Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
! THE OMAHA PAILY BflE 0 1886 DURNED BEFORE COMPLETED The Now Barker BniltUng Completely De stroyed by lire Last Night. ' DAMAGE TO OTHER BUILDINGS. l < * nllliiK Wall * Criisli lin Jnl mill AIIICH Ucill Kflfniu OfllcoH The Loss mill Insurance Notoi nnil Incidents The llnrker Illoclt Itnrnoil. Tlio most disastrous lire that Iii3 ! oc- ourrod in Omaha for several yours broke out In the now Harker buildi ng , just injuring completion , at I ho corner of 1'iftuuntli and 1'arnum fitrccls nt 7'M : o'clock lust even Ing. At tlmt hour Mr. Frank Moores , the Wabashagont , who wan Hit ting In hh oflico just across the street , noticed n blazn in the second story of the building and hurried to his tolouhono to iiolify the fire department. At the same time , the ] > ittrol wagon was returning from : i call and the driver , 'icorgo Trim- bin , in parsing tin ) building nolieod thu blaze and sot up a cry of "lire , " whloli WIH heard al the central station by.Juilor .Sigwarl who promptly turned In an nlarin from box (5:5 ( : at Ihu corner of Slv- tccnth and I''arnam. Tin ; alarm from tlui box and Mr. Moore's telephone call reached the lire department at almost the mime instnnt. A general alarm was Hounded calling all of the hose companies to do sorvioo at the lire. Tills work oc cupied but a very few seconds but before the liremen could reach the scene the building was all abla/.c , th wood work of the interior burning like tinder , and sending ihunes high into the air. The. lire companies were on the ground in a few seconds. Chief ( Salligan was nt their head and the great danger of the situation made an iui- modialo arrangement bv which every incmbeV of the department could be Used to the best advantage. Lines of hose were laui from the hydrants at the cor ner of Sixteenth and JMirnnni , Fifteenth and Karnam , Fifteenth and ilarney , and Fifteenth ana Douglas , and in loss than llvo minutes after the lirst tap of the lite bell was soundedfour streams of water were playing on the Humes and a lifth was aimed later. The work of the liremen was apparently without oll'eot for some time. 'Ihe peculiar con struction of the buildings made it almost impossible to gel a stream of water upon the heart of the llames. The entire in terior of the structure was one net work of frame partitions newly built , which on account of the open condition of Hie roof and windows admittingair in abundance , liufiiiul like timler and spread the lire over the whole .structure. The liremen had no means of getting ac cess to tin1 llames. Kvory window and doorway was belching forth volume ? of lire and .smoke , making it necessary to do all of the lighting from the outside of the building. \VlT.NKS3l\T TIIK CO.NTI AOKATION. The llames increased in volume with startling rapidity , but they had no ad vantage in this lespecl over the crowds of people who witnessed them. The first tap of the bell was the signal for a grand rush to the teoiio of the conflagration. The streets at the time were lined with people. The clerks from the stores that observe early closing hours were just at liberty , hundreds ot theater-goers \vere heading for the opera house , and the great mass of people who throng the streets during the early evening were all on hand and crowded forward to the sccun of the lire. Five jit'mutcB after the 'alarm of lire Farnain street from Fourteenth to Sixteenth and Fifteenth from liouglas to Hnrney wore packed with .spectators to .such an ex tent that progress along the streets was accomplished , even by the liremen and iiolicumun. with the greatest ditlioulty. JSIen women and children crowded as near to the burning block as the heat of the llames would allow and contested for available places Irom which the work of destruction could bo observed to an ad vantage. The Merchants' ' hotel the Wabash - bash ticket olVice and other window posi tions of observation were especially sought for , while 911 the outside venture- Homo boys even climbed upon telegraph poles to watch the progress of the llames. The crowd was an unusually orderly one , most of the people standing with bated breath anil open mouths , only speaking when the thiealenud falling of a wall or some especially .startling incident ualled out a cry or remark. They stood silent and speechless , and ga/eil , as many of t'lem ' had eight years before ga/ed upon the spectacle pre sented by the burning of the Grand Cen tral hotel. To the latter , that memorable catastrophe was present in mind in all its frigl.tfiihio. s. Then , it was a building towering high above everything else around , with liames leaning toward the heavens with demoniacal tury , and far beyond the power of a few impatient mortals with miserable apparatus to con trol. Last night il wasabuildingequally high , incapable of being readied with water save from the si roams , but yet being slowly consumed with llames which seemed fanned with the blast of hell. The comparison , too. might be extended , whnn th'3 danger in which the lire- men worked was considered. The llurce < ncs.s of tlui llames on the ground lloor had estopped thorn from venturing beyond the lower entrances , and consequently the memorable loss of life which signalized the former horror , could not have taken place within the seet'iing ' furnace lint , il might have come with toppling walls , which at any moment might sway from their perpendicular , so lone and anchor- leas they scorned , and descending to the earth bury beneath thorn the gallant follows - lows wh > were engaged in the unequal fight. The spectacle presented by the lire with the building was nun to bo remembured. The Interior was lilled with combustible material , Tills tin * llames enshrouded with a volume and embraced with a llorcunosn almost