THE OJ\EAIIA \ DAILY BEE : Fin DAY , NOVEMBER s , issu. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements underfills he'd , 16 crn t ft per line lor the flfM. Insertion , 'i cents for each lub- Bcqucnt infcrtlon , unit $1..o n line per month Ho ftdvcrtltcment tiikcn for less than SAocnti foi the Brft Insertion , Sevan wotds will bo rnuntcci to the line : they imxt run consecu. lively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements mtiM bo hnndcd In before 3 o'clo-k p.m. 4 and under no eireum tflncM will they betaken taken or dlecontlmx-d 1 > y telephone. I'nitlts advert tin ? In thMiHOlumnsrnd hnv' InKtho ntiswfis mdre } ! fd In of Tnr. HIE will tilenso ask for n check tocnnblo tlioni In get their letter * , ns none will ba , delivered ccopt on pro cntMlon * of cheek. All answers to ad- Terll > emp.nt should ho enrlo'ed In envelopes. -i. _ OIT.H ( T.X I' money lo lonu : easy terms. W , M. Harris , ( loom 5 , t'ron/or Ulk , npp , I' . IK 4.M Doe 2' M MM. V TO I.DAN At low riltCS. ( in IJOOd ell ) property. IIiitulim-A Co.l.lfl ! Douelas street. 1" . MONI1V tnlonnnn city and Inrm pioperly , low rules , Mownrl .V Co. , Itoom .1 , Iron MONKV TO I.OAN-.U reasonable tnte , on furiilluro. flno wntelies nnd ether personal property. O..I. CiHwell , room IV Iron Hank liuildlntr , l.'lli and riirniim. * M 'IOOOO to lonu. Hums 160) ) nnd upwards , $ Lonctt rates. Dcinl , 15th mid Uouirln * , sla. J i.)1 ) * _ \OM : i TO I.OA0. . F. Davls.VCo. Heal ill Estate nnd Lonn Agents I501 rnrnnm si. MONUV TO I.OAN-On real estate and ehut- loU. I ) . U Thomas. BUT MONKV to invest If > ou have irood notes to sell call on .1. 11.1'arroflo , 10th nnd Ch | . _ Miivnv TO I.OAN-IIISUIIIH of r ana iipunrdHun llrst class uuil ustiilo 1'otterA fohli , Uilfi Knitmin si. J MONKV ID loan on chattel mid io l cttiito ; lair rnte Interest. J. II. 1'arrotto inth and CIllCBlfO. _ 2 ' niiinuy on iinv Kood ot'iiril\ , Hitch as < > linttils ! , iiiort Miri'i > , nr othihlo pa * pcrg nr nllioiuliM' , cnll at irii'M'afMiini pt. room' . ' . _ ' M ONKY I.OANKI * nc'l' . Heed .VCo'H.r.oan ollico.on furniture , plnno , hoixes.waRotis , personal property of all l < lnil . and all other nr tlclisof vniuo , without removal , yi'J BAll 1,1th , over Hliwhum's Commission store , All bugj : nrss sirlelly eonlldenlInt. IWO MON'l.V tti lonu at Minlitht S porient. Nn coininlftxlon llaininuiid llrosOiin ! l. 1523 DoiirlitsMi't. < I7-H3 UrcoW To loan on Dmalia city propvity iitfl P percent. 0.V. . Iny.o\cr 1.112 Doupla gt. .101 T OANS I.oana Lonns. Itpul estate lonnj. Collate. ! al loans. Chattel lonnd. t tltno lonng. Money al ny8 on hand to loan on any ap- piovcd security. I tnMimrnl securities bought and sold. lull at the olllco of the Oinnlia Financial er- chaiiKii , Fecoinl llonrof ihu llnrki > r block , ' , w. cm. of I'll teciilh and I'ariiain xt4. _ t'oihi'lt .Mnnnaor. _ 'IOJ _ Ol'K.K UK.NT Jlonci to onn. J. J. Mnhom-y , 1WTJ rnrnnm. ! l ! l _ 61'KR CKNT money to loan. 11. C l'nttor .uu , IMthand Douglas. Ml MOXnvto loan by tlio unduislKiicit , who has the only properly orRanl/ed lonn awenny InOmtthn J.onn" ot flO to (1,000 inndo nn fur niture , pliiiHH. orKiin" , horses , waKoni , tnauhln- ery. &o. , without removal No delays. All business strictly conndontlal Loans o made that any part ciui bo puld at any time , cioh pay ment reducing thn cost pro rnta. Advances made on flno watches and diamonds. Persons elionld carefully consider who thov are denllnir with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into axlftciicc. Should you need monnr. call nnd s e mo. W. It. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthtmll Iliilldlnsr. ICth nnd Ilnrney. 30i BUBUEBS CHANCES. FOHS AIK---Ono Or the host | iiylnir hotels In this oil } , imiklnir rannoi lust. Host of leiiions for selling. J./iKl cnsh ioiUired ( lo iret II 1. 1 ! . Lye , 1 17 1' si. 475 17OII SA.I.I : A rcst'iurnnt loeitedoii n lively T btishicss stioot. Addicts S : w llco ollico. FOlt SAf.TI The Imlaneo of a voiv flno dry Koods stockcoii9l < tlnornl > oil fRW worth ofcoloiod kill < 4 , ( IIMX ) of dross ffiiod$10 of hosiery nnd uiiderwe.u. I--00 phi-hes. velvets nnd velveteens hrocndcd nnd plain : J40i luoclm nnd line Impoitod shawlH , $110 elntUs nnd winpH , $ . ' > 00 notions and $1200 donuslic rilibnnn , eor-ulH , fiiiiL'cs nnd sklrtH , lltmn nnd whlto frond' . Will bo sold nt a cneilllco. Address , ( I. Dowlliifr , Mlllntd Hotel , Oliliihn. 5i)0 7 * FOIl HAI.H Host pnj liur Lunch C junior nnd Chop Housu In the City , ( lood reasons for solllnif. C. I. . Hantliott.IiJU Douglas. 4'l 4 * Foil SAM : on HBNT-TIIO ciui > iionso imr llltures , Mimple loom , lunch couiitci , ele , for imiMOnnblopilce , Call al the pinto in south Omnha hlook jarrie. C. C. Ilnuluy. 1574 FOH 9ALII A icHtnuinnt dottiR peed busi ness. Imiulro of IMwln Unv Is , 1WJ rnrnam St. IW "ITlOH HALEHiudwnio Huimess Wo oiler J. our shelf and heavy hardwnro business for mile , together vdth our lease nnd Kood will. Imclo Inrsrost In the cltv nnd locution the best. Itotlrlnp from the biiHlness cause for Boiling The llniim nnrdw.iro Co , 1028 O St. , Lincoln. 787 F OK SAI.K All furnlrthed commercial hotel "Brooms , also tmmplii room , livery barn , wind mill ; only hotel in town , llradshnw Nob. Ji. F. Hotchklss. 7BO nlS * "JTMH SAI.K One of the uldost and best pny- JInifflroemy Itiislneus In thodty. For PHI-- tlcnlnrjilmiiili'o t lll'i.ii.iii'a gt. U08 HOUSES Lotg.Farras.Lands money loaned , limits. 15th and Uonglus itroutfl. S05 rouiro. rol'ND-Ou Len onworth at In October , u 1'1- Apply al life olllco. 