, TBJE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER s < issa Ell CAPER" For a liuycr to go where the larpest Stock nnd Greatest Varieties nrc kept in any one line. Again , if seller lias EXPRKIRNCRD AccoMMLDAito.vs faithful nnd trusty help those who huy wll be ngrecahly served , and if sellergiycs rtt.r. weights and meas ures , you have three excellent reasons for patronizing such a firm , Fuel consumers ought therefore to buy of HEATON FUEL Co. , No , 028 Uroadwav , Council Hlufls. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING OKCOXTSHS OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. A < 3HiaVITL'K.\.l \ , UEBHK , WKLLS & CO. , Wliolosnle Agricultural Implements , Bu las , Oirrlnites , Kto , tto. Council lllulld , lown. KKYSTONK MAMUt'AOTUHINCJ CO. Muko the UrlRlnnl and Complolo Ilav Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COHN 8IIKI.I.BHB AND riiBD CIITTBH3. Nos. K.01,1M , 1501 and J507 ? oiith Main Street , Council I Miff" , Innn. DAVID IJIIADI.KY A CO. , Mnnuf'rs an I Jobbei-s of Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Bnggles , Carrlatcnc. and nil kinds of- Farm Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1118 South Main Street , Council ! Illurfi , Iowa. AXE ) IAXDt.KS. P.O. Oi.rAHDs , T. It.Dnuiii.A ! ) , Oito.K. WiiiniiT. Pres.ATrons. V.I'ro AM in. See ICounsol. Council BlnFTs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufarturcrsof Axle , 1'lok , Slodtrn and 9mill Ilnndlos , of uvnry doscrlptiun. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OAUl'K'L1 CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtnln Futures , Upholstery Ooo Eta No. 403 Ilrandwny Council l lown. ciu.ins , TOIIACCO , nrc. PKUKCJOY & MOOHK , Wliolrsalo Johbura In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. 8Maln and 27 I'o.irl Sts , Council UluCts , low ii. CO.W.W/SA/O.V / , SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholiiiiilo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No. UPoiirl St , Council illnlta. _ _ _ niwaoisra. 11A11LE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , UrurclsU' Bundrlrn. Ktc. No , 22 Main St , anJ _ No. SI L'onrl St. , Counull HI u Ifs. Hi' / / ' . < . _ _ O.V. . UUTT3 , Wiiolesaie California Fruits a Specialty G ( moral Commission. No. CU UroiiJivny , Council ItliitTfl. WIll'J' & DUQUETTE. Wholosnlo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocaries. Noa. 10 mid 18 Ponrl St. . Council llltiirg. HARNESS , ETC. BECKMAN , STKOIIDEHN & CO. , Jlnnu'nctiircrn of and Wholosnlo Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Kg Main St. Council lllulfj , Iowa. _ HATS , CAW. ETC. _ METCALF UROTIIEllS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No . 312 and 311 Itrondway , Council IllulTs. HEAVY HAIlllWAllK. 1CEELINE & FELT. Wlmlosala Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Block , Council lllutfii , Iowa. HIDES AXD W'OOf. J ) . H. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow , Wool. 1'ultB , OronsounU Furl Council Uluffi lotra. U1L.S. COUNCIL BLUFFS OU , CO. , Wholesale Doaleri In Illaminating & Lubricating Oils Gasollai 323TO. , B.Tlicodorov Agent , Couuoll UIulTs. Iowa. LUMnKll VILIXQ ETC , A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Material Specialties , \Vholi < 8ii ! Lum ber ot nil Kinds. UIHru No. 130 Jialu St. , Council Ululla. lovra. irisics JOHN L1NDER , Wholetivlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors tor Si. ( iotthaiM'ii Herb IIIUoiXo.13 Main St. Counrll Uluilj. SCIINEIDEK & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , V > GW .U.lOi il. . C.iuncd li'.ujt. ' L. Kiuscirr & co WLolcsaloLiqnr : Dealers. No. lil Itruuii way. Council HlulM. Star Sale Stables and Mule Kafds , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUM'S , Opno<u Dummy JJcpou fcfeabr * * & DHursua unil innlcs kujit eonslrmllv ot Jiaiul , for sale at retail or in car loads.Or- tiers promptly lilleil by contract on Miort uotiCL , Stock sold nn romnij.s.sinn. SHI.LTKU te Hot.ir : , I'roprloSrs. Teluphoiio No. 11 J , Foi'tuurly ot Ixiiil Sale ijtntilus , corner lit. uvu nud 4th fitroot. B. BICE , M. D. , Or olhor Tumors ieiu vt < d wlthou . tlle. | jo4fu ordr.\winif of blood. Or r tbirtr > uur prafiurnlpKi No. 11 l' rl St. , Council lUuffk SPECIAL NOTICES AilvertlKtmonts under lhl ho'd , Ino lor the first ) n ortion , 7 cents for ench sub- cqnont Insertion , and f 1.50 it line per menthe < o Rilverlisoment taken for less than 28 conti for the Hrst InfCrtlon. Seven words will te counted to the line ; they must run confetti. .Ivoly and must bo pnld In advance , All advor- .licments munt be lianded In bolero S o'clo k p , m.nnd nndt'r no clrcum'tnnces will thcyba Iftken or dlstontlnued by telephone. Pnrtlts nd ertl inir In these olumni rnd htv. lrpthoansnrcrsindreMiil ! In cure of TMK HF.B ivlll rlensu R k for n chock toennble them tORCt their loltorc. M none will bo delivered except on nrovmliitlon of chock. All answori to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In envelope , TO LOAII-MONEx. . I.DA.N At low rate * , on BOOit city piopcrty. HatcberACo.,1 10 DouHla strtft. < - - _ . city and farm piopnrtr , low rnlea , Ptownrt It Co. , Koom ! ) , Iron Hank. ( " _ _ _ _ _ \ ) - ronjonnblo vatoi , on fiirnltnro. line wntchoi ami other personal properly. ( J..I , Cns\vall , room 1'J Iron llanlc lUllilliitf , Ijlli andrjiriinm. _ 101 _ > : ) ( ) , ( ) ( > ( ) to lonn. Sums JOO ) and ilpwrtt.h . , 'I1 [ , owe t rutf.H. Iltiinlji , 15th nnd D < iUi'lasis. . _ VU7 ( > NKv"TtTM > AN--0. P. DavU&Co. Hcixl M Estate nnd Loan Audits IM.'i Furnutn st , _ _ _ VH)8 ) M ajTl'yn' M.l A.N tin ronilistnto nnd eli t- t U. 1) l ( . ThoiniK. _ _ _ n _ MONKV to invest If > ou IIKVO irnod noluoto nullcnll on J. II. 1'arrotte , 15th nnd Chi- cwn. _ _ WHJ MONKV 'il l.uAN-ltisums of J2,0 u nnd upwards on llrst cluss ronl ustnto srcnrjty , l > oUrr& Cotib , 1.115 Parnnm st _ till MONKV to Tonn on criattol nnd ronF stiitc ; lair into Interest. J. II. I'arrotte , Iflth nnd 4l'M ' _ TP you wnnt nionoy on any cooil fecurlly , JL aucli us eliHtu-ls , inorlKH ; r , iicRcitlnhlu piv ] iot8 or utlicrwlsc , cull at l&li.'Farnnni st , room U' . son MOMY I.OAM.U Htc. F. itfnd. onics , on furniture , plnntm , hur . , personal property of nil UlniN. nnd nil cither ur- tlcli-H of viiiuc. without roraovnl. 