Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : ITJRIDAY. NOVEMBER 5 , 1886. ft VT An Employe Leaves the Asylum For Not Doing the Doctor's Bidding , A DAMAGING AFFIDAVIT. Blum Ing Tlmt Employes AVoro Kept on thi ! Pay Hull in Order tolluva ahem Vote Supreme and Dlatrlot Court Doings. IrnoM TUP. HUE'S t.iscot.v ntinmu.l l-'rnnk Hustard , who has been baker at the Nebraska Hospital for thu Insane , gathered together his implements of peace and departed on Thursday from the institution. Ills dismissal was mutual between himself nnd thu superin tendent , nnd caused him ut least no sur prise. He has never been a pet at the instilutiou , And when the doctor has cir culated petitions among the employes endorsing himself and his methods , I/rank Unstnrd has not affixed his signa ture , llo kngw the management was n fraud nnd u disgrace and he didn't hesi tate in expressing his honest convictions. Ho was ono of a very few of the em ployes who did not prostrate himself be fore thu king nnd consequently lie has expected n dismissal long since , but from Iho fact that ho was nn exceptionally good baker , who hay worked month in nnd out without the loss of an hour's time , ho was retained , evidently in the hope that n hen winter came that they could apply a gag to him under threats of dismissal , and as ho had n largo family to support , make him bend the pregnant hinges of llio knee to the superintendent. As Huslard was not of that character , ho spoke of the wrongs and mismanagement , public or private , just as ho saw lit , mid when tlio Hiiperlntendent wont to call him to account ho was more ready to go than the Institution was ready to part with him. Mr. Hustard has made the follow ing iiflldiirlt , which Jim boon turned over to the board of public lands and build ings , and it is most excellent reading : BTATK OF NniKASKA , ( , LANOASTKII COU.NTV , f Frank Itustard , bel.ii : lirst duly sworn , de poses nnd says : I have been ior the past lotirteim months bnker at tlie hospital lei ttio ins.nio , under Dr. Matllioubon ; dial 1 know of inv own knowledge ot tlio mlbticatmont of patients : that I know they meoiked when not aulo to wink ; that patients In tlio liosoltal liavo been worked on tlio farm of William Oiler , the enmnuor ut the hospital ; tlml 1 Imvo seen patients taken to tlio farm of said Oiler to woik. nnd tlmt thn patients have told moon letnrnlm : that they woiked theio. I'lir- tlier , 1 believe that the mismanagement at the hospital has resulted In pecuniary loss to tlio state , nnd that guilds h.ivo been loiind hidden tlmt were stolen from the hospital , nnd i can prove that piopurty belonging' to tlio state tins been converted to oilier uses. To the beat of my knowledge and bcllot , the poll books of Yankee Hill precinct will show parties voted on election day under tlio bolie- nation of lr. Maithcuson who weie not lojjal voters ; tnat Hairy ( Sow and Kit Unrry , to tlio hi'st of my knowledge and beliel. voted ; that JJd Cmry told me lie voted , and noknowledk'cd that ho was ingcd to do .so by Dr. .Mattlmuson , and that ho acknouloducd llmt ho Imd not been In the state t > ix mouths ; further , said Kd Curry Is atpicscntan urn- ploioof the institution ; the said JIaiiy ( low also acknowledged that ho did not think ho was qualified to vote , but tlmt Dr. M.ilthewHon told him it would not make any d.lfeience. I further state that Dr. Matthewson lias been publicly accused in the hospital budding of knocking down and abnsmir p.itionts. To the bust of my knowleilu'o and bellot tliu cur- pouter ami p.dntcr at thu hospital have been leceiviriK tnelr icuular , and during that time have built themselves houses and kirns on their own propcity oat of siato time ; tlmt 1 have seen the painter carrying off what i believe was the piopeity of the slatn , and asked him it ho Was Kolnj ; to cuny oil tlio paint tmop. To tlio brstot my knowl edge nnd ballot Di. Matthowson has lept : the plasterer at the asylum for a week without any ho ml ht bo present on election day. And tintner , of my own knowledge , 1 know that the mation nnd the oirpentcr and the painter absent them selves days at a time from their posts of duty. ( Slgnod ) FiiANic.r. HIHTAUII. .State of Nebraska , Lancaster county. HS. : Subscribed and sworn to liefoie mo this -Jth day of jNovoaibcr , A. i ) . lt > sn. fSualJ U. H. fiotnWN-n , Notary 1'ubllc. It might bo In order to remark in con nection with this nlHdavit that Yankee Hill precinct , in which the asylum is sit- uatou , iravu Ilowo 1.17 votes to hovon for MoShane , and it , looks as though the nsy- linn had boon busy on election day. It might further bo added that Mr. Bustard , who makes this iillidavit , has opened in business in Lincoln nnd Iho plea cannot bo entered against him that ho has loft town and can't bo reached. His nddicas ia 110 .South Ninth street , BUPIIKMi : COURT. Couit met pursuant to adjournment. The follow IIIK named contloinen were ad mitted to practice : Mr. .1. . ) . McAllister , o I'onca , Nob. ; Mr. J. H. Archibald , of Lin coln , Nob. , Tlio following causes were continued : Huho vsSiillivnn ; Voro vs Miller : Koin VB Kloko. The following causes were arsncd and sub- milted : Lainmers vs Comatoi-k : Wobtorn HorsoA Cattle Insurance company vs Put nam ; llrltton v I'orry ; Austin vs Austin , dcoiee for plaintllf onteiod ; Perry vs Urdn < cor , motion to strlko bill of cxcuptlons overruled - ruled ; stido ex lei attorney general vs Wd- klnsnn , D.issed to No\emboi 10 attW ! : ) o'clock 'Tlio following causes \\e\a \ arRiied and sub' milled : Uiohowskl vs Longr Ciilllsiilu v.