainder wore mere skeletons. The
soldiers bad cut out a little meat fron the
hams of some ot the horses which they
had killed while a little llesh yet remain
ing upon them. Twelve hundred cavalry
men had been reduced to footmen by Iho
death of their horses or by reason of their
being so poor and weak that they could
not carry the least weight. There wore
only six hundred horses loft. The men who
liad been compelled to travel on foot had
became lame and footsore and had
wrapped their foot iu pieces of saddle-
blankets and gunny sacks , and it was
with great pain and dilliculty that they
could walk at all. The country was full
of prickloy pears , and it had been almost
impossible to avoid stepping on them ,
and thus wounding their feet at almost
every stop. Their sufferings had boon
terrible in the extreme , and we venture
lo say that no body of soldiers ever
passed through a more painful experi
all flocked around Captain Noith and his
command to got something to cat , and
seeing that the Pawnees bad some sup
plies the soldiers ollered us high as live
dollars oacb for a piece of hard tack.
They had recently boon paid off and had
plenty of money , which they begged Iho
Pawnees to take in exchange for provis
ions. Captain North , however , ordered
the Pawnees not to lake any of the
money under penalty of being severely
punished , but to immediately distribute
the crackers among the soldiers , giving
two oraokers to each man. There were
thirteen crackers to a ration , and the ! 300
rations thorcfoi o contained 8.000 crackers.
The beans , bacon , collee and sugar were
distributed in like manner , ouch man
receiving about one-sixth of a full ration.
As soon as this distribution was com
pleted , Captain North reported in person
to Colonel Cole , who had no idea of where
ho was going and possessed no knowl
edge of the country whatever. Ho only
knew from his maps that by following up
the Powder river it would bring liim
within roach of the North Platte
river , and being aware that there wore
troops stationed on that stream , ho had
entertained hopes of reaching them
before being completely prostrated by
starvation. When Captain North in
formed him that tie was now not far trom
supplies ho was
and wept , The captain know exactly the
location of the command and that tl'O '
distance to Camp Connor was ubout
twenty-live miles. Colonel Cole atonco
ordered a commisaiouod ollioor with a
detachment of the best mounted troops
and four uiuki teams lo ride all that af
ternoon and evening and make all pos
sible haste to Camp Connor with a requi
sition for supplies. He directed the o 111 cor
to return the next day as far as possible ,
and meantime Iho whole command would
move up the river.
Up to this time the mystery of the dead
horses had remained unsolved in Ciptnin
North's mind , and that evening ho asked
Cole to explain it.
"IT is Qt'iri : A STOHV , "
rfiiid the roiouel , "and when I tell it to
you , you will sco that we've had a terrible
experience for the last two or three
weeks. On the 8th day of September I
started out from Tongno river in a fear
ful rain storm , and wo were attacked by
Red Cloud himself with 2,500 warriors ,
Ho was anxious to stop our march up thu
I'owdor river , as his whole camp , num
bering 0,000 or 10,000 persons in all , xvns
located on the stream , and wo wore
bound to strike it if we Kept on. During
this nun storm the cavalrymen wore in
their saddles all day long lighting these
3,000 warriors. There was no cessation
of hostilities until night came , when we
returned to our camp , which was located
on an open plain , on thu west bank of the
river , as you yourself know Tlio bank
of the river was about eight foot high.
The cam ) ) ran out from the bank ol the
liver about the length of two companies
of cavalry , Our front was formed with
fourteen companies of cavalry and some
artillery , and at one end of the camp was
the wagon train. The horses formed the
hit ) of defense inside of winch the sol
diers were stationed , thus being protected
in a hollow squaro. The animals wore
tied by their halters to the picket line ,
They liad boon worked do hard dining
the day that they had became tireil out
and overheated , and when the rain
tinned into slcct and snow , and Hum
iro/o , it chilled thorn to death. They wore
tied and could not. ot course , move about
to exercise themselves and keep up a cir
culation. .Many of tlio horses next morn
ing wore found standing up so still' that
they could not move one foot in front of
the other , and wo had to shoot thorn , "
"That explains the whole mystery , col
onel , which so worried myself and the
Pawnees. Von burned tlio equipments
to keep them from falling into the hands
of the Sioux' , " said the captain ,
"Ved , as wo could not carry Anything
of that kind with us. "
why didn't you g6 into the
large grove of tiniber just "below your
camp ? It seems lo me that that would
have afforded you protection from the
Indians and Iho storm I was out in thu
storm and my men had ridden their
horses very hard , but when Iho rain
turned into sleet 1 sought protection in a
ravine. "
"I could not get into the timber as the
Indians hold ll from mo. "
Captain North did not press his inquir
ies any further , but ho thought it very
strange that Colonel Cole had not made
a light lo roach the timber even if ll was
hold by Iho Indians , | Colonel Cole was
afterwards court-marlialod for lack of
judgment in not going into this very
grove of limber , but ON lug to Ills former
good conduct and gallantry in the civil
war , ho was acquitted ith u reprimand.1
The next morning Colonel Cole moved
his command , and the men , knowing
that sunuliea xyere near , revived and
marched to within six miles of Camp Con
nor before they met the supply train on its
return They had now boon twenty-one
days without anything to eat except the
meat of starved horses , and they had
nearly uix en up all hope when Captain
North came to their relief.
