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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 0. . 1880. HOT WILL MEET HASLEY , The Champion of Illinois to Arrange for a Meeting With Hanley. INTERESTING RAILROAD NOTES. Tito Flreiiun'H Uniforms .Mr. Dun- cnn'n Defense Mvo Stock Insur ance ! /Vtlilotlcfl / ntltcfll Brev ities nntl Other Iiocitl. Sitlllvnti. TlioSulllvnn combination loft hero yes- tonliiy morning for Lincoln by way of the 11. & M. , niiil sp.irrud at Unit place hut ni ht. To-morrow thuy will luavo illrcctly for Sun I'raneisco , where they will bo joined by ( Jlow and McDonald , both of whom llylit hum to-ni ht at C'un- nliiglmm's hull. At Sun Francisco , us hns already been niuiouncrd , Sullivan is to input I'iiild.v Itrnn , and it is expected the cnfc.trruiiiont will bu ono of tliu most inltircstiniron record. Tom llmuli , tltu young man who nlghl bofoio last floured so ably upon the bonuls in the exposition building , ' who bunr.s the titlu of the cliamionsliip | ) of Illinois , will leavu the combination at Lincoln. III ! was to have loft it liorci but later agreed to light at Lincoln. Hi.s' onaration from the com puny , so far as his own story ROCS , is not because of Ids inability to keep tip his jwrtoJ the peiformance , but simply be cause , on a htiltiry of ! ? 3U per week , ho claims ho cannot , Jjocause of relatives depending upon upon him , sport the iimgnilicunt clothes in which Sullivan anil other members of the combination indulge. As a consequence of this , he dresses unlike the others and has been treated by some of them as an inferior , anil for that reason bo is tabooi'd by tins otliur members of tn compnnv. Despite ) this fact , however , Hindi will be able to hold his own. Ho is one of the most expert young boxers in the country , and this fact was displayed Thursday nigbt when ho slr.ppcd Taylor ul' aiound the htngu. When Hindi returns from Lincoln he will undoubtedly make agreement for a light with Jack Hanley. nN-s TOGS. Tlioso Now Heady lor the Men of tlic I'1 1 re Department. The firemen nro beginning to appear in their new uniforms. The coat is of the frock order , of dark blue cloth with pocket lapels of the brace stylo. The caps have a lint top , are about five and a half inches in height , the lining of which is a wiro' trau/.o , which aids in ventilation and at the sumo timp helps to retain the sides in an upright condition. The peak extends directly in front and is made of heavy glazed leather. In front is a silver- plated design , almost a maltose crovs , upon which is stamped the number of the company to which the member belongs , the number of the wearer in the list ot the department , together with the letters "O. I' . D. , " the initials of the organ i.a i - tion. The hook and ladder ollicors wear a circle of red cloth where the others wear the cross and this is marked with designs to denote the ranks. The caps of the chief and assistants will bo faced with a golden wreath encircling the titles of the respective offices. When the firemen appear in their now uniforms , they will pirscntiis satisfactory and gentlemanly appearance as ever charactcri/.ed any of our local municipal organi/alion"1 ; . On ne\t Thanksgiving day they will parade with all their apparatus , on which occasion the equipment mentioned will be used. SAVKUBN ANII NOIIAVAY. Tlio Union of tlio Two Countries Gcle- urntccl In Omaha. The ovnnt at licrmania hall Thursday ovomng was a happy celebration of the seventy-second anniversary of the union of Sweden and Norway , under the auspi ces ot the Sven Ntivii lodge. The enter tainment was a combined ono of ball and banquet. The hall was decorated with the ( lags of Scandinavia ( or Sweden nml Norway united ) and the utar.s and stripes. Hjalmav lirunoll Tilled the position of master of ceremonies in a happy man ner. The programme of the evening in cluded an address by the grand master of the Sven Nava order in the Swedish language , an address in the Norwegian language by G. Lindquist , K. M. of b. N. O , , an address to the ladies by P. Wiisr , 8. M. of S. N. O. , and an ad dress in English by Judge Guslav Ander- bon. In his address Judge Andor.son briefly reviewed the history of the two countries , Sweden and Norway , speaking of the similarity in language and'eharao- 1 01 is tics of the two people. Ho said that the combined people had ainco prospered greatly , and had progressed in every thing that goes to make a strong country. Ho predicted that the time would como when Scandinavia would bo a republic with a government ot and for the people. Mil. DUNCAN DL2FKNDJ3I ) . The Other Hide of Bigamy Case. A friend of Air. II. D. Duncan , who , as mentioned in these columns on Wednes day , was arrested for bigamy on com plaint of Ins wife , explained the exact hiatus of the matter to a reporter yester day. Mr. Duncan , " ho said , "is entirely innocentof the charges whloh'tho woman , who claims to hnvo boon his wife , has preferred against 'him. The matter fetaiuls jusl this way. A nliort linio ago Duncan discovered that the woman to whom ho had been married nine years before had u lirnt husband living , from whom she had never boon divorced. lie accordingly applied to Judge Wake- loy. not for a divorce , but for an an- nullmcnt of marriage , which request was granted. Ho did not need a divorce , mind you , because ho had never been le gally married to the woman. Consequently quently the law which provides that a man shall not marry until after t > iv months fiom the date ot the divorce does not operate in his case. When the case comes up , there is no doubt in my mind , but that Duncan will bo dischtirged. " Tin : KM. .1 , S. Coolcy Unfortunately Hiiu Lost Anol hnr's Diamond. "Judgo" Coolcy , who is ono of the niodt fUittiilioiiH young men in town , at Icabt : ib regards tall huts and Foiulli of July onitious.somo time ago displayed scarcely lefcb fastidiousness in the niattor of his linger jewelry. In fact ho bportcd a biilhtuil , whicli always came into the light , when ho strove to appear fascinating and uicsibtiblo in the proscm'0 of a dignitary from the back woods. Tlio "little hoop of gold" in which the diamond glistened , liowever , has a history , the last chapter of which is sluoudcd in gloom , and thus it is Jikoly to remain , unless a writ of replevin from a practical justice's bench succeeds in dbpolling the diukticss. it seems that srtmo tiino ago the "judge" met a party who desired a temporary "aeeom juodution , " The. judge atVoldcd the ac comnuXJution , njh uncoil $15 , ami took thogcm as becurily. Tim latter , it was , was \\orlu ut a low c.ikula lion 10. In course of time tliu bonower , P. O'Neill , had recovered from liis temporary emergency and tendered the "judge'1 the amount borrowed , and requested in return the ring which had been civen as security. Hut the ring was not to bo had. It had disappeared. The judge did not know ho claimed what had become of iti In fact , ho believed ho had lost it. Hut this docs not give an excuse for Mr. O'Neill , who wants his sparkler , and who accordingly has obtained the writ of replevin before referred to. ATHMTICH IN IUST. The Ioon ! Hnsc llnll Cluh ( ; OMK ! Into \ \ Inter Quarter * . The member * of the Athletic ba o ball club are about to go into winter quarters , but before they go have decided to per petuate the memory of the past season's work by having themselves photographed which will be done on Sunday next at Hcyn's studio. They have also presented their manager , 1'ar- r'sh ' , with a hands'omo gold badge , consisting of a barred pin , extending down waul front which is a pair of crossed bats , from tlio intersection of which hangs a golden ball From the end of each bat tails a golden chain , and to this is attached a circular gold plate about the diameter of a ? ! ( ) gold piece On the face there Is engraved uppropriato non- lion of the presentation , together witli an outlined base ball Held. On the reverse side are engraved tlio names of all the membcis of the club. Crelghton College Choinlcnl Circle. The