47'l ' 6 LI VnsoCU Auction Stables , a.103 Cum- ills' street. The boot facilities tor banulintr and sell I UK : at auction. Horror , inulos mid live stock , also tarrliiRrs , carts , livery and lior o supplies , west of Chlcnio. Sale days , Mondays , \Vcdno < da } s and Haturdayn. Ilrotrn , Wlnipcar& Canter. Telephone No Ml. 215 N i Z.OSX. LOST I'lom Maidli'g hlauirhtcr bousn , 3 fat hulfuiH niaikod u Itli tur over hips. Itunui d lor Inloiiimtlon urrctiuu. K. 1) , l'uroiii ) , WKl N. Kill st 4N > u > IOST-Ajrllow brlndlo"biiirTiirrlor. . black J uiiii/lo and trlmmuil earn , K months old. Hetiirn ( OH. i\.cor. Douglas nnd IMli sis. nnd Itct roniird CU. ) tf > $ .X 01 < KWAIIlTrt"rth"rir1tmno7 : lied frisii Sutler ft months old bitch , Antwois to nume of Nellie Tax tui ? No , ll > , ulso address on col- lir. lloliirn tiiiW * I'ltuco. * 1MB * TOST f IH.UJ unviinl and no iiimstlons asked J forllie ifliirn ol a ludy's yclluw H.itohcl , ' ontalnhii ; papnri. , iiookelbook , ilnir. ko > 8 ami u Wp old pluo with initial II ensruvod. ( kit a. llthBl. m 4 _ TOST S noli s and MoiUairn Hltfiiml by Ti I'd I Aimbru l In Invor < it Win Motonoy , ut Oiniiiui Nail bunk , llctinn to llco oltlcu and irot row ant. n.'O fl _ "I > 'H email jro'il watch with inonii- -tJuimiiM I. W. on book , rindcr ploasoltnvo at lliU olllco. UIS Clairvoyant. MADAM ALASKA reveals ) > i > t present and tutniti , how many In family , aire , to , . how to liohl nllm lions of linshnnd or lovnr , Saiis- farilon AriiRrBiiteod 2J conli and upwardi. tl ! P. IUili t i7i " ; . . - > s wishing pooil doiae-tlo lielp ( nn be well Mipplled by cnlllnir at Omaha Kmplojmuiu lluroau , 1IU .N'oilli liitli ht. , l'ionno blook. 617 * | ' ) l.l ( < iD > AI < Jlen who labor should fee our .1 tog \ \ \ and iluruliln suits at } J ixi and warm xlutor overcoats at t2.uau can save > ou money on all jrrudej of clothlnir. L. O .lonui & Co. , I.W3 I'm IIHIU si , , elf 11 of the liar. 4'Jt-7 'IjnilSONLJII * s A. Lllncneraii , pToToTsloiia J nil ro with treed imommeiidiitluns , < U7 foutlilOih btifol , 3d Moor , room No. 5 , over Durnmn'a dry K"Qd8 Hoio. _ oS.-n30 " Klini > NAF..Mrs"Dr. . Nannie V. "uTrrcn Lnir\oant ! , llcJlc l ami buslnoi Medium Iloom Ka 3 , U'l Koitli lith st , Onuilm , Neb. 397 TV 118SIKGTrleudiln New YorK rilalo , llcrk ill imcr uml Onelda eountle * , are very 'inv lout to Lnow of the whorvaboutb of one lu ) KUIIM LI , I'etrlo , ourpontcr , who luu been stop ping in Omaha for * tow wrokg. Last heard ol from euld placoflppt 1 % . Anyone ublo to Klve toraa Information cunccrnlnir mid pcrann jilc \itHt to Claroutp 1'ttrlo , Cumiumilty Vuol To , , N. V. , Uor . 4 KU * Ill AVKonma farms anil wild lands lo trade- fop Hnram. Cattle , Dry Ooods , Clothing , or llardwaro Thn e lands arc deslrnblo , flfid well ocntfd In NeT > ra Kn , Knnsan. nnd Colorado. J. H < I'flfrutto , IMh ami Chicago. _ _ J)41 ) 8 PO liKT A Job brick work T. Murray. L 270 _ _ JOHOOt , OF STI'.NOfmAPHV amf typo-writ- i Inp , Kooms7andH , Iron llfttiX. O.W. Hakor. H.J i 3t Poll HUNT Organ" , 12 per month , ilospc , 1513Dou la . 333 _ T7UHCTIIAI1K On n Int. n superior upright o"plnno. . 2JI3 Calltornla t. 4U-5 * T/IOIt KXCHANUr.-A oieon slockljf clothW JL ; for city property or Nebraska lands. Ad- ilre s .L M. D.a-'U N. 10th St. , Omnha. 45S 8 TiM-o f'lano 'i montnir. A Hospe. 1613 Douiflas. 33S _ 1J1OK lir.NT Po.uaro riano , ( I tnonthlv. A JL1 Hospo l&n Douglas. : ms , Hoses , 'ihruInetc. , planted free lor . persons buying ol Ilo'.iirias Co. Ninscrlca C.O. Howard , Prop. . 1' . O. boxL-n ) . H87-nia * Foil lli.S : 1 Larjfo clean towels , cheap. Omalm Towel Co. , 1517 Howard st. st.72i n7 ! UAIE-MIBCELLAJJEOUB. Iaoit SAI.K Her o < Oii6 spin of mntohud drivluir nutlet , I family cnrilatro horse , 2 wnRons,2 set of lininoss. 114 S IGth st. 480 B 171" " SAI.K I'lirniiuro and lomo ot six-room J-1 hou o , time on part. Cnll 120-J North 27th ftreol , two blocks from Hod Car line. CU ] OTOIl SALI ! Choap-Pomo lieu nliold furnl- --L til re nnd tlnu orznu , handsomu pinna. 2010 St. Marj'snvo. 4)0fl' ! FOll SA1.15 rprlirH piano nnd household furniture , at 703 N. ISfli su 472r > FOI ! SALi : A huso Ditrner and cook stove , cheap Appl ) g. w. cor. 2Jlh nnd Chnrlos. Foil SAti-Hocln Hoatltitf Stovenio Ninth , 4t ; > r > * runt s\ii-ono peed work horao. S N. I ) ( lustln..M'-M llnmlltougt. n78-1 8I.K I'hnolon bupiy , ono top chi'tip ' , A. . " HOI'HK > Lots I'arms.Lancls money loanod. I loin Is Ifitli and Douglas slroels. 23" ) FOlt S.vr.i : Largo tire and burplar proof safe , cost J531) ) . boll for ? , ) . J. W. Mar shall , l.VJ'.l Farnam st. 7UO FOK SAI.K Cne'ip. iron columns ind win dow cups vultnhlo for front on brlek build- Inif. Forpartioiilnrsnpply at llilsotneo. 811 WAKTED-FEMAI.E IIH1.P. WANTED 70 s-ood trlrls for housework , io. T llcst of wnpos. Cnll on Omaha Hmploj incut Iliirenti , 1l'.i Noith li'.th l. 51K 4 irANTIID-Aglrl In family ol Ihreo.'JIir , Cnll. V fornlii St. 53J 0 1'AVl'KD-Oood > tirl. 1707 Cuss. \ 573 0 * \\r VNTIJIJ A girl for treucral houi-e oik : i T treed wiiKCA. Norlhonst oorucr 1'opplcton n\u nnd Dunnost. < * > 2I r > * WANIT.D-tllll forBclieitilHouoowork : ( Jer- man piefencd. Mis. D. II.Vlilte , KH South VUth st. 481 A \7ANTnO-A good girl lor Ultekcti woiK : Tf nNo , u nurse Kill. Gnimuns prcfencd. - 015 Cnss st. 174 n \\rANTr.D A few ladles to citnvnss n peed T > siicelnltv , u eful In everv household : nlso onn well edticuled l.idy to Introduce a | inllicn- lion neoiled bj ovui v school tencher nnd pro- Icsslonnl mnn ol this city. C. i : Leu , niiimiBcr , la)7 ) Fnruiim ar. 4"it \\rANTHI ) Sloadvgirl insmall fnmllv. Amor- T T icnn piofetrod. Apply at 1UI4 Howitrd struct. 