Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements andorlbls ho < d , lo cent * per
line lor the first In'oition.T cents for cnoh sub-
ecqucnt ln ortlon. mid (1.50 n line per month
No advertisement taken tot Icssthnn SficrnU
for tlio llret Insertion. Pcn words will be
counted In tlio line ; they must run consecu
tively nnil mutt bo pnld In ndv.mcc. All adver
tisements must bo linndcd In before 2 o'clotk
p. m , . tind under no clrcum tnncc will thcj be
Ukcn or discontinued liy telephone.
Turtles iidvcrt.Hng In those columns 'nd Inv-
Ing Iho nnswors uJdreSscd In cnro of THE Her.
will ulf-Mo nsk for achPck loanable them to get
their letters. HS none will bo dollrorcil except
on presentation ol check. All answers to ad
vert < Kpmentshon1d bo enclosed lnpnvplot > p .
GI'UHOKNT money to loan ; easy terms. W.
M. Hnrrls , HoomS , rronrorlllk. , opp. P. 0.
411 Doc 2
Ox7Y"TO LOA > At low rules , on good
city property. Ilnlcber.VCo.l2IB Douglas
rt > NKVto1oanon city and farm property ,
M' low rates , Stewart & Co. , Houtn .1 , Iron
Ilnnk ? *
MONRYTO I.OAN-At toimnnnbUtntcl , on
furniture , line wntchos nnd otlinr personal
property. C.J. Ciuwoll , room lu Iron Hunk
Ijulldlntf , 12lh nnd Fiiriiniii. J. ° ' _
$ ; no.OOO to lotn. Hums ItM nnd upwards ,
Lonot rntos. llomls , IJth nnd UoiiKliu me.
_ vU7
' "
o'NKV TO OANV. ( . Davis k Co. Itcal
M Estate nnd Loan Agents IWiKarnnm St.
_ _ _ U3 _
MOMJV I ( I LOAN on real estate mid chat
tel * . ' I ) l 'lliomns. _ , 'l _
MONKV'to itupst If you Imvo ( rood notes to
fell cnll on J. II. I'arrotto , ICth nnd Chi-
CHKO. _ _ _ .WO _
Mi KV 10 LOAN In films of JAO 0 nnd
II pu ni ds on flrst class real ostnto security.
PoUrr A Cobli. I5K Hnrniim at. IUO
_ _
MONB\rtoloiTn on ihiittoT"nnd real estate ;
tulr rnte Interest- . H. 1'nrrotle , 10th ami
Clilcnuo. _ _ 4'M
IV you want money on any need wurlly ,
inch us chattels , niorlcratr'tfl , ne otlabli ) pa
pers or ollicrwlse , eull nt 15l2rnrnnm Bt , ronmS.
OSKY I.OA.Vii : > ntC R Iteoil &Co'n.Loan
( illles , on furniture , pianos , horpes.wittrons ,
pcismml property of all kinds , nnd all other nr-
llck'8 of value , without removal. ! 11U a nth ,
o\or Itlimlimit's CdiiimlcHloM store. All bust *
nessHtrletly iMtiIlentlal. ( ! DM _ _
MONHV to loan nt HtrnlKht 8 per lentNo
commission , llnmmond Iltos , room ! t. IKES
< CriOOXW ( ToJoaiionOmalm city property nt ( I
P percent , 0. W. Day.over 1IU DouRlflsut.
L OAN8 Loans Loans.
Itcnl estate loans.
I/iiiRtlino lonns.
Short tlmo lonns.
Money alnays on hnnd to lonn on nny ap
proved security.
Investment securities boiiKbt nnd cold.
Cnll nttho olllco of the Omaha I'lnnnclal tx
chiinpe , second tlonrof the Marker blockrs. w.
cor. ol I'lftpoiilli and rariiam sts.
_ C < iilitt ) Mamuier. _ 012 _
C l-ioit CIN : r .Money to onn. J. J. Mahonpy ,
1WJ 1 arnam. _ _ 'H
6 run CENT money to luan. It. 0 J'utlor on ,
l.lthand DoiiKlaB. _ IB _
MONIJVlo loan by tlHriindorsl ned , who has
the only proporlv mvnnUoil loan nffcncy
In Omaha Lonn of f 10 to f 1,000 made on fur
niture , pianos , ortrans. horses , wnRons. machin
ery , Aa , without romovnl No delays. All
business Ptrlctly confidential Lonnn so made
that nny pnrt can bo paid nt any time , eneh pny-
ment rndueliiR tlio cost pi-o rntn. Advonces
made on nno wntches nnd diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are deixllnor
with , na mnny now concerns nro dnlly comlmr
Into oxlstcnco. Should you need money , cnll
and see me. W. H. Croft , KOOID 4 , Wltlinell
IlulldlnK , 15th nnd Hnrney. ' ' -0
TTlOIt SAI/H Host iHijInir Lunuh Counlivrnnd
J- Chop House In the City. Hood reasons lor
Bollliijr. C. L. Hnnchott , iU4 : Douglas.
409 4 *
FOHSALK Olt ItllNl'-Tbo dub noiiso bar
llxturen , snmplo room , lunch counter , etc. ,
for ri'iuonnble pi leu. Call at the place In hoiith
Omaha slock yiiids. C. C. llunloy. 4571
Foil SAM : Furniture and le.iso of hotel.
Address , llidui House , Htiomsburir. Neb.
_ , _ ; _ 11,1 a * _
T7Klt SALK A lostnurnut ilomir irnod busl-
K ness. Inquire of IMwlnDavH , 15UJ I'lirtiiini
st t'j-J
FOKSAr.K The Hammond Machine works ,
J3.SOO ; small cii-b pnyment , balance easy
terms. J. V. Hniiunond , HTbouth 16thA > >
TfOU 8ALI1 A meat mm ker , with tools nnd n
X1 uood tinde , III n live town In the state of
NobniHkii. Call or address 'Nnrodm I.lstv , "
1IJ3 3. lUlhst .Omaha. 241 3 *
Foil SAMC j 1,000 to ? : > ,00) will buy one of
thobcst pay Intr hotels In this city , mnklnir
nioni'V fnst : best of reasons for sellliuf If > oit
mean business nnd have the money nddiena or
apply to C. K. Lon , I20T Ftirnnm st. _ _ 148
Foil BAm-Hn/dwnro Uusmons Wo offer
our shelf nnd heavy bnrdwaro business for
late , toiothor with our lease nnd uood will
'lnum largest In HIP cltv and location the best.
lletlrlojr from the business cause lor soiling-
The Ilaiim Iliudwure Co. , 1028 0 St. , Lincoln.
_ | _ 787 _ _
TTltHl SAMC All furnished commercial liotol
J"H rooms , nlso sample room , livery barn ,
wind mill ; only liotol In town. Ilrndshnw Neb
M. F. Hotchklss. 700 n8 ! *
TTloitSAl.K ur trade lor Omann property.
J- The liestliKMitfd livery business , with stock
In the city. Lonir lensn of burn at cheap rent.
Mnyno Uroa.,15111 Knrnnin 022
H f.ots.Fnrms.Lands money loaned ,
nemls , lr > th and UoiiRlas streets. 018
rpAKF.N DP Oct. Sonodurlt ) rod bolfur rnlf ,
-L bothenrscrojitxid. Inquire at 11 'Inllj'n
Kast Urovo Bt. , 2 blocks north of Lonv enwortli
Novuo : *
TTIOUNI ) Ai OiTcnwTwItlj vv nlto spots on fTire"
JL ! houil. Apply ( larilon Casslus and 2Hth bts ,
LIVK NTOCIt Auction IStablos , 2.S05 Cum
ing street. The best facilities fo
JiuimllnK and belling at auction , Horuoii , mule
and llvo stock , also i arrlaaes , cart a , livery nm
liorsc iupplles , west of Chicago. Sale days ,
Ilondiiys , Woilne9dnS and Saturdays , flrown
WlnspeiiriCauter. Telephone No .Wl.2in
2in N t
1,081' A small bl ok i ) tknt diary , containing
a check for tlvo dollars , and papers ol IK
viiluo only to owner. Flndor ple.ise luavo n
this ollice.
LOST Oil STOI.I'.V-From 107 8. I0th street
nilack | < onyblbid In both u > es amljiin
feet wliltci. iiwiird for return. 44S-.J *
" $ fi.oo HKWAHI > Tor thn return of Hut Irlsl
Seller 0 months old bitch. Answers to mini
of Nellie Tax tag N'o.w \ , also nddicas on col
I ir. Ho I urn to 2507 Pierce. 4.11 il'
IOST A pair pants , not nuido up , taken bj
J mistakeIroni H Nelson * Co 's grocer
Btorn. Please return to P. J , Ksiutfo and go
reward of 15 00. r4I83 *
JORT $10.00"reward and nn questions a < ko
J fortlie rctiuti ot a lady's jelljw sutclie
containing pnperx.pocKctboolc , ring , keys an
a J.liiiild plcco with inltlil II eintrnvfd !
HI hat. - , 42.1 V
LObT 2 notes and Mottirnjre sl/ued by I'red
Armbrust In fnvor of Win Moronoy , i
Omnlia Xutl bank. Kuturn to llco olllcu an
ul return. ItA ) 0
LOST Oil. 23 , luige cow. fat , gray bin ash
coNir , 7 > < arsi old with calf , Itowird for re
turning lo u o cnr Davenport nnd 2ith. ) U10 3 *
TOST-I.adv'n Biiiull go'il watch with mono-
Ju-nun M I. W. on back. I'ladur please lonve
at I Ins ollice. : ) I5
Clairvoyant ,
TVI ADAM ALASKA rovcnU past proSBiit nnd
-I'J Innire , liovr inuny In family , nifo , etc , , how
lo bold Hflttt'tionsof husband or lover , bntis-
facilon ifUBiimteed , ! ! 3 cunt * aim upwards. 613
f. ll'ili t' l
_ ) : , , - who labor Bhould see our
Dtrougand durable utu ut ( a iioaudwariu
TInter overcoats lit IJ.OO.o can suvo you
mono ) on all gradus of clothing , L. O. Jonej
& Co. . IUOU Km nuui 61. , llffn of iho Mai ; . 4.'l-7
rpKl < i-OXAL MUs A. Ultihneran , profoMloiiHl
X iii.riu with Kood rocommeudiulons. HIT
noulli l-tth meet , Jd floor , room Ho. ft , over
Uormun'a diy K'ooiU stiirti.