chemical circle of Creighton college - lego held its first weekly mci-ling of. the present year in the laboratory Thursday evening. The attendance of members was large and showed the Interest taken by those who wish to become thoroughly familiar with this useful and pleasing science of chemistry. Mr. Charles Frcnxer , assisted by Pat rick Hurke , lectured on "The Domain of Chemistry. " He did ample justice to his subject , rendering all points clear by a number of excellent experiments. Mi- William Doran delivered an interesting lecture on "How to Test Water. " This was also illustrated by many experiments , in which Mr. Doran was assisted by Geo. Mercer. 15oth lectures were followed throughout by a vastly appreciative au dience. Professors and pupils are leav ing nothing undone to make lec tures both pleasing and instructive enter tainments. The Elks. Tlio Omaha Lodge of Elks held their lirstannual meeting Thursday night , and among other matters disposed of was the election of officers for the ensuing year. The new ollicers were installed by retir- in" Exalted Killer John Francis. wm. IJabcock Exalted Kulor. A. B. Davenport Esteemed Leading Knight. J. E Smith Esteemed Loyal Knight. C. C. Hulett Esteemed Lecturing Knight. Martin Kclloy Tiler. 1) . W. Haynes Secretary. E. E. U hitmoro Treasurer. Trustees T. G. Mugruno , I. W. Minor and W. F. Ueehel. The esquire , chap lain and inner guard will bo appointed at the next regular communication. i/Svo Stock Insurance. Articles of incorporation wore filed yesterday of the Pluumt Live Stock In surance company of Omaha. The incorporators - corporators are W. W. Lowe , George S. Smith , E. S. Rood , L. V. Crinn , Albert Hood , G. D. Cornell and J. E. Crook. The object of the organisation is the in surance of the live stock of the owners from death by disease , theft , lire or lightning. The otlieers for the ensuing year are W. W. Lowe , president ; George S. Smith , first vice president ; Albert Rood , second vice president ; E. S. Rood , treasurer and general manager ; L. V. Criini , secretary ; George D. Cornell , assistant seorotar.y ; J. E. Crook , superin tendent of agencies. Police Court. Chas. Urown was the name of a young man arraigned before Judge Stenbergjycs- t onlay morning charged with stealing a bangle from the bracelet which encircled the fair wrist of one Ida Smith. Urown. plead that ho did it only in fun , and didn't mean to keep it. He stated furthermore. , that Ida Smith had him arrested simply because she was jealous of the attentions which ho was paying to a younger and handsomer girl. After hearing both sides of the , Judge Stcnberg dis charged Urown. Out of six drunks , four were sent up to jail. Ono paid a line and one was dis charged. Two suspicious characters were discharged. _ A Poor Heritage. Lnbt Juno , the papers of this city gave publicity to the charge made by a wife against her husband hero , charging him with an attempt to poison her. The matter was investigated , and it was con cluded that tlio lady had become insane , and her hallucination was at fliat time , and still is the fear of secret violence from her husband. The latter is an in dustrious artisan in the employ of tlio Union Pacilio company. She was accord ingly fiont to the hospital for the insane , where she remained until a few days ago when her delicate condition caused her to bo sent b.iek to the poor house , whcro lust night her child was born. A" U M for til unto A handsome cra/.y quilt , worked in sill colors of the rainbow , hangs up in the window at 1-117 Farnam street , and at tracts no liltlo attention every day. It was worked by an old lady named Mrs. Susan Liipliaui , and a drawing is soon to take place to determine who shall bo the owner of it. The proceeds are for the bonelit of Mrs. Lapham , who is really in destitute cireunibtances , She is over bixty years of ago and has scarcely any means of support. She once owned h valuable homestead near Ord , Nob. , but while she was in the oust soiuo rapacious individual gobbled it up and