f < . * * * * w > -r , VF THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 18811 SPECIAL NOTICES Ail vert Isomonts under thin lio"d , 10 cents per line lor the flr t Insertion , 7 conta for frnoli sub- tcnucnt In'ortlon , nnd ( LSI w Hue per month No ml ortlpoment taknn for lc s thnn 25 cents for tlio first Insertion. Sctcn wonla will be counted to the line : tlioy roiidt run con ccu- tlvely nnd must bo pnld In ndvnnce. All Rdvcr- tlswiicnts must bo Imntlcd In before 2 o'clock ) > , m..mid undir no clroiimMnncos will lht > ) bo tAkcti or fll fotilltnied bytolophone. I'nttUs mhcrtlslns In thcsoiolumnsnnrt hnv- InpIho ntmwoM iuJdrussoil In care of IIIE IU will tilcnuo ask for a chock Ionnb1o thoni toROt their ItttL'rB. ft * none will bn ilullVGrnl except on nro ontxtl.n ( of check. All answer * to nd- rortl ( ments should bo piirloflfd In onvelonns. TO LOAJT-MONE . ONKV tolonn on elty ami tnim property , M low rules , Stewart & Co. , Itoom U , Iron llnnlc fa * . ft/I / ONBY TO"rOANAt reasonable rates , on 111 furniture , linn watches nml other personal iroporty. C. J. ( 'nswoll , room 19 lion Hunk , ) iilldlnir , 12th and Farnnm. I " 4 $ : n > , ( ) ( ) ( > to loan. Hums J600 nnd upwards , Ixiwest rut us. lloinU , 15th mid nouglui sli. ' _ _ _ _ 007 _ ONKI'TO LOAN o. r.Unris&Co. itonl M Estate nnd J/onn ARcnls ICO.'i Knrnnm st. MM _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ MM ONiV TO 1,0AM tin runl ostato'nnd chit- tols. 1) U Thomns. _ OjO _ M ONI'.V to invest If 3 oil ImvUKOod notosto soil call on J. II. 1'arrotto , 19th nnd Clil- _ WXJ _ MliNin TO l.OAS-lnsums of l..viO nnd lipwnrds nn first clnss ronl oatuto security. Potter KCohli , IBI'i I'nrnnrasL _ JIO ) _ TONKV lo loan on clmttoT nml renT estiUo ; 1 > I Inlrrnto InturosU J. II. I'arrotle , 10th and Chlcaico. _ 41I-I Th' joii wntit money on nny Rood sprurlty , Mich iischnttols , mortenicos , ncKotlnblo pn- pots or otherwise , call nt lul l'ainnin Bt , room J , MONKV ' 10 I.OAN-On Inrm nnd tlty mop- nrty , DO dolny. n U. Hull & Co. , 115 South 15th sU ! 10N1 _ _ MOM'V I.OANiii : ntC. P. lleod A Co'fl.I.oan A. oincpon furniture , plinoihoisoswnions ! , jii'ioonal property ol nil kinds , and nil other nr- tides of VIIIUH , without romovnl , 319 H 1.1th , o\oi lllnulinm'uroiiiiiilsBlon store. All busi ness Htrletl } conllrtentlnl. Oil M ONKV to loan ntstinlBht 8 per centNo commission Hammond Ilros , room B , 15.5 ! 4 17-n'J ' $ ' 00,000 Tolonn onOmnhn city property nt tt percent. 0. W. Dayover 1112 DouRlnsot. 014 T OANB Louns Loans , Kciilostnto loans. Colin tin al loans. Chattel loans. I/niKllme lonns. Short tlnio loans Money uhvaja on hand to loan on nny np- proved security. Invi'RtmimlBociirltlos bought nnd sold. Cnil nt the olllco ot the Omnhn Flniuiclal ex- chniiRo , Fecund lloor of the liurkur block , 3. w. cor of nrioonth nnd Knrnnm sts. _ _ Corbott Miumi-nr. 013 Gl'nit ( Tc.NT Money to onn. J.J. Mnhoncy , 1W ) Tat-nam. Sir , if ; run. CUNT inoncj to loan. KG 1'attor on , U 13th and DoURlns. _ U16 MONICVto lonn by thn undorslirnort , who lias thn only properly orpnnl/od lonn nconey In Omaha Loans of f 10 to $ IOUO tnudo on fur- nlturi ! , plnTioR , organs , horses , wnifoni , machin ery , Ac. , without rcmo\al No dohiys. All business Ptrletly ronlldonttnl f.onnn so made tbnt any pnrt cnn bo pnld at any time , each pay ment reducing the copt pro rata. Advnncos niadoon line wntchen and diamonds. Person * Kboiild carefully consider who they are dcallm ? with , ns mnny now concerns nro dally oombie Into existence , bhould you need monnr , mil and see ms. W. K Croft , lloom 4 , Wllhnell linlldlnc , 15th and llarncy. H-0 BUBIXIiSS CUJLIICES. F OK SAM ! Furniture nnd IOHSU of hotel. Address , It } dor House , Stiouiabunr. Nob. [ in ' ! F OK SAM : Or tnuln Ono of the flnpst Block farms In S. W. Iowa , ! Ufi ntros , ncll Improved , mostly mcndow. itlch Innd ni.ll watiirod C'hcnp for cnsti or will trudo for ptoi'.c of lumbci or ihonp wcbtorn bind M M Htoddaid , Vllllsca , I own. 2fiO 1 * SAIU A rcstiiiirant doinir ( rood busi ness. Irinulro of I&lwm Dn\ I ? , 1501 rnrnnm at TTlOll HAM : The llmnmond .Mm hlno norks , J.1,600 ; small cn h payment , bnlnnco eu"y tornia. J. r. Hnmmond , 117 houth loth _ 57 3 Tj OH SATiK A meat nuulttt , w Itb tools nml n J.1 Rood tiildo , In n ll\o town In tlio stnto of Nebrnskn Cull or address 'Narodni Llat\ , ' 1UJ S. lith st , Omaha. 241 U * fnOK.SALK-M.llOO to $5.000 rill buy ono of Jtho best pa } Imr hotels In this dt } , makliiK money fnsl ; best of reasons lei solllnr II jon monn business nnd hnvo the money nddiess or npplj to C. K Leo. 1207 nirnnmst. 148 POIl KXCHANOK-Ilousc * nml lots nndn - cnnt lots for lands and stock , llnllou Ilros , Irtlll DoiiKlns st. 1152 FOIl HALK-llmdwnro liTiBinoss- offer our shelf and heavy hardware buslnoss for mile , ttuKOthur with our lenso nnd Kood nlll. 'liuiio Inrecst In the city and locution the bust. Itotlrlnir from the business iniiso lor Bolllntf The Ilnum Hardware Co. , 1028 O st , Lincoln. | 787 I rum SAM ! All furnished commercial hotel 28iooniH , nlso sAinpln room , llvory barn , wind mill ; only hotel In town. Jlradslmw Nob. M , K llotohklsi. 7liU nIS UMWS4.MJ-or trade tor Omnhn property. J- The best loontwl llyery business , with stock In tbo city. Lonu lenso of burn at cheap rent. Mnyno Ilros. , 1S10 Knrnnm t)2 ) : HOIIHKS LoisI'm maLnnds money loaned. floniH. rlh nnd IKiiiRlus stroota. 616 JIVK STOCK Auction Stables , 25H5 Cum- J Imr Htroot. Tli a hi.-it fnullltloi for hnndlhiK and Kolllni ; nt nuctlon. Ilnr o8 , mnlrs nnd llc stork , nlso larrlnges , cnrtg , livery and lior o supplies , west of Chicago. Sale dnj s , HonilnyH.Woilnesdnys nnd Snturdnjs. Itrovui , IVInspcnrS Cantor. Telephone No A01. 15 N i tOBT. TOST Snot i sand M0rt ra 'o fllunrd by Frid ' ArnilirUHt In favor of Win Moronny , nt Omnbii Null bank , llcturn to Ilco ofllcn nnd Kot rownril. UM R LOST Oct. SS , Inrtfe cow. fnt. ifrn > hliiesh colorT yearn old with iMilf. lleward for rp- ' iltiK to n o cor Dnvonport and thlth. nil ) .1 * 1 LSI'-I.iuly'n Binnll Kold witch with mono- . 'uruiu M. K W. on back , tfliider iilcnsuli-nto nt Ihiaollko. aii LOST WiMlnpHilny nluht u rod cow. Hetuin to Julius Muni , G Jb Uth und r coo ho 10- i iird. 3 > 5-U 1 * OS I'-Tall , black more mulr. knot on linldo l left bind IDJC Hutiirn lo * A ooilnorth'rt burn on Oth.bct. Cnsa and ruliroriiU. Itownrd J5. Clalrvoynnt. T\ | ADAM AfiArTKA 'riixeuU past prosunt nnd I'l futiirn , how ninny In family , nirii , etc , , how to bold infections of InHlmnd or lovnr. Sntls- f net Ion Kimrantcod 20 conta und upwards. 612 b.Ifith at. 271 1'EKSOJJAIi. 1)KUSlNAL-MNs ( A. Lllnenornn , profcbstomi nn run with good rin-DinmeiulHtloiiH , UJ7 south Utli street , .Id llooi , room Ho. H , oier ' Roods Moiu. _ _ IJlUlSONAL Nentniul tasty nil-wool bintnc a suits , $7 , L. 0. Jones .V Co , American t'lotlilers , 13UD Kninani st Mull orders tilled _ _ Pr.HSONALVonk \ , unJoMilopod narM of the body unlaiitnil nnd stioiiKthuncd. Positive ) yioot , lull partlfiilnrs , etc. , mailed | n plain en > idi > iniM-iilod for stump , \dlies * Uilo Moll ml Co .7 hwon St. . HulTiilO. X Y. 2l n V _ 1 > EIIS' > NAL-Mrs Or Nannie V. nrren cl ii\o > nnt. Midlftil nnd budmisn Medium Itoom Na 3 , l.'l Ninth ICtti st , Omnlm , Ni < h. ' " " " " " " MIBOEI,1.AJ EOUS. I1IAVI ! Homitfnrmt mid nIM lands to trade for llori' . Canto , Uiy lloodn. Clotblnir , or llai > lnaro ' 1 IICM' bindi ate dtslmblu , and will locntivl In Nebra > xid Kniia , and Colorado. J. II. Piiriotiu , I'jih nml CtihUKu. 