I 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 2 , 1890 , THE. DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Btrnscntrrtot t tallr ( Moml.ifr IMltlon ) IncliultiiK Bit . Bur , OMo Vn r . $1001 For 8lx Montlii. . . . . Tt HI Tor Three Months . . . . . . 2 CO Tlio Omnhti 8n < lnr llp.r , mulled to nnr , One Voar. . . . . . . . . . . . " 00 Ornrr , No. W4 Ami flit FAttsAM RTIIKKT. NKW YORK orrirK. lloo i r. ' . , Ttuiii'sr Itt'ii.niMi ' , WAMIIXOTOH orrtCK , No. S All communication * rclntliiR to now * And edi torial inntlcr should bo tuldressod to tlto Km- TOIl Or TUB 11RK. All biiplncM lottorx ami ramlttnncosHiould tin ddros o < l to Tuc HKK I'tmusiilsn COMPANV , OMAHA , Drnft.s , chocks untl poslndlco ordori to be uiatlo ] > nyablo to thooiiUrofthu company , THE BEE PlIBllSHINlcIpm , PROPRIETORS , K. ItOSrcWATrcU. KIMTOK. THI5 DMIiY KISK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Stale of Nebraska , I . „ ( 'ounly of Douglas. 1 ' ( Ico. 11. Taschuclr , secretary of Tlio Hee Publishing company , does solemnly sweat that , tlio nctii.il circulation of the Dally ! ! CT for tlio week ending Oct. 2'Jth , issC , was na follows : Sattmlar.Oct.23 . in.ot.- Sunday. ! M . HI.OM .Monday , 2. " . . 1:1.01. : Tuesday. 20 . I'J.VT.l Wednesday. 27. . 12,75X1 Thursday. ! W . iawn , Friday , W . 12,83.1 Average . IS.Ol'J ( iKO. II. TZSCIItTK. bworn to nnd subscribed In niv presence this 30th day of October , A. ! > . . 1WSO. N. P. KKII. , [ SEAL ] Kolnry 1'ublle. Oco. H. T/schtick , bolne first duly sworn , deposes and says tliat bo Is seoietary ol' the Hoc rulill.shlng company , that the nciital av- IJt Jft | ll I ) , Al.t " ' , AMllf | . conies : lor May. l&W. 12,43' ) copies ; for June , ! 18Vi , lBaos copies ; for July. ItfeO , TJU : ) copies ; forAiieiist , 18M5 , 18,404 onnlcsfor ; Septoiuber , 1J 0 , iyo : copies. OKO. B. T/.HCHUOK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo Ibis 2d day of October , A. D. , 18SO. N. I' . Fun. . ( SKA LI tfotarv I'ubllc. Illil'UHIilCA.N STATIC TICKIOT. Per liovcrnor-JOtlN M. TllAYKIt. Tor Lieut. ( lovcruor II. 1L S11KUD. ForSecrotary of State-O. L. LAWS. ForTreasurer-C. U. WILLAUI ) . For Auditor II. A. BA1JCOUK. For Attorney ( Jeneral-WILLTAM LKESB. For Com. I'ubllo Lnnds JOSRl'il SCOTT. ForSupt.Publlelnstruction-GKO.B.LANl' ' ; . IlEI'UnMCAN COUNTV TICKET. For Senators : CEO. AV. LLVINUKU , BUUNO TXSCHUCK. FF.OA.T DISTUICT : 12. ROSEVVATJSK. For neproscntutivos : W. O. WIllTAIOKB , F. n HIBBAKD , OEO. I1EIM11OU. It. S. HALL , JOHN MATTUIESOH , JAMES It. YOUNG. T. W. lLACKBUUf , M. O. UICKETTS. For County Attnrne/t KUWARD AV. SIMEKA.L. For County ConiiiilHslouor : ISAAC N. PIERCE \Viu. Douglas county jicrmit itsolt lo bo qvurawcd by the Burlington bosses ? WiimtoKK and llibbard represent the country precincts on the republican tickol. They arc able , honorable and first-class candidates in every respect. THE worst political investment Unit the Burlington bosses have over made will be an investment in gravel train votes to flood the Douglas county polls. Lot thorn try it nnd take the consequences. Mil. CAur iiL : , the democratic candi date for float senator , knows nothing of Douglas county. Ho will bo quite un fitted at this crisis to guard her interests or to direct legislation in her behalf. VOTE for Gcorgo Helmrod. Mr. Holm- rod is ono of tlio most enterprising of our successful ( Jormans. Ho is president ol the Gorman American school , : v heavy uroporty owner and an honest , able and vivlunblo citi/on. MM HMMMV BHBMW M It transpires | thnt the conlribut ion ol Mr. Cleveland to the campaign fund in Now York was $500 , instead of , $5,000 as first reported. It is also noted that Gov ernor Hill "saw" the president by con tributing an equal sum. WHO is Mr. Stow ? Who brought him toOmahat Is Mr. Tower interested in him * If so , why ? The idea of the labor ing mou voting to put Mr. Stow in the Htiuo senate when they ought to know that ho m the B. & M. candidate is pro- pojtcrous. BiiUNO'JY.iciii ; < jK wasHeoretary of stain four years. While in ollico ho stopped the printing stoalsof the Lincoln Journal and soror.il of Boss Slout'.s jobs. Hu Knows all the leaks in thu alato honso. This is Ihu reason why money is boiii } * stint up from Lincoln to defeat houust Bruno Tzschuok. TJU ruMi of building in the cily now that wintar la approaching is unpre cedented. But why should our citizens do forced every year lo wait until the unit of iho 8Cfii > n for building material with which to oommoneo operations ? Why bo wo not lmvu iv half a dozen brick yards whoso owners ixro not con- * truotorx ? JiMMV i'otiNO. Iho brainy , lionost nnd html working tnt'olmnle fchould pollsivery republican vote nnfl Ilio onlir voting strength of Omaha workugiu ! ( . ; : , Do is cool , conservative , cloar-hoaded and cu- urgotio. Hi'prnsuiitiug the woikingmen nnd not the jaw-smithsJamus Young will be tin able mombcr of tlio Douglas dele- { * , \tion. Mi : , STOW is a democratic candidate for the Ktato tonato. Ho is a lawyer of very modcralo nbillly. Ku ono knows tliat ho owns a dollar's worth of property in Omaha , Ills residcnco in Omaha has been just lonp.onoujj'h to entitle linn to bo a candidate. Mr , Stow Is not to Ijo named bcsido such rival candidates as Gee W. Llnlngcr anil Bruno T/schuck. Kach has been a resilient of 'Nebraska for twenty years , 'Kaon Is a large property o nor In Oimiha. Both arc thoroughly conversant with her iutor&sts. Chief I'oinl * . nf Pollfk-nt 'Interest. In the elections which .tako ulacn throughout the country to-day ( hero are many points of interest , but among thrm there arc only a few which will chiefly command the attention of politician ! * gen erally as bearing most largely upon the futiiro of politic * . Ono of thi-iu is the mayoralty contest in > uw York , which is not only regarded witlt