Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1886, Image 1
r HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , JTB1DAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 5. 1880. NUMBEK BIG DEMOCRATIC DROP , o Republicans Probably Capture tlio Lower House of Oongresa. FBOURBON MAJORITY OVERCOME nt AVnHlilngton on the Cains nnd Jjo * < seq Huinitor llnrriHon'H Orcnt Victory rrcsiilent ClcNc- land Hnllslled. The HniiBC , Ilorntlo. WASUIVOTOV. Nov. I. [ Special Telegram lo the lliti : . ] Itelurns from tliu elections enable niathematlci ins to Injure a republican majoilty l.i tlm lower homo of the fiftieth congress. In fact it now looks very probable that the republicans have ovenomo tlio fort > -tliiee democratic majority In this house , and tint they will Imvo lull control of tliu next one. Dlspitches received from .Missouri , West Virginia , and poitions of the > , outh have brought about art-version of the conclusion entertained during the day Unit the house would be democratic. Chairman ( JolT and Secretary McPherson , of tlie re publican congressional committee , say tliov believe liiedcniocials have lost untlio con trol , but ttiat if It should develop that they have a majority , It will bo so small as to in sure "hands off" of tariff reform agitation for another thrcn years , and thu it-suit prom ises such a boom toi a piotccllvo larllf that frte trade will bo burled out of sight eio another national campaign opens. Tim demociats are so happy ovei Speaker Carlisle's re election that they seem to lose sight of tlHr general defeat. He Is regarded as their great conservative leader. All ad mit , however , that ho would have been ovoi- wliolmlngly defeated had Ids opponent's friends had llio slightest appreciation of tlie Bltnation a week ago. It Is not regarded as a foil-gone tact that Mr. Caillslo will be re- cletltd speaker. The anti tirllt reform ele ment Is so btrong now , that wlili Mi. Moitl- son and Hind and Hewitt and Willis and others who supported the Kentncklan BO en thusiastically on thu ictired list , lie will , it is believed , bo laid aside foi one who , though lie may not bo a pionouncod piotccilonist. Is not. such an ultin lice trader us Mr. Carlisle. This one , man } siy , will bo Sunset Coof New York , who bobs up serenely In the house again after an iibsenco in Tin key. Cox has contested the spcikeislifp twice with Carlisle and commands not only ids own state , but tliu conscivatlve element in all palls of the tountry. C.uilslu will probabl } lie lieaul on the llooi instead of in the chair of the house aftei Maich 4 next. It Is likely that Mi. Kaudall will again bo a candidate for sneakei. In the event that tlie house should prove to be republican , Tom Heed , of Maine , will , as anticipated in these dispatches ot a week utro , bo chosen speaker. President Cleveland told a fiiend today that liu was vuiv well stitlstied with thu le sult of the elections. He did not leg ud an v element ot Ids administration except civil seivico reform involved In the issues , and this , he thought , had been vindicated by ( Icmoci.itlc gains in Massachusetts and the sections of Now York and othei places vv hero It vvas agitated. Ho pointed out tliu defeat of itepresent.itiveLowry , of Fort Wane , Ind. , wlio would 1m o bad , undei oidinar } clrcunr fitintcs. between ' 000 and : ! ,000 majorlt } . Lowry had succeeded In seem Ing many ap pointments , and ho drove out his olltce- holdeis and made them work for him , while he openly denounced civil seivlce ic- foi m. Civil beivico Commissioner Kilgerton , who Is a resident ot Kort Wiiyne , and who opposed Lowiy as llrmly as possible on account of the laltei's opposition to civil servltu ictorm , has re ceived a huge numbci of icloerams from prominent clti/cns of Indiana representing all p.u ties congratulating him on leading tlio opposition lesultlng in Lowi's defeit , and saving the itiio or ruin policy of Lowry , and Ills Uisicitaid of civil suivico lelorni , did more to him than an } tiling else. A gieat many democrats are blaming the presi dent for thu defeat , and it does not appeal to the naked e > o hciu when tlic admlnlstiation eiidoiseniunt can beloiiud In .my locality. Whllu in tills city tour montlis ago ( it-ncial Don Ilutlui said the next house ot lepu-son- tatlves would bo icpublltan , giving these as reasons foi making tlio statement : "bincc 18,15 eveiy house of representatives , vvltli iliico exceptions , has been anti-ad- minlstialton. Two of these exception ! ! otcuired during the war , when tin south was not icpicienteii , and ought no ) really to count. So llicru has been but our reil execpilotto tlm gencial uile , and I don't think thai tlio election this time will makenuothur exception. " Upon this aigir inent a good many level-headed republican' Htill contend that tlio democrats have not n majoilty. I no news from Indiana tlmtOoneial Hen llariison is coming back to tlio senate cieate- almost a sensation Iti political circles. Tin. immense odds ho had looveicomo in consequence quence ol tliu Infamous cleiuociatlu gony- nmnder. had caused men of nil parties to look upon his c.isu as hopeless , and the hrsl dispatches iinnimnclntr his probahlo le-elec- tlon weio received with incredulity by nl- most every one , and thu ilnal nnnonnccmcnl that ho hud oveicome the Immense odds against him was received b } a buibt of an- thuslastlc o.Milt.Ulon that made tliu bloud ol nveiy Hooslei in town leap lei joy , Piom oveiy ( iiiarter the suggm tlon was at once made that this mag iilllccut victory put Senatoi ilarrlson In the very foio limit as a possible presidential nominee foi ISNJ Dining tlio pist tw } uars Sonatoi Harilsim's poimlnrity with republicans ot other sections than his own has crown rapidly , and iho result of ins ! Tuesday makes him n lormldable competltoi lor the nuxt icpublttan nomination. Should ho enter Into tlial contest , Indiana repnbll cans heio are unanimously foi him. U I' believed beio Unit lie can MY mo the delega tion from his own > itiito If liuw.intb it , ami tlie fact thnt hu eiiteted Into tliu contest with siuli ( U'speiato odds agiinst him , whethei Mtcce.sstnl or not , demonstrates to the numb llc.ins of otlioi sections that in tlmo thev would Imvuti leader whoso courage would novel tail them and whoso liunness woiih almost liiRiiro them vlctoiy. Theiepiiblicans for tha iiiomi nt nt least , are losing sight o Mr. llltilnu in discussing heimtoi llairisoi and Slierman toi lbS& . Tlio lattm'M grea vicloiici in Ohio last v ear and In thu treasury as u llnanciei me tresh In mind > ct. Tlio great luioitanco ] to tlio it-publicans o tlie lesnlt of thu eongicbbloniil ulections v < ll bo ic.ili/.cd when It is ( onsldcrcd that In cast Iho next pieslilentlat e'cution ' will bu tluowi into the liou-o tlicm will bu twenty states on of the thlit-uirlit voting as a unit lor tliu re publican candidates , as lollows : Caiifoinl.i Colorado , Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Kansis Alilne , Massachusetts , Michigan , Nebraska Nevada , Now JeiseyNew York , Ohio Oregon , Pminslvania , Kliodo Island , \ ei niont , Virginia , and Wisconsin , To till twenty It is possible that West Virginia ma ; bu udded tor Congrc.sMiiiiu ( ilbson , of tha stale , siis It has elected tlitcuor fein tepiib llcansot thu loin npicboiiutlvesglvoii to It It tlio election la thiovvn to Iliu house cacl Male votes as a unit ait'oiding to the i-in jorltj of lepu-senl.itives. Pdwaiil Mcl'lier-o.i , secretary of the reput : Hcan congiesslonal tonnidttee , makcb tin follow Ing computation tiom letnrnn u-ceivci Up tO O dock tills Illdl Illllg Ot tllO pOlltlM complexion of the house of n presunttitivcs o the I lltictluongiess : KitJrnsasftir as 10 celvcd indicate fl.o election of Pvt republl ( an * , Ifi'J demcciats , fi labor nut independent d doubtul. ! 