. _ t , * . Z = - [ J- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 , 188(5. ( READY FOR THE STRUGGLE , The Campaign in Lancaster County Oloied and tlm Outcome Awaited. NOTES FROM THE STATE HOUSE. Notaries Public Coinmlsslonctl Items AlKitit. tlic Ciptirt Ilotino Uliureh Dedication News About lite Stnto CnpitAl. trnoMTHEnv.v.'nuitror.N nottr.irM 'Kite battle of lliu ballots will bo the ex citement of the tlnv this 2il of November in Lincoln. The two nidus rested on their oars last evening and rested up prcpura- tory for the contest. Vroni the be.st information - formation obtainable It appears that local politicians tin- more In doubt than they have ever been before as to the lig- ures on the results , ana both Hides nre Blow in making figures. Tosirikc a ecu- oral average on the street talk on the question of congressman would give Howe's inajorlty in Lancaster at about hl.v hundred votes below the vole given Judge Weaver two veara ngo. It maybe bo more or less , but tlio o ligures are the average of impressed opinion and are very liberal for tlm Hovuishle . What the prohibition vole will aggregate is a mys tery , that paity claiming that they will poll 1,800 votes and the republicans con reding them 1,000. What the result will bo on thu county ticket is not figured on majorities , thu republicans claiming the election of their entire ticket and the op position claiming that a portion at leahl of theirs will pull through. A good many voters in Lincoln who have been away from home have relumed to vote , and a number of temporary r sldent9 in Lin coin Imvo gone home to vole , among them Deputy Secretary of Slate Winter- Hleiit going to his home at Geneva , and Governor Duwcs going to Crete. Yestcr day noon the governor met Jack Lan ham , the democratic nonilmio for stall Honntor in Saline , anil Hut mooting was ol the most cordial character , the twaii journeying together 10 Crete. The gov ernor is a supporter of Lanham and tliL democratic ticket in Saline. STATi : IIOU.SU NOTKS. Yesterday the board of public land , and buildings were in session in thoi regular monthly meeting , the work beint. largely that of pulsing upon the bills o tlie several stale institutions. The secretary of state's cabinet that he has prepared in which to receive war relics donated to the stale has received several additions of lato. J. T. Quinn has fiirnisned a collection of nminic balls gathered on the battle lielit of Stone Hiver. W. J. Perkins , of Kearney , has furnished a specimen of his handiwork in the line of carving when he was a prisoner at Hello Island , Scciulnrr Kog- gen has contributed a cabinet photo graph of General Grant taken three days before his death , Brad Cook furnislias a soldier's bible and 15. II. Goulding a specimen of oanjstor gathered upon the baltlolicld of Chicamauga. The museum is therefore growing. The steward ol the state university was makingtno rounds ot the state house yes terday , securing the vouchers for pay ment of the professors and employe's at the university. NOTAHIKS IM'BMC. The governor has issued notices to thn following notaries public , hearing data October til ) : J. A. Phillips , Broken Bow ; John A. ( ircunleo , Kearney ; A. U. Halter , Lincoln ; T. J. Alalioncy , Omaha , W. W. limer , Grand Island ; J. J. Urscott , Man chester , Ouster county ; C. O. Miller. Plum < ; reck ; C. A. Harvey , Omaha : Ktigono Schilling , Crete ; E.O Wait. Etisle , C'ass county ; S.B. Waumbiiugh , Kcnruoy ; W. D. Fisher'Lennox , Chase county ; H. M. Bu/ick. Jilobregc , Cliase county ; J. P. Hazard , Lawor , Dawos county ; T. T. O'Connor , Omaha ; J. II. Mooney , Aniiw- hois ; S. B. CHIIII ) . Geneva ; W. W Gray- bill , Aurora ; S. K. Sunns , Lincoln ; U. S. Mockott ; Lincoln ; A. G. Iloflnmu , btroms- burg ; G. W Bode , McCook ; G. H. Tor- williger , Seward ; C. J. Ilyan , Omaha. COUItT NKWS AND NOTKS. The supreme court will meet again on Wednesday of this week , the call of the docket being for cases taken up from the Seventh judicial district. District court adjourned on Saturday last to Wednesday of this week when Judges Pound and Ilnywnrd will open . the docket in criminal business under the call. Yesterday was answer day m county court for the month and to-day the court will be closed nnd no defaults taken until 1 Wednesday whim the agony will bo over. In police court yesterday 8. A. Carson i appeared and swore out an information against A. B. Norton , the party men tioned in yesterday's BEK who tried to gain an entrance Into a private house und was met with a lliUiron. Thu com- pliilnt mode against him was for carry ing concealed weapons and the judge lined him $10 and costs for hid amuse ment. Police court also had tip for hearing yesterday morning a ( tarty named Jacob .Santuu , a former resident of Sheriftan county who lins been ' at railroad work around Lin coln. Sunday night ho visited n house of ill-repute and attcmptoti to pass a i gilded coin with the proprietress , but she * was too onto nnd had the fellow jailed , and ho now has elegant prospects for H ! trip over thu road. The gilded coin was copper cent elided to represent gold and which Santdo attemptutl to pass as a $10 I gold piece. A colored citizen named Ingram , for assault upon his wife , was yesterday ar rested anil will bu given a bearing. The family trouble grow out of too much at tention on tlm part of the man toward a young colored woman , CIltlUCH IllilMOATlON. The now Swedish church , now fairly on the road in the building line , cele ( brated on Sunday the laying of thn cor ner stonu to the structure , the ceremonies being .solemn and impressive and being attended by a largo audiiinco represent ing almost thu entire Swedish