- J' f HE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . JCUESDAY , NOVEMBER 2. JL880. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Light Amount of Deliveries Shown in all Lines of Grain , MAY CORN OPENS UP EASIER. I'rovlflonR Bhow n Moilcrnto Activity Tlio Cattle Market Very Dull on Account oTAnother Strike In tlio Houses "Quotations. CHICAGO 1'UODUCK MAllKliT. CiurAfio , Xov. 1. | Special Telegram to tin1 , llr.u.l Dellveiies were light In every thing this morning and the hour devoted to that branch of the business the llrst of every month was not more than half occupied. Prices fitattcd out about where they left oil Saturday night. December wheat opened at exactly iho same ligure and kept very closely around It , only colng 1-lCc under. Coin was easier , opening at 4' e for May nnd selling later at 4''c. January pork first sold at $ ' . ' .93. The ice el pis were 104 cars of wheat , KW of corn , 115 of oats. A fair degree of strength camu Into the market almost fiom the very opening and stayed with it pretty much all dny. As rccoided above dcllveiles were light and the Idea sccmi'd to prevail that this fact should make higher pr'c.vs , In that It Kcemcd to express n greater decree of confidence. Most of tlio trading cle ment have Hatred It up that Armour Is long considerable November wheat and that lie will arrange things. There will bo less bearing In this direction. When the vlsablo supply was announced ns showIng - Ing an Increase of only SJO.ooo bush els wheat stood at 7i'4C ! ' , but quickly ad vanced to 75Kc , but failed to bold there and went back to 75i75Yc. Still later the lluc- tuations wcro very steady around 75) ) < fc. Corn , after a weak and little lower opening , became buoyant and fiom the lowest prices of the morning sold up Ji'c for Decemhcrfand l' ' c for .May. Extreme outsUlu ( imitations were not maintained , but there was n strong under-ciirient to the nmrkct all forenoon and a belter Investment buying was noticed than for some time past. Swartz , Dupce , Jones , McCormick , Kennett , Ueo. E. Parker and Singer were all free buyers , not to men tion the "small army of shorts. " and the de mand for the account of outside speculators. Most of the outsldo buying orders to-day were from the west , where husking has said to ba\o do\elop < 'd mi nlarmlnc shortage in tlio yield. Conservative traders who have taken the trouble to ln\ostlgato the out-turn of tlio crop to date express the belief that the next government estimate ought to show a deciea.se In the probable yield of IW.OOO.OOO bushels. Pnn Islons were moderately active. Not a large amount of pioporty came on the market and bidding for near months was nioro spirited than for later deliveilcs. In neither Instance was trade pnrllcularly active. Pork advanced ir > c and lard and meats 5c. Toward the close the market cased off , 1 o'clock quotations boinir neuilv on n level with tlio final prices ot Saturday , exc'ptlng for December pork and January meats. -id : : ) p. m. Wheat started In strong and higher on large export business. Thirty loads were reported taken. The upward tendency of pi ices canst d covering by shorts and the market was given a freMi impetus , closing a gootl ) c above 10 o'clock ; Jigures. Wheat was slicing , active and higher ; 7 < c November , 75Ji@r. > c December , 76 e Jan uary. Corn hlL'tici ; 30.ic ! November , 37Hc December , 't7c January , 42)c May. Oats bteady and Him. 1'oik bteadv at $0.10 No vember , SIU'JM December , ' .U > 7 > for the 5.85 Nove December. sn.S-JJf for the year. Short libs a shade easier ; So. 15 Januaiy , S5.17 } * February. li-r : p. m. Puts on December wheat wcro 7flc , call , 70'fc ' ; puts on May corn , 4'JJ calls , - CHIOAOO MVK STOOK. OHICAOO , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to the liKE.I UATTLK The market was very ilnlJ. Hut few sales or barely a market was established. Tlio receipts wcte heavy , n larger number than n week ago to-day , and the great bulk of fresh receipts were rangcis , a large per cent of which were common and rough slock. But the crcat drawback wns the turnlnir out of beef butchers In the .Morris and Swift houses causing the with drawal of two ot tlio leading buyers , there by disturbing in a serious way the on tire business of the day. Shipping steers , 1,350 to l.GOO Ibs , 81.7.5.iJO ; 1,200 to 1,1130 Ibs 1M.20I.75 ; 000 to 1,200 Ibs , SUO33.00. : Stackers and feeders , 82.00(23.10 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , S1.75@'J.25 ; bulk , S'.00@'J.40. Tlnoiigb Texas cattle , S2.75@li.05 ; western rangers thill ; nallvesand halt-bremis , S" > .00@ 8.70 ; wintered Texins , $ J.25@i.20. : Sales : 2W Wyoming , l.OliO Ibi. S2.15 ; las Nebraska lialf-lireeds , l.lbO Ibs. SiUO ; IG'J feeders , 1.073 lb-i.S2.h5. lines Trade was active and pricessteady us compared with Satmduy. At the extreme close , liiiwovervnliiGswer ] < i bniulv as slroin ; as ut the opening. Thcie w < jre a lunio number of big , heavy packing soils carried over. Ijlght sinin weio In good demand and sold steady nil day. Hough and common Fold at SIUOcx1 , H.fiO ; lair to good mlM'd at Si.M : ) < < W.K ! > j iancv heavy and Plillndflphlns SI.OU .Oo : light sorts at S-I.OO I.O.'i lor Yorkers , and S3.GUJ ( S.bO for common ami medium. F1NA.NUIAU Now York. Nov. 1. JIorJr.Y On cull , active at .X'Jl'1" per cent , closing at S'J ( ' per cent. cent.PIIIMK MEHCA.NTILE I'APKU 133 per rent. STKHI.I.NO KXCIIANOK Dull but steady M S4.S05 < for sixty day bills ; $ ! . & { lor demand. GOVEKNMI.XTS Uovernment bonds were Blcady. Srocu'S Slocks were modnralely active. The opening was stiong , and lirst prices showed ailvunces over tlio closing prices of Saturday tanging from & to % per cent. The maiket was moderately active and lirm , and mi continued until the last hour , when thcro was free selling , and It closed weak. BTOOKK ON WA.I.I , sritF.nx. 8 W cent bonds. . 103 1C. it N. W 11SV lJ.b.4k'ii 110V lueteiicd. . . 