- > Kmltli. > AH other causes not horotofoio othPiwist ' dlHDOsod of were put nt the foot of tlio gen eral docket ( 'oiut uiljomned to Tnoiday , No\euibor 0 , lSs , at ba : * > o'clock a. in. Deelsions tiled Octi'bor4 , 1SSO : Jilne Vallev bank vs Clement Dane & Co , KrrortKiiuCnirocoiinty. Afodlllvd. Opln- ion bv Cobb , J. The action of replevin , or ns It Is soniO' times c.illed , thoaetlon foi tlio delivery ot pm- homil piopeity , Is a statutory proete'llm ' ; ID which tlio ilKht of the plaititltr to the imnie diato iio-.session ot the chattels involved In tlmpiilt , nnd tholr wrongful detention by tin defendant emiititnto the ( 'int of the action. . The pleadings , ovideiico nnd judgment nhotild be oonlined lo Iheso pidnts and mius tloiis iH'Ci'ss.n y to their elucidation. JinnUvn Hitchcock. Apixud fiom Douu-Ias county. Alllimed. Opinion by lloese , J , 1. The takliih' of a stay of execution by i In any notion In which n jmlnincu Imsbeen rendefeil is \\alveroftlio ilshl to apply tin a new tilal , and by ho doimrsnel flofundiint would bo ( Ktoiiped lo attack tht judgment In an > iimnner. Kollowlns MUM vsllyeis , llXuh.-17i. > h.ill vs Hoc. Appeal from Douqla ; countj. Alllimed. Opinion by Koe.,0 , J The aIdenru examined and held lo suppni thodecipe of the dKtiiot roint. blnte , ex lei Thomas VH MrUutchan. Man d.imus writallowed. Opinion h > Keese.j 1. Section 'Jf > l nt the criminal code , whlel nuthmi/es imiilstiales ; to rcijiiho a conr plainiini in. pro-.ecntlon fora misdemeanor t < lioconuillnlileniHluUeseciullv foi cost , hnsiii lofiticinolo pioseentlon instiluted by prose entinKoflieeis ncthiK In the disuhariji of n duty Impowd upon them by Uw. t ) . In such c.isu wfit'ii a complaint U pro united to n police Juduo ot n city by tin Is tlio duty of the police JuiUe ti Jbsno his \\ , and In cat > o. of aitifusu inandiinius will llo to compel action , ( airicoii vs Aiiltmuii. Krror limn Killmon county. Ui'vorsud and remanded. Opin Ion by HetNc , J , 1. In apiocoedliiiitoiovlvea jii > lmeiit li Iho county coiiit , where the judKinen debtor , on nn order to Miow cause why th judgment > > h < ) not bo revitod lor sucl caitMbluius by .altUlavIt that tlio Jink-men tins been pihl and ( . .Ulblied , it is error tor tin county eomt to louder order ofiovivo without lumrlntc testimony as to such p.i > incut or satUfaetion. There bom presumption In favor of sucl ' payment and satisfaction , the burden o prool is on the Judgment , plnlntlll to tdia\ that the jiulginout Is unsatbiiuJ , 2. When the transcript of n Judgment rendered In a county court U nlud In tuo dis- t-rirt court of tlm Ramecoiintv , all proceed- IIIKS .should tliereaftt-r lie had in such district court , but in the abscmoor n statute prohib iting tlw court In whici the juditmcnt was ruiiiiciol from proceeding tuiiliurlnthccase , a jmkmunt of n-.vlvor rendered l.i such roiut will Uvalid. . ( Dennis vs Omaha Na tional b ink , 8 K , W. Hep , fil'A ) The county court posiessliK suuh juiisdlctlon , It U not In errtr lo exercise It. State e < rel. Wanner vs Kmcrv. inandamtis. \Vrltdenlud. Opinion by , . ) . 1. TheclUof 11. , iiaUu over C.OOOInhab- llanls. . divided Into four wards. Hut the count * board had never caused the precincts or voting districts to coiifoim In tho.r boini- dalles to tlio w.ud lines. U. county , In \\liichtlio cit Is s tualud , Is under town ship organisation , in an application fora mandamus to compel the county clerK to Issue and deliver to the city clerk of B. three election notlcfs lor each ward In the cltv. It was held as such pieclnc.ts or voting dlstilcts had not been established by the county boatd. the writ should bu denied. OMSrien vs Unslln. Krror from Donulas county. Opinion by Maxwell , Oh. J. 1. where a court of general Jurisdiction has rendered judgment In a ca o , under winch real estate of one of the defendants has been levied upon and told , and the .sale cntnirmcd and adved made to tliu pinchasur. the court will not upon slight evidence , after a meat lapse ot time , hold thai It is without juris diction. a. The coiiit In furtherance of justice may after a sale of leal estate upon execution and a return of the olJieer. permit the olllcur to amend the return to conform to the facts , and where II H clear tlialllio amendment should bo made , the l.uiso of el.lit or nine years will not bar thu tight ; but in such c.ise caie must lit ; exeiclsfd by the court to prevent an abuse of pcnvur. 8. In tills state thn confirmation of the sale covers all liregidailtles In the proceed I ims. 4. LiiuN convcjiit by a wair.mty dmlaro not biiliject to a secret trust in favor of the gr.mtci ; and p.uticularly is this true where the lauds ate alterward sold at judicial sale as ihe pi opci ty of the grantee and conveyed to an Innocent purchaser. 