population of this ftltv , s well us inuny other citi- x.ons who were hitoriiblwl in tno pi-ojjref-s of the church , Thu location of the church building is on K street , and tlu building when completed will bo a hand some one , tUOUT > THK CITV. John B , Finch talked to the prohlbi tionists in tlm People's thoutru Sunda ) evening to a large aitdiuncu. lie de nounced the republicans us thu enemy ol prohibition , and bore down very lightlj on his friends , the democrats. The third girl with suicidal tendencies who attempted luir life with morphine was up and able to in ) about the btrouU yesterday. After taking the dpso slu awakened and wanted to live , going to i doctor who pumped one thu dose. Do spondonoy was the cause The Milonu on N and Eleventh street kept by Dick Hros. , was taken po essior of SaturdAy last by Sherin" Moliek on ai order of attachment sworn out by Muioi Kltitsch , tlu < former proprietor , Hit boys Illcd tliuir bond and are open agaii for business. A man named Brown died very suddenly donly at his homo on B street Sunday.lhi . physiciano attending giving the cause 01 X. f death as dropsy. Coroner Bobcrts wa railed but ho did nut-consider an intiucs necessary. The family left hohimi Jin needing care and attention , aud thorplic ioeiuty Vhould visit them. The'NebraskuStuaU Zeitung , the las nnd only German paper , in the Kirst. dis trict that has supported Howe , has been oirrtihting extras taking back all it. has paid in favot of Howe and coming out for MfShane. The repairs on engine houe No. 1 are about completed , and in a few days the machines will be dividi-d up , and a new crow put itvohargo at the hou e. Miss Ida third and Mr. J. G. Gilhsplo were married in this city Sunday in the presence of a large number of friends. After to-day the sign at the olllco of the chairman of the congressional commitleo will read "I ) . J. , Coiirtnay , atlorr.ey-at- law. We are out of politics. " Plrst Krcn Twinge. As the season advances , the pains and aches by which rheumati.sm makes Itself known , are experienced after every ex posure. It is not claimed that Hood's Sarsaparilla is a specific for rheumatism we doubt if there is , or can bo , such a remedy. But the thousands benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla , warrant us in urg ing others who stiller from rheumatism to take it before the first keen twinge. A XKW CASS COUNTY TOWN. The Stonily Growth of Wnliimtt Iio- cation null llusitiest IntcrcntH WAUASII , Cass County , Neb. , Oct. 29. This little town is having a miict boom and promises to become a lively and permanent business point. It is situated on the mam line of the Missouri Pacific railway , " -even miles west of Weeping Water , and about twenty-seven miles east of Lincoln , and surrounded by the best agricultural land in Cass county. The town was laid out In August , but the railroad was not in operation until about the llrs > t of September , and the following buildings have been erected since that date : One passenger and freight depot , two grain uievator.s.lwo coal sheds and yards , two lumber yard ? , sheds and olHccs.oighl twelve residences , and one church. The following _ is a list of business houses now established : E. K. Day , general merchandise , grain and stock ; II. J. Straight , general mer chandise ; 'IS. W. Woodruff' , hardware ; S. llullish , dings and postmaster ; O. Jacobs , geiu'ral merchandise. 11. Calvin , blacksmith , J. Johnson , blacksmith ; Snyder Bros. , wagon shop ; D. E. Hay , arglcultural implements ; J. Manion , stock dealer , Adams & Gilchrish , grain aud lumber ; Beardsley , Clark & Co , . lumber and coal ; L. llullish , notion store ; J. Cowoll , boarding house ; Samuel Hutton , real estate aud jnsuranco. This station has shipped .since Sop ti'iuber 1st. , 18'J cars of giain and live .stock , and received freight ot all classes 1 .131) ) , lit ! ) pounds , which we call a first class showimr for a country town .scarce two month ? , old. Wabaah is beautifully Mluatod on the north hlopo of the vallov of the Weeping Water , supported by a wealthy and first class farming community , and the pres et boom is owning largely to the great interest , the farmers feel for their little pity which allbrds them such a good market so near homo. The Missouri Pacific Hallway Company also gives the town its hearty support aud encourage ment , appreciating its future value to their system in Nebraska. We are in need of the tolloutns repre sentation in trade , vii : A weekly paper aud a good bank ; clothing and dry cooils store , meat market , hat ness shop , livery stable , bakery'and barber , and a ftood hotel , all of which would do well , and wo hope to have them within the next thirty days. Business men here aiu too busy to dis cuss politics during the clay , but the large number of the Evening lHn : sold on ar rival of the Missouri Pacific : evening lia'm shows there is no looi : of interest in the important issues of the day , and the .sentiment of this community. COMMERCIAL ToinaaT B Soothing , safe , sure. No poisons in Ked Star Cough Cure. Price , twenty-live cents. Additional Iiist , Second District , Firs Ward. Ailnir W 8th and Cnstell.tr Andetson N cor liilli and Dorcas Adovck Lee Utli bet Hickory atiU Burgs t torn H.I 14H7 ( Mil Betterson 11 ISth und I'ieico Brnnniek J 1-tli and Dorcas Harot K l.VJO s llth 15i aim Nelso J 1JEO s llth CailKd 1U14 Ple.rco ClitlstophiTSon 1719s llth Chillies J V 1414 s 10th CarrlKan .Jns cor IStli and Vinton Cliristonsen John Nelson 1540 lath Due Michael IWtt s llth Dempsuy M K l'J14 I'icrco Dolnk John Uth and Hickory Dlnelilor Joseph 1M6 t > ISIh Druxel A K cor 10th ana Williams. Dnie/al John 131S s lath Doolittlu Wnlles W cor 10th and Martha Donuiilly B l a s nth Donciiuo O A 12tlt near Castellar Klsasser Peter cot ; 12th ana Caotollar I'lToTKrank W13 s Wth Koibes H cor 7th and Pnclflo FiunasFD 1545 sllth Korgnrty Kn UOT 8 ISth ( Jarvey .Iiio)804 ) sllth Ulnncy K M IX Charles nenrOth ( illduy Ktiink cor Kith and Dorcas Harrison W H 1205 Piercp llemmoison 11 Heurv lOtli near Center Jlvelk Julius ISM s loth Hanson Jimruen cor 12IU and Dorcas HolTman , lou cor iUh : and Williams Henry Josla eor lit ! ) and Castellar J limn Henry lflM s Wit , Iackw > n Jainrs corOtli and Castellar JessClntis Ullla'.Hli Jackobson Jolin 149.s ! ! 