Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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rrmnt In the stain outside of San Francisco
OTP , which , If maintained , would clvo him
plurality In the stnto ouUldo at San Km
Cisco of r.,0oj. . Moth republicans ntid dom
crali claim a majority on Joint ballot. Tl
count of San Francisco tii far RI made I
dlcati-s tlml tlio democrat ) have olecti
seventeen slatu sonnlors nnd iissomblyini
niul tlii ) republicans Uiliteen , ft democrat
pain of fourteen In tincity. .
ItAiiTKonn , Conn. , Nov. 3. Very fc
towns to hear from. Tim vote stand ? 14 i
publicans to 10 dumocrata , n republican ga
of I. The loner house , four towns not hen
from , reckoned the same ns last year , stair
J.U republican * ! , 111 ! democrats , 1 labor anil
tic , a republican majority of 10 or SO. and c
joint ballot from SO to ZJltivelaiid , dom
cnitlc cundldntc for Rnrcrnor , lack * aSOO , ol
majority. Tlio Iivlsintuni will elect n rt-pu
Ilmn senator. Tim republicans i-li-clslx slu
iffs and tliu democrats two , n republican ga
South Carolina.
CifAnr.r.ftTo.v , S. C. , Nov. a. Tlio Ind
pendent tickets arc defeated In Clicsturfie :
nnd IliirkPlrv , and 1'lliott , democrat , Is a ]
l-areutlv elected In tlio Seventh district , il
Inn .South Carolina a solid ilemocratlo del
Ration In tlio next congress.
CAIWOX , Nov. , Nov. n. The republlcar
, tnado a clean sweep of thostato except tl
supreme judge. Tlio rotmbllran Icylslatli
tlcitet Is elected by a small majority.
JACKSOM , Miss. , NOT. a. AH parties coi
redo the election of the solid democratic del
gallon to roii.iuoss from Mi
Icxns ,
GAT.VKSTON.NOV. ' . Mcaero returns r
celvcd indicate the election of the cntli
democratic congressional ticket All ai
members of tlio Forty-ninth cougiesa oxcc ]
C. U. KIlL'ore , of the Third district : Sell !
lionofllm Fifth ; Josupli Abbtt. . of. tl
Sixth ; amlT. W. Alooiu. of the Klghth.
Xr.vr Onr.r.ANs , Nov. fl. Indications noli
to ix solid democratic , delegation to cunsfre ;
from Louisiana. .
West Virginia.
\ Vitnr.r.iNOV. \ . Vn. , Nov. a. The dem <
CKiHIiiuc ! ! majority In the sciute , 4 in Hi
house. niEiiinst 4 In the sonata ami 11 in tli
house two years 11150.
How ttin Iluii4 ( ; Stand * ) .
New 1'oitK , Nov. 13. The Uar.ild says
The house of representatives has 100 deiiu
rrats , l.V. ici > ubllcan < ; , and n labor man. Tli
democrats therefore lm\o n majorit
over nil of 8.
Dntiionrats in Washington Worrlci
Over Thrir Lenders' Chnuccs
WASin.Noro.v , Nov. 3. Special Tulcgran
to HID liiiK. At 11 o'clock to-ulL'ht the now ;
paper and telegraph olllcus are surround ?
by crowds of republicans and a few dcuu
crntlc office holders discussing the electloi
returns. Here the Interest centers on coi
Kress , and the dlspntcbcs telling of the n
nulls as they affect Hie lower house , are ere
ntlngn sensation. The reported defeat o
Speaker Carlisle , William H. Morrison , Wil
llnm Springer and "Objector" Ilolman Is
faiirprlbo even to the most sanguluo republ !
cans. It wa-s expected that their majoritie
would tmmateiially reduced on account o
their positions on thu tnrilt and Inbor quc >
tlons , as well as because of the dissension
which linve arisen In their district
over the distribution of pation
ngp , but no ono thought tlia
cither would bo entirely deti-ated. Th
amaxlncly Jnnru icpubllcun gains In Vlifjluln
Ohio and Indiana , as well as tlio Inerenbei
republican representation In New York am
Michigan are due , it Is bulle\ed , to the crow
Ing sentiment. In favor of a piotective tarifi
This belie ! is made posltlvo by the over
whelming defeat of Frankilurd. who is sail
toha\ehad : i treat deal of aid from Nev
York and Knullsli free tr.x illelubs. . l'ie-ideu
Clovul.iiul is nlthls hour in his ollicc at tli
white hoitseiceeiviurf private pi ess dlspatclie
iuinouucinc republican Rain * . ami aliliuuxl
ho ri-fiiMis touAptKb- opinion in Ken cm I
nosajs piivnluly that ho does not considoi
thu administration on trial In Mils election
The ni'tts that has woirled him the most i <
tlio rt'jxuts tiom Ei IP county , Now
loilc , showing tlio election of tin
entire republican city and count1
ticket with n solitary exception. Amomrthi
citizens of Waslilimton more is said aboit
the Ucle.u of Ilolman than any other demo
cratic loss. Ilolman Is hated by men In al
parties licie because ho opposes all improve
montsof thoUMiictor Columbia and pare
the bnlailcs of nil government employes
Win. Dlukson , tlio chairman of the Jtlfci
sonian Democracy olub of this elty , says tlm
if the icport that Ilolmati is defeated Li tru
he will paint his plug hat icd and tide dowi
Pennsylvania avenue to-monow at the heai
ol the Marine band. The most experience *
llguies upon the leturiiH lecelvea at tli !
wilting place tin : ileiuoeuitie majority In tli
next housu of icpie entatlvos at not to in
cecd .seven , while it la quite ccni'inlly bi
Ilovcd that the republicans may liiivo control
on Henry George.
Cmr-Aoo. Nov. -Special Telegram to th
BEK. Hob Ingersoll , who Is In town , wa
asked : "What do you think about the vet
for Henry ( Jeorge , Us signilicance and th
cause of Hewitt's elcctlonV"
" 1 was for Henry ( ieorgo , and before leav
Ing New York I paired In order to save m
vote. I hoped that ( ! rorgo would be electee
lie wants to do Konietlilne. ho stands fc
Homeihlnp : , ho represents o cause. Holspe
fectlv sincere , and In my judcemcnt h
would have made an excellent mayor. It th
republicans hml acted riahtly tliey woul
liavo voted foi ( JeorRO. They would hav
beaten the democracy and that Is the lift
itnty of republicans. The means aio only o
secondary Imuoitnuct * . If the repiit
llcans had votuil for CleorRo th
next president would bo republlcar.
It would Imvo di'inorallzcd tlm democrat
but now tlm labor paity has no bolter fcelini
towards rr'publlcuns than democrats , j
imw ) > arty has been bom. The SOILS of to
have appe.tle < I to the ballot. It Is the mos
potent ol ml weapons. Stiikea mid boycott
are of the p.ittt. Labor stands with the ba
lot In Its hand , anil with that wuauon it wil
succeed , My sympathies are with tli
workeiH , nnd what little I can do I nil
Kindly do for them. Thu old p.utliw most tc
BOIIUI new IdOtisor they \\III soon be u > Kardr
nsuntliinltlcs , tit only for museums
Oilieu seekers must maUo teims with , th
woi kinsmen 01 go to woikthomsvhrs. "