310 S inth , ovnr Hlnjilinni1nCotnnil' < sloii store. All hual- iH'OHilrk'tly roufliiontlnl. _ 1)11 ) _ M OMJV tolonn nl stialRlit 8 per contNo ootninhvloii. Iliuninond Iltus , IOOIH ; t , ir.L'2 . iu lii3 street , 4.17-n'J OO/MW Tolonn on Oniiilm city property nt 8 per cunt. G. W. Dny. over 1312 IouKii Bt. T OANS Loans I.oiins. Henlostnlo loans. Colliiturnl louns. Chattel loiiiin. I.oiitr time loiinj. Hhoit tlinolonng. Money nlwuys on hnnd to loan on any np- piovcdsocurlty. Invustmcntsecurities boiiRht nnd Bold. Crtil nt tlio ollleo of the Oniulin Fliuinclul ex- chnn o. second lloorof the Ilinknr block , s. n * . cor. of Fifteenth nnd Karnutn stt. Corliott .Miinnuci' 'J13 ri'lt CUNT Money to out ) . J. J. Mniionpy , Ifitt ) Karnniu. 'Hf , GI'Klt CENT tnnnuy tolu.ui. II. uTallurmn , lUth nnd Doushis. Hlfi MONIJV to lonn by the nmlrnlcnetl , whn has tlin only prnperlv oi-frnnl/oil lonn nvenuy InOmnhn l.nan" ot $10 to $ IXM ( mndn nn fnr- nlturo. pianos , onruns her < . 'B , wnsoim. inauhln- cry , &o. , without rrinovol. No delays. All business Ftilctly confldontlal. Lonns MJ mndo thnt any part run bo paid ninny time , each pay ment rcduolni' t\io \ cn't pro rata. Adrnmos madoon flunv lies nnd dlnmond . I'erjon Bhonld cnrofulh . imslilor who thov nro dealing with , na many new conci > nn nrn dally coinliiff Into oxl tcnce. Should you nond inonoy , rnll nnd eeo me. W , 11. Croft , Iloom 4 , Withnnll Uulldlnir , Ifith nnd Ilarnoy. Wn EUS1KIJS1S CHANCES. F OH SAI.IS Furniture nnd hiaao of hotol. Adilross.ltydcrllouso , Stiomsbunt. Nob. TTtOll SAIK-Or trndo Onn ot the llnn t -U slook'liinns In S. W. lowh , ! ! W iKfrn , wull Impiovod , nioslly nuMitlow. Itluh land well ivniorcd. Cheap for cash orvlll trndo for stne * of lutnber or chenp western hind. M.M. Stoddard , Villisua , Iowa. . 2110 1 * SAM ? A rpstniiiiint doniK ( rood liii'ii- ness. Incjulrcof UdwinDiui-f , IMJFnrnnin Bt. VJ.'l rOKSAl.i : Tjio Ilnnimond Mnchlno ? , 'lf W : Binnll rnih imyniont , bnliiiieu eii y terms. .1. I1' , lliinuuond , HTSoutli Kith Kith,7 -,7 3 * TfOH SAI.KA meat inurKot , with tools nnd a JL1 Kood trado. In n llvo town in thoslntoot NFliriiHka. Cull or address 'Nm-odui Llalv , " HU'i S. 13th st , Oinaliu. 211 3 * jjioit SA'I.M s'j.fiaTTu ; rooi win Tiuy one r .U tlmboat jmyliiK hotula. In tins city , umkliiif money fast ; beit ot reasons lor-sulllnir. II vou mean IniolnesR nnd hnvo the money nddrusn or apply to U. i ; . Ice , 1"OT I'nrimni t-t. I4H TTIOIt BXC ANiH ( Ilou.-esiind lots and \n- -I- cant lots for lands nnd stock , llnlloii llroa. , ISllt UuiiKltw st. 115i _ ! TT'OH ' HAMifiiidwnro Uusincsis - Wo olf07 Jour shelf nnd hunvy hardware lniBlnoss tor pnlo , together with our lease niul trooil will. TVIUIO largest In the cltv nnd locution the best ItatirliiK fr m the bUBlnoss rntme for soiling The Jluum llnrdwaro Co. , 1U-3 O st. , Mncoln. 787 Foil HALE All furnished commercial hotel 28 rooms , nlso sample room , livery burn , windmill ; only hotel In town. Uradshaw Nob. M. F. llotctiklse. 7GO n1B Fblt.SAI.K Or trndo tor Omnfin property ! The best located Hvirj- : business , with stock In thn city. Lnnif lonso of bum at chenp rout. MHynollro8,1519 Fnrnam. 922 fOUSKS Lntg.Fnrmp.LnnilR mniioy lonned. ' llth nnd DouttliH atroetii , 616 rounD , illOUNIi Gray hound dog. Address , s. o.c. JL' Irene i lllondo. U. Hrnuknr. 4JO-2 * L1VK STUUK. Auction Stahlus , 2505 Cum- Ing stivot. The boat fHCllltles tor bundling mid fsolllng-nt auction. Fforsei , mulns and II\-u stoiik.wlso carriages , carts , livery nnd bnreo euppllea , west , ot Chicago. Sale 'liiys , Mondays , Wednesdays and Saturdays. Brawn , Wlnspcar * Ciiutor. Telephone Ko. G01. 21.N 4 LOS5X. LOST -A finlr punts , not made up , taken by inlstaku Iroin II. Nelson X Co. 's grocery store. Pk'iiso return to F , J. Itamgu and got mwnril ot $5.00. r 4 18,1 * JOST $10.00 rewind uml no ijupMlonK asked J for the return of a lady's yellow , containing pnperc , pockctbnok , ring , keys nnd n J.lMOld plui'u wit h iQltinlll cngrnvod. 5 * 1 S. utii sn LOST 2 notes and Mortgage slgnod by J'rwl Armliiust In favor of Wm Moronoy , nt OmuutiNiitl bank. Uoturn to Una ulllvi , nnd Bet reward. ! I2D li _ LOST Oct. 28 , large cow , fat. gray bluosli color , 7 yeamold with ciilT. llnwnril for returning - turning to n o cor Davenport nndillli. . 310 ; > ' LOST--Liuly's small gold watch with mono. urum M. L. W. nu buck. Finder pluiisn lu'ivu at Ihlsofllce. 315 TDST Wednesday nl ht 11 rod cow , Holuni - to Julius JtiiBl , < > ' a I3th and receive ro > wnrd. 3 1-2 * Clairvoyant. MADAM ALASKA rovonl jinst present and Hitiirn , how many in family , ago , etc , , how to hold ittlvininns of husband or lovir , Sutla- fuctlon Kiiaranteod. 20 cents and upwnrrii. 6ia a. ICIh . IJiU.si : > NAI-Moii wlm labor should sea our strong nud durable suits nt f3uo and warm winter vvonniius at ft2.U1. \ \ can save you money nn nil irrude * of clolliliig , L. o. Jones iX. Co. , VM'J Fuiiium 8t. , sign of tliu Hag , 4il-7 s A. JL nurse with good iwoniuieiuliitlona H.i7 coiitli llth stirut , 3d tluor , luinii No. .I , over Doimiin'a dry goods stow. JSJ-n VJ T ) V. I ISON A L Weuk , undevoltipihi parts of the JL body enlarged and sti-ungtbancd. 1'oflltlvo prrtol , I ull purUotilais , etc. , mulled In plnln ei : < loll'imsKiiliid for stump. Address l'ni > M ej- | rnlt.ii ,7 Sivnn St. , llulfnlo , X V , _ 205 n 3 _ 1)UIt-ON-Ar.- ! > fr . lr ) Nnitnia V. Warren ( Imrvojnnt. Mcdlcnl nnd bui-lnes < Mi-dium Koom No. 3 , U'l Ninth Itllh tt. , Omuhti , Nnb. TliAVKx.iniii fnnusnnd wIM luuJt to trude Cor llorsus. Cuttlu , Dry OiiudH , Clothing , or Hnrilnure Thn u lands mo drsir.'iblo. and well located In NubrauKu , Knnsim. aud Colorado , J , II , Pnrrulto , nth and Cblfugo , ata s ' 1'Q I.Kf-A Job brick work. T. Murray27U 27U OL' iiTli'i'OGltApHYand type-wtit. itif , UOOU8 T auU H , lfoi llatilc. O.W. UuVor. _ _ _ , _ Oiia N 31 . , 1613 JJuuxlaa , _ _ ' rADIKSWu'hinv finguod dOinsUce tietpcajn ' ut. tuort notice al tli ? UmaUa Kiuployuiwit Uur au , 11 North Iflth St. , lilouk. iM. TJIOIt UENT-SSqunro I'lano $3 monthlr. A , JL1 Hospe. 1513 Douglas. _ _ MT iiljSf 5 < iimro Piano , Jl monthlr. A Ifonpe. rPllH1 : & , llofos.Hhrubs.cto. , Pinmo11 tree for JL poreons buying of Do iglas Co. Nht orlt > s C.O. lloword. Prop. . P. O. box SSO. g87-Ttl2 * > KS' " iloMi : I cun a.commorTrtio SDJ Hoii * for the wlntur nt Oman * t'nlr ( rounds , t'ach ono will h ivo a largo box stall , red all the grain owner wants. U roomed mid kept til for driving. Quarter cracks or nny other lameness cured. Also storage for any number of eurriiigi-s. Inference W. A. I'ax- ton , lr..tnnc , S. llili.Clftrk , C. 11. nuldwln , Oeo. S llrown , Churchill Parker , Joseph narnoan , lohn T Clark , Hubert Ka son. Addrefa A. J'liuinson.Omnlm , Neb. 7 l 2 * Foil HK.NI Largo clean towrla , clioap. Omaha Towel Co. , 1517 Howard v. 720 n7 ! * _ ron IfOH SAM-Po ! cral thousunil yantsof dirt , 1 Dlrlnheiip. Inquire ot S , N. tlusllri , cor. zsth nnd Clmrlu.s st. . 