5. A minor who has conveyed Ida ical es tate mnsldis.illlrm his deed within a reason able lime alter lie comes et age , or be b.uruil of the right. C. Tliu act of KSfiO which reduced the period ot limitation In which an action to iccover real estate could bu In ought , fioiu twenty-one j ears to ton yc.irs and gave a reasonable time in which to bring actions before It took el- lect , applies to causes ot action existing be- lore the passage of the stature. 7. A deed of real estate executed In an other state before an otllcer having no seal , to be admissible in evidence , must bucertilieil in tliu manner provided In the statute. Steele vs llaynes. Appeal fiom Butter county. Dismissed uisl. Opinion by .Max well , Oh. J. 1 , An appeal will not bo dismissed for tin mere iailuiu of tlio appellant to tile an ab- stracl and biicf wllli'.u tliu time required by statute , unless it is appaiunt that the neglect Is wilful or that the appeal was nut taken m good faith. 'J. Where the same relief can bo given either b. an appeal or proceedings In eiror a tiaiiseiipt filed in the Riiprumo court tor an appeal moio than MX months , but less than one jear. from the rendition of thu dccrcu in the court hulow will not bostilcken fiom the files , but the appellant will uavu leave , upon such terms as imu he just , to tile a petition In error. On thu failure to comply with Iho oidi-r to Illo the petition In ciror , the appeal will bu dismissed 8. An order before judgment dissolving a tempoiary Injunction is not a llnal older anil Is not appualable ; but an order overruling nn appllcitlon to set aside a default and ior leave lo answer may bo appealed or reviewed on en or. Janseu it Co. vs Miindt. Krror from Sowanl county. Ki'versud and icmanded. Opinion by Maxwell. Hi. J. 1 , An allegation in a bill of particulars "that thev ( Iho plalnlifls ) are wholesale deal ers la furniture and that their place of bml- mss is Ijihcoln , Nub. , " i.s siilliclent under tlio Matuto to allow tlium to biltig an auilou in the linn name. 'J. An allidavit for an attachment made by tlio attorno/ for the plaintlll , wherein he sw < ars "that ho is llio authori/ud attoiney of Iho plaiutltr in the above entitled action ; thai ho has commenced an action , " etc , where II appears from tlio whole allidavit that tlio action was brou lit by the plaintiff , la not void. H. The failure to entitle tlio papers In a case , or to properly entitle thorn , If it is up parent to what case they relate , is not bill nclcnt to justltylhc court In dismissing the action. TUB ornciAT , itr/runNS in Lancaster county are as follows Total votu east , 0,881. For governor Thaycr 3,085 , North 1)21 ! ) , Hardy 025 Thayer over North 2,001. For congress man Howe. 3.-121 , McShano 2.510 , Bigc low 818 ; Howe over McShano Oil. Tlio vote on slalo senator * ) was as fol'ows Moore 8.7U5 , Burn ham 3.730. Hull 2,125 Oppcnhcinier 2.2U7 , Sonthwiclc 8'J ' , " ) Iloburlh 1(21. ( Thu vole on members o : the legislature was as follows : ( Jaldwel 3,020 , Dickinson 3.GC3 , Kggleslon 3,010 Liesvelt 3,57i ( , ISaymond ; { , ! (8J ( , Shami 8,4151. The highest vole received on the opposition ticket was by I. N. Leonard who received 2,070. For the legislative amendment there were cast -1,807. l-"o township organization 2,301 , agains township organization 1,807. IN nisnnuT COUUT. The criminal docket was opcnc.l with a trial of the case of the State vs. O'Con nor , the bold burglar of the daughter houso. At a late hour Wednesday even ing Ihe jury found Iho man guilty , and hu was given a year in llio pen. Judge Hayvvard is hearing muritir.s and trials in cases in tlio eqiiity docket , and business in this line is being accelerated so thai with tlio close of the criminal docket , but hlllo will bo lefl lo hear during the present term. Yesterday the celebrated case of Book- waiter VH. Lansing was commenced in district courl ( Judge Hay ward's ) , and Ihe bar were lartrely In attendance , recogniz ing Iho importance of Iho case and Iho prominence of llio contestant. The litigation is over block 0 in Kast Lincoln , and the question of tlio transfer and Lansing's relation as agent with Hook- waiter .scum to bu tlio questions upper most. The case haw not t\s \ yet progressed siilliciontly to suinmiri/.o the evidence and facts as elicited. Throe of the criminals indicted woio disposed of veslcrlmy without thn neces sity of a tntvl , tlio men pleading guilty as follows : James Cotutshad , for grand larceny , sentenced to two years in tlio pen ; Louis Brown , ( colored ) for burglary and grand larceny , sentenced for same to two years and sl < months ; Joseph Mansfield , for burghvri/.ing the resilience of Mr. Tyler during tlio state fair , was front lo llio pen for suvon years of re formation. roi.icB ronisr. The or.v/y man arrested by the polieo nnd lodged in the cooler was given an examination jesturday and sent to the asylum M. ( ' . Million for being drunk and dis orderly was arraignnd botoro the judge and given $ " > and costs , failing to pay he blood comniillod , IMiko Burk , a stone cutler by trade , became - came very disorderly , and when thu of ficers took him in charge ho resisted them so earnestly that tlm judge gave him $50 and costs nnd ho wont to jail , JJnn Mnlholland , of Valparaiso , Nob. , was in the city , went wiong , and