The point at which Captain North had
overtaken Cole was about forty miles
above Clear Crook where ( General Con
nor hud ordered the captain lo conduct
thu command but Cole had marched
forty miles above the mouth before North
had caught him. ( "aplain North detailed
l/ieuteiiant Muroy nnd ton of the Paw
nees to return to the creek , and there
await tlio arrival of ( tcneral Connor and
notify him of Colo's arrival at Camp
Connor. Tlio lieutenant reached Iho
crossing the day Unit ( Scncral Con
nor did , llio general having made a forced
march up Tongue river. General Connor
had a lrain of 350 wagons with him ,
loaded with supplies suHieioiit lo last the
whole united command for a sixty days'
campaign , lie at once took up his march
for Camp Connor , the journey occupying
two days.
Captain North , who was a conlidantof
the general , well know that the demoral
ixed condition of Cole'.s command xxonld
frustrate all his former plans , and wishing
to ascertain from the general what ho in
tended lo do. he rode oul sonic eight or
tin miles and mot him as ho approached
wilh his command. Captain North gave
the general a graphic description ot the
condition of Colo's command and in
formed him of the great number of In
dians which Cole had encountered on
several occasions during his march up
the Powder river.
"What do you propose to do now , gen
eral V" asked the captain.
" 1 propose to give those troops two
weeks' rest , and then organize the dis
mounted men as a regiment of infantry ,
and take the whole command down Pow
der river and clean out those Indians , "
replied the general.
On reaching Camp Connor , however ,
tlio plans of tlio general were entirely
defeated. A mail had arrived from Fort
Laramie , and the very Jirst tiling that
was handed to General Connor was '
and upon opening it he found it to bo an
order relieving him form tiio command
ot the Dtslrict of the Plains , and direct
ing him to turn over his district to Gen
eral Frank Whcaton , a regular army
General Connor , upon starting oul on
this campaign the war of the rebellion
being over and volunteer troops bomg
mustered out every day feared thai
when ho got well into the Indian country
and had his plans arranged for a cam
paign , orders might come to relieve him
just at the time when ho should bo about
to crown his efforts with success. Ho
therefore determined to cut off communi
cation , and loft strict orders with bis ad
jutant general , George F. Price , at Fort
Laramie , to detain all official mail for
him nt that post until bis return. Not
withstanding those directions , the very
order which General Connor had taken
such pains lo prevent reaching him , had
noxy come. It had no doubt got inlo the
mail Ihroiiirh some mistake or careless
ness on the part of tlio adjutant at Fort
Lurumic. General Connor was very much
grieved and chagrined upon reading the
order. Ho considered
thus far not withstanding there had boon
bcvural good lights and quite a number
of Indians killed and ho felt very reluc
tant about abandoning it without making
any further eftort to bring it to a success-
fultormination. There was nothing for
him to do , however , but to obey the instructions -
structions , and ho ut ouco gave" orders to
his troops to prepare for the march to
Fort Lttramic , where General Wheaton
was in wailing. lie then directed live
ambulances to bo got ready for him , and
taking quite a number of Ids otlicefo with
him , including Captain North , ho started
for Fort Laramie , arriving there in the
fir l week of Oclobur , after a live days
journey , the distance being about 250
miles , ilio general turned over his com
mand of the district to General Wheaton
and proceeded to Camp Douglas , at Salt
Lake , whence ho was ordered to Wash
ington , where lie was promoted lo the
ranlc of major-general of volunteers , and
was then muslored out of the service.
His troops arrived at Fort Laiamio about
ton days after his departure , and tlio
volunteers were ordered to their res
pective states and mustered out.
Thotimoof enlistment of the Pawnees
expire. ! on the 15th of October , and Gen
eral Whcaton informed Captain North
that ho would either muster tlio .scouts
out of the service , or order them lo their
reservation to relieve a company of the
Seventh cavalry , and that North should
have command of the pott during tlio
winter. Captain North accepted the lat-
ler proposition , and immediately started
with the Pawnees for their reservation ,
distant six hundred miles. They reached
homo without anything ot interest oc
curring on the way , and in April , 1800 ,
they were mustered out.
