THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4 , GATHERED ABOUT THE CITY , Robert D. Duncan is Arrested for Big' am ) , A STAR ROUTE CASE It la Dcnlilcil liy Jitiljc Dumly- i'ollcc Court ItctiiriiRil from Germany Other A Oii'ic or Hlt-nniy. A wnrr.iut was sworn out in Justice Uorka's court ycstordav for tlio arrest ol Robert I ) . Dunnan , on a charge ol bigamy. The complaint was preferred b.y Mrs. Caroline Duncan , the woman from whom Duncan obtained a decree of < ! ! vorco a Week or so ago. Tlio complain ) is based on the ground that the now Ne braska statute docs not permit a man tc marry again within six inonts after hi ? decree of divorce is obtained , it will be remembered that Mr. Duncan wus mar neil a few days ago to M'ss ' Cecelia J , Orun. Ho claims dial his lirst marriage was not valid , hccaiiso Ids first wife hail a husband living , from whom she had never been divorced. Points. To night the celebrated Sullivan galaxy of listio stars will be seen al the Imposition building. Among the nilmber are the celebrated John L. . , Pete McCoy. Oeorge LalJIaneho , bolter known as the "Marino , " George Weir and Tom Warrou. All of thorn are first-Glass men and the champions In their respective grades. They will give several sparrin" exhibitions , all of which cannot fail to bo interesting. The combination is man aged by P. F. Sheedy , the celebrated sporting character , who did mores than any other man to ' 'bring out" Sullivan. Claw anil McDonald will meet in a six round jrlove contest on next Saturday ' evening at Cunningham hall. Hoth nie'n nro KO evenly matched in point of pliv- tuque , muscle and science that tlio bout cannot fail to bo a good onn. Tlie Koport Untrue. To the Editor of the Hir. ; : In your Sunday issue appeared the following special : AX KDITOU AlllircSTKI ) . Nitoi.A , la. , Oct. 111. [ Special Tclosram to tlio 15Ki.l : Our city wis thrown into excite If ment this morning by tlio anestof .1. K. ltlt > - Ictt , publisher of tlio Neola News , for dastardly attempt to commit rape on ayouiiK Imly who was a guest of his house. Not being nlilo to piociiro hall ho was taken tu jail to await examination , which occurs Mon day morn inc. If I did not furnish bail because I wanted I a case for false imprisonment later on. Tito case was called at 3 p. in. to-day and 5 I was Honorably discharged , the prosecu tion failud to show up. There was noth ing in it except that although a demo crat , 1 was also a Knight of Labor , and refused to hell out to Keatlcy. " There arc wheels witliin wheels , " and because I proposed to bo a man among men instead of a silent member ol a herd of voting cattle 1 was chosen for a martyr. The democrats have threat ened to boycott the News , and every one that does will bo black-listed by the laboring men of Neola and vicinity. i am personally responsible for this letter. Please publish it and sot mo right as extensively as you have ( unin tentionally without doubt ) , done mo harm. Yours respectfully. J. II. HlBLETT. A Star-Route Case Deckled. The stiir-i'outu case against Luke Voorhis , of Cieyonne | , has finally been disposed of in the United States court in Oniiiha. Voorhis was sued by the gov ernment to recover back money paid I to him under an order of expedition from Fargo to Pembina. The govern ment brought suit against him at Chey enne , and his attorney , Hon. J. L. Web ster. of Omaha , tiled an answer. Heforo coining to trial the suit was dismis-sud and transferred to Omaha by securing ' service on Voorhis in this city , the object being to sue him away from his homo. Mr. Webster tiled a demurrer to the peti tion hero , and it was sustained. The government filed an amended petition , and to that Mr. Webster put in an answer. Hoforo it came to trial. Mr. Douglas , the government at torney , proposed to agree to a slate of facts to bo agreed to 'tho court. Mr. Webster consented to this if ho would Ftato such facts as ho could prove , and not tacts which he know could not bo disproved. Thereupon Mr. Douglas presented a state of tacts upon which ho