Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
S1 EOIAL NOTICES _ Advertisements undcrthls hoid. 10 cents per line tor the first Insoition , " cents for cnchsub- ecqncnt Insertion , nnd f 1.60 n line per month No advertisement tnkcn for less than 25 oolita for the llrst Insertion. Seven ivords will bo counted to the lines they must run consecu tively nnd must be pnld In ndvnnco. All adver tisements must bo handed in before 2 o'clo k p.m.und under no olrciirmtnnccs will the } betaken taken or dlsoontlnutd l.y telephone Partita advertising In three ( oluwins wndhiv- Inptho nnswersnJdresjed In cfiro of jrl\\ \ \ please nsk for A check toennble them to eet their letters , ns none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to nd- vortfcnionts should bo unclosed In envelopes. \y \ u. na oy ir- Ill- IllMi Mi do nir all ell BUSIMEB3 CHANCES. JUjlOU SAl.n A small luiKti ronntor dolnif n JU peed Iin lii08s : will sell cheap. Addios b. 42 , lleoolllco. BS B * iir- rn- In of ret r , 1 > < > i : . A rcstntirnnt locntod on n ll\ely business street. Aduross S UJ Ilcoolllco. iry rihnf nf ots elm ind ins , iltu 'SS , and for bur ; to , iiith iial- St. iffor for will , lost , ling i , r otel jrn , N'ob. 17 liay- J3 Inc lroc ry Huslness In thuclty pu r- tloiilnrs.lnnuli e at 141A st H OIISKS l.ots.V rm , l.nnds money MO'l , Ileints. IHU nnd IJouRlas slrocta onll- JQB. 1.flbllSl ) -On lonvumvorth st -1. \\nluli. Apply Bt IlLiiolllco. LOST. Clairvoyant , MAIIAM ALASKA rnvoida past prcsont und fittiim , how iniiiir In , to , howe ( o hold nlfeloim of hnsb.ind or tovor. Bails- fin t Ion - rantc d. 25centi nnd iipwiinli. 613 K IBth ( t. - " * 1u ONA-mllcn MJalilair trnoil domo-tln S.1 ' lulp tun be wull Ruppli * ! by ( nlllnir ut Omnlin Umploymnit HUIQ.IU , U'J .Nor Hi IGlh , St. , C'rounno I'luok. ' "I" . TTTlf ON'l < MpiT viioTiiTorshoull ) hte our .1. nioiiK and ( UiiablomilUut M. ( Wand arm YTlntorou'reuaUnt fJiA Vo can fciivu } ( > u IIIDI\OV ou nil irrnduii of itolhtnir. I. O Jonm A " to , I'M Kiinuiu n. , elrfii nf thwjli , i _ 4.N-7 1"3iilNlN.M-Jlli"i ; A. Lllni-noran , profpfftonnl . mirnc with tnod rooo-umen l uon i > ' 7 Foutliianitrrnt , : < d floor , loom Ifo. fl. over Doimnu'Ailty KoOiU More. JtU u " _ _ iTili-TNM-Mrs. Dr Nnnnit V. i arrcn ilAtn 3int. Modlitil and l-ii > lnei Medluip Itoom No. .t , Kl North IClU it , Omilm , hob . 397 V btcnovmphnr d $ lrc n ii'in tie -i.nrly rmp'oynl. who is ll f ly and hu n r natMca. ! Adar i S IJ , HUM "ice. * - IHha N FH IlKNT Organs , $2 per month. Uofpo , 1MJ Douglns 383 ITIOliTHAttR-Onn lot , a superior upright JJ piano. 