Captain North spent the summer at
the agency witli the Indians. In Iho
month of October he received the ap
pointment of trader for the Pawnee Iribe
tioni President Andrew Jackson , and bo
conducted the trading post during the
winter of 1 ( ! 0 07.
[ 10 in : CONTINUED xr.xr SUNDAY ]
'llio Man Who Drove Down Btntrs.
St , Nicholas : This Count Sander lived
in a line mansion on the Sclilosshcrg in
Hilda. Ho was very fond of hordes , as
all Hungarians aro. and his feats of
horsemanship were i.ol only eccentric
but dangerous. Ho would force his
horses lo plunge down from rocky
heights , to scale almost porpcdicuhir
elills , to dasli across the Danube upon
lloatmg cakes of ice , to leap over slreams
and cha.sms , and to clear fences , walls ,
and oven moving carriages at a single
One of Ids' most foolhardy escapades
occurred one day in the year 1827 , There
was in the oily of Hilda along and steep
stone staircase which connected the
bitxlior section of the town , around
tlio SchloKsborg , with ono of the
lower sections , known as Chris
tian street. Tliis staircase was not
tar from tlio mansion of the Count Sander -
dor , and on that particular day the count
had for his riding companion a Gorman
artist named .lohunn 1'restol , as bold and
daring a man as the count.
Suddenly , as they they drove past the
staircase , the count , almost without a
word , turned his four-in-hand toward the
stoop passageway , and Kicking his long
whip above llio ears of the leaders , drove
the team headlong down the slides.
How the wheels must have bumped
and rallied down llio slops ! The count
was a very export driver , and could truiiio
his plunging steeds- with much skill and
ease , so that his ride down stairs WAS not
us fearful or dangerous as it would have
with a lcs sKiltiill driver ; but it was wild
enough us it was , aud oven llio bold ar
tist tound the staircase long enough for
such a downward dash.
An Analysis of Woman's Nature by Ocorgo
Bakjd ,
Sonic Good In Old ninlila The SpankIng -
Ing Instinct anil the Crn/.e for
Tiloiolos' The Horse-
Motlicr'w Girl.
JiilM II Mail.
Sim alls securely bv my side ,
My bonny little Inssi
The xxorM Iseolil , the xvorld Is xxldc ,
I let the cold xxorld nn s ;
With Mary Rinlllni ; up nt me ,
1 cnie not what the xxoilu may be.
.She looks into lay faded face ,
Mr luiunvllttlt ) Inssl
Hut docs not sot1 the xvilnkleu pkiro
Where Time's roajjli footsteps p.iss ;
She measures me bx loxe's oxxn tide ,
And thinks "Miimnu Is beautiful. "
She a ks me many curious tilings ,
My bonny little Inssl
"Ho aimols shaklne out their xxiiifjs ? ' '
Shosajsxlion MIOW showers puss.
T kiss her happy face nnd say.
"Angels have siucly passed this way. "
Slip looks nl me with soilous eyes ,
My bonny little Inssl
Hli'lit up to the initid the sUret thoughts Use ,
'I lint tliiouli ' her Inslies p.n- < ,
She pnts my cheek , xvith smile anil nod ,
And softly asks : "Docs you knoxx led ! ! ' '
And though 1 cannot ntisxxur bur ,
My bonny llttlo lassl
Queer little questions ipmlnlly stir
The rippling xx nnls that pass
"Is ( ! yd a Qiinki'i' ' Vnuse , jou knnxx ,
He theus aud thous the veisos MI. "
She holds hci head nenltist my hcait ,
My bonny little In-ssI
Ilerejellds droop , hnr Hied lips rest ,
Her thoughts to dicamland pass ;
While bendlni : Joxvn to Uiss Hint cm I ,
1 heat her xxhlbpor "Mothci's girl ! "
Woman Sins anil SiifTci" ) .
George Sand : Somutim os one is led lo
believe that indilVerenco is an attribute
greater than virtue , and that it should
bo so rceoitni/ed , cultivated and devel
oped. If , however , one is possessed of a
conscience that rare factor which so
seldom outers into the problem of life
imlill'crcnca is impossible. Hut since
llioro arc so few whom Ihis proposlllon
nllects it need scarcely bo considered. It
is , of course fullest in man , since wom
an's nature being more oxrjuisit , emo
tional and impressible , is incapable of
entire and unallowed indiilcreneo. A
woman , if she i.s cunning and shrewd ,
may seem more indifferent than tlio most
indifferent men , and yet all the while
bo suffering the extremes ! torture. Hy
this I do not wi h to insiuuate.lbat woman
is more conseionliousthan man , for lhab
would be declaring man the less moral of
the two sexes a thing which there is
much reason lor doubting. Alan is
strong , and morality when it exists
in a degree beyond the swoop and sway
of sense must , necessarily , bo an attri
bute of strength. So its opposilo , or
perhaps I should'sayils , counlorparl , im
morality , slanding in , , llio same relaliou
to weakness thai dnorality stands to
strength , is mosHikoly to bo a part of
woman's naturefar'-too ' often her cliiet
trait. The peculiarities which make
woman the peer of mfcn in religionmake
her also tlio poor in immorality. She is
a bundle of contradictions and incon-
sisleneiesan'l has a million chordswhich ,
if touched , vibrate in her heart ; and
therein lies her peril. Heart and sold are
more to her than brain and conscience.