3105 M'O 1.171' A Job bil5r\ujrlc T. Murray JL _ _ J , 'S70 kUCIIOOI , OP SI'iNi5ir\I'll ; ( ; V and typo-writ- I- > inj , ' , Hoonu 7 and it , Iron JlrtnU. ( ilinker. . 'iTKiiriUJNT- ' . . j.p r momu. 1 : 16U Douirlni. I'lano "J moninlr. A Ilotpr , 151J Houvliis."J 9JJ _ "TjTlOK Ttl.Nr SiiuTro 1'lixno , ti niuothlvl A -I ? Hoape 151J Douylit. _ JA I ( I IS W I sTllllK foTV od donuUoe li'lp Ctti nu at short uotlco ut tbo Omulm lluroHU , HtfNo.nl ; jeiti hi. I'ntutuo block , _ _ _ _ _ 46fl _ _ ri UKK ? , llusns. hrubi.titc. . planica free tor JL psnoui tiuylDKOf DouuUj Co. Nur urk' tXO. ilowurd , i'rotC , 1' . a Uox ? M , M7-B * nniisisf lUiMK-r CRD , n commoilMo 201 horacs for the winter nt Otnftha Trtlr I/rounds Enoh one will hn.\o Bl rK ) ox stall , od mi the cmln owner wnnu. uroomod atul opt fit forilrUuif , ' . Quiirtor trnok * or ftny thcrlomcne s eurpd. Also Moiwfo for utiy number of carrliiRPS Ilcfcronco W. A. 1'nx- nn ( Ir..1onP . Mill Cmrh , 0. II. Iloldwln , ( leo. ; . Hi own , Churchill I'nrkor , .lotoph ( inrncnu , ohn 1 anrk , Itobtrt Kasson. Adilrri * A. liomsoti , Oninlm , Nob. 771 2 * Foil lliN1 : Lnr > ? o clcnn towels , cheap. Omfthn Towel Co , 1517 Ilonnrd St. St.7iD nl7 * FOIt 8AM5-Se ernl tliotisand ynrnsof dirt. Dlit clieiip. liitilre | of S N. Qustln. cor. Sth nndClinrloB st. U7i ) Jt * _ _ I SAI.K One Rood work liowo S. N ( Instln , 'J4J4 llnmlltonst. _ 37R-V "I710U HALU I'lno larjto horse 0 jinrs old , I Miitnd nnd wood lor nny use HOKUS > V lill , 1401 Kariinm. . * 4I 2 _ 1,1011 SAti : Client * , Hndlnnt homo etovo , Inriroat/u : llol rciom fet und olllco desk nqtiltont n w cor2ind nnd Ii\cnpoil ( ts , ffSJ 1 on 8AI.K Pliaoton buggy , ono top bnifgy chcnti , A Hospo 2ilnQ'J FOlt MAliKIcr.ny coiv 3 ycnis old with 0- months old calf : flrst-cl'iss milker : will bo sold nt n bargain C. \Vo5tron , 1411 Hoil la 2.-.I ! Foil s ViiK A tninibi ronu lot of tools nml choatnt'JMHarno } st. I6a 1 IT IISK I/its.I ai inn.millsmoney ( lo nnd. lloinU 16th nnd UoiiKlas itrorts. JiQ7 "T71OK s\ti Nrnrly new rurnlturo of nn JL oijfiit loom homo nt n ureiit bargain , nnd the hou o for rent : located Iho mlnntus west nt opoinhousoi III health i atido of selling Ad dress S 0 llio ollieo 150 2 | Foils \lK Iarr-p nro nnd biir lnr proof safe , roil ? ViO. Pell for (2 * > 0 , J. W Mnr- ghnll , IWJ F irimmst. 700 jVlll S \ I.i : Pnrnttiiro andl enso ol six-room . boiiFS , time on pnrt. Cnll 1-TW ! Nortli nth < liect , tno blocks from Hcd Car Htm. 8'Kl FOIl SAIi : ( .nunp. iron columns nnd Vln- dowc-npSBiiltahlo for front on brlek build. Fornnrlloiilirarinptr at Ihlflofllfo. Fll \\7"ANTii-lmmnillntelj : : lrl for ii hoiifnworknod ( WIIKCS : eoinei Popple * ton n\o and Dunne st. ! I17 ' - IfANTKI ) AnoxpeiicnccdTcoolc at UJ4 Park i avenue. .rc-,1 I A.N ri.n-Jhambciiiiiii7i atuisHouKMs. \ DIB \\i ANI'KIJ A irooil Kill for pnnornl house- V woik , In afnnilly of two , tit lll..S llth atrecu BIS WANTKD Lndyor Konttntnku liilf Inter- nt In Bcnlci'l , prrmnui'tit , estiibllslifd. Rood paAlii ! * . MirobuslniiK. sinnll caplt il ( iood ri1 i-otiH lor .elllnir No oxpt Hence m-cos aiy Address 0,1'Ul lloutrlas stioct , Hoom 1 , ! 07 " ' W IA > TI'li fllil for BOtiornl housework1117 CnssstiLi'c. No SwcdL uted npplv 2011 * ITAMI'D-illnlnfr room Kill nt Plnnli-rV T llouao , coiner Dolire nmt Ifith ! I8.11 * "NX "ANT III ) A Rood tlrl for fronnial liouso- woikln liunllvot tno itorcroncos IP quired Apply to Mrs. W H. Annln.MDI Sliei- mnn n\c , bend of Clink street 'l-l ' WA"STJ'I > ( lirl for Kcnernl hoiHcwork , n1 lliiblo and IIOIK-t. peed plnco , po'innnent if fatlifnctorItelcienccs. . NJJS4 S-lut Ht. liM 1 * ' Arood licit fflrl lor renoriil liousiiworlc , .rood WIIKOS pni I 1411 .tones st , Win Ktadcliii'in ' 280 TV ANTRT ) 2 good iltiTlmr loriiii Klrls nt file IT I'nplillon lionsu. WIIKCS $ J i)0i noek. l'apllUou _ , vob 274-1 _ AV ANPKU A lady bookkeeper and Upu- wrtlci. John I. Kcillck."U Lady ol line taste lo assist In copying business , can work at homo If picferrod : pcrmanuiitwoik , peed pay IHISCI- \nuts wanted. Ilouis 10 to D. Art Coining Hooin9,3iJN.1fltli st. _ 2,11 \\7AN l'ii : ) At li > 2i Capitol n\o a nuiso ( ilrl i HiBht pni ty cnn t nd food pluto mid stc.idi omplojmont. l.lo I * 7ANTKD ( JliliorKonoral lionxi'woik A. H. Mnyno , s o cor. 21st and Webster. (47 ( w AN 1UD A punk foi small tnmlly , Imiuiro KM south loth st. < 11'J WANTED-M/iBI ! IIEL ? . \-17ANTnD-A fiood butcbonnt Ul North l.'th > > tot. : i ivi * " \\7ANTi : FuwKOod mon to dlstrlb Uu cu- culms. Apply , from Ito . ' , at 1118 r.ir- nnmstittut. J1I-1 VV"AN7TiAc ; tlvo , onorni'tle nucntK til iTH TT troduco thu most inpld scllim ? nrticlcs HI e\lstcnc ( > 1'iolltsliir n $100 per dny and up wards cnslly made O L Thompson , Mfr . 221 Mil a\o , Chicago. Jll t > * "T rANl'lJI ) Laborers for ralhoail woik. Al- 1 bridht's Lnboi Agency , 130S rnrnnm 313 WA > TID : Tlirppclothliijf snlc mpiinndtwo men on InilKiiuil fnrnlnhlntr ( foodh.nlso twosnlcsmcn wboluuo sold an\ class of mpi- ttiandl'c. Apply. frotn2to 4. at 1118 Knrnnm Btnot , llrlni ; written rcforenco for honesty. liSJ-1 "VXTANTr.D- clerk nnd olllco mnn la grain ft provisions and Htock brokeis ollko. Must bo well and lil\oiat/ly known ainonc Omnlm business men. Good palmy and eplonilld op port unit ) to right man. Addicsd , with 10101- cnce , S Ifi , Ilco oQico. 26'l-i : ' AVood IndusliioUH boywith tnir education , nbout 14. Address In on u hand , Elvinir rcfercncos , W 1 > . U , lOlJsl 2711 \\fANTEl Three com makers , bj Humus VV Ilrog. , Hns.tlii8f. Nob. d34 1 * \i7ANTHI : > Immediately. 1 or 2 tlr t clim TI steam llttora Apply.lt Hooker , Asxliim , Noi folk. NuU. 2212 * \\rANTI5l ) Hook ntfonts , O'Nuill * Co , pub- Vy lIsliuisnndKMiiurnl iiKi-nU lorBiibstriptlon bootci , box 4TJ , Oimiha Nob. tlJi ) n U \1 ' AN fKlT I nstnllmnnt ciinviwsori * To"cnlT lit V ' 1207 I'm mini st. , in < l gun what VTO hnvo to niter. C. 15. Lee , Manner. ! ' T\"ANTIO-ABPjita Christmas boi > k now > ipidy Don't dolny lo fond for circulars nnd terms ; onttlt : > o. Knur itlo 1 idlon can make fJUl to J.100 b > Cniistmns dny. Address Nn- tlonnl Library \ssochitlon , IJt : Stnto St. . Chi cnxo , III , 3Ajtl A Koodlnaoriliilsl.Tiblo to run a ahop unit who uudorstands d ran cluing- , saUSil , Iteooltlco. It ! 11 WANrilO Tno ciTporliiiicud dry eoo BBlusmon at400 and 40S b. l.itb nlruut Iteteroiire rciiuliod. Apply nt storo. Ml \\rAN'Tii : > Ono mnn of ( rood nilduns und > > nbility to hell KOodc. Call 42 S 101 list. a A tlrst-cliUH baibei. Oood wages Addicssl' M llyhurn , I alrmont. Nob. \yANTKD A few more aironts to Introduce TT our Automatta .Musical liHiriiuinnts , on Initnllinents Auynnn onn play thorn without muiical Instruction , the best paying , easiest rellmtf novolly vor known , ja to$40 n week can bn renlUnl. o li. Lee , Manigor , l-'JT I'ar- iinmstrpnt npxtnlrs 4S4 SITUATION WANTED. \\TANTKO Pituntlon by n pastry cook Address dross i nro Utc > , "d XI. " 3JT.'J' WANlii : > Situation , by n competent cook In llrst dnss pih uio luinily llefprem es Address , .s 21. lloo olllco. Ml ) , ! \ \ 'ANTiiTo IdHMiiiIot aliout 23xU ) , con tui'lylocntod. ' W..S , 8u.ivey , 111 fioutl 14th at 3I31 \\TAN ri-'l To rent liounoof Tor " looms In I II rood iiiilKlilMiriiood ; no chlldicn. A Ind dies3"8l7" llio olllco a > > 1 1 * \ \ANTP.Il riHiiu nnd board in prlvntu family il by ktontleinun nnd wife. Address I1 O. tinxnta. 