2219CallIornla fit. ttl-V IJIOKKVCItANOK-A" steels of rlothlttg -U for city property or Nournskn lands. Ad- OrcM.1. M. I > . , .CW N. Ifith St. , Onuhn 4W 8 IJIOlt itENT-8 < i'iiiro Hinno S3 montnlr. X1 Hospc. IBIT Doimlm. tNT : Pnunro Piano , f * monthly. Hoitm. 1511 Dou li < . M * . , Hosps. hriths.ptu. , planted free for .L pot ons buying of Douglas Co. Nurseries &O.HoyiinlvProp..P.0.1 > ' > gJO. M7-nU .clpnn towpis , chonp. Omaha I'owol Co , ID17 Howard st 729 nl7 TOR BAX.Z-MIBCEII.ANiOtJB. : OK HAI.n-Ono parlor nnd bedroom still v. two bi o IntrnOH and cook stovu. ciiuli < r on tlmn. ilJJ N. IMh at. > ! ' ull s.i LK Hi > rvlciiblo buimy. In KOOII < ; mi- lon. Apply to Ur. K H. lloirmiin , Uth nnd JncKsonsti " " " ' 481 fi * fill ultitrii _ I riiKSAi/K-Jloi.ln I Hoatinif Stove , : un Nnth. 4Ji 5 * 771011 SAM : Ono jrood wdrk liorNO. P. N. J > Oiistlnii4gl " llnmUtonat. _ l' ll _ IilOH 1 s"\LK-l'h ctoti bung ) , ouo ton buegy cheap , A Hospo _ _ _ ri ! ! _ _ HOtJSKS Lots Varnn , Lands- mono ) loaned. llomls llith anil Douglas streetsi' ' ' on f.ALK Cnc'tp , iron roliimns ind win dow cnpa suitable for front on brick build- Forpnrtloilliiraupplv WAJfTED C * \\rANTIli A lrl for gonornl liotiscijoik , > good wngcs. Northcnst corner Popplflon n\o nnd Dunne > ; r. . ' * * l " WANTED-Olil fet general Hnusowork ; Opi- iiilin picfLned. JUS. D II. H htclj " r , 514 K ; . il. ud ISl r'll- ro- or , TTT A7'T'KD-Oooil cool , ashoi nnd honor nt 2U NJBthbt. -HO " * ANTIJD-LiJy room mate. Hofoicnccs cxclinngod 1410 Chlcatrn sticcf. 8 T _ Cliainbcrmpld JIB i at ? ' \lTAVTKn A uilddlo aifod mnn for ( roiioral V llffht work Tall lit IfiOU N L'Oth lifter B , m. ! a ( rood homo for tliowlnlc . flU i _ \1 7 A NTIUWfrttvoTfiTir pnlPsnTrtii foi wjiolo- VV Milii huts nml cnpti ten 18 > * I for now Omaha house newly oiffauUcd. Address b. 41 lleo olliu.- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T\MN"irD-rAliorloni.od > liUlni nt onto , VAddrcHS G. If. rown _ , J17 south Utli S77 t. ' \T7ANTKO Twolrst clnss batbcrs Apply V > l'a'st,15thoppo. ' . pents with irood nppcariincos foi u new ni tlclu ; can muko $5 to SS a ilnj . Call nt lUls I Ith si. * ' _ _ , W , at Whitman A. N oillc. . , 1/1 / to dt in \ \ ' 0 the lov. it n. by CnrlJlMius d y. Adlioss Nary - ry Aeocl itian , Ul 8l to ht. . utii- nrrled hail & , 9 fur- nil-lied. AiMrc | .SW , llroortUo. C' -A position us houscjici-por by lady of c porloai * Addiesa S 40 , lleo OfllCQ. _ ANThll-Sltiiatlon. Uy a marrlixl man , u * olork , m < l tait [ hook kocpqr or collect. or Ho-tof r yferonci > furntshoit AddnjMb , aa , itco onii ? . n o wllhnrtodOMnytlittiv , Hoit of f forenc . ArtdicsshOl , Uoe ollloe. \ \ ANTK ( r > 0 men to cnt buckwheat cnkps nnd mnple syrup nrory mornlntrat Norrls Itestnurnnt , Ifith St , bet. Uodgo nnd Douglu * . Stnilght board per wco , $3.25 ; 21 Hieul lionets , " N I HD-To buy orrf nt MIOI II n ( food Np. BltcmlriKlon'r > | it"wi1ttr. Aildrns't , A II. , Hex 451 , U > . T7 "h oti nTat J ? nnm st.jitso of furniture tnkcn In nonrd. fk)5 ) 10 * Itr.XI'loom ! ' liotifo : tiimsIi1 ! per month. Innulro mirth loth st , bet rim and Contre 6-'J " _ _ _ ( _ - _ FOlTKP.NT-ltcsldPiifn.No. HIM Farnnm St. . II ninms. nil inoloin Improiomoilis KPIII , 7r , per month , carpoiB nnd fninitliro foi wile. Apply 8. A. Slomiin. VM. ! l-ni n im st. ' Jj _ TjToK UKVT-TLni > rohiuso ( with mo lorn lin- Jj piovrmiTits.'Jthaiid Fnriiuin sts A. P Tnhey , l ! > 0t rarimm st. " _ -soil HUNT Housoot ten rooms , with bam , ViKKithst _ , _ b ? F inul ul Id nt nr n n ir- in * Ll- FOH HP.NT-StorO snltablo for Hostuurnnt , Hl'J 8 1 ith st. otoraon. 57 _ _ FOieTil5 > T BOlotson the Itdlt It H In Onk riinthiim , just south of the chnol bouse. . These lots can be rented for 10 > o irs on rcasonalilu teinis. John 1 liullik. .t.l N . FOnisr.NT Nlcdy furnished fiont loom. with u oot piulor nnd bath , foi ono or two gcntlomin , nl $ tu per montd , I'ill ' ) Huwni ( 8t. TTloTrTtr.NT 'iTiroo unftirnlshorl rooms , full- Jl ? nblo foi lUht lioiisckciwliiff , to n family wltlionl clilldion , nNo tno buscmont rooms ; ll'ii N I7lh HI. _ . , M I' " FOIt KiNT-Plon : nlir"iilMilsHod domswith board , southemt ii > r. llth and Ikm FOIt Itr.Vr I moms and a kitchen $17pm month. Inqitlto Hutrboi aliopoot. Saim- dci sand Clark. _ _ _ _ J ' - _ _ HIINT-Liiigi ! elogimtlj fuirilsliid room _ with closet .it 03 HUth * l. _ Blil-T _ 1V , KI5NT-riunl linrt ioom < with board ' \\'olistcr st ,1 pfprpncor ( ( | iili oil. Bn-7 * OirrtKN ? Tloom , singl" oC en suite , in nowlyfurnlMicdhtiiifto : Inard pan bo hud next floor. Ul S ISIht. . . nftnr Tolxo riOIIM fuinlshod fropt room ; ffir one or two irentlumon : rofi i C'ullatgilJCnpltHl nvo Mli 7 lOlt IlliS-i'-rurnishod front room. t'WI _ _ _ TTlOIi HT5XT Fitinlslipfl looms com onlont lei JL1 housekeeping. A-W coj 18tli und Clnrfcj FOK lll'NT Nicely rnrntslipd uiomH , < < ultiibo ! Tor man and wlfoorRuntloinonloentlon : llrst- < lnH' . Will unt 101 $10 , f OandSHpor month. Iliniulrc , 1,1'K ' Dout'lasstioot , Jd lloor. iraou" llTI"r -N'fH ly fuinmluir fiont parlor Jd luxlifiom , trns and llro ; also sloiiplntriooiii nouly fuiiushcd ; lout ruusomiblv. call BtlMi luirimniflt. _ _ r' " ' ' ' * . . - f/MlU ItRJfT Oood , fninl hpd , liont mom. no , cor 21st und Ilaynnpoit. _ 4 % g t ] liNT : Six nicely furnlslii'd roumt , nt Nn 71 ! N. lOlh htrppt 4V , K * _ P 0it lir.NT-Fiunlslicd room * < < . K4 Jlai- iin . 