was willing to vest his case , which charg ed , among other things , that at tlio time Voiirhis obtained the order of expedition and increased pay and reducing his fiohediiln time from sixty two to forty- two hours ho was already carrying tlio mail in forty-two hour.s , which fact the government did not know. Mr. Wobbler ngre'ed to the .state of facts , and tiled iv demurrer , upon which the case was argued on the uniler.standing that if the demurrer was sustained the was to bo dismissed. In deciding the case , Judge Dut'dy said , among other things that , admitting tliu fact that Voorhis was e.irrying the mail faster than sixty-two hours , never theless ho had a right to ask the govern ment to make an order allowing him moro pay for faster time , for the reason tliat under the original contract ho nada right to pay for faster time , and tlio gov ernment had a right to pay him for this extra compensation if ho performed tlio Eorvicu. biieli notion on tlio part of Voorhis did not constitute fraud , and ho was purfuutly justified in doing what ho had done , and under such stale of facts the government had no right to recover thn money. Concert Hy tinllojs. . The "Wide-awakes , " a boyh society of Hillside church , gave an entertainment Tuesday evening to an enthvsiasltc aud ience. The names of tlio boys taking part wcie Fred Johnson , prcsidont-.IFredTealo , organist ; Clarence and Horace lliggens , Chlirlio PiTt'luil. Fred Andrews , soloNls ; other parts by ( leorgo Monroe , Moi'dull \V Crane , hddiu Johnson , Hey and Wil- lioMilor. Silas and Herman Wallace , Charlie Smith , John Peterson , Charley lcy. Clarence Higgims and Hey Miller were uproarously encored. All < lid finely and gave evidence of iho hkillful instiuc- lion which they hud received from the pastor's wife , Mrs , 11. C. Crnno. Army Notes , "It appears to bo an established fact , " said General Crook yesterday "that the Highlit Infantry is to bo sent to this de partment. Wo are now figuring how to dispose of the o\lra soldiers. Nearly all thu posts are full now. and our accommo dations are consequently limited. Why the Kighth infantry has been put to this department I can't toll you. " A tulcgram was received at army headquarters - quarters yostordny anouiiclngtho death ol Dr. Clenionts , post surgeon nt Fort Lcuy- tmworlhi Dr. Clements \ \ as wlduiy known tliruughout thu west , and had muny friends In this department. 'J lie Snilili , disc. JmlguUiimly , of the United States cinirt ; heard arguments yesterday on the motion for a now trial in thy Sinith-Lowy cas ) . J. It. Clarkson represented i-mitli's creditors and J. M. WoolworlU llaiuiun Lowy , llnppr TcmrtRi-nncc KOJ-H null Glt-ln The meeting of the Temperance army hold in the Lutheran church Tuesday cvoningwas'as usual largely atondcd. The young volunteers rendered their recita tions with great credit. The address of llov. J. S. Dctwciler was the feature of the evening , and called forth the hearty applause of the young soldiers of the arniy time and time again , and the truths which were so happily stated , will leave impressions on tlio young hearts , that lime will not erase. The address of Kov. K. N. Miller was very i tu press ! vo. and ( lie facts and incidents ho presented very plainly showed the in- lltioncc of children upon parents and older persons. The following is the programme of the young volunteers : Speech If 1 WeicaUov Ksslo Wells. I'l'cltnllou Tt'iiiperuico Hoys Willtu Hnscnll , Samuel Kuchnrm. Spi'ccli The Diunknnl and Family Lulu Tuulell. Itecltatlon The Teetotal Cat Lldla I'.irkir. Speech No. Not I Olviio Spain. Hccltation 'I'l'ie Diunkmd's Dead March ( ill-tic I'nuslnv anil Annie Sumll. Dlalnnue The Way the .Money ( iocs Henry Thomas and Andiow Thomas. Heading The Diunkaul'a Child Mira Miller. SniiR. I'lea o Sell No Moro li ) luK to my Father Annie Christie ami Lottie Mcdlock. Kceltntinn Father Sl ncil the Plvdsc Fannie Sopcr. Speech Hiding Down 11111 Mamie Tiudull. Captains and lieutenants appointed in the central division : Captains , Julius Hosonwoig , Arlliur