Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DrllU'rcd by cnrricr In itnypnrtof thocltrat
twc nty cents per week.
B. W. TII.TOH , MnnaEcr.
BcMNmOtncr. , No. W.
NIUIIT Kiinoii No. 23.
Now fall poods at Kuitcr'n.
New York Plumbing cotnptiny.
IJuv Seal brand oysters , the host.
Tlio city council meets iioxt Monday
Panels nlr3.JjOi ! > cr Uo/.cU lit Schmidt's
gullury , Main street.
The Baptists had a pleasant social last
evening tit the residence of Mrs. UroftH.
Ira ( irn&on hits piitln telephone No. 109
into his meat market and George Drake
No. 31)8. )
John L. Sullivan and paity came in on
the Koek Island yesterday morning , and
went over tins river.
Permit to marry was yesterday given to
Henry Jones , of this city , anil Jennie
llayden , of Omaha.
II. F. llnttL'tiliiiiinr Is building a now
wagon for tlio MeG'lurg Cracker com
pany , and It is a bounty.
The Harmony Uimo social will be hold
this evening at the residence of Mrs. Dr.
Clark on Willow avenue.
Harry Curtis has been elected as press
secretary of this Y. M. C. A , convention
of this sfatu for next year.
There were M.x drunks disposed ot in
court yestrnlay. It takes some longer to
get over election than others.
Those arranging to give an old fash
ioned district .school as an entertainment ,
met last evening to perfect plans.
Justice Sclmr/ had a pair of weddings
at his o III I'D yesterday- . A. Spears anil
LmniStylen , both of this city : W. II.
Lewis , of Onuiha , and Kmma Lichhtor ,
of this city.
Regular mooting of Fidelity council
No. 15(5 ( Roynl Arcanum this ( Friday )
evening , November 15 , ISSfi. Business of
importance. Please attend.
Minnie Johnson appeared yesterday
afternoon and had a warrant issued for
Dave Thomas , claiming that he assaulted
her brutally , blacked her eye and kicked
Justice Ilcndrieks will turn over his
docket to the newly elect Burnett ; Justice
Scliiuv. will turn his over to himself , and
Justice Frainey will turn his over to
'Squire Biggs.
Colonel Dailoy was one of thn most
earnest and brilliant of the republican
campaigners , and his hard work has told
wonderfully for the party and for him
self. He can well congrauhito himself
on the result.
Tito Y. M. ( . ' . is arranging to give a first
class .supper on Tuesday evening of next
week. It will bo held on Broadway , near
Fpurtli street , in the room formerly occu
pied by Benedict. Supper , o cents.
Oysters extra.
The poles for the new ( ire alarm were
hhipped last Monday , and are expected
to arrive hero to-day. This is the only
cause of delay , and * o soon as the pollq
arrive the completion of the line will bo
quickly reached and the alarm soon be in
active operation.
Martin II. Ca o has commenced pro
ceedings for a divorce from Isabella Case ,
s to whom ho was married in Prince Kd-
i wards , Canada , twenty-live years ago.
1 Ho celebrates bis silver wedding anni
versary in court. lie claims that olio re
fuses to live with him any longer.
The vote 0:1 the question of giving aid
to the bridge enterprise is to be canvassed
by the city clerk and mayor to-day. 1 he
vote was so largely in favor of giving
the desired aid that it is practically unan
imous , and the. canvass e\cite ; < little in
terest , as it is only to determine the exae.t
amount of the majority , and cannot : af
feet the result in any way.
A wedding occmrcd at the 15overo
house Wednesday uigltt , the happy man
being Mr. J. Hogate , of South Omaha ,
and the bride being Mrs. Dora Carman ,
of Ksscx , Mich. In accordance with ar
rangements made .she came here , was
mo tat I lie depot by him , and the cere
inony speedily performed , Rev. A. K.
Kates , of the Presbyterian church , offici
ating. They left yesterday to take up
their residence in Omaha.
