Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Ec&vincss the P.ullng feature on Chicago
Board of Trade ,
Corn nml Onts Follow the Lender
Tlio I'l-ovlHloti I'll Nervous Over
I < nlor Tiotildcs nt the
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram lo
( lie Hi i.J A fccllntj of mote or less heavi
ness sicined to overhang the early market
and made prices about > { c lower throughout
( lie pain list and 5c oil on provisions .Decem
ber wheat opened at 74Jfc , sold ni 74 * c , then
up to 71 jJ4c , and settled hack around 74,6 < c.
The fresh receipts were ! ! 59 cars , nil of them There \\crc MT cars of
coin In. which were consldeieil heavy re
ceipts for one day. May opened at 4ty e ,
acnlnsl a close last night at 42JI2 < e. The
heavy feature in the provision market was
receipts of ! X,000 ) head of hogs. Speculative
prices were easier , January pork opening at
10.25 and January lard at S0.02JI. Kaily
trading was Inclined to be rather spirit
less. The big traders weio evidently of
tlio opinion that wheat would probably go
lower , foi they said or did very little to sus
tain values. Up to I00 : ! ! there was very little
movement away fiom 7lJ < c for December.
May corn dropped to 42l4Wl2c. while Jan-
nnrj porl < advanced to S 10.110. iieforo noon
w heal got down to 74 > i'c lor December , but
il wnn not bieaiif-e of any siiecial atteinjit or
disposition to hoar the market. The tone
was conttlbutcd rather by Indisposition In
nny direction to support tninis , and there
fore the tendency was naturallv mid easily
downward. 'J'ho whole rmiso In the active
option wits wi thi n.c and during the mom ing
session no house distinguished Itself In any
way. Them was the usual volume of trade
in a local scalolnir way , but much less than
ordinary wts : contributed on outside orders
fiom any direction. News affecting prices
was also very scaice. Thn ereat
hulk of opcratois In Urn corn pit
wanted to HO ! I , which unanimity of
opinion on the market was ri-llcctcif In a
steadily tlucliuing scale of prices , IliotiL'h
from all appearances May wns no weaker at
42'tc ' than It was nl4'lf. At no time were
prices as high in this or other things as they
weie yesterday. Pin k was a little excltedon
thehimid Ibis mninlng , January selling at
tlie start at S10.t5. : The pit , bowcvcr , Is ex
ceedingly nervous. In the last two days
Charles Wright , one of the big scalpers , Jus
eoveicd Irmu .TO.OOO to 40,030 bands , and
Cudahy took in half as much yesterday.
Wright is known lobe beailt-h , but he , with
all the icst of the shoits , has been made
timid by the prospect of a gcncinl strike at
the yards that would close up the houses
temporarily right In the midst of thn regular
packing season. The pi ice eased up this
morning when It was seen by thudlhp.itches
from tlio yauts that all wore
buyers. and that all the houses
were killing. If this agitation at thu Mock
yards should cease and the men there settle
down steadily to their woilc , pork , it Is be
lieved , would drop rapidly until it lost all the
advance of the past tow days.
In the afternoon wheat was linn and a
shade higher on buying against piivleges. !
There wuro no expoi Is to speak ot ami very
little outside dennuid. Trading was re
stricted to operations by the scalpers. Corn
was tjiilel nnd u sliinlu easier. Piovisions
were also nuiet. Wheatsteady ; 73c , Novem
ber ; 7lc , December : 75.V1 , Jnnnary ; Sl'ic ,
Mny. Corn , linn ; : i.c , November ; Bfijjc ,
December ; .TTc , January ; 4-V , May. O.tts ,
tiasler ; " "i c , November ; 2ile , December.
Pork , steady ; SlUO , Xovcmbi-r ; S.30 ! ) , De
cember ; S10.l5f < gi0.17J < f , Janunry. Laid ,
easier : S.VJ- % November ; S5.97'/ , Decem
ber : Si.02 ( < , ; , Janiuuy. Shoit ribs , lower ;
55.20 , Jaiiuarv ; S5.2JOl5.22MFebruary. .
2:45 : p. m. Puts on December wlieat , 74@
74Jifc ; calls. 7 ! ? c. Puts on May corn , 419 0
Ciiir-Aoo , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram to
the BIK. : ] CATTLK. There was little or no
chantro In tlic general situation to-day. The
receipts are moderate , about 12,000 less than
for tlio saino time last week. Oitiers
on shipping account are light and buyers
fiom other markets nru not taking half the
number they did last week , Tevans and
rangers have dwindled down to small num
bers , consisting mainly of culls , cows and
odds and ends of the closing season , all of
which aic selling as cheap as dirt , 'llio
stocker and fceiter trade is rentalkably slow
nnd dull , ami there hasnothiicna t-'alo of
stock calves in two days. Shipping ,
law to 1500 Ibs. . S4.50@- ; 12IK ) to 1S50 Ibs. ,
8l.ld1.50 ; 050 to 12UO Ibs , S.5. ! : ! Through
'iL-xnt , cattle , weak ; scallawagu and cows.
Sl.MNJW 25 : steers. 82.40i.05.Vstein :
laniicrs , steady ; natlvi-H and inilf brei'ds ,
$2.7iVS8.7 ( ) ; cows , S2.25 ( 2.70 ; wintered TVx-
nns , S2.75@i.l5. : Snles : 57 Mnntaiias , itll :
Ibs , Sf.70 : ; : ! 7 cows , 1151 Ibs , 2.50 ; 111Vo ! \ -
inlngH , 1201 lb , § : i.iO : ; \Vyomings. . loooibs.
$ : t.l5 : 42 WMimlng Texans. ! l Ibs , SH.15 : " 02
Wyoming Tuxiins , HVJ Ibs. SH.K10 ( ) ; U'yo-
mings. 1U.-.7 Ibs. . SU.tiO ; 4(1 ( Wyoming Tes'sins ,
1 tWHbs , S2.7.1 ; lie W > oming Texans. .1001 Ibs ,
: iT.i Montanas , 12.M Ibs , S2.S5 ; I'M Jlon-
liiinis , lit ! ) Ibs , S'-.b5 ; Ul ) Moutaiias , 1150 Ibs ,
ilo'iis The market opened , active , with an
upttiin ol 5@10e on nearly nil giailcs. The
uil\uiiL't was lroiiilit ) about by tint competi
tion of sneculatnis. liough and common
hold at Sir-0i : : ; .7. ' . , gnoil mixed , Si.hOW5.1H : ) .
nnd bi-Kt heavv i : C@l.oi ) . Mjrht soils bold
atffl.iKVal.05 for Yoilter-tand 5U.73iii.llO ( ; lor
and f.iir grailes.
Yorlc. Nov.I.MONBV On call ,
active atM'J per cent , cloblng nt 3 per
KxoiiANOi : Dull but sttoiiir
at J4.bOi , ' for bixty day Dills ; 54.84 for
demand ,
UOVKKNMENTS Uoveinment bonds were
dull but .steady.
STOCKS The general tenor of news ro-
celved upon the htuvl today was favoralilo
to blglier pi lees for stocks , nud the general
disposition of the street is in that direction.
The opening was generally heavy , although
changi's from hist inenmrs tinal prices weio
treneinlty lor iusignlilcant Iractlons only ,
Karly traillni : was nniiked bv heaviness over
almost the entirii list , Consolidated ga . tlio
Kan Fianclbcostocks , and KloliiiiiMiiUt West
Point being notnblo exceptions The mar-
kut continued alternately heavy and linn ,
with M'iy Illtlti Ical'ii'i' . thugfliii'ial tenduiscy
bi'ing ( low nwnid until the cloe. .
BTooca o.f w * .it , sniKHT.
V rent bonds. . 10) < H 0. * .V. W 117J <
' IlllilOllC'll.
N. v. o 11H
PacificO's of ' 95. Oiecon . . .
Central 1'noitic. . PaclUo Mali
C..V A p. n.jt K
iiruierroa. . , , ICO p. p. c MH
C. IJ.AQ Itock Island
D. L. AW . . at , i , . AS. K. . . .
D. AK. CJ SW\l prefened. . .
Kile. . . . . " \\0.M. , ASt. P. ,
pruforreiJ. . 10 iirrleried . . .