1 Tlio Bladlson County Scat Contest.
MAIUSON , Neb. , Nov. a. [ Special Teh
gram to the HEN. J The people of Madlsoi
. ' county lu\e luul three elections on the fines
tloii of lo-loi'.itlou of the county seat withli
four months ; Norfolk , Kittle CieuR uiii
Madison , ilio I'le-icnleoiuitv ' sesit , bolnj ; th
c-cimiielint ; points. Tin- matter was decide
jestiinlay tu fiiyur of Madison by over th
hundred majority. Tlm town will tmlld
line court house , and with the miliond I
prospective \ > o osjioc tn bli boom In the lies
Opinion on C
LONDON. Nov. 4 , The Standard con
mentliiK on the uiu-xpected number { of vote
cast tor Henry ( li'oigp , asks Now Yoik wha
It will itu ulth the fact thai oim voter tn Hue
hacks tlm opinion of thu Fimich nn'olutlon I
nciout to bo leK.iteii In AUDI KM , nnd t > aye
"Audi polls look as It the a'-vt nation \\n
) ili.\in ; with i-A'M tools with rerkle ness
Untigotoui for other than children. "
StalibcU Over u CJiuno of Cards ,
YoitK , Neb. , Nov. 3.-Spechil Telegram t
the UKI : . Tom Jihinan , a dHsohite charactei
duilntrii row ever a eamo of cards last nlRhl
ttttblu-d mid | tiob.U > ly fatally woundwl Swai
Akkwut , a raijxMitiT wuiklni ; for Hutchlsoi
A Collier , The man was st ibbeU In the al
dnuicii , his ( -touiach nnd boueU protruding
nnd but little hopolsenteitaiiied ot his n
covt'ry. IbhuuinUJn jail nwnUing Uuveloi
Jolm Morley on GlndHtoue.
Nov. 3Moiley , in a bpcech tc
ulsht , said that despite the rccont defeat <
In ? believed CilmUtone on the u\oof triuuiu
and llwt the literal polloy is now rooted ii
ttiq minds ml conscifcvo-s of liberal
thioughAut fhe country. This sciitimen
PAMOIIS on the Result of the Klcotlc
In Chicago.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 3. [ Special Tolcsratn
the HKR.J AiiRiist Spies was jubilant In t
county jail , and his ccven condemned ass
elates Parsons , Flcldon , Schwab , Neel
Fischer , Iilntc and Knpel wcro jnblla
nlso. Shortly befortjlO o'clock Jailor Conn
Fob. let the prisoners out of th lr cells In
the corridors for exercise. A reporter In
an Interview with Spies , who was out of li
cell t.tkiiiK oxtrclso in the corridor. lie hi
soeral lady visitors. Among them was li
mother , his sister , the handsome youns I.n
who was seen frequently during the Iris
nnd two or three of his sweethearts. Tl
reporter called him tip to the Iron nctwo
that divides the pilsoners and visitors. 1
looked fresh of complexion ml happy >
heart , lln had n basket of luxuries that w
supposed to contain his breakfast.
"You must be deeply Intel estecl In tlm lab
votoV" the reporter said , Interrogatively.
"Yes , I am , " ho .said with some heslfatloi
but I don't care to tulK about it. "
'The whole connliy Is Interested In hen
Ing what vou have to say , "
"Well , then the 19,000 or 20,000 socialist
votes cast yesterday were nn answer to tl
verdict aaalnst the nnatrhlsts , and yon mr
say that the same answer was given in No
York i\s In Chicago. It wus a class vote.
wivs n socialistic vote. It was n vole of tl
people who woilc against these who Ilv
The working people nro beginning to HI
that tlm only remedy they have Is the hallo
Null , did vou hear .something drop , " sal
t'.irsons , thioiigh his teeth to the ropoite
"Yon aio surprised at tlio vote , nruioi
\\ell , It l no sni priso to an v one else ash !
from the hired liars of the Ulile. ' 'o piess. "
"Do you think many voters of the social !
ticket had the late tilal on their minds I
voting ! " '
"Yes , nnd on tholr he-arts , too. That vol
was a response to all those who luui said tl
laboiers have no grievances. It was a r
spouse to those who ( lecl.ired that wo wui
rcd-lmmled brutes. Yotf. the vote of yeste
dav Is u relmko of the verdict usalnst us an
against these wo represent the laboiini
men. 1 tell you wo ail had appetites th
mornlncr. It Is also In response to those wh
said , that men who worrt con dcm neil to
hero were nothing but rea-hamlc t muidei
ersiiml brutes. The votes nf those ' 0M1
men formed urcbukoto .ludw Gary and h !
rulinus. That was the subject that was in
permost in the hearts nnd minds ot the i ei
pin who voted tlm Irtbor ticket , "
Fischer was tusked if ho had he.ud th
rli'ctlon news. lie. said :
"Tim election news Is , a pretty good ai
sworto the veidict. "
Sam Ficldi'ii , wcarlna a liiekoiy shirt and
gray dorbv hat , was taking i-\eicNe in th
conidor , but would not talk.
Oscar Necb.3 wns thcie , but he had nolhln
to s.iy.
Schwab's wife was nlso on hanu.
1'aisons had no callers except his brothel 1'aison.s of Tevns. Ills wito 1
away In the east delivering Inclines. Yi-stei
day. bcin it election dav , Cmiiad Folallowei
no vistilois in the jail. On account of thl
tulo the condemned anaicliisis could uo
vi-iy little news of the ( -lection ,
Jno ( ireunhut. who is acitv cmpliuQ and
pioiioiinced socialist , said : " "TiniiutopLnil
i-nt political action of the l.xboroix'.iiii/.atioji
is a new departure In thu dlieetlon ot pract !
nil politics. The trades unions in Chica-a
N.-wYoiU and other eilltts In the Industiln
iifiileis , siriick at the ballot box am
ignored the two national polltlca
parties. They take up the line ot issuer o
civilized exhsti-nce and j-laoo them within tli
range of practical politics , thereby u-iicgatiu
totljeiear all Impiactlcablo bchcmi.-s am
unaieliistlo rtlstiirb.iuco of pence. The 11011
seuslcalcrvof red-handed bruteetc. . , di >
not prevent ormini/ed I.ibor in Cook count
to rast il-1,000 votes and elect two M-intor
\n < \ SK members of tlio legi.slatuio ji'sti-rday
iiiiil at the next city i-lection the compln\ii > i
if the city countil will bom.itemlU eliuusi-d
Jur electoral organization Is ready mailo am
: an use our trades unions for the purposes o
imitation and levy lu-coss.iry eaiup.iiiii o\
jeiises from the members in good blundiim
ilso older the proper number ot men I
'eclloucerlng ' dutias , ticket ueddllntr , etc.
[ hereby abolishing the coriuptini ; s\blom o
isscssiug candidateb and upending mnney ti
: reat voters In saloons. The united l.ibo
[ > arty has the balance of : power in the .state.
Burnrd to Death In a Hotel.
Loouoon : , Intl. , Nov. S. The Ackermai
Hotel burui'd early this morning , and thrci
uen hiirned to death. They slept in thi
IPJ or rooms anil were forgotten till too lati
, o i save them. Two ot them were John C
ate.s and Michael Tracy who \\eio yt' tetda'
Mected tieasmer and auditor of > ' .utii
jouutj' . Tin- third victim was John itmcli
The Hrttldouk .
Sioux Cirv , la. . Nov. : t.-.Spccial | Tele
; r.itn to the Ur.R. ] Notwithstanding th
Fact of tlio elections , the annt.uncemoiit tlia
x new lead had been stiuck In the Iladdocl
: aso caused no little interest today. It i
now learned that two D.uies , who had jus
: omo out of the Columbln house bar roon
when the nss.ibsins approached Haddock
saw the tragedy and deterlDe tin- man wh- -
lireil the latal shot. Fearing that tht-ii secie
would Involve them in trotiblo tlioy at one
lott the city anil have been for MHIIO tlnv
about Norfolk , Neb. Keren tly while In con
versatlon they menlion.-d the fact of the !
being eye wlluossas to coi tain parties , wh
lo-ilay lupoiti-d it to tlio authorities ht-if. Ai
eliort will bo made at onto to .secure thrt mei
and get them to return to tos-tlty.