141 ji _ _ _ FOR HK. T-'I nltcTy furiilMiod looms-JlO. Hiili 602 S IStlisl. " ' > Foil HUNT 1'ionl 0111(0 ( , heomid lluoi ; llth K .niiirliuimm- Will rent one in two Artduiss h , 30 , lion olllco. * IU _ llJvr-l in nishoil rooms , HAW C a J _ JFKJ 1/iOltltLN'l' Nltolyfnriiiabod icura for ( no K ortwoircntlcmen. Until nnd inodotn con- vonlontes. HJOonvcnt _ Htrrot. _ _ 441 f * ITIOK IlKNT N'loofuriilaliod ioom 'or icnt. 4 ? 701 B. IStb street. 4li 6' ' ' ' PiliriK&'fi'wiilnT'nicely fuiuUhcd rooms with Uo.ird. ( all nta.'l N. llth stroot. Day 7iOnrd.IOflpor week , 1Z _ _ iAOHUIJN'T A nlco iTiifc-e front rhatntinr , X1 newly furniBboil , hna KM funinie mid liiilh , Wl S Sutb rt , near St. Mary's uVo. FOlT HI'NT-TiMi luruo fiont room ? , 1 nods'c. ° j _ _ _ OnnKNT-AftorNoV , 10 , funilslu'd rooriis nt 318 . m 12' niirUiIRtlija. _ _ _ _ _ YHiluYtKSr NicdvliiinUhiiil trout mom at U ril63niith T h , nour St. Mnry a HMIIIIIO. iO. T7HlTnENT i'uriiUUod loom , JHIU Dodpe , S'i2 R OOM-Wltli bo.ird fur two , UinOnpilol inn. _ > HiJ i * T7101I TIKNT-Part of lloor for llurht manufHO- J.1 tiirins purposes. Contrail ) located. Low rent. I3Q7 Karnum St. upslalra , < H , rnnil lll'.N C-l urnlobul looms tor vontlif JJ mon. l SW P ( > u t > at. < < _ _ _ -rmoil IlIIN'Tlrily furnlsliH und hoauid Proem snltablo for two iroatleinunnt lO-'l Knriinro bt. . H- * _ _ _ j , _ r OH H t nir- ncr-'IctHiid Hghstor. 4 l U- I n IlKNT Twn phiiSHrit , unfurnished , ' front roomito man and wife. I lit N. [ Ihth HKS f | co lancaluuih front room J1 with lui ) win low. furutsliidior unlur- nliho-l.ilioiip. ApplCll I'm * ave , , toinor " ' IriOlt U15VT Vicely furnished i-oooii with botird or without. 607 _ H. IUi ) 8t. 4 4 7 * 17 OH JiKNl'-nont llooin. 1 1 IOMK ! et J. 614 a * 1 ? 1 ( IK ItKNI' A Inrjfio funilshol I room , lor U'Otiiiulomoii. 1U1U Jfc'U Ht. TjlOItKBNrUmtoof room * , with board , 1 ? ' Dodge. | iilt UKNT Larife froul rioin. food office location. 11. W. liuntrett , U03 Varnum. U UEN1'1'iirntaUfd room for ono or two tftimtlorneai turnlturo new , plaiijant loct- tlon ; HowunJ t , bot. 8ih and th.j njoutk aide. FOUUKNT-A nicely furnlshol front room with aloOY * , to ( fontlomon only , nt No , 1811 rnrnnlndt. _ it.NT ' : Newly furnhhc < > _ _ _ T OH ItKNT-P.lcsnrtt ' - furnished rooms , 10J' 1 Dougla * . Heforoncp * roiiihel r 'il K10 HI 3. B block. ry . . . . . . l.oa\miwortli MjcllO lin- 13.00 H.OOO 8/MO . -'V > 0 16,000 10,110.1 . 