Illinois Central. 134 SI. P. & 0 5'j
1. , U. AW 19 ? * preferred , . . IIS
KniibRB&Toxas , 85)- ) Texas Paclllc. . .
Lake Shore Union Pacific. , ,
I , . & K . . .St. L. & P. . 11) )
illch. ContrHl. . . , prefeired . , .
Mo. Puclfic Western Union.
Northern Pac. . . K ) . , R. &N 107 ,
] > rcicried. . .
Nov. ) . Klour Quiet and un
chanced ; Mlnt4-r wlioit Hour , 84.U'4C4.10
soiuhern , JS.iOftjtH.oOj Wiwonsln. S4-00 4.lo
Mlchlian Mift ( . .urliunluat , & : ) .UXit4.lO : Mm
ni'botabakorit , SilHViH .lUr&U'iits ; , 84.30yJ4.00
low crad4 , $ ) .75vi'J.7S ; lyy Hour , qtuei at
y.'iX"ii.i ; < J in bancU. anil S3.U0 3.-u lu
Wheat Dull and lower , closing > < c lo cr
fornikh ana c for Intnrvs : ca h , We ; le-
rrinLcr 7l c ; Jnnnary , TS'tc ; May , 81 o ,
Corn- Dull , opening Xt below yt'stniiiav'i
close anil rioted JJc ln-lo\v ; cash , STij c ; JJu
cctnher , 3dKc ; Janiidry a7c ; May , -isc.
Oats Dull aud slow : about ! { e lower ; M > ( c ; December , 26 U-lCc ; ilay ,
llyp Finn at. lie.
tlarl y Dull at ACc.
Tinmlhy need-Prime , 1.C5@1.6 < 5 ,
J'ork Moderately active ; tame at open-
( ni ? . < lccllnlnK. ' ' < ? i7kc , rallied 1.V317JV , l tor
crailnnlly wcakonod and wttlcd bacK 1"K ®
v0c ! for cash and December and sliado lower
for January ; ca n and December , i ! . : X ) ; Jan
uary , S10.15M10.17.
hard Mnrnet linn and prices about Mcady ;
cash , SMty i ; December , 3.VJ7i ! ; January ,
' Hfilk Meats-Shoulders , S5.KK8.VM ; short
clear , 50.40040.45 ; short libs. SS.-'O for Janu
nllnlter Steady ; creamery , 15aH ; : dairy ,
eiw Steady : full-cream Cheddars. ll'f '
; lints , llifWrJcjyouiiK AmerlcaE , ll"i
Hides Heavy Rroen Raited , fully cured ,
BC'iS ' c : llpht. do , 8) ; ( abJ/c ; damaged , 7C < |
? V ! inillhldcH , r.Ji'csdrys.iltcd , 11@12 < ! ; dry
Hint. it : ( < jUc ; calf skins , b@10Kc ; deacons ,
tffc each.
Tallow No. 1 country , S' ' @ 3/e ; No,2.
fie : cake. BJO.
Hccclnw. oliipmontp.
Flnur.buM . IT.n.tO 2rtKM , ( )
WbcM.bu . 01,000 21.000
Corn , nit . NI.OUO
( ) ats.tiu . 7looo , lOl.oifl
Hyo , t > u . u.oo. )
llarlev.Du . : , OW S'J.ouo '
Now York. Nov. 4. Wheat Lower ,
closliitr licavy ; receipt1" . 27rioou : expoits ,
71,000 ; utiKrailiHl red , 8lf.78J/c ; No. red ,
Ma.yilfc In elevator , KJ oitlloat ; No. t led ,
H'-c ; No. 3 icd , SJVe In eliivalor , ai 'jjbSc ; DecoinDer closing ut SoKe.
Corn Lower , closing heavy ; receipts ,
174,000 ; nxpoitsno,000 ; ungradedtrii Mi' c ;
No. ! l. 44e ; new No. 2 , 4.t > { @ ( In elevator ,
40\t-irj/o nlloal ; leemlcr ) closing aUOJfc.
Oats Lower but fairly active ; receipts ,
8U.WW : exports , 44. . ; mixed western , W@
; Mcwhlte ; western , SX240I * .
Petroleum United closed ator\'c. ,
KBITS JitroriRer and dcinatul fair ; western ,
2-K < mc. : !
Pork Quiet but firm ; mess pork wammoted
at 5.i.75GilO.OO lor old ; S10.i7K(31U.75 : ( for
Lard Opened higher but closed with ad-
valid ) lost ; wuitein bleani spot , Sr'i1iC.27 } < ,
Hulter Firm with lair request ; western ,
Chei'sp Firmer mil quiet.
MiununpoilH. Nov , 4. Weak weak and
closed lowei for futuios ; No. lliivrti , cash , 7-c ;
December , TllJio ; January , 7.1C ; No. 1 north
ern , 'Oc cash ; 71HR December ; T.te
January We ; No , 2 northern , cash , Cic ; De
cember , 5U < t c ; January , 71c.
Flour Quiet but steady ; patents , SI.10Q
4.25 ; bakers. S3.10@i.ur : > .
Itrrclpti Wheat , I'Jt.OM bu.
t5lilpmenLs--WIieat , 47,000 bu ; Hour , 29,000
Mllwaukoo. Nov.I. . Wheat Weak ;
cash , 71J c ; December , 72c ; January , TSl'i'c. '
Corn-Quiet ; No. S , 35c.
Oats Steady ; No. 8 , We.
HyeStc.uly ; No. 1. Me.
liarlov-Stcadlcr ; No. 2 , 52' c.
Provisions Steady.
Pork November nnd December , SO.CO.
Cincinnati. Nov. 4. Wheat Dull anil
lower ; No. 3 red , 7C@7Cfc.
Corn Kasler ; No. 2 mixed , 3Cc.
Oats Firmly held ; No. 2. mixed , 2Se.
Jlyo- Firmer ; No. 2. C > 'X354c.
Poik Slow at 5J ! > .50@9.57.
Lard Finn ; steam. S5.9. ) .
Whisky Firm at S1.1S.
St. Liouls. Nov. 4. Wheat Weak and
lower ; No. 2 rod. cnsb , 74Jc ; December ,
7 , < c ; .January. 77c : May , b.ab1 c.
Corn Weak am' lower ; No. a mixed , cash ,
344Ma ! c ; December , % c ; January , : ! 5c ;
May. 'Jc.
Oats Weak ; No. 3mlxcdcash. aJ (320c ;
November , 257 ; December , iiC.'ic ; May ,
Hve-Kasy at 4SK@iOc. :
1'ork-Stiont ; at Sfi.2. . < au.27K.
Lard Finn nt S5.85K5.UO.
Hnltcr Active and steady ; creamery , 2-4 ®
2Tic ; dairy , l'J@JOc.
Afttiinoon Ifiiaul WheatFutures. . VfWc (
hi : lier. Corn Jiatfc lower. Oats A shade
rolodo , Nov. 4. Wheat Dull and weak ;
cash , 77c.
Corn Weak ; cash , 37 c bid.
Oats Neglected.
Kniinns City , Nov. 4. Wheat Quint ;
No. 2 red. cash , G2J < Jc ; December , OUic
bid ; Mav. 70c bid.
Corn Lower ; cash , 29J c ; December , IOXc ? ;
May , MXc.
Oats No quotntioiis.
Now Orleans , Nov. 4. Corn Steady.
Cornnival Easier nt S2.15.
llo Products In good demnnd at fair
Pork S
i.ard SO.OO.
HulK Meats Shoulders , t'5,25 ; long clear
and clear ribs , 50.50.
Ijlvorpool , Nov. 4. Wheat In poor
demand and dull ; Now , No , 2 , winter , Gs
8Kd ; spring , Os 8d.
Fl lour In poor demand but steady at 8s 7d.
Corn In poor demand and dull : spot , No
vember and December , 4s 4d ; January , 4s
, Nov. 4. The Drover's Journal
follow ! , :
Cattle Ueccipts , 7,000 ; steady ; shipping
steers , Si.i5 : : . < > . : ! 0 ; stockers nud tcedet.n , ; cows , bulls and mixed , SfLtKCU
2,1)0 ) ; bulk , 82.00@2.20 ; throuch Texas cattle
cik : ; sl-crs , $ ' . ' .40 .05 ; western rangers ,
steady ; natives anil half-bieeiK S'J.75tij
3.70 ; cows , S2.'fe2.70 ; wlnteietl Texans ,
8J.76Qt.l5. :
Ho s Kecolpts , 2. ,000 ; actlvn and
lilKher ; roiiKh nnd mixed , SU.M
tmckliif ; nnd bliiiilni ) ; , Si.SO4 : 05 ;
53..7J4,05 ; skips , S'J.'iO a40.