To llotii-e From Public Gazo.
WASHINGTON , Nov. S. The folio-.ving an
nounccuient Is Issued at the whlto house
"Tho president Huds it absolutely neccssar ;
to the proper pcrtoinuuici ; of public dutle
that the time between the 10th of Novembc
mid tlio next meeting of congress bo at hi
disposal free from Interruption. Within thi
peiiod ho will bo obliged to deny hlmselt ti
ylsltoiB except upon actual public business o
inportance. Tills will not bo coiitintied t >
Includn applications on recommendations fo
omen. This nollllcatlou is given to the publi
this early to dispose in advance of the pie ,
that lit rip to U'ushluuton has been made ii
ngnorancoof the president's arr.innomont
Ihp usual public ieco ] > tloii nt half paste
o clock Mondays. Wednesdays , tand Friday
will bo continued. "
Woman's SufTi-iiKO For Vermont.
Mo.NTi-iiiii : ! , Vt. . Nov. 8. The house o
representatives to-day passed a bill ernntlui
Biilliugo to women by a vote of 1US to b'i.
Oeor ln' .
ATLANTA , ta. , Nov. a. Tlio Georgia leg
Islatuap met to-day. Jlon. J. S. Uavldsoi
was elected president of the henatii ami lion
\V.A. l.ltllo speaker of the hoiiso. < ! ov
uiuor Mt-Daniul delivers his message to
morrow. iJenenil Ueonlan will bo inatigu
rated Tuesday.
WASHINGTON , Nov. : . [ Special Tt-leirrau
to the nii.J : The tollowlng Ncbiaska post
ulllcca weio discontinued to-day : Alorla
Shermaii county ; Kdensbur ; . Sauudei
[ ounty ; ( ii-cr , Klchardsou county ; Summit
Uu-eley rounty.
Tlio I'nokiiiKlumsQ Strike.
CuicAiio , Nov. a AH houses In packing
town uio runulnir as usual this mornlnc ex
ui-jis Swift's nnd Morris' , and the ludle.UIou
weio that Swill's would begin killing bofon
noon. Mineral tnimlroit mill-union men hn\i
been employed , und othure are bolng hlied u
rapidly as they present tlniiu.-elvua. Theii
lias been no trouble nt the yards.
Southern Nobraslcn Touchers.
PAWNKB Uirv , Neb. , Xov. 3. [ Special ti
ttmJlKKj There will be n uiestlns ot tin
Southfrt tern Nebraska Teaeheid' nbsocla
tlon , In TKCUIIISCII , be lnnins In the evenln-
tifnext TlmiiUsgivlng < lay and contluulnj
Uirousli the following tiny and evening
flio association , as orsam/od onu year nco
IncludtviUai counties of Ulohard-ioii , Neian
liH.Jiihnsoii , 1'Awneo and ( iaite , but tha ox
iiciillvo committee will extend a cordial linl
laHOII tn peraoug engaged in euuentloun
ttoib auywheroln Uio MJutliu.vitein part o
Iliubtatu , A. lull prograuiuio will bo ben
Now York LU-yuooiU Market.
Nnw Yomc , Nov.3. ThodryKOOdsunlrke
was \6ry quiet in new dem-jud , but throucl
fair deliveries of all climes of coeds In thi
Dxecutlou or orJers , a good business wa :
: oinpletcd.
The Full Returns of the Vote on Tnosds
By Wards.
The Itcturns From tlio County Htl
Incomplete Flout Senator Sim-
crnl fbr Attorney Tlio Ro-
suit in Detail.
The Klrctlon.
The iinnl count on the vote In the ctt completed nt 0 o'clock last nigh
The result Is stilt uncertain as soyeral c
the country nreoincts have not roporti-
definitely. The following is the complel
report of tlio city vote :
Firm Wnrd.
STA.TI : .
1st 2il M
ForOovi-rnor : Uis. Dls. UK Mi
John M. Thaycr , r . 124 175 123 . ,
James E. A'oilh. d . $ . 10) U03 1 (
tor Member ot Congress :
Ulnireh Howe , r . 40 .TS Jill . .
.lohn A. McShane , d . ai9 iJ34 ISM 7.1
Ulgolow , pro . 8 a 0 .
. . .
For Stale Senator , Seventh DIslilct :
Kdwaid CnsowMtur , r . 1W ( ir > S 175 .
.1. 1C. Campbell , d . 'jsfl lee isi
For State Senators , Sixth District :
Georne W. Uiiinger , r. . . 05 17. " ) 177 .
UnmoT/scliuck , r . r. % KM ir > 4 . .
John T. 1'aulsun. d . arts 101 178 m
W. A.Slowc , d . ! J5G IOT 1W IB
I1 or Keprosoiitidlvcs :
William ( i. Whltmoio , r.\l4l 174 179 . .
F. 0. lliblurd , r. . . . ; . li 16S IKI . .
( leoruo llelmiod , r . 178 ISfl 175 . .
ItlohardS. Il.ill , r . lor , ! ti : 114 . .
John Mathleson. r . 1SJ , 18S IR , ! . .
James K. Young , r . KJ4 ISO SOS . .
T. W. Illackburn , r. . 73 7fi 8.1 . .
M. O. Kieketts , r. . , ' . . . 705117 BZ . .
Alov Mea\ock. ! d. . . . . , .yr > S 111 ! isi . .
1'atrlck Carver , d . . .I'.IO 144 su . .
U. J. Smyth , if . . . , .2iKl l-2ii "Jin . .
Huu'lK ! . Walk , d . T.MW : ! MIS HO . .
David Kuov , d . 'J.y.1 175 ! i0 ! .
James Stephenson , d . IliS 51 71 . .
Adam Stoimreiu. d . "M Ki , 1SJ . .
I'lillip Andres , d. . , . , . . . . : ! 1S Ul'J 'J41 . .
cor MTV.
Foi Attorne\ :
KilwMid W. Slmeral. r..W5 100 151 . .
A. N. Fcimison , d . 'M ! 107 1'Jl ' 0
rot Commissioner :
Isaac N. I'leice , r . & " . IBS 117 . .
W. J. Mount , d. . . . . . . . . .323 lOJ'J 2S' '
Second WanL
For Governor : isld 2il d Ma |
John M. Thavi-r r 418 4U ! y- |
JniiicsK. Noilh , d. . . . . . . . . 0) ail . . .
I-or Member ot Congress :
Chin ell 11 own. r 70 20S .
John A. Mi Shane , d 050 57J 91 :
ItUiilon , pie , 8
For SlaloSenator , oi-vunlli District :
Kdward Jto t-water , r 4'47 47. ! 25 !
J. i : . Camiibi'll , d 'JM T3J . . . .
For St.ito S.-natois . , Sixth dintriiH :
( Si'ow W. LiniUL'ei , r 474 4fir JW
Hriino T/schuek , r 4SO 4(11 ! '
JohnT. r.uilMjn , tl 'Jill : ; > . . .
W. A. sio\\v , d IMU : ; rj . . .
Fur lU'pii'-i-ntativi" , :
U'ui. \Vliitiiioii' , r 471 17H . . .
F. C. Illbb.iid. r : WS 4.H ) . . .
Gc-nrsii liuinirnd , i 511 001 ! . . .
Iticluml S. Hall , r I'.i'.i 42 ! ) . . .
Jiilin M'lthie-.on , r 4 IS ist . . .
.Inini's It. Yiiiinj ; , r 477 47C. . . .
'I'V. . lilackbinn , r aJ 4'J-J . . .