Adams , Charles Van Court , Maud Satlcy , Nellie Nauerly , Minulta Downs , Minnie llunncl. Lix./.io Shio , Harry McFaddon and Cluirles ( Jil- Ian. Lieutenants Lena Austin , May Trc- man. Annie Christie , Blanch Van Court , Minnie McFaddcu , Italic Davis anel Tnulull. Instructors of this division are Mrs. C. T. Van Akin , Mrs. Watson U. Smith , Mrs. li. K 1) . Wilson , Mrs. J. W. Alls' tin , Miss Josephine Smith and Mrs. It. Stevens. THE CHICAGO Ol'ICIJA COMl'ANV. The first opera performance of thn sea son will no iloubt attract a largo audience to the Hoyd to night , when the Chicago Opera company appears in "Tlio Mikado.1' The sale of scats opened this morning and wore largely purchased. Saulhbur.y's Troubadours will bo the at traction at lioyd's 1'riday and Saturday. They will be seen in their old-time suc cess , "Tho lirook. " IIKM..M ! . Six hundred and five consecutive per formances is a pretty fair record in ihreo cities Hue Nuw York , Philadelphia and Chicago , and vet that is exactly the num ber of tinios Hollar displayed his mar velous powers to the fashionable and critical audiences of these cities. He is now on his first tour of tiio west , and ap pears at Boyd's with a strong support for the first foui nights of next week. Uis entertainment is bewildering ! } ' inde scribable. lie pu/.zles , plpiibes and amuses in such rapid succession that the mind is loft in a state of delicious uncer tainty as to what is coming next. His engagement hero will bo one of tlio fea tures of the present amusement season. Tlcnl KHtate The following transfers wore filed Nov. 2 , with the county clerk : W V Jloiso anil wife to Thomas Sheedy , lots 11 , is , blk 0 , Syndicate Hill add to Omaha , w d $200. Leroy Miiyno to A II Mnync , lots 7 , 8. blk 11. Orchnul Hill , w il-Sfl.OOO. llarry 1) Heed to Henry H Slmll ot al , lot 4 , blk 0 , Slmll.s i-'il ailil , w d 31,000. Edirar Xabrlskle anil wife to Jolin Mcrritt , pait of lots 1 , 2 , blk JMS , Omiilia. w d 5-5.000. 0 II Kellog and wife et al to H A Mnttice , lot 11 , blk 1. Armstrong's 1st add , Omaha , w AH Kails and wlfo to Harry Cnry , lot 14 , blk 14. West End add. w d 5ji. ! 5. 0 T Taylor and wlfo'to S 15 Cliapln , lol 10 , blk ! > , .Jerome nark , In Paddock's biiD of blk 12 , Smith's add , w d S'V-SO. C T Taylor and wife to S B Chapiii , lot 17 , bile 0 Jerome park , w d S2.C01. J C Howard ct al to U T Clirissman , lots 1 , S. blk 10 Isaac & Selduu's add , Omaha , w U53,500. . A M Clark and wife to (5 ( A Bronsonlot 20 , blk 10 , Hanscom plnce. w < l-S1l'5'i ' , ( ! eo 11 Bongs et al to A J Quackenbush , lot 20 , blk 10. Omaha View , w d-ijUS- . Ceo 11 BOURS el al to WV Lemon , lot 2 , blk 7 , Omaha View , w d $1,0-10.2 % LudwlK Harnlsli and wife to O & S AV 1 { U Co. , part lot 4 , uIU 2 , Credit Fonclur iidu , w d Andrew Smith and wife to Win Latey , lot 10 , blk B , Drake's add to Omnlrn , w d 51,200. Louisa M Melclier and liusband to Lucy A Baltis , lot 24 , Kensliuton , w d Sl.SOO. Tlioums A Creiu'h and \\lto to.Iolm A MI1- roy , lot 17 , blk i ! , Kverett place , Omaha , w d ( Terrence Brady to Edward Phelan. lot 10 , Tuitlo's sub ot no so fi-lMU , w (1 ( 53.500. James W SavaKoand wife to Jane H Hospc , part of lot 4 , blk 250 , Omaha , w d-54,000. , A Now and Nint Trick. Chicago Herald : "Saw n now trick out in Iowa the oilier day , " said a traveling man. " 1 was slopping at a little station on tlio Northwestern , and the hotel was close to the railroad track. Tlio through passenger trains don't stop there. In tlio party sitting outside alter dinner was a man who had a line gold watch , with a case of extraordinary weight , Ho said it was the heaviest watch ease inude , and the strongest. " 'Thoro is a funny tiling about tnis witch of mine , ' ho .said ; 'it ' is strong that 1 can put it on the railroad track and let a train .11111 over it and it will not bo dam aged in the Icnst. ' " 'Hight on Iho rail ? ' queried one of the party. " 'Yes. I'll ' place it right on the top of the rails , whom the wheels run , and it won't bo hurt a particle. ' " 'Bet you the cigats you dasscnt do it. , "Tho proposition was promptly ac cepted anil thu whole crowd pro.