Sheep Hecelpts , 4,0K ( ) ; steady ; natives ,
S'.J.OiXriruS ; westcin. si.00 : : : ,50 ; Texans ,
S'J.OO : ! .00 ; lambs SA75@4.fiO.
St. I-OIIH | , : Nov. -Cattle Kecclpts ,
1,000 : shlpincnt . SOU ; market reacted , active
( piick clearances IIOIIIK made at htroiiK Tin-
tnes ; choice native stcein , SMi4.80 : : : ) ( ! ;
medium to good shlpiicrs. S.504.0 : ! : ; ;
btltcliiTb * steers , ( all to cliotce. S3.H@J.1S ) ;
lecdeis , fair to good , S2.50@j.--5 : ; btockurs ,
Hess Keco'pU. ' 5,000 ; Rliipmonts , 2,000 ;
butchers .incl light urades active and Ktronircr ,
pnckitiK ciadesdull and weak ; choice heavy
uiul liutchers' selections , S3..K ) ( ( J.IO ; packets ,
lull to bi'.it , $ ; { .70C < i .yO : YotUeis , inedlinn
to extra choice , i ; ! . " 5(0 ( .00 ; pigs , cummon
to tjood , 5f2.75QJ.70.
UntiN.iH City , Nov. 4. Cntlle Uccoipls ,
1,0(10 ( ; sblpmcnts , none ; ( 'oou , stuadv ; otlii'iH ,
slow and weak ; KOOI ! to choleo , S4.10cJI.X ( ( ) ;
common to medium , & 3.V : ! ( < 4I.OI ) , stocki'rs ,
jf2.'AV < tl75 ; lecilin hti-ers , S'-.bO@3.CO ; cows ,
Hogs Keeclpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 200 ;
wrak and .VglUe lower ; gooil to choice , S3.S5
04.00 ; common to medium , a.COa3bO. (
Thursday Kvoning , Nov. 4.
Caltio Them are no now features in the
cnttlo market. The receipts of western
range cattle were light and few selling1.
There wmu a few .small bunches of bulchnrs'
stock sold. Corn-led cattle wcie In very fair
request , nml the trcsh m rivals of choice block
sold u'adlly. There was considerable iuiiilry |
lor feeder- , but it was dlllicult for the buycis
and < -clleis to get together on prices.
HO.IS Thn hoz market opened up slow In
the mominc , but livened up later in the day.
Tim maikct was about steady with jesteiday.
The receipts weio not quite as heavy as jes-
.Sheep The froah receipts weio not heavy
aud the market not very active.
Cattle . . . . 700
llos . 1,200
Slipup . . . . . . . . . 400
I'rovnlllnx I'rlcos.
Shovrluz the prevallluK prices paid for llvo
stouk on this market.
Choice hteers.mi to 1WK ) Ibj . 34.2504.50
Choice steers. 1100 to l01 : ! lb.s . tl.75itf4.M
Medium steers , 12.W to 135'J Ibs . , , H.rJ'a4l5
( ioodfeoduri ,
( ! oed to choica corn-ted cows .
Haniocows ; . , . . . .
Knir to medium grass cows .
Oood to c'loica ' nulls . 1.f > 0(3 ( > 1.75
Lithtand ; medium IIOKS . H.M@3.V ( >
liond to choice nt-avy tie s . S.50 ( < 3.G5
( lood to choice mixed ness . ! ! .45 ( < t3.50
KoiiL'ii thro wonts . , . 2.50S3.1X )
tioou to rlioice shocp . . . . . . 2.75M3.2.1
Falrtoitood sheep . 2.25g2.50 (
Heprosnnt : tivo Males.
No. Av. Pr. NoAv. . Pr.
No. Av.
No. Av.
St. . . .1371
Xo. Av.
4S. . . . bJ
No. Av.
.1..1120 $2.10 2..1470 Si.00
I. . . . UIO 2.10
Nn. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr
128. . . . 7S 5..50
nor. ? . '
No.nAv. . Slik. Pr : No. Av. Shk J'r.
tVS'/Til tO * 8.40 5S'.2V 12JV.VM
04..240 120 3.4 < f,7..34'J 200 3.55
14..357 40 a.V.1 . 'i0..2s:5 : 120 3.55
f.2.,354 NX ) II.5D CV.rXXJ 200 .1.55
ni..2V ) : i20 a.w 72..23(1 ( 2 T < ) n.5'1
B1..258 120 ViO 43. .201 SO a00
78. .273 2S ) I1.50 128..274 SO 3.R )
5'J. .2S8 200 .va'f 47. .280 ICO . ' ! .CO
co..2T ; ) 210 a.wu n..2'i 120 aoo
oo. .205 100 n,52i < .y..2ss 200 ara
fit. .207 200 a.5 40. .315 80 aOO
Of. .205 ICO 3.55 12..2i5 : . . . . 3.1V ,
57. . .MS . . . 3.5-1 M.t24 : 40 .T.f.1
57. .817 100 3..V > 00..310 K ) S.K >
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
1..S70 . . . 5.100 'I..420 40 SIW.
10..312 240 ai5 2..4NI tO a25
1..4IO . . . a. 15 3..550 100 3.35
8..8W ) tO 3.25
.Showlnc the hlu'hest nnd lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this market during
the past seven days and for the same umo
last year :
Sct. | Oct. 1CS5. i Oct. I8S5.
4.30 40 ; : i.fi3 © 1 3.10 CW.1R
301 h 4.10 Jtl.'JO a 05 H' . 3.15 CW22' ' {
nut Sunday. 3.10 W.W
Oct. Nov. Nov.
3.SO 6U.IT , 3.01 < a'.70 ) Sunday
3rd I Sumlny
4thi 1,10 1.2 :
Showing the number of cars of cattle , hogs
nnd sheep shipped from South Omaha during
thed.iy :
TAT i LI : ,
No. cars. Itoute. Destination.
20 . 15. 1 . Chlcnco
fl . H. A M . Iteatrlce
2 . n. &M . Friend
No. Cars. Koute. Destination.
i ; . C. u. &Q . Chicago
All sales of stock in this market at o made
nor cwt. live weight miles * otherwise slated .
Dead hogs sell at K Per It ) , tor nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 10J Ibs.
no value. 1'ie naiit sows nro docked 40 Ibs.
nnd stags bO Ibs.
Hog market steady.
Coin-fed steers sold well.
Hogs nvcntcad ( H to thu car.
Thcie Is a fair demand lor native butchers
C. H. Havens , North fiend , hatt three loads
of sheep nt the yards.
Hogs sold to-dav nt Mo per hundred more
thai : last year at tills time.
N. M. Goodie & Sou. of Fnlibnry , Neb. ,
was here looking for feeders.
(5. W. Julian , Casey , la. , was hew and
marketed two loads of hogs.
J. L. Hitter , of Moise , Rotors t Co. , North
IJend , was n visitor at the vnids.
Melton & Riailer , Hed Rock , had twenty-
clcht loads of cattle on the niaikot.
M. II. I.auied. ( iiilde Hock , Neb. , was hero
and sold two cars of cattle at satisfiutory
J. F. Davlson , Klmball , D. k. , was hero
looking over the market with a view to ship
ping slock cattle here.
H.t. \ . Lydlek , Tekamah , was here and
marketed live lo.xds of corn-fed cattle. Mr.
lunlap\vas ) heie with htm.
The Union liondei Ing company have given
notice that on and alter November 8 they
will decline to take the crippled IIOKS at any
standard pi Ice , but lemain in the marKct us
buyers at standard prices.
On thu market with hois : Jl. B. Gammel ,
llerniau ; Dorsev Uios.Vcston ; J. F. 1/ower ,
Stiomsburg ; F. DimniiiL' & Co. . Shelby ;
Do wlingtfcl'tircell. North IJcnd ; 0.0. Cllt-
ton. Colon ; J. ] J. Keynolds , Atlantic ; Dlck-
inaii tfe Glass. Persia ; Stitt& Bryant , Coin.
la. ; Olaik Bros. , Cotinuil IJlulfs ; Alder At
.Shalfer. Atkinson ; M. Killner , Madison ;
Thos. Wollescn , Calhoun ; A. U. London As
Co. . Mason ; lloldruiio L. S. Co. , Holdrege ;
11. Ford , Marquelle ; 15. K. Silbers3011011 ;
Snell & Agnew and James Dauley , Ashland.
