Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1886, Image 1

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    tfoiWt < * !
The Man Ttom Nemaba Defeated By a Big
Majority ,
p- " < A Well-Merited Rebuke Administered to
the Infamous Trickatsr.
AdvlcoR I'torn ' All PoltnH In the First
District , Showing the Result
Up to the Hour of Going
to Press SpPolnlN.
The Work In Lnnonster.
Ll.vcoi.v.Neb. Nov. 2 , [ Special Telcgiam
( otliu Ili.K.1 The elccllon In Lincoln and
Lsincastci county passed oil without set ions
Incident nnd Iho letuins are coming In
Blovvly. In thu city : ! , I0"j votes were cast nnd
nt this hour no definite count lias been
reached although a gencial esllimlo places
Howe's majority at from COO to 800 In the
city nnd n prohihlo like amount In the country
precincts , making the votu but little dlllei-
cut fiom Weaver's of two yeirs nuo when we
cart led the county by r-09 majority. The
antl-Omalm racket has been worked nil day
foi llowoand he lecslxcd some piohlbltlon
votes. The precincts that hnvo been heard
from up to this horn nre Ynnkco hill , in
which are located Iho nsylum nnd peniten
tiary , which gave Howe IV ) majority over
Mcbhane. Ginnt pieclncts gives Howe : > 0
majority ; Cheony , Howe , thlitv-live ;
Wnverly. Howe , in , Ganield , Howe ,
: ' I. Relinns thus far nre nit fiom
the heavy republic-Hi precincts. The Indi
cations arc that the ptohlhltlon votes In Lan
caster will be about eight hundred.
Pnpilllon Goes Democratic.
PAI-II.I.ION , Neb , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Br.i.J : Papllllon precinct cast
281 voles. The follow Ing candidates , all dem
ocrats , received majorities : North , for gov
ernot,20 ; McShane , congress , 70 ; Campbell ,
float .senator , l.'H ; McKlnnn , representative ,
It ; Linedon , county attorney , HI ; Stotrer ,
county commlsslonei , W. There is n usual
democratic majority In the county of 100 ,
nnd the entire democratic ticket will be
elected. Reports from outside precincts say
that McShauo Is running fni nheid of his
ticket , nnd low estimates place his majoiity
In tliocounty at 200. If Campbell runs in
tlio othei precincts as In this his majority in
tliocounty will be.40) ) . Van Wyek is the
only candidate for United Stiles senator.
No "Church" In IllchnrilBon.
FALLS CITY , iseb. , Nov. 2. ( Special
Telegram to tlm Bur. ] The election
pissed off very quietly. Returns como In
very slowly , but tlio present indications
point to a majority of four to seven bundled
for McShane In Richardson county. 'Ihe entire -
tire republican legislative ticket is probably
elected In this precinct. The billets ns tar
ns counted give nlraost two lot one foi Me
They Favor Vnn Wyck.
Br.A'inicr , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special Tolc-
gmm to the HFU.J Colby bas prictlcnlly
carried this county. He Ins sold Howe enl
and It now looks as if McShino his carileeil
tliocounty. The vote on United States sen
ator Is lor Vnn Wyck.
Iilncolu'H Vote.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
to tlio HKIJ.J The election In the city of Lin
coln Is piogresslng quietly , and up to 2 p. m.
some thirteen hundred votes were cast In
the city. There h n good deal of
scratching being done , some democrats
voting foi Howe but more republicans votim ,
ngilnsthlin. The prohibitionists nio out in
force anil will poll n heavy vote , mud
heivier tlinn antielpited and It may play : MI pint In results.
GiiKEXWOon , Neb. , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele-
cram to the Br.i : . | Salt Crc'ek precinct , in
cluding the town of Greenwood , polled 212
> otes , 120 republican , Hi demociatle. 20 pro
hibition nnd three for the people's ticket. 1 ho
legislative nnd congressional tickets weio
conshleinbly scratched.
Snrpy For McShaiio.
Gii.vtoitR , Neb. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram lo the RUB. ] From present Indlcitlons
Bullevno polled about 200 votes ; La Phtttc
about < > 0. Rosew.iter and MeShano are
considerably ahead of their tickets. The
float senatorial ticket was hotly contested.
Church Howe was completely snowed under.
Vnn Wyck had no opposition.
Nebriiskn City's Vote.
NUIWASKA CITV , Nnv. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bi.K.J The election is pissing
quit tly , a v cry light v oto being polled up lo 2
p. in.
Smaller Tlinn Thought Of.
LIVCOLX , Neb , Nov. 2. Ho we's ptolnhle
majority In this city In COO , and in the county
It Is between l.'JOO ana l.r.OD. No count is
complete ns vet.
Meflhniio'H l'i.orlty | Fifty.
AVOCA , Nib , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
* to the Rnn.J MeShann's majority 51. The
republican legislatlvg ticket has n majority of
nhaut 15.
A DcHpitralo
PAVVNIJI : Ci rv , Nov. a [ Spechl Telo-
1:1 am lo tlio Itp.i : . ] The most dt ) ! > pcialo hglit
kitoxvji on elections took place to day. Ouu-
lliiid of the railroad hands were only ul-
lowed to voto. Ouo preelnct gnvn .MeSlnino
n majoiity oxer Howe. In aiiothci Howe's
majority cannot exceed 800.
IluiiH Helilml lilH Tlolcnt.
Lixconv , Neb. , Nov. -.Speulil ( Tele-
gtnmtotha Hi'.lt.j The- complete eotint on
the congiessloniil vote in the city of Lincoln
gives How el.MT majoilly In the city. Six
( iiocincts frimi the country add " 17 lo this ,
making lloxve's inijorltv as far as heird In
tlm county 1BS ! , Tlio renrilnlng piecincts
In the countv will swell this figure to Ib0o ,
nnd possibly 2,100. Democratic ns well in
pioliibitlon votes were madn tin Hoxvoon the
hsiio against Omalia. Tiny ur will have 2r > oo
ninjotity in Lincastei ( oiinty and tlio Indica-
lions point to tlio election entire ol the ie-
publican leglslativu ticket , although some ot
them will have light majoiltles.
lltoo A
NKHIUSKA On \ , Neb , , Nov. , 0--Spcclal [
Telegiam to the : : , Returns are coming
In hlowlx , but enough to hoxv that Me linno
lias c.uried the county bx 'M'.l ' maiuniy. Van
WyeU'smnjorlty wiMbeiJO.
_ _
* * " " A AInjoi Ity orNlnetcnn ,
IT A i lion A , Nib , Nov. 2 One bundled and
Kl\ voles counted nnd 2M votts "polled. So
fai ascnuiiiliil tlui votu Is : henatott > Wnl-
back -II , Abbott 01 , Mc.Siaiio'u imijorlty la
A Illu Vote In .ItiluihOii.
TKCI > IMII : , Neb. , Nov. e. | | Tele-
grnm to tlm Hi. K.I- Van Wxek received fully
t\o ihlulaoi the votocast In Johnson county ,
' 1 ho Day nt Uruiul IttlnniL
GlIANIl 1&1.VKD , Net ) . NOV. 2
[ Speelal lelegtnm to Hie BIK : ]
The returns from Iho dllfetcnt I
pfeclnvts throughout the county nr > blow In
coming In and up to this time nothing dell.
lite can bu learned as to thu rcsiilK There
vivo been upwards of ten hundred and nfty >
ones cast lu the city. It U ust I
mated that the democrats > vlll have from
one to two hundred majority In the city , nnd
willlinvn n small majorltj In His county.