3J7I * .VNTKI ) ao.IKH ) j arils of dirt on Innd next uo loCCicljhtua Collet , ' ! ? , lloirirs ic Illll .11 * 10 ' ) ( ! oed school I in 1 K fn-os , Address Iloi . 7 % Lincoln , Neb . 'as V Coirc9pi > ndrnc i fiom ptirtics ii ba\iiiK xustnru luiiJ * for > ulo. II. U , Mclono , I lnpolns'rb. IMT-U * AV rVN l I'D-l'innlMied room , by two ( 'cntla iiiuu , In put Hie family ithcrd tlieru ii ple.iifint eompniiy nnd they can toil at liurao. > 1ii > t DniiPiir biistiickM purt ol city. Itolnn-nces , Addiets j > , 'J4 , lli % > olilco a l ! \i"AMIJl > SO men to eat buckwhnat cake * ' > nnd mnplo syrup l urv mornimrnl N'orrU Itestnnriuit. lutli Abet. \ . I > od > re nnd Doujrlnj fatrulk-ht lJi'ul \\i-fitflilj ti meal tickets 5-1 WL SOO. TXT AS niM : Indies mid KUIIISIO loirn tele" li Kinphy I'riw-pict ifoou for poMllim hen ompcteilt ; nddreij . J. 1) , Itoom 1 , Crouoso block , ( imnliH 137 \\'ANTICI > lo rmil an olliro or desk room , I \ Aduroki 11.17 Hoc otlicu. W7 II'JNTRD Copy of euntplled itatilteaof 1US ii with trued .aoconJ bitnvi twxt bookiul room V , TOB UtKT-IlOURES AITD Z.OT3. IIGNT Aliousoof 8 rooms In Rood oon- dltlon , betwoca ISth ami SOth on L'umlng Apply to Ur. Summers , 1B11 Dodge st . Oil IIKNT-IlM'donco No , ll)14"rnrnnm ) Pt , , II rooms , all inndorn Imiirovcinotnl. llent , P75per month , carpets nntf Tiirnltuic for sale. \pplj 3. A.Slomnn , 1M3 rnnmm st. .TU F OlinnST Tnr o homo with modern Im- provemcnts. yitli and Kernnm sts A , I1 rukoy , 1301 rnrtlnm St. OW TOOK UKNr * HoiMoot ten rooms , with barn , Foil KKNT SO aoroi ndjolnln ? tlty north west , suitable for dntry or mnrket iinrrton. Applj to Thco. Williams , Doe Oltlce , 91 < Far- num. 808 FOlt UKM1 I-or a term of jeirs , n basement nearly 40x ) , airy nnd well Ili-hted , wntor nml UIIH ; suitable for light nmnurnctnrlnt , ' , Inundrr.etc ; located on ono of the bo t bu l- neMslrootsm thn city , near pojtollico. Ad- OreM tin , llcoofflco 3-JtO "nioir KKNT Ilouvonnd lot , KOOII Imrn and JU ether Improvements. 2421 I'opiileton a\e fall on r. P. M.-alton cor 13th nnd Faninm.oior MorNailiinnk. nus \ nmi KKM-store ssxro , inn jnckson stv JL 763 TMMriJNT HlT room homo , SUh t.no r t h ofllodgo. I'miulro J. T. WltliniH , Mil Hnrncy st 7W FOIl HUNT New P-room house , nil mndnrn Impruxpmenls. On Michigan St. , noilti end Cnthorlno st ; ( M month I. Coltrln , C12 Park no. . ifO fl * Prtfl lir.ST Rlnvon room houio corSlsl nnd I.oii\iMi orth st 'Ivo blocks from street rnr. Apply to llarkn .V lUrknlow , DoiiRln * at or W K Annln , Ilco olllco. wi _ _ ' ' " " jltiriTijS'i "iTh7ffnnt I0 room rosidenco" Karnnm st. nil modern Improvements , fur- tiilureatid carpet for Cain ; nil news nm coni- pellod to Kl\n up on account pt Illnesi Ad- " Jit'cs H 15 , HooolHiitf. _ _ _ nl- _ "iTlOll ItKNTstoro sultnblo Tor Uostnurmit , -L1 1412 9 13th st Peterson 573 _ filOIl HKN r m lotion the ll"lt It II In Onk I Clmllmm , just south r the Sai Atomi school houee. Tlieso lots cnn ba rented for 10 yonri on roiisoniilili ) tcrme. Jubti I Keillik 1171 7s 7 TDK 1U-HT-UUOMB. 710K HliNT I.nrj-n furnished front room. - siitt-iblii foi mnn nnd wlfo or two penile- men , 1113 n ITIh st. art i" Foil itr.h'l' Dcslrnblo rooms , ftlngly or in Kiiltolth all model n Impioxeninnts , for Rpntlcnicn oni ) , nt Vo , 17Jtiipltol nw % lull HiN : r Nlcelv furnhhod rooms Until and moJtrn uonvuitloiii.es. 4)1 ) N 1Mb. 3l-J * IlKNT rront p'lirlor lipdioomj iil ° o 1 cphur room : both heated. Applv nt IDO'i 1 arnnm st : "U . 17 > OK Itl'NT I.niKo jiloisnnt furnished room tin onn 01 tivo Kontloiiiun. 713 N. 21st St -MT a IjWU ItCN I 1'urnlshcd flout room. I'KH ' rnrmim 101 4 * U IMJNT 2 ruruiihfd front looms , nt Ul I Hninoy Bt 2S1 PTTinrrvi"ru7ulshi = il rooiiis nTlh III a hntrd , nt 14ITI Jouos st , lour blocks south of I'm Mam. &i' > 2 * KirsTSplomlfd room nlth bond for J two h8 ! S IStliBt. 31'J I * " 170 it KKjTiC Itnlccly furnl hod rooms nt 1110 JJ Iliu ncy st. IU4 ill * FOI5 HUNT ruin shod front room for ono tirtnn gcntleiui'n.D.'l N nth .122 1 * Foii ltiKrUnfuriilahod : fiont parlor ami bcJroom lioui unr line ; " 4111 Hiiinoy. 3X31 "IPOK HUNT 1'uinlsln d rooms for light house Kcpplnp , Iluomcrs Llotk , cor Bthi. Howard "IpOU KI.NT Tini-e nloifHiit furnished rooms ' lei M-ntlcinun. fi uloiks lioui po tolhce , \\lth hot an 1 cold wn'or bath and heat. Appl > nt room. ! , I'reljrhton blk. .Ill 1' FOlt 'tiNT ruinlshed rooms,5J7 south liith st. .BT1 * JMm lti.vr : rurnlshoJ room nnd board , COOn 17lh St. 2W J * TpOK ItllVT IfnfiirnUhod rooms ; enquire so J-1 corJaldncll and C.tinplicllsiB. 2451 * ON'P rurnUhcd room SS , Ucntlcmen pro- toiltd , H4Bs 2Jrd. HD-J-.il' ITIOK ItK.NT 3 looms in in ) now lint , .1 iO n J1JOtll Bt. fi l ooius , 10"X ! nMill st. li rooms. Mm tin tonnco , a ur cor 7th and Pa- ClliOht iil-ioom hou o , Pnclflo t. Apply to oiMiei , M. P. Martin , 310s 15th Ht. fj Oll KiM'-I'mtiNhid rooms contcnliMit JJ forliousokcopln . Ncor. . I6th and Clark. IISl 1 * TJ-.OK IIK.VT Lar e , plepimtly furnlsliod pir- - lot with llr-t binird.bilitablo fpf lour KOntloineii. 140.1 Joncti strnot. .WO 1 * FOR ItKN'l Ilocins mtiRlo 01 en suite , in nowlj furnished house Hoard next dooi. Ill S. 1Mb , near DodRO. : iv.i-2- I71OK ltiNI With board , luinisbcd looms , Jt ? 1710 Cnss. 180 1' FOKIIKNI' In prlvnto fnmllj , iiirnlsliod rooms with board ntC13 Viiglnla a\o. FOIl lll'S'T A nice Inrifo front chamber , newly furnished , has irn furnnco nnd bath , tiOl ii'Mih st , near St. Mnrj's uve. FOK HUNT ' 1 no lnrio front rooms. 1015 Dodifo. .JOi.7 * OH HUNT Xlco room at cor. Paundors nnd F Clnik Us. Imtcbin * shop Tlionald Olson 33J 2- molt HUNT .J nicely furnished rooms-IO. JD KC ! S. I8th . , V FOIl KPiNI' Afti r Ncv. 10 , furnisliivl rooms ntUIH north llth st i'Ji2l ' _ niint HUNT-Nlci-lyTiiinl-ihbl front loom nt -LA MpBoiithJMtli , ucnr St. .Mary's uimuc. . _ 870. 17\Oll \ HUNT Club roomin rtliini ; uompleto. A ? Inquire Club llou'-f bouth Omnhn. 14ll' _ fpOKltUNT i'urnlsliodroom , 1 f I.'odtre. 2 > 2 ) ll HUNT Nicely furnished loom * nltli bounl , 10KI lodu _ - ' * * _ IJlOllllENT JurnlaUedroom , 1SOU Furnnm. J 1081- R OOM With board for two , 1011 C ipltol nvo. 87 < " 7 * TTlOIl HKNl'-rnrtot lloor lor Ilirht innnufjo- f tnrlinr purpo P8. Conl rally located. Low rent 1207 Furnnm St upstalis. _ 4J4 , FOlT KiS I' Tiinilshcd rooms for iruntlo mpn , ut Si1 ! Dor.K" st , 073 TillRTr Nlocly fiirnlalied Jrout r Ml. llonmd. 171) ) 1 * FOK IlKNT J fiiinlshpd rooms , southeast oor , Ifltb nd Lenenworth. . SSJ 3 FOIl HUNT 1 larco liirnlshed room suitable for2or4 : nlso rooms lor light lioiiB < > koi'i > - IllK turiil8bcd,220NlJthst. 