up- pi'iircd in court yesterday , where ho nv ccivcd a line of $3 ami costs , i ailing to pay ho was commlttud. Tim iiorso thief who was taken m by the police was taken to York county by ollieers yesterday , where ho will bogivou u hearing. wriEitt : JIIOBI.OVWAS , Tlio morning after election the Main Journal found a little consolation in thf congressional returns and inserted ahem line in the paocr , "Where was Higolovv when the light wont out. " Mr. Higolow was out of tiio city that day , but hH wife was at homo , and whim she saw the . question she thought it was worthy mi { answer , fie who sat down and wrote t u little note to the Journal folk , explainim ; li that when thu alleged light wont out Mr t Higolow was under tlio bed looking fein n Church IIowo. r OTIIKIt KVF.NTS. Tlio Mikado company , twenty in nuiiv h bor , who went to Hoatrice Wudnesdaj { iivoning , were given u snocial elixir cai v hpmu. They r'iort ( ( n grand reception. County Attorney-elect Slcarns hud bo * ido the regular republican vote In the iist warn of thu city about one-half of he democratic vote. That ward is Mr. itcarno's homo and attests his popular- Judge Parker , of the county cotirU has nn excellent business these autumnal lays , issuing marriage liccnscs.four a day often being the record , The Missouri I'acilic has made new arrangements on its Si. Louis connection with the now Lincoln branch , and by .hem passengers can leave Lincoln at 0 \t \ , in. , connecting with the main line night train atVee | ing Wuter for the south , and coming lioiiiowuid connec tions are made at the same place with n new mormnir train to Lincoln. Tlio Itr.i : repre.suntativo ran across a uroup of democratic politicians from out in the state who wore gathered together in ono of the hotel ollicus of the city yesterday , and the group were busllv engaged discussing the election returns. Some of them worn very emnhatic in the declaration that if they had only been smart that the democracy in the state might have worked the prohibition question enough to have secured the legislature , and tlio Millor-Unvd crowd were roundly handled for the failure to make the ctlort. The democracy In the success of MoShano Biicm to forget that about eight thousand republicans in thuir revolt against Howe had a baud in the proceeding. Tlio railway commissioners have re ceived word lliat Iho Missouri Pacific have settled tliu case of discrimination in charges complained of by Charles Phllpot.of Weeping Wator.rofundiim him the past over chargn and giving him thu same rate for future shipments as other dealers , "The moon of Mahomet arose , and it shall sot , " says Shelley ; but if you will set a botlln of' Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup in some handy place you will have a quick euro for uioup , coughs , and colds. The eighth wonder of tlio world. A benighted man limping with rheumatism who had never heard of Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents a botllo. A BUSINESS MAN7 ! DIARY. Ono Day'H History Itcoortleil With Sloro Truth Thnii AVIvcw Hcnr. ButValo Kxpruss : At 8:31 : a. m. At of fice. No particular reason for getting hero so early , but other men do it and it sots a good exuinnle to my clerks. 0:30 : Finished reading the morning pa per. No now advcrliH'iincuts. 0:15 : Finished reading my morning mail. Dictated two letters to steno grapher , yawned and picked my teeth. 10 15 Brown came in and said lie had a now story. 10:30 : Brown's story turned out to bo a chestnut. Told him ho. Ho said it wasn't. I ollurcd to prove it by Jones , who heard mo tell it over a year ago. Brown ollerod to bet drinks t couldn's provo it. Took him up. 11:15 Won the bet. Smith s-iid he'd seen the story three times in the Commer cial. Jones drank with us. 11:30 : At ollico. Head telegram. An swered it. Smith came in. 12 : 5 Convinced Smith that Cleveland will bo the next president. Wife tele phoned to know if I would come home to lunch. Too busy. 1:00 j ) . m. Went to lunch. 2:30 : Back in office.Von six cigars throwing poker dice after lunch. Must goto bank. 3:15 Back from bank. Met young Brisket carrying a cane Poor opinion of Brisket. No good business man will carry cane 8:45. : Discharged clerk for loouingout of window. Must have business discip line in ollico. 1:15 : Evening paper came in. 1-18. Read everything in evening paper. 4:15. : Cut my nails. 5.00. Finished culling nails. Would go homo , but am afraid clorkfi would go loo. Brown came in. Wanted to match for drinks. Matched him. Lost. 5:30. : Had drink. Brown thinks Jack son is spending too much money. Have noticed hu burns a good deal of gas in his bouse. 0:00. : Back in offlco. Brown and I made up our minds about Jackson. Guess I'll go homo. 7:1)0. : ) Wife wants to go to theatre. Re minded her it was prayer incctino1 night. 