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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ5 : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 6 , 1880. PLANKINTON IN THE PIT , The Milwaukee Speculator at the Head of a Big Deal in Decetaber Wheat. PLAINLY AN ARMOUR MOVE 2 he Cuttle Trade Slmr-Tho Hoe Star- Hot Opens Well , IJut Rccomos Weak on Account of the Htrlko - fncrM Quotation ! . C1UUAGO PnoO\iCE MAKK1VT. CiitcAno * "v'l WClai Tele to , lncitgtl the Urn.J-The strike at the ya " scalpers to tnfce on pork and phorU to cover. The January option was at once advanced to $10.30 trotn 810.15. The other product was up In proportion. The chief Interest In the wheat pit centered around purchasers of No vember and the selling of December that came on advices from John I'lnnklnton nt Milwaukee. At least 2,000,000 bushels of vvhcnt was changed In this way by C , J , 1 Kcrshaw t Co , , Jackson Uros. , ami &ne or two other Milwaukee houses. The pressure on November became so great that It ad vanced up to within lWl ? c of December. whereas the spread all last week was lc , The movement jiu/zlcd the crowd. It was plainly an Armour move , although It came from Milwaukee. If John Planklnton had been short 2,000,000 bushels uf wheat in this market the move would have been plain enough , but the best posted traders declaru that he has not been "short * * wlieat at all. It Is supvoeil ) to be the plan of Armour to get control of cash wheat. He already Is carry- IHK about C.OOO.KX ) bushels of cash. Ifheca'n c ut the other : t,000.000 bushels here he will be I n control , can widen out the carrying chan.'u.s , in.tUc better profits on his money , can advance the market If he chooses or depress It ealer if he cares to. He will be in control , and this the other big grain carriers here , who were greatly niyslliied. Unally de cided was the meaning of the transaction. If December Is advanced to-morrow sothat men like I'ool A Kg * lesion can sell their wheat so that the .spread will pay their Interest and In surance , then undoubtedly on December 1 nil cash wheat hcie , 7,000,000 bushels nf It , will be In Armour's safe. These orders that came from Milwaukee were the only feature to the wheat pit , i'tii-rowcro some engage- month of wheat for export at New York , and the movement of wheat In the northwest was \ cry much smaller than yesterday. Wheat kept steady between 743 ( g71Jfc for Decem ber , and this , too. although there was not much outside business. In corn S-'livvartz , Dupeo A Co. still continue to lead in trans actions. The Eosslii is that these operations are largely for Ullly Murray. a speculator who up to two jears ago was the biggest and most successful grain and provision plunger in the market There was moderate tradlnc on the after noon boatd , and wheat was tirm and Ir.ictlonally liit'hir. Exports of twenty- seven boat loads from New orl ? was the cause of the nrmneb- . Wheat closed strong nnd higher : 7./c ! No vember , 74 'c December , T.Vfe'CST.'i'.iC January. bl'iSMJifc May. Corn active , strong and higher : : > 'jc ' November. 374c } December , 4 3 , f < H-lfr Miiy. Oats steady ; ST.Ji November , ' - CJiCc December. Pork easier : ' .i.35 Novem ber , S'J.n ; December , SU.32 for the j ear. S10.17U January , l.ard easier ; SV. > . ' > Novem ber. S5.U7' { December. S5.U5 tor the j ear , (5.05 ( .January. Sliort ribs steady. 2:41 p. m - Puts on December were U/c ; call * . 74J4c. Puts on May corn , 4'ic , calL + Wi.Kec. CHICAGO LIVC STOCK. CHICAOO , Nov. 5. [ Special Telecram to the BI.K.J CATTIX. Trade was slow , yet there was more stock going over the tcales than jcsterday morn ing and more liberal orders from eastern markets. Neai ly all the regular shippers were buying , as was also Swift and Morris , for shipment alive to points east , where they can t > e dressed for the trade of the respective firms. There are really no fixed values for any class of cattle , except , perhaps , the very best natives. In all otheis values aie uncertain mul uneven. Shippers would do well to keen themselves closely posted , and not to make shipments until so ordered by their commis sion men. lx > w grade native stock and can ning stock arc not umklni : cost and expeui-es in this market at piesent The stockcr and feeder trade continues dull , and there has not been a bale of stock calves In three days , al though there are six or seven loads on the mar ket. Shipping stecrs.lS.V ) to 1500 lbsS4.CO@5. 10 ; 1200 to 1UO Ibs. . 3 .0o@4.60 ; P50 to 1200 Ibs , S3.-UK.i3 1.00. Through ' 1 exas cattle e.xtremely dull and nearly unsalable on account of the strike ; Mew * . 5' ' . : ® : i.We ) : cows. El."jO ® y.'i' ) . Western raneeis dull , Nile * : 17:5 : Montana * ) , ISO ) Ibs , S3.40 ; Ul Montanas , 12.V2 Ibs , SUO : ; 24 Mnntanas. 1271 Ibs , S-Vr > ; ra Texans. ! H2 Ibs , S3.15 ; 110 Texan s. 14s Ibs , Si si : \\joming Texan ? . lO.Vi Ihs , JACK ) ; Ibs , V cows. irJOlbs , S'-.40 ; 130 Monlnnas , 1 ] r. & 3.00 ; \VvoinlllL' * , 1110 Ibs. s > n,10 ; ! M cows , 1WS Ibs , S2.S.1 ; 20 Montana I'exans , 9-i'J Ibs. F2Sr > ; 4. ! W > online Texan s , ' ,170 Ib * . SJ.O ; 71 Montana1201 Itis. fc-i.i" . ; 20 Wvomlng 'iY\uis : , cow. . si * Ibs , S..tiO ! ; SJ Mi maim * . 1M > Ibs Siffii ; 2H tallln. * . 1143 Ibs , SilO ; TV MfiHtainis. llfiO Ib * , S2.2. ' . . Hoe * At the lir t dash this niorninc there was quite an active demand at Ullly as high priesasjester < la > , but ns the tumbles In the beet Mouse * he-can to < lev filop , together with minors that the men In tlio pork houses would piGlKibly leave their work to-day , values weakened and at the clotevxeieasood 5- lower t Mil n at the open hit : . A few tanoy , t.'llt edge sorts sold at S4.0.4.iri , mul fanej butchers pigs nt S3.tflQ4.lO , out the bulk of packing sorui sold within aranuenf S.5.MT < < u.lH ) , \\itli riiiiKh and common at SimXriS 70 : lilght soitssuldalSS.Va&i.OO anil common a 5H co-tra M ) . F1NANU1A.U Ne-.T York. Nov. S.--MOVBV On cull active at 40i7 per cent , closing at 3 pe cent asked. 