Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Bcllrcrtd by rnrrlor In nnj-partof the city fit
twenty cents ptr week.
H. W.TILTOX , Manngcr.
firMKTFfi Omrr , No. 41
NICHT Ktmort No. 21.
ON. Y. Plumbing Co.
Now fall goods at Holler's' ' .
UCooper & Mcltco sell hardware.
Jtnv Seal brand oysters , the boit.
I'ani'ls at $3.50 per do.en at Schmidt's
gallery , Main street.
Mrs. Clarke entertained the Harmony
mission sociable last evening.
The county board of supervisors meets
next Monday to canvass the recent votes.
The practice of burning papers and
rubbish on the pavement on 1'carl street
should bo summarily stopped.
Masc Wise has just received a car load
of very fine draft mules which he has for
sale at his stables on Scott street.
Last evening the Catholic ladies gave
another of thnir entertaining quadrille
parties in J. J. Brown's building.
The Council Blulls district conference
of the M. K. churches meets in Randolph
next Tuesday for a two days' session.
The Hewing school of the Woman's
Christian association will meet In the
basement of the Congregational church
this afternoon at20 ; ! ! o'clock ,
Mrs. Vienna Simpson , whose husband
lives near Oakland , was yesterday ad
judged insane , aud last evening taken to
Alt. rlciiMant for treatment.
Dave Thomas was before the police
court yesterday on the charge of brutally
thumping an unfortunate woman. The
judge fined him $ ir , and costs.
Last evening there was a pleasant
gathering ot Omaha friends at the resi
dence of Mr. and Airs. Charles Swan ,
corner of Pierce and Stutsman streets.
The funeral of the late George Fanblc
was held yesterday afternoon and largely
attended. The remains were taken last
evening to David City , Neb. , for inter
To-day wo will Jiell three pounds of
Fine Japan tea for $1. Regular price 75e
per pound. Be Mirp to take advantage
of this great reduction , as it lasts to-day
only. J. W. Kleeb , fine groceries , No.
315 Broadway.
Jailor O'Neil has a now scheme tor the
revolving jail , in turning which ho finds
his strength exhausted. He proposes to
take one of the "con" men to turn it.
Cqiifidencc men can turn almost any
thing or anybody.
The police yesterday received a tele
gram stating that a team of pomes and a
covered bugsry had been stolen there
from Dr. Wood- and that * 2,000 worth of
jewelry had been stolen from the safe in
1. Kim pie's store.
A pair of mules about fifteen hands
high with nicely trimmed mains and tails
were carelessly Jet out of the dummy
depot yard histnighl. Anyone returning
them to the stable of Mase Wise will bo
paid for all trouble.
The Salvation Army i.s gradually in
creasing its audiences , and the meetings
are nightly attended by two or three
hundred persons. The services or ex
ercises are about the same as those con
ducted elsewhere , enthusiastic and noisy.
The Dibtriet Telegraph company has
now in active operation a now parcel de
livery wagon. The company has changed
its boxes so that the special call is now
for the wagon , and thosedcairing trunks ,
goods , etc. , taken from or to any part of
the city can call the wagon by a turn of
the crank. The rates will be M cents
for any such service.
A party of four young bloods , who
were making a night of it , got to quarrel
ing on Broadway about 3 o'clock yester
day morning and were placed inside the
cooler until frienus could deposit $10
each for their appearance in court. They
gave fictitious names , and yesterday for
feited the appearance * money rather than
appear and gain further notoriety.
The new city directory is nearly com-
pleti-d and from the advance sheets it
promises to be a creditable production.