General'I haycr , for governor , will have n
good majority In tills county. 1 ho state ami
lountv tickets were badly scratched , and will
have to await the count for definite results.
Will Itctaln ilio County Sent.
NoiiKOt.K.Neb. , Nov. 5.-ISpeplalTelegram
tothoRm : . ] The Norfolk vote on the state
ticket resulted as follows : Democratic TO ,
repiibllcin 217 , prohibition 40. ' 1 ho legisla
tive tlcki t wjn close. Madison will piobably
retain the county scat.
Hlji Itctiuhllctiti Rnln.
Nit.t : iit , Neb , Nov 2. ISneclal Telegram
to the Rnu. ] Clpu Water gives one plurality
for Dorsey ; Nclijli nnd Oakdale each
8T > tmjorltv. This Is a republican galu
Blnco last election. Van Wjck Im 100 ma-
joilli In Ncllgh
Arnpnltoo'fl Election.
AIIAPMIOU , Neb. , Nov. 2. f.Spcchl Tele
gram to the lr.E.J ( Kleetion returns are not
nil In jet ninl cinnot bo had before to morrow
night. There are enough precincts heard
fiotn to Insure a laige majoiity for Taj lor ,
republican lor county attorney , Habcock ,
republic for representative , and Llnds-iy ,
republican tor state scnntor. Jim l/xlrd also
cnirlcs thocounl.v by a large majotitx. . .The
election In Aiapahoo was veiy quiet , all the
electioneering being douu befoie tlie polls
otiu.ied this innrnln j. Ynn W.vck icculvcd
about CO votes heie.
A. UntliriSuinll Vote.
Kr.MtNiv , Neb. , Nox2. . [ Special Tele
gram to tlio Ri'.i.J : The total number of
votes In Kearney was 722 , nbout two bundled
short of last jeai. In Kearney out of two
bundled : ind thirty votes counted Andrews
and Thornton , republicans , bad ns many
votes ns Redlnson nnd Nantker , democrats ,
and ICaton and Rorders. prohibition candi
dates combined , for thu legislature. Conger
for senator ran ahead ot all the candidates.
Kvans foi county attoinoy ran even with the
othei two candidates combined. The Indl-
dleations are that the entire republican legis
lative ticket Is elected by n good majoiity.
VanWyck had about sixty votes out of
the two hundred nnd thlity counted.
A Clone Ilnoc.
McCooK , Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tele-
gtam to the 15ie.J : There was a close race
between Calfer , democrat , and Gicen , reimb-
llcan , candidates on the representative ticket.
It Is estimated that Van Wjek was the
choice of the majority ot the republican
voters ot the county.
Dorsey In the
FuuvioM1 , Neb. . Nov. 2. [ Special Tele-
pram to tlie BI.P. ] Thayer his in the city
101 votes , North : w Doisoy.V.7 , Webster 2S5.
The republican legislative ticket , except fccn-
atoi. Is cnnlcil by 05 majority. Scnntoiial
preference tor Van Wy.eU.Ml. Weaver 2. In
complete returns from the county give n re
publican majoiity.
Claimed by Doth Parties.
Goitnov , Neb , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
lo the Hi.K.J Piom the last reports from nil
portions ot tlio county Bennett Irwin , demo
cratic candidate in tlio Fifty-ninth dlsttlct ,
has carried this county bv " 00 majnritv.
Cherry county Is claimed by both pi : ties.
"Work in I'lntto County.
Coi.uvmus , Neb. . Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bii : . ] The election to dav was
quiet and a light vote cast. Isorth's majority
in Platte county is estimated at 1.000 ; foi the
democratic ticket300 ; legislative ticket fiom
: ; ou to 500. Di. Scliug , icDubllcan , Is elected
coiouer bv ! KX ) maloiltv. Van Wyck's vote
cannot be counted -to-night.
The Kntlro Tiokot Win * .
SrnAirox , .Neb , Nov. 2.-Special ( Tele
gram to the Buu.j Thayer and the entire
state ticket win. MelCelgliau cairied this
precinct over Laird by 10. Henderson , 111-
di pendent republican for the legislature. ill ;
liiown , republican , 10 ; White , demount. 11 ! > .
Tliocounty will probably go tor Hundei&on
by a small majoiity.
Hurt County.
OAKLAND. Neb. , Nov. ? . [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ] The entire republican
; ticket of Burt was elected , unless It is T. H
Ashley , representative. The has been
on Jtines Lntta , against Aahlev , Thu vote
In many precincts I light.
Republican Mnjority.
IKIHANOLA , Nut ) . , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele-
ggram to the Bi K. I Indianola precinct polls
2G4 votes , 100 republican , bO demociat and 10
prohibitionist foi legislative , state senator ,
ami representative , n majority of 10 for rep
resentative , n majoiity of W > republican.
Laiid , for congress , 18 behind the ticket.
Indications from outside precincts indicate a
majority ot LOO In the county.
Good Work in Valley.
VAI.LSY , Neb. , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. | The folloxvlng Is tlio ro-
sultof today's vote : McShano87 , Howe27 ,
Linlnjer b'J , T/sohuek b7 , Rosewater 80 ,
Stowed , Paulson Vt. Campbell 31 , Whit-
more 10J , Hibbard 1U , Hall 87 , Heimrod 87 ,
Rleketts7. Young b5 , Matthleson 87 , Black-
bum b7 , Stilnglcin . ! 2 , McGavock 25 , ( iaivey
20 , Smyth ' - ! ' > . Clark 21 , Knox. 20 , Andres SO.
Slopbetison 2' ) , Pieice 1)5 ) , Mount 8.1 , Ulineral
SI , Ferguson 3'J.
It Pannes ofTQulotly.
HASTINOS , Neb. Nov. 1. [ Special telergam
to the Ur.n.j Election In this city pas ed off
quietly. II'-Me the republicans polled b.1i ,
demociats :1K1. : piohlbltlon nnd antimonopoly
ely itO. Partial retiuns from the county
Indicate that llartwell , tepiiblicaii , candiilnto
for the btalfl simato Is ulecttid bv 000. Liiul
for congress will run ahead of that Jiff me.
Cnmpboll OlulniH Plve Hunilrotl.
PAI'II.I.IO.V , Neb. , Nov. ? . ( Special Tele
gram to the Bhi'.J Spiingliehlpieclnrtglxes
Iloxvo eight nujoiity , anil Campbell for float
bc iiatorC7.
Campbell has seventy-five majority In Mil-
laid piecinci. Douglass county. Ho now
clalm-.0oo majoiity In snipy county. Ticket r.lnctail.
HcLuCiOLD , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to the Bur. ] A quiet election took
place to day. Total preference for United
States senator , Van Wyck 20 , Paddock 08.
Thu present Indications aio that the entire
republican ticket in Webstei county Is e-Iect-
ed bv n h.inilioiuu majoiity.
The Flout Tiuknt Doubtful.
TKCUMSRII , Neb. , Nov. 2. [ SpecUl Tele
gram to the HKI'.J It is believed that .lolin-
sou county elects Kills , n Vnn WycK mnn ,
the ilckot bolng doubtful. McShaiio will
receive S ) majoiity.
Hosiilt l < Vi > in .NoiTli Plattc.
Nonrii PLAHK , Ne'b , Nox. 2. [ Sicclal | to tun llr.r.j rimyei 2.55 , Noith
22.1 , ViuiWyekSW. . Leglslatlvt ticket in
doubt ,
I'atornhl'j lo Vnn Wyck.