IISON.VL Weak , uud vdlo | > od parti of tha
body enlarged aiul troiitftliened. Podltlvu
proof , full partlculard , etc. . mulled | o plain en-
rrlou iK < MloJ for itamp. Addrets Brio Me < | | -
ciulCo..7Swiu _ u. UuBilo , N. Y. S03 n .t'
PKllsir > NAL-Jlr 7 Dr. Nannio V.V rroa
clairvoyant. Uivlfcal aod buitniii Medium
Uoom Ka. 8 , m .N'ortU l t > > it , Ouiali * . > * b.
HAVl ! some ftifrrts nnd wild Irttids to trade
lor llorvr-s , Cnttlo , Dry Ooo < ls , Clothing , or
Hardware Thc e lands nfo ilpftlrnMe. and wull
lociitod In Npbra K . Knri s . and Colorado , J.
II , Parnittc , loth and Chicago ,
W 5
H O LI7T A Job brick work T. Murray.
1 270
urilOOL OP STP.NOOUAPHVnnd typo-writ-
O Ing , Kooms 7 nnd 8 , Iron Hank. 11.W. linker.
tK)2 ) N 24
3 per montn , Ho po ,
"I AlllS ) ! Wishing for goodiiomstlce help can
Jjnc supplied nt short notice nl tlio Otnuhiv
employment llurcnu , 11V North lth St. ,
CroiiiiM ) block. 4M
TTTOHTIl.Uii : On a lot , a superior upright
JL ? piano. 2219 Calif01 nla et. 412-5 *
lilOlt n.VCHANdtt A" clean stock of clothing
- for city properly or Nebraska lauds. Ad-
rcss.l. .M. D.,320 N. l lh St. , Omitin 41S 1
TmoifKH.Nt s < | jaro I'lnoo * J montnir. A
J-1 Hospe. 1M1 Iwutfns. B37
i > ll ItliNT Pnimre Piano , fl monthly.
Hosi'O ' 1513 DoilKla * . U.7
tiHNKS , Hose"limbsetc. , planted rreo for
potions buying of' Do-iglas Co. Nurseries
10. Howard. I'rntx. P. O. box'"JO. M7-nl2 *
volt KKN1 Lnrco clpun towels , chonp.
Omaha Towel Co , ISI7 llownrd st
jiOH SALK-Tcam ot horses , Schloslngpr
-1 Ilros ,0143. lOthsU 45'J3
FOIl HATiK irprlifht pmno nnd household
fitrnlturu.nt ( U N. ICth st. 4726 *
"TJ10I5 PAMI A bnso burner nnd cook stove ,
JL'uheup Appl ) s w. cor. 23th nnd Charles.
7MK 8AIr-A Mno llnmnlntonlan stnlllnn ;
1 ceiitlo nnd kind , chonp. Schloslngur llros.
noit HAl.i : Hocla HontlnsBtovi ; , 310 N15th.
FOH SAUI-Fovernl thousand yards of dirt.
Dirt clicnp. Imiulio ot S N. Uustln , cor.
Z8th and Chnrles st , : i7 3 *
roil.SVM-Ono : Rood work horse 3. N
pustln,2U4llnmlltonst. m-V
[ JIOH SAliU Phaeton bugeyone top
t ? cheap , A. Hospo Itt3l
ixils I armsLands money loaned.
Hernia IMli ami Doinrla-tstrootn. 1107
1OK SrK Larito tire nnd buiglnr proof
1 safe , cost $ V > 0. Soil forJ50 , J.V. . Meir-
hnll , IWJFnrnamst. 700
Foil HAt.i : Pin nituro Midi en < n ol six-room
hoiiM ) , time on pmt. Cnll 120 ! North ! i7th
Ireul.two blocks fromjlod Car HUP. 8KI
Foil SALK Cnoup , iroutoiumns anil win-
ilow cnps siiltnblq for front on brick build-
! lir. Foriinrtloulftraanplv nr tlilaomro. BIT
"XA ANl'IID ( llil lorgpiiernl lieu oworlc. H11
' North IHth street , between Clark nnd 1H 5 *
L'ANTi : ! ) t-evviiig Klrl. 110.'fTlnck < on it
> 4(1.13
W AVrr.D-Otrl for siunll family : 1414 N
nth st. 450 4
rANTUD ( Jooil coo'c ' washer and iionerat
202 N 18th St. 410 5
_ . _ _
WANTI3l0rl | for ircneril house iwoik
Mrs H. S- Smith , U-JO < Cnllfornia st
410 3
WANTI'lnod ! ) cook ; references required.
In.lliro 23)i ) ) Capitol live , 4ut ii *
WANTUIJ Lady room mate. Itoforonccs
c-xclmiitfed 1403 Chlun n slteet. 404
\T'ANTKn- /in experienced cook nt ! U ( I'ntk
T > avenue. ! lfJ .1
TfTAIN ri'.Tj-cTuTmTermiild at9TsioiTtina
ASTKI ) A dish n9lier nt Jllllor's Hpstaur-
ant , 1001 N ICtli st. 402
WANTii > AJOUIIK lidy with uood recom-
nonclatlons to work In store. Imiulro at
IT.MIlOilKO , 4T4 4
WANTKU Olrl for uoncral hoilsoworir , 1417
Cass street. No Swede need apply.
20 > n *
_ _ _
\\rANTi : A seed Klrl for renernl house
' work In famll.v ot two Ttoferoncos ID
quired. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Annln , 1405 Shor-
nuin nvc , bead of Clink street aJ5 :
WANTUO eooil dlnlmr T < ) om RlrU ut the
I'aphllnn houso. Wngcs $3 per tveelc.
1'npllllon , Nob. 274-1
Lndy of line taste to n slst In
cnpylnir business , eim work at home It
piefcrrod : permanent work , greed pay. noser-
Mints wanted. Hours 10 to B. Art Copjinvr
Itopms.JiSN lfitli st. _ -eiL.
VVTAMTUlJ Olrlforpencrnl bonxowork. A.
fT II. Mnyno , s ocor. " 1st nnd Wobstur.
W ANTKD A cook for small family , Inoniro
W(5 ( south Uth St. 619
WANTKD A Bood Porter , 802 South 10 ft
Hoard at home. 470 5 *
WANTIIO llnrber. I want a jrood bnrbor
nt once ; with steady omplojmont. Telo-
libono i eply or write immediately. A. K Lar-
HOII , Noitli Hand , Neb. 4 U 5
WANTED A Rood honorable man with * WD
ca' pnr/ner / ; can make from f5 ! to
f20 per day to ov orseo aironts nnd sell gooda In
this state. Address , b J2 , Uco ollice.
\\7"ANTiD : Ac-live , onorgotlo agents to In-
TT trodnco the most rapid soiling articles in
existencePiotltslnrgo $5 00 per day and up
wards easily made. U L. Thompson , Mfr. . 'ii'
5th avo. , Chicago. 311 6 *
WAM1JU Kxperionced composition roof
ers , by Hiihn , Hlioads .t Co. , nsphnlt am
composition roofers , 18th and I'lurco streets.
WAN'II'I > Aolorkand olllco man In grain
provisions und stock brokers otllco. Must
bu uell and favorably known uinoimOmnha
business men. flood salary and splendid op
portiinlty to right man. Addicss , v\lth reference
once , 810 , Uoo offlco. 21/J-J
An ( > odlndu trlou8 boy with tnlr
cduuntlon , about 14. Addr sa In own handwriting -
writing , Blvliif references , W P. U , 1013 slltb _ )
"tirANTUD Hook agents , O'Neill & Co , pub-
VY ilalicis and general agents for subscription
books , box 40 ! ) , Omaha Nob. U-.l n H
\I7"ANTRn Installment ranvHSnors to call at
TT W)7 ) Karniun st. and sue what wo have to
olTer. C. i : . Lee , Mimutfcr. .17
WANTKU Teainstcrs and rockmen for
Wyoming ; $2 a duy. All winter's work.
Allbrlght's Lauor Agency , 130j rurnnm at.42S
W ANTKD Aironts Christmas book now
ready Don't delay to send tor circulars
nnd terms ; outtlt So. Kiiergetlo lidics can make
IJ to 1.VK ) by Cnrlstmas day. Addles * Na
tional Librnty Asioclatlon , 103 Stuto W. . Chi-
ciipro , III. UA6
W ANTKH Ono man of good address and
ability to null gooda. Call 421 S 10th st.
,221 ,1 *
W ANTKD A flrgt-clnu bsrbar. fiood wajcfg
Address t' M , Itybuni , Fairmont. Neb.
WANXKI > A few moro agonta to introduce
our Automatic Musical [ inrument- (
InetHllments Anyoim can play tliiun without
iniuical liiHtructlon , the bejt paying , easiest
celling novelty ever known , $25 to $10 a week
san bo roalUod. O. K. Lon , Maniger , 1207 Far-
niunatieet upiitalra , 4H8
WATNKIl Hltuatfon a > Udy companion by
n lady 21 yours of uue ; undur tandi tier-
man nud KngliHii ; basil kiiowlodgo ot 1'ionch
und iiuislo. Addrtsa. S 3 } lice ollice ,
437 4
W ANTKD Situation by n > oung man ( Dane )
willing to do anything , Host of referenda.
