Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    V-M -V-tfi '
The Opening in the Wheat Pit Character
ized By Weakness.
The ruturc of Thin Ccrcnl
WHIi the Klcincnts-Cnttlo Un-
chniiKoil nt Aliotit Steady
Prices HOSJH.
CHICAGO , Nov. 3. JSpcclal Tcle to
the HKK.J Tlio market opcncil weak with
lirst rntrs In December on n ba ls of 7o ? c
nnd May on n bosls of 8JVc. The market
dropped In 8."x ; for Decumlter nnd BU c for
May. IJuylnR by prlvlleno traders steadied
values nnd diirlnt ; the last hour or two of
the long sessloli strong Investment iniylni ; or
Novotntvr , December and May Imparted a
much better tone to HID situation. December
nilvftiicctt to 78 > { c nnd .May to ! V(5S2j ( c , but
the last quotations of the morning were } < ( < $
> /c lower. There was lively sflllni ? ot .May
down to S'-'c , at which apparently unlimited
buying orders wcin struck. A ( 'real deal of
May property was traded In at about ! ? 2e. The
bears are not disposed to Indulge themselves
In ( tec selling at these prices uml the ma
jority of the bulls nre either holillng off "for
a few days" or else gently nlbliliin ; . Corn
wns firm In nil positions to-day nnd n gener
ally steady , healthy tone wns observable.
Tnero were but few outside orders trad
ing on local speculative account wns
to n very liberal nggiegnte nmoiint , nnd n
good degree of Interest was shown In the
deal nil through. Just at the. opening pi 'CM '
wete n trlllo unsettled and starting sales were
at JfJtSjfc below SJonday's closing figures.
Under good buying the market quickly re
covered nnd a steady ndvunce was made of
5 < c , December selling up from . ' ! 7 } { to fco and
May from -TJX toW c nt 4'c on the split.
Tim Improvement was pretty well main
tained until shortly before the close , when
there some realUInt ; and prices sagged frac
tionally. Huying quotations nl the close of
the regulnr session , stood nt : )7J4'c ) for De
cember , : tSc for January and 4'iJ < e for May ,
hi'lnc an nctunl Improvement of ! < © } /c.
Fleming < fe Itoyton were probnblv the iaigest
Individual buyers hero to-day. The weather
for the iiurt thirty days will have eonsider-
ftblo ellectnpon thencar future of the maiket.
If it should continue line nnd dry the busi
ness shelling new corn will bo actively prose
cuted and the receipts bo swelled thereby ,
while the consumption will be reduced to the
minimum , but If ft should turn wet nnil cold
the opposite of these conditions would exist.
The estimates for to-morrow arc 5SOcars , but
ns this Includes Inspection tor forty-
elulit boms It is not n large
run. Oats wcio dull but firm In the specula
tive market and fluctuations In prices very
blight , 1 o'clock closings bulni : about the same
as those of last Monday. l/rovNIons were
quiet but steady this morning. The regis
trar's statement of stock on the last day of
tlio month showed a heavy reduction during
October , particularly In lard , but the tiade
was not greatly mirprlsed , as stocks usually
shrink at a rapid rate the last mouth of
the summer packing season. Nevertheless a
biisk Inquiry for the product sprung up ,
and later piices advanced sharply on heavy
buylnc for account. Local dealers who were
known to bo shertofuork nnd troubles nl
the stock yards made the shorts , nnd
tlmy broke for cover. December pork ad
vanced fioni S9.17 # to S ! .40 , and January
from S10.lotoS10.Lv : January ribs climbed
Irom S5.W to SrU" " , niul lard went up 7 !
1'J.He. though there was only Ilirht tra-ling in
thatmtlcle. The 1 o'clock range was'J fufic
away from the best prices brought for pork
nnd meats , but the maiket wns quoted
fit rone.
! i0p. : : ! m. The afternoon markets were
steady nnd without special feature. Wheat
nnd pork looked n little easier , but no decline
ot moment occuried.
Cuim , ! i:40 : j > . in. Privileges on December
Wheat , 74 (274 e and Y50@75 ; c.
CIIICAOO , Nov. ! ! . [ Special Telceram to
the UKE. ] CATTLE. To-day the cattle mar
ket wns unchanged. Sales were made nn
satisfactorily , but prices for nil kinds o
cnttle were nbout steady at a decline of 15S (
iSc ! established on Monday , for smooth fa
cattle . There seemed to bo rather n stiouger
and more ai tlvodomand than on yesterday ,
but there were certain thin nnd rough grades
which were almost unsalable.
The Drovers' Journal's cablegram from
London this week shows that the British
cattle nnd meat markets aie chitted and
prices ro lower than they have been ii
thirty years.
Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. 84i5i. : (
4.00 ; 1200 to ISM Ibs. S4.006gl.n3 : U50 to 1'JOO
Ibs , Si.y.V : < ? : i..K ) . The tecHpts to-day of
through Texans were SUO ; western rangeis ,
1,200 head , The market to-day was n very
Indlll'rrcntono. Swilt > V : MouN bciiic out
ot the maiket caused the demand to bo very
weak and uncertain. One lot ot 7 ! Texas
cows , WJ Ibs , noli ! nt ? 'i'0 , with li'i Texas
mixed , averaging 1WS Ibs , at S'i.50. A
lot of lilt ' 1 ONUS cat tlo uvciaglng 'Jit Ibs sold
at S1.10 ! per c\vt. homolelt over Wyoming * ,
averaging 1127 Ibs , hold to Armour tor Sa.7.1
and Miiiii ) lair to coed wintered Texans sold ( : The market was quiet , how
ever , and some pictty decent cattle wont over
without a bid. Sales : 'JV ) Wyoming Tu.xans
Hill llis , vt.or. ; : i Wyoming , vts > ib , S.v : ; > o ;
31)1 ) Wjomlius , 1127 His , si.7.r : , ; vis Wyoming
TovaiiM. 1or Ibs , 53.00 ; JOO Wyoming Te.xaiih ,
10111 Ibs , S'--STi.
lli.s The maiket opened slow with about
45.0UO on sale. Filst sales showed u slight dc-
cllim as cumpmcd wllli the ehiso of jesteidny
but at tin ; linish values weio substantially
fltinnuer limn at the opcnliij , ' . Thu niniibei
can led over was consldciahly less than : il
uloto last nlL'ht , Ji ! > ii h and common sold at
SH.40 to SU.IX ) ; tfood mixed at Sil.iifKaS.b'J ;
pi him heavy and I'lillr.delphlas ntSU.CO to
I'I5 ! ; lluht horts at Si,4Kitti.iiO ; ( lorpooito com
mon unit SS.NlQU..H ) for \orkcis. An oceiv
slonnl lot of tancy light mudo Si.U3. :
N . York. Nov. : ! . MONRT On call ,
active at 5C > $15 per cent , closing nt 0 pei
cent , asked ,
I'JIIMK MlIltCA.VTIl.R I'Al'Ell ! ( $ & pel
rent ,
STKIU.INO KxciiAxnr. Dull but stioiiu
t Si.bO ! , ' fur sixty day bills ; S4.B4 foi
UovKUNHr.XTs ( lovcrnmont bonds wcic
dull but Mcudy.
HtocKs The stock mniket was more act
ive and hlRhor than on .Monday , Thu mar
kt't was htiont ; nml actixo at the opening ,
first pilce > hhowliif ; iidvamvs raunlnj : ftom
} 6 to % , Xmv KiiKland and Missouri I'nellie
weio eaeli up onu per cent 'J'ho Keneral
maiket strong before noon , and Den
ver A : lilo ( iiamls , Cincinnati , CUiveland ,
Columbrs & Indianapolis and Consolidated
Cas aftetward made material mlvances ,
Towaid > o'clock a reduction hot in , but the
market became steady buloro U o'clock anil
EO closed. .Sales S'ftijJjOT shaios.
8 | > ccntboiuU , . 103 ( C , Jc N. W HS' <
U.B.4U's lllj l prelerred. , . 141
N w 4'u 128N. . V. 0. WV
Pacific ft'g of 'W. 12(1 OiCL'on Trnn. . . . 8.'j j
Centiall'aeltlo. . 47K I'aclnc Mall. . . . M
C. A A 144
' " ' ' ' ' ' '
ICO i ! r.'o. . . . . . . . . 144
o. JSKi : ; Hock Island 123W
1) . It. 6t\\ Hl ibr LI. < fcs. J' ' . .