AiiAi'Aiior. Neb , , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Mie Brr.J Vrapahoo precinct ulves
Thnjer 14H , N'oilh 137 , Van Wyek . < 5 , Intpito
of n bitter opposition. Laird ran behind his
Uckot. Reports trnm the county precincts
areve'ry faxorabiuto Van Wvck ,
The He.Nult In Ciiliilni ; . Poi.s r , Neb , Nox. 2.-l.SpC'cnl ! Tele
gram to the Bir. : ] A tuo-thhd's vote of the
tnxx'n gives Van Wjck 3.J , .Morton ISO , Nellgh
IS.Harrctt 200 , Rich H8. Kgbeit , ISO , Puller
107 , UJ1 celt , r'lillei and 1'gbeit aio e'lected.
Iliuler Lcnils JJU Ticket.
KLK Ciu-MC , Neb. , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele-
gram to the Bui.J Butler , democrat tor
senator , received 10 majority. The count is
very alow on account ot scratching.
Fa\orahlo lo Van Wjok.
Voiiir , N'eb. , Kov. 2. ( Special Telegram
I to theBii'--Thoek'ctii ] > u htre tOdr.y wua
quiet. The republican legislative ticket vvns
badly scratched by the null-Van Wyck men.
Returns arc coming In slow from the county
and It Is Impossible to ( , lvo figures to-night.
Keckley for senator nnd Ilarlnn nnd Wilson
foi representatives are probably elected by
small majorities. All nre pledged for Van
Wjck. Laird Is badly scratched both In city
nnd county , but will have a large majotity In
the county. The prohibition vole was light
nnd scattering , all tickets being badly
scratched , and the count being slowly made
nothing lie-Unite can be know n before morn
ing. _
HIP Yoto in Knlrlleld. en
P.unPiKMi , Neb. , Nov. 2.-tSpe'clal Tclo-
gratu lo the Hin : J Tlio total precinct vet
here to day was BnO ; republican , 140 ; ptoltl-
billon Iff. ; democratic , M. There was very
little .scratching. This Is a smalt republican
gain and -a coite pondlng loss lor both demo-
cuts and piohlbltionlsts over the votu nt
Iho hut general e'h'ction. Tiicro was
no vole on the United States senate ques
Itepuhlicnn GnniB In I own.
DhsMotNi'S In. , Nov. -Special [ Tele
gram to the UKP.IReturns liom 100 towns
now recelxcd indicate the republicans have
entiled tins stntc by & ,000 or 0,000 , u gain of
2,000 01 : ! ,000 ox ei the v otu of last year. The
lepublleans have elected the lollowlng
congressmen : Strublu In tlio Eleventh dis
trict , Holmes in the Tenth , Lymnn m ( he
Ninth , Coiiget In thu Seventh , ICerr In thu
Fifth. Fullci In the Font III , Henderson in
tlm Thlid. The demociats piobibly elect
Haves In the Second , though Kin ; woo I Is
making unexpected and laigo gains , Thu
indications In tlm Sixth nnd Flist dlstiicts
point to the election ot Donnell and Geir ,
noth republicans. The result in the Eighth
diitiict Is very close , and as vet undeter
mined. Thu result will probably bo
n nut icpubllcan gainoftwo congressmen.
Ijyinnn'H Majority nt.
Dfvi.Ai1 , la. . Nov. 2. [ Special Teloginm
totiieUi.n.J Thestatti count complete gives
a majority of 03 ; congressional count com
plete , Lymin 01 majority. The election
pissed oil very quietly , a full vote not being
Dolled. _ i _
Dis : MOI.VKS. In. , Nov. 2. Clear weather
ppoitcd fiom all over Iowa to-day , and so
'aias repotted , up to noon , thu elc'ction is
irocecdi ng quietly vvltli tin average vote be-
ng polled.
DrsMomi a , Nov. ' ! . Returns fiom Iowa
iv 111 bo compared with the vote of last year
mil with tlio majority of Laiabee. rcpubli-
nn foi governor oxm Whiting , which was
. ' ,003. IhPionrel.bOOpreciucUsiii the state.
\t this hour , i ) p. m. , the count has
'ust ' commenced at most of the polling
-laces. - Retuins from eleven precincts show
net republican gain of 124 over last yeat.
Di.s Mom's , Nov. 2. Twenty piecincts
, ivun total votu of 2r , S3 for Jackson , rcpub-
ican , lei secietiry of state , and 1,470 lei
ells , dcmoe-tat , a , net republican gnin of C03.
They're Doiiifr Ui lit AVell.
CittfXdo , Nov. 2.--Spucial [ Telegram to
hu Rr.i .J Indications at 0 o'clock In
, wenty-two iiiecinets are that Prendergrast ,
demociatlc candidate lot judge of the county
'ourt ' , is t > 00 ; Davis , for county trea-
urer , 100 ahead ; Dunham leads in tlio First
longiessional district about two to one ;
dason. in the Thin ! congressional , is elected ;
/iwler. In thu Second district , is ahead by a
lairly sate majoiity. All thu republican su-
lerlor court judges except Tuthill , nre
infelv ahead. Loomls , for county judge , is
jonsiderably behind Ptendergiast. It looks
now as though thu entire county republican
leket would be elected.
They Got 'Ihrrc AH the Same.
Nrw Wrsi MIMST KII , B. C. , Nov. 2 Albert
Mallet was hanged In the jail yard nt Kam
oops \estei day. The crime for which he
suffered the death penalty was the murder of
Andruw Johnston at Rcvelstok , B. C. , Au
gust 15 , 18S : > . Ah Swell , who was convicted
ol the murder ot n brother Chinaman in
August , 1SW , was hanged In the New West
minister jail yard yesteiday.
November Orange
NEIIKASKA Cnv , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the RKF. ] Mr. Frank Helvey , dep-
ity county clerk , and Mifcs Pearl DulF ,
daughter of C. J. Duff , agent of the Burling
ton vt Missouri River railroad , took their
many friends by surprise this morning by n
quiet marriage. The happy pair left foi
Denver on their bridal trip.
LO.VDOV , Nov. 2. The determination of
the socialists to make a demonstiatlon on
the occasion of the Lord Mayor's show , is
causing tlio authorities much anxiety. The
police state that the gathering of socialists
will end In a riot , and have warned the shop
keepers w hose establishments are on the line
to betaken by the procession to close their
doors nnd bairlcaduthelr wiiidoxvs that day.
The Crur'n Approval.
ST. PETInsiiunn , Nov. 2. The Otlicla
Messenger , referring to Kaulbar's reply to
the request of tlio Bulgarians tor the names
ot the Russlams who had been molested , In
vvhl li hu said he would leave the Bulgarians
with all thu Russian agents on n repetition of
the act of violence , says the reply has 10-
celved a high approval from the czar.
Rlclmril Wn Not Himself.
Bosio.v , Nov. 2. Richard Preston , denier
In coal on Bedford street , fulled to-day. Ho
Is a resident of Lawrence , and is largely con-
ceincd In vat tons business interests here.
He has not been hero since Thursday last.
Preston Is said lo ewe fiom SlOO.ioo to SPA-
1)00. ) Attichments have been placed upon
somoot his propel ty.
Post OHIco Appointments.
WASIIINC. ION , D , C. , Nov. 2. Lyman
Crandnll was to-day appointed postmaster of
Burton. Key a Paha county , vice Win. 11.
Debute , resigned ; Oliver P. Klbbcii. Curtis.
Fiontlereouiity. vice R. A. McKnlght , super
seded ; Louis Stobudlskv , Prikins , Kuyn
Paha county , vice I ) . L. Kennedy , resigned.