The publishers declare that they have
not made an attempt to take a census of
the city , and have not devoted their time
to securing names merely for the sake of
lllling nil , but have tried to cot just .such
material as will make the volume one of
easy reteiviico and of practical value uo'tv
The institution for the deaf and dumb
bcems to be running very .smoothly and
satisfactorily now. The new .superin
tendent ami teachers are working with
wonderful harmony and corresponding
sucee-s. The health of the pupils is ex
cellent , then ! not being one in the hos
pital. The report about there being cases
of diptheria there are imfoumli'ii. The
attendance is now i.05 , a larger number
than at any tim-j lait year. In fact MIC-
cess .seems to bo attending all the features
of the institution
The Chit-ago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway have started , or are Irving to
start , a new town on their road about
two and a half miles east of the prosper
ous town of A.stor. The railroad trieil to
boom this new town site , called Manilla ,
which is located in the center of a corn
Jiold. For the past two days "citv" lots
have there been sold , the lowest of which
wont oil' for $105 , and the bjilcs amount'
ing to as high as $10,000 in one day. The
now town i.s now covered with corn
stalks , but buildings will soon take their
place ,
John Coyle , who is John Holm's best
roan , has invented a novel nut cracker ,
which promises to bring him a fortune.
It is entirely of wood , and can bo made
so as to retail tor a dime , and at a big
profit then. The cheapness of the little
article , and its ellicioncy for the purpose
for which it is duvi&ed , will causu it to bo
in great demand , most nut crackers
being far too expensive1 for themass of the
people , Mr. Co.vlo is thinking ofsoot
KO ng to his old home in Indiana , Hoop
polo township , whi're there is plenty of
timber well for the purpose , am
nrrango for manufacturing them on ai
extensive scale ,
Frank Adams , the chum of the confii
donee man now in jail hero , is in the jai.
at Omaha , but refuses to come over to
this side without a requisition. Ho i
wanted here on the same charge tha
keeps the one hero locked up , they hay
ing turned a confidence trick on'an old
man en route ( o Ida Grove. The old man
can bo brought here at any time to tes
tify against them , and the one on the
other side of the river evidently prefers
to stay there. Ho at first promised to
como over of his own accord , but when
Chief Mullen and Marshal Guanolla went
over after him ho changed his mind. The
necessary steps are now being taken to
procure requisition papers , and it looks
ns if he would have to come over hero
whether willing or not ,
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans , J. W. A H , L , fSuuiru , No.
101 PuarJ street. Council Bluffs.
Dr. Handle tt.oflleo No 12 Pearl street
HeMdence 120 Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10. _
Klectrlo door bells , burglar nlarmi and
every form of domestic doctrinal appli
ance * at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Seal brund'oystcrs at H. J. Palmer's.
See thnt your books arc made by More-
& Co , , room 1 , Everett bloclc.
IfNottho Sewer Ditch Will Not Bo Ac
The onic-ml Canvass of the
Vole A Great Variety of
Council lilttfTH Items.
Hot About llio Scwcr Ditch.
There was sotno lively talk yesterday
between City Knginuor Tostevin and Mr.
Swccuny , the foreman for Mlteliell Vin
cent , who has the contract for the new
sewer ditch. It appears that the excava
tion of the ditch is completed , and that the
contractor wants to htvo : the work ac
cepted tilul the account settled. The city
engineer claims , and in this seems to ho
supported by at least some of the al
dermen , that the banks are not fin
ished tip according to contract and
that the work cannot bo accepted
until this is done. Yesterday the
engineer addressed a communication to
Mr. Sweeney , statins that he , Mr.
Sweeney , had informed him that the
work was completed and asking its ac
ceptance , but that the work was not sat
isfactorily completed , except from
Hroadway south to 1'ifth tivennn. Kor
that distance the banks had been graded
up according to contract , but the rest of
the banks must be fixed the same w.iy
efore all the work could be. accepted.
Mr. Sweeney responded to this that he
lad never informed the engineer that the
ivortt was comuletcd , but that he had
munly asked that the engineer should
lecide whether it was completed satisfac
torily , and if so to accept it , but if not to
jay so , stake out the work to bo done ,
md tell him to go on with the work. Tin )
city engineer tried to got the council to
gether to go over the work and see
.vhcthcr they wanted to accept it or not ,
ml the aldermen seemed to shrink from
aliing the responsibility. Finally the
ity engineer concluded that he would
, ako the responsibility , and he pro-
iecdcd yesterday afternoon to set some
takes showing where the banks should
> o formed. Air. Sweeney says he has
been waiting since the first of the month
for the city to decide ! one way or the
: ) tlier , anil his teams have been lying idle
n the meantime. Them was much hot
, alk about the matter yesterday between
.hose two , the eityengincerelaiming that
Sweeney had boldly refused to comply
with the provisions ! of the contract in re
gard to the bunks , and Sweeney claiming
hat he had been wrongly used , and that
.he engineer did not understand his busi-
tess. The matter will bo brought up be-
'oie the eon neil at its next meeting , and
he war will probably be returned. As to
he other bone of contention , the evtcn-
lion of the sew r ditch , that is still drag
ging along in the coiut.0 , and will not bj
Laken up probably until this much of the
contract work has been passed upon.
