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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE I SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , THURSDAY AIORNMG , NOVEMBER 4. 188(5. ( NUMBER .129. A DELUGE OF FIGURES The Result of Tuesday's Battle Onrning in in Largo Doses , THE VICTORS AND VICTIMS Cheering OhurAs of Nswa for Party Men and Mugwumps. OLD PARTY LEADERS LAID LOW. Speaker Carlisle and Morrison Probably Among the Defeated Congressmen- OTHER DEMOCRATIC SURPRISES. Springer and Holnian Returned but By Greatly Reduced Majorities. PARTY LINES BROKEN DOWN The Wyoming Gentleman from Notnaha Planted Very Deep. RETURNS FROM VARIOUS STATES The Stnto of llriidrlcksVlioop ? ll | > n Hop u IJt loan Majority Kopubllcnn lit Congress lluturnn From Nc- hrnskn. Ihc District. PAITM.IO.V , Neb , Xov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to the KKK.J KuturiH from all pre cincts in Sarpy county show 3S > 'J majoiltv for McShanp , 2S ) foi Campbell , for lloat senator. Tlm entire dcinociiitlc county ticket is elected except Langdon , v > ho is defeated by 21 majoritv for ( irovc , republican. Snell nronounccd Van \Vyck ippubllcan , deleatci by McKcnna. democrat , who has only IB inajoilty. Snell claims 100 illegal votes polled auaiiisthlm in Koiest City and I'apil- lion by men from tlm H .t M. i.iflroid camp. He has already taken legal steps to contest McKonna's election. The election in tills couiilT was very coi nipt , money being used on both sides very liccly , and votes openly purchised In some precincts. County. HnATUirr , Xov. 3. [ Special Telegiam to tlm HII : . | County iclui us como in slovvlj- . Kiom icttnns leceived tlm county is esti mated at 700 majority on tliu state ticket. IIovvu's niajoiily will not oxc < cil 300. The untiiu lepublican county ticket is pioba bly elected by small majoiities. I'addock has tlio pivfeienco lei United States seiiatoi In Heatileo township bj about 200 major1 tr , but Van \Vjck will cany thu countj. I'ad dock made no effort except In his own town ship. Colby for tliu senate and Saben for county aitoinoy have Iwen weights to thu republican county ticket , but aru pioba- blj * elected by small pluralities. JIAT ! : uicr. Xov. 3. [ Special Tclei-ram to tlm Hiir.l I'urtliei ictuinsHliovv jesteidaj's esllni lie incoiieet McShanc will citiy tago ! county by 100 majority , Van Wjck gets three- foinths of tlm votes lor senator , I'addock gets but onethlidof tlm votu in lilsown township ; IJIbb , democrat , Is elected county attorney by 400 jiluiality. Colby , republican , Is elected senator bj200 pluiallty. Fuller , Wardlaw anil ( iatToid , lepublicans. aiu elected lepreicntatives by good majoiities. LUIKIITV , Neb. , Nov. 3. Tliivei 1'J'i , North J. Ilowo ! ( , ' . McSh urn 7(3. ( Colby l.8 ! , Klliio0.lKrelsinger.ri7Coiinty Atlorney Hibb 10tSdiIn n'.i.lVmbeiionlh.Filllei HU , < iatlonl 181 , Wnidcn ir. , Holier ( .4 , Wilson 71 , Tin nei 79 , ( iicun 5 , Abernian 5. Oleo County. I'Ai.MYiit , Nub. , Nov. 3. ( Special Tel egram to the HKi.J : l'almyra jnc'ciiut : Total voto. 3)1 ) : Van Wvek. 23S ; HOVVP , 100 ; MeShaiie , 11C ; Higelow , 48. llcndrlcks pieciuct : McSli.ine , ( iO ; Ilovve , 3"i ; Higiilovv , 12. The lepublican county ticket is probably all elected. NIIIIVSKA : : Cirv , Nel ) . . Nov. 3 [ Special Telegram to tlm HIK. : ) Kotuins aru now all In ttoin eighteen ol tlu ; nineteen iiieeincts ol this county , giving a total vote ot 2 815. Mc- Shino'h majdtlty over Howe IsMl , vvhleli will In ; Incieased about 10 votes when tlm othui piecinct pomes In. Tim lepublican legislative ticket Is elected by largo majoil- tie- , Senator Suhmlnko , leading tlm ticket with a nnjorlty ot 1,203. Tlm rnpicsentn- lives will bo John C. Watson , Nelson Ovei- ton and 11. Underbill. Tlm democrats elei-tcd tlio county attoiney , I ) . T. Haldcn , by a Binall ni.ijoiity. Win. Campbell is eicctc.i countj commission1 ! ! . Tuovoto on Drefeieiiee foi United Stales 2,51.5 for Van Wjck. The city is jubilant over tlm nsult. KloliardMHi County. KAI.I.S Cuv , Xeb. , Nov. 3.--Speclai [ Tele- cram to the Iii : : . ] Four lepubllcan pre cincts glvo McShanoCCOniajoiityovpi Howe. Congipssman Weaver estimates McShano's majoiity at trom 1,000 to 1,100 majoiity. Van Wj'ck leuunsho lar give lilm a largo major- KA i.i.s Cirv , Neb , Xov. 3. Vails City town and piecinct : McShano " > < " > ' ) , Howe democratic state ticket " > maioiitj. FAILS Ci iv , Xeb. , Xov. 3 Special Tele gram to tlm HKI : eountj's votu Is all In. McSh ino has S Is ovei Howe. The demociats elect onu iepie--entatlvH and county attorney , livery township but ono gitve McShanu a majoiity. HnumlcrH Comity. WAIIOO , Nob. , Nov. 3. | Spec-ill Tolegiam to the Hiv : ; . | Complete ictnins fiom nliu pipclncts glvu McShanc ( K ) majority and indi cates thu election of the untlie democratic tlcU'jt. This shows a democratic gain of over STO. Leading icpulillcans consider McSiiano elected. Complete loturns from all of tlm picc-inctb in baunder-i county show thr.t tlie entlio democtatle county ticket is elected by majoi- Hies laimlng tioni cm to 100. MeSh.ino's ma- joilty Is tlm hucest on tlm ticket. Siiundcis county usually mils UI > : HK > or 400 niajoiily , nut thu vi'.n tlm rcpiilillcans levolted 1 being delivpred by riniiiili Howe and now 11 would tak'ini scaich wairant to llnd n uriii In tavor of llm ticket. This will teach tlm 10- publicans In the liituiu to let bootllu pandl- datM alone and then time vv ill be no doubt The demociats atu lubllant ovei tliclr rtlrst sweeping vlctoij In hoiindcrs county. County. LI.XTOI.V , Neb. , Nov. 3. Lincoln gave llovvu WJ1 inajoiltjKctuin.s so far indicate fiom 1,300 to 1.100 mnjoilty for Ilowu in the county. Lixi tn.x , Xeb..Xov. 3. [ Special Teleirnm to the HIK. : [ Latei ictuilitioni Ilio iijiiialu- Ing precincts in L.uicastci county gieatly ic- duet ) llowu't ) majority as licietoloro foi- warded and as oluselj"ns cm bu uppio\I- Hinted without theolllclnl count , llovvu has only IU5 uiajoiitj InLaucaater. _ _ I'avvnco County , TAIII.I' Kofic , Nov. a. Tv.o tiiousand thieu hundred und ioitjMoui voted polled lieut ulves lloivo a ni.ijoiity. Tirivei , 01 m.v j.v 'irllj . ; Miedd , fit ; Lo\vo , 6 ; Habcoek , SJ ; v Vlllaid.fti ; Leese , GJ : Scott , M ; Line , .VJ ; Holmes. 17 ; Noilis , 17 ; Cooper , 2.1 ; li.indj , 25 ; Maibie , I'JJl : O. I ) . Howe , sinvejor , 50. 'llioSiato iu l.ot'i'Citv , Nob. , Xov. 3. [ Special T-Mo piam to tiiu Hir..J : Tlm repulillc.uis havu a majoiity Iu this county. Convei , tor state . ( . " " in - and is siiiaiiH.lus"lniajoiity ! tUUcitjand un Uuubtcaly elected. YJU.KMJNK , Neb. Xov. S. [ Special 'IVIe- ei.iin to tlio UKU.I Thu slatt ) poiigit'ssloiu mm synaioi lai ticket * liavo ubout unu huu- u red jt'publlc.iu ' niujttiity. HAIIVAMU , Xou. , Xov. 8. 'Special Tele cram to the HKK. I U i\nl pie-lnct il\v t. ticket ; Kopubllciu : , I5i ; > lumucuui , 3 ; prohibition , 20. Congietslnnnl : Lain ) . 40 : MpKcptfan , bH : < inlon,54 Statps n- Uor : Kiown , 1U , Matteson. SJ ; llnbbell , 4S. teprcscntativci : Uimlall , 141 ; Newton , 107' Inme. m. CBMKU.CITV , Nob. , Nov. 3.-rbpFCIal I'plegram to tliu Hi.i.j Ilm Indications from iPtnrns In fiom it las none republican by n good majority. 1 lie noliiliitioii vote will Im nearly UNO hundred and liftv. Ucttirns nru coming In MTV slow. bciirvi.r.u , N' li. , Nov. 3. [ Spedi ! lele- Kiriii to tlm HP.I..ISehuvlor precinct cast 2.VJ votp-i for 't'lia > or11 for Xoith. and'H fin Hardy. Congiess , JY5 for Dorsoy , 2'o fet Webstoi and M for Olinger. Kepiespiitiilve suhdlsti cf Kus p3Si. | | Williams , irr. . Wai- Wvek. 