Worthy to Worthy.
PHII.APKI.PIUA , Nov. 2. To-day Count
Dp Lesseps was the guest of George W.
ChllcU at a dinner nt the Hotel Bellovue. A
large number of gentlemen were nulled to
iiirtlcipnte In houoilng the distinguished
French engineer.
A YOIIIIK Glrl'H Hulrlilo.
Ci.ivrox , In , Nov. 2. ( Special Telegram
to the Bir.1 : Annie Mallonoy , aged tvve-nty
years , the daiiKhtct of n widow , committed
suicide here to dav by taking strychnine.
Her mother's scolding fiei for bolng absent
all day is the only reason known lor thu net.
Hnrvoyor llcaltie IniproTlntr ,
NKVV Vomt , Nov , 2. Surveyor BeatUe ,
who vxas shot by the dlsclmiued Inspector ut
the custom house ycMeiday , was much 1m-
provtd this morning. Physicians report
upon his condition as most encouraging.
Summer Ashore.
Lovnov , Nov , ' . ' . The steamer Persian
Monaich , fiom New York lor London , is
ashore in Portland roads , nnd Is leaking
badly. She is mm li canted nnd her Mem Is
very low. All attempts to lloat hei have
failed so far ,
Bleu of War Soul to Varna ,
PA HIS , Nov. 2. Republlque Frane.iasn has
scntn dispatch from Vienna btatlng that
twelve men ot war have left Seba&topol for
Mutual Ian Affair * .
Vir.N.SA , Nov. ! } . The Russian government
lias reassured Austria tlmt Rns = lu will not
occupy Bult'&rla.
Hurled Allvo.
StiiAVTi'V , Pa , Nov. 2. Three children ,
aged about seven years , suffocated by band
caving in upon them wl'Je ut play.
Oomploto Election Eoturas'From All Parts
of the Oountry.
Ilnvrltt Klpctctt Over GCOFRO ami
Iloohexclt The IjntCFt
From tlio Various
Hnultt Klcctcd.
Nf.w YOIIK , Nov. 2. [ SpSclal Telccram to
tin ; Hr.i : ] Tow aid ni'il'iiirlit there was no
loncer any doubt of Hewitt's election ns
major of New York City by n largo majoiity.
Theodore Roosevelt will come In third In the
race , and tlio reason for this httei circum
stance lies principally in the fact tint repub
lican properly oxv ncrs were frightened by the
spectre ot niHrchlsm , and fearing tint a vote
for George , debited the ranchman by thou
sands and cast their votes foi Hewitt , Other
lepublleanshavoncvcr foiglxen him for Ills
opposition to Blalne bc'foro the latter was
nominated , nnd for the Imlf-hoaitcd WAV In
which lie1 suppoi ted him niter howns notit-
nnted , and they scratched him on this nc-
ount. The returns from the congressional
latiicts are most encouraging to tlio roptib-
c.ius , who have already gained three eon-
rcssmen In the state.
Later returns show the positive election ol
low lit for mayor of Ncxv York. Seven
undrcdout of 812 precincts show Hewitt
V OS , RooseveltWI.O.T ; , George 59os , Ward-
, ell ( prohibition ) S3A It Is safe to predict ,
lierefore. that Hewitt will have n plurality
f 15,000 over the other candidates. It will
c seen th it the worklngman's ticket is lend-
ig republican ticket In the city of Ncxv
Yotk. Dispatches rceoived licro to-night by
lomlncnt party leaders show that the labor
novcmcnt In all parts of tlio country is
bowing remarkable strength nnd tlmt the
ho pioliibitlon vote has greatly diminished.
ClcvclnncPs Not a Voter.
BUITAI.O , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
o the Bni : . ] President Cleveland's name
as been removed from tlio poll-list In
he lirst district ot the Ninth ward , the list
oing marked : "Removed from the dls-
rlct. " By whoso order this was done no ono
e < 'ms to know. Wilson S. BIssell was asked
bout It last night "It Is ttruc , " said he.
'tlmt the president loses hi ? vote this year ,
or he has changed his residence , lie elects ,
understand , to be n resident of Washlng-
on. " "Hasn't every resAde'iit of the capital
vote somewhere'.1" "ljdon't know. A
nan can elect to reside there , I suppose , if
10 wants to. There may be some legal quib
ble about it that 1 don't iindoistnml , but nny-
vay the president has elected lo resldo
here. " This will probably explain to the
atisfnction of many anxious politicians and
icwsiinper correspondents vvhv the president
vould not come to Buffalo to vote with his
Jirty to-day. „
New York.
Nr.vv YOIIK , Nov. 2. Th < jf vrcather to day
s clear , and not n cloud to'be seen. Fine
weather is rcpoitod tiom all parts , of this
state. In this citv n largo vote ib being polled
and the excitement aiound voting places
seems as great ns in 1854. Gi'prgemon ' clnlm
hat in the plstrict nlongNortu.river " from
ho battery to Canal street , they will" receive
almost every vote. It is conceded , In ninny
sections of the city , tlmt George's vote w 111 be
arge , but in other sections this will bo offset
by other votes. In many Harlem districts
.hero nre no George tickets to bo found nt the
lolls. In that portion of the city known as
'the Blown Stone Grant District , " George
will get few votes , ns It Is admitted on all
sides that the result depends niion the mim-
) er of votes Geoige is able to draw fiom the
lemocraticpiity. Most interest If shown In
any news tiom the laboi patty hcndnuaitcrs.
Nnw YOIIK , > ov. 2. At Labor
union hcndquartcis to day there was great
ictixity liom nn early hour tills morning.
1'ho managers spoke conhdentinlly ot the suc
cess of the George ticket. From an early hour
Henry George , RexDr. . McGIynn , lev. Dr.
Iviamer nnd T. V. Powderly drove about to
the polls in n carriage. Mi.MeGIynn said ho
was delighted nt the strength which the
George vote had developed , nnd wns san
guine that tlie labor candidate would be the
next mayor. George appeared jubilant. At
Tammany hall it wns said everything looked
well tor the cntlro demoei.itic ticket. From
the Twenty-third nssembly district word
r.imo that the united democrats were holdIng -
Ing their own , nnd ttmsnmo was the case In
the Twentieth distilct It was said It
looked very much ns it George
wns running abend of Roosevelt , but there
was no tear of his equalling Hewitt's voto.
In the east and west" districts George was
polling a i heavier vote than was expected
but these were dlstiicts principally Inhabited
by laboi Ing classes. Reports received nt
lr\ng ! lialiTieadquarters p'rofossed big sue-
cess for thoGeoigo and Nooncy ticket.
At headquarters of the county democracy
it was estimated that GCOIKO would only poll
about forty-liv o to llf ty thousand votes , and
Roosevelt would bo behind George , At
Roosevelt's headquarters things have been
very lively tills morning. A special com-
mlteo of twenty republicans , which was
so t out vety early to see how things were
K 113 on , reported almost universally that
Roosevelt was receiving hearty support fiom
his party all tluough the city. Repoitsvvere
ulso received that George is" polling u heavy
vote , and as this was said to bo coming from
democrats almost entirely , tlio feeling at re
publican headquartois vas hopeful.
Roosevelt , who cama down eaily ,
was feollng conlldcnt of his election.
Roosevelt spent an hour or mete aiisxxcring
messages ot good chew , which no had ro-
coived. One ot tin-in was from ox-Piesldent
Arthur. At the democratic state hendqimiters.
nothing has been icieived up to noon from
the Intel lor ot the state. 'Ihofow who weio
present weruconhdcnt Peckham waselccti'd.