8:15. : Home from prayer meeting. Put nickel in box. 0:15. : Very tired. Oucas I'll ' go to bed. 0:30. : Went to bed There is a curious custom among the negroes at Washington of having burial societies , organizations for tlio exclusive purpose nf making a display at the fu nerals of those who belong to them , i They are incorporated under such line- sounding lilies as "Tho Sons and Daugh ters of Geth'-emanu. " "The Ancient and Honorable Order of the G\llilean : Fisher men"The , Most Devoted Brethren and Sisters of the Star of Bethlehem , " and others' of a similar sort. The gradually increasing scarcity of game is ono of tlio most striking evi dunces of the settling of western land. Fifteen years ago buffalo moat was no great catch in Now York , while in St. Louis it was often a drug in the market. A London publisher wrote to 1,000 school girls asking them to name their favoiito authors. In the replies Dickens received 3 ; ) votes ; Scott , 2.0 ! ; Kingsloy nnd 0. M. Younc : , 01 each ; Shakespeare , 73 ; George Eliot , 41 and other authors a less number. Several weeks ago Mrs. Guorry , of Suintcr county , Georgia , dreamed that her husband , long dead , had appeared to her and said : "Khoda , I have not come for you now , but in four weeks from to- .night I will como for you. " Exactly four weeks from that night Mrs. Guurry full ill , and it is said thu clianoos of her re covery are very slight. A Fovonty-livo pound box of dynamite exploded within eight foot of Mmmteen wnrkingmen the other day in Birming ham , Alii. , and not one of the nion wuro injured. A bell in a ronian Catholic church in Biddeford , Me , , has boon silent foi over twenty yeais. Suddenly its ringing has bognn again. It * notes are discordant and the town Is not happy. Tlio now pastor ordered the bull to bu rung , bo- liovlng that his people would bo shamed into getting a now bull , The result already boars out Ills theory. DRPR1CES SPECIAL MOST PERFECT MADE ] Prepared with etrlct recard toPnrltr , Btrencth , an4 HoRllbfulnMd. Dr. J'rii o'o Uakici ; Ponder contains no ABimonlaIJmdAluta or I'UoBpbites.Ur.l'rlce's , Vim II In , Lemon , etc. , flat otdoUcloRBJy , Cejft , . > .Jli > o Sr fairs. rn rr ; - THE LAST SLAVE-TRADER He Was a Consiu of Mr. Imtnar , Present Secretary oflho Interior. An InterrstlnR Cliniilcp of History From nn Ultl Letter Hook. Itnpne.irs tlmtMr. , U. A.'L. Lnnwr , of Snvnnnnli , On. , waSjtlie lust distinguished American sluve-trauer. Sonic unknown correspondent of tlio November North American Hovlow recently ctuno Into no < < - session of nn old lutter-lmok of Air. Liimar's , nnd has mmlu public of It. llo Buys : "Itvnsniy fortune , during my sum mer's vacation , to from the oblit crntlng nmw of .1 New Knplaml paper mill , n Ictter-prcsH copybook , containing Impressions ot 11 eerier of rotiiiirkablo let ters , written by prominent "southern Run- tlcnum1 of 'tho tlnys before the war.1 Happening to glance over thn contents of the book , 1 saw It had once boon thn property of Mr.C.A.Lanmr , of Savannah , GIL , a. cousin , I believe , of lion. L. Q. C. Lamar , our prewnt United States secretary ot tlio Interior. It must have > icn ; confiscated during 'Sherman's Enroll to the Kea. ' and brought north. It ' ( II , I suppose , Ititonnapnreeiative hands , or else it would Imvo boon utilised before .his time , and not so carelessly ( loomed : o destruction. "In 1853. T.i . ) nnd'CO. ' Mr. C. A. L. Lamar - mar achieved the peculiar distinction of ulvouatinir , in th most practical way , ho reopening of the Afrlo'iu slave trade. Ills nnrau will bo Bponinlly remembered n connection with the yacht U'andnrcr , , vhlch ho lilted out for tralllc with the jarrncoons of the African seaeoast a sort of commerce which had fallen into such neulect that the oivili/ed world had | ) iit upon it the brand of 'piracv. ' This southern gentleman 'of the old school,1 In the days of "chivalry , ' repelled the mod- urn innovation with all his might , as the extracts from his loiters will show. Hut pretty soon John Urown anil Abraham Lincoln came along , and ondcd the con- irovursy. Mr. Lamar's views tire no longer entertained , even in Georgia and ho Carolianas ; but they scorn too good , in their historical aspect , not to be given to the public. They are moral antiques which still form a very interesling study. " "Mr. Lamar bci'iin his operations in 1857. For the next two or three years ho evidently conducted the African Hlavc trade in the American cotton states with great public spirit and for all it was worth. His letters mention three vessels which ho kept as busy as the vicissitudes af thu traflic would allow. Those wore the K. A. Hawlins , thn Richard Cobdcn nnd tlic Wanderer. Ho contcninlatcd an extension of his lines so magnificent as to def.y the whole nnappreciative world , and this scheme ho laid out in a confiden tial letter M-iy 21. 