WAXTKO Iy ) a practical printer and
ocal writer of experience , a situation on
ri good weekly , in a good town in western
"owa. Address J. I ) . , care BEI : , Council
_ _ _ _
B. II. Slioafo & Co. , loan money on
iliattlo bccnrity of every description ; of-
ice No 500 Uroadway , upstairs.
A New l < aw Firm.
It is with pleasure that the BEE an
nounces that lion. John Y. Stone , of
ilcn wood , has decided to locate in Coun
cil Ulutl's. and has entered into partner
ship with Mr. Jacob Sims , the title of the
ie\v firm to be Stone < & Sims. The ollieos
n Shugart & Bono's block , now occupied
by Mr. Sims , will be retained , the loca
tion being as desirable as any in the city
: iml the otHces being attractively and
onvenicntly furnished and equipped.
L'ho name of John Y. Stone is a familiar
one throughout Iowa , and is by no means
an unknown one beyond the boundaries
of the state in which ho has for years
been so popular , both at the bar and In
political circles. Ho lias been honored
by the people time ana again , and has
himself done honor to the oOicial posi
lions to which he has thus been called.
an attorney ho has always held a high
rank and woii most brilliant success.
Mr. Sims has buen in the practice of
law here- for oiglit vears , and has estab
lished a i imputation which renders him a
worthy party in so strong a combination.
Gifted with far more than average abil
ity , he ha.s been thoroughly cultured , has
buen and is a close student , and by his
varied and extensive experience has ri-
jgciiod into one of the attorneys
in tiie state. His integrity as well as lu.s
ability i.s beyond iiiestion | , and his sue
c-s * is proot Milliuiont that the people ap
procialc both his ability and honcnty.
The new firm is a strong one indeed ,
and that it will be a successful one there
can be no doubt , composed as it is of two
mnn who have already won their way
into popular favor and high honors. 11
will take rank with the bust law firms in
the state , and Council Hlnfl's may well
fcol proud of its being located hero.
Foit UBNT The dining room of Becli-
tele's hotel will bo rented to first-class
parlies as the care i.s too much for Mrs.
JScchtclo. Enquire at hotel.
Seal sacqui's , fur trimmings , seal caps ,
etc. , at MUTUAI.K Duos.
A Uornmii Hang * UiuiHolf For rear
Jlu Hud Voted Illegally.
Avorx , la. , Nov. 5. Henry Pomperin
a Herman twenty-three years of age ,
working for Gustavo Uneek , throe mile. '
north of Avoca , in Shelby county , sui
cided Thursday forenoon by hanging
himself to a small tree near a corn field
in which ho was liu.skmg. The only causa
for liis action thus far given is owing to
Homo existing or imaginary trouble
which occurred on election day two years
ago , upon his coming to Avoca to vote
and his vote being promptly challenged
whereupon ho swearing it in on the
grounds that he had his washing done ii
Avoca hu Had a right to vote hero.tbougli
a resident of Shelby county. It appears
that a number of people told him at the
time ho laid himself liable for a couple
of years in the penitentiary by so doing.
