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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1886)
PHE OMAHA SUNDAY E. SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 7 , 1880. TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 132. OLD WORLD GOSSIP. Bnmmary of the Doingu nt the Great Eu ropean Capitals. THE GRAVE AND GAY AT PARIS. Nobility Takes to the Ohaso While the Lower Strata lurnish Hows. DETAILS OF SHOCKING CRIMES. Big Budjot of Politics From the City of Berlin. TWO NOTABLE AUCTION SALES. Bpontltbiift Heirs of Noble English Sires Dispose of Their Property. TEE HAPPENINGS AT VIENNA. A llUHslnti Politician Defines Country's Position Towards IIul- ( i'lfla - CoiniillontlotiH Over tlio Spanish Agreement. The News of Paris. lOij'l/i / ialtt iBfUi by Jamr * n .1 tliu Hen nctl.l 1'Ainn , Nov. 0. | Now Yoik lleiald Cable Special to the Hr.i : . ] The cold , giay No vember fog has c\tiniiilslioJ politics , and thu grandus mondalncs of Parisian .society , attired In dullcioitsly devised scarlet and preen Ama/.on costumes , and jewelled whips In hand , are now limiting the stai : In tlio districts of Chnmpignc , Vendor and I'lc.udy. On St. Hubait's day a solemn mass was purloimi'd In many of the chanels attaclicd to the chateaux and piayers wore olfeied for successful runs with the hounds. The vales and the woodlands of Franco aheady vibrato with thu silvery notcsot the "pUliieino1 theli hunting horns sounding tlio traditional "la Itoyale , " "la Itallio" and "Ja Chacnolse. | ) " The largest fields and the most successful inns have been wltli thu famous stag hounds of Duche su d'Uzus In Champaiine , who since Wednesday have ahead ) brought to bay their thiid stag , am1 the well appointed pack of Mm. Mcnier arc cekbiating to-day the cipturo of their Imndioth stau in Fort do Kit/ . NEW .VAVAI. KXI'IMIIMKNTS. Admlial Aubo's Interview with the Herald has been widely rcpiodnced in French papers and has given renewed stimulus to naval matteis In Fiance. The admiial has now oulercd experiments to bo made In the harbor Itocheloit with a nuw toiprdo called after tlio name of tbo Inventor , the Obous. This pro- jcctlle Is said to bo tar superior to tlie Whitehead - head torpedo. It can be Hied from a much gruatei distance. A chaigo of eleven klllo- Krammos ot gnu cotton Is stated to bo sntll- clent to enable It to plereo the strongest ar- niotcd ship in existence. A special torpado coips , called coins des olliccrs mccanlcieno tcrpelleures , is also provided for in the bud- gel n ! Hie mlnlslei of mail no. It consists of nineteen olllceis , live of whom aio attached to thu government factoiles , live to torpedo stations and detachments to dufunso mobiles , and ono to the toipudo school at Toulon. Kifty-ono totpedo boats , the construction of which w.ib bc.Min in 1855 , will bo icady for boivice next year. C'ANDIDA'ir.SKOU HUI.OAHIA'q TIIItONH. Whllu KuroDcan politicians are bieaklng their liuads to timl a nuw prince for Hulgarla , Ecvcral of reputed candidates are enjoying themselves In Tails. Every day about a do/en piincesand grand dukes meet at do jcuncratUlgnon's nuw oputa. Among tha unfailingconvlcsaru 1'rluco Waldemar and tbo Duke of Aldonbnrg. Nuitlicr scorns in thu least anxious to leplacu poor Alexander. A JL'MCin'IXn DIPLOMAT. Viscount d'ltajuba , thu Ilra/ minister at Wiishlngton , has arrived with Ids wlfn for a months enjoyment in I'm is. Mine , d'ltaluba is to bo seun at all society gathei- ings in thu Hols , at the picmlcrcs of llio theatres , and during hoi shortstay has almost resumed her position as thu leader of fashion that she occupied when her husband was minister In Paris. The Figato saj.s she has onl.onu . fun It. She Is not tender tuwaul her colluai'ues of thu corps diplomatique. GOUNOD'S CANDIDACV. It is vvhlspeicd in society that Gounod , who Isahoady a member ot ! tha institute , will bo a camlldatu for ono of tlio vacant fiiutoluls at the Acadumlo FaucaU ( > . llo Mmself talntly denies thu Impeachment , but to-day hoadmlts If the scat wcro olfeied to Mm hu would not lafnso It. FASHIONS AT TIIK TllUATKItS. Fashion has bocomu so lelinod that the Pailslcnnes now ill ess for tlio tlieatcr to suit the play announced. At thu pinmlcro of an operetta thuy atfect fiIvolovs toilets. At tbo pcrfoimanco of''J a Fuvorita" they given romantic touch to their splendors. A cos tume was specially created this weuk by ono ot ourKre.itcoutilois fora "Hamlet" night at the Francalsu. It consisted of a black chaiitllly Mill t , spotted vvitli ruby and oranga pompons , and tilmmed at the bottom with i ( icchlquotofiilllngnf tbo samu colors , over this a Haiiiu-colored , velvet vamiusno bodice , with a broad j ollow sash comlnir to a ] > oint and tlod behind In a loose bow. Thu sleeve was simply inadu of black lice. To complete the tiaglu effect was worn a llamo-coloicd I , velvet bcguln bunnct , trlmmid vvitli inby beadinga.sulphur algiettu of yuilovv crepe anil a fan bnidertul with feathers. III'KOIO MitlOAI. : ) TIIKATMUNT. Tliu hospitals ami medical sheets are full of n marvelous though not ijulto nnprecuduntod opciatlon by which an Algerian doctor , Picn- giaeber , has ju&t saved tbollfoof a child In tlio last stupes of consumption. The little Cirl , aged twelve , was b.ought to the hospital Tioiisscau , wasted away almost ' .o a skeleton The nnrhos and doctors were so touched by her suffeilng that they declaied death would bo a mercy , Attei hesitation Dr. 1'rengraebt'i Octermincd toilsk an operation , llo fnsl chtoiofoimcd tliu child , Homadoacrnclloriii incision between the lifth and sixth ilghl ribs , and burned out three cubic centemeteis of thodlseaseil poilion of lung with a red hot lion , in three weeks the wound healed and the blood coursed healthily thiough the cnlld's veins. Sbo picked up liuali , mow Etiong.and she was sent homo cuied. In tha enthusiasm amused by this surgical achieve mem , many pcop'o Imagincil they had now ; Etno means ot coniiueiing consumption , This U not the opinion of most authoiitlus , notably of Dr. Verneuil. On being questioner on thesutijoct , Dr , Veinenll said that noth Ing nuw bad been accomplished. I'neuomo toiny had boon tiled botoro. Another surgi cal triumph had been iccovcioJ , that was all TilEllIVAI. KAb'lUIIS. Eucci Is prcparlni ; liim.self for Ids fast by i jertes of batuiuets , at vvhlc ! ho consumes food enough to kill any ouUnar ; mortal , ilcrlattl , his rival , has now beet fasting for tun days. At tbe cud ot the brs week his medical warders vvaiucd him not t < contlntip , but ho persists , and though three davsasoho seemed likely to break down he Is now stronger and confident. tiKVit.tsit Mi'iinKitnn . Few more ferocious and deliberate murders were ever peipctratcd than that of which the court of assbes , in the department of Ccrs , has just convUtol two peasants , Mmo. Car- tado and her mother , Mine. 1'arterio. The victim was a bed-ridden peasant farmer who took an unconscionable ttmo Indjing. His wife , Mine , i'aiterie.and his daughter-in-law , Cartade , resolved to assist providential ope rations. One day , while the old man was In bed , they poured a bowl of scalding water over his head , This not scttllnc ; him , they balten.