-icnt in cluded in llui payment of the wnaur , no matter who lost. In fuw minutes a train was soon approaching , when tlio owner of the watch wont out to the track , nut his timu-poaeo on Iho rail and ( fieri walked back to iho hotel porch and r - sinned his c.huir as cool as a cucumber , The train came thundering on , ami iho crowd gQtuxcltud. They stood with open muulhs , and thinking what a nhamn it w : > s that an infernal fool uhonld put such a line watch on the rail * to bo .smxbhcd into Miiilhorcens. When the locomolivo struck the spot where the watch 'hail been placed the crowd groaned and fancied they could see bits or gold Hying along with the dust. But tlio owner of tlio watch sat ipilotly smoking his cigar , mill , as soon as the long train had passed , ho walked out , reached down and picked his watch up from the .iido of the nil , as perfect as it il had been in his pocket all the time. "You see , " ho said , as wo lighted fresh cigars at the oilier fellow's oxpunso , "thoro is no danger in this trick provld- J'llf yeti placet your watch near thu citgo of tiio .tail , whiro iho whuols have worn tlio face smooth , and where thu slightest dislurbatico will cause it to slide oil' in- sldutho mil , The wntch case is oval , and that leaves an opening for the air to gel under. If Iho jar of the ial ! did not CUUMI thu watch to fall oil' the press ure of the air from thu approaching train biirely would. 1 have performed that iitllo Irlck hundreds of times and never null with an accident , Onoday a fresh traveling man from St. Louis saw inn do it , and ) io at oneu dcclarc.d that that was nothing -anybody could do Unit. Shu ) went out in front of another tnun and put his watch on tiio rail. After iho train hrd bussed ho found.hU . u atoll about fory | rods Up the track. It was" about as big nb a atiucer und rs thin us a piece of ligbt ctmlbQa.rd. Ho had iiuidu the fatal mistake of putting the watch near tlio end of .1 rail and so nicely bal anced upon the top of the rail that it didn't fall off. This trick is just like any oilier you want to know how to do it. Wlmt'a In n Nntno ? Chicago Herald : "If there's anything in this world that I do like to sec , ' said a railroader , "it is an appropriate name for n railroad , What , for instance , is tiie sense In naming a little ono-horso rail road that runs from Chicago ten or fif teen miles north the Chicago , Evanston & Lake Superior rnllroad ? As : v matter of fact , very few of our western roads are properly named. Illinois Central is good , and so is Chicago & Northwestern , but Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and Chicago it Alton are not well named. The roads have outgrown the names. What has the village of Alton to do with giving dis- tiuctiveiicss to the C. & A. ? Anil of what significance tn tin : great Burlington sys tem is tlio town of Quincyf Wliat's tlio use of keeping Fort Wayne in tlio title of the Pennsylvania ? Haiti moro & Ohio is a good title , but what excuse is there for putting the word St. Louis in tlio title of a railroad company that runs no nearer St. Louis than Chicago ? Michigan Cen tral and Wisconsin Central are fairly good titles , hut , now much better Chicago & Ohio would have been for a road that runs down near thu central part of Ohio and stops than Chicago & Atlantic ? 1 go in for appropriateness , 1 do , and I hope our railway godfathers uf the future will have a betler cyu to Iho proprieties in se lecting names. ' All kinks of .lob Printing , Omaha Lithographing- Stationery Co. Gominc ! Snvo Your Monoy. Take a pair of scissors , cut this out , read and keep it until Friday , November 5 , at 2 o'clock. The immense four-story building , No. 1118 Farnam.street , Omaha , Nob. , has been hired for six days for tlio purpose of disposing of thrco enormous consolidated bankrupt slocks of line tailor-made winter clothing : also tin ; stock of n wnoicsalo hat and furnishing goods house. This immense stock , from three wholesale houses that failed in New York city , Jias been consolidated for one grand sale. The store is now closed to arrange for this gi gantic bankrupt sale. The store will bo opened on Friday , November C , nt 3 o'clock , when sale will commence. Tlio managers roali/.o it is impossible lo close out such a tremendous lol of goods in so short a time unless they give extraordi nary inducements. Consequentlyevery thing will bo ofi'orcd at retail -15 per cent loss than actual manufacturer's cost , as the entire stoek must bo closed out in six days it 1118 Farnam street , Omaha. Now read , and remember that this is no hum bug , unit tlio only reason the goods are otl'ered at such a great slaughter in prices is because the money must oo reali/.ed in six days. Men's line boaverovercoats , $2.05. war ranted worth $19 , or money refunded. This overcoat is made of heavy beaver clolh , well lined and trimmed and latest stylo. If you or anyone else do not con sider this a big bargain , return it anil get your money back. Also a largo line of medium and heavy-weight overcoats , ex tra line Duality , silk or satin lined , and 1OJ ! diilerent other styles of ovetcoats equally cheap. A good suit of men's win ter clothes , $ 'J.C5. This suit is made of heavy dark cloth , coat- , pants and vest all to match , cut in the latest fashion , is ex tra handsome , anil guaranteed worth $ li ! or money returned. Also line all-wool cas- si mere and corkscrew suits , silk und satin lined , and over 1,000 kinds of suits we cannot mention hero. Men's extra fine hats , 00 cents , latest style and positively wortli $3 , or money returned. Men's woolen jackets , 05 cents , wortli ? 2.-'ij. Extra line undershirts , 43 cents , guaranteed - , teed worth $3 , or money returned , and 5,000 different other goods at equally low prices. Call and examine tlio goods and you will see for yourself that everything is sold al great sacrifice , exactly as rep resented. Remember , this great bank rupt sale commences Friday , November fi , at 2 o'clock , at 1118 Farnam street , Omaha , No goods sold until Friday , No vember 5 , at a o'clock. Dexter L. Thomas has laid out an addi tion to the city of Omalia named Slits- code , and wo notice that the streets are properly named Hocco , Lorenzo , Bettina , Pippo and Frederick , and that the same is on the Bolt Hallway and at a point where the Omaha Northern H. H. promises fairly to make a junction with the Belt Line , and lots only 100 to $200 , wo think the location well named and that tlie purchasers will have a Maseott , as the indications point the lots to be wortli from $500 to $800 soon. These lots are to bo sold on contract , 20 per cent cash , balance $5 per month. Apply to Dexter L. Thomas , Room 8 Creighton Block. YAUX SAM3. For : $ Days Only. NOV.iTII , 5TII AND CTII. QUAI.ITV iMvorni ! : > Kra > iirns fids , including AIL COLONS , also IILACK and WIIITH. Those Zephyrs are not any "job lot'1 bought for the occasion , but are strictly first-class in every particular and are warranted full weight. 1 lot worsted Crowds 1 cent per skein , or 10 cts per dozen , SAXOXV YAUX lOc rr.u SKKI.V. SAX- OX v YA X IX HALLS. ALL JIHAD V FOK LJ.SI : , 150 , WOHTH 25c. FULL WKICJHT tiiu- : MAXTOWX YAUX , 8 SKKIXS to the .pound , Tic i'KK SKIIX : or ? i'iu : rouxu. Fairy Zephyr 20o per skein , $1.75 per pound. A largo assortment of Imuorted Sax- onyri , Shetland wools , Shetland ( loss , Persian zephyr , Spanish yarn , Gorman Knitting , Seoteh yarn , Midnight ( lormau- town , Columbia tiormantown , Eider down wool , Angora wool. ilusl received , new designs in stamped toilet sots , consisting of four pieces. Prices for the next it days ; no longer time. Orders by mail attended withcaro and dispatch. C. 11. PATCH Co. . l.r > 17 Douglas St. For Sain , ! C2xlfl2 , corner I.eavonwortli1 ! td ! ) St. , with 10 room house and barn , $8,500 , , very easy terms , OC\1 10 on South HHIi st. , with stores , $1,000 , , half cash.1 00.