All icpoits received npto noon In the city in
dicate Hewitt , for major , was running nhnnd
01 his ticket. \
Korty.livo election districts outsldo of New
"V ork and Kings county give Peekhnw , dem
ocrat , lor cflint of appeals , J.Wl ; Daniels ,
lepubllcan. 1,074 The same districts last
yeargave HIIIO:03 : : , Davunpon 8.617.
Two hundred of M.3 eloctldu districts .rlvo
Roosevelt H.flW , Hewitt 18.7-KJ , George llt.OJO ,
Wardwell 101. ' '
Two hundred and ctehty districts give
Roosevelt 10.1W3 , Hewitt ST..MJ , George
1U.W. ( | , Wnrdvrell 11,20 ] , 'i
Two hundred and ninety districts give
Koosovelt 21,109. Hewitt S3a > 50. George
'JO.OO' ) , \Vardwell 810. \
I'lneo hundred and thirty districts give
Roosevelt JM.Rai , Hewitt .U,68l George 2-Xl ( ) ,
Wntdwell2n. '
'Ihrcohundied nnd seventy districts give
Roosevelt 2s,200 , HewlU : JT,10 | , George
25JH5 , Wnrdwell2S4. T
Pixo bundled and ten districts give Rnoso-
v Pit Jitt.OOM , Hewitt MM , > 7. Georeo a'Jai7 , Wai d-
welia.SXJ. i
Five hundred and forty districts give
Roosevelt 4l.Mb ! , Hewitt 60.U1I , George 42.UM ,
Wanlw ell R77.
RoosPU'It 44'il8 , , Hewitt 02.2JO , George
. . '
Six hundred and toity districts glvii Roose-
velt5).18 ) , neHittrOlWJ.GeoigB.VM51 Ward-
well ( < 40 ,
boxen hundred nnd sixty districts give
Roosevelt .r > l.25 : , Hewitt bl.t's-i , George 01.Vi7 ,
\Vardvvcll.Vjy. (
Sevud hiindiod city districts clve Roosevelt
velt M.U.TS , Hpv\itt7h0s ! , George 50/a ( , Ward-
hevPiity-tlToelPcllon districts outside of
New York and Kings countv give IVc'klmm ,
democrat for court of appeal , V.XX , Daniels ,
ropublifan , Uiij3. The same districts last
jeargave llill 1IV > 7 , Davi-np rt , .
Ono hundred and live rliTtion dlstiicts out-
Bidt > of Nmv York and Klnes county give
PecUiam IS.tKW , Daniels 1T.71J. The same
dlstritis last jtai LMVO Hill 1W07 and Duven-
jiort ''J.
One liundiiHl and tluhts-lho election dls-
tricts outside of < New Yoik and Kings county
give reoklnm 2 ,2o3 , DanieU The
sime districts last je-ir pave llill .M.-ITH , D.\v-
en pott : v .5.l7.
HiiooM.Yjr , Nov. 2. Mahnnpv , democrat ,
in Fourth congressional district Is said to be
elected by a plurality ot 2OXKover ) O'Connor ,
republican ,
Hllss , democrat , Msvlioney , dpinncrat. White ,
republican , und Campbell , democrat , aio
undoubtedly elected congressmen trom Kings
AI.II.VVV , Nov 2. The prolnbl lilies aio
demwtats have carrlrd the county and
elected the cntlro ticket , halmling Kane ,
ovci Swinburne tor ronirros * .
I'TIC.V , Nov. Q. , lniiii > < i S. Shornnii , re
publican , Is elected to congiess fiom the
Twenty-third distilct , deteatlug J. T.
bpilggs , democi-at , bv lOlKor ) more.
Sheiman , leiuibltcnn , Is elected to con
gress , defeating faprlt'gs , democrat , by 1,000
01 more.
Iloritrsitiii , Nov. - ' . Wllliur , rrpubllcan ,
in llin Tw'onty-fourtli couqrosslonal ilNtiict ,
deli nts .Srullli , 'democratic , bv uliout l.flOO.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. ' - ' . Retui us from in > 'itO ! !
districts ouHdc ol Now Yoik and Kings
countv show tint Dxnlcls , republican , Is get-
ing about 8J pel rout of tin * vote given to
Davenport hist jeni , while IVekhnni. demo
crat , is netting about 80 pet cent of the vote
given to Hill. _ _
I'pnii'-j tvattln.
1'itii u > ri VIM \ , Nov.'J. rimwcitliei here
to dav is nil thdt could be dc-dii'd. TJio samu
repoitscomeliom all puts of the state , and
with the beautiful , clou skv and wanu sun-
slilneaveij hcivi vote is being tnoudit
out.Kmr , Pa. , Nov. 2. The election boaid of
the Flist picclnct of the First waul rejected
the votes of tlic soldier Inm ites ot the renn-
svlvanln soldiers' nnd sxilois' home In this
cltj to d ty and the decision was sustained by
the county judge.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 3. Repoils from various
points in Iowa , Mlssouil , Wisconsin , Minnesota
seta and Dakota , eaily this morning , indi
cate Inlr and cool weather. The weathei In
this city and tliioughout the state Is magnltl-
cent , with prospects of continuing so the
It Is cstlnutod tint up to 11 o'clock this
foienoon. lully one-hall of theie lstcred votti
had been cast. 'Phoie was less sciatthlng of
the re.ulai ippubhcan and democratic tickets
than had been expected. Theio aio two
labor tickets In the Held united labor and
labor league. The foimei Is supposed to ii'p-
resent lirgoly ttie socialists and , w 1th the ex
ception ot the candidates lot judges of pountv
couits , has Independent nominees lot all
state and county olllces. The laboi lea uo
ticket contains names of icpuhllcan state
candidites and Is divided on county ollkers
between republican and demociatlc nominees.
Roth the labor tickets are receiving theii
number of votes.
CHICAGO. .Nov. " 3. Up to 0 p. in , practi
cally no icturiiB had been leieivcd Irom to-
dnv/s election , and even those wno had ppent
the da > at the polls in the intcre-ts nf tlio
various candidates wcie umblo to state the
drill which the vote had taken oxcjpt to say
that the Jabormitv Jiad displajcd an unex
pected strength. It is considncd ceitain that
this party has carried the Sixteenth want ,
and it is possible that their success maj Imc
been as gieat in olhcrparls ot the city , 'the
Sixteenth ward , where Davis , lopublican
candidate for county tieasmer , expected to
get a great manv defuociatlc votes , is said to
bo in a very mixed condition.
Cmoum , Nov. 2 The election in this
citv and Cook county was quietly conducted ,
and the vote polled was a falily laigo one.
The feature of Interest In the canvass was
the advent ot the united laboi party , which
brought to its support , veiy laigely , bympa-
thUcrj ; with socialism. The new party , In
strong republican wards , divided the vote
\pryevenly with the demociats. while in
strone lepubllcan waids republicans and
democrats held their own , with very few
labor votes being cast. The indications at 11
o'clock to-night are that the republican ticket
has a majority In both the city nnd outl.v Ing
country towns embraced In Coolc county , nnd
Is elected with1 the exception of thiec repub
lican judgesT The republicans elect three
judges and the democrats three judges , all of
whom weiccndoised by thelabor convention
and whoso names appeared on the united
lahor ticket. The republicans IP elect
Adams in the Fiist congiesslonal district ,
and le-elect Dunham in the Fomtli. hauler ,
democrat , is ic-clccted in the Second distiiot
ST. P.vrr. . Nov. 2. Weather throughout
the state to daj cloudy and cool. The indica
tions are that n largo vote is being polled.