1'ltlMK Mr.llCA.VTII.B PAPEK 4O5 per cent. STr.nt.i.fn EXTIIAXOK Fairly actlvn but steady at 4.604 for sixty Jay bills : tor ilc in unit. UovEKSMhXTS Government bonds were dull nnd | KMV > fur reglsteicd 4-- , ' * and coupon pen 4R. STOCKS Stocks vvero tnoio active. The opnliiL' | > vas wrak at a decllnu In the active Jit fintn' ( , to * < wr cent. The weakness rontinut'd tor a shot ! tiinu alter the oj.x-nint ; . The market soon rallied , however , audb ) noon prlrcf , were cenprally a fraction above the opening. A sllKht decline tolloncil by another general advance. TliB niovement culminated alunit l'O : , alter which there vvua little movement In prices and the maiket rliibo < l stead ) to tirm. clo u to thu bcM of thu day. STOCKS ox WA.LU srnr.BT. 3 V ctnt bonds. . 10JSa A N. W 117V U. b. 4H1 ! , . . mv pieferred. Hi V New 4't lastf.-N'.Y. C 1'r.cifie ft'H of 'M , VM lOrecon Trail Central I'licllicIC Pacltic Mail C. A A . 144 r. 1) . A E pruKTrca HO ir. i\c 14:1 : C. ft..tQ JSU't ' Kock Ihland. . , l'-7H It. 1 , . , V\V . . . 141st. . L.&S. K. . . 1) ) . &H G 81VI tireferred. . Krie. . . f0. . , M. A St. V. preferred . "id preferred. . ItOJf llllnulb Omul. iu : SI. I' . AC I. . H , * W 19 preferred. . ' Teta I'atltsc . 21S l.nVr Sliuro . Vft L'tnon I'acltie , . , ' 'SP U A N Sfi)4W.l | St. I * A 1' . , Mich. Cenlul M prrferreU. . Wo. I'Aclilc . . ! ? > ; Western Uulon Xorlliern I'ao , Sx O. . 1C AN. . . . 6i I 1'UOIlUCK M\KHiT8. , N'ov. 5. Klour- Steady and un ehtnced ; winter wheat flour , 84.0.V34.10 ; touibetn , SS-'iO I-OO ; Wisconsin. 84-00 4.10 ; Ulchlgun hoU tprltikwhtit , 5X y .50 ; Mln- . lov % . ' ; ti ; i > o rlour. quiet at In haireli. and $3.0CVai'0 lu about yesterday's close and co. ed he hlictcr , bfinc about kteaily thiougfiout tin-day ; ra-h. 75-Ve ; December , 74xc : l ninrj , l.l.llbo ; M y , bl 5-lOc. Corn Firm iu.t ttimswlikt UlKiier and ODfOftl 'o < rul Uic uice a T Kterdav' close , closing Vc hl-jluj : cajb.SCKo ; Decemtxjr , S7 c ; Jantiar-f silo ; iuy , 4S 9-l8e. OHU Dull , qalrind uncbiui.'ed ; cash , 35)1 * : ; Dev'tjawr.-Jt c , Uij , SO iC. Jf/e ytrui t31c. iJsrley-Duil at Me. I laseeaW , c. Timothy feed , Pnm Wln ky-si.i9. , , X9rk 9llvatlc0tI I1 > < il" > c early but ctropia W.KP , closing fn\lf lower : cash and De cember , 5 ! > . ? 5i January. S10..17' < . Lard Trifle hleher. clo lng ' . ( > { 95c lower ' for cash : cash , S5.M ; December , S-VJ7K : January , . Bulk Mtnts-Shouldcrj , SV10@.V20 ; shurt clear. 0.av i.lO ; short ribs. S-12.1. Hutter Firmer ; creamery , 10@2Cc : dairy , . . Cheese Steady and firm ; full-cream Ched dars , il ( lPc : Hats HS'ill ( ? ic ; young AtnrrlcallUWli c : skims , , . Me each. Tallow-No. 1 country , P > < @ c ; No. 8c ; cake , Flour.bbls 15 OJO ll.Odd I Wheat , bo 141,000 7.000 Com , mi ISKIIOO 16S.P I Oatx.bu . Hu.wW Ityc , ou . 3.0W none Harier.ou . . . . . . 47.000 ' -M.OQU Novv Vork. Nov. fi. Wheat llereipts , 4J.OOO : exjwrts , 47,000 ; shade lower , later-re acted * ' { c , aferwards dcclinwi Ufa.c , losing heavy : unitraded red , 7CK Si ( c ; No. J ed , srJts/Kcnclev-atur3 ( ( { < ' afloat ; No. Ired , k \ Xo. a red , ssj.'c In elevator , 54 i@ c atloat ; December closing nt S-V c. Corn Jspot nrm , but less active ; options shade hlelicr , closing steady : leceHits t9,000 ; cxpott" . W.OOO ; uugradrd , 4p < < J4iike ' ; ol \ No. 3. 4fHc ; new No. 3 , 43f } c ; No 2. 4. ; < ! 4' > Kc In elevator , 4. < Pb < 2-lo fc ailoat ; Deem- ber closet ! at W < } fa Oats-Shade stronger ; receipts 4'5.000 , ex ports , none : mixed western , $ # { ( < tMc ; white wc'tern , 3X > t40c. Petroleum Firm ; I'nltpd closed at O.'Oi'c. Escs Finn and demand fair ; western , "SKOiilKc. Pork Steadv and moderate demand. hard Higher and fairly active ; western spot , Sfi.27K ( & > ' 0. Uutter Firm ; western , 12giic. ( Cheese Quiet nd hrm. Mlnncnpoils. Nov.Wheat Steady. ern. cash , Ge ; December. C'.i-jc. } Flour-Patents , S4.10yM.23 ; bakers , 5110 ® 3 ' 5 'Tjeoelnts Whrat , 170.000 bu. ; flour , lilbbl * , Shipments Wheat , 00,000 mr Hour , H',000 ' bbl * . Milwaukee ) , Nov. S. Wheat Dull ; cash , 71'fc ; December , 72Uc ; January , TS. ' c. Corn Steady : No. 2. Si ) { & Oats Firm ; No. 2Uo' c. Itye-Quiet ; No. I.Me. Barley-Higher ; No. 2 , 5. > c. Provisions Firmer. Pork-November , Sy.35 ; December , 89.40. Cincinnati , Nov. 5. Wheat Heavy ; No. 2 led , 7Co. Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed. 3fij' ? < < - Oats Firmer ; No. 2 , ml\e < l. 'Jih.Uc. . Hye-Qtilet and hrm ; No 2 , 5lc. Pork-Quiut at , * 'J.50. hard-Finn ; prime steam. SfiOO. Whibkv Active but tirm at SI .13. Bt , Liouls. Nov. 5. Wheat Firm and higher ; No. 2 red. c.lh. 7.X\c ; December , 7G' , c asked ; May , S4JJftts c. Corn Dull but a tiaction hicher : No. 2 mixed , cash anil December , 34u ; Januaiy , 33'4c ; Mav. IW g'W'sc. Oat-Stenily ; No. 2 , cash. a'-Kc ; Decem ber , 'JC c ; .lanunry , 26-40 : May , U0.\c. live-Kasy at 4s > 4@-4lic. Whisky S1.13. Tork Strong at S9.S7K- Lard-Higher at 5.yov < i50- . Uutter Active and steady ; creamery , 24 ® 25c : dairy , I' ' ( < fc20c. , , Afternoon Hoard Wheat-Firm and M'3 )4c ) lilcher. Corn Unclmncwl. Toledo , Nov. 5. Dull ; cash , 77c. Corn Firm ; cash , SbJ c. Oats Neclected. K.inHnK City , Nov. 5. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red. cash , Cls c bid ; December , C2'4c ; May , 70 c bid. Com Quiet ; No. 2. cash. 2 ! ) c bid ; De cember , 8o\c -ked ; Mav , 3."J < cOats - Oats Nominal ; cash , : w , : < c asked. New Orleans , Nov. 5. Corn Steady ; mixed , 4Wj4Cc ; jellow , 4 < X < 47c ; vhitL47@ 4tc. 4tc.Oats Firmer : choice wetern , Me. Cotnmual Quiet at Silo. Ho * 1'roduct * . In good demand at full prices. Poik-SlO.01 ! . Lard Itatined tierce , SO.OO. liulK Meats Shoulders , S5.12' ; long cleat and clear rib , 0.23. Mvorpool , Nov. 5. Wheat In poor demand and dull ; new , No. 2 , winter , Os bkd ; spring , Csbd. Flour In poor demand but steady at ts 1. Corn In poor demand and dull ; Novem ber aud December , 4s 4d ; January , 4aS-iU. ) L.IVK . STOCK. ChtoaKo , Nov. 5. Tha Drover's Journal renortsas follows : Cattle lleceipts , 7.000 : shipping steers. S3.40(3.5.10 ( ; stockers and teeder.s S ± 00i.i"i ; cow * , bulls and inKed , SLOOtft-J-Tfl : bulk. S1.7.yg2.25 ; throuch Texas cattle , dull and neailv unsalcableon accountof-.triKe avi- . , S' ' . : S3.00 ; vvetern ranijeis , dull. Hoxs Kecelpls , S3tHW ; shade lowpr on packing ; rotiBh and mixed , S3.1V5 ; . ) * . ' > ; iiackltiK and shiiipliiEr , Si.7" : > < ! i4.05 ; light , 3.4584.15 ; skips , i2.Mi3.40. Shccp-Heceipt * . a.ono ; bteady but veiy e.ik ; native * . S1.'V ' < ( . . . * 0 : v\e.tern. S3. & > 3 1.00 ; Toxftiis , S''.tw : Iambs S'-.7otrf4.40 St. I < ottls , Nov. 5. CattlpReceipts , fiOO ; shipment- < > J. iipply not equal to the demand ; prns cleared early at .stroiis : ) irices ; choice heavy native steers. S4.Xy ! < | 4.SJ ; fair good , 81.50i-4..i ! ! ! ! : butchers' .steers , fair to extra. S3.liAa4.l5 ; leeilers , f.iir to good , H2.Wxi.VJJ ; atockers , fair to good , S-.25a ) 2 MX MXHoas IJicelpt < , 5.000 ; a.iipments , 2,000 ; strong and active on light grade : , btPady on butchers .vuil weak on ] > ackpr < , with all sold , clo inc tirm : choliv lu'-ivyaiid butcherV - election tion- ! . S.lCO'ir4 01 : packers , fair to best. Sl.ftl ( ii3 h5 ; Votkcrs , medium to choice , t-3.5w U.IHJ ; pi < s , common to good , S2.-5jM.75. ! ( City , Nov. 5. Cattle Itecelpt , 3,000 ; oliliuents. | 2XK , ( > ; good , steady ; com mon weak , and slow common to choice , tacwj . .OObtockciN S2.-i'.fei7.r. : feeding steur . S2.tsti@.i.flO ; covvs. S1.5'XiJ2.fO. JloirPiPiiipts , Itl.lKXJ ; shipments 'Mi ; Cuiumou to choice , S3..VHS3.1X ) . OMAHA MVU STOCK. Frldaj Evpulng , Nov. 5. CATrtn The receijits of cattle continue light , though today's receipts .show : i Mlgiit gain over iesterd v. Thcie v\eie several loads of corn fed cattle In which sold re.ulily on thu market. Hois-TiolioL' ) mark-ft was about steady at vestcrday'prices. . There was not much u-tiv It.v on tlio iu.irki-t mid D uumber of load > wcro left over unsold. SiiKUf Theie was uothlngdolnc ou the market. Cattle Prevulllnif Prloos. Showing tlic prevailing prices paid for live Mock on thl * ) m.irlev. Choice steers , Itv ) to l.WiO lt ? . SV-'Sia'l.M Choice htwrs , 11W to 13M Ibs . 8.7V < r4. ; Medium steals , liOJ to 1WJ Ib- . . . 8. < VKo4.l5 ( Soon f coders , . 2.WX ! .00 ( ! oed to ciioi-o corn-fed cows . Hangecows . .Vil Fair to medium grass cow- ; . . . . . . . 2.0D , Hood tocnolc-J Dull * . . . . . I.W Light und meiiium nogs . a./ Coed to cholco heavy I'ogs . B..VX.i3G. ' > ( ! oed to choice mixed nu.s . . X.4M'AM KouL'ti throw ou t * . i.W.u'ACX ) ( iooi ] to choioe slieep . S.7.V ji.25 Fair to good shtep . 2.25 ( < f2..lX ) Koprukoiuativn Salcn. No. Av. Pr. N < . Av. Pr. 100 . . .1021 SSOi ) SS..ia\7 S3.10 40. . . . 1003 SOU 2..13MI 3.10 w KsTKitr ; cow- . . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 45 . . . vrt 5o . No. APr. . No. Av. Pr , 54. . ,1214 Sl.M nun * . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. SliV. Pr. 7i'tS 240 S.157W CS..K07 2 < 0 $3.W > 71 S4i ! 20 aCO 5J..207 4'J a.ft'i .V. .274 S.GO 57. .278 W 3.M G5 , 2M SCO S.fO ( U.-2SO 2bO aiU M..23S KO S.fO 6S .312 3.C5 J.i&9 120 ae2J < T1IKOWOUTS. No , Av. Shk. 1'r. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 3. . . 300 .SO SJOO 1 . .1100 . , 3.50 1 . .CM tO i& Itnoce bhowine tlio Inchest and lowest prices paid t or loids ut UCRS oa this market the pa t even days and for the same time last year : Sept. IWrt. Oct IN * I Oct. IV&- :0th 410 3 < .30 W.ISO 31st 3.10 > Oct. Nov. j Nov. m aso 4.r. 3.65 & .170 Sunday 2nd 3.91 3rd i Sunday 4 Hi 4.10 342ft _ . . . . . _ * Ui J.05 ft < S0 _ .S7'4JL'I .1(1) Q.I.H Klilpincnts. Khovvlng the number of cars of rattle , hoes nnd shcvp sldiiped from Sjutli Omaha during the day : TATTLE. > o. cars. Kotile. Destination. 4 tt. A-.M Weslcrn.Neb. Allsilesof stock In this market arc made iercvvt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead Imps * ell t Kci > cr Ib. for nil weight * . "Skins , " or hoiri vveiiililnc Iut than lee Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows pre docked 40 Ibs. nnd stags SO Ibs. but Io\t' < Hops averaged Gl to the car. Thirteen loads of hogs left over. Lluhl hoes are In better demand than uvavr. Corn fed steers sold as high as ! 4.00 < ! t I.5 to-day. M. Ilutton , Katidolph , la. , was a visitor at thej anls , N. M. ( Joodoll was hercand bought 100 head of feedeis. H. C. D.iwson , Btidicott , was lookinc over the yards to-day. A. J. ( irecnamycr had two loads of cattle In from the Hlulfs. A.V. . Ueahm. Cortland , was looklne over thu tnaikut tu-day. The Carter Cattle company , ( lieen Hiver , had lour loads of cattle at the yards. O. A. Woolcott was In and bought 40 head of feeders lor hl > ranch near Klkliorn. (5. II. Hammond V Co. , received bcven load * of cattle bought In other markets. Suffolk Cattle companj , Smlthwlck , Da kota Territory , had In seventeen loads of cat tle. William Dalev , cx-Unltcd States martini , Ncmaha county , vvas > heru looking for feed ers. ers.Two Two bunches of porn fed cattle , U2 head. wi'ie bought by ( j. 11. Hammond it Co. at private terms. Clay , KobltKon & Co. , of Chicago , have made arrancempiits tn oin-n n live stock com- inlbslon otlice here. Mahoney , Karrall A Co. , have ox'iied ] up an nlllco here tor the transaction of a live stork commission business. Mr. Abbey , Hoc buyer lor Xorth t Co. , was at the yards a aln to-d.iy , after bt'lnc criii- lined to las room for three weeks with sick ness. ness.Notice Notice has been given by the management of the new Llpton packing hou c that tliey will begin killing ho s on Tuesday. They prefer llijht hoes. The Swan Land and Cattle Co. , Hock Cri' 'k. hail ten load of cattle in. hew Householder - holder came in with them. One hundred and thirty-nine head weru sold on tlio market. Wood. Bancroft & Co. , Madibnn , had four * , of corn fed cattle on the market. J. Libbey had in four loads fiom the ame place , Tlic > were sold on the market. On the market with hoes : Klles it Co. , Cedat lEaplds : Morrkon. Kullerton ; O. Des