37'J1 Irioit SAIi : Ono peed tvork horse 9. N. . \nnstln , S4-.M llnmllloiiflt , ! } . . * _ FOIl SALP Fine larifo'lior o.n , ) * * " " , round nnd uoud lor any iie. DORKS & Hill. 14IH Kurmim. jik : _ SAhi : I'hactnn bupr < ryono 'toil Imtfity cheap , A llospo. 2aln''J n 01 'iw- " Lois armsLamis-.muiu < y loannd. " ills Ifith nnd Douvlas ft rod K. W AL Ncnrly nTw fnrnliuro of nn uiKiit-nmtn liutmu nt-a ur Ht bamitln , and tlmhouso lor rent ; hicalud llvo nilniitus , WPFI ol npom linii o : III health cnnso of sulllnif. Ad- dresH.H 0 lien ulllco _ _ _ 1602 * . . _ 17O1C H VliK-LarifO lire add burslar proof I1 Bale.eostSVit. Sell for K'50. J. W. Mar- shnll. IMI Fnrimni st. 700 _ _ SAI.C-Kilrniinro andi pn < oot fl FOK hoiiM ) , time on pnit. Call -'Hi I North Hi cot , two blocks from HcdCnr lino. _ _ si\M3 Minn p. iron culiinini 'indlrln" dowcip suitable for fronton brink build- FornnrHcnl'ira'ionlv nt thl < oUU'8. Rl I HEj-P. W ANTU'Olrl ' for iri'ni'rnl housework. Mr * . H.S- Smith , ! < H California t. _ 3 41fl 3 V\ ANt ii : > t.aily mom mnto. llelorcntos IT exeiiiuijtoil UoaChlcnuii'xtiuet. 4fl < \\7"ANTii : ) Iminodlntclv ( tlrl for iri > nornl IT housework , | .rood wanes ! eoriiur I'ortlile- Ion live nnd Duanu Kt. ill ? * \\'ANTH1) An experienced ecitik at ! L14 Vnrk avenuo. : iK-3 TVA > r hi i I'liumhorlmiUrTit u"i B AV ANTKD A Rood lvl for ironoral house- .woik , Inufiimily of two , nt im.H. lillh street. ! II2 _ V\/'ANT150 T.ndy or ( jont to tnko Imlf ttiter- ii i'St in Kunioel , pi < riimuunt , established. ( food puylnir. s > iiro liuslncos , smnll caplt'il ( lood ii'i'onnlorfcllliir ! ( No oxui-rlunco iif > cc8 < nry. , 1 ( ill Doiiftlits stieot , lloiini 1. A\ ANTIM ) A dish wn her ut Miller's Uo-tnur- nnt , 1004 N H th St. 403 AAV AV TANTIII ) Gill iorironcr.il housework , 1117 Unas street No Swudo uood apply \\-AN PHI -A ifiiod Bl-l for ponurnl house- ' " woikln fnnillv of two i.eluionous ro- < iulrcd. Apply to Mrs w. K Annln , IO" > rtliur- man ave , head of rimk Htrcol 3.'A " \\TANTHIJ-A wool tiO'it Rlrl Inr itcneinl i liouximnrK , iniuJ wiiuos put I. 1115 .limes ht , Win Htii.lcliii'in -'SO WANI'KI ) 2 good dlnliitr ronm virls lit I'ld ' I'npllllon hotisn. Wtig-os > I per WPt'k. rnpllllim , Nob. 271-'J \Vv\Ti-ii : Linly of line tistu to assist In IT copying li islticcs , i-nn 'vopUnl lioinii If prnferri ) i : pormnni'iit worK. ( rend pity no ifr- MiuHnntud. . Hours 10 10 5. Art Copying Ilooins.au N. Iflth Bt 2 II \\-ANTH ! > Girl tor foneral'h.iiiMiworlc A. ' II. Mnyno. s o i-nr.'Iht nnd Wuhstt'r. (47 ( _ W \ > rri > A rooUlor smnli tatnilInnmrn itli : ; M. ei'.i W AN run A DaUnr , second li.mil , nt 1410 Sutnulc rs st. 111 2 * vi'AVTKu Tlircocnsh boys to worK In lama ' rotnllstoro. Apply tioin 1 toft nt 1118 rarnnm st. 4172 W li A 1:001 ! honorable man with $ WJ us pur nor ; c.in mulco from il , ' > tn 20 per d iy to ovcisco luonts un 1 sell.food ( ! } In , thisstmo. Addrus-i , 32 , lleo olHco. ' - 275 4 * "l ANTHD Active , ouorvotic agents to In- Vt troiluco thu III03I rnplil polling urtnles in oxialenee. l'rallti > luwo S.'i.OJ per ilnj nud up- wnnls ousily tmiilo , ( I L. Thompson , Mfr. , 221 5th uvo. , Chirnso. ail G * Luboicra tor inilrond work. Al- bridht's Lnbor Ajjency , I'M * rarnnm 3 3 WANT13H i\purlfnced : composition roof ers , by Hnhn , lllinnds & Co. , iisphnlt.nnd coiiipiisit.un roolLTf , i8th nnd I" eico streets. 1 ' 5-t * " \,17ANTHD A o'ork ' nnd ollli'o man In wrnln IT pmvlslons and Mock bmbcrs oiHce. Must Imull ami luvonihly known iitnnnx Oinnha buslne.ss men. ( inud fiilurv nnd cplunilld p- portunlt ) t rlifht iiiiui , Address , uith rotor- onc-f , S IB , lli-o nfflco. 2UU-3 Airnnd IndiiBtrnTiiH boy with tnir i * eductitioii , about 11. Addrnsj in own liand- writiiifr , glvlntr nil'uruiices , W P. I ) . , 101J ninth. WANTED fmmiidinluly , 1 or : ! flr t plnsj btcani tutors. Apply , It Hoolcor , Asylum , NorfolK , Nub. 221 2 * ANTliD HooU iiiont ! ro'Nuiir & Co" , pub- lisniir.H and vtmonil nu'i'iita fur subscription books , lio.v 4IU ! , Oiniilui Nob. ( K'Jnll ; AN r'UO rnstallmunt iMinvnssiir's "to L-ill iit 1207 Fuiniim st .mil sen what wo have to off oi' . 0. K. Leo , Mnnagtr. 37 \\ANTKI > 3 A No. 1 waiter * at Llvo nnd i > Lc'lLlvo colfOQ house. No 2d class mon nenil apply. _ 427 2 * ANTISIITonmstor.n ami rwknTon fur Wyoming ; 82 a ilny. All winter's work. Allbrlght'a l.auor Aj | < mcy , 130j Furnam st. VITANTHU Agents Chrlntnms boolr now IT rondy Don't delay to send for circulars nnd terms ; 0111111.111 Km'rccUii I idles can mnko $20J to $500 liy Cnristmim day. AUJruis Nn- tionul Library Aa uuhillon , Ul Slnto St. , Chi- cn o , III. II o U _ _ TANTii : > Ono limn of jrood nddrussiind \Y nbility to neil Koods. Cull 421' S 10th at. ; l 3 * YW _ _ _ W AN'TUD A HrM-chuij burhdr. Good wniri'g. Adihoss F M. Hybnrn , Fairmont , Nob. _ _ _ ana * A * / ANTJjy A. few uiora 111:011(3 ( to Introduce our Automatic Musical lug rumants. on Installments. Anyone otn play thorn without musical liitttriiotlon , the ban paylnir , easiest callmv novelty over known , IJ5 to t JO u week nan ho ronllzed. C. K. LOP , Mani or , 1207 Far- mun street upslnlra. 48ii SITUATION WANTED. ANTIiD SlttmUnn by n younif inun ( Dami ) willing to iln anytlimtr , flo&t of rol'iTonco , Address HJIT , linn olllco. WAN riiO-Hitnatlon In Commlaslon House by youm ; mini Ctmnidoriiblu u.xperlence in linndllnir butter. Aililross , S3'I , llceoinoo , WANTUI' ' Situation us nurse or comimnlun by miildm-a ed lidy. : Nn objection to tiavcl. Ailduisu , a2d , lloootllou. 40i 4 * ANTKIl Siliim Ion to euro for horses or as driver. Address , S2' ) 1 llconlllco. 401 4- \\rAT.VKU li-p ) rtinHktnf to do In privatu V > rnmlllt't. ' Imiulroof JIi = g.Iiioub nn,2tl2J Hnrnny snoot. ,411r7 ' ANTKti hitmitliin by 11 piislry cook. Ad- drosacnui llun.-asl/ ajT. \\rANTKii Sltnntlon , by n compotrnt cook > > In llrsl-flHSji privntu laimly. HufureiK-ej. AddrcBs , S : . ' ! . Hcu olllco. ! ! SO a * WAHTS. W , \NTHIl-20JlH)0 ) jnrds of dirt on hind next htuu Cohnjio. lloi' . - " Hill , " \ T AXTI5U ( Jood oohoul UudleaosAiMreas < Ikit-T.'i , LliH'Olii.Nnb. -iia-j : * WANT1U ) ( "orroHpondoneo fi-o'tn pnrtloj ImvhiK wuslmn Ittuda for tsafo. II. C. MelDDO. Lliiutiln , Nub. 2 < I7'.1 * vif.VNTKU 5ft men to eiit buukwluurcakoa ' nnd mnplo nynip oviirr miirnliij-at Norri * ' Kentiiurant. Kith St. bet. Dodire iiml Douiflaa. StriUnht Uoanlpor vtuaKJ.2S ; 21 meitl ticKeta , _ _ _ fOu * \\TANTKU-3J [ .idles and fftmuito lo.irn tulti- 1 irruphy Prusperl oi l fur poililuu when ampnieiit ; addicss . J , lKooml ) , Crounsa blopk. Jmnlm. _ IU7 \\'ANTKl > 't'orentna ottico or dujtt room , Ada rung. II. I lluu olllcu. ' 077 compiled aUUutos of 18S5 with ( food , sucund hand tuxc hooka ut room 0. UcdlcJubllc. 