Not lor many years lias there been as much ex
citement at an election , and this was aug
mented by the attack made on a reimbliclcin
piocession in Minneapolis last night , during
which about sixty persons weic Injuicd , ex-
Gov ernor Pillsbiirv among the number. Ono
or two were severely hint and theii injuiles
may pi eve fatal. The icpublican state cen
tral committee claim thest-Uo will give 15,000
republican majority. The dpinociats are
making no claim , but sty it Ames l not
elected governor ho will at le 1st cut down
McGlll's niajouty to a very small ligure.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 2. Ohio returns will
bocompaicd with Governor Foraker's vote
of isai , when he had a plurality ot 17,117.
There are now 2,107 voting places In the
state. The total vote of 18b3 was JljlCfj ;
prohibition vote , 25OSt.
CiNCiNNA'ii , O. , Nov. 2. Twelve precincts
ot Hamilton county show a net republican
gain of 940. These aio nil from democratic
wards. In ono piccinct the lopubllcan gain
was U17 , The polls closed In Cincinnati at 4
p. m. , after the most oulerly find quiet elec
tion In the historj ot the county. Nearly
the entire reglsteied vote was polled. The
lirst six pieclncts repotted showed n republi
can gain of 270 , tins comparison being with
the vote for governor last year , when Hoad-
ley's ( democrat ) pluiality was CM In
Hamilton county.
Ninety-live Ohio precincts glvo a not ic-
publican gain of 2,411. with n total vote of
37. ' 0. I'lohlbitlon vote , 003.
Twenty Ohio precincts with n total vote of
5,131 show a not republican gain of 1,07'J. A
largo poitlon of this is In Hamilton count } * .
CivriNNAn , Nov. 2. Returns liom thirty-
four precincts hi Hamilton county show
total lepnlillean gain ot It5' > , total demo
cratic gains ' " . ' > , making a net republican
gain ot 1,0 0.
Fortj-seven pieclncts In Onlo show
n net republican giiln of l.r < M. Prohi
bition vote IS I.
Sixty-four piprlncts In Hamilton county
show a net republican gain ol 2,27J.
, O , , Nov. i. Coii ) pal ed with
the vote last spring Forali , democrat , for
cnngress , gains 1,001 in ten waidsof Cleve
Rctuins from ono-thlul of the wauls of
Cleveland , including the T\vcnty-liist \ con-
grcrtsionnl distilct , show uauis which , If l > ept
up throughout tlio dlsiilct , will elect Foiun ,
democrat , by 500 to 1,00 Omajorlty.
CHARLESTON' , W. Va. , Nov. 2. The tilec-
tlon forcongrpssmen , st.itu senators and rep
resentatives came oif to-day. The vote wus
largo nnd the light strong , Fiom meagre rn-
turns C , P. Snjder , democrat , will defeat
Judge lit own , fuslonist. Kor t > tate senator
It will be very close , but It Is bd loved that
Chllton , democrat , w III bo elected by a fin til
nmjoilty In lhl dlstilct. The piohlbitlimlsts
polled a heajy vote and w ill eluct then candi
date tor county commissioner , which will
mean no license foi this county.
ViiioiNiA , Nov. , Nov. 2. Weather clear
and warm , Heavy vote belli , ? polled. The
main contest is ov er the gox ornoi ship. The
ilpiuociatsaro not m.lteil over thc-ii candi
date. Heavy scratching Is going on.
Nuiili Caioliii.i.
Rvi.ur.ii , N. C. , Nov. 2.Wrathor fair
and warm all nvei ( lie ntilo as li\r as heard
fiom. The vote will probablj be larger than
anticipated , and It la probiblo much ecralch-
lug will tie ilonu. . ,
CiiAiti.FfiioN , S , 0. . Nov. 2. Ropoils fiom
all parts of the state .shon a quid ele.cllon
and a v pry light vote. So opj option to tl.o
democratic Main ticket 01 democratic candi
dates for cougrt'ss except in the , Seventh ills-
li let. Thl vote in Charleston is ildkulously
small. _
SAN KIIA.SCISI . , Nov. - ' . - Tl'nvratlitr
IIPIO iarli'.ir and cool , nnd the c'dtums ' an *
< | Uittly , u heUj vu'.ti
polled. The Americin ticket U cutting a
considerable ligurp In the vote In this oitj. It
was supposed at liist that the Amciicnn vote
VNOiild oiilvdraw liom the rcpubllrin pntty ,
but it ( snow known that Ills diawlng fiom
both sides
There aiescvoral < ( iti > tickets In the Held ,
which caused a ho.vvv scintehlng.
I he vote in the city and tliioughout the
state will bo vcr.v oloso.
SvFitVMtsco , Nov. -Partial iptuins
fiom all countiiM in thost-\tc outside ot San
I ranclsco county gives the republicans a ma-
forltj unless thu majority lei Uaitlctt , demo-
rnt. foi govc'iior pioveslo ho much laigoi
In San 1 tancisco thin h cxmcli'd. Swill ,
ippiibllcan will bo i-lected. 1 Im Amcilcin
vole which stalled out sliotig inpldly loll
avny and In the Intel lei it Ml IK hind
O DoiiunH's liidiMH-ndiMit vote. 'I ho leturns
liom tlm loglslatlvo ticket so tar lecolvcd mo
notsulllpientlv ample to saj how it has gone ,
but wlm icporls have been iccolved Indicalo
a lepiiblican m ijoilty. hcmtchlnc has been
oheavalloxoi the stite lint letuins will
eouio In vei.v slowly.
bi. Lot is , Nov. J. I'lio t-lo'thn In this
citv Is pissliuolf qulellj and mi nvoiago
vote is Doing pmled. The wcathc'i Is
unt though rloiulv. The irieitest tntoiest In
nn > of the contests Is taken In tills Ninth
pongressloml dhtilet wh-io HIP light Is be
tween Flank , republican , and Glovoi , demo-
ciat , the piesont Incumbent. A nuuibei ot
the most pKimlnent democrats bolted
( ilovei's nomltntioii , a'lii the Indications
now aio that the dlstiict will go ippublleaii.
I ho I dior puty Ins no lull ticket
in the held. u\eepl for state IrgNhtiiio , but
then tew candidates foi citv oltlepisaic gen-
oiallj icculxin the lull vote ot theii paity.
Nnw Oiii.n.xNs , ov. 2.-Tho oloctlon
tliioughout the state ns far ns hp.ud liom
passed off quietly , but fpvv rppubllcin votes
being cast. The vote In this city has been
light. In the country p u Ishps ot the Second
illstilct. Plcico , icpuhllcan , Is icpoited to
have polled a full vote except the small vole
diverted by bliums In St. James. In the
Third district , meagei icjoits ircelved
indicate : i tail vote pol'ed ' , tliioughout the
bilanco ot the Htnte , theio being no opposi
tion to the demoeiats. Onlv a vei v llghtvoto
was polled , electing the following to con
giess : Fomth , N. ( \ Hhncliaul ; Fifth ,
Cl'.euibusco Newton : blxth , U W. Robeit-
NCAV Hampshire.
COXCOKD , N. II. , Nov. 2. Returns fiom
neaily ono third the towns In the state show
republican loss on the popular vote of about
200 as compiled with the vote of tsM. This
does not include the cities and soveial of the
largei towns , in which the repiibllc-ui losses
weio expected. The Indications are that
theie is no choice foi govcriioi bj thu people ,
that McKiminy , ( U'liiiK' , is elected to con-
gioss in the Kfist disttict , and Gallinger , re
publican , in the Second , and tint the lepub-
licans have carried the legist ituie.