The commission men and oth cr parties , In
terestcd in the appointment of H public inspector
specter , held a meeting this afternoon. The
committee , appointed a week aio , reported
lilies which were adopted , and another com
mittee was appointed to obtain the signa-
tnies of all thu commission men nnd buvers
to tlio rules. Another meeting will beheld
on Saturday attnrnoon , at which an execu
tive committee will bo appointed with power
to employ a public inspector. ICacli load of
lions will bn charged lOc for Inspection , the
same as lu Chicago.
General I'rocliice.
Thursday , Nov. 4.
TlicfoltowlUJ.i price ? are Jar rowiut lots of
produce , as sold OH the markd < < w7 jTlie /
qitotntlonn on fruits rcpr&usnt inc prices nt
wlilclt outNiiic orders are flllcil.
Uoos Thu receipts of fiesh stock arc not
large ntul the market Is steady at20c. A
good many cold stotago oigsaie comlni ; In.
which are generally selling at lUv , which
keeps the maikct down ,
BtJTTni : Tlio buttcrine law went Into
cITcct on the llistof thn month , and is beini ;
stilctly enforce 1. It lias had a t4sn-
dency to Incieasu tlio demand for but
ter. FiO'jh creamorv , "Oc ; fiesh daily ,
18C < 20c ; choicn country roll , INV ? 'Oc ' : choice
country , solid iia"kcd , 17c lS : ; good
country roll , 10 ( < tl7c ; good country , solid
packed , UKglGc ; l-'nir , llCgllc ; commun ,
4fi' cream cheddarssinglel2 } < Jc ,
full cream Hats , twins , 13c ; YoungAmericin ,
; fancy Swiss , ; Swiss , imported ,
STcJ7 : Limbiiruer , 12 ; biick , lite.
' ' . 'I'ho active.
1'oi'i.Tiiv inailcut Isnot very .
Thu receipts ot live poultry are not heavy
and they sell slow. The weather
has been too warm for handling
dressed poultry to the bust advantage.
poultry , chickens , per Ib ,
Tliero Is now n brisk ilemnnd
for straight cars ot strictly choice potatoes at
SOQMc per bushel. Mixed varieties , small ,
or otherwise Inferior stock continues very
dull nml will not sell for 111010 than 45c.
ONIONS The demand Is not heavy nnd
tiiov are selling In a small way : Choice
stock. perbuNj l.OO.
OAIIHAOI : The market Is fairly well sup
plied : Choice stock , per doz. . 4U ( , ) Oc.
Ai' > 'Lis : I'rlccs on choice apples
are holding up verv well. Mis
souri apples are In very liberal
supply. The following quotations are tor
apples well pacKed in hartiils : choice Mis
souri stock , S'J.00 2.'J5 ; Michigan , S-.50S2. 75 ;
fancy Michigan , S.iKjfi.2.- : ) ) ( ( : > .
Cin.nnv A great amount of very poor
stock has been coming In , which has been
sold lor what It would uilnir , Prices on
cluilcu stock remains about thu sairmas last
week : Choice stock , per do3og40c ! ; extra
large , perdo/.4045c.
Oysrr.ns- The trade Is In very much tlio
same- condition as last week on account of
thu continued warm weather. Prices are
low and dealeis are well supplied with tlio
choicest block , Orders from the outside aio
being lillcd In good shape : Mediums , 2'ic ;
standards , 80 ; selects , 35c : N , Y. counts , 40e.
OALIKOHNIA FIUJITS Stray shipments of
California fruits continue- arrive , but In
gmall quantities. ( Jrauo4Tokay8S2.00 ; crapes ,
black , 2.00 ; pears , $3,00 ; jilums , S1.75 ;
quinces. S2.50.
LiCMOxs Messina , per bos 97,50 ;
Malaga , Sn.OO
Sw KET POTATOES The market Is chitted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock was sold this wecic at lc and even
lower ; Choice shipping stock , per Ib. , Ka-e.
ub I'he mm net Is fairly well supplied
with New York grapes. Now York. Concorde -
corde , per'J-lb basket , 40 < 50c ; Catawbas , 5-lb
baskets , .VKJt.Vic ; 10 Ib baskets , bOc.
OHAXO Kb Jamaica , per box , $ ) .50 < 2(5.00 ( ;
per bbl.ll,00 ; Florida oranges , per box ,
KS Stocks are moving fairly
well at tlio same quotations ns last week.
Cain ) cod , fancy , per bbl. . 88.50 ; Jersey ,
choice , S7.50 ; Wisconsin , 87.00.
BANANAS liananas are helling at the
same prices as last week , Bananas , yellow ,
IHT bunch. SiOOCii'.W ) ; bauaiiits , yellow ,
Urge bunch. 82.60 ( 3.60.
HONEY Nebraska , choice , whlto clover ,
1M3HV1. ; Nebraska , dark , 12@14c ; California ,
1 Ib sections , 15c ; California , 2 Ib Ecctlons.
MAI-LK Sun AH Bricks , per Ib , 12 > ic ; pen
ny calces , per Ib , I5o.
MAi'LKijviiui'-Uulk , 13 to 17 gal kegs.
l , 81.00 ; eal cans , per gal , 1,05 : % gal
cans , per gal. tf 1.10.
C.IIIB New York.perbbl , 80.50New ; York ,
H bbl , 51.2.1 ; Crab. . doz o.ts , 82.75 ; Mlchl-
jjan retincd , per bbl , S0.50.
Wbite wine , 13@15 < ; t elder vin-
ecar. 13itl.'ic ; siugle etix-iigth , 12c ; tilplo
strength , l tSc
PnovisioN1 ! Haw , 12c ; picnic ham PC ;
breakfast bacon , lOc ; clearside biieon , 0y e ;
dry salt shies. J'Uci ; dried beet ,
clean country. { M.oootl.aimedium , band
picked , ; Imml picked navy , 51.CX )
. .
Fi.ofr. ANI > Mit.i.STK | fs Winter wheat
flour , be t qunllt ) patent. S,2.75 ; second nuul-
Itv , S2.40 ; best 4iualitr spring wheat
flour , patent , SJ.OOjbr.xn.fiOcpercwtjchopped
fcHl , 70c per cut : white corn meal , w\ \
yellow corn meal. NIC per cwt ; screening , < V c
per cwt ; hominy , 82.u ) per cwt ; shorts , fine
per cwt : craham , Sl.CO ; liay , In b los , S5..VV ?
0.0Jpcr ( ton.
( itiAiv Corn , 2'c ; new oats , 2.c ! ; rye S5c ;
wheat. No. 2. We.
Cicnernl Markets.
WOOL Medium I'VjjiOcpcr Ib ; linn heavy.
llf.rioc ; lliht , ICdn c ; coarse , 14C < tl' ' > c ; hurry
wool , 2ic ) oil.
HIDKS ( iiecn butchers , oi e ; gecen cured ,
Nas c ; tlrv Hint , ll 41Hc ; 4lry salt. UOlOc ;
green ealf skins , t > ( ( il ) ! c ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow St e , Greats
Prime white , 3e ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IJf
hheep Pelts. 2.-i@i5c.
lKATiir.n Primn slaushter solo leather ,
3''c : pilmeoak solo lenther , MXiWiJc. Upper
leather per foot , 20 2. * ' , hem , kip , 2.1n. ( ic5
oak kip. 8.VillBc : French kip , 9l.OOCrfl.20 ;
linings , 001
HKA.VV IlAninvAitF. Iron , rate 82.1)0 ) ;
plow htwil special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Cc ;
east tools , do. 12WlScvagon ; spokes , per set ,
81.75 3.00 ; hubs , per set , Sl.US ; iclloes ,
Fawcd tlry , SI.50 ; tongues , each , 7"xj ; nxels
each. 75csiiuaio : nuts , uer Ib. lC < nie ; cell
chain , iK > rlb. 0@l''c ; malleable , Ctttfc ; iron
wedues , Gc ; crowbais , < V ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7@Sc ; Huidcn's horse shoes.
