Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Ho Arrives in tie Oity With His Oom-
Two WotlilltiKS The Rulionl Jlonrtl
I'olltionl Pointer ! ) The Oinalui
& Northern Ilo.til
Other Local.
Sullivan mill Ills Combination ,
Tlio members of the John L. Sullivnn
combination , which npiicnrud nt the
oxpositlon bniltliiiK last ni ht , arrived
in the city yesterday , and tire slopping
at the Merchants. Tliu combination
comprises the great .John U Sullivan ,
Patrick F. Shrcdy , his mutineer ; Stove
Taylor , tlio celebrated heavy-weight ;
Jimmy Carroll , the champi in light
weight of Now England ; ( Si'orpo ha
Hlanclic , Ivtlcr known as the marine ;
Tom Hindi , thu famous middlu
wdjrhlj Dan Murphy , the trosisurcr ,
and Dr. Crawford , Sullivan's plivsieiau
and trainer. Taylor lays fliiim to sonic
distinction as being thu first man Sulli
van knoekod out , in Harry Hall's place
in New i'urk years njro.
Nearly all llm mumbors of the combi
nation were thoroughly wearied from
want of sleep and retired to thuir rooms
to secure a few hours rest. Sullivan
and his wifu were assigned room II , whole
he remained until about It o'clock vcster-
day afternoon. A reporter for the Hr.B
wu's given an interview , which , owing to
the fact that the champion was badly in
need of sloop , was not prolonged greatly.
"Yes , " said Sullivan' , in reply to the
1eadiiir { < piory of _ the reporter , "I am on
my way to San Francisco to meet I'addy
lt > au on the Mth. The conditions of the
light are that the winner is to receive 7o
iier cent , of tlie roeeipts , and the loser 25.
The contest will In ; one of six rounds ,
and will bo with soft gloves. "
"What do you think of Hyan's
chances ? "
"Well , " replied big man , ' 'ho is a clover
fellow ami all that , but J don't think he
is in any bettor condition than ho was
when I mot him the lirst time. 1 propose
to show him what I can do , and 1 shall
bo very much surprised if he shows up at
the end of the third round.11
"Js it a settled fact that you are to meet
Smith , the champion of England ! "
"Not by any moans , bmitb , in my
opinion , is a Dig bag of wind. We've
tried to eet him over hero to make a
match , but ho won't como. So as soon as
we are through with the show business ,
Sliccdy and 1 will go to England to &ue if
wo can't arrange a matcTi with him.
What do 1 think of his chances } They
arc about oven with of Rvan. "
In sneaking of Sullivan , Mr. Shce-
doy , his manager , said : "John never was
* jnuottor condition than hois to-day , botli
in science , muscle , wind and general
physique No , sir , ho don't drink
a thing. I'll bet all the
money there is in this .satchel to a dollar
that ho hasn't tasted anything stronger
Hursiiunrilhi in six months. Ho is keep
ing straight , resting regularly , has irood
hours , and altogether is in splendid trim.
He now weighs 25JOJ pounds , and is live
feet ten inches and a half high. His
flush is just as hard and linn as iron.
His Hunting weight is about 10 ! ; ! mnimls ,
though ho can train down to about 210
pounds. Ho is a wonderful man in point
of quickness. For you must boar in mind
that though he weighs 20 : ! pounds ho is
just as quiok ns lightning. The man
don't live to-day that can best him. You
must remember that during all his lights
lie has never been hit in the nose , never
Hlioct blood has never oven re
ceived a scratch. Ho has never been
knocked down , either. The nearest
ho came to it was when ho mot Mitcnull.
The latter struck at him , anil John , in
dodging the blow , caught his foot in a
wide crack in the platform , tripped and
fell. He was the anggriust man then that
I think 1 ever saw. lie hardly got on his
feet when ho knocked Mitchell clean
over the ropes. Mitchell was put back
on the platform , and John hit him again ,
this time knocking him right through
the ropes. Captain Williams of the
police then interfered with the protest.
Don't kill him , Sullivan.1 "
" 1 don't think Sullivan will ever have
any more bare knuckle fights , " said
Hhocdy , in answering1 another question
of the reporter. "I am certain that ho
"won't while he is with mo , and I think
when J leave him he will bo about ready
to quit the business. ] don't approve ot
a bare knuckle light. It is a crime against
nature and a crime against the law.