Address a UT , llou ollico 4rJ &
WANTKIi Situation ID Commission Hoiun
by young niHU Ctiiisideinblu experlxnco
In handling buticAdUro .H J.I , llee olllcu ,
WANTED Situation us nurae or companion
by middle nod lady. No objictlun to
tiavnl. Address , b' 2tf , Heo ofllco. Mi i'
ANTKD Situation to care for horses or nj
driver. Address , tiJ , Uee ollico
_ _ _ _ J 401 4 *
V\7ATNii : > Droamnkltig to do lu private
V > fnmlllr * . Inquire of ML Jacob on. SOSJ
Ilarncy siroet. 411-7 *
VV ' A VTii : > Situation by a | rigtry cook. Ad-
drc-s diiH ll e"S KS. " 007,3 *
"V\7"AN 1'Kli-baiuitlon. by a competent cook
T > In llrst-clns * private lumily. Itcfereiices
Addros-i , B 'I , lit u otlice. U50 3 *
ftfIP < 7Kr < Tt&yEQPB WJLV7&
A TUD-200.000 y rdsofdlrt on land next
wc t of Crdahton College. Oofgj 1 Hill.
_ _ _ _
" \TANTl'.D-Good school lanil Iea. e . Addresi
IT 110X275 , Lincoln , Nob. 2J-0'
W ANTKD Correspoodonce from partle *
baring w * teru laU fur saloII. . C
Melono. Llucoin , Neb.
) tockofdry pooiK clothlngnnd
gents' furnishing goods or boots nnd
shoes In exchange1 for Omnha real ostnto.
bchloslnger tlrcn , G14 3 loth. 4JW3
WANTED-i-Hy an enerit-tlo married couple ,
no fnmlly , occupation of Miy kind of trust ,
omlnat snlnry , KoOd eJUonilon , Ages 3 !
Jngll h. Addroi * K. ( Itoomc , postolllci. Lin-
oln , Neb , 4 > ! 8 . !
U iAN I 311-60 meir tifiLnt buukvriiu rcamj
nnd maple syrup every mornlniat Norrls'
lostnurnut , loth St bet. Dodge and Douglas ,
trnlght board per wee * , ? V.M ; 21 meal tickets.
M } _ . _ _ _ J rotl.
\ \ TANtnl ) 31 Indies nnd Vcntito loirn tele-
> gniphy Prospoet irood for position when
ompntent : address W. .1. n. , Itoom 1. Crounso
_ _ 137 _
Xt'ANTRD-t'opy of compiled statutes of 1935
' with crxxl KPcond hand to.xt Ixwiks nt
room " , KedlcES blk. 7.19
\\7"ANT1'D To rent hoiKeof 4 or B rooms In
f good neighborhood. No children A J-
ic 9,83l. lice olllco. 401
PottllNTpsldonro No. 1014 Knrnnm st , .
11 room * , nil modern Improvctnonis liont ,
$7 per month , cnrpolg nnd furniture for snlo.
Apply 3. A. S lorn 'in , 1513 Farnum st , 32 ! )
ITlOlt HUNT i.Rrkro lionso with modern Im-
. provcmcntfl. rjth nnd Parnum sta. A. P
Titkcy1301 1'arniini st. D3J
_ _
FOIl HKMT House of ton rooms , with bnrn ,
15US5th t. f)7
"ITltllt Ith.NT HO acres adjoining city noith-
JL wrsf , stiltnblo for ilatry or ranrlsot ifurdnn.
Apply to Thuo. Williams , lice Olllco , "J14 Par-
m _ _ § ' ' *
OH HENT Vor n term of yp.irs , n b isntnont
nearly 40MD. airy and well lighted , wntor
and gaiti stiltabln for Ilgl.t niaiiuracturlng.
nundrr.Ptc : located on ono of the best busi
ness streets in tlm ell } , near postolllco. Ad
iross s as , lloo omco.
JPOH HUNT A house of 8 rooms , 4 closets ,
hard nnd soft water , treed nolghboituxid
ncnr business , $35 per month. Apply nt 1112
south intli st. 407
710H RUNT Five-room house , In irood order ;
- gns nnd water : excellent neighborhood :
rcntfJ.1. Addri'ssHSrf , Hc-s Ollleo. 4 rt 4
FOH HiNT-8)-ncro : ) farm , with gtiod inllld-
Iturs , near cltv : all under cultivation.
Schloslngcr llro . .iil ; S. 10thst. 4410 3
FOH HKNT Slorc , din a 10th stTlHii\ilro"of
S.Schluslm"ur , 14 S. IQtlist. _ . 4DO 3 _
) U H15.N -Storo 22\iiO , Itlfl JocTson
FOKltUNT-Slxroom house , 2ith at. , noith
of Dodge. Kmiulro J. T. Withrow , 1311
larnoy st. 71)0
FOH HUNT A small , llvo room cottage , In
good locality. Imiuiro nt 2418 Cnpitol avc.
* "
FOH HKNT Now 8-rooiil house , all modern ,
Improvements , on .Michigan St. , noith nid
Catherine at ; f 0 muiitlu L Coltrin , Oil Paik
. ' " * " *
nvc. ' }
_ . . . t
Ftnt K : ST New , B room hoiiso. City
vratcr. Two blocks from Ptrcct cars. \ > . C.
Pattcigon , Omaha Nnllonal Hatm. 4.3
I710H HKNT-r.leven room hnu o cnr'-lsl nnd
L1 Loavcnworth st. 'I wo blocks from street
car. Applyto Ilnrko > V Uaikalow. Douglnsst or
W U. Annin , Hue olllco. Ml
OIlltHXr"Iilegant 10 loom losulenco oil
Km nan , st , all modern Improvements , fur
niture and oarpot for ale ; all now ; am corn-
nulled to glvu up on account or Illness. Ad-
dt ess H 15 , Hoe olllco. fd'J
F01,1 UKNT-Storo mihnblu for llustaurant ,
ltl2Srithst. , Peterson. r > 7B
FOR HUNT HHotson the Oclt II R In Oak
Cli.ithum , Just south orth Hrtrato < n school
house. These lots aan b rented for 10 year" on
roisoiiiiblo termi. John I Itcdick. ! )71 N7
OH ItKNT 4 unfurnished rooTinsion irrouml
lloor , 2 closets , cellar , hard and soft water.
Kent reasonable. 719 N 17lh street , bet Wolt-
slor niul Hurt. 471 4 *
FOH HRNT Anowlv fuinislied room in pri
vate family , corner St. Mary'i ave and 20th
St.with or without board , llns Inrgc ball )
loom adjoining. No chaigo forhontlng. Ap-
lilywlth llrst class rofoionces to S. . ' 14 , Hen of-
llco. 4K > ! 1 *
FOH Hl'.NT-Furnislied room . 2024 Hni-
nov. 441 6 *
. .t HUNT T nicely TurnTshoiT rooms-To.
each 602 S. 18th st. 37U r >
FOIl HUNT riont olllio , second lloor ; 15th
St. , near rurnitm1 Will rent one or two
rooms. Address H , BO , Iloo odlco. 410
FOR HUNT Hooms , with first class board.
All modern conveniences. 1100 Jones si , ,
four blocks Suutn ol rarnnm. 40'i-l '
FOH KICNT A well furnished room ; bath
room on snmn tloor : nt the Capitol , Ifi'il '
nnd 1511 Knriinm stioct.d : ) floor. Imiulrn room
28. .1'IS-r '
F I Oil I113NT Funilshod rooms , 11X)8 ) Cass.
401 7 *
[ JiOH HP.NT riiriilshed front room , tftlfl Hurt.
C 400 d >
FOIl KENT Kurninhod front room. 1W4
rarinim. 101 4 *
TTIOlt HUNT 2 furnished liont rooms , at 1H4
-E Hnnioyst. 2 4
POIt HKNT Two cieganlly furnished root ;
alcove , 1015 Capitol nvo Apply at l :
"iirnam sU Upstairs. C. A. Jacobson.
131 3 *
ITuTu HUN I Nicely fiiTFiislioiF'rooiiis liiid
I ? board , 019 NlUth St. WJ 8 *
FOIl HKNT Larwo , nicely lurnlfihed front
rooms , with lionid ; use of b.ithhot and
cold wntor. liuiulroillOH. 17th. < I21.4 < '
FOH ItlCNT ruinlshcd rooms : larjo ) nlcovo
mom for two Kenllcnien ; breakfast nnd 0
o'clock llnnor if desired ; prlvalo family , mod
orulo terms S. W.coi. 21st and Hurt. 411)4 ) *
FOH HUNT Vutnlshi'il rooms foi lltfht housn
keeping , Iloumeis block , cor 8th & Howard.
HUNT Nl < ly furnished room for rue
-C or two Kontlcmcn , Hath nnd modern con
vonionc'os. 44J Convent street. 44J K *
"TT\OH \ Ili : > T Nice furiilshod rooms for rent.
J2 704 S. 1Mb slrtmt 4 7-B-
fTIOH HUNT Laura , tnruished. front room ,
JL ? foronoor two Kentleiawn. Sw. cor. I7th
nnd Jackson. 440-4
PAItTIKSiloslrlnv nicely furnished IOOIIK
with liounl , rail at Ul N. 14th street. Hay
bonrd , JJ 05 per week. 44R-S'
7.'OK HUNT ruriilshod room and board.
( X)8 ) ii 17lh St. 233 3
IPOIl ItKNT III private finnlly. lurnlshed
JL ? rooms with board at 6.W Virginia nvc.
b-M n 3'
IjHIU HKNT A nice lurtjo front chambpr.