Ixiyond comprehension. The food they led upon wfts concealed from view , and tlio marvel was how so robust monsters could survlvo iipon hidden support. They darted neither to the right or left , but straightway shot to the heavens , in pyramids and fantastic shapes which rose high above the lateil structure. From the \anous openings on both sides tlui water poured in ton-outs , hut it hail seiireoly passed thn tmtraees , before it dissolved m mist. With it , as with thu burning material , the llainos sported , and by degrees charred Ir.igmimUi ot in terior supports , full in almost regular order to the roaring furnace bom-nth. Out ! by one thu day windows on thn front and sides , succumbed. Finnlly the llames enclosed thu pagoda-liko 'orna ment which stood on the summit ot the corner , and il too , like a Mowing lulloon , doscoiidod to the ground , AT Ihesu ml'iglod with ruin , the crowd , with up turned faces , recogni/eil the los > , and greeted each with a long exclamation of mingled regret and fear , which was not removed or allayed until it was found tnat the descent bad been unattended with loss either of lifo or limb. Shortly after thu commencement of thu Hi o , a section of thu east fanadu to which was attached a section of the copper cornice , fol | witli a mUllled yet deadly sound. A fo\-.minutes ) later , thorn was dull grating f-nuiid , and'blo to everybody , With , every facility , alive , and apprehension must acute , thu crowd heaved a sigh , knowing that a wall had slaitiul to the . ourtli. And so it had. .TJiu west wall .toppled wltlt destructive force upon thq JJj-.vls building , cnish.jijf in ' the root and utterly destroying" the first story of the structure. Four minutes , later another section ot the wall fell , and soon after , the superincumbent weight of rubbish into which the Davis building had been transformed , icllovod Hsolf by fa'lllngupon nnd leaving nothing but thu front wall of Ames' real estate Ollico standing. The people were then put be hind a line and kept beyond thu reach of danger. The llamcs. meanwhile , continued re lentless in their fury , anil though not visible from a distance , yet sent millions of souvenirs In plow ing spark * into the heavens. Thu ell'ect of these , from a dis tance was entrancing. Thny circled hither and thither In llio higher currents , now forming a veil of most delicate tex ture decked with glistening gems , and again massing in countless thousands of tiny gloiiuies. until the ell'ect wa ? that of a morniug mis ! , lipped with the golden elitilgijiico of the orb of day. Thousands of people from a distance ga/.od upon this scene with rapture and tlio pleasure was destroyed only by the knowledge that thu entraneinir spectacle was pro duced by the destruction of property which had originally been intended tor other purposes. ruin OTIIIU : utm.mxns. Thn bent from the burning block was intense and soon began to all'eet the ad jacent buildings. After the lire had been in progress about lifted ! fninuloH nnd was al its height , thu awnings on the west side of the Paxton buildlm ; caught lire making it necessary to take one stream from the main lire to protect this block. The windows of the club room , Ihe Orchard store and the olllces tore cracked by the heat and the interior of the rooms more or less damaged by the water used In protecting the building. For a fmv minutes it seemed that thn building would certainly bo destroyed , and this would doubtless have been the case had the high wind of Thursday night pre vailed When the danger was most im minent thu work of removing the Orchard stock was commenced. By the utl'cctive work of the compiJi } detailed to protect this building the danger was averted , though not until considerable damage had been done. Thereof roof of the frame building occupied by Drexel A : Maul was cov ered several times by showers of sparks and required constant watching. A lire wall prevented the llamei. spreading to the old Barker block on the south of the now building. Thu glass in thu Wabash ticket ollicu windows was cracked by the heat. A stream of water was kept play ing upon the llames from the root of the Kcdick block which was saved from the danger by this protection. TilK 1.03d ANM ) IXSUItANCH. The total loss to the Barker ouildmg and the other structures near the lire will ciosidx approximate SV5.000. Mr. Joseph Barker says that he lias put into the building already $10,00 ! ) . The lessen on thatslrucluri ! will bo complete. Then the damage to the building immediatnly south of the new structure isconsider.iblu. The three story Davis building , west , cot $10,000 and was damaged to the ex tent of about half .that amount. Mr. O. F. Davis stated to a reporter last night that his loss would probably be tully re covered , as ho has $5iH)0 ) insurance. Architect B. A. Fowler , who oeeunies thu third btoiy , lost about $1,500 worth of in struments , turniturc and miscellaneous property , lie has ? -150 worth of insurance. lie states that his loss cannot bo meas ured by figures , as ho has lost all his plans. Dr. Ay res occupies with l r. Moures offices on the second story. He lost about sJS'Ji ' ) worth ol in struments , hooks and lurniluro. His insurance will cover about one-naif of this amount. Dr. Moore was fortunate enough to rescue a valuable case of in struments. The other occup.inls of the building were , for the most part , lawyers , who lost considerably. Among were Messrs. Hallur and Keller , both of whom lost their libraries. Tlio one-story Ames building , which was crushed in by the falling walls of the Barker building , was damaged to the extent of about iJ-SOO. This is but p.irtull.