mend , litirnett : ,1. Araenter. fcttiart : .1. M. Mediae. Vntan : S. llolllday , llartlnirton ; Stitt & Bryant , Coin , la. : .1. Wilhelmsen , Daniiobioz ; K. Hov , bilver Creek ; 11. Smith , Ti lend ; Tlioma < * I'ovvi'rs. Sutton ; Snell ifc Aancw. Abliland ; Black & Jorgeiisen , Min- den. den.The The raid lly inereaslnz buslne < ; at the yard sand tin' number of new commission linns that have cone hcie of late , are taxing the pxclitinuc huildinjr to its fullest c. pacity ior oUice loom. The original plan of the building melmleil an e\tetibie wing , which could be put on at any time , and from pres ent appearance- , the storls yard * company will be ! forced to build in tl.e spring. OMAHA AVIIOL.KSAM : MAKKKTS. General L'rotliice. Friday , Xov. 5. Tir/oIIoiffiig ? prices irc ior romitf lot nf product , an soM on llic iiuirAcl fotfrijTlie / quotations on fritits rt'pre cn tnc prices at whtcli oiitsiticorilcri ure filled. Eoc.s The receipts of fre ii s > tock are not large and the market is teady at COe. A peed many cold storage ejcsaie cominc in. which arc generally > elllii ) ; tit 1'Je , which keej s the market ( low n. BL'TTEII The butterine law went Into effect on the nrstot the month , nnd K belli. ; strictly enforced. It hahad a ten dency to increase the demand for but- tor. Fre-h crcatnerv , SS V ; ; fresh dairv , lSOi20c ; choice country roll. ixjiJOe : choice country , -olid packed , 17@l c ; good country roll , lOfViiTr ; good country , 0lld packed , IH lCc ; Fair , llSHc ( ; common , Cnr.r. = K Full cream Cheddars , sinlP. 13c , full cream Hats , twins , i : < c ; Vimiii ; American , l3Kc : fancy awiss , I4(3l5c ( : Svvi . imported , a. > : Limourser. 12' $ ; brick , 13c. Pol i.Tin The market Is not verv active. The receipts of live poultry ate not heavy and thej sell blow. The weather has been too warm for handling dieted poultry to the be-jt ndrantncp. Old chickens , choice , periloz. . S2.0W > J3.SO ; spring chickens , 5J.OO.d2 iO ; ducks SJ..Wu ; 2.75 ; turkeis , i > er Ib. N : ; geese , S0.00.i\00. ( Dressed poultry , chicken * , ner Ib , fe ( tOe ; ducks. 10alle ( ; turkev.l ltl2 c. l'OTAioi > There have been a good .many putatot In and the market has been t.iirlv active. The approach of cold weather ha- > made retail dealers runic niivious to put in their vv Intel Mock * . ( Jood choice stock is sellinc all tlieway from 55i.V > c. Small or poor &tock . ' ! 0i5lOc. ( ONIOSS There has been a car of choice yellow Michigan onions in this week which sold tl'.0Common Xebiaska stock is slow- bale , in Miiall lots , all the vv ay tioia ( VJ/tWi.- . Api'i.KThere is no * cacity of apple * . The ni.uket is llDernlly supplied vvitii all grade * . The market Is fairly active. Com mon block , ? 1.7.V 00 ; choice Mistoiin stocK , S..OUiiJ.'J'i ; Micnigan toc-U , J.UOa-'iO ; fancy -Michigan , 53.W. CBI.I r.The receiuts arc o heavy that dealers are unable to dispoo ol it all , ( 'lnice * tock is elling at : > iK.'f-l0c IK.T do/ . Ov sTi.usThe demand foi o > * terIs heavy and dealer * teport a much betlei trade than lat yrar. 1'nces lemain niiclianged , .Nledium * , i5ctaiul.inh ; , .W ; selects , ; 55o ; X. V. counts.lOc. . MAi'i.iSt : Bricks , per Ib , ICXcien ; \ - ny ralcei , per Ib , 15c , MAI'I.K Svitt I1 Bulk , 13 to 17 ual kep * . l -i gal , Sl.OO ; cat can * , per gal , 51.05 ; , gal cans per cat. 81.10. C.I : R New Voik.jierbbl , $0.f)0Npw : " \ rk , K bbl , S4.'i' ; Crab , per doz < | ts , Si 75 ; Michi gan refined , per bbl , Sfl.M ) . Vl.vcc. Mt White wine , 13515c : cider vin egar. 13l5e ( ( ; slnsle strength , l-'c ; tuple strength. 15lSe- Svveet Potatoes There aie not man ) ontlie market at tliu pteent lime ; ehoicy ttcck is ijiiotcdat l"4 ( Jc .NSIe = Mna , per bux 57.00(37.50 ( ; Ononr.i- Jamaica , per box , S .V ) ; per bbl. . fJ'J ' V ) : Florida orange- , per box , S5.W , CitAXiiEitiiih- . Cape cod , fancy , per bbl. , SS.OO ; Bell and Bugle , nor bbl. , i.W , Bel and Cherry , per bbl. . ? . .CO. BANA.VAS 'Iheru is no chane In themar- Bananas , jellow , per hunch. & 2.i K < i 2..V1 ; bananas , iellovv , lar ; e Dunch , SJ.W ( ? aW.'KS Jlalaga. regular bbl , , S.00 : : Mnl- aca , extra large bbl. , SU.OO ( < ? 3.rx ) ; Xevv Voik , Concords per'.Mb basket , 4t > r < 61c ; Catawtias , 5-ih baskets. 50-g.SSc ; 10 Ib baskets , bOc. HosiEv .Stbrasta. choice , white clorer , 14(41t ( > c. ; Nebraska , dark , I'i313c l'itoisioNi. . Haru , lie ; breakfast bacon , OKS ( 10c : clear side bacon , Mf dry salt sides , Kc ; shoulders , 7 } c , diiedbeer , rezular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , He ; lirtlM : Ib can * . 0 , 'c ; Urd , 20 Ib cans , Faltbanks , ce : 10 ID catin , Faltbanks , "c ; S Ib cans , Fair banks , 7lfe : 3 Jb cans. Fairbanks. "Kic BEAXR inferior stock. feO.T&gl.oo ; peed clean country. Sl.XXul.25 ( : medium , hand picked , 81.5aiJl.CO ; hand picked oav.v , SI. 00 i'Jil.fl , KLorn AND Mn.LSTUFFP \ \ inter wheat flour , best quallti patent , Sii.75 ; second qual ity , J2. < 0 ; best quality spring wheat flour , patent , 8 .rObran&Ocpercwtchopped ; ; feed , 70c per cwt : white corn ratmi , We : jrllow corn meal , Kte per cwt ; screening , fioc l rcwt ; hominy , 8iOu per cwt ; shorts , Uc per cwt ; irrahain , Sl.eOjhay , In bales , S5.WS 0.00 per ton. Uitij.s Corn. 25c ; new oats , 23c ; rye S5c ; when , No. 2. Me. _ _ General Markets. Wotir. Medium isl'JOc per Ib ; line heavy , HQIGc ; light. lOQlbc ; coarse , U&VJc ; burry wcxil , SC-l'-cotT. HIDKS Green butchers. CKc ; gteen cured , b stfc ; dry tliut , lt ISc ; dry salt , W 10q ; jrreon calf skins , 'JC-iOHc ; damaged hides , tvto thirds pric * . 