2IS2 Foil HUNT I'm nlsbpd room , prlvnto inmlly , 171 1 Cliloutro at 28. ' ) J _ _ "ljIOII' Ttl'.NTNIcply f iiriilsiiiiTi nTid lOHTpd ) -L1 room suttablu lor two L'untloincn at 1K-4 KainamBt. F OH IliINT Nicely furnished front loom and bedroom , IVKiii l urd st. IOJ 2 * ITIOHHI'NT-Suitoof rooms , with boird , 1812 * odKO. 121 _ FI IOK Kl'.ft I' Larco fionl room , ( 'ood ollico location. U.V , Iluiitrt'is , 1.1JJ Fuinain , OH HUNT A Inrifo front room ; nl o"tor inleoht > apsiunie rosewood piano at 1U1 I'arnnm nt.on uioik waul of com t homo. 4-'tf "IpOH UKXT TnriilBhpd rooiiTFor ono or two J. Konlloinon : furnltiiro now. ploasunt looa- tlonj Howard el , bet. bib nnd Vtu.j fiuutk Hide TTuTil KKV r 1'lensant furnUhed roonisT J south front biluk Hat , boaid cun bo had nojtdoor. Apply at I4IB Chip igo st. 943 Foil"I115N l'-A nicely furnlshod front room n ith uluovo , to KOiitlumen only , nt No. 1811 rnrnnm at. _ _ 591 FOIl KI'NT-Nuwl ) furnished room , Sill fetT Mary's ave fll _ FOU BAX.B-HOn3US-I.OTa. OMK AOAIN Van Ilviiren , tbo rent estate jr agent , nonplus and Uth Ms aiu 2 FOlt B AMl-tilxfti foot corner ot llarnoy and 0tb us. Ill 'OJ. .lOxHl f * t on IHIist nonr Poppleton'a. runs from Kth Hi Utb. f 1,100 improvements , fl,7uO. H. H Huntress , 13JK Kurnam it. all 0 FOlt iefrt buriralna In llanxtom pluiocnllon _ K. U. ; rnnor 4 Co. _ yfl 1 K-iOit t-Al.U- ' - Arlfl room house and lot on ClcorgU avenue , K room houio and lot , Idaho Ht , fS.CSO. & r < Hini cottaifo , Fairmont I'lnou , Corner lot , 1'aiidock Vlacu , . . . 6 lei 3 cry ohtup , Ambler i'Juco , f 10) to J600. 21otu , Prtfiiton I'luoe , H barvuln Lot , 3 htore U dwoUlnif s. loth , $8 00. 10 lots m I'lnln View , tiiM to 11,000 , Slots la Kilby i'late , deut uiii * ibeui. L H. I'lu-rottoL' , letlj uud Chicago. 211 I \t A. 1II TOK * CO ) , i\l ivn rnrnnm St. Tor ' 'nlo lot y blocK2 Paddock plies on Sherman nn. . f l/flo. fl.fWO cash. If not sold within n few ilny * will bo tnKon out of the tnnrkrl Don't let Ihia opportiinitvMIti 'Them U V > In It In BOiInys. JI A. tplomft Co , 15W ratnnm , _ _ A.\ _ 2J7 ! 3 _ tiUMs : lxU armBl/nmls money loaned Hcmls. luthjind Oijiiulas stroets. 007 SiAiyK" Olio of the oldojtTind bos ! pny- in if Oroccty IIuslno s In the tlty. 1'or par ticulars , Inquire nt IHS.FoheiMt. 001 _ _ U AnAlN-Vnn Roiiron , tlio real P fnto uncut. DougliB nnd li st . CIO 3 _ ITlOlT S AIiK I'lno cottelAo n room lull lot J miuth front near school mid street cnr , mil } fl-00 , SJOOor morn cn Vu > ml bnlancoon moiit li ly pnymcnts L * D Taimcr Si Co. , 1815 Mown- ! St. _ . _ ! > I7 ! _ _ _ ' HAIinAlNS In Ilnn com I'nrk lots Sl'KriAIi to t WO inch. Guaranteed to bo Iho boM locntod nnd llnest pleco ot ground nrnr llnn com 1'ark. Seelnff Ubolloibiif. nnd II " 111 ; > ny sou to rldo out nnd BCD -Abut tins nddltlon ; s. AMI..1 * , I5rt ( Knrnnm. IISl J A si , MA. > 1513 Karnnm St. . 8 Html IMnte , Offers tbo followlntf choice ln\oslmunts In In- sldo bus-lnc s nnd losidcnco pioporly : Oor llth nnd Martha tliioly improro < l 11JX1I4 . . . . $ r'M Jnclt'on st. near 17th lmpro\ementnri < ut f mi put month . 7:0) ) f. loth st. ncnr Hnrtman school < 0\KU . TO . . . . . 3.30(1 ( inih st near I.envon-torth 50x110 Im- provrd . . . , n.RCO JOst. noirbt. Mnry's nvo . . now Cor Chlcitro nonr yistPOxia * . . . . lS.OtO Cor. ( 'himjo nonr 24th stfflxlT,2 liott < e < i 8lM < ) " Cnllfornln LMth , fix ] U.3 hoii e K.nno Iod'n ( sti-ol. coiner , KWxli'i In Krnito a.KilO DouulnH" nenraJd. iflxlU 7i < ) > rnrnnm" cor Smith st , harjtnln . l , > 03 " npnr court boii'c. 4ilxl.K Imp. 18.0m " " cot .Tlil. nui'l > Imiuoieil . 14i)0 ) Vlrglnln mo , M\K > J.t loom homo . . . 'J/flil Howard at nrar 10th. linpnnod . n.O 0 Hnrnoy it.tienrSMli , fiOxIST . 70 > rnrnamst.cor I'lth.ufltlliO ' , ImpioM-d 41il ( ! llnrney st. imnr 3lt , 2xl.u . . 4,000 .Int-kM ) ! ! st.oppi. ( loo's new hotel , CCx HJ Imp 15.000 Ijcnvcnwortli cor 15th , Improved , rent ? 900 . , . 10,001 " Pcldon. 44KI12. . . .iOl - ' tli St. ncnr I.ciucnnorth. IBOxHS Imp 4.UOO EC 'OMK AdAIN Vnn Itotiron , llioicnl cstnto tujunt , lloiiKlas anil 14th ts. . ' 115 : i DO. I'A r mttSON , lloom 1 , Omaha Nation nl Hank , has soxon lota loll In I'tlcn I'luiethiit ho will soil nt f 135) pnch , to psrtloa who Intend to nulld nliloi-o < liluiirl ( . Thcso lotH niu but two blocks south of Loiivennoi tn Stroot. nnd nro rcftlly boiiitlful. llo can Boll full lots on Cnllforiiln Stioot , nuar 2Sth Street lot Jl.HiKl. 'Ihi'so "III bo woith r.ri In nno > car Ho al-o has n few on Webster htrcel nr.ir JSth bfroot at fl.WO. 'Ihoso mo eovoiod with nutural tlmbnr. Now Groom lniutcs , ono mile f i om postonioo.clty water and pas , 2 blocks fiom struct our , onlv fi.OOO oaoh , on very nsy piij miMits. Corner 10IKISO , very siijlitly , In Him- sum I'lacf ( 'nil nt olllpo for prlco. " It east Iron ! on Virginia n\o WCOO r , acres In llonlli'ld nt . JV ) - Oatics hi Majndd at . 400 AcioMin 1'nttcrson I'nrkat . 400 " " " . 4f > 0 " " " . . r > 00 Lotsastonos thion ftom cnnninu1 factory at . . . . 3-J5 Only ? i" > cash Iliil.inco f lOmonthl ) . ( % > 1 1 * F ioit SAT.li Tloliso nmTlotTllMrrooin housl * . on Whnntoii St. . ono block tiom rod nml llth ft dir llms , cellar , neil and cistern. Pilco tSW. TOIIIIH onsy. H. K. llund > , room i5 , O 11 nh a N'ationtil bunk blilldluir. 5R4 FOH SAIiK Six now ftlfroom hoiHos , south lionls , handy to Btwvt cms and pnvlnir Iisy ] uiivments. If nil tire sold nt one tlnio will mnko spoclnl intes. llalloii DroH , lr > lfl st , 144 2 rOMP A ( ! VIV Van lioiiron , the real < " ( itu t , Doiif-lu-i nml llth Ms II ii J T/lOlt S \ M : Two lota In Hillsldf. f . ' ,800. JC HoiisonnilS lots. Walnut Hill , $ i,000. llo USD and lot loth Ht , ft.fiUU. Lot on Miniim St. . f1- ) . unsy terms. IStivlII'.lcptln Uoscrvolr mid' , ? 1,000 Knst flout lot Inlhornliurir I'lnco , $100. II.V. . Hnntross , 110J rtirnam st , List jour ptoporty with mo. S 97IO SIMTIAL HAltGAINS in Hnnscom Turk Lots at $10) ) toJiiOU ouch. Uunrnntccii to bo the best loomed nnd llnost Tilrco of Rroiml noni Hnnscom Park. Sooiuiris bollcvlnp , nnd it will paj 3 oil to rldo out nnd see n bat this addition is AMIS ? , I50U I'ninam. LOOIv \\oha\othrco parties nho nlsh to piirohaso propcrtT ) Innscom I'lnco. f If \ou Inno piopurty to sen In this addition It will iMitoyournduintnpo to cull. Holler \ Camp bell , r JJ Kiunuin street , liooni 1. 0151 77 LAI , KSTATi : IAi : AlN-Tno full lots -LV on 2ltb sliuPt , iiinnlnB through to. 2ld i-tioet , making u : feet liontu e on both streets In 1E ) fiet tlecp , nlthlllno stoiy tlnlB nnd 2 cottniros fionllnir on 24th street , renting for fliro per month. Hoom to build fi lints to Iront 011 2'M street. This property Is Just ono-liulf of n block south of Lonvonnorth nnd two MOCKS trom struct curs , ran sell for ? HOiiO llcltcr A. Cnmpbull , Itoom 1 , 110 1 J'unmm. 117.1 BO WM NG I ! KI'.KN lots , * l.r,0 10 porcpntcnsii and f" per month. Mnralmll & I.oheclt , Aennts , 150'J ' riirniitn street. 049 BOVVljfST T5KKr,5 Our now nddltlon il west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton stioot. lly solectliiK lots nt ( bio for insldo nnd 171 for coiners , you will make n KOIX ! Investment. Toims 10ior | rent cash und $5 monthly. No t'hiiri/o for nhawliur the lots. Murshull A. Lo- bock , 1MIU rnrmim _ 1HO _ FOK SAM-l'Mots 44xl 'fcot. frontliid north on Ililstol stioot , half way between Minn- dots nnd .Stnto , nour street cars. City wntci in liont. $ W)0 ) eiich , 1-t insh , balnnco In 3,2 nnd 3 joarfl. Adrlreas 8 14 , Ileo olllio. 