Neither do } approve of knockouts. What
the people like best is a good scientific
display , without any features of brut
ality. "
The champion is possessed of a
fiieo , which , while it docs
not stamp its owner as
a man of any remarkable intelligence ,
is , uovortlioloFH , a pleasing one. In
physique ho is perfectly proportioned ,
but walks with a ci.rtam swag-
gorlsh movement which distinctly
oharaotori/.es the pugilistic profps.Mon
llo sports a beaver hat and in tastily at
tired in a dark I'rinco Albert coat with
light trousers , and patent leather pointed
A Ceremony Which Occurred ai SI.
1'hllomoim Cathedral.
The marriage of l\lr. \ 1'atrick Dnll'v to
Miss Agues O'.Shaughncssy was cele
brated at St. 1'liilomena cathedral Wednesday
day morning , llov. Father McCarthy
officiating. The ceremony was per
formed in thu presence of a largo mini-
bor of relatives and friends. Miss Sarah
llrady acted as bridesmaid , while W. 11.
O'Sliaughuossy ' , thu brother of the bride ,
was the groom's uesl man.
After the holomn words had boon
spoken , thu guests repaired to the rest
deuce of the bride's hister , Mrs. Hivwloy ,
U17 north Seventeenth street , where a
pleasant and largely attended
was held.
The list of presents was as follows :
( Srooni to bride , seal cloak , mull * and
pearl earrings ; W. 11. O'Shanghnes ' y ,
brother of hrido , chuck of $10(1 ( to bride
and bedroom suite to groom ; Mrs , Hawley -
ley , sidtor to bride , Now Homo bowing
machine ; Eddie Hawley silver cake
basket ; Miss Brady , silver spoon holder ;
Mamie C , Horriyan , jewel case ; Mr. and
Mrs. K Downey , dining room suite ; l'rof.
T. T. Downey , silver butter dish anil sot
silver napkin rings ; Mr. and Mrs. J.
O'lloylo ' , statuary , "Hock of AgesA. .
llruniion , gold liueil .silver fruit di&li ;
1'Vonoy ifc Connolly , pold llncil tlosscrt
basket : Mr. and Mrs. AUwooil , hand
fainted , gold lined , lands-capo Mii'iio ; Mrs.
Margaret Donneloy , cou.tin of bride , one
dozen napkins ; Misses Cruighum and
Hi'olan , dressing room basket ; Mr. and
. Mrs , Richard McDonald , china lea sot :
Mrs. Durnall and daughter , variegated
water sot ; C. Urennau , individual silver
lo.t bol.l. ' , S. Whipple. cologne ijaso with
t-'iitin Jlnwl silver jewel cns-o ; Mi s Anna
M. I'iinl , rut glass ice cream st > r\ic \ ; Mr.
and Mrs. Andruw Murphy , cut class
water si-rvh-e ; Mr. and Mrs. N , Mi.rgon ,
and bon 1'ldlin , gold card case with rut
glass boquet holder ; .Mr. and Mrs , M. T.
Murphy , fcllver butter dish ; Harry nnd
MQriis lluisie , pickle castor ; ( ' . 0. 11 van
silver ( -how-chow borvlco ; Mr , ami Mr * .
Thomas Anderson , silver jely | .S'-I-'VIPO ;
Mibs-Jnlia Leon , Hand painted pin cusii.-
louMr. ; andMr * . 1) . O'l'onnoiv towels ;
Mr , ; .1 F. Smdhvcut glass lemonade sol ;
Mr * , E. Cyuklin , "Mater Doloroai" ; Miss
Grace C'onklin , marble va c : K. J. Tag-
cart , syrup cup and salver ; Miss Mamio
T' , Marseilles bed spread ; J. N.
Kelly , silver nnpkln rings in fan trays ;
Mr. and Mrs. K. Fe.iron , willow worked
basket ; Mr. Percy Snyder , Tennyson
poems complete ; Miss Fannie Arnold ,
Hnyard Taylor's homo balladsWm.PMc- ;
Dovitt , marble top stand ; Kdmund IJurk ,
parlor chair.
Tnc Nuptial * of Two Wet ! Knonii
YOIIIIK People Colchrntcd To-day.
The marriage of (5eo. ( J. Storn.sdorll' to
MKS Kiltie Hockman occurred yesterday
afternoon at the rcsidoncj of Henry liolln ,
on Sixteenth and California streets. Kcv.
W. J. Harslm performed the ceremony
in the presence of a largo number of
invited friends and relatives. The bride
was attired in a handsome costume of
white satin , which greatly enhanced her
natural charms. She was attended by
her bister , Miss Alary Dcckmati , as
bridesmaid. Mr. Harvey J. Fueller of-
lleiated as bt t man for the groom.