In fact , when the. lirkt two are stirredIho
others are forgolfen. ; Nay , oven more ,
they are stilled aid ) crushed out for the
time. She acts independently of them ,
without the power of rcsislancc with
out knowledge or volition. Alone , by
herself , aho does bravest lulUo against
that which is is atonco woman's bliss and
destruction ; but to turn her back upon
the man she loves il she does that she is
too inferior a woman to be worth any
man's thought or love. A true woman
qno in whom there is genuine nobility
finds more sweetness in trusting than in
doubting ; and to doubt her Jovor , when
all the vehemence of her heart and soul
arostirredjis to her the greatest and most
damningsin she can commit. She may
doubt tlio propriety of a tiling , and argue
against it mentally , but set her pulses
throbbing , and then .iway with ration
ality ! Repentance may bo and nearly
always is hers , but resistance never !
Woman plunges into sensuous sin with
all her faculties dulled and blunted , save
those which impel heron. She does not
act indilj'orontly , but unconsciously.
Man in this is directly her opposite : ho
acts recklessly and regardless of con c-
( | iionce. With women , there are for the
time no consequences. livery libro of
her being has been .set vibrating , and no
longer a rational , reasoning creature she
goes on as if swept forward by a resist-
lo'-s stream , into the very tninir from
which her delicacy { .brinks in her calmer
moments. Man sins voluntarily and
against the constant admonitions ot his
conscience. Indifference is the same to
him that tenderness and quivering sensi
bilities are to women , only , in the end ,
she weeps bilter tears of woo aud repent
ance ) , while Ins indiHorcnco stands him
in good stead. It is generally the nature
of man to bo imlillerent. That is Iho
reason why man's love seldom lasts be
yond his honeymoon. And perhaps it is
wisest so. If man's nature was as tender -
dor , clinging and sympathetic as wom
an's , comnierco would never have been
organized ; because with the propensi
ties and liner sensibilities of the two
sexes alike , man could never tear him
self away from the recipient of his
carosies , and so the great world of
business would stand still. These whoso
glimpses at lifo are wholly superficial ,
can not , of course , understand tins , but
no man or woman with enough courage
to look below the surface can fail lo
see Unit I have spoken the truth. I do
not bolioyo that it i.s consclmicn which
keep.- , woman from or makes her regret
excesses , mental or otherwise , but that
it is Hie same exquisiteness of soul whichever
over semis her in Iho ilireclien which the
world calls wrong. She sins nnd she
siill'ers , ami both from the same cause.
She siill'ers bec.luse the sin she does
shocks unit hurt * the same sensibilities
\vlio-o pulses tempt 'her into sin.Man
stilles and smothers his conscience will-
fulljv-proiiicditatedly. It is a hard
battle for him , but if is ono which ho
never has to light the second time. Wilh
Iho lirsl blow his cunscionco is wounded
past healing , and each succeeding shock
but dulls and blunts- him tlio more , until
hisindifl'oreneo it. aacomploto as a piece
of line art. With woman no such thing
is possiblo--at Iho tlrst plunge she re
solves liorself intp two dislinct and sopa-
rule personalities ? Quo is seeming indif
ference , the othoy is a perfection of mis
ery and degradation which deepens and
increases with each now sin almost with
oacli successive breath , From this site
no or redeems herself ; suffering becomes
a part of her existence , and the clashing
continues upon the lender , sensitive and
vibrant chords of her heart until death
breaks llio lasl one ,
Fulling la
Short men as a rule , writes Grant Allen
in the course of an entcrlaining article in
the Fortnightly Ho view , prefer tall
women , while tall men admlro lilllo
women. Dark pairs by preference with
fair ; Iho commonplace often runs after
the original , People have long noticed
thai Mils attraction towards one's oppo
site tends to keep true the standard of
the race ; they luve not , perhaps , MI gen
erally observed that it also indicates
roughly tlio existence in either individual
of a desire for its own natural comple
ment. It is dllllcult hero lo givd dellnitc
examples , but everybody Knows how , in
the subtle p ychologv of falling in love ,
there are involvca iniiumcrablo minor
elements , jihy-iral and mental , which
strike us exactly because of their abso
lute adaptation to form with ourselves an
adequate union. Of course , wo do not
definitely seek out aud discover such
qualitic * : indinct works far moro Intui
tively than that ; but we find at last , by
subsequent observation , how true nnd
how trustworthy woio its immediate in-
dicaton ! . Thai is to say , those men dee
o who were wi'-o enough or fortunate
cnnuirh to follow the earliest promplinp-s
of their own licnrt. , andnottobo ashamed
of thai divincsl and deepest of human in
stitutions , love at first sight.