'JOT ; I'addoek , b ! KcH' . 7. Mllcli M.illeiiiu : was dniii1. medium precinct Hues ( it ) democratic niul frl tcpubllean ontlie stoto ticket. Si.vv.vui ) , Seb. Xov. 3. [ Special lelegiam to thu Itii.1 : : The olirt'on of ( lie entire democratic Ic Is conceded by the it-publicans. Calvin J. Wiiirht. Mintitoi ; Nick U'lcllciinalci niul llomv Hick , ropro- Hctitativc . Lalid's ' majoiitj is somewhat ie ilii"c'd. ' 1 ho lopubllc.ui state ticket U elected by loduccd ni.ijorttv. 'I lie constitutional amcndliieiiteamed bv u big niijollly r.vniMovi. Xub. , Nov. 3. Icle- to tlio Uii.j : : All ippubllcans claim the entiiu lepublican ticket , both coiintj and slate , wi-io elected in this coitntv , 1 hi ) le.m- halve lelcxation Is solid tor C ; U. Vun UIN'OV : , N'cb. . Nov. 3. ISpectal Tclcina-n to tlio llrci : J Tin1 majoiities In this piecinct nre : Thajot II , lnrs y 41. M Coiuimhy 30 ; U. K. ( lieun , tleiiiocinttc candidate foi sen ator , V.t , iccciving tlio support of all piihcs. I'reterentc foi Nan Wjck , 148 ; piolilbitlon votes east , 12. Hoi.niiKixii : , Xin : , Nov. 3. [ Special lei- cgiam to tljo lii'.r. . ) I'liulps county gives tlm stito tieket.M ) . ) ni.ijority. Lnlrd s majority U 400. l-' lopiosenlatiso , Soder- niaii. piohibition e.uulidatc , and .Marsh ill. republican , have about tin u\en Mite. The dumoct.its polled .too votes. Tim precincts h.ivu not all been hc.inl ftoui. CIMKVI. CITV , Xcl ) , Nov. 3. Merrlck county : Thajoi i.TS , N'ortli K'.ll ' , Hardy 'Jin , bhcddM7 ( , Ho'Alby 401 , ( lialiam 2M , Laws 1'itr.MOM. Neb. , Nov. 3 [ Special Tele gram to the Km : . ] fuller returns ' how HIP entire dumoeiatlc legislative ticket elected In Dodge county bv majorities ranging from K ) to400. V.iu Wvckh.isalarge vote , but tlie is not jet known. Doiscy ins about 400 majoilly in tlio county. I'J.LM Ciihi-.K , Xeb , Nov. 3. [ Spechl Tel'-gram to tlio Hi. r. ] The tollowlng Is tlio vote of Davvson county \\ltli t\\o precincts to hcai liom , which will not chauuo the result : Conuiessman Oorsej' . republic in. 5'J1 ; Web ster , , ! i.l'J. { loveinoi Th.ijer , re- , COO ; N'oith. dem ° eiat. 331. Lieuten ant < ! oveinoiSliodu , lopublican.GOii ; Howl- b > . d ' , ! U4. beciet.uj of State -Laws , icnubllcan. 010 ; 'lliompson , , " > ' 0. Auditor Habciick. icpublicaii. OJii ; Kbcii : er , , : yi. TUMsniei Wiil.ud. icnub- llcaii , C0l5 ; llnle , , 3 it , At'ornej- ' ( Lcese , , .VK ) ; ( iicene , , ! ! 10. Coin inlssloner Scott , repub lican , ( > 0fi ; Smith , , oil. Sopi'iln- tcndent linc , , OOii ; Coolov , , 5W4. Senator , Tlilrly-hr-it DKtiiet Mi'Niuiiar.t , lopulilicin. 501 ; lllnnian , democrat. 3 1 * . Itepiekeiitative , Kitty-t > e\eiitli District Kolopubllein , 514 ; Smith , demo- , 3ro. CLMUVI. Cnv , Neb. , Nov. 3 , ( Special Telem.iui to tlio Hii : : . | Total \oteot.MciiicK. eoulity , l/i a ; lor-ej ) , 10"i m.ijonty ; Meikel- jolin , ! ' * V ) ni.ijoiitv ; .MLCanatiBh , 3i ( ) ma jority ; Sweet. 'J')7 ) majority. AI.UIOS , Xeb. . Xov. 3. ( Special Teleciam to tlio HI.K. ] Itoono comity oflicialote civos tlio republican state tlcKcc llTni.ijoiity ; Dorsoy tor congiess , 4.5 ! ; AlelUeljohn , btato suiiuto , 107 ; l'otc , icpublicau , leprebenta- tive , 11 ! . Hoi.iMiF.or. , Neb , Nov. 3 [ Special Tele gram to the HrK.l The Van \V\clc tloit senator is elected by n small majority in Plicllis and Ilarlnn count es. \V'IMVIII : , Xeb. , Xov. 3. ( Special Telegram to tlie Ui.i.J : The entire republican ticket is elected in Cumliu county. J. II. Hauctt Is ele ( ted lopic'cntatlve by 000 majority. Kuller. lor senator , c.uties this comity by 50 ni.ijoiity. wliieh insmes his election. This coiintv slve'j Van \Vjck n l.ii o preleicnce in.iiorili. ) , Xreb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to the HHK. ] Olllclal retuins X\\Q \ .lames Jntta , , leiireseiit.itivi ) . 5J majoiltv. The restof tlieiepublican ticket Is electeil by coed majoiities. Tim total votu of tlie county is I , < j2) ) ; icpiiblicaii , 1,0'ii : demo cratic 4S1 ; prohibition 1)4 ) ; Van \Vjek , loU. : This Is a livlit vote lor the county , l.nita had one of tlio weakest rc.i > ui > licans in the county to inn iiKalnst. His election will teach tlie republicans ot Oakland a leon. . MAIIISDX , Xeb. , Xov. 3. ( Special Tole- urain to tlio HKK. ] A lar e vote was polled In this eountv and there was consldeiable bcratclilni ; . KMey , lepubllc.iu , Is elected icpiestintalivo ; Kellv , iepublle.ui , commts- siouei , and Koblnson , democrat , county at- toiliev. Fiillijr for seii.itoi lias a plurality of 01. Nun \VjeK was stionijlv Tha\cr luus ahead o ( Ills ticket , ladibou rclaliin the county rAiiti'iriM ) , Xeb. , Xov. 3. ( Special Tele- to Hie Uir. I Hobcrt Blown , grani , i\V. fl. Hand ill. Win. Not ton , rcprcscnativcs. lepublican nominees , niu elected to the leKisl.'itnru. Laiid ran behind his ticket but probably tamed tlm county. AHM-AHA , Xeb , Nov. S. [ Special Telen'iam to Ilio HF.K.J The follow in- mo tlm majorities of candidates in Tmnas eountv : Thajer , ii'puhlicaii , 4UO ; James Laiid , icpubllcin.JO ; : ; ; Van Wjck , jirelerenco for United States seiiatoi , exact icturns cannot bo had , but n nnjorltv Is cer tain ; LI ns.iy , seiiatoi , icpublicau , I'M ; Hab- cock , u'j > resemitive. ! iOO ; Taj lor county at- toiney , lejuibllcan , 100 ; Hell , county commis- bioner , republicin , 4H. Tlio cntiio ropnbli- can count } ticket is elected. Tim campni n lias been seiy waim and pncli candidate lias woiKed haul for his election. Them wore about Hihi votes cast , hindsijr , foi btate bcnatoi , is not ceitaln of election as other count'es aiu jet to bo luunl fiomvlilch will tediicu his ui ijoilty and mayoIectStllgLboiii , tint demociatiu candidate. AiiAi'Aiini : , Xeb , Vov. H. fSpv'cIal Tolc- to tin1 Hi -lispeiTouutv i ] ! cnes Van \\vek \ \ a m.ijoiitj' , buttue\actii ! ) nics-cannot be lind hoio. | JIA\KU : Cuv , Xeb. , Xov. 3. [ Special Teleciam to the UKP.J jMlrdcaiili'd Ktiiiias eountv bvUO ( majority. 1'ho entiio statu ticket Is republican bv 401 to .VJO inntoilty , with Dielerenco for Van \Vjcklor \ United C'oi.i Jint ' , Xeb. , Xov. ! ) , [ Speclnl Telc- to the HI.I : ] 1'lntte county icturns moall in but twopH'clncts , and theMjvlll not oihu result. Xortli's majority Is 'JiO. Tlio. h.ihuico ot the democratic state ticket lias 175 niajoiily. AVeb.sler's majority 100. Sullivan , , repiosentitivu , 10J ; Todtl , , mi a tor , W , and Kiiilin. ilemoorat , tloat rupieioatatlve , itJ5 niAJoilty. OHI > , Xfb , Xov. 3. Special I'elesram to the Hoe. The olliclal vote of Vallov county Is as follows : Doibov , reiiubllcan. 000 ; Web- hter , , 3111 ; Tliavt'i , lepubllcaii , G.r ) ; Xoith , demount , Hy5Sliild ; ( , luimbllcan. Or > 0 ; liovvlov , diimouiat , 311 ; la\\s , republican , 051 ; Thompson , , 3115 ; Wlll.ird , republican - publican , Kil ; llule , demociat , 31-J ; liabrock , reiiubllean , 40'i ; Jihuoi. : demociat. 4J5 ; Kieio , ifimbllcan , fi'ii ; ( ireen , domoriat , 3ii ; ; Scott , leouijtluan , Ii54 ; Smith , demociat , 311 ; I..IIH' . lepublican , uV ) ; Cooley , dAinocrat. 31'J otib'ns ' lepublican , 5')7 ) ; Mclonomh ; , demo ciPlat , tfJ ! ; Ciane , rupublican , fiVJ ; Kox , de'iio- Plat , OiiAi.iAr.A , Neb , Nov. H.-Speelal Telo- crnm to thu Uni : . All but onn picelnet lias been lie.iid fiom. Tim ii'iiublicans carry tint county by liO majority. Tun , demociat for founteo'iiiulbsloiiei , Is olected. HallliMii , ippul' , is elected euunty attonu'j l > j a 1 ute ; majoiity. 