now has pos session of it. Legal steps are boinc taken to recover the property. A AVrook From the Country. A miserable specimen of humanity c.imo in yebtorday morning on the Grand Island train west and landed at the Union Pacific depot. He was partially supported by a pair of hastily impio- vised , pine crutches. Ho dragged ono log behind him with the greatest difliculty audit looked as if it wcio fastened to his Jiody with a cord which was attached to it. His name was Ole Carter , and four weeks ago , while working on n farm four miles west of Fremont ho fell and broke his thigh. Ho was attended by a local suigeon , but seems to feel that ho is in a bad condition and seeks admission to tlio county poor house. Ho will need a great dual ot caio before ho recovers. the Students. Sneak thieves paid a visit to the High bchool tmildlng yesterday afternoon and captured a half do/.on overcoats , the property of the -students of the school. Similar depredations have been commit ted ut various times , although all efforts to ilet.vot the Ihiuye3 hayo so far proved " uriauciicssful. . The ollleial canvass of the vote will . talk place this- morning , commencing j ut'J o'clock. A XOVI3MBKII AblHTlON. li. P. Prtiyn Plain Smith's Pnrk An Addition I'Mvo Minutes from thn I'ostofllcn. Larmon P. Prnyn , who has purchased that beautiful piece of ground lying just south of lion. A. J. Popnlcton's resi lience , and fronting on Eighteenth street and Sixteenth street , better known as Sherman avenue , has platted it into six teen full si/cd lots and named il Smith's Park. Hurdctlo street will bo opened up through the center of the park , unit will give the much needed connection between Sherman avcnno and Eighteenth street. There are twelve beautiful north and south front lots , and four cast fronts on Sherman avenue , well supplied with with trees and shrubbery and Iving as level as a lloor. Smith Park is not a wild scheme to sell outside property , but a beautiful piece of giomul , located in the choicest part of the city , on paved streets , with street car accommodations and evory'udvantago to bo derived from other conveniences , sup plied by a growing city. Sl.erman avenue - nuo is p.ivetl far beyond this property , and Eighteenth street has been drought to a proper grade , so that these who build will not bo uncortaln as to tlio giudes in front of their homes The Mis souri Pacific railway has located its freight and passenger depots within three blocks of 'Smith Park , and other improvements In addition to tlio number of line residences going up in this neighborhood will make lots in the now addition very valuable. The prices will range all the way from sfJ.DOO to ? 1,000 each with about one-third cash , the balance to suit purchaser , provided a first class residence Is built on the lot purchased. On account of the small number of lots in Smith Park their sale will be very rapid and those who huvo been uniting to gel a piece of this beauti ful ground .should at once see either Mr. Pruyn or Park & Fowler at 162'J Douglas street. Mr. Pruyn has , by the way , been quite a benefactor to people in north Omaha , having within the year erected 135 houses , all of which ho has sold with the exception of about fifteen residences , which ho has placed on sale at a very low figure and on monthly payments. It will pay to in vestigate this. With Pruyn Park ho has been equally as successful , only having eighteen lots left \yhieli are for sale at a much lower nrieo than surrounding property , notwithstanding the fact that its location and view are even bettor than other additions in that neighborhood. TRACK TALK. The Dally Grist of Hallway News , Personal and General. It was announced yesterday that the Union Pacific would on to-day commence running chair cars ou its O. & R. V. di vision , between Omaha and Hcatricc. They will bo put on trains No11 ! { , , 42 and ! . These are the first chair cars ever brought into use on the Union Pa cific. For the present they will bo used only on the O. & R. V. brancli. Telegraphic