I do not doubt thai , as the world goes
ou , u deeper sen o of moral responsibility
in tlio matter of inarrhigo will giow up
among us. Hut It will not take tlio false
direction of Ignoring these , our pro-
foumlcst nnd holiest inMincLs. Marriage
for money may go ; mairiage for rank
may go ; marriage for pixiiion may go ;
but marriage for love , 1 believe and trust ,
will lust forever. Men In the future will
probably feel that a union wilh their
cousins is posilivolv wicked ; that a union
witli the o lee like llioni in person or
disposition is at least uiulcslnihln ; that a
union based upon consideration of wealth
or any other consideration save consider
ations of immediate- natural impulse , is
liaso and disgraceful. Hut to the ou d of
time Ihey will continue to tool , in spite of
doctrinaires , lhal Iho voice of Nature is
better than the voice of the lord chan
cellor or the roval society ; aud that the
instinctive desire for a particular help-
male is a suier niiiiio tor Iho ultimate
haptilne sbotli of the raceaud the indivi
dual. It is not the foolish fancies of
youth thai will have to be got rid of , but
the f'tolish , wicked and mliehievons in
terference of parents or out sidcrs.
What iHliove ?
A maiden asked me : "What Is Lo\o' . " '
And , cn/lncon the stars aboxe ,
Kaint Iieinblliu'In their dowllcht ,
l.n ! Iroin the beautv ol the nl ht
\Vas .sudden Instillation elvon
"Maiden you ask mo what Is hoax on. "
My arm around her waist was tvxliied ,
Ilei upon my bicast iccliiicd ,
Upon hot lips 1 laid a kiss ,
The sweet epitome ot bliss ;
When sott her dainty this xvore rivon ,
With. "Dearest , this is very heaven.1'
I pressed her form wilh warm embrace ,
And a/eil Inlo her happy lace.
"I thank lln-e for llio answer tfixen ,
In that you tell mo this Is heaven
For now. by yon blue stais above ,
1 swear lo lliee that this is loxe. "
ni'ii.oori : .
Thus hcax'on is loxe , and lox-o Is heaven :
The only he.ixen to mortals ilxon ,
Thoonlv glimpse of Paradise
That lalls upon mil eaitldy e\cs ;
And so Intense its bla/e xou Mini
That loxe , though sxxeot , Is ovei blind.
A Natural AVoinnnly Instinct.
Washington Post : One of tlio strong
est of feminine instincts i.s to spank. The
little girl of 0 spanks her doll , oven while
the sympathetic tears roll down her
checks. She keeps up the practice xvlion
ttroxvn lo young ladyhood , upon her little
brothers ami sisters , if .sho bo fortunatn
enough to have auy ; and from then on
her children and grandchildren or some-
bod.yeUo's children and grandchildren
receive the benefits in n matured form , of
an art learned in infancy , until she oes
hence to a boiler land , and even
then , perhaps , a wide Hold for
tlio exorcise of her powers i.s before
her , among tlio little angels in Heaven.
Ouo day last xveek a young man saunt
ering about tlio National museum saxv
txx-o very pretty gins cvamining a terra
cotta vase which stood iu ono corner of
Hie room devoted to exhibits of that \ > are
In tlio boxvl of the vase several unclothed
urchins xvcro represented as playing ,
xvhile ono little cherub , with a chubby
and dimpled form , was leaning ox-cr the
edge , evidently attempting lo reach his
companions and innocently ollcringan
axvful temptation lo spanking femininily.
The j'oiing Indies stood before the orna
ment for some time in apparent admira
tion ot tlio excellent workmanship , when
suddenly a thought seemed to strike ono
of them. She looked cautiously around
to see if she was observed , and seeing no
one , for tlio xvriter xvas hid behind a pil
lar , and no oiu else xvas in siixht , she
smiled happily , took tlio Klovo from oil'
her right band , raised that member and
administered to tlio little clay imago a ,
most thorough spanking. If it xvas a fair
sample of her skill in that direction her
full ro children are entitled to hearttolt
The Horsowlilp Girl.
Thoio's a noxv style of irhl on at present ,
Who's a tenor to slamieioiis man :
Shu's us smooth as a piece of silk xolxot ,
Hut she's built on the lioioo whipping plan.
Sho'sa ladylike soitof VOIIIIK xxoman ,
With a .spiinkllnir ol vl oiousdasli :
And the man xvho'.s at all dlstcspcutliil
Is sti iiii up at the end ot her lash.