10th Kolas JosephlSHsmii Khigsborry 1' B lb"JU Doicns Knrr U C int : : s rjth Kiildnmim Clmiles cor llth and Vinton Lcaroy i1 J l'JOi ; Paoltlo , LohnosDlMlfflisUth Lynch PV 1'Jtli hot Center and Doretts Luinkins Uuburt IDlHs llth Looker Win A , Williams bet 12th and 131U Mlrkul T 1 ! cor 18th anil Arbor MnttMMi P D 14XsHMi : ) MalliliHon John IMOs 1'th ' Moruy Win Uitli and Center Mmuspii T P Uith nnd Vinton MnliorJolm 1'Jth Onturnnd Dorcas JletCiilf .Ipsepli M cor llth anil Pie.rce Mixttscn P .1 Dili hot llh'kory and Doicas Malln Jluch cor 12th nnd BrlKu'8 Mislevcc Vaolow , but William 12th and 13th MuMilhm John. Aibor bet I''lh and lath McCovsin L II llth Iwt Center and Doicnu McCowIn John liis ! : lUh I ) eor llth ftiul Cnstellnr McCowiu \ L llth bet Centui and Doicas Nelson Lais ! ' 171 isioth PcMr.-on John 1114s nth Pomy ItPlnliaid cor Will and Pierce Itln snuith Frank 1010 b 12th Ko s H J UMtf IQtli Itnbln John 10th neai Charles IthiK Tliomws i or Uith Mid Vinton UiMi5i.ri.lifk John I' ts Hiih Klnn AV 12th near Center Koss John 12tli and Dou'.is bhophaid L 10th and Ailwr Sehlecht Jacob cor luth and Pleiro Swaelna Martin cor lOih and Williams Seiaanek John lUthbet Pierce and Williams .Stout J K llth near Uttes Schneider V W 1407 s Uth StioiiBO V 1.VJ7 s 12th .Sle.lnhiiu.ser Herman 810 Hickory Sullivan 1' It twi Pioico Schudtike John P cor 13th and Bancroft Stiles John Olh near Ulmilns Sullivan Can 10111 Pucliio Suiman .leiry U 101H 1'aclflo Sw-BClnaJ W lifts Wllllaias Spauily S 1U.3 s 10th Trarey Janus llth near Vinton Tlcrnoy John 713 Pnciiie Thomas S K t > th and Hickory Vanous Antliony Williams bet ICth and 13th YanderixM ) ! Kcormhaiul Pacltio iVattsen C H cor l < Uh and Martha Willis Chatty 10th near Clmiles Wacner P 1510 R llth WlnkfJniflnn W L iOl sOtU Youni ; D HIS s flh 1 hereby certify that the nbovo name" am a correct list uf tno le nl voters of it district , First ward.Hr.NIIV Hr.NIIV KUIIEXITORT , lU-Klstrar 2d dlbU 1st ward. A -TRAVELER IN BERLIN , Sights and Scones in the Gajiital of Qormany. THE RESULTS OF DUELING. A 1'ollto People Opnrn filnsses nnd Hoiln Water Tlie Cost of Albert SutlinV , writing to the San trail- cl.sco Chronlclo from Berlin , says : Ber lin stands in the midst of a network of winding streams , which have an imper ceptible tendency toward the Baltic and the North sea. Alaivdi.y lakes are dis tributed along them like beads on a string , and smaller waterways run hither and thither across the country , linking lakes ami rivers together ami making intercommunication perfect. Locks arc used whenever their nssKtanco Is needed. Vet , though you can go no where without traversing several watercourses - courses , along which boats are moving by draft or by sails , and passing along the t-horosof lakes or .seeing them through forest vistas , you are conscious ot no resemblance - semblance whatever to Holland. The dry land is drier- i , In fact , often.sandy. The water is not so wet. You are not forever conscious of the nearness of the sua. The poverty of the .soil is continu ally thrusting itsi-lf on your attention. Not lung seems to grow well but pines in the greater pail of the region about the capital , and of these there are forests everywhere , and .seemingly never end ing. There is no variety in them. The trees are a.s thick as they can Maud , and the trunks am tallslender and as .straight a.s pip-Hems. All this uniformity of pine lands is the result of an efTortalaHbri'sta- lion , made , judging by the si/.o of the trees , some thirty or forty years. Here and there are what look like market gardens OroaMonallv there are orch ards and occasionally grainlields. Very good fruit is raided about Potsdamwiden is sold chc.ap In the markets of Berlin. I'ATitotTio rixiri.i : . Tell the Berlmese about the barrenness of their country and they will reply that there aie fertile provinces oh".somewhere in some direction , which the traveler is never dustined to tee , for he go s to Prussia only to spe Berlin anu its en virons , and them to turn his steps toxvard Frankfurt , Dresden , Hamburg , Cologne or other places lex ? Hal , less given to pine wood * , more interesting. Wo sometimes wonder that the great Frederick could have done so much with .such an unfertile country and such a poor people. Vet , when wo come to remi'inbor , the people of barren countrieH have always been valiant in battle. Witness the Xois111011 , thu Scotch , the Swiss , the hordes from the broad sandy wastes of Central Asia and tin- rocky altitudes of the Attar mountains , who have at different limes overrun Kurope. And when , after his victories , the eonntiy was impoverished , with its wounds still bleeding , without roofs to cover its head or cloth iu < r to hide its nakedue.ss , and striving vainly to count its dead , Frederick t-K- haunted land and people still futther to build palaces and create parks , where he .surrounded himself with savants and works of art. aud lived in tht > lap of luxury till he died. Prussia is a country that has had all the war it wants not only in the last but in the present century : It