M. O. Klrketti , r 2&S I71 ! . . .
Alev. Mc-Gavoclr , d -J.v ; I'.i.i . , . ,
Patrick ( Sarvuv , d -7. ! " > : .7:5 : . . . ,
< ! . . ! Smyth , il : ? 2i : t7S' . . . ,
llmihC. Clark , d 27 ! ! 417 . .
David KIION , d ntr : tel . . . ,
James Stcplu-nsoii , d 141 1SI . . . .
Adam 231 W\ \ . . .
Philip Andre ! . , d 5w :17S : . . . .
For Altornnv : .
Edwunl \ . Slmeral , r 433 405 ill :
A. N. Feruiunn , il : . . , . 'JSi 400 : . . '
For CoinuiNiloncr :
Isaac N Pierce , r " 18 r.91
W. J. Mount , d 418 SvrT KM
Tillwl Wnj-tl.
si ATI : .
For Governor : Maj
John M.Thaypr , r . . . . 411
Jaiiiei P. . North , d 47. U-
( oxuin\A.r ;
For Member of Coiifjiesi :
Clinreh Ildwo. r ! Jia
John A. McShano , d ( i : > 7 ni
Higcliiw , pie s . . . ,
i.ixn- \nvr-
Foi- State Son.itor , beveutli Disliict :
Kdwaid llospwat"r , r : W4 . . . .
J. K. Camnbell , tl 4V.i c :
For Stnto SiMialnrx , Slsth Dibtrlct :
( ieoorjio \ \ . Llntnteir 4in
Kruno IVschiiek , r 4)1) ) ) . . . .
John T. iMiiUon , d ir.8 : ; .
W. A.Stowe , u 4CO 5i
For Hupresi-ntatives :
\Villl.iin < ! . U'hltiuore. r 4T4 . . . .
F. C. inblmril , r : ; ! )7 ) . . . .
( ioorgo lliiliuroil , r. 47 !
Klebiml S. Hall , r 414 . . . .
.lohu Mulhloson , r 429 . . . .
Jamua II. Yount , ' , r 451 . . . .
T. W. niai-kbiirn , r : m . . . .
il. O. Kh-ketts , r : US . . . .
Alox. MeCi.ivock. d 4fW . . . .
I'attlck ( Snivev , d WW . . . .
C. J. Smyth , d 4SI . . . ,
lliiL'liC. Claik , d 478 . . . .
David Knov. d J7 . . . .
James Htenhcnson , d 'SM . . . .
Adam Stoncleln , d 4'i ) . . . .
Philip Andres , d 51/1 . . . .
For Attorney :
Kdwaril w. Slinernl , r ! W3 . . .
A' . N , Keniiisini , d w , < M
For Comuilssloner :
Isaac X. I'ieit-o. r , * vn . . . .
W.d. Mount , d 5U1 IKS
1st 2d
1-or Governor : DK Dis.Maj. .
John AI. Thaver , r. y" ! : ! io 21 ;
James E. North , d 1:15 : 201 . . . .
For Member ot Congress :
Cliuu-ii llnnp , r K2 17 ; ! . . . .
John A. McShano , d 2r > 0 : at ; 2i : )
lilKclow , i > ro rj 2 . . . .
For State Senator , .Seventh DIstilct :
Kdward Itosowatcr , r Wi 210 , . .
J. K.Campbell.d 201 240 : sj
Tor St.ito Sun.itois , Sixth IJIatiict ;
< ! rorzoV , Llnlngdr , r ass "M : Kt\ \
Hi iino I'z-chuck , r 'f. ! 20U 80
John T. I'anlsen. d 110 us . ,
\Y. A.StowB.d 170 21-J . . . .
For ItepicM-ntntivcs :
Wllli.uu \Yhlliuoie , r. . . SSI 81:3 : . . . .
F. u. iiibturd. r 251 t 7 . : . :
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
Itlf-liard S. Hall.'r' . . . . . . . . 3M : < . . 1
John Mathlosnnr. . . 3fil 20S . , .
JnmPs U. Youni ; , r. , . . 2'iS : , ) . .
' 1.V. . Hlackiiurn , r are KM . . . .
M. O. UlekotU , r ! XN 2 < ! l . . . .
Alox. AlcGavock , d 12S ibii . . . .
Vatricl ; ( Sairny , d 1-37 isu . . . .
C. J. Sin > tlid mi 2tti . . . .
Jlugh < ; . Clark , d , , . , . iwi 25S
David ICuo\d. ir > o 213 ,
Jaiiiivshtcplieiiboii , d { rj 115
Adam iStciiKlelii , d , 107 151 ,
I'hllip Andres , d 12-j L0.1 ,
For Attorney :
IMwanMv. Slmeral , r 2SO 237 IM
A. N. Fei-Kiisou , d 180 SM7 . . .
tor Commissioner :
Isaac. N. IVrcp , r 1150 259 .
W. J.Muuut. d 2J7 2.M 8J
nrth Ward.
8TATB. 1st 2d
For Governor : Dis. DIs. Maj.
John M. Tharcr. r 'Wi 2ij ! 76
Jaiiies K. Noith.d txa 231 . . , .
KorMtmibor of Con re-ss ;
C'tiurcb llowo , r 123 103 , .
John A McShane , tl Ml 405 715
Ligelow , pro. , . , , . a T . . . .
For State Senator , Sovouth "DUtrlet :
Kilwarit Bosawater , r. xa ' 280 73
J , K. CiimptM-11 , d . SiM " " . . . .
For State Senators , Sixth District :
deorioLlnliuar , r . S73 aw ijo !
Hrunii Tzschuck , r . i'.l IVJQ n"S
J6liuT. l'uulMru'dVV. . , . . . 294 248
\V. A.Stnvrua . . . . S03 217
William tt Whitmore , r. . , , 303 319
P. 0. UlbbixhT , F. . , . . .K 7 221 . . .
Georoe IleliiihtA , r. . . . . ! OT W . .
Ulchaid S. Hall , r . 'Ji ' 201 . . .
John Mathlewotii r . 851 2711 . .
James II. Yotlnlf , 1 . 4D8 ! 1 . .
T. W. Hlacktmrn , r . . ' . . . . 207 2fi ! ) . . .
M. O. Klcketta , t. . 2.11 24- < . .
AIeMcJav ( Vckd . nil 213 , .
Patrick ( Sarvdjtd . 412 2VJ . .
O. .1. Smjth.Ma . 403 204 . .
IhnhO. Ulnik. d . : l 20" ! . .
David Knox-ili . . sr , filS . .
James SleplWnson , d. . . . . . . il : ? 100 . .
AdamSteiiRH-lfi.d . 274 1 ! > 7 . .
Philip Andres , VI . 410 2.W . .
' ' "COtTNTV.
I1 or Attorn eyJ ;
Kdwaid W. Shlcral , r . R50 281 !
A. N. FersiiMiff , d . .118 217 . .
1-or CoinlnKsiiiber :
Isaac N. Plereo : r' . . 0-tl 227 , .
W. J. Mount , d . 4IU 2.JJ tf
Sl\th AVnnl.
1M 2d
, ST TI : . Dist. Dlst , Ma
For Governor :
John.M. Tlinji-kr . 230 2.1(1 ( 1 :
James K. North ; d . isr iyo . ,
For Member of Onncress :
Church Howe , r . 1M 121
John A. McShano , d . : U4 207 31
Ulffelow , pro . 0 0 . .
For State Senator , Seventh District :
r.dwmd Koscwatcr , r . 3.VI 203 1C
J. K. rampbell , d . 215 142 . .
ForStattrHenntOM. Sixth District :
George W. l.lnlncor , r . : ill 21-1
Hruno lyicliuck , r . 271 11H
JohnT. P.iulsou , d . 102
W. A. Stowe , d . 105 128
I'or liepreseiitatlves !