141 JJew Vs 12 HN.V. , C I'ncincfi'sof'05. mil OreconTran PUObUOK JMAIUCKTS , Olilcaito , Xov. l. l'lour Steady and un- clianzetl ; winter wheat flour , S-t.d.(34.10 ( : Bouthern , | 3.w > ci)4.00 ) : Wiscontln.34'OOS-l.lO ; Mielilxiui foft s print wheat. S3.0JM,10 ( ; Mln- ni'8oti\b.ik rsi.50y(4.10 ; ; riatents , ft.aocgi.GU ; low Krndui.e l,7Wi.7.p > ; rye Hour , quiflt nt : Vi-H ts.W Ju bairels. and 8S.OOQ3.20 In Burks. Wheat Fairly active and stronger : npenrd at about Snttirday'a close , and rinsed cr ; rn-h 73 0 ; December 75 O-lOo ; JnnunryT/4'c ; / ; May , t ! c. Corn Klini at hltrhcr prices ; opened easlct ml closed about ? . < § P'c ( [ abo\o Saturdur : cash , t'-fii c ; December , y7 > fc : January , 37Kc ; Way , -i'- ' . OatsImproviit J on recular board and closed about stroily on ntiernoon bo.'ud ; rash , ViV ; Oeccmiier , " 7c : May , Sic. Hyp Kirm nt ' .0- . rtarley - ) ! at ftSc. Timothy bced l'i'uu .SI.77K. Fhix-bei'd-UiiJtfc. Wlii-ky-Sl.lS , ] 'i r'rv SIod iinley ! active , and l.V32)c lil her : cnt.li , i'.i.lO : Decuiubei , 8U.13J4 ; Jau > - hnrd--Klnncr ' and 3 ' @Sc higher : cash. JS.SA : December , JS. W ; January. 85.U7K- Hulk AU-ats-ShoiildurN S .4&35.U ) ; ghorl clt-ar. Srt.40 < e5'V45 ' ; sholt libs. StLOO. Uutler Dull ; creamerr , Mkg'JSc ; dairy , HftMc. . . . Clieose Steady and tirmi full-crtain died darn , ll > 4c ; ttnU. ll 'CU cOUUB ; Ameri we. ltK l5c : skims , 5 , Hrary efccn Mlled. fully cured , . llaht. do , SKia J/n ; damaced , 7@ iV < ibullhhlesCWcfdr.v ; salted. U@V.'e ; dry Hint , 13/rti4c ; calf skjiv , fttJJlOKc ; deacons , COc , tcli. Tallow No. 1 country , 3i@3 ; fc ; No , C. 3c ; cake , : ijfc. HcceloK. Shipments. Plour.bbU. . , 14.000 2lKX ( ) Whent.bu 83,000 ftl.OUO Corn. DVI 131,000 407,000 s.tjii 10:1,000 : 111.000 , . . ' , nn 1.000 2.000 JhrlPV.Dii 04,000 37.000 8t. Linn H , Nov. 1. Wheat Firm and lither ; No. 2 red , cash , 74fc ; .November , 4J < c ; December , 7Ci @ 70 fc ; May , W)4@ ) < i. Corn Strong : No. 2 mixed , fa b , S \ November , JJIJfc ; December , S3c ( May , Outs Firm ; No. 3 mixed , cash. N'ovem- jcr.ilft : : December , We5 May , ai@31's'c. live Weak nt 4Sc. Whisks-SI.13. Pork-tftioiigntSO.flO. hard-Steady nt 85.SM5.8" . Hutler ( Julet nud easy ; creamery ; 2I@ 5c ; dairy , i2c < Z2)c. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Strong nnd ' 4 ® , 'cjilgliei ; corn nnd oats dull and unchanged. I'olotlo , Nov. 1. Wheat Dull nnd lirm ; axh , 77c bid. OCorn inactive ; cash and November , SS'/c ' sked. Oats Nealecteil. Liverpool , Nov. 1. Wheat Poor de- iiand ; steady ; now No. t ! , winter , Os I'd ' ; prlng , Gs I'd. ' Flour In iioor demand ; spot , November , a 4 ! < J'I , dull ; December , -Is-id , easy ; Jim- laiy , 4s 3 > id. ICuiiHiiH City , Nov. 1. Wheat Stroncer ; io. 2 red. cash , C''c bid ; November , O.'Jfc ; ilnv. 7l' < c. Corn Slionirer : No , 2 , cash , 2'.iffc ? bid ; ) ecember , : iOc bid ; May , 35J/c. Oats No quotations. Now Orleans , Nov. 1. Corn Dull , veak and lower : mixed , 45@lic ( ; yellow , 40 © 7 : white. 4Sfrt.Vc. ) Oats Dull nnd lower ; choice western , 34tf } " Coinmeal Easier nt S2.15. llor Products Steady with fair demand. hard 80.00. " IJulK Meats Shoulders , S5.25 ; long clear und clear ribs , SO.ftO. New York. Nov. 1. Wheat IJeceipls , 13.000 ; exports , 121,500 ; cash lirm uiul mores active , mainly lor exports ; options opcnctt leavy nnd declined , V < ftifc ; later inlod ttonirur nnd advanced fflfc } , closing iteatl ) ; ungraded red , TOfTiBJc ; No. II red , i2 } ( S > viUfc In elevator : SlJie alloat ; No. ! ! s4c In elevator ; S4X8Wc ( f.o.b. ; 84 CiS5 ! } c nlloat ; No. 1 red , bSe ; No. 2 Novem ber closing nt84J/e. Corn Spot , > < "t' > c higher anil moderately active : options opened shade lower. later nil- vanced 'fS ' ( ) ecloslng sleady : iTcelptsh' ,000 ; expoits , 74.000 ; ungraded , 4.l > ( i 4t > Ji'c ; JSo. 2 , Sl/04S fc In elcvntor ; 40 > { ( g47c nlloat : No. 2 November closini : at4Cc. Oats Fairly nctive ; receipts , 103,000 ; ex port ? , none ; mixed western , oJ } < Jgi4c ( ; ; white vestern , ! ! 5d40c. ( Petroleum Firm ; United closed ntCSjfc. Kigs Fair inauiry. Poik Mote nctlvo and firm ; old mess . . . .i. l.nrd Fairlv ' acllvo ; western steam , spot , S0.12X < 3 .15 ; 'November Sti.lo@ri.l2. liuttor Quint ; western , 12 ( 2 Uj. Cheese Finn but rather nnTet. Olncinnntl. Nov. 1. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 red , 7G@70Kc. Corn Heavy and lower ; No. 2 mixed , Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , mixed , 27K@2Sc. Kyo-Qulet ; No. 2 , r.4c. Pork Dull ; SU.50. J.aid In fair demand at S3. 75. Whisky Pl.lJi. Mlnuejipolls , Nov. --Market unscttletl miller large receipts and limited demand ; No. 1 haru , cash and November , 7-Jc ; Decem ber , 7-'it < fc ; Januaiy , 7"ic ; No. 1 noithern , cash , "Oc ; November , G'.i' c ; December , 7le ; Jnnuaiy , 71c. Flour Slow ; patents , S4.10@l.25 ; bakers , Itecelpts Wheat , .Tfl.000 bu. bhipmiiUts Wheat , 'i'iS.OOO bu. No meeting of chamber on second. Milwaukee. Nov. 1. Wheat 1'asy ; cash , 713fc ; December. 7ie. : Corn Steady ; No. 1 , 3Gc. Oats ( iood demand ; No. 2 , 28 c. Itye Fominal ; No. 1 , 52c. ProvlHions llitrher. Mess poik Cash , S1M5. LilVU 8TOCIC. Ohlcnuo , Nov. 1. Thu Drovoi's Journal renoitsas follows , : Cattle Ueccipts , 0.000 ; demoralized nnd 10@20u lower ; shipping steers , S3.4Utg52) ) ; stockers and feeders , SiOO@i.lO : ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.25 < v < .75 : bulk. S2.00@2.4u ; throuirh Texas cattle. 