-d Ids bead about with a red hot Iron and a heavy mallet. Ho was honlbly dls- lignred , but iccovered. The daughter-in-law soon after tiled to smother him with bis bed clothes , while the mother hold his nose to hasten matters. The victim kicked so desper ately that they again failed. At last , how ever , they fettled him bv hammering an Iron boltdown his throat. For this thu younger murderess was sentenced to hard labor for life and the mother to twenty years' Impilson- ment. notjxn rou AMf.nifA. Among the passengers who sailed this af ternoon on board La Champagne are Mini- kaesy , the Austrian painter ; F. E. Uertler , the successful Parisian poitralt painter , who Intends to make studies among some of llio beauties of Nuw York society ; Mr. Charles H. Lcland and family , Dr. Wheeler and wife , Cultural A. C. and family , Mrs. O. O. 1'ctcrs and daughter , .Mr. A.elltjt - mann and Judge Uurmndes and family. AlTl'.MI'IKI ) ASSASSINATION ANI > 11OI1- iunv. : Another assass'n Ulon In a railway car riage took place to-day on the 1'arls t Lyons line , between Monte C.ulo and Cannes , the victim being Mr. Brlard , an American nitlst. Mr. Krlaid was ahcady seated In a second- class cairlage , when the threu assassins , who looked like commercial tiavelers , entered the compaitment , but pretended not to know each other. While Mr. llrlaid was taking a nun , his tlneo fellow- travelers sprang upon him. Mr. Uiiard stiuck out at his assailants plnckily vvitli his lists and made n good light , but bo was soon overpoweicd by a tremendous blow on tlio bend wltli n billy and received three stabs witb-astlllelto in the stomach and shoulders. These , It Is fcaiud , may prove fatal. The assassins tiled also to stianglu him with a silk handkerchief. Mr. Ihiard sink appar ently lifeless on thu floor of the compart ment. The assassins searched ids pockets and took a pmso containing fc'Jo Ir.incs , and believing the victim dead , the assassins opened thu door of tliu compaitmont. jumped off tbo tuUn bcfoio its arrival at Cannes and disappeared. At Cannes the employes found Mr. liriaid 1 } In in a pool ot blood. Ho was not dead , but was at once icmoved to his house at Can nes and caicd for. Hu In n few minutes ic gained consciousness and gaveasbort account of the ten Iblo scene atiovodescilbed and the Indications to the police , who hope to capture the assassins. This attempted assassination took place at about 0 o'clock at night. This occmreiieo on a line of railway most fre quented by American tourists has caused a icnewal of the panic by the lailway travel ing public , occasioned by the minder ot Jiar cum near < * ails last year. Mr. Is In ciitical state , bat his lit'u Is not yet llsnaired of. _ THE ItKHMN HUDG T. Political News From tlio German Capital. Htni.iN : , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablesram to the Iti.i : ] The projected alliance between tlio nationals , liberals and conservatives has not yet been definitely accomplislicd.although the leaders of the two parties have unchanged view sand ai rived at a favorable understand ing. It was decided , however , to postpone the linal agreement until the members icns tumble at thu opening of the richstag. NATIONAL/.INO UAII.WAVS. I'rlnco Ulsnuick discussed wltli Ilerr IJlelchroder on the occasion of the lattur's visit to Vaisin , the question of ralsinp : funds to assist In completing the natlonall/ation of Prussian lallways. TIN : iiui'OHTs ninicui.r.i ) . Bourse authorities rldlcnlu tbo reports which have been circulated that I'rlnco liis- maick's purpose In summoning Ilcrr Blcich- roder to Varsiu was to consult him as to how to abate tlio danger resulting liom cxcosslvo investments by Ccrmans In loroign loans. Thuy say that the boniso will retain the Rus sian stocks now on the maiket , as they be- llevu In the truth of the statement that has been current since Herr Ululchroder's return to Berlin that l'iluce ISismarcl ; told him that Itussia does not seek to occupy linlgaiia , that ho was certain no Kuropean war was Impending , and that both thu c/.ar and Km- peror Fiancis Joseph vveru dcteimlned upon a pacific settlement. II.VVAIIIAN III.KCTIONS , Unusual Intuiest Is felt in Bavaria in tlio Impending election for members of tlio diet. Theio Is still a year before the expiration ot the lo al term ot the diet , but the death of King Ludvvlg and thu critical position In which the government Is placed make It ncces- snry to hasten the elections. The campaign has aheady boon opened. The peasants re main faithful to tliuclcilcals. In towns the liberals are uniting In all sections and are confident of large successes , lu Munich nlono they count upon wiestlng six seats from tlio clericals. Society has at pic&cnt candidates In Nniemlmtg , Furth , Ansbach , and Schwabach. It Is Impiobablo that the llbeial gains will bt > sulliciently largo to di - prlvo llio clericals of a majoiity In thu dlut , and alter the elections theiu will again bo ) ne-entedtliuabiioimal situation of.i majority of that bodj in opposition to thu libeiat inl- noilly , and this condition ot atfaiis will con tinue nnluss llio ii'gcnt , following constitu tional inle , foims a conscivallVR ministry. This step , it Is said thoiegcnt coptcinpiates and dining bis coming visit to Beilln will I consult with i'llncu Bisumtck on tlie advis ability ot dismissing tbo LuU ministry , i'rinco Blsinaick has hitherto opposed the ap pointment of a Catholic nilnUtty In Buvaila , and It Is not lilclthat bu will give his as sent to the proposal. I'llAfl ) t'l'ON 01,1) 601 ) | : , The Cernian Oillclal .lournul at Kiiasburg recounts tlio traud pla > ed upon tlio old Fiencli boldiern resldlni ; in Alsace-Loiralne , Clrculais weie Issued which anne meed that ex-Kmpross Kugenu hud decided to grant an annual pension to soldleis [ were touilei'ii j ears In thu set vice , and that .1 bureau had