A young man , named Harding , who
lives a short distance ! out of town , coin-
plains that while drunk and taking in
the town , lit ! was takot ; in to the i\tcnt : of
being robbed of a diamond pin which
graced his shirt front Iln says the pin
was worth fully ? lW , lie has strong
suspicions as to how anil by whom it
was taken , but dislikes to proiecute lest
it should give him unpleasant notoriety ,
ami not result in the icttirn of the spark
Colonel Katley can have one crumb of
comfort in the midst cf defeat. Ho
proved agallanleanipajunor , and demon
strated the /act that a lively lisjht can be
made without resorting to mud throwing
and personal uluiio. lie bus made IrhHids
during tin ) canvass , and has won for him-
colf some honors , even if he did not Ym
the congressional one. lie has made
Broig ) ; speeches , lias had and held large
; iudionceH everywhere he has spoken , and
showing himself to bo ujjallant party
1'ertional J'nracraplis.
J. K. Lambert , of Pueblo , Col , , is it : the
city , the guest of J. J. ISrown.
Miss ( itisiio Boshyshell and Miss Kmuw
C. Williams , ot Ulunwood , spent the day
in Urn BlulVs.
Mr. and Mrs J. It. Johnson dined with
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. F. FiMior , at the OgUun
J. S. Schoonovor , of Indianapolis , is at
Hecli tele's hotel.
( Jeorgo 0 Newmtui , of DCS Molnes , was
in the city yesterday.
D. Fried man , of Tabor , was ye.steiday
greeting Ids nld friends hero ,
Theodore \ \ . Ivory , of Ulonwnod , came
to tilt ) Hind's to get the latent from the
scene of contlict.
John II. Keen ? , now western stock
agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
1'aul. has arrived homc > froiu the far west ,
and is at thu Paeillc.
Henry Dool Parker , of the "Bound to
Succeed" company , is an old Council
lilulls boy , and during his brief stay hero
hml an opportunity of ruiitiwing many
old acquaintances ,
George. A. Kellogg and Wita returned
yesterday from Lincoln , where he has
been connected with one of the hotels ,
Dr. F. P , Ciilvnrson , of I ireenlield , la , ,
was at the P.icilio yesterday.
Frank Chase , who was so badly hurt
and had such a narrow escape from
death at the time Wes Johnson was
killed , has fully recovered and is given a
placn on the run between hero and Mis
souri Valley.
T. A. Webb , a druggist of Plum Crock ,
Neb. , was in the uity laying in a supply
of drugs from Harlo , Haas & Co.
Harry Key Kendall , of Cheyenne , who
has been in the city , left last evening for
home in company with Dick Ryan , of
tlio contracting lirm of J , J. Brown t
WA.VTF.P JJy n practical printer and
local writer of cxpurioncu , a situation on
a gopd weekly , in 11 good town in wo turn
Jown. jVddjvbs J. D. , cure BKE , Council
First class regular dinner 83 cents , 12
8 o'clock. I'ho-'uix chop house , 503
What He Oonsidera the Oanse of His De
feat ,
A Dollar Wins a Valuable Oil Paint-
itiB-Fimernl of George
Trnnlilo Kciiubllciui
The Rlcctlon Itontilt Unchanged.
The figuring over the returns of the
recent election result in little changes ,
and the result as shown from tlie ofiicial
canvass will doubtless be the same as
that already given. Congressman Ly-
mini's majority will bo in the neighbor
hood of l.lVK . ) , and will probably go be
yond that llgurc. The republican judi
cial ticket is elected by a larger majority.
Thornell appears to have received the lar
gest vote , Carson nc\tand Dci'inor third.
The vote on county clerk gives Shea , the
present democratic incumbent , about-100 ,
and Thomas , for recorder will vccclvr
about 000 majority.
The result of the congressional contest
was doubtless as much a surprise to
Colonel Kcatlcy as to any person. lie
was very singuhip , and c.xpiesscd him
self to his most intimate friends as ccr-\
tain that he would bo elected.