S4.40 ; Hiuden's mtili ; shoes , $ r .40. Barbed
wlro , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails , 52.03.
Shot , SI,03 ; buckshot , SI.83 ; oriental powder ,
k4'g , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , S2.00 ; 4lo. tmarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting kegs , S2..1) : ) ; fuse , per 10
feet. G5e. Lead bar , Sl < 5.
\AKXI IIIS : Barrels , per gallon : rurnl-
ture , extra , SI.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 51.00 ;
coach extra , Sl.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphnltum ,
extra 83u ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linlsli ,
Si'ir.rrs Coloiino spirits , 1 8 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , § 1.18 : spirits , .second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do 1SS proof. 51.10. Alcohol.
Ibs proof , rf2.1S per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.00 1.50. Gin , blended. 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00ijrt.oO ( ; Ken
tucky ami Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00.fO,5 ( ) ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.Stwn.oo. Brnnciles , imported , S3.00@8.50 :
domestic , Sl. : ' i3.00. Gins , Impoilcil. 84.50
( u.0.00 ; domestic , Sl.aVuS.OO. ChampaKiies ,
impoitcd. per case , S2S.OO@3..00 ! ; American ,
per case , S10.00t in.00.
TAINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha.P. P. ,
7' c ; wlutnluail , St. Louis , ptue. 87..I ; Mar
seilles creen , 1 to fi Ib cans 'Jo ; Ficnch zinc ,
rrcon seal , 12c ; Fiencli zinc , red seal , lie ;
[ 'rench zinc , In vaiulsh ns-.t . , 20c ; Fninch
IJ-a'c ; Winter's miiifial. 2' e ; Lehlgh blown ,
t.l ! < c ; Spanish brown , 2jc ; 1'ilnco's iclncral.
:5c. :
Dnv I'AIXTS White lead , 8c : French sine ,
12c ; Paris whltlm. . 2'se ; whiting , ailders ,
'JJfc ; whiting , coui'l , Pie ; lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , * e ;
Piusslau blnc.Kic ; ultiamaiine , iSe ; vnmlyK-
brown , Ho ; umber , inunt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4 o
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o ; Pane
Picon , ueniiine. 'i5c , Paris green , common ,
22c ; chrome irreon , N. Y , , 20c ; chrono green
K , I2e : vcnnilllon , Kniflish , In oil , 75c ;
law and burnt umber. 1 li ) cans , I2c ; raw nml
burnt slunna , I'Jc ; vaudvke brown , Me ; relined -
lined lampblack , 12o ; coach black nud ivoiy
black. lOc ; diop black , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
lOc : nltraninrlnn black. ISc ; chrome crccnL. ,
M. & D. , Kic ; blind and shutter gi ecu , L.M.
it D. , 15u ; Paris groan , l n ; Ir.tllnn led , 15c ;
A'enctian led , e ; Tuscan , 22c ; Ameilcnn
vermllllon. L. it I ) . , 'JOc ; yellow oclue , 2c ; L.
M. & O. D. , 1S3 ; good oclue , Ifie ; patent
diver , 8c ; cratniug color , Iluht oak , dailcoak ,
walnut , chestnut anil r fh , 12c.
Ditur.s AND CnnMK'Ai.s. Acid , carbolic ,
I52c ; aciil , tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
Id , 4tc ! : haik sassatrns. per Itj , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c , elilnrlionidia , per o40c ; chloro-
toi in , per Hi , 50c ; Dover's powdeis , per Ib ,
S1.25epsom ; salts , per Ib , H 'c ; glyceiine ,
pure , per Ib. 23c ; lead , acetate , per It ) , 2lc ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per Rhl. , 81.50c ; oil castor ,
No. a , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , Sl.40 ;
oil orliramiiitn. 50o ; opium , 83.20 : nuinlne ,
1' . it U'.and H. its , , per o70c ! ; potassium
Iodide , per Hi , 82.85 ; salicin , per oz , 40c ; sul-
imato morphine , per o/ . 5'J.3. ; sulphur , per
Ib , 4c ; btrjchnine , per m , S1.2) .
Grocers' Xilsr
Piciu.r. ' Medium. In
Orleans , per gallon 3y Hie ; maple syrup ,
half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 72e ; i iral-
lon 4-ans , per do10.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per do85.00 ; quail cans , S3.00.
Si-Aiini Miiror glass 1 Ib , 5'4'c ' : minor
gloss , : t lb , 5 > .c : mirror gmss , nib , n c ;
Gia\es' corn , 1 lb , Cc ; Kingslotd's corn. III ) ,
7c ; Klii'-'sloal's { 'loss , 1 lb. 7e : Kinirstord's
LMO-S , n lb. 7Ke. Kiiiiist'oid's pine , ii Ib , 74c ;
KilmsNirds bulk , -Ic.
ToiiAcro Plug , climax , 42c ; horseshoe ,
: ! 7c ; .star. : ! ! e ; spi-aihead , .TJc ; plperhcldsiek ,
r.0i- . : gold hhk'ld , 3lc ; ineiry war , 2-Jc : J. T.
J. , 3'ic.
TOIIATO Smoking , , Is , file ; , ; H ,
3lc : Ms STe : ' , s , iKc ) ; mcersclinni , UOc : old
btylo , 2-V ; V. N. ( ) . . 15c ; spliit cmca , 45c. fines Per caddie , 'We ; sijUiiie cases ,
SI.70 ; mulcsijnaie , Sl.20.
CANDY Mixed , W ll''c ; stick , w .Wtc.
CUAKIII : ( Jaiueau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , 5' ' ; < ; cn.'amsb'jc ' ; gingcrsnapshj c ;
cilMida , 'Me.
.SOAPS Kirk's Favou Impcilnl , S2.70 ;
KnkS satinet. : i.OO ; Kiik's standard , SS.01 ;
Kirk's whlto Russian , St.00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , S0.50 ; dome , SS.b'i ; washboaul , 3.10 ;
whlto cloud. S . ' 5.
HOI-K-J ; Inch. a4'c ; ? b Inch , lO c ; Jiincli ,
Diur.n VnriT No. 1 ( mailer apples , 't irTi
4c ; In evaporated bo\n , , V\JJUJfe ( ; blaelv-
beities , boxes , ' .iJij@iVc ! ; pcaehe.s , Salt Lakf ,
issi , 7 > iC'7'jc : peaches , 4ivnior.ituil. | 15Ufii )
17e : laspberrles , now , l'.i ( 'l'e ' ' ; ciincnis ,
OKOWc ; prunes , new , IJt/wt'jC.
SI-HAILS Powdered. ( ! $114 < " , cut loaf ,
O'j@re ; ; uranulaled , 0/e ; eoiifeetioners' A ,
fi ; < wr.e ; staudaid cxlni ( ! , B'l.fio.'ijfn ' ; extia
C. 5'4rr5i ' ( < fc ; uiediiim jellow , 4J"ie. ( ,
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , Htnndard. per
case. S3.M ) ; strawberries , 'i ' lb , per case , S-.DO ;
iiispbenles.'Jib , per case , S'-.oO ' ; California
peats , per case , S4..VJ ; apricots , per cnsj ,
54.00 ; peaches , per er.FC , 55.25 ; white chcr-
lies , per case , S'i.00 ' ; p.uins , per case , S3.Vi ( ;
nluebcrrles , jiercase , Sl.Ki : ti/c iilinnt- . alb ,
nereasu , S2.50 ; idneapnliss , 3 lb , per case ,
fc.3.20@rj.75 ; 1 lb mnekaini. per iloSl.iO : ;
1 lb salmon , per doS1.5' > ( < SI.OO ; 2 lb goosu-
beules , percale , SI.75 ; Jillstring buans , per
case , S1.70 ; 2 Ib ilmabeaiib , per ca > e , SUX ) ;
21b marrowlat peas , per casu , S2.40 ; 2 lb
ear'y ' June jcas ) , per caw , 82.75 ; 3 lb toma
toes , 82,10 2.25.
Cori-'ins : Ordinary ' grades , 12c fair ,
12Jf < < ? iic : ; prime , ifai3j : ! } : choice , 14fiJUJ ;
tuncy Kreon andy IIov UX@lGc ; old cov-
ernnient Java , 20@2fc ; InlerTor Java ,
20u ; Moclm , * * iaiu : .Aibucklu's . iifiiairu ,
17'fc ' ; MoLauchlln'ft XXXX rousted , 17 > fe ;
Dilw or Ill's , 17c ; HeilcYb4s _ , 17J/C.