4W.4' \trANTKI ) I.nundress , ut Occidental hotel. f f immediately fill. VNTKD Cook al ihu 1'mmet House 505 \\F ANTKD ( Sli 1 for general hou-nvvoi It. 1115 ft North Ibtli street , butvvocu Chirk and Oiaeo. ' 414-5 * \X7"ANTii-Oiil : ) tor biniill family ; 1414 N. VV 17th St. 4M 4 " \ \ 7ANTEDfloiul cuok-naehor and Ironcrat T > N , Ihth St. 410 fi * \7A > f rHl > Lady room mate , llctcrcnccs 140(1 ( Chicago Hitoct , 40S \t 'ANTlID Clmmberiiiald at 'J12 Douglas , ais VrA.NTIlD-A illsliwushot at Miller's H ( " > mil , 1001 N Kith St. 4 WANTKU A jouni ; lady with wood rocom- .iicndntioiib to vrork Iu = uno. Imnilri ) at 172,1 DodKO , 4:14 : I \\7ANTii : > A ( rood Rlil for geneinl liou--o- norkln funillynt tnu , Iteleiimces 10- ( lulled Apply to Mr * . W , P. . Annln.UO" ) Shur- man a\c , head of Clinic street ii.Tj \VANTKD-Lady of line tnsto to assist In eopyiuir bnslnuss , cnn work at homo if prufenoil : pDrmniiiiiit work , ( rood pay no ser- vnnts wanted , Hours 10 to 5. Art "op > ini { ItoonisUUN. Hith st. XM ID MALE HELP. \VANTKI ) Slv carpenters. Apply Mlclilpnn > nnd Collax sle. , near Pnrk nvo. 6 4 4 * V\TANT11D Affonls to cmivnss for nil elo- Tl Kimt now hot of Chi istnius books 111 .No- brnskn. Sells from 50i' to M 00 Ono liidv 10- iMirts 8 orders last week. Aildnt s nt once J. M. Trench > ! c Co. , ID ItuBlinuin block , Omnhn. 619 8 * \\7ANTRU AsrentB to mtioduco our Soeinl- | ft ties to moiehtints , mouhunles nnd iiciUfU- kocpois ; fair cnmpensallon to thst class men. Northwe&tein Novelty Co , 1M7 Farunm st. 477 VWASfTlIU AyouiDf mnn as porter , at B. I.chniau'H , 1108 Fainnm St. WANTKU A machinist or man familiar with lleht ropnliinir , Oinnlia Stove lie- pair Woiks , to S. Ulh M. 489 4 WANTUU-A good Porter , 80J South 10 st. Hoard at homo. 470 6 * WANTKU Ilurber. 1 want a good bnrbor nt once ; with steady employment. Telephone - phone reply or write Immediate ) ) . A. K Lar son , Noun lloiul , Nob. 4 ! f > WANTKU Airood houoniblo mnn with JWJ cash , us partner ; can mnko from 115 to f-0 poi day to oversee nzonts mid soil soodj In this state. Address , S U ' , lleo ollltu. 275 4 * \\rANTKD A uood salesman to Introduce the > "rflottlViio Door Mat" nnd-"llailow'n Dnor Spilut ? " to the londlnir merchants , hankH and luituli of Ihls city ; fair ooinpot ation. NorlliiM--t'Mn Novell ) Co. , 1 )7 ) rnrnnm Bt. 478 " \T"ANT1U > Active , onoipotlo ngenls to In- f T troiluco the most rapid selling nrtleles in existence. I'ronts larsro. J500 pur day nnd up- narda easily inado. (1 I. . Thompson , Mfr. , " 21 4th nve. , Chicago. 1311 tl * 'ANTKU 15x | > erloneed composition roof , era , liy Hahn , llhoads A Co. , aspbnlt and composition roolum , 18lh and 1'lurco Hlroels , \\rANTKIl Hook a cnti , O'Neill fc Co , pub- T T Idbcrs and Kunernl iiKenla for subttcrlplion books , box W , Omaha Nob. Jtf njj WAN I'KI > Teamslcrs and rorkmen for Wyoming ; (3uday AH winter's work. AlibiiL'lil'e Labor Agency , 1301 FntnainBt. , | \\rANTKi Auuiila Ghrldtinni book now ft ieidy Don't deUiy to send forclroulnrs and tnims : outlll .lo. KiuuKtlic Udles can make fMi to 451X1 by Cnrlxlmas day , Adilruss Na tional l.lbiary ABSoclntlon , 110 Stale St. . Clil- i.III ! lml 0 SITUATION WAHTBD. " \\rANTKD A ] > osltloji as lionsukoeper by > > lady ol uxpeiiuuce , Addicss S 40. llco olllco. 480 0 * WANTKU Situation Ily u matrlod man , asclorlc , niili < taiii book keeper or collect , or lloAlnr rolcruncuj furnlsliod , AddrojsS , art , lleo otllco. 497 6 A\f.\TNii : ) Pliualion ns lady companion by lady" ! yoBMof nvo ! undorslunds ( lor- man and linulih ; Imsa knowledru ot 1'roncli and iniialo , Addrcsi , 8 Si lice olllco I3T 4 \\7ANTiD-StiiBtlm : ! by a .vonntf man ( Hanoi ii wllllnp to do niiTtlunjr , llust of reference , AiMre.-s sa * . lleo olllro. J . ' > ' WANTUU Sliuallon in nurse nr companion by middlu ncfiil Indy , No objection to trnrel. Addioas , hM , Itoo oHlo , 40i 4 * Bltuallonto earn for hoiscs or an driver. Address , S'M , llooolllce. 41 t \\7ATMU-Ur > * iimkltir u > do In pmalo fninlliui , loqulniur MlM J cob on.202 ! llurudy street. 411-7' \ \ \NTKIi fJl moil local IjuoKwhent ouUd ' i niul Hiiiik | > syrup nv'oty mornlns-at Norrl * ' Itcilmiinnt , | t > th St. let. Un-l re ud Oougnn. StiulKul i.otid per utoi , JJ.'JS ; 21 uiccl tickets , w ANTKI ) SOXflOO yards of dirt tin land next west of Crelshton College. Hofrfr * Hill , .141 10 WANTKI hou'oin the elty , every convenience , chcnprent , rarn chance to make money W S f-oavey , 111 S. Hth st _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ 611 4 \\ANni : > l'urcha or for 10 room lodRlnn ' ' house , central , chenn ri ill. "Well fiir- tilMiedl receipts f I'M ' per inonlhi I'tico t1H ( , term" p y ! itrcnl bargain , \V. S Senvey , 111 S. lit list mn 4 \r AN'I 111) To buy or rent cheap n eood No , > 2 l < QinlnptonTpu-wrUor. Address , A. H _ , Hot 411 , city- _ _ 55.SJ ! WANrinItoom : and boird for man nmi wife , dee I reference giron nnd required. 1207 lloilBlas < t. 487 fi' " \ \ rANTii3Riutlomen : forparlonnd par- lei bed room TcrmB $ l . Hoard * l per week. 714 S 18th. fl * " \\TANTKD .11 Indies nnd RPiitsto loirn tele- T t praphy 1'roipeet eood for position when nmpotnuti nddrcj $ Vf. J , I ) . , Itoom I , Croitnsu blook , Omahn. 1.17 \\-ANTHU I'ltrchft'er forro'lnitrniil , full of ' boiirder , central , chpnh. pi and lnvp t- inont.V.S Soitxoy 111 S. llth st. 5114 REKT-KOtJSEB AND I.OTB. FOH HiNT : Kesldoncn No. I1U I'nrnnin ft , , 11 rooms , all modorii Improvements. Kent , J75 per month , carpels tind fiiiniluro for snlo. Apply S. A. Slomnii , 1512 rnrnnm st , ,8J8 FOll ItENT Largohouse wilh inndorn 1m- provoments , JS'tli ' nnd I'nriiiuu sis A. 1' Tukoy , 1301 Fnrmtin st. PH. ! FOH HUNT House of len rooms , with Imru , 1512 S Kill at. 670 OIMiKNT-80 ncros mijolnlm ? rlly northwest - west , suitable for dntry or ui'ii-kot gnrdon. Apply to Then. Williams , lice Olllco , 014 Far- num. 1M TOOK KKNT 5 room house , s. e. corner 17lh JJ nnd Dot ens. IOJ fl * FOH HKST For n term ot ve.ira . , n bnsomotit nearly 40xlJ ( , airy and well lighted , water nnd gas ; fiultiiblo for light mnnufni tilting , lauitdrt.ntc ; located on ono of the best busi ness streets In the city , nonr postollico Ad- ill ess S 85. HPO olllco. " 1710H lir.NT Five-room house , In peed order ! JL' gnu nnd wntor : oxeellent neighborhood : rent J4"i. ! Address S : n , Bee olllco. 