The of the defeated candidates
is probably 1'rainoy. Hu iied every pos
sible niuans to niiiku u winning , and to
conic out with loss votes than any other
of the .seven candidates for justice , is a
rebiiKo which , administered by his own
party , is hard to take and smile.
There is iri-ncral rejoicing also over the
defeat of Judge James , as county com
missioner. This , lor ) , was the work of
fellow-democrats , who would not stand
the methods by which u nomination was
given him.
"How do.-.s Kcatloy take it ? What docs
ho have to bayV" These queries have
been asked on every hanii. Colonel
Kenllev has kept very shuuy since ho
learned enough of the returns to con
vince him that he was dctcatc.d. The HIK :
111:111 : sought out Tom Bowman and asked
him but he declared he had not seen
ICcatlcy. Last evening's ( ilobo , of which
Colonel Keatloy has so long been man-
ajjing editor , contains the following ,
widen may be considered as an ofiicial
expression of what that gentleman has to
sav of the result :
Reporter I tow do yon feel over the re
sult in the district , and what led to it ?
Colonel Koatlcy Of course , 1 feel some
what disappointed , more on account , of
my party friends here in Council IMufl's ,
and at other points in the district. 1 have
great reason to bo proud of the ondor.-o-
mcnt I got here at my own home , and in
my own county. 1 have beaten my re
publican adversary by handsome majori
ties in every precinct in the city. My ma
jority over him in the city is 428 , and in
the county , 713. My majority in the
county is 1-1 ! ) over thn democratic- state
ticket ! This is certainly gratifying to me
Keporlcr You must certainly feel
grateful for the endorsement ot your leg
islative career by those at home , last
Co'o lei Kcatloy I most certainly do
feel so. Not only that , but I am nroud
of the manner in which i was indorsed
by the Knights of Labor of the city. I
also feel grateful to the many democrats
who took oil'their coats and worked for
mo on election day. The younger as well
as the older men of the party vied with
each other to do mo personal service in
this mailer. Many republicans wished
my success , and they aru equally deserv
ing of my sincere lhmks. ;
Reporter What was the tronnle out-
hide of the county ?
Colonel Kcatloy Various things led to
the linal result. Quito a large nnmbci of
democratic farmers were led to believe
that the cause wus hopeless , and stayed in
their cornliclds. In borne of the counties
the grce.nbackors were incensed at the
withdrawal of Hut tun. and to be re-
veugod on him , voted almost in
a body for the republican candi
date for In another county
ti person who assumed to lead the
Knights of Labor in that county , sub'
mittcd the proposition that 1 should raise
? r > 00 among my friends for his benefit ,
and upon my refusal to listen to his pro
position and to attempt to lax my friends
for an > mercenary purpose's , hn exerted
all his'inllucncc.s atraiift me , and to .some
olluct. In still another county I had
rendered an important political service
to a gentleman who was anxious to come
under the shade trccof fusion , and uta
return for it , there was a majority in
his precinct of eighty-live for my adver
sary , when hy tha lidelity of the gentleman -
man whom 1 had aided , thorn would have
been a majority in my favor , i have the
evidence of numerous trades in counties
outside of I'ollnivatlnmie. whom local
candidates actually bartered my name
for theirs , and still were defeated. A
very few sui-cncdod in their trades , but
they arc icci-iving the contempt they de-
Reporter Was tit's ' dt-feelion of the
grccnbiK'Uors nniwr s.1 ?
1 think not in ( lUlhriu : md Adidr coun
ties. ) think in those two counties , the
fusion was fairly complete. Our friends
there nuuli ? some niNtiiko in the estimate
of their .strength. Guthrie i.- . the home of
Captain Lyqn , one of the candidates on
the stale ticket , and n .strenuous ellurt
was madu to give him there , at home , as
good a showing us po.-hlbla. They car
ried the republican congressional ticket
well alonq ; with it. It was net universally
thi ! case , however , in tlmt county. Tor
instance , in Scelcy tov/tifihip , a funning
community , I ran ten ahead of my ticket ,
nd 1 might give you other illustrations
/10111 uthor townships in the same
IJciiortor What deductions do you
make in thus campaign as the result of
trailing in tii-kolf f
Colonel Kcatley None different from
what I have always observed. In ninn
cases out q { ten , in this campaign , whore
a candidate in n minority party has un
dertaken to trade for his persona ! bene
fit , ite has .succeeded In dutc.atini ; himself
and his own party. A square deal in
politics will hold as good as in the ordi
nary transactions of life , This ilistrict
is covered with political corpses bl'jwn ' to
atom.s almost by the trading petard.