Dry Lmmpar.
No. I COM. s. 1. s. 18 , 14 and 10 f t S1T.50
No. a " 12 , 14 and 1U ft 14.75
No.3 " " 12,14 Slid 18 tt 18.50
; ; _ ' 12. y andia u 12.00
lllMtM-IONH AMII TIMUl.tlft.
No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 ami 14 ft. , rough..117.09
No. a , t & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00
1st com. , f in White Pine Partition..533.00
2d . . . . 27,50
! 2d Com. & in. Norway Pine Colling. . . . 1.00
A OInch , whlto pine ' , 2 < 1 C J29.00
0 lnch , ' " 'RID 21.50
A 12 Inch. s. 11. 4 IC. . . . „ , . . . , 53rt.OO
II 13 inch " " 4'JD ' i.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. . 8. 1 8. . 10. 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No.a , " " . . . is.rx )
No.2 , " ' " 12A14ft 17.00
" " " " 10ft lO.Oo
No. 1 , plaln.Saud 10 inch. . ! $17.50
No.2 , plain.8 and 10 Inch. , . 15.'iO
SIII.Mll.KO , l.ATli.
POSTSVVhTlc ' Cedar , 0 In. , ' < s. He ; S In.
Istand2d. clear. l > f Inch , s. 2 J . J50.00
ad , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s . 45.00
M. clear , 1'f. ' 1 * ,2 Hi . 4r,50
H select , 1 inch , s. 2 s . a'.OO
1J select , 14 , is , 2 In . saw
Bailway Time Table
The following littiri tltno'of nrnvnl nml ilo-
tmrtnroor trnlnsby Contrnl S'lniulnnl Time nt
llio local ilopots. Trains of the (1. ( St. 1' . , M. A
O. arrlvo nnd riopnrt from tholr depot , corner of
14th nnd Webster streets ; trnlm on tlio II. .V il.
a II. A Q. nml 1C. C. , St. .1. \ p II. from the It.
.V. M. depot all others from the Union 1'uultlo
will lonvc U. 1' . depot at 8:15-
-sinn 1110:00 : 11:00 : n. m.Hl : )
) -3:00 : 1H :00-5 : W-5 : JJ10 : -
7:00 : ll10p. ! ra.
I.euro Tmtufor for Omuli nt 7:12 : 119:15 : 9:30 :
B:42--Ilin-lOn7-.ll:37 : : : : n. m.lS72:1J2:37 : : :
3:30-3:37-4:37 : : : flM : 0:12 : 7W : : 758:5J ! : -
11.MD. : ! in.
I.en\c Itroatlwny 1035 p. m ; ArlvcOmnlia
11 HO. Iv. ( liimliu lUOOp. m. ; Ar. llromhiny
10 L'S. In otlect AiiKiipt i."Jth unlll further no
tice. Tins I * mUlittomil lo prc oiit train iervico.
J. W. MOHSII , 0.1' . A.
Arrlvnl ninl Oepartnre of trains from tlis
Transfer Depot at Council lllulls :
cnicAoo , nocic ISLAND * IMCIIIO.
II 7:15 : A. > i. | 1)9:1. ) : . A. v.
110:15 : A.M. H5Wi- : ; .
C0:40r. : vt. | Il7:00r. : u.
ABil.lA. M. 1 A'JI5 : A. M.
A 6:40 : v M. I A 7:1)0 : ) P.M.
rincAno , ntmuNoinn & QUIMCV.
Al'l)5A. ' : ) M. I A 0:15 : A.M.
IIC:4Ut : > . M. II 0'JO : e. M.
I A 7:10 : p. .
A9:15 : A.M. | A : ir. A. M
A8-.401' . M. I A7OJf. M
KANSAS 01TV , ST. .10K A CODWril. UI.UFrS.
A 10:00 : A.M. I 1)0:1' : . A.M.
C8i55P. If. I A 5M : I' . II.
A 8:00 : P.M. I AJ:3Jr. : M.
A 7:05 : A. M. I A 9:35 : A.M.
A 0:251 : * . l ( , i A S'VJ v , M.
lppiirt. " _ _ _ POTTIIWAKU.
. . . .Day Hi press
9:10b Kxprcss 8:0 : Ja
K. C. , ST. J. & 0. H.
9:20n : 8 : b . . Vln I'luttsimiiltli . 7OOJ :
_ _ Depart. NlR'l'l1VAItll. ) . Arrl\e. _ _
"A. u. V. M. I r. . ST. I7. , M. , V O. I A.M. I-'M.
8l5n : . .Sioux City Ktpti'si < Di5o :
oi riciOnklnml Accoinniml'n IUiOa : ;
_ ] ) < -jmtt. KASTWAltT ) . ArrhOj
A. M.'fp , M. I C. , It. .V p. I A.M. I I' , M.
' 9:201 : jBilttl V : PliitlRinmitli " .J fl07V : _ : >
NOTK--Al.-iilnsilnlly ; II , ilnlly"eiccpt Sim-
dnyC ; , dally except Sntunlny ; D.dntly except
lldllllllV ,
will leave U. P. depot , Uiniihn , nt * B:40 : 7S5 :
835l-0:00n. ; : m ; 2:00-3:05 : : ( ; 055r8:00 : p. ra
PaclDo Kiprcss. 8aip. : m. ; Denver hr. , 10ij5
a. in- ; Local Kr. , < i:05 : p. in.
l.eiu'ostock jHnlft for Omaha t * TC : > J S:10 :
:3a : UKn.m.2:30 : : ; : 3ri : ; 4:35 : fl:0r : > * 8 : : : > n. m.
Atlanllo Kx , . lo S. O. TtJISii. m. ; Chloairo ir. : ,
IP 8.0.6:07p.m. : : Local Kx.le. S. 0.10:51 : n.m. ;
Mo. PRO. Ex. , lo. S. O. 5llp. : m. : 2d M. P. Ux. ,
CCao.ra. ;
'BxccDt Sunday.
AND DOUGLAS Srueiir-i.
Capitnl Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000
The only rcsulnr savings InnU In the Btato. flvo
pur cent Interest paid oil d
orrcEns :
Guy4T. nation. President : J. J. Hrown , Vlco
President : L. M . Itonnott , Mnnniflnjr Ul-
rri'tor.Iohn li wilhur Cashier.
Genl. Insurance Agents ,
Murchnnt'B Nntlomtl Hanic llmldlnff. Cor. Far-
nnm nnd iith5.t.s. ; , room 1 up-stalra.
Telephone No. i7. ! > Omubii. Nobriiskn.
I'liocniv. London , Kniliind . f5,72317i.13
Klreraco'B. Newark , N. J . Ij34,35'i. '
< llcn'H Falls , Cion'sl''alMN. V . 1 .
Clraril , I'hllailPlnhlii , Pa
Westfliodler , Now York , N. Y . l,14.W.'i :
loll n H iincnrt Mutual I.lfu .Ilo3ton,2.7Dl,71U-37
Ollice 111 S. Mthst.
Books opcnened , ported , examined atulbal
nnc c < l 'Jni i nii > ' 1 iff. Ittlrrs , c
To Contractors.
enoi inopoMilB ill bu rcculvrd nl Mm olllo
ul tlio il\ | Won rniruiGor , rnliiu 1'ncilli : Hnllniiy ,
corner of liuli nml l.ciuonwnilli Rls. , Diniiliii ,
JCi-li. . lorirniilliiir tile line lor scconil iniiln truck
from prcsi'iit onil of dnnlilc tittuk lo tlio nii t
hwitc-h at l'aillllon | , .N'eli , , u distance of iilnii
mill iinii luilf mill's , until tlu > c'voiiin ol Nov ! ' .
1'rolilcs nmy tin 8ecn nnd epocllk'sitlons oh-
taliii'il nt tlin olllcool li\l ) lcn ) l.iiKlnt'cr.
Tlio rltjlit is ri'M > rv4Ml lo inJoL't ' inn or all hiila.
t > , . noidtANC K , Bujit. Nub. llv. )
Oct 31 nov U il in.
Artists' Material.