73-J _ W ANTED To luuthouaeof i or 0 rooms in uooil nrlshlwriiood. No children. AdS - , S at. Ue # ulllco. 40tl 3f W AXTlili-Itldi for the erection on frnrua UOU4M u So i lib Oiaolm. Apt/ljr mt New nilltoituir , If U0 M. ran RnKT-q.ti.usBs AND LOTS. IJIOIl HKNT Ahouvjof 8 rooms In Rood con- -L1 Ultlon , between .iCth and "Oth on Cumin * &t. Apply to Dr. SurMners , I3U Dodge St. ' ! C7 6 * "frioit TllKNT-ItMrdyuco XoTisit Farnnm ? C X1 II rooms , all motion Impmvcmatufi. limit , j5 ; | > or month , Ciirpt/nt Iiml fiirnltnro for alo. Apply S. A. Hloinun , 10)3 ) Pnritnm ft. : K3 IIKXTI.nrft9ntii80 with"moilorn Im- pinvnmrtitH. UVtlltnud Knrniim sta. A. P Tukoy , 1 01 rariium n i / Uii J Olt HKST HousdW tdii rooms , with barn , I I I' 67B iTl'oii V.KNT 80 ricfn nJJolnlnij'clly no A ; wc. t , anltnblo lor' ' iMiry or market irHnl Apply to Theo. Willluui , Iloo OHlco , OU Fnr- num. ji _ M > 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ iroil HKNT For n term of y < Mrs. n baoomont JL ? no.irly 40x0. ) , nlry nnd well Il lito0 , water and KII ! sultnbln for llnl.t mnnufivcturiiDr , liiundr .nto : liicntod on onn of the liostbuxl' nos-s streets in thn city , nonr postodlco. Ad * dress H2. > , Iloo oinco. -En fl _ TTIOIl HUNT HOU P nnd lot , mien burn nnd JU other Improvomonts,2t2l I'nDnlctoii nvo. Call on ( i 13. Mratton cor 13th nnd Faniam.ovor iler Null battle. : U22 _ _ | 7\OU \ itKNT SloroUxCO , 1110 Jackson at- ijmil HKN r-SIx room"house,2Jth st. , north I1 ofDodgo. Knijulro J , T. Wlthroiv , 1,111 Humeral , "i'M HUNT A sninll , llvo room tottneo , In FOlt Kood locality. Imimro at 2118 Capitol jivo. FOK HKNT Now R-room lioti < u > , nil modern Improvements , on Mlchhrnn si , , north end Catherine si ; J.V ) month. I , Collrlu , 112 1'ark no. . 3VB n * FOlt HIIVT Now , ft room IIOIIBO. City wntor. Two blocks from Mrcot curs. I ) . C. rattoiaon , Oinuhn National llaim. 423 POIt HKNT Klovon room iuni < n ror2lsl and UmvoiiHorth st. Two blocks from street cnr. Apply to Ilnrku.V llmkalow , Uouglnsst or W. K. Annln , iloo olllco. < X15 F oitltifNT liioirnnT KfTonin"rbsTdoiicii on Faritau. st. nil modern Impiovolncnts , fur- nlturnnud carpet for i > ale : all now : nm com- ticllod to trlvo up on account ol Illness. Ail- dioHsIl ! 6 , lloiKiflleii. 512 . . HUNT-Store s'iriiiblo for Kcjtnunint , 1412 S IHIh st Peterson. 1,73 HKNT 50lotion the Unit It It In Oak tflOlt ( lliplhnm , ju. t south of tlm S.uiUoicii school house. These lots can bo routed for 10 yn.in on roMMinublo terms. John 1 llcclluk. : > 7I N 7 roa KBHT noons. Foil HKNT-Front nlllco. pocoml Hour ; 15th St. , nonr Fimmm' Will rent ono or two rooms AildiOis * , M , Iloo ollleo. 410 HMt HUNT llontns , with Hr.st class board. All modern conveniences 1401 ! Jones ft. , four blocks Houtn ol Fnrnam. 4ffM * FOIl KIJNT-A well furnished" room ; bnth room on sumo lloor ; nt the Cnpltol. Ifn ! ) nnd It'll Fnrniim streetad ( ioor. Imiulin room 28. ItlH-t * POU HUNT Furnished rooms , 1000 Cn s. 40t 7 * fj-iOIl lir.NT Furnl heil front room , 1(11. ( " , Hurt. t ? 400 n * FOR U'-NT T.anra furnis.ied front rnoin , su t iblo for muunndwifo or two Rontlu- iniMi , lltfi n 17th st , 3312 * F Ut IlKX I' Nicely fnrnishod rooms. Hath and modern conveniences. 401 N. 15th. J15I-2- 1 Jl U15NT Front , tinrlnr bedroom ; nKo t " slecplnp room ; juoth hoiited. Ajiply at Hr , rariinm ht. * 3114 2 1jMH UF.NT Lnrco , plo.isnnt . fuinishcd room lor one or two ucntlemeii. 718 N. 2l ) < t St. SOT 2 'ITIOIt llliNT KurnUhod fiont room. I JL1 Fnrmxm. 101 4 -ITIIJIS ltl { T 2 fur'n'shed front rooms , nt ! l 4 J ? HnrneyHt. , , . 234 | - , > ( ) it UHNT ( JooJ't'ouins. ' laOiJ Fnrniim. I I if KM 2 * FDTnrnS'T Furnished room's with t hoi > rd , nt I Km .loces st , four blocks south ol Fnrniim. , 3J3 2 * iKNTiJnrKol nicely Inrnlshed front I rooms , with boiuil ; u o ol bath , hot nnd cold wuor. ! liuiuhoi'liS. | ' 17th. 121,4 * T7 > Oit KIIN r Furlnahed rooms ; InrKo nlcovo mom for twoKontlcmmi : bronktnst and (1 ( o'clock 'llnnor If dosir/iil : piivntn fiimlly , mod- ornloturins. S. W.corj , 21st nnd Hurt. 4I'J4 * iroil HKNT FurnUliud rooms for light li nsb - ikeiMiliifr. . ncemuis klouk , cor titli.V Howard. 3tr > "O't lit-NT : Furnlsho.l room nnd board. ( .Oln 17th St. 25' ) 3 * Foil IIUNr Horni" , flmgin or on suite , in nouly fiirnishod houao. Bonrd next iloor. Ill S. Mh , nenr Iod o. 3HO-2 * FUII I.'F.NT "ltT prlvii7Ti rnmlly , furnished looms with hoard nt A13 VlrKlnin nve. _ _ 3 * _ FOIt Il'5NT A. nice larso front chamhor. nowlj * furnished , bus KMS furnacu and bath , Wl S 20th t , near St. Mury'fl nvn. _ _ _ _ _ _ FUll HUNT Two largo front , rooms , 1015 Uodtro. o03.7 _ _ * HUNT Nlco mom at cor. Snnmlcrs nnd iJOH sts. butcher shop. Thorvald olsen. 32i > 2" F OH" KENT T nicely furnished rooms S10. 5U2S. IMh ht. a7i-S ( * > Olt HF.N I' Alter Nov. 10 , fnrnlshod rooms J7 * nt 318 north 15th st. ajHJ2 ] HUNT Nicely furnUhod front room nt Foit ! 2Jth , near St. Jlnry's uvunup. H70. TpOItllENT I'liruisliod loom , ( BIO i.odtfp. 2.VJ FOIl HUNT Nicely furnished rooms with bnaid , Klia Dodrfii. ! J4)1 ! ) * _ KOOM-Wilh board for two , 1013 Capitol uvo. H72 7' KKST I'artof Iloor for lltrhl mnnufiic- FOIl turmir purposes. Cenlrnlly located. Low rent. 1207 Faruam St. upstalia. I'Jl , . for gunllo. men , al 2J2.'iDouBO St. U7& TTi ) U IVK-.T : i fuinlDhfd rooms , soutlii'iist JP cor. 10th nnd Loavcnworth. 221 a * TTlOll HUNT 1 lur o lurnlihod room suitable J. foi'2or4 : iiNu rooms for llKlit houHokiicp. inir turntshod , 220 N 13th st. 21S 2' _ 1 ; > Oll HHV l' I ; < nririblii > irrooiiil prlvuto tninlly , 1 ITIlChiowiBt Sfiri-3 * _ Foil HUNT NIcnly'TiTFnl'jlK'il iiifiT"hoiitMt room suitable tor two iruntlemuu nt li-t ! Furnam Ht. _ H-4 I7 > OH IlrtNT Niculy furnlBliLMl front loom X1 and bedroom , IW1 l/ard st. 10J X * F OH KKNT-SuKoof rooms , with board , 1B12 Undue. 12J FOK ItKN r lMruv fiont room , uood olilce location. H. W , llunlroaa , 1IW3 Faniiun. FOH HP.NT A larno ; Front FoomT also""for mlo choapiiuura ; | roaownod piano at 1H1 FarnnniHt.one Dlock wnstof ootirt houae. 