ROSTOVNov. . 2. Ninety-six- precincts
giviiAndiewi. ilemocrat , 24Mb ; Ames , repub
lican , :0rs : : ; hotluop , piohlbltlon , i ] < G.
UosroN. Nov.2 The dc'iuocratle vote In
Roston shows gains ovei the last election.
It looks as if Lodge , lenublican , had ran led
the Sixth distiicl over , bj
7HK ) majoilty. Uraekutt's \ote lei lieuten
ant govpinor is well up to Ames , Moies , , cairns Jils election to congiess In
the Thlid district.
ROSTOV , Nov. 2. Scvnnty-six- this state ,
Including the city of New Redtoid. which
gives no vote for lieutenant governor foots ,
up : Ames. I5.ib. ! | Andiews , li,7iii , Inthrop.
1.20. : Andrews will have u majoiity or
iieuily 10,000 in Iloston.
city ot I3oston Is not included.
Toi'KKA , Kan. , Nov. 2. The day has been
mound a large vote 1ms been polled. Theio
seems to have been much scialchlng of
Ickets tliioughout the state. It is not proba
ble that nny dchnlto usult will bo known
until Into to-nlgnt and quite likely not until
o-morrow. llils is eppecially the case in the
Filth congipssional dlstiict , wheic Ander
son , the present Incumbent , is miming inde
pendently. _
AutiusrA , Ga. . Nov. 2. A small vote was
mlled. No opposition to George T. Runes ,
( dem. ) for congiess in the Tenth dlbtiict.
Nov. --Tim weather
hrotighoiit the stxtc W".s vriy line , and it is
reported t'mt the votu polled was very f'lll.
The polls hi Indiana aio kept open until G
'clock. Tickets .ne very lengthy , and the
counting is slow. Noictuins li.r. o been le-
celved heie jet , but u teleinm liom Kott
Wayne oliius the election ot White , icpub-
"lean , forcongulss in fie rwcltth distilct.
I'heio were two democratlu c.tnJid.itus imi-
ilng In this dlstiict.
UAJ.TIMOKK , Nov. 2. Tim returns of In-
ilav's election In this cit > mo comln : ; in. In
IhuThiiddlstilclRiish. itemociat , isumloul > l-
fdly elected. In Iho Fouith district , Rivne : ,
Icinocrat , has can led ixoi > wild heard fiom
up to this time. Comptoii > , demociat , ni.i-
joiityin the Seventeenth w ml ot this Uty
undpirtot Ilio Filth district is oxer UOJ ,
which , it Is claimed , assinos his election.
In the Fouith iliMiict , K.ijnoi , demncrat ,
14,751 , FinJlaj. Independent , 7,14s ,
Leveling , pioliibitlon , lni.O , Weatheil < v , ie-
liubllcan , l.ori , ( saiiks , coloied republican ,
24. Ka > nors majoiity nvei all I,2i7 , oxur
Findlay 1W < . In Ilio Fifth district , includ
ing Ihu Seventeenth , and ptrts ot the Fif
teenth and Sixteenth wauls , tl'o xoto was :
Compton , ( leinrn'iat , V.217 , 1 nek , lenubllcan ,
b70 , Aimstrong , jnohlbition. W Compton's
mainritj over all J.-iTO , oxci I'uel ; 1,1'Jl.
Thocanvass ot t'to vote In this < lty has
been completed. In the Thin ! uuigip > i-lonal
rtistrh t Rusk , , tuelvod l.i'M >
voles , llosso , Indiistilnl ixliiised bv iepiilH-
c.uis , r , . ; T , , ( ilass , prohibition , , ; | ; R
nmjoilty oxer all 7,477 , ovci ISussc'.i'i7i.
Hnuili Oi iiilina.
Cnnr.KMOV , S , ( X , Nox 2. We.itliiir line ,
voting light und It Is quiet cver wheio.
Moiiir n , Ala , Nov. 2. The weather is re
markably clear und evcrj thing favorable.
x oting verv blow in this county. Xo oppo
sition and llttl" inttuest nniiitcsted.
MON'iboviuiv , Ala. , Nov. * J. Tim weather
v , a > deal .mil the voting light There was
no opposition to lleilKMt , democrat , In Iho
iSeunni diitiici , Jones , ilemociat , of the
.Molille ( lUtilct , and O.ites , dumoerat , ol the
Thlld , weio also elected uilliont opposition ,
The contesth In the other hvo dlstiiets were
nut formidable , unless Iho Fourth , lupiesent-
ed to Davidson , democratic , und a candldatu
, Ten n. , Nov. 2. The
weathei Is ha/x. with pin-.pect > > of a hriuht
day , A full vote will bu pill'd hoiu , pul >
tlckds geiuiially being voted.
CII.M IAXOIXIA , Tcnn. , Nov. 'J. The olpp-
thill piK'd oil quietl ; xxilli a liglil vote. 'I his
county ( Hamilton ) , with tbao distiittb to
hear tiom , glxes a gain lei 'MM ! , domueiat ,
lei cougifss ot 7i j. Rel'Miia li'/m othei
counties in this congre-oional distiict iiuli-
c.ito Seal's eh el , on In 1 r > iiiajoiiiy. 'Ilio
lepublleans1 eleit tlielt entho le MUlvii
ticket in this county. _
Demon , Nox 2 Tht ' .tkets. in tills state
aio inn. ? mid the count Is naturally much do-
Injvd "Two jeaiiiijMi Adn ! , lepubliiMii , had
n plurality ot .i.bfO oxci lUvolo Jm o.cinor.
Kutaiusbo l.ii UYi'lxPd hhoxx : t Il .it : c < puh-
lie in gnin. The xoto ior I'ongioswiiVi Is nut
aixxajs imlii'Jrd in tie ioKtb. but In
the Fjfst , bexcnth ii'id ' l'.lfll\ , \ Dis
tricts the fusion
or foi the legislature. For governor n con-
tintnt oil ot gains so far reported would glvo
n republican plurality of between fi.cwo and
MtiwvtMi : , Nov. u ( Mtv rpturns arn
routing In sloxvlv owing In the Inrgo inimher
ot seiaiched tickets. At U o'clock the Indica
tions are that llenij Smith , laboi candldito
lor congiess , elected ami the entlio labor
ticket with him. Retuinsfiom towns may
change this estimate , as It Is expected the
labor vote theio Is veiv light Rusk.tcpubllcnn ,
tor goxeinoi inn well in the pntlni county
und unduubtodlv , his a good plutnlily In this
counlj o\ei Woodward , di'iuociat.
Virgin In.
RiniMOM ) . Vu. , Nov. a Weithpr clear
nnd pleasant ; voting at all pieclncts ot this
elty steady Moio linn one-half of the cltv's
vote polled bet ore noon. Kvei.v thing moving
qnlcllv. liepoits fiom othei points In the
slate Indic.tto i < lmllai condition.
Irisrmu no , Ya. , N'ov. 2 Tills eltv gnvo
S. A. Hopkins , lahnrcaiidtdate , WO majoiity.
Nodeitnltepaiticulars liom othei points.
t'l.ili ' TCI i-ltoiy.
SMI IJ\KI : , Nov. 2. .lohn P. Calno has a
walkover foi delegate against the demoeiatlo
candidate , William M. retry.