2. ,01 2' thst. neir l.onM'itwurtli. 100x113 Imp _ _ II' VHT ( WANT 11 lop it Inn on licit Line tlil slilo ot liorc It ( 'lo spsSiiundtiH. ut Amis Place. IMholora-lun LoxolLots - > old onoisj- pujinetitsnt $ .Vit ) to JliVI rnino and BOO it It joiUMint iiluiifiiin Anus , riOTTiirnnmst. 1.4 , l I' ' 7H fct-t frnnt ou-M. S ' 8 e..2ith uo r < : ! ? ' ' ' . | lot : nil inodern Impnnpmcnts.ftnobuin otti thlnff lliNt pln B. ( Hiikoto paxodslrtctiiniHiisplondld nulurhlmi- Itmi'iomiior thpso nro Inside liArpr-xlns Wp hn > o lots and IninN , linpiovcd nnd iinlmpiwod , unv where in Oimilm and vicinity ; S ° "B nilllfyonwiintto buy or soil. o himitno llnc < st ipiil ii-'ntu ri rs In the ciU and "It Is no tionbo 10 Btiow goods" M. A. Upton ( - [ > , 1C09 1'arnaiu si. ' " * ' _ _ _ _ \\TV. I1AVB con tnnt Inquiry lor nil Ulmls Vt o1 business and rosldenpo uroprriy. If von lunosny piopprty fm inln list snmo with us belilPsliiEerllioa .MtS. llllh 5 1H _ _ AMI S 1M. ten 1 ho npiiii"'t piopeity on Holt Lino-froiitliigon Snnndun. at piifns f"ifl to fc'HO ' on ousy terms Amei , 1W > 1 aiiiniii. iir.miirs. rM n * om ton it In. 150J HANSCOM PAHIC AUIU'lION Is thu only propoity In this popular diirction lllii ( , ' Ht fS50 to ( tw ltl Bnnoiindod by ] ini > roO ; IIILIIU , und will rl.o inpldly Innluo. . AmoB.IBUT rnrnnm. * ' ' " ENUINI5 IIAHOAINiS THO corner lots in Iliu dotte coin t. only 4 blocks Irom Sunn- ilPi'flblrtHitonrs. w M llnaliman. llnom 10 , llushmun ItlocK.N Kcur Ifilh und Doujlns. QliJ Fl > UHALiGO ; , ft. frontlntr on Updgo ft.i blocKsenstUif Uio postninm. A bnwnlii nt f8V)0 | ) ; lOOWc ; h. llarshalli. Lobctk. l fl I'nrimin. * ,129 ' $ lee : , full M .Snlun'a ndd. ( Iraliiitn , Crolsh ton blk. ! ' (01 r > ft'xn : U. bifit.Mnr } ' iivo nnd I.o \ cn orth , O coinoilK . Uiuliam , CrcUliton lijk I lur- 3tro6t Illion. " ' ' Iniju. llouh , [ * , runs' $1,701) ) . 6 ' " " " . $ 700 700 MM ) lit I nil or nr 10 UTW. B W. ) t or it. th III- IIIIn 1110 t. t.nn , In ICO , front lot on llnittoy st. for rllxl'lO , n cmncr on Ilurdott and" Ub sts . front- tiiinof.ts. , for tl.'JOO ; OIIO-IJIIBULI cnsh : 1IKontrfrnf.nS ? feet , on IliMol .t , mnkS lots 40x1 lift , for S3 W. $ liOoasli ) , bilinif 1Janil.'l > narR This IR n bat giiln J'JnciesonSiiuiicoisst ' Pit Ides up into n lots Adjnlnltu lots nro t-ellmir lor $ .00 Alforfm ! 