advices received at the ' Union' Pacific headquarters yesterday btato that snow is falling at Grand Island and that on the line between Siency and Cheyenne snow fell from 10 o clock Thursday night .to 0 o'clock yesterday morning. ; R. IMickensdorfer , superintendent of the Idaho division of the Union Pacific , is in the city. Great Kxoitcmoitt. Thcro was great excitement ycstcrdaay at 1118 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. lt was the opening day of the great bank rupt sale of line tailor-made winter cloth ing. liats , furnishing goods , etc. The crowd was so immense that hundreds u ore unable to get near the entrance to the store , and the largo force of clerks was not enough tc wait on the customers. The managers have increased their num ber , and will bo able to pay more attention ' tion to their customers here'after. Every thing is sold -15 per cent belcw actual cost of manufacture , as the sale must close in six days , Men's fine beaver overcoats , SfJ.Ori : guaranteed worth $18 or money re turned. Also 1,000 different styles , me dium and heavy weight overcoats. Men's handsome winter suits $3.G."i , guaranteed worth $13 , or money refunded , and 1,000 different all wool cassimcro , corkscrew and silk and satin-lined suits. Men's ' dark-mixed heavy pants , $1.15 , guaran teed worth $ : i:50 : , or money returned. Men's fashionable hats ' . ) ! ) cents , worth $0. Men's cardigan jackets , 05 cents , worth $2.25. ! Xanilla umbrellas , 98 cents , worth $3. Underwear and 5,000 other ar ticles equally cheap , at 1118 Farnan tercet , Omahu. Sale lasts only six days. Store open from 8 a. in. to i ) at night. Superintendent Whitloek issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : J.V. . Jleccc. two-story frame liveiy barn , on aith , near Oiace . 51,000 Thomas Kinc , fi.une b.uu South 11th. near Aiuor . 150 C. C. Cnty , one-btorv frauio cottage , Blnmlon , nnar 2 li . TOO Duncan Finlayson , two story frame dwelling , Bin no- , between -Utli amiaist . 2,500 Thomas Mm ray , additional story to building , llarnoy and 1-ltli . 0,000 German Coimwatioiial fiamo church , UHi ! , md Dorcas . 1MO Six pei mils aggregating . § 12,000 Brevities , Jack Moyihan loft yesterday morning with the Sullivan combination to act us ad vance agent for that company during the rest of the season. Mr. Thompson , who tins a lease of the stables and race track at the fair grounds , called at this ollico yesterday to deny the report published in an Omaha paper that Mr. U , Grimes , of Crawfordsvjllo , I i d , had rented the fairgrounds for the winter. Ho says there is no trutn in the report. O. Kmbor , n Hollander who has been workinc at Valley on a stock farm , was brought to the city jail yesterday , siiubrig from a dislocated hip , He stated that ho had slipped down ami twisted his leg while carrying a heavy jar of milk. Ho was carried to the poorfarm and will receive treatment there , Two sea lions , captured in tlm Pacific oft' the southern coast of Alaska , weio occupants of the express ollico at the Union Pftcifio depot last night , taking a rest in their journey to Now York. De spite the cool weather lingo chunks of ice helped to keep the amphibious beasts comfortable in their cage , and n watch ful attendant looked carefully after their other wants. They leave for the east this morning to fill a long fell want in a traveling museum. Sam Jones' JCovival. All persons desiring to aid the Sam Jones revival fund for expenses in any amount , from ono dollar up to one hun dred dollars , will please send mo n chock by mail or hand nich offering to Goo W , Holbrook or \ \ ing li. Allen , ir > 0t Farnam street and I will mail a receipt for the sumu. Respectfully , P , C. to Wed. Ju'dgo McCulloch issued marriage li- censcb yesterday to the following parties , .Name. ' Residence. A e. ( John Olmesorp , . . . ; . . . Omaha. \ I Aimlo .Iliului . Onuilu. -10 ( Klnier8av is , . Mills C6unty. la. 24 lidiuy WiUou . Mills Couuty , la. 1 THE CZAR'S WINTER HOUSE. A StroiiRty-Fortlflert