1858. to Thomas Har- rett , Esq. , Augusta : "I liavoin contemplation , if 1 can raise the necessary amount of money , the lil ting out of an expedition to go to the coast of Africa for a cargo ot African ap prentices , to bo bound for the term of their natural lives , and would like your co-operation. No subscription will bo re ceived for a less amount than 5,000. Thn amount to be raised is & ! i < )0,000. ) I will take $20,000 of the stoek and go myself. I propose to purchase the Vigo , an iron- screw steamer of 1,750 tons , now in Liver pool for sale at iilOOU ( cash , bho cost , C75UOO. G 1J. Lamar can give you a de- bcriplion of her. * * * She is as good as now , save her boilers , and they can bo used tor several months. It I can buy her 1 will put sixPai.xhan guns on dock , and man her with as good men as are lo bo found in the south. The fighting men will all be stockholders and gentlemen , some of whom are known to you , if not personally , by reputation. My estimate runs thus : Sluiiiuer , SI.10,000 ; rcimlis , Rims , Riimll arm" , etc. , $50,000 6200,000 Supplies , Si > r.oO' ) : money lor purchase of canro , 875,000 100,000 Total S300.000 "I have , as you know , n vessel now afloat , but it is to my mind extremely doubtful whether she 'gets in safely , as she had to wait on the coast until her cargo could bo collected. If she ever gets clear of the coast they can't catch her. Shu ought to be due in from ten lo thirty days. I have another now ready to sail , which has orders to order a cargo of 1,000 to 1,200 to lie in readiness the 1st of September , but to be kcpt.if necessary , until the 1st of October which I intend for the steamer so thai no delay may occur. With her I cim make the voyage there and back , including all detentions , bad weather if I encounter it , etc , In ninety days certain nnd sure ; and the negroes can be sold as fast as landed at iJOSO per head , lean contract for them 'to arrive' at that figure , cash. The Vigo can bring 3,000 with case and comfort , and 1 apprehend no difficulty of risk.savo shipwreck , and that you nan insure against. I can got one of the first lieu tenants in the navy to gooutincommand and wo can whip anything , if attacked , that is on that station , either Knglish or American. Hut I would not propose to light ; for the Vigo can steam eleven knots which would put us out of the way of any of the cruisers. If you know of any who would like to take an interest , mention it to them confidentially , and lot me know who they are. I want nonu hut reliable men , and men who will have the money the moment it is called for. I can raise $100,000 hero. What can I raise in and about Augusta ? * * If the Uawlins gets in with her cargo , I shall want very hlllo more money , for 1 will take all that is w.anting myso'f. ' "Mr Lamnr's letter-book shows corro- flpondincn with ( Sencral Qtiitinan.Hobort Toombs , Howe.ll Cohb. ( icorgo N. Sanders - ors , Horace Cri'iilny , Henry J. Havniond , L. Q , ( J. Lamar and others. Ho chal lenged ( Jrecloy nnd Kaymnnd to light fuels with him. 'Doctor' ( Srcelov de clined Mr Lamar's request , bill oflercrl him tliu columns of Ufir Tribune in whinh to defend himself , and uphold the branch of commerce * in which lie was engaged , Mr. Haymond , hnwowtr , tantalr/ed him with several hitt i > of quite dui > le\ nnd uncertain Htructnro , Kvading the question us lo whntlmi ho 'rccognixed tlmt respoiisihility which attaches to gcnflcinon , ' mtditr tint code of pop or thrlijt , lie finally wrote that , 'mi matter how fie would bo inclined to act under onliniiryv0ircumstancm , ' tin would not consent to meet Mr Lamai 'on lurms of equalityas ho had 'avowed his commotion with 'a traffic winch the laws of his country diiijounced as piraov and civilized countries of the worh looked ui'on as odious , ' Thereupon Mr Lamar wrote Mr , Raymond this luie epistle , which wascoitivd upside down in Ins letter book -probanly in unwpcakablo contempt ot so irresponsible a creature as a Now York editor "Sin : I leeelvcd yours of the 4tli tills mom lilt ; . You ) i.\v tnken tlm iiiiial refuse of a counid , who. ntr.dil to imlit , utiilei values Ids juUermiiy. Common abU' this com ft ) In you ot your fneiuU induces IMU to bellcfo that you would hold ) oiir el resixinsitilo to ihoso wiwm NOHh'ju'otlmiileil IJut lerthis. and the pievlolin impicitiloii 1 Imvo formed of your character. I wftnlil have had nocnrrcsimiult'iicuyltliyint , When wo meet , I have determined upon my coiu.ic. "What Ins determination was ho par ticnlari/.ed in a loiter to H. It. Alden Ksq. , No , 5 West Fourteenth street , New York ; "J slmll simply nut un Indignity upon Idn In a public manner suit ) , tor lust-nice , a xlnppini ! Ills faw ; and then , If hu dnesn't re .sent It , wiry , L bhult taUti no fuitlier notice o him. " ADDITINOAL OOUNOIL BLUFFS. [ Continued from Sixth Page. ] A. Wlfo Oliokor. On Wcdnosdaynightabout 10ROo'clook : quite a sensation was created by a man named L. D. Itornady , who for the past month has bcon rooming with his wife n the house of Mrs , H , A , Wilson on First avenue. It being rather late , there were only a ew of the immediate residents of the icighborhood that know ot the occur rence at the time , but yesterday it fur- lished food for the gossips , and was one of Iho tonics. It scorns Hornady and his wife engaged two rooms in the house on Ocloiicr 1 , : ominc direct from Omaha , but Formerly resided in Red Oak , la. , where Ilia wife owns considerable liropeity. Hornady claims to be n traveling - oling man and to represent a Philadel phia leather house , but whether this is seer or not many persons are in doubt , At iny rate , Mrs. Hornady has been in ignorance of the name of the llrm lie represents or for some reasons lias de nied any knowledge of the name of the houso. Kvcrytldng , seemingly , Imsgono along smoothly between tliu man and wife since they have moved into tliolr last quarters , although the gossips had It that their previous matiimoiiial life had not