been opened In Str.ubuu to examine and ccitlfy papers and to teglster names on pay ment of onu niaik each by .soldlci.s piesont- Ing thuproH3r | cuitllluato andtwomaiks by tliose who could not fuinUIiceitliicntcs. A SOIlliil : SOCIALIST AllliKsl'KlN A soldier named 1'aul Welchul has been nnestedalLubcoforcojnuctlo-i with a social ist plot , CorespondeiK-eof a daimiglng na tion ivas found upon him , which was traoM to a Hamburg soldier namwl 1'aul Koch , and several Eoldiutsbii-peeled of bulng Imiilicatcd In lUu movement liavn been a-icitiil. COUNT VIT/.IIUJIK'ti MKMOlll ? . The publlslier , Cotta , of Stuttgart , w ill soon Issue tie | memoirs of Count \ It/.hiimo whllo Saxon minister at London. Tbo work con tains nuieh of the nurevealcd' history of tnu peilpd between the years 1S53 and IS'It ' records that In the course of a conversation at a dinner Lord Bcaconstleld said : "Glad stone , Bright and myself are the three most energetic men in parliament ; Gladstone's energy Is invincible. " Prof. Trcstsobler , the German historian , relates that Hcrr Dunker was the llrst In an ofllcial memorial to recom mend that I'rinco Bismarck , then Prussian minister at Paris , replace Count VonBern- storfT as minister of foreign affairs. Six months afterward I'rinco Bismarck was ap pointed. rniNCF ALKXANnnii's rrnctiAsn. I'rlnco Alevander , late ruler of Bulgaria , has boncht the Chailoltcnfcld estate , near Splialfliauscn , for IMO.OCO marks. The pur chase money Is a pTtt of tbo amount taken from Bnlgailaby Prince. Alexander upon bis abdication of the throno. Agents of the late czar had entered Into negotiations for llio purchase of llio estate for the Pilnco Dol- gaionkl at the time of the minder of the czar. OlIDS AND KNII9. The remains ot Heir Von Lcowc will bo brought to Berlin and will probably bu elvcn a nubile funcial. The ono hundredth anniversary of the birth of Johann Ludvvlg Upland , the poet and statesman , will bo cclcbiatcd In Stutt gart April 20 , 18S7. Professor Bcseler , In consequence of seri ous Illness , will be unable to lectuic at Berlin university dmlng the winter. Owing to the minors of tbo prevalence of cholera , the sanllary pollcu aio more than usually vigilant. Sleeping cais are stooped on the lines to Cologne , Jieilln and Frank fort and all cloth goods arn dtslnfcctul. The Conuneiclal bank at Darmstadt have arranged to take over a per cent , of the Lis bon corporation loan , amounting Io2",000,000 m.iiks. The bank has also negotiated with the Portuguese government atjtf per cent , state mil way loan. Thu government at Vienna liavc decided not to await the icsults of experiments being mndu with different repeating rules , and Have oidered the factoiles to work night and day on thu Mannlihcr repeating arm. The factories at Prcssburg ; Pcsth and Stuhrs are running Incessantly producing Wcindl 10- peaturs. A well-known printer. Heir Schlossberger , whllo on his way home at 10 o'clock at night on Craber thoroughfare , which was ciowded with people , was suddenly stabbed In tbe neck with a polnaul anddioppcd dead. Tim mnrdurer , a young man , escaped , although thu deed was witnessed by many persons. The publisher Ktinast Is about to Issue the ciown prince's work , "Jaden Und Ueo- bachtiingcn. " TWO NOTAUL13 AUCTIONS. Chattels of .Spendthrift Heirs Go to Pay Their Debts. ICupi/ri'i/W 18S6 I'll JimiM ( Ionian llcniwU.l LONDON , Nov. C. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the 15in. ] The descend- unts ot two lord chancellors of Knghind have this weuk shown that not even the loul chan cellor himself can entail his estate so as to prevent its sale by spendthiltt heirs. On Wednesday Hoddison , of Clianceiy Lane , auctioned off the rcmants of Lord Cairn's splendid law llbraiy for S2.2flO. llio great Lord Cairns , of Foitescuc ( ! rant fame , was not present , but a number of eminent deal cis attended on the chance oC picking up a few valuable volumes which bad survived the cullinc piocess through which thu Ilbiary has passed since its piivato sale --omo months ago. During the whole of thi1veek ; Lamloy also has been engaged in auc tioning of tbo household ellccts of another recent lord chancellor Lord St. Leonaid. The ynction sale was held at I3oylo farm , a pretty sidu place winch was built by the old Boylu family one hundred or more years ago and sold by them to pay tbo debt of the ( unions gambling Lord Dcros. It was now resold by ordur ot the court of cbanceiy on account of the debts and other troubles of thu piesont notorious Lord St Leonard. Boyle Farm Is just below Hamp ton Couit and has a wide and beautiful river frontage now soon to be cut up into build Ing lots the house of the Georgian times flat-fronted and ugly , even the big entrance hall spoiled by the low ceiling. The grounds , although neglected , are pretty enoiiirh to make up for tlio deficiencies of tlio House , lioth are rather famous among the country neighbors for the wild pranks committee hero by the present lord. IIISTOISIC To this came the undurtakois , snnimonci by the great lord chancellor's giandson am heir , to lay out his still living giandfathcr. The oht.Iawyer politely showed the under takers to tlio door , and then immediately drew an entail so btilct that his grandson is now toreed to live In Australia on Sr < 00 a year allowed him by the tiustucs , while his plctmcs , furnltine , etc. , bilng 80,000,000 In a single week's salo. On these grounds the piesunt lord held some of Ins wildest sprees , fiom ono of which ho went to commit the assault on a tavern chambermaid which sent him to jail tor six months. This felony enabled his wile , a great heliess In her own light , to pro cure a divorce. In Austialla his loidsblp has recently been In jail for the theft ot a coat , \vhllehlswlfuuvciib no the family reputa tion by devoting hoiself to charity and the opening of charity bazaars. The utmost that Is now hoped from Lord St. Leonards Is that ho will not retinn fiom his Ansliallan jail to resume his plaeo in thu house of lords. THI : AUCTION SAM : . The sale was held In the huge bay windowed dewed dining room , looking out upon the Thames. Tables , some of mahogany janil eoino of pine , were auanccd to give the auc tioneer an elevated seat. The audience was graded down liom the country gentry , thu celebrated are dealeis , to'Solo mon" In every day attlie , who had come to pick up a new stuck of second hand goods. Thu furniture and china sold caily in thu weuk was ot llttlu infill , but biought good piices. A fuw pieces of tuinltine went above 8100 , These wcicrathcrcleverlniitallon.stlmn genuine ) antique ? . Several pieces of old gobelin tapestiy attracted eaijer bidding trom the deiiluis. A gobelin tapcatiy sofa sold for S'0 ! > ; a gobelin pnrtleio bioiulit5OJ ; a Louis Qn.itoi/o carved and enameled clock stand and ci o sold Tot $ IV ) , Savoial mrmbuis of the lee ! ! and St. Leonards family wuio pieseut and competed eagerly for various pieces ut silver and china. A snnll-box , lor InMancc , woith leally tindei ten shillings per ounce , soldalter spiiited bidding by Captain Boyle's agent , for seventy shillings per ounce. This did not , however , prevent a very pretty blnu Woicesler dinner servlco of 157 pieces from minglng only soo. : ; The 5,000 ounces ol silver plate was mainly old and of goud design , It sold largely to deal ers lei ulwut seven shillings per ounce. iin : I'KTt'iti : SAI.K. Yeslerdav's picture sale was the event of tbc week , as , among many donbttnl palnt- Intjs , Ihcio woio . - everal well authenticated Plctntcs of gieit beauty and value. The nelghhurs and Junk ilealeis bo.uht with gieat eigeinuss paintings alleged to bo by Sir Codliey Knclter , Sir Peter Lely , blr Joshua lloynolds , Usuibramll , Yand > ko and Velsqiic/ iroiu 35 to $2V ) . A genuine fcnr Peter Lely. a poitralt of Led ; Itanelagh , sold quiclJy for 45W. Gabriel Melzns' finely diawn "J'otiltiy Stall , " sold to for 51,513. Another Met- zu , a figure piece , from the Due do Berrls' collection , sold to Wcrlhelmcr forSlR05. Oneot the sensations of the sale was the high price paid for several of Copell's and Flcldlnx's water colors. "Ballon Ab bey , " for Instance , brought S4.f00 ! fiom Voklns , the dealer. A Van Cojenasla view of Hotlei dam also sold well at-cu,000 lo Col- nachl. Two line portraits , onu by Tonlore , the other by cither Hopner or Hcynolds , sold at So.OOO and § , .175 respectively to Werthclmer. Most of the best pictures were sold to dealers at prices recanted extremely high. A feature of the sale was the presence of many articles , csjoclally iilclmus , of laluls showing thai they had passed through several auction rooms within the last hundred years. Next week the valuable law library of tbo late Lord Chancellor 8t. Leonards will bo sold. Then the old house will bo entliely dismantled nml will bo turn down and the ground sold In building plats. Hon. Mr. Sucdeii , heir to the title , was present during n pat t of the sale , apparently taking leave of the belilooms , sold owing to the foolish ness of the present peer. AUSTltlAN AlWAtKS. A Prlmnte's Kcini-noiitennlnl He- inomlicrliin tlio Dead. [ Oipl/l / flM lfC MJwiim GniilullJciillttl. . ] Vir.NNA , Nov. 0.-fNew York HcinldCable Special to the Hii-One : : ] of gieat events of the last few da > s has been the Jubilee of Cardinalde Slmerx , the prince pit- mate of Hungary , who celebrated at Clan the fiftieth annlveisary of his consecration as a rlcst on Saturday. Tbo umpeior or king 'or It Is considered almost a cilmo In llun- ; ary to call him kaiser went fiom Buda 'csth to (5ran ( with PilmoMinister Tisza and ersonally congratulated tlio pilmatc. The nipress , fiom lier hunting seat atGodollo , nd tlio various aichdnkes sent tcleirrams of 'ellcltatlon. Despite the laglng cholera and mallpox the emperor wilt lor the piesont re- naln at Buda Pesth. co\iMi. > ioitAiixn Tin : i > nxn. Fora whole weuk the maikcts and streets f Vienna havobccn fn'l of wreaths ; so gay tvith llowcis , indeed , both real and aititiciul , and ribbons of all c < lora that It was haul to 'olluve ' them Intended tor fnneial olfcrlnps. ) nrlng thu tlneo days glvun hero to the com- ucmoration ol the dead , an endless proces sion ot people weio canylng wieatbs to thu Central Frlendsol , and other cemeteries. Cven the stieet cars were hung with wiealbs 'or lack of space to ( any thuin inside. Thu Cential Frlundsot , which alieady con- alns the dust of more than quaitcr of a million of bodes es , is a great place of pilgrimage. The iglit was solemn but not sad , Neaily every grave was covered with llowers. Paiticulatly loticeable weio tlie line monuments of Count laymello , the minlstcrot Uchatls , Ihugeneial and Inventor ; the grave of Opi-enhelmer , the chevalier dn Ponteux , the heio , or lather the piomotcrof thu Beic. A line chapel uis been elected to tlio memory of another convened Jew , named Hhecli , and a simple resting place covered with palm blanches , re'iiaiked only by the name of Hans Makart. TO FOVIS IIUNDIlinJ UNKOKIUNATr,1 ! . A nuw monument to the victims ot the lire In the King theatre In ISbl has just been put up , but will not bu dedicated until the anni versary , on December 0. Two veiled caryn- tides gnaid tlio tablet and support the plat- foim with n sitting llgnro of grief. adjoining walls are the names of the - tOQti \ - fortunps. Ahcady some of the graves of the unknown and unidentified nro covered with llowuis. In the adjoining Jewish cemetery , iCpaiated only by an alley , not by a wall , wieatbs aio equally numerous. The popular love for the dead is not rcstilctcd by religious beliefs. gious _ _ _ _ _ _ RUSSIAN PKliT.ilXG. ! How the Czar wml Ills Followers lie- Card the Situation. / & . .SYJIJamc.i / ) donlnn llcnntll. ] ST. Pin-nnsnuno , Nov. 0. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Uci.J : The feeling in diplomatic circles beio Is that in spite of the noisy , bombastic bind and swag ger ot England , and of tlio more dignified but sullen growls of Austiia , no power in Kuropo vv onld move a single soldier or sailor to icstiain Russia from acting as she pleases in Bulgaria. A Russian statesman , who was a member of tlio cabinet under tbo late emperor , said tome to-day : "It was solely due to Russian blood and Russian money that Bulgaiia ever obtained her existence as a nation. Thu Bulgarians are like iininly schoolboys. If they mutiny against Russia they must be flocgcd , that's all , and nobody in Kuiope would prevent their chastisement. Hcsiilcs , Bulgaria Is now on the verge of an archy , and affords no sccmlty or protection to Russian subjects and Russ Ian prop erty. Kngland under similar circum stances bomliaidcd Alexandiia and occupied Kgypt , thus alfoullng a valuablu pieccdentjfor our acllon In Bul garia. But Russia is , In foreign politics , moro liberal and morn lorbeailng than Kng land. Wu do not even dream of bo mharding and deslioylng Ararna , which , after all , would bo a very small affair compared with England's wanton dcstinotion ot tlie second commeiclalmctiopollsot the Jludltmrancan. Nor do wo Intend to