Alex Muiavock. d . 17t : t.,0
PatilckGaivey , d . 201 101 . .
( ! . J. Smvth , d . 207 157 . .
Jluirh ( ! . Claik , d . 21s 1M . .
D.uid Knox , d. . . . 2. ! . ! 171
James SteplieiiMiu , d . iK : ) as
Adam Steniilelu , d . 1 > W Wl ' ; .
Philip Alldies , d . 217 10J . .
For Attoinev :
Kdward W. .Slmeral , r. . . . 370 2 ; ! ! 15
A. N. I-IM iitson , d . 20J 151 . .
For ronimlsslonei :
NaneN. I'leice , r . 211 2')7 . .
W. J. Mount , d . 21i 200 2 :
Stiijoritios in the City.
Thaver - - - . . 7s >
Mi-Shane - . . . . ; j y
llo ewater - . . . ; ; . - , '
IVschuek- - - . 4M
ilmeral - - - - - 21
Mount - - - - . . > , . - ,
Thtt'ijlit lo < jislativo candidales having
.TOoived the liiliost number ot votes iris <
is iolloWM :
lieimiod - . 4 m
Vouiu - . - ' . . . ; ) ; ( .
rt hlrmoro . . . . . ; ! t7u ;
Mathlesen . . . . jj'oni
IvU'lX . JlKJ
\llilves - . . . . ; i - , - .
iiuvey . . . . . . ; i s
lllbb.ird - - ' - . . si iT-
Tlm number of vole = s received by tin
itliots is as foHofva :
Jluik r - j . 3 os.
sinltli - - . - * - ; ( )
iltill - . . . . . . " ' /AS
{ jaekburn . . . .
{ 'icketts , - . . . ; > .7ft
MeGsuock - a ' - . . 7 : ; ;
iteiiile.n i . - - - li.-io1
itetihentioii - . - - . . 1,0-ji
Conn try I'reciuc-ts.
'I ' -
, . . .
First District Tlniyor ! H , North 27ft ,
ilowe ( ! . McSluino : i37 , Hosuwater ! ) S ,
lunpboll .M5 , l.lningerSlT , T sohttck 101 ,
L'aulscn 'J-2 , Sirtwn ' 'lfl , Wliitinoro ! W ,
libbard 1)5 ) , lleiisirod OS , Hr.ll 2in ,
Mntthiessen 8f , Yonnjj Blackburn
W , iliokotts 8' , .Mcfiavo.'k 21U. Gai-vov.
5J8 , Clark 318 , Sinvlli a.4. Knox 21i ,
itohpu5on | ! W. tftetifrlein 218. Andnc-i
! 1B , Simoral 70 , Kofjrii-on 241 , Pioico IB.
Mount 2S1.
Second District Tbayer 70 , North 421 ,
ciowo ! ) , , " ) , - ) , Ho ewatcrf > ,
Jiimnbell i27 ! , Linmjfer ItiS. Piiulten 3511 ,
L'.iochuck 9S , Stow ; ! 37Vhitniore 210 ,
Vlftuvofk ( 2i ! ) , Hibbani 81 , C.arvey 437 ,
Hmnirod 210 , Smvtho 415 , Hall 100 , C'lavk
) ) , Miithieoon 1KJ ! , Knox 1JO. ! YoiiiiK200 ,
tciiliensoii 177 , illacKhnrn fill. Sloii"lein
! Sl ! , UicKetts-ll. Andres 151 , Simcial 181 ,
A-i-fftinon 281 , Plereo 77 , Mount. 417.
Tliirddi-triet Thaycr 100 , North IS" ,
lowe 01 , MuShanu 22 ! ) , Uosewater
. . . . . J SOI ! . Mningor 107. I'.uilsi'ii 191 ,
r/.tohiiok ! 8 , Stowu 18.Vhitiuore ) 108 ,
tloCuvnck 118 , Hibbanl 85. ( Jarvnv 151 ,
Ii-imrod 101) ) . Smvtho US , Hull 172. Clark
.Ki , Alatthcisou 107. KHOT. 147. Young
15 , StnpliDiison 07 , Hinckuurn 10 ! ) , Slea-
tluiii 110 , Rickctts ( IS , Anilros 1 W , Siiu-
-ral 102 , l-'ur iison 1IJ ! ! , Pierce 00 , Mount
MII.t.Altl ) .
'Lho following is the vote in Mlllanl
ireeinct : Thiyi'r40 ; , North 70 , llnwti 11.
tleShune 101 , Kosowator 20 , Campbell
C , hinin iir. ) . ' { , T/schuck 43 , P.uitaun 87 ,
jtowe 07. Whitmnru 3'J. ' Hicketts41 , llcim-
od 18 , Hull 10 , iMathioBon 41 , YOIIIIK 40.
Macklmrn 41 , Ilibbaril 8 , MoU.ivoul ; 75 ,
arvi-v 7.j , Smyth 70 , Clark 7.5 , Knox 75 ,
ituuhenson 70 , Stonyk'lii 07 , Andres 77 ,
jinieral 41) ) , Ferguson 70 , L'icrtoVI ,
il on ut 1)5. )
The1 tollowiiifr is inn vote * in Ifnion ire *
iinct : Thayur 0:1 : , North 10 , Howe 4 , Me-
ihano 105 , Hosi'wator ( W , ( Janipbell 40 ,
.inniKer (15 ( , T/.sclmck 53 , Paulson 50 ,
town 51 , Whitnioru0.i , KicKctU,40 , Heini-
od 74 , Hull 05 , Rhithii'sou 70 , Youn 01 ,
Jliu-khiirn ( iO. Hibbtinl CO , McCJavoek 4' . ' ,
Jnrvcy4l ! , Smyth 44 , Clark 00 , Knov 40 ,
itoplieiiNon45 ! , Sleiifjlein 4i ! , Andres II. OMAHA.
Thayoiv 121 ; North , 8r * , llowc. 70 ; Me-
, , ,
imytho , M ; Hal' ' , 115 ; Clark , 01 , Mtithio-
on , 1 15 , Knov. 82 ; Young , 117 ; Stephnii'
on , 71 IJIncklmrn. 115 ; Slmiglein , 85 ;
licketts. 107 ; Andres , 1)8 ) ; Simoral , 111 ;
'iTKiison. ' 33Piorne. . 08 ; Mount. 82.
( Jtto Wlcbol and VA Walsh were
leoleil conslable.s.
f'hiis. J , Hyau waselentcd assussor , ro-
eivins 177 votes out of 214.
L. Jaiiskow.-Kb wus elected justice of
ho | > eacc.
. . .
Tlmyor. 1)2 ) ; Ilovo , 0 ! ! ; Hosew-iiter , 55 ;
'iiiiiiKor , ! )0 ) ; Tjsvlmck , 50 ; Whtlmoru , 05 ;
libbard , 03 ; iJJoImrod , Uij ) Ujtll , 1)7 ) ;
, ,
ihenson , aS ; Xlf-nglem , 05 ; Anilrui , 18 ;
ergusun , 01 ; Mount , 108.
'I'hu following is tint vote in Klkliorn
ireeinct TiiliyiT 71. Ilowo 22 , Koso-
/liter ( IS , LminVji r71.T-soliuok7l. ! Whit-
lore 75 , Klokr/tfe 08 , Ileimrod 71. Hull
S , Matthichon 71' , Young 71 , Dlnukbnrn
oy 7J , Smyth 70 , Clark 83. Knov 70 ,
iterensun 71 , StcnRlein 05 , Andres 73.