1 vacanci J i"The doubttul an ono In Illinois ( Lands ) , one In KcntucV ( Cirllsle ) , onu In Ohio ( Camp K'li ) , and thieo In MUsouii ( Claidj ( ilovci and Mansiir ) . Tnu laboi am Independents am : Duo in Plorlda ( Pciidii ton ) , 1 In liulkina ( Maish ) , l In Iowa ( An tlcrsoii ) . 1 in Vlrfrlnla ( Hopkins ) , 1 In Wls lonsln ( Smith ) . If the.democrats gut fou of the doubtful they will have lfi.1 , 01 a m. ' jonty of the house. Mr. Mcl'herson sat , tlm iittitudo of the demociac > lov\iud t' ' . present admlnlstralion is similar lo thstu ilioiepublicans tow.mis the tul.ulnUtnillni of Prt-siilfiit Ha > that iiun > d'.ssatls lied demiKTats voted the labor tl.'Uet. Liboi be thinks , will be an organized factor in th lolltleil contents of tlie future , and the labor oteinustbe taken Into bCilous conslilcr.v Ion , . , , . Mr. 1'hll Tliompson , secretary of tlie dem ocratic committee , fn > s tlio dctnoorats will In tlio house mve a good working nnjority 'I he outlook late to-night as to the com- ilexion of the next hoiiM ) makes It look 101 republicans and insiicmociats , vvlth onnv.v canc > to be llllcd , and live lalior members not iltued on eltliei side. In thiseaicnlation the leuioc lats are given Cailisle nnd Lnvlei , of Illinois , although lite reports nnke both loiibtfiil. 'Hie lahoi menthols In Plotlda. California , Indiina , Iowa and Wisconsin are not counted at all. tint they all vote with the leinociats. It will irlve themabxro nnjoilty , but It Is haidl > po sble | all will vote with tlii'iu. The lalior republican from Vliitlnla is iilaced on the side , so niothe two extra el ilmtd In Mlssoiiil , unking fein In that stite , and the one iloubtlul given to the democrats. 'Iho doubtful one In West \ ir- ulnU Is given to the republicans , although I'oiiL'icssman ( Illson &ivs nil four wilt be re- Tiievacincy In llhode Ishnd will most likely be lillcd by n republican and thus Increase their number to ir.'i 'I'ho following Is bT-ed on the above cal culation , b > states : Ilcp. Dem. Alabama 8 Arkaiisis f Calllrnla ( -1 1 Colcutido 1 Connecticut 1 " Delawaie I Florida l ( ieoigii 10 Illinois H 0 Indhna 7 ft low < 8 a Kansas 7 Kenliick.v 3 Louisiana 0 Maine 4 Mar > hind I .1 Massachusetts , H t Michigan 7 4 Minnesota 'J ' ! Mississippi 7 .Missouri 4 10 Nebraska " 1 Nevada 1 NewHampshlic 1 1 New Jersey 5 2 New Yoik 10 I" North Carolina : > ( l Ohio 10 -i Oregon 1 Pennsylvania " 0 8 Khodu'M.ind 1 South Cirollna 7 Tennessee 2 8 Texas 11 Vermont " Vlrclnli 7 I ! West Virginli ! 1 1 \\isconsln \ 7 1 Totals 101 Ite CM.I.VI I. VM > f t.AIMS l.S'DOIl'-LVinM1. . Picsldent Cleveland sajs ho Is very well plinscd with the lesult of the elec tion. Tlio deinociatic gains in Mussachu- sells and poi lions of Ntw Yoik him w his adminlstiation is acceptable to tlie people Ho is surpiised at the way things went in the districts repiesenied bj Spoakei Carlisle and Win. K. Moirison , and li.vs it 101110 woik of laboreis and thu action ot thu tailll upon these two points. Hu declined to talk even to his wannest trionds. That civil sci- vice lefoim , as sidinlnlsteied by I.-in , lu lieen eniloi-cd , lie is ronlulent. and tint he feels that is thu most Important feat me , a- : all othei issues were moio 01 lesb local. AIM'OINIMKMH AND IMCI.IIIC 1 IONS. 'Ihe setrotaiy of the Iowa btatu agi- : cultural soeietj and ma > or ot Du- buiiiu | nave beuti npiointed | mumbcis ol Ihu exec uthe board ot tliu peimanent exhibi tion heio. FAC1S AND Nebrasltn Kloetlon Iteturnw. Hi. i i.i.wooi ) , Ntb , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele- giam to the 13ir.--Conipleto : | retuinsare all in. Miller , dcmocratlcrt-piesontatlvo , iselcct ed , so h Casper , ileniouat for senator. Lord , Van Wjclcicpiesentative , is also elected in the county. Harvey Slieesley , icpublican , l also Uecled. The demociat ic state tlckel has been ( an icu tu Bntlcr county b.v abou I bO majoilty. Nin.ion , Null. , Nov. I. UoiseiS nnjoiltj in tlic county. < VX ) . Sir.ixGi'iii.i : ) , Neb , Nov. 1. The letuih1- from all piecintts are ill. and the icsiiltisai : follows : Uimpbeli 717 , Hosewati'i 4o ! ) , Me- Shane TW , HowoiWO , Van WJCK 7V ) . 'Ihc demociats liavo can led the county tickcl with thu exception 01 J. P. Orovo foi to.intv altorne > on the republican ticket. Theic weio about 1/00 ! votes cast in the count } . AI.IIIOX , Neb , N'ov. 4. Hotiirns from Hoono county not all in ; two piccincts tc he.irfiom. The vote as tar as heard Item gives John Peters , anti-Van Wvtk repub- candld-ito for tlio iogisl ituie , l J ma- joiity , and lie is undoubtedly elected. Con- nellv , demociat , is elected county attorney by nlioiit 100 majontv. Andeibon. ienubllean'i pi obably elected county commissioner by a verv small m.ijoiitv. O K. ( iicen , demo- ciatic candiditu foi Twentv-seventh senator ial district , bus inn well in ibis county , though thu probabilities nro that Mciklcjolin , ieiiblltan ] ) , ! > elected. The lopublican state tltket lias a majoilty In thu count } . Keturns Iroin outside piecincts como in vei v slow ly. PAW xi i : Cm , Neb. Nov. 4. [ Special Telegiam lo Iho Hi i' . | Olllelal leturns give Howe for congress , utu , leShane , 79.1 , Hieg- low , 158 , Tliaverfoi governoi , 1,100 , North , TOO , Hardy , 1'Ji , liaiiows , IT > . The lepubllcan legislative ticket elected by majorities rang ing fiom 50 to 1W. Kverjbod } rejoices ovei thu election of McShane. Thoeanvassof votes sLow Ilb4 foi Van W > ck and 17 ! ) foi othei pii tics , out of n whole vote ot 1,07. . Two precincts retuincd blanks , no votes cast lei United States scnatoi. Cni.ic.iuov , Neb. . Nov. 4. ( Special Tele gram to the HII. : . ] Tnrnei , lepicscntnthe , and Honcsteol , senatoi. both Van Wvck democrats , aio suiely elected. Van Wjck gets a majoilty In Ktiox. Hi. viii , Net ) . Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to the Hrr.j The htatu ticket is about 600 lepubllcan ; Spiicic , toi sonatoi , r.bout SUJ ; Cameron , , and Tbon , democrat , are elected to the legislature. ANSKI sio , Net ) . , r , ov. 4 , [ Special Telegram - gram to Ihu Ui'U.j Itetnrns are In lei ihi > county election ' 1 ho republican ticket Htialght Is cnriled ; division is defeated by b > SIK ) maioill } . 