occupy Bulgaria , as Kngland did I'Vypt. unless , of coinse , luture ov ents compel us to do so. As to tliu hjturo pi luce of Bulgaria , the essential condition Is that ho should belong in religion lo tliu 01 tho- dox deck chinch. " I remarked , "That would bar Piinco Wai- duinar , " The icply was , "Yes , " and the interview ended. it Is no fcoipt hero that tor some time past the c/ar has acted as his own minister of for- elcn iitlairs , DeCiers being at most only a brake or moderator. , This lias been paiticu- larlyso In the linlgatlan business. DcClcrs uses tliu greatest cjiutlon vltli his master , whoso extreme irritability , Impatlenco and spirit ot op position dully I uncases , and who olten regards oven ujo'dcralo representation aspeisoual ailnjiit. jcCIors knows that un timely remonstrances might provoke aiders which would fci't allIjmope in a bla/o of war , and consequently , ovpn nt the cost of tncri- ll ( cs , he dufeis hi * opjwsltlon until it has be come absolutely nwesB'iry in the Interests of Knropo and ot the general peace. HPANISII-AMBKIOAN TK1C.VTV. Complications Arlilng Over llio He- cent TnrllT AKIOPIIIPIII. irojiyi/y/il / / jsw/.w/dinr * Conhn Hennctt. ' ] MAIIIIID , Nov. 0. | New Yoik lleiald Ca ble Special to the BIE.I : Negdtlatlons lor a commercial treaty between Spain and the I'niled States ; now stand as follows ; There Is a substantial dlllerencu between the tcims of agteuincnt signed at Washington by the Fecrutiuy of state foi foruiii ! atfaiis and thu Spanish minister. Mnruaga , and Ilia oilglnal conditions aciced to by > Iinl > tor Cunlo and SenorMorct in Mailiiil. The latter had stip ulated that thu old contention of 1SSI should remain In foicu until January 1 , l T , and that the new tieaty sliould be negotluted be- fold that date , vvhccas ) it seems Hint thu statu derailment and the Spanish minister in Washington lixeil no timu lot duration of a modus vlvendlvhlch grants to American products and all aiticle.s , even foieit'n. pro ceeding trom the UnlttU' States , under tie ) Aiucilcau tla. , lower duties ot.tho thhd col umn of Cuban tariff In exchange for of the 10 per cent ndvaloiem duty on Spanish West Indian Imports. Scnor Moret and Minister Currle , when they llxed a delay and virtually agreed that If the treaty were not neeotlated i before January 1 , 187 , a d"forcn- tlal I treatment of imports would bo lencwcd on both sides , bad grave ro.isons for so dolnsr. The prcssuie brought to bear on the Madild government by public opinion In thcco'onles ' , and by their lupiesentatlves ot every shade In tbo cortex , and thu well known free trade inclinations of Scnor Morel , are very nearly balanced by tlie protection Influences of the shipping and manufacturing Interests icnic- sen led In llio cabinet by tbo colonial sccie- tary of state , Senor Balabncr. Scnor Moict , dliectly bo relumed from a few days holiday In tbo north of Spain , wiole lo Minister Cm rlo that he was ready to begin negotia tion. Though both Moret and Cunle show great reserve , It Is considered almost cer tain that they will negotiate n convention similar to that ot General Foster in issi. The only stumbling block and great difficulty will a aln bo the exclusion of other count ! lea fiom the concessions which Spiln may make lo the United Stites In Cuba and Porlo Uico. American diplomacy Insists that a icclpioclty tieaty Is a special bargain in consideration for ceilaln special advantages cionted by ono party to the other which creates special re ciprocal advantages that nations which have he most favored nations' clause In their con- enllons cannot claim unless they Hist giant pain special advantages equivalent to the o liat America would give by tills reclpioclly reaty. It Is no seciet that at the time ol thn [ 'oicst-Eduayln treaty the Ficnch anil Gcr- iian governments protested aealnst these lews of American diplomacy , and more ie- enlly Ihltlsh Minister Sir Claie-Foid has old Senor Moiet that he held Kngland to be ntttled -whatever advantages any treaty nay grant tbo United Stales in thu Spanish , Vest Indies. The piotentlons of tbo Kuio- iean government liist icvualcd themselves ivhon American imports were granted the liiid column of West Indian taillf by the lonventlon of ISS , and recuntly the Billl h , ieiman , French and Belgian mlnlsteis have nloimed Scnor Morel thuy must also Insist n getting the third column. The Madrid gov eminent Is about to comply with this rc- nest. _ Tlio Emperor's Speech. [ CojiuM | 1SPG. liji Jttmcs (7iiioii ( ( ( Itcnnclt. ] UfDA-1' , Nov. U. [ New York lleiald Jablu Special to the Bni : . ] The umpoior , n icceivlni ; tliu delegates to-day at Ilmla- 'cstli , said that In thu linal settlement of the Sulgarlan question , which must take place with the co-operation of the powers , a legal condition must bn ciealed In Hie autonomou0 irlnelpality which , while taking Into consld cration tlie nmlssablo wishes of tbo Bnlgar ians , must coircspond to existing treaties and Kiuopean interests. "Tho excel cut relations In which wo stand with all the powers , " continued his majesty , ' 'and ho assurances ot peaceful Intention which wo receive irom those powers , give bono that notwithstanding the critical Mate : of the cast while defending tlio interests of Austila- Hungaila wo will succeed In keeping the ulessing of peace for the moiiaichy and for Kuropo. " This speech has been geneially approved. Tlie Presso says that resolution and candoi arc thu best means of picventlng acts which violctoKuiopean law and thcie- foio endanger peace. The New Fro ! Piesse criticises tbo speech for not showing vrhat steps Imvo .been or are to betaken taken to counteract Russia , but Intcrurctfl It as meaning that whalwer measure Kaulbars nay undertake , whether even a partial or a total occupation of Bulgaria , Austiia will not ieco.jni/o them as accomplished without the assent ot the powers. It hopes that tlie speech will strengthen Bulgaiian regency , now showing sluns of weakness , and con firm Its opposition to Russia. Malnoky is ex pected to raise the question of confidence next week. _ Scvnii Years in ATrion. ( CopiirluM isstt l > n Jamci , Guiilim Ilcnnclt. ] ST. I'RTr.nsnuto , Nov. 0. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Urn. ) The news ot the safe aiilval of Dr. Wllhelm Junker , the Kusslan explorer , who for seven years has been exploring Central Africa , caused the greatest satisfaction here. There had been no news of him for six ycais , and a Russian expedition was last year sent In search of him. But this week a package ot letters dated Msalada. Viclorla , Nyan/a , August 10 , IbW , satuly arrived In St. Peters burg , in which Junker writes : ' 'Seven long years have made gieat chances , but I am In lirst rate health , and only need a little lust. " Dr. Junker is a shoit , tough-looking man , wltli n i eddish beard. The results of his ex- ploiations arc firmly oxoectcd to bo more impoitant than gained fiom have ! In Africa since Stanley emerged at the month ol the Congo. _ _ Irish Jcnuo or Great Uritaln. Ltvr.itpooi. , Nov. 0. Five hundred dele gates attended the convention of the Irish national league of Great Britain In this city to-day. Among those picsunt were Thomas Power O'Connor , Joseph Blcgor , Mi. O'Brien and other mumbcisof tliu iiish pailiamentaiy paity. Tlio all cndanco was double Hint of the annual meeting ol IbSfi. Piesldent O'Con nor said ho never lielore had such faith in tlio success ol the league cau o as bo had now. Ireland was moie deitei mined and united than over and Its hopes highei In the minds of tlie people. After a lengthy dis cussion resolutions were adopted expressing giatltudu to Gladstone , to Aincilca and Aus tralia for their gcnuious support ; de claring continued confidence In Par- nell's leadership and pledging summit to Irish people In resisting eviction by organl/Ing sub ciiptlon to aid tlio evicted. Justin McCaithy and Sexton weiecongiatn- lated upon the lesults of the petitions , de clining them elected tor Loiulondeny and Belfast respectively. Balloting tor olliceis resulted In the le-election ' - of O'Connor as piesldcnt , Blirgar vice president. O1 Kelly treasurer , and Messrs. Redmond , Justin Mc Carthy. beMon , llenly and Brady secretirys. Caidltf was unanimously chosen as the place foi the convention In lSb7. London SoolnllstH. Loxnox , Nov. ( ) , The socialists have de cided to li'ild a meeting in Trafalgar sqnaiu on Tuesday , lotd mtijor'b day , and a pro- giummuolthe day's exercises has been is sued , Thn Original Jim Nnv'AiiA , Mo. , Nov. n. ISpecIal Tulogiam to the UKK. ] Fiank James has sum to Superintendent. Damsel , of tlio Adams Ivx- guess company , thu loiter pin porting to come trom Jim Cummings and also the money en closed In that letter , James says that Cum' tilings , the otiginal , In no lesnuct answuis the diisciiptton of thu min whom Mestongci Futheiliichnm desciibes as the i > erpetiator ot the lecent robbeiy. James says he docs not know whetlier Cnmmings Is allvu or dead. A special fiom Kansas City , however , says that Chief of Police Specrs lias Information to the effect that thu oilglnal Cnmmlngs , member ot thu notoiions James gang , has within tlie past week relumed from a Wy oming lunch , wheie he has been employed foi suvctal jcais to his old homo in Lihcitv , Clay county. 1 1 is letuin was public iind vol untary . and hu can be bad at any timu il wanted , us he e.xpiesses a determination to sj.end tnu balance of his days In Claj county. 7 liore Ity a fliuull LOUISVILLE , Nov. C. The oiliclul count In this , tbo Fifth congressional ( llstrlc-t , givu A , ( i. Caruth a majority HO over A. Wilson , republican. The vnto ctst was O.C04 tor Caruth and O.W1 fur Wilson. STANDING OF THE SENATE , Great Interest Shown as to tbo Complexion of the Higlior Branch of Congress , VAN WYCK AND RIDDLEBERGER. Democrat * \Vrnn < jtliiir Over llnrrl- toil's Sent A Demand to llo Aliitlu fiir the Ucinoval or \ lias The Next Sonntc. \V.\siii.Noios' , Xov. 0. [ Tele- Brain to the : : ] Interest Is shown liens to-night In the political coiunlcxlon of the United Stales senate. Ktoin retntns te- celved this nitciiioun the coutiol of body ihrc.itens to bo turned over to tlio democrats. Tills evening's Star , til discussing the ques tion atgieat length , says : "OC tliu sixteen republicans who will ictlio twelve will cor talnly bo succeeded by men of tlie same party. Messrs. Sherman , Aldilcli and Kd- miiniis li.ivo been le elected. The legista- tiuos of C'onncctlcul , Maine , Mns iohnsetK Michigan , Minnesota , Xebiaska , New Yoik , Pennsylvania and \YiscoiisIn mo leiuibllcun. Tlu > democrats lee one of tbo .line whoso terms cxpiieKalr of Nevada mid aiusnio ol tbc icmalndur , BO that It tbo Icglslatmus of California. Indiana and New Jeiscy provo to bp demociotte tbc losultnf tbe change In tbo senate attei tbo ! ) d of Match will be n net lots of tbiOJ to tbo icnubllcans , adomoTat having been chosen to succeed Mahonefor Viiginla. Tbo nit-sent senate stands lopnblicans , ill demociats and I re- adjuster Riddlebergei but Scnatoi Van Wjck comes back fiom Nebiuska as a pee ple's iepre = entatlve. llu made bis tight bo- foie tbo wbolo ( iconic and war on an Isstio of opposition to coiporations. During bis picsunt term he has not hesitated on occa sions to untagonl/e his paily , and under the conditions of his re-election ho may bo moio Indupciuleiit still. Leaving Van Wyck and Klddleberger out of the count the next senate will stand , piovided tlio democrats secnro the three doubtful .states mentioned , ! ! 7 re publicans , : ! 7 ilemocrats. Thus Van Wyck and Rlddlebuiger would hold tbo bal ance of now or. in connection with this piobablc situation It Is a fnct worth mcntlonlnir that both Van Wjcb and Rlddlebcrgei li.ivo Riven evidence of kindly feeling for tlie administration. In thoe\ent of any eonlllct between the execu tive and senate tliu two votes tiom Nebraska and Virginia would dcteimliie tbo Issue. Van Wyck and Kiddlcbcrgur would have It in their power by co-opeiatlon with tbo dem ocrats to oigam/e the senate , or should Van Wyck vote with tlio lepubllcans and Riddlo- beiger vvilh the democrats on the question of oivanliMlioii tin-it' would be H lie and theie Is no vlcu piesldcnt to tlnow the deciding vote. The themy ol the Slai that Senator Van Wyok has given evidence ol n kindly leellng'tor the adminlstiation , which would indicate that he might support It , Is un founded.rllio > e bete who know Senator Van Wjck best say lie is a sound Ilrst , last ami always. Private dispatches loeeived to-night liom Indiana saj that the Ic-dslatmo is In doubt , but that Scnotor llnrilson will undoubtedly he elected , as there aio demo- cnUie nieiiibcis who prefer him to either Mc Donald or Ciay and will vote tor him If the legislature should prove to be demociatic , Which is not probable. AIIOUT TIIK AIIMV. Lieutenant J. Y. Mason Blunt , Tenth infinity , ( irts boon transferred to tlw Fifth cavaliy to ( Into October 2.1 , and oidered to re main at tlio Foil Leavenwoith niiny school for duty. The following cbanresof station