Nothing more being said , and upon lust
Tuesday ho voted in Fuirviuw town
ship , Shelby county , while at
the polls the subject apparently was
brought up relative to his Having voted
in Avoca last election. Wednesday ho
spoke to Mr. llucck about the matter and
expressed a desire to go to Avoca Thurs
day mornlnu ; for the purpose of seeing
an attorney. Mr. It , told Vim of course
ho could do as ho chose , but as the
weather was line for husking corn lie
would much rather he would continue
his work , Thursday morning ho took
the team and wagon and went to the
field and had husked half a load. Upon
Mr. ISiiuck going to tlu > . field between 10
and 11 , hu found the horses tied to a tree
at tlio corner of the field with the half
load of corn , but the man wug uowhero
to bo seen. Ho , in company with n
neighbor commenced searching , as he
had noticed I'ompcrin acting .strange
and seemingly much disturbed in
mi ad. After 'a bliort scnrch they
found his body suspended from it
Bargains in Carpets lis Week
Harkness Brothers' .
If you wish a Carpet , no matter what grade , lie sure to call and sec us
before purchattinu elsewhere.
Weoffer special bargains In Dress I'attct'iis and Dress Goods this
week. JSrerythlng In this line will be sold cheap tht coming week , ticc
the imwcnuc stock ,
No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
limb not more than seven feet from the
ground. Ills feet were resting squarely
upon the ground , and life extinct. Ho
had used one of the lines in hanging him
self. It i.s thought by .some that he had
attempted to drown himself , as Ins clothes
.ipon their removal at the coroner's in-
mest wore found to be wet , the Nishna
Botna river being three quarters of a mile
away. The remains were burled in the
Avoca cemetery at 10 o'clock. XYX.
Order coal and wood from Council
Blufl's Fuel Co. before pi ices advance.
M o. C3 ! ) Broadway , Telephone I'M.
Try a Garland Cook stove for soft coal.
Jooper & AlcGce have them.
Sec West Point base heater. Latest im
provement in heating stoves. W. A. Wood.
Personal l'.iratraplls.
W. II. Grail' , of Carson , was in the city
Postmaster ICorth , of Portsmouth , was
n the Bluff" yesterday.
I. W. Cooper is the proud father of a
twelve pound baby girl , now the third
; irl in the family.
Deputy City Clerk John Bnrk is suffer-
ng severely from neuralgia which lias so
atl'ooted his eyes that ho has lost temporary
ary use of one of them , but hopes to re
gain its sight by a few weeks' treatment.
Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer's.
Headquarters for gloves and mittens at
The best stove I ever had is the verdict
of thousands who have used the Radiant
Home base burner. Cooper & McGce ,
They "Wanted Their Pny.
A case of over-anxiety to secure a col
lection is reported as having caused a
real deal of trouble to n woman resid
ing near the corner of Second avenue
and Sixteenth street , which has caused
no little emotion in that neighborhood ,
and excited much sympathy for the f.un-
ly. It appears that the husband , who is
a railway man , recently loft the city to
take a position on another road , and
found himself unable to settle his gro
cery bill. He staled the circumstances to
his creditor and borrowed a few dollars
more with which to go to his new work.
The promised time of payment having
passed , and the indebtedness not having
been met , it is said that the firm went to
the house during the absence of the wife ,
who had taken her little babe and pone
to a friend's house , and all the household
goods were sei/.ed. The seizure and car
rying away arc said to have been without
any attachment or mortgage , and a storm
followed The goods liave since been
taken back and the matter compromised
in some way. The friends of the woman
are highly incensed over the proceed-
jngs , as they have faith in her honesty of
intention to pay the bill as soon as possi
ble. The women of the neighborhood
are threatening a boycott to the grocery
The park commissioners oiler a reward
of $25 for evidence that will lead to the
conviction of any party setting fire to the
grass or timber in Fairmount Park.
A. C ( iKAHAM , President.
J. J. BKO\VN , Secretary.
I can save you money in Stoves. Tin
ware and Hardware. W. A. Wood.
Tito Ilriduo Voto.
The vote on the question of granting a
12-nnll levy for the aid of the now wagon
bridge project , was canvassed yesterday
by the mayor and clerk. The vote stood
2,08 ! ) for the tax , and 1M against it. The
Second precinct of the Second ward was
thrown out because the proper return ?
were not made , but this did not affect
the result , there being so large n majority
for tliu tax. The vote without this pre
cinct stood 1,630 for the tax , and only 124
against it.
Mrs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices , No. ! 128 Broadway.