K. II. Sheafo & Co. , loan money on
chattle security of every description ; of-
tic No. GOO Uroadway , upstairs.
Substantial niistrnot.s of titles and rnal
estate loans , J , W. < & K L. Squiic. No.
101 I'earl j > treet , Council UJulls ,
* n - i - . . i. . . .
Dr. Hanchett.oflico NTo IS I'eftrl Direct
Residence 120 Fourth fctrcot. Telephone
No. 10
SHI ! Talking Tenth Avenue.
Now that the bridge project has got
into shape for further progress , the at
tention of the council : md of many clli-
/ens- will bo directed to the project of
running tracks up Tenth avenue , and the
RstaulUhmcnt of a freight depot there.
The jobbers and wholesale mcu of the
city havu united in u unanimous petition
for the council to grunt the Union 1'acilio
the right of way along the avenue. Their
request cowing from men who have such
large conuuerciaf and property interests
here , has great weight , and deservedly
so , It Ls claimed that In addition to thu
conveniences uivqn thesu shippers , that
Bargains in Carpets This Week
Harkness Brothers' .
Jf you wish a Carpet , no matter ii'hal nrade , bcanrc to call and see ns
before jnirchaslnij clactvlicrc.
11'c offer niiccial bnryaina in Ilrcsit I'altc.rns and Dress ( loads this
week , lirei'iitlilnv In thix line will be sold cheap this comlny wcclc. f > cc
the iniwcnsc stork.
Ho. 401 Broadway , Council Bluifs.
tlio proposed notion will bn the entering
wedge lor n union depot in the southern
pait of the city. Some in other purls of
the city object to this , not because they
object to u union depol , for they favor it ,
bill they all want to have tlio depot lo
cated right near their own property. As
the union depot cannot bo located \\c\l
to everybody's lot , some must concede
"onio things. It is quite evident that the
southern part of the city , for llic right of
way to iho very center of tlio oily would
cosi so much ti.i to render the project iru-
piueliblu. The most weighty objection
raised thus fur against gramme Iho ro
quet of these heavy business houses , is
the question of settling thu damages of
properly owners along the avenue. There
is little improved property all'ected by it ,
nnd this , it it , thought , can bu adjusted
In a satisfactory manner. Jt is claimed ,
that property ulong the avenue will be in
demand for warehouse purposes ut a
greater price than it now brings for resi
dence purposes. An attempt is being
made lo change tlio proposed route
somewhat , so as , to avoid injury to some
of the property , the owners of which are
so earnest in liieir prolcst. It is an ini-
portant mutter and is to be handled with
care and wisdom. Some have been alarm
ed because they feared that this would
result in taking nwa.v the dummy depot
from Broadway. It 'is understood that
the Union Pacific is ready to bind itself
not to abandon the depot , to that this ob
jection would be done away with. The
mailer is bring discussed with much
earnestness , and the action of the council
will be watched with interest. It i.s felt
by many that this project i.s as great a
move in the direction of building up the
city as any which have lately ueon
brought before the public , and that there
should bo no action taken which will re
sult in killing the promised boom.
J. Karnsdorf , having taken entire con
trol of Hie Pluunix chop house , desires to
slate that he has scoured the services of
Charles Decker , a class cook of New
York city. The best Hie market affords ,
nitrht and day. in the best style of the
art. Will also have a regular bill of fare.
Fresh oysters in every si vie at the
I'humix Cliop House , No. OO,1 ; liroadway- .