" : It O : aa preferred.
Erie 0 f O..M. &SI. 1' .
pruferrcil. . 77 prefcricd. . . 121-
Illinois Central. ISIJ St. I' , &O 50 j
1..U. AW lfflJ preferred. . . HI )
Texas I'.iclllc. . . 21si
Union racille. . . Cl'- ;
L. AN 57 4' \Y.,8t.l4. < b P. . 19'j '
Mich. Central. . . CO preferred. . . ii.'ii ,
Mo. 1'acIBc US Western Union.
Northern TAG. . . 20 ( ) . . . AN 107
preferred , . .
Chlcnuo , Noy , U. Flour Steady am
comparatively unclwncod ; winter vthea
dour , I4.oi < 4.10 : bmtthern ,
Wisconsin , S4-COCt4,10 ; Michigan hof
prtnit wheat. S3.WX.f4.10 ; Mlnuesoti
talcum , S3.WKit4.10 ; pntentx , .
low grades , ! 1.75' j2,75 ; rjo tlowr. qnift 11
ystUC4&0 In baiifls. and SS.OOCcjU/'O it
WhentUull ; opened with a decllno o
HC below aud closed A' < H'o uuder
TS4 ; December "o 1-lCo' January
. > ic ; .May.sHc.
torn Opened a trifle easier and closed
a little over J c nboVo Mhnd.iv ; cash , 3C c * ,
) ecetnber , 3fo-10c ; May , 42 13-10.
Oats Dull but steady ; May ms c lower ;
cash , 20'tfc ' : December , 27o ; .May , Wc.
Jtyc Firm at. Me.
Harley Dull at 'jSc ,
Timothy .seed-I'rlmo , 81.CCQl.6S.
Pork Active : advanced aV3"Oj on the
whom ranic early , but fell oil he-fore - the
close ; cash , SO.'ii ; December , $ 'J.2T > { ; Jan-
uarr , S10/J7.
hard Moderately active and somewhat
( URhnr ; rash , S5.'J. > ; Drceinber , 33.00 ; Janu
ary , 8a.iu ( < C'Mo : .
bulk Aleats-Shotildprs. S < i.45@'i.CO ; short
clear , SC.4V ( ! .45 ; short ribs. S.'i..Ti.
liuttur Quiet ; cieainery , 104J < c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full-cream chcddari , ll't'c ;
Hits tUKjiUJfc ; youtiR Amctlcas , llJs l.'c ;
skims , Od-'c. '
" .
Hides Heavy green salted , fully cured ,
MH'4'c ' ; llcht. do , SX < HWc ; ilnmazed , 7&5
7 e ; hull hides Oj < cdry ; salted , llf3l'Jc ; diy
Hint. 13314c ; calf skins , e@lOKc ; deacons ,
We each.
Tallow No. t country , S'flgWc ; No,2.
3c : cake , s { c.
Kccnlott. bhipniPiits.'s ' . . . 04.IKX ) liS.OOO
Wheat , hn . 2S4.000 MOOO
Corn , du . 4Wi,000 247.X (
Oato.bu . IVJI.OOO 187.CXO
Hye , bu . 4.000 H.OOO
Uarlrv.bu . 150,000 13'
Now York , Nov. 3. Wheat-
365,000 ; exports , : o'iOOspol ; linn and options
wean ; ungraded red , 77M8lc ; No. a red ,
/b2Kc ( In elevator. S'l < 4@ cnlloat ; Nu.
1 led , 8 c ; No. B red , H-Mic In elevator ,
iifc'e alloat ; December cloHlnRtit * > c.
Corn Higher nnd rloslni ; steady ; reeelnts ,
i : ,000 ; oxpoitR , 7:1.000 : ; uncradcd , 4fiK4054e ( ! | : ;
> o. 2 , 46 > 4cln ; elcvntnr , 47 ; De-
ccmher closlnit at 4 * ; < c.
Oats A shade stiinner ( hut less active ; ic-
celpts. 12fi,000 ; expoits , 017 ; mixed western ,
: w ( aiilc ; whlto western , .r > ( n40c. !
Petroleum Steady ; united closed nt Gfic.
-Firm and demand fair ; \\cslcin , 2-2
Pot k Quirt but tirmly held.
hard Illuher and talrly active ; western
steam , spot , SUt ( > @ 0.lJ. ) .
Itutter Klrm ; western , 12 ( < t28ff.
Clieeso ( Juiet and very steady ; western
flat , 1 lijil IKc.
Olnclniintl , Nov. a. Wheat Firm ; No. 2
red , 7li &fc77c.
Corn Weaker ; \o , 2 mixed , i
Oats-Quiet : No. 2 , mixed , 27 >
Kyo Dull ; No. 2 , 5.'l ( r5lc. |
Pork Kirmlp held at S'AW.
. c' " "
l.aid-Steam heldaf
Wlilskv Sl.l" .
cash , fibe : December , Ki'ii ' : ; January , 71e.
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.10@4.'J5 ; bakers ,
S3.1Kga. ( ! .
Hecelpts Whi-at , av.,000 bu ; Hour , 375 bhN.
bhlpmouts Wlieut , 78,000 bu ; Hour , 4OCO , : ;
bbls.MllwAukoc , Nov.3. Wheat Qnlet ; cash ,
72j < c ; December , 7HJic ; January , 71c.
Corn Steady ; No. 'J , 'JO'sc.
Oats Firmer ; No. B , ' 'He.
Hye Steady : No. 1 , B-Jc.
Unrlev Lower ; No. 2 , OUj < c.
Provihlons Illirher.
Mess pork November , S'J.KJ ' ; December.
St , l.ouls , Nov. 3. Wheat Firm Ir-
rcKiitiir ; No. 2 led , cash , 7.V' ' < e : November ,
75J < Jc ; December , 76 % ; Jannniy , 7siel May ,
b5 * < e.
'Coin Irregular ; No. 3 mixed , cash , flljf
@ : i.rc ; November , ill e ; December , 35c ; May
' ' '
'Oat's-Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash. B5MWc ;
November , 'lv < < : : Decembi'i , BOJue ; May , : ) le.
live I'JXe.
Whisky 81.13.
I'ork-StiouB at S ! > .fi2' ' .
Lard-Finn at S5.8X < j5.Ki. ; !
rolciio , Nov. 3. Wheat Dull ; easier ;
cash , 77e bid.
Corn Steady ; dull ; cash , GSc.
Oats Neelected.
KaiiHaw City , Nov. 3. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cabh , C2c bid ; December , 01c ;
lilav , 71c.
Corn-Stroneer : No , 2 , cash , 2tc bid ;
January. : Wc bid ; May , 30u.
Oats No quotations.
Now Orleans , Nov. 3. Corn bte.idy.
Oats Quiet.
Coinmcal Easier nt 82. in.
llos 1'ioducts In good deiiiiind at lair
IJnlK Meats Shoulders , S.ri.2T ) ; lonf clcar
and clear ribs , gti.50.
Liverpool , Nov. 3. Wheat Offered
freely ; steady ; Ncsv , No , 8 , winter , Os Ud ;
spring , fJslid.
Flour Supply Rood ; steady : 8s 7d.
Corn Offered lieely ; Spot , November , De
cember , dull ; 4s 4d ; January 4j > : > > fil ; dull.
Chloaxo , Nov. 3. The Drovei's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Uecelpts. 7,000 : unchanscyd ; ship-
ptiiB stecis , 83.3. " 3J4.1K ) ; stockers and
leeders , S1.75@\n.3 : cows , bulls ami mixed ,
81.20@i70 : hulk , 82.00J. : ; tlnouch Texas
cattle soareo and slow ; steels , S'.HUC a.orj ;
western lanifrrs nncliaiiKed ; natives and
hiilt-hieeds , Sf3.00rfi.i. ( : ( " > ; wlntoicd Texans ,
"jloxs "lleeelpls. : .OCO ; steadv and more
nctho ; rmmh and mixed , Sn.40 < 3'.M ! ) ; pack-
I nix and shiiyiinir , Sj.70@4.0U : ; Unlit. 53.10 ®
'siieep-Keeei'ijH , "fiobo , : dull ami I.in3e
lowei ; natives. S2.50Crf .75 ; western , S3.0Ji < $
! > . ' . ; 'iexaiis , 81.75 ; amb , 552.75ill.f > 0.