lively concern in this country , but as well in Kngland , tiio London press having recently given extended consideration to it. It has been conceded ever since the nomination ol Hewitt and Uooscvelt that tlio importance of the result of tills buttle was more than local. It would certainly be . u in case oi the election of either George or Kos-ovolt , In thu former case tlto. ollect would un doubtedly bo lo give a great impetus to the labor movement in politics , nnd it la not dilllcult to sec what the consequence * of this would be to the old party organi- /ations everywhere. With snrh eiioour agcmcnt it is not to be doubled that labor would unite to make a light for victory on a broader Hold , and probably become a formidable power in the national struggle of two years lionet1. A republi can victory would greatly cncounigo that Darty throughout Iho country. It would cive most sitb.'tanlial ground for hope of republican success in the state in the presidential contest. It would dhido the control of the political machinery.and in the division the repub licans would really liavo the best of it. Democratic .HUCCOMS in New York is im possible without the full democratic vote of the metropolis , anil Hint cannot bo de pended upon unless Ihu imiuen.so pulron- ago of the olty is in democratic haniK There is no other city in the union with such a numerous body of voters whoso controlling principle is to act witli Ihu parly in power. A republican adminis tration in New York city would rediu-e the usual democratic majority there quite twenty thousand. The election of Hew itt would be in the regular order , and therefore would exert a less general in- HUOPCO. yet it would not be wholly with out ellect in strengthening democratic expectations. Massachusetts i ? a point of command ing interest. The republicans ought to be suceuj-sfiil , but victory for thorn is not assured. The argument that their can didate for governor owed his nom ination solely to the circumstance of his wealth has not boon without weight , and besides there are di athiiL-d clomenUj in the party that have disturbed its harmony and had : i depressing intlu- once. While there is no doubt popular confidence in Mr. Amos , llierc is no very earnest interest or sympathy respecting him. Andrew , tiie democratic candi date , however , commands a good deal of both , and isn't inferior to his opponent in popular confidence. There may be some value in his mime , though probably that is not very great ; but he unqncMmn- ably lias the interest of the younger olass and of those people who think it propur and wise to advance Ihe worthy ambition of young men in politics. Ho will not perhaps got the full democratic vote , for the reason that lie has boon identified with the democratic party only two years and made the acceptance of the nomina tion conditional upon the endoisnmenl by the convention of civil scrvioo reform , which offended a givat many Massachu setts democrats oftho Jacktonian kind. But it is not unlikely Hint ho will draw enough republicans and independents to make up for the democratic loss. The danger to the republican cause is in a dimished vote , which the lack of interest in thu cnndidato foreshadows. The result in Pennsylvania is a matter of great interest. It has been conducted with extraordinary vigor and y.oal , with the tariff question as thu foremost issue on the part of the republicans , while thu democrats have in ado unll-monopoly their chief battle-cry. The indications are that the republican organization i.s compact and harmonious , and it has had the strong help of Senator Sherman and Mr. Blaine , which has served to give in creased proruiucuco and significance to the campaign. So far as tlm declaration * of principles of tlio two parties in the state are concerned , there is really nol much to cheese between thorn. Both favor a protective 'tariff , and both de mand the rigid oxccution of the laws asainst monopoly. But the democratic cause is heavily handicapped by the fact that the work of the convention was done according to the direction of Ran dall , and there are thousands of demo crats in Pennsylvania who are tired ol his rule and will repudiate it. Tno tem perance vole is cxpoctcd to bo consider able , and will probably bo drawn most largely from the republicans , as .usual , but the loss in this direction trill bo more than balanced by the dissatisfied demo crats who will not vote their ticket. There appears to bo no reason to doubt republican success in Pennsylvania by a largo majority. An Important OcolNlon. The decision of the Supreme Court ol the United States rendered last week in the case of the Wabash , St. Louis & Pa. citic railroad company , plaintill's in error , against the people of tlmstatoof Illinois , i.s of the highest importance , The decis ion was in favor of the railroad , and re. versed the decision in tlm ease of the 11- HnoiH supreme court. Tlio Jaw of Illinois forbids the charging of an equal or greater .sum for n short haul than for a font ; haul , and this statute is declared to bo uncoiKStitutioniil when applied to transportation that is partly within and partly without the stalo. The Waiwh railroad contracted on tiio same day to transport a curtain amount of freight from Peoria to Now York for 15 cents a hundred pound ! ) and a certain amount of the same class of freight from Oilman to New York for i5 ! conls a hundred pounds , the distance of iho latter haul being ulglily-six miles shorter than Iho former. Suit WHS brought acaiiiBt the lailroad for violating the law of UUiioU , and the su preme court of that state hold , while di - claiming : \uy right ou tlio part of tlm btato lo regulate mter-Mato commerce , that as the transaction was partly within the state nail partly without it , the fitateJi might ascertain whether Micro was dUcriminalion ugainat