been all sunshine , and that ono thunderstorm after another finally led tt ) a bolt from the courts cut ting them in twain. They renewed llioir courtship , and concluded to remarry , ono of the terms of the now compact being that she would deed him her property. Wednesday night ho came homo and for a time chattud pleasantly in thu parlor and then retired to his rooms up stairs with his wife. The two got to quarreling over a diamond , each claim ing it , and the man , who had apparently been drinking , choked hor. Sno getaway away and came running down stairs and locked herself in the parlor , and asked Mrs. Wilson not to let him in. He cunio down and began Kicking the door , so Mrs. Wilson opened it to sue what ho wanted. Hu jumped in , grabbed his wife and gave her anolher choking , but was forced by Mrs. WtNon to desist after a time. Mrs. Hoinady then went up stairs and ho followed her up there and kicked in the door of her room , wl.ieh she had locked against him. Then ho choked and beat her , threatening to kill hor. He was only forced to desist by the coming in of some of the neighbors. Mr. Jossl.yn tak ing him in charge , making him hold up his hands and march ahead of him lo tliu police station. Josslyn Imd a gun , but the cowardly wife-beater , fearing a bul let , marched through the strecls without resistance , his hands held up in air. lie put UP money for his appearance in the morning and then went to Iho Pacific house to spend the rest of the night. Yesterday ho wont to Omaha. Mrs. llnrnady was very ill yesterday , being confined to her bed , and her inju ries being quite painful but not deemed dangerous. To Knl-C nlrnctors. Earth , rock and masonry work to let on the Colorado & Western railway. Ap ply to J. ,1. Urown & ( . 'o. , Contractors , Council Blulls , la. , or Cheyenne , Wyom ing , or Dillon , Colorado. I''oiSale. ' . Several well improved farms in West ern Iowa : dillerent sues to suit pur chasers , lied rock prices. Inquire of Die.rck's Corn Harvester MTg. Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dlwl Yliullcntlii ; : Tliolr Acont , COUNCIL BUHTS , la. , Nov. ! . 1880. To the Keillor of the Bnui The special : i < rents of the fire insurance companies which are represented by Mr. K. L. Smith , having had charges of an unbusi nesslike character presented to them derogatory to him , after a lull examina tion of the ground for such charges , find that they were made by the so-called manager of the compact-and are wholly milrnc and Ubcloits , made to injure our agent for the purpose of inducing us Jo withdraw our agencies , to enable said manager to procure commissions from which he is now debarred. Wo therefore announce to the business public that Mr. Smith's ngcnc.y is now and always lias been satisfactory to us in every a'nd all respects. We would also state that some of the leading business men of this city ret/re sent to us that they have full and entire confidence in Mr. S1 integrity , all of which is endorsed by us , and that they will give him their hearty support , as long as he does business on his piesent basis , which they ; consider highly bene ficial to thoir'business interests. Special Agents of the Several Corn- panics. dlt Great Ginning ; Out Hale of silver plated ware to make room for our new stock. Wo oflbr our present BtocK regardless of cost. C. B. i/ACQIjr.MIN & OO. , No. 27 Main street. Philadelphia girls are taking to dumbbell boll oxorciso. One dealer sold thirty Eair.4 of three-pound bellri In one day Holy. Prof. Gtias , Ludwig Von Seeger prnfodforof Medicine at inn Unlver-ltr ; KnlKht nt tin ) lloynl Aiimrlivn drier < > f the Iron Crowm Kiiliilit Uomm'inilnr nf thu llnyil Hi > nl ti Onloi of IH ibolln : Kiiliilit of Ilia Itoynl IViimUn ( ) tlurof the Hod KuitloiUliarallur of tlm Irfglin o ( Iloniir.otc- . , ftirsi i > iiiiiu co's ( : IMA IIISKK * TONIU ihoum noi " ronliiiinilol wlili tliuliorile uf tnnlif curealli. Ill * In nnrpiiKOof tliu vriinln pilunt ruiiincl > . 1 : nn thor- ouirliljTo-iTorsiint wllh Hi mci'lo ut prcpnratlim itnil knoir It In l > e inn only n leiillltnuto iilinrmnruullral produrt , but rtUownrtny fif Inn tilKti ooiiimondiillnni It linHroPOlpod In nil imfl * oflho nurlil. It rnnlilni cn enco nf lloef. C'oni.Qulnlno , Irnnnrtil ( utUtvit. wlileli nra dissolved tu purtf KOtiiilnu bpxnlsli Imperial Crown Hlierry. " Inr/iliiiibloto nil wlmnrn Hun Unwn , Nervnm , \ > jt- ppnllp , Illllou' . MiilarlniM or uniclod nllh wuuk HU1- najr , IIEWAIlBOKlMirAnoss. Her Majesty's ' Fayoritle CosmBticGiycarinB n ort 1iy Her llornl Hlirlmu" Hie I'rlnopfj of Wnlej ( indtho fiolilllly KoUin < ln ( /uinjiloslon. Ktay Cliapplns , 1.IKI1II1 CU'S ( iuiinlno Hrup ofhiimpiirillu , U gumniitcol li tlit ) liest HminpurllUvlntlie nmtket. Our itrodiictlotti ) nrc tlie rerftictlon of KliotnnUltiar > . In them Every Objection toready-madu ohoet is removed. The success Btonc attained by our coeds wherever introducca ia because they are glovr-fittlne , elegant in style and finish , of the finest materials And workmanship , end moderate in pjlcc. The horrors of breaklng-ln are avoided : they ere comfortable from the very fust. Wide in nil Eltcs , widths end shape * . Ltok pn Solit/ar Kami and AdJrttt tf J , & T. COUSINSt N5JW'OKK. . Q For Sale by Hay ward Hnw. , ( > 07 Jlo\v- aril Street , Oinuhu. THE STANDARD ASBESTOS CEMENT FELTINO , ASBESTOS AIR CHAMBER , ASBESTOS LOCOMOTIVE LAGGING , ASBESTOS LINING FELT , ETC. miOHNSMFMO , 5---a-y n.