St. l-onin , Nov. : ; . Cattlo-KecuiptD ,
2.0CO : shipment : ' . 1.100 ; market active on
stntV , hlow on common ; choice nutlvii stccr. % ,
S4.iut4hO : ( ) ; tall1 to good ! .hippei.s , Sj.00fi : {
4. 5 : butcheis' steeis , lair to choice , SJ5.10
01.10 ; feedeis. S'J.50ftJ'l.'JS ; stocKeis , lair to
uood , S-.OOia'-.GO. '
JloL'S-lteeeipH. 4.000 ; shlpuionts , 100 ;
butchers and Voile weights aetivo at linn h- :
IIHM ; all sold : maiket closed active at higher
piice-i ; cholco heavy and butcheiv .selections ,
frii. 5S ( 1.0. ! ; packet s , lair to , ? : ! .7.Y < / : { . ' . > | > ;
Vorkeis , medium to choice , $ : ) .70 ( < gi.y'i : ;
plL'H , common to peed , S2.bO@i.feO. :
Jinn MI h City , Nov. ! ! . Cattle Iiecelits | ,
5,0(0 ( ; bhlnnients. 1.300 ; dull ; weak ;
good to choice , S4.10 ( < ilr,0' common to
medium , $ : i..iiftl.oa. : ( hloekeis , & 3.2Si-.73 ( ) ;
leedim ; steers , S'J.SO(3'I.M ( ) ; cows , &l.5'JCit'J.CO ;
tirass runnu steeis , Si.-ii3.20.
HOBS Iteceipt0uJ ( ( ) ; shipments , ' .M ;
maiket stioni : aud 5e hitlier ; good to choice ,
S.b.1@l.OO : ! ; common to medium , S .Ojt .t.bO.
Wi oncMlay Evcnlnc , Nov. 3.
Cattle The mtuket opened quiet and In-
acthe. leceipts weio not larfie.
Later in the day business llvnned up some
what aud cmlte i oed many feetlers cliaiiKod
hands. Theiowema few corn-fed cuttlo In
which sold rendllv on the market.
lloas The market was ijulot and lower.
The now pneklnj , ' houses havu not opuued up
anil until then the demand will bo lhit. ! The
receipts were liberal to-day and nut all sold.
Sheep-Thero were a low In to-day , but
theiu was not much demand.
C.utln . 500
lions . . . 1,500 ,
l'rloo .
Showing the pre.valllnK prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers , 1 ! 0 to 1500 Ibs . 84.3.1 ® l..r-0
Cholco steers. 110U to iK : > 0 llis . 3.7W.C4.1M
Medium steers , ViVJ to law Ibs. . . 3.fiO , < fl.l5
Hood feeders , . 'J.0
( ! oed to ciioico corn-led cows. . . . . C.U
Fair to medium crass cows . J.UO'iCJ.B'i
Coed to choice bulls . l.fiOc1.75
LiL'titand medium IIOKS . a..riO@3.CO
( ! oed to choice IIMV.V IWKS . 3.50 , ' < 3.00
( iootl tocholca mixed 110 3 . H 5'.iM,60
Honch throw outs . 2.5p1i3.00
( iood to choice sheep . tJ .lfJ.'i.Bo
Falrtoiood sheep . BB.'i@'J.50
HcprnKniitativn Hulcn.
S3..245 120 aCO 57..373 2 > < 0 a.VJ
G4..I.277 40 3.60 ( H..2C2 40 a.V
57..2S9 80 3.60 G0..2.V1 SO 3f > i
65..wo 120 a.w ir.2s3 . . . awi
0.-I..345 200 3..V. 01..207 . ' . . afiO
69..355 120 8..V. 04..2 80 3.00
CO . . .217 40 3.55 63..357 100 3.05
! of Price" .
Showing the IdichftU and lowest prices
paid for loads of I s on lids market ( Indue
the past seven daj s and for the same time
la t.vcar !
| 8opt. 1MB. 1 Oct. 1PNI I Oct. 185.
2sth' ' 4.M 3.70 < a.1.SO 3.0 ]
23th 4.3i ] 41i 10 a s 3.10 C8I.I5
BOth 4.10 tti.30 H ( Jo ( itl.SO 3.15 ttl.22'4
31St Sunilnr. 3.10 TSO
Oct. Nov. Nov.
3.SO 3.6 * 9 70 Suudny
Khowlncthotiumborof of cattle , hogs
and sheep shipped from South Omaha during
Ihe day :
No. cars. Itouto. Destination.
11 X. W .Chicago
All sfxlci of stock In this market arc made
prrcwt. llvu weliiht iinlesi otherwlsa stated.
bead hiiKSiellnt Kepcr Ib. for nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhini : less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pie nant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags 80 Ibs.
, Hogs lower and dull.
The feeder market active.
Cattle market fairly active.
Hogs avcragi'd 0) lo the car.
\V. II. Stone , Plum Cieek , had n load of
sheep in.
K. H. llorrlc , Douglas , had twelve loads of
cattle In.
C. C. Carrie , Platte Centre , was here and
a car of hogs.
Claik Hro . had two loads of cattle In from
Council ItlnlTs.
M. 11. White , Columbus , marKctcd n load
ot corn-fed cattle.
.lohn .lacolKon , Plum Creek , was hero with
tuo loads of sheep.
Thomas Wilkinson , Broken How , was herewith
with thiee lo.uls of sheep.
Henry 11. Lemmcr , llumphtey , was hew
with hoes , sheep aud calves.
A HOIK ! many feedei ? changed hands to-day.
Part of them were sold on time.
C. H. Hammond & Co. , iccelvcd live loads
of cattle bmiKht nil other markets.
.liime.s Hlvett. Uiiroln , was hero with three
loads ol cattle Irom his Avora farm.
1) ) . 1C. Seivers , Cedur Creek , came n with n
load ot coin-fed c.ittlo belonging to C. 11.
Parmele it Co.
11 en ty Koch , HraiNhaw , Neb. , was hero
and sold two loads of ho s and one load of
cattle , belniiKini : to W. W. Klock.
Mr. I > tle"ot Kowler llros. of Chicago , was
hero to-day making tlio necessary ariaiiKe-
ments lorouoning tno Kowler IHHIMJ here.
On the market \\itli hous : Packard K. nnd
(5. Co. , Ciclliton ( ; K. , J. Hale , llatlle Cieek ;
Dot.sey HroK. , Wahoo ; OMenburK AKrnsh ,
Wnlioo ; Keine & Malonuv. Album ; W. K.
Wilson t Co. , .Stanton ; C. Schneider ,
Suyder ; Winters it M. , bhelby , In. : H. C.
lltiil , Anita..I. 11. Johnson , Herman ; II. IE.
Kniilkner. ( ; otlieiibur < ; C. C , Carrlg , Platte
Centre ; 1 > . Anderson. Colniulms ; ! ) . A. Halo.
MadlMiii ; A. Hi'diies. Kim Creetc ; Spelts it
K , ; Hellwood : W. W. Klock , Uradsluw ; J.
M. B.ubour , HllUdalc.
General i'roituco.
Wednesday , Xov. 8.
TlicfaUoivlna ) > rlac * tire Jor round lots of
produce , n < tsul < t tintlic xwrkci lo-iltiu. 'flic
tpiotathinioiifrnltt rcprcvan' tnc prices at
vtiitch mitxlitcnrtlcr * nrn filled.
K < KIS The locelptsaie not largo and tlie
bulk of the fresh htock is' selling afJOc.
Hr ITII : : An active feeling iirevnlls on all
line erndut of creamery and dairy , as well
asstil < ! tly cluiica country butter , for table
use , allot which are in limited supply. Ile-
celpt.s of inferior gr.ules are In excess of
the demand ; n large piopoitlon of the sumo
has to be sold to packers at low ligures.
Kreli roll butter should bo packed in clean
boxes , not exceeding bO pounds ; each roll to
bo wiapped In : i piece ot muslin. It will pay
shipp'r-i well to take a littln pains in pat-k
in : : tlioir butter. A nice , clean packaro of
choice stock will always .sell nt outside lie-
ures. FiC'.liereamerv , 5" > ® 'i3 < ; ; fiosh dairy
lb ( < WOc ; choice eountry roll , l @JOc : choice
country toll , .solid packed , ITftilSo : good
country roll , IfifiJlTe : good country loll , solid
packed , 15jJlic ( : Fnir , llftJUc ; common ,
Kji'.i.Cnr.nsi : Full cream clictldarssinglo,12 ; e ,
full cream Hats , twins , iio : ; YoungAmericai ] ,
18 } < o : fancy Swiss , HQJinc ; Swis-s. impoited ,
2)fri'J7 : hiniDurwr , 12M : brick , Hie.