\8S , n. w. cor. 23d and Cuming , two stores and two small houses , $11,000. , OflxUW , H. o. cor. 2ld ! and Cuniing , thrco houses , * M.OOO. 22xlW ! , Cuming bet. 17th and 18th sts. , with house , ? ! | ,700. 3313:3 : , Faruarn bet. 20th and 31st sts. , $5,000. One ncre , No , 3 block 10 West Omaha , very line. $5.700. Three lois Ulxlll.'i each , in Doneeken's adit. , wo nice , $050 each. 15 lots on it I si bt. bet , Farnam and Lejaven worth , f 1,800 , each. Two lots and Id-room house and barn , Jackson and lilst st. , spl/O' ) ; terms , $500 dov.n balance to suit purchaser. C. K. MAVXE , ir > Ui and Farnam. Soup-ltiiliblc Social. At the Y. M. C. A. hall in Williams' block , corner Fifteenth und Dodge , Thursday evening , November -1th , for the benefit of thu Buckingham Homo. Muslo by thn best talent in the city , lee cream mid caUo served. Admission freu. Do You Intend to purchase u heater this fall ? If sq examine \ vl ! tUo "Acorn" base burner which is acknowledged to bo the strongest as well us the JuiudsomoKt i > ate burner on the market , bold by John llusolo , 8407 Ci " --k FALCONER'S ' GRAND DISPLAY Magnificent Openingnf tie Season at tin Mammoth Dry Goods Store. CROWDS OF PEOPLE PRESENT Arranged ( o IMonso tin Tnsto of the Mont Kastlillons llaro Anil C < intl3" I-'rtbrlcs K.xlilbltcd , Falconer's great dry goods store wa ; crowded with people last evening , the occasion being tlio grand opening of tin season , with u magnificent display. Lout before tlio doors were opened the side walks in front were crowded with people wrapt in admiration at the exhibit made in the show windows , which had beet transformed with selections from tlu fliH-st goods in the store , consisting of nil tlio latest cllccts in dress goods , evening silks , erocades , stripes , laees , funs , fin trimmings , novelty dress goods am ! books. The cxpiession wns general thai the show window display was the tines : over nnulo in this city. At 7:1)0 : ) the doon were thrown open and before 8 o'clock tlio store was thronged with citi/.cns whc had come to pay their complimonls tc the merchant prince of Omaha by in speeting the most complete , clocant ami largest stoek of dry goods and noveltiej ever bhown in this city , or outside of Ne\v York. On entering the store to the left is tin silk and dress goods department , eon sisting of a complete line of .silks , satins , brocaded goods , with their imported triinminjrs in passemontairc , etc. The counters and shelves on each side of thi * department were tilled with combination milts , embroidered roues , specialties in French meltons , evening similes , cash' meres , albatros cloth , crape cloths , French inosellen cloths and special im portations of line goods , no two nliko. Kntcring the store at the right of thn first entrance is the fur department. There is not an exclusive fur house in thn country carrying a liner line of fur wraps and fur trimminirs than there is in this department at Falconer's. The stoek of Indies' and children's underwear is very largo and as shown consisted of all the lincst makes in the line , besides direct importations of line knit and silk goods. Between the two entrances to the store , in show cases on counters and shelves , is as fujl and complete a. stock of gents' furnishing goods as is carried by any ex- ejusivo gents' furnishing house in the city , consisting of the finest mabes of plain and dress shirts , collars , cull's and neckwear. In fact nothing seems to have been ovcrlooaed in stocking such a large and general store , even the wants of the people Doing supplied by some thing new in connection with dry goods , consisting of a book and stationery de partment , stocked with the latest and standard novels and general literature. Hovond is the linen , llnnncl and blanket dcdartinont , consisting of the linest importations of linen , John S. Brown and Win. Liddell & Co.'s makes , insets , of cloths , with napkins , especially imported by Falconer , and a line of goods whicb it is his special pride to carry. There has been a long-felt necessity in Omaha , especially with the dry goods houses , for an exclusive and large