After the ceremony was performed , a
bounteous repast was served which was
accorded ample justice by those who sat
down to the table. A reception was then
held , lasting well into the afternoon. A
largo number of the frioucs
of tin' happy couple called
and paid their respects in person. The
presents bestowed were numerous and
attractive and showed well the esteem in
which both of the contracting parties
are held by their acquaintances.
Mr. SterusdorlV is a well known young
railroad man of this city , who has worked
his way to the front by energy and in
dustry. Ho is now private secretary to
Commissioner ( irillith , of the'freight bu
reau. The bride is the accomplished
daughter of Mr. John Hoekman , of Cal-
lionn , and has many friends in this city
who will wish both her and the grjom all
happiness in their new relation.
Mr. and Mrs. S. will return to Omaha
after a short tour of eastern and northern
The Hospital Commission Now Cou-
HldcriiiK Architectural DcHl iiH.
The county commissioners , after the
postponement taken a week ago , in the
matter of the consideration of the plans
submitted for the proposed county hos
pital , resumed the subject this morning.
There were present a full board and all
the physicians upon whom the selection
of the more successful plan will depend.
The matter was discussed for some time ,
and then an adjournment was taken till
2)0 : ! ) o'clock. In the moan timeArchitect
Meyer , of Detroit , the gentleman who
built the court hou o ami who is to erect
the now city hall , was given nor-
mission to introduce the plans
which ho had prepared. This afternoon
the gentleman went before the joint com
mission and exhibited his plans , at the
same time taking occasion to explain
them both in design and theory. The di
versity of plans now before
the board , is somewhat remarkable , espe
cially when it is considered that but low
have been presented. Some of these are
plain , representing a building costing not
more ( ban ? (50,000 ( , while others arc those
of a structure which will cost up into the
hundred thousands.
Despite this fact , however , the impres
sion seems to prevail that of all those
submitted , the commission is composed
of mi'ii who will act for the best interests
of the community.
Klcctlou Laconics.
John 1) . Creighton "This talk about
Howe's contesting McShano's seat is all
nonsense. The fact was and it can
easily bo proven that Howe used money
freely to secure his election. His cor
rupt methods were notorious so notori
ous iii fact that the voters of the First
district were thoroughly disjni&tod with
him. "
11. S. Hall "I am not in'posscssion of
the complete returns , but I know enough
to bo sure that I am about 200 votes be
hind. "
A Farnnm street merchant "The re
publicans deserve their defeat. With
biich a man as Ilowo on the ticket , they
could not hope for success. Howes
nomination was the only thing in the
world that prevented a sweeping victory
for the county republicans. "
A Democrat "Ono of own dailies , I
see , is talking about Howe's contesting
Jno. A. MeShane'fi election. This is all
rubbish , at least , so far as the grounds
upon which it is based are concerned. Of
course money was used , but 1 am satis-
lied it was utilized in a
manner not greatly different from
that in which it is always employed in
elections. I am in a position to know
that Howe , if he attempts to show that
boodle was used for improper purposes
in the campaign , will bo con
fronted with facts of his own creating
which will satisfy any unprejudiced man
that he relied more upon boodle and
disreputable voters than he did upon the
intelligence ami respectability of the re
publicans of his district. I know of one
case whore he put ? 10,000 into a county ,
and that was Lancaster. Even in tins
citv I know ono man to whom he gave
$800. 1 know of other cases , and when
the time comes Mr. Howe will fool it per
haps advisable to cover up his tracks. "
Police 1'olntH.
Sixteen drunks and disturbers of the
peace were arraigned before Judge Ston-
bergjycstorday. Six were lined onlyono |
of them paying , and several were bent to
thu county jail. Among thu number was
( ! co. Yules , who had been on a spree and
was on the verge of delirium treinons ,
Three buspicious characters were dis
charged and one was held.
11. M. Chase , who forged a draft on
Mayor lloyd , was held in $1,000 bonds to
the district court. A. H. Clubs , accused
of appropriating money not belonging to
him was discharged as the complainant
did not wish to prosecute.
A Lost Ilnslmml.
O Judge StQiiborg received yesterday the
following letter of inquiryJrom an anx
ious wife Larygno , Kansas :
"Police , IU < IKO , Omnlin , Neb. Dear Sir :
Two weeks a o my husband , A , Cooiner , lett
hcie tor Uiualia , and 1 have never heard
tioin him. As he Is or was a man who
tilings , 1 thought he alight come under jour
notice. Any tutormatlon conrcrnluf > hlm or
his whi'ioatmuts will ho thankfully received
by lila anxious wife , llu Is a btoat built man
nlKiut thlrty-iivo years of ago. Hoping to
hi-nr tioiu you very soon , 1 inn , very resin-ct-
fully , Miss. A. COOMKU. "
DUu-lul Court.