I'oui/ntv The icceipis were heavy , and
the market i tiled veiy weak. Old chickens ,
choice , perttoz. , S"H ( ) ( U..riO ; spi ing chickens ,
'i.OOtW.2. ) ; tlui'ks , SS.ftO'jW.T.'i : turkeys , S7.00
( a/J.OO ; geeso' 550.00 ( < es.0i :
I'oTA'i or.s Theie is now nlntsk deinnnd
for straight ears of strictly clioico potatoes ut
.riO@.V > c per bushel. .Mixed varieties , small ,
or otherwise inteiior stock continues veiy
dull and will not sell for moic than -t.'ic.
ONIONS The demand Is not lie.ivv and
thov are selling in a small way : Choice
5toPk , perbu. , NJ l.OO.
CAIIIIAOK The maiket Is fairly well sup
plied : Choieo stock , per do40 ( Wi ; .
Ai-rr.r.i 1'rices on cholco apples
tuo holding up verv well.Mis -
hour ! apples aio in very liberal
supply. The. following ipioUtlons nre for
apples well packed in hands : choirii Mis-
Bourl. stock. 5'J.OO ' , ' . ! ; Michigan , Si50aJ3.75 ;
fancj itlcldiianS : .00 ( < { : ! . ! ; r .
Cr.i.inv : A great amount of very noor
stock has been eoming in , svhlch Ims been
sold for what it would bring , I'rlccs on
choice stock romalus nbout the saum as last
week : Choice stock , per do ? . , 3.5 ( < ciUctia ;
largo , per dox.,40ci44.'ie. trade Is In very mucli the
same eoiulttlon as last week on account ot
the continued warm weather , 1'riees arc
low and dealers HID well supplied with the
choicest stock. Onlers from t'liioiitsido ' aio
being I ! I led In coed Miapo : Mediums - " ;
standards "a\ \ selectsX. : ! : . V. counts , -lOc.
CAi.iroii.NiA KIIUIT.S Stray shipments ot
CalUdiiil.U'iuits continuo toiirii\t > , but In
small fiu.'iutile.slnii ! > eVroknysM.OOi.'raies ; ) ,
hlack , SiOO ; pears , iii.OO ; plums , S1.J. ;
quinces , S'.r < o ,
IJEMONS-- Messina , per box S7.50 ;
Malaga. Sfi.00
Swnir : I'ovATor.s The maiket Is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very clinlro
stock was sold this weelf at IJ c and vnn
lower : Choice shipping stock , per Ib. , lSJe. (
UiiAiMis The maiket Islalily wellsupplu-d
with Now Yojk Kiapes. New Voile , Con-
eords , perO-lb biHkettOuBJc : ; Catawbas , C-lb
baskets , Wft45jc ) ; 10 Hi baskets , bOc.
OiiANiisJamaica : , per box , SVAgO.OO :
per bbl.,811.00 ; Florida oranges' , per box ,
CnANitiiitir.s : : Stocks aio moving fnlily
well at thu same quotntlons as last week.
Capo coil , fancv , i > er bbl. . SS.W ) ; Jersey ,
choice , S7.W ; Wisconsin , JJT.W ) .
HA.SANAS Hananas am selling nt the
baiiin prliesa1 ! last week , lianaims , yellow ,
iior btiueli. & 'J.oOn > 'J.rjj ( ) bamuius , jellow ,
largo Hunch. b-J..W < 2t.5U. ;
HO.VKV Nebraska , eholee. whlto clover ,
IMSIGc. ; Xubiaslia. dark , 1'JC'SHo ; Cullfoiula ,
1 Ib seollous , 15 ; California , - Ib sections ,
i Iklcks , perlb , l'JK ; l > cn-
, per Jb , 15e.
.r. JvitL'i1 Hulk , lit to 17 gal kegs.
porgal , S1.00 ; gal cans , per gal , 51.05 ; J < J gal
cans , per gal , 51.10.'.uNow Votk.pcrbbl , SO.riO'.N'uw Voik ,
J < bhl , yt.'JS ; Crab , per doqlH , S'J.70 ; Jillcld-
_ nn reliueil , per htil , 5rr)0.
VINKUAII Whiti ) wine. UKalDo : elder vin
egar , l l.r > c ; blncle btieut'th , l-o ; tilplu
stinngth , iriQlSc.
I'r.ovisiONs Haui , 12c ; picnic liam Oc ;
breakfast bacon. lOc ; clcarsidu b.iciin ,
Inteiior stock. 5jO.75jfl.OD ; KOM\ \
clean country , l.Wil.U5 ; mudlum , hand
plckml , gl.Wiyi.CO ; hand picked navy , 81.00
Pi.ovn Slii.i.sTtirFR \ \ Inter wheat
flour , best quallt ) patent , S'.75-econU ; qual
ity , 82.-10 ; best quality spiing wlieat
Hour , patent. S' . > .GObran ; , . ' > Ooperuwtcliopied ; )
fetd , 70o per cwt ; whlto corn iw.U. lOc ;
jrllowcorn , uta percwt ; screening , OOc
percwl : liominy , S-.Oi nor pwt ; shorts , sv
percwt ; craham , $1,00 ; hay , In bales , S5.50 ®
0.00 per ton.
( liuix Corn. > c\ \ new oats , 23c ; rye aso ;
wheat , No , 2. 55C. _
General Plarkon.
WOOL Medium iSfjJ'-SOc perlb ; fmo heavy ,
HQltKs ; light , 16@lbo ; coaise , UCtWc ; burry
wool , i ! < ' > c elf ,
Hitir.s Green butchei'8 , CVfc ; geeen cured ,
8cts ( edrv ; Hint , llftiltto ; dry salt , 010c ;
KKtn calf skins , tKo iJ c ; damaged hides ,
\o-lhlrdb rice. Tallo- > c. Urcajo
Prlmo white , 3ci yellow , Cc ;
feheen 1'elts 27ic. .
IjKATHKH 1'rinin slftunhlcr sole leather ,
3.'c : prime oak sole umthcr , : ? St.tWc. ! Upper
leather per foot , 'JO.'iiV , ; hem. kip. 2.W . ' > c ;
oak kip. SKrftOo ) Fic-iich kip , Sl.OOWl.VO ;
liem , calf , $ l.oo t.lO ; o.ik calf , S1.0o > J.U5 ;
Krfiich calf , St.-J-XSl.bOj , Morocco , boot leg ,
Motocco oil pebble , 2S ( < Jo2c ; toppings
and linings roa'-KV.
HIIAVV llAiimvAitu Iron , ratn S2.SO ;
plow sttcl specliU cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Co ;
cast t tools do ISfiilSc ; wauon spokes per set ,
51.75&J3.00 ; hubs , Ji set , Sl.'ii ; felloes ,
sawed diy , Sl.W ) ; tongues , each , 75c ; axels
each. 75uwuaie nuts , per Ib. I ( < t71c ; cell
chain , pcrlb. ( K < fWe ; malleable. CftSc ; iron
wediirj , Gc ; crowbars , jo ) ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7 ( < ( Sc ; Burden's horse shoes.
$4.40 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ > .40. Barbed
wire , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.05.
Shot , Sl.ftl ; buckshot , Sl.8.1 ; oriental powder ,
keirs S3 60 ; do. half ke , S'J.00 ; do. quarter
keKs , $1.50 ; blaMIng kpirs , S2.B : ; luse , per 10
feet. 05c. Lead bar , SKI.
VAIIXISIIHS Baucis , per gallon : rurnl-
turc , e.vtra , SI.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , SI.uu ;
coach extra , SI.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.2(1 ( ; Da-
mar , extra , $1.75 : Jnnan , 70c ; asphnltum ,
extra We ; shellac , S3.50 ; haul oil tititsh ,
vhPiniTs Coloenosnlrlts. ISS proof , S1.17 ;
do 101 proof , ; spirit ? , M > ennd nuallty ,
101 proof , Sl.17 : do 1SJ * proof , 81.10. Alcohol.