\ covered by insurance. C. U M.iyno , who has Ids olliee on the first lloor ol the new building , lost about ? oIO ( worth of turniturc and fixtures Most of the ollie.o books and papers fortunately were in Ids three safes. Several clerks were in thu olliee at the time tne lire started and before they left , they took the precaution to lock up thu books and valuable docu ments Air. Mayno has no insurance. The insurance on the new building and the old three-story structure touth ( known as the Barker block ) was placed in the following companies : yKtna S P,000 lliiittnrd.ofllnitfoid 5,000 Washington -l.00 < ) North Uiitliih -1,000 Oneon -l.Oiiil Fire Insurance Association -1,000 American 4,000 Trans-Atlantic 1,000 Miscellaneous 5,000 Total 801,000 1'art of this wns placed with Murphy & Lovett , anil part of it Witn II. It. King- wait. Thu insurance on the building , which was being erected , was-M,000. As already mentioned , the loss was over $ 10,000 on thin structure , so that the in surance will cover only one third of the damage. Nearly all the panes in thu west side of the Pa.xloji building were broken , and the loss in this way will be at thu luasl calculation $1,000. This dons not in clude the loss to the club rooms , winch is about sfltOO , which i covered bj $3000 insurance In \Villiamsburg , and Ucrman-Amurinaii companies of Pennsylvania. In addition to these losess Friiehauf's bookstore on thu first lloor of thu old Barker block was slightly damaged by water. Loss probably not over $300 or $1,000. An old insurance man who was on the ground last night and took In the situa tion pretty thoroughly , mndii tlui follow- in' ' estimate of tne loss including damage to buildings , furniture and property of every description : Xew Diukcr Inilldini ; 8-10,000 Old flaikur block ,000 0. K.Muymt'Nolllcu flOO O. K. Davis' bulhlliiK anil contents. . . . 5,0)0 ) Ames' baildlm ; nml contents i.oJO 1'nxtnn huildlntr l.Otio Oiimh.irluh property : ) ( ) Telephone company miiterlid : i(00 H. A. Oielmrtl. . J.OOJ Mbcollimtiuils iXX ) Total S5\COJ Those ot o.Hirsu are intimates , but , il is buluived , will very nearly represent thu various lo sus. It is sate to say that not over sj-W.OJ ( ! of this total Is covered by Insurance. oitioi.v or TIII : run ; , Thn origin of thu lire Is a matter of a inyUury. The ( laino * were lirot noticed in the central part of thu second story of tlio. now portion of thu block , and spread almost in-slantly through thu building. Mr. Barker is of the opinion that somu one of the workmen , on leaving thu build ing at (1 ( o'clock dropped : i cigar stub in the shavings. Then thuru U a possibility that j-onm umbers of a lire used by thu tinners or cornicu workers might liavo caused thoconllairation. There appears to bo no reason for a belief that tlio lire was thu work of an incendiary. Tin : 1'iiti : our. At 8 o'clock the lirmncn had gained uomo control over thu Humes ; nt much so that thuru was no further danger of tlio lint connectingvith the other buildings. The work after that lime was principally that of allowing the Interior ot the liar- ker block In bo consumed. At il o'clock llm ruins wcr black but still smocking , and uiio comivanv stood guard over thorn until nearly daylight , to bu on hand in case of another break out. KOTKS AND 1NCIDKNTS. It Is estim-ilod that about tea thousand people witm ud the Hro. . TKO pcrformancn at Boyd'a ope was dyjayod over half an hour. "Gosh , butain't It a daisy1 murmured one small boy as he gixzedon the fire. 'There i hot n perfect window on Iho Fifteenthstroct side flt llm I'nxton build ing. ing.The The wtiler from llio fire flowed In a stream down Farnam street as far as Twelfth , Chris. Spcuht expects to lose about ? fl,000 on thn coriiicn work of the de- sjroyed building. The olh'ees on the top lloor of the Pav ton building sustained no damage beyond a slight wetting. For the first iimn hi a number of years in thu uity , the old-style annoyance , a hose burst , was twice experienced. The Hro last liiglil was the most do- Mruetlvo since the memorable distillery and packing house conllagrations. The telephone wires wepi ! greatly In the way of the liremeni and a number of them had to bu cut in the rush of thu mo ment. Last night thu lire had not buen sub dued before the telephone and telegraph companies undertook to repair their lines , i A number of thu bachelor occupants of Hedlck's block .skipped out with all their movables , and lelt their furniluru behind them. Thu uielnbers Of Salslmry company in all their paint , powder and costiimei'y , watched the Ihu from thu stage windows on the west siiht.of the opera house. The policu did ( ' .H'eelivu work in Kenii- Ing back the crowds. Unfortunately ropes were not'strelched until the. very last momunt , whiMi thu lire was mmrly over. Thu telephone conipany had intended to occupy thu top story of the Barker building about .January 1 , but of course will now bo compelled to modify Its plans. The running of street cars past the corner of Fif month and Farnam was sus pended during thu progress of the lire on account of thu dense onn.'ds which thronged the vicinity. The foundation for the Barker building was laid last winter , and active opera tions nave confined since spring. The .structure would Imvaliaon readv for oc cupancy about January 1st. Kvery ono agreus that the structure w\s : all abla/.o in an insl-.nt. One insur ance man says that ho believes that the lire was the work of an incendiary , who must have used coal oil to accomplish his purpose. The electric light and telephone wires in the vicinity ot Fifteenth and Farnam were badly damaged. Tins electric lamps on the circuit in that vicinity were cut out , by order of the. malingers of the com pany. Many of thu tulephonu circuits were broken. Sparks by the thousands dropped upon Drexel A : Maul's and tiiougn the linn and employes used their buckets , the house would have been destroyed if