4G(1 ( 4' P'Ht HUNT SlotoS-'x'fl , 1110 Jnckson st. | _ 7S8 _ FUlt iivr Sir room housc"Tth " > t. , north of DodRO. iiKiilro : | J. T. Withrow , WU Ilnrnoy 81. 7M FOH HUNT New 8-ronm house , nil modern Improvements , on MIchtirnn " st , noith end Cntherlne si ; tJO monlli. I. Collrlu , ni-31'nrk nvo. il'iQ 0 * 171011 HUNT ntctcn room IIOIKO cor 21st nnd L I.envenvtorlh si. Tvvn blocks Irani sttoet cur. Apply lo Hnrko A Untknlort , Uouglnsst or W 13. Annln , lleo ollico. MM 1 Klcpntit 10 room ro idoncq on JJ rarnntr. At , nil modorii Improvements , lur- nituroniid cnrpot for nlo ; nil now ; nm com pelled to ilvo up on nccount ol illness. Ad dress 1115 , lleo ollice. 51 "tnoil HI'NT-Storo itilmblo lor Itcstnurnnl , -D ltlUSUthr.t l'otor oti. 578 POIl Itnxr JfllotMon the licit H H In Oik Cbnlhnm , jut south of the R.irnto n school house. These lots cnn bo rented for 10 years on rensoniilile tiiims. John I Kedlck : i"l N 7 EBflT 11OOM3. Oll Ill'NTFiunlshed rooms convenient lor N Vf cor 18tli ami Clark. TjflOi : HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , sultnhlo -t for man nnd Hlfeorgentlemcnlocntlon ; llrst- clnss. Will lent for $10.11 nnd 541 per mouth. itiUlro : , lUOJDouglusBliool , , ! d lloor. fil'i FOlt KKNT Newly furnisher front parlor bedroom , iiia nmi tire ; nlsii sloeplui ; room nonly turnishud ; runt rcasoimblu. Call nt HWi tnniiini BC. 501 0 * FOll KKM' A nicolv furnished rrtom , cen tral nnd good locality , IB'.O Cuss Bt. 50(1 ( t * OH KKNT-Clood , futnlslied , front no. cor. JJIht and Davenport. FOlt UKVT Six nicely furnished rooms at No. 711 N. IJlth sticct. 401 17 * FOll HUNT I unfurnished rooms on ptottnd floor , li clo et8 , cellar , hard nnd soft wntcr. llent loaaonablo. 710 N 17th street , bet \Vcti- aioriimljlurt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 4,71 , 4 * FOlt ItllNT-Ftlinishod room fB."a02i Hitr- noy. 441 5 Ij OirTllJNT i nTcely luriUshcd looms $ | 0. J-1 ouch 502 S. l th st. infill * FOH HUNT Front oHieo. f-ecotid noor ; I5lh st , , near Fnrnunv Will rent one 01 tvvo rooms. AddrcbS S , SO , Boo otlico. 41(1 ( F OIlfiiNF : rtoomsrwilli llrst class board. All modern conveniences. 140 ! ) Jones st. , four blocks Suuth of rarnnm. 40U-1 * FOlt JlKNT A well fiirnlshoa room : bnth room on same floor : nt the C'npltol , 15'O nnd 1511 Farnam stroet.ild floor , luqulto room S8. JIIU-4 * FOH HUNT Furnlrihod rooms , 100C CURS. 404 7' TjMll HUNT Furnished finntioom , 161ri Hurt. J ? 4'WJ ' ! * _ FOll lir.NT rurnlshod front room. IK)4 ! ) Fnrnnm. 101 4' Foil HUNT Nicely furnlsliod rooms nnd _ _ board , ( Mil N 1'llh st. _ 4I.IH * FOlt KKNT I.arso , nlcoly turnlshed fiont moms , with board : use of bath , hot nnd cold watoi. IniUlioU10S. | 17th. 421.4 * FOK 1CI2NT Kuinielicil loi/nis ; Inrco nlcovo room for two gentlemen ; liroiikliiHt and 0 o'clock dlimor if do irud ; prlvulo family , mud- orutotorms S. W.corMet and Hurt. 4104 * FOK HUNT 1'urnlshed rooms for lljjht house keopinjr. Hcciuors block , cor rith& . HowniU. " BNlrNe iiyfui iililieirccra ' or two Kt'ntlomtn. ' llatli nnd modurn con- \onloiicos. 41J Convent Btroet. IU5 * 1OII UiNT Nleo furnlshod looms for rent. 1 704 S. Ifcth BtrcPt. 417-6 * Foil Hivr : Iariro , tuinlshcd. front loom , for onoor two tfoutlemon. Svr. cor. 17th and Jnckson. 449-4 IAKTIKSdcalrln ? nicely fuinlshcd looms with honrd , i all a tail N. Ulh Btrnol. Day bonrd. 11.0) pur week. 4l8h * Flt HUNT A nlto Inriro Iront Lhumher. tiewlv tiiriiished , hits K"S fnrnuco und bnth.MI Saitlmt , notvr St. Mar > 'snvo. FOll HUNT Two Inr0'e fiotil rooms , IdlB Dodge 'Mi 7 * FOH HUNT After Nov. 10 , furnished rooms utaiH north isth at. : H8 12 * Foi : KKNT Nicely furnished front room nt 51USouth30th , uuar St , Mnry's inonne. RTO , friOHHENT-niriilsliod room HltTDodtfe. 3.-J F Olt 1I1INT Nicely furnished rooms with board , IBl'I llod u U4U 4 * "DOOMWith board for iwo , 1013 Caplto nve , FOIl HEST I'nitof lloorfor llirht manufac. luring purposna. Centrally located. Low rent. li.'Q7 Fnrnam St upstaha. 4J4 , F OK KKNT ruriiHhud rooms for gontlo- men. at2.3 ! > Doi o gt. U75 FOll KENT Nicely furnished und honied room HUltuhle tor two ccntletnun at Karnatn st. K24 I , " OH IIRNT Kiirnlahod rooms , souihcn't cor- ' norSliit nnil Wolwtor , ' | , ( T.1OU HUNT Two pleasant , ilnfurnlelind , JP frotil roomslo , man nnd wife. IJ.V1 N. ihtli street. 4 % 0 * FOll m\T-Nlco : large rauth front room with bay window , fuinuhed nr unlur- itlshoit.chcnp Apply Wl 1'nrk nvo , corner Leavenworth , 607 0 * TT'OH KK.NT Disk roomclump ounlral.eom- JL' forlaldn. Also olognully liirnishud room , kiiltntilo for man nnd wife.V , S. : e. vo1 s\ \ a 14lh st. 50'J 4 fTUHl KKNT Nicely furnljhed rooms wlih Jl1 board or witbout. 607 H. Itth at. 4M 7 * I1KNT I'ront lloam , 17 4 Douglas sc. 514 6 JIKNF-A Inrne , olejnnlly furnished room , for two gunllumun. miv Dodge st " 17\OII \ ItlJNT-Bulte of rooms , with board , 1812 J-1 Dodifo. ] 2J FOK KKNT Large front room eood otlice location. H.V , Huntress , iWi : Karnnm , SJ FOll HUNT A largo front room ; nlsa for nle chenp.S'iuttre rosowooil piano at 1 1'arnnm itoue clock Wtfst ot ouurt hoitfo. 