'Hie Vnu \ \ ) i'lcoto isveiy ll'iS't ' , Ur.VKf I M * v. Neb. , Xov. 3. - THo- flam to lliu Hi. i : , 1'ulnl \ it > sca t , MJ ) , Van Wjc-k , l.'iO. lirovvn , lejiubllcan , Is probably elected to thu leublatuio b > a vi'ij si.iill plu ' ' Voi'tu , Xeb. , Xov. 3. - Spoelal Telejiam to the HII : The republican logiiUtiVi ) ticket , Klckloy , llailau and \ViNon , all pledL'ed to Van \v\ek , : tte eltftetl by majorities ranu'lni ; ' coneit'ss ; 1-alid , l)7H ; .MeKoIuhin , Ki-J ; Harri son , jiiolilultloi * , fis j ; Vim Wjok for scnnlor iccplvcil 1,100otes. . due touubhin not vot- ini : , hU name was not piinteil on tlio ticket- , ol iillher p.ittj and had to bu written on all tlie. billets b > the v < iter > . Laird , Cobb , Jiuso mid Moiton received : i few .scatteiln votes. IMIUSOI. v , Xeb , Nov. .1. bpcclal Tele gram to IheliKf. litul Willow KIVUS a irpub- Ivan nuijoiil > on the statu UcKUoflW ; Laird2ivs , Lindsay , fortno lieu < e. 13.1 ; Orepn , state senate , IV * . One tow mlilp to hear from will Incieasc these majorities ten \otes. PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Nov. 3. Special Tel egram to thp HKB. Tlm election In this pity was a decided still hunt , moic scratched tick ets being voted than before known In this city. Tlm followinir is tlm vote : Whole number pilled b0 , Van Wjck 3.10. Con gressional : Howo'JOA MeShanoiilO. LegN- laturu : Kepublican , Jessiu II. Strode. 437 , Wnlkcr Hates 173 , V. M. Sachel , 281. Andei- son linntiw , IMvvlii .lerrv 3)1 ) : democialic , J M. lllgginsSs-t , J. n. White ( 7.S. Ander son 300 , o. Mnro.nct 440. l/ito reports from tlm cntlio county elect tlm entire democratic legislative ticket. McSiiano has cirrlcdtlm county bj 70) . Ktn : Ci.on , Xob. . Nov. 3. [ Spccl-xl Telo- to tlm Hit.J : : I'ull vote of Webster county 2.0H ) . Oniv a few \otescast for pruf eiPhco foi I'nltcd States senatur. The re publican Ipglsl.itlon ticket was plected bva liaiidsomo majoiity. 1) . K. Calkins for ena- torand A. J. Keiiney and I ) . 1' . Newcomer for repipscnt.itlvps. 1'ho constitutional aiiiiMiduicnt carried bv 003 nnjorlty. Si pnniiiii , Nob. . Xov. 3. ( Special Tolp- piam to thu HKK.J Total vote of Xuekols county 1,310. Aikon , icpublican candidate tor the ionlslatuio. Is elected bv a small ma jority. Votu toi United States senator , C. 11. Van Wvck.2',0. Lnvo I'lsf. Veb. . Xov. 3. Special Tele gram to the Km : . Thu election in Hrown county has gone deinociatlc on account of a light between Long 1'lno and Alnsvvoith on the dlvls-lon of the county. Tlm demociatie candid do tor lepresent.itlveol tlm Twentieth disti let w ill be elected by reason ot such tight. USCTOI.A , Xeb , Xov. 3. Special Teleei \ into to the HKII'olk county Is solid lei Van Wjck. Tlm entire anti-monopoly ticket Is elected except county attorney , nib. Thompson 401 , O'Neill 2il , Wlllird (1.13 ( , HuM 401 , Loach 221 , Hibcock 01 . Kbeiuer 40 , Hopnci 2' * , Leosodl1' ' , ( Jieen IM. Hrown 2i ! , Scott 017 , Smith 401 , I'almei 225. Lanu ftV * , Cooley-401 , Cllngpr 2.15. Tlm legislative ticket is not jet counted. TKKVMVII , Xeb , Xov. 3. Tlieienubllcan licket , except Kcpru entalivo Aslilev , is elected Ashley was detuatcd bv J. 1 * . Lott.i , n substantial democrat of Tekatuah. The tickets are badly sci.ilched. 'llm votu was lighter than usual. Kev. X. (5. Olinirer L'etsagood compllmcntarj-vote. Kjturni not allln. L\ONS , Xeb. Xov. 3 Very light vote at LJOIIH , onlv 212. Thavei had 171 , North OJ , ll.udvS. Van Wvok208 , Sprick. foi senator , ! ( > ' ) : Keck , for scnatoi , OJ ; Cialg , for lepre- scntativo , Ifij ; Ashley , tor luprcscntative , 121 ; Lotta , for repiosunlalive , 1)3 ) ; McMonles , lei repioseiititlvc , & .I. We aie pioud of our VunVjck % ote. DONIIMHV , Xeb. , Xov. 3. Donnilnn pru- olnct gavu lei Tliuvei , ! ; North , demociat , 0 ; Hnnly , piolilbitlonlst , 0. For congiessman : Dois130 ; Webster , 'Jl ; Ollinzei , prohibitionist , 2. Fiiirvn , Xel ) .Xov. 3. The town of I'liond polled Jj'53 votes. Tnijoi has II niajoiily , Lieutenant ( loveinor ShcddSs majoritv. Sec- lotirv Lavves 28 majoiltv. Treasmei Willard 28 maioutv , Auditor Habcock 24 majority , Attoinoy fiPiieral Millet 21 majoiitv , Super intendent ot Public Lands Scott 29 mnjoritv , Superintendent of Public Instiuctlon Lane 3' ) niajoiily , Conciossman LilullM tnajorlty , State henatoi Lanham 101 maioiltjJtepiu - bentatlvu 1'rantdemociat , si majoiitv. Cm sii.n. Neb. , X'ov. 3. Chester piecinet , Tlmjei pounty. lepublican state ticket 111 , doinnci.itlc4J. piolilbitlon 14 , Laird IK ) , Me- Keigham .Hi , Snell. icpubl can. tor stito sen ator 107 , Kesteis , demociat , lor statu senator 4) ) . County ticket , icpublican 11 , democrat f > 7. Xii.sov. Npb , Xov. 3. Mason piecinct , Xuckolls eountv. gave Laiid. Calkins , Aiken ami toe state ticket 1.50 , demociatie ticket 57 , prohibition , ' , ( ) . Loui1 Cnv , Xeb. , Xov. 3. Horsey foi congioss , ' Congci tor slate scnatoi. and Cannon foi lepiesunlathu , aie undoubtedly elected. CiiAimov. Xeb. . X'ov. 3. Cbadion pie- cinctgives Xortli 141 , Webster 1.20 , Thajer 211.lJoisny2KJ. Lnciirini.i ) , Neb , Nov. 3. This precinct gives a laigo icpublican majoiity on tlm state ticket in each otllco. Covernoi : Kepub- Hcai77 , dumoci.itlc4b ; lieutenant iroveinor : Kepublicin 70 , demociat 'b ; seciet.iry ot state : Koptiblican 70. democrat 47 ; state Measurer ; Kepnblipan 70 , demociat. % ; attor- gey : Kepublican 70. demociat 4S ; commlssionei ol public lands : Kepublican 75 , demociat % ; state superintendent of public distinctions : Kepublican 70 , demociat 47 ; coimiess. Thlid dlstilct : Kepublican 75 , 17 ; spn.itor , Twenty-sixth district : Kepublican .10 , democrat ( > S ; repiesentativo , Fittieth district : Kepublican 7.1 , democrat 48. AuuouNeb. . , Nov. 3. Moniou precinct , olhcial : Tliavui , W ; Noith , 20 ; Laird , b4 ; McKcigham , 20. Senatoi : Abbott. 7i ( ; Wai- bicli , 'JS ; loprosentative : A. Glee. bl'A'lns. ; ley 80 : Woodntd , ( dom.i 24 : Kobbins 2.1- Tne republican majoiity In this county will be.Wd. excenton Abbott , for benatoi , wlioso maloritv will bo about 300. O'Ni.uj , , Neb. , Xov. 2. Special Telegram totho Hi'.K-Althoimli \otnlsHcht , Holt county will give 300 icpublican majoiity. The ( Icmociatscarij the countj attoiney and the leimblieaiib the commissioner. Thu Indica tions point to HIP election of Wood , demo ciat , Im icpreicMitatlve. If elected his seat will bu contested on tlio ground ot non- resldenco. MC'OOK , Xreb. . Xov. 3. Special Tcleirram to tin ; lin : . In tint county icturns as fai as heard fiom give * tlio republican state ticket 400 majoiltv. Tmiotecast Is about 1.300. This county pave HIano05U ! majority In lbb4. Tlie entire lepublican ticket is elected by small majoiities. ( lieen , republican , for rep iesentative , Is elected by only 130 over Thoims Colloi , demociat. Laird ran tar be hind his ticket ami will not have over 250 majoritj I u the countj- . The democrats gain In evei > piecinct. To elect a rcpiesenlativo thedcmi cuts would have to overcome U ) ) re publican majoritj' . Thu ipport from this Fif ty sixth dislilct Is doubtful , but Hrown prob- Inlj Is elected by a sm ill m ijorlty only over While , the tlemociatlc. candidate. It is hard to Ki't nccniatc retuins , Xoni'oi K.Xeb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to the Hl'.i : | Klhlov , lepubllean lortlmleKib- lalino. Iseiecled in llilscountj' , and nil the lebubllcan ticket , except county uttoinej' , 1'iiller , republican , tor senator in thu Tenth distilct , is eltcted , Wajno Klviiis him 