Kleclric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
A. tiiiuky Dollar.
II. P. Warren has been the fortunate
winner of thu largo oil painting which
has been admired by so many as it hung
on the walls of Moore & Kiplingor's
retail cigar store. 'J he painting i.s about
JHx ! ) IVet. and is a landscape in a heavy
gilt frame , it is valued at HJl'-.l , and the
winner gets it at the cost of § 1. The art
ist is Sue Kills.
Seal brand oysters at 11. J. Palmer's.
See that your books are made by More-
hou-.o & Co. , room 1 , Kverett block.
II ard and sott coal , wood , limecement ,
etc. Council Blulls Fuel Co. , No. 5IW
lirocdwny. Telephone No. 1IJO.
Funeral ol" Gcorfjo
George 1'aiible , one of the old and
well-known citi/.cns died Wednesday
night , aged lifty-ninc years , lie has
lived here since ISO,1) , , and has been active
in business and been prominent in the
manufacture of brick. He leaves a wife
and tun children. Tlio funeral services
will be huld I his afternoon and the re
mains taken to David City , Neb. , this
evening , for intermeiit there.
Tiy a ( tarlanil Cook stove for .soft or
hard coal. Cooper & Mcdcc have ilium.
The park commissioners oflcr a reward
of f-n for evidence that will load to the
conviction of any party setting fire to the
grass or timber in Kalrmount Park.
A. C CitAiiAM , President.
J. J. HKOW.S , Secretary.
I ean SHTC you money in Stoves. Tin
ware and Hardware. W. A. Wood.
The Evening Herald needs anew mathe
matician. It look much pains to give
a tubulated showing of the vote in the
county , and by it it appeared that Max-
liuld was eleetiul supervisor , instead of
Truiii. Tltnre was only a mistake of 800
in that columnFrum is clearly elected
by 150 majority. In the votu tar Cham
bers that ollicial was : ilio deprived of 100
votes by this saniiH'iulo. "utter Jot out
the space to f.iine advertiser than to
cumber It u 'jcfth HIK-.H misleading fig-
urea pretend. J < Ufi to be accurate.
Mrs. A , S. Hall Is prepared to do dress-
milking on Mior.1 notice and at reasonable
prices , No. ! 12b Hroadway.
P. C , DuVol sells Stewart , Climax ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burner -
or A. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges , economy fcicam and warm
air furnaces , No. MM Broadway.
FOH KKNTno dining room of Bech-
tele's hotel will be rented to lirst-class
paitics as the earn is too much for Mrs.
iicclitele. Enquire at hotel.
Last evening a lltlle af ler 8 o'clock the
friends of Congressman Lyman called at
his residence , No , 029 Willow avenue ,
nnd tendered him n serenade. After a
few appropriate remarks by Mr , Lymau
he invited the company into the house
and alter receiving congratulations on
Jtis re-election , refreshments wore served
by Mrs. Lymun who had been previously
apprised of tlio serenade. The company
remained an hour orsobnt | throughout the
entire evening visitors were numerous ,
who called to present their rttspcots and
congratulations to the re-elected ion-
Seal sacques , fnr trimmings , 6e l caps ,
etc. , at METCAI.KB
iContiunttl on 1 'tfth J'age. ]
l advertisements , such as Lost , Found
ToI.onn.Kor Suit. ' , To Kent , V nnts , Ilonnllnir ,
etc. , will be Inserted In this column nt the loir
rntoofTEN CKNTS I'KK L1N1S forlho tlret Inser-
Ion ntid Klvu Cento I'cr l.lnu Tor uncb tubsoijucnt
Insuitlon. l.ciivo advertisements nt our olllco
No. 12 1'unl elrcL't , near llrondmiy , Council
Troll HI'.NT-rurnlstiod rooms , CIO Illitiret.
W.i\NTIt ? > boy with pony to carry lieu
FUK SAM : Old papers for enlu at tlio Jloo
WANTI20 I'nrlli-s intending to bo mnitled
ore wnnteil local ! ut tlio Pryoi-'s live job
odlcc to select their iveddlnjt curds.