'Jhero is n.Uliintf better on the nos lot In South Omilin. fiflvlSI , for 1. WO Cash. J.VJJ nnd bnl lul , i nnd J ) cm s. ; or- lituu- 1,500 .llllll- 1,800. [ jillUl ( J lot WO. jjooa onlj' o , otsln on No. 1,18 -Lots in South Onmlmfr 00 ' to No141 ilotisonnd lot on Fnrnam strnot , near court housd , vetv ( tnu projjcrty , at u prlco worth tlio innnu ) No tn Lots in Ambler I'lacn No 210 -Loin in Oroliard Hill No. 17.1 -1 item in Hroolcltno add , fOOO , No. 1I7 ! -Lota in Hoyd' tiddition No UM Lots in Hawthornu addition No. 1(10 ( Lola in Tliornlinr audition , vN : 10 . fJootl homes for ml o'asus Ht HntUUctorv prices nnd easy terms. Wo bnve u lurnixuii I lUt to Aoiuut fnnn uu I nlway * ready pumurtv. tV Propmy" wner * or T. i seas. YOU uro buroby notlflod to lay timiiwalM muni Uio KrudoJ 6tn > utt 2 fnot from HID fitibllno-whoio the aumo la ndmUgablo-ani ( OthoojtnblhhPdKrude of Btrnfil liiU.riortlonj | ' ! ' orkg. lllOt _ . , - . _ _ . , _ _ l.-ithto TrnnHfor * . trixnsfors wei'o ' lik-d f < 'or. 4 , with Uio county clerk : Henry DSImll nmlwf tololin Dolt , 114 hlk Slittll'A mid , \vil-SI.SW. A S llllllnc ami w f to Luccln .1 Lcmlni ? , g 13i ft It M , Turk | il.tcf , w d Jr717 .lolm C Dn\l niulf to Dm Id 11 itowman It71ilkn. O'iVHll' utioflilKSl , 2 , 1 Lotto's Oil add , Wd .1 V Ucitford , ot al to Xonn ( ? Hood. Its tl. ! Oi , lilk 4 and US blk 0. Hawthorne mid. w d < on. It iteeitailon- SjpLech "Littlo tie in , H- iit so IPI iir- 1011 nlf iir- lior Itr-l I III nt- if : the Uth tlio II.I- . Ini. In the cilj ot Oiniiliii. nonplus eonnty. Dh. , nt the houi of ID o'clock In "o''re'l ' ° aid b. jer (01 ( , loir lei and nn ) , No. ob , dny o or nth , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Theonlr road 10 take for Dos Moln , nhnlllown.i ilat llaplds Clinton Dixie. Chlca rii. Milwaukee nnd all n'Jlrita cast Td tlio i pen plo nf Nnln-ail > a. Colorado , Wynmlng- , Utah , Idaho , NotHdn , OiKjion , Wiirhlnuinn and oil fornla II offf ri iiupf/llor advantajfui not poiil * h'ebj ' nny i thnr nni > , . AUHIIIK fiiwir the numeioii" points of in- pormilty t | > JOTfd tiy thn piilioni of thlf roiid liitwnrn ( > niahB iid OlilniK" . Htti Us 1 mini Kilrtjof D\V COACIIKS whloli ninthanniifl ItiHt hiimnn nit inullMuoniillj irri' ; le. l | PA LACK HLKI'.l'INO iMlfJJil" ' " ' " " ' ' ' JC-1 nf oimforl nd olifiinr II * PAUUtlt IHA ) ) - INO HOOM CAIIS iMimirpanKidbi any. ( I'ldlis Wlily colnl.rrtcd PA I 'IAL DI1IINO t Alii * , the equal of which imnniil t- found 01iawii rn At roimoll Hlutla llin irulti * rf the l"nloa raoi flo H > \ connect In Cn on D p' t with rhoie of ( ho f'hlrtBO 4i W.ulliwri'Brn It ) -In rl'li-iwo thn trnlnt of thl * llnr mntto clojo conilfrilon with the of nllraslcrn MII- " . For nation , fiilunibiii In HnnnpolK ( Inoln natl. Klacnra r'nll" . Iliiirnlo I'lltilnii it. T.r. > ii"j , Montro.l IJoMon , Nu f Voik I'lilludnlplili. Ilnl- tlmor * VVnihlngton nnd rll r l"l In tin rmt , If } ou wl h ihn l > t ilkrl ( HvenisBell lltWalii v'n Ibli lln' ) iirtjiim. , v. v wiixiN' , ( Mannirr r. ( nml. P < - < "f r , A.