1 ! > 3 pioof , S'J.18 ' per wine gallon. HedMillcd
whiskies , Sl.OO&l.&O. ( ! ln , blended. SU > 0 ( $
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S'.UOtffl.OO ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 8'J.OOrf/.59 ;
Uohlcn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50caijO. ( Bnuidles , imported , Sr > .00yi:8.r : > 0 ;
domestic , SUtXjM.oo. ( ilns. Imported , 51.50
(5(1.00 ; domestic , ? 1.25&3.00. Champagnes ,
imported. pcrca e , S2S.00@33.00 ; American ,
per case , S10.OOyJlfl.00.
PAINTS i.v On. White lead. Omalia.P. P. ,
7fc } ; nhilelcad , St. Louis , pure. S7 75 ; Mar
seilles creen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2c ; French zinc ,
crcen seal , 12c : Kiench xlnc. red s-eal. lie ;
Krench zinc , In varnish aB : > t , 20c ; Krench
zinc , 75c ; vcrmllllon , American , l"c ; Indian
red , lOc ; ro o plnu , I4c : Venetian red , Cook-
son'sSJfo ; Venetian red. AmeiicAti , iKc ;
red lead , 7l c ; ehromo yellow , gnnulnc , 20c ;
chiome yellow , K , We ; ochio , rochclle. : tc ;
ochre. Krcnult , 2 40 : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2'fe ; hehljh blown ,
2' c ; Spanish brown , 2' c ; I'rlnco's rclncral ,
lnv PAINT * White lead , 8c : Krench sine ,
12o ; Paris whlllnir. 2Ke ; whltinir.'ullilprs ,
2Jicvliltiiir. ; ( . com1 ! , 1'ic ; lampblack , ( ! er-
maiistown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary. * c\ \
Prussian bluo,65cultramarine ; , is * ; vnndyk-
brown , Sc ; umber. burnU 4c ; umber , raw , -i c
sienna , burnt , 4e ; slennn , raw , 4c ; Pane
Kreen , ceiinlnc , 85e , Paris green , common ,
22c ; chrome crecn , N. Y. . 20cchronn ; green
K , 1'Jc : vcrmllllon , Knulish , in oil , 7. > c ;
raw and burnt umber. 1 Hi cans , We ; raw and
burnt sienna , We : Vandyke blown , Kic ; relined -
lined lampblack , I2c ; coach black nnd Ivory
black. Ific ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40i3 : ultramarine black. 18c ; ehromo crccnli. ,
M. A I ) . , l ( > c ; blind and shutter trieeii. I , , , M.
.t D. , lOc ; Paris Kiecn , Ibc ; Ir.dian led , l" > c ;
Venetian led , De ; Tuscan , 2-Jc ; Ameiican
vcriiilllion , L. it 1) . , 20c ; yellow oclue ; 2e ; L.
M. & O. I ) . , IS-o ; Rood ochre. Ific ; patent
drver , Ss ; cralnluj ; color , I lull t oak , dnilcoak ,
walnut , chestnut ami ash , We.
Oitrns AND CitEMirAi.s. Acid , carbolic ,
33cncll ; ( , t.irtaiic , .VJc ; balsam eopalbit , per
Tti. 4' < c : bark tassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Id , 7Sc , chlnclionidla , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
ionn , per 11 > , 50c ; Dover's powders , per lt > ,
S1.25epsim ; salts , per Hi , : > Kc ? clyceiine ,
puie , per Ih. 25e ; lead , acetate , per Hi , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per M. , 81.50c ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per tal. , SI. 10 ; oil olive , per ( 'al. , S1.40 ;
oil orltrannum , TiOc ; opium , $3.20 : quinine ,
P. it W. and K. it S , , per o . 70e ; potassium
Iodide , per V > , S-.85 ; salicln. per o40e ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. S2.i5 : ; sulphur , per
Ib , 4c ; strychnine , per oS1.3.J. .
Pinu.i : Medium. In bbls , SCWO : dn , In
half bbls , SU.15 ; small , in Obis S7 ! > 0 ; do , in
halt bbls s'-5 ' i-'heikins , In bids , S8..r)0 ; do ,
In half hbls. S4.73.
Svuri1 No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 51.20 ; Now
Oi leans per nallon : iH'f4f ; iiiaule syrup.
half bbls , ' 'old time , " per gallon , VJc ; 1 gal-
Ion cans , ner doSIO.CO ; hall gallon cans ,
per do/ , . .ri.OO ; quart cans , SD.OO.
SrAi'.rn Sliiror glass. I Hi , S'fc : mirror
gld-iS : f Ib , njtc ; mirror gloss , lilb , ( , a ;
( iiavcs * eorn , 1 Ib , Cc ; 'Klugsloid's corn. 1 Ib ,
7c ; KlnifstoiO's trloss , 1 Ib , 7e ; Klntrslord'H
irloss , 0 Hi. 7' e , Kingstoril's pure , a Ib. 7Jfc ;
Kinnsfords bulk , 4e.
ToiiArro Plug , nllin.ix , 4'Jc ; horseshoe ,
! ! 7c ; star. "Do ; spearhead , 'Klc ; piperhuidslck ,
( We ; gold shield , Sic ; merry war , .Sic : J , T.
J. , .tie.
ToiiArro Smokiii" , Diiiham , Is , Jilc ; ) < Ts.
5lc : Ji's. . " > 7c ; 'us , COc ; niceischum , BOc ; old
style , ti.i ! ) ; V. N. O. , 15c ; spirit cureaJ.Tc. .
MAI runs Per caddie , USu ; square eases ,
81.70 ; mule square. 81.20.
CANDV-Mi.\ed. 'JC-eUHc ; stick , 8 } < f@OKe.
CIIAOKKIIS Oarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , -We ; creams , 8) Jc ; ginger snaps , SJc ;
cit > soda , 7Ke.
SoAi"--Kiik's savon impniial , S3. 70 :
Knk's satinet. SH.OO ; Kirk's standard , fci. : S ;
Kirk's white Itussian , S4. 00 ; Kirk's while-
cap. SO.W ; dome , SS.S5 ; washboatd , S'UO ' ;
whlto cloud , 5.75. : !
Itoi-K-Ji Inch. ? # : ; ' inch , lO crinch ; ,
10) fc.
DIIIKD Fia'iT No. 1 quarter apples , Jl O ?
4e : In evaporated Im\o < , O'H ' © ' ' : black-
beriles. boxes , ! i'8@.i ; < c ; ueaches , Salt Lake ,
Ibsd , 7,10'7-lc : peaches , evaporated , I.V4 < g
17e : laspberries , new , IfCiJUiKe ; curients ,
UJ , @ " 4 < 5 ; prunes , IIL-W , I % ( < t | i < j'c.
Sri.Aiss Powdered , Tfi TUicut ; loaf ,
fi77e ; uninitiated , iUe ; contact loners' A ,
fi' rm ; stiindard exti.i ( \ 5 ( ( Z.'iJ'c , ; extra
C. fi'fcGtSh'r ; mcillumellow . , lji"je.
CAXNII : > ( lOois Oysteis , standard , per
case , SU.I'O ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , SJ.CO ;
raspberries. 2 Hi , per case , svi.UO ; Calilornla
pears , per c.isu , S4..7J ; npiii-ots , per casj ,
& 4.00 ; peaches , per ; , S.VJ5 ; white chi'r-
rles , per case , SH.OO ; p inns , jier ease , Si : ! ( ) ;
blueberries , per ease , 5I.S"i ; o.-i : plums 2 ll > ,
per ease. W.rX ) ; plneaiiplcs , 2 Ib , per case ,
8i.20 : ( < r .7.'i ; 1 Ib mackeici. per do51.80 ;
1 Ib salmon , per doSI. . . V@I.O'J ; 2 Ib goose-
ben les. pci'c.ise. SI.W ; 2 in strlni : beans , per
case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ease , 51.HO ;
2 Hi maitowlat peas , per ease , S'J.40 ; 2 Ib
early June peas 1 o" ease , S2.75 ; ! l Ib toma
toes , S2.10fe3.25.