the hose from thu Paxton hotel had not been used with excellent cflcGt upon it and all thu inlervuniiiti buildings , Fire Chief ( Salligan deserves the greatest praise Jor tlio manner in which lie directed his men. But for his level headed and rapid > vork the surrounding bnildinirs would undoubtedly have taken ' lire. Alloftlioirumc.n ! , in 'fact , worked like beavers , and on more than one oc casion risked their lives in trying to stay the progress of I lie flames. " 1 never saw a building lire up more rapidly in my life , " said Fire Chief Gal- ligan to a reporter aftur the worst was over. "Thu companies got here within two minutes alter the alarm was turned in , but we found that the whole building vas ono big ma s -llama from the top story to tiiu basement. Against such a terrific head way it was impossible to save the building. ' . ' * Charles Styom , a waiter in the Omaha club room * , wa * passing byitho Paxton building duriug.tliu lire , when hu was struck by a heavy roll of carpet thrown out ot Orchard's store rooms in the second end story. He was knocked senseless to the sidewalk , and sustained a broken leg and severe internal injuries , lie was re moved to Cheney Ar Olson's drug store. where his wounds wore attended to by Dr. Keogh. Ho wa then talced to his homo where , at an early hour this morn ing bis death is reported to have occurred. When the ( ire brpke out ( Can- Hold rushed to Orchard' ; , store , anil in the absence of that gentleman impelled the hitter's clcrki to clear his windows of the costly carpets , curtains and portieres which were thcrd displayed , lie knew that the heat would soon break the plate glass and thus enable the" flames to ex tend to the interior , lie did the same thing in the upper story and while stand ing at the window thu pane shot upward and narrowly escaped injuring him. Table was spread for supper in the Omaha club rooms , and a number of gue.sts had assembled to partake of their evening meal. Ono of the streams from thu hosu shot through the. window and swept every dish from the table to the lloor. Ktl. Peek escaped one of the ing windows by a narrow margin. The carpet in thn music and leading rooms was badly wet , and that in the former was removed The latter will bo cared for to-day. About half past 8 , the chib members who were present broke all thu clacked windows with billiard cues. Her OnoilH Uncle. In the county court yesterday Cora A. Lucas commenced an action in replevin to secure uossussion of a iiuantity of goods valued at $ 'JSI ( , which slio stored with Cowan & Co. somu time ago , and which , she alleges , they wrongfully hold. The trial of John Wilson , accused of having swindled ( Jrant Lanrancc by pasn ! < r a bogus check upon him , was commenced before fudge Neville yester day afternoon , W.V . Davis , ol the Northwestern Live Stock Journal , Clmyunnu , is in the city. ltu inn Work In SOFIA , Nov. .V-UonemlKaiilhars has de manded the dismissal frum olllco on the pre fect who o.xpolled In NelmUIn a Hu.ssum subject from the Sntla council ohnnibcr. The pi erect offered to resign In order to relieve th t'oveinnieiit otthe ditticiilty , but Kaal- Lmrn insists tluil hu be dismissed , JDRUG STORE : fA'KC : IT FAITH FULLY , AND You THAT THERE is , % EXEf > YfOfl COUGHS &COIDS J.'li MATT tan s. rinil Gossip Worn the N.itlttnnl Cnpltnl. W\6i'tiNlTov ( , Nov. 5. ISpoclal Telegram to thelr.t { . ] W. .1. O.innnn , of Duhninie. la. , ehllbd at the postoflieo department tvday to seqUjiloael Hales , chief of the fnto deliv ery. , Colonel Hates will not return from the Hnwlroj-o state , whither he went tooto , llll to-monhw. Mr. Gannon Is heic for pnlltte.d woikj probably changes In Iowa postmn'sttr- shlpsrand Is unable to toll slruefc ilio jnrly In his sinto on Tuesday la l. . D.ik. , wa * lo-dny declared Io _ bo on- HUed'lif ' mall fres delivery by n report jttsl icceltcil showing tlio receipts of that oll'iivi No oflloiM action has yet been taken , how ever. AIIMV Al-TAIIIS. Oencral SheihUn has otdered thai here- aflei p-iyuiastciti must wear undtuss mil- lorms wliea paying troops on the.muster rolls. ; o M. Downey nnd James A. \ ; Tweuty-ilrst Infantry , are at Port Shinty. Nob. , under medical tioalmput. PilvatoMohii tj.imi t. Company K , Mfleenth Infantry ! linsbeen gr.uitod two months fur lough Horn November'JO. Irom Port liiiford , Dak. tiloiili-nint William K. Hlauvell ami First Soigcaul Nicholas Klnnuiriin , Company 1) . I'lflci'iitli Infautrv , have been ordered from Foil llaudall , Dak. , to Fort l.cnvcnwiillli , Knii. , us a witness bofote a court unufial. I.ieuleimnt Colonel llobert 11 , Olley , boviMileonth Inlnntry , coni'iiandlng ' Ids icgjmeut nnd tlm post nt Fort David A. Kussi'il , Cheyenne , as Colonel Alexander Chambers , who Is piosoiit at the post , Is on the slek list. Army Leaves ( JiantedCaptain : Kuldcn A. D.iy , Filth nitlllcry , Fort Hamilton. New York harbor , litteen days ; Captain U\\on.l. HWect , Twenty-filth inlaiitrv , Foit'Siiellinu , .Minn. , ono month ; First Lieutenant Angus- IIK (5. Tnsslnir , Twelfth Inraiitry , .Madison barracks , Sacltott's haibor , N . Y.ouo month ; First Lieutenant C. N. Herkelv .Muo.iullJ , nsslttant .suixoon , ( lamp Poplar Itlver , Mini- tnmi , seM'litoou thiys ; Lieutenant \Villliim K. FKnn. Highlit e.dvury , Foil CltiiK , Tejsus , two molitliH fiuin Nnvombor in with per mission to apply lor one month extension. I'l I'l.triMIMtOVKMKNl C.VMl\r II has almost como to a p.iss that no public Imprnvciiient can be made In Washington without n real or Imairluaiy t some staijo ol It. The latest Is the proposed ex tension ot'-Mtissaphiisotts luunuc. 