of army suiscons is ordered : Major Jo&cnh I' . Wrlcbt trom Antonio , Tex. , to rort Leaven- woith mllitaiy piison ; Major William 11. Koiwind liom Chicago 10 tlie Department of Dakota ; Major Van Huron Hubbard fiom Foil Le.ivcnwortb to Chicago as attending suipeon. Army leaves granted : Major Duncan M. Vance. Thirteenth Intiintty , Foil Stanton , New Mexico , six montlib sick leave : Captain Harry ( ) . Perly , assistant surgeon , Foil Pem- bina , Dakota , four months sick leave ; Kirst Lieutenant Kied. M. 11. ICendticks , Seventh Intiintiy , Columbus ban neks , Ohio , one month fiom November IT ; Kust Lien- tenant Millaid F. James , Thirteenth inlantiy , Foil Wincate , New Mexico , six months' sick- leave ; Lieutenant.lanas A. Kmory , iic\entli : infantry , Foi t Sully , Dakota , two months' slclc leave , w itli primission to apply for tour months' extension ; Lieutenant Colonel John C. Hates , Thirteenth Infantry , two months : Lieutenant Hubert N. Cutty , Twenty-second Infantry , lour months , with permission to apply for two mouths' extension ; Captain linen G. Brown , Twclth infantry , Fort Niagara , New York , one month. TIIK INDIANA biNATOIlSIUP. : It is very prohabio Hint the scheme of tbo democrats who favor the elec tion of Governor Cray , ot Indiana , to suc ceed Senator llanlson will bo nipni'd In the bud. since the election of Colonel Robertson , a republican , to till the vacancy In tliu llenten ant Kovcrnoi.shln caused by ( no appointment ot Lieutenant Coveinor Hanson to on col lector of internal revenue , thus making Grav's election to the senate n political ab- suidity , and therefoio out ot the iiucstion , as it would leave thn gnvcinoiHhip to go to Itnbeitson. Gray'H n lends say that Manson has not vacated tlio ollieo ol lieutenant governor nud will not uivo it up. Kx-Senator McDonald , who is Spiiatni Hnnison'H prospective successor and Clay's rival tor tlie senate , is here and says that It makes no dllleicnco whether Mnnpon for- mallv icsi.'nrd the lioiiteiiantgovcinoit.hlp or not , that his acceptance ot thonfilcn of collector of Internal lovenuo , and tliu tact that ho cnteicd upon the dlsclmigcof the duties ot that olllce , is rqnlvalent to assig nation In connection with the pioclainntlon of the governor. McDonald Intends to con test the matter If Cray's lilends insist upon Mason's ictnin to the llcntonrintgovcrnoi- ship , and It Isgonei.illy believed UmtMuDon- aid's position is light. riivr.LA.vt : > AND ins I'OLi.owr.iis. The president Is HKcly t.t ho tiouhlod with a case of discipline In his cab inet. The friends of Distilct Attorney IScnton , ot Missoml , who was Miimiunly removed foi violatlnu' the picsldent's oidi-r ] irohlbitingonicu holders fiom making cam paign speeches are Inijuliing what is to tin done with I'ostnm&ter ( VHas , who did the same thiiu' . The attorney gcneinl said any other nlllehil ncalnst whom com plaint was nude for \ lolatinir tlio president's ouler would bo lomovcd , as licnton was , and KenatoiR Cockcicll and Vcslpioposo to Mib- mlt to tlio picildont copies ol iiuwfiiiicrs ] : containing llio ixilltlcnl speeches of Vllas and request that llio mcdlclno given to tlio coosobo adnilnisteicd to the gander. Mr. VHns admitted Unit he did imiko political speeches , but they weio nutsldo ol then'KiiIni routine * ol thecanipilgn and weio not under the auspices of any political committee. The bccrcUiiy ot tliu Interior it I used to poimltthu commissioner of patents , Mr , MnnUoiiiciy , to mnko specckos In Michigan , and the assist ant comnimsionei "I thn land ofllco to make any In Indiana. The attorney I'licnil lor bade Mr. Wilson , ono ol hh usslstunts , to address a meeting at his homo in West Vii- glnlii , and otliei otllcuils were icstiidcd in tlio same way. They wcr lorlmldim to do wliat Viiaslias done , and It Is nndcistnod Hint Vest and Cockt'iiill imva nrndo out a good case , not to injuio the postmaster gen eral , but to save their ti lends , &nwi'Kii : i'i it. John Sliilnhart , ot NchiasKa ( ° t > , has been appointed afituiul.cepci in that n\oiiuu : Uistiict. llai-v.ii it < /'il ! < : l > ratlnr. ; liosro.v , Nov. C. Thn f-pcond daj's cflc- brntlon ot tliu founding of tbc llarvatd col lege was nlvpn o\cr to llio under gi.idimtes , and the Jirst cvtmts of the d.iy wrro scratch i nce of tlm Hurvuid ulnb. Thuio was \cr > little of interest In them. Following tlicso wcro llteiaiy oxcrcises btliu undergraduates - graduates In Snndci's tliitic. . In dm nftui- noon there w a-s . i loot ball gume. nml In tlui o\enini ; a torch Ii0'ht prLoui < siou ; uid Jut I IMllHON \ntlonnl Association nt Atlnntn. ATLANTA , Ca. , Nov. 0. Tbo National Prison Keforni association assembled hero to-night at 8 o'clock w Ith a good attendanca ' of members from al ! parts of the country , The opera IIOIHO was ciowded with an audience ropiesentlnc nil pruts of Ccorgln. K\-o\ernor ( ! Mullock made the opening address - dross as resident director of tbe association. Ho was followed by Coveinor MeD.inlel ami Miyor lllllyer In addresses \\elconio. . Kx-l'iosldcnt Hayes , ptosldont of the association , then spoke. Alter a coniPllmentaiy lofcrcnco to tlio choice of the plaeo of meeting the Mpc.iiccr said : It Is alto > rclhei lilting and proper that at tliu threshold proceeding tint nicinoilal nddiess | Kiildbt deli\eiedb ) adls-tilignlshccl cltl/.cu ol New Yoik , Mr. DoHiolmer , on the lite mid clmiuctcr of llotatls Seymour , tlio Illustrious ircntlcnun who for many years wnr ptcsident of this association and who was t'liilnent alike as a statesman and as a phlliuithiupNi. A perusal ot tiu < pioiiiimino toi the week will show tbo Intelligent leader that almost every Inipottant topic iclnting to pilsonsand prison svsieiiH , to et lines ami their pievontlonto , ciTminnls.tbclr tiealmcut , occupations unit refoim.itlon ol both scxea and all a es1 , will at some period ol the meetIng - Ing tin not moielv In oidei , Irtit under dibcus- slon by membiMsiif the assoclallon. 