COI-TIIS Ordinary grades , 12e fair ,
la' ioiiic ; prluif , UKiJlil'ii ! : choice , Hr ) l4V ;
fancy gieeu andjollow , UJfcslflc ; olil cov-
criiiiicnl Java , 20@y . " , inlennr .lava , Ki ria
20c ; Mocha , SM-.Mu : Aibueklo's loasti-d ,
17'4e ' ; Mcslilln'n XXXX roasted , 17 .Vc ;
Oil worth's , " ( V ; HwK'rojs 17'iC.
Dry I'Uiuoor.
No.l Cora , s , 1. s. IB , 14 and 10 ft . S17.M
No.U " ' 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.7.-I
No.a " " 12.14andlOH . 1S.GO
Ho. 4 " " _ 12. 14 and 16 it . 12.00
20 ft | ± ! tl\U \ ! ft
in.fio icjju ni.ivi n.ou i
! . ' . . . . ' ' . ' . . . . . . 10raw , > .ra I'.oo is.oo'vM.iio''i.oo
2x10 'Illfi'l ' lfl.6) )'J 17. ( 1800 ! S.0 ( ) .00
IKOO 2-i.o
JiU.MI i
No. 1 , 4 it fi Inch , 12ami II ft. , rough. . . $17.01
No. 2 , 4 it 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , louuh. . . 14.0J
rcii.iNf ! I'Aiirrno : , ' .
1st com. , J ln Whlto IMnn Partition..833.00
Jd " ' ' " " . . . . U7.M )
2d Com. ? s In. Norway Pine CcilliiL' . . . . 14.00
A Cinch , whlto pine , WO 5CO.OO
CO Inch , " " ttM > 21.50
srnnc liOAiips.
A 13 Inch. s.l B , 410 , . , fiW.OO
U Winch " " ! ) . , . 2S.53
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , a. 1 & ] , 10 , IbA 20 It. . . 21.00
No. 2 , " . n- i. . . WM )
No.2 , " " " ' 12tl4lt 17,00
" " " "i ion ID.OO
siiiri I < AT.
No. 1 , plainSand lo ipuli 517,50
No. 2 , plainS and 10 Inch 15.50
HIII.Vil.l ( < r , I-ATII.
XX clear. S2.CO ; A 6\andanl \ , 5'J.M ; No. 1 ,
Sl.i.V : Lath. 82.2.1. ' '
PosTft-WhlteCedar/O In , , K i We ; 8 in.
qrs. , UXc. f '
. .
1st and 2u. clear , lit Inch , a. 3 s § 50.00
ad , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s 45.00
3d , clear , l } ( , i , a in -IT.W )
JJ select , 1 inch , s. 3 s 1W.OO
Ji select. Hi , P < , , ain U . ( K
J. H.
809 North 16th Street
or\KUAi , A < JI\T FOEI
Creamery Butter
\Vliulc.ule Order * Solicited.
IAU < IIJIT : ri.ooitiN < i
And U'OOU CAItl'I'.TI.Vfi
S.W , Corner 9fli and Douglas S
OlVicelll S. 1-lthst.
Hooks opcncncd , posted , cxnniincd nndbal
nnc d' ' 'J i < < 11 1 1 1 , ' < f. 'dlrtf , c
Northwestern Excliange
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
718 N. 16th St. . Omnhn.
K1SI O ; > & COHIS'B OCK ,
Genl. Insurance Agents ,
Murchnr.t'sNntlonnl Itiins lluitdlnu. Cor. Fur-
nnin niul 13th sis. , room I up-itnlrs.
Tolcptiono No. : i3 Oirmha. Nobraeka.
Phoenix. London , KiiRliind . 15,73,174.11
Flremon'B. Newark , N. J . KGM.bSO.'U
fiioirnVAiis , ( iiotr ViiiuN. v . i,4D.,2sj. w
( Hrnril , 1'bllaiiPlplila , 1'n . 1'ffl,50 .7l
Wratchciter , Now York , N. Y . 1I4MS.6S : !
lolm II uii'.nrk Uutuul I.lfo .lMoii.2.7M,710S ! ) ;
Bailway Time Table
Th following l ilii , time of nrnval nnd ilo-
pnrturoof trains by Central Slumlord Time at
the local tin pots. Train * ot the ( i , St. P. , M. fc
O. arrive nnd ilopnrt from tholr depot , coruornf
Hth nml WdxturMrocts : traliM on tlio It. \ M.
C. II. .VQ.ninl K. C. , SU .T. St p II. from the It.
& M. depot All othois from the Union 1'uelQo
dCp0t <
llltinaK TUAIN3.
llrtdpo trnltis will lonvo U. P. dopdt nt 6H- :
117:1)5 : ) 8:00 : 8:40 : HtfiO IllfljOO lltw : B , ra.llfJ
7:00-11:10 : p. in.
LcnTo Trnnsfor for Omaha nt 7:12 : Bt5 : 9:30 :
Dit3-niO:35-lOiT-.ll:37 : : : n. m.lU7-2l3-2TI : : :
3 : TO3 : a7:37 : Ci :60 : : J2 7 r-M ; T :5'J-8 : :3 : J-
llRJp. : m.
I.PIUO UriKUlwriy 10 35 p. til ; ArlvoOinnlin
11(10. ( I.v. Omnhn 10 00 p. m. ; Ar. Hronclwny
1011' ) . In clfoct August ' "Jtli until furtliur no
tice. Tins U additional to picsent truln service.
.1. W. MOIISi : , O.P. A.
Arrivnl nnd dujinvtura of trains from tin
Transfer * Depot nt Council lllutla :
Tl 7:15 A.M. I D 0:1,1 : A. H.
110:15 A. M. 115:110 : i' . M.
C 6:1 : J P.M. I II 7DO : P.M.
A 0:15 : A. M. I A 11:15 : A. M.
A ft:40i : > M. I A 7:00 P. U.
cnicAiio , nuiiLiNmoN & QUINUV.
A 0:115 : A. M. A 0:15 : A. M.
U G:40 : [ > . M.
A 7:110 : f. M.
A 9:15 : A.M. I A 9:15 : A. M
A 6:40 : | > .M. I A7OJP. M.
A 10:00 : A.M. I 1)0:3.1 : A. M.
CSiDIi I * , u. I A 5:35 : e. U.
A 3:001H. : . I AJi'JJP. M.
A7Ki : A. M. I A 0:35 : A. M.
A 6 : 1' . M. I A 8-50 P.M.
_ Depart. KASTWAIU ) . Arriro. _
A. M. I P. M. I C. , It. i Q. I A. M. I P. M.
n:2l : ( | 0:00 : | . VIu I'liutsinoiith. . . | ; a ) | 7:10
NOTE A , t.-nlns dully ; II. U.illv ozcopt Hun-
dHy ; C , dully o.xcupt Saturday ; U , daily uxoept
will Icuvp U. V. depot , Uiiiithn , at * fl:40 : 7M :
8iSl ; : 0:00a. : m ; 2:00-y:05 : : 10.1 ; fir.Ti 8:00 : p. in
P clflcKri > ron , HiO p. m. ; Denver hx. , 10:55
a. in. ; Local lx.ri:05 p. m.
Loiivcstock yard * for ( Imahn at * 7Ki : 3:10-- :
:30 : llirMi : : m.:2'W : : 3i"i : : 1 : : ) " > 0:05 : 8-5 : p. m.
Atlantic r.x. . lo S. O. 7:115 n. in. ; Chlcniro Kv. .
le B. 0.4:07 : p.m. : I.OCH ! Kx , lo. S. O , 10:51 : a.m. ;
Mo. Pao. Ex. , lo. S. O. D : < 7 D. m. : 2d M. P. Kx , ,
6:00 : a. m.
Except Sunday.
To Contractors.
Soidod piopo-als will liu roculvod at the olllco
of tlio division mutineer , Union I'nclllu llnllwiiv ,
corner of Kllli anil Lunvonnoi-lli t-is. , ( Inmlm ,
Noli. , I'orKintllMir thu IInulnr second niiiln truck
f i oin present uml of donlilo tiaol : tu tlin ( Mist
sniteli at I'aplllloii , Xoh , , a dt-ttincool nlno
and nun Iinlf miles , until lliu < nuniirnt ! ) N'nv U.
I'rolllcs may IK > HCCII uml spccitlc'iitKiiis oli-
tiiluud nt the cillico of Division hnuliieor.
Tlio riaht is insorved to rojurt any or all bids.
O. I. DOUItA.N'CH.Bupt. NoL. Dlv.
mOct 31 novlMl : in.