Jnowlv furnished , has iras furnace ami
bath , Ml satth fit , near bt. Mary's nvo.
toil HENT Two largo front rooms , 1C1S
JMS.7 *
FOH HUNT After Nov. 10 , furnislied rooms
lit 318 north 15th st. 3 S 12
Foil IlKXT Nicely furnished front room at
5108outh20tli , near Ht. Mary'a avenue. B70.
plOKHKNT Furnlshoil room , 1810 Dodge. 2.1
F1 [ HUNT Nicely furnished rooms wltli
11 board , 1H13 Uodgo. 24' ) 4 *
R OOM With bounl for two , 1613 Capital nvo ,
B73 T
FOIt KENT-Part of tloor for lUlit niiiniifnc
turlng purposes. Centially located. Low
rent , 1A > 7 Fnrmun rit up stabs 4J4 ,
F iU ( IlIINT-l'iirtilslied rooms for gentle
men , at 2J25 Doogu st. U7'
Foil ItKNT 3 furnished rooms , southeast
cor. IGth und Louvcnvvorth. 22J3 *
FOH UKNT-Furnlshetl rooii lirivaio Inmlly
. .
FOH lRNT Nicely furnished nnd hentm
room suitable for two gentle men at 102
Farnam st. t4
FOHUENr-Suitoot rooms , with board , 1BU
DodKe. Ki
TrunT"uTNT : Large front room , good ofllco
-L1 location. Ii.V. . Huntress , I.T03 Furnam ,
_ ' _ _
FOIl'llENT A large front room ; also foi
lulu choupfimre ) roiowootl piano Bt liij
rarnam st.otio tilook w jt-ot coint house. 429
1T1OH KENT FuriiUhea room for ono or tw o
J. gnntlemnn : furniture new , plousunt locn
lion ; Howard it. , bot. 8th nnd tli.j south aide
_ 423 _
IflOH HENT A nicely funilsliod front room
with alcove , to gentlemen only , at No. 1811
Funuuott. 6Ui
FOHKKNT-NewlyfurnUhod room.tttl St
Mary'i are , ? J1
BURT ST. south front , U blk from ptvlntr
and street cur , 11,600. OiuUutii , CreUhtoi
block. 4UJ S
rHAVU several new splendid houses to ren
to llriit-cl 83 teuanti. T. S. tlurkbon , 'IU S
Utb t. 454 4
\\r E H AVK cotwtont loquJry for nil klndco
T > buslueii and realJenca proi > erty. Ifioi
have any property for ! tat saiuo with us.
Uro * . 6U S lOtiu
ftO f 1. ( rooil house. Park Sve , $7fjOO , firnhsra ,
* Cfolghton blk. 1 4' ' 5
Foil SALB-llySehtcsingorlTms. . .
rt. G14 sloth.
Is3 fcbt on 2Jth st. nehVrarnnm , will jell all or
> nrt.
frni-ro lots In Fornnni park , $125 per acre.
'tisy terms , This li\crydcsirablo ) ( for ganlon-
Bu'acros , improved , nlar city ; house , barn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap and onlossy terms.
LntstnSohleslngor'sad itiuntJoO to ( IJO.on
easy torins 401 3
j _
, , OMAM 1,112
O IK'.il to ,
Offprs the following ctwuvo Inv estnicnts In In
side bu lne snnd rrsidetlfopi-opeity :
Cor llth nnd Martini JHiely tinprovoit
lOJxIH . ' . ' . . $0,100
tnchsoti st. near 17th Imnrovcmonts rent
fipil per month . .f . . . . 7,200
. loth st. ncnr Hnrtmnn/wihool 40vl02 ,
. . . 3n"KW "
S. nth st no'ir Learenworth MxllO Im
proved . . . . . 3.600
20 ct. np r f t. Mnry'gavo . ,0
'or. Chic igo near 21st ttHII ! . 12.0X )
Cor. I'hlenxo ne-ir 31th t ii xl3,3 hott os a.iXK )
" Callfornlft 24th , 4xl B.3 hoilfo * . . S.'UO '
Dodge * leet , eorncr , 100\J-1 ! In grudo. , 2.8.X )
fcmulns" nearSAI , iMtll ! . TW
cor Smith st .turgaln . l. W
npnr court hoti > n,40xtU Imp. 18,0
cor. SM , flnely Improvod. . . I4,0-
Virginia nvo , 55tlW. : l-toom homo . . , 2,100
lowilM gt. nenr 10th , Improved . . . . 5,0s !
llarney st. near 20th. BOtHi ; . 7.W1
I'urnnmst. corllith.viO\lfiO , Improved. . . . 41l > M
llnrno- , neir 3tst , rlTJ . . . . 4 , < MO
Jackson st..opvi. | Uoo's new hotel , Wlx
II ! Imp . lfi,000
r.cnvcnworth cor loth , tmprovod , rent
" Scldon. 41x112 . 2 , >
2Tth st. nenr Leavonworth. 100x148 Imp 4,200
FOItHAFiR Ton acres In Kensington , the
two llnost lots In the nddltlon ndjolnlnir
Itrlghton nt only $110 per acre , easy terms. I' .
D. Tanner & Co , 1615 Howard st 4.M 4
JT 13U Douglns street
A linn corner lot , 50x132 , In P nldock Plaro , at
f'l.50J. for a few days only. This Is a bargain.
Call and see It. 411
ItAHHAINS 111 llanscom Park Lots
nl fiOJ lo fliWoach. Duarantppd to bo the
licst located nnd finest piece of groriid nonr
tlanscom Park Heelnir In bellovlnir , and It vrlll
pay jou to ridoout and see what thin addition
Is AMKS , 150J rarnam.
Gltr.OOllV & HADLBl
' Itcnl IMntonnd Hontnl Agents ,
1312 Dougbij Street.
llucliiess blocks on Pnrnam , Douglas , Dodge ,
Hartley. Cumlngand Fourteuiitli sts.
One ol the beat corners on Cumlng st ,
enst ot Saiinders , with3 eottagiM . . $ 13,000
Corner on 17th , Imp. AS.SO. add. I'.UTJJ 3000
Coineron Kith , Paddock 1'1'ico.OTxlJ2 . 3rtiJ
i room house on Uth st. near Lake , cel
lar , well , barn , oto. , lotMxlfO 4 , ' )
H-room house , Poppleton ttvo . 4.200
l-iooui house , Pojiplcton nvo 3,000 ,
5 room cottage. Locust st. . new and well
tlulshod , on monthly payments 2,500
0-roomcottnBe,27thst.cormr,6ivl20. . 3,000
4 of the finest lots In Kllby Plnee 8,000
Host lOJ\187on I'm nnm street only 1 1-2
mlles from postolllcp , flno view 7,020
Flue corner on I'nrnnm 10J\14U 7,000
Hplcndld lOOillll on Charles st 3,100
Lol50\lir > on Cnpilol nvo. near 2Gth st.
This light In town and only . . . . S/KO
Lot 51x124 on Cumlng , near Snundcrs.
( Pine bbick on ndjomlnir lot soon ) . R.300
it Is50x210 on20th st.c.iblo , uour Clmk 2M ( )
Knstfi-outlot in Hnnscom Hlnio . . . UM
Lots In Orchaid Hill to t'150 , Washington
Hqunre SI.SHO to Jl.WO PnddooK Place S2,100 in
$3,1(10 ( Hawthoinn $ R01 to $ ' ) ( ) . Omnhn View
$ HV ) to ? Kit ) Kllbv I'lnco f'VO to $1,350. Kirk-
wood. Plnlnvlovv , llodford. Walnut Hill , Cnrth-
n-eotc , ele Cnll nnd sen us before joubity
lu nny part of the city. , Telephone 814.
tircgoi-y * Hadloy 078
KOUBTi and lot near 23d and Lcnvenwortb ,
onlv ll.W ) . Knsy terms. K. D. Tunnnr Ac
Co , 1IU5 Howard st. ' 4JJ 4
S1 OtJTIl fronMot. Hurt st , bariruln nt J1.SJO.
UrHhntn , CrelKhtnn block. 403 5
MA. UPTON C'0. ,
15U3 rarmun , bavo the following Gilt
VAffo Inside Property for sale for 5 days :
aixU2 on llownrd strict , CO foot from 15th
ktreet. Kloren room hmiso. Pnvln ? nnd all
ether ftssosmonts and taxes paid , for thu ox-
trumcly low prlco or 511,500 , one-half ca h.
fiiKliU , corner 14th and Chlca'.fo streets. 3
nice cottngus , woith $15,000 lor $12,50 % one-
thiril ensh
liUx7i. cor. lOtb and DuTcnport streets , loth
street Cnlilu line will fco north or Piirnniu ;
nckiiuo ; very cheap for $ 1,000 , 2,000 cash.
132X1.12 corner 12th ojld Jones. An nwfill
Rood plecoof business properly tor&JIJ.liOU.
110.fLUon rnrunmenstotztd street. Do you
know that the largest anfl most olcKRnt retail
dry sroortsnndothnr btpwVIl ) bo on Farnam
between l th and streets insldoflf live years
Thia property will then bo worth 1,1103 to t\M }
front foot , Hcnnnowtio tioiiKlit for 123.000 ;
will sell 22 toot for 5203 per front loot.
OGxlJJ CO ft from Kir of 12th nnd .IncKson ;
Improved some. $10,000 , lj cnsli.
OlixI'Ecor nth and Jackson ; Improved some ,
$1ir,500 ; 1-3 cash.
MsUl CO foot from tor 1Kb and Hownrd.ncxt
to propei tj owned by 1'iod Amos , of Uoston ,
nnd the Illh st viaductJ1AW : SoOOO eauli.