1 do not , enter unon any ol thoH1 Ionics , A few w ouls , however , I mov nniv vcntntoto oiler 'is to the oriiiln and tuinsnctlon < of the association whose membeis have so hcaittly welcomed and as to some ol Its pilneiplou and puiposes. The fathei and founder ot the National 1'iKou assoolalion was tlie Into ) : Wines , the le.irncd , devoted ana peisistent leader of Ameiican icfoimeis In prison discipline. " In 1N11 Dr. Wines pio- jioM'd to llio piison association of New York , of which he was eoiiespondlng seciolaiy , the holding of a national piison congress , but the Now Yoik association deemed it Inexpedi ent to take the Initiative in lax or ol tliu pio- posed convention. Dr. Wines was pro- lonndly Impu'hscd with tint Impoitanco oC his i > lan , and alter consulting with a few guntlfiiien in ItoMon and New Yoikbupio- posed tlio following dialt for acalltora national congichs : "The nndei signed. deeming prison diselplluc a vital InteieSt ol ! society as well as onu of Ihegieatest ot social problems , and on botli Iho-o gionndtf , woitby of the closest study and Ircest discussion , coullalh unite in call ing n national congress for a confeienco oti cilinlnal punishment and letoimatoiy Ircnt- ment , to bo held In the autumn ot ISO , in tlio city of Cincinnati. " The call iccoivcil ninety- ono signatnios. Tlio sneaker then inverted to tlio liist meeting of the association and de tailed Its objects. Tliu tacts as to piisnnsand the ticatmont ot pilsoneis dmlng and bcforo that period arc stiongh- unaccountable and almost beyond belief. They aio so atioclou.q and loilmldlng that one cannot even attempt tnlly to statu them heloiu an Intelligent audi ence like this , Tiiin to tlie paces of any volume of hlstoiy or licllon In which the author dines tiulblully to o\pose tlio mlsetles of piison lifo in clvili/ed countilcs dining the penod re- leu o. I to , and the thouglittul and lair minded will bo at no loss to discover ono ol tbo eause.svvhy clvll/atlon and chiistianitv have moved Im waul with such halting stops. A writer In tlio Ninth Ameiican lie1 , low of July , IBM ) , desciibes the pi Isons ol Massa chusetts , Connecticut , Pennsylvania and other states as they weio about sivty jeara aw. The details aio too shocking to bj re- pealed. The lesults. lie states , can bo ulvou In a fowseiilonces. He desciibes the pi isons as "abodes of horrible sin , and 111 thy , nno'iualed. ' nnalluvlatcd nilsirj' . " The icsult was that the prison became n seciet place governed by its own lav\s nr lather by Us own precedents. An nbndo of miseiy In tliu midst of on unlighteni-d city lu which no man not belonging to It had any knowleduo ol whal was tiansactud within \a \ , walls. Mr. 1 lay ( - . - > tlien lelated the history tf the effort to unprovo this condition of tlilncf , jiolnted to the lesult and eonclnncd as fol lows : "Let the ( MiH'.ist and cilminal bo for gotten or dlsre-raided and our whole s-oclety will suffer liom the taint of human uc.'rada- tlon. Like blood poison , It will spread through and thioiigh thn social cjstem until It leaches the heart. This seiious and miihty trntli imposes a duty which Mclety cannot neglect and live. No clnlstlau society will neglect it. Haves , in refeiring to the growth of fr.v tenml teelinir in thceonntiv and the state ments which had been made by ex-Co-.ernor Bullock and Mayou lllllyer that bo had bucu instrumental In urinelm ; it about , said that if be bad done anything to conduce to this grand lesult , hu icjoiccd in it. As Hayes was speaking Cenoial Cordon , eovuinoielect , appeared on the plalfotm and wascbecied. llaycs , soon after tliu conclu sion of bis address , lose and shook Immls with Ccncral Uordon und the ciowd enthusl' asllcally cheered while the band played O medly ol "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie. " Addresses weio made by Jlcniy M. Crady , of the Atlanta Constitution. . I nduo Kniery Spcci and Ccncrnl Coulon. Dolo-'iilcs ara arriving on every train and the nicotine inomlses to be one of the laigest and most interesting ever held by tliu association. B/VTTI / < ING WITH TUA.MPS. Oi/.izcitH Capture n Town With KnlvcM mid llovnlvnrfl. ANNivn.ri : , Lebanon County , Pa. , Nov. 6 [ Special Toicgiaui to the Bii.j ; : A gaiiB of ten despeiatotiamps , fnllot liquor , came Into this village late Thnnday nlpht , entered the saloon of 1'i'tcr Jinclunan , and with chairs and spittoons , mndo a gcncial assault upon the piopiletor and a fuw other men who wcro theie. In a shoit timu tlio place was wicckod and looted. An alarm summoned fifty do- tei mined citl/cns , who cnnio armed. The half-dinnkun assailants weiu likewise armed with luvolvers and knives , and a despcrato conflict at once opened between them. Not withstanding the cient odds against thn rloteis , they kept in a solid body and fired several i omuls into the citl/cns , and then attacked them vvitli knives. Flvo men weto soilously cut and otherwise wounded. Adam Hishop. a eitl/en , iccelvcd a soveiu slash with a la/or on the check , bis assailant having made a Inngo at bis throat with his weapon. Homy Hurr was slabbed In the breast , Adam Johnson was wounded in thu tiead. and Thomas llcimliigs received an ugly trash In thu head. Two ol tbo tr.iinos vveru shot and captuied. Tliey gave their names as Hurting and Soroft. They aio dcs- purato looking , daik bklnned CcrmaiiH. Serult bad been nnusted ten ( Uyn a o by County Di'tectlvoKei sban alter being bioiifiht down with a icvolver He escaped , however , and late Thmsday night. when countable Itodenhoro took them to thn Lebanon jail , .Scroll once mme escaped. His wound in the shoulder proved no obat.icln to his running , anil ho escaped In the dm 1 ; ness , Thu other dcspeiado , who was wounded In thu bin , was locked up. Tliu rest of tliu fang escaped to thu woods. Opera In Now York. Niw : 'i oiuc , Nov.l < , Special Telegram to tbo HIK.J : The season of Coi man opcia In this city will bo Inaugurated with ilic "Queen ' ol Sbeba. " Fran Thcreso lleibort Foiatcr will make her debut , and Fi.v.ilcln .tiarlanna liinndt and LIU Lehman and lleuen Alveiy , Fli-cher and Koblnson will apieir. "Ulo \Valktno" \ will bo revived on Wednesday nvenlnv , when l < 'iau Seidl Krans will bo liennl , and lltrr Albeit Nlemann , Fiauloln lletter , Fianconis .Janoii'-chowslty and Mayer - er and Heir Ccoigo.Sloglit/ maUn their Hist upeurance. | On Filday ovcnlng "Alda" will bo | iiodiu'ud and Hun ( Jail Xobel will make his debut. _ " I'lio Dniiulitcrof tliu KRliolllun. " N/w Yoni ; , Nov. -Miss Winnie Davis , daughter of Julfoibon Davis , in company with ( icncr.'il .loioph It Aiuhiison and wife , ol ItK'hmond , Va. . arrived ; it thii New York hotel last night. Miss Davis lett for liomu at lieauvoir , Miss , early to day. Tin ) Krcnuli Delegation. > ! iw "i ojiK , Nov. i1.- Count DnJ.i'bsp' and daiighler and others "t the Fienih delegation lelt lor Fiancoon bo.iid tliuMcamerLa Uuv eo ne today. liilli-d It } Mm r.-irx. CI.KVI.I.ANII , O. , Nov. 0.--A. J. , a and hu ; son , vvern killed at 0 this moinlng Llu : orushliig tb > > lalltoud Hack * lu tin * -t'v. in Uso-nuuu