To-day Judge Wakcly will take up
the ease of Jno Wilson , charged
with forgery of a check on ( Irani Lau
ra uco.
The case of Mre- Taylor against Kd- it F.nrkson went to the jury jes-
terday afternoon.
IIurilarn at Work.
Two burglaries were reported to the
police yesterday. Due occurred Wednes
day night at thu ivsldenco ol ( i. W. Hamil
ton on Twentieth ami Lcavenworth
streets W'IUTO the Ihii v ' gett
ing away with only a suit of elothi' ? .
Oharlo.5 Karbac ] : was vlc-tliuofjlho other
burglary , apd lost a valuuWo gold watch.
The C. rairal W. C. T. U. will not hold
nn.v JiU'Ptings till after the nicp.ting * of
Jones and .Small. All the members are
urged to attend their meetings at the exposition -
position , building ,
Till- : OMAHA KOA1) .
A Meeting Last NlKht The North-
western's 1'lnns.
It was rumored on the streets yesterday
that a secret meeting 'of the capitalists of
the city was held Wednesday night to dis
cuss the subject of a railroad to the north
west. As to whaQwas done , nothing is
known by those "on the outside. " It is
rumored that a big .scheme is on foot , thu
particulars of which will bo divulged in a
few days , and which moans the certain
and speedy construction of the much
talked of road.
Appropos of lids , the Rapid City Jour
nal has the following to say :
I'l'om a gentleman connected with the
construction department of thu Fremont ,
Elkhoru & Missouri Valley road a reporter -
porter yesterday learned what has been
a standing conundrum with a number of
lilack Hills people for a long time what
is to bo done with the extra construction
force of the contractors after thu branches
timlor way are all completed. At Doug
las , or rather a few miles west of there ,
a force will be kept at work all winter ,
or so much of the limo as may be , and
such us are not employed there will betaken
taken to the eastern part of Nebraska
and set to work on the extension of the
line to Omaha. The branch to Omaha
will leave the main line at Arlington , a
iliManco of twonty-thrco miles away.
The contract for doing the grading has
already been let to ( ! . P. Treat , and by
him sublet to difleront contractor.
There is considerably heavv grading to
done on the line , and it will necessitate
the employment of all the available
force , if the work is completed this winter -
tor as is desired. The iron , of course ,
cannot bo put on until mm spring.
Next spring the iron on the Omaha
will bo laid and the track continued west
from Douglass. This much of the com
pany's plans has boon delinitelv decided
niton. \ \ hat else will be done in the
matter of track building next summer is
as yet a matter of uncertainty. The gen
tleman was asked if he could give any
dolinite information regarding the inten
tion of the lilack Hills branch , and ho
replied that ho could not. This is as yet
an open question.
The Omaha Typo Foundry nnd Hup
ply House for Printers nnit
The Western Now.sp.ipcr Union at
Omaha is prepared at all times to out lit
publishers on shot notice with presses ,
type , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
sticks and rules , and in iact everything
in the line of printers and publishers'
supplies. Hotter terms and more liberal
prices can bo secured than by sending to
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by
buying near home. Second hand goods
in the printing line bought and sold. Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
lar. Send for Tin : PHINTKUS' Ar.xiuAuv ,
our monthly trade journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices and from time
to time proclaims unequalled bargains in-
new and second hand material.
12th Street , bet. Howardand Jackson ,
Omaha Nebraska.
S. L. Diller , for many vears with A. L.
Strang.nnd now head cleric at the United
States Wind Engine Co. , was married on
Monday in Philadelphia to a young lady
of thatcity. He will return to Omaha
after a short tour in the east.
Prince IllRinarck's Health ami Ap-
New York Herald ; Regarding the
health of the prince from time to time
the most contradictory rumors .are cir
culated. Some say the once gigantic
liguro of the man has fallen away and
traces of his many maladies , especially
of severe attacks of neuralgia and jaun
dice , arc marked deeply in his counte
nance , while othe'r reports assure the
public that the "Iron Chancellor" ' looks
a little worn , but nevertheless healthy.