Lot with ( i-iooni IKIIISO on 21stst , 138 feet from
St. Marj'savo , prood burn , city water , etc ; $7-
000 : ono-thlrd cnsh Look this up , It will pay
INlxlliO to 17 foot alley on 2 111 st. 121 tcet fi om
rarinim st ; will -ll44xiSor the whole forl 5
per front foot : one-third cash. No liner rcsi-
iieuro property tli. in tnH.
t'ortior. eabt front , on 10th st , neailj' opposite
new llrownell hill ; paved stieot , water nnd
SOHPT pipes lo curb line r.nd paid for. 'I his Is
Boinir to bo the most distinctively fashionable
residence portion ol the city. Hoi o is a ccrnor
lot tlmt will be worth 14 00 bofoi o 1187 la through
It can now bo bought tori 1,000 ; one th lid cash.
balance easy.
lUtUl n. a. cor. 27th and Doduo ; expected
cable line ; $3,500 , 1-3 cash.
7Rfoot fronton St. Mary'snvo. , 25th at. ; line
residence ; 11.010 , cash.
Kletfttntl2-room house , full lot ; nil modern
Improvemonls , line burn , everything llrst class :
close to pav oil struct and in splendid neighbor-
. .
Itomcmbor those nro Inside tmr iilns. Wo
have lotsimd hinds , Improved and iinlmpiovod
nnv wbero in Omaha nnd vicinity ; nHoua
rail if yon want to buv or sell. Wo linvotho
llnost IPU ! estnti ) HR-S m the citv and "It Is no
troub'u ' toshowuoods. " Jl. A. L'pton & Co. ,
1COU I'oi nnm m. OOli
SOirni front lot In Walnut Hil,2blooks ! from
Lnwu avHtjiio Hud 1 blr-ek trom Ilainllton
St. , with rlojrnutfl loom uittngo. hlato niunlle ,
city wali'i , etc. Ueltor & Cnmpbell , Koom l.lfiOJ
fjlOH boitt bargains in Crctilon nnd Kllby
X ! place call on I' . D. Tanner A Co. , 1015 How
ard sr. 42fl 4
_ _
FOU SALK A bountiful house nnd lot on
Conrfflunvo. This Is one of the best tin
Ishcd houstsin Omnlin , with all modern Im
provumenth ; will soil cheap for 3J days. Apply
fjlOH HAHK-nota 7 nnd 8 , 120x150 feet , 111
-L1 block 3. lint addition to South Omaha
Call on Fml Loinon. .are Farmers' house , or
uddroea Uuortfo Llnde , P. 0. boi 407h Hup id City
U. Uf 787
ITlOlt S\rK-IIouso an * lot on toward St. ,
' nenr Paunders. miut bo Hold this week.
Price S-VfrtO wortb $ JWa. K. F. Itinger. 58J
FOHSALK R6 It fronting on Dodge si. 2
blacks enst of the postolhce. A bargain Ht
* 18r,00 ; tlO.OiH ) cash. Marshall & Lobeck , l.WJ
$ 1,200 , full lot Snlnn't ndd. Craham , Croigh-
ton blk. 40. ! S
MA. UPTON ! c CO. .
1.101 Farnam st
1 or Bale Lot ft , Gfgo'g addition a flneacr
just elf of Knundnrs st.f I > K ) , 1-1 caiih.
70x16.1 in lot W ) , Olso'tf ( addition , frontlngon
8tulu Bt. , near , Iinno ) wlBumn. I,23Ci , I7UU cash.
Only in mat Uet till NovJ
2 Nplcndid IOIH fronting north on Laku st. anil
Aoutli on r.rakino , makTtig 200 feet trontuire ,
only 220 feet Irum itiUiit cf -
thrro Hiiro FJ.'M ) , f l.20QlciisU.
24 iicio'j .1 4 milu west o ( , stockyards , rroil in'
lies nice , can ho platted * in 'i acre lots and sold
to now packing hoiibtipniploj e < lor $500 iier
lot. Call nnd seowli&t iiwirtraln there Is In this.
llnrffBlns In Hancorn'lai'p. . Ilurr Dull , Kill
fit , Mill xt.,20th at.Ac . , ia , iu.
South Omaha pntperty'ii specialty. Ben M. A
Upton A. Co , I'M Fariium. -17 n
. bctSt.Miiry'suvonnil I.eavtMiworth
cornerJWJ. , Urutlwni , Ciclfc'liton blk.
40. ) 5
FOIltAM : Wo have slxtoon lots In Haw
thorno addition that wn will soil : boat and
choapcstlnsldo nionoity In Oiniinu. liedford
Bouer B4J
ITIOH rt.vl.t : Cheap , liHenu well nnprov
-1' mile north of deaCiiivl dumb Instltuio
Adjoining loU Bull for rajW ) . Apply .1. IMlouli
on promises. MO niu *
06ft on Kaniam st , J 10,000 , Urnlium
ton blk. 4'.i ' | 0
_ _
FOIt SALB-MtO'ifnet corner of Hiirnoy ami
20th sts. $11 00.
SOxlrij feet on Ibthat nenr Poppleton's. runs
from ICth to 17th. fl.iuo improvements. (1,700
II. tv HuntrosR , law I'ajnam st. _ icil tl
' ' '
BAROAlNIn Kirk wood . . , . . . . * 70f
Corner In IXIWU'H add . "V
i ast front llanscom I'laco . . . . . . . . . 2,00
' jt In IMaln view , 21st st , . 7 < 0
jjlby Plare- , Quo lotri , . . 8H
l-'tl fl. corner Suuiler9Bt ; ( . . . . . . . 7'MH '
Nice lot near Bounders st . ? & '
401 5 ( Jnilitim , Crelghton block.
1V > Karnam st.
J'or Side
lai y blocic s Pad Jock place on Sherman uve
t I.MW. 11,000 cash. If not tola vvlthtn a few
duyn will ba Ukun out of tlio inurkut. Don'
lot thin opportunity ellii. Tbero U * SJO m it In
SOduys. M. A. Uplon S. Co , 15 Fdruaiu.
* O. SliruVKR-rtcnlFgtntenargnhn
jfl fact front on Davenport ncnr l.ttli with
M.MM Improvements , rents for IBS 50 $ 7OK )
Inlf lot with nlco house on Cns nenr 11th 3. < WO
lnlf kit near Si nder * , with voltaic. . IMt
3 cottngcs Srooms on Chnrle * f > t , Shlnn's
midsouth front , cftiv terms , cnch . 2,000
Vewoottnie 0 r.wins , full lot North llUli 3WJ
Cottage mid ( nil lot , south ( rant oil Da
ren port nenr i * I . . . . . 4,200
Sow rottncv. lot Jtixl40 on 2lst near
Clark , 2,000
> f < Mt loteottnue , llnmllton ncnr2Tth , . 2,000
2lot , corner , with rood cottngp , bnrn ,
etc , ll n enm plnro . , . . . . , 8'JOO
ew co ttii ires 3 rooms each , on Elm nenr
Blioimin nvo. tAO outi , btlnnru
monthly . 2,000
Soweottiigo , * > room , full lot , eut front ,
on X ! Mh sf. , ensy terms 2,3,10
KOW house , lo ronpis.full loton Georgia
five. , no ir Woolivorth uve 6,000
2 lieu ps , on Davenport St. , en t of loth ,
mil lot . . 9,000
Full lot nnd .Vroom cottngo nn Lake St. ,
nonrCflth . . . . . . . . . . 3,100
1'ull lot. 2 cottages , on ZOth , near Slier-
tnnnst . . , . 5,000
Viirint Lots
2 past front lots In llurr Oak f 3.00)
Inlcololsou rnrnnm and 27th sts . . . . 18.WJ
.inkilotscornprl ! { rostrr'saddlllon 3,000
1 lots ( corner ) Kllhv I'lnoc. for all 1.MO
75ficti'it front Hnn'Oim I'lnco 3,703
VI11 tt. south front nenr Hnunders street. 1.0.10
Nictt lots. Sunny tilde , on California 1,000
.1)JU fmnt3lst niul rimmtn.JMHiont ft
fwo lionutlful lotsTnbor I'lnoe , both 2rOO
Cnrnnrnn rnrnntn niid ihlrtvflfth sts 4.500
B3xl2itt ) last ! front. Saunders street . . : ii > K )
Hi ) ft. lot , Ciildwnll Mreot , Shlnn's Add 1.7.V )
11 ft. lust on St. > lnr's iivtJ 4,000
50or20JxllS't fton Umvonworth st.tienr
Pnrkavo 151 front ft
Pull lot on Cnssst , no.irZitn . . . . . . . . 1.MO
Aero lot lu Uclv Mere 4,10
Nice lot , S faint , llcdford I'lnco 5-1
Full lot on S 2Isr , nenr l.onvenworth. . 2.501)
SHjiWon Hownid near 10IM . . 5,000
lloniitlfnl 1J front lot I Inn scorn Pliico. . . 2.UW
2 Ints r front In Unmeant 1'lncc. both 2,599
Ilci < : tlful K front lot ( Cx 108 on Parktivo
near Ml Pli-nsint nvo . fi.noo
ilSlrllllot.Mth near Clnrk 2,600
Piitl lot H front llodfnnl plnco . 4 m
nulMlnir lot Patricks mill ul )
2 Ulll IdlsShliuH'-MuilJ onoli 7-"i
1 lots In Klntwood I,1- ! * )
lot OKI 10Northnth ! t I KM
I'liltlotoii Hamilton si fl.Vl
I'till lot on Hurt neirrir linn . , 1 , < VV1
ICOncrcs t'i miles nest of block junls
uvrarrn . . . . IfiO
2k0.iurLij ; tnllps fnitn oily and nonr
stuck yords. jior ucro 100
Lots In Slirlvcr place f.2"i ! to $350 oncli , 10 pur
centcnsh Dnlnncu monlhlv.