'Inn repieseiitatlvu tor Cub- tot and Sherman < ountlcs is elected on the republican ticket. llnniio.s , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Spcchl Tele- giam to the li ! i' . ] 'lmer ) county elects one icpublican and one demociat to tliu state legislature , NOIII-OI.K , Neb , Nor. 4. [ Special Tele- irram to tlio III K.J Van Wick s vote In Nor- lolk , Madibon count } , wax I.LOS. \ , Neb. . Nov. ) . [ Sjicc lal Telegram to tlie liKK.J The olllclal count ot Hailan count v bhows a total vole ot 1IW. : Per Van Wck'"is. L. H. Kent , lepubllcan , olcctcil foi ficnatoi from Ihu Tvvenl-nlnth district ; It. M , Slmms , demo rat. for lepresentallve tiom tlic Porty-bccond dlhtilct , und Thomas 11. Marshall , lepublicati , trom thoKlttj-tliliil dlstnit. O'NKH i. , Neb. , Nov 4.-Spccial | to tlu KIT I The election hero on Tuesday pissed oil ( inlutly The lepubllcan ticket U elected vv 1th the exception of county attoi ney. Van Wck ran Htionc In the countv , but tlio vote fm him w * > not ctnvasscd in some of the precincts nolaMy Atkinson , Only a few o ! tlio votes cast tor 1dm In Centc i preclncl weio canvassed , but think it was an ovei' sight ot tlio judges. We will see that they aio all counted. Thorn was no other can didate up for ptefcrrncu for United States seiialoi. but , as } ou pit-dieted , the ilnghlen coiinlo. I nil the votes which Van W > ck ; ! li not icccive , nsalnst li'in. ' The linn clcmcni ol both tin * ropi. bile in nnd iloinociallc italic' ' unhid In oppDjitlon to Van W > ck am vvoiUcd all da } with might en him. i'lKisrr. Nel ) , Nov. 4. [ Special to the 111 f..l Theioiinty has cone republican ex cejd helper , demoeiat foi rejiieseiititlve , win ii.i" live mijoiity In tlm county him a major Stv In Cedar county. Kelpcr will vote for Yai W > ck on second ballot. LoriCm' . Neb. , Nov. 4. jSpecInl Tele giain to the ItKi : . ] Hon. W. II , Coiucr , the lepubllcan nominee for titito senatoi for ihi Twenty-sixth district , is elected by a gooi majoilty. A disgraceful wnifai was waged against Mr. Conger , and hi triends are juullant at his succe-a S. L C ( nnor. it-puoliean , is elected rcnresontitivc Shcnrnii c/iunty gives about liJ majority foi tiio rcp'ililkau ft.itu ticket. PAIIIMOM. Neb , Nov. 4 JSpr-cUl 'IV'o ' Cram tiHIic ill i : ] TheiojiublliHii ttclet re ceived m ijoritnu raiuins ; tiom > OJ to iJ3 in this ( jjuntj ; total vote cast In toni't } U-'l' ( ) eslctmllng preference for TTnlted Slate ? enatorirs , , of which nn NVvck received Tin. Lilrd's m.ijoiitv in the county Is 2.M. COI.UMIII > . Ntb. , Vov. 4. ISpcehlTcle- gram to tlio HKII The olllclal vote of Platte county Is 2,107. Hcpresentatlves , Twenty- bird district , J. ,1. Sullivan , demociit , ( too. S. How man , republican. Senator , 'thirteenth llstrlct. Patrick M. Hlgglns , republican. Total vote on United States sfintor , Clns. II. Yan WokIH5. . A little over one-linlf a vote was cast. 'I hero was the most npithetlc Indlliercnce by the clcctois. ItUsnviM.r , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele- pram to tlie Hii : : . ] The election was quiet ind ordeily , hut on account of lain and snow a veiy llulit vote was east. 'I'lio total vote In .hecountyls abnul 1,000. Ilepublican Min ority on state ticket neaily 200 , on legislative tltket foi senator IV ) , toi icpiusentitlvoOO. A full republican county uekct Is elected except Wcstover , demociat , for con nty at torney. VI majority. Van W--k received about 'JOO votes In the county. tic in vt in Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele- giam to Inu Hi.i : . ] The lollowing are tlm olllcial nnjoiities toi Ci-lfax count > : lcmo- ) 01 attest He ticket , Ui ; congiessni in , 'llilid distiict , Wuhiter , demociat , 1'tt ; i'liiiteentli si-uitoiinl distiict , Illgglns , lemtbllein , lib ; Twcntv-liftli reiuesuiitivtive dlstilct , Pnchs , democrat. IN ; ' 1 vv cut } -foin til rcpie cntatlvc ilNtiict , II. I llnsscll , lepubllcan , 1VJ : count } tlck ( t. sheilll , Kudin.i , demociat , ' ( ' ; cnn- mlsslonei. Liyje , demociat , 1W ; count } at- tome } . Miles Xi-iitine\ei , demociat , --I. ( iKvxii Isi. VMI , Neb , Nov. 4. [ Special Teleiriaiii to the 111 i : . ] The retmns fiom Hall count } precincts aio now all in , and the ( b'mooiats have elected tlielr entiio county ticket with the exieption ot one icpieseiita- tive. P.wing , of Wood itlvei , got theie by a nnjority ot Unco votes , ( 'llia > er's pluialitv in Hull county Is So * , nnd the icst of the republican state ticket is elected , 't he countv ticket vvas so bidlv soratched that ohionic kickers fall to recognl/t it , and are fully assuied by tlio election ot the state ticket that the count } is republican } ct. News From Minnesota. ST. PAI i , Nov. 4. Upturns all day have been genetally favoiabiu to the demociats aud the most sanciiine republicans are not now claiming tlio election of McUlll ns cov- crnorby moie tlian 5,000 , while the democrats me elated and conlident that Dr. Ames will be elected by a small majoiity. Hettirns aio coming In slowly , hundreds of piccincts in tlio state being remote trom telegraphic com munication. Ills ( ( iiltu prob.iblu th it It mar take the ofllcial count to dccldo in llcnnepln county , thu homo of Di. Ames. Some ir > ,000 ballots for him have been sworn out because tlie words "labor ticket" weio piintcd tlicieon. Ollsettlng tills them publicans claim extensive democratic I lauds In this ( Kimse } ) county. Whethei Mctiill is elected or not ihu repub lican state ticket .is n whole certain ! } is. as lie i in about 1'JOO behind the ot'iei ' candid lies tor state oillces. The Minnesota le'lslatuio has lr > 0 incinheis , vlPortysoven : senators , lOi lepiesentatlves. In tlie'last senate Ihere weio .iO rejiuhl leans and 11 demociats. In the house 711 lepubllcans and 124 democrats. It Is impossible to lve reliable liguius in thu composition ot the next legislature , but the estimates now give the senate HO upubl'eins ' and 1C democrats , the house 75 republicans and -I demociats and t iimersalllince , which would give a lopublican majuiit.v ot ! i'J on joint billot. CllfCU O'N K Cmruto , Nov. 4. A ic-examination of thu police ictinns from the Second congies- aloiial dlstiict lovcaled heretofoio undisenv- eifd eriors lo-day in footing tlio totals. Wheio ( Jlcason , united labor , should have bten cieditcd with 62 votes the total wascvrjjv i This reduces the majority in the distrn t torLawlei , demociat , to U > . Glcason still cl.iims tin * district tor himself bv 'A > votes , but declines to explain how bu leaches the lesult. .No Mnieri.U Otiaiiuu in the Hesult. DM on , Nov. I. Tliu latest leturns do not materially chance the lupnblicin pluralty foi goveinor , and the lull ictuins will make thu tiKiire not tin tiom 7,100. Carlisle's Clowe 8lia\c. CixciNX\n , O. , Nov. I. Nothing definite can bo stated in legard to Cuilislu's election until tlie ollieial count is completed. This will beu'in Friday al