In a letter from Hamburg , received re
cently by a Brooklyn gentleman , this re
port is somewhat confirmed. The writer
of the letter , who has lately seen the
prince at his country scat.triedrichsrube ,
gives the following report : "PrincoBis
marck's face is thinner than some four
years ago , when I saw him last. That
the prince wears spectacles was entirely
new to me , but I am told that ho uses
them as little as possible. Ho is now in
his seventy-first year , and it is only
natural that his eyes should have become
weak and lost their lustre. But , although
lip walks slowly and heavily , he carries
his head erect. Any ono seeing him inuut
confess that he , like many men of his age ,
still possesses great physical power. "
Although his genera ] appearance is
well known through pictures of every
kind , wo select a few characteristic points
for description. His features were never
either handsome or ugly , but being vcrv
remarkable and not easily forgotten if
once seen. In his younger days , his
biographers say , his face was strikingly
clear and full of cheerfulness , even to
gayctv. Unt for many years it has been
earnest , almost solemn , with an expres
sion of most indomitable energy and
hardiness. Beneath the bold forehead
his large , projecting blue eyes do notlook
aboutwilh the vivacity of a young man ,
but turn quietly from ono object tu an
other. ills eyes are so penetrating that
many experience a disagreeable feeling
upon meeting them. Ilib broad forehead
and his remarkably long and bushv eye
brows heighten his strongly markeil fea
tures , which otten appear harsh. His
largo and heavy liguro does not appear
clumsy.iis every part is well proportioned
the largo , round head , the bignooK , the
broad shoulders and the stout limbs.-
A Theatrical Io-j.
Albany Express : "Poor Koysor is
dead. " For six years ho had 'been a
faithful attache of the Lcltnd opera
house. At an early ago ho was taught to
go through the house after each performance
ance- and arouse any persons who might
have failed to take their departure , lie
was known to every actor and actress in
the country , and all had a kind word for
him. With Mary Anderson ho was a
prime favorite , and Lester Wallack ,
at every appearance hero wanted to
take Koysor homo with him. Kevsor was
only a dog , but was endowed with more
intelligence than many human beings.
As boon as the curtain in the theater was
rung up the dog would seek the soft side
of the carpet in the property room , and
there do ! away until the performance
was over , when ho would go on his
nightly rounds through thu house. Ho
was a good mtturud brute and was very
fond of children. His tale was scaled
yesterday when ho yielded to the seduct
ive allurements of a poisonous button.
Peace to his ashes ,
Oio hey in Springfield , Mass , , is so
bright ; that ho ha.s got into the news
papers. The brightness consisted in
asking his school teacher how far a pro
cession of the presidents of the United
States would reach if they were placed in
a row. When bho gave it up ho
answered : ' 'From Washington to Cleve
land. "
Tliih Day at 1 ! O'clock.
To day at 3 o'clock is the grand open
ing of the bankrupt sale of line tailor-
made winter clothing , hats , etc. , at 1118
Farnani M. , Omaha , Nub Rentcmber
everything will bo .sold15 per cent less
than actual cost of manufacture , and sale
will positive ! > close in six days. Men's
Hue beaver overcoats , f'J.U , ' ! . guaranteed
worth , $12 or money refunded. Also 1,000
difterent kinds of and satin
lined , equally cheap. A handsome- suit
men's winter olothes , sf.C,5 : { , guaranteed
worth sfiy or money rcfuudctl.
heavy dark mixed pants , $1.15 , worth
$3 50 or money refunded. Also a largo
line of wool cassimcro corkscrew and
.silk nnd satin lined iuitg. Men's fash
ionable hats , 00 cents , worth $3. Men's
Cardigan jackets at K > cents , worth $3.55.
Underwear , timbrollhs , 08 cents , worth
$2 , and over 5,000 dillorcnt other articles
at 1118 Farnam Street , Omaha. Sale
positively will last only six days. No
goods sold before U o'clock. Store open
till I ) o'clock.
United StntoHlConrt Mutters.
Judge Dundy yesterday heard argu
ments on a moliomto remand the South
Omaha'syndicato case to the state court on
the ground that the federal court Ims no
jurisdiction. Webster , Cowin and I'ritch-
ettjrepresented the dis t'iitingitrusteesand
Woolworth represented the Hosier fac
tion. Judge Duudy has reserved his
Ronl Kmntc Transfer * .
Thr following transfers were filed Nov.
0 , with the county clerk :
Win F ( Siiiloy to .Jennie 11 Orr , lot I ) , block
10 , Jnrniiio imrk , w d SICK ) .
U W Loomls ami others lo A W
lot 17 , Arlington , w d S'M.
Kuuli'o 1) Patteo and uu-Omnd to T P C.irt-
wilnht , block ! Jl , Hoyd's mill , w d S2..VK ) .