remembers and ivspects the great Fred erick , but docs not caru to imitate him. Its experience during the time of thoFirM Napoleon was melancholy in the extreme. Besides this , the Prussian is as good- hcailcd and peaceably disposed person as can bo found anywhere in the uni verse , tic wants no bloodshed only his beer , and now aud then his rhino wine. He i.s not like the Latin nations. Ho is willing to forgive and forget ; . But if war must come , ho will take it as it comes , and liyhl it out to the bitter end. nuiNKiNc ; AND utrr.MNO. Beer llnw * > freely in Berlin , as it tlows everywhere else in the ( ierman empire , but it causes little blood-lotting. It is > , m fact , the cause of very little noito or dis turbance of any kind. There is a coarsely vicious element of the population which la constantly increasing'but its presence is not unpleasantly manifest to a stranger. But what docssurpri.se the vi.sitor is the number of scarred faces which he sees everywhere , the result of the barbarous mode of dueling oommon among the stu dents. Sometimes you will sec young men with a fcinglc gash across the check , sometimes with several crossing ono an other at all angles. The .scars remain so deep that it is evident the original wounds were hideous. Faces that wore once handsome ore thus marred forever. And there is uo equality or justice in this method of dueling. Success is with the longest and strongest arm , the skill of the antagonists being equal. One young blonde Prussian , with cheek covered with red lines running in all ( im-elions , and so numerous that the original smooth texture of the skin is en tirely destroyed , has bv accident cross d my pa h repeatedly. He must have been oiice handsome , though his looks are now repulsive. Ho was no doubt amiable , though he seems so no longer. In fact , I know he is amiable , for having one day to ask him for some information at the Frederick street station , he replied kindly , supplementing his desire to bo accommodating by a .smile intended to be agreeable and going far out of his way to assist mo. The reason of his com plicated sears was apparent at a glance , lie was short and stout and ho had been overreached and overborne in combat by tailor ami stronger adversaries. Ho had shown his bravery on several occat-lons , though ho was evidently no bully. JllSMAItCIC's VlfiW. What principle of honor or justice is there in this one bided system ot dueling more than there was in thu ordeal of battle in the middle ages * Bismarck ap pears to think there is a a good deal. He lias hlmselt intimated that ho judges his young countrymen by the number of sears on their checks , though it has not boon ahown that the scarred heroes of thu universities , have fought butter on the bloody fields that have signali/ed his supremacy behind the throne than those whoso curriculum has been uutroly that ot schools of the lower order , Quito enough of the warlike spirit has been found in Germany ( o satisfy the necessi ties of provioue wars , and will doubtless bit found again when it is needed. The question of rotative polite- nuss oc-curs in the connection. I have heard American ladies nun gentlemen complain of rudeness on the purl of ( Jor- man olliclals. Knglish travelers are al ways tolling about the rudeness of some body or other on the continentforgetting that it is usually caused by their own su perciliousness. Those oflunses are often charged to the account of railroad em ployes , who form the class with whom , next to proprietors of hotels anil their sorrnnts , travelers como most in uontaot. Hmteiifss there may sometimes be , for ' the German character is' frank and oc casionally brusque , but intentional impo liteness Is ruro , either with the employes of the government or with those of cor porations MAKINO THINGS PI.KASAKT. The conductor is as a rule good-uatui ed. He > miles upon you when he punches your ticket with all the sweetness and be nignity of which a countenance not usually handsome i capable , Ho docs all that time will permit in the way of explanation and information. The em ployes lit the tuntion houses almost always manifest the same disposition , In the eating houses along the line you are | kindly received nud there is no etlbrt to defraud you. If the refreshments arc not to your taste you do not partake of them aud no malice is harbored because of your abstinence. German hotels nlay sometimes bo high-priced nnd not alto gether agreeable , but it Is not hard to come to an tth'dcr.standing , and wlion you take joilr leave it Is an exception if you find unanticipated and unreasonable charges in your bill. ou get on well with \l\o \ \ trading elasM-3. If there is a difference of opinion regard ing price you arguo-H out without preju dice. Ifj'ousco h'f to depart without purchasing the heart of the shopkeeper swells wltn disappointment , perhaps but not with anger. In Franco 5t Udilruront. ) isaureoinonts with , hotel keepers and hopkcepcrs are common. \ \ lion you cave a hotel , except those of n ecrtain lass , with which tlicro has been a deli- die under.st.xuding , ever. } ellort is made o swell your bill. If you leave n Pans ihop without purchasing you arc often 'oilowed bv angry looks and .sometimes V insulting expressions. Yet Urn formal jolileiiess of tlie French itlways exceeds hat of the ( lormaus. But it is certain that luce Sedan they nrn at heart loss klmllv. t is true with a nation as it is with an ndivldual , that the wounding of its mottr propre does hot sweeten its char- icier. A POtIl CITV. Berlin is a solid city , for the Berlin haracter is deep and substantial. Us lOlldily is more marlfest than it * good aste , thcuili ; this is by uo moans alwavs