'fillow 3) ) c , Grea-e T'rnne vvhlteV ; yellow , 2c ; brown , I/ h ep 1'eltsrKBTrc. . l.KATlitn-rntne Msiisthter sole leather , S c : prime oak sole Irither , rBrf3s ( ? . t'pt > er le-vthrr t > er foot , 20 r : hem , kin , 2.XrfsSc ; oak kip. SS ( fl.vj French kip , Sl.OiVrtl.'JO : hem , calf , Sl.oOuZl.lO : oak calf , SI.tXX < U.U5J French calf , Sl.axgl W : Morocco , boot leg , Morocco oil pebble , s s-'c ; toppings HEAVV HAnnwArtB Iron , ratp J1SO ; plow fttel cat , 4e ; rrncible steel , Oc ; cast tools , do. I2"ils : ; wavon spoke * , per -et , 51.7 300 ; hub * , per * et , S1.2-V felloe * , sawed dry , S1..V ) ; touches , each , 7V ; n\el * rach. 73e : sauai-e nuK per Ib. iw'lc ; cell chain , per Ib. r rfl2c : malleable. fiiic ( ! iron we < lce i , Cc ! crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , -4e ; f prltiR steel , Wc : Uurden' < < horse shoe * . SH.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. $5.40. Barbed wire. In car lots , S4.00 per 100 lb , Xalls , rate * , 10 to . ' 0 , 82.M ) ; steel nails , 82.03. Shot , ; buckshot , Sl.M ; oriental powder. keps , 2 6fl ; do. half kegs , $2.00 ; do. quarter kegs , S1..V ) : bla-tlnc kegs , ; fuse , per 10 feet , tv > c. Lead bar , 510. N AIIXIMIE * : BarreN , per gallon : furni ture. extra , SI.10 ; furniture. Xo. 1. Sl.OO ; coach extra , SI. 40 ; coach , Xo. 1 , S1.20 : Da- mar. extra , SI. 75 ; Japan , 70c : asiOiaftum , ( < ii7 We ; shellac , 53.W ; hard oil finish , " fci'iniT Gulr'ne sr-lrlt * . l&S proof , S1.17 ; do 101 proof , Siri i " "Mis , wvonrt quality , 101 proof , S1.17 ; do iSa'pn-C. ' ; 3U < X Alcohol. 1W proof , 8J.1S per wine gallon. iHItllled vvliioklcs , lliu , b6iuleil. ! ? v 2.W : Kentttckv bourbons , S'i005t < 1 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania no * . Si.OO O.r-0 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. Sl.50.aaoo. Brandies. Imported , SS-OOgs.- : lomestie , Sl.s > 53.oo. ( ; inImporten. . S4..W MC.OO ; domestic , 81.2-Vit8.oo. ChampaRiics. m ported , pr case. S' .OCKgSJ.OO ; American , per case , S10.0\aiO.CO. ( ix On. V.'iilte lead. Omaha1. ! P. , 7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. ST.i.i ; Mar seilles green , 1 to . * > Ib cans , 2o ; hiench im ( , crcen seal. 12 ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zlue. In varnish as-t , 20c ; French zinc. 75c ; vermilllon. Amerlcati , lKc ; Indian red. lOc : ro-e pink , 14c : Venetian red , Cook- l' < c ; Winter's mineral. 2 > , 'c ; I.ehich btoun , JS'c ; Spanish brown , 2' c ; rrlnce'a mineral , 3C. 3C.Duv PAIXT White lead , Sc : French sine , 12o ; Paris vvliitinir. 2-40 ; whiting'ellders 2Jfc ; whiting , com' ! , 1'jc ; lampblack , ( Jer- manstovvn. I2e ; lamptiinck. ordinal y , N * ; Prussian blue.Wcultramarine ; , is : ; vandyk- brovvn , * e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw,4 c sienna , burnt , 4e : blentia , raw , 4c ; Puric irrecn , genuine , 25e , ParN green , common , 22c ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20cchronn ; green K. 12c : vermllllon , Knirlish , In oil , 7rx ; ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12e : vand.vke brown , ISc : relined - lined lampblack , 12 < > ; coach black and ivory black. ICc ; drop black , Ific ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultranmrinu black. ISc ; chrome gieen.L. , M. & I ) . , Ific ; blind and shutter green. L. . .M. it I ) . , iflc : Paris green , .So ; Indian led , I5c ; Venetian red , 5V ; Tucan , 2-'c ; Ameiican vermllllon , L. A D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; l M. A O. I ) . . I'v ? ; good ochre. 1-V ; patent drver , Ss ; L'ralning color , Iltht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and a-h , 1-c. Diav. i AND OiiEviirAi. * . Acid , carbolic , ! > 2c : acid , tartarlcVic ; balsam copaiba , per 11) . 4" : bark sassafras , per Hi , lOc ; calomel , per d , 7bc , rhinchonldla. per oz , 40c ; chloio- lorm , per tt > , Me : Dover s powder * , pei H ) . Sl.-U ; epom salts , per Ib , 3 } c ; clycerlne , pure , per Ib. 2xj ; lead , acetate , per ft , Olc ; oil , castor , No. 1. per gl. , Sl.fiOc ; oil cater , No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil.ollve. per gal. , 1.40 ; oil oricannum. Me ; opium. SU.20 : quinine , P. it W. and 11. * S , , per oz. 70c ; potassium Iodide , per tt > , S-J.S5 ; 5alicln. per oz. 40c ; sul- nhatu mortihine , pur oz. S2.3. > ; sulphur , per 11) , 4e ; itrjchmne , peroz. S1.23. Grocers * M < Jt. Pirui.K Medium. In bbls , SO..Wdo. . in half b ! > l * , SI ! 75 ; small , in bbl * . S750 : do , in h.ilf bbl ? . S4.iV irherklus , in bbls , 5S.50 ; do , in half bbls , S4.7 : > . Sv in p No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , S1.20 ; New Orleans , per cnllon QNJf-10 < > ; maple * yrttp. hall bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 7-Jc ; 1 gal lon can * , ner doz , S10.00 ; h.ilf gallon can * , per do/ . S5.0) ; quart cans , S3.0V. STAKCII Minor glas1 Ib , r > ' 4c : mirror glfiS ! Ib , 6c : minor glo * . Gib CKo ; ( Jnivt-s' corn , 1 fb , Cc ; Kiirssford' < corn. 1 Ib , 7c ; Kinssfiird's clos , 1 Ib. 7e : KitiL'sfont'S ) L-IO * * , f > Ib. 7 c. Kingaford's , pure , .T Ib , 7 c ; Kinrsfords bulk. 4c. TOIIACTO Plug , olinias , 4'3c ; horseilioe , 37c ; star.'i9c ; sponrhead , .TOc : piperlicIdsicK , fiOc : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , i > c : J. T. J. . ' ! < * . . Ton\rro-Smokinr , Durham , 1 , Sic ; ? < . 5lc : 'i' * . . "P : ' % s Me ; ineerselnun , 30e : old style , -ic ! : V. N. O. . l.V ; spirit curuu , 45c. JlATrnr.s Per caddie , ' . < : ; squaic cases S1.70 ; mule square , S 1.20. CANDY Mixed , ( irailU'c " ; stick , Sls@9' < \ Cu VCKIMI * ( iarnean's" soda , buttei and picnic , . "ij e : creamsb c ; ginger snaps , S < jc ; cltv soda , 7/c. SOAP * Knk's * avon imperial. S270 ; Kirk's satinet. Sll.OO : Kirk's standard , S-3.0'i ; Kirk's white Kiissian. 54.00 ; Kirk's white- cap. SO.fiO ; dome , iisl ; vvashboaid , S3.10 ; white cloud. S3.7 : . . Uoi'E H Inch , % 'c : \ inch , lO c : Jj inch , lOhe. Ditiii > FiifiT No. 1 quarter apples 3J4(7 ( $ 4c : in evaporated boxes , ti OUHe ; black- bcnies. boxes , ifugyi c ; pcaeties Silt Lake , 1 * 0 , 71vC't754c : ] Kachp * , evaporated , 15'/it 17c : rapbonies new , ifrctl'.iljc : eurient * , O's@ " ' ? c ; pruiie . new , 45/ ' < < > -41 > c. aidAK' ' Powdered. 7w " ; > 4p ; cut loaf , O7.7c ; ar.inulated , 0 } o ; "confectioners' A , .Vs ( :0e : ; standaid extra C , ri'ito.V r" ; extra C. . ' \i . " > 15c : medium > ellow , 4J @ " > f. CA.