0-13 majoiity , which overcomes a bli lit demo- ciatio majoiity In Cnmlng , btanton and MadKon , Slate , republican for lepiescnta- tlvo in Wayne and Stanton counties , Is ( ilected bv lei ) majority. Van Wvck's \olo In Xoi folk Is 24 of 7'J1. It ex ceeded tlio republican vote by 27. HI.OOMI.NOIO.N. Xeb. , Xov. 3 , [ Special Teli'jnnm to the Bi i.J : The state lepublican ticket lias a majoiity of about 'J0 ° . About ! KX ) votes In this county for Van Wjck. O. ( i. H.dlev is elected lepiesentatlvp. and I ) . K. K. Calkiny .seiiatoi , both Van Wjck men. K.iiiney Is elected lloat anti-Van Wjclc. The conn. y attoiney Is lepublican. Town ship or anl/atlon was adopted. LI.NTOI.V , Xeb. , Xov. 3. Special Telp/frnm / to the BKI : , ItctuuiH received at the repub- Ilcin xtatQ pommttteo to-niuht Indicate that thcie Is no dimcei but that the repiiblleaiiH willliavoa ioo < l working majority in botli blanches of the legislature. Late retiniiB from several lounliea consideied In doubt sliow that the republican ) ! havu c.iriiud thorn. Tlm election of Diuas in Cieto Is conhrmed and thi ) entlio republican ticket In I'illinoio asvvpll. Indications point to a heavy vote ca't all over the state foi Van Wv ck. CHI : IK , Neb. , Xov. 3 , Special IVlexram lo tlm HI.I : . Ultras' majority 175 , Kishlmrn and Klnirand Jawes ) , Hlialtrht republicans , niul and Hen llaydun and Dawps , btialKht demo- cuitb , aid oloctcd. Tliayei'b majoiity in tlm county 500. A laigo Van Wvek vote was polled. Danes' MX i > pibonal oigans , the Stato. loin nal , Hie H. A : M. , Lincoln anil the piohibltlonibts weie repudiated by the pee ple. SriiOMSiit'isn , Xeb , Xov. 3. Special Tela- eiam to tlio HI.I . The elections icturns of I'olk coanty me all in. Tlieanti-monoiiollsts pice ted ( he entire county ticket with the ex ception of eountv attoiney. Nothing deti nue , pan be learned in rcuaul to the Van Wjck iireTeieiiee. It Is eonctded elOso lij both | .ai I Us. The tate ticket luib a good le- publlcan majority , HI.AIII , Xeb , Xov. 3. [ Special Teletrram to the HKI : . ] Hi turns are coming in blovvly und badly mlMi | . Democratic represent- ! tlvpb piobablj ulecled by n small nnlorlty. A republican bonntoi is piobably elected , w ith county attoiney In doubt. Thu majoritj elthei way will not exceed lifteon. The Van U vcK v oto U lai . * e. Com t house bonds w ere dofeated. TKCi'M rn. Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele gram to the lit r ] Olllclal canvass show * that Holmes lor si'iiatoi ' fiom Johnson and P.iwneu counlies was elected bv 11 majoiltj- ovtr.Hutler . und Xouib. Majuutj om War ren \vas the same. 1-UM.fino.v , Ntb. , Oct. 3.- [ Special Tele- cram to tlm UIE. : < Tlm returns In Xanco county show a republican mnjoritv. Tlm \ \ clt/o and Shuck pcortln movements \\eio iloriously defeated. Mike John's majority n Kullerton , his home , Is .184 and ho leaves Xnnce county with a ni-ilbrlty of 32 cner the Icinocratlc nnttmononlj'prohibition and people's ticket. C. K. Hrady , county attor ney , rcpubllcnn , is elected by fi'J majoiity. The representative , JlcCanannhy H elected : iyiM mnjorlty In Nance county , all chances in his favor. ' KAvi.vir , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele- Gram to t the Hii : : . | Van Wvck leoohed 3.013 votes. The vote of the county was 1.0 ? ' . Ken - ptiDlicans 1,031 , do.noarats 4M , piohibition UI. n CODXrilY AT IiAUGM lovvn. DKS MOINKS , la. , Novj 3. Spsolal Tele- aiam to tlm Hitc. : Tits republicans are lamenting the deteat o"f Jlcpburn In tlm KlKhlh district , who was beaten by AndTson bj at least 1,000 nnjority. ( Tlio dlstilct went wild on the old grarUcr question , and Uioui-li It a\o last year 2tHJ ) republican majority , it has changed to moro than 1,000 deinociatlc ( Ids year. The dlstempor spreid like wlldliio ovvi tlm district. Tlu'uutcomo of tlm tilanuu- tonight In the Second district Is tlm elec tion of lla > es , demociat , by 1,503 pluiallty. 'llm usual majoiity of tlm dlstilct Is 0,000. Wiaver , the fusion conirres-iinan from the Sixth district , Is elected by 400 majoiity. Ho had the almost solid votu of the Knlirhts of Labor. The icpubllcans elect each ot thp other ulijhtcoiiuie sman ( Seir In tlie Khst , HendciMin In the Thin ) , l-'ullerln tlm Fotiith , Keir In tlm Fifth , Confer in the Seventli , Lv man in the Ninth , Holmes In tlm Tenth , btrubluintlm nieventli. ( Jear bus 500 ma jority over Hall , democratic , congressman trom the first. Fiillei. H\hoo claimed by tlm democrats , has 1,200 maiorlly In tlm Tomtit. All tlmother republicans have sift ! majoiities , usually qnlto Nov. 3. ( Special Telegram to tlm llit.l : : Twelve out ol eighteen pieclnctsln Tiemont county give Aiuleison , Independent c.indidato for comicss 4J3 majority. Ills majoiltv will bo o\ci l OJ In this county. Ten pieclncts In P.i e county glvo Hepburn 200 majoiity , with scvcial piccincts to hear from. It is cancelled that Hepbnin will not have over lee in lilsown countj' . Aii.vNnc , la. . Nov. 3 , [ Special Tcleirram to tlm Hii.J : Sixteen precincts in C.iss county give Ljnmn , republican candidate for concre s , 574 majority ; double the repub lican majority at last election. Cor.M'ii , Hi.rrrs Xo.v 3. Tlm election of CoiiRiessmaii Lvinati In the Ninth is as- suied. Jackson , sucietai v ot stato. Is elected in tin : Tenth district ; Hepburn isdoubttul in thnElglith. DISI : Moivr.s Nov. 3. Two bundled pre cincts nlve Jackson 20'JsS , ; Sells , 21,211 , a net icimblic.ui gain of b5d. lAvrs-i'oiti ) , X'ov. 4. The second district civ cs Haves , demociat , for congress , a pltn- alityot about 3.500. Siou'C Cuv , la. , Nov. 3. Woouburv county complptn gives Jackson , b'-cietary of stale , Mm ijouty , and Strublu for congress 10 1 majority. PAVAM \ , la. , Nov. 3. fSppdal to the HPK.1 'Ilio following is llm icsnlt of tlm election in Washington towiiblnp , Sheloy countjr : demociatie majority on state ticket 4r > , Ke.itlej's majoiity Oil , Keller , county cieik , deii.ocrat , . " > ! ; Tinale , county recorder , republican , majoiity 3S ; > leSIIva , county at- toiney , doimu rat. : n : C. .M. Wilder and P. O'Hrien. elected justlipst John Holdson and Ceoriro Kindall , tiiibtecsV W. 11. Mj linger , clerk ; John Stevens , assessoi ; Michael Me- Andrews and J. H. Wolf.'constibles. Kcpub- licans gained 2. ! votes over last election. IOWA Cirv , Nov. 8j Complete letinns fiom tills county gave tile state itemocrat'c ticket an n\ of 1.0W5 majority. Kirk- \vood'ivoto in thu county is l.bOO , O'Meira 373 , llaj es 2,00s. Faliall , for judge , has 1.18J majority in Johnson county , but Hedges havlng250 maioritv in ,1Mva. Falrall's ma- joilty is just ' .KJO. The-iriDiibllcans reduced the deinociatlc majoiity "ru 000 on the paitof tlio county ticket. * In. , Nov. 3. The vote on congressman in tlm Fiist Iowa dlstilct , Hall's majorities : Des Jlolnes countjJO , Lee county 574 , total 1.291. ( iovernoi , Ueai's majoiitle- . : Henry county 740 , Jelleibon 400 , LonKi 7W ) . \ an Huien 245 , Wasliliigton Sal ; totals 2,405 ; Ce.u's majoiity , 1,171. The lull returns will not materially change these lig- uri s. _ l _ Illinois' . Cmc\oo , Nov. 3. Tlm latest retnins from Cook county show that in tlie state scnatoiial representation , thu democrats lose two and tlm lepubllcaiis gal none , tlm labor party electing one sena tor. In tlm lower house tlie democaits lese live pud the icjiulillcuis lose one , tlm labor party electing six representatives. Tlm leg- Islathu list including hold over senators in Cook county aio as follows ; Itcpublican senators , S ; demociatie senators. 