-- . . ts : : n = = 175 RANDOLPH ST. , CHICAGO , ILLS. BtWIORt , PHIIADEIPHIA , Samples and Illustrated Pamphlet "Steam Saving and Flro-Proof Materials" Free by Mall TjEVt OAnTKtl , rroihlent , B. it , IIA.YDIN. : THE 6MTER WHITE LEAD GO. WHITE LEAD { Strictly Pure White OF mms tt'fi coneys , OSTEB , For Sale by all. the Leading1 Paint , Oil and Drug- Houses of the West. DEWEY & STONE , One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA NEB. HO W TO ACQUIBE , WEALTH. IfO JtLAJfflfSt I'ltlXKS ONLY ! Every Year otvr a Million Distribut ed. A Ji'twinJSi'crtf { Muntti. With a first payment of on\y \ $3 , you can acquire hix Eniopvan Government Bonds , which not only miaruntuea haTe investment ol capital , ns , at tlievois > t the invested money must pe paid back , but also offers the opportunity to make a fortune by win ning n big prize , ONLY S2 U.EQUIRED to buy a Royal Italian , lee francs gold bond. These bonds paiticinatc in 22j drawings , four drawings evert verr , and retain their oiig- inal value until the year 1091. Prizes of'K)0,003j ! ( ) 1,000,000 ; COO.OOO , ctc-.f-ancs will be drawn. Hes.ides the certainty of reccivuig back thu 100Ir.incb m ioldi you can win four times a year , and so come into postession ol a fortune We ofier the O b nds for $30 , in monthly installments of $3 , or for cash at $35 , us long as our sup- plylasts. Money can be ent by regibtered letters , money or. ers , or by express.and in return we will forward the bond. The nctt drawini ; will take placd on Novem- bcrSOth. For fillther infoimation apply to , HRIIMN UANKINO Co. , 305 Broadway , New York. N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and ate by laiv permitted to be sold Absolutely Faro nnd Unadulterated , IN UtC IN HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , AIIO PHEIOHIBEO PHYSICIANS CURES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES jlntl all Wattliifl J > lxfdfcn ; DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA , TIIK OM.Y FOR THE SIOK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN. I'or sale by Drn IstP , Greet IB au-J Jleakrfl. * Otiu Dollar pt-r llotdr , 0i Jy lnniIf ! txtttlti , fctid nfit genuine * i- Iwar ( Mir tr. l -ni k lt > e * of tl e ( 1 1 < ImnUt nn I ( lit ti4tna ofrnm > fiy t > | nwn In I ut1le , MniMilolllj * Km * ? Mfiiin * li > pexrfi | | Hi T rril rlcl , utt fl4 to t > r tnro Itfrcm ii-Hr clwler * cunliAtelUlf Do/on ifttl , fu ] > U1n < * * , imnnrVfl , fci jirm * cKtijte * \ < tv t\tly \ rfujtUJiig M lJ&Hai to The Dutty Malt Whiskey Co.t Baltimore , Md. Iru , H f a tt nttrtiiMfftM tt\t * rti9tlt ttckrtr tin : ( .l.n'il.miU.I'H t HII'.MJ liiHHllmplcini iiliwltlM ac'i IMIIII.I huro uro in i lo4daji A K > < mr ilrimvlit 'nr II Scut In any mMrc i fur t * IVill UALTOOH K'f'O. CO. . Hprlnetioldt O. Messrs Kuliii & Co. , TPiHHI NEItVITA n II ; tore. 1 Mini t | ! < < rl1 ' 'jw'1" ' " ! " I lilHI . MrtUu.in6iiit .i oi ; I ilflrSUI tvylMM , L t MullllUOll , DlkiDliH ifffcllo.i 7.1.111 k > ; < IJc.r' * ! ' f''t5Jlc'- lilt. A.U. ( II.IH TO. . % . .l ltt bU i.bUf.lCMe.PV | ill. l.OO vtr J'urtoct. frUrort&.O'J. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOH THIfi ) | AM Omaha , Neb. NEWSPAPER i ADVERTISING Fays Best WilEli PROPERLY DOHE. We AIM TO AND DO CIVC TO ALL CUSTOMERS , LOWEST PRICCS---PROMPT TRANSACTIONS JUDICIOUS SELECTIONS' CONSPICUOUS POSITIONS TIONS--- . EXPERIENCED ASSISTANCE UN BI ASED OPINIONS AND CONFIDENTIALSEnVICC. ADVCNTI CMINT DKSIONCD. Pnoor * SHOWN AND EaTiMAtc * or COST m nr NCWIPAPCKC , FurtNIBHCD TO ncSPOMGIBIC PARTI * * FREE or CHARGE The H. P. Hubbard Co. , Sjccanore to H P HUBBARD , jJudiclous Advertising Agents and Experts , j Eittblithtd 1871. Incorpontod iGSj , i New Haven , Conn. I | | 20O PAQC CATALO&UK op LCADI ipAfcns , " SENT Fnrr ON AmicATioN. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NKIMA.SKA. Paid up Capital $ SCO,000 Surplub 3O,000 II.V. . Yates , Prosldont. A. K. Tou/.iilin. Vicn I'rp ° Ilont. ( W. ll S. Hii lics , Cashier. UlltfCTOIW ! W. V , Morse , John S. Collins , Jl.W.Yutcs , LowlHS. Hood. A. E. Toii/itlin. BANKING OFJTIOB : TIIJE JHON JtANK , Per 12tli niul Kiirnnm Sts A ( it.icrul ISanKiii ! ; Miiiincss 'rninsaotod. 3M. W. HARRIS & Co. HA A' f ( l-'ltH , ( 'II 1C A CO. RrtSJUC < ) r { 'oniitinf ) , ( tins Hint ollicisof liWi-JilO lilKh ( ; nui.iiiiirlu ! iitnl gold KnrAurn nltlco IN Dovoiislilro St. . llobton. CoriesponJ- ' 2SG29,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars arm Blilj > p < > Uarliig tli p-nt ' to yoai'H , rfltlAiiu c. drum- irin"artiaiilov , Koolbor uisol'i tlm nurMcnti Irnth- illymalioiiiijliri itinirlni ; Mirnfllti r rh town SCID Oy LEnDlhQ USUCCIST8. R.WTANblLLiC0..55SlatoGt.ChIcano. A Ilxik that eifrr futhrr should lAacu in liln non'tf ImtuU UliU 1. ' < ! I.I.UM If will , llifi ulmort cur . lllVki ull llio niiainoml dual. ) I'.arlr Vice nud ltni | > r- ntiri Hratlt < f Fm < < -d It. TcetlinoiaU ti bin i rolnou < Juii DuctK n FREKGH HOSPITAL TRCATftlEKT -ilJAia. AUL.SDJ. M. . . " > cw 1 vrlr