'I histhnr- iiUlilirenins : ! ; tluomh tlio tun tliern poi linn of tlm eily , mostly , und traverses the entire lenRthoftlie aristociatie neluhhoihnod. It be'Ins in the southeastern part of the city and ends away up beyond tlio itlaine man sion In thu direction of Pretty Prospect , lm ! eountrv homo Ot the president. It falls blunt ot this .spot , however , by Irom two to three miles. Mass.iehns'etts avenue Is bioad , and laced with line lesldeiices utmost Us entlio length. It is built ol abplmli. and Is besides a pupulnr rcsldenco ( honm lifaio a favorite pj.iee to drive. Lots out nt its end arowoith Inmi nun lo six dollars a siiutue font. It Is now propotpd to open and extend this avenue iibourtwo miles away out In the country so near Protly 1'rospeet Unit it will be the route takeif for that point iiw.iy out across lulls , crocks , pastures , Unongl ! corn fields and woodlands. Theio would not bo serious objection to the Impiovemont. as it would inakeaitnnm In tlm whole citylyiiiK that way , \trfrolt not for tlm Inet that thu laud along ltj whole leUL'th Is in the hands of leal estate speculators , and tlm cost of thoextou- Sion , Instead ot coming from the properly- owneis.'ns would be tne case In all other cities , would como half liom the gov ernment and half liom the citv lieasiuy. Theio are no appraisements , as- s-o-umwits , ote. , as in other jilnces. The Ken- cral urn eminent pays for the propel ty taken , eroding , asphalting , etc. People \\hooiposo | this svfcnlatlon will eairy It to congress this winter ! When the petition to open tlmnvpinio comesiiij ) . and tlui light will | > ( ! fierce. Ills di'civ il that the bulk or e.statu nlong tlio pionnsrd extensidli Is In the Inimts ol the syndieafo that deeded 1'retty Piosppctto ( tlie ] ) resldeit > and If it cnnhl set the extension \\on1iPiriako 1.011) ) jiei cent on the investment. Tliore Is. a gout ! deal ot agitation among prop- citvoWiiPis thiotighoiit tno city nbontthe m/itter. , NA.TAI : . Ui'i'it KUS TO m : I.VYES i toTr.n. . An iqqnlrv Is being made Into Iho chaise that ccitafn naval olllehils have bcc-n i > titles to smuggling iua.smiii'h as the speriiii itinns i Plato to nlle'iced nets of > ousa o. Theio is littlepmspeet of auyimo being pioven guillv. In couneetiim with this luquiiy ills not ini- probalile that the use of the consular and diplomatic mulls will bo looked Into. These lire made up at thu consular and diplomatic ollices and cumo tinougli to the department of state sealed , ills said that laces , itlnvos , jewelry , etc. , lor Iho families of the olllcer- . and llioir friends , in some Instances , have heon sent for ye.irs thrnugh the malls. TUB rr.x iont'ii.DiN'n. . Althouijli the neiisiuu olliee building was so far coinpletud on March 4 , 1SS. " > . as to bo n ed for the Inauguration ball , It Is yet in : i .state of incompleiion nnd the woibt sort ot disoider. Only about half of the space can be occupied , and the finishing toiielms have not been clvcn those looms The stairways aio all Improvised. The heating apparatus is not what Ills intended to hu. Tlio gioat coiut or corridor , occupying all of the eenler space nnd around which aio located the ollleos and wheie the Inaugural ball was hold. Is piled full of Imihllng matoihit amt drtins. Tlm apprnachos to the building me not yet made , and it Is icached on the south side by cllmhlng mud. sand , bilelcand lumber piles. It seems thai llm aichltectnro ot the si rue- tme will prove , too , as anticipated , u lailuie. AnotliRr Haddock Sioux Cirla. . , Xov. fi. [ Special Tele gram to tlm HKI : . ] Another new witness to tlm Haddock murder , u Dane named Peter son , tins been secured , and his story la in possession of the otllcors. Peterson Is tlio paity learned of at Norfolk. Neb. , soumdays since , and leferrod to In llieso dispatches. Itncamo to Sioux City without a requisition. Tlm Hist story repotted as coming trom him did r.ot coiiobnraio any of tlmothoi.s known to the public mid fixed tie ; eilinu upon some unknown man. lie was specific In lib state ment * . Since bulm ; tnnmtht to this city Ii3 modllies his .statements eon- siaeiably , CNplaiiilm : that ho did nut uniloi stand many of the questions mil to him by the a'ttornny that aeeompanleil ihu ollleers to make his arrest. From the inter est tlio attorneys for thn dofnnsn and , Aiens- dorf himself mo taklmr In this witness , it is believed here tlmt they hope to ( 'aln much by his testimony. iVter.Min , Itlsmnrek und thu oiriwrs Imvo'hpoii elosnted toeiither in-dur. but whin wasdevoloped oaunot bn Ir.iined , A letuliiiKnltoriioy for thiiproseentloiiwasheen to day , itnd Is confident theio Is nothiiiL' In Peterbon's statement that will dlstuih tlielr theory. When Peterson was taken down to the boene of the minder to-day his description of the position of the inurdoroi.s ami their victim \uis very unsatisfactory. Many mil Inclined .to believe that his slnry lia.s lu-uii pairing tip lorellect. Tlio tut m o can only cleeide , _ 12iirliiiiiiko Shookn , l > ! | AtfM'iTA , Ol , Nov. 5 At W..i this after- nonn Umro was ttio sovorrst shock of oailh- ( make fcliiro Auaust HI. which lasted twenty- live sei'ofuls ' No diimago. CIIAI.'ISTO.V ( : : , Nov. n. Theio was alight but inaiUcd eaithijuakii tell hoiu abimt l'J:20 : p. m. No Uunuicu loiioited. uur inteiiiipilou of Inislnots. ItAi.iMiiii , Jf C. , Nov. S. A slight shock of oaithqiinku , short In duration , but qulto percepllbli' , was felt heio ut li'i"i ! thlsaller- UOHII , il a . . . . tSAV.v N'AHi I'ii' . Nov. f > . A sharp oaith- qmikiuhliook was full lunu ju l at 1'i lo-ilay , lastlm ; thirly hccondc , preceeded bv loml inmbliflp Sliocks woio ulso felt ut l < acon , ( in. , liit'iimondrn. . , Cliosloitiold , S , C. , tvild , iwreU iN. t' . , about the snnm time. \VAsilPVMo.v \ , Nov. r > . A slight shook or H was foil hou < about W : ! p. m. 