Artists' Material.
'A. HOSJ'E , , Ui ,
Artists' Jlatorials , I'ianos and Orpans ,
1MI Uoiiflii.i Ktrcnt.Omnlm.
Agricultural Implements.
Wtiolo [ ilo Ilcnlrr In
AffrhMiltiiral Implements ,
Cuirl nca mill lluvil''i ' < . Joni'i Kti'ut , Ijctwecn SttJ
mill Ililli.Oimihn , NcJ ,
Affrictiltural Implemciits ,
Wnzon .Cr.rriazo , Uujilos , Ktc. , U'holcMaloOmaha.
l > AItLIX,01iEXJ > \KMAltTlX
Wholctalo Dealers In
Afyriculturnl JmpleiiiPiils ,
IVagonmnul nuculcd. 901'J01tXj ) unil',07 , Jonptut
Butter and Eggs ,
Uuycrs of Butter and
rtiifrlKfrntor Aii.l 1'ui-kinit House , llth im < ) I.
wnrtli fit. , i ; I * . U , II , Tmrk , On.ahn
Builders' Hardware anil Scales.
] ) iiililirs'Uiird\Virc&.Si'ilc ! ! ; KiitirSIiop ( ! )
.UecliunllB'TouU anil IlulTalo Sonlei. KOJ Uouglui nt. ,
OiuoliH , Nrb ,
LEE , F It I Elt C CO. ,
Jobbers ot' Hard ware and Nulls ,
Tlnwuro , Hhi'ct Iron , Kc. : Atiunln for Hnwe bcalet ,
und Mlunil I'ovirterl'o. Omuhu.Nrli.
" \Vliolesalo \ Hardware.
Wenlcrn ascnti for JcfTerKm Ktcyl KN | | > . Anntln
rondert'o , Kulrbankii MiuiJarJ f-calei. Cvrner
10th uml Iluriiuir , Omaha.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Eiipinccrs uud Contractors ,
3r1i1pc . rimliutB. llaorTruiict , Bloura I'll * IJrMInt
I'llTuuOaLuntl 1'aic llrld e I.umbir. 1MU it. , ue r
Kuruuui , UmiiUa , > 'ub ,
fufnure ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Kurnam el. , Ouiaba , Neb ,
CHAltLEti SlflfEJtlCJC ,
Furniture , Uoddinsr , Opliolstcry ,
Ulrrora , etc. 130G.1303 ami 1210 Fatnam | l. , Ouiaba.
floors o/jrf / Siloes.
AJIEK ICA x ; / A'/ >
tillOK ( ' ( M/IMAT ,
M Duf ctureri ml WholcitlcDoUers In
Hoots niul Shoes ,
CoraplMe lock or Hnbbcr Hoods nlwsyo on hand
inKhii ) Neb. A. T. AuHlii. Agent.
ir. r. MoisK , r co.
Jobliprs of Hoots niul Shoes.
Ull F rn m t. , Omaha , \ > b. MitmifACIorr , Summer
/ . T. LlXlTsE\\f \ CO.
Wltolcsnlp Hiilbei' ) HooN niul Shops.
Ilubller ami Oiled ClotMnc nnit Kelt lloott , 29.1 S. lull
- IJfEA flXG ,
. for Anheiiser-HitsU Bmvincf Ass'n
f pcclid Brand * , Ffiutl , Hndnelior find KrlatiRrr.
STO HZ ,0 IL E It ,
Lnpor IScer Urowcrs ,
l. " > 51 North 15th Sired , Oninhii , Nob.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnlia CoflVo nnd Spice Mills.
Te .Coffoo .Pplov linking U dot , Kl'TOrliuK *
tract * , Laundry RUio , Ink , Kir. . ll-lu llnrnef
Jlomo TofTeo ami Sjtico Mills M'f'jr Co.
CnfTrcKo terlMMl Splr < * ( lrlmlrri > , Maniifnrturcr *
of linking ivnrdor , Kltmtlnit i : tri ct . Illume , Kir.
Trv one rn i of our ! imrknco Home Ulond Ilimlcd
OofTro. loMlownn ) t , Omnhn. .Si'h.
.lolm Kponclcr , Prop.
Manufacturer of ( iiltinlrerl Iron mid Cornier. 933
lloilgound 103 iidlOiN.101h H. . Om h , N b.
Manufacturer * of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Flnnlii.MctiillcSkjIlijht.clc. J109.
IStl lit. , Omaha.
C. Spc.clit , Prop.
Gnlranlznl Iron Cornlcr-i , etc1. 8m > it' lmrirovp < 1 Pat-
entMi-tallo Skylight. I J ndJOJ ; ] < 1tl1 M-Onmlia.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues ,
I.lnolmmis , Malting * , Etc , 1511 Doiig'a ' itri'ut.
s. A7 oit CHARD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Ulttlnfi , CurUlu ( inndv Ktc. 1113 Karnatn Street ,
( imiha.Nrb.
Crockery and Notions.
Ag nt for ttio Manufacture m l Importers of
Crockery , Glnsswaro ,
Lnrnpn , Cblniueyr , etc. Offlre , 317 South 13th et
Omalm , Nttb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission uml Jobbing ;
Butter , KcKRamt Produce. ConilffnmentB solicited ,
ileailqunrleri for Monewnro , llcrrjr ltnxtH mitl
Ura | > o llH > ki > l . 1111 Doiliionttoi'tOmnhn.
Coniinission Jlcrchants.
FruIlP , Produce nnil I'lorUlone , Oumlia. Neb.
ir. E. TfflTlTJSLL ,
Storage nnd Commission Merchant.
Sinecliiltlrv-Untie * . ERR' . Clieoio , Poultry , Came ,
( Ij-slcrs. Ktc , Ktp 112 south litli street.
Produce Commission Srerphnnts ,
Poultry , Duller , ( iiinic , Kniltn , etc. 2K ) B. lull it.
Oniahn , Neb ,
General Commission Merc.iiants ,
And Jobbern of Foreign nnil Domcitlc Frnlli. < 'orro-
aponilenco eollcltcil. Wiirphnutci tunl oilke , 110 N.
Tlilrtcanth .St. , Omaha , Neb. Tcli > i > lmnc 77. , .
r. itocco c co. ,
mporlcrs mid wholoale ilealors In
Italian Produce ,
Furelcn , I > nmc tlcan < l CHllfornlii KrulU nnil Commit.
lion Merclmnti. 1W S. Mill at. Oulj excluilr *
fruit bouie In Omalia.
Coal anf Lime.
. MILESTxi2 CO. ,
Dealer * la
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office and ) rardll'th nnil Nlcliolnn Ma. , Omaha , Nob.
Yaril Tclepbunc , ( 7.
Ueo. i' . i.AiiAiill. Proa. C. F. Ooon AN , V. Proa.
J. A. .SU.NliKHI.ANn. Hoc. untl Treui.
Jobhr-rs of Hard and Soft Coal.
attSoulli Thirteenth .itrcel , Omalia , Neb.
irannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime.
And shippers of Coul nn < l CoUo , rernonl , PlH ter ,
IJino. llnlr. Flro llrlclc , Druln. Tllo nnil Sewer IMpii.
DHico , I'.iitcm IIulcl. Knriuim t. , Om.ilm , .St < b.
F'r. FAY tQ CO , ,
ifir Confcctioncrn ,
Jobbers of KiulU.NulHiiinl Cl um. Uliriiruuui St.
Live Stock Commission.
M. ItUllKE iO .S'OJViS' ,
Live Stock Coinniission.
( Ino. Itutko , MnnnKT.
Union Stock Ynrdn , S. ilinntiu. Telephone . ' < 37.
Live Stock Commission Merchant
BLIpmeuta of an ? Him nil klrula of Mincic solicited.
Union ntock Yanl , ( ) umrm , Ni < b.
Cigars and Tobacco.
' Jobbers of Cipars , Tobacco ,
Oung and Ammunition , 215 to 221 8. IllU tt. , 1050 to
1U. ' ( KHrnain t , Onmlm.Ncb.
Hanulscturcrs of Fine
And Wlioleiialn Dealers In I.c.if Tobaccoe , Not. 106
uncj 11(1 ( N , Hlh tlrvct , Ounlin.