Diphtheria is nuuiu ranking Its nnntiul vlsltii-
Hon. Ten yearn' trliilof Ull.TIIOS. JBFFKUIS'
KICMEUV Inr tliut futiil nmlmly hits demon
strated tlio fiictthixtlt Is Infallible us n prevent
ive und euro. If you iicrmlt your children to
dlo vrltli dlphtliorlii , "Their blood bo upon your
heud. " For nulo only nt the ollice. No : il South
bth streetCouncil nintTa , In. , or sent by oiprces
on receipt of price. 12.
From the Omurm lleo :
Sir. .1. II. Hutliir , ofllnzel Doll.PoUtiwnttamle
Co. , IOTTU , nnd his family of eleven persons ,
were all sick with mnllirnant dlphthcrlit. Kvcry
oncof them hns leeovered by the ueo ot lr.
Jetrerin' Preventive and Cnro lor Diphtheria ,
without the aid of u physician.
C. 11. Hlukoslee , of No. 1110 Campbell street ,
Oiimlin , who recently lost n beautiful nnd I.i-
terestltif : diuiirhter. njcd about 15 yosrs , by
diphtheria , under tlio treatment of ono of the
boht physicians In Uinnhn , rites to Dr. JelTeris
ot thiBclty : "Your remedy for diphtheria e.imo
too lute , our dear daughter was dvlnir when It
\vafl received. I itm sntisllcd that her life could
have boon saved. Another on ? ot our children
who hud the diphtheria , her throat was tilled
up with the putrid uleerullon , wo used your
medicine nnd in twclvo hours thu illseii'-e wus
completely subdn-d. In the future -HO will
keep your nieitii'lne at nil times In our house.
Wo foci that it saved the lltool one or our chil
dren. Vto are very thuiiklnl toyou , and nuly
reifrot that we did not call on you oonur. "
From the Council Hlulfs n.illy lllobo :
M. A. Mcl'IKc , editor of the C.imbrln ( Kbens-
burp , 1'a. ) Kroonian , hns been the personal
friend of the editor of the Giotto for more than
twenty yours , nnd Is known > fhurover hu Is
known us onn of the bettmon living. His family
was rnvntcd with dlphthciiii , and Kicntly dis
tressed. Some of Dr. JelToris' Diphtheria Cure
was Ufod , and the lives of the rest of his child
ren saved. Letters from Mr. Mel'lko are un
bounded In their expressions of gratitude for
flndliitf i-onio menus of avcrtlnirtho loss of all
his little ones. I'lvo of Mr. Mcl'lke's children
out of oij.'hl tiled from diphtheria before ha had
an opportunity of uslnar Dr. .lofferls remedy.
Dyspeptic , why live in misery and dlo in dis-
pair with uancitr of ihoBtoiniieh ? Dr. Tliomas
Jclforis cures every case of indigestion and
constipation in a very short time. Hot of icf-
cronces ( riven. Dyspepsia is the cau o of
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions.
IM-icu K > for two weeks treatment.
Dr. .lofferis' diphtheria inedluine Is Infallible-
for all kinds of hora throats. Indispenslblu In
putrid snro throat. In malinnaiit Ri-iulet fnvcr ,
cliaiifrlnp It In-i.Hhoiiistollioi-iiiiplcforin. Inlal-
lible euro for all inllammatory , uloerntlvo , put
rid , cancerous nlconitlon of the womb and all
catariliftl conditions.
Full printed Instructions how to use the medi
cines fiftit with thorn. No doi'ior io < jiilit > d.