4l' TT10UIIKST FurnUbM ) room for ono or two - - ' iruntlemcn : furniture now , pleasant looa. Hani Howard it. , bvt. 8th and tin. ; south Hide , 433 T7UJII IlliNT-A nluoly furnlihcd front room -L1 with aloove , IQ Benllouioa only , ul No. 1911 Farimui iu 504 TpOHllK.VT-NowlyluruUUod rooin.S5l 81 , " E U rjr'f T * . 811 -I.OT3. * ! 4 speoiiil mdiipomgnu In 2\ . prices , terms pn > inent Rtid location , The tion o < now oit les nro good ones If you want to ouy the ground. Amps _ 15J7 PT. soulh front , 14 Ink from pulnp JjrflT mid < lreol car , | 1 > OJ. ( irahnm.Crelihton Mock. J i 4 ( 5 _ - ft - - - 1HAVK several mH splendid houses to rent to flrst-class tonftts. T , S. Cl.irkson , 13 S. Hth st. M 4V1 4 AJO ft , good house , Park ave , * 7,500 , Oinhun , \t I'rolKhton blk. 40J A TNPinKACim I.OT3 arol7nrd to Kct. llrlfrh" L ton M the ncaiest nero properly for < -alc. l'rlce . , S40Jtn $4 1 , 'f-jon ' wnnt acre lots rome nnd sou It Ames , IwlSTiirnam. 4T.I 9 . . A SI.OM AN l.ti2 FariinuTstT ! S. Itoul Kstnto. Offers the follow Injf choice Investments In In side bllilno s nnd residence propoity ! Onr. 11th nnd Murtlut flnoly Unproved ruxiu . $ < ! , > ) Jackson st. nenr l"th Improvements rciit ? o per month . . . . . " . ' "OO S. intii Bt , nenr Hnrtmnn school 40\ltt ( . . . .V > 00 a. liHh st nenr l.cnvenworth piovud . 20 st. nenr St. Mnrj'smo . . Cor. Clilo nro near .Mill POvl'U . 12,00 Cor. Chlrnxo near 21th stfiii,2 : ! linti os 9 join " California Sltli , "Ixl.t-.ll homes . fflOO Dodjrostoct , corner , lftrl ( i In Rrndo."O Donalns " nnnr Mi Wlxiu . 7t > ) ) Tarniim " cor Hmlth . hnrfriiln. . . 1 , )3 ) " " nonr court 1iou c.40xlt ! linn. 1S.OX1 " " cor. Kid , finely Improved . . . 1 1. OK ) Vlrjrlnln nvo , ASxIAn. it-room IIDIISO . . . -fiOi ) Ilownrd st. ncnr 10th , Improved . . . n.Ofl Iliirnovst. nonr'JOth , r/lxlrt ; . 7/iO > rnrnninst. corHith.illilfiO , Improvnd. . . . 4'iOW Ilnritpy et. nonr ilMt.iUxlU . 4.0JO .InokBOii ftt..onpi. ( loo'a new hotel. Mr 13 ! Imp . . . 15,000 f < onvonwortli cor IMIi , Itnniovod , rout f'OO . . . . . . 10,10) " " Peldon. Hi 1 12 . . . 2. ' H nonr r.en\enworth. I00vl48 linii 4.20J 2 14 TI1OKSf.t : Ten iicios In Ken < < ltiiloii , the -L two1no t loU In HID nitditlon adjoliiln < llrlirliton ut only SSW per uoro , o.isy tormi I' . I ) . Tnnnor& Co , lfllf > Howard st. 4Jit I A Mi kind * of Special Short-hand Woik dono. copying n tpuolully.V. ( ! . linker , Itoonis Tumi f , Iron Dank. 018 8 HonSKntuI lot nenr 231 an 1 Lunvenworlh , onlj ( Ijni. r.a y toriiH. F. D. Tnnnor & Co , l ir , Howard st. 4''ll 4 S' ' front lotlTurTsr , " n7 nfalii nt $1.M)0 ) Graham , CrelKhton block. 40,1 5 IF YOU WANTn loclitlon on Belt Line this Hide ol whom It ciovixSnundti" ' , at Ames 1'laco , 14 the location. Level Ixils sold on easy pn > ment nt $ .Vi ( ) to frt.10 Como nnd sco tt If jou wiint a liurjiain. Anna , \M \ rnrnnm st. t47ll _ MA.irrrov .v co. , lf > UJ I'.irmm. have the followlnor Gilt IMtro In ido 1'ioporty fortulu for 3 days : UlilJj cm Howard treol , CO tent lioin 15th tteut. Cloven room house Pnvlnir nnd all other atHusmonts and t > i\es paid , tor the ov- Iromtlj low itrlcoof. Sll/iX ) , ono-lmlt cn li , Uttxl.t. , corner 14th and Chlciuo strootR. I ) nice colln os , worth flil.OJO lor $12jOD , ono- third cnsh iWxTH.ror 10th nnd Dnvenpoit streets. 10th stioet Cnblo line will c" noith of Far mini ; ttnckiuo ; very cheap tur $ ' 1,0)0OJJ canli. iy\l.l- corner Utli and Jones. An awful good piece of business piopcrty for f Jli.OOJ. ll'jTllJdn t'arnam oust of 2.ld stioot Do you know that the largest mill most elepant rolnll drv ( foods and ether stores will bo on I'nrnain lx > tnoen IHth and K ! 1 tioets msldo ot live \ ears Thispropofly will theij bo worth $1,000 totUMk ) front foot. Itcan nowM > o boujtlit for W.OJ3 ; will sellW tcet for S2tV ) per front foot. fiOtl.Ti 08 ft liom Vor oflJth and Jnckson ; improved KOIIIO. $18,000 , M cash. Cfixl.Kcor Itth and Saukson : Improved souio , ' 3.lxLti 03 feet from cor llth nnd Hownid.ncxt to property owned by'Kiod Ames , of lloston , nnd the llth st viaductIJOT : $5000 eii h Lot wlthl-ioom ! hotfiooii2lstst , VIS foot from St. Mary's ave , ( food birn , city water , etc ; 1 7- 000 ; oiio-thlrd cash Cook this up , U will pay you. lsivl.10 to 17 toot alley on 2jtn St. 121 toot from Fin iinm et ; will Bcll44xth or the whole tor $1.:5 : pnrfiont footjono-thlrd cash. No tlnor rosl- uonro piopcrty than tnU. Cornur , ea t. f ionton 10th st , nearly opposite now Iliowncll hill ; j > u\ed street , water and Miwur pipes In ourbllqo and puld lor. This IH polnuto bo the most distincllvely fnshlonablo rciidonco poitlon of the city. Hero is a corner lot that will bo worth flWObfforolbS7Hthrouih It ciui now Lo bought for fcJ.OOO ; ono third cash , balance easy. 1.1\141 ! n. o. cor. 27th nnd Dodpro ; expected cable line : f VjOOi-3 cash. 78 toot tronl on St."Mnry's nvo.,2)th St. ! flno roxldonco ; Sll.OJO , ' 4 cash. llleifiintlJ-rooin liou--i > , full lot ; nil modern Impiovcmeuts , line barn , ovoivthlnirlli > t cla1- ? : close to pnvodsttcotnnd in splunilld nolirliboi- the < so nro In ldo ImrfrnliiB.Vo imvo lots nnd hindx , Improved nnd unimproved , iinv where in Omalm and vlcinltv : jmousn cnll if you xvnnt to buy or soil. Wo Imvotho llnest ipnl ostnto riws in the city nnd "It Is nn troub'o ' to show L'oodg " M. A. Upton &Co. , ItO'lTai nnm st. ! > W1 AMKS I'l.ACn The nearest propoity on Helt Llno frontliifr on r'numlorM , nt pi Ices f JjUto WiQ on cany terms. Ames , l. < 07 rnrnam. 