Trouble Ainoii" Iho 1'ncUer.s In the
"Hoc Citv. " , Nov. 'X [ Sptclal 'lelegiam to
the III K. ] Not a packer at the jards
bought hogs this morning , 'Ihls Is most
significant that thu atlulis at the stock
janls nre shaping themselves foi another
gicatstilketheie , agcneial stuke which will
Involve exeij body the ho , * houses us well as
the cattle. Swill's men and Nelson Motrls *
ate out to day , while othois are at work , but
the packets this moinlng for some reason or
other from Ainiour down are pteparlng for
anothorgiettt light over the eight hour ques
tion. Woik at the houses to day Is In the
way ol clearing up the caicasses on hand.
Onopackei a big one said this morning
that the chances aiu about nlnetj In 100 that
the light of two weeks ago will have to bo
Imd light over again. This time It will bo
settled for good. The packets are evidently
in possession of secret Information.
The committee of eighteen appointed
at thebiitehcis' meeting > csterdny afteinoon
rejiKsents not only the beef men , but eveiy
blanch of iiulustij at the stock .Mints. ' 1 his
Is pcilmpsonu nf the leasons w by the packers
me so active geltlur Into shape foi nnothei
stnke. Then it Is known that the commit
tee's plans have leaked out. At any r to by
some piocess ttie pickets led they are thor
oughly infoimcd of the men's plans , and
thatthex u intuit ho similised. II the stiiko
oeeiiis to-moitoxv , as is expected , guaids will
iio maiehed ut once to ttjo houses as before.
The big strike is on at St. Louis , at Whit-
laker's poik-pii king establishment .over thu
en-hoiii question. I he sltike theio will help
the picket M lieie , lor Whittakcr is an actlvu
ind sliaij ) compptltot ot Chicago , and pack-
, 'is Item vxoiild lathei have htm closed with
them than rnnniiu whllu they are cloced.
L'lieie WPIO numeious eonsiiltatloun
ut different dnxvn ' town paekeis'
olltces to-day and one aftci another they
ioppcd into AIIIIOIU'H ollicu. The same
eommittee will have cliame of the pnckcift'
tnteicsts. In ease trouble does come to-
moiioxv tlio packets have resolved to stand
bbwllt& Moil is in their tioublo just ns
they .stood by cacti olhei In their icceiit dllTl-
culty and they will lUht the tiling tlirougb
on that line. Sxv 1ft had his tires lighted this
moining but his men did not letutti to woik.
In the hoard ol tiado it is undeistood
there w III be no effort to coax the men bncte
and " that the packets aio quite willing to let
the question come to an issue and
settle it hn.illy and foi all lime.
They " * av thev will never vlcld , ex en
It the men force them to suspend now. The
follow ing xv as promulgated as the result of
the conleteiue betxveeu the propnetoisot the
pirkiiig-houscs belonging to the association
winch took place this moining :
At a mooting ot thu packers' association
held this day it was unaiiimoiislv icsolvod
that they would contiol Iheii business , andj
tlmltlicj willpiotect their own property at (
anj anil all costs , and that they will nm Iholr
houses on Iho ten hums' basis. It was lur-
t'er ' resolved tint the nxecutlve committee bo'
continued in ollico wltli authoiity to employ
any jiiotLi-tioii deemed necess.iiy.
A Movement to AdJiiHC tlio Wren H of
ST. Loris Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
to the li i.J : A locil piper prints mi
ni tic lo this inoiiiing stating thr.t n well dp-
filled movement is on loot by the Interna
tional Riinge ussodition to establish a laige
cattle jaid in thistity. The movement giew
out ot n suggestion made b } Goxcinor Rouett ,
of Colorado , some mouths ago , and Its object
Is to ov i'ii ome alleged moiiopoy | , resulting
Irom combinations between stoi 1 ; jauls and
diessi d beel men in Chicago , by vxhlch range
men say they aiu eheate'd out of S10 to S13on
each head ol theii ciltle that goes to tlmt city.
Thu ) also < laim some syndic itu ol easl-
oin capil illiils oxvn und conliol stock jauls
In Kist hi. Lmils , Chicigo , Kansas City
anil Dunxet. ami that capital invested at
l.'istSI. Louis Is invested them to keep out
oulsidets and comentiato the cattle ttadoat
Chleagc.lieintlievcan contiol the market.
The inoposeit > mil heio will he , It Is stated ,
lilted up entliolj by i.iiigemen and will bo
umtiollcd hv tin m , withelosDKilations , hovv-
ftxei , lielween them and ( ommlsslon men
heie , Tl.o seheimi also involves conducts
with inilroad coiupinles foi through rates
liom i.inges to points of consumption In the , with the i > i ixilegi ) ol unloading here ,
vxheio eastuin bine's ( an niuclmso and ic-
slnp to tin ) e ist on tluough Instead ol local
rates , the ohjei t lutiiu to make St. Louis thu
gieatdlstnbiitln point lot eastern nnrkct" .
Pail ;
FoitD'tAvi , N. , ) . , Nov. 'J. ' At Jeiome Paik
Hist i.ic-u for the i-olo ponies , hall tulle :
Wild Tom won , 15t.el.sho1 second , .Spliihlcr
thiid. Time- I.
Huidlfl handicnp , one and one-half miles :
Sim Rrown won , Menlmoie second. Ylgl-
lunco thiid , Tlme-.v ! : %
Thico-xeai-olds and iipwaidf , three quarter
nillo , ouni ; DuKe xxuu , Ciullltt second ,
Adonis thud. 'I'im.-l ' 0' , .
Alllo and u ( lUi-.ti'i : Avhc won. Itojal
Aieh second , o'Ll ht thiid. Time
Klcctlon Mattes steenln ehiise , full couisu :
U'lli Davhiwon , .Jack sicond , Wc-lllngtini
lliiid. Timi4.0'f. ) : .
lliuuers' .slei'plc'cli. e , short eoiirso : Itc-
f-ponso won , Pawnee sicouit , ( olonim thiid ;
- '
Tito I'.iukotH' 'liouble.
Nov. . ' . J'liero Is n prospect
that I'll ' ! tiouhlo ol ten I.IXH | , n/ii at the stock
} , udivvlll lie lenoxved this mornlnir. The
puckeis' ussoclation hel I a moi-ting at which
leii UUioiis xxi'to ad'ipie 1 , iluuiitr ng
the ) would contiol then oxvn Imsllio-s , pro-
tie1 Until houses ; ami inn their houses oil
tlm teil-houi basih It Is ilallned that thu
MUM-IS alie.uh oiitaio ui ug all tlm men
to go out n , ai n tor eight IIIHII.S
I If4lilin < : tlio D
V \ s v , N'ov.'J.Russian consular oltltlals ,
with i lie 'itlpof ' Milm * liom Russian men-
ul-w.n , to dav tout down A nuuibei of pla-
caids wlin h had been poited in tlio ell > by
tinier nl tlm liiilgnihm govenimeiit. Tl.o
Ru-si in consul ihuatenoil to laud tioops II
inthouttcft attempted to pievcnttlto ie-
moxiil ul | il..mH.
WA-U IM.IOV , I ) . ' ' . , Nc.v. ' ! -1 he cabinet
pieeling to-d > was nitended by LanarMan- :
jiin and Gailand , the only ( numbers no'.v tu
the c l > . ( > ul > sou' no matleis wcto sontld-
i led.
fr -
| M i-ses xu < i > 'd lij H M HnrJuul&
< i < iu ' .i > i \ \ \ ' 'i ' at , well uijullcr
* a I u < nl < , fi ' > j . ' 'i niiiitl ( )
1 I1. O. ilex &C8