Dr. .Iclferls' remoilies can only bo obtained nt
hlaonicc. Non South KlKhtn ptioet. Council
Hlulfs , lown.or sent 3y ozproas on receipt of
H , Coisufy and
EEimk Worlt or All Siinds aSjie -
Pronit [ ) Miontionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Kvcret Hloclc , Council IJluIl.s ,
Simula fd Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in MagiizinL'S and
UHl'nitKNOKS :
U. n. National Hank , M. i : . Smith Ac Co. ,
CUI/.oiis' Hank , Defre , Wells & Co. ,
Mrst National llnnk , ( ' . II. Insurance Co. ,
nftlcor&l'usey.llanknr-i.U.l ) Bavlnys Hank.
ie Imitation MA HOCOXV ,
Afill or UrALMTT Chamber ft't ,
with Clear Here ! J'late { Jlaat for
CJf&ll > AT-
Orders by Mail Receive PROMPT ATTENTION.
JV , itat i0 jf2D liroadway ,
Attorney at Law ,
Practices in the State and Federal court *
Uooms 7 and 8 Shugiirt lllonk.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Exprets.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. ,
At W. S. Homer & Co's , No. 23 Main st
Council liluQs ,
Jo iV forget that the Council Jilnffs Carpet Company will make a
chanye in their Jinn on January 1st ne.rt , and ( hat they arc. lionnd to
inatcrtalln reduce their stock before that day.
do scu them before you purchase elsewhere , and obtain their prices.
Jf you want , to bit/ } anything in their line they will yitv you prices that
will certainly suit you.
Their stock consists of all unities and makes of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades
Mattings , ,
A lot of Table Linens. Towels and Xapldnt to close out at LKSS
THJtfCOST. Sec them.
Council Bluifs Carpet Co. ,
No. 4O5 Broadway , Council Bluifs.
Farming Lauds in lown , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and state lands In Minnesota on 80 years1 time 0 per
cent interest. Land lluyers fare free. Information , etc , given bv
No. 555 Broadway , Council Blull't * , Iowa , agent for Frrldiikben & Co. , Chicago.
< railo glen's furnisher ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Lcadipg Sbylcs and 1rppDj7babiDps Qopabapbly op
14O6 Farnnm Street , Omnha , Neb.
S6 Pearl Street.
I Will Pay the Highest Price in C
A'O. fie SJ3SOADWAY , COkJ.U ; , K1.1TFS.
Horses and Mules
For all bnrposcs , bonaht and fold , .it ictail
and in lotb. Large qnanlilic to sclec
from. Several pairs of line drivers , sin
gle or do'ible.
Conneil Ulufl's.
100 ,
[ rIrje \ following Companies :
Oirman American , of Hew fork
I'tHenlx , * of Hartfortl.
Hartford , * of Hatlfoid ,
California ! ! , of San Franciico ,
Scottish Union A National , of Citinbuio.
Union , of San rrancltco.
Stale , * of Des Molnei
nilllanisburg C/y / ( , * ol DioMyn.
Those marled with a * Insure also aotlmt lea ty
VJind Storms , Cyclones and Jvrnatltiti
IUrr.b. * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
Established 18J7
The only hotel in Council Hlufl * having
And all mo 'ern improvement
ai5 , 317 and 210 Main t.
"MAX MOHN , I'rop.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
llottfic , sign and decorative painter. 1'ajiioi
Maclic wall ornaments.
None but best handt emploved and charges
No. 320 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Kogors ,
Laic of the Parisian Miltoery ! Co. , Manager.
Intneulty I'M ; baobtalneJ by | iutioiiulnir tlio
GEO , W. NCniXDELE , J'ron ,
No no hut experienced hands omp'oyed '
Out of town orders by mull or oxprussys.
llciled , ami all work wuTuiteil. :
1f-l ) ! Douglas St. , Omaln ,
Ladies tu'ing a ? ; ; hal or bonnet , one faic
\vil ; be paid , fie , lound trip ,
18 N. Main st , Council IlliifT * , la. , and 200
S , 10th * t , loom 10 , Omaha , Nsb.
Tents , Awnlngf , Hoofing , Sla's , MnnteU ,
Plate and Window GJa ft , Show Oa < c > ,
Eleratorshatid and hydraulic , etc ,
F ir n buyer to go where the largest Stock
an 1 GrcatcRt Varieties are kept in any one
lltu. Again , If seller hns EXI-KRIKNCKD
ACCOMMCDATIOSS faithful and trusty help-
tho'C who buy w'll ' be ngrccably served ,
nnd if sellergiycs rtu , weights and meas
ures , you have three excellent reasons for
patronizing such n firm.