Arlists' Jlatcrials , Pianos and Organs ,
JM3 Dongliia htrect.Omnh.i ,
Agricultural Implements.
' "
\Vliolofali ) Ilcalrr In
Aorriuultiiral Implements , "Wagons ,
ua nnd Ihii'Blff. Jones Hii'cl , Lctwuon H
unit IMli.Omnlia , Kt'U ,
Agricultural Implements ,
\Vuuon , CarrlaioK ; , liuuBles , I3tc.Vliolcsalc , Oinnba.
le Dcalnra In
Agricultunil Impleiuents ,
n'r.Eoninnd Iluyelei , .ifJI.'jJ-I.DOo Hnd'.ij ? , Jonci at
Butter and Eggs.
Itnyers of Butter and Kggs.
rntor nnd I'HfVfnff Houit * . 14th find I } U
worlhBt. , U I * . I . II.Trackllnmhii.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
llocbuuUo-Tool * end nuflulo Sralen. HOi Doutlm u ,
Urualitt , Nfb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet lion , Kto. Agent * for Howu Hcalta ,
mid Miami ronderCo..Omuhafcli. ;
Wholesale Hardware.
VTeiteni ufenlt for Jeffrrion ht l Kalli. Aimtla
1'owdtrLu , K lrbnnk btandard hcalei. Curur
lOih end llaru y , Omatia.
Engineersand Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
Brldzea , Vladucta , IlooT Trnsin. fleam HI I ft DrlilDj ,
fllTor , Oak and IMne Urld e l.umlier. ISlli it. , unar
ft arnauj , Omaha ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
FarD'tu il , , Omilii , Kob.
Furiiltnre , Heililing' , Upholstery ,
Ulirur , lc. 120&,130S nd 1110 Furuum l. , Oiouba.
Boots and
A IERICA y jr. t , v"SEWED
SHOE cojirAyK
Manufacturer ! \Ylio1ffMe Dealer * In
Hoots mid Sliocs.
Comflote MwV ot Itnhbcr ( lood < nlnatt on h nd
HU S. l3llnl..OmMin.Ncb A. T. Au lln , Agent.
If. 1' MORSE tP CO.
Johhrrs of Hoots nnd Shoes.
llll XirnMn H. , Oru.ihs , N > b. Manufactory , Summer
Mrcrl , lloiton.
7. . T. LIX IS El'iP CO.
Wholesale Ifnbber Hoots nnd Shoes.
ttiibllcr end Oiled Clofilnp and Kelt Uoot , SW S. Hth
Apt. for Anhcuscr-Husli Urewinp Ass'n
flpeclnl nmmls. Knntt.Bndirelioriiml Vrlnnpor.
Lnijor Hcer Growers ,
1511 North Plh Slreol , Omaha , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omiiha Coffee nnd Splro Mills.
TP I , CofTen , Pplcc . linking fonder PhTorln * B -
tr ct , I. ndry Illue , Ink. ictr. 1(14 ( 1C Harnair
Mri'OI.Onuha , Kob.
Jlomo Coffee nnd Spice Mills M'f'p Co.
Coffpo nna lerR and Fplci ) ( Irlndrrn , Mnnuractnrrra
ot llakln * I'imdcr , I lirorlnK Kitrncti , Illnlnif. Kl < * .
Trv one i.i i of u ir lt ! > imrknuc lliimo lllcnd lluittlrd
CX > rTpo. ItU ) Ilowtird t. , Oraah i. Nob.
EA GL / :
John Eponetcr , Prop.
Mamifacturer of Ralrnnlrrd Iron and Cornice. 033
Dodge and 103 and l'i& N. lutli ft. , ( imalu , Neb.
Mantifaclurcra of
Ornanientnl ( Jnlvanized Cornices ,
Dormer \Vlcdun , Klnnli , Mclullc kjllplit.ctc. 3106.
IJt'i pt , ( iniiili.i.
C. Speclit , Prop.
[ Jnlvnnlicd Iron Cornier , clr. Spccfn Ira proved I' l
rnt Mctallc skjrlliiht. fJg and Ml ) S. IZlli i > t..Onmha.
Jubborn of
Carpets , Curtuins , Oil Cloths ,
Llnoleunip , Mnttlno , Ktc. 1MI Pouxlai itrcet.
, S' . . ORCJFARJ ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clothe ,
Mattlnf > , Curtain ( loodK , Ktc. 148.1 Knrnam [ < tre t ,
Onialm. Nob.
Crockery and Notions.
" '
W. L. 'iTItJGJlT ,
Agent for tlinMnnufncturors and Importers of
Croekcry ! , Glassware ,
Lnnips , ChlDincyr , ctr. Omrc , 31 ? Houth 13th Bt.
Uinnhn , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
rommisslon .nnd .lobblnp.
llntlcr. Kveennd 1'roduco. I'onilKiiraentB solicited.
lii'Htlqiturtora for btnnoffftrt * , Hurry UOXPM Hnd
( Jrnpu lnpkc ! : > . 1411 '
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , 1-roiliicc nml Provisions. Omnhii. Jfob.
Storage nnd Commission Merchant.
Brct'lnltlC ! " IliUtor , Egcx. t'lu-cao , Poultry. ( ! mne ,
Ojntcre , Klc. , lite lUr-outh lltli Ktruut.
U'JWDEMAyit : CO. ,
Frodnco Commission Mercliants ,
roullij , linttcr , Oiiiuc , riulln. etc. rj S. 14thtt.
OinHhn , Nuti ,
Ge.ncrul Cdnimlssion Merchants ,
And Jobbers of l\irolnn nnd Domentlr Fruit * . Corrc-
epondcncu folli'ltcd. WurPhoiipo nnd nrrlro. 11U N.
Thlrlft'iitli Sft. , Oiniihii , Ni'li. Tclcpbiinn"6.
IIOCCO < (5 CO. ,
inporlcrs nnd ThiU' * > ale dcnlnra In
Italian Produce ,
rorslsn. Donio'tlcuinl OllfornU Fruits nnd Commit.
lion Murcbantj. JOIX. lUUnt. Only uioluilT *
fruit home In Omaha.
Coat antLime. .
/ ' . MILESTOyE P CO. ,
Dcalcrn In
Hard anil Soft Coal ,
Office and jnid , H'.th nnd Nlchnlia "Is. , Oiuuba , Neb ,
Vflrd Tok'phoiiL1 , ( fi7.
Oeu. r. i. A MAI. II. I'rrs. O. F. OoonMAN , V. Prea.
J A.HUNDEiii.ANl ) , rii'C. mid Trcua.
COM r Ayr ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Con I.
iCMFonth Thirteenth Ptrcet , Oninl. , Neb.
7ro / IHo y
M'ftiiufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And FhlppcrH of < ' < M ! and CH > .P. Comont. Planter.
IJino. Hulr. I'lro llrkk , Dr.iia , Tile iiml r-cwcr I'ipa.
onid' , I'lxlon Ilutul. Knrnam el. , Ounlm , Nub.
J > \ 1' . FA Y X ; CO. ,
jraiiufiifturlnpr Confectioners ,
Jobbrrsot rrullf.Nutnnnil rixMiH. 1211 1 i.rnum fct. .
i/Vs Stock Commission.
M. Jtl'RKE < ' SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
r > o. llnrkc , Marnper.
Union Kloet Y rda , H. nuiilm. : Telephone M9.
tSAIrAiE tf > GREKA' ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ehlpmcnls of onnnd nil kinds of tftork solicited.
Union Mock Vrd , Oiuabn , Nub.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Joliliers of Ciuars , Tobacco ,
Qun > and AniinnnUlon , 2I' > tu2 l S. lltli it. , 1U30 to
IUt ! Kanmni H , Dnliili.l , S'ub.
Manufactiirers of Fine. Cigars ,
And \Vtioleriiln Drulcrx In Li'af TiilMi-eoB , Nim.lOa
_ and IIU N. lull ttreiit. O n.iliu. _
> Vlinloj lc lcnler ) In
Cijjar ? , 'J'obaccos ' , I'ipes and Smok-sra'
Atenl fur I ) . L lilor Jorf fi C' ) . , Klno-Cnt nnd .
iDff 1'oljircix , Mllrvaukcu. WUroiuln. No. JU
Norili Hlitfcntii : Hf ft. Omiliu , Nub ,
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods , FnrniHhiniGonils ( t.N'
1103 and 1JC4 Dotmlnt. < or. lltli St. . Omnhii.