428 ] JVll ) HUNT rurnlihHt ninin"tor onn nr two . ( 'ontlotncn : furniture now , plensant loon- lion ; lloirnrd at. , bet Stli and Oth. ; aouth aide. 42:1 : _ FOU HUNT A nlcirty funiiahod front room with alcove , to Keiilliiiiinn only , ut No. Irtll Fnrnmn at. . _ H'J4 Fen tlKNT Newly furnished rooiu.ilil St. Mury'a nvc. ( , , < * 3I TOO , aAi.B-4gprj3E3-i.OTa. P PUT ST. 6011th ftfilt , bile fiom pivliiK J ) andatrvct cur , tlfO ' ) . Urahniu , Crultbtoii block. ) 4UJfi _ IT OMK AUA1N V4&1 Uimron , tbo roul estate use it , DiniKlns anil 14th 6t . 310 3 _ FOR 3ALI- ! .ifoot corner ot llarnoj- and ' nt > , . . ROxlRO loot on IGthst- near Popploton's , rnn from Jfith to 17th. $ lrW ) improvuiuuiitH , I I.7UO. 11 , > V lluntro * , lUjHVXrnuin " Bt. _ jlU _ 7 > Altd.\tNlnICirl < wiioil . . , . t TOO li I'ornnrln Ixiwo'siulil . HM ] ia t Irotit Umiicom PlAoo . -HIU ( ' M in I'lainvioiv2un.t . 7X ( ) j.dby I'liico , MHO lotsr . Him iJtlll. rornvrSimiiiliiA > , t . l. 'l Klvo lotnuar Siiumlrrs st . 'iM 4UJ& Uralir.m , Croitfliton block. MA. UPTON JC CO , 4 l.V'J Fnraaia at. Kor 3 a ! il l/it blucK 2 Paddock | ihico on Bliormun uvo. f ) , Wjn , Jl.fkj'j rash. If not BOlil within n few duyg will bo tukon out of the market. IJon't let Ihlfl opportunity blip. Tboru U $5 JO In It In aodaya. 41. A. . Union i Co , 159 ! ) Fttrnam. H IOUbC.S r.oia , FormaLands money loanad llomli. 18th and Duuifliia stroun. MT T71OK SALi : Oau of tlio olduat and beat pay- -L ins Grocery itiialne a in tliu city. For pur- ticuluro.luaulru ut 1113 Junes at. UJj H IOMK AfiAIN-Vun Ilouniii.tlio ruul ouuito uaont.DQU lia and Htli sts. CIO S Sl'UCIAL IlAlUiAl.NS In Hauauoia l > iirl Lota at 43uO to CUM oaoh. ( junranteaJ to ba the bust loouted und flneit pltco of wound near linnscom Fark. Beolut ; la bollovinir. and It Hill pay you to rldo out tutd fcuu wlmt this u > ldltlou U. AMKS. 1WJ Fttirnaiu , aaia 6 0 ft , g-ood nou < > , Park vo , $7"iOO , nralinrn , Crolghton tilk. 40J 5 6S . sro.MA.v Ken ] Kettle , Offers the followlnjrohoifolinosttnentsln In- * lilt > hiulneKaand residence property ! Oor Illh nnil Mnrtlin finely I in proved l.'Uxllt , . , . $ fl Vfl Jackson st. near 17th improvements roiit fttipcrmonth . , . . 7,200 H. IGth at. near llaitman school 40102. . i * . . . . . . . . . 0,500 & 19th st. near Lcavoturorth 50x110 Im proved. . . . 8 , K ) KOot. noarJt. Mary's ave . n.0 Cor. Chlcnpo near ; > Ut SOua ! . 12.0X ) C r. Chlcmro near 24th gt r , xlii,2 IIOIKOS P.OOO . " California -Ilth , 81x13. . ; ) liniucs. . . 8,000 nodce stoot , corner , UKIxll'i In grnt\v \ . 2K ) naur ! ! d. Farimnt " ror Smith t . bargain . 1.POH " " ncarnourt lunt o , 4UxiU ; Imp. Is.OO " ' onr. td. Hiioly Improved . 14.1MO Virginia nvn , MxIM , a room hnuso . . . S.'fltl llnnrarl st. near. Kith , Improved . . . . A.0'0 ' Hnrnoy M.tH > nr'Jth ) , .MtlG" . . . 7'fll Fnrnnmsl. eof IDth.dOtlfio. Improved . . 4riV ) ( ) HnriitT (4. ncnr UstK.'xl3J . 4WO ( Jnckwin st. , opp i. lioo'H new Iiolol , Wx 1.1. Imp . . . . . 16.000 Loavnnwnrtu cor IMli , Imprnvod , rout wo . . " " Poldon. 44x112 . - Solhsc. npiir Lent onn urlli. loilxlts Imp 4 2 u _ H1 OM : AdAIN Vnn llouron , tliu ro.il e tnlo aKtmt. UouKlas nnil Illh sts. 1115 ! l TJH1II S.MiK Six tni\T n-roiiin hiiu s , south Ironls , handy to strool r.ira nnd pnvlnp Knay imyimmtst If nil mu sold lit nno tlmo will mnkB spcclnl rutos , Jlnllou Ilroa. , 1MB Donning yt. _ _ _ 1443 H OMK AdAIN Van Houren , the realostnto , IMnplns nnd 14th sis. II I ( I 2 FOliSAr.U-Ten nt-n-i In KonshiBton. the two ( Inosl lots hi the nihlltlon adjoining tlrluhtnn ivt only tiVl pur iicro , easy terms. r , 1) . Tannor.V Co. . HUB llownnl St. 4M 4 KKNOItY * IIADLKY. G IHIJ Douglas stroct A line cnrnnr lot , nn\1R2 , In IMddock 1'lnco , nt f't.W. torn lew days only. This Is 11 bin-toil n. Cnllnndpoolt. 41.1 T/IOll ls\r.K-THohits In HlllKhln , J-.W ) . JJ HDURO nnd 2 lots. Walnut IIIII , $ i , ik ) . House nnd tot Kith st , $4C > M. Uit on Mmnmst. , ft'i'i , nmy terms. 1 lrlll'i ' tret In Itcxervolrnddn,003. . Kast front lot In Tlmrnhurtr I'lncu. fT > 00. IIV. . Huntress , ] 'Mf Knrnnin st. Il t your properly with mo. WTM S rnniAirilAflOAlNS In llanscoml'nrk liots at S-VJI to jr.iM oueli. Ouarnntui'il to lie ttm best looalcd unit Ihiost plocrt of utroriid nonr HnuBfom 1'nrk. Sooinu Is Uulloxlnir. nnd It "III imy you to rldo out nndsru what tills addition Id AMtS : , IDU'.i Knrniim. & HAniF/i Itenl Kstuto and ItPiitnl Adonis , lil : Uouifhii ) Street , blocks on Fnrniim , Douglas , Uod e , Hnrney. Cuminand ) Fouitcentn sla. Ono of tlio best coiners on Cumlnirst. on tul Puundor.i , with 3 cottiiuert . $ 13,000 Corner on 17th , Iniii. Aeo. ndd. W\a : il.lMO Corner on Ifith , I'adilook I'lnco , Hziu. ) : a.riOJ H-room hoii'-o on HHIi st. near Luke , col lar , well , barn , etc. , lot f > 5vlt < 0 4l03 w-room house , 1'oppleton iivo . l"OD n-rontn house , 1'npplt.tiiii nvn . . . . 'JVQO S-rnuini'iittaKO , I.ouuptst. , now iiml well finished , on monthly payments. . . 2,500 C-rnom ( > nttn e , " 7th Ht , , > oiiii > r.S2vl"0. ( . . ! l,000 4 of thollni-flt lots in Killiy 1'lni.o ' 0,000 Best 101xl87in Km trim otroot only 1 1-2 miles from postcilliru , flim \ low 7,000 Fine Corner on Fnrnam 111 H140 7WW Splendid lHxir. ( ) ; on t'hiulos tt U,5l)0 ) Ijotnnxltn on Capitol nvo. near " ( Itli Rt. This rltiht In inwn nnil only . . . . 2,500 Lot Mxl.'l on Cuinlnvr , ninir Snitndnrs. ( Finn block on adjomlmr lot POOIII , n100 Lot Is 50\21l ( on 20lh St. , cable , nour Clark 2r.OO Knst ( tout lot in Hnnxrom I'laco . . ll. > 0 I it.s Jn Orchard Hill no to S'.i"iO ' , Washington Square SISdfl to $ I'M. ! I'mldncK 1'lni o 82,530 , o * : ! , . ) Hiiwthonio SCOJ to $300. Omaha View JttiO to S'.Hh ) Kllby I'lnco J'WiO ' to $1.'JM ) . Kirk- wood , Vlalnviow , Dedford , Wnlnut lllll , Carth- aheolet to Cull and sen us tieforo you buy in liny purl of tjio city. Telephone 851. lludluy. U78 HOUSI ; nnd lot neiir 2td ; and l.onvenwnrth , only 11.551. iusy : terms. V.I ) . Tinnier & Co ,1(115 ( Howard st. tl 4 SUl'TIl front lot , Hurt Rt , hiiiKaln nt fl.KUO. ( riihnm , Crelhton ) block. 40. > 5 H OMK AA1N ( ! Van llenron , tlio real oglnlo , Doiigl.is nnd 14th sis. DKt 2 MA.tU'fON * CO. , IMit Itarnam. huvu the followiiiK Gill KdBO Insldo 1'ioporty forsnlo for5 days : 3.1x1,12 on Howard street , CfJ foot from 151 li streoh Klovcn room house. l'iviiiR : nnd nil other assusmuiits and taxes paid , lor thu ox- tremuly low price of ? Jlr > 'W , onn-lmlf cash. ( itixiy ; , corner I4th nnd Cblcnifo streets. 