Cnitlc Protected hy MoutH mi Three Sides. Pall Mall Gazdtto ! Active prepara tions are being at Gatshlnu Jor tlio arrival of the c/.ar. who is to go into winter quarters. The great palace not only provides accommodation fori the emperor and empress and their suites , but for the emperor's brothers and the impoiial household in its entirety. A number of apartments are also preserved for state occasions. The rooms inhab ited by the Emnerur Nioholas and the empress are still kept in their original condition. Portraits of the Prussian roy al family , and gifts from the sumo are to bo seen on every side. The play hall is a unique room , offering facilities for all kinds of amusements in tlio winter. There is a stage on which grand dukes and ladies of the court often nlay. Tlioro are slopes down which imperial and other high personages .slide on cushions There are swings , climbing poles , ball games , and , in fact an endless variety of amusements. The empress and emperor puss the winter hero ir quiet with their familv. The ensile , however , gives the impression of a strongly fortified retreat. In front there is a deep moat which can bo filled any moment with water , while the approaches , defended by cannon , can bo isolated by the drawing up of the bridges. The castle is protected by mouts on three sides , these certainly lending to the charm of the park. All workpeople belonging to tliu palace wear distinctive marks , and before entering or leaving they are examined. The palace ot Gatshina Is only ono of a number of resi dences which the emperor possesses in the neighborhood of St. Petersburg , and the majority of which ho never visits. Ono of them , Tai/.i , has a peculiar history. It belonged to ono Demidol ) , who was a man of foitune. Hogavo brilliant banquets , and maintained his own company of musicians , some of whom wore clever artists , who had stud ied in Paris. This wealthy man often showed foolish extravagance , while at times his conduct partook of eccentricity. His daughter was betrothed to a noble man , and the day of the murnugo was fixed , but instead of attending the wed ding the father sent a letter , in which ho expressed regret at not being present , and asked that a representative no sent might bo courteously received. This representative was driven up in a richly- equipped carriage , with gayly-dressed coachman and attendants , ami it proved to be a dead pig. which was stulleu witli gold-pieces and precious stones the paternal wedding-gift. On another oc casion Deinidoll bought an estate and invited the Into owner to his walaco. Hero he made him dead-drunk and then sent him home in a coflin , having first in formed his family that ho was absolutely dead. Iho relatives received the coffined man with tears ; but what was their sur prise to find the dead man coming to his .souses and the vacant space in tlio coflin filled with gold-pieces ! This palace at Tai/.i is now in complete disorder. TUB SMALLEST KINGDOM. A Monarchy With Only Forty Sub jects to Kulc. What schoolmaster , to say nothing of "every schoolboy , " knows that there is an European kingdom named Tavolnrn l.vhif : in the Mcditcrreun , or rather Tyr rhenian waters , the kintr of which , Paul I. , died only a tew months ago full of years and honors ? pays the Youth's Com panion. Oil' the northeast coast of the island of Snrdina lies the much smaller island of Tavolara , live miles long and one broad. Its possession and absolute sovereignty were formally granted by Kins Charles Albert , of Sardinia , to the Hurtoloom family , and for more than half a century Paul I. , king of TaVolarn , reigned over it in pcaco. On tliu1 80th of May lasc King Paul was compelled to go to the mainland to seek treatment for heart disease. Finding that science was powerless in his case the king re turned to his island to die in the midst of liis subjects , who are forty in number. Ho died sitting in his chair , like the Emperor Vespasian , vainly endeavoring to write a will. He was seventy-eight years old. The