Fuel consumers ought thcrcioic to buy of
No. 028 nro.ul\vay , Council Hinds.
Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Busies ,
rnnlaucs , I'to , Pie. Council UhilTs , Iowa.
Mntiiirncturoi-sof and Dealers In
Hand and Power Coin LLell rs ,
And UK'cnoinl line of iirst class Hgrlotiltutnl
Implement' ' .
Nos. l..Ol , 1W.1 , 150o RIHI1M7 ? oulli M la Street ,
Council HitllT * . lows.
Mannf 'rs nn.l .lobhnrs ot
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
CJirrl Bt < s. and nil klmU of Farm Mnohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Main Street , Counoll Uluffi.
F.O. Qi.r-AiiON , T. H.Domu.8 , Oito.K. Wmanr.
l're8..tTre g. V.-l'ros A.Man. Sos ACounsol.
Council Bluffs Handle Factor/ ,
( Incorporated. )
Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lck , Slodfe and Sm ll
, of every description.
( M/H'RY'.S.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Cloths. Curtain rixture , Upholstery ( lee
Kto. Na tOG Urondwny Council lllulT ,
Wholesale .lobbcis In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Not. "S.Maln nnd " " I'ourl Stg. Council UluCii ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Hercuants.
No. Ul'oarl St , Council Illuffs.
11AKLK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
s' Sundries. Etc. No.J Main St. , nnd
No. "I I'onrl St. , Council Illntra.
O.V. . JJU'iTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Coimnl'flon. No. ! > ii Ilieadwny ,
Council IlluITs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocarles.
Nos. Ifinnd 18 Peail St. . Council llliiin.
.VBS.w , ETC.
llfttiu'aotureisof and Wholoialo Dealers In
Leatber , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. EAiTi Main St. . Counoll lilulfs , low * .
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. ail and Hit rtrondn-iiy , Council Ill.iT ( .
Iron , Steal , Kails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood tiloi'k , Council IflulfH , loivn.
J ) . II. MeDANKI.D & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TullowWool , I'clm.OroAti ! nod Furs Council
llluirs Iowa.
Whi'lpsalo Denli'is In
Illuminating & Lubrlcallng Oil ;
. Io.rn.
1'li.lXH KTC.
Hard Wood , Sontliera Lumbar , Piling
Andllrldtfu MKleilal Siicclnllli'iVjolvHAlu \ | liiltn-
Im-o tall KlnilD. Diltoo ND. l.H Main St. ,
Council llhilla. Jovr
H'/.VKS J.HJllUltS.
Imported and Domestic Wines a Liquors
AiMut forM. ( iiittliMrt'H Herb Illllnrj. No. II
Mums ; . Coui. . > il liluifj
Forelga and Domestic Wines and Llqaors ,
l ll'uji.
L. iciH.scirr & co. .
Wolualo Liquor Dealers.
Nu. Illl Hum J tray , Con null lilutf * .
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Upp'-/.lto D
Qllorsi'.s unit mules kol ] ) uoiulMillr on
hitnil , fur Halo at rcttiil or In < ! .ir loiulH.Or-
< lurs juoniplly IHloil by contr't.t : on short
nollcu. .Stock cold on c.oinirl > sioii.
Siii.iriKii As Hoi.rv , I'l'opriuSry.
'J'ulophnni ) No 111
Fonnurli of Kcil .Silu : Stuulct , ur'ju r
1st : t\u ana llli street.
n. H.ICS , m , D. ,
Or other Tumors iemo\u < J wllUout
( Irer tbuiy jenr * | irnclirnlc | ieriuiicL' .
Nu. It I'uJiilKL , ( ; < uiiifi1 lllultii.
txrCutiBUltatlun ( ru * .