21U GIinOOHV & HADLKY Henl r.stato und llontal Apents , 1 1I J Doutrla.l Stioot. HusinoM blocks on rnrnani , Douglas , Doduo , llnrm-y , Ciinuni ; nnd I'ourlcnntn < ls Onu ol the best LOincis on Ciimlnir st. eastol Siiumlois , nltliS coltaifM J 13.003 Corner on 17th , Imp. Asso. ndd. HixlTJ a 000 ( orner on lllth , I'ndilock I'laco , rXxl ) C ! a.OOU K room house on K'th pt nnnr Lnkc , col- Inr , well , barn , etc , lotMtlrt ) . 4.K01 H-rooin himso. I'oppleton ave . . . 4.2IW 0 room house , 1'opplUon nvo . . . ; iOOJ r > room ( ottiik'o , I oi'iist Ht , new and neil finished , on monthly pajmoiits . . . . 2r > 00 fi room i ottnirn , 27tb St. , pornnrn'xt20. . : iMX ) 4 ol the llnoxt lots In Kilby Pluio . . . 5,000 Hoot 100\187on I'aiiuun strcotonlyl 1-2 miles from pc tortl < .o , tluulnw . 7,000 Fine corner on Km mini 10 HI40 . 7m ) Hplendld KDxHI on Charles t . II.WXJ Lot Mltll'i on Capitol a\o. near 2iltb st. 'I his rlcht In town and only . , . . 2,100 Lot 5I\1'I on Cumlnir , nonr Snuuilors. ( I'luii block on adjomlmr lot soon ) . . . ft.100 Ix > tlsfiUxJ10on20th st. .cabin , near Clark 2,000 HUM fiout lot in Hansi-nin I'laco . . . 1.IM Ixts In Orchard Hill Jiwo to 51)50 , Washington Square f I.SOfl to fl.'KU 1'nddocK I'laco J-.MO 10 t l.VW Hnwthornn * W ) to (100. Oniahu View JiHUtof'JUU Kilby IMuco IM to Jl.'tW. Kirk- wood , I'lnlnvlonllndjord. . Walnut Illll , Cnith- iih'c , oto , eto Call niu SPO us before you buy in iiuy pnrt of the city , Telephone 851. tJrcifOiy & Hud ley , 97A HOMK Afl.VIN.-Vnn Hpiiron , the ronlnstnlo airent , DuuKlnHiind llth sis , : iir 2 A.t'l'VO.N M CO. , IMI3 Karnnni. have the followingOllt Edtfo Insldo 1'iopsity for silo for & dnys ; aijU ; on llownrd street , nil feut from 15th btreet Kluiun mom IIOUKO. I'arln ? and nil other nssotinont ) and tnxos pnld , tor the 01 troiiu-ly low prlco of f 11.100. one half ca h. i.flxl.1. , corner 14th nn4 Chicago stroots. 3 nlc counted , woith KM.OX ) for J12.50J , one- ihintcash , 110x78. cor. 10th nnd uarenport streets. 10th street Calilo line will 771 north of Kiirnnm ; trnckutru ; very cheap Iiif1nu0 , i-J.OOO onHh. ] U'xIJ2 ; corner Uthd Jones , An nwful Kood pli'coor Imsim-ss > IIOIIITI > lorfJtl.nw. HVxlt2im rarnnin i ajl.of "td street Do you linow that thf liirtrcstnnH most eli'Knnt retiill dry KOOUS nndotlmr htoi'is will bo on 1'aroain betn LOU Uth ami SM ttrixUs niHidn of ill o venra 'Ihia propiirty will t lion W6 north $ IOOJ toSI.VX ) front foot , Itcannowlm bought for i.i.OOO ; will froll 22 leet lor JJOO J r front foot. iBxIJi IW | I from coAiri.'th nml JucicEon ; Improved some , $18,000 , , ' . cash , tifixiajcoi Htbniul Jifckson ; Improved Homo , fl'i.VW ' : I't I cash. jijIB ; BO ftot from cor llth and Hownrd.next to property onned by I r l Ames , of Doiton , and the llth bt vladuit9YiM ; tswn cash Lot wlth'.i-iooin house on 21 &l 9t , 113 foot from Pt. ilar > 'i > a > o , wood bam , pity uatui.ule ; J7- OH ) , iino-tlilrd tusli Look tbH up , il will pay lM5il JO to 17 foot nlloy on 25tn st , 124 tent from rurmim st ; will pcll44xynr the whole for ( Uf perl unit foot ; ono-tlilni ciioh. No liner lobl- uoiuo property thun tnU. Cortiui , OIIH Trout , on 10th st , noiuly opposite now DioMiiill ball ; pa\ed Btiwt , wnlur und buucrpipi-ktuuurbllnu and paid lor. This Is 1'olnur t < > bo the mont distinctively fashionable rosldenoo poitlon of tbo city , lloiois iitoiner lot that n ill bo wort li 4,500 bi > fern I Ml is throiiKh It can now to bought for KIOUU ; nno third cash , balance iu > y. l.Uxltl n. o. cor. 27th and DoJtfo ; oipocted on lilo line ; f 3.5)0 , 1-J cash. 78 feet front on bt. Mary's in o.ii'.th st ; line residence ; f ll.OW , 11 1 ash. Kliwnnt lroom housu , full lot : nil modern Improvements , line barn , OVITJ tblnsrllist class ; close to paxod street and In splendid neighbor hood ; f II,1 XI , Itumcmbirr ihoso are Insldo bar > culna. Wo unvolotiund lunjd , linproied uud unlmproiod , nny where Ju Omaha unJ vlcinlt ) ; Klveusa i nil If you want to buy or soil. Wei hnvntho tlnost iculostatu rlirs in tbo ntr und "il B nn trouble to efiow goods. " M. JV. Upton'o , IfXia Faraam st. UQb _ HOME AOAIN Van Ilouion , th * real estate ub'unt , Uouiflas uud IUU bta. 31 * U-lloftl lstnti : narcnlns- > - Crt fet-t front on Dnvonport nenr Uth with fl rm Improvomonta , rents lor JM no t "flV ) Hulflot wlih nlco housoonCiusViiiinrinth 3,10X1 Half lot npnr Snundflrs , with lottace. lr7iX ) 3 cottn&cs Brooms on Clmrlpa st , Slilnn's nddsouth front , onar termseach , , , . 3,0 W NowcottasoB rooms , full lot North 10th 3.WO Coltnito nnd full lot , South front on ln- \cnportiipnr2M . , 4,200 Now eouaxe , lot 30x140 on 21st near I'lsrk 0,000 45 foot lot , cottnn , H.imllton npnr27tli 2OiX ) Slots , corner , with ROod cottngo , burn , cto.Ilanscom plnro . . . 0,700 Npwcoltnirps8 rooms pncb , on Kim npnr Bhorman o\o. > WU cash , bslnuco montbly . , . . . . 2.GOO Now pntliitto , 5 rooms.full lot , cast front , on N ssthM , l-asy terms . . . . 2,1V ) Now house , 10 rooms , full lot.on GoorKin avo.nearoolnorlhno C.OUO 2 bouses , on Dnronportst , cn t of ICtb , ful I lot . . . . . . 8,000 l-ull lot nnd B-room cottnifo on Lnkn st , lifnr 20th . 3.50J rulllot.2cottages , on 20th , notr Slier- mnn st . ' ,000 Vacant Lots 3 oust front lots In IltitrOrtk f 2.C01 ! l nice lots on I'tirim-n nnd JTtn sis . 18.10J 8 tilt clots ( corner ) Koad'r's iidillllon . . . n'D ) ! l lots ( cormr ) Kllbv I'liiep. ' for nil . . . . I.s.10 75 foetoist front Hnn o > ui I'lnco n,7n ) f.lxl ! 2 , south ftoiit nfRri-niindi-rsstieot , l.two N cu lota. Sunny Sldo , on Cmlfornln . 1UM iil ) ft front : ilsl ami l'arnatus ) front ft Two boniltlful lotsTnbor I'lncp , both . 2,000 Corner on rnrnnm nnd ihirtj-llfth sts 4A Kl < cl2ilft Itnst front , Saunders stioot IIIHIJ tiUft , lot.CHldwellHtroel.Sblnirs Aild . 1,710 01 tt. Ju t nlTHt Marj's UNO . 4.UOO T > Oor20Jxl4K ft on Lenicnworth stnenr I'nrk n.i . $ rj front ft 1'ulllot on Cnsist noarXTtn . . . . . . 1WO Aero lot lu llohldoro IM Nlco lot , S front , liodfoul Plnco . , KS Pull lot on S 21st , nenr I.cnxoiiuorth . 2r > ( l nixflflnn lionnnl nenr 10th MOO lli'iuitlfnl 15 front lot IlntKeom Plnoo . 2.VW "lot' K front In llnnieoin Place , both . .ViUO IloiiiUlliil It front lot 10x103 on I'srli ave near Ml. Plensnnt nvo . . fi.ooo Lot 50 < cHO on 20th near Clark . . 2iWO 1'ulllot s front lli-dford plnco . -too Ilulldlntr lot Pntiliki ndd . . . . M ) ) l ! lull lotsShlntiK-d midenih 72. ' , ! 1 lots In ICIrKwood , I.HH ) liOt Mix 140North 'Mill * t I.U'rO Pull lot on Hamilton t . . . ! > V ) I'ull lot on Uurt noironr line , l.ftil ) lUOneii'S 1't miles uest or Mock jnrds pel ncrn , . 1 ! > 0 3-Onciisn mlle fiom city nnd nonr Block } 01 iN pur nero 21)0 Lots In .shrln r plnco M. " > to JJ50 ai-li , 10 pel cent cash b ilnncii monlblv. Ifjou nnnt to buy , or bn > o your property cold , cnll on UK ; wo punrnnteo fair nnd cour- Icons tru itmnnt to all. . O. Shrlvoi , Opp P O. UJ3 nOMU AOAIN--Van Hellion , tliu roil Pitnto n cnt , DotiKbis nnd Uth sin , ( Hi 2 IjMHl IIii : 12 iicros Innd nenr Ploronce , 1 Biilt'iblo for fnrmliiff , nintkot Knidenliiir or loMdenco property. C 1 * . Mnyno , Parinim stitjot. IIJ02- TilOK sAlii ; A bountiful bouse nnd lot on X' ( JeorRlnavo. This Is nno of tlio best tin * i'hi'd lion ea In Omnhn , with nil modern Im- proMmionts ; will soil cheap I'oi ,1J iliij . Aiiply ill I.M4 Go > nrn ! iio 74 | J : > Il SAIK-Iots 7 nnd 8 , I20XI1J foet. In -L block ,1 , llrsl nddltlon to South Omnlin. Call on Tred I.oinon , cnro riirmo.iV liouso , or nddross(5corgo Mndo , 1' . O. box407 , Ilnpld City D. T 787 HOM1 * AflAlN-Vnn llourcn , the reiilostnto iirunt , Houyhis and 14th Ms. 310 U 1711)11 S VIilD House nnd lot on t-mMinrsU JL nonr Summer * , muit bo sold thlBuoclc. Prlro f. , XI , worth $ ViOO.B _ I.Jlliifrnr. rOJ FOlt sAl.i-ffl : ft trontlnjr"iun Dodpto st. 2 blocks OTtoC the postolllco. A Iminalnnt SM.wi ) ; $ IH,000 cash. Marshall i Iiobock , 1fi09 Knrnnm. ; 12 " " \f A. UP1ON & CO. . ll-L lr > 03 Fninurn st. 1 or Palo Lot fi , OHo's nddltlon n fl no acre just oil of Siundi-ra al.f ( SIH ) , 1- , | cash 70\C ! ) In lot HI. Gisn'ri addition , fiontln on btntoM. , near.IiidHU Williams. $1-00 , J7UO cnsh. Oul ) In minkcttlll Nov. 1. 