P. C. DoVol sells Stewart , Climax- ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn
ers. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges , Economy steam and warm
air furnaces , No. SOI Broadway.
The ICiuI of Half A Century of Bculu-
Hlon Prom Ills Kind ,
Long Branch Letter to thn Jersey City
Argus : News has recheil this city to-day
that Klislm John Morrison , aged 75 years
old , the oldest and wealthiest hermit in
the state of Now Jersey , is dying alone
in his little hut , situated about four miles
from hero on the road leading from Ash
bury Park to Popular. Morrison , has
lived a hermit life for nearly half a cen
tury. He was at one time a well known
produce merchant in New York. The
story of his life , disappointment in love ,
and consequent life of exclusion from the
outside world is nn interesting one ,
Fifty-eight years ago he was a farm
boy , apprenticed'to an old New Kngland
farmer named Syker. Ho disliked the
work , but stuck manfully to it for six
years , when his master died leaving him
in his will $100 in cash. It was more
money than ho had ever seen before , let
alone possessing. He took it to one of
the members of the town directory and
asked him what hu should do with it.
The reply was , "Go to school and learn
something , " He took the advice and in
four years graduated from the local
school with high honors. Then ho wont
to college , and after a full eourso put out
his shingle in Keene , N. II. It read :
"Kli&lm John Morrison , Attorney at
Law. " Business was dull , and for n
long time it was u question whether ho
could keep from starving. One day ,
about a year after he had started in
business , a client came to him and asked
if ho could find a purchaser for a lot of
grain which the man had to sell. Morrison
wrote to a New York grain-merchant and
by return mail be leceivcd an order for
the cooils. His commission on the
transaction amounted to about seven
hundred dollars. The Idea of starting
an exchange for the sale of grain for the
farmers of the surrounding country en
tered his head and he invested the com
mission on the sale in renting a store. It
was something new and novel to the
farmers to have a place to sell
their produce so near home , and as they
got as good prices for it as they could
get in Boston or any of the big markets ,
they patronized him. His business grew
to such proportions that he soon cave up
his practice and devoted his whole time
to his exchange. In a couple of years he
started a branch store in Boston. Bus
iness Increased so rapidly that lie was
unable to attend to it himself , and so ho
sold one half his Interest to Joseph Coyle.
Coyle was left in charge of the Keenc
anil Boston stores while Morrison went
to New York and opened another. Good
fortune attended mm , and in a short
time he retired with a forturn of $ r00 ,
000. A mouth or so after
ho had been in New York he mot a
very beautiful yonm ? lady named Kate
Kirby. He visited her regularly , and in
a year he became engaged to be married
to her. The wedding was postponed ,
however , from time to" time , and at last
the lovers quarreled over some trivial
matter and parted. Hardly a week had
passed after the quarrel before Miss
Kirby was married to an intimate friend
of Morrison. The latter seemed heart
broken , and through a lawyer he pur
chased the old Kirby farm , near Long
Branch , from an uncle of his old sweetHeart -
Heart , lie moved from the city imme
diately and erected a dwellimr or , more
correctly speaking , a hut , near the cen
ter of the farm , and settled down to live
in seclusion. From that day to this no
other human being has ever been known
to set foot across the threshold of his
habitation. To-day Morrison is seventy-
live years old , of medium height , snare
figure , and has u short gray stnbblo
beard. His chierdlslikc is a woman , and
he will never , if he can help it , look at
one. Ho has no known relatives. His
money he is supposed to keep buried on
different parts of the farm.
The prompt use of Red Star Cough
( " "lire relieves the worst cold. Twenty-
five cents.
Kill your next year's weeds now. 1'nll ,
dig , mow , rake pile and burn all the
weeds you can lmd > in tilled land , mead
ow , pasture , and'by ' the roadside , now.
and you have destroyed untold millions
of. weed seeds which otherwise next
year would have dovclonuil into noxious ,
lubor making , manure consuming , crop
weakening weeds , enough to make the
heart Hick , the back aehu and the pocket
cnljtj * '
For cramps or spasms of the stomach ,
colic and obscure pains , take ; i few drops
of Dr. J , II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini-
incut on sugar or mixed with syrup , nl
intervals during the day , and the pains
will be promptly and effectually subdued.