\M COOK * Oyster * , .st.milard. per ea-e. ? 3.-0 ; strawberrie * . a Ib , per case. S J.OO ; raspberne * . 2 Ib , per case , fc'.oO ; Cnlilorn.a i.e.u * . per cae , 54.50 ; apricots , per caj , S4 00 ; peache * . per cste , : ' > . > ; white Hier- ries , iv.'rc.ise , 50.00 ; p nms. ] ier cae , SJ.iJj ; olnebL-rrle. * . iHreae , : ( "g plumIb , per rase. ' 2..VJ ; pineapDl1-- Jb , pel ca-e , " > .7o ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doSi -0 : 1 lbalmon , pcrdo/ , 5l.Vi@1.00 ; 2 Ib goose- bcrne * . nereae , S1.7."i ; 2 lo string bean * , jrcr case , = 1.70 ; 2 Ib lima bean * , per case. Sl.fiO. Jib mairovvfnt pea * , per case , S249 ; 2 Ib early June pea * . , t e-case , S3.75 ; y Ib toma toes" Si.lO'n'J.'iV CoKFirOrdmarv : grade * , lie fair. 12a4 ( Hc : prune , itelSJsc : choice , nH'je ; lane ) green and vellow , HJ ilOc ; old cov- eriiment Java , .eiJV ( : ; Intenoi .lava , 10-4 < 5 'J-V ; Mocha , 2Ji24c : ArbucklcS roasted , 17'4f ' : McLauctilill's XXXX roamed , 17&c ; Dilvvorth's , 17e : ltedCros _ , 17 4f. Dry Ijumoar , 110AHIIS. No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft S17.50 No.2 " 12,14 and 16 ft I4.7r > No.3 " " 12.14 and 16 It 13.50 Ko.i " " 12.14 and 16 ft 12.00 AM ! TIMUHIS \K \ ' fl'lO ' ft Ib ft"O ft . ' ft'i4 ' ft Vil ' . 16..V ) MJ10 1B.W 17.00 IKOJ 21 ( H 21,00 . jti . . 10.00 1U M IbJW 17.UJ I * OJ - ' - ' ( rt 2iOO . ' S . . IIUil ) 10 V ) 10/4)17.00 ) IbUl 21 UOtil.lQ SjlIU 1051 , -V ) 17.00 IHt > J22.riU2iiiO 2lU . 18.5 , i . .w'in.vj ' 17. < H Is to si oo . " . ' .C 04-Sx8 1U.M ic jo id.&ui 17.00 le.oa uu ouM oj FCNCISO. Xo. 1 , 4 , t 6 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . J17.W Xo. 2 , 4 tc 0 Inch , 12 and 14 lu. rough. . . 14.0J rril.lVO A.Vli 4'AKTITIO.V. 1st com. , fiin White Pine Partition. . . . S-UOO 2d " " " " " . . . 27 W 2d Com. % In. Xorw ay Pine Ceiling . . . 14.00 n.oonivo. A Cinch , whltopliie- . 520.00 C Cjncb , " ; ' 1) . 21/rO STOCK HQAIIDS. A 12 Inch. s. Is. 4 > iC. . . . . 500 11 12 inch " " 4JD A . ! M.JV > Xo , 1 , com. 12 in . s. 1 s. . 10 , IS A 20 ft . . . 21.00 Xo. 2 , " " " . . . . \t\ra Xo. 2 , . 12 .t H ft , . 17.00 " " " . o KHIP f.Ar. No. 1. plfkin.Sand 10 mcli . (17.50 Xo , 2 , plain , S and 10 inch . 15.50 XX clear. SilO 'ftmVdard ! ' 82.M ) ; No. 1 , gl.S5 : ; Lath. S' Po3TWhlte Cedar , fl In. , K , 12c ; 8 In. qr . , We FIMRU1KO , 1st and 2a. clear , 1 4 inch , . 3s . 550.00 Bd , clear , 1 inch. & ] s . 45.0J nu. clear. 1 > < , 1H.2 in . 47.W B select , 1 inch. s. 2 s B select , m , ljsin To Contractors. Senletl propofala will bu recehod at iheoffio of tlie UUi5onen'liifr | , t'nlon I'aclfle lt lhru > , onier of loth and IxMivcnuoitli fete. , Omaha. Neb. , for grading thu line for -conil inn In track Irani present end of douMe track to thu east twltili at rapilllon , Neb. , a dlttunco of nine anil 0110 half miles , until the evening of Nov V. 1'rutilos may lie MOD unit epecifli'utlons ot < - talned at the ultlce of Division Hnclncvr. Tlie rltfht it rc-scn < < ! to reject any nr all bids. O. I. DOHKANLK , Bupt.Neb.Dlv , 0ct 31 nov 8 J in. _ DQGTGR JONES. OilH-c , 1411 1-2 rarnain. Jletldcnce. 20th and Culirorulm. Railway Time Table Th follon-hr-i | thc time'of ( wriTnl und de parture 6f trains \T \ Central SfandaMTitne At the local det ot. . Tratrn of the C , St. 1' . , M. Jt U. arrive ami depart from thPlr depot , corner of Uth nnil WcbMcr tn > ets : train * on the IJ. * M. C. H. & Q. nml K. f , ? u J. * P II. from the H. A t. depot all others from tno Union IMolHo depot _ , . IHtlDOE TRAINS. UrtJfre tr ln win | t.m r V. depot at 6:11- :00 : S:4aS:6fl'l" : : < -lliU : | A , ra.l lJ : - J-2:00-3tOO- : :005.1U:3Jf : : l J- . . r. tn. Ixmvo Trsn fer for Omihil nt 7l-n < : liM : 9:42-niOa'-10:37- : . m. 1:37-2:13-3J7 : : --S:3-3:37-4:37--S:50 : : : : :12 : 7:20 : : : :5J-S:4)- : : llVtv m Iave Hroidwii- 3S r > m : ArlveOmnh * 11 lO. l.v. OmnliB 10 00 p. m. : Ar. Ilrondway 10 25. In cni-ct Aucu t - 'th until further no tice. Thiali additional to prt * eiit train service. J. W. MOItSK , G. 1' . A. COXXKCTING LINKS. Arrival and departure or trains from the Transfer Depot at Council HluOt ! nspAnr. Anntvt CHICAOO , nocx I I.AM > * rACirto. P7:15v. M. I I19iliA. M. H : liA. . 114:30 : P.M. COP. : M. | HTv : > Jr M. CIIIC.IGO A MOIITIHMSTUnH. APir : , A. v. I A 9:15 : A. M. A 6:40 : p M. I A7U ) f. M. CHICAGO , BUHUNOTO.X k QCINCT. A 8:35 : \ , n. I A 9:15 A. M. V B : < 0 P. M. II 8:3) p. M. I A 7W r , M. cntcAoo , uit.WAt'KEt A ET. rAut * A 9:15 : A. M. I A 9ir. : A. M A G:40 : p. v. | A 7OJ : P. M KANSAS C1TT , ST. JOS * COt'NClt. llt.tlrrS. A 10:00 : A. u. 1 D < :35 : A. M. CS:5SP. M. I AJUWr.U. WAIIASII , ET. LOUIS A PAOH'tri. A 3.00 p. H , I A 3:30 : P. H. SIOUX CITY * PACIFIC A7hJA. : u. I A9:35 : A. M. A : i5r. u. I AS-WP U. STOCK VAHD TIIAIN3 will leave U. P. depot. Omhhn. at 640-735- ! ! 8SM-0OOa. ; : m2:00-3:0.- ; : : > - : OJ-5:25-S:00 : : p. ra PaclflcKxnrp * ! , 8:30 : p. m. ; Dcnror hr. , 10:53 : B. m. ; Local Cx.,5:05 p. m. txjav c dock yards for Omnhfi at * 7Kr : S:10 :30-llrAn.ra : : ; -3iV-i:3 : : ! > - :0 : ! > 8iS : n. m. Atlantic Ex . lo S. a T.Vin , m. ; Chlcajn Kr. , le B. O. 8:07 : p.m. : Ix > c l Ex.le . 0.10:51 : a.m. ; Mo.Pac Ex.le. SO. . B. < 7 D. m : M M. P. Kx , 6:09 : * . tn. Except SumUr. FIRST NATIOML BAM U. S. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , Nebraska. Capital $500,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman ICountzc , President. John A. Crcighton , Vice President. ? .hL Davis , OasMsr. W. H. Mesauler. Ass't Cnhsr P . Kt.Oni ) . A < i MrCAMPHKI.I. Member < ial\e lun Cot I Member New Or emi Cot ton Kx'tr A bt l.ou tin Kxchnnio anil Clilca- Merchant ! Exchange I co Itimnl o ( Trade S. S. FLOYD & CO BROKEUS IN Grain , Provisions , Petroleum And Stocks , For Future Delivery Will be Kctuly for Business About No vember 71 n. lOOninllli SOUTH liltli ST. Telephone Ml. Hcltrto 1't Nntlonal Hank , Omaha. WM-A.PAXTOS , Prcs. L.B.'VViLLiAMS.VIce-Preg Union TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Xeb. LOANS 5TADE ON REAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. llonT.LOVHi.irns r D. Jnnsov. Sccit-tnrj Trenstiier. OSIAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. JIOSPE , , rii. , Artists' Materials Piano ? and Organs , 151) Doulni Street. Omzbu. CHURClifLli PARKER , Wlmlende Dcnlcr In Atrricnltnral Imiilemenis , Wnpons , Carnages nnd lliitvl" ' . Jones Mre t , betoctn y. LININGER , B METCALF CO. , AjjrJcultural Implement ? , VVazon .Carrlaze . nii7BtDS , Etc. , VVholele , Oil iba. PA RL1N , OR EX DOR FA MA RTIX VVboletalcDealcrt In Afirrietiliurnl Implements , and Duciles. .01 ! Q3.'XI3 andCO ; . Jonn * t Butter and Eggs. McSIIANE (0 SCIFROEDER , Buyers of Hutter ami lU'frleemtot und 1'ECklnc Hume , litli unit I.rna - worlbSt.r P n. II. Irack.ltraaha Builders' Hardware and Scales. TAYLOR Bnililprs'Iiartl'.vare&Se.ile Repair .Shop UccbanlCfj' 1 bull and IlttSdla Bratei Omaha , -Ni't ) . LEE , FRIED cfCO. . , Jobbers of Hardware nnil Nails , Tinware. Sheet Iron. Etc A sent i Inr Homo bcalei , ' RECTOR tfj W1LHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Weitem atenti for JetTmon itfK ( \ ll Aa < lln 1'ovderfo. l lrbark M nd rd Kcalci Cuiutr lOtb ami llarner Osialu Engineers and Contractors , RAYMOND tf CAMPRELL , Engineers and Contractors , Brldcet , Vl > ducl . ItoofTraicei , Hteam I'lla UiUla filler. Out auil.PlnoUrW e Lumber titbit ,9Mr , Um > Ua , N furniture. ' " ' DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in ytirnittire. Tarnamtt Oinib * , Ktt > . CJI. IRLES SU11'Eli ICK , Furniture , Nodding , Lpholstery , Mlrrcrt , tie. 1306,1X13 nd 119 lff.i re ti. , Out'- Iron Works. PAXTON C f'JERLINU Iron Work ? , Wioncht and C it Iron Bclldlor Wort , Iron Fttlra. Kalliny , llennii and ( jlrderi. Sl ui M.ILCI Urata Workli > , n ral Fouudrj. U tin * aa < t HlicbiiulUt urt , lM' hr.uiunn ( . CSilH * JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Boots and Shoes , "AMERICAN jr . i .v/ > SHOE COMPANY Uannfactnren and VVbolt le Dealfrt In Boots ntid Sltoe , f f Knbbff i'.ooAt alwaji on h nd , Omaha , Neb. A T. Anrlln , Agent. rr. j * . MOUSE r co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. lilt FarnamiU , Oman * . Neh. Manufactorr , Sommcr meet. lloMon. . T. LINJSE Y C CO. AVholesale Kttbhcr Hoot * and Slit-pi. Ilnbller nd Ollfd Clcthlne rind felt lloot * . MI S 14th Street. Beer. M. IEATING , Agt. for Anlietiser-Iliish Brewins : Ass'n fpcclal Brandt. rau t.nnd rel > er and Krlancer. Sro/wf TP in Eii , Laijor Bepr Browprs , _ _ liJlNnrlhJ ! b vtr t , Omaha , Neb. Coffee , Spices. Etc. . , Omaha CofTee and Spice Mills. T A .ColT > , ! : plr ; . . naklnc rowdir. IliTorite trmctt , Ijtuiidrr Illu . Irk , Ktc. nil 1C lUrarj Street , t > nish , Neb. ( SATES , COLR , t v777E.S'r Homo rofleonnii Splcc Mills MT r Co , OScertcwi'lcrmnil Splco OrlnJrr , Mxnafiicturcri of Hnklne l'o iler. HirorlrR Kxtrnct * , Illulne , Kte. Trt onp < . " ot ojr l-r > purknecllcniclllcnd Ho UJ Ooffec. lioa ilonart f I Om Si N b Cornice. * EAGLE John Eponetcr , 1'rop. UtnnfKCturpr of < ; Iv nlir < l Iron nJ Cornlco. KJ ] > od ( < * mid lOV na lot N.lOlh it. , ( Imalii.htb. JtUEMPJNG ll ItOLTE , Manufacturcrp of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices. Dormer Window. > 1nal .yctallcSkllcMetr. S10S. mi Ft. . Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Sppcht , Prop. OMranlted Iron Oornlo , ctp. Fp ' < t f Imrrorrd Pa ent Mi tallc McrllVlll : < H nnd Mils Ulli auOnmba. Carpets. CARPET CO. , Jobbon of Carpets. Cnrtan ! . Oil Clotlm , I.ltioloumf , Mattlnci Etc. 1511 Douglai itroct. S. .4. OllCJTARD , le Carpets , Oil Cloths , Xtattlnff. Curtxln Good . Kte. 1U3 K.ircam Street , Omaha , Neb. Crockery anJ Notions. Agect for Hie M inti taetut ers nnd Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lnrspa , ChlmneN etc. Office , 317 South 13th at. Omaha , Nib. Commission and Storage. "j > . t. IIURL EY , Commission and .lobbing- . Ditter. KcKaand Trnducc. Con lsnmenn tollcltrd. Ueadquartera for Stono-ran1. llcrry llozei and Urape Baskvir. 1111 DodiiCMreetOmaha. PEYCKE Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and lrovslora ! , Onmlia , Neb. , Storage and Commission Mercliant , Spcliltie UniteKen - . Ch * s . Poultrr. 0 me , OjFterr Ktr. . Ktr H3outli Hlh ntcet WIEDEMAN CO. , Produce Commission Jiercliants , Poultry , Butter , Camr. Fruit * , etc. 9 6. llthif. Onm H , > eb. WEEKS .0 MTLLARI > , General Commission Merchants , AnclJobl > rr of Forelzn anil Domeiti < - Fnilts. rorrc- gpondpnrc pnllcUcil. VV'arohou e niiJ office. 110 X , 1 blrtprntb M. , Omalm , .Sulu Telephone 5. Fruits. P. ItOCCO C CO. , mporlcr : nnd wholesale dealorj In Italian Produce , forolrn. Domestic anil California Krult ! and Commit , ilop UerchanH. lOIS.lUbil. Only exeluilra ( run boute In Omaha. Coal anif Lime. " 'r. JIILESTONE'J co. ] * Dealers In Hard nnil Heft Coal , Offlcoantl jsnl , nnd Nlcholns li. , Omtlia. Neb. mrd Telephone tffi. GLO. i j.Ainuii fre C r.OnonUAV , V. Prea. J A.SrMKIILASD , Sec.andTre i > . OMAHA COAL. COKE .0 LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard ami Soft Coal. Z ' oath Thirteenth Street. Oraalm , Neb. , T. , T. jiJlNSON fCO. . , Manufacturer. " of Illinois AYliite Lime. And shipper * of Co'il nn < t CAe. Coraent , IMa ter , Ijme , lliir. Ure nrlrfe.Ilnln , Tile and * oirer I'lpo noire , IMxton Il'Jtel. Karnam > t. . Omuba , Nrb Telephone HI. Confectionery. P. P. FAY iD CO. , Mannfacturiiipr Confectioner" , Jobbers of I i-utt , .S'utfj mul C'i.'Uii. 1211 1-urnam SU Lne Stock Commission. M. It L'l IKE ll SONS , I.ivo Stock Coniniission. Geo. HufVe , Manaeir Union " -trek Vardt , S. iimnha. Telephorfc Live Stock Coniniission MciTUantP , EhlptECct ; of anr xnd nil lln < 1 > of block oollelted. UD'OO rtock Y"inli . O-unhi , VcU Cigars and Touacco. MAX M12YE71 tP CO. , Jobbers of ( . 'iirars , Tobacco , Guns and Ammunition , 31d F lllb tt , , 1030 to 1HJ4 r&rnim it. O.nMia.Nfli WV.S7' P FRJTSCUER , Jfaiuifaeturers of Fine Ciirars , And Wboltialr D < * iler > In J.of Tnbuccoi , hci 1US J1OUSER .1' WOODLAND , \Vh'.lc.k. Dealer * In Tobacco" I'lnes ami ' Cigarc , , Smokers' Arliclps. /t mil for D. I. 