McSlmno 143. Stowo 37. llosowatcr 08 ,
Jam jib. ell 122,1'tiulsen 18i.
Trlotl to Suicide.
Sylvester Hi yle , a laborer boarding at
015 Harnoy street , made a despcrato
nd well-nigh successful attempt to end
i life yesterday afternoon. He had
> een sick for several days with malarial
3vor and had urown desiionilont. About
o'clock yesterday nfternoon the hdy of
lie house went to Hoylo's room to min
der to his vvanU and was shocked tend
nd hlra lying on the bed covered with
lood which was 'pouting from three
ghaslly gashes in his throat. A blooi
rnzor lay on the lloor hostile tlio be
Hoylovas In n perfectly conscious coi
tlltton and ableto speak with great dlf
.culty. When risked what ho had tried I
cut his throat for ho replied that ho AT :
fiuro ho wits jroing to die nt
iircforrcd n quick death to
lonj mill painful Illness that ho fo
awaited lnm ( Hoylo has been workin
in the smelting works for some time an
Si laboring under the Impression that I
is nflUctcd With lead poisoning Instead i
malarial fnvcr. li * . Kosowator was sun
tnoncit nnd attended the injured mn
whoso wounds nre of a very serious n
lure. Ono of the gashes extends entire
across the throat ami neck , exposing tl
trncncn nml nlniost reaching tliojngnh
vein. The two other cuts nro of n slmih
character but less i serious. The Injurii
will not provo fatal. Hovlo Is n sing
man whoso relative1 ; live in Ohio. Ho
ubotit forty yusirs of age , industrious an
strictly temperate , llo has lived !
Omaha for over a year ami is strong
liked by these with whom ho has been a
Incorporating t'nrlc Vnlu.
Tlm board of county commissioner
yesterday granted tlio petition asking ft
the Incorporation of I'ark Vale as a vl
Inge. The villaiio as incorporated
bounded by the city limits on the wortl
a parallel of Twenty-fourth street on th
west and thu river on the east. The con
missiotu-rs will appoint commissioners ft
the new villagetoday. .
Arrnneed for Robbery.
Arthur Curtis was arraigned bofor
Justice llolsloy yesterday uftcrnoor
charged with the larceny of a gun mn
other valuables from Tom Uullon. 11
re.fused to pluail until ho could consul
his prosecutor. His case was contini oil
SniierinteniientVnitlock i ucd build
ing poriniLs yi ieuliiy us follows :
Missouri Pachie Itallwav eoinnnnv , 1-stor
fiauin liel'lithoiiso ( , Kilieeuth and Nlchola *
\ ? * U Kl
\V 1. Haker. fnmie wncoti shed , Twentj
seventh and Indinna , Sll' .
Uenj.unln Kdholm , one and one-halt i slur
dwellliiir. Chailos.slicet nearThlilleth , SJ-wi
S. Moitonson , fiaine bam , Stint :
rViMilU-th nnar Castellar , S175.
.Inlia C Ilimtinilim , one and one-hal
st < 'ty It , line dwelling , Dodiru neai Twent )
nlntJi avenue , Sl,4xi. (
Five i > etuiltd. accre atinprSI,4M.
i , Her AxvTul Ilimbiiiul.
Maggie b'eilde uommetiei'tl divorce pro
cectlings in dij-trict court yestordii'
agninsl her husbanil , Henry l-'oddo. The
petitioner alleges thai the ilefundani
married her in Millard in 1885 in ortle
lo have her withdraw a breach of prom
ise f = nit which she had eommenoei
liero. After the marriage , the pluintil
ulleires that her htisliand deserted he
: ind has .since ict'iiiod to live with huroi
L-oiunbiUo lo the Mipporl of hersulf am
? hihl. Shu therefore asks a divorce anil
Pete Kelly was c-aughl by Oflleer Mo
CJartv yesterday afternoon in the .ict o ,
robbing an old man named John Ken
neily who WHS lying helplessly drunk u
Lhe corner ot Tenth and Jonus .streets
IJoth of the men wuro lool.ed up , Ken
: i dv being charged with drunkenness
nut Kulloy with lummy.
Weather Korecnsf.
The follovving is the weather foreeasl
'or the week ending Wednesday , Nov.
10 : Severe : storms of snow in the north
mil norlhwcht , heavy rains in the soutli
md southwest auont the 4th and 5th
ivith heavy gales in the astern .state-
mil iirovinccs over the Gulf and Alhintii
? ua--t. Fine and sensonablo.
Syni Kos ; ic Notes.
The divine services at the synagogue
ioniiiicnce to-morrow , Friday , evening
it 7 o'clock. The subject of Rubin Ben-
, on's lecture will appear in the UEI : to-
In-inne PntloiitB.
Albcrtina Soilergron , a young Swede
ju-1 who wits found at theSwodisheliun-li
m bevnntoenth street a few weeks ago
n an msani ! condition , htis been ordered
ent to the asylum. Sim will be taken
0 Lincoln by Deputy Sheriff Phillips to
la v.
v.Thi ) ovamimilion of Josie Cibson ,
ilmicrcd with bomsr insane from the of-
ects of opium-eating , will bo hold bv the
ward of insane comm'ssiouors ' to-day.
LiloeiiRCil to Wet ! ,
tAnlgo MeCnlloch issued marriage li-
lenses ye > toriluy to tin ; following parties.
< nme. Uesldenco. Aue.
1 Mmliin Pelersou. . . . Omaha S" !
Caroline Kai : . Oni.ilin ! i
H.uiv C. Snyder . Fort Lnramlo U. " >
Mollie Vincent . Fort Laiande iil
Attached By n Cretlltor.
Judge McCnlloeh issued an attach-
iient yesterday against L. Abraham As
'o. in favor of Samuel Williams to so-
uro a claim for goods sold and delivered
i the .sum of
L Ijdiiirtliy It' .Not linporiniit Slocllnu ;
ol'tlieItuartl ttC Kiliioatlon.
The board of education hold a four
ours' session last evening. A great por-
1011 of the time was consumed in a do-
ultory discussion of the school laws and
ititters of less imjiortanco. All of the
lombors of the board woio present.
The monthly salary of snvoral Icuchors
ras iKoil as follows : Miss Newton ,
rincipal of Castellor school , $00 ; Mrs.
Vclnhunser , teacher of Cicrman , 00 ;
llss Bunker , tnaeher of Klghth grade ,
80 ; principal ot tlm Long school , f 13V
The committee on buildings and prop-
rly wtiH instruelod to urrungi ! room.s for
he purpose of relieving the over-crowded
ondiiion of the Long and Center
The second annual report of the com-
[ litlcu on manual ( raining was read and
rdcrod printed.
The committee on rules , foniu ami
irinting mailu a lengthy report ,
ovising the preeont rules /'ovnrn- /
ng the board. Among the
hangcs adopted are the additions of n
o'umlttei ! on judiciary and ono on man
: il training , and the requirement of
uonthly reports of the standing of the
Indents to un furnished by the teacher to
ho parent * ; A number of changes ,
nude necessary by the introduction of
ho free text book system , wore Directed.
Tlio janitor ot ( Juss street school was
emoved and Henry IJtiah elected to the
iicanoy. Henry ( iei cr was chosen jan-
lor of Uio ( ieorgla avitiiuu sohool ,
Miss Lillian Littlolield was elected to
ho position of principal of ( ho Ucorgiu
venue school.
filLss Comon was elected assistant
caeher and assigned to duty in the Hart-
nun school.
A request of the council for the use of
he board rooms lor the purpose of hold-
rig council meetings , wns laid over.
Miss Sarah K Thompson was elected
Tinclpal of Omaha Yinw t-chools.