'I 111) ) Ijonnnx Will. NKW Y'oitK , Nov. ft , The will ot the late Ilunrleltu A. Lennox , dlsiniiliorsio,000VK ) ! ( ) worlh of propetty. was offered for probate to-day. Alter ivliiK the bulk of her fortune to rolalivos , she loaves Lennox llbiary a pleco ofhunl on Seventieth street .and ! 10iooo ) ; the board of foreign missions and board nt Homo missions nt tlm Presbyteiiun church of Aiw.lca$50.0JOi ! acli ; Ana-rlcan IIIWu hool- ety ? a.\0 ( , nml other eharltlw SIO.C0.1 . and less. sums. "The Jlrook. " Tlio ficu jitorforod ( domowhnt with the purformiiHu : lust ni ht , und the oiirtiiin did not till half an hour past the imo , but when It did btsgin the fun fa.t and inewsant. i'ariiutuul motiou wns cml'odieil in frisky NcDio McIIenry , whoso coquettish chnrnis sillier no dim- inntlon. Nntc Snlsbiiry is alwtiTS clover , lint lili nhllitv does not find Ite ilosorvod seopn in the frothy ' 'llrook. " The plecu nflbrds plentiful opportunity for the in troduction of specialties , and it is in the nbundiincc of music , ilanomjr nnd Ron- oral profesionnl hash Unit its success consists. Jsate Sulsbury us a matter of course cnrrieit oil the honors , but the olhnr members of the company lohti Webster , F. H. Hlair nnd Marie Hockol contributed ti larao share toward the c\i'iiini'spiitprtiiniiioiH , NollloMetlenry and Miss Hockct bolup very luipin1 lu their . * oiiis. "Tho llrook" A ill be repented this after noon nnd tivuninir NK l.OMAII.V. . A Horrii\v-Slrik < Mi AVoniiin Iiooklni ; Kor Her llnsbaiKt. The tondimry of husbands to leave thulr wives In other cities nnd eomo Io Omiilui for the purpose of lindinom / - ployinoiH was illiistrali'dyeslurdtiy niora- iiiR in n sinjiiiltirlj- painful nmnnur. A man nnmoil Willhim O'Hriun , formerly of Peoriu , uiuiiu to this city about n month : io , loiiviiiK hi. < wife in the oily men- tionoil , while ho claimed to have loiinil work in this city. His wife wns in n doll- cnlo coiu'itlon ' , und upon receipt of his letter , about two weeks n o , wrote him , nl this point , informing him of her desire nnd dotorminntlon to como to this city. Slip parried out IILT intention and on last Salunlny night arrived in Omiiha. She hud a liltlo money , and stopped at ono of the hotels , but her condition was such as to require eonsidornto aUoniion nnd she was compelled to go to the poor house. .Sho made iniiuirios , however , ntthc post- olliee nml found that the letter she had written her hiislmnd , telling of her in- toiitlon of coming hum had been taken from the poslolhee , but where her hua- hand has pone she has not the rmnolcM. doubt , i'o iiKKrnvatc her niisfoitunu , the ulioek lo liur trunk , tonelher with n pair of shoes , was stolen from her vajive nnd slip has now no moans of re gaining her wardrobe , with the pos sibility thai il has already boon claimed by tlio party who robbed her of her check. Thuro is only ouu ward in the pour hoiisu where people in bur condi tion may ho placed and that is now full , and accordingly some effort will ha\o lo be made ! > y County Superintendent JUalionoy or else the poor woman will stiller greally. A Postollluc nionny Orilcr. Detroit 1'rec Press : One of llio rea sons thtitindiK'Cd nio lo haven ronilttaiieii sent to Atlantic City in the way of a post- uflicc money order was the faot Unit Ihe o\-pro > s company or bank would demand personal ulentilicMtion. Ajmost every body is eortnin ot his own identity , but when it comes to sonic ono else being cerlain llio onso assumes a dlllorent as poet , specially if a sum of money is con cerned , However , this great and glori ous government , in its praiseworthy desire - sire to help a stranger in a strange 'land out of a bad bov , will permit a iricml to deposit money in one poslollii'o and let you draw it out at another. The man at Iho desk will ask you who sent it , providing you arc a stranger to him , and when you have replied that the sender was John Smith , your brotlmr-in law and n good follow fioncral- ly , and that you linvo been expecting llio orner for two days , and tlmt the folk.s around the holol can no longer look upon you without suspicion , ho will hand it over without a doubt that you arc the person for whom il was intended. It's a nice , easy way , you see , and the bunk tellers mid express audits arc awfully put out because they can no longer biiiu" strapped strangers. " 1 havu n litlor order , " I said to the. nionoy order clerk as 1 went back into hN den. "V-o-s " ' ho he - - , grudgingly replied as received it. "Is this your name ? " "Yre.s. " "Who was it , sent by1'1 * "John Doe , of Detroit. " "Vos urn ! You'll have to bo iilonll- lied11 ! ! "Why so ? Haven't I told you who it was sent by , ami didn't 1 receive il in this letter directed to mo ami deposited in n box which 1 re nl hero ? ' * "Yes , but - " "If this isn't my name how do I got llio hUtert- addressed to it ? If 1 am .somebody else what right have you to hand me an other person's inaily" " 1 know , but you must ho identified. " "lint there isn't a person horn who Knows me , i'lul 1 am dcnd-broku and far from homo.11 "Can't help tlmt , " "And yon won't pay * " ' Not unless you arc identified. " 1 won ! bank lotlie hold anil asked the clerk if he would identity me. "Well , 1 don't know you , you .sec. " "But ain't I rcgisloicd- and haven't 1 boon hero several iln.ysV" "Oh , yes , but you might have nsuimod this man's name , you sto. People often do that " "Well , como up and look o\or my trunk. LOOK at UIOMI half dozen envel opes. ( jo ask my wife who 1 am. " "Yes , but you must cvusu me. Il's against orders , you know. " "Orders bo hanged ! 