2 Milcndid lots flouting north on Imke Bt. nnd Houtli on Krekmo , innklUK'UO lent frontiiKC , onlj0 teet Ironi stieot cur cable line up tin-re "Hie fJ.'Ot ) , $ l,2miciish. 24 m ms ,1 4 mlle wou ol stock } nrdi Ground lies nice , cnu be plnttod lu H net o InU nnd Mild to now piickinif house omiloios lor $100 per lot. Cnllnnd HI on hat nlmiKiiln ilioio Is In tbK llm nliis lu Hnnscom Plate , llurr Oak , 10th st.,1,1th it. , 20th st..Vc. , , ic.&e South Omnhn property a specialty. Sen M. A. Uplon \ Co , lr ) l Pirnnm. 2.17.1 H 0MK \IN-Vnn llourcn , the real nslnto wont , Doilglii'j ' and I4th sts. Hill 2 HFLACK FLACK S.IIOMAN. llenl Estate nnd Loan Itrokeis , l''ron/lor blockOpn I'ostolllco. Lots In Ivllby | ) laco010 , $700 , J7K ) . nndSSW. .South trout lots on Tarnum st in .leromo Park $ lriOil to S J.UiO ouch ; on vmy ensj terms. 41vMlot' lot w } , ( Ilso's ndd south Iront on Cnmeron etSH)0 ) , liloasli.linl ensy , Tn o south limit lots , n Shlnn.a ndd. at $7-5 each hlupnnt south front lots on llil = tel st. between Sanmleis and Stntosts.,44xl II , for fbOS oacb , $400 push nnd bnlnnro 1,5 and Iljcnrs 1M ncioB tornni Ilrislol and Stnto Ms for I4MiO This is ubuniitlfiil plcco of Kiound to pint ; has nstiout fiontaso ot 4J2 foot by 1U fott deep Lots ] nnd 2 , niock , ' ! , Doulso addition , Jl,500 each , I mil1iash. . Sex oral 5 and fl loom onttnuns within 1 and 2 blocks of htreot car , alJIOOO to f./iOO or.ch , on monthly pajments. Lots In rinlinlow and Klrknond at $700 nnd $ SIIJ. ) SIIJ.Lots Lots In llojd'snnd Snunileis At lllniolmiif.'h'a addition nt $ IOJ mid ( TiHOoii monthly p.ijnionts. A him-o list of lots in South Onmha , 21 per cunt below syndicate prices UosfdiMice pioporty In all tbo best ndlitlons nnd locations in tbo city. HOM-I nl splendid hi i trains on south inth st.nnd abu ollstof business nnd wnrobouso piop- 01 ty. JMHith front lots on Lnkost , ono of thorn n corner , with 5 loom cottiu'o on It , nil for W.700 ; one third cash , bal. 1,2 and Hyrs. A loruei In I'clbam plaeo , 118x134 , for $1,210 -'beautiful cast front lots on Lowe avu , In Kilby pluco tor f I.1IK ) . 5'4 ' net os to s lulu Ido ; will mnko 21 lots , six of tluiiii i-oi iiore , , lei y jnnt This Is a hnnraln 4 boiitit II ul cast front lots In Hniisuoiu pluco , on I'hilWiuiidnii ht , ? I'Jloach. ) House nnd lar p lot on Shermiui n\e , $ ISIX ) This Is very clump and di'Sliablc. 'l o oleiruntsouth front lots on Farnnm st , -MiW ) inth Knst front lot on 20th st , MX ] (0 ( f t. n Ith Finnll house Hint rents for &M per monthJ4.200. 'I his Is on the calilo line nnd n bnrvnln. Wn Im\etwo7 nnd h loom losiiloucps on I'nrk in o tint nru luirKnlni. Aluo a splendid resi dence on Humpy st. and ono on M onlnii7o , with larro lots. Imostlnito those befoio bu > - infrelsciwhoru. H-'l IJAlinAINS-rorsiilcb ) Ilcltor & , Campbell , I > lloom 1 , inn I'm inim st. 1'imi cor on street car Jluo.ln north part ol city , anil n snap at . . . .f 1,271 Host lot liit'iestou , Iina2fionts . I.ir.i ) Tno cast 1'ivinlH In Iluwtborno , oacli . nil I'.lotf ant lot Tuber 1'lnuo . OVJ I'lno lor. on I'oppleton nio. , oust nnd north liont , . 2,70(1 ( Kiut f i out on Virginia nvo . l.o1) ) Cor. lor , Virginia nvo ami Woolworth . 2,000 llcstlotln Kirknood , has tno fronts ; this Is a Imrunln at . 00) OfivHO , cor. ( Jeorcla a o. nnd Lrnvon. worth , can nnd north front , will iiiiiko ( I K OI | biislunss lots . 14/X13 Two lots , ono n corner on 21st Bt , iul'oa- tor t < add . 4,000 Tbo bust linrBain on 14th Bt , cor. lot , nn XI2.1 , with storowhltlirontM for $41 pel month . n.nno flood K i ooni bouse on OoorKlu au , 4,60 ! ) Two lots , with 7 room house , city nntor , KIH , etc .on Turk ( ivc . , mar Lenvon- woith.ihpnpat . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Cor lot on Vlrtrlnm nve . north of Lonv- onn or I h si , with clrtvnnt 1' ' room bouxo ; till modern Improvements ; n 'Ilietnnliujilots In Instltuto I'luco.eiich. 4.11 i a : i H IOUSl'S Ix > tsrarinsL'iiii3moneyjoaned ! , llvinls , JOtb nnd bout-las strnnts , VJ7 H : AOAIN Van lleuren , tlio loalostnto .t.Doutrla.s and 14lh Htb. 31A 2 Pli- > M.Iyi ; hnvo Hlxtoon lots In Haw. tborne addition that wo will sell : boat ami phoapbst Insldo propurty In Omaha. Hod ford Sc bouor C41 "ITIOKSALK Cheap , ID acres well unproved , ! { -L mlle north of deaf nnd dumb Institute. Adjolnlnif lota Boll for $ JOOJ Apply. ! I' . I loch , on promises H0 > ! nl ! ( * 11 KAI. KSTATB AND I < OANS-I ) . It. Hull i Co. 115 S. 15th at V70 Oraflo Ordinance Ho. GS. AN' OnllnuiiLo oitablmhlnt ; lliu Kiadn or Will btioL-i froniiiao ; blroatto I.Kliii strict , In tliorliynf Omnhn , Ho It onlninod by thu city council of tbo City of Omulm ; Svition 1 , The grndo of 20th street from f'lfieo Blreet to l.akci Mre'fd , In thorlt ) of Oma ha , Is heroh ) Pstiildl-hivl ut the followlnifclmu- lions , the rado living iinirouu ttral ht lines bctH oun the points gpouiflod : J'lovution Klmstloii nfKC'urb of H'Curb North omb ot flrnoo strci-t , tin dotubllohed , . . &O.U MM South viiili of S-prutObtrtut 07 U 07.0 Noi Ih curb ol Bprurvotrtiet . 070 07.0 South curb of I.aku btreol , us ostahlisliKd . t50 05 0 hitctlrvii S , Thli ordlnuiipo Rliall- take ulToct and bo in form from and nltl-r ila pttsapo. l'a M l OUuhur IVth , IKKl. WM. F IlKCiiru J'rosldont City Council. J , U. HUIJTIIAUD , Cit } Ciork. Apjroi uii Ovlpber 5tb. IKWi. Wii , F. JJtciiEt. , Acting Mayor. R , W , GIBSON & CO , , ? 1 1 W 1 r ? lAL li Elooni r , Yi'ltliticll ItlocU , Cur * iicr I , * lh ami Hiintoy St . , TELEPHONE 446 , Have n , splendid list of bargains in pity jiropi'ity. U'o have solecled a few for imblic.ilion as follows : No 1C ! ) Finn unst front lot tn II. V. Smith's addition , . & ) . No 210 One of tlio linust lots In FoMor's ntlilition , li.OOO. No. 141Ctood U-room house and lot , Huixrom Place , $ .1.750. No 1 17K.ist front , 03 foot lot , Court- land Plaro , ? : > , r > 00 No 1703 line lot * on car line , IViko street , each $1,800. No. 17J Hoiisi'tim ! lot ( lot 52\180 foot ) , Shuimuti avcnnc , ? r ,000. No. 170 Kino rosidoiico property , Hans- com Place. $5,000. No. IS 1 Lots In Sannm > rs & Ilimo- 's addition , each .t : < 7.i. No. 103 Lot in HnnAcom I'laco , f 1,200. No too Homo and lot , Sunll's 2nd addi tion. Po ) > ) ) loton nvnnuo , $4,200. No. 11)7 ) Kim- lot in Shim's Sd add , ? 1.800 No. IDS-ToxlfiOfeot , east front , Virfilnia avenue , ? ; ! , ? 