552.5fr.05 ! ! ( ! ; western rungors. dull ; natives nnd half-biecds , SiJ.OOSi.70 ( : ; wintered Texans , S2.75@i.20 : ; Wyomings , $3.15 ; Nebinskii half biecds , 83.10 : feeders , S2.b5. lloss Kecelpts , ! J9,000 : steady and strong : rough nnd mixed. Si.C : > 0 < 3l.OO ; packing and Bhipplng , si.7fi@4.lO : ; llgbt. $ : i.C0 4.03 ; skins , 8'J.2063.20. Sncop Hecelpts , 0,000 ; slow ; comnv 15Z20ilower ; natives , S2.OOf.Kl.80 ; western , g3.40@i.bO : ; Texaus , 2.00 : i.OO : lambs , S2.75 The Diover's Journal's London cablcpram ntiotes best American cattle at , lie , estimated deatl welg'it ' , ( lie lowest piico in lifly years. Trade collapsed with heavy supplies , the bulk of which nro unsold. St. 1/otilH , Nov. 1. Cnltlo lleoeipts , 1.000 : shipment : * . GOO ; choice natlvo hteem , S4.30fjt4.7n ; lair to medium shippers , S3.r > 0 ( < 5 4.UO ; huteherb' stecis , Inlr to itnod. S3.00@ 4.10 ; tocdeiN fair to good. S'J.40 < g.'J5 ! ; stockers - ers , fair to good , Sl.7rj@J.50 ; Toxtuib and In dians , common to choice , S'J.OOij3.70. ( Hoes Kecelpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 500 ; maiket ruled stiong under light ircelpts ; choice heavy and butchers , ; i.i.'id ! ( > 4.10 ; pack ers , fair to best , sUH@I.Ui : ; Yoiker.s , lair to eliolce , S3.bOQI,00 ; pigs , common to good , S2.75@i.bO. : KIIIISIIK Oily , Nov. t Cattle-Hocelpts , 2.0CO ; hhlpments.nouu ; ( inlet ; good to choice , S1.10eM.r,0' , rommon to medium , SS.iX'ffll.OO ; stockeis , SB.'AlfJis'J.TS ; feeding steera , ir'.tO@ H.OO ; cows , 81.5yj(4i.CO ( ; grass range btecis , $ ' * .tjt > ( ( i' , w' ' ' Jlogs Kroeipls , 2,000 ; shipments , none ; n'.ionger ' nnd 5c higher : good to choice , § 3.i)0 ) 4 ; common to medium , 3b3b5 OMAUA iaVE STOCK. M onday Evcnlni } , Nov. 1 CXITI.K Afldn trom the sale of one small buni'b ot steers and n few odds and ends , them was nothing doing. The receipts for yestern.iy nnd to-day were heavy , lions Tlio receipts weie extrcu > flly llvht nnd not enoiiL'h to make n inaikot. The mnrk'Hasdall ' and lower. / SiuiKi' Thcio wns nothing doing on the market. ItF.CKIPTfl. Cattle. . . 2.HOO lloss 600 I'rnvalliui ; I'rloo . Showlns the priiv.illlng prices paltl for Hvo Block on tills market. CholcH steers , law to 1500 Ibs Sl..V.fajl.OO Choice Steers. HOOto ISOJ Ibs 8.75 ( < 44.00 Medium bteers , 1250 to 1350 Ibs. . . ii.Wwi.15 Fat little steers. 1U30 to 1150 Ibi . . . . : t.80t.OO ( Goodfeedois 2.1X ) < 33,25 Uoodtociioicocoiii'fetl cows l'bo@3.00 Uangocowri C.2W-.50 Fairlo medium grass cows 3.0&V&V.U Coed to clioii-o liiills l.Mu41.75 highland inetliinii nog 9.00(33.05 ( ( iood to choice heavy iMgs 3.00(4H.IVi ( ( iood to choice mlxud no s fj.Mifjht.CO Koiiglilhrowout.s 2.MW.S.OO ) ( iood to elioice hhcin > 2.75 : < .25 Kalrtogood sheep ' . ' .asQa.&O llciirusontutii'o Hulcs. rOIIN-KKl * STEKIIS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21. . . . 8S7 $3.50 III'LLS. 7..1351 81.50 SrKKIlb-TAlI.lNQS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. B. . ,1'WT 53.25 l..llbO $2.75 HDr.s. No. Av. Sik. ! Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr. 10. . . S03 00 83.C5 53 . . .26S bO 83.05 6'J..2U bO 3.05 CL..2I1 bO 3.70 HUIIC ofl'riccs. Shawluc the hiuhest and lowest prices. | iald tor luatls of bogs on this m.xrket durintf tlit ! p.t t Miyen days nnd for thu same timu last _ ye.ir : Oct. lS4 | Oct. I8W8. S6t b a.in < ii.7H : 3.0J 4W.1S 3.10 & .1.1& a 15 u-i.vavi 10 O3.-0 Nov. 70 I . Sunday Shipment * . Shorting the number of cars of cattle , boss nnd sheep shipped from South Omaha during thddny : CATTI.K-M'NIJAY. No. rsrts. lloutc , Destination. 17 . .C. , t . & Q Cldcaco non . 1 . . . . .t' . , H. & Q Chicago CATTI.K-MONnAY. 2.5 C. , IJ. & if , Chicago Htr.nr. S , N. W Chicago All sale * ot stock In this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise slated. Dead hogs sell nt KG I'or lb. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weUhing less than lee Ibs. no value. Pregnant sowa nro docked 40 Ibs. nnd stags SO Ibs. N'OtCH. A dull Monday. .1 runes .Inckson , Chicago , wns here lo-day. J. V. Lower , Stromsburg , wns n visitor nt the yards. Frank Wnllnck , Cheyenne , visited the yards to-day. J. S. Smock , licemcr , wns here nnd sold n load of cattle. .1. M. Carey it Hro. , had ten loads of cattle In to-day from Douglas. John Cotton Smith , of Chicago , wns on the hog maiket this morning. Charlie Collec. n well known live stock man of Cheyenne , wns here. No hog market everyone waiting for the new packing houses to open. 13d Swan , Green lllvcr. was on Iho market with twenty-live loads of cattle. l.obman & Itotbchlld received eight loads of cattle yesterday from Marysville. Hoyd Hros' . Cattle Co. , Douglas , Wyo. , had Mxteim loads of cattle nt the yards. H. F. Welch , commission dealer of Kanstis City , was looking nround the yards to-dny. C. It. Hammond & Co. , received seven loads ot tat cattle yesterday , bought on other markets. Mayor Hoyd , of Oiunlinwas nt the yards looking nftcr a train of cattle whichhe had on thu market. Pratt * Feiris cattle company had thirty loads In from Smithwlck. Colonel Pratt came In with them. Y. T. CattloCo. . Smithwlck. had twenty- live loads of cattle in. Colin Hunter , president of the company , came In with them. F. M , Layering , who had n train of cattle In here a few daysinroliom the Powder river country , anil resldpped them to Chicago , says he htul better hnvo sold here. On the market with boss : Files & Co. , Cedar Kaplds ; Morsel Co. , Den ton : C. I ) . Hyan , .Jackson ; Farmers' bank , Ravenna : C. H Wessell , Anslcy ; Chirk Uros. , Council Bluifs. The live stock commission firm of I'almer- ton , Love it McOIond. tins undergone n change. 11. K. Pnlraeiton has rctiied trom the liim , which will hcieafter bo known ns McCloud & Love. OMAHA WHOLiKSALiif : MARKlCTS. General Iroitucc. Monday , Nov. 1. T/ic/oHoti'tiig prices arc Jar rouwl Jots of prMtiicc , nit sold on the mitrtct to-daii. Tlic quohittnns on fniUi represent tnc ) > rlccn at which iHitxltto orders arc flllctL Koos The pievnillng price to-day was IS ® Oc. Oc.HUTTKII HUTTKII An nctlvc feeling prevails on nil fine crudes of creamery nnd dniry , ns well asstilctly choice country butter , for table ise , nil of which are in limited supply , Ke- cciptsof Inferior gr.ides me In excess of .he demand ; a large pronoitlon of the .same las to 1)0 ) sold to paclcers at low liguie * . tfre.sh roll butter should be packed in clean boxes , not exceeding bO pounds ; each roll to be wiapped in n picccot muslin. It will pay slnpp.T well to take a little p.tlns in pack- inn their butter. A nice , clean packaso of choice stock will always sell at outside lig. uivs. Fio'jlicicamerv , 25@2c ; fiesh dairy lS < rt > 'JOc ; choice country roll , lN < ? 