1 ewe you $ ! iO ; hero's an order for * .riO. Hither nolp mete to got it cashed or I'll walk oil' with your billimpaid. " JIo concluded lo identify me , He wrote a nolo to the poslmastor lo tlio ell'ect that ho believed that the bearer was the per. .son named in the order , and I returned lethe the post ollieo , .shoved tint note through tlio window and asked ; "Well , what do you think of thai * " Thu dork looked at tiio signature , scratched his head and inusud : "Hoggs , ot thoCiiMoy llouso ? Who in Halifax is Hoggs * " "Perhaps you want Iilm iduntilled ? " I asked. "I do , " ho coolly replied as ho blinded tlm nolo bade , " ( 'an't ' say that I overheard hoard of Hoggs , " Something was said about some onn getting licked if hu would como out doors , hut hu wouldn't comu. 1 wont bank and told Hoggs llio result , and ho looked at mo in u vnoant way and replied : "Mo not JiongsH Well , ho may bo right. AVe can't lake no chances huro " Next day I wont , down for the mail , having determined lo lot the order cash itsnlf. Thorn was n card in the bov ask ing me to call at the inunoy onior olllco , and when I showed up the clerk said : "Who sent .you that order ? " "John Doe ! " "Whcro does ho live ? " "Detroit. " "Oh ah. 1 guess it's all riirht. but you'll have to got yournumoy at Iho bank noross tlm way , " "Arc you sure I'm the mniiv "You may or may nol b i , but we'll cash it.1 Ho giivo mo an onlor on the bank , and I .skipped across and handed it to Ihu paving toller. "Y-o-p , " ho Mild us ho .sul/cd il , "you'll Imvoto bo identified.1 "Whatl" "llavo to bo idonlilii'il1 ! "I'll bo ilnrnud if I do ! I just got that order from the nionoy.itlurk , who Kept mo out of it fhruo days , and 1 don't propose - po-so lo fool away any more lime1 ! "Cnn't help it1 ! "Will you como out doors ? ' "No. sir ! " "Will yon lot mo in there ? " "No , sir ! " I was going out , leaving llio order in his ImiiiJs , whim Hoggs came in. 1 tohl him of the dilliuultv , und ho mild to Iho ciishlor : . . . "It'jj all right I know him. " "lint I dout'l know yon | " replied the JlofjgiUmn.oUured Ull iht him iiwide or onlshlo the railing , nnd t\ftor vo hat got the board ot directors out and a crowd around the door some onn caiiio In who idcnllliod HogL'S. Hoggs Idcnll lied inc , the teller handed over the monoo , and the poslmnstor , whom I mot at tlio door , paralyzed everybody by mil itig out : "Hollo ! Air. Klni ? , did you gel tha money all rightt" Hoggs nlniosl tainted nway , nnd the tpl ler shouted for me to rottion , but I slipped pod Into the erowd and got safely nway Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is .1 vcrj' iircvnlenl ill < ca. o , wllli imtres'lnc and oflcnslvo symptoms. Hood's R.irsaiinrlll.i Rives ready relief and speedy care , from HID fact It acts through the Mood , and llms reaches every part ot the system. "Isuderrd\\llhcatarrhfltteenjeari. Took Hood's Karstparlll.tand I ntn not troubled any with catarrh , and my Iic.ilth Is iiuicli bettor. " I. W. I.tu.lS , 1'oblal Ulcrk Chicago ft St. I.oiils ItMlro.ul. " 1 suffered with cat.irrli 6 or 8 ) ears j tried imuy wonderful cures , Inhalers , vc. , spend * Inn nearly one hundred dollars wllliuiitbeiicllt. t tried Hood's S.lnaparlll.i , mid was greatly Improved , " 21. A. AiiuiV : , NVorcc&ter , Mast. Hood's S.trsnp.irlUn Is cliarartcrlml liy tlirco peculiarities : 1st , the romlinntlon ot agents ; Cdtito"proportion ; 3dtho ) ) ro < r. < of securliiR the ncll\o mcdlclnil qn.illtlrs. Tlio result Isamcdleluo of unusual stretiRlh , olTrrtlnu cures liltlierto unknown. He ml for liook containing additional evidence. "Hood's Sarpaparllla tones up my system , piirlfiei my Mood , sharpens mvnppi'lltp , and 5PCHH to make HID o\rr. " .1.1' . 1 noMl'SO.v , Iti'glsterol Dccilt , I.ouell , Mass. "Hood's parsaparlll.l ln-ati nil otlior . and Is worth Its weight In iriild. " I IlAltniMJio.x , ISO U.Uik Street , Ifcw voile City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by nil ( Irnpplsts. $ l ; six for $5. Made only liy (5.1. HOOD A CO. , l.owplt , Masi. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. oiiti cs , nml n now nml iur Biw imvoestul ( .Hltlnt ! jmif own homo iij- DUO ho MI\S < lenT twtsmjolsrhf yenis. Ti'uiiU-il liy most nf thn noloil xpwlnl- ll ivltlioui lionellt ; imtt'il lnin eir In tlneo iiiiinlliB , nml Nlneo lluui hiiiulre < ls of othei > . Viill imitlcuhirs Mint on nppl ciitfun. I' . U. I'AUli , NCI. 41 Wosiaist St. , New Voik L'ity. , KKRVOU5 PEOPLE Anil DllicM * nirilttr | from iirr\oui tlolillltY .ejli.utllnc Cihtnulu tltsrniict. titrniAturt. I'lccilnn of jmniic or olil io rnp'f r ni'Mia ltliclro. % In tic- } tfj\Slntci In tli I'mmi limo li -n uurni. l.lp.'lrlil 'Vl'SlT liKtnntn 'lit I'nipnitil nml i old 111 \rau Wholi * lta lll > call " ( Mr vntnu brll ! .Ui'1re ( rr-'nulttnnnK'hfH.x Avolil v > orltile lin ilutlonn uliil IIOKIK ctmpanloH Hlcrl lr Trn * rn lur U-\l lur * . TOO cuie'lln'Bn. s nrt rtmiiprni i jmplili' On. W. J. rtasNC. INVPNTCS. ISI WABASH Av. . CHi/tro. ; iKrirni.o ivianr. . l.nt k uf l . -cll . . ' , i 1C , ri < > tillinKfrcni In. " ' " ' " nT | "c wl0' . . | ! ml | UcI > r.i.-cl"t l < \ Mm OStAT MARSTDH TRtATHtNT. tK-ntnltUfkitrt'l I * r Sliiilll 11 > | < IL I I IIT Knlhcr' | > l ri fl In lli Imn t , ni UK Ir Sntm P rKrtilt Ir wltlt ii < T VHlnr < lo tilt livu REMEDY CO. ID Park Place , Now York. Mont on Omaha ll f. Tb vuljr pnrfect substltutn for Mother's mllU. Invnlunblo in cholom Inranttim na ToothlnR. * prn.lie Btoil rood for D s- peptlas , Consumptives , Convalescents , ivrfapt untrlont In oil Wasting niso.ieea. Koqulrn ) no cooVlae Our Dool- . The Qnro nnd reading or Infant1 * , inaliml tiaa. JXtLIBUn. CluODALH it CO. . Baatua. Mna USED IN ALL PARISOFTHE 'WORLD ' ( "ntnlniiii > nnrt I'rlci'R on nppllcalton nil Iho best r rrlnfrp Itnll.ierfl anil UINUINNAT1. II. FOR WIIISKEHS. MUSTACHES AND USE WOODBRID6E BRO'S. ' State Agents FOllTll/il / DECKI5R BROX PIANOS Omaha , Neb. Successors to Jno. l ! . Jncobs , UJNDEJR.TA It MRS Atttip oldslaiul MD7 Fiiniivin ft. Onion tuloi'.iili ( ) so.k'ltcd nnd iirouiptly at nded lo , TdopliDiio No. ' ' ' < ' > . Tansill's ' Punch Cigars ilnrfm tlm imot two yo.