toi noon. The Times- Star spi clals this mot ning do not chance thu outlook , which Is consideicd favoiabiu to Carlisle by a tlose vote. Lei isvn.i K , Nov. I The Courltr Jouinal leccivid the following tonight : Cov IXCITOV , Ky. , Nov. 4. Am elected by from live to six bundled majority. JOHN C. CAiti.isi.u. How it is in Indiana. IvniANAi'oi m , Nov. 1. It will take the ofllcial count to decide the standing of tlic legisl.itme. ' 1 lie democrats claim it bv two majoiity and thu it-putilkans by sixTliu News this afternoon publishes a list not oili- cial , giving thu lepublle.ins two majority. There Is no eh inpi * in tliecon dele gallon. Holnian has a small m ijoilu. Tlie ItcKiiIt In lovvn. Di.s > roiM's , I.i.Nov.'l"iear , npubllcin.Is elected In thu Khsl district by 1,000 majority ; Kerr , repiibliean , in thu Pifih , has bOO mii- joilty ; , icpublican , In tlio Ninth , has atleastbOOmajeiity. The MasmiohiiRottH Legislature. Hosmv , Nov. 4. Tlio Massachusetts leu- islatuie stands : Senate , thirty-live republi can , hfteen democrats ; House , IfiO republi cans , 7U dciiiuoiats , one Independent. The Scoiet of ZVTorrlson'H Defeat. CincAno , Nov. 4. liie Daliv News' Mton (111 ( , ) special says : Monison'.s defeat is to bo attilbutcd to the elTuits ot the Knights ol Laboi and to the exertions of John Jauett , of Pennsylvania , who has been In the dlstilct long enough to Influence the 1 ibor vote In thu direction of Morrison's defeat. New Jersey. THI.MOV , V. J. , Nov. 4. The result ns to the legislatuio Is still in doubt. The demo cratic state committee claims Green , demo- ci at , had between 0,000 and 10,000 majority over Htirvo } , republican , foi governor. The republicans have twelve scimtois. nnd the democrats nine , The democrats claim thli- tjolio out nl tliu sixty membeis of the us- tcmblj , and the lopubllcins claim the bamo ninnbci. In a number of districts the vote Is bo closu thu lo.iidt tannot be delinltely known until the ballots are recounted , PA i n iijf , N. J. , Nov. 4. leturns show a tw In thu Tniul Assembly district in Now Jeioy. . No application tor a lecount has been Hindu and another election will bu held. _ _ _ An Kquul Divide. CoNConn , N. U. , Nov. J , The election of McICcnn } ( democratic ) 10 congress In thu Pirst district , ovei li.ivnes ( icpublican ) Is conceded b } u plurality ot about ISO. This is a democratic gain of one niomhni. and niu.iliy divides iho Now Hiunpshlie delega tion. Kt.itus of IIHnolH CiiK.vcio , Nov , 4. The Journal makes tlic follow ing compilation as to tlio Illinois lugis- latino : Sen tie , Hi republicans. 18 democrats and ono i ibui ; bouse , 7tt lepubllcans , u ) dciu- ocitits , 7 laboi and 'J prohibitionists. itor. Loxuov , Nov. 4. Tlio Times , commenting ( in the elettion In New York , s o s : "It shows tlie opponents of auai chy and spuilation Inn o not awakened an instant too soon to the per ils of tlie situation. Americans must'look tc it lest the appeals of demagogues to tlio hall instructed , icstlcss aitlsins in gu-nt cities sliould Inlllct damage upon tlie public ciedlt and panilj/u tliopifdiittlve resourceof ! itic country , " AMuHttncre. Near Cabul. LOMION , Vov 4. DUpitches liom Cabti ! siythe < iill4ls ! have surpilsed ami massa' cicd a regiment of Dnranls who vveie ; ; oiiij to Cabul. The. s.eeno ot tno massaeie vva ! Mnkhuil , seventy miles- south of ( Uin/nl The insurrection staiieii b } the ' fOUtillue : ' AFTER THE BATILEIIS OVER , Tucsdnj's ' Victories and Defeats and Their Bearings on tha Future. THE SUMMARY OF THC RESULTS. Democrat lo I2\ttlinntlon4 < f Their l'iitt > Losses nml Aitvloc to t'reil- ilcnt Cleveland"Hl.ilito'ftOpiini- tunltj Wltli Henry George. Olevel.iiul Criticised. Ni.w YoitK , Nov.I. . | Special Tuleiram ; to .lie ilni.j : 'l ho World this morning sis : " .Mi. Caillsle's piodlciinent , as well as the unexpected defeat of .Morrison , of Illinois com < -s special warning to tlio admlnistra- : Inii at Washington. I'.utv ligatures rnnnot ic cut or loosened bv those hitth In povvci uul ho expcetn 1 to hold fa-it those \\lio put them in powei. The spjakoi of the housn ind ch.ilim.inof tlio appiopii.itton commit tee nave fallen victims to tlio law stmdaid of piity Unltv. iind obligation thnt pievalls in tlio white house. If Cleveland doslies In have tlm supieimcv oC his pirty maln- talnul In tlio presidential contest of issj , lin must so shvpo Ins pollry in tlio futiuo as to bind It together , to associate leadeis In united action , and Inspiio voteid with devotion to democi title principles. " Tlio World's Washington correspondent tolciuaplis : "Piosldent Cleveland believes more than uvei that hoa \ A man of dcstiny lie is so well pleased ovei the election' of Judge Pcekliain In New York that hu docs not take the loss of demo- ociatic votes In the honso of repit-sontatlves homo to himself , llo attillmtcs tlio full I up oil ot tlic lU'inociat c party in conmess to Its fallnio to carry out his siiK estloiiR relating to tin * levislngot Ihetaiin" . llo Is so veil sit- Isfied with his peisonal tiiiintph In Jiulco PecUlmm's election that ho gave very little attention to election returns. " Democrats heie bellevo thnt JtuK'e Peek , limn was carried thiongli solely by the kind- lies' ? and magnaiilnily ; of Governor Hill. II It had not been , they " . -ay , for the peisoinU appeal of Judcu I'cckliam to r.ovemoi 11111 hu would have been left far behind , 'the sou-st point In the \o\v Yoik election for the piesident was Daniels' tiliniiphant voicln 1'iie county. The inos'dcnt ' In the fntmc \\lll be inclined to pa } moio.uul more respect to his mugwump friends , ills friends heie point with pi hit * to democratic trains in Muss - s ichusetts. tlu * home ot ltulcHndcnt | lupubll- eins. The ) Mi Cleveland ( an tauy Mussa- ehu-etts In 1'tsx. Thev use Mas- saelniM tts as an illustration , and compaiu It with Indiana. Indium , thcsav , h s been tiven up to politicians , Seventy per cent ot the ledeial oillces lia\e boon chinced in acroid.iiRO with the dictates ot p.ut } man- aguu , and civil seivlco loloim uttcilv In- noreit ; } et icpoi Is place state in ( foubt. Anothei lllustiatlon ot the weakness ot the pitronagc element is shown In Michigan. 'I hoiaigooto given to Henij ( ! eoige lias attiaeti (1 ( tlie attention of the most tliou.'littnl politicians. It is believed that IIP will bo a veiy prominent factoi in lbsb , and that It is among the piobvhdities that the 1'bor oignnl- /ations may nomtmitu him forthopicsidcncy , and so make Now Yoi k a doubttul st ito lor eithei pnity. The in lyoralty contest was the onu in which the pnllie'.hurt ) wus most interested. Hewitt , tliioughliisclectlon. has become all/lire of great nationalpioininunce. Thu possibilities ol hK future are discussed b > .ill politicians who aio interested In the next piesldcntial camplign. Hewitt Ins a opiioitnnlty us a lolorni ma > oi , .mil eveivono who knows him believes he will make the most of it. 