'Oc ; choice country roll , solid packed , 17t ( l8c : good country loll , 1fi@l7c : good country roll , solid lacked , 15ijlOc ( ; Fair , Il ( ! l4e ; common , 4C ! ' . Cnnr.si : Full cream cheddarssingp,12J | c ; full cream Hats , twins , 13c ; Voung American , 13 } c ; iancy Swiss , 14@15c ; Swiss , imported , JVu'tt : limburger , 12 > ; brick , 13c. POUI.TIIY The receipts were heavy , and thu market ruled veiy weak. Old chickens , choice , per do/ . , S2.00(7ii2.50 ( : spring chickens , < S2.00ii2.25 ; ducks , 32.50 < j J.75 ; tuikoys , 87.00 y.OO ; geese'S < 5.00@8.04. POTATons There Is now n brisk demand for hti night cars ot strictly choice potatoes at "iO@55c per bushel. Mixed varieties , small , or otherwise infeiior stock continues very dull and will not sell for more than 45c. ONIONS The demand is not heavv and thev are selling in n small way : Choice stock , per 1m. , 80 1.00 , CAIIHAOK The market Is fairly well sup plied : Choice stock , per doz. , 40 < < J50c. A I'i'i.Rs Prices on clioico apples nro holding up very well. Mis- sotui apples are In very liberal supply. iho following quotations nro for apples well packed In bnncls : choice Mis souri stock. S2.oa < ? 2.25 ; Michigan,82.50 2.75 ; fancj Michigan.tO ! ? : ) < < i.2r . Cr.MJRY A great amount of very poor stock lias been coming in , which has been sold for wlmt it would bring. Prices on choice stock remains about the samn as last week : Choice stuck , per do3 , > c < tlOu ; extra large , per diu.,40 ( < . i4'Je. Ovh'iT.nsTho trude is In very much the same condition as last week on account of tlio continued warm weather. Prices are low and dealers are well supplied with the choicest stock. Orders trom the outside are . cing tilled in good shape : Mediums , 25c ; " .nndnrdft , 'JO ; selects , 85c : N. Y. counts , 40c. " 'CAi.ti'onKiA FIIUITS Stray shipments of California trulls continue tomrive , but in Bmiillouantities.OrnDe .Tokays. .OO ; ! : rapes , black , 82.00 ; pears , $3.00 ; piums , $1.75 ; quinces , S2.no. LK.MOXS Messina , per box 87.50 ; Malaga. SU.no SWHT.T POTATOES Tlio maiket Is glutted with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice stock was sold tills week lit IKc nnd oven lower : Cholceslilpplng stock , per lb. , l@'ic. " " ' - ( lit. ' with couls baski . _ . sons Jamaica , per box , S > . .10@G.OO : per bbi. , Jll.OO ; Florida oranges , pur box , 80.00. CiiANiiiniKiKS Stocks are moving fairly well nt the suno ; quotations ns lust week. Cape cod. fancv , per bbl. , SS.50 ; Jersey , choice , S-.W ; Wisconsin. S7.50. ItA.NANAH llananas ate Helling nt tlio Bnmo prices ns last week , Bananas , yellow , per bunch. S2.00&2.5U ; bananas , \ello\v , larce bunch. fe2.50 3.50. JloNKY Nebraska , choice , whlto clover , 15@lCc. ; Nebiaskn. dark , 12 < < 41lc ; Callfoinia , 1 lo cectlons , I5c ; Calilornla , 2 lb sections , MAI'I.I : SuoAit lirlcks , perlb , 12 > c ; pen ny cases , perlb , I5c. ilAi'i.i : S vii LT Hulk , lil to 17 gal kegs. per gal , 1.00 ; gal cans , pur gal , 31.05 ; % gal cans , per gal , 31. 10. 0.i > iH-New : Vork.perbbl , S0.50Xow ; York , K bbl , 54.2.1 ; Crab , per doz qts , S2.75 ; Michi gan relined.pcrbbl , SO.0. VJNKOAII White wine , l ! ! < $15o : cider vin egar , I3alic ; single strength , 12c ; tilplo stiengtb , 16@18c. PnoviBio.Nn Ham , 12c ; picnic hnm Oc ; break last bacon , lOc ; clear side bacon , W , ) } e ; dry salt sides , SJ 'c : shoulders. He ; dried beet , regular , I'&M trM ! beef , ham ; > k'ces I5aj lard , M lb cans , o ) < o ; lard , 0 lb cans , Falibanks , 7c ; lOlbcniiH. Fairbanks , 71 0 ; ft lb CHIIH , Fnlrbanks , 7 0 ; 3 lb cans , Fairbanks , lc. HiJANa Inferior htock. SO. 75 1.00 ; good clean counuy. S1.M@1.'J.5 ( : medium , band picked , 51. 50 1. GO ; hand picked navy , Sl.CO . . Fi.ouu ANP MIU.STUFF8lnter \ wheat nour , best quality patent , S'J.75 ; second oual- Ity , 32.40 ; bust quality spring wheat ttour , patent , 81J.OObrnnf'5oi ; * > ercwtchopjcil ; ) feciii , 70e per cwt : white corn meal , DOe ; jollowcorn meal , Kc ) iiercwt ; screening , COc per cwt j hominy , 82.0u per cwt ; Rhorts , 5.V ) per cwt ; irraliam , 81.00 ; hay , in bales , 85.50 ® 0.00 per ton. OIIAIN Corn , 25c ; new oats , 23c ; rye 35c ; wheat. No. 2. 65c , _ General Markets. WOOL Medium 18Q-20cper lb ; linn heavy , UiftlUc ; light , lG@18c ; coarse , H@lJc ( ; burry ' ' wool , 'J' llini : Green butchers , OKc ; goeen cured , b } cdry ; Hint , UMllic ; dry salt , IKSlOc ; grecni calf skins. lVt'Ji < c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow We. ( irease Prime white , < : yellow , 2c ; brown , ijfc bheep Pelts , 25i7&c. ( LKATIICU Prime slaughter sole leather , ! r'c : prime oak bolo leather , Xg3sc. Upper leather per foot.JiOC < t25c ; hem. kip. 25 ( < i ! o ; oak kin , bica'jsu : French kip' , 81.00c < 1.20 ; liem. alf , S1.00 1.10 : oak call. 81.00(81.25 ( blench calf , Sl,2 xai.bO ; Morocco , boot leg aoa : c : Morocco oil pebble , 2b < 232c ; toppings and llningti , ( XVaoOc , llr.AVY HAitnwAiti-lron , ratn 2.80 ; plow bteel specUl cast , 4c ; crucible stcej , Cc ; c sj tools , do. 1'AiJlbc ; wagon anokes , per set , 31.75C 3.00 ; bubs , per set. 51.25 ; lellow ! sawed drr. 81.WI ; lontucs. each , 73c : axels , each. 7. " > c.siiiare : ( nul. < ptr lb. u < Z71c ; cell chain , i > erlb. r < ftl2c ; malleable. O ( < ? SK ! ; iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Oe * harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , "fUSc ; Jlurdcn'u horseshoe" , 51.40 ; Hnrden's mule sln > es , $ " > .40. Hartn'd wire , In car lots , -S4.no per lee Jbs. NalTs , rates , 10 to 00 , iSl.V ) ; steel nails , S2.03. Shot , S1.V ( > ; buckshot , Sl.s > : oriental powder , kegs , 52.50 ; do. half kegs , 52.00 ; do. quarter kegs , 51.50 : blasting kegs , 52.35 ; fuse , per 10 feet. ( Vic. Lend bar , 810. . YAHNiMti.s : Itnnels , per gallon : furni ture , extra , Sl.10 ; ftifnlttiie. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach oxlra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51,20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra 85c ; shellac , S3.&J ) ; hard oil linlsli , vbi'iniTs Cologne solrlts , iss proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof , SI.IS ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.17 : do m proof. 51.10. Alcohol. IbS proof , S2.18 per wine gnllon. Kcdlstlllcd whiskies,81.00 1.50. (5ln ( , blended. Sl.f-O ® ' . ' .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S'J.UOcafl.OO ; Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania r.ve.s , S-J-Oa fl./ ) ; Golden Sheaf bo tit lion nnd rye whiskies , Imported , per case , S'-JS.OOQM.OO ; American , per case , S10.00i < iir..oo. . PAINTS IN On. While lead. Omalia.P. P. , 7kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.75 ; Mar seilles green. 1 to Sib cans , 2c ; I'icncli zinc , creen seal , 12c : Fn'iich zinc , rert seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst , UOc ; Kn'iich zinc , 75c ; vcrmllllon , American , Ifc ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c : Venetian red , Cook- son's'JVc : Venetian led , American , IKc ; red leatl , * KC : chrome yellow , genuine , ac ) ; chrome yellow , K , l-'c ; oclire , rochelle. Uc ; ochre. French , -Jfc ; oclire , American , ! } { c ; Winter's mlniTiil , 2 } p ; I.chlgh blown , 2i < e ; Spanish brown , 'JKc ; Prince's tulneral , 3c. 3c.Dnv Dnv PAINTS White lead , So : French sine , 12e : Paris whltlnir , 2tfc ! ; whitlntr , cilders , "Ke ; whiting , coin'l , life ; lampblack , ler- ! maustown , iv'c ; lampblack , ordinary , * e ; Prussian bluer > 5cultramarine ; , 18cvandylc- ; brown , 8c ; umber , burnt.Ic ; umber , raw , 4 o sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane giccn , genuine , -"jo. Paris green , common , 22o ; chrome creen. N. Y. , ' 'Oc ; chrono green K , 12c : vcrmillion , Engllsli , in oil , 75c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , I2c : Vandyke brown , 1 lie ; relined - lined lampblack , I2c ; coach black and Ivory black. IGc ; diop black , lOc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. ISo ; chrome greenL. , M. & D. , lllc ; blind and shutter gicen. L.M. it D. , lOc ; Paris giecn , 18o ; Ir.dian led , 15c ; Venetian rctl , ' . 'e ' ; Tuscan , 22c : American vcrmllllon , L. it D. , 20c ; yellow ochie , He ; L. M. A ; O. D. , l c ; good ochre , Ifio ; patent dryer. Be ; graining color , liuht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsli , 12c. Dnuos AJI > CIIEMICAI.S. Acid , carbolic , 32c ; acid , taitarlc , ft2c ; balsam copaiba , JK.T Hi , 4c : ! : bark sassafras , per H > , lOc ; calomel , per tt > , 7Sc , chinchonidia , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per lb , fiOc ; Dover's powders , per Iti , S1.25 ; epsom salts per lt > , Kc ; glycerine , pure , per II ) , Hie ; lead , acetate , per lb , 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gi.l. , S1.50c ; oil castor , No. S , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil orironnum. Me ; opium , SU.20 ; quinine , P. it W. and H. it S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium iodide , per tt > , SU.8' ) ; salicln , per oz , lOc ; sul phate morphine , per olA > \ sulphur , per lb , 4c ; .strychnine , per o1.25. . Grocers' Ilst. PlfKi.Eq Medium. In bbls , S0.50 ; do. In half bhis , S3.75 ; hiuall. in bbls , S7.M ; do , in halt bbls. SI.25 ; therkins , inbbU , SS.50 ; do , in half bbls. S4.7r > . Svnt'i1 No. -I-gallon krgs , § 1.20 ; New Orleans , per uallon S ijfliic ; manle syrup , halt bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 72c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doS10.00 ; halt' gallon cans , per doz. S5.00 ; quart cans , S.'t.OO. STAUCII Minor glasp. 1 lb , SJj'c ; mirror ghiss , : i lb , n ) < c : minor gloss , tilb , fiK ; ; ( Slaves' corn , 1 lb. Go ; Kingsfoid'.seorn , 1 lb , 7c ; Kinusroid's gloss , 1 lb. 7e ; Klnirslord's iriois , U lb. 7Kc ; Kiimslord's pure , 3 lb. 7 'c ; Kingbfonls bulk , 4c. ToiiAcro Plug , elim.vc , 42c ; horseshoe , ! 57c ; htar. : ? 'c ' ; spearhead , 8Ue : piperhcldslclr , OOc : gold bhleld , Sic ; merry war , 2Jc : : J. T. J.'c. ; ! . TOIIATCO Smokln ' , Dtiiham , Is , 51c ; 14 * . 3e ! : j s. ri c ; 'tfs , fiOc ; mccrschuui , : iOc : oltl style , 2'e ; V. N. O. , irc ; sphit ciuect , 45c. JlATCiir.s Per caddie , 2Sc ; sntiaio cases , § 1.'H ) ; mule wiuaie , 81.20. CANDV MiM-d , ! ic < ll'ic ; stick , > , r@3 c. CitAcKins : ( iatnean's sotla , butter and cap. 5-ii.W ; dome , S3.M ; washboaid , § 3.10 ; white cloud. § 3.75. Koi'E \ inch. Urc ; ? u' Inch , lo4'c ; K'nch ' , berries. . . Ibbfi , 7 > i ( < ? 7Jc ; ; peaches , evaporatjd , \ t % © 17c : raspberries , new , lPSjlUJ ( c ; cuneuts , Ok@ fe ; prunes , new , W > t4ytc. St'OAits Powdered. 7i74e ( ! ! ; cut loaf , ( ij < @ 7e ; granulated , Oitfe ; confectioners' A , Whfefic ; standard extra C , 5 < ( f"ifo ! ) ; exti.i C. ft | < Qr ? > i c ; medium yellow , 4 , @ " ) . CAN.VID Cioons Oysters , standard , per case. S3. : 0 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , S'J.OO ; raspberries. 2 lb , per case , 82.00 ; California per cast1 , S2..r)0 : pineapples , 2 lb , per case , S.2U@1.75 : ! ; 1 lb maekeiel. per doSl.0 ; 1 lb.salmon , per do ? , § l.j.@I.CO ; 2 I b goose berries , per case , 81.7.V 2 ID string beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 lb lima beans , per ca-e , Sl.HO ; 211) marrowfat peas , per case , § 2.40 ; 2 lb eaily Juno jicas , ] er case , $2.70 ; 3 lb toma toes , S2.10@2.25. Cori'iKs : Ordinary grades , I2c fair , 12fC"'ic ' : ! ; jirlnie , i : ! ( Jl3'it ' ; : choice , H ( U4) ) ic ; fancy gieen and velHiw , UKO lOc ; ohl cov- ernment Java , 'M@'i'io ( ; interior .lava , 20c ; Mocha , 'JJi < (24c : Aibiicklo't , roasted , 17'4e ' ; MeLaiiu'hlln's XXXX roasted , 17Kc ; Dilworth's , 17e ; Iteil Ciois , 17 c. Dry Jjumuor. IIOAIIDS. No.l Com. s. 1. a. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . $17.50 No.a " ' 12 , 14 and 10 it . 14.75 No.3 " " 12 , 14 und 10 It . 13.50 No. 4 " " 12. 14 and 18 It . 12.1)0 ) IIIMENMO.NS AMI 'llMilhltS. _ \K \ n'u ' n'iu ' rt'is ' rt a ) ttta iti ft 2x4 ' 10.M 17.00 I8.0USI.OU 21.00 10.M IU.&IJ 17.0U , 10.Mll7.00 . 1 8.00.21. IX ) 2 1. ( M lasi. 1(1.50 ( ' 17.00 IB.Oiia.l lli.Si 18.W ) MM 17.00 ln.IUiv-.VIU.M..UU ) , - ' ID.fiO O.M ) 1U.5UI7.0U | 18.00--'U0020.0U ! FKNCINO. No. 1 , 4 &fi Inch , 13 and 14 ft. , rough. . . S17.0J No. 2 , 4 & fi Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , roimh. . . 14.00 cr.ii.iNo AND I'AitirrioN" . 1st com. , Jiin White Pine Partition. . . . S'CT.OO ' 2d " " " " " . . . . 27/.0 2d Com. % In. Norway Pine Celling. . . . J4.00 A Cinch , white pine , 20 C . S29.00 0 6 Inch , " " H4 1) . 21,50 STOCK IIOAUDS. A 13 Inch. s. Is. 400 . 8 .00 li 12 Inch " " 421) . 2:1.50 : No. I , com. 12 In , , s. 1 a. . 10. 18 A20 ft. , , 21.00 No. 2 , " ' " ' ' . . . 1S.50 No. 2 " ' " ' 12 it . , 14 ft . 17.00 " " " " ' 10ft . 10.00 Rim1 i.Ar. No. 1. plaln,8and H ) me ! . 917.50 No. 2 , plain , 8 nnd 10 Inch , . 1&.50 KHI.Vni.KfG I.ATII. XX clear , 52.-.K ) ; A standard , 82.50 ; No. 1 , vl.Ii-i' liUlll , & 2.2.1. ' ' PoBTS-Whltu Cedar , O1 In , , M , We ; 8 In. qrs. , 1st and 2d. clear , 1 W incli. s. as . S50.00 8d , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s. . , . " . 45.00 8 < I. clear. l ) < , l1 , 2 in. . . ' , . 47.50 II belect , I inch , s. 2 s. .H . S'J.OO JJ select , Itf , 1 ,2 In. . . . . . . . W5.00 ADDITIONAL IjIS'W OP VOTEHS Jill Wajrd. Aron J lj 1310 Douglas ' liorclilcs And Call lorn la house Hazard Sam 2iiKl.'itht. ; lirydnii Juo A Caniield house Drown James N 414 s 10th Darn Win 112-JOn I2tb DucknerThosinn 12th Daciielder Chas 413 s Uitli Drandes Adolph 12th and Cap a\e liauer Jno 123 n Kith Drown Win Fail n nth DuikeQ K lilth and DoJiro Daer Chas 10th bet DoiiL'lasand F.unaiu DoyerOhloOs 1'Jtli " Dnuly Jas California bouse Callahan St vu4l3 s I3tli Campbell Win 314 8 13th CranuCass413sitih : Cosjro\ J no 123 s 13th CJIppiiiL'crK K Paxton building Croker F D cor Cap ave and r.'tli Cook A D 12th bet Cap ave and Dojgo Collins J H 110 n 14th Duren F V Chllf house Dooley Patrick 111 s 11 Doherty Thos lib n llth Dlxon James 414 b Hlh Klton It 13th and Dudgo W S 1SOO Douglas Fisher S J 1M4 Fatnam Frushour W ( ? rron Ttee hous * Usher J A M. Farnani . Fisher Ficd 1118. ilowaid I'It/gerald Jas K Calif house ( Jrady I * H Paxfon liotcl ( Jeanne ( tiles isoii Davenport ( iray D K Paxton hotel lU-cson Krwl 1112 Dodge ( tllmore Kanin llth George T A 1213 Douelas ( Jilmore WmCttln llili lloiuli Ceo 310 n Kith 11 arris SMWJs 12th ilojle.l A 1424 Fnrnnm Hardy J D 1208 Dodco lloman 11 A4Ks ! llin Haley Caleb 1215 Capitol a8 Hadval Oscar Paxtnn Hotel HeggNcke Calif Hot e Ilt'iintn John 101 s llth Kunde II bin Hurney Kirby P.I 117 n 14tb Kanady 11 U cor 14tli and Davenport KlrKpitrlck K 1) ir.ft Douglas Kersi A 11 ( U7 Capitol ave IA-U Harry Dodge bet bill and llth La Course J D Caniield House l.nmburg S A 207 s 13th l.nrlson John A 413s 13th .Miller 11 less 1107 Capitol ave Magher.las American hotuo Meyer KrnrstaOT s Cltli May John J 210 n 13th Maboncv David ( Jreen Tree house Mltcliell"CK213nl2tli Mlcklewalt F II Mlllard hotel Morrison Jas S IROl Dotiu'las McCarthy P F n w cor Dili niul Howard Melleth 0 F Caniield house McCalllsler ( ieo Co/.vcm liouso MfNp.il Syl 1214 Capitol axe McVittloW. ) 1OI ! Fatnam McCallum Frank Farnani near 10th McCormick Jas Fainam near 10th McCiiilre. Peler 12th near Capitol ave McCann J H Callloinlii hou c -McAnili-uws A D 10th and Capitol ave McDonald Chas \ , 413 s Kith MeDouirall C W 1215 Douglas Mcratb.las817 ( ! Douglas Nesner JnoUS hotel NcilanThos llln 11th O'Hanlon J F 1U15 llarnny Overtoil I L 1014 Howard ObergM IDS s Kith Patterson Jas Paxton building Pielst Otis Stephenson barn Price OH Lewis hotel Patteison Win Lewis hotel Utiairi'ht A Lewis hotel Ityau Jno 13th and Capitol Ithoads K L U.2I . Dodge Itooney Thos 310 n Kitlt Itecd Jas Lewis liotel Selmll/ii Win 1410 Dodge Schutt F 10 l Davenport Smith C W lOlSHarney Spencer S K 1311) ) Douglas Shtverick Chas Paxton liotcl Smith W C211 sHth Storm E 413 s Kith Sullivan KC410sloth Smith Chas Uth and Douglas Selberc.l M Paxton liotel Smith UP 1101 Douu'las Sapplngton J H Mlllatd hotel Sanders M American house Stuai t D M Paxton bid .Smith Je.sbO 207n llth Sehul/.oC A 1410 Dodge Scorchmad A Lewis bouse Smith W K Occidental liotel Trimble W H lOtli and Capitol av Thompson O 215 n 11th Tiplon 11 T 1321 Douglas Vickerv J 11 1411 Douu'las Wild'T D 1312 Dodgtf Wicnwick J S 10th and Douzlas Weti7cl F Cozzcns house WcndnckL11l4 Howaul Walker S 1124 Dodge Wood worth M llln llth Wilson J Calitornla bouso Young J 11 Harney nr Howard Ximmeite ( ice lll'J DouglasMATT MATT Hoovru , Uegibtiar Third Ward. Second Additional llst of Voters , Tlilrit District. First Ward. Armstrong ( ! l)7th bet Pieiceand Pacllic Andeison Niels 502 J'ierce liuckowies Win swcorMh and Pacific Duckowies Sam'I 4tli anil Wiilnut Costello Thomas 00.5 1'ierco Caitrii-'lit Win 4th and Walnut Carey Win 501 Pierce Delahanti Jno .1 012 Pacific Dennison C I'lO'.i Pacific Fliegner Hermann 2d and Walnut Fields W Y lllSsfith ( ilicika Fred Pine bet 3d and 4th Holme ? Hcnrv3dand Sprnco Hnyna Otto 8th and Doicas Haggeity Peter 70(5 ( Pacilic Heishey WT 010 Pierce Haugli J U 2d anil Center Isham J W Center bet 4th and Cth Jones Thos ( i03 Pieice Kernes W M 007 Pacilic Kelley Ilobeit Hll .sbth Kelley David 111 Is 8th Manow E C fitn and Pacific Mason A2d and Ciieiry McKeeieo4tli and Walnut McCarron Jno Division bet 5th and Cth Mcliavoek W A cor 5th and Pieico Pcteison NC412P.icilic Patcli 11 OG07 Pacific Plank FraiiK 3d arid Center Peterson Jes PPieice bet 5tli and Ctii Pilchard J Uflth andU'lno I'eterson Jonas505 Pierce Pcttey O N 2nd and Center Ifanper Fred 7lli and Doic.is Hitter Jacob Division bet 5th and Gtb liienleldt Charles 5th and Cherry Ityan M. A HJOs7th Stebbena C S K0i ! 