forty subjects ot Re Paolo , as they called him , lostin him a benevolent and indus trious monarch ; his family lost a kind father , and the wild goats of the island , more numerous than his subjects , lost wo will not say they mourn the loss of an intrepid hunter. Tavolara is a smaller state than even the republic of San Marino , lying east of Italy , which has twenty-two square miles and 8,000 pcoplo ; the principality of Monacoon , the French coast of the Medi terranean near the Italian frontier , which has eight and one-half square miles and 8.r > 00 inhabitants ; or.tho republic of An dorra , lying between France and Spain , which is 000 square miles in extent and has 7,000 pcoplo. Go to Otto Lango. 318 S. 1.1th St. , near Farnam , when you want a firat-chi'-.s heating fitovo for less money than is asked for inferior stoves. Ho tolls the West Point , the best heating btovc in the United States. Anniversary Services. A .special memorial service in honor of the LTiOlh anniversary of the foundation of Harvard college will bo held in Unity church next Sunday morning. Roy. W. E. Copeland , n graduate of Harvard in 1800 will preach the feormon , and by a vote passed at their last meeting the Harvard club will attend the service. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A manclol purity , strength \\ho1esoincness. . More economical than the ordinary Kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test , short \\eglit : alum 01 phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal BaKing Powder Co. , 103'Wall St. , NewYoik. NEI1VITA tietu of nutbiul erivti , FREE TRIAL voiiiUcbllllr , Imolim. LMHT * . lMt Muoboou lp * k ltt. M up. Fr. . U. c4. Ult. A. O. OI.IN CO. , .No. l J hl touSll ljCLk j1 III. tl > 00 r 1'ucUiige. inn ! ; . fitxxl ItuiilfiiirnK\rtiliPtcli IHIIUC. aare artin 2 lolduVn. jv k ) uuriiturt\n \ ( or U. hrnt tu kiiy uddroM ( ut ti I .SO. MALY0OP , U'ra. CO , , BprttztTeld , 0- Messri. Kulm & Co , , AijenU The cold waves have been so long in coming that our expectations as to the sale of heavy overcoats have not been quite realized. In antici pation of a cold fall and early winter , we laid in the most extensive line of overcoats ever offered to the people of Omaha. These overcoats must be sold. It is better for us to sell them at a sacrifice than to carry this immense stock , so we have marked down the prices on the same as follows : 100 Mens' heavy Grey Beaver Overcoats , cassimere lined , reduced from , $6 to $3,60 , 100 Mens' heavy blue Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats , reduced from $9 to $5,50. 65 Mens' heavy blue Chinchilla Storm Overcoats , extra long with cassimere lining , trimmed with large fur collar and cuffsreducedfronl2,50to$8. This Coat cannot be bought elsewhere for less than $14 , 80 Mens' all wool worsted Overcoats , in black and brown , re duced from $12 to $7,75. Please bear in mind that all these goods are new and fresh , and man ufactured for the season by us , and that we guarantee every article to be as represented or the money will be refunded , All goods at strictly one price at the Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. WANTED ! . TO .E THE UNION SEW ! MACHINE ! 1 Lightest Running , Simplest in Construction and Noiseless. Address for particulars , UNION laiiufacturing Co , , 12O N. Kilh SI. Oinnlin , 183611 [ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC.1111880 A REMEDY NOT FOE A DAT , BUT POE JEST HALF A OEKTUBY " © * SAN BELIEVING BUFFERING HUMANITY 1 S S S S AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , QA. . E. WEi fiil&L ESUTi and TR ST GO. S. W. : m. 15th A5I ! > FA16 > AM , OMAHA. Properly of pvory description for sale m all pnrls of the city. Lauds for kale i every county in Nebraska. A COMPLKTK SCT OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Doupliis county kept. Alans of the city stutu or couniy , or auy other information desired , fiirnUlicd free of charge upon application. HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. JVO JtLAyKS ! J'lt/ZKti ONLY ! Jtivt'iYeiir nn-i' n MilUun Distribut ed. A Di'tiwtnu Ki'et'u Jlontli , With a first pa > ment of only $ .jyou can acquire six Eoiopean Government DonilB , which not only guariinteca safe investment of capita ! , as , at the \\orst the invested money must pc paid bad. , but also oilers the opportunity to mal.e n lortune l > y \ > in ning a hig prize. ONLY $ -2 REQUIRED to buy a Royal Italian , lee francs gold bond. These bonds participate in 8 5 drawings. . , four diawin every year , and retain their oti-j- inal value until the year 1 'J1. 