She's a lailyighi ! shaichl Ironi the sliouUlei ,
She's so imulostslio xxon'l ndxmtiso
What her x\omiuly mind Is devising
In the \va > of a pleasant snrpilse.
Don't you knnxv that's the xxay xvlth some
xvoinen ;
They'll1 so tlioiiuldtul.and Kontle.andsxxeet ,
Thai even In hoisoxvldpiin a tolloxv
Thev doshe that surpilso bo complete ,
That's the style of the cirl on at present ;
And llio pi'isun who thinks ho must say
What he can of the lady unpleasant
Would do x\ ell to bo moving axvay.
Our Unmarried Daughters.
Thomas Hughe.s says there is a peculiar
charm about the words "one's own"
xvhich it takes a manor a boy long to find
oul. but 1 doubt , says a xvrltor In llio
Philadelphia Press , if there i.s a woman
xvho from babyhood has not rccogni/cd
that charm , Lai us ( lion think xvith mora
consideration than hap boon our wont of
those women xvho have never taken upon
themselves the pleasures and cares of
wedded lifo , but whoso lives have been
given up lo others far moro than have
those ot the mujoiity of llicir wedded
sislors ,
One such woman has charge of a house
hold whoso inmates are an invalid
mother , a ioohlo grandmolhor , and u
bachelor brother. She makes the homo
hnppv for them , and xvith whit return
for this sacrifice of her girldhnod ? What
are her privileges ? She cannot order a
dinner exactly to suit herself or hax'o it
served according to her oxvu ideas , and
to change the dour of a meal or ask a
friend without first holding a family con
sultation would bo considered high trea
son.It is possible that even mothers are a
lltllo too selfish and exacting toward
their unmarried diiuchtors. ' 1 here is a
widow xvitli throe unmarried daughters
of "uncertain ago , " it would bo a de
cided convenience to the musician of the
family if the piano could bo moved to an
other part of the room. She speaks to
her mother about it. The reply i.s. " 1
see no reason , Kiny , win it should bo
moved ; it has no trials and dilllcnltics lo
overcome , and of them it is required that
they shall bo always cheerful ; and amia-
bio.Them ) is another family xvith one un
married danghlor still at homo. She
does much of the housekeeping ami the
family soxvmg , but her recreation , that
which gtio loves aboxo all eiso , is her
palotlo and brush ; and yet even her time
is not her own , She lias not ono unin
terrupted hour during the day. Piitlonlly
day after day she puts aside her canvas to
til on mother's dross or soxv on fathar's-
buttons or see that the spare room Is
made ready for mother's frlonds , arid
day after day and xvook after week the
xrork she longed to do has hud to bo put
MirltttraldiltlHIonto Sotilli Onnilnt , n Ii ) tiroblockn fonth nf businc i
venter of Month Onniha ttnil tire blaek rani of thctnviil lldrtnnnint
/ * ( i7. Iny House.
Large and Choice Lots , Wide Streets and Al
leys , Fine View , Easy Terms ,
iHtrttcnhnv call on
4VV South Jtlth , Xtl Jtooi'lfbrth of lloininl .S' .
Our stock includes repair's for nil stoves ever sold iu Oiuulia nnd the \\tMt.
Remember , it Uyourstuvu wo keep repnlr for.
C. M. KATOX , Jrnnnjrcr ,
01 ! ) Son tii St. . lit : I , , Ion cs and Jacks on.
rjruii . t.-rniii. . S.T iin.
Crated free on board cars.
, T , ALLEN ,
Mention Oimdia Hoc.
JVO nLAXJCS ! 1'lttZKS OXLY ! Ereru Ycttrarvvtt Million nintrllntt-
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\ Via \ \ first payment of only $3 , you can acquire six Eoropcan Govci nmcnt Bonds ,
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ONLY § a rc *
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xx in four times a year , and so come into possession of a fortune. We oiler these
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ber 20th. For ftnllier inforinntion apply to , HKUMNHANKING Co. , 305 Hroadxvay ,
Nexv York. N. B. These bonds .ue not lottery tickets , and aic by laxv permitted
to be sold
oil' till some future time , xvhich ncvci
This young xvoman li u lypu of 11 oln s
whoso burdens urc hciu'y because made
up of numberless trilles , Can xve not by
: i little more thought for her xvho thinks
so often for others add souictliin ; ; lo her
pleasures ?
AVoiuoii niul'Money.