'Ihu Sun this morning says : " 1'ho leist eonsiilereil but not tl.o Ii'.ist important aspect ol the ( Ji'or c deinonsti.ition. with its unex- p'-cied development of orcanl/ed btiontrlli , illicitly ronccins the jncsidentlal elettion of two jeus hence. Wo have no reason to sup pose tint Jirotlicr lil.ilno and his friends In- vestic.ittd orencoin.iued the fieoiKC move ment , but it the > had done so. It would nave been uncommonly snmt polities. At tiny rate Hl.iinu and repnbllean leadeis mnst t il\u lei the next two je.irs a lively inteiest In the politlcildoiiiKS ot Henry ( loormj and his lolloweis In Xe'v YoikClty and elsi'-sheie. If Hl.iine should inn afialnsta stion demo- in issb , the combined prohibition and mugwump secession would naturally lesult in defe.itiii ! ; htm a ain ; but If lilaine should tun asiiinst the stionnest otjlomoei.its , with Hems ( itorirc in ( ho Held as the candidate of the laboi oitr.irii/atioiis , ( level- oping tinonshonl the eountiy nnj tiling like the strength he showeddav before jesteidaj in iliis tow n , could liliiiiiu tie defeated ? What vxould the lepublican losa In prohibitionist and mnuwnnip voles compared with the democratic loss in votes torn l.ibir cindidote lie'.1 As thiiiL'S stand to-day it would --coin to lie a jni'ltj sine caul for Itioilicr lilaine. Does anjbodj thlnlt he doesn't see it. ' ' IOC.YN T.UiK.S. lilH Opinion Un the Various Phases ot the nicciioti . Cinr.Vf.o , .Nov. } . The Inter Ocean will publish the follow itif ; to-mmrow : ( iunurnl l.o ' .in was ch.iUInt : vvlth a nnmberol Iricmis at thu ( hand I'acilie hatel jesteiday , and In icsponsu to iiKiuirl cx'picsscd liimself on the icsiilth of the ( 'lei tloiiH. In his opinion becoming justabuiitas to elect u ( , ' ° od maj 01 lei cities ns it wab to elcet yood'overnors / lor states ; Indeed , in ininv Instances the ninjoi of a ( jicat city was called onto o\cicifio mncli moio jndg- inent and neivo than . -'oveinor. . The Ire- ( jucnt ilots , inutteiliiKu ol socialism and an- aiciilsm , all these vveie biitaiKiiinunts for thu election ot good , htronji mivois , and nmyois vvhowein notonlj amenablu to themselves , but to n Htroinr. united path , tor all theli Londiict. In his opinion thu lopublican party to d.iv oceupKd In uveiy it'spect thii FtioiiKest jiossiliii ) position , und it it only stands In m sind does not waver fiom ita established line ot pimciplcs , the nitino jLiiiHvvill bring to it man ) moi trrand vic tories. Ahovo all thiiiKS the republic in party wants to steei < har ql all "isms , " and lool theories that .110 alloil..Stoop to Inject socialist Ideas into its platform , to pandci to lUij element , liotvuxci sti illicit may npiicav on tlio face of the returns , which docs not ie- uardaeiedness ( ot litp , HtM'ity und propertv ; to tibindoa a bingloonuof tlmiinncliiloiiot ( lie leiiuhllcan put' , would bo to commit tiuieat inlstaKe. Let thailemocititlrfpaity pandei to till the low elements and socialistic ideas , but let the republicans stand linn on theli own plattonn. Theiulsno reason , Ccncial j.oiaii huld , whv the lepuDlicnns cannot elect thoniayoi otChicaso next spiinjf. ( icucnil hojan ution ly advociteil thtt nomination ol ex-C'oniiiessmaii Chailes U.i I'liiwell as UK icpubllcan nominee toi the mn > oinltj. COXXIUJ HIUAUI ) . AlinoHt .Sticccnsl'iil Oppu- ; ii"ii ( BpenkH IliuiMliul , Sinixonni > , 111. , .N'ov , 4. Iteierrlns ti the dispatch to thu Associated picss MMI ! Horn this citj jcstordnj by Hon. Win. M. . bprlnccr upon the result of the consrcsslona election in this district , his opponent , .Majoi .laiiii's A. Connellj , this evonliu fnrnishn the following card lor publication : Mi .Springer , having announced thiougli tin Abscclatcd mess that his vlitual dufea was caused bj nionoy sent Int < this district from the outside by tha protectionists , 1 want to bay that oni of the notoiious facts of thu i-ainpil n Jiis closed la that my battle was foutrbt vvlthoii money , vvlilleMr. . Kprlncci's workers \ven abundantly supplied with money until tin last vote wab polled. In the democratic conn ties of Mori : .in and Sangauiun , when ) hu am 1 are beat known , ana thu dcmouiatlc city o SpiJnb'Held. vviiero ho lias lived fo twenty tears , ho run behind the most Ho Is the. . only democratic caiulidatt tor eonaress iis I am Informed , who iui fulled to c.iuy bangauion county since Abr.i tain Lincoln cairled It forlv jcars aso. Xot one cent of monej was sent to mv n sUtinro iroin any soiiree , and thi < i attempt of Ills to I o o as a victim of "protrctionlst jtold" is an ni iHt to tile Indppondpiit voteis of tills dis trict , who maden vluoiuu" , honest and open elfoittorid tliem elves of him. ( signed ) lames A. Connolly. .lolm iTnrrott On tlic Ilo ul . I'lTTsnt un , Pa. , N'ov. 4 | Special Tele- Rram to the llr.E.1 .lolin .lairett , cvpresl- dent of the Anialmaated Association of Iron am ! Sleol Woikeis , has leturned fioin Hit vvest , vv hero lie had been conducting the tariff ctmpilgn ncnlnst Moiii on and other Tree traders. In nn Uitcrvluw Jairett stated that ho did not go on the mission ot Ids o\v \ n volition , but was sent as a icpicsontatlvo of the Ainci lean Tin I'lateassoclntinn , ot which lie is secretary. So far as he could learn tlio lion and steel inannr.ictiiiersoniils section had not contributed n cent Inn aid tlio defeat of free trailcis in the west Appeils toi money weio tnado to friends in Pitt-tbuip. bill they were not ntisweiod. When asked about the sentiment In tiuurd to the tailn" In Illinois. . I urott leplied : "In all the two weeks vvlikli I spent there I did not find one man in lfi\oi of fne tiado The t.uitr feellni ; is i.ipldly growing tliioui : ! ' the west and south. " .l.ut.itt. in conclusion , attributed the defeat of 1'iuik Ilnrd , Mmrison and Itandolph 'I uckei to the grow IIIR n'litlment In favor of thet.ulir In the bouth and west , A Cnll ( in Clrvclaml. W vsinsdTov , Nov. ) . The Fionch guests called at the btate depirtment tills niornlni ; and proceeded to tlm vv hlte house vvhcio they vvcio piescnted to the president by Count Sola , of the Viench legation. Do Lessens , on behalf of tlm visltois , delivered an elo- iiuent address , vvlilch was lespoudcd to by tlio president In atipioiiihito terms. Count Do I esscpt , in ills spuoch to the president , among other things , said : " 1'ei- sonally we Nhall all cany with nstioni Amei- lea , togethei with tlio leiiionibianco of kind liness with which Jon lionoied us , and the example of libcity undo law In the midst of tlio most nmrv clous act Ivity of whlcli vvohavo been witnesses , a feeling that our mission has tended to draw closei ! ho bonds which unite two great republics. " The president icpllcd as follows : "lam much pleased toco those who represented the people of l'i nice on tlm Intel esting occa sion to which \oti havoiefuried. 