3 nlca cnttacrs , worth JIO.OJO lor $12,50J , ono- tluril uiibh. il\7H ! ( , cor. 10th nnd D.ivenpnrt streets. 10th street Cable line -will no north oC Fnrnmn ; tniclciure ; very cheap fur $ nWO , j2OJO cash. 13-'xJ.I2 corner l-lii nnd JOIICH. An uwful Kood pluco of ImsiiifrfS propurly for f2fl,00il. ll'J\li'Jon : Furnam unst of 23d street. Do yon know thut the largejt nnd most elegant rehiil dry BOGUS nud other stores will ho on Faruam hetH een Icth and 2til ; streets inside , of flvo years This propelIV- will then bo worth $1,003 to 81,100 frontfont , Itcannowbo bonplit for J25.000 ; will HOII22 feet for 5203 per fiont foot. 66xli ! 00 ft from cor ot 12th and Jivcuson ; Imprcivcil Homo , $ ln,000 , ' . cash. 6xIU2cor ( ! Ittn nnd Jackson : Improved some , SliVXXl : 1-3 cash , ; tl > 1,12 , CO foot from cor llth mid Howardnext to property owned by Fred Ames , of Iloaton , and the llth st viaductJl.'Jli ) : $5UOO cash. Lot wltliH-rooin honsoon 2l8tut , 138 feet from St. Mary's avo.Kood burn , city water , otu : f7- 000 ; one- third cash Look this up , It will pay you. 1W\130 ) to 17 foot alley on 25tn st. 124 toet from Fa run in nt ; will BclHt.\M or the whole for $126 pi > r front font ; ono-thinl cash. No liner rosi- oenco property limn tdls. Corner. ensbfionton 10th st , nearly oppoplto now Urownoll hall ; paved street , water nnd sewer pipes to curb line and pnld for. This 18 Kolnicto botho most dUtlnctlvoly ftiMilonablu residence portion of the city. Here is a corner lot that will bo worth $4.500 bi'foro 1R87 Is through It can now bo bought lor i,000 ! ; ono third cnsh , balance ensy. 131x141 n. o. cor. 27th and Dodge ; expected catilo line ; $3.500,1-3 cash. 78 foot front on Bt. Mnry'u ave.,25th St. ; flno resldonco ; $11.0)0 ) , 4 cash. Kleimnt 12-room house , full lot ; all modern Improvements , tine burn , everything tlrst-chiBs ; close to paved f-trevt nnd In splondld noiirhhor- hoodriliiOO. ; Hnmombcr thcso nro Inside barKitliiB. Wo Imvn lotHiind Inndx , irnprovi-d nnd unimproved , anv wnoru In Oinnha and vlclnltv : , KIVO UB rail If you want to buy or sell. Wo hnvo the llnost reul oatnto rlpn In the city nnd "It Is no trouble ! to ahovr jfoods. " M. A. Upton * Co. , I50U I'arnam st. 000 H OMR AGAIN Van linurcn , the real estate , Douglas and 14th Ms. 310 SOUTH front lot In Walnut Hill , S blocks from Lowouvi'nun nnd 1 block troin Iliunllton St. , with ole : iint (1-ronm ( pottiif. ' " hlnto inantln , city water , oto. lloltur .V Campbell , Itoom 1.I5UU Knrnam. OT 5 _ FOU host bargains in Crouton nnd Kllby plnco cull on V. I ) . Tnnnor & Co. ,1015 How ard at. 4-0 4 _ FOlt .SAl.K 42 ncrcs land near 1'lnrencn , Hiiltablo for fiiruiliiff , mm lint KiirtlunliiK or residence propvityv O. 1C Mnynu , I'nrniim stroet. ira-8 ) _ FOlt SAMO A bonutlful lionsu and lot on Georgia nvo. Tlila Is ouo of the bo t tin- Ishod houM'gln Onitiliu , with nil niodorii tin- provumontH ; will null cheap for aj duya. Apply atUl4ao ! > inliiavu. _ _ _ _ BT4 _ I7IO11 SALK r ) ! 8 7 and 8 , IZOxl.Y ) feet. In -L block n , Urat nddltloa to South Oinnha. Call on Krud Lainon , earn Fnrmiirs1 House , ur addroiiUuorvu LludO , I' . O. box407 , Kapld Citjr H OMR AGAIN Van noiircn , the rcul ostnto t , Donulus und Hth sts. 31(1 ( 1 OK HAl.KIlouee nnd lot on Bnward Bt. , near Pnumlers. inu t bu sold this wouU. I'rloa yuBin ( , worth VWMK lfHlngnr. . M3 1710H H.VLK-B8"ftT froiiliiiK on DO.IKO . st. 2 J- blocks east of the postolliuo. A bargain ut IIU.IWO uash. .Marshull & LohuckU \ Faruam. 'MV 1,200 , full lot Sliliin's add. Urahum , ton bm , 40i : 5 \r A , UPTON Sc CO. . ill , 1500 Farnam at. i Lot 0 , ( iiBO'a nildllliin linn ncr Juat oil < > ( Snuiidiira st.fi.OJO : , ! ! ] cash. 70x181 lu lot IK ) , ( Use's luliiltlon. fronting on Stiiidbt. , m-iir Judge WlllluiuH. S1.20U , $700 cash. Onlyin mmkortill Nov. 1. 2 hiilondiu lulu froutlnir north on Lake Rt. and so lit ) i on Knkmti , iminlntf 200 leot fioutuiro , only ! 0 font from atroot car-cablo line up theru Btiro 83,200 , $ lSOTcusli. 24 ueri s3-4milmrofltof stockyards. Ground llos nice , can liopluttod In It ocrn lot * and Hold to now pucklmr LUJUMJ omployoa riir$50'Jper ' lot. Call and seowhot nbnruain tlinie iIn lute. Ituryaliijln Hansoiim I'lticc. Jturr Onk , Ifilli at. . Ullh M.fUlh sr.Ao. , io. , Ac. Soot h Oniulm prupurty n spnclulty. Sen M. A. Upton ACo. , l.VW Farnam. S.tT3 HOMK A ( JAIN Vim Delimit , thoretil cstnlo nunnt , Uonuluii and 14th 8ts , aiit 3 ft. bctSuMnry's HVO nnd I.uaTonirurtli cornnr , * 1,003. Orunam , CrHghton blk. 4tf ( 5 FOnS.VE.H-Wa IIHVU Blxto.m liiU til tlttw- thoruo addition that wo will anil : beat and chuapbattnstda propaityln Omaha. Uatlfaril & Houor ai'l "C10 lit ) A I. * : Cheap , 1U ttcros well impruved.H X ? ' mile nortli of deaf umi dumb liibtltul * . AOJoJuiui/ * suit fox JSiMH. Applj ) J. y n. siuiivnu-nosirgtMo te feet front on Davenport near 1,1th with $ .1/410 Improvements , rent * for I83.M t 7,001 llnlflot with nleohoiuooiiCa nFsrlMh a.'XM Unit lot near aundory , with cottftcc. , 1,800 8 oottnso * Brooms on Chnrlen t , 8lnnn's Add , otith front , onsy turnn.oiioli . , 2,000 Kow oottaio 0 rooms , full lot Noith IDth 3Wd ! CottHiro nnd full lot , south front on Da venport nt-nrSJd . . . , . . 4,200 Now eottiw , lot 01x140 on 2l.t near Clark. . . . 2,000 4\ foot lot , cottacp , Hamilton ne r27lh . 2,604 JloH , i-ornor , wllli > rootl cottatrn , bitrn , uto.llancom plnco . tfow coltnifcs o room ? eai'h , on 151m near Shornmn nvo , ! ; UO CHih , btlnnco numthlr . . 2.COH Mnw riittime , F > ronin , riill lot , on t front , on N. 81 h st , i asy terms . S,3.'iO Vow lioiKo , U ) rooms , full lot , on Ocoulu nvc. , iH'iir Woolwoith nvo . 6,000 2hou onon Oavenportst. , tatt of liith , full lot . B.ODO I'ml lot nnd f > - run in cottnito nn Lnkn st , HL'iir . Oth . . . . . . 3,500 Full lnt.2 cottriKCS.oii SOtb , nonr P1 manst . . 3,000 Vncant Lots 2nii > t front lots In llni r Oak . ) 2,00 ] Inlrelfltson Fntimm nnd 2th sis . . . Is.VIJ 2nlcalotMcimi ( ( < r ) Fostt'rVmldlllou . 3fM 1 lots ( corner ) Kllby I'lnoo , for nil . I.Wfl 7A ruetoast front , Ilan-O'im ' 1'lnca . . . . 3,7X ( ) H.xli"-1 , south front ncarSaiindori ! street. 1.000 N.co . lota , Sonny Sldion California . . l.CtX ) . 0,1ft front aiHt and l'anuim.JHtiont ) ft. 1'wo beautiful loin Tnbor I'laco ' , both . . . S.fKX ) Cnrnoron Knrnnm nnd Thirty-fifth sts 4,500 raxiaifl K st front , Snunder * Mroot . . . n.inw 00 ft. Int. CaldtToll l i rot , Shin n > Add . . . . 1.V ) 04 ft. Just oil SI. .Marj'a nvn . 