Oilman ou so much nt iho haul as was within the Ktatn , .nnil further that AS U was a trans action part of which was unquestionably uinler Illinois jurisdiction , and the rest of .it had never boon legislated- by congress - gross , therefore the slatt ) could legislate regarding | t , The Illinois court based its opinion in part on the dcolMon of the supreme premo court of the Unitnil. States iun- dorod several yearn agci in tiio CHSO c-.f Muim u aint the lUiuois Central , which allowed llho slate witlo ( a'tttuilo fbr , action in casoa which , though subjcci lo con gressional action , iiad 'never bcori fog'lS' lated on by congress , The supreme court decision held that Iho shipment : ! from Pcorla and Oilman must bo regarded as a tihit , like continu ous vnyaircs of a steauior , and that tho.v wore intor.stalo commerce , which the state is barred by the constitution from regulating , even if congress does not legislate on tt. The view presented was thai if it were ntlomplcd lo apply to Iransporlalion through an entire series of slates the principle maintained by the Illinois court , anil each one ol the stales or of half a do/on slates shall attempt to os-tabli. li its own rates of transportation , its own methods to prevent discrimina tion in rates , or to permit it , the deleterious influence upon Ihe free dom of commerce among tin states and upon the transpor tation of good ? through these stales can not be ovor-ostimated. Th ! . species ol regulation is one which must be , if established at all , of a general and na < tional rlmraulur , and cannot bo safolj and wisely cnmmlllcd lo local rules anil local regulations. It is n regulation ol commerce that should bo done only bv ; the congress of the United States. A dissenting opinion 'concurred in nv the ohiof justice and two of the justices hold that in the absence of regulation by congress - gross the slate doe * not lose its power to regulate the charges of its own railroad ; in its own territory simply heeauso the goods or persons transported have bumi brought from or are ilesti ncd to a point beyond the .state borders , Iti-uiot doubled thai tint very general popular view of this question will con cur with the opinion of the minority of the court , which is virtually inline with the decision in the Aliinn caseupon which the Illinob court largely relied In mak ing uj ) its decision. Thai former deci sion was a coiieiisiion of the rights of the stale in this matter , popularly believed to I ; * last and necusMiry , which are denied by this last decision , ot which it is observed that it is astep considerably in advance of any previously taken by the -Mipromo corn-Lin the direction ot expand ing the power.-'of the fedora ! government and ivslrietttig within lliuir narrowest limit Iho powers of the stalo. govern ment. The effect of the derision will of i-our. < e be to destroy the authority that has boon exorcised by legislatures and railroad commissions in regulating the rated of freight ami faro on goods and passengers , except as' to transportation wholly within a slate , leaving the power of regulating rates oi inter-slate transpor tation entirely with the railroads. It is therefore a deoKive and important vic tory for the railroads , but it is one that ought tt > result in s-eeuring speedy and effective leirislatioii on Iho subject from congress. A Final Appeal. The campaign has practically closed. Tiio work on the phittorm and through the press for good government and hon est candidate ? I * now to be followed i > y tlio linal biiltlu at the polls The issues oi Iho canvass are made up ami the people ple are to give judgment through the ballot box. Lot n.s review brietly what those issues aro. Citizens of the Firdt district are to decide between two candi dates for congress. The republican nom inee is a notorious politician , whoac general - oral reputation for trickery , treachery and corruption is so flagrant that , his be.-4 frioniN have made no pretense of defending it. There is not a republican with whom Church Howe has boon asso ciated who would place the slightest de pendence on his word or repose confi dence in his pledge. For twelve years his record has boon one of treachery and deceit , cunning and political blackmail. Hit has been a member of a. half a do/en polilal parlies and has sold each out in turn when it bulled his interests to do so. The faithful fool' of consolidated mo nopoly , ho has helped to rivet the corporation manacles upon tlio hands of every merchant , every working man , and every producer in the state. Ho ha * prostituted the olliccs with which Mo has been honored to his own huso ends , and now boasts of a comfortable competence wrung from the hard earnings of noighborrt , ex tracted from the bank accounts.of threat ened cili/.ons and communities and ex torted by political blackmail from inter ests menaced by his unholy methods , His opponent is a reputable nnd honor able business man of this city. Ten years ago a clerk , John A. McShano has risen to his present position by hard labor ; and the wise invcsUmmt of inlicirilod wealth. His record i ? that of a clean , far-dighted and enterprising man of business. Ills life linn been passed among us and his record is open for inspection. Who can doubt in making a decision be tween the two candidates. Two legislative tickets are offerodto the voters of Douglas county. Each has boon nominated to carry out certain po.ltclcs on three questions , These questions are : The senatorial election , tlio prohibition problem and municipal reform. Voters are called upon to decide which will mores fully answer ihu requiromunts and meet the wants of Douglas county. Tlm repub lican ticket is h'-adod by those sterling biiiiiiiefi.j men and staunch advocates of Omiilia'.s intorcslji , Goo , W. Liningor and Bruno Tzsclmok. Every candidate u pledged