1 hope that the slgnlhcance ot thcii visit will be inllv anpi eclated by the people of Imth nation" , and that a visible , tang ible : ; ign of fiiendslilp which we have seen permanently pi iced , will ben con stant icmlndei ot the duty we all owe to as sist In the mainHnaneeot the most cordial iclatlons between ma two counttlos , as hon- oiablv connectid in the past , and having so many common pmposes and Inteicsts in the piesent. " The visltois retuincd to Now Yoik tills nf- lei noon. nio A Ilcmnrknblc Game In Ijondoti He- tvvccn Nenll and Collins. [ CopI/cfuW ISSC liu JitHirs Roiilon LONDON , Nov. 4. | Ncw York Heiald Cablo-Spechl to the BiiK.l Billi.udists will doiilitless bo interested in tlie piogrcss ot the gieat game now c-oinir on hoie be tween Neall and Collins. On Monday Xeall began a m.itcli of lri,000 points up with Col lins , who was allowed \030 points stait. Desiilo tlie capital lorm sho\v n bv Collins , Neidl who , by Ids deleat ol liobeiK lias eaincd tlio title of elmnpion shot stiokc plajer , giadually giincd on his ilval , and mainly by me ins of a lemaikable break , is only a little ovei 100 ttoinUs in the tear. Yes- tenlay altcinoon lie started from \OI2 , nnd monopoll/ed the attention of the onlookers thiougliout tlic remainder of thu day , ariiv- ing at )0OU ) , , when ho was still in position on thu shot. Koi neatly two Xeall's breal ; ol Ifls" . made at Canibild e , has stood as .1 ic > * oid , but it was neaily lowered twelve months : nfi ) when ho put toiretliet l/'U. ' Col lins did not have an inning after the interval in the aftei noon and this Is also an unpic- tedentcd pertoimance. In the courno of tlie bicak leaching to 2,002 , Neall made ! 5J8 and liJOsuota. lloiesumes to day and great ex pectations are excited icgarding what he may lin.illy make. Knropp's Critlcnl Situation. ICoj ) * ; * ( i/ht ItiStiliiiJitmcn Out dun /Ic'i/iriC.l A'JK.NNA , Wov. 4 [ New Yoik Cable- Special to tlio Ii ! K. ] 1 he situation is criti cal. The dud ipist deieg-itlons met to day at 1 o'clock , bmolkii , tlio incsldcnt , said : "Tho empoioi'.s wi-dom has kept the peace foi us till now under the most difllcnlt eii- ci.nistanccs. [ hensation.l Hu has kejt the pe nco to > neccssniy to our ceono mlcal development , but whcthei thu iieace cinbokept in tlie near future Is a question demanding om special consideration which , because of the difficulties arising in our foielgn lelatlons , is calculated to cause greet uneasiness. " [ Applaiihp.J Tlio IVorlc of Hri SoriA , Nov. * . A state of sicgo has been proclaimed at I'hlllipopolis for tlio purpose of suppressing binds of brigands infcstint ! theenviioiisot the citv , and who 1110 Incited bj Kiisslan agents to ikeds ot violence. Appeal to Gladstone. LONDON. Nov. I. ( Jno ol the Hiilgaiian ministers has vviitten to tlio London Timcf coiicspondent at Vienna , appc.ilingtn ( il.iil stone tlnom.'h tliocoiiespondent to i.iisohi- volce in behtilt of tlio independence ot Itul- gaila. _ _ Cooper Shop Miii'iicii. JlKMi'iiis , Nov4 , A the to day burned tlio C'hlekasaw Coopei.igo > 's vvoikf on I'ront sticet. Loss , 8100,000 ; IIIMU.I'.HC about S 10,000. Holler K\pli > Hion liillH Kl\ LONDON , Nov , I. Thubollui of tliosteanici Caitago.N.i\a , at Vow Casilo , exploded to day whllo thu vessel was being unloaded. .Six noiMins weiu killed and thlrtv injiiied. The loito of the I'xjilosiun earned thu hollci tc tin. top of ; i lofty u.ui'lioiibo , A Hnlvntlonrinj lo\v. Qt iiih < , Nov. t. The salvation army , In anticipation of moio set tons tiouh'c ' , ad join nod theli nicutlng last nHit. It apne.iit thnt the dlstnibaiiee ot Tuesday nUht vvas ot moio soi Ions chaiacter than was reported , Afloi the meeting was over , Kov. Mi. Stobu cfllcd foi three choois for thu m.ijoi anil they wor i given with n will. Alter leaving the hall the assemblage kept up the shouting , Tlio pollco vvcio all foi mod Into line am vvlulo In tills position weio attached by a mo ! will h assiiilted them with stones and othoi missile * , . Tlneu or tour ollieeis 1 HI ! beoi sovcruly injined , when tin older to ( iuiigt was given. 'Iho crowd Milled nnd rlmuei on the police , who , hovvinei , acted br.ivolj tlio icsiilt being seveial biokon heads lei tin mob and two airusts. Till : BOSTON .Ma do Per Clnt claiul't VlHll llieri ) .Moniluy. llosios , Nov. 4 H has been aiunr''t that thu picsldent , alter his rtitinn Horn tlu ceremonies in Cambi Idgit on Mindly , wii liold a leccjttlon in I'anui'll hall lor tlm gen eral nubile tibonl n p. m. Alter this he tvll iclnrn to the Hotel Vendome , wheiaaful diess leception , nniU'i the aiisoiLOS of tin ill ) of Itoston. will beheld In the tvpnin- . ' Attfi this the ( in'sldmit will bcos/-oittd to tin > .station lo thu cadets , when lit ) will take tin * 10 : . J tiaiu lei Now 'i oik- Mrs. UHn eland and .Mis. jndlcitt ; ( wilt ar rive hero Saturday moinlng and will bo tin gnes-tsot Mrs. Powell Mason , sister of Mr- Kndicott. UiiMond.iv Mi.Ciovcl.uid nrn Mr > . Kndicott will bo the g'.tests of Mrs iillott : , ot Harvard , letnrnln to the at tlic Hotel Yotiaomu. Tlio ljitp t .Movements Anumjr tto ? Ollluois of tlic Army. WASIUNOTIV , Vov. 4 [ Spcvlil Telo iam to tlio Ui.i : ] -Janeril ( Oihndo 15. Wllcox , who was promoted last month from colonel of tlip Twelfth Infantry , Ins announced his son , Hut Licuten nit I'.lon P. Wileox Slxtli cavali v , as an aide tie campon Ids stitr. i'hc post of Port Prod btcele , Wvo. , Ins been discontinued and will bo abandoned lu'foie the end of tlie month. It is now oc cupied by a detachment of twentvinoii under command ol Kirst Llcutemnt Kdinr W. Howe , Seventeenth Infanuy , to guard the propci ly. 'Hie lollowins ; transfers In tlio Sixth In fantry invo been made bv ( eneinlSheildan : Plrst Lleiitonant blephcn W. Oioesbcck , compiny ( ? , tocomnany C ; Kirst Ideuteinnt Aitlmr L. Wairner. P to II , and Klist Lieutenant Cliarles Itvrno , U to ( ! . Compiny H Is at Pint Leavenworth Kans. . and nil tlie otheis spojliied aio at Port Doiuliss , ni'ii Silt Like Citv. A uny leaves : Major Kdward Collins , Klist Infantry , two months extension. Captain Washington 1. Sinboui , Tvvent-liltli inl.ui li iv , foiu iiionlhs Hick loue ; Klist Licnteiiant 1 laneis II llardle. le lmontal qimitennastei Thlidcivaliv. four months : Plrsl Lieutenant John A Johnson , lllghth cavalrv , two months extension ot sick leave ; Plisf Lieu tenant \\llllun H. Wlieelei , Eleventh tr > , six months sick leave ; Lieutenant himuel I ) . Pieennn , Tenth cavalry , onu month fnrthct extension Armj furlough anthoil/ed : Plrst Sorceant Aiiram Dennis. compin > D , Tweiitli-litth Inliintrv. Kort Meade , Dak. , six months from December 7 ; Pilvatu Uottlicb lllpp , troop L , Seventh cavalrv , Knit Hufoid , Dak. , four months ; i'riv.ito Dtuuul O'Donnell , troop ( i. Llghth eavalrv , Kort Cl.nk , six montlis , witli pel mission to go abioad ; Private Hovvanl Ciuse , tioon L iiightli eivaliy , Poi t Claik , four montlis ; Coiporal Michael Klemlntr , company C , Kiith inlanlry , Poit Abiahnm Lliuoln , DaU. , six months to go nlnoad ; I'M v nk * Jncob Koss , band , ICIcventli , Dak. , two months ; Piivato ( icoice ICvans , company ( ! , Twcntv-llftli infantiy , Port bis- son. Dak. , dining November. 