dress making establishment or department ad jutant to general dry goods. For years it is a faot that fine trade in this line has been compelled to. Kto other places , like Kansas City , Chicago nnd even Now York for line dross-making , rather than pay the cxhorbitant prices and accept the jjoor work generally done in dress making in this city. After much consid eration and to meet the demands of his large trarte in line dress goods , it is a credit to N. H. Falconer , that , with his customary enterprise , lie has recently added , at a largo expense , a mantua- inaking department , necessitating a com plete refitting of the second lloor of the store , niaking thereby an exclusive dress making department. Mr. Falconer has secured the services of Aladamo Tierney , of Chicago , who will have special direc tion and charge , with twenty expert as sistants of Mantua ranking. It is need less to say that this department was a great attraction for the ladies hist oven- ing. ing.In connection with this department is the cloak find shawl department , with Mr. J. II. McCarthy , of New York , in charge. In this line Falconer has the larcest stock in the city. The basement has been entirely refitted , and tilled with an immense stoek of bric- a-brac , candlesticks , inkstands , match- safes , placques , in bronze and painted , qisqiio work , children's toys of all kinks , music boxes , Japanese lacquered work , plush dressing cases , manicure , perfume cases , and gents toilet cases. An elegant line of imported Swiss goods , hand- carved , dolls of all kinks , dressed and undressed , from the lovely wax to the china-face and rubber. In willow ware goods there in a complete line , in baby baskets , scrat ) work , knitting and nearly every kind nindo. Uusincss was entirely suspended in the store last evening , } he order being given that no goods were to he .sold , the entire attention of the largo force of clerks , being directed in receiving , welcoming and showing the immoiiho stoek to the throng that attended the opening. The opening will bo continued this evening : Pollen PnlntH. Jiidiro Sonberg had thirty-six election drunks nnd disturbers of the peace to dispose of yesterday morning. Thirty of this number were discharged. One man was lined $10 , and one $5 nnd costs , Lewis Davis , Jliiirh McManiis , John Itonson and James Dessart , a quartette of ilrinker.s , each one of whom was on the verge of delirium tremuns , were bent up to the county jail for ten ( lavs. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o puiity , strength and xvholesomencis. Mor economical than the ordinary kin < Js an cannot be sold in competition will ) the null litude of lo\y test , short we ; ; ht luin o phosphate pond-re. Sold .only in cans Upval Ha < iu.r Powder Co. , ' 109 Wall 3t ' ° Y' Daily received for or if/i nattily low prices , by THE XE MS It ASK A djOTIlJLNGl CO. , has ically surpassed their own e.ypect.ntirms. And they hey to assure the public oj their determination to preserve that rep utation nnsullied. In addition to what was mentioned in last issue rcnaritiny Ihcir spe cial sale of medium priced OvercoatN , Jcn Jfachets and Vests , of which they still have a quantity on hand , llwt/ hare reinforced that depart incnt with new and special style * . , and ojfcr the MUHC < ts fMlbitw : ISnr- linyton & JStJriflun Kersey Overcaati * , trimmed tt-iUi wrfc'ii tilecre / / - ingsfor $15.80 ; regular jpriccs 6/7 other dealers. . # 22.50. JPiste C/iin- cliilltttt and ZSIyaiantt in fashionable shade * , satin lined all through with silk velvet collars , for $3O : regular price by other dealers $ . 