00 No. Hi ! ) iMtorv house , 8 room's , and lot in Shull's ' 2nd add , rhcap utSS.BOO No. SO"i ! ) ai-i Oh on S.iiindi'is street , peed 0-room IwiiM. ' . all for $0,600. No. 2125 acres in Kunsinjlon , only f 1,200. Mo 214 LoUm I'nttiok's add , $2lnO No 1'S-LoU in South OinnlmK > 00 to $000 No- 1 ll--llonsciml lot Fnrnnmsliont - - - : on , near couit house , verv tine propel ty , at a price worth the money. No. liU Lots in Ambler Place. No 21(5 ( Lots in Orchard Hill. No. 17,1-1 aero in Hrooklino add , fCOO. No lit ? Lots in Bo\d's nilitiUon. No lit ! Lots in Ha'wthoriiu addition. No Hi ! } Lots in Thornlnirc addition Sl'lICl.U. ATTIIN'TIOtf OIVP.N TO llKSt- Hood lmmo < for nil plusios at sntUfnetorv rlim mid en ) tnrms. Wo Inuo n hujrutuid doslinblolht to soluot from nnd nlwiijs tcndy to show pioperty. Sidewalk Notice. " \J01ICI. Is hoicby irlvon to tbo owner or -L > onner-Hif tlio following reil estate In Ihn ell ) ol Om ilin , to hi ) sldenulK * . in front of and ttdjolnliijr thcli promaslthln Pi dajtftnin the sth dii ) of Novuiubor , ISsfi. Suuh Hldonnlks to bo tonsiliiiMod nnd Inld In iccordnneu with plans and si.'plHc nitons on flln In thn ollltoof tlio llom lot Public U oiks uud In nccordnnco nith iixol ut Ions uduptLd by the Citj Council , Lots 1 , 2,3 , south side rnv < si , blk 44 , 6 ft wide. Lot , r , , mist Bldn 17th t , blk 11 , II ft wide. Lots 5,0 , 7 , north Bldo Uilciuto at , blk 4J , fi ft nido. Lot 1 , Roiith Hide C is * st , blk 40 , 0 ft wido. P. Wit lot 1 , Must side 1Mb st , blk HS-Oft wide. Lot l.uo-ttslilolMih st. blk lfi \ ft wldn. LtitsO , 0,7 , , noith fide. Mnson bt , blk 221 , C ft n idu. Lots fi , 8.7,8 , nortli sldo Mason st , blk 223 , C f t \ > ido. Lots 1,2 , BvMithsido Mnsoii streetblk 230Oft nidi. Lots 7,8,9.ostsldo 16thst. 1 > 11 > .1P. . KounU-o's Uo'orvolilt wido. Lots fi , 7,8'MO. noith Bldo Hnrnej st.blkB , Mct'ormlck s add , il II ntdo. liotsB.0,7 , S , ' ) , noitb sldolInrnoyHt. blk 9Mc * Cormluk'8 ndd , ( I It wide. Lots l,2i : , 4xouth sldo Hartley st , blltlS , Me- Coi mlck'a mid , il ft wide. Lots l,2i : , 4,5 , south sldo llarnoy st , blk 11 , McUornilck't udd , ! It wide Lots 1,2. smith side Hiutiuy st.blk 14 , McCor- mlck'snddlift wide. Pi oni oust sldo lot 14 , ICovos" silbdlv Cnpltol ndd , to20th stnorth Hide ol llnrnor it.6 ft "Ido. Prom cnstMdo ot lot r > , Cnpltol ndd , boullisido ol llarnoj st , to20th st.blt nide. Lots a , ii , 10,11 , u. 11. )4. ) north hide Hninoy st , blk 9 , Kcyes' subdii ofCttpllol ndd.ll ft wide. I-OU15 , Hi. 17.1H , lV21. < ) . south side llnrnoy Bt. blk II. Kej us'subdii Capitol add , ( , ft wldo. Lots 1 , a , 4 , north uldo lliuncj st , blk 7. Cnpi- tel add , Olt n Ido. Lots 5 , ( I , 7 , south side Hninoy st , blk 7 , Cnpl tel add , n ft nido. Lots ! ) , II. 12 , u. 1.1.14. Pi. Foulh sldo llarnoy Bt , blk 8. Cnpltol ndd , fi It wido. Lots 1 , 2,4,5.fi , noith side IJainoj at , blk 8 , Capitol mid. Oft nido Lots 7 , 8.1) ) . 10 , nortli side Hninoy st , Capitol ndd , ii It wide Lots Kl. 14,15 , IB. It , 20 , south side Hartley bt. blk H , Cnpitol add , fl f l n ide. Lots K , 0.17 , 11 , a ) , north sldo llnrnoy st , blk 0 , Cnpltol add.fi ft nidc. Lots 1,4,5,0,7 , south sldo llarnoy Bt , blk ,1 , Cnpltol illll iidd.fi ft wldo Lots 1,2 , a , wcst sldo 2fith st , blk 3 , Cnpltol Illll ndd , U ft wide. Lot II , north sldo \Voohvorth st , blk 8 , Hnnscom Placo.4 It nido. Lots-U , 10 , II , 12.12 , 1,1 , 14 , north sldo of "iVooI- worth st , blk li , IlaiKcnm I'lnce , 4 ft wide. Lots ! ) , 10. 11 , 12. U , 14 , north Bldo of Wool , -.until st.blk ID. Hiincom I'luto , d ft nido. Lots ! ' . 111. 11 , 12 , 1 ! , 14 , ninth sldn Woolnorth St. lilk ll , llatiK-oni I'liu-o , 4ft wide. Lots 11 , 12 , north Bide Woolworth st , blk U , Huuscom Pinto , 4 ft nido. Lots 11 , 11 , north sldn Woolnorth Bt , blk 1.1 , Hnnscom Plncn,4 ft nido. Iiots 1 , 22 , south Ride Pooplcton 6t , blk 13 , Hi nic'om I'lneo , 4 ft Hide. Lotnl,2.'l,4 , lil.7H. . > , 10 , II. nest Bide 2Mb gt.blk U , HiuibC.Mn I'lnte , 4 ft wl lo. I.OIB 1 , 5,0 , ' ) , 10 , nest Bide inth st. blk 1 , Im provement Association add.fi It wldn. North 750 tt lot 15 , nest side 14th st , Kount/e's 3rd ndd , Uft wide. Lot 1 , west Bldo of llth st , bll ( 8 , Knunt/o's 3rd nddlit ( wldo. N. H lot 11 , oust sldo 1filh fit. blk ! ) , Kountzu'a 4th supplementary , ! ! il wide B II It lot 12 , 1'iiat sidn ICIh Ht , blk n , Kountzu'ti 4lh siiiiplementuiy. U ft wldo. Lot IS , b. Oft 18 , . .11 , eistsido 16th st , blk 0 , 8. K. HOKCTB' add , fi It wldn. Lot ,1 , south -ildo .Maithaat.blk 1 , 8.K. Holers' nddfill wldo. Ixils 8 , 0. ( south Bide Martha fit , blk 2 , B. K. Holers' add , l ! ft n ido. Lots 0 , 7 , south Hiuo Mnrtlm tt , blk 3,3. K. Honors'ndd , fl f I wide. All opposite blk l.notlh sldo CistuUarst , Mow- cry Hill mid , Oft wide. Lotnl , 1noith side Caslollur Btblk2 , llowory Hill add , mi nido. Ixit 2 , noith aldo Castcllnr bt , blk U.ltowory Hill addUft Idu , Lots 2 , J , south sldo Castollar st , blk 4 , llowory Illll ndd , II ft wide. iMlTi. fontb slilo Cnstellnr nt , blk r > , Bownry Illll add , U It nido. All opposite blk fi , south sldo Castellnr st , How * crv Hlllndd. iMIwldi ) . Lot 3 , south iido Arbor st , blk 7 , llowory HIM addfill wide. Ixilhl.2.1 , nest fidn llth at , blk F , llowery Hill add , Oft wide. Lola'-lont > t ildo llth stblk7 , Donory Hill ndd , Uft wide. L U' ' , . ! , 1.5 , noith side of Ciistellnr Bt , Lovett ,1 Woodman's mib , 0 ft wldn. Lot I.soulh sine Arbor si. Lowe's aub , 0 ft wide. AH oppn-iltc LOM o'usubdiv on north aide Arbor 8 " Lots , . . , , 7 , west ildo 1'Jlli st , blk 3 , Luke's ndd , fl f t n Ido. I.olaS , ! > , ! ( , 11. r : , I'l , 14 , eiist Bldo 10th Bt , blk 1. L ikii'tt add , lilt wide. Lot * . I.- , ' . 4 , 0 , ( I. 7. 8. 0 , 10. 11,12,13,14,15 , south slduOhloht , Pin ! en'R dd.fi ft wide. Lots Pi , Ifi. 17 , N. : ft 18 , enstaido : 'lth si , Pirulstn'Kadil , ! ' fl wide. , , . . . , , , l < ois II , I ! , omt Bldo Jlth Bt , blk 1 , Donl-fn's addUft nido. lxts II , I , ' , east sldo 2th st , blk 2 , Deniso's nddUft wldo , f Chnlrmnn Hoard ol Public. Works. Uinalui , Oiniliin .I'tii.liwj. nliUi PItOPOSED CHANQE OT OKADE. Ordinance No. 47. AN Ordinance iteelnrlnir tbo nonuMlly of phiunrlnB the windii ul CiiHMHlriiel Irom25tii etreit ti > -i > tli M rout , and iippninlln * tliiDuilis * Intelosled ujipiaKnts lotissifi and dotoimfiii ) thoilainiisci to iiropmljr onm r , nhleh mny becniiho-1 b ) fiiicli cliaiiL-niil tfra Inanilindi i- Intf Ih'J I'll ) uiutjnuci ID muku u piolllu HIIOM * Inu tun hi limn. ! ' . lie it ordiibiod by thu City Councilof tlieCit ) ol Oimibn Soi lion I 1 hat it la proper mid necciiarj , audit Is tioieby ilncliuod propel nnd IKCOSSIIM In cluingo the Kiadn ol' ( nij Kt it'll fiom 2'ilh stiL'i l to-Vth sirui.'l , Hoiiiat KaliUr ulrolinnliiinn will bu as follons , thi'Kiadii botwi en the points tiled In in if unUoim triiglil ! linn < > : Kliivniiun I'lovntlon tit : ! . cuib r/l h. curb We t rurliof2'th 6t 1476 1475 1 U loot wist ol 25th at. IWO A point 2 < * > l li cl nuiit ol 'Mb st IiU 0 ! > . 0 A point. JJfili'Ct n st of.JHh bt 15SO 15S 0 Kast ilirbofWh Et 14 0 llfi. ! ) 2 That the < 'Ity l-niflnePi be , nnd beiuby h , lustinitbd to nniKii H prolllu nhonliiK suoli pr.pO80d I'haiik'ii ortfiadi' . Bed Ion : : . Tim I ihu imijin nllh tlio npprorul of I ho illy council appoint tbnut dl mti iistnl iippialsprs to appriil j , a-S''SJ and ili'loi tmno tbAilnmajuto property onniirx nbiih nno bu luiii'i'd by such chnn o o | ( 'ladu luliliu- nile ronsldeiutlon in mnkiiiv " ci nppiHuminu it , Hid lnmt'm ' < , il nn > , lenin li properly , byrin on ol Much hunjo nl crndo. Srctlon I. 