aoking. Since Germany has endeavored o compete with France in the markets of he world .she has attempted to imitate Vouch goods , even those into which art argetv enters , but with imperfect sue- ! CHS. German cloths are not < - < | ua' ' to .hose of cither England , France or Bel gium. German hosiery is > invariably imor. Gorman jewelry is honc.st , but not is tasteful a.s thai made in Paris or in S'ow York and San Francisco. So with ho infinite category of fancy goods. A 'hop ' window on the Untor den Linden lees not compare favorably with one ou lite Paris boulevards , either in respect lo piality of goods , elegance of pattern or asto ot arrangement. AN bother it it suit of clothes , a nightshirt , necklle , or a set of toilet cIcH , the want of skill in making and if taste in designing i.s seen at a glance. On the other hand there is no apparent jllbrt tomako a thing .seem better than it s. On this point the purchaser is rarely leeeivpd. In Franco he i.s liable lo nan.y mistakes , for as the principle on which a thing is made is that it must sell , a most Slogan ! exterior often covers an article utterly worthless. Thisisollon rue in regard to opera glasses , an article > vlueli , as it is much soon , a ecrtain class of not very wise persons seek to have ex tremely elegant regardless of quality. It is one of the human weaknesses that .he French have loujr understood aud freely trade on. The French ornamental clock is made to look at but not to go. riio French opera glasses are made to OOK at and not to look through. You jan lind good opera glasses in Pan * , | mt they are generally in poor onsi-a. ( ! L.\ssis : MAIM ; KOH USK. In Germany the opeira classes are not much to look at , but they are excellent , probably the best in the world , and they : ire cheap. Next to them in excellence : ! omo those made in Kugland , which are nearly as good. The tact is , however , the lenses used in Paris and London are .argolv imported from Germany , and to English aud French' .skill is due simply their arrangement and setting. Yet the French , owing merely to the good t.isto ihoy have .shown in the exterior of their opera glasses , still monopolize- tradn of the world. In New York , San Fran cisco , in Spain , Italy , Russia aud in fact everywhere on the continent except in Germany , the demand for this neces sary article is .supplied in Paris. Why do not our merchants go to London , or to some German city for opera , lield aud marine glasses ? Thrt'.Tlcnch clollis are superior to Gorman cloths , aud French fancy articles more tasteful than tho-'o made in Dresden and Berlin is no rea son why wo .should go on buying magni fying glasses m Franco , when those made in Germany are cheaper and cost only halt as much. To buy a much used article in the poorest and dearest mar ket , is not in accord with that sound "horse soiife" with the possession of which the Americans are sometime credited. SIIJNUII : > SOHA WATKK. There is another article that is well made in Berlin. Its manufacture docs not demand a high degree of mechanical skill , nor is it ot suOicicnt importance to be quoted in Ihu financial columns of great journals. It is .soda wator. All along the Untor don Linden are little kiosks , in which a woman , more or less ugly , stands behind a little counter and deals out soda water , which shn draws from a small fountain. The glasses are not largo , but the water is very cold , re freshing and cheap. As you approach the kiosk she looks nt you inquirin. Then if yon say nothing nor lips unclosn and , with a brevity which lethe very soul of wit , she says : mitodorohnc. If you reply mit she puts some sirup in the glass , lemon or otherwise , and draws the soda water into it. If you are simply thirsty and say olme , she gives you a glass of the water without the sirup and you pay nor 5 pfonnigo ( a cent and a fifth ) . The pfennigo is a very small coin , buc tlm Germans do not scorn it. For the soda water mit you pay twice as much. A few ginger cakes and perhaps an ounce or two of peppermint candy complete the stock of the soda water ven dor. These kiosks are a s\yeot boon to those who like to quench their thirst in a manner at once cheap , unpretentious anil satisfying. Another reason for preferring the waiter is that it is filtered. It is hon estly charged with carbonic acid gas , which gives the beverage a certain sting and piquancy. Carbonic acid gas in cheap in Berlin. It is not supposed to bo very expensive anywhere , though the way soda fountains are otten charged in America would lead those who pationi/o the drugstores to that conclusion , The establishment in summer of similar drinking places in American cities fur nished with soda water equally good equally cold and nearly as e'.ioap wouh bo a blessing to a largo class ot poor pee pie and a convenience to many who uru not poor , but who would bleu to quonol their thirst without entering bar-rooms or drinking from the public fountains whoso water is charged with vegetable or other impurities. „ „ MUSKUMS AND PUTI'lli : GAI.I.CIIIKS. Them are travelers \vlio are known to thank God devoutly When they enter city and find there aru no museums 01 picture galleries to vl ! t , That loaves ft great deal of time tojbo otherwise cm ployed , for a great gallery of pictures re quires time , and a visit'to ' it is Attendee with not a little fatigue1. When there are several it is positively n-wearincss to the llosh Then there are so many of then in Huropo , and though they are alwa > s interesting they repres ( > it | with more or less sameness the san'jo schools and the same maslers , It Is not , , therefore , won derful that travelers are sometimes grati lied to rest the eyes and the esthetic