Henry Ambler nuil otheis to 0 U Keller ,
lots 8 and 0 , block II , Ambler Place , w d
John Bryant and wife to Jnincs A Brvnnt ,
ninth IB ncios of ne of nw'j sire in ami cast
" 0 acres of ne' ' { ot ncl4 , si-c ' - > - ' , ID. 12ir ,
acres , w d SOTfi.
Win Fli'iniiiL' nnd vifo to ( ! . T. Cilsmimn ,
lot 7. block 1. West Kml aild , w'i.
( \V \ Loirnn ami wife to KlmurW Miller ,
lot 10. block 10 , Ilnnscnin Pinco , w d-Sl.l'OO. '
11 A Kosteis anillfo lo U A llnirls anil
Otlll'IH , lots IS. HI. ' . ' 0 , ! l , 'J-i , ! > : ) , iil , SS. Vll7 ,
ay. 21) ) , so , SI. : U in Wondlawu , w d-SO.OJO.
Morris Kleutter and wife to Robert A
Hauls , lot : i , block 11 , Dwlulit & Lymnn'M
add S.vo.
(1 ( A McCormlck to Omaha loal ! Kstalo&
Tiust company , lots 10 , II. 12 ami 15 , block 1
and lotsjo , 11 anil ir , block ' . ' , Catalpa Place ,
(5 ( M Ofayton ami otlicis to Mary 1 ! Stone ,
lots , bloi-lc ! ' . , Diake's add , w d < 1 , 00.
F S Blown ami others to Mniv K Stone ,
lot 10 , block 2. Drake's add , w tl-Sl.rwo.
Maik A Union ami wll'o to Chailcs T Mor
ton , lot 7 , block b3South Oimihn , wd 81,200.
A O Peterson ami wife to Wilson T (3r.x-
ham , lot 14 , block 0 , Prospect Place , w it
s'500. .
W T C.ralmm to C W Wnlhtrom , lot 15 ,
block , Kllbv Place , w d fl.COJ.
_ . . . . - ! _ . . . f J J
block 05 , South Omaha , w d S5"t .
Daisy A Writ-lit and husband and others
to Kliznbcth M P Harvey , lotfi , block ' . ' , sub
division of .loliu 1 Hcdlck's mtil , w il St,000. :
A ( . ! IiiKhram niul wife to Mrs .lane
Wanpli , lots S and -t , block 5 , Orchard 11111 ,
w d-si.OOO. :
M S Lindsay to W T ( iiahnm , ( 'round 13x
.10 teet in Lindsay's add , w d ? 00.
AlvlnSiUimloisnnd others to H ( ! Miller ,
lot 14 , block 1 , Saunilcis & Hlmcuatigh's ailil ,
Omaha , w d S27B ,
W V Church lo Amelia M Daveunorr , lot
! > , block 1 , Plaiuview aild , w d-ST- .
K A Cobhand others to James A llawlry ,
lots 1 and 'J , block 2 , Potter's add , w il-
Henry Dahlnnus ami wife to Chailotto
Slipmber nnd others , lot S , block I ) , Arbor
Place , wd-8-iin.
.letter K Coukllng and wll'o to L U Kortv
and others , 15 acres in sec li ! , 15 , ij ; , \ \ - a
.lames Murphy to Michael Don nelly , lot K
bloek Ar , Lowe's add to Omaliu , w d § 700.
Maria Dorr ami husband to Michael Don
nelly. lot 4 , Kasaii'saild , w d S1.I150.
1) O Iiish and wife to Alpha C Pearson.
sw1 of nw1 , .sec I'.i , 15 , I'l ami west 15'
acres of be } of ne,1. , ' , sec It ) , 15 , IS , w d
$311,100. $
Augustus Kniintze and others to 11 ( !
llartc , e' ' < " of lots 'Jf : , 'M anil 27 , block 8 ,
Koimtzo & lluth's aild to Omaha , w d
S7.7M ) .
11 t ! llarte to Johanna Ilnrte. cK of lots
2:3 : , 20 and : ? , Dlock 8. Kouut/o & Kuth's aild
to Omaha , w d
John Hush and wile to Mary Brothy , lots ,
block 10 , Isaac < ! c Seliiun's add. w d 1,250.
Kilwln Welch to Cuailes S i'.irrottc , south
eiiteetot lotli'J , WA lieilick's add , w d-
sioo. : ;
.1 ( J Willis and wife to John A Lawrence ,
lot 5 , block 1 , Omaha , w d & 2OiS.
Alary F Stcnbella to Mary L Cml , lots 7
and 8 , Auburn Hill , beiuj ; a part of block 0 ,
Cunningham's subdivision , w d SiM.0.