'Jll HI Ihia ordlimfico Inko Clio' t nml tin in force froinuud nfttr ltjpu ii ; ti J'uuso < l October li'th ' , IKKI ; Wu. If. HKCIIKI , . I'rusldniit ( yitv Couuul ) . n. SOUTIIAIIII , ( vilylnrk. Approved October 2Mb. I'JU. WM . V. IlttniL. ActiUK Major. ADDMIONAIi Iii t of Voters of Mio 1'Mrst I > l3tnct , rirst Wunl. Ashbrliico.lnoSt'iTtli Austin O St ilanu's lintel Arnold h C' I'illi anil Mn > nn Adnm .liiofitli antl Marcvy llaiiorJaroltMl s tli llouil I'lms 70 is tilth Mates \V r OU.Mnrcor lilonikMi .lohli 7U ( s 10th liioun It D fJ I'.irlllo lU-L'Icv .1 A Utli and Mnsoii " Cairofl I'.it .Marcy bet llth nnd 12tli Comber .1 no 70 3 loin t'li'inont I ) C 12lt.lnck on Carroll K 1 > I Uli nml Ilo\N.ini Uoiiiiollv Th is I'liiopcaii hotel Clnlstl iiispn Win b' 1'Jtli mill .Masou C'nlinoii Louis Sli' . l.i'avotuMirtli Cmnpbfll llnrrv lr Ilonntil ( Mirit'ii Jnti Kuropc.in liotol Caimiu < C A lioui Sd illstiicl Cnulllor Cl.uul 1016 s lOtli ( Jootcr | Jno H tor licavc Clnjton W Y Hid s litli Dnnlnp. ; A Al ! ) s liitli lnis. ) . I no A Mils Milt Hanson I'll li sin 7th DdiiatilmChTivi loth Doliu JiuiSlh unit Ho waul Dollaul MIclmolUH Pacltlc Dunn lilch.l Mil mid Uowntd riiilUthand.hu'Kson Dnn IVtcis 121 li mid Mason Dunn T K HIS s 13th Dean U Hll l , t\i\r uiir tli DttMnTT MOf lUi\Mird lUiist S ( } itM s IDtli i : > stoi U W lutli and I.PRon worth 11 A Uth mill Howard Kaily < ! i'oijo Wj s lutli Kast \ \ ' V 1010 * 10th l.rcK A 12th anil Mason Klllsson P713 lea\eii\iorth iHMs.Uli. ! . l' nthamiJoncs .Math lout s loth ( ilUU'r 1JW.1 JtU'kMin ( iiecn Chas KuioiHun hotel ( JastonO mo's lath ( iamlilo W It 514 H Uth ( iiidcUn Heni } 1'Jlli and -Mason ( 'arrey James Toils 10th ( ireaner ( .cnrup loth and l.eiueiworth Uitusnn Dan lUUi anil How aid lloppn K fiftJs lOlh lliuiatd Thus SI James liotul lla\urnlck A iWSs lOlh Hater ChaslDI 7lh Hurt All ) 0 tilth anil Mason lloMniil W 8th anil Le.ivon worth llariln ton , Ino 12th anil Mason Hosier JuliusPJIh anil Mnsoii IliminiMon I'M Kutopc.in hotel Ilullort ( ipniKuTll l.o.u onotth lltnst.l TtiiMM.ucev lluiin W M 12th anil Marcoy llalin rrnlUll Jonus Hurst ( < us South hotel liont ) II 7lls ( Kilh Hasting P.I loth ami Mason Jarobson J U7lhanil I.i-avunworlh. Johnson 1'eli'i 70 < s 10th Jennings rr.inK 5111 .mil Maicy Johnston Jno cot s 10th Johnston KmiHJOls 10th KramitludnsMttsHUh Kulin KiPdOlUsloth KilbiTth Ik-mi WJ ) Jaukbon. Kenedy Jno M3s Till Kuiulul WmTOIs 10th Kulin J M TO. ! s 10IU Klotz.l C fill ) Miiicy Kcnneilj PatHH Pacific Keen Jno lOlh anil Mason Kortlanil Julius llith and Howard Kunon Jno Tilts 10th Kanlss H ( . ' 12th and Lcavenworth liylis JnoTlUs 10th Ldchtenberf ; W band's hotel J.unuiiMst Jno I-iaih anil Mison Ilnilliolm Victor lath and Mason Lucas Krank 711 ! Le.iioliMorth Kd TOI ! s 10th J \V lid and JIIIJPS Jiob l..tli and Mason Mason 1) Til liC.ivciiMorth Mim Kinstl'Jll Jaclcson MlUclslai'dlJ COJ.s 10th Mi'lluti Jus 701 s lOlh Man'el W PJth and Mason Messing AV sa5 n loth Muiiihvl'J Tttts 10th Mover 11 7th and lAMiomvorth Miller Oc'oico 7th and Marcoy Mo > cr 1) A bth and he.iivnwortb Mcar.s John -il und Mason Mohr Kmll 701 s Kilh Mcisht'liner Carl 007 s iHh : il j IT Kmtinoi sloth AIcICIIiL'ott.Ias VM\ \ and Mason JMcIlutrii .las lO-'O s 10th McKuno Pat Kuropran liotol Mclirldp Dan 1010 .s 10th McDonald J K llth .mil Jones McNiRht J SiHli and JJaicy Ni-olyJasbllslOth Nelson N S ! K)7 Jackson Nublo Jas T 1'Jth and Jonef * Nelson W.I SOI Le.iu'iuioilh Nelson Nels 0 b02 Ke.ivon\\otth Nelson P A nta and I.e.ucn orth Norliiiupi ) ( J C C01 .s 10th Ooslei.skou Anil .Soaiiiliui\ ; liotol O'l'onncrTO 11)10 ) slOth Otto W HTOlsllHU Olen And 707 llth OlM-n 1'etei ( illi .ind Jackson Pirry Jasoas ( 10th Pioiencher Di N 12th and Mason Pritulor nst Pat llth and Jones Portei O KKnrnppan lioli'l Peteisiin N P hth and M.ircy Palton U It 10th and Mason Patterson Jno 11 " 0 JacKsuu ( JuinlanTon , Tii.'is 10th ItiiiclienberuerJacob l-lli and Jackson lnb ! ( > its C 10th nnd Jackson I.tmnPat701s10lh Ku'-scll Jno.I I3th and .inclcson liohlnson Nils 7th and l.cavunwnrth Kobinson Archer Tlh und l.eavonivortb KJIIII MIKeTUlK lUth Kelinell J 1) I1 llth nu.ir Jones Kli-Koniiinn C A .W Jackson Hoi emeu H. HSraml liotol .Slih.u v John " . ! K lOLh .Schflillioff ( John l"th und Mason iSluwaid C liilh and Pacific. .SlaMin Micli.ii > ! Inn Mil and P.irlfio Sn\ton Di'imii 1 tli and MUPOII iSlnuuly W P.Soiitli hotel .Stonarl It'Olii and Pauiilc Jcuinll/HnUprut-r ( ' 1014 s llth Hliuon Pi-terTth and J/j.nonworUi Toner P II 110.1 Jackson Talmud KKHs Kith Tallmann Wmnuf , 10th Thoiupson Mutin : fOis lOtli \Volsliann > L' AO < UB 10th Wanner .In070,1s lOlh Wilson Jnri TO.'s UHh Wllllnsky M h 017110th White ( Joe M2 Maicy Whitman Joe W Tin s lth ! ! Wntklim Ciuu S 711 l.o.iviinv'orlli Weilini ! Uus iith and Jacl&on WhltoMJ b'JP.icllic /.liiiiiH'rjii.in Jno 7fU h 10th /,1'iilt Jas lOlh and Mason I lificbv ii-illfv that thi * abovu Is a true list nf iiilaltlonnl volerH In DKtilct Nn. 1 , Flrsi ward JHAAT JUiiu.v , Itc-gUtrar. Omaha , Nov. 3 , Itpnl IlHtnro Trnnnron. Thn follow IIIK tninsfors w iu liluit Oci 30 , with tliii iKMiiil ) I'lurk ; W K UlaiLiMind uifu to S.imuel MrLeod , K' f lot r H In I tin i Oik mlil , w d- r'i.N.'J ) . U'lllliiiii l.itcy and \\llo and others to < ; < ! niiiiJ ; Paul , | in till lots M and U , block H , lJr.il'i-h add , M ( l.iiOO , ( iciiiu'n II llo 't ' nnd wife nnd ( illiorw to J.iim-s"Kiiblnsoii. lot li , block I * , Oi.iaha View , wd fl.'Ol. A > * > I'.iddock . .mililli ) to ( 'Imilcs A Haw- KIJ and ol hois , lull 7 , \ ti and lu , block 8 , Paddock Plait" , Om.ih i Sl.'iOJ llottli.i Ixllne mil lutsliiiiil to Jane A Mat- tin- , pit to ! lot I'M , Nulsoli add to Olualiu , w It.chaid U J'.itU'ifcoii .mil wlfo nml Uihii.ili.1 I'.itli-i mm. lot 'Ji anil ta , lilnclc 'J , I'nltorKonV hub In lilunv il $ 500 Hlilnc\ Union ( trusicc ) b > .loliu II Ciiui- ) licll , Jnt'2 , block il , W.Ui-ilod. w J-HO All ll.iKi-r anilIIi > In . .loliuV ( iilOllli , Ctlllslic ) 1 1,11 1 III S\\ ' . | III KW1 , ' , SU'O 8 , ir > IH , :51 : nml : ttl-W ) .ictcs , il ' L'li.iilisMd'iiiiiili-U lo.lnliii.l I'liilbln , loU lr > mul 10 , liliii-k . > , Met onuick'i M aUil to Uiiialii , w il . ! 'JVJ , t'limliis Mi ( in mid ; to .loliu ,1 j'lillbln. lots 1 1 a. nil Id. 1 < M. I. , iloriti icli'b - < l iiiUl to Om.ilia \ \ il KI.-.V ) . Aiinli' h Kcti'lall anil liiisb.niU to .Inliu Kcniliill lot 10 , lijocl < I , Um.ili.1 Vltiw , w d ' < - . : , yxi llcur ) A Kiistcis mullli ( In , lurry Hulll- MID. lot ' ' , block ' . ' , Kosln's milt , w il S.'iX ) . liu.xen.i Allcililnill .mil liusb.niil lo W Jii'Kiniii-v. lot 10 , lilocl ; n , toOm.il.i n il SitX ) .Idlia I'f'luclc nml ttlft * lo .Jiiinoi lf H.iu horn , lots i'j mid J'J ' , lilock II ) Klort'iiti ) < 1- i > \im-hiiiul wifn toV H Bi > ilty , lot 'il , tilirK 4 anil lot U block 1 Mncs di mlil , w ( I * ' < > Judo ' ' IK'lm mul uiii ! to Amliiail Ji-n- soi , Sol l ( t d blool ! X3liliiu'.iiJ.iuJ ! < J , w il * ' ) ' ) . Jinn A M'ltHiiil lt > i > h.tiMl to D.ixiu1 I ) .SIIHM' > n , | -ii ii lot I'-'i , Nulritr add to Oniiibii w il i.ww.