4uOtl Wor-WxHS1 ; fton Lomoiiworth et.noar Park nvo. $59 front ft . Full lot on CUM st. uoar 27th . l.r > 00 Aero lot In llelvldoro . 160 Nire lot. S front , Ueilford 1'laro . H'-'n Full lot on t2lst , linnr I.oaxonlvorth , . . 2.WH Cisco on llownnl near 10th . & , ( UX1 lloautlful i : front hit Ilan. onni I'laco. . . . - . ' 00 Jlntu K front In linnscom I'liu-n. hnth. . " ,500 lloiititllul K front lot nnxlftSon Park nvo near Mt , I'lt-iiHanl nvo . MOO IAI | 50x140 on aith near Clark . 2doj Full lot H front Ui-il ford pluon , . 4IX ) nulldlni ? lot I'ntricka ndd . tM J lull lot.sShlnnsi'd ndd nch . Ti'i 1 lots In Klrxwood . I , " ( XI Ixit niil40 ) North ' .Mill ft . I.OTiO Knllloton lliiiiilllon Bt . O.VI I'nll lot on Hurt no.ireiir Him . lOTiO 100 noios ) i ( iiilh8viBt of Mock ynrdn per ncrn . 1W miles from oily mid near stock yords per IIITO . SOO LotslnHhrlvor place 05 to } J50 each , 10 per emit cHfih bnlnncii inmilhlr. If you want to buy , or lmv < your propmty aold.cnll mi us ; wo uunrnnli'o fnlr nnd eour- teens trentmont to nil. W. O. Shrlvcr , Opp 1' O. 00ft on Fnrniim st , flO.OOO , Ornhtim , Cri-un- ton blk. 4IVI r > HOMR AOAT.V Vim Itouron , the ronl cstnto nvont , Uoiigl.'ip mid 14th sis , 410 2 F1.AC1C.llunl llunl Kstiitonnd Loan llrokers , Fren/lvr block Opp I'oalotnco. Ixits In Ivllbyplaci ! JflW. * 70'J ' , i7r.O. nnd * S03. South trent lots on Fnrnmn Kt In .leromo Park ( lriUO to SJ.'HKl ' iMUili ; on vury ensjluring. . ITixlt.tof lot CiD , ( Use's ndd south fronton Cniiienin Ht.S'OO , Nl oasli.lial easy , Two south liont lots In SUIiin.g add. nt $725 ouch ICIOK'ant south front lotsimllrtsUil si. between Sniimlers nnd SttiUistR. , 44vl.J ! , for fSOO oiiuh , $2K1 cash nnd bnlnucn 1,2 nud a years. IK ucroB eornor llrlstol nnd Stain sts. for $4Wi ( ) . This is u bountiful plooo of ground to iihit ; haa nstreut frontage of 4i2 ! foot by ID' ' rout iliiiiip. l.otsl nnd 2 , Illocta , Denise addition , $1.500 each , hnll uah. Sevornl 5 nnd 0 room oottnu-os within 1 and 2 blocks of streiit car , nl { 2.000 to $2,50J uach , on mnnthly pnymenUs. Lota in IMalnvlow nnd Klrkwood at $700 and . LotH In llovd'&nud ' Hnundcrs & lllm addition nt $101 and SjUOon monthly pnymunts. Alnifrolist of lots In South 01111111.1,231)01' cent below syndiriitti prices. llosiilonco property In ull the boat udlitlons nnd locations In the ulty. Severn ! Hplnndid burtcnlnson youth 10th si. , and n largo list of buslnutfa and warehouse prop- oity. a south front lots on Lake st , ono of them a corner , with 5-i-ooni uoltnvo on It , ull for f."i.70G ; onu-thlrd cash , bill. 1 , 2 und a y rs. A corner In I'clhmn plnco , 03x1114 , for $ l,2.riO 2 bountiful east front lots on Lowe iivo , In Kllby plnce for S3.KIO. HK acres to -bdivldo ; will make 2. ) lots , six ot thorn corners , for J3t)00. ) This Is n bargain 4 linmitlful east front lota In llnnscom plnco , on I'lill tjhorldnn st , $ l0.l : ! ench. lloofio and larne lot on Sliormmi ave , $4bl > 0. This Is very cheap nnd dosii nlilo. Two oloirant south front lots on Fariinm Bt , 5J.IHX ) each inst front lol on 20th at. , 00x140 ft , , with eninll house tlmt tents for $ -0 per iiionlli.Jl.tJOO. This Is on thocilblo Hue nnd n Imwiln. Wo luivctwoT nnd H-room rosulonoos ( in I'nrk nvo thnt nro bnrxuins. ANo n bjilendld roHl- deneo on Ilarnoy st. and ono nn ( luurxrla nvc , with lawo lots , invcstltrute these before buy- iiiK olsowhoio. a21 B AHGAlN-Lot on 18th 8t , Klrkwnod. S700. ( irnham , Crulirhlon hlk. 403 5 ESTATi : RAHOA1N Two lull lots RKAU on 24th htroot , runnlntr throiiKh tn 2Jd street , making 132 foot frontuKC on both streets ! ) > in ; feotdeop , with 11) ) two story llntR and 2 cottages fronting on 24th street , renting for f Vn per month. Iloom to build G tints to front un 23d street. This property Is Just one-half of n block south of Lonvumvorth and two bloi'Ks from Htreotcars. Can neil for $13.000. Holler & Cnmpboll , Itoom 1,1509 Furnam. 375. B OWLIKG ( IltHKN'lota.'siiJO. 10 porcentcash and $5 per month. Marshall & Lohoch , Agents , 1209 r arunm street. 049 ( JUEKX-Our new addition Is BOWLINC west ot Walnut HID , on Hamilton , ati'cot. By selecting lots at $150 for Insldoand $175 for corners , you will make a good Investment , Terms 10 per cent cnsh nnd S5 monthly. No chargt ) for showing the lots. Marshall & Lo- beck , 1501) ) Fiirnnm 310 Foil SAI.K- lots 44x1 Kfeol , fronting north on Bristol Htroot , half wuy bctwuuu Suun- dors nnd State , nour street cars. City water In front , $ HOO ench , 1-4 cu-h , tmhuico In 1,3 and 3 yenra. Address 3 14 , Hoe olllco. 258 H LotB.Fnrms.Lnnas money [ oaned. Jleml.i , 1DIU nnd Douglas utroels. 907 HH H OMi : AGAIN Van Ilouren , the real ostiito ! agcr.t , UougluH and 14th sis. : ! lfl 2 KAL KSTATB AND LOANS-U. It , Hall & R Co. 115 B. 15th at U70 Notice to Property Owners or Lessees. YOU are hereby notified to lay sldowalKa upon the gindod streets " leet Iromtlio curb line whoio tlio Mn\u \ Is mlnilsfinblo and to the cstnblLshcd grudu ol' street IntiiMoctlong and alloy crossing ! . . J. K. IIOI'Sl' ' ! , Umlimim Doard of Public WnilfS. OmahaNub. , Nov. IM. UBL nZdlUt Ural ICslato Trnnarcrs. The following trnusfors wore iilcil Nov. 1 , with the county clurk : LowlH Urasili to llnnrj' Ilrash , i rt of lot II , In Capital mid In swK ot uw.'i' , see ! M , ID , 13 in Oninlin. w U-SIO.OOO. Gcor o W it Logan and wife to Georjjo S Knbbms , lot S. bloclc V , aiiiiU'a i-'tl add to Omaha , w d-frOOO. Ada 1' Orulco and othcis to Franlc O Blown anul ( ieorgo N Clnylon , lol.s. anil 11 , bloclc I ! . Drnke'n add to Omaha , w il S2.MJO , Ada i' llrnko mid otlit'is to Frank I ) Drown nnd ( ioorcu 1) Clayton , lot0 , block 5 , Orako's add to Oiiulm , w ( t Sl.WX ) . Ada I' Drake and others to Pract : 1) Urown and others , lot 10 , block 2 , Draliu's add to Omahn , w dllfK ) . (1 M llllchcook nnd wlfo to Islimnrl Jlrluk , lot litf , bloclc 1 , Hituliccck's 1st add , w d SWO. Michael Donnelly to Christian Uartiiiann nnd JiiniuH H ( Jlbson , lot U anil si or lot 8 , blorki. \ . llaiihroin I'lacuadtt to Omaha. I ) L ThomaH and wlfu 10 ( it-orKo (1 Wai- lace and otlu-ih , lot a , blijck-l , Kirkwood add to Omaha , w il3iW. . Tlio Crniglitun nnlvcinlty to Thomas Ilr.in- nan and 0.1 Smytli , lots 1 , 'A : i , 4,7 : ind d ntnl tliowist 100 I fiit of lot 5 a nit the west Kl fc t or lotrt , block 1 , IMrk I'luce , vd 5'iS.tt ) ' . Thomas Hinnnan and otlmra to tin ; public , plat of lirnnnan I'IHPC , ImliiK n MiMivlMim of lots from 1 to s itscluslvc , block 4 , I'urk 1'liico add ilrilit-iUiuli. A S I'add'ii-k and wiit < to Jonas I ! HnirlK , lots U ami 