Alice O'D'junhoe ami husband to Charles
K Collins ami others , ninth 25 feet of lot ! )
and all of lot 10 , block 5 , subdivision of J I
Hi-dick's aild to Omnha. w il Sii.OOO ,
P 0 Hiincbanich and wife to .1 A IJonnc-
vit'r , part of lots ; i and 4 , block 1JH ,
Omaha , w il-S2iru.
Lais Clnistian Maiisen anil wife to Chris
tian Podertjon , lot K\'el.sou's ! aild to Omaha ,
w d-Sf.50.
Christian Peterson and wife to John O
Peilersou , iiait of lot W , Nelson aihl to
Omaha , w il 55750.
Oeorno H Bonus anil others to Alice 1C
WhlnneryflotT , block 7 , Omaha View , wd
S 1,000.
1)1 10 1) .
HONACK-lleiiry , November ! 5 , accd 07
l < "uneral will take place atO a. m. fiom the
icslilcncc , coiner IHh anil .lonea street.
A delighted audience in the First M. E.
church listened to the concert given by
the Hock Banu company Wednesday
night. Thoplaying 911 the musical rocks
was a thoroughly enjoyable feature ; the
vocal efforts of the dilVeront members
were greatly appreciated. No more pleas
ing musical entertainment has "been
ollered in this cityin a long while than
that given by the Till family.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ol
purity , strength and wholesomeness , More
economical than ihe ordinary Kinds and
cannot be sold in competition with the mul
titude or low test , sijort we'jjlit alum 01
phosphate ponders. Sold only in cans.
Royal BaKing Powder Co. , 109 Wall St. ,
New Yoik.
Manufacturer of
Paper Boxes ,
10(1 ( S. llth st. Oniiilm , Koh ,
Orders bymnil solicited nnd will re
ceive prompt attention.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat
Roomt ) Wlllidrns Uuilding , cor. 15th and
IJodge sts , Omaha.
Hours 8 to 12 a.m. 8 to 4 and .8 p. u\ \
Tlie cold waves have been so long in coming that our expectations as
to the sale of heavy overcoats have not been quite realized. In antici
pation of a cold fall and early winter , we laid in the most extensive line
of overcoats ever offered to the people of Omaha. These overcoats
must be sold , It is better for us to sell them at a sacrifice than to carry
this immense stock , so we have marked down the prices on the same as
follows :
100 Mens' heavy Grey Beaver Overcoats , cassimero lined ,
reduced from , $6 to $3,60 ,
\ I
100 Hens' heavy blue Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats , reduced
from $9 to $5,50.
65 Mens' heavy blue Chinchilla Storm Overcoats , extra long
withcassiniere lining , trimmed with large fur collar and
cuifsreducedfroin$12,50to$8 , This Coat cannot be bought
elsewhere for less than $14 ,
80 Hens' all wool worsted Overcoats , in black and brown , re
duced from $12 to $7,75 ,
Please bear in mind that all these goods are new and fresh , and man
ufactured for the season by us , and that we guarantee every article to
be as represented or the money will be refunded , All goods at strictly
one price at the
I ?
Oor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha.
In aEI Towns in EUriiika
Lightest Running , Simplest in Construction and Noiseless' _ .
j + * * iZt TtfffZ'
" * - -
Address for particulars ,
Manufacturing Co ,
12O ! V. Kllli HI. ftmalia , K
Thorn In not cooLins nppnralni minis nilnu llm
Pollil Oicu Dnor , l > ut lhatthaIOMIn nalght of mi-sin U
( \ om ttrant-IUu In fortr r > r emit , of the uioat romlwl.
In oilier woriU.n rib of lieof , noiitMim ton pounilu if
roastid nunUuai lo tvaU-douo nil ! law tliroa poumlg ,
The uaino roantcrt in the Charter Oalc
11 ailtro uainir tha WIre Qauzo Oven Door
loeen about one pound.
To lo\Tme ! tlohhrnk ! la In lorn A lurafl portion of
llu Juices * ml flavor. 'Ilia IHjri'd ilunutBuparato , and
StHD FOR ItlUSTRATEO CIRCULARS AND PRICE USTS. It bdconifti toJnu , tastoio.4 : iuJ uji.ibtoi.bla.
J' . KENNKV. GOBUOK. GliTri.KSc VMit.U , . . . . FBAMU.N.
J. n STURDHVANT & SON. ATKINSON , A. i'KAKi-'Oir , HirriJKa.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The lurguit stock. IVicos the lovvoat. Hopairin u . All work warrant
ed. Corner IJouglas ami lOtii struuts. Omaha
rJ511 > . J UI MHn.