1'iues of a.OOO.OfW , 1,000,0')0 ) ; 000,000 , etc .francs nill be drawn. Besides the certainty of icceivinj ; back the 101) ) francs in cold , yon can H in four times a } ear , and so come into possession of a foitune. We odcr these b.ncls for -130 , in monthly installments of $2 , or for cash at $ ? 5 , as long as our r.up- ph lasts. Money ran lie tent by registered lettei * , money orders , or by e\prt'i > saiid in'return we will forward the bond. The next drauini ; will take place on Novem ber SQIh. For further infornntion apply to , UKIILIN HANKINO Co505 Hroadway , New York. N. B. These bonds , aic not lottery tickets , and are b\ law permitted to be bold. C. S. RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware Thq largest u < w. * . I'ricpfUhn lowest Kupalrinjj a specially , Al | work warrant- ed. Cmucr Doti hib aud iDlh Urects , ron THE TlirXTMrsT or At j , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENAMYrProp otoi- . 8m urn' lliiKiiliul niiJ ' ' ten ; i J'rlruto I'mUia TVoliau ] tlm facilities , npjmrutua and rcimdki for tlio eiiccifi'fiil trontincntafotcry form of din. iafc rcnnltlna cither inrUIcnl or surgical Ircatnirnt , iiu < l lutu ) all tu ciinic and Inrcntlpitu for tin mull tier or corrippimcl nltli un. I. on ; ; oijioriuico In trrat. Ini ; cares lir letter tnu'olcs us tu treat luouy caici ctifnlinrftlfy without HPoliiL' tlici.t WltlTK F OK t'lllOUIAH on neforriltlca and Ilrnccr , Club Feet , C'unutiircs of tin ) tiplno DuL'AiKu oWOUKW , I'llco , Tumors , r ncu' , Calnrrli , Ilrnnclilt ! ? , InlinlHtlon , Kli-clrlnty , I' } ! , RpltriiKr , Klilnoy , Uyr , Jtr , HKlD , Illuoil and all eurL'IcHi operHtloii1) , Itutlorim , Iiiiiulv r , Hrncrs , TrinKn , nml nil ItlniU of Mnllcnl and .Surgical An1 Uncte , > " " < ufucturt < 1 and for tilu Ilia only reliable nlodlcal Institute making Private , Special G Nervous Diseases rA hl'I.UAl.TY. AUj CONTAGIOUS AM ) 1ILOOI ) DlSKASKl , from whato\crcaii criidiucd,9iictc ) < 8fullytreiili'd \Vo cm rtmmo Syphilitic poUo-i from liioryiluu without nurcitry Nevmloratlvntrfftttnfnt for Ion of illnlnonrfr. AU. COMMUNJUATJONH CONJ'IUKM'IAI , Call and rononlt its or i-ond nama nml | ioit.of11iu nlcln'6. plalulytrlttim -enclose flump , uuda lull i-cnil ton , In plnln urapmr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN tT < > J'lltATE , flECIAItND J < KIHIlo ; DlBtUBER , ScuiN.ii. WrAKNris , HrciiviTo.'iiuiu'i , luioirs- cr , 81 ilium , ( luNanimiiu , ( Jirrr , VAIIICOI n K , STittcTuni , AND AII. i > irtts of THE ( jesuu. UIIINAP.V OKUAJU , or cuil hl tory of jour ca c fu nn opinion. 1'ertona nnililo to vltlt us mijr be treated nt tin Ir lionu , by corn rpowlcMfe .Muliclnmmid Jnttn incnt * > ciit ! > y mull nr til rriibi'UnriY : ( I'M K KD I'HOM OllShltVA'UOV no injik tondl ! < fllu rnutiiiti or ii'iukr Ono pi-nonal lutcrvlur jut fcrrnl If ron\inlc'iit J'l ft ) rooms fur tin , n'tcm moilillon of patiinf * Hoard and attend ino u pilcci Aildrct * nil I.ettrin l Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , Cor 13th St and CaollolWe. / . . OMMM. H C "NEBRASKA MAP. " In colors , fliowa nil eountios , towns , rnllro Mlulul tor Me. Oinuliu City Map , now nd littons , etc. . 2"ie. Noluiibkn btnlu ( in/UK1 , Duslm-a * Dutitory nd Faiiuti'E Ut t , tS. J M. WUU'U \ CO , ' -llil St E , T. ALLEN , M. D. .si'ct'i.ti.i.vr , Eye , Earg liose S Throsf Ucuiu'JVi , niii ) ) Jhulding , cor Iftth and J ) ( l t'l < , Oiunlia. llcui.- t ' 12uii : , to 1 a lid 7 ro8 p ' '