47 Ml SOUTH fiont lot in Wahiul Hill , 2 blocks from I/owoivvonne and 1 block fiom Hamilton pr.wilh oluiriintn loom colliigo Slate inuntlr , oily water , etc. Heiter A ; Campbell , Iloom lir)09 rarunin. ii'Ki & FOR he-t Inrurnlns In Crcston mid Kllby plnco call on K. D. T.innor & Co.,101.1 How ard 8U * 4201 FOIi SAf.K A beautiful hoiiso nnd lot on OoorKlnavo. This Is ono of the lion lln- Ishod houses In Omalm , with nil modorii im provements : w ill soil cheap for UJ days. Apply ntl2lt QoorKln nvo. V74 ITIOIt SAM ! r > ts 7 nnd 8 , 12nrlM foot , In - - ' block : t , first addition to South Omaha. Call on Kiod Lemon , care rnrmnrs'hoiioe , or address George Undo , 1' . O. box407 , llapld City FOH 8ALE-70 ncroa Ivlnw nlonir H. A.M. lly two miles trom stock ynrds. ? nO.OO per iicrn if bold whllo cwniir IM hero. Wood ( inoUK'li oan lioeut otr to part pa > tor It. Kasy terms Addioss.S < 10. Dee Ollico. 4UI.13 DKXTKIl I * THOMAS has laid outnn addition to the city of Omalm mimed Mnscotto , and wo notleo that the * troett nro properly named HOC-CO. Lorcn/o , llctlln.i. 1'lppo and Frederick , and boolnir that the hiimo H on the Holt Hull- way ami ut u point whuio Iho Omalm Northern It. It. jnomUix lalrlj 10 mnko a junction with tlio Molt Line , und lots only (10iJ to $21)0. ) wo think the location well named , mid thnt the pur- clixpor.H will hnvou .Miiscoito. us the ludientums point the lots to bo worth trom JfttKI to fbWi Boon. ThoMi lots are to bo sold on contract,211 per cent cash and balance f > per month. Apply to IkmcrL. Thomas , Itoom 8 CrolKhlon blk48S 48S HANKCOM PAHK ADDITION Is the only property In this popular direction HelllnK at $ V > ll to $ 'IWi. Ills surrounded by Improve ments , and will rUoi'tipidly In value , Ami > slW7 1'iinmm. 47l ! u G"KNI'INU ItAlltiAINH-Two corner lots Tii llurdotto coin t , only 1 blocks from Sunn- dor's MIuot cars. W , M , Itiishinnn. Itoom 10 , llushmnn Illock , N 1' cor IGlli and DoiiRlas. r > ia FOR SAI.K-Cfl ft , fionllntr on Dodge Bt. blocks east of the no tofflcn. A ImrKiiln at IIS.WW : tlu.OQO cash , Marshall & Lobuuk , I.VV ) Farnnm. 1129 M OO , full lot Snlnn'e add. Grahnra , > ton blk. u 40,1 ! > GSxlRJ ft. bet St. Mn r/Vnvonnrt Loavonwortb , corner , $ ) , OOJ , OrHiiam , Crclgliton blk. 40.1 n TmmtS VLK Wo h.iiV eUtoen lot Tn Jthorno addition that wu will soil : host and eheapoatiiieldoproporrt In Omaha. Uodfoid & aouor 041 KlUCll-s < IKOvilxits on n special bar- Kalnat ll'iOO to tIAOO pur tot , Kiirnnm struui piuumoiilundstiuot ejir track totliU nddltion. 1U east Him Islllbtft , I'Amcs , 1IJU7 ruiiiam.47J'J 47J'J FOU 8AI.K Chuap,4u aero * well improvedVj mila north ot dimf and dumb institute , Adjoining lots sell for f i.CKW Apply .T. F.IIoch , on premls.-s. , v Hdtl nl'J' ' t 70fi { ) on Fnrnnm st , 110,000 , Giuham , Crouli- tonblk , Tt 4Ul1 5 Foil SALK-MTlilfoetioinor ot llnrney and 20lh sts , fll.200. SOJilM feet on loth st uonr Popplnton'fi , runs from IBth to 17th. f MID improvement * . JI.7UU. II. HfHnntrcM , 13 M Fiirnnm l. 311 B AdAlNIn Klikwooil" . . . .f 700 Corner In l/owu'hndil . . B'X ) Last front llnnscom I'luco , . . . . . . . . 2 MM ' Jt In I'lalnvlC'w ' , ilnt bt , , . , . . . . 7X ( ) J.ilby riiico , line lots . bWJ Uilft.eoinerSaundoiBbt . . . . . . 7,000 Mto lot nt-nr Suuiidorb si . . . 750 40J5 aniiiiim , Croltrliton block. RIAI , r.sTATi : HAIUJAIN-TWO fun iota on 24th btrool , runnliii. through to ; 'Jil Btieet , ninklnif lAJfect liontaeeon both stieoti bl ilestdtep , wlthlliwo htory tlati and X oottnirea frontline on 21th street , lentlwr lor 1109 per month Iloom to build 6 flats to front on 23d street. This property U just one half of H block south of Leuvoiiworth nnd two hloccg from street u ra. Can hell for JtiJ.OtiO. [ teller & Campbell , Itoom 1 , 150V farnatu. 75. BOWI.INOOllKl'N * | olsI.V ! ) . lOpordntoasU and * 5 per month , Marshall * l.obeok , 8U PtiAOK .VHOMVN , Henl Klnto and txian Itrokeio , Frontier bloi k Onp I'ostotiteo. T ita In Kllby placu > S > 0 , J7M. ( J7V ) . ntid * < Xl. .Poutujront lots on Fnrnnm st In .leromo Park $ l uit * l'Xrtciehon ; vciy e-\sv ternn. 4itlUof lot M. Giro's add south fronton Cnmeron Bt. $ fK > . I 3 cnoh.bal easy , Twosoulh front lots in Shlnn.s ndd nt (72 ! each KleafliiHohth front lots on Hrlstol st. between Snuiuiors an 1 St it tts.,4Ui ti , for { WJ each , tJW cn h nnd hiilnnoo t , " and nynir * . Lotsl nnl S , Illock ,1 , Denl'o addition , $1 0 } eachi hnli tn h. Several 5 nnd (1 ( room onttn < ns within 1 nnd 3 block * of Mroct car , nt Ji.oOo lo $4 , W ) each , on monthly pay metilfl. Lots In I'mlnvlownnd Klrkwood nt $700 and In llo.vd'snnd Snnnders , < ; Illmclmimh's addition at JIO > nml . "i > 0on monthly imymnnls. A lai-go li < t of iot In South Ontaht.S.'i per eortt IHow syndlcnto prices A eornerln 1'elhaln place. rtsxl II , for $ l'i" > 0 2boiiutlltil on t fnmt lots on Lowe nve. In Kllliy place for $1,1(0. ( SK notes tos liiivldo : wllltnnke" ! loti , six of them corner * , for J ; , flO'J. This Is , x bir aln 4 bcnutlful ca t frtmt lots in Ilati com pUce , on Phil Sheridan st , fl,1i l each. HOIISO and law lot on Shonnnn nvo , ft. X ) . This Is Very clump and desirable. Two plosrnnt south front lots on IMinnmst , -.tKX ) each r.ift trout lot nn 2ntli st , fpflxH ! ) ft. , with small honso that rents for $ JO per month$4,200. This is on tbncnblo line and n bargain. \Vo lutvptwo 7 and l-room io idonfes on Park nvo thut nro bnrfjnlns , Al < o n splendid re l- ( loncotui llarney st. and one on Georgia nvc , w ith Inrpo lots Invcftipnto those bcloro buy- Inu elsevthote. A corner on S/xitndors / street 6.1x120 feet , a .oplendld jilccoof liu lncss piopcrty , for $ oUOO ; cash , fV0. A 1 0-foot south front lot on Hrtrnoy lU for fi/'io : eiah.fS.OOO. MxllO.n corner on Htinlctt and imliFts. , front- Intrcin thrcn ts. . for ( lJUOi ono-uitnrtercnsh : Imlnnro , 1. 3 nnd 3 j earn. I nere , south front , 8111 feet , on nrl tel st , , makes n lots 40x133 ft. , for f-l.Goi ) : $1,10) ) cash , b.ilanco 1,2 and ; ii cars. Tills Is a bmgnlti 45J _ ] " IMnHTONI tlionpnrnst nero protiorty for J snlo , A lido to thU piopert > wlllcoiivlm'o > ott. Priocs" " , tlOJ lo ftV ) per ncro. Amc , I50T rnrnnm. 