$ Jr . ' S37. 510.
Crated free on board c
. , ,
Mc'niion Oniulia lluo.
S. > V. CO * ? , l.llh AJVI > FARNM.H ,
Property of every description for Bale in all parts of the city , l.nmb for sale in
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douzlud county ke-t. ) Muns of th city slain or i-minty , or y other
informatiou dcsircu , furu'uhud free oi.cbareo upoli apjilleuUuiu '
St . Cor. Capitol
nm TNI : TimlTMrNr OK Ai.r ,
Chronic fit Surgical Diseases.
PR. MoWSENAMY.'Propvfotor.
hi Hern Dears' ilnii > liul ami I'rlrutu ITaiucc
H'olm > u tlio f/irllltl ( , Bpi'.iriiliin anil rcmcdlr *
for the * iicccf fill trealincntof itu-ry form of die.
IMP rcqiiirlm ; cllfii r inrillcAl or mrslcal Irntinrnl ,
uiul liuitunll loconicniid liurctllitL'/or | ; tlicmsclTci
or c < ) rrv p'inilltli UK. I.on ojperlouiH In Irrot-
limcmtei liy letter enable * in to treat ruauy tmti
tclentinrallr ltbont ffeln ; tlum
WHITi : rOU CinUULAK on nrfornilllct nrt
Ilrncrj , Club Kt'rt , Cuivnturra of the Hplno
] > I KASI : orVnMB . l'ilr , Tiimnm , C'nncrri ,
CiiUrrli , Ilrancliltls , Inlislntlnn. KlurlrirllI'ernl -
yils , li ; > ! lo | > Bjr. Klitney , Kjre , I2ar , tiklu , lllood ml
nil oiicrillom.
liiitlirlr , lutinlri-ft. llrarm , Ti'nntrj , ml
nil klmlrt if Jldllrnl and Hnr lcal Appliances , man.
ufKclunil ninl for vale
Tha only reliable medical IntMule making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
1 A SP/I ; IAI/IV.
f roui wliatci cr luiine iirodiicul , uc ccst f ill Ijr trf ale ,1
\ \ cm rtiiumi H'ililllllo ) jioUo.i froni llieiv lciu
wltliout ini'iciiry.
New reitnrutnntrcntmfnt for lo nf vllnl powrr
C ll nivl roiiiult ui or eonrl immn nnd | uiil , < > flli a
nJilrin jilainly written eniluia tinii , und HU
lll dcinl jiiu. In jihln rawpir , our
tti-o-t I'r.iviTB , Prccui. ANII Nmivora Innti ,
, i , uAToiaiutKt , JIPOII >
cr , Hij'idi.H , Oo niniiiu , OIEET , VAIIICOI EI i : ,
.STIIICTimH , AND > . ! . ! . JHtKH rt lit11IK (1SP ( | > -
UniNAitv Orfoixi , urrcnil luttury uf yunr taio fur
m opinion.
1' un M t > vlilt nt mr.y hu trralodxttlirlr
liuuir * , lijcnricrjiuiiiJcme tliilicmtimid Inilrti
IIH nti iviit by mall ur rzprria .SKCL'JIKdY I'Al Jl
ll ! > I'KOM OIlSIil'.VATION. no m rk lolndirau
( iintcno or render One personal InlcrUvw rri'
fi-rrrillfrontrnlriit. Fifty roonu f-ir the - " < m
moilatlon of patUnU IJjard nuil utlonduu - it
jT3 > oint.c ! pilcei AclJfui all l.rttcrii to
Omaha Medical and Surreal inslltu ! " ,
CorI3th8t , and Czaitol Ao. . OMAHA. Dili.
V - S $
- - -
Wilhoi-'s ? ro.M.hrr . ( Ml nnd Minn. Tli
cr 't i. "llir'tir ' oUti | , Ifoicio It IirCinr |
; lu'iknliiii | fiiiriiiu Hi trltulii vmrtli. la
il > iiiii'.iriviiulu f , i it. A-IIK )
In Cu ttfh.hirrf I'Mtf Him i n i -I uH ciiinu'iall
T''t m ill ut mi ui"tnr If i unl , l.ct iicj , < i a
i i-cl ttiic-fit'1 1 it , n l4lN.i ti.u-licnunuieiit
i > ( .1 Inn Itlilih I niltiun .ill > inV nu or C
' 'JT' ' V ' , ' " , ' 'il' " ' ' . , ' * i'i * ; IHU-I olrlirA
II. Tf jlIJ. K CUir * , Jl > IID' hOIJ by Ml druvBUti