A bloody liglit took place between four
rinterrf in the news room of the Rapub-
iean oflit-o yesterday afternoon , Two of
tie men were taken to the police station
rhero Dr. Leiscnring adjusted their sculp
uts und patched up a presentable l > -
euranco for them. The men vrho did
le duniago uscape.d.
OMAHA'S OliUll ,
Stockholtlors Getting the New Asi
clnlloti Into Slinpc.
An enthusiastic meeting of the m
haso ball association was held last ovt
Ing in General Cowiu'3 olfiee , Pavt
block. Kvcry share of stock was rept
scntctl and everybody seemed to bo
the best of feeling with regard to t
prospects of the undertaking.
The election of oflleera resulted as flows f <
lowsOcorco Shields , president ; John
Hanlin , vice president ; C. S. ( Joodrlc
treasurer ; George K. Kay , sccrclnr
These gentlemen , with Messrs. L. .
Garner , K. O. Brandt and Arthur Brlgp
compose the board of directors.
It was decided to call the new orgat
zation the Omaha Base Ball ussociatin
Frank Bamllo and George Kay w\s
appointed a committee to attend tl
meeting of the Western Lcagun assoei
lion , which convenes in Leavcnworth <
next Saturday.
George Kay was authorized to con
spoiul with base ball players and select
nine for Omaha for the next season.
An assessment of fi per cent was lovii
upon the stock for the purpose of ilcfru
Ing the o.Nponsos Incurred in theorga
uation of the club ami onablluir the im
inent of tlm traveling expenses of i
delegates to the various assooiatii
The stockholders of tlm tvssoelation a' '
as follows : Folov & , J. J , llethn
Ington , Geo. K. Kay , T H. Cotter , C. !
GoodriPh , Hroxel & Maul , Philbin
Briggs , K. O Brandt , L. A. Game
Jno. Dougherty , Kd Mnurcr , P. MeVllti
Chas. Kosters , Clms. Mot/ , Kennedy
BlvlnsNJno. Morrison , J. J. lltmlin , I
A. Ponrose , Geo. Shields , II. Live.sey , '
iMulvihille , Dr. Knmacciotti , J. Donncll
jr. , ami Calm brothers.
At Meyer's Music hall yesterday aftc
noon the following programme was ret
tiered , tin' forty-tirst of the Ladies' Mui
leale society :
Battiste-Olleitohc , SI. Cecilia ( No. 2)- )
Mr. VV. T. Tuber.
n.uni "By the Uhera oC Babylon. " JH-
Squiies , Mrs. Kbtahtook , Messrs. 'Wllklns an
llnendel "I know that my liodccmo
Llveth. ' ' ( Messiah ) Mis , 0. K. Siiulre .
MendeLssohn lltceltntlvnnnd Airl ' 'Lor
nodolhiahiiiu. . " ( iiijah-Mr. ) T.J. i'eii
Mendetssolm "Two ( 'horales , " fSt. Paul
Mis , rnttoii. Mis , Gray , Mrs. Day , Mis
Haiti , Messts. Wllkins , Breekenridge , Pen
nel and Donnan.
Cosl.i1 will extol Theo" ( Ell ) Mrs. J
W. Cotton.
llnydn Adaclo tarramjed for the organ
Mr. W. T. Tnber.
1'helps "As theHenit Panteth" Mr. am
Mr.s. I'MuhrooK.
Bainbi "I howine , Aliiiiirhty" ( Rcbeknh
Mr. w. B. Wllkins.
Phelns 'O Moinliie Land" Miss Ann :
Meikel and M r. 1. M. Trevnor.
Sullivnn Allelulah Mrs. Squires , Mr
Kst.ihrook , Messrs. Wllkins and Kslabrook
Sonr ITp POP riarccny.
W. Graham was arraigned refer
.Judge . WaiJtsloy yesterday on the eharg
of burglary , lie was anuiscd of havin ;
broken into Henry Bodo's house on Sei )
lemlier ( i , ami stolen therefrom $09 , i
silver watch and other ai tides of value
Tliet'lrirgo wasmodilied lo grand lareeip
tt > which Graham plead guilty. Jutlgi
Wakeloy senlcnceil him to'eighteui
inontlis al hard labor in the penitentiary
SiunUor. |
Councilman Lowry eommeiiced a sui
in lliu county court yestertlay to get pos
session of eerlain properly owned by bin
md occupied by a sqiiaUcr named llonn
The rmpernil club in Saratoga wil
ive its second hop on Nov. 11 , insioai :
> t Nov. 5.
The docket in the onunly court wic
jailed yesterday and the assignment ol
riiii cases made for November.
The second annual ball of the Omahn
iloreshoers' union will bo held at Cim-
lingham hall to-morrow night.
The county commissioners yesterday
ent a siek gill , Mary Besl , who has been
mployed as a tlomeslie in this tity , to
lor homo in Poitlaml , Oregon
Pat Quiulun was arteslod yostoulay
ifleruoon uhargetl with distutbing thu
> oaeo b.v refusing to pay for : mual which
le hud disposed of ut'u Douglas street
In the dislrict court ychtcitlay Lillian
lotliam tiled an alliilnvit for alimony
rein her litibband , Frank Got hum ,
iirainst whom she has divorce proceed *
ngH jiending.
The lirt annual hop of Omaha camp ,
ilfxlern Wondmon ot Ameriea , will bo
; iven Thursday evening , November 1 ,
t their hall on Douglas street at B.ilO ;
uisiness meeting at 7:80. :
Pete Smith tilled himself up ycstcrdav
i ith election rejoicing und fell thro.iigh
he plate glass front of Chriatopheisun's
aloon , nt. the corner of Seventh and
/eavoiiworth slrcels. He was arrested
hargeil with drnnkoiine s.
( "lieap
We have four neat houses and good
sis in dcnirahlo locality , which we will
nil cheap If taken this week , Kasy
ir U .
_ _ _
An elegant corner , 24th and Chleago.
81'J ' S. Hth st.
Sapphire Tint spectacles al lluber-
TllK ItllST
Contains no Ojiium in Any Form.
rlce 23iSOf and ft I PIT Itolllu
The 25 CBNT IJoiri.hb aie pul up for
ic accommodation of all who dcfirc simp *
Those desiiing a teiiicdy for CON-
liould ecure the laige f I botlfe.
s an Expectorant it iias no Equal
Oil odious ncompain each bottle.
State Agents
FOll Till :
Omaha , Neb.
Docs not refer possib.c purchasers to hi *
victim * . The Athlophoros Co , gladly re
fers sulVcrcrs from rheumatism , ncmnlglft ,
scinlicn , nervous or nick hcailaclic , kidney
flnil livt-r complnints to the < c who have
been curetl of these diica cs by Athlo-
phoros , nnd \ \ \ \ \ furnish names and ad
dresses of many nuch persons to those desiring -
siring them , 'Athlopiiros is the only rein *
cdv for these diseases that cnn st.ind such
Kdgcrton , Knit. , Jnn , 141)1 ) , 1886 ,
Ifti ntllictcdvitli rlicnmalism for eiglit
years , and k had become chronic in Us *
worst form , and after using one bottle of
Athlopohros I have nol felt any sunptom
ofit for six months It done more than
thnn that ; my wife was atlllct d with neu
ralgia for twelve ) ears , had an attack cv
cry month. After taking one bottle , six
months ago , has only felt it once or twice
since. j. C. DOOM IS ,
Mrs Thos. McCuc. Santord , Hlock , cor
ner 8th and Main streets , Dubuqttc , Iowa ,
says : "I am still well. Last whiter was a
very severe nnd cold one for me , but I did
not have any return of the rheumatism.