1- , block 5 , ol I'.iddock J'l.ne , w d-S'i,40J. \Viit .lolinson ami nif. ' In Win II Moirls , part of tax lot KJ tinhiK ' - ' . ' < " ' iiii.iro li'ct inoio or IPS ? , w d Sl.ltHi. William II Morris to Sil , . ( ' WnltcJv , the undivided Hot parlol ln\i'.i' . .v < l 31. Join ) WiilL-nor and wiiu tnViaK \ Minds nnd Arthur U Walceicy , 'Jt3lMjuaiu Ir t nt tax lei ! M in ne1 of inv'f si-c'Jr , w d-St/.W. . Kiank D Itr.'Avn atnl udiuts to Joseph No- vlllc. Jot "JO , Woci : 5 , DraUi-'s add , w < l - * ! JNXi. James S Gibson and wife to Michael Don- nt'lly , lot * , block 7 , Jerome patk.w d gl.OO > , ( JeoiL'o .V ( llaylun and wild mid others to Joseph C Wfath , lot II , lilock 3 , Drake's add , \v d - 5S.SOO. lane K llospo aud liusliatid to Howard li Smith , lot 7. block 2 , KuCil's Ut add to Omalw-S2,4M ) . Jiuiw ; A Main and wife to Kilward J 'I'air- carl , the vrK of sV/of lot 13 , Worlc - ' . IViU ptare add. w d SI..TOO. Ids M Vore and husband to Kilsniil j Taigurt ej of sf ) ; of Jot 13 , ! > IXk 'J. I'.uk I'liicfl ( fid , w I-5l.a : . D L TUpniiu aud lfe to FilU Uuivl.ne and others , lots j and 2 , block V f.owo's add tft Oinnha , w d " 'JA ( .Seorfto H Uiiffgs nnd wlfo and olhor.s to Call Harm , loH , block 13 , Patk Forrest , ttd 5400 , llerbe-rt J Davenport to Klmrr S Untidy , , lrlot 10. In Davonport's subdivision of lot * VJ , M , M , f > 5 and 5T of Ulro's add to Omaha. w d-- > ; ; H ) . Kranklin It llraMon and wifnto OrofRoY \ Kills , lot io. Marlon Place , n d-Sl.fWO. llrnrv I , inland \\itc to.focophV \ Moore , lot II , block U , Mnnn'sad ndd , w itJl.MJO. . 0 KMajurand wlfo Io IClcnor Sioverllnir , lots 10 and ao , block S.Ordmid Hill , w d- 52.400. Alvln Sanndrrs and others to Herbert Tohneon , lot n. block 3 , Kntindcra > fc lliiuo- balixh'.s ndd to Oinali't.w d Si'OO. 0 A Norbi-ip and wile In ( } XCrcUhton. ot \ block 11 , Kei'U's 1 51 add to Omaha , AV ii ' . M I'lilllips nnd olliers ( o MlchnrlJ ( "otnu'lly , lot 17 , block li , Patilck'sSd add , w d-8l.00. ijnslo fil Plilllips and husband to Adolph l.t'clilcnbiTtfiT , lot 1(3 ( , block " . Palrlck'sUil add. w d-Sl.WO. Viclor Dioher and \\lfc to , ) ohn S Cant- Hold and olhiM.s , pait of lot ! > 8 ; also lota 3.1 , Ml , 40 , 45 , 41 , U. 40 and lot li' ' , UfdlckVAl add , wd $ ! ( > . < tM. Sputionr Oils nnd wlfo to U W Hays , lot 10 , Clark's I'lnco , Omalin , q c-St. .John P Williams and ulfo to Kntharlno Itrniltnttnii nnd ollu-rs lot 12 , blook 7 , Hills- side add No. 1 , w d-Sl.lnft. ( 'harlcs PSImmondsnnd wife to S 8 Camp- it'll , lot 4 , block 'J , Piatt's subdivision , wd Si'oo. ' Si'oo.D l > TiiotnaH and wltn toJamoM M Swot * nam. lot. " , KldloliT d-Jl.llh ) . K H Davif and ulfc Io Andrew Motion- son , \\X \ \ of lot 'JO ralimonnt Place , w d SiliiiW. Kdward S Kolf to 0 V GitllaKher , lot 7 , w d-s TEE CHICAGO SHORT LINE ct- rut : CfapMitauta&tPaylR'y , $ , ' THE BEST ROUTE } m MM 33d CQOuCIL BLUFFS ol TWO TRAINS DAILY HIU'WUISN OMAHA COUNCIL IJLim'3 Chicnffo , AND Mllwankoe , Sf. Paul , Jliimuuiiulis , t edar Rapids , Clinton , Diibuatto , JJuvonport , Ruck Island.Frcrport , Roukfortl , Elffin , JlailiHDii , .lanosvillo , Ucloit , Wiiioiin , Jill Crosse , And all other 'inporlunt ' points Enst , Northeast and tJonlhoosU For through tlokula cull on thn Tlukot Avon at 1401 Knrnain street ( In IMxton llotoli , or a Union I'aoillo Dupot. I'lillinnn bluouoM und thn finest Dlnlntf Cant In the world lira run on tliu mniti lines of the CHICAGO , MII.WUKBB & Sr. I'\ut , lUn.WAr , and erorr altuutiun Is paid to jmssouguta by couitKiniBenipluyesof the uonipiiny. li. Ml I.I. Bit , Ouncrul MnniiKnr. J. F. TUCKlcn , A ast ! nt UoncriU Manng r. A. V. U. CAKfUNTKii , Uenural I'asbeuior Kud Tlokot Aifont. GEO. K. llBArroiin , Asslstnnt OeueriU Pauoo- get nnd Tlukot AKOIU J. T. CIAIIK , Ooneral Suporlntanilaiit , AND RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only rosd to tnk for Des Molnes , Mar- Rlinlltown , nOar RanldH , Clinton , DixieChica go , M Iwnn'ceo nnd nil points c st To the poo- iile of Nelini'.kn , Coloindo , Wyoming , Utah , dnhoNevada , Oietrnn , Wnshlngton , and Call- foinla. ItoffoM Hiiueilor advnutugo * not pout- bio bv any other line. Among a fnw of the numerous points otiu- perlotlty enjoyed by the piitroni at this road between Omnha nnd C'lloiign , are Its twetrnlm * n day of DAY COACHES which are th flneit tdnt hnmim art and inKonulty run create. Iti PALACIi BLnUI'ING CAMS , nrhloh nrn inodeli ofoomfort nnd eloganra It8 PAIIUKDRAW- ING ROOM CAMS , unsurr > Ri ! nd br any. and 1U widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS , tbo equal of which rannrit br found elaewhor * . At Council Illuda thn trulns of ( he Union Faol- fie llr. oonnoct In Union Dnpot with those of the Culcaro & Norlhwrslern H.r. In Chicago the trains of this line run do olosa. connection with those of all eastern Huns For D trolt , Columbus , Indtnnapolls , Clnoln- natl , Nlaznrn Fulls , llurfnlo , IMttaburg , Toronto , Montreal. Boston. New York , Philadelphia , Bal- tlmor * . Wa ) ilngton nnd ail | olnti In th * wt , ask tlio tlckotaircnt for tickulK via the "NOirniWESTF.UN. " If you wish the limt no''omnioilatlorm. All Uckat ngonti sell tlcknti via this line. M. lirniUTT , R. P. WILSON. ( Jenerul Manager , Oenl. Puss'r , Agent * Chlcugo. III. WM HAHCOCK. L.rt. BOLTJJS , GenJ.Wostorn Agt. Cltv Pass AgC Mil rarnuni St , , Omaha , Nob. Red Star Line lloyal nnd Dnltad BUtM Hull.Sjillm uvi'ry tut Urdu/ Between flntwerti & New Ytrk TO THIi RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCS. TALL AN i ) WINTKO. B lon from J60 v > $7Umu ion trip froot CI10 to Sl'A Bownd Uabin , nulwai-a , $4i ; pruiiuld.Ho ; oxvnrMon * 'JO. Htonriura uauigr * t low r u . I'et r Wriirht A Soni , Keucnt AeinU. U Uroadwuy , Ko Voric. Tlenry I'uaJt , Uls Karnuinnc. ; l' ul oa k Co. 14 s rurmuu st : D. 0. I'tuuuiun , lii i'lirn.iru il ELECTRIC ii ! : < jiiiis ; ; MO IIOII.INO , not s NOT STII iv TO nn : IUON. Hi'm1r ( r u > o In i it > > mil .ri' lubnr , ilnivann trnuhUi i" > nt. nixll I n In nl on u l l y Uumlrr * iHt-n. ItfHi ' * Hsu U"IIM i 1 li 1.1 Hiivnllifcr SUirtin ev r iii'in ' ifarl'ji 1 it m n in in I liLI. I'lllM U IMOKAI.KS , M .hurl i H O IM | ! nd t-iuil iwn iwuin < ti uf HI , , oitif Mt IT n * > M by nil llnl rum criMT. , ! : ' ) u | > | > ' > S % Vl'lt I'ACK AlK ! NEBRASKA MAP. In colom , hiitvi * all rnu'jtli , tiivfut , riJIru Mmlwl ( ur'-'Ar. Oinubu > 1ty Map , Ui mHiUoilk , otc-.tio. No iisUn Slate ( la/rltr Ituiii ! K Iilrecuuj ml rnuunr U.t. iV. J M WOLfK A CO , . VM. HtUbl ,