Contemporary Ueviexv : Every girl
xvho i.s not entirely dependent on her
malu relations u position xvnich , con
sidering all thu nps and downs of life , Ihc
sooner she gels put of the boiler oughl ,
by the time she i.s old enou < ; li to
any money , to know exactly hoxv much
she has , xvhoro it is invested and xxlial
it ought yearly to bring in. MX this time
also , him should have acquired .some
knoxvleiiiro of business banK business ,
referring to checks , dividends and bo on
and as much of ordinary business as
she can. To her information of a prac
tical kind Hover comes amiss , especially
Iho three golden rules , which liavo
very rare c.\eopiions ; No itix-cM
mciit ot over 0 per cent , is really
safe ; trust no one xvitli your
money xvithout sscmily , which ought lo
be as slriet between the nearest and dear
est friends as butxvcon slrangers , and ,
lastly , keep all your all'airs from day to
day in as accurate order as if you had to
die lo-morroxv. The mention of dying
suggests another necessity as soon as
you arc txventv-oiie yearn ol ago make
your will. You xvill not die a day the
sooner : you can alter it whenever yon
hku , while the ease of mind it xvill bo lo
you and tlio trouble it umy save to thoMi
that come after you are beyond Idling.
It cannot bo too strongly impiesscd upon
every girl xvlio has or expects that not
undesirable thing , "a little income of her
oxyiijj' what a forluniito responsibility
this is and how useful she may make it to
others. Happier than the lot ol many
married women is that of the "unappro
priated blessing , " as I have heard an old
maid called , xvho has her money , less or
more , in her own bauds , and can use it
as she choose- , , generously as xvisel.y ,
xvilhout asking anybody's leave ami
being accountable tor it lo no one. But
then she must have learned from her
youth upxvaid hoxv to use it ; she must
not spare any amou'-i.of trouble in the
using of it , anil * lie i-1 ; console herself
for many a loiiw'y i ret xve aio but
human'ail of ns with the thought that
she has been trusted lo bo a steward of
the Creal Master. Such an old maid
often does as much good in her genera
tion as txvpnty married xvoinen.
Woman' * ? Work in Literature.
Milw.iukco Wisconsin ; There is at the
present lime a larger proportion of
xvonuin engaged in authorship , in Iho
Lulled Slales , at least , than ever before.
Of the literary product of tlio United
States during the last month , women
xvrote 10 per cent , of tlio maga/.ino artic
les , 81 per cent , of the poems , and 3 per
cent , ol the new books.
This literary work of women i.s mostly
confined to tlio xvriting of novels or short
blories , although an occasional xvork of
history , biography , or even of science
bears a feminine name , In one depart
ment especially are women taking tlio
lead , and that is the production ot juve
nile books and the conduct of juvenile
ning.i7.ines , There never xvas a lime in
llio history of the world xvhen the chil
dren had so ninny , so valuable or so en
tertaining and instructive books nnd
mngax.lnes prepared for them , and tills is
mainly done bv xvoinen , and done xvell.
In the fluid of illustration , xvhich In noxv
carried to a point of excellence and pro
fusion never before attained , the xvork of
xvoinen plays a conspicuous pint , both in
designing and execution ,
I'rnotieal Kiliumtloii ,
Homo of tlio best Kidioi' seminaries in
the country not only teach cooking and
marketing as a part of their regular
course , but also gixc instruction in dress-
culling and millinery , ( 'asscll.seminary ,
of Auburn , Mass. , announces Iho latter
doiiurtiiH'iit ' of blit'ly ' in its piospcctus.
It h Interesting to note thai while Ihe
moviuncnl to teach thn more praelieal
branches of knoxvlodgn in our puljlio
schools lui > made lint slow progress , the
idea has m.tdo great strides in develop
ment among thu butter class of semina
A Orii/c for Ti loj orn ! ,
Nuw York Mull "The i-ru/o for trlcv-
i-les has started among the xvoinen folks , "
said u niiied wheyliuan to-day lo a Alail
and Kxpress reporti-r , aud In : spoke at
Icngthof Ihe bimehls to be dcr.ved from a
physical point of viv\v. "it U tine o.ver-
oisii xvhen aol indulged in lo c.xui'ss.
\\omen ate never moderate in their
cruxes like men. They cannot stand ; v >
much phjnlcal labor as limn , jet they fix- :
cmelitly attempt in tliuainiiboniint line to
do more. 1 don't tliiuk irioycling as
healthy a * the free , stand-up n < l' > .
you might say , on the bicycle Hut of
conn-0 there is plenty < > t xxliolrsonut
e.xuryKo in a three t\huol concern , be-
cause it is harder tp propel than a bicycle.
If tlio American xvoman would do morn
straight out walking it would bo far
healthier than gigging around in a heax-.y
pulling tiieycle. When roller skating
xvas a furore look hoxv the girls overdid
the thing called healthful exercise. They
never knew xylien to stop , and continued
violent exercise tor hours at a time. The
tricxelo 1 confess is a bolter and mom
hcailhful medium of exercise for xvomen
Ihan roller skaling. They xx'SII carry ll
lee far ; Irieicles x\ill be exeryxvhere , and
the result will be itxvill bo overdone , anil
the roaclion xvill relegate Ihe noble pas-
lime lo innocuous desuetude. Yes , lei
llio tricycle become popular ; our xvoinen
xvill not walk' . It is not amusing , but
they can find sport in the thieo wheeled
' can 'age. ' '
/V .Joxvclei- Wan in 1'ay I'or It and
Sonic Hilvcrixnrc.