IfyniMvnntto litiy. or Imvc your property
solil , cnll on us ; wp KUninnteo fulr nnd cour
teous trontmcnt to all. W. 0. ShrUer , Ojipl'O.
: lliiraiilns IJ.'xIilJ rornot I.onv-
enuorth and o-ld its , with 10 loom housu
and barn , fi.VXl. xcrj oisv terms.
lUlxllOonS. luth stvltli4 stoics , J,00'J ( ' , hilt
iifiv-SB , nw cor 23d and Cumins , two stores and
iwosmall honsos , $11,01)0 )
Oi vlJJse cor 3d ; ! nnd Cumlnir , three houses ,
. ' \lJ. , ruiningbet. . 17th and 18th sis. , with
housu , $ n.70i >
! xlK ! . 1 in mini St. bet. aitli nnd 2lst , $ ,000.
Ono arro , No. S block 10 West Omaha , M-ry
lliiuJf > ,7fiO.
'lliruo Iotsnlxl53 each , In Uonockcn's add. ,
vcrv nloo , f i" > o each
15 lots on .list st. bet. rnrimm and I.caron-
worth , fl.KlKleiicli.
T o lots and lOioom liouso nnd barn , , lack-
KOU nnd : ) l-l st , Sl.r > 0 ; ttnins. STiOOilown , bill-
auco to stilt puichnscr. . C. IMnyno. .
Ut ) 8 15th and Karnnm.
FLACK .1ltOM\N ,
Itcal 15-ttato and Loan Hrokors ,
Krcnzler block Opi > Poslollleo.
Lots In Ivllby plncu 010 , $700 , J5710 , nudSSOO.
South trent lots on Pannim st In Jerome
Park $1'X ) l to $3 , < ! 00 oaeh ; on v ei y easy terms.
451.14,1 of lot (50 ( , Olso's add south Ironton
Cameron Bt , S OO. 1 3
Two south front lots In Shinn.s add at $725
Hit gant south front lotion Hi Istnl st. between
SaiindotH and Stitosts. , 44x111 , foi $ bJJ uauh ,
$200 cash and balance 1,2 nud llyeaiM.
Lotsl and : . ' , Illock II , Donlso addition , $1,100
each , ball casb.
Several 5 and 6 loom cottagns within 1 nnd 2
blocks of street ear , at JJODO to f J,5)J encli.on
monthly payments.
Lots In Plnlnviow and Klrkvvootl ill $700 nnd
Lots In nojd'snnd Saunilcrs & . lllmnlmiiKli's
addition ut ? ) OJ mid J.VIO on monthly pi > menis.
A laiKO list of lots In South Omnhi , SSpcr
lout bi-lonr sjndleato prices.
A corner in 1'elh-im plaro. RHxlHI , for Sl.'ITO
2boaiitllnl uiist front lots on Lowe ave , In
Kllby plueu lor H.liW.
u acres to e bdivldo : will maUo 21 lots , sir ot
thora oornoi-s. for $5,000. This Is n bnriraln
1 benutlfnl cast liont lots In Ilmiseom , place ,
on 1'hll Shorliltm st. JIW leach.
House nnd Inrne lot on Sherman n\c$4sno.
This Is voiy cheat ) nnd desirable.
Tno ciloKnnt south front lots on Farnam st ,
.MKK ) each
Knst front lot on Mth st , GOtUO ft. , with
small house that rents for $ . " 0 per month.f 4 , 09.
Tlil = Is on tliticiililo llnu nnd n burt-'aln.
Wo liavntno 7 nnil b-room residences on I'ark
nvotlmt nro Imrnalns. ANo n splendid icsl-
dcncoon Harney st. and 0110 on Oeowlnavu ,
with lariro lots. Investigate these bcfoie liny-
Inir L'lsnwhoie.
A corner on Sounders street KlvlIO tcot , a
splendid piece ot business pioperly , lor fi > , ( ,00 ;
cash. S-W1.
A (0-foot ( "outh front lot on Hnincyat. for
fi/iDO : cish$2000.
KJ110 , n Lorner on Ruiilott andSflth sts , front-
In on three tttj. . for JI. ' UO ; one uuartorcasu :
balance , 1. " and a j eai s.
1 ncro. i-oiith Iront-'fit foot , on Krl tul sfc ,
makes U lots 40xit : ! ft , for 4V.I500 : $1,10 1 cash ,
b.ilanco 1 , - and U j cars. This Is n bargain
H OU Kh Lots , rarinslnnds inonoy loauod
Bcmia , Juth and Douglia streets. 007
F HA LIJ Ono of the oMest and best pny-
i ? Inir ( Jrocery llnslness In tliu city. Kor par
ticulars , iiiqilirnnt mi .Iiiiips st. 008
. IJAIIGAINS In Ilnnscom Pnrlc Lots
nt ? .r > ( iO to C > 00 each. Guaranteed ro bo the
best located mid llnnst plcco of juouiid near
llniisuim 1'arlc. S ( olnn Is bcllolns. "nil It will
pay jouto ridoout und sen what this addition
Is. AJliS : , 15'jU Furnam.
( toll it
B AHOAIN-Lot on IRth st , Klrkvvood , S70U.
Cialmm , Creighton bile. 4UJ 0
TlKAr. KSTATK KAHOAlN-Two full lots
JL on 21th fitieef , running through to 2ld
Mieet , maklnirlUJ feet trontageon both stieets
bv KKI feet deep , with ! l two Hlory Unix und 2
collagen finntlniron 21th street , renting for
$109 per month. Doom to build 0 Huts to front
on2M street. This propel ty l justono'liulf of
a block south of Leavonworth nnd two bloccs
lioin ptieet cars , Can sell for $13CGO Heltnr
V Cnmpbell , Itoom lr/l ) D'uriiiun. 075
BO\VLlM ! < ! ltKi\lots.i50.10 porcontcnsh
and J5 per month. Marshall & Lobeck ,
Ajrents , 1603 rarnam stieot. 049
BO\V1IN J UKKKN'-Our now nddltlon is
west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton sticot.
lly select inir lots at $ liV ) for Inside and 1175 for
comers , yon will rauke a good. Investmunt.
Tormainpor cent cash and $5 monthly. No
cliar/o tor showing the lots. Murahall tc Lo-
hock , imn Knrnam 310
Foil < 4Ar.i-12loU44xiajfoct : , fronting north
on Bristol stieot , half w.iy between Kaun-
demand State , nenr street cars. Cltr water in
front. f lW itach , 1-4 ca-h , balance in 1,2 nnd 3
jours. Addruss 8 11. Hue ofliua. 2At )
H ICS Lot8KnrinHltnii ! < i - money ( onnoo.
Itemls , irith and Douglas strpets. 807
Co. 115 S. 13th at ' 170
Proposals for Curbing1.
81'ALHD proposals will bn rucpivol by the
iindoislgnui until H o'clock a. m. November
Wth.lHSO. for ouibiiu Cuiulirf Mioiit from tliu
pMHt Ihioot Biown Hticct to maelly Jlnills , as
per Ordinance No. HhS , and In oecoi dune u with
jilnnf und tti | ( tidi illloni on lllo In tno olllco of
ibolloiiiilol Publlo Works.
Pionodalsto be mudo on pilnted blinks fur
nWifidli ) thij hoiird , nnd to boiiccompiuilcU with
it ( in fitted check In tliu sum of ono thousand
dollars , pujablu to thuclt ] of Oiuulin , us iiuiiii
deuce of good fiiltli.
The Ilonrd icserves the tight to inject any 01
all bids and to waive delects
Ch.ilimmi Ilo'.u-d of Publlo Works.
Omnhn , NPI ! , Nov 1st , I8wl n-.IH-9 !
Notice to Property Ovvners lor Zincneia'
"VOIT are boroby notilled to lay sidewalks
I upon the giuded stieets 2 I eel trom tliu
euib line - ulieio Hie aiimo is n lml ablo-nnd I
lotlio ( nliiblMn ( I Kiddo of BIIUI t Inletsottions i
nndaiio ) ciiisiingH , J.I ! liorsi : ,
Chilli man Ilonrd uf 1'ublle Winks.
Omaha , Neb. , Nov 1st , ItSl nJdlllt
U , S
TNtho Piroiilt Court of the United Slates , for
J tlio DUtilrt of Neliiatka.
Tootle. HOKC.I& Co vd l.ovl Cox.
Puhllu notlcto Is heieby Kiven that In pursu-
anuo mid by vlrlun of unorder of t-ulu , In thn
above caiite , boirlng dale the LMidiui ) of Hep-
umbei. 1H.SO , 1 , Kills L Illeibonei , Culled
hlntox Murohal for mild district , will , on the 4th
iluy of Dflneintor , " "h" , atthii hoiirof tun o'cloi 1 ;
In the forenoon of Mild day. nttho rioithdoor
of ttio U. B Couit Ha ist ) and 1'ostolllcu build
ing , in the city of Onialiu. stulo und dUtiictof
JVolna-lta.FCll nt am tloiithefollonliiirdescilopd
property , to-vvlt Tlip east half ( K'i ) uf the
Boulliw"it iiiiil'ler | ( .SU'1,1 Hiid lli-J \ro t half
( Wiof ) tliOMiutherst iUailei | iSP. j of r < tlon
fourteen (14) ( ) , town hlp len ( I ) , north of rnngu
six ( i > i. west In Hamilton county , Ncbrns'oi
Alfotlie noi'hvrost qunrlnr ( N\V'i \ > < if section
IhlityclT ( J'l ) . township elivon ( II ) , north of
range eli-lit l > wool , lu llanilllon county , Ne
lin ) kii , fxViid upon and taken by virtue of
nn Order of atrachmmit. u ,
U. K Mai ilinl District of Nebraska ,
n , AMKS & KKt.r.Y ,
Attornc ) a for Plalatlff. nJ-lO-17-Mdl
Sidewalk Notice ,
I * hereby Rtvon to the owner or
anncraof.thofolliivrlng reil ostnto In the
cltv of Omnhn , to lay sLdPTtnlks In front of nnd
dJciluInK their premi < * VTllhUi 15 tli\ys from
the Sill dnj of November , 18W. ! Such slduvvtik )
to bo constructed nnd laid In coordnneo with
plan * nnd speclncntlons on file In thr ofllco of
holfoarlof Public \VorVs , n.nd In aceordanco
irith rc < olillion > ) mlnrted by the City Council ,
Lots 1 , i , ,1 , south sldo CftisHt. blk 41 , fl ft Ida
Ixtt 5 , east sldu 17th t. blk 4.5,0 ft Idp.