\r , wltliout u Uniui- luirOiiuirrmiilny , Kootlirr liiinmi In thn wnrlil ra < i Irir.o- ( ullyinikuainlini , - - . . - ouly wan loa in ( LUWII. EOU1 cr LEAOIHO O.VJCCI3TS. RWTANSII.LACO.,5i ! Slain Et.Cliicme. Hii.ll , l , iiitlt'i > Dr. .t i an liUKlvrii In A rjp ol rutTir or IHS Hl'.lidrtt tlic UnimltMlieul Ui't | > vr o > i lakln ; I'.U ju''il ilvijr na/iiilm , tn < \ will n tci n iriiiniirni i i.n I < | i" curl. , Hlipl'irr DIA paiin'il UN iniMit * Alt .rlnkirtif uiconolio elicit. Tl lihi liet'U Klvi'ii In fliou. * < ! i , uinl In rvciy ( mm. "re > , ( ifv ( riir C'l. Il iurr lulls T.u aitfiu ouoj ii'd nlili ll.irfi'LM i- " it lii > cuiiic nn ultrt lmj > o Uilltlur | tliu l.-inor u ron M.i : v : ' ( ( rtVHN tV < ' ! ) . , ( lur. Irtili nml Ko-Jal.T. , nnJ I Slli 'v * . .niiiriH Mln. , Omi : > ) it , , trij. < A. n. nTin . .viititt , . ' Tailor \ > rlf ! f > r p until i I i. > 'il.iin < i c ' " ti 'IliiU'iitnlf * r itn11nri * * t MonH'.i nai l.uuU vine , * jn iuitritiulitta vl rat * . ( Hit. * > li llm * r.t terrltiU riMU dunto rly Vl 0 U > f ] Ill 14 neo4U. Tvatlatunliti ( o FREHCH HOSPITAL TBEAT EHT Fir Unitm , I > * T , Iyj t Vlt lttj ( Kt < % 8r11 iiirrnAtiol , rr * t Aiiult tlaii. Trui'iVA M t > tii' j " iJT iuUoa ht. Avwvrk4 1 WHY IS IT Thai rheumatism and nenra u , - v.ilcnl ? Tin ! ) question has not i. . faclorlly answeicd , but il U n Ihefc diseases are not only Ihe fill but among the mosl cointnoi , member of nearly every famlli > > is the victim of one of lhe e ( itc.i.i tors. Ladies seem lo be pccutu ai , attacks nhicli in Hi. to neuralgic , i > m ncuialgic headache , pain in tin- \ , nervous pains aie of constant 01 < Not until the discovery of Aih , , had any icmedy been found hi mhc iheuinatUm , neuralgia or ncnons h , \ci , and thty wnv generally conceded t , . ' ( . r cuiahle , but Athlophoros has been p up to be not only a certain cure for tluvp d senses in all tlielraricd form * , lu.t i vi icincdy. Ifm llieiiscof Alhlophorus , 11 bowels me kept freely open , itsMiccisi certain , and to aid this Athloplumts ! ' are reconunended , which while piovuhn flie ncccsiai v cnihattlevlllbc touu l ini a vahiablcni'd to the action of the t " Athlophoroi Is no expciimcnt , It has tested and has proved \\ondtiful cllle. cy , The Allilophoroj Tills cie original prepared" a remedy for me in conncctic with Atblophoros for ihcunialisin ai neuralgia am.1 kindred eoniplnints , Usei connection with that rcmcdv thev at certain cure for either of those \ cry cr iiion and ilislrcbinn ditenscs They h also been found to be nu invaluable ronu for any mul all xi ! scales nrifinj ; ft mil tiated'blood or general debility. They Cfpeeially valtiabte lor nervous debili blood polsoniii } ; , dyspepsia , distiess eating , beadaehe , constipation , toss ol i petite , ind nil stomach or liver troubl. . For disease * of women they aie invalnah These pills aie pelfeetl hnimlets nnd I be bafely used ly adults orchildicn TsstiniouitU of the e who have hi'cr cured will be unt free on applleation. Kvory drii rglkt .should keep Athlojihn ros anil Athlophoros Tills , but when they cannot be bought of thn drtigu * Iho Athlophoros Co. , 1 Will 1 st , N'e York , will solid oilhor , onrrlnRi1 piud , m receipt of roiruhir nrii'e , which is fln \ - \ bottle for Athlophoros mid OOo for tlt < J'illa. Cure without meill- A POSITIYE : olno. I'atonlol Ocio- borlC. . 1870. One box will the most obtlnntocnso In rourdavs N ( > nnusnous ilo-io * ot cubebs , eom\lu\ oil i tnodalw o id Hint MO cettiUn to ni'oiluco ilj pcp Mnlivdoitiiirlnir the ouniltiiii of tliu " iiiiuoh J'rlcu 91.60. Hold by ull ilni jHH "i1 limited ot reeptptof pried. Vfir ful-thor ii.irtH'iilius son. torclrcular. V.O. nox fill. 7. c. . XJ XT oo. , UJuhnnl. . New York. tuurt-tli-HnllYiu& M dc lrnr.1 Iwo rlntoii ruoH lontlicr No linxi' , unlln , or xnjIlilM lu liurlthsloot SOIbCl.r.SS ANIi HAilV ChlUlrvn cannot mat uPllcli A rncliclttllli Iticin or e > nlcli Imril txM Donrdtir IvAvcan tl Hecriuloby nm\I \ IMI I paU tivnts , lutti. l.rullus niiJ Mojrs' , } l.k& , MlnRoi'anJ VpiUliV , l in , I'lilUren * * It oo Hayv/ard Bros. , ttdl Ho ird St. , Omaha. Neb. lloltironco * CuujtuercAl Nntlon&t Bfttik , Omuhn. A. C'O Genl. Insurance Agents , MtroluinVB National llnnit HuddliiR. Tor. Fur mini and Kltlibta. , 100111 1 up-itiilri Tolcpliono No. o''i Ointilm , Nobunliii. nni > iiKm.NT : _ _ j , 1'lioenlx. London , Knxtnnd . S5f3J1' < | l [ 'lrpmcn' , Ncwiil : : , N J . l,5olb. 'J ( Ilnn'H Kalln. fll.irVnlU.N. Y . Olranl , I'hlliulolplilu , Pa WcsiUioslcr. Now Yorlc , N. Y . John II l.II'iicU Mullllll I.IIO .Iloston.S 751.710.S O. P. DAVIiS & CO. Nebraska Lao 4 Agency jcneinl dciilcih in rual cstcle and ical ci > talc inoit.'ag"b , 1505 Farnam st. , Omah ; Nobiaska. 809 North 16th Street Creamery Butter rx Kollollcil. FRMK D. fSESb , Carpenter and Builder , FJNE ( JAU1NKT WOK1C ASI'KCJ AI/I'V Telephone COO. Slreut. OFKICB AND IIESIDHNCR- Kooio 17 , Arlington lllock. (1st ( liiilldliiK Wort of I' . O.i Tclujibouu No , 8H * H- & ' < Af % S/v a4v OITICR nouns- * Oj\f \ HUiy , unU 11:30 : to 13 a. m. J 3 In4 , itnd T lo A p. m , a , 12 lo 11) . in. Complete Banking FMures air AJ.JO ! ) ' 'isn n nil lot ; on ( rood rjiilro nice lovii in ( Vnlrnl NclifiixKii , V sell tiitfotti'ir op Ki'purntc ; or wi" chniiiio for Oiinilin properly. 1'nr pirHeularrtcali : on ur'nddres S. D. PIKE , 60S ftoiitli 9th , aiSSfllRPOHTEBSOP'flHO ! , ; Teacher of Vdiu Culture ait'J S < n.iinij in A'/ Its nllcn'.irin KIVOII to brnil' ' n < - "i- ; Jnu'Kmalo IniniAlluii of toncK Vt.i > \\'lll IMJ.U imuitiMi'iu'iiH to nmr in uliuub txnii'c rls/ Cull or lujmutm , curiior JnmfL nml MircPtu , near bt , W ry' Avuue : rii Cliurlb. " ' . '