Wliolonalo Deulura In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Ajenlifor 1) . LeldcrBJorf A Co. , rine-rutnnrt fimolc-
ln Tobarcoi , Mllwmikoo con ln. No , JI2
North SUtceotli Htraet , Omuhi , Neb ,
Dry Cooifs ,
M. I' fmiTJl tCO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods < t Notions
110 ? and 1104 Douidns , cor , lllli til , Omuliu.Ncb.
DlBtllleri of I.lquon. Alrnhnl and r-plrlti. Importers
and Jul > ber o ( VVIneiand J.liuori.
CO. and 1LEII tVCO. . ,
Importer ! und JubLoroof Klne WJuri and I.lquori.
hole maniifiioturrixif Ktnno(1 > Kin India Hit *
trra tnil Dumvitlc I.lquori. ] | I2 Ilirnv ; bl.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
IT. r. CLAKKE nitua co. ,
Largest Dniff , Paint , Oil & Glaus House
\TeBlofCtildi2o. I'oioiileta I.lno of DriigilBli H a-
drU'B. liullanmr tl.Oicaba.
_ _ _ _
WholcHiilft Drup/fTists ,
/5 ! ) ( nlsr ln J'aluu OlliauJ Wlnduu rilan,0aal.a ,
Drain rile , Etc.
A. 11 , B.MK' ! / < J.W.Hrnroitn.Sec.ATreii
} ! . J. Ci KHUN , V.l'ivt. unit bupt.
1) It AIX TILE CO. ,
03li'e : I3 ( s llth H , Oru hu. Neb llachlnerr and
Huppllvn for MauufuciurliiK Ccnicut lir ln Tile.
Butchers' Tools ,
, OJ7/.S HE I < L Eli ,
' Tools and Supplies ,
iautkgo CMilngi of nil klndB l uj lu Block" , 1IU
Jcnr il.Ocu > lin.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Oroccrlcs nnil 1'royislons ,
No * . 7 .7fl7. 708 ami ? M B. IQlh St , Oman * . X b.
McC01tDJlltAiyi'.ti CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th nnil liMrenwortti liu , Omaha.
Hardware ,
ir. , ; ; uitoArcir ,
Heavy Unrdwnrp , Iron nnd Steel ,
Spring * , WiiRiin Stock. lUrJturr Lumber , etc.
n l 1211 lUrnrj M. , Umnliii.
EDXE rp aiititox ,
Wholesale Iron nnd Steel ,
Wncon unit CarrlniroWoiHl Stock. HMTT llrtw r
Ktc. k , Mb.
soxs ,
Stoves , Uanires , Fnrnacep , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Crate * , lli ( ! oed . 1331 nnd 1323 K rm
Iron IVorks.
Iron Works ,
Wrmttht unit Tail Iron Kultillna Work , Iron Sl lr ,
lulling. Home nmUilrder * . Stffini Knilnri , linn
\Vi'rt , ( Hiirrnl Pciunilrr , Machine anil UUckirnllh
TVoilr , onconnil Woik , tl. r. llr mullTilifiiirft.
jf , p 2jjt .J1. , xi .
Wiolcsulo Joxvolers nntlMitHio Dealers.
Dcnlm In Sll r > t ro. Ulmiumili , Wntchn , Clock * ,
Jentler Ttxiltand Untntlnl. , inc. 11)1 ) mill 10J Ulh
t. , cor. IKnlKv , umahk , Nob.
Dealer ! u Lnmber , Ltith , Lime , Snah ,
i , Klc. Vnrilf-ConirrTtli niul DougUil Corner
Wholesale Lninbcr ,
Bli B. I4lh > ti eel. Onulm , eb. r.Cotpctier , il n or.
C. JV. rilETZ ,
Lumber. nnd CMIfornU Mrrcls , Omaha. Neb.
Fit ED H' . Git AY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth mitl noiMcUn tti. . Omaha , Neb.
To Dealers Only.
Offlcr , 1(0.1 Furnnm tlrcclOm ha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpali ud I'nrquel Floorliic. Dili d UouulM
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported mill Aniprlcnn rorttnnil Omcnt. Clint *
.Agout forilllwRiiVcn Il > r1rnullu Ccttieulmid lldt
( Julncj Whilel.lnie.
'Lire Stack.
Of Omaha.
l.lmltod. John F. Boyd , Suporlntordent.
Millinery and Notions.
Ituiortcri niul Jobbers of
.Milnuery and Notions ,
linnml I'ilMInrnoy HIcol , Omaha , Nob.
C. ft. G OOJRTCH f : CO. ,
Arc the onlr Direct Importorn ( if
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Ncbrntka. Chicago prlccn ilunllcatcd without add *
Inkrrclnhl. . 1115 Knrnnm htroet , Oiuiilm.
j. T. itonrxsox XOTIOH co. ,
Wholciilo Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
40-1 and > .i 8. Tenth St. , Omnhn.
o sc
Jobber * In
Notions , Hosiery and ( Scuts' Furiilshinar
lOflrtand 1008 F.irnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcani I'anlF , Slilrti , lUc. Itrr ! anil 1104 Dounlns Street ,
( lm hnNuli.
Job I'rinters , Itltiuk Hook Makers ,
And HOOK lIluiliTs. 1UH nnd 1IH Sinuli rourlocnUl
r.trcct.Oliiuhi , Ni'li.
Auxiliary rulilisliprs1.
Doiilci < l > iTjiu | , Prnoni nnil Prlnli'rs'Hupplloi. SOf
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
EDH'IXMORltlti .0 CO. ,
MunudicturerB , I'ncLcrs and licalcr * In
AStrietly Pure AppleViii
Powder. I'linnrlnu Kxlrncin. 'I'nMn Kuurn ,
iTPni'li Muilii"1. Wnili Illulni : , ( irort'rf1 STecla ! ' . ! : *
t-olu ii i'iilh lor Vurk htiito Muni Itutincd Apple Ci
der. 14IV11 dtvrnnurlli H. . iJuiuli.i.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Suf Works.
Uanufnctiircr M riround lliirKliirl'riiorSurri , Vault
Duurs.J II Wi.rk.hhuticrs nnil Wlrn WurL , Cor.
lull nnil JurKion rlti. , < > mr.lm , Nub ,
i co. ,
Aponts for Jlall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flr and llnrtr'ar Proof H.ifon. Tlnm I icki , Vaultj
and Jail Work , 107) ) l < urnam ulrei-t Oinuliu , Neb.
- "
c " -
Snsli , Doors , Etc.
Wliolcpnl * Jl.inufitctnroriioJ
Snsb , Doors , lllinds and Mouldings ,
Iliancii office , 12th niul Irnrd rt . , Om.iliMN l ) .
Sash , Door , lillnds , Mouldings ,
IlulliIlriK I'tniT. cto. KOI smith Tlilrti-nnlh Hlrect ,
Oaialiu , Nob. A comiileto nlock of Uulldcu'
Manufacturfrs , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uould'rir.-'lHlrWnrkand ; ! Interior Hani Wood Klnlib
Jum opened , N. IS. cor , Sih and J.eaven ii.-lliBti.
Oniutia , Ni-b ,
Pumps ,
Wholnsiilo ru mils , 1'ipc , Fittings ,
Stoamnnil Wntfr Supr > ll i llrailqu rlers fur Mail
FoislCo'Kioods. Ifll Karnuui i I , ( iiuaba.Neb.
A , L. STJtAXG CO. ,
PurapH , I'ipnu nnd Engines ,
. Wnlcr , Ilillnar and Milling fiupl.llci. Eta
ViOva..t9H utULia m.Dmuhn. Neh.
7/TV. W.XD ItX'tiiTXE ami I'UMF
HnllnrtaT Wind Mllli ; rlcntu and \V.tor Siippllef.
I'luuiUIng Ooodn. lleldnu. | l i , VI8 nnil I'JJ fur-
uam t. , OniHha. H K. I elton , Muun cr.
'J'uli'iiliiiiiu Nu.ID. .
Trunks ,
HTTr fA itJiorr ,
Wliolcsalt' Trunks ,
Ulllnril Hotel IllorkOuoiba.
Wagsns and Carriages.
A. , T. RIMJ'SOX ,
The Leading Uarriairo Factory ,
1 < and Ull Itoiltu Hrecl , Orniln.
Building Material.
* ' " '
Dealer In All Kindt of
JJuililing1 Miiteriiil nt Wliolcsalo.
IBlb StreelMncl Union I'ucltlc Truck , nuuha ,