sense in the intervals of their absence There is.so much more time left for rest which every traveler occasionally needs , and if not tor painting the towi red , at least for those milder forms o dissipation which are permitted to the most fccdate American when In forclgi parts , It is not permitted in Berlin to rejoice over the absence of museum * that term in Kurope , it being remembered bored , being applied to combined collec tions of antiquities , curiosities of sovera kinds , statues and pictures , the last tisu ally biting , to most tourists , the most in foresting part. There are two extensiv picture galleries , not the most interest Ing in Europe , though containing ul schools. There are abe several smallu collections of pictures , ftn agrioultura museum , a museum of arms , a and zoological garden , and other things of interest if a person has the time. Zo ological and botanical gardens arc niiiqli ho same everywhere. i.n i MI EXTESSCS. Living Is not expensive in Berlin. Bper , he chief article of diet , can bo had al 3 icnts to 5 cents n glass.and usually good ; Ihlno and Moselle lablo wine , also very ; oed , and almost always pi'rc , at from 3 cents to ! IO cents or more the half-hot- lo. Al the best hotels you paVi.l cents or the midday brenkfa * ! and $1 tor the llnncr. the wino being ehargpd extra , 'lie cuisine is French , with native pe culiarities , but it has never the delicacy ) f taste ono linds in Pari > . The garcon * ire willing and attentive , but not too uindy in the pciformancc of their duties , u the matter of eating , though the 'ri'iich ' ciii-lnc came in uilh Frederick he ( treat , Voltaire and the \\atlenu andseapes , the Mandard of excellence ms not been well maintained. I'ho American would ptpfcr more ippf and less veal. llo can lave a bucfstcaK if lie dcMfe.s , for which in pays twice a * much a * one of HIP samp i/c would cost him in San r'rancisco , and t Is not so good. I'oriKi cents ono can lave as good a meal nl the city of Ilia 'olden ' Gale as for 75 cents in Berlin.- vhethor ho takes it at a pretentious holel ir in one ot the so-called restaurants of he .second class in the 11 liter den Linden , vhero they .servo you on a ruth1 table vitltonl n tablecloth ; but the Moselle vine is bi'llcr. The German appetite is uoro easily satisfied. It is perhaps ns well. U hen the Gorman la to be- 'om.es luxurious the.y will waulr : even ess than they want it now. and the chances arc they will not light their b.lt- los so well. "Lay thy sweet hands in mint1. ' ' he said , but MIC only remarked that she hid : icurnlsiia ami must hold her head. He rave her Salvation Oil and now he- holds tor sweet hands by lite hour. From almost every section of the State come reports of a general impiovt'incnl > f Die health of our peopledtii > , no doubt , p Iho inthiHieo of Dr. Bull's ( "uugh Syrup , which costs only 'i3 cents. I > Jr . StPwnrt'H Home MH , Mrs. A. T. Stewart was S',1 years and -1 lays old when the expired. ' It was old ige rather than the cold that cau cd IHT loath. She was a girl ol 1'J years when S'apoleon ceased to be emperor of 'ranee. She could remember back to the lime .lofl'er > ou was piv tuent.in < l.lai'k on i boy. Bom in New York , she could tv- collect when tint vast city , with all thp .irooklyu suburb * , did not contain the ) re ent population of Milwaukee. Mrs. Stewart devoted hcrse.li to charity iftor her husband's death. She com ileted thi ! Woman's home. She saw the juthedral dedicated last year , costing jvor # 1,000,000. The ; boys' school , ea- lable of accommodating troni fiOl to 00 , ) mpils , has been put on a prosperous jasN lor a sum a little ! e31 linn ! ? limO,0HI. ! mil lilims were in preparation for the girls' school Mrs. Stewart , with her simple tastes , lid not feel wholly at casein hcrsplendid liomo She. occupied as a bedroom the room at the southwest corner of the muse , on the. third floor She preferred . o/.y comfort to splendor. She break- [ ; ! .sted at ! > a m. , took a ijrivc or went shopping , dined at li p. m. . then usually took a two hours'drive , had tea at C.l : ! ) and received friends or' passed the. evening with them at thp'tr liomos. She occasionally attended a re ception. She was slender and barely of medium bight , wore light-broun false Iniir over her snowy white , had grayiMi , blue eyes , a large mouth , and a rather largo nose. Mrs. Stewart attended St. Mark's church until her husband's ' body was stolen. Since then she has bce.n identified with no one place of worship unless it be the church of the Incarna tion . Colin , Cramps , and P.UIIS in the Stomach ach , are quickly subdued b\ taking a few drops of Dr. .L H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment on sugar or mixed in syrup. Don CarloV Oro.it Wpnltli. London World , Don Carlo- and the Duchess of Madrid have taken tin their resilience at the Chateau of Fronsdorf , which was bequeathed to them bv the late Comtesao dp Chambord , together with an immense fortune , and they will doubtless inherit another three mill ions sterling at the very least , on the death of his mother , the Archduchess .Mario Beatrice , who resides al Grafin great soelus-iou. The Comtesso dnCham bord bequallied a sum of half a million sterling to ther oldest son a lad of 10 who is neing educated at Beaumont , the Jesuit school near Windsor. The Com- tosso do Chambord bcqueathos the re mainder of her vast forlunu , along with the domain of Chambord , to tier other nephew , the Count do Bardt. The Or leans princes have very substantial grounds for deploring the futility of their attitude toward the Uonito de Chambord and the tardiness of their reconciliation with him , for If they had submitted to him when the Comte do Paris attained his nmjority , the whole tamily would have been on the most amicable terms , and they would now be sonic millions richer. The funeral of Birdie Farrell occurred yesterday afternoon from 1207 Park Wilde avenue , and vas attended by a largo number of friends.Q MOST PERFECT MADQ Prepared with strict reusfd toPnrlty , StrangtU , nn4 lluultUfulnwa. Ur.l'rlcu'tflidklut'Powd rco3t&ln > poAminonl , LImeAlumorl'liOrjiutt ) ) .li.rdco'a Kitractu , Vaulila , Letnoc , etc. , UuvcrdsUcioual/ . Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NKBRASKA. Paid up Capitnl $ ? COOOO Burplub 30,000 U. W. Yatc1) , President. A. K. Tou/alin , v"ire I'rcslilont. W. ll B , IluKlios , Ca-iler. ! PIIIEUTOIU : \V. V. Alorse , Joint S. Collitu , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Hood. A. K. Toux.aliu. BANKING OFriOE : THE JJRON BANK , Cor 12th and Ftrnnm : Sts A Oeacral Batikintr Jiiisincsn Trunsacted. N. W , HARKIS & Co. JlAXKKliti , ClllUA CO. DniinC or Countlea , Cities nnd other * of DUUUu hljtli Krado bought nnd sold Kngtrra offloo en Dtivousblre u liostoo. Corrcipond- nco eoliclud. ARMOU R. * CO. , STAR STAR HAM Delicious Flavor , No pains tire spared to make those1 meats THE BEST that can bo produced , Voople of EPICUREAN TASTES are highly pleased with them. Ifyotir tlrtK rr < Mnrltutmnii do not krrp ibeuiotnl direct to Armour vV Co. . ( ; hlrnvu PUTS AND CALLS. On Whu.tt , Corn , O.-un , I'oi-k. I.ni-J nnd It. It. OL-KR , for Uiiiu ntiit Short Timn. Si-tut tor I'rlra buuliir H. I' . IIAUT A. Co. , 1O ) Wnjliinirton St. , UliU-niro , III. Haliut-ncu : Air.orlciui ICx- clinniNMIonul Hunk UHAXiT DlMlllr.l lor TJil BEST U E9UALEDIorCONStlMPrlO WASTING DISEASES Ind GENERAL DEUIIUY. PERFECTS DIQESTiON Pit KPtV \VA1il.INQ. . Eur pi-on In I'hlrr , Nall.'uil ( liian of N J. , vrillm "Mv > U i > tli > n i < rnttrol ti ynur Uf-\at nr M lit M lti l.i-t b ) fjr lM\ar \ , IlniffiU , uf livnlun Ml. I I lnVf IIM-il A If" Ulltlvl llh fill lifttrr cflfi-l Iliin liny lutfl Imtl 1 nin r4rtinitnonilin ( yant nrtlclo In "i.T pmrticc , mil. Hud It lery ulMactvrjr. " BEWAES OP IMITAIICKS. 07 * Tl > OfMiIno tiAt Ilitf Mlunntuit o lilsvllt * . MfM'KI.SlIV of B3 l . EISKER& 316.318 and 320 RAM St. . Philadelphia. , ! Goodman lru < r CV > , ( ? enl Nebraska. FOI7 LADIES , MISSES AKO CHILDREN. Onr prodnctiutiM nrc ttc perfection of Hlioc-analclmar. In them Every Objection to ready-mnds Blioet U removed. The success Blanco nttalned by our gondi vjhrtever Introduced t * because they ace glove-fittine , elecnnt in style and finish , of the finest materials uiid xvorkmanshi" , and moderate in plicc. The horrors of brcaklnc-I" are avoided : they arc comfortable from the very fir t. Made in all clcs , wlJtlm and shapes. Loiti onSalttfor KnmeandAilJrtu of J. & T. COUSINS , YOSIK. C For Stlc : hy llaywnnt 15ros. , 007 How- nrtl Stn'ot , Oiutiltn. FOH WHISKERS. MUSTACHES AND BALDNESS "USE HIRSUTINE.-M.'C.tW : " " ' TRADEMARK \k , iu u.u. LO. , > oi * sot c l CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Tlie OrJKlunl itml Only Ocimlne. lajliprouble lo LADIES. A k y > ir llruKcM far "Cblctir.Ur' . Knell.li-.o'l ' Ute nlbtr.pr ( itl..i It rilAmr ) w m lor | > &rtlcultr in lttt r bj rcturu until. NAME PAPER. i'MoJiMtir ' Oheifilr.l ( hi. , liR IH MxlUuu "iu r , 1'blluilu. . i'n. Bold bj HravxUli CTCrjnlirrc. l > k l.r " < fclrnc * . * Kngllth" IVnnrri'j * ! rill * . T Vf n lh i "NEBRASKA MAP. Inrolois.iliowd nil counlluj , towns , ruilro MUIcd for''fc. Omiilm City Map , lionndiluuir.s , etc.S3o. Nobrnsku.Suite Uiwnttc , Ilusliic8 Dircctoiy d farmer's List , JJ > . J. M , WOLVR i CO. , 120 S. Htli Ht. . OiimHu , Kob. VmtiitTprlnarrAmf.nMl'Vlaor , l\rr l l I > r > illlly. I.l.oC .r O rll * , * . , ptc , rfflilHirf from In. ill cr l3n , mcmc < ( nr ov 1 1 work , rurril T.U | Ftluui'.cl , nrM.r < Jt.liVlhl ) nRIAT MAftSfON TBIATMtHT , &nM.A / fillrrt hhnulil IHr J Ii ; Kalharfl A tilarml liuliplmndi nf lilclr Sran Jilltplrlo wllll lnromalluiitr jUuplaJill nuu. MABSION REMtDT CO. 10 P rk PUce , Nnw York. Moiit.on Omnlin llrn. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIOEGiORY ullt. Nonly KurnlsUud The Tremont , J. T. VlTMlKKAliH A bON , I'loprlotois. Cor , Hh iiml 1'rHi , Llnunln , Nob. II ( tin ! l fi'l ' per flujr. Suiioi curs /romliuutu to nr pirt or i lie CU ) jTli. \ V.HAKINSJ Architect , oniiTH 3) ) . : > l mi.I VI , iti'jliunh llloclr , Lincoln , Nub. Kluvntur nn lllli btreot. Hri'iKloriil llrrmlflrnC QAI.I.OUAI'ATTI.E. . SIIIHII HiiuvUArrLi F.M WOODS , Live Stock Auctioneer fnilos intdo In till imrtu of Ih'j U S. tttlulr rnl < n. Jtoniu 'J.HIiilo JUook , Lincoln , fi'dl ) . tiiilluway und Short Horn l > n " " 11 , COl Farm Loans am ! Insurance , CorrciMomlenrn In ictrarl In loan' ' ) snllL-ltuL Jloom i , JticliHnU Illoi'k , l.liiuoln. Neb. Riverside Short Horns Of eirlctly IIUIQ liutui iiml llHtusTupfiuUc-attle. Herd numliurH itbout Ii' llsii'J. fninllluH rupro" < 'titfli I'llborts. Cr.tt'i8 , AcoinliB. llcnlu.c , Host ) of MiuioiiH , ftiiai lto < v K'nlxlillV JJuiH - acJ , Kbit t'rouk vouiu Mar/d , riiyllloo , l.ounue unit True l.ovos llulli lorulo , t 1'ilru Hitler I'llnert. I I'uro CHH-II ruKKD. 1 Honeof Sliicvon. 1 Vouiu Mury. 1 I'uio Crulck HliunU ni | otliins Coino unit liui.ccllliu lierl. Addict , ( . 'HAS. ' M. 11UAN- SON.Umuln.Nob. When iiiLlnooln flopal National Hotel , And KOI n uooiluliiunr fo - > o. TUB CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK TUB Chicago , Milwaukee fiSt , Paul R'y ' THE BEST ROUTE hci-i mm Hi coma eiiif.s it TIBL-E WO TKA1N3 DA1I.T. UKTWRBN OMAHA. 