'liio lollowingarmv ollicers have been de tailed to witness the Nsuc of ' .innultv goods to Indl.ins at the agencies named : Ko-obud agencv , Dtkot'i , Klist Lleiitemnt Uobeit T. P.mmol , Ninth cavalry ; Pine Itidso acencv , Dak. , Lieutenant Philip A. Heltons , Mnth civalry ; Sintci * and Plandien airenc > . First Lieiitenint Horace 11. Sirson. Second in- fantrr ; Port Hall accncy , Idaho , Plist Lieu tenant Aitliui L. Wagnei , Sixth Intantry. o nx n n Ai7 sTim ? illatai ix nx Jt1. A Humor Current That. Arniour'H Bleu Will Ho Order Pd Out To-day. CnicAoo , Nov. 1. 'I ho beef men at bwift's and Motiis ate still out , ami then chances lei letiirningaio lessening. IJothconceins arn shipping cattle east to boslatiKhtcied. Swift commenced opeiatlim to-day with now men , who me coming fioai all quirton Phcardsall alumt tlio building oITei the fol low in ; ; puces to new men : .Skilled butchers , 20 to 45 cunts pin hour ; tieef c in icrs , 2S ecnts poi liotir , and laboreis cents pur hour. Thestiikeat tlio stoclc jatdstookn new and perliaps verv seilous Him tonight. To- moriovv will probably decide whelhei or not tltete is to bo n collapse or a piotractcd and more general stiuu'gle. 'Iho result depends upon the action to bo taken to monovv bv A i mom tCo.\ butchers upon tlio mandate issued to nluhtl > > Mastei Woiknmn Under , of the Knights of Labor. This evening in the ( litleient assembly meetings an older was lead fiom Jlastor Work man IJutlcr calling out Armour's beef men to morrow. It Is ttscertcd bj many that \iinoui's men will disicgard tha ordci and stay at woilt. Their ioftisal4to obey would make tliem li.iblo to expulsion fiom the Knights ol ijiboi. It would , liovvcver , doubtless settle tlic stiike. then * being little ( picMion that in such an event tlio omplo > os of Moirls and Swift's would at once apply to be taken back. Should Aimom's men obey the 01 del to quit , it is geneially con ceded tint inothei ueneial strike of nil classes of labor at thu stock > aidsis almost inevitable. lOlthcr Dead or Defaulted. ri..v.TTSviouiu , JNeb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to tlic HEP. | The finding of an oei coat , hat and blood stained la/oi on tliu river bink created a commotion in tills city to day. ' 1 ho clothim : was idcntihud as be longing to W. II. Iluarn , foreman ot the Pl.ittsniouth Herald otlice , who was sup posed to have gone to Lincoln last evening. Heain was a steady > oung man of pond habits , Tlio body was not found , and whllo It appears to suicide , it may piovoacasu of slopped out. AlcCalio Declared Insane. NKW Yoni ; , Nov. 1. The tiial of c\-Al- del man Krancis McCabe , one of the "boodlo" aldciman , in the umit of general sc ° bions , to ascertain tlio question o Ills sanity , bo.'an tliisafteinoon. In the cotnt to-daj McC.ihe appealed to be verv ninth wonied. Littlu time was occupied in obtaining n jmy. Me- Cibu's counsel .stated that bis ellent was suf- Jeiiii ! : from paiosis , the icsult ot an Injurj to the head some tigo. Di . Hammond , in sanity oxpeit , teslllicd ( hat his OY.iminatlons ot AlcCabo in Ludlow stiect jail on two occa sions resulted in the discoveiy of seveial f > } mnloms of Ins.uiitv usually ( onsideied In- lallinle , though ho thought tlio , inthcwa > ol domenti.i , and not liable to m ike the patient dingcious. Ho would soon become imlKcilo. and bu tliought he could bo better cared lei by his famll > than at any public institution. A nunib'i ot othei o\- ) ) crts gavu olinilai testimony. ' 1 ho district uttoiney expKsscd himsilt as batlslinl the piisonei was 'nsinc. ' and tliu Jmj lumleied a voidht to that cllnt. MiCabu was then talcfii to the Ludlow sheet jail. A Defnultcr Turns Up. LAWUKNTH , Mas . , Nov. t. itlchaid Pits- ton , iKoil deiilci of Uoston , alleged to hr.vo ab-couded owing one liiindied to onu hun dred and lilty thousand dolliis vvas been ves- tenlay on a ti.'un lioin Poilland. Ho Bild hu had neithei goiu * to Canada , dofiaudod niiy body 01 Inl-'iidcd to do to , Ho hud been on n business tlip east to laisa niont > and \\.i- fiiiddi'iih l ikon ill at the Moitlmnts hotel In Pot Hand. H < 3 said ho was coming back to Itoston to meet his ( icdltois , and ovi > body will be p ild dollar foi d.illar. pli Notes. Tt is repoitid tliat the Mexican guneinl , Caiclado laCadeni , lias been shot lor high tic.ison , tlovcinor Itiisk , of Wisconsin , received all day vestcnhy coiigiatuhtoiy tuli-ciams on his election. A me at .Simthinipton , Out. , > esleulay , d.-uo > cd ilfly buildings , und tidily t.iinilius .in.1 homeless. Coniiiletoji'liiinshhovv th it the republicans nf Connecticut will invoannjoillyof tlilitj- one on joint ballot. Shelny count ) . Illinois , Is bcdnt ; devastated b > alieico fen st tno which the Inhabitants aio nimblolo contiol A disp itch to Iliu Now York Commercinl Adveitisoi , < | i chues uiitruo the Mme ( ! ei-ter the great uinger , Is insane. At the liitue' ' . itlon Miss Alien J. Sanborn , a Picepoit. Ill , vomu l.idx , v as ( letted snpeilntendeiit ot sthuiU In Itiulo coiintj , Dikot.i , she belnj the i.nmliue ot thodumo- tiats and farmers' all ! u ce. \l tlio limn t'n. ' was on a leave of iibsenco ' 10111 Preeport. At a contei 'nrfi btwei'i Maslci Woiknnn I'owdfilv nnd thoe\etnlivo biiiid of the Knights o ! Luboi and iiiuinbiiih ot the aid tominlttcu ot il u I'hil.uli Iplu \ Mauiifau- tiut'lu'ii' nciMlii'i , an .uieenient was icu In d wheiebv the lnn. ln at Tioth' ihtiutil'il und inles Ion-Hi lUM to gn\eiii fntuio dilll diltles betwi m en p' > > > ( u und iniploju w illtout slrilv s and locUoutd. 1'cler Ki'iini'j , a ti'U.ipli opeiatorat In graham. Pa. , un ihu l'itl < hurg , ruitlnnali A .St. Louis raili oul , wa > dilvtn tiom Ids in- fatinmcnt carl > josteulay moiling b > a ma niac visitor In liostly alllio. vvlm held poh M -ton of the ol'.ied tor about an lioui .il : lu point < it rt knife. Tialn nn-n . .ll'Coven-d Mtii.Uloii. and ( iverpowuiin < thu intini'i n leased the liiu'ht nd opti.U or lioiu hi.irl tus i THE NEW BSA8E ASVLlffl" II Last Inspection of the Completed Building By the State Hoard , THE STRUCTURE MAGNIFICENT. Salient I'enturcH or iho Institution Jlovv tlio Work vvns 1'innncd nnd Kxoouted The > tM\t of NchrnsUn. 11m I'rido or NorfolK- . Noniol.K , Neb. , Nov. -t.-Speclal ( Telo- ginm to the Hi i.j : Slnto Ollieeis Scott , WIN hud and lioggen vvcio heio to-day making the last foinml inspect on of the ns-Jnm pu- paratorj to Its acceptance. The building Is now complete , with tlu * exception of a few llnlshlng touches , and w III be accepted by the state bo ltd on ceitliicillon of itsiompletlon bp the architect In ehaigo. The Un : tepic- scntatlvo joined tlio olllrers at the building und took a look tliroijli It nnd found Its snooth walls , Intel lei and cxteiloi , tanltless tioiu basement to dome. CommMlonci Scott s-xysltlstl'obest ' job of building uvei dmiu foi the state , and thuothei olllcciswiid nine- served in their piaiso oftho htiuctnre and the wink of Contiacloi King. It icmalns for the stnto to make an appropriation lei tin- nHiingntid malntainiiiit tlio asv him. The asv linn building Is substantial and oinato in appearance , ami Is litiltt trom plans furnished in P. M. Kills * . , aichlteet of Omaha. It Is iccitcd on thu noithwest corner of the S.'Oatiu tuict , two and n linlf miles fiom the city , on a beautiful situeymimmtlnga view of the entile counti v sniioiindlngit. Thostiucturu Is 'Jt4 feet In length and .1 . Icet In depth , tour btoiles , In. eluding basement , vvlth also a spacious attic 1 here Is in thu basement a duct lor ventllut * ing purposes 1) feet In depth , 'Jt I feet long and is feet wide , with \entllatlng ducts cor.