-cut WM PTBOYER&CO. icks and Jail Work. 20 I-'aiuau iJUcut , Ounha. ! > ieb , 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. 1JUY1NS A CHUUC1UM , , N-W. Cor , 13th niul Douijlai ats. W , J. CONNKI.U 8138.11th Btroot- ( SiOH : < ! HV. . WKVNli , ATTORNIV AT IjlVf , 7nlconer' Illock , 15th an S. SMITH IDC * rnrnnm Ptroot Attorney at ItoomH Kroner IllookOpposite 1'ostofflco. PHYSICIANS. CJUJtLKS ItOSKH'ATKlt , M. D. Physician & Surgeon , SI4R I2thSt.cor rnrnnm. Iron Hnnk Itiilldlnic OHIco hours , 2 to 4 mid 7 to 0 p. in. 10 lo U ot _ M r > ' , M. ! > . , Physician and Surgeon , OrriCE , V.W. Cor. 1 4th and Douglas. Ortlio IHephuio 4IA. liosldonuo Telephone 4 W. J. < J\I.BtaiAlTII , Surgeon and Physician Office. f/\V. \ Co14th and Douglas St , OlIlcoTi loiilione 4(15 ( llesldcnce ToloiihoneWI JAMKS 11. IMiAHODY.M. U. , Phrslelan and Surpoon. Ilpsldrncp , No. 1407 .lonps Ptrect OfllCM Wltlinrll Illiick , ni.l iilionn. rusldcmm , Nn i - olllcoGU _ . 1)1L JAB. I1KCKKTC PHYSICIAN AND Offii-p and nrsldeneo.jrl N. 18th3t. II. \VOUI.r.Y \ , M. I ) . . onirc Ml > Dodge Stiimt. T ; IpphfilB 4i. . Ui'Kldiiiiofj 17U Capital A a Tcluphono jlj * VANUAMl'M. 1) . , l'l 1 1m lin St . 1st door i st of P. 0 Take oo ntor to rooms 12 1.1 Ililul lloor. Telephone NO 1J2. UoBidcnce.iaiN. 20th street Telephone No. .TO I'.JI. C11AOW10IC , riijslcian mid Surgorm , Telephone fiW. Ofllcean B. 14th st _ 11. W. CONNKLL , M. IX , llomouopathUt , Omce. .113 S. 1lh ht , TolephonojW _ . W. JV.W. r. laili * Mownrd , Koslilpnce , 1011 DoJge st7Tolopliono : , 88. Olllto hours , lllti' 12 a nml 3 to fi P m. A' . H. General Agent PWYldont Saving LUs Assuwaw Co ! of Now York. Jllllurd Ho ol Illoe'c , Omaha. ThoMilclh "Nnliiral I i 'iiiluni Tlnn. " Aetna aToraf'oyonily cost duilmr 1833 , 1831 aud 1535 , at nso-7 , for IIO.OUO , was $78 SJ. FINE JOB PRINTING. USES I'RINTINW 0. , Printers , Book Binders And Hlankbonli Manufacturers. Nos 108 and 10S8.l4tlintroot.Omiihi.Nrb. I.F. Pulillo , Supor- Intcudont nindnry. Ti luphono No. " > > . HARNESS. AUCTIONEER A. W. COWAN" * CO. Auction and Commission,1 , OenmU. * KUIM , Dentists , ir.H raniam Hlroa MEAT MARKETS. ' K. Allliludi of fresh mil fait on hind. J'oiiUiy , funiM , ttv.i liiwrtsun. j ; } , , , | l)1MrtM ) So , i WILBOfi'S COMPOUND OF PUEF , COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. ( VuM.hf-r . Oil nnd T-lmc. Tlio' ED , CLARK , CITY CHIMNEY SWEEP'- ' - -i.i.'n . ' l " " "