1 COtNCtL Ul.tl'FS Chioniro , AND Mllwnnkco , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapidi , Minton , Dubuqtic , Davenport , lock Island. Freeport , Bockfortl , El ( jiu , Madison , .lauosvlllo , teloit , Winutia , La Crosse , Ami nil othrr Important points Uast , Northeail nnd Soutlioiut. KOI through tick ft. i cixll on ttio Ticket Alton it ttoi Knrnnm ! > lroM ( la I'niton Hotel ) , or 'iilini 1'm-lflo Depot. I'liUiuiiiittii-oDpiflHnil thn nnaat Dlnlnc Cnn ntlio world nrn run on tlie main HUM of tlm JlllOUlO , Mll.WAltkVR 4 ST. t'Atll. ItAII.YTAT , itul CTptT Rtlunllon It palil to pnssetiEora by I \ ' .I . of tlio < , -out teens employes t ompnnjr K. Mlt.l.Mi , lloiicrnl MMinpnr. J. F. TUCKKII. AsslMRiit ( Jnnornl M n B r. A V. H 1'AitrsNTi.li , Ooiierat PaMinrcr ud 'iokot AiinnU . _ . OLD. n. llKArrrmn , Assistant OenoriU 1'Mien- per mill Ticket Airnilt J. T. CI.AUK. Guiierul SupoHntonilont. P. BOYER & CO. iiAt.nii3 ) in and 4aH ! Work. 1020 I'anmui iSUect , .Omaha. Neb. led Star Line CarrytiiKthnnolj-lura Hoyat nnJ Tlnltod SUtoJ WnU.HilllnK uvvry MUunlay Between Sniwcra & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. I'Al.lj AND W1NT1UI. Ralon from (60 to $7 ; . r.vourslon trip from ( HO to JUi. SocouJ Cabin , uutwtira , ( Ui neimiil , $44 ; oicur > lun I 0. fllonra a pMsafra nt low rates. Color Wrlirht * Unnt , Gonorn Affontg , Di Itronilwnr. Nuw VorK. Ilonry 1'uirlt , lils Kiirniimst. : Paulson & Co. His Itanium HI : 1) . t ) . Fiei-ninii , VSl l-'iini.xra it ORTli- ORTliTERN TERN HAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs Aud Chicago. Tli only road to take for Dei Molncs , Mtir- ghnlllo < vn , ( oitnr linnlils. Clinton , Dixie. Oblca- ire , Milwnii\eo H ! | points emt. To tliapeo- pie of Nebraska , Colorado. Wyoming. Utah , Iilnlio.NovndB , On'Knn. Wnnhlnjfton nnd Call- foilla ) H offprH superior advantaitei not potsl- liln bv any othnr line. Amniiff n frvr of the numeroiiepolntn of tu- pcrloilty nnJnyM by the patrons of thin road notnfu-nOtnnlfiiand ClilonBO , nr itfl two trnlaf nOnror DAV COACHKS wliloh arc the flnoil tint hcitnun urt nnrt nponiilty can orcato. IU I'ALACU HIiKRlMNG CAU8. rfbloh re models of comfort and olognnre ltd I'AKIXJIt DHAW- I.VO HOCIM f-AIlS , iinsiiiriB < ifu ( ] tir any , and ItJ widely cotnlirntcd 1'AI.ATIAI. TUNiml OARS , tlicp iiml ofshloli cnnnnt bo found elitwlmro. At Ooimoll IIlnlTs tlm tnUnaof the Union I'act- flo Ry. connect In I'nion Depot with tboM of the Chicftgn & Noithwi-stnrn Ity. In Clilnago tbn traltig of this linn nmka cloee connection with thof * nf nil oantnrn lines For Dntrolt , Columbus. Tndlnnapollli Clnolo- natl. Nlasiir.i Fnllg. Hnffulo , ritlsburir , Toronto , Mnntroul. 1'ncton. Nuw York , Plilludolphln , r. t- I tiinore. WnshlnRton find all points In th east , aik thu ticket OKcnl for tlrkntn via the "NOUrUWKSTKHN. " Tf yon wlih thn host aowinimndatlom. AH licliet np-nnls sell tldcuts vlnthla line. * M. nrc.iirrr , K. r. WILSON. UoiKinil Munnirnr. Ornl. 1'ais'r , w M iiAiicocic.011'011 ' ' J"'L. iu n Conl.Wostern AKt. Oilv I 11111'nniain St. , Omaha , Neb. Time Table OMAHA. ThofolloiTliu ? Is the thno of arrival and de- pnttiiroof trnlim IIT Ceiitrnl Standard Tlmo at the local dupntH. Trnliin of the C. , 3U 1' . , M. & O. arrive nnd ilopart from their depot , corner ot Hth mid Vt'ul > stnr8lr < iotH : trnln * on tne U. & M. C. II. AQ. nnd 1C. C. , SU J. & p II. from the IU k M. depot all othurs from the Union 1'nulflo dl > POt' HUJDOB TKAINB. Krlduo trains will louvu U 1' . depot at 8:31- : fi7:3r3:00 : : -j > : iu 8no I1IOOU 11UU : a. in. : 111:0 - laj : lM-2UO : 3:00 : U4:0'J : ' 5lio : 6:3(1 : ( tlO- : 7:00-11:1(1 : : ( p. in. Lenro Tramfor for Omnha ni7:13-BI : ! > " 9n : ; - 11:37 : n.m.lf7 2:1 : 3TT : llKp. : m. J.niuo Droailwny 10 ni p. rn ; ArlvoOmnha 11 < K ) . I.v. Oinalm lOUOp. m. : Ar. Ilroiulway KILT ) . In uffuct Aupiist SUt'i until further no- tlco. ThiaM udilitlounl to pro ont truln sorvjoe. J. W. MOIWU , . ! . A. CONNRCTINU TiINKS. Arrivnl nnd duiiailiuo of trulas from the TraUHfur D < iiot | nt Con null HliilTs : UKI-AIIT. AHIIIVt ciiicAno , HOCK IHI.AND fc pxcitic. 117ir : , A. M. I JUHx. : M. It'JirA. . I 116:10 : r. u. rUitlll- . I II7Wi' : . u. CIIIOAUO k Nlinilvri8TEKK. ( u. Atl5A. ! : K. A r:40 : I'u. u.u. . A 7:00 : f. u. iitiiu.iNr.iDN AllAM. ! : ; ; AU:15A. : si. 110:40 : P.M. 11 0:21 : 1u. . A 7UO : f. M. UII.VTAUKI.I I UV. 1'AUU. A ; 15 L , M , I A 0:15 : A. u A 8tup. : si. I A7.0JI- I.Af < hAH CITr , T. .tnv A I'D IlfijISA. M. C 1 > .M I * . U , I A f > : ! i ; p. II. WAIUSII , ST. I.OIIIH A AillbOf. M. i AJ.SJl' . u. UIOUX CITV * A Tib } A. M , I A vfn : A. u , A B-IU M. u. Dcputt. WKSTWAItl ) . Arrir * I' . U , UNION 1'ACIIl'IO. " f. uT 7:60ii : ' .Dniirur Uxpru a b'Ma : . . .I.otttl Kxni i ( II. & M. IN NBII. . .Mull iinil J'xpresa. NlHht ICxpruaa . 10i4Ua 801'TinVAItl ) AI i vu. i 1u. . I.MISSOI'IM I'AI'II'IO. A.M. , f. M. Day 1 9:10b : Nlitfil BIIITSS K. C. , St1 J O. II. 8gJB ; Hilfib ] Vm I'lillMiniiulb TlOOJ 7:10 : Uoi'iut ' "RoilTHWAHIl. "Air w i | A. M. rM , 0. , bT. 1' . . .M. .V O. A. u. r. u. Hlouil.'lly Hiprta ) . . 6tio : < 2o0ukl iid Aocoiuinoi d'n 1U10 ; > | UBpiiTT. " KASI'\VA'IIII _ A.M. | | . M. I t'.ll. A ( } . Ji'M : ] B:0l : | V.n I'lnlUlnOUth NOTlfA.t.alnsdHlly ; Jl , diillr nicopt 9ju- d y0 ; , dally oxcppt Saiupliiyi I ) , daily eioept llundnv will leave IT I' , dopol , Oiniiha , at 'BM T:35 Bj'J5l-0OOa. : mVW ; : 30i ; 40i ; 55 b:00 p. m ruciUu Kxiirovj. 8i ) p. in. ; Dearer hx. , 10U : a. in i Loial Hi , iU5 : p. m l.imroBlock jurd * for Oinnha at * l:0b : ! 10 > : M IIrm : in :3n-3ni : : :35 : :05 : ' 8r"j fc m. Atlnnllo Kt . lo S. a TT > m. ; Oliloaifo Kr. , Ir fi. O 6:07 p in : I < o < * nl Kx. . lo H. O. 10M : a.m.l Mo. I' o. Kr , lc. 3O. . & - < 7u. m : Jd M. P. Kr , V.US a. in