Athlophoros has proven a good medicine
for iiic.1 About n year ago Mrs McCuc
hail a very icvere attack of ImlUmmatory
rheumatism In which the feet nnd hntuls
were very much swollen , so much so that
you could scarcely see one ot the ankles ,
and some of Ihc toe nails \\ere completely
covered lor many weeks. She had sutler-
cd almost the agonies of death. Finally ,
after icsorting to varies remedies with no
avail , her lumband noticed the advertise-
mcnt of Alhlophoios , The result of its use
was inirnculoub , the swelling \\ns soon re
duced , the pain subdual , anil nhc was again
up nnd around nnd has not been ttoubled
since ,
Kvcryilrnpalsl should kocp Athloplio-
ros anil Athlophoros PUN , but wheru they
cannot ho bought of the drnir 'ist thu
Athlophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. . NIIXV York ,
will SGiul uithiu' ( ciirrhigu jitild ) on rucuipt
of regular price , whioli Is fl.tM ) per bottle
for Athlophoros and GOc. for 1'ills.
I'or liver nnd Kliinoy ill'suiif-oi , ( Ijsuop'ln , In-
dlKeMtou , wriiknosi , IIRIVOIIA ilntilllty , illct-nsnii
of uoineii , t'onstlpiillon , hundiicho , Impure
blood , A.C. , Atliluilmiod | rills lira uiiuiiuiilL-d. U
* r P
A Hook tliat an-rr father
should ptvi < i In Mn tion'n hands
anil rvftd lilinstlf wlih tlm utmost
ore. lilTii all Ihv i
acrt Icrrlblu rrrulK of _
dim to I'.nrlj > ! and Igti- .
nrr. . _ " UTorrjwmClniln >
llu bandj and Heads at Fara * IOC I-MI-I Kinnci )
Ulca nirvl It lirjtlmonlab ( ram vmluent London Ductori
For Urelns , n r y , 'iVcninvwii. Ix l Vitality , Ktc. 8 nl
olilv M-aU'd. -t-oMtultnlton. . KrtnnOA KtoAl- .
OlVlAJ.i : AUl : > OV. i-l Full u St. . .Son VurL.
Th miy perfect subotltuto for Mother's
milk. Irunlunbla in Chnlern Infantum
and Teething. A prxdlcestad food for Dt/9-
Reptlca , Con-iumptlvns , Convuloscenta.
erfoct uutrlont In all Wastlnc Diseases.
Boqulraa no cooltlne Our nook , The Cam
and Feeding or Infants , mailed fn § .
QOODAL.a * CO. , Boston.
: \l'ublllv lycurfiJlnQU dajiE ) ' .
' . .
J f ru/x.coinbinta. Uu ranl iJtlio
rcnlj ono In the worldirciicr.nlnK
, _ . aconllnuoiH J'ltrtrto MrQnttta
fffitrrtnt. . fcclcntlnc , 1-owerful. PuiAbli- ,
'Oomfortililo mid rrrlT . ytrolrt frxnili.
' " " ' ' ' * *
'i"t"r'iiio''roVf irMKlttlifStJ11
AJLRO ! 'i"t"r'iiio''
Or I'oHltivoly
Cnroil by Ai litilnNlprliii ; ttr.
4.1 inn tnxl\fn Inn nip of eurti-o or Ion * ltliout
ilii kiiovilu < taor tlio PITIOU taking 11 , Isubsuluu-lj'
Qiumlt i , itiul utll eocct a pprtniuit-ni * * t-d Bpt-cdy
: urr. svhellifr ttio pnilont I H iniuti > ikto di.nUvr or
.u Ricoliollc wreck II lint Ijerti ilv ; ii In ihov-
ifcidaof ; cnscs , MIC ! In vc > iy | nstiti.uac. j.tid'it cum
Liasfollont-d. H IIVMIF I'alU Tlis ixlfm oiioa
lmpn > KiiatfO Itb the Hpeuti7 , II Ucominn uttuc
iuiiio 4li > llltr [ or tlio lli\ior | apprtltA tuenUt
AUIIN iV CO. , Car. 1,1 Hi itm ! Danitan. and
I Slh .V f'ii in Inc CU * . , Unin > iu , Neb.
A. u. yosTn ; : & UK.IV. .
Council Illiin . lonn.
Call or wrllp fitr purnplilot contalnlnir l.UQdreda
* 11 tinii.nUN from th bc'-t uunien und menftuoa
I. , nn.-wof tlitcountrr. _ .
Cure witnout inodj-
POSITIYEi cluo. l'ntonto.1 Octo-
Uor U , 1H70.
Quo box will our
bo incut oljtlnntucmo tn founlayj
ro naiisooui * doijcn nf ouhitbi. rnnnlb i nr nil of
indnlirnoit thnt nro corlniii to Droiluco djHpi-i- |
ln bvdo"trorlnir tlio unHtlnj nf the Atninnuli ,
'rlcoll.nO. ' Sold hr aU drncirHt | < nr inalloU on
ecolptofprlcu. For further pirtlculiir * ennt
orcirc-Jlftr. P.O. BorllTl.
r. C. X.L i.iT CO. ,
W-Johndt. . Now York.
TansiH'sPuiHih ' Cigars
wore Blilppcd durlus tlm imst
two year ? , vrlD.out IL drum-
inur 111 our < niiiliiv. No otter
liuiitolu thi ) norld run trutb *
fully uioKnuujh a oliowini/ .
Olio iiuont ( drnlei tluhj
wanted tu oscli town.
\yTANSILL&CO.,55Stato&I.Chlca.ia \
And Mlitri tufferlnir from
in r YOU i UdbllUy , uihatutlnc
itifnnlc dKU ) it ( , pirmniuiw
Uiciliift o ( young or olU wio
x > iltlrty f.urtd by Dr
iliiinn'a f niou trrr | |
MeiHrlla Itcll. '
III th unluil ha * * Itrtfu ctlivu.
: alilljr foil Paltnl I > nJ lold ID
hole uuii wear unit ) brll KUrlrli
iiiD n url * fre ualtlinlli , .Avolilwi'rtliUrtlm
lions ana hojrui romraulci Kltrlrle Truitrt Uf
T " 7.'H6 .UlNVli > Tns ! lOrWJltAltHVvVl" " "
Crrinnliir * * I rrllt.i rU-IOhui. ] | gfiuni Irnliw rvtlonnor
rVfrx i Mml Vvlll . l tlitmitrli ll < Hclnv > . .tj(1)0 ( )
Vndi * . ! lioub Bfiu * fr . BhouM lie uii'l LKnthor
f j 1 nriilote wflli Idfanmilun of mine fo all ntf n.
MAHbTONHEM DVCO lOPark Place. Nev * York ,
.ad . ics to Work for Ua at Tholr Own
Honu'8 ,
7 to $10 Per Week Can Bo Quietly Made ,
, nn cant u in I i.r fiul
lull lu'intt ' uiMri'isai oiico ,
'K.vi1 Ain to ,
IH Central Si , Hunt. , i , Mu < . llosSl 7'J
oul ! ili'
"b Ri'usos ' , nnd n now und
iicrctilul ! (
nno who wiis tlont twenty tjf * t
-iiiii. TiLiituil liy innrl of tin ) iioiud Miuuliii
I ? Mllliniit lioniiilt ; ciiri-d liinuull In iliicu
diiltii , nnd biiuo tticu liiiiuliiiiU nf otlin .
nil ptiitli-tjl.irs Bout mi iippl pulton ' 1,11.
AOK , Nn UJVpjui Ht. , Now \ ork City.
on iftiiisKcns. Musinciifs AND PALDNESS"
Iv SW lJ' ' < hu.u br . tl w M
U. U. * V-ll.