Distillers ,
Ulitlllvri of I.l < ) uor , Alcohol nnd Bplrlti. luiportcra
and Jubjer | < of V'lnc nnU Liquors.
WILLOW til' RTN ) tilIK'riLLE > Y
CO. and II.EH A CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber * of KlneVlnci and I.lqnon.
Wolo inonufnoturiiriuf Kcnncdr' " Oil India lilt-
tor > cndlinic ) ( > 'lcMquori. 1113 llama ; M.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Largest Drujr , Paint , Oil & Glass
VT ltof Chlcnco. Crmiplflo Linn uf DruviUti flan-
drlui 1114 lUrney tl. , Oinaua ,
Wholesale Diuggisttj.
Anl Daalrn In Piluti , < illi iui-1 Winilow ( ilmt.Omabu ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II.HAfiu l > rf . J W.llrnKinn.kjec.ATreai
U. J. CJLH60N , V.l'in. nnd Bupt.
Offlco 213 b. lltli II , OmaliH , Neb , Mirhlnerytpd
Supphri for lltnufioi'ninii Ccrorni Drain Tilf.
Butchers' Toctf ,
Untchers1 Tools and Supplies ,
jaae gu Cuilnct of all kindi ulwayiln llotk.
_ Groceries ,
Wholpgnlo Groceries ami Provisions ,
Xo 7 < V. , 707. TOO ml til S. IQlh St. Omi > h . N b.
M i > r.c co
"Wholesale ! ( irorem ,
Uih nrnl l.mrennnrtli tK.Omstm.
ir. , r , JiuoArcn ,
Heavy Hunhvnre , Iron nml Steel ,
Bprln , W Ken Stork , lUnlnxro Lumberetc.
flml12ll lUrni'y M. ,
"Wholesale Iron nnd Steel ,
nniirnrrlsBO Wood Stock. Hpury lUrrtntr
Kic. maml 13U > l.ravfnworth nt. . Omaha , .Nob.
'roy ROGERS o s
StovnH , Hiuipes , I'limacr. * , Tiles ,
M ntlo ,
Iron Works ,
Wronftht ml r it Iron null.lln * Work , Iron Sl.
lutliiikllc tn nndillriUri. M m Kngliipn , limit
) Vi > rk , tlniornl Fmimlrr , M chlnn nml Uliirkmiilih
\VotV. osicc ami Work * , t' . r , lljr nmlltthMirm.
Jewelry ,
r o
Wholesale Jewelers ami Music Dealers.
Dental * In SllTor rP. l ) ! niomlr , Wnlrli , Clorki.
Jewolor-iTnol ml MMtrlnK no. 101 nml 1W 1Mb
t.cor. IHxluP , ( iiiiMm , Neb.
Dealer in Lmnhrr , Lntlt , Lime , S
Deere , Ktc. Y -Coniprth nml lougU | Corner
lull Mnl
Wholesale Lumber ,
81t S.lullMrcct.Oniclm.Neb. F. Cnlpctter , Miiiuger.
c. y. I > IETZ ,
1.1th nnd California Btrcrtt , Onintm , Nob.
Luinlicr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
Cur , 6lh nml Douiiliu Hi. , Omuhti , N b.
To Dealers Only.
Omen , 1(03 Knrimm ptrcet , Onmlm.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood dupcta ami 1'nrnnct Kloorlnu. Sill Hnd DouglU
"Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
lupnrtPd nn < t Anierlcun Iortlftntl ConK'nt. Rtnto
Aceiit forMllnHiikru ] l > i1mnllc Cvuiunl iind Iteit
4JuliK > jr Whl
Live Stock.
uyioy STOCK
Of Omaha.
J.lraltOil. John t' . Iloyd , Buperlntordont ,
Millinery and Motions.
I. OltERFELDEH < ( > CO. ,
Imiiortcra and .lubbcrn of
Millinery nnd .Notions ,
12l3nml 121J lliiinc ) HI.rot , Om-ilm , Noli.
/if\\Ti rr/Trr tfi
Ci } \i\/\HJJl > llL l Ofj
Ate the only DIrt'U Importcrnof
German & Fvenoh Toys & Fnncy Goods
In NcbniMdi. ClilciitfO prices ctujiJlcnted without add-
I K frclBht , Ul1) KHrimm hirnot. OniHlui.
J. T.
Wliolrralo Doiilcrs In
Notions and Furnishing' Goods ,
4tt ( nnd tj ( } K. TciHIi ft. . Umaliu.
Jobbers In
Notions , ] Iosieryand Gents' Furnishhijj
( iooils.
KWnnillftM Knrnam t. . Onmtm , Neh.
M. I
Manufitctnrer.4 of Overalls ,
Joan * I'linta , SlilrtB , Klc. Ill" and 1101 Douiilus Street ,
Oiurihii , N'vli ,
Joh Printers , Ulank Hook Miikorg ,
And Hook IHniii'is. 1CK1 uiul W Suulli 1'uurtoenth
utrect. Omnhi , Neti.
Auxiliary Puhlishcrs.
DrnlorilnTirpo , rro < < a nml I'rlnlrriT SuppllCR. OH
Pickles , Vincgnr , Etc.
' '
y MORRIS'tK co. ,
Manufiicturcm , Puckers iir.d liimlori In
'H ft Strictly J'uro Apple Vi
lluki'ie I'nwi'cr , I'lavorlne Kztrui'iK , Tnlilo Snui
hrcncli Miitlii > < < W'isli llMllnu. tlrni-en' H' | ! ! !
hot * . lor York Slutu Muni ItuUnud Ai | | > lo C
dur. KOJI i > nvi < ii nrtli tl . Onmli.i.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha , Siif < j Works.
JInnufrclnrcrHiif Tire MI | lluri.' I'ronf Pufcs , Viiull
Uaoro , J \Vnri , MlutiLMt and \\lio Work. Cor.
lllh and JackionhtH , Noli ,
j' JtVER , U C0
Agents for llnll'H Safe & Lock Co.s'
f'lro nnd Hnr. nr Proof Snfni , Time l i > k > , Vaitlti
undJill Wdrlc. IWI rariwm ttriuit ( liimha , .S t > .
Snsfloors. / ; . Etc.
iL ATnjsii no u T ) . ,
Wliolnalo .M.inurnuturcii of
Sanli , Dooi'H , lillndH and Mouldings ,
Iliiinch O0icel2lh urid Irnid nil. , ( ) iutil : > , Kcb.
TT"J - , YMAX ,
Sash , Duor , IJlinil.s , Monldin H ,
HulMlnir I'jniii , fir. li > il f utli 'J'Jililruntli hirdot ,
OumliKtl ) . A ifnip'oto tocV o { llnlidcrt'
11 M I dwarr * .
Manufacturers , ot Snsft , Doors , Blinds ,
llonld'DKt.ytnlr ' Worknnit Inlriinrllnrd Wood rinlib
Juit uiiencd. .N.i : rnr Sill uiul I.i > ariu7ibrtlibli.
( iiii.ilnt , Ni-b.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe ,
EtOHinandVnliT Hupidlca Hi' . | . | iKirlr r fi r Ma t
ro'JitCo'a Ijoovli. llll I nriinn , rl . .Oniulinv
Pinups , Pipes and Knginos ,
BtoamVnlcr , luihrny unit Mllllnu rmiitillci. Ktc ,
MO , tTir.od ! ' . ' < f urnuin l , Dnialiii , .Sch
u. s it
n laday ! Wind Mlll > : riram and Wttor Hupiillei ,
J-uniljnK4iuc'Jf | | llultinii. lloic ! IN | I'.IM ! ( yj I HI-
liam n .DiiMliu. f K. K < lion , ilxuakir.
'li'lfl'l'onu ' ' MII 219.
_ . "
.inl ll.'U'l IlluCU.Oratlm.
A'agans uiul Cn/nayes.
J. J. HlMl'fiOy ,
The LeuiMiitfUarriairo Factory ,
1409 and 1411 Dotfgc urtet. nuta.
B-jIJintj Mstvnal
CO. ,
Dealer ! > AH K'.i > J of
JitiUdiii } , ' Material at Wholusulo.
lUh Hircnanil Union I'udMc Track , Ointiln ,