A recent Cincinnati dispatch saysAn
attachment xvas issued yos-teiday lor a
gold xvatch worth $10 ! ) and silverxx-aro
xvortli & ! 00.pmchu9cd : last xvinler by Sam
Small , the revivalist , of Abraham Stei-
man , joxvcler , anil not paid for , has ere-
ale d considerable talk here , particularly
among chtirchgoing people. The story
is that in addition lo the xvatch aud sil-
vcrxvare Sam Small bought diamonds to
the value of $700. The diamonds xvero
paid for , and a note for lliirty days xvas
given for the other arlldcs. Small xvritcs
trom Toronto that the revival xvork lias
been so pressing upon him lhal he forgot
all n bout llio nole.
The Hov. Dr. Joyce , of St. Paul's Meth
odist Kpiscopal Church , speaking of the
mailer to-day , said : "I have no doubt
that Small has a mania for purchasing
such lliings , a fact xvhicli a keen dealer
could , no doubt , very easily discover.
1 knoxv him very xvoll , and 1 have never
seen anything in bis conduct that was
not consistent xvitli his Christian charac
ter. Nearly every man has a xveakness
to resist , and that appears to be Snmll'H.
Hut he is honest , anil I don't think any
fear xvas felt by Stoinan of thn loss of his
money. I think had he come to mo I
could have assured him that 1 would get
the money from bmall for him. I knoxv
thorn have been men ,
Small and Jones , have been loose in
their cxpondiluics , bin J happen to knoxv
thatilones has expended $1,500 in chan
ties ; that ho is now supitoiling four
young men in college for the ministry ,
xvho othorxvibo would bo unable to gradu
ate , and thai Jones gave the $1,500 , xvhich
purchased llio camp ground at Carters-
villu , Oa. So , yon HOO , hm expenditures
are in the right direction. Small xvill bo
hero on November ! t. A man xvith hia
weakness ought to be vorv careful with
whom ho deals. I have no doubt lie will
pay the bill xvhen bo nrriyes. "
What Man IH Comported Of.
The Ago : From a nhemlbfB point of
\'iow. man and xvoman , xvc suppose -
consists of thirteen elements. Five of Ihe
constituents are gases and eight me
solids. The largest constituent is oxy
gen , of which the average , 151 pound , or
eleven stone , man holds 07'JO pounds.
The latler , Iho great supporler of com-
'jiihtion in the human body , exists in a
condition of utmost vuinprcfMon. If the
! )7 ) pounds of oxygen xxere hot free fiom
Iho body it would fill a apace of 1,000
cubic. Of hydrogen Iho eleven slono
only holds 15i. ( ) pounds , bill , if set free ,
this quantity would expand to 2,150 cubic-
led. The amount of nitrogen piiuionl is
I.bU ) pounds of ehloune , 1.75 pounds , of
Iliionne , O.'Ji pounds , or ii.5 ounces. The
above 11 vo gates , if set liee , would to
gether till a space of about-1,000 , eubio
feel. Need xve bo surprised if , xvith all
these gaecn bottled up within him , even
the average man has occasional fits of
explosion xvheii things do not happen to
go smoothly xxith him. Wo might carry
speculation fuillier , and explain hoxv the
dill'erent solid elements of the human
frame , if concentrated , xvotiid iorin
varinus-si/cil bodies Snfllce it to sny
that the i-olid constituents comprlto
caihon , ! jl 10 pounds ; phosphorus ,
1 7G pounds , sulphur , 0."J pounds
or ! l.5 ounces ; boides metals ,
all base metals or metalloids.
There are no piccioiis metals in Die
human body , and even the baser kinds
present aio not found in quantities Milli-
eicnt lo oiler inducements to mining
companies. The most abundant mutiil is
calcium. ii.bO pounds , Ihe basis of lin.ti ,
next follows potassium , 0 18 pounds , or
'J y ounces , then sodium , 010 pounds , or
2 1 ounces , thill magnesium , 0.11 pounds ,
or 1.8 ounces , andlaslly it on , 0.1 pounds ,
or , say , 1 1 ounces ; giand total 151
pounds. Thus , bowiner , is only one wa.v
t'j ' ( oheiult-t has of looking at a man 1'lia
\arious elements are chemically com
bined with each other , forming com
pounds too numerous to mention , into
thu natuie and composition of xxh.uli
is no need lo onlur.