- necllni ; with eieh cell. Tlicroaio'JH looms , * IncliidliiK 'M cells , halls , kitchens dining looms and elosels. Tlioontlro Interloi ol the building Is finished In haul Pine 1 torn Ala bama , the Hoots being oiled , thu insldo llnlsh being haul oil and shellac. 'I hero aia oiuht dining looms and an ample kitchen. Lach dining loom lias a pantiy and dumb waiter fiom the kitchen. 'llieie Is an elevatoi foi clothes liom tlio l.uuidrs to the apat tnicnt tor baths nnd water closets. 'I bore Is also a leception loom , ap.irtmcnls lei the snpcilntuiideiit and Ida loue. lor the plij'lclan , and a postofllec. bpeiklng tubes connect each of the eight rooms w Itii the main oliico. The building Is so airaimed that elcclilc llulit lixtuios can lie put in at little expense. In the ( ential poi- tlon ol the main entiance a nice tilu llooi ol maible and slate is laid , Theie aio thieu en- ttances on the north tind tlneuon Iho south , with tluce Iliglitsof staiih leading liomtho centci ot the building , allowing ample means of cgtess in case ot neccbslty. Tlnco to\veis sin mount the cdllico. The lielght of the bulldlni ! fiom tlio liont step to the top of the main lower Is 110 feet. ' 1 lie two smallei towers aie both ornaincn'al and use ! id. Thuv contain water tanks with a cap iclty of 'J50 ban els each. .Nice soft watei was stuiek in tlio giavel at u depth ot JO'i lect in Incxh.iUbllhlo ( | uantitltfi. Uheseaiesomo ot the salient leatines in thu description of a building so adiuli.ibly tlan- ned and so well constiuctcd that tno Mate may vvellbupioud of it. It will lift lemembered that tlie legislature. of two yeais ago decided to build an addl- tionaMiibauotis > luin to meet the exigencies ot Keulaska's growinir population. Kortollc was selected us the point tor its location , tlio people or this growing yonnj ? city donntlng : -20 acios ol laud as a Mto for iho asylum. The boaid ot pulillc lands and build ings advci Used foi bids lei thu coiisliiietlon ol the buildings and aw aided the contiact to Mr. ( Jeoige H. King , ot HiooUljn , la. , who came to tno btato with the pic.sti ooi having bticcessfullj completed n pJ"HiO ( couit honso at Alexandila. lak. , and a F'JO.OOO school liullding at U'aukon , la. Thib bid was SGl.TiS. Mr. King bioko ground lor the inilldiiiir In Uctoliei , lbs.r > , and initially con- htmctcil the louiulatlon. Ho coiumencta woiRagaln In Apui ol this > eu , biingini ; witli him the foitu ot woikmcn he cni | lu > eden on his other buildings. Ho pushed the work vigorously trom this lime until Its comple tion without n bicik , sometimes having twenty-nine teams on tlie toad and Mxtv-sit men cmnlo\cd , with a pny toll of'i&l ' pel week , in two weeks and two diys Ids twentj-two masons laid hTi.tOJ biick. Colorado Democratic. DIN\I n , Nov. 4. 'the election of Adams demociat , lorgoveinor , by apliu.ility ot 2,600 is conceded b.v icpnblltans. All but six coun ties In thotitatoluvc been he.ud liom , giving icturnb on tongiessnien about even. Thu counties jet to comu in alwavh have been dcmccratlc , M > the indh ations are in tavoi oC a small majoilty lor Kccd , democrat. The demociats of Aiapalion loiinty elect tt and pcibslbly 7 out of f > iejicsenf.itives nna 1 M-natoi. This Is an Inneisu ol 7 in the louei housoand I in tlio f-onate. 'llioothei counties tuucaiiled l ) > Iho democrats , ho there is llttloiloubt they will have lonliol oC tlmlowci hoiisoot the general assembly and possiblv the benate. The remainder of the bt.ito ticket cjxtepl secietaiy , ouditoi , and possibly attoiney general , is claimed by tha ( ! ? . An Industrial H.iilicoiie. lli.t i : .SI-KINC.I , s' ( 0. , Nov. 1 [ Special Telegiam to the Hi i , | A baibccno and celo- bialion was hold heio to-day in honoi of tlio completion ol tlio BliioSpiIngH loller mills , planing mills und loundry and ni.tchino bhops. Kenatoi VanWyek Hindu the tiddieNH and beaiti'y npiilaiided. TAvooxcn weio li.irbi cued and eveiy cdlhlu piovlded to istv the appetites ot 1 OK ) lummy people , Tlio mil ! which is now in opei.itlon , li.uliifr been stalled Monda > , is the propertv of JJhitk Hi o . t Miiiinplei , and Is onu of tlio bfbt in the. slate. It is tilled thiougliout witli tlm latest impioved machiiiei.v. and Ins a dally capacity ot Klbairols , M. L hiii-nrer ispropiuloi of the plaiiini : mill and McDow ell .V : Knlfjit on tlio lotinili > , Loth ol which aic now In operation. ol' CoiiiiiinndH. YAM SUM , Neb. , N'ov. I. ] Special T > lo- gram lo the Hir.- | liom Poit Nlobiara received this oven In , : nnnoiuicet Kant/ commanding , vvltlithi ) hea'l'iuaitPih' bind and six comptnles ot the Kiglith Infanliy , will liiiini dialolv takobtti- tion at Niobuua. ( Hi hbin will go to Pott Uohlnson in command. The two companies of the Second inland ) go to Poit Omili.t , Lloiilenant Colonel .Monliromoiy Infant , eighteenth inlnntiy , and .Major H.indlftt. Ninth cavalry , will also bo titu- ' tloiuil at Nlobiaia. 'Ibis gives Nlolnai.v nine c oinp inlcs and tlin u Hold ollii ers , in iK- Ing the laigist post in the depailnient. UnivurKil icgitt Is expro Md that WOOMI | Ceneial liiitbln , who has many fiiends in tills pint ol N' bi.inkii. Tiutii : : Mill ) Dunn Kiiotikfl Out .lack hinitli in .New ilorxoy. Niw Wiiii ; , Nov ! . Thu lie ivy vvcijjhtH , Jack Smith , ot Kngl.imi , who won last jtai's ( Imii'plonshlp of Hie New York Alhlitlo tlub , iiiiiUllll } Dunn , who has smiessfii'ly ' i iitonnti K ( ' Jack Pillion and otliu good mi n , tougbt a pii/i * lijlit in Nuw J ciscy this moinlng. In Hie tiM nmiid .Smith got in hiavv with lilt ilht ; i n his mit.igonisl'H left ( beck ami piitlv du/td him. Iho call ot liino saved I.i'H from lintliei liijmy , Ono of tliu joints ol Sml h'.s Hist linger on tlio i.ght liiiid was dislo- cited In the Mrond Kiiinil Dunn bii'iime vcrj , ig'itK ! lvc. Sml'htiiei ( tit in u tiii ! ! .loi a i-low In Hut lilts und foi lowed it u j by time | oed 01118 about thu in , ! , , \\litn timu vv id called Smith was luiim iapilal work. Smith opened tlio tlilid loiinilb ) s.vhi'inIlls li blon D nil's lilt , bitn ipg lnsi blood Siiiln-nl ) Dirin nun'li's i i-lii nd I.nnUd It under Smith's ' ' . h nil'i ' tell Illiu il lei ; I.lucked com- 11 n h ( > ' I He had nol iidiveicd ciiiselous- ii - \ > n tin i .i cdliil , .indthu ptirteand : , i i it .11 ait'ul ' lo Dunn.