against prohibition and most urn committed to the election of Senator Van Wyck , All will work and vote for tin amended charter HUted ! to ( hu needs of Omaha. Several of thu republi can nominees liavo had previous legisla tive experience. The democratic ticket is the wnakesl ever put up in these parts. Its weakness would bo a bar to its ef ficiency in the light against prohibition and In the slrug lo for a now charter. No matter how favorably some of its members may bo Inclined towards Sen ator Van Wyck , they cannot enter a re publican caucus to sueuro his election. Bublnt'bS men , owners of laigro real es tate interests and friends of General Van Wyck are all interested in the election of thu republican legislative ticket. To TliQUirul ] Vote.ru A secret cirrular , directed to thought ful voters , has been mulled to every reg istered volcr in the city , over the slgna lure of "Independent Committee. " This thoughtful committee consists chiefly , if not entirely of n yDting aristocrat , who has inherited his father's and his grand father's money , -but not their br.lins. Before ho atriutncd the role ot the rood * cm Atlas , .with tliu idea that ho was proslestined to carry the world on. his shoulders , he was glud to avail himself of tub .good will , friendship and iufluen.ce of the But : and Its editor. lie-was anx ious and willing to have his nanio on ( lie Ko'owato.r ticket in tlio Fourth ward as a tle'logate to the' county convention it-hen the national campaign was pend- inc. Ho stood on the lloor side by sidr with Hosowalen and battled with him against Thurston and his cohorts. When he. was a cand.uato for the council against Beeliol lip again had the aupporl of Ko.sowater in the republican caucus , But when Boehcli was nominated the Bin pave Iho rcpubKb.in candidate its earn csl support and ifs bdltor worked for him at the p'oll * . A1' ypnr ago last spring when this "thoiighlful mugwump" was nominated by the republicans tor conn oilman tlio support ol this paper was very gratifying to him. Bui there oamo a change. The "thought fill independent" became an cdltoi and took il inlo his head to achieve fanu with the pen as well as by the chattel mortgage , He rallied forth with a pomp ous prospectus , in which he promised li elevate the standard of journalism in Omaha by keeping out all personal con troversies , planting his Hag upon the battlements of high moral ideas anil scorning to belittle himself or his papot with nelly quarrels and abuse of otlioi editors. Tlio performance fell shntt ol the promise almost from the first day. The "thoughtful young man" has de voted more time and space to llosowatei and his paper than to all other question- ! put together. Ho has actually gene in sane on wiping out Itnsuwater , and wi : have borious fears for his recovery if tin : "thoughtful voters , " whom he advises to vole lor Campbell as the safest , ablest and best man tor Douglas * county , .should pocket his tickets and vote for the othei man. TIIK president has issuud his procla mation designating thu day Thursday , November ! > 5 for Iho observance of Thanksgiving in ample time to enable every ono to make due preparation for the festival occasion for such it has become - come in modern practice. In the ma jority of American homes the sumptuous dinner is the matter of chief interest and consideration on Thanksgiving day , in contrast to the oharaeler given it by ila Now Kngland founders , with whom iho occasion was ono of earnest and pro longed religions devotion , to the subordi nation of all other matters. Nowadays a great many persons not only do not have the time , by reason of the exactions of added domestic duties , which must bo performed a good deal bettor than usual , to observe the day in its true spirit , but the extraordinary demands upon them arc not conducive to thankfulness. Toil ing beside a superheated stove , watching the progress of the baking turkey , breath ing in tlm iiot air from Iho oven , worry ing over the steaming pudding , with all the other perplexing details of the big dinner , do not contribute to that peace of mind and equability of temper which are necessary to epablo one to feel grate ful. Nevertheless , it is a most merito rious holiday , worthy of being preserved and universally honored by the Ameri can people. IT is a very cheap and moan device which thu domooratic congressional com mittee adopted to evade the civil service regulation prohibiting political assess ments of govurtnmfrrt clerks , in soliciting them to purchase the "campaign book'1 issued by the committee under an im plied threat that if they do not thu fail ure to do so will bo recorded against them to their disadvantage. Even if the book were not for tlio most part a tissue of misrepresentations , tlio scheme woulil be reprehensible. The committee charge a dollar for this cooked up.statement pro fessing to show the number and extent ot defalcations under republican adminis trations , which our Washington corre spondent s.iys can bo had at any second hand book stall for thirty cents. Such a method of obtaining political contribu tions may not bo unlawful , but it is quito as much a robbery as direct assessments , and of the two plans of mulcting the latter is the less unworthr. TUB republican legislative ticket es pecially commcndsitsclf to businessmen. It commends itself first because it is largely composed of successful men of business , familiar with the needs of Omaha and pledged lo worlc for her in terests. Much of the future prosperity of this city depends upon the legislation of the coming session. Tlm charter is to bo amended for the extension of the city limits. Changes must bo made to afford us increased police protection. The ridiculous two mile limit must bo abolished ished ami revenue reform secured. The volume of business transactions and the values