Fall plowing , to have the best effect ,
.should be late and the furrows left loose
bet on edge that the action of
the frost may he complete. Flat
furrows shield the lower soil from frost ,
thus impeding its beneficial operation.
Send to C. L Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
Mass. , for a book containing statemi'iitH
of many remarkable cures by Hood's
If pumpkins are good food for cattle
the bi'it thin * , to fc-d ( them is before they
are fro/en and while the tcniiiritiivo | : is
not low enough to chill aninmls that
take into their .stomachs fifty pounds of
the watery btull'at a mess.
I cured riiRiimatibin in the knee by
using St. Jacob s Oil. Charles S , Strick
land , Boston.
Diphtheria l nunui innldtiK Its minimi visita
tion. Ten yuan.1 trlulof Olt.TIIOS. .IBFrUHIS'
HK.MKDV lor thnt 1 ill ill mi'lady lias ilmuon-
Mralod the luct that It U Inlalliblu as u prevent
ive ami euro. It you iiormlt your uhllilrcn to
dlo with diphtheria. "Their blood bo upon your
head. " For sale only at the oilier , No 1 Houth
StliM root , Council llmirs , la. , or sent by tMpices
on rocolpt of price , ? - ' .
I'roni tlio Omaha HUG :
Mr. J. H , Uutlor , of Iliuol DcllJ'oltawaltnrnlo
Co. , Iowa , and his family or uluvon persons ,
wcro all sick with mallunant diphtheria. livery
one ol' thorn him reccwrod by llio licit ot Dr.
Jelferls' I'rnvrnuvo mm uiiro jor Diphtheria ,
without the aid ) of u uliyfllclnn.
U. II. niiilfcsluo , of No. HID Camiilioll street ,
ninhii , who recently lost u bountiful uml l.i-
torrsthiir dTiUKhte'r. nsed about IB years , by
. ! lphth ( > rla , under the treatment of one of tbo
licbt iiliyflclniiR In Omaha , writes to Dr. Jollerls ,
ol this city : "Vour roniody for ilipbtliurm eaino
too late , cm-dear daughter was dvlntr whim It
was received. 1 am satlslled that her llfn could
have linen unveil. Another one ol ourdilldrmi
who had llio diphtheria , her tluoiit WUH lllla.l
up with tlio puIrK ) ; iilci > rutloi ) , wo utcd yum
nioillclno and In twelve hours the dgi | > a-e wiifl
completely stibdu < xl. In the lutuio uo will
fceupyour ineilli'liiif At all times In our IIOIIMI.
Wo fuel that It btivo < l the llfn of ono ot uur chil
dren. Wo nro very thiuiKful fo you , and only
rotrrot that wo did * i i > t call on you BOonnr. "
From the Council HlulTB Dully ( llohe :
M. A. MuPIKii , editor of the Cambria ( ibens- :
burtr , I'n.l Freeman , has tiuou the personal
friend of the edltoriof the Qlobo for more than
twenty yours , nndilH known wliaruvur tie U
known as onn of the best men living. III * family
was ravaged with diphtheria , and trreatly lib
trei-seil. Setae of Dr. JolTurls' Diphtheria Cure
was Hf-ed , and tilt * lives of the rpstof bis child
ren saved. I.etlorsfrom Mr. Mcl'lko are un
bounded In their expressions of tcratlludo for
tlndlnir sniiio innniH of avert Inir tlio leas of at
his Illilo ones. Klvn of Mr. Mel'lke'g children
out of olirht dlod fiuui diphtheria before Ue had
na opportunity of UMnir Dr. Jetforls remedy.
nv.-U'Krsil iirsi-eriiiA !
Dyepoptlo , why livirln misery and dlo m dls-
pair with concur oft ! ko ntcnmicli ? Dr. Thomas
JetTerid cures every' case of Indigestion and
constipation In a very short time. Debt of ref
erences irivon. Dyepopala is the COHKO ol
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions.
1'rlco f 5 fort vo works treatment.