47J W OllsF.s Lots , rnrms , Lands money lonnod H llcmls. 1,1th nnd Douirlas streets. 2) " > B AHOA1N Iiot on 18th st , Klrlcnood , * 70J. Gr.iham , Crolirhtou blk. 40.1 n BOWIiiJJH < ltiuv : Our nowndditlon Is wc.-il of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton stieot. Ily sclecllnir Inls at $150 for Inshlu and f I7"i for Comoro , you will mnko n peed Investment. Terms 10 per cent ci n nnd f r > monthly. No charge for showiiiif the loU Marshall > V Lo- beck , 1508 Pixrnntn 310 _ _ T71 < m SAliK ISIotn tlrlUloot. froutlnp north J. on lltistol stiect , half wny between Hnun- ( lets nnd tnto. near stti'ct onn. City water In trnnt , f"00 eac'h , I-l pn lt , bilunco In 1,2 nnd 3 joins. Addre < H 8 14. lloo ollico. _ 2. ' > S H HNl-W Lots.Vnnin.ljiitKismoniiy loaned. Itemls , IMIi and Douglas slroots. 2Jj HK11AI. K11AI. IS PATH AND LOANS-U. H. Hall & Co. 115 S 15111 st 070 R. W.GIBSON &C0.7 REAL ESTATE DEALERS , Itoom 5 , Vntlmoll BtlocU , Cur- net * I' ili ami Hamoy SH. , TELEPHONE 446. Hiwo a splendid list of bargains in oily property. Wo have selected n , few for publication : xs follows : No. 100 Kino utiht front lot in K V. Smith's addition , $1,8.10. No. 220 One of the linest lota in Foster's addition , $2,000. No. MlGood 9-rootu house and lot , ilanscom Place , $3,730. No. 14 ? East front , 03-foot lot. Court- land Place , $5,500. No. 170 3 line lot * on oar line , Lake street , each $1,800. No. I7i House and lot ( lot 52x180 foot ) , Sherman avenue , $ . " > ,000. No. 170 Kino rosiilencti properly , Iluns- com Place. * 5,000. , No. 184 Lots in Saunders & llimc- baugh's addition , oaeh fTO. No. 1)2 ! ) Lot in Hanscoin Plan1 , $1,200. No. 195 House and lot , Slmll's 2nd addi tion , Popploton avenue , 'f-1,2011. No. 1)7 ! Fmulot iu Shull's 2d nUil. $1.800. No. 1'JS 7fi\iri ( ) foot , east front , Virginia avenue , $3,700. No. tU ! ) 8-slorv house , 8room , and lot in Shull's 2nd add. , nheap at f 3,51)0. ) No. 20 ! ) 0 ncre * on Stiuiidi'i'S street , yood 9-room house , all for ? G,500. No. 312 5 acres iu KuiiMnglon , only $1,200. No. 214 Lotsm Patrick's add , $2lflO. No. 158 Lois in South Oinahar , 00 to * GOO No 1 H--lIouscand lot Farnam * - - on street , near court house , very line property , tit a price worth tlio monoy. No. 1IH Lots in Ambler Place. No. 21fi--Lots in Orchard Hill. No. 17.1 1 acrpin Brookliiu ; add , ? 000. No. 137 LoU in Hoyd's addition. No. 133 Lots in Hawthorne addition. No. 1G5 Lots in Thornhttrg addition. Sl'IICIAL ATPKNTION GIVKN TO HU9I- DUNCU I'HOI'EHTV. Good homos lor all oln'sos nl sallsfnctorv prices und ra y tornix. Wu hnve H lurxnund desirable list , to HOluct from nnd always ready to show pionurty. Proposals for Grading. SKA MOD proposals will ho received hy the uudurtilgnod untllll o'clonk n. m , Nov. 1,1th , Ihcfl , lnriruilliijr hth Htreiit liom Leavonworlh the alle.v HUM north , til per Onllimnco No. llbj and icHolulionot council Nov. 1st. IHafl , nnd In ncLoidnncowltn plans , and < ei > ecltlcatlons on file In tlioolncoortho Hoard of I'ulillo Works. Bids will tin inado upon piinted Idiinks fur- nhhod liy ihu honrd , nnd Iho light lo rojril nny or all bids is icscrvcd uiul to wnlvo defects J. U. HOUbK. Clmlimnn Honrd of I'uldloVoiks. . Onmliu , Noli , Nov. 2nd , IbSO. n 1-I-10-11 Notice to Property Owners or "VTOlf ar hcrchy notllled to lay olduwnlKS JL iiiiou the Krndod siii'cts U toot trom the ciiih linowhoio the siinio la ndmt < snhle-and to tlm ontnli1i"hed Krudu of stioot Intiu-soctlous und Hlloy cioisliiKS. J , i : . IIOIIHH , Chali Minn Itnard of I'lihlio Works. Omnha , Neb. , Nov. lit , lb 3. n.MIOt l > on't Oo Oou'ii Totvit Tor llcnt Voiilluvc Seen tliv flno tAnc of Jewel Stoves And u I'ontplcle Mfocli of otlitr Slo > ; Maiul ICiuiKUii ut JACOB TROIEL'S HARDWARE STORE , \vol ' JMk , IIuiul of St Mary's Avc. MENDELSSOBK d FISHER ARCHITECTS DIHECTOBY PRVFESSIOHAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. UEV1NS A CHUUCIUf < I > N-W. Cor , IRth and Douglas St * W. J. 313 S. 14th Slroct OK0110E . DOANK , ArroRNKr AT , Valconcr' Illook , 13th nnd ( JKOtlUK S. SMITH JROfl Fnrnam Street , Attorney at Lawt HootnS Freuzcr niockOpposite 1'ostoftlce. PHYSICIANS. JtOSKirATKK , M. D. , Physician & Surgeon , 214 S. Hth St. , eOr. Fiirnnm. Iron Hank Hulldlng. omcehours,2 to4 and7 toll p.m. 10 lo 1on Sundny. Sundny.O. O. S Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Office Telephone 4V > . losldonc ! < > Tolrpliono4l , ' " W.'j. Surgeon and Physician OFFICE. N.W. CoHth and Douglas St , Oflleo Telephone 4fio Hesldcneo TulonlioiioKAl JAMKS II. I'lJAHODY , M. . , Fhrslclan und Sureeoo. Hcsldenco , No. HOT Jones Street. Oflloo , Wlthnell Illock , Teleplionu , K'shlcnoo , No. 13J. ollico , .MiS DH. JA8. nnCICETT PHTHCIANAND StritnEOt , _ Omce nnd He ldoiice. TM N. 16th 3t II. A. WOKI.r.Y , M. D. , DodKeKtieet. Telephone 411. Hcsldenco 1712 Capital Avc. Telephone 513. VAN CA Ml' M.I ) . , 1M1 Imflifo t , 1st door w t ot V. O Tnko ole ator to rooms 1M1 third tlonr. Telephone No S2. ncsdonccCJ3N. | COth stioot. Telephone No. 33 P..M. C11ADWICK , Thyslclan nnd Surgeon , Telephone M9. OfflceSH S. Hlh st R. W. CONNKLL , M. U , Homreopallilst , Omce , 31.1 S. 14th st IK. .1. W. Surgeon N.W. Cor. Ii21li V Howard , Itnslrteuce , 1B11 DodROSt. ; Telephone , 80. Ollii'ii hnnrrt. 10 lo IU a. and 2 I of ) p m. INSURANCE. C. T. TAYLOR , General Aant NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCS CO OITlcoCor. 