of realty will hang on tlio work of the Douglas delegation. VOTE for E. W. Simoral for county at torney. Vote for him because ho is hon est , capable and a hard student and worker. Vote for him because he has never been a candidate for ollico during all the years 'n which lie has worked for republican success. Vote for him because - cause ho is a self-made voting man , who has gained ins present position at the bar by a strujrirlo against poverty and in- tluonco by hard work , unllinohing hon esty and sterling integrity. Vote for him because in his haivJri every interest will be safe and the legd a Hairs of Douglas county will bo handled with fidelity and oncrg3- . EAIIMIAM CoujjjpB in Virginia lias oNpelled five of ll&ritmlonls who wont lo sec the play of " Milliard Third. " It is supposed that ( iitdrgu C. Miln is Iho uctor who did the business. No mtelli- gout college can ji'll'uril to coniueuaneo the average burn Monitors , Krt-T TOPICS , Maryland ( 'lvcs oiiljiloymont to GO.OOJ per sons In canning fnllt'anil ' oystcis , the call- mate being 150uwOOUlaiis , ; annually , John Mciro'or ( , a California coaeliuian , 1ms by tlm death of an uncle in Knjriaud hillon heir to a fortune of 3100,000. Tints Is better tlian'rannim ; away with the daughter of a millionaire with an Irascible temper. The grave of K./ . 0. Jiulsou belttr.known as "Xwl lluntllne , " Is appropriately murked by n nionuiuunt of sulphur bttmo. Clara Baitpn , writing of ttto much-shaken Charlestonlans , has this ; "They say It was worth an earthquake to. Qnd &uch uynipathy as has been meted out to them tronitlio north. " Sam Jones | s HtU'miitiuu to found a college it CiirtersvlIK' , ( ia. , to be tailed "Tho Sam Jones College. " If Sam Joins theology Is laught there It will bo a great hchool. Of the $3,003,000 given by Mr. i'nalxxly for : JueatIonal purposes in the s'oatn , oue-thiid hat been lost bythe topudialldn of sout'ieri state bonds. * A "ball" Is a hollow clobo of iniro rubbei about an Inch In diameter , nnd filled wltl brandy , whisky , sherry or other stimulant You bite a whofo In the rubber and swallnv the drink. Those balls nro the latest thlni out. anil are believed to bo Invaluable In pro hlbltlon communities , t the theatre , li church , or wherever humanity Is likely t < become thirsty. They limy be carried In tit pocket like marbles , and cost SI a dozen. M. de hcsscps , having been reported to bi in falliis health , sent a few days nu'o a tele uram to the general secretary of the Sue company , saying : "luvlto the'author of tin bourse ranard to follow me on horseback li my dally rides , ilo would soon bo ovortomi with fatigue , and lind to keep up with mo I.1 more dilllcult than to pocket illlTorcnroj dis honestly obtained on the bourse. " Manly N. Cuttor. a Now Voik architect was oimaged to build a So.tKX ) bed room fo Mr. John A. Mortis , thu walls ol which won to bo thoroughly ilc.iik'iicil lo alleviate an ; nlsturbnnce that ml ht arise from Mr. Mor ils'teinlency to excessive aim vloli-nt smmiiK The architect presented a hill for S'Sl.lHW , but Mr. Morris thought that If he snored tbl was "pnyliiK thiouch the nose" tor it , and In was sucil. The aichileet's still was dismissed The "bin trees" of California will soon bi extinct. Sevenleon lumber companies owning from 3,000 to 85,000 acres of icd wow finest ouch , are waxUK ) the wnr of exterud nation with all Ihu weapons known to tin modern loL'ulnucump. The demand for tin wood is unlimited , and all tln > mills arc ken nl work to tlm limit of their rapacity. Tin fore Us are lame , but tlm foiees employee against them are swift and Irresistible. Homo AVI 11 Get. Hailly In ; ft. Yolihcrx Ktntrtman * The warmer tlm canvass nets the colder I becomes for some of the camlidales. They Arc DO' Color , Too. I'iltsliuni Cwnmcirfitl 'fnrtltr , Defaulter skiipimj to Canada at this sea sou of the . \ear may bo classed among tin autumn leaves. _ Too Gooil I'oi * Tlil.s Sldo. Mctrluuit 'i'ntvrtcr. All exchange liumhcs "what has become o the man who ilnrsn'l drink , smoke , chew swear or bet'.1" Most of him is over In Canada The WooilHArn l-'ull ot'Km. tall Hirer Ailwntr , There's niany a politician now aroiuin Wlto from the people would some fat jol pluck ; Tliflro's many a candidate for ofllce hound Who'll hhorlly bo the deadest kind of duck Strength for To-ilny. lliiHtini Tmiixcitjit. Strength for to-day Is all that wo need , As thevo never will hu a to-morrow ; For to-monovv will prove but another to-day : With its measure of Joy and borrow. Then why forecast the trials of life With much .sail and grave persistence , And wait and watch for a crowd of Ills That as yet have no existence' . ' Strength for to-day ; what a precious boon Kor earnest souls who labor , ca i-'or the willing hands that minister To the needy friend or neighbor. Strength for to-day , that the wnarv hearts In the battle for right may quail not , And the eyes hedlmmeil by bitter fears in their search for light may fail not. Strength for to-day on Iho down hill track Kor the travelers near the valley , That up , far up on the other Mile , Kro long they may safely rally. Stii'iigth for to-day , ( lint our precious youth May happily shun temptation , And build irom the rise to the sot of the sun On a strong and sure foundation. Strength tor tn-riav , in house and homo To practice forbearance sweetly : To scatter khul words and loving deeds , Still trusting in Cod completely. Strength for to-day Is all that we need , As there never will he a to-morrow ; for to-morrow will piove but another to il H y. With its measure of joy and sorrow. Jjost Creeks In South Carolina. C'/ifcnr/ii / Trlliunr. One of the items in the river and har bor bill that was passed last session authorised tiio war department to exam ine .and survey Mingo creek and ClarK's creek , in south Carolina , and appropri ated $75,000 for that purpose. Lieuten ant F. V. Abbott accordingly was sent to that Ktato to make the rovnircd examina tions. After an absence of several weeks bo wrote , under dale of the 10th inst. , to Congressman Aiken , from Charleston : I am required to make an examination of Clark's criwK , S. 0. , and Mlngo creek , b. C. A fter careful search I have been unnblo to determine satisfactorily tlio location of these creeks , and If von would be so klml as to let mo know ilitiinltely where the creeks referred to in the net can bo found it will enable mete to make Ilio examination. The congressman was as much in the fog as the lieutenant and sent the letter to the News and Courier , with the follow ing remarks appended : Since 1 lirst entered congress yrjir after year 1 reluctantly voted for the fiver and harbor bill as presented from the committee for approval by tlio house , nnt bcenu&c I dis approved reasonable appropriations tor the improvement of our harbors nnd national streams , but bimply because annually thcro " Creek" other wasa"Mingo or some Mich "niggar In ttio woodpilo" In every one of them that would shovel money into so mo prl- varo Individual's pocket , as J believed , rather than deepen the bed of a stream that floated our products to the sea. But 1 thlnic tlm In closed letter presents a case that does not be- IDIIK to the Third district , nnd was certainly novcr presented by mo , for I do not remem ber ever liaving asked a dollar of appropria tion for this or any other creek ; and there fore L suggest that the engineer must co probing about In some other section of the state less hilly than tlio Third district hnl'ou ! ho will llnd his Mlngo creek , or , quite us likely , his Clark's creek , Into who dry bed water must be dlpnuil fronr elbowuoie to es tablish a commercial stream. The lieutenant imulu further search for Clark ami Mingo crooks at the News and Courier ollico , where there is a full line of state maps , but they could not bo loiind , nor has anyone in South Carolina to this date been able to locate Ilium. The person hns yet to bo found who has ever heard of them. Meanwhile tlio money wails in the treasury for their improvement. Lieutenant Abbott may orcant/.o an expedition to go probing for llioiu , or ho may advertise and oll'm- re ward for them , It may be that they are ditches that are only full once a year , or possibly I hero nviy have boon such creeks and the soi mic disturbances have swal lowed them up. I'orhaps they Imvo evaporated - orated or the.lr noiwio has dried up and they hnvo Bonked into tlio ground , in which event geologies mi ht bo able to identify their formur clmum-l * by wrinkle.s in the earth and remains of vegetation , young bullheads and poly- wogs. It is ratlio)1 ) distressing that tlu-fo creeks should have gel away buforo the money could bo expended upon them. It is no uncommon thing for the inonoy to disappear , b'.it when the duck creeks and goose ponds themselves liet to disappear ! ! ' . ; . ' in one slate it , begets horrible .suspicions that others may be come addicted to the sumo habit. Would it not bo wnl ! bntori ) probing the whole state of South Carolina , which i.s already pretty well lorn up with sninmio cracks and holes , to go to lioailquarterrf ami lind Iho con rcasiimn who wanted to buy f75,0(0 ( worth of inlluoncoamong his con stituents and compel him to loualp Clirlc ami Miugo before Ihu war department LCOCS any further or Lieutenant Abbott wastes valuable time in miinnuming a id en ti lie pos-so and raising thu hue and iry. : There is. .sufficient disturbance already under iho South Carolina crust , mil to go round probing it in blind search for Clark and Mingo may let loose no ono knows how many shakes'geysers , mil sulphur volcanoes upon an already ivorarllictcd pe.oplo. Thu purpluxities inder which the war department is In- jormg clearly illustrate the manner in ivh'iph river and harbor bills are made up. BARRETT AND BOOTH How Ono Great Tragedian Mntiagc Anotlior , GEORGE H. BOKER'S NEW PLAY Itonlh nnil Harrctt ( o Ajipcnr To Kthor Next Benson. riilhuiolpliia Titnos : Thorc was a ta { on tlio door of Lawrcnoc Uarrott's pn vato parlor at the Hotel I.afayctto.TImM . < lay morning at 1) ) o'clouk , anilotm of tin colored bull-boys entered witli a toloirran in Ills hand. Harrctt was sipping a cti ] of Krono.lt oofloo. lln cl his cup on tin lltllo. Uiblo before him , tore open tin brown envelope covered with liig bhn letters and a pietttre of atncsscnger boj running his Icg off , and than the actor' : brow knitted for an instant , relaxed , am in a jiffy ho had answered the telegram H was from Kdwin Hoot It , who Is play ing tins week in Chicago. JJarrett Is hi ; manager and besides acting six nights r week and two matinees lie has hi ; own company to look after am Hooth'.s too. Half an hour later anothei telegram came and that also was ijineklj answered. Then Mr. Harrutt began U open a pile of letters that had just conn by post. Ho read about twenty lotion qniokly and by noon ho had written t'O' plie.s to a dozen of them. Then he hat breakfast and at one o'clock ho was oil to the Chestnut Street opera house wen. ho. conducted a rehearsal of Gooiyo II liokor's now play. At four ' tlio actoi was off for a walk to Fairmont 1'ark anil back. He .seldom drives. Dinner at IKK and at T0 : ! ! he was back in his tlres-iinj : room at the opera house. At midn ! < rht lie was walking to Ins hotel with ( i corgi ; II. Hokor , after having ; played the "Mer chant of Venieu" and " "David Garrick. " That was the day's work , not a liwsy min ute from the time he col up until he went to bed at middight. llu rises every morn ing nl 00 : ! ! and goes through about the saino programme every day. Ho doesn't ' drink nor smoke ami always retires as soon as Ins night's work is done , be lieving in