Ixts5l,7 ( , north side Chicago st.tilk It , fit
Ixt I. south side 0.18S st , blk 4(1 ( , n ft wl.le.
S. Uft lot 1 , weU sldo 15th St , bin 119,3) )
Ixit I , nest side 1Mb st.blk 14V 0 ft wMo.
Lots,0,7 , S , uoitli cldf Mason st , blk ! lOft
Lots 5 , n. 7 , , north side Mason st , blk 222 , n f t
Lots t,2,8nuth sldo MB OII street , blk 230,6ft
nidi ,
Uits T. S.n. west side IRth st , blk 1 , K. Kountio's
Itptfrvc.Olt v lde.
Ixitsfl.7.S.U , it ) , tiotth sldo llitrney st.blkS ,
McCormicksndd.o U wide.
Uils r > , t ) , 7 , , tl. north sldo llnruey st , blk 9Mc-
Coriiilck'8 add , f. It wide.
Ixit I. . ' , : ) , 4south sldo Itnrnoyst , blktJ , Mc-
Cormlck's ndd , H ft wide.
Lots 1,2n , 4,5. south fide Homey St , blk 11 ,
McCormlclt's ndd , H Itldo. .
Lots 1,2 , smith side Harney st , blk 14 , McCor-
rnlck'B ndd , n ft wide.
Prom cist si to lot 14 , Koves * subdlr Cnpltol
add , to ruth st.uorth si lo of llnrney st , (1 ( ft vtldo.
Prom fast Mo of lot 1'i.Capllol add , south sldo
of llnrnoyst , to2Hlh * t. lt wide.
Lots S , v. 10 , It , 12,1:1. : M. north sldo llnrnry st ,
blk U , Kcyc * ' subdit of Capitol ndd.d ft wide.
Uits l' , 111. 17.18,19a,21. ) Miuth side llnrney
St. b'k ' II , Koyi-V subdiv Capitol ndd , ( I ft vrldo.
Lots I , a , 4 , north sldo Hartley st , blk 7 , Capi
tel ndd , il ft wide.
Lots 5. fl , T , south sldo Harnoy gt , blk 7 , Cnpl
tel ndd , rt it wide.
lx > tsl , II. 12 , is , in. 14 , IS. south side Hnnioy si ,
blk 8 , Capitol ndd. (1 ( It wide.
Uits 1 , 2 , 4,6.11 , north sldo Hnnioy st , btkS ,
Cnpitol and. * ft wide
Iots7 , HP , 10north sldo llntncy st , Cnpltol
add. i ! It wldo
Lois U 11,15 , 10.10-M. south sldo Hnrneyst ,
blk il , Capitol ndd , (1 ( ft wl.lo. .
Lolss.y. 17,1V-1I. ninth silo Harney st , blk fl ,
Capitol add , ll ft nlilp
Lots 1,1.5,11.7 , south sldo Hartley t , blk .1 ,
Capitol 11111 ft ulde.
Lotsl. 2 , ! 1. west 9ld < i2ntlmt , blk it , Capitol HIM
add. fi f t vv Ido.
Lot 11 , north sldo \Voolvvortli st , blk 8 ,
anACom I'lnco. 4 ftv\do. |
Lots' ) , 1ft , 11,12.12 , 1,1 , 14 , notth sldo ot Wool-
woith st , blk tl. Hnn-com Plnce , 4 ft wide.
Lots II , 10. It , 12. 1,1,14 , not th side of Wool-
woith st.bSk 10 , llnn-eoin Pl.ieo,4 ft wide.
Lots" . 10. II , 12 , 111. 14 , ninth ldo Woolvvorth
st , blk 11 , Hnnseoin Placu. I ft wldo.
Lots II , 12 , 1101 111 Hldo Woolvvoith st , blk W ,
Haiisioiu Place. I ft v\ldu.
Lots 11 , 12 , north sldoVoolwortli si , blk 11) ) ,
Hnnseoin Pliico , 4 ft wide.
Lots 1 , 22 , noiilh sldo Poupleton st , blk 13 ,
Hi iisunn Place. I ft uld .
Lotsl. . ' . : i,4rl. ( 7 , K. l > , 10 , 11. west sldo SStli
st.blk I.I , Hnneimi Place , 4 ft vrUlu.
Lotal , n. n , ll. 10 , ojt side ICth sr , blk 1 , Im
provement As-orlatlon ndd.G It vrldo.
North 7uO ft lot 15 , west side 14th et , Kount/e's
3rd ndd , I , ftldo. .
Lot 1 , vt est sldo of 14tb at , blk 8 , Kount7o's 3rd
nddD It nidi )
N H lot II , past sldo lillh st , bllcO , Kountzo's
4th supplpmciitary.ll tl vri < lo
3. U It lot 1. , east side lot Ii si , blk U , KounUo'a
4th suiiploineiitaiy , il ft vtldu
Lot Ir , . S. il ft 10.20 , cast side 18th st , blk (1 ( , S.
K. Kernel B' add , U ft wide.
Lot 1 , so ith.Ido Maithnst.blk 1,8 T. Holers'
ndd , n ft nlde.
Lots H , II , couth ski n Martha ft , 1)1 k 2 , S. K.
Itogcrs" add , II ftude. .
I ots G , 7 , south siu | > Martha Rt , blk it , B. R.
Itoueis' add , H II wli'o.
All opposite blk l.noith aide C.islollarst , How-
cry Hill mid , flfl wldo
Lotsl , I , north sldo Caslollai st.blk 2 , How cry
Hill add , II ft wide.
Lot 2 , noith sldo Custollnr et , blk it.llovvory
Hill add , Oft ulde.
Lots2 , : t , south side C.istellnrst , blk I , Ilowory
Hill add , irtt wide.
LotTi. south side Cast ell nr st.blk 5 , Uowciy
11111 add , ! ! riul.lo .
All opposite blk ( I , south side Cnstellnr st , Bow-
rv Ililhuld. ( if ! wide.
Lot 3. south side Arbor St , blk 7 , Ilowco' Hill
ailu.ii It wide.
I ots 1,2..I , nest sldo llth st , blk 8 , IJowery
Hill add , i , ft wide.
Lots'- ! l. cast side llth st , blk 7 , Bowery Hill
addu fI ulde.
Lots 2.1,4,5 , north sldo of Castullnr st , Lovott
& VVoodmnn H sub. 0 ft u idn.
Ixit 1 , south sldo Arbor bt , Lowe's sub , 0 ft
All opposite Low o's subdlvon north side Arbor
Bt , II ft wldo.
Lots 1.2. J.4.5.11 , 7 , we ° t sldo KUli st , blk 2 ,
Lake's ndd , OH wide.
Lots 8 , U , 1C , H. 12,11,14 , east side 10th fit , blk
l.LlKe'RUdd.llft wldo.
Lotsl,2.i,4 : , fi. II. 7. 8 , 0 , 10. 11,12,13,14,15 ,
fouth side Ohio st.P.iulsen's ndd. 0 It nlde.
Ixits 15 , W. 17. N. . It IB , enst sldo 24th St.
Paulson's ndd , fl ft u ld < \
Lots 11 , 12 , oust sldo 24th st , blk l.Duniso's
ndd.lift wide.
Lots 11 , 12 , ciiht sldo 24th st , blk 2 , ti inso'a
" " " " >
, ,1 : Usn.
Cbalrman Hoard of I'ubllc Works.
Omnhn Octolmi Jritli. 1BVJ. nld'lt
'InVhDiii It Slay Cononrn :
VTOTICU is heronj g Ivon that the City ot Omn
Jha will rccolv o bids until 4 p.m. on l'uo-.d.ij ,
Npviniiboi 2nd , A. D. l 8ii , nt the olllco of the
city clorl : , lor ovh of the following parcels of
land , to wit :
Caiiiineiipliu ? nt the P. U corner of Int. ) , block
3 , Armstrong 1st addition , ami iunnlnr west
201 feet , theneo south Jl 'I t"ot , thimco east 2JI
faet , tlicncu noitli24.l loot to the place ol be
Commencing at tlio S. K. cornorof lot 4 , block
3 , Armstrong s 1st addition , and riinnliu west
tW4 ! loot , thoiipn south 1 04 feet , thi-nco i-nst
ftii | } feet , tliPiic-o north 24'Jtccttu the placeof
bus Inn ltu %
Commencing at the S. K. corner ot lot 5 , block
3. AiiuHlrong'N 1st addition , and running west
lii.j ! feor , thcnco Miuth 2527 t < at , thence east
r l' ' , tent , tbeneo north 2.ri.01 feet to the placu of
Commencing nt the S .H. corner of lot fl , bio k
3. Armstrong's 1st addition , und ruumnir wiut
BfliJ focr , theneo south 2.1 ; 4il foot , then o cast
BlUi feet , thcuco north SV.27 feet to the pliiooof
CotnnionclniratthoB K. cornorof lot 7 , block
3 , Armntrong's 1st odilllion , niul running west
( TiPs feet , thence south 21114 loot , theneo oils
W. feet , thence not th 2" > 4U fot-t to tlio plncoof
Commencing Ht the S H cornel of lot 8 , block
3 , Arnistrom/'H I t addition , and running west
Cil feet , theneo south 21 h.J feit , tnomi ) oust
Wi'-i ' fi-ot , thcuco north 25 04 feet to the placu of
Commnilclnwat tlio S. K. cm nor of lot 9 , block
3 , AtmstroiDr's 1st addition , und running vvost
wl'i feet , theneo south . ' > fcot. thniico eaH llil'i
le < t , theiu.e not th 2 ] feet to tliu place of begin-
Commenciugat the 8. W. coiiifr of lotB , tnii'iu
A. Crlllln s addition , ami rnnnlnir oust DI.M foot ,
theneo south 27 il tent , tliuncu west rtl OS fcpt ,
thenfo noi Hi 2S feet to the place ot beginning.