'UfiiJu.- I 'i , Klnoat and Smok.- IjjTtticcni M < , ] t . ' , Viif..nHi : , : 'o i\l \ uiecctlIrii't uajjlia. Kob Dry Coor/s. M. / : . SMiTir a1 co , , Dry ( Jouili , rurnlsliinird'ood'j & Notions iimand 11 ( DutuUf cf > r llih Ft . Oinati . .Vcb. Distillers. Ulntilerxf I.iqttxri.AIrrhnlanil FpHHi la f crier ! aod Jalbrtnof VVIncitod l.lijuo-i WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE" V co. ami ILIR < o co , , Inpatleri unrt Jobttnuf Fine VVn : < - > and l.tquori Soin irinuiic'.uriT" nf KrnDrd > ' > hut India Bit- Icn and lumri'loi iqu'in. J1IJ Ilirneji. Drugs , Paints , Etc. H. T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , Largott DniBT , I'uint , Oil & 'llasa llonse VfillcJChlcico Coiuvlctc Line ol Hrvfjlitl r ii- * ' 1111 IlfctntjHOn. b , G O O DMA Nll'G < ) , Wholesale Dmiriristd , ilirtlDl'ilnlt Oili anlWinJ"- i > omthk , Drain Tile , Etc. A H.BAI rti.l'r * * J VV Uvnr < irr > Src.iT. * > i . J. OiiifON. V.l'rtr.u * jai T II E UNI O N [ I J' D HA UL HI DRAIN TIL It I'tt. , OtBir tl } F 14th ; . Omili h t' Wiriilnirr tvi fcupi'iUfor H oi. < cur.-i ; rtm < cil/n..i 1 ; . Butcli ri' Toolt. " LOUIS HELLER , Hutrhers' Toola.ndSii : : | U-i ( , U > ( ' . ' iaj ! bf ' ! lnaCi I'rijiia itou. . UU O.VI.flHIJQBBERS'DjREDTORY Grocfrtfg , GALLAGHtiR , r Co7 WJioIosalo Orocorlps nnd Provisions , J o mtC.TO : ndtll S , l&lh ft , Ocuhn. Ngb McCOlt , Jt KA D r iC CO. , AVIiolo.snJo Grocer- " , ISth nrt l.TOnwoTtU ft . , C > mib . Hardware. ir. , r. llcnvjIlnrdvvure , Iron jinil Sfccl , Waton S-torli. ll rJ" t < > l.nrut > r , ta. 1TO1 unj till ll riir M Om h . p ( annoy , I I AVholcsnle Iron ntitl Slool , VTyonatdC tTj SeWo lPiPcl. Ilmrr lUMw Ktc. 1717 nil III ) LfHTfn-rurtti nt.-Omiibn , Neb f.S' , P SONS , Stovni. Haiitreo , r'nrnnreo. Tiles , Mfxntlm , Oritti , lltmt * ( iixxli. Inland It Jewelry. EDlroLir "f Wiolesalc.lowelcrs nnd Music Dealers , Drslorj In . I > Umond > . Jiwcler I Ttxili Kti M t rl.l > . etc. 101 tcor. Lumber. * I LOUIS ! | { Dealer in Lumber. Lntli , Mnip , Snsh , Door * , Ktc. T -Corncr7th and t > oul : Corntr Vtb CHICAGO LUMBElt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 811 S Kth'lrfft.Onnht.Ntb. r.Colpottfr. Man i rf c. y. niETz , Lumber. ISIh Mt& C llfcrrl SlrtHt. Om h , Keb. FKKD W. Git AY , Lumber , Limp , Cement. Etc. , Ktc. Cor. rth and iiougUi it . , Oroaht , Nf b. 1WAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. IIAKVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. P. U03 Karnira ilr CITAS. It , LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpcti and I'arqurt flooring. > th md I > oujl Omab > . JOHXA. i AVliolesalo Lumber , Etw and Atucrican Portland Cement. SUU nt lor Ullxuukce lltdrmnllc Cement and Ucit Vulncr Wliltol.ltni ! . Line Stock. 'STOCK I'AltDS CO. , Of Omalui. Llraltod. John r. Bojd. Suporintcrdent. Millinery and Notions. / . OliERFELl > ER fi CO. , Imporlern and Jobberi of Millinpry and Notions , 1513 and millarnej SI.eft.Omnhfi.Neli. Notions. co.7 Are the onlr Direct Imjvrters of German & French Toj s & Fancy Goods ID Nebraska. ChitaK ° price * duplicated without add * 1nK trdl-lit. 1(15 Fnrnniu street , Om hn. j. T. JtoiiTysoy jroTio + \ co. , W'hol'BAl * > X > enlcn In Notions and Furnishing Goods , ( tl and < lrj B Tenth M . < ) mah . _ ' VIXYA RD 'SCiryElDEIt , Jobbert In Notions , Hosieryand Gents' Furnishing : Goods. l y\nn \ Farnam tt. , Omaha , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WJLKJE , Manufacturer of 1'ajier Uoies , lOSS.llthSt .OnuliH Nebrn V , Ordrri by mail so- llcltvdand will recclrc prompt attention. Overalls. CAXFIELV MANUFACTURING- COMPANY , Jfannfaetnrers of Overalls , Jtins I' nti , fcblru , Rtc 1102 and 1101 Doujlm Street , Umahn , Neb. Printing. COMPAY .lob Printers , Blank Book Makora , And Book Hinders 191 and m Routh Kourteerath tlrect. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publisher * . DealcnlnTrpe , nd IrlnKrs-Hupplci ! > . M9 fouth - ' * trect Pickles , Vneyar. Etc. " " N MO It Ji IS l' C0.7 Mnnul ctare''f. 1'ackeri and \ > fnter In Pickles & Strictly Pure Apjile Vincpar llnklnc I'oirdfr. Fliirorlne r.ilr.ins.Jable Sniic * . lrrneh MtiiUin * Wirli Ulutnc. ( . .ficerir ia'Uts hole i. iit < Inr Viirk MHIC hund Ucllnod Apple L'l- dor. IVJSI cavcnvcorth tt. . Omubii. Sales , Etc. G. ANDREEN , Omalm Safe Works. Uanufactureriiof 1'ire and Hdrtlar I'fofifri , Vault IoorpJ ll VV'ort.Mitilic-ti and W Ire Work. Cor. Ktband Jucfcinti M * Omaha , ? * Jb. J' . ISO YE R ( CO. , Aconts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and nuri : ar Proof Sxfei. Tlma lx > cki , VaulU and Jail Wnr < . 15J ) Knrnim rtrcot Omnlirt , Net ) . Sash , Doors , Etc. M. AitlKRROW A CO. , Wboleialallaiiufiicturersof Sash , Doors , Blimta and 3ionldiiigs , Ilinncb ocicc , itb aod Izard rli , Omaha. Ncti. G. LYMAN , Sash , Door , Ulinils , 3fouldiii ; , Bulldlnn Paper , etc. 1001 South Ttilrtecntl ) Hirtet , Omtba , Set ) , A romiilno iiuckuf Ilullden' 11 unlw are ROHN ' jfA'NUFACTU'RING ! CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uonl < J'.rii. .MalrVV < irVand Interior lUril Wood FlLiib Juil outril'J. . K cor 8cU mid I.eatcc urlliSu. Umaba. Neb Pumps , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale PumpM , 1'ipe , Fittings , BUamand VV'atrr fuiipllei Hrrtluuartert f r Unit tO'ulCo Xioudi 1111 Mniii.i tt iimnbt. .Neb , A , LTfiTil7tNl rO . , I'limps , I'iies ] nnd Knginc.s , BUam. W.ttr , Ililltfar und .Miltmi : Hnppllet. Eta VB..i i.t1 VH rn m tt ( liu li . .Nfb , U , S 'WIND E N < i INEnnil P UMP COMPANY. II > II1 T VVInd VI , I * rteaoa and i'luruliinj UoM . He Hi IP i9 ! . nnuiit. , < Jn ; tJ R K I'cltou. Wuun r. ' . Ku ' . 'Jelfhi.n * J'O. Trunks , "iTTTLMA R110W , \VholnsalcTruuks \ , LMIir > 1 Kofi HlurkOmib > , and Carriages. The Lea ling Carriage Factory , irM > niisn ii liii , 1IM aril K 1 IKySff tiifct. , " " 3-JtlJiny fatcrial , o.U.T7r. < LUMllEft CO. , liet irtc AllklnC.i cf Kalliling1 iJ.Uorial t.t li.n eut'HoU OI.IDJ i'tcire Ii c <