doing Ins thinking and mana gerial work in day time. Air. Barrett , besides this ha * found time in the rtost two or three months to write biographies of Maercady , Forest and Kdwin ilootl : , which will shortly appear in the fourth volume of "Lives ot the Actors. " llooth was visiting Uarnitt at tlio hit ter's country place , at JCohassott , in the summer of. ' 85 , It wan a hot , lay.y day and thiv t\yo tragedians , who liavo been very intimate since they were quite young and inexperienced 'actors , sat on Barrett's porch and the conversation drifted into shop talk and Booth com plained that harsh criticisms had been made about his company's support. "The trouble ia , " said' Barrett , ' 'there's lee much time spent in managing yon on the outside and not enough attention paid to stagu managing. " "Will von try managing nieV" said Booth , smiling. Q-'L will , "said Barrett. It was settled then and there , and Bar rett iinmcdiaoly selected a good com pany for Booth. Since then ho has managed the tragedian poi > onally and with the aid of several lieutenants. "I picked out men and women whom I know to be earnest workers , " said Mr. Barrett Thursday. " ' knew that Booth himself was all right , that all that was necessary was to aii'iounco his coming and that the principal part , was to sec to the players who were to support him. 1 liavo watched that part of Booth's tour this season carefully. Ho is haying an unusually brilliant season , which ex tend over forty weeks , from Maine to California. Ho is playing with great xvarinth and writes mo enthusiastically on his successful season. " It is safe to say that Kdwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett will be soon all of next .season on the same stajjje in tlm same plays. Mr. Barrett declined to say posi tively that IKJ and Booth would play to gether. lie admitted Unit he and Booth had been thinking about it , but that the plans had not developed , into a certainty. A frifiid of Mr. 'Barrett's , howovor.saidUial the two great tragedians would begin their sejisons toirotlier next year in New York ; that the largest and best company ever brought Unrollicr would .support them , ami that the prices would be about double the regular rates of admission. Jt is known that Mr. Barrett has already been looking the theatrical tield over and notinjj with his mind's cyo actors whom hevill probably secure if the Koiicmo is carried out. As to the suc cess of the undertaking Mr. Barrett had little lo say , pro tor ring not to talk about plans that haven't thoroughly matured. lie is satisfied , however , that the under taking would be a financial success , and that a . ' .eason of forty weeks could be played in tlio principal cities to big houses. GKOHCK U. UOKEK'S ' NEW I'J.AV. Mr. Barrett is very much in love witli George II. Bokor's now play. "C.ilitylos" ' The frocino is laid in Spain , just aflor the expulsion of the Moor.s from Granada , in tlio lif I cuntli century. Barrett , of course , plays the -rJo role , and hn says it is even a better play than Mr , Bokor's creation of "Franoesca rtl Uiinlni. " The com pany liavo just begun rehearsing it , and it will he rehearsed every day for the next o.ight weeks. It wilt bo produced for the first limn \Viishinuton in thooarly part of December , and will bo played hero for thi ! lirst time next February. "Why don't I play it here for Ilio jlrsl lime ? " said Mr , Bam-lt. "Bceausn a nhiy has to produce iUolf. I wouldn't think of producing a play until every part has been thoroughly rehearsed down to Ilia most minor cliaracUir. Eight weeks of rehearsing will make my com pany familiar with their parts. Then I shall 1m vo no fear of the play going smoothly. 1 would rather rehearse It for a year than run tlm risk ol iv single hitch on the first night. " Mr. Biirrott was asKed about the rising generation of juiloi'M. 'Ut'rt hard lo tell about a new nctor. " ho said "A great tragmiian may spring r.p in om > night. I cannot toll you how a great actor becomes a grunt actor. Of course , it's Hindi' and hard work ami a eombinution of things , but how tlm world ( lulls him out I don't know. He bouomes great suddenly. " Mr , ( ioUliniii. Barrett's leading man , was asked : "Is Biirrott a strict stage manager ? " "Yes , tlie striotost 1 over saw. and it's all the better for tlio company and Ilio play. Ho snes to every tdng ! , and const ) . itKMilJy | morylhitiK is purfovl. A Wulnoiiii ! ( filler. Omul f.Yrlj.'nnjufw. ) / . Among our numerous en Hers none mo nioro uelc HUD than the JHK. ! It cnmes with Ihu n. i'lanty ' ol a IMS bill and tilings tin ) ivoilil with IU Like Mime oilier bites it lmwi when tostlug. The .Siniduv BIK is ; ho ilohoit thing in jirinl and should go to cveiy hur.io In In n Dry Town. ( ' itriiiliaM llti'iutifi. The. little biown'jiu st'uns to he theumveu 1 111:1:11 : buloro which , on thi'su pi < ihit < ijin | iundays , Atlanta cili/ens fall down and woiuhlp orto jtut tlntiKN In their inopi'r H' < | ueict' , which ( hey woit-hiii and tint'orH they fall down. I'ioiiliil1 ) < .n in Iowa. ' . ' . "Jlo w's ruohUiit.U'ii mil hrit'i" ' fsitJnn : a < itfru clei jnuin n1 u tiu.il Jiuvaii , * ' ! 'io- buJiaUued ! Thurojsu't uny. AVIo , jouwntity all'tlio-wlilsliy you wont cnit" ) nglns . " "My frlcnil , do'v u think lt.fll'8 light'- ' "No , 6f cbtirte HloiiH. " "I'm bciirlll.N fjhd to hear joij say HO , my. friend. " ' No.