Dr. Jefforls1 diphtheria meillclno Is Infallible
for all klmU of wire throats. Indlspcnslblo In
putrid Here thront , in malltrnanl beat lot foxer ,
chatiKinK It In i * hours to the f linplii form. Inful
Illiie cure for all Inllammatory , ulcorutlvc , put
rid , cancerous ulccratlon ot the womb and all
catarrhil conditions. , . ,
Full printed liiitriietlon * how to use the medi
cines sent with them. No doctor required.
llr , .JeOVrli' remedies can only bo obtained 1
hie olllce. No , 23 South Eighth street , Counol
Uluffs , Iowa , or &ent Sy oupross on recalpt of
price. _
KtUUIilioa 1UT
Jon't forget that the Council Muff * Cttrnct Com pit HH wilt make a
clutttf/e In thrivli'm on Jmniai'u Jst ncjcl , ami that they arc bound to
materially rcilnrtt their stock before that ilay.
Go sec them before yon purchase elsewhere , and obtain their price * .
Jf yon want to buy anything In their line they will give yon prices that
icill ccrlninly suit you.
Their stock conslfts of all yrailcs and makes of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Window Shades ,
A lot of Table Linens , Towels and Xtipklni to clone out at LKSS
THAXCOST. See them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Lcadipg Sb'lcs and Impopbotlops Qopstapbly op
14O6 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
GLEASON , = * " "stt" '
I Will Pay the Highest Price in Cash
: MT ,
Special advertisements , tuqh as Lost , To'.md
Tol-onn , For Snle , To Ilont , VvnntB , lionrdlnir ,
etc. , will bchiscrtud In thin column ( it the low
ratoofTEN CENTS VKll LINK for iho first Insor-
lonund Five Cents 1'er Line for < 'adi subsequent
insertion. Leave AdvcrllaomcntH ut our olllco
No. 12 1'cal street , near liroartwuy , Council
p'OU KENT ITurnlsiicri rooms , filfl Ilhitrst.
WANTED--A boy with pony to cnrry Uco
Oil SAU5 Old papers for Bale nt the lloo
WANTED Parties intcmliiitf to lie uiariicd
are wanted to call lit the Pryor's Uco job
ofllcc to f elect tliulr ueddliiK cardy.
All Work Guaranteed to Give Satis
in the Latest Styie ,
Dresses to OrJer ,
None but experienced hands employed.
Out of town orders solicited. Refers to
those who have had woik done.
Mrs , L Simmons ,
\t\ \ \ \\\Q \ \ \ following Companies :
Cimian American , of Hew York
Phwnlx. * of Hartford.
Hartford , * of Hartford ,
Callfornian , of San Francisco ,
Scottish Union & National , of ftHnbiirj ,
Union , ot San Francisco ,
State , ' ' of Des Molnes.
Wllllanisburj City , ' of Brooklyn ,
Those lanrlitd with a * Insure also against lost iy
Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes
RAI-K.S. * * * * * * * , . * + * * *
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , ,
AtV. . S. Homer & Co's , No , 23 Main st
Council Binds.
The only hotel in Council IJIulV * having
And all ino 'cm improvement * . .
216 , 317 and 210 Main st.
MAX MOIiN , 1'rop.
I. . < liters , JTournnlH , Omiily and
lEtmk Work of All K finis u Spec
Prompt Attentionjo Mall Orders
Room 1 Uvcret lUock , Council Binds.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
flF.nHUNfT.S : :
C. n. National Hank , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
Citi/ens1 Hunk. Derni , WelM Ar Co. ,
tilrst National Hunk , C. II. lnuninco ( 'o. ,
nlHcer&i'uBey.Hnnkors.C.U Siivlturs llanlc.
Practice in the Slate and Federal courts
Koouib ? and 8 Shti art-lieno Ulo'sk.CJ
Justice of the Peace
Office over Ameiican Rxprcik.
Horses and Mules
Kor all burposcs , bought anil sold , nt retail
and in lots. Large quantities to sclcc
fioin. Several pairs of flue ilrivcrs , bin-
ile ; or double ,
Council 1 ! I nil's.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Ilouee , sign and decorative painter. Papier
Mache wall ornaments ,
None hut best Lands employed and charges
Na. 328 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Pamtan Millinery Co , Manager.