CoiiimenclngatthoS. W.corner of lot il.lMiuo
& Oiillin'ri addition , and lUiuilinr eant HI AS Cert
thencit south 27.2 feet , llienuo west lll.r > s foot
thcnci' north feet to tlio place of bcglnnim. .
Commencing ntthaS. . W. corner of lot 7 , Imiaa
.V GrllUn'H addition , and running- cast IILV ) feet ,
thence south 21 H toot , tlieufo wu ill Irt foot ,
thoiiCK north 27.2 fcot to tlm place of beginning.
Commencing at tlio S. K corner of lot rt , I tune
, V Grlllln'saddillon , nnd i mining wi'sl HI riaii > ot ,
thcuco south 2li H tp 't , th'iiicii HISS I'i'et ,
thiinre north 211 4 tcet to thn plaro of beginning.
Thecity council reserve1) ) the right to i eject
niiy or all bids.
No bids lor .1 lojs ninount than tlio appraised
ynliintlon will bc eoimidcrcd
.1 , It. SUUTHAltJJ. City Clerk.
October 2sthlN < 8. o Sdtit
Probate Notion ,
CJTATH Or NKIIHASKA. Douglas County , . .
fj At u county court hold ut tliu count > cotltt
room , ill and I or slid eounlyO < toiler IMli , V.U. ,
IHMl. I'irsciit , . ) . H. Met ulloch. Countj .liidgu.
In till ) iiuiltvi of ( he ettalo nl Aimer Tic'iicli ,
deren B-d.
On muling and fllinartho pctltioiiot Kgbeii- .
Cienchiixoeutorot the o-laluol said dPceim-'l
piMylug thai hi * final a cotiiit. thin ilav tiled
may he allowed , and thut ho may ho ' - - -
Iromliis triibtiiHSitiili inecutor
Oideiol , that November I7lh. A. I ) , Ifl
o'clock .1. in , U > ii"SUned fnr lu urlng
rtiid'potlllon , when all PCIMIIIH Intiuo'slril
In MX d matter iraj nppi-ir lit a county < oiut tri
be held , In and lor suld ( ( unity , an 1 show r.iurio
why tlio pr.iri ) of suld i UUiouer should nut lie
giauted. and It U luitlior or.'ured tliutnouio
nl iliti pendi nfj of sal 11 etltlon and thn h
1 hoi col' , bo irfviMi to nil otlii'i nriKons
o fsl In n.ild mnttur , by pulilcthinif a copy ol
tnis-oidei in lliu OninlKi Diillj li o a nowspiip * i
prlnlud Insaid rouul } . oneo i ueli week ( in tout
ant tusdlvi * ' \ tiV.s prior to nuld d.iy of henrlnt'
lAtriiooopy ] I II. Mi ITl I/H u ,
o' J-JTii 110 Ojuuty Judge.
I tlii. t'lti"Jit l unit oi iliu IJnlt J bUti'M fur the
ll tilel if Ni liiasKa.
Ullllum T. llnll , )
vs. ; In ( 'liiucory.
llcniy A. K'jiinrd ) ct at. )
Flint 1 1 o i UK oir MOiirrm.i : .
Iil'llLIf notieuis borobv tb it in puriu
ancuand by Irtun of .1 leeien enieic I Ii
tluiHbove cauno.ou the l.illidiy nl Dec-umbni ,
lhh.5 , I , Kills L Ilii-rliO'VOi , Si | < 'lnl JJnftci1
clioiicery In biild < ourt vvlll , CHI the a th day
of November , I8.-0 , nt llmliour of in o'clock u
the foionoou ol the < s ilddiiat thofiontinurUi
( loin of the L'niieil Males com t h'jiisc and post
nlllta building , In tlie vltv ol OIIMHA , Dou/Ms
uniiity , at u to ami dbtrM uf .V < 4jji-ltu ,
fliictlon the folKr.viji - do .ril'fl 1 ] no-oi | ty , to
vtit :
Th" f nt haT nt lh south east 'Minfter
lots N'os. slv iC ) und fcvcu (7i. ( a'l ' in giiM
oiuhtiu'it ( IKi , tovvisbip elifht ( K > noiih , mx >
olUliKxm iH ) we4t of d P. M , living o.iuuti I It
rhcli > s county , stnto of NetuaKka.
BiH-cliil Mnttorlti rimnccry.
P. II. Krruv , Solleltoi'forCo'ni'Ulia-it.
020 f-a 1-10-17
N-W. Cor , 13th nnrf Douglas 8K
3133.14th Stre t
, IMli nnd
orouuK s. SMITH
KiCfi Farnnm Street. y-S
Attorney at Law ,
nooin8rren/erlllick,0ppostoro | tonoei. (
CHA11LKS llOSE\rATEllt \ M. J > .f
Physician & Surgeon ,
ZI4S. Kill St. , oo r rnrnnm. trim Itnnk Uulldlntr.
Onieo hours , 3 to 4 mid 7 to U p. m. 10 to 119 on
e. s. nor I > M
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
3IHi'o Tolcohono 4RX lledldonco TclophoiicH.
. .
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE. N.W. Co * . I4t/i and Douglas St.
OITIcit'I'f lcpliono4A5. ttcsldencn TelonlionoSOl
RcRldcnco , No. 1407 JonoA Strnat Offloo ,
Wltlinell Ulock , Tulcphonu , residence , No , 1X1.
offle. ' , fil.1
OITIco and Hesldenco , 7S4 N. 18th St.
u. \VOIUY : , M . D. ,
OfHce 141" " Dodge Stroflt Telephone 4S3.
Hcsldonco 1712 Capital Avo. TelophomiStO.
VANOAMl'M. I ) . ,
1111 Dolifo St , Ut door vvnst of P. O. Take ole
ntor to looms 1J-13 tlilid lloor. Telephone No
He-sldonco.rtSlN. 201 h street. Telephone No. M
l'.Jf. ClIADWltiK ,
Pliyslclan nnd Surgeon ,
Telephone 583. Ofilco313 3. llthat
lloiuccopatlilst ,
Offlco. 31T S. 14th St. TolcphotieMl
. w. i > vsARrrT
i\.W. Cor. ti2t It & Howard ,
llcstdoiicu , Iflll ni dKOflUToli < phone , 80.
Olliuu hours , lllto IS lu ami 2 to 5 p in.
C. T. TAY 1,011 ,
Ooneral Agent
Odlceror. 14th nnd Douglas Sts.
Issues Oidlnaiy Life , rndowment , Limited
Hudowinent , Kivo Year Dividend Plan nnd the
Popular Non Korlniliiu Tontlno Policies. As-
ects over $00,000,000. Atrt'nts wanted.
" "
General Atont
Proildent Salnjs Ufa Assarauui Co
of New York.
Dtllluid llo.ol lllooit , Omaha.
Thostiictly "Nnlunil I reiniiim I'lnn. " Aotu
average yearly cost duriiiR 1S3J , 1831 nud 1885 ,
at BBO i > 7. for J10.010 , was J78.B-X
ISR1S.S PXCI TENfii ' < > . ,
Printers , Book Binders
And niank book Manufacturers. Nos. lOfl and
] Of > S.4th ! street. Oinah.i.Neb. l.F. Knlrl'o , Supot >
Intrndent Illndery. Telephone No. 25J.
Jlaniiliictuier and drnlor In
burners , saddles , whips , liorae
clot'ilnur. etr. All gnulos of
Inn nnss always kept on hand
or made to order. Kopitlring
n specialty 111 ! N. huh Uf
bet. Dodcenud Cupitil Ava.
Auction and Commission
t > nielUtd | ; fiirnltuni
sold , Sales of llvo Htouk nnd houseliold furni i
ture nt private residences Is a specially with ua.
Hvmnmher the placn , West ic l-'iitschor's blook
N llth st. No 110
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
lite. AlftoTIn Roonmr ,
Qonnrul JcibTiimlnv. Th best ut work aiulr
tonnMocharKPS. Milk CUM und olhtir Unwar *
n stock. 22IM Cumin * 3& Omaha , Neb.
Dentists , _
Dentists ,
MM VarnamHtrea
IStli Street Market.
Allkmds of fresh , and alt muisconitaattf
on liiiiul.
Poultry , ifiunii , cto. , In season.
K lUiinu < rUHo. . llth streot.
The Norris Restaurant
( nlin ) vftry lii'H i.ullMif homo In ( hooity , TryH
iiiidynu vnll bu x.itUIU'il ,
Hills o firuon tie Vinn loan -taJ Btrop u n
ATs-jOoommiitntliin tlsket for H.
Tloknts I'or-l meals I.V ) .
UijurA by the wyjk * J ii. MonU,3Jo , eoab.
! 6lhBet. DoiHas and Dodge St .
H. NELSON &Oo. ,
J'j.lli ft III
Groceries and Crockery
Good J < . at Io cat pri | t ( > lro tli m u cal
i Illh st , IMiiuliii , Ni'
OlMce , 1 til 1-3 ruriuim.
cc. UOtli und