-we ought to pet two drinks for that inonoy. " , Tlio Host Time to Vote. Cltivliiitd 1'inlfr. Ill tlio mominc 1 < < Hut lost lime to vole , There Is le > s whisky ami 111016 homo In tlio hearts nnd heads of maul' citl/ons than Inter In tint dny , ntnl tlio em Her a man rasts i\ ballot thu moie likely hu will be tocnvtlt right. Notes. Will PlKo , of ( ho general superintend ent's ollloo has returned from a niontlis' vacation visit in Waco , Maine. Thomas Kimball of Ihu Union I'aoilic , leaves to-day to attend a mooting of tlio Southern. and Southwestern railway associations in St. Louis , Superintendent .1. J. Diokoy wont to Lincoln yesterday to supervise the croc- lion of some wires in that citv. In a fi-w months thlrtv-ltvu now en gines for tioiinr.il till-nronnil work will bo . idtlcd to tlio rolling stool ; of the Union Pncilio. Ton of those : ire now contraototl for by ilio Now York Locomotive works in Koine , N. Y. , and llftuen liy thu llalil- win Locomotive works. Tlio Uilli ! Practice. Yesterday morning two companies of thti SoooiiilJSinfatry , company (11 ( com- niiindod liy rolonol Daggull and emu Pany 1) ooininundod by Captain llaynos , loft the llollovno rillo range , where thev ' have boon prnetioing for some week's past , and inarohod to the fort. Tins eon- ohldos the- season of rillo prnolico , and no inoro tiring will lie done on tin- range until noxl springIn the nioantiino ox- tonslvo Iniprovonii'iits w'll ' bo made on Ilio pronnd , incliidiny : bringing it to grndu. tlio ori'dlon of a store honso and a brick bake even Tun CiJNTpitY MAGAZINE with its t-nor tiious circulationodition ( of November nutn ber is a quarter of a million ) nnd great re sources , lias never undertaken a more im portant work than the one which will be its lending featuie during the coming year This is a history of our own country in its most critical time , as set forth in Tin ; MTI : or MXCOL.V Uy Ills Conlldonliiil Sourotnrios.JoIiu ( { . Nlcolny itiul Col. .lohtt Hay. This ri'-it work , begun with t'ic ' sauc- lion of I'lefiiiU'nt Lin coln , ami coiitimicd un der the authority of his fen , the Hon. Robert T. Lincoln , is the on ly full and nutliorila- llvc iccord of the life of Abraham Lincoln. Its authors were friends of Lincoln he/oic his I i presidency ; they were most intimately asso ciated with him as pri- vale secretaries throughout his term of ofiice , and to them were transferred at Lincoln's death all bis private papers. Here will be tsld the in side history of the civil war and of Presi dent Lincoln's administration , important details of which have hitherto remained unrevcalcd , thai they might first appear in this authentic history. Jly reason of the publication of tltis work. TIBH U'.Vlt SKRIKS , winch has been followed with unlldgging interest by a great audience , will occupv less space during ; the coming year , but wil be by no means entirely omitted. Slorics of naval engagements , pi is n life , etc. , will appear. appear.xovm.s AM > sTtmnvs include a novel by Frank R. Stockton , t\vo novelettes bv Geo. AV. Cable , stones by Mary Mullock Foote , "Uncle Reinns , " Kd- warcl Ugglcson ! , and other American au thors. ' ' ' ' ' SHMH'BAJ , I-'KA'H'J'BSKS , ( with illiistnitioiib } include a serifs of arti cles on apairs in Russia and Scberia , by George ICennan , author of "Tent Life in Siberia , ' ' who has fu .l returned iroma most eventful visit to Siberian prisons ; papers on the Labor Problem , Knglisb Cathe drals , Dr. Uggleston's Religious Life in the American Colonies : Men and Women of Queen Anne's , Reign by Mrs. Olipbant , Clairvoyance , Spiritualism , Astrology , etc. Astronomical papers , articles on IMMe History , etc. The NOVEMBER CENTURY. CON i AJCK Till : l-IKST 'J5JAJ T ; BtS OB > rafli ; I.IFI ; or B JVI-OLN DC crihed above , including the editorial reenmint : and author's picface , with a new frontispiece portrait of Lincoln , and nineteen illustrations. This installment en titIed"Lincoln as I'ionccr/'jjlvt * the anrcs- try of the 1'iusidciil , and the relation be tween the Lincoln family and Daniel Roone , ako Lincoln's boybond nd early manhood , and a graphic account of tbu frontier states in the earlier days. OM > O3flBSB3/t. By Dr. H. B. Martin. Describing a piclur- : fuc [ suburb of London , once tin : home of Liuecn Kli/.abeth , Ntll Gwynn , Oeorgu ICliott , Carlyle and other famous charai- : leis. Illnstrixled bv Seymour llaydcn and TIBBJ rATH < > B' A VOBCK. A SIOKV uv MAP. v HAI.I.OCK 1'ooru , ( Vnlhor ol "Led Hone Cliiim , " "Jolm liodcwin'k Tc-slimony , " etc. , with one lull page Hlchttn'ioii liy the author. i.\ \i\v : ItvTlll'ODCMtF UOM'.VKI.V ' , Jntluding ehapiei > on "lleeleM , " "The Social Sine , " ' 'The Liquor Keller in I' ' ' - ; ic > , " "Itoss Mi-tliKiis. " ! < .etc FRANK R STOI KI'ON' NK.W Nevi i This love btor > - ol teal life "The Hu - ! r < dlh Man , " is dil'icrent from aioiiruj he author h s yd undertaken. It will i lirmr.-h } \ ntiinlicrs , f illCl'N'lUliv. . rise : \jio ; ; i 'i'K.vtBisciJ < iO2. lly Kiiliai'1 Ancliniuly , lounder of l < V. 'J'tade SclionK , with ilhiKliaton | > > Tain w.\'fl"fl'jij or Tlir I'irsl < > } ol' < ' ! llj shin K rtGfii. . iicniy j. Hunt , ClueJ of 1 . . Ailillery , with mips : nf ( iellvsburg C.i-ii - piiign , by Ciun. Uuublcday , and numti ; > ! . : . * . ' , BIOOZUUC'S 1l > i B.\8MI V'I' and HC \n iiii'jn. * moils articlt ! by a ijeiilleman nl.o 'as nt ai \ beiluartcrs : ( | in W. It Ihe lnnc ol" the rveuU doci ihe AM KS'J' lkA'et : Hv CiiAiu.i'S WAMISII-J Du the Temple o ! Diana ol ibe l".phe--i.it. lull otherreri-t : dUruici ! > < . IH ncliide edilonulh un " 1 In Aineiieiin Mil' ' ia"The CdngresbioimllJaliince theel.Vl. In re are open letters on 'A Siberian Tu-u ; ily , ' by ( jeo. Rennnn , 'Thne Kcekiiinii or the Twenlii'tb Century,1 b I'rincip irant ol Kingston , 'Genius and Matrimo iy , ' ' ! be An Idler lira I League ol Ne k'orl.virj > hhorl verse , a kutirc by Hi S'ye , cti- . , in lirie-a-ltrnc ' dn jirt-r ; ) a ) c r , tfi reni > lumb'T. Dealeis , pm-lin.-iklei'h an. ) ) ubli ben. lake Diibkcripfoiib. Svnd lor tt uautilully illiiklialeil 25 page. iMIato licc'j vcniainiuy full ( in > , 'iuiu 'eic. , li special oiler of lour ! > ouiidilti"o l.c bujiin' ing of t.\u \ ; ivai.IT . > . ' . ' TJIKCKNyniV CtJ , N Yyrt.