14th and Douprlns 3ts. Issues Ordinary I.lfo , Kndowment , Limited Endowment , Five Vcmr Dividend 1'lan nnd the I'opulnrNon-Iorloltlnir Tontlnn Policies. As- eela over ffcOOOJ , ( W. Aeents wantptl. A * , a. HATCHER , General Agent Provident Savings Lift Assarano ) Co of N w York. Mlllnrd Heel : IJIoolc , Omaha. Th Rtiicllj ' 'Natural rr inlum I'lan. " Actua average yearly cost during 183J , ISn aud IMS , at ageo7. for IOa , nns $ I8.SJ. FINE JOB PRINTING. KEEN PRCIVriNC ; CO. , Printers , Book Binders And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and lOSS.Hth street , OmahaNeb. , I.P. Falrllo. Supui'- Intondent Hlndery. Telopliono No. 'J5J. HARNESS. J , F. SEG-ER Manutncturer and dealer In linines-i , saddles , whips , liorno clotiilmr. U ! . All prudoH of uuruoM always liopt on hand or made to order. HepHlrlntf H specialty 11(1 ( N. Ifltti Sf bet. Uo lk-e nnd Capital Ava AUCTIONEER. A. W. CO WAX &CO. Auction and Commission Canslirnmunls solicited ; furnlturn bou htanl sold , Sales of live Htouk nnd household furni ture utprlvnta residences is a specialty with us. llemumber Ilio plucoVo3t i ; KritsoUoi-'d block N HI hut. No 11(1. ( STOVtS and TINWARE. UJ1U.J. AKMIWUST , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , Hto. Aim Tin Kooantr , niittcrln .Spoittlnr , nnl Gcnoral Job Tmnliur. The bull nf work and roi tonablocbarKes. Milk cnns nnd other tltiwar * n Block. 3 > liOumlnzPl Omaha. Nob. Dentists , WIILVNKltltV & ICK1M , Dentists , Kill Karnam Btroa MEAT MARKETS. " J' . HKUHKHT/ " IStli Street Market. All kinds of fro h t\'j ( ! cnll moiiHoonataotly on hand. 1'oullry , ( Jiimo , etc. , In season. . i : HLHHI.IU , ' . UHo. nth stroot. J. H. iOO 809 North 16th Street Creamery Butter WJu lc llU > O rd ! > ED , CITY CHIMNEY SWEEP OiUunl'jrl riimiBOt u < ! CT > I ( ken in ir rn no mull liriKrn i > ruiiiiul atlm It Uo J.i'.irr c-lor CHICAGO SHORT LINE -or run CMcagolMilvaukee&StPaulRI , | THE BEST ROUTE , ( rgni MM ad COUXCIL BLUFFS it TIE-IIE ! TWO TIXA1X3 l > Attt I1GTWKBM OMAHA COUNCIL I1I.UFF3 AND Mlhrnnkeo , St. 1'nul , Mliinpapolis , Cedar Clinton , Diibtiquo , Davonimrt , Hook Island , Prooiurt , Kockford , Elpln , Mivlidon , .Inntisvillo , Itulolt , Wlunna , La Crosse , And Ml other 'mportnnt points Enst , Northoiul niul Ooulliemt. For through tlokoti rull on the Tloknt nt 1401 Knnmin dtrret ( In I'&xton llotell.or Union Vnclllo Depot , rullmnn Met'tirr. ' and thn HnoM nialngr Can Inthowoild atn run on the mnln HUM of th OH KUDO , Mit.w\UR A BT. IHin. IUII.WAT. t nnd erery attention Is paid to pMSonger * by courtpun employe * of the company. K , MlU.Kli , OunerAl Matmnor. J. V. Ti'CKKit. Assictant neneral lt n n r. A. V. 11 OAHi'K.NTRii , Manor * ! PiMtnfftr n < l Ticket A ( ton I. ( iro. B. Iliurronn , Aislstant Qinorat I'MIOIV gar and Ticket Afrcnt J , T. CLAIIK , UunerAl Supnrlntandtat. CHICAGO * ESTERN RAILWAY. sx-acoivr Omalia , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th only mart to take for Ds Molnes , Mftr- shulltown , f o'lai ' Hni > idi , Clinton , Dixie , Chlcn- po , Milwaukee ' nd all points ca t To th people ple of Ni'brn kn , Colorado , Wyomliift , Utnh , tdnho.NHvnda , Oiecon , WnililnKtiui and Cnll- fornln. H otters siipni lor ndvimtngos not poul- blfi bv any ether line Amonif n few of the numerous points of in- periotltr enjoyed hv tint patrons of thlroad botwennOmnha nnd Chlenpo.nto Its two trains ndnvor DAV COACIir.Fl vvliloh art ) the finest that humnn art and tnconnlty fun create , It * PALACI ! HLKKIMNO CAHS , rfhlch io models oroomfoi-t and eli-tf ncci Its I'AltLOKDllAW- 1NO HOOM CAHH , unsurl-asselbv any , andlU wlriwly CBlnbrnted I'AI.ATIAL DINING (3A118 , the ( viual of whli h cNiinnt ti found elgewhorn. At Council Hlutfs thn trnlnsnf tlm Union Paol- fie By. connect In T'nmn Depot with those ot thn ChlekRo & . Norlliwcslnrn It- . In Chicago thn tialni of this line malm close connection with tboin of nil eastern lines For Detroit , Columbus. Indlnnnpolls. Clnolrv- nntl , Nlaitam Falls , HutTnlo , I'lttstiurir. Toronto , Montreal , lloston , Now York , riilludclphltt , llal- tlmor * . Washlnifton and all t olnts In tin eait , ask the ticket agent for ticket * via the "NOHTHWESTKKN. " If you wish the best accommodations. Al ticket agents sell tlckuti via this line. M. HITOIIITT , E. P. WILSON , ( loncinl Munniror , Gonl. I'ais'r , Aponf ( ' ' " wv , . . . > 1"-L.K.noLLR9 , Gonl Wostoin Apt. f'itv I'ass Asrt , 1411 1 atnam St. . Omaha , Neb. Red Star Line earning the nolffluro lloynl and United State ! Mall.MiihiK every Satuidny Between Antwerp & Hew York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. KALI. AND WINT1JK. Salon from $ no to $75. Kxournlon trip from J110 to lUi. Second Cabin , olitwitrd , (45) ) picpald , . ' ! ; excursion. f'JO. Stoornire nnsaara at low rutos. I'etar Wrlpht & Sonn , Oeu r Agents , U Uroailwny , Now York. Ilonry , uiu I'm mini HI. ; 1'iuiUou k Co. HJ8 rninam st : D. O. Kiceman , lltu Kaiu.xuigl Mnun rATAnnu. T Jlriiirily lan | > u lllvniMr I ic italil | > l * t > ackar nuil Hook tur 1O ctnis ( a Btauiiu. K. 11. ilhDIUAL OO . Vast iijuiiit a.Coaa. NEBRASKA MAP. InoolorB , shows nil counllos , towns , rallro Omnha City Map , new additions , oto. , 25o. Nohranku Stale Oa/cile , lluslncss Dlruotorj nd Farmer's l.lbt , J 5. J. M. WOU'K & CO. , 12. ) S. 14th Ft . Omaha , Nob. "PTBOYER&CO. , and work. 1020 1'aruam Uuaba. Neb. AND CALLS. OnVliunl , Coin , Oatt , I'oik , . .nrd . nnd It. It. Blocks , fur I-oiih' nnd Blmrt Time. S ( ml rorl'rloa Cltcular II , 1' . llAiir & Co.'M \ St. , Chloayo , III. Kelurciiiut Au.urlunu Kz Bunk CELEBRATED POWERFUL SUCCESS , BEWARE of IMITATIONS ESTABLISHED 1849 , For all Kinds of Fuels ami Markets , UI1GEST VARIETY WITH LATEST SCIEN. TiriO IMPKOVEWENTS , HJC//MDSON & BOYNTON CO. , 54 Lake Street , Chicago. ' Hilt fiAM ! IIV J. IB , Hl'I.MVAN < V CO. , OoinhH \ClM'lt < lKU. f