18 N. Main st , Council lilufl' * , la. , anil 209
S. mill ht , loom 10 , Omaha , Nub ,
lUuufactuivr'h .Agentfor tlie
Tcnlk , Awning * , Roofing , Slate , MantfU ,
Plato and Window Glass , Show Oases
KlcratorSj ( hand an.daulic , etc.
For a buyer to no where the Inrgcst Stock-1 \ ,
and Greatest Varieties arc kept in any one T
line. Again , if seller has Exi'RRlKNCKD
ACCOMMODATIONS faithful and trusty help-
those who buy will be agreeably served )
and if seller gives rtLL weights and meas
ures , you have three excellent reasons for *
patronizing such a firm. ,
Kucl consumers ought therefore to buy of
No. 688 IJroadway , Council Blurts.
Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Bugglas ,
Cm rlujfos , ito : , ito. : Council Hlilllc , low .
MnmifmiHiri'iMif unit Denier * In
Hand anl Power Com Shell rs ,
Ami nKciionil HUD of llrst oln s iiKrloultuinl
Implement" .
Nof. IfiOl , IWI , 1.Vfi niul 1M7 ? ontli Main Strott ,
_ OomiL'il lliiilts IOWH.
MnntifrH nml .lobbciA of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Carrlijrrn , itnd nil kinds of Farm Mnolilnunr.
1100 to 1119 South Mnln Street , Council lllurft ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Sbades
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , UphoUtory Ooo
Etc. Na 405 Hromlwny Council UluITi ,
CWAltS , TOllACCO , Kn\
Wliolosnlo .lolilmrs In ths
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMaln aud 27 Ponrl Sts. Council Uluffs ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No.JU'o.irl St , Council 'Huffs.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Driif Klgts' Sunilrles. Kto. No. 22 Mnln St. , and
Ko. 21 I'onrl t t. . Council ItliilTg.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Gcnurnl Coinml'slon. No. SU liroailwiijr.
Council 111 u ITS.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
Noa. 10 tuiil 18 IVirl gt. , Council IllutTa.
ilntm'HL'turcrs of and WhoMnlu Dollars In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Ko Mnln lit. . Council IlluifJ , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nop. iiCJanil 311 IH'Oiulwiiy , Counoll Bluff * .
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council liliilFfl , Iowa.
< nt ; & .
Whnlosiilo Dcnlora In
Illuminating & Lubricatia * Oil * Gurtlu
H.TIieewlorn\fuiit ( , Cimuoil lllulTg. Io\rn.
Hard Wood , Southard Lumbar , Piling ,
tail Urldifo Muli'rhil Spnolultlcs.Wlioloxiilo ljiu-
Uer of all Kinds. Ullko Xo. I'M Maiu St. .
Council HlulM.
tt'lXUS .i.WJ
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
forBt. ( Jottlmnrs Hurl * llltti' . Nu. 11
MiUnSt. Cuiiurll Illiitfs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
, \u UU Mnln St. . CiiitiicU HluJ * . .
} . . KWSC'HT & CO. ,
Wholesale Liqmr Dealers.
No. 410 llnmdwny. Council HlulM
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies o'uying n $5 hat or bonnet , one fnru
will l e paid ; Sio , tound Irip.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Opposite Dmiimj- Depot ,
1 S
P5 -
anil inulps kept coii t.nitiv < m
hand , for Kiilo nt rtitail or in car ! oul : . Or
ders promptly tilled \ > y conintel on short
noliru. Stock frnld on ciimnin.-
HUM THC .V Hui.i-.v' , l'roprie r < i
Tciophom ; No 111
Fnrmurlj ol Kcil Sulu Stnuloj , rornrr
Ut. iivii and -llh sttvut.
It. HICE , M. D. ,
< ) r othm-'l IHIIWM ifiuoro
Orur tbiu . ' "i ' .
louts | ir itii.'uuixV ! ' ' 3t-1J.
No. 11 1'ourlSt. ' . Council llluQs.
t3trCuoeuUulloii tret ,