1 ; Iaboil ; rciiblican | ) representatives , 15 ; democratic , 1) ) ; lauoi 0. Thu republican candidate for state ticasuier lecelved a total vote , according to latest leturns , of 40,000 , demociatie 20.000 , labor 20,001) ) . This rcpiesents in lound ng- uios thu votes cast by tliicc leading parties. The piohlbitlon vote vvasvery light. In the Second concessional district Lawlcr. dem. , ocrat , has a majority of U- over ( Ueason , labor , with two inecinets to hear liom. Olllclal letnrns fiom tlm second district In dicate that Law lei. democrat , has been de feated bj Cleason labor , by 18 votes. Tim Journal has a special Irom imlcsburg stating that Poit , lepublican , dcteated Wortldngton , democrat , bj a small vote. CHICAOO , Nov. , 3. Daily X'evvs' Spring field , Ills. , special says ; Intense excitement prevails here tills nlternoon icgarding the congiebonil ! lulit In tlm Thlitcenth dis- tiict. Spiingei loses baiu'amon county , which two jears ago gave lilm 000 pluiallty. He also loses Moigan. CincAdo , Xov. 3. Complete returns show tliat the next Illinois legislature will stand as tollovv.s : Senate , republicans 'J' , demo crats IS , united labor 1 ; house , republicans 7t , demociats M , i , lilted labor 7 , prohibition ists 2. The 10 election of ex-Speaker H.ilncs to tlm legislature Is conhrmed. Latei ad vices sliovv deunitely that ( Jest , reiitibllcan , Is elected In tim Kleventh dlstilct by 4UO ma jority ovei Xeece , democratic. In the Tenth district Cencral Post , lepublican , claims a majority ot M over Worthlngton. The defeat ot Moiiison Is conceded by tlm demociats. In reply to a telegram .Moirison , lumselt , admiti liia dofeit , ailding : "Hut 1 do not caio to s.iv anjtlilng of the methods emplovcd to obtain a majority for Hakci. " H.lKei n inajoiltj Is 707. riillsemi-ollleial leturns in the Thlttecnth distilet give Siulngei , demociat , a majoiity ot 73. ! over Connallv , reduplican. .Mr. Hprlneer telegraphs as follows over his own bignatnie : 'Complete uncjlllelal but tellable returns liom all counties In tlm distiict gi\u nm neaily NX ) majontj' . 1 attribute my re duced majority to the efforts of tarill monop olists outsldu the district. Klfectiv o opposi tion was so sccict that 1 was unable to detect it , and where danger Mis least fcaied tlm loss was gieatest. Those disappointed on ascount of public patioiracu contiluiitcd In soiimdcgieu to reduce mj foimur miijoiity , but sncli inlluciicos werelnklgnlhcant In com parison with ihu opposition fiom the pro- U'ctlonlbts. " Pr.oiiiA , III. , Nov. 3. Pbst , lepublican , Is elected in this district to succeed Worthington - ton , democrat , by 55 votes. ST. LOIMB , Nov. II. Dispatches from Uellevllle , ! ! ! . , sav that Hun. W. U. .Moirison , demociat , lei le-elcctlon 1o coiiL-iess liom tlm Kigliteenth dlstilct , ImS been delcated by his lepublican opponent , ilud eJeliu Hiikei , by a majoiity ot about l.OCO. Tlio retuins IILnot bu complpto before to-moriow , but enoiiKli havn been received to make It appeal- certain that .Moirison has really been do- teated. The olliclal retuins trom Madison and Washington counticbgivo liakei a ma joiity of 720 In tlm iormcr and 21 U In the latter , and estimated returns tiom St. Claii county n\\a \ him 250 , and liom Hond county "M majority. Monlson'.s only ma joiity is in Monroe county , where , ntcoullng to olllcUd letuins , 1m lias 74J majoritv. Ilnker'a total nujoiiti , based upon the otllcial count ot three counties and estimated count of two , Is 747 , but tlm lepub- lieans claim that when tlm full ictuins nre received this will bo swelled to 1,0 > J. Mr. Mori Non , himself , according to n dUpatch from Wateiloo , his lealilence , concedes bib defeat. Mr , Moirison has been a candidate fo | congress thirteen times and bus bien de feated but three times , twice by. ) mist ; Hakcr , Ills lire-tint victoi. and once bj John U. ilaj. Tlm result of tlm election Is said to be a pi eat buiprUothioughouttliu distiict , paitlctilurl > to tlm democrats , and a monster jubilee was held at Hyllevillo b the leinibllcins to-nlfilit. Morrison can led his district two jears aio y 2,5 > J. Cntr Ann. Nov. 3. The following Is tlm full text of thu telegrams received from Con- pressmen Morrison and Springer in icimn e. to Imiulrles to-night trom tlm assix lated piess , n to the result In their respective con- Kie lonalilistrlcts : WATKIII.OO , 111. , Nov. a. William lleniy Smith , Ciencral Manager Associated l'ie > son : - on me col reel , but do not e.uu to say am- thing about the methods umplojcd to obtain a majoiity for .Mr. Hakcr. Suned , W. K. Moumsov. Spinxonr.i.Kov. . 3. William Henry Smith , ( ieneiul Manager Associated Press : Complete unolllclal but icli.iblu leturus from all counties In the congressional district give me neirlj sxi majoritv I attilbuto my le- diiced m ijorit J to lit" < Hoi Is of t irilt niono | > - ollsts outsldu of , thu district. I'lfi'dho oppo sition was so secret Hint I was un.ihto to de tect II , and win-IP danger was least fe.ued , the loss wnsgrt atpst. Those illsippotntcd on account of public patronage contilbuted in soii'o degree to rehuco my loimei inajority , but such inilucnce't weiu Insmniilcant in compirison with tlm opposition tioni pie teclionlsts. Slirned , W. M. SiMilNOf.i : me democratic coiumlttoe In Knox eountv clilm J'ost's maloiltv In tint ounty Is tr. less limn repoited. Tills \voulil civu Woitli- lnjlon ( democrat , a majority in tlie distiict of ! 0. The republicans concede tlie election ot Lamk's demoeial , In tlm blxteenlh dis tiict. liuegurd to the Seeoiitl district there is nothing iibsolutelj deelslve. ' 1 he icpnb- llcau slate committee assert ( ileason , united I.Uior. Issiiiely eieetetl. It is claimed that an erroi has been dlscovctod , theio'tllication ot wliieh elves Hill 47 over Law ler , demociat. Tim demociats stoullj1 maintain that trawler has a cleai nnjorltv of oveiOO. It will protubly take tlm olliclal canvass to dcteimlnu tlm icsiilt. Complete roi reeled police leturns glvu Lawlcr thu Second district by OJ votes , and liis success Is pielty generally conceded. Tlm oillciul canvass iniy ch.ingu tlie result , but It is not probable. KOCK Isi.AM ) , 111. , Nov. 3. W. H. ( Jest's majoiity foi congiess in the 1'loventh tils- lilct is now ( mined at 37 : : . Kock Island gives him Oil , Meicei 201 , llendeison 2L'0 and \Varren417. Neece , democia' , gels In Me- Donoiigh 301 , Hancock UUnnd . schuvler 4iO. The lennbllcans have elected a senator ami tvvoiepiescntatives in tlm Tvventj-lirst leg islative district , KOCK IM\NI > , III. , Nov. 3. Ta'ares and estimates irc'hcd hcie tndicitc tliat W. 11. ( Jest , republican , cirilcd Hie eleventh con- gri'sslonal distiict bj HHi unloilty. CHIOAIIO. Nov. 3. E ! jiili M. llnines , inde pendent , who scived as spcakei ot HIP Illi nois house ol lepiesciitatlvos two jeaisago , ran again this j eai as an independent demo crat , and ib thought to have been elected , QUIJ.CY , 111. , Nov. 3. Thu tola ! vote ot Adams countj gives Tannei 3sOI , , Kicker 5.2t' ' ) . Collins- , republican , and Wells and Taj lor , democratic , aio elected to legislature. Anderson , demociatie , is elected to congiess in tlm Twelfth distikt byil.OJO majoritjA lepublican shcrill is clcctut in Adams eountv and tlm vote on tieasuui is so close as tore- iinrc | the olliclal count to dctcimluu tlm re sult. Indiana. I.smAXArous Nov. 3. Itetnrns this morning Indicate tlm election ot tlm republi can state ticket. Thp legislative ticket is in doubt. The c > ngiesbional delegation will piobibly stand six lepubllcaiis to seven demociats. a lepublican gain ot thiee. Four WAY.NH. Ind . Nov. 3. Ketiuns nearly complete from this ( Twelfth ) concies- sional distiict , show tlm election ot White rcdublican for conuress by a majoiity lang- inx fiom 1,200 to 1,500 over Loweiy , tlm jiies- ont Incumbent. Low cry's majoritj ago was 2,500. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 3. At the dem ocratic headquarteis at noon it was staled tliat their private advices conoboiated tlm ( inures Indicating that tlm republicans had elected the state ticket. They Yt HI claim tlm Ipglslatuie by thico majoiity on jolht ballot Senator Harrison says tlm" legislature Is un doubtedly republican. Congressman Slcele. according to the litest advices , has cuiied tlie Eleventh district. This makes seven con- ciCbsinun for the lepubllcaiis to six foi tlio democrats , a gain ot thice toi theloimer. Coiiarossman Hjnum was ic elected bj' 1.20 J to 1,500 mnjoritv. INIIIA > AI'OI. | ' < , Xroy. 0. Upon thelnsls of returns liom 74 pieclucts , 4r > jre ) = ent of tlm Mite of tlie fct.ite , the ticket has bi'on elected by , i plurality of 5J75. Kx Senate - toMcDon.ilif. . membei of tlm democratic stito central committoj , says , howevei , re turns liom the othei 55 | > PI cent of thu tno- cinctsv. ill icsiilt In iilaclng the statu again in tlie democratic column. Ho basis Ills claim upon tlieiixpcriencoot 1SS4 , when bulle- tlnesfoi twodavsattei the election indicated tlmsuccess ot tlm lepubllcan ticket. 1'iene ( Jray , sonof the govoinm , and his pilvato sccietaiy. Is ot tlm same opinion and sivs 1m will not give It up before to-inoirovv night. Ohio. TOI.UDO , O. , Nov. 3. Keturnsso far fiom all points in this conciesslonnl distiict make the election of Komuts republican , certain , over Frank Hun ! . Uoothmaii , lepublican , Is elected over Hill In tlm Sixth district , and WIckham , lepublican , over Hrlstow in tlm rouiteenth. Lucas county will give neaily 500 republican ni.ijoiity.anil the cntiic county ticket is elected. CiNriNX'Aii , Nov. 3. Keturiis so lar ie- ceived cover about one-lid. d ol tlm stite. They sliow sliulit clianges in tlm counties outside of Hamilton , where gains \\eio undo In a few of the wirds. Setting Hamilton count v aside , it appears tliat the vole thionglioiit the state will \Piynearly show the same majority as 1 1st vai. Adding lltmilton county majoiity would indicate u republican majoiity of fiom Ib,000lo20,000 , Tins nmy bo modihed by later letuins showIng - Ing ot exceptional gains , but the piescnt out look is as above stated. CI.VCINNAII , X'ov. 3. Tlm stailling defeat of Siu-akur Jolin ( ! . Cnllslo was loieshad- owe ( ( in the leturns last nlj/lit. 1'iom u- luins recelvea toiKy UuIIsle himsell this at tei noan ( oncedi's Ins defeat. His success ful competitor is ( Jcorgo H. I'liocbe , a nativn Keiitiicklnn. though of foieign ii.uentage. llu Is an aitist in wood caivingand has been employed In a nianulnetory In this illj' . llo is dcsciibcd as an agltatoi , lit to bu u leadei among the woikingiuen. Them was so little general know lodge ol tlm extent of hln pop ularity that no mm dteamud ol his election , It was said , however , bj tlm Covingtoii Com monwealth a few dnjs befoio tliu election that Thocbo had a strong following among tlio workingmcn based laigely upon their oh- jictloii to tlm tree trade leaning of C u lisle , and it wab estimated tlmt something of a sui- pilso was In stoie. ( Jtlier piieis | indicate that Cailislo Milleied surloiibl > liom demo- ciatlcdlsalfectlon siovviiig out of Ills comso Initiation to government uppointmunla In his dlstilct < 'I > OIN > ATI , X'ov. 3 , Aecoiding to the latest retuins there aio only two conces sional disuicts in tlm statu which may bo clahscd as doubtliil tlm Seventh and I'll- tcenth. In the toriuei , Campbell , demociat , has an unoillelal majoritj ot hi. In tlm I'll- teenth Monroe county has not been heard irom. A close estimatuot thp ippubllcan ma- jontj places It at between hfteun and seven teen tfioiisaiiil. K3 Toi.i.nii , 0. , Xov. 3. Tint majority of Konmls in the Tenth district ot Ohio wilt be about 1,500. OI.MJNSVTI , Xov. 3. Despite Carlisle's waning hops * this afteinoon pncouink'lng re turns have begi'ii tn como in. Kenfon and Campbell counties gavol)37 ) majoiit ) imainst him. The Sun has specials Indicating tlm following majoiities lor Caillslu In tlm rn- maindei of the district : Pendleton 401 , ( , iant4CO , ( iiillatln .110. Canoll 300 , Tim blu , * 0 , HOOIIK 303 ; total , 2,0'il. This bhow ing leaves ( ailislo a majoilU ol (4 ( In tlmdlstrict , and It pan leadllj bo seen that thu olllcl il count , which otcim Fiiday , will have to de cide It. _ .Miiint'Hotn , MI.N.XIM'I.H : ) , Xov. 3-lteturns complete fiom this city , tlm lioire of Di. Ame . gives McGlll , republican , 400 majority toi goveinor. Sr. I'AIT. , Minn. , Xov. 3.-Kelnnis from the election are coming Inlowly. . 'Ihuio was morobcratcliing than in anj gubeinator- hil election ever held In the state. Part > HUPSeie broken down , tlm libui and farm er elements eoniblw d nntt voted tor a mhd : ticket , 'llm re.Milt Is : Ames , deimx i-itip , lor govoinoi , iiinsawaj ahead ot his ticket. In many places , especially In tiio tilth colr.'ies- siolial dlbirict , vvliere a gicat re ] > ubllran majorltj livictoftii has been given , In MlnneapuUMc.CJ.ll will probably hav o 1,000 majoiityIiprotho democrats two weeks ago claimed fi 003 for Ames. This grent chaiiKP was caused by tlm political riot of .Monday nlirht. niiny ilpinn- prats putting Ames' natno fiom Ilictlckelatid \ ° ! lnifo,1 ? ' r iUinooi.ilip pandid.Ue . John Mnk , ipuubllpAii , in ccond district , and K'liito Nelson , republican , me pleoteu ( o conuii'ss by handsouui niarorllles. In 1 otiith , wlno'i Includes bt. Paul and Minne- npoll , Kice , ilonincMt , inns ahead ot his llck-tand prolnblv ilofcitsUllilllan. Lovolv. rcpubllcin , in tlio I'irst , Is piobi'dv elrc ed. but bv a small majority. The I'niid disiiict Is In doubt vet. and may ictpilie tno otllclnl emint. llm chances nro now in fnvoi < tf MeDonald. dcmooiat , over llcrb-r. it'publl- cm. I his Is Mior | Sir ill's district. This morning the republican state central commit tee claim 12,0 K ) for llm st.itp ticket , Si. PAI-U Minn. , Nov. -Tho entire republican - publican state ticket lias been elected In Mlnroiol.i bj imloiltlesof lo.OJO to liUKX ) . On ti Inlnt ballot Urn leimbllc'ins will piob- nblyhavea s.ifo vvoiklng ni.ijoiitv In tlm stiitoleirlshtuie , thotittli It is possible the funnels' alli.inte may hold tlm of tmvvci. The all a'ice vote bus hi en one of tlie mou si > i ions inlliicncrisatUvtlng the re publican vote. TlKMotofor the prolilbltion state ticket , wlille larjei tl-ai PVPI befoie polled foi prohibition In this stato. Is still too small toeiitanv licuie except In Isolated dls- tilet . I he bulk ot It has como liom demo- pin.i not in sjinpatliy willi tlm low lleeii'o iil.Uioim ol that puty. It is jet too earlv to ion-past tin * vote of tlm legislature on high license 01 United States seiiatoi. The re duced te ot the ippuhllcan piitv on llm state and eongressitvial tickets Is. it Is claimed , quite as much due to broils and dis cussions oftlie paitj In tlm statu convention as to tlm vlgoious tl/ht nia'lo by tlm demo- rials for tlm liist time in tlm lilstoiv ot the state. 