'W Montagnac.Bear eras , richly trimmed with satin , a novelty of the season for $ 0 ; sold by Chicago houses for $ 2. The mcntion/iug of the above beautiful gar met its at those prices , -is to convince tlw public that extremely low prices prevail throughout their entire stocJt. And it should be borne in mind that evert/ article sold , is guaranteed to be exactly as represented or the money will be refunded All goods at strictly one price at Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omalia. LIGHTEST RDNNING , Simplest in Construction , And NOISELESS en va em TO HAXDLK Union Sewing Machine , OVEB 1,000,000 IN USE. Address for particulars , UNION MANUFACTURING CO. , 120 \ . Kith SI- Omaha , \c : > raiUu Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found al any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates Vor cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , sacs a. t307 ARNAM CTFIECT HO W TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. JS'O llLAXJCSf 2 > JtIJCX OJV1' . ' Jln-i'ff I'm r aw a Million cil. A nwtwlnu Ei'tn'H dlimtli * With a first payment of only $3 , you can acquire m ICpropean Government Honils , which not only guarantee a safu investment ol capital , as , at the worst thu invested money must pe paid back , but also offers the ojip Jitunity to make a fortune by win- nine a bi } { prize. ONLY .f2 . . REQUIRED . lo . buy . r a Royal . i Italian. . 100 francs i-- gold . bowl. J h R . b nds for | 30 , in monthly installment i > f $ ' . ' or for ca > > h at if.1.1 ; , as , long as our plv lasts. beicnt by r.- is'-cici' letters , money nrtk'is , or by e < ijiressniil ( In 'return we will forward the bond. The next dm .ting \ > M take plnr. ; on No\c > n- berSOth. For further information apply to , JlruMS H'.NKIS-I. Co , Hroadvny , New York. N. H , These bonds arc not lottery tickets , auJ it ' < i by la > v iie milted to be sold. G RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Sllyer A- 'J'ho largest stock , IVices tliu lp\vest , ltpj > . : imn y. Ah wu.t. r.i-4.tiil- cd. Uorucr Douglas tvnd l&tU streets , in all Towns in NEBRASKA AND WESTER GRflAS-iA . Capitol Avenue. ran TKK TnrATMrvr nr * ( .L Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoMENArrtY. Proprietor. bmc ii ji'.irn' lliisullal uinl I'rlvutu 1-rniUco Wohayo lliu f.itllitlc , r | > | 3 iu nnil rcnrnllri tft lti eucce fill Irt'tilincntofuvcry ( mm of fits i n e ri'iiurln cither innlii-il or mirftli'/il Irrnluinil , uiul hit i In nli locninonnd Iny ntlr.t/ ; > r tlicpinrUM ir correspond nllli IIH l.dif , ' t'vicrlcur | in lien I. In ; ; fares liy Idler i liable * us M Heal inauy cnsci ic'viiliOi ' jify niUiout i" 0111.1 thorn wiirru roit niiou.Aii on ncformiti uni liractf , Cliili Vtft , I'lirmlutM of tlio Bpino Ili riii : or "Vduni , I'ilcit , Tuinnr * . Cnmcjf , I'atarrh , Itronclillic. luhslutinn , Klcclrlrlljr , I'r.rni- > rl > , I.'iiilrtiBy , Kidney , iji : , Kar , HUii , Illoutl und ii'l ' nirnlcnl operation" . liiilli'rlrK , Inlmlrr * . Ilrnrri , Trunsrt , Mid nil Urn ! * tit Medical rm ) ijuriical A | > > ) ! laiccv ) , : iai.- : ufii'tnricl nml for ! Iho only reliable i.lcdlcnl Intliluts malting Private , Special SUiorvous Disease r A KI'l.i IAI.TV. AM. , ros'TAM'TH AMI ii.oon ; , from nlintvti'rcniiMi nrmliitiil fiiccr fiily ! trr.Mrt' Wo c'lii rcmifvu K/iihiliUo j.uito i from Itie nyilisn uitlioui iiicinir- . New rfilnrn : ( o treatment for \ < -ri ofltftl ntiwcr AM , L'OMMt'Nir.vriONS ( o/Jl'IDCS DAI Cnl and cnnsiill us nr tend nimu ami iioit-nfjli g wJrt ! plotnljrlilcn ciiciui < a plump , untl emil mil Ru'iil ) 'o < i , tu pliln uraniKT , ntir PRIVATE 'CIRCULAR TO MEN vrat rjuvATii , Mrrui , * M > NLIIU.UII DisiiihtH , StH.NAt , Vi'r * K N r t , Nrci'.ujiToitiiiiixt , luroikA. i'T , HvriiiiK , iios .ni.iiiKt , ( Jir.Kr , , Hii'.ie-riiitf : , AMII AIT iiinnn'KK nr TUB GKNITO- UrniAiiV Dr.oAM , cr tcnit lilitiitjr of i.j'.ir caic for nil opliilnn IVIKJIM uiiAlila 1 1 > l ll UB mnt treated nt tlirlr liQincf Mrdu-nirs mid Iniun- , by edrrcrp'xutuni ' v - inenlH rnt br mull nr ejir | < mlji | ; l/t"lV / ! I'Al K- ) : t ) riiUM OlIMI.ItVATJH I. n. < nurkj f > Inillcatu omtenl * or ccn-Ur. One prrimiui lutrrtlcw | irc fcireil If conicnlrnl i'it. ( ro'm.i for Urn n-coin moilatlnn of jiatiLtilK ! nail uttunilaiuu r. ( | nlci Ailclrt'ii nil I.clti'ra lo Omaha Medical and Surgical institute. Cor. 1 ? th SI. mil Caoilol Avf. . OMAHA. IUn P. BOYER & CO , in.AI.LKSIN and Jail 10CQ 1 unuun Street ,''ia ' , Neb.