1 lie democtits aio greatly elated over the election ol three congressmen and baldly yet willing to concede the defeit of Ames. Si. P.U'i. , Nov. 3. Midnight -Lain re turns to-nlcht hive so cut down Urn re publican m limit v on tlm state ticket that the Pioneci-Press now claims Mcdltl's election bv onlv .VXM niajoiily , though assorting that tlm lest ol tlm state ticket will liivo from 10,000 to 15.1 0 ) . It concedes thu election of thtee democratic congressmen. The editor of the ( Jlobe. ndcmocuitio nowspnper , while not piep.ued to concede the election of Mc- tJlll. admits that tlm indications now point to his bavins about 3,000 majoiity. Alajor Ames 11 o'clock p. in. , still claims his own election. Wisconsin. MiMVArifKK , WIs. , Nov. 3. Nothing has bpcn received to chingc the estimates made last night , ( ioveinor Husk's plurality will be ftom twenty to twcntv-live thousand. Tlm complexion ot tlm Wlscnisin congiessional delegation lemains unchatued. Tlm retire ment of tlm icpublican lion ) tlm Fouith distiict Is olfset by the election of Kiclnrd ( Juentlipr , republican , over De- ianev , demociatie , The state legislature is leputilican without a doubt. It is estimated the iciiUDlicans have a majority of 20 to 25 on joint billot. The labor ticket made a clean sweep in Milwaukee countj , electing the tin- tiie county ticket and a member of eonmess. Mm\Ai'Kir. . Nov. il. Though retmns from thu imal townships vvlll continue lo stiairglein lei days jet , thu general icsiilt Is no longer In ilouljt. Tlm lupiiblicans li.n e elected ( Jeorso Kiisk by not less than 2J.OOO plurality ovei Woodwaui , demoeiiit , and It Ls probible that it will turn 25,00) ) . Tlmie are ippubllcan gains In ail but a few counties of tlm stale. The ie.'ishituio will have a republic in majority on joint ballot of 20 over tlm democrats and labor representa tives. The sen.ilu stands 25 iflpiiblicans 7 democrats and 1 people's party ; the assembly , 57 lepubllcaiis , 30 tleinoci .its and 5 people's , 1'he people's party repiesentntivesvili niobably act with tlio demociats. Tlio lepublicans lost ) tlnco assembly seats and train u llko nnmlmr In senatorial dis tricts. Tlm concessional delegation will probably stand 7 lepubllcaiis. 1 demo- ciat and 1 people's paitv , tlioueh the lirst Is In doubt. Tlii.rcpiiblicaiis ! luivn gained tlm Sccmid , Oonoral Bragg's old district , whcro Dtlinojdcmocrit , Is deleated by Ciuenthci by at least 3,000. Gticnthcr has heietoloio ipniespnted tlm . skill district in eongifss. and isstili a lesident of the lattei. 1'ho majoiity of Himd , democrat. In tlm Filth has been slightly luduccd. In tlm Fourth ( Milwaukee ) distiict , wliieh has been icpicrunted by a lepublican , Homy Smith , tlm people's p-irty candid. de , has 3,500 win- lalilj. 11 Cassvvell Is ie elected In the Kfist , tlm icpuhlietns gain one and Ins : ; one. Tlm demociats lose 0110 and the people's party secures one conuiessmaii. New XTfcw VOUK , X'ov. 3. ii'htocn : ( out of the twentj-four aldcunen elected are demociats. The Times sajs : "Kotuins fiom all the counties in tliis state giio Jlutiis W. Peck- ham , lor associate Hidno of the couit of ap peals. n plurality of 10'J52. ' The-e tu'ines aie , of eouise , Hubjppt to icvislon , but It is impiobablc that the orlicial vole will materially change tlm lesnit indicated. " When late last night il was made known at the lieadmiarteis os tlie cential Inboi union that Hem y ( Jeome v > as delealed , tlm ciowd assumbled gave volen to c-xpiesslons of ills list. Hcniy ( Jeoigecamo Into the liull at It o'clock , and mounting a table , addressed his snppoi lets , sajing Im tclt nioudei than Iflmlmld in Ids hand tlm olliclal letinns making him piesident of tlie United States. The devotion to tim gieat ' ' .msa was sliovv n. and lie felt certain thai mulct a tali count ol the ballots ho would Do Ilio next majoi. of New You"II ollicial letunis do not uivo mo that ofllce , " he said , "il In because of iiionov and intimidation used and of tlm rum shops ; ol national admin- ibtiation , of .in nnsciiipuloiis picss , unreasonable enable le.ii ol tne i 'iioianl lich and Ilio deg radation of tlie inlsci.iblc poor. What we .sought we accomplished biiiuing pilnciple into politics. " He went on to say , "and I coiigiatnlatu jou on the giea'est ' ol victories wo have won , 1'l.aiik Cod , wu have demonstiatcd ( ho political po.-'ei ol labor. Never .ig.iln will politicians look ujion tlm labor niovemont with contPinpt. You men who liave woil ed night und day without a pennj know under what di-a Ivanla cs this stitij ; Io Ins been midii. a on liuow y , liat enthusiasm has enaliled us to do. H tills Is Hie beginning , what will ha the end ? I tliiink jolt liom the bottom ol mv hunt , foi I iiel pioudui ( I an it' > on had given me the hhlm : > t olllcti in tliu lupd. " One thousand two liundied and Nlxty-onu eUctlon distiicts oulsldu of New Yoik.ind Kings ftniniit's givu Peckham. r.'i.OOO ; Daniels , ieiiibllcan | , ! 1.000. Tlm simo distill ts last jeai gave Hill , iMnociat , 177,000 ; Davfll)0it ) ) , leniiblican , 'Jdl.OOO. AIII\NI , Nov. ' . Tin ) Jouinal sajs llm assembl > wiaiids1 Kepi'bllcaii ' , 77 ; democial.s , 51 , It status twenty icpublican congiessmen vveio eltcled and louiteen demociats. Ni.vv VOIIK , Mov. 3. Kptuins so lai ic- celvcd point to the election ol Pcckbam by : v majoiity ol from 5,0 W to 7.000. Pi A 1 1 sin no , N. Y. , Xov. 3. John II. Xoiliit , ( , caiilos Ihu Twenlj-lirht ronn'icssional district by about 0,000 ma- joiiiy. _ I'oniiHj lyiinia. Pun Mini.i'iiiA , Nov. : i.--ln addition to lliosu piuvloiisly announced HKI elect In this ( stale for congiess mo : Keimiilicaiis Dar- liimton , Sixtli dlstnct ; Yatdloy , hevenlh ; McCoimick. iSIxtcdiith ; Alklnson , High- teonth ; McCiillougli , Tvvcntv-liist ; Mollatt , Twentj htth ; Hobuiis , Twentj sixth , Dem- ooiat Scott , Twentj'-soventh , Keiuiblican- ( iieenbicker , Hiiimm , tlm Tliiileenth. Tim latest liu'iires tor Pennsylvania give He.ivtti u pluiallty overHlack ( d I'l.OO ) , CTI'iiii.Ain i.i'iiiA. Xov. i ! . Thu counties ot Kit ; , 1'iiltoii , Mitllin and 1'nion have not been beam liom. Olhtr > givu Hc-avei b'-lWJ ' ' , lllmkiW.'Jlo I'nii.Aiii I.IMII , Nov. 3 , Tlm new delo- catlon to cuiuicss In IVi.ns ) | . , ui ! i will con sist ot tllllteen lepulillcans , iiii-liidillg Hat- piim , iiipublicanii'iiiilnckei. . and ninodem- oci.its. Thu plP'-eiil ' di leg..tioli lh composed ol tweiitv ropi biuaiu , incluiliiu Hiiniuu , and uh lit democrats. Pin-in no , Pa. , Xov.Ketiuns ! liom neailyiveiy ilistrut in Aluvheny county gives 1'e.ivri , ippidilicall , lot goveinoi ( ' 53J p'malit ' } . The piiliio lepublipin ( ouirly tiiV.ut is clicti d with II e cvtptiuu of jndL'o. 'Ihu piohibition vuto wi.l leach nearlj 3.0JO , an inticisoof 'JJppi ) tpiitoui last jp.-r. Dhinoir , Nov. 3 Tim 1'iep Pres ? this mornlii'i voMcelesthe leisljlnii ) to tliu iu- public-ans , and sijs DIP statu tici ct Is still In do\jbtwiUi \ tlutohaip'os in .n.or ( if tliu fusion candidaUM. 'lliu'liil > unu clu.n > tin.latit foi thtf rejAblicans bv n p .uiity JK > n 7,00 to 10,000 , and a republican majoritv o n joint billet In the Ic Hi tiuro of fa or 00. " 'I ho reA putiiieansolfclpd six pongie-ssmcn and the nulon live , a republican cam of two. The Seventh nntlTpiillullstrlpivaldlo bo fusion , aio considered doubttul by Hm lepiiblleans. Di.THiiiT. Xov.,3. Clo < o oMlmatcson the clpctlon In this stnto place the teimbUcan plumllty at 7,000. 'Inlsis ln .pd on tlm vole ( it two vp.irs HBO , while roimils MI fai reoplved show tenpial ippubllcan calns , which \vultl lucrpa'.p this ii < ure. As tlm letuiiM show guns when roiup.u PI ] with a much i f larger Vote , there seems to bo etniiml foi the claim of thi'iepubl em pommlttoi ) to 10,000 plutallty. rim mnv .senator will be. republi can without doubt , but lust how higo a niR- Joilty tlmip will bo in the stale legislattuo Is n not jot known , Unnmis. Toi-i.KV , Nov. 3. Tlm rlinliiunnof tlm republican statpcpiiliat cjiumltteo pstimatcs M hat Maitln , lepubllcan , for governoi , will havuapln.tlltj ! of : ttOiW. TdiTKA , Kan. , Nov. 3.-Chakniaii Hono- brakoof the republican sluto oeiitiat com- mltteohas lull letuuisfiom fortv-fonroul ot iilnetv-si\ counties of llm Male. Poitvof tiipseglvo ippubllcan nnjorities aKgnwatltiK 20t'i ) % and tin cu give democratic uiajoritlts ' ' . Nov. 3. Tlueo liundied anil lldrtj-iivo cities and towns give Ames , re publican , 121,000. Andievvs , democrat , 111,000 , Lathrop , piolilliltion , , ono , glvlns AIIIOH a pluiallty of 11,000 , with Ihiitien towns mis sing. These w ill swell Amps voto. Tlmlegls. Inttiio will prolnbly stand : Senate , SO republican - publican , 21 dcmociats. House : Iii publi cans 151 , demon ats si Witli plx districts to heat fiom tlieio will bu not luss than Ihlrty- two moiu lopubllcans on joint ballot than ttislonlsts. Hosiox , X'ov. 3. Koports fiom all but two towns in the .stato civu thu following vote : l-orgovernoi , Amps , republican , 121.7IH ; An drews , demociat , H2ioo , : ; Latluop , prohibi tionist , si4s. Kr , lieutenant Lovcrnor , Hrackett , republican , llWt ; Fostpi , demo- ciat. 115.310 , Hlackmei , ) iiohlbltlonlst , 8,340. 'I Im election of Donovan , dcniocrat , In tlio Klghth dlstilcl over Allen , icpiibllean , was enoinums , Allen having a fair ulurullty. Corrected lelinns fiom Hie Ninth Rive flur- nelt. democrat , a Dliiiallty of only 23. Kus- sell Is elected in tlm Tenth. \ \ Itli onlj the town ol ( Jotnold nilssinir the state gubeinatoiial vote Is ns follow s : ( lov- cinor , Amos , lepubllcau , lSlbGi : Andrew , democrat. 112,418 ; Lathrop , prohibitionist , 8,100. Lieutenant governoi , Hrnekett , ro- iinbllcnu , Hlxi ) : ) : 1'oslei , demociat , 124,808 ; Hlackmcr , piolilbitionisUs , yi5.\ : Now tlctsoy. Jr.i ! 5iCITV : , N. J. , Nov. 3. Later re turns iccelved by llm democi.itlc state com- mltteuglvo thu democi.iU a maioritv of two oi | joint billet In Ihu lujislatuic * . The lc'ls- latuie is also claimed by tlm republic ins. McAdoo lias a majoritv of i.OOO forcongiesu In tlie Seventh district. Xivv : YOIIK. Xov. ( . Iteturns from New Jotsey show tliat Kobert S. ( lieen , dpmocrat , foi governoi , between 0,000 to 10,000 mv joiltj. Nine lepublicans and hvo deiuo- ci.itiescnatois bcltl ovei , m king thu new Semite 11 republicans and 10 democrats. Last jear the senate vva * composed ol 14 lepubli- c.ins and 7 ( U'luociat.s. ' 1 Im latest letutns in die ito that tlm lepubllcaiis liave can led 27 assembly distilctsand the demociats 3,1. Last jeai tlm lioitsu of assembly was composed ot 31 republicans and'JT democi.iK The new Icgislatiiio will elect a SUPCPSSOI to United States Senatoi Sewoil. Tlm uemocratlc state committee claim the legislatuu'hya majority of 3 on joint billet , thus securing tlm elec tion of a democi.itlc United States senator. The lepublicans contend that tlm legislature \\ill have a icpublican mnjoiitvot 1 on joint ballot. Tlm democratic state committro claims tliat ( iieon Is elecleri goveinor by 3.IXX ) plurality. The lepublicans elect live congressmen and the dcmociats two Hld- cock In the fourtlidlstilct undMcAdoo In ttin .suventli. NrwAiin. N. J. . Nov. " . The full returns give tlm .stato to ( iioeiie , democrat , foi gov- oinoi , bya plmalltv of 7.IJ1. and make the legislating a tie on join ! ballot witli one laboi demociat as the casting \ole. VirJiliiI n. IticVMovi ) , Va. , Nov. 3. It is claimed Yost , republican , Is elected In tlm Tenth ds- | ttictby l.roo. Tlm demociats can led the dls- tri ( t two je.usnjo by 1,100 majoritj' . This makes a lepublican train ol two congiess men , witli thu Sixth and Ninth Ulstilcis in doubt. KHIIVIOND , Nov. 3--A11 returns received to dij' seivo only topiuphuslre the defeat ot thu doiiioeracv'/if ' / Viiglnl.i jesienlav. Them has bean n tirtrvt falling oil In their votu tlnl iigliont the state and their losses in nil dis''its liavo been almost ] ihenomenal. Of tei | , lisli lets In the state the lepublicans car- lied six , tliti democrats thieo and thu labor paitj one , being u net loss of luu congiess- men to thu dumoerats. Now llainpslilrc. Covroiin , Xov. 3 Theie has been no elec tion ol governor by the people , Sawjer , re publican , and Cogswell , democratic ex-gov- Pinor , running romatkably close. Wont- woith , piolilbitlon , polled upw.nds ol U. OO vottv , liis stiength being snllicient ( o deteatn choice. MeKcnney , , is eli elcd to congress In tlm lust distiict over ll.ivncs , re- imblltan. Calllngei , lopiibllcan , Is ic-elci'leil to eongicss in the Second distiict. In the statu senate the lepiiblleans will liave foui- tccn mcmbeisainl thedemoeiats ton. In tlio hoiisu the republicans wi'I ' piobably have t utility to thiity majoiitv. This Insures the election of a lepublican I'nltetl States Ecna- toi to suceeeil Pike. COM oiiii , X. II. . Nov. 3 , Ketiuns from all but loity IOWIIH and w.uds in the glvo hawjei. lepublican , for goveinoi , 3-l2i ! ; Cogswell , , 32,174 ; Wenlwoitli , pro hibition , l.bTb ; Catpcntei.gKenback , 11 , Tim towns to heat liom will incie.iso Cogswell'H vote so that It will exceed Sawvei s , Tlm re publican majoiitv In tliu Icgislalmo iii'Uies the clct lion ot S.uvvei as goveinoi uiid ol le- ] ) iiblloan lTnited States senator. Colin , iiln. Insviii : , Co ! . . Nov. 3 The domociatlc sl.ito commUteo claim Ivventj-loui1 iirecincls in Denvei und olhei platc In Arajiahoa counU civu Adams , demociatie canilldato lor rovernor. [ dmiit 10J majoiltj ; Keed , dem- ofiail oiuiilldato lei congiess , about UK ) majoiih' . j'etinns v niiagio. Ol MBit , Col. , Xov. 3. l-'iom inoagio re- Imiis the Indications am that Adams , doni- , lias lieitn oleeled u'overnoi by iiMiinll majoiit } , and poslblj Keed , congiessman. On account of the ( 'H'.it amount ol sciatoU- Iiie Hm iptuins are coming In very slow. .Missouri. ST. Louis , Nov. -Itetiiina show tlio en- tlio deinociatlc f.talotlcltct. has been elected. Tlm democrats curled neailj eveij otllc III the oily except icroider ol iheds , Clover , dL'iiir.aiat , in t < iu Xlnlh congressional district lias a majority of ll'i : In the Klulitli , O'Neill , demociat , lias a majoritv ot I.3IAI. In tlio Tenth , Clardj , demivrat , is'ctpd bj a re duced vote , Mnrj Intnl. H vi.iiMoiii1 , Xov.Full ' returns from tlm tjtate do not elia'iL'u tlm lesiilt as un- nouiKcd lat-t night. I'lvo iiiMimcraticand ono ! cpubican ! i oi.'iessiut ; n arc elected. Dol.ivviiro. Wii.Ml.sfiiD.V , Del , , Xov. 3. HU'gs , demo- ciat , lor govcmoi , Iris u majoiitj in the state of n.OOO [ ovei L'olfukri , inohlbl- llon. ' 1 he lepub'lc.iiin ' ti ok but little put In tlm eliciion. 'ilm dn . i.ils elivt overy- tliin , Including the Icgii-1 dive ticket , vvhlch MdiiOi tluue tlictlon < d Lraj to tl.t ! United htitcs senate. Not-ill Carolina. K u.n on , X. C. , Xov. " . 'Dm Indication ate that ilm deiuomtiliu fiiiirCMii ; < t i aio elcclo'l In MX Nov. C , Tl.o i > ! e tton lO'intbotli ' In thocltj and countj tspro/iox. . in' ; vei.v slowjy. Atno > n 'i. ' , ' . ' . ) i votes In tliu iiitiiioi'had been ( otintcd , s-'ivii.i. ' Svvtft , ro- | pi.pliidii lei govciiior , 1.1 , WJ ; Hulltll , di-mo- i i MI. lll''l : Russell , uioliibitioiil't , 1,0 Ut , \ \ i _ MI. ui Viiuncan ) , Ml ) ; O'DiiniuIl , in i1 j U , l.'t , I'J" . b.UU.V pllll.llttj OU tllll