7lh ave Sorensdii Peter Lucas Silver C W Walnut bet 4th nnd 5th Stokehbmry COS'S Pieieo Schccahaii J 2d and Division Scbween L W 2d and Spruce Scais FA lllls 7th Thompson Peter fit' ! Plerro AVIttenmyie FiankDll 1'ieioo Ximmeiinan ICdwaid : : d anil Walnut AI.I < 'IID : : Vi.vr.v. HegMnirThlid District First Waul , November 1 , Ib8'5. ' Steinwny Upright I'hino to rent. AIux Aloycr it Hro. Open ovennis. 0MA ! JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. IIOSPE , , TR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 Douulna Street , Omnlm. Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER \Vholcmle Driller In Agricultural Imiilcinonfs , Wnpone , CarrlnECs und llucplop. Jones ftrcet , Letwoon Stb nnd IDIh.OuniLu , NtU , LINING Ell < 15 METCALF CO. , Agricultural Iini > lenicnts , \VBiion , Cnrrlwos , IlitRKlox , Ktc. , Wuolcnlu , Omabi. PA It LIN , OlfENDORFtV MARTIN WliolC5nloI ) > Milnr In Agricultural Imiileincnts , IVneonsund Duiriilei. I01ut3i0j ; nnd 107 , Jones st Butter and 333. McSHANE iVi SCHROEDER , liuyers of Hut tor nnd Eggs. Refrigerator und Parking House , llth nnd I.oav n- worth fit , L' ' , I' . K , i ( , TfKt. = lSi. Builders' Hardware and Scales , HIMEIiAUGir Builders'Hardware&ScnloIU'jmirShop Mechanlcd' Tools and IlurTnlo Hcnles. HttJ Dougloi iu , tlmalia. Neb. LEE , FRIED C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnwaro , Shi-iitlrnn , Kic. Anenta for Howu btalos , U nil tllainl I'o iler'u. ( , Ornnlui.Ni'lJ. RECTOR , t ) WILllELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. WeMern Htenti for Jefferson Hlerl Nulls , An tin i'o derCo , halrbunk Mandard hralus. Corner 10th mid Ilarnvr , Omaba. Engineers and Contractors , Engineer ) ) nnd Contractors , Bridget , VUiliiili. HnoITruiaOiHteaiu I'lle llrlrlnf , PlllnV , Oak unit t'luv llrl'lvo ' Lumber , 1Mb it. , near I'uriiHiu , ODiabi , Nut ) . Furniture , DEWEYA STONE , M'liolesalo Dcaleru in Furniture , r'ornsni St. , Omaha , Nf b. ' CHARLES SHIYERICK , Furniture , li'edding , Upholstery , Ulrrors , etc. 1206,1303 nd 1J10 raruam it. , Omuha , OjjijU JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Boats and Shoes , jfMI'flllCA N ITA A7 > SEWED SHOE COMPANY , Manufacturer * unit Wholesale Umlen In Hoots nnil Shoos , Conpltte stork ot Uubtior < lno < l Mwnji nn hand ta > S. lSthEt.OmMm. Xeb. A.T. Aii'tln , Attnt. iO co. lubbers of Hoots nuil Shoes , 1411 KarnMii i-l. , Otimlis , Js > b. Mnnutiirtorj , Summer _ Mrce t. llintun. X. T. LIItSK 1' . ( > CO. Wholesale Kubbcr ItootM anil Shoes. Rubllur utulUllpil ClOl'ilngnnd Kelt Hoots a s. Uth Slrcrl. fleer. Apt. for Anlii-nscr-Hush Itrcwliiff Ass'n Special Drnmli , r'nuit , Iliulivolsor ami WnfRZ .0 ILER' , Liiper Keep Ilrowora , l t North Ulh Htrprt , Omaha , Neb. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Oinulia Coffee niul Snlco Mills. Tcm.Cotrre , ! : rilro . niikliiK Ponder , KliTOrtnutt * . tracts , l-sundry lllue , Ink. Ktc. 1114-10 llnrtur Street , ( < n ! hi , .Neb. Homo roffeonml Splro Mills M'f'sr Co. Citffce TlonMcrfl and Splco Urlntlcrfi , Manufacturers nf llikklnR I'nwder. HnTiipInx ittr.irt : , Illiitui ; . Ktr. TM onu cnp o ( * mr l > ft packitac llomulilcnd HuatteU Ooffre. inisHlowant t.om hv N.-H. Cornice. LE CORNICE II'OJtKS , .lohu Knonntor , 1'rop. Manufacturer nf ( UlTnnltiMl Iron nritl Pornlcs. 933 lloilgunnil 103 unit I'JiN , 10th ft , , Omaha , Nob. JtUEMPING P JtOLTE , MnnufncturcM of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klrmls. Metallc Skfllgbt , etc. 3108. t i i > l. , Dmalm. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Snecht , Prop. aalvnnliccl Iron Cornices , etc. Sheet's Improvi-cl 1'at- cut Mrtallci-kjllKlil. lui nnd Ml ) S.ltli nt.Otimho. Carpets. OMAHA VA It PET CO. , Jobber' of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Hues , l.lnoluumii , Mitttlnir , Ktc. 1611 Douglas nlroct. s. A. 'oitciiAitD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Oirtnln o < nK Ktc. 1121 Kurnam Mreat , Omaha. Nrb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturer ! nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , tamps , Cblimiejs , etc. Offlcc , 317 South 13th at. Omaha , Neb. Commission and Storage. Cominissiou iintl .lobbitiff. Unltcr , rcRsnml Produce. Consignments nollcltcd. UemlniKirten for Ktonuwarc , norry liojti'd unil Urnpo llaski'H. Hll Dodgoetloet , Umau * . PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruit * . lroducc and 1'rovlilons. Onmhn , Xeb. Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpccliiltlon Iliitter. KKK' . rhncso. Pniiltrr , ( Inmo. ( ) > ters , Ktc , Kic. 112 Soiuli Itth htrcet. WlEDESTAJf 0 CO. , Froduco Conimlijsion Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Gnme , Krultd , etc. 2W B. llUiat. Umnba. Neb , WEEKS tB MILLAllD , General Cominissiou Merchants , And Jobbers of 1'nrolgn nnd Domestic Frulte. Corro- npomlenca tnlli-lteil. Wnrehniii > oiind inic < > . HON. Thlitepnih St.Omnlm , Neb. Telephone 77ft. fruits. P. ROCCO C CO. , taporters nnd wliolc ale dealers In Italian Produce , . Domestic und California Fruits nnd Commit. Ion Merchants. 101 B. llth st. Onlr ercluilT * fruit house In Omnba. Coal on iLime. . "MILESTONE io co. ] ] ) cilcr8 In Hard and Soft Coal , Office and jrnrd , irili nnd Nlcliolns stu. , Omnliit , Neb. Vurd Telephone , 007. UEO. . . 11.11:11.1'ri'n. . O. F. aoonilAN , V. 1'rci. J. A. M'MiKHi.ANI ) , Sac. und Trcas. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME COMPANY Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. m South Thirteenth Street. Omahn , Neb. , r. . .r..roTLvsoJTTc- . , Jlannfactnrers of Illinois While Lime. And htpiiern uf roul nnil Cntte. Coinent , 1'lanler , IJuu , llulr. Tire Ilrick , Drain. Tile niul bower 1'ipw. onicu , I'nxton Hotel. Kirniiin tt. , Oil.ilni : , Neb , Tulviinnnufill. Confectionery. F. P. FA Y < 0 CO. , HnnufurtnriiiK Confectioners , Jobbern of KuHts.NutM nnd C'lnim , Mil 1'urnuin St. . Live Stock Commission. . M. HURKE < B SONS , Live Stock Coniniission. nco. lluike. JlnniiKPr , union rUock Yards , B.iunnlm , ' 1'olepliono fM. 'f UrAGIS tC GREEN , Live Stock Coniniission Merchants , Shipments of liny und nil klnilu of Block follolteJ. Union f-tiH-k VnnU , Oinnlin , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER ,0 CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Qunn mill -Ammunition , M to223 S. IIIU it. , 1030 to 1UJ4 FHriiuiii vt. , OiniiliiitNeU , WEST C FRITKCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wbolesaln Dealers In I.eaf Tobaccos. Nos , 106 and HON. 14th street , Oinuliu. JIOUSER ) WOO It LAND , Wlinlosali ) Deulorn In Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers' Artiftles. Ak'C'iti for D. I.ehlcri'lorf ' It. Co. , Flnci-Cul nnil Siuol- lor Teliacroi , .Muniuk | | e , Wlncoinlii. N * . 413 North HUle mli street , Oinulin , Neb , Dry Goods , M. E. SMITH < 0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 nnd 110 < Douclxs , cor , lltu bt.OuiilmXl.b. Distillers , Olitlilcnof I.liunra , Alrohnland Kplrlti , Importere and Jobbers of Wlnusand I.lquori. WILLO n'SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO. and ILKR C CO. , Importer ! and Jobbers of Klna Wines and I.t < jnori. hole mKiiuf/iOlnrern n ( ICfunfd > 'i > Kast liulm till' ters and Douiea'ln i.iqr.nrs , III ] Jlurnny tit. Drugs , Paints , Etc. II. T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , Lnrfre t Drug , Paint , Oil & Glusa llouao W itof Cblcsza rompleta Line of dragglns Bun. drlyi. 11U llarney > t.Omsh * , GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Wholesale Diuggists. And DeaUrilnl'alnls.OlliaiiinVlndow Oiasi.Omaha , Drain Tile , Etc , . . J-W Iltnrofiii Ser.iTreas II. J.CAIISON , V.l'ms. nndHupt. THE UNJ O N UyiUtA ULIC nitAIN TILE CO , , Office 513 H. Uth it. , Onmhn. Nrb. Mnchinprr and bupplleifor Manufacturing Ceuii-ot lirvln Tjle < Butchers' Tools. " ' " LOUIS HELLER' Ihitcheru' Tools and .Supplies , Jauiafi ) Cuiln t of nil Mudi iilvrarslu slock. 1216 Juncsl.Umatiii , OMAHA JOBBERS'DIREGTORY ' Orotcrie $ , ,0 CQ.t AVliolosnlo Orocorles and Provisloitg , No _ JlV'.707 , W nnil 111 S. IMJi St , Omnlm , N b. JtcC)7iD JtJA DY. P CO. , Wliolesulo Rroecrn , 1.1th nnil Tie TenTrorth li.Ora > bit. Hardware. ir. , r. itHO Heavy Hanlwarp , Iron ninl Steel , Springs , Wnpron SlorX. lt nlw rn Lumber , etc. 13M nnd Ull llnrnrr n. , Omnhit. Wholesale Iron anil Steel , Wnron ami 0 rrliitn ( Wood Ftock , H * TJ ll nlw r ( , Kir. 1311 unit 151'J I.fnTcuworth it. , tlra b , N | > . 'VIC HOGKltS ,0 A'OXS , Stovoa , Knniroo , Ftirnnces , Tllrs , Mtnttci , ( lr > t i , llrtsXloodi. Inland U Rtr ( . Iron Works. 1'AXTOX td V1EKL1XG \J\ \ \ Iron Works , Wroimht unit C it Iron Building Work , Iron HUIr , Itslllut ; . Urxnin anil lilrJern , t < tpim Rntlnrt , llrn \Tnrk , umot l Kiniiulrr , Mmlilne nd IllnrktmUb , OWoennU Worko.tJ. 1' . ltr. > nil 17lh utifcl. Jewelry. ED11OLM C EUWKSOX , Wholesale Jewelers niulMusto Dealers. Dxnleri In Hllvorirarn. l'l DiiJ , Wntohn . riorkp , Jonulei'sToolntml MNlt > rlnl < , ric. UM nillW 15th t.cor , Dotltfp , itiimhu , Nob. Lumber. LOUIS Dealer in Iiitmhor. Lath , Lime , Sasli , leer , Eto. YnnU-CorncrTth nnil l > oul i | Corner Uthunil Donnliis. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 8118.UlislrottOm li , N b. r.C'olpctipr , Minartr. C. If. DIETX. Lumber. ir.tli nnil Cdllfornln HtreeU , Om h , N b. FJtED W. GJtAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Eto. Cor.din Knit inniRlni , nt. , umitin , Neb. Lumber , T. IP. 11A11VEYLUMHER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlce , 1)0,1 Furntm nt'ppt , Onialm. CIIAS. Jt. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Curpcts unit I'm atirt FlootluK. Vtli and Uouflai Oiimha. JOIIITA. WAKEFJELD , AVholostilo Lninber , Ktc. Inporlcil anil Amcrlcnn rortlanit Crment. Rtnta Agout forMlliMiukun } lr > lrniillo Cement n < l lint yulncy Whlti'l.liur. Live Stock. mrioySTOCK YAJIDS co. , Of Oinaha. LlmltOil. Jului F. Ilojd , BtiporlntccdcaU Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER .C CO. , Importcrn mill Jobbois of Milliue.ry niul Notions , 1213 and 1215 llarnoy Ht.cct , Omahn , Neb. flotions. C. S. CSOODRICtr ,0 CO. , Are the only Direct Importers of Gcriiinn & French Toys & Funcy Goods In NebniBkn. Chicui0 prices ( luiillcnted without uild * liittlrclilht. HI&Furiiiiin Mictt.Omihn. J. T. XOTJOJV CO. , Wholesale Denlcrs In Notions and Fiii'iiMiing' Goods , iai uiul 4fi ( S. Tenth .St. , Oninlia. YIXYA.11D ,0 SCHNEIDER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' I'urnlsliliiif d'oods. lOOi iind 1008 F.irnam St. , Omahn , Nab. Overalls. CAXFIEL1) MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Maiitifnctiircrs of Overalls , Jonni r.ints , Shlrlf , Ktr. 110 } and 1101 Douglm Streat , Oinnhn , Neli , Printing. REEfS " PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Hook Makers , And lioot Illndem. 1V ! > mill KH Soutli Fourteenth Blreet.Oni.ilii , Nell. IfES'J'EllNNEU'fiPA ntll UNION Auxiliary I'liblisliers. Ronloro lnTync. I'ri'iaii nnd Printers' Supplies. 503 houtliTnfifth Street. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. El ill' IN H1O11 IIJS , C ; COT llannfaetiircrii , rackem.nnd ] > enlor In Pickles & Strictly I'tu'o Apple liuklnK I'owdcr , I'liiTorlri ! ! Ilxlnieti , Tnhlo H/un-e , Krench Mn tn"i. With Illulim , linuers' ! ' ; " . ' " ! : iics ! ! folonuenis liir > ork MaloMinil lluflnud Apple Ci der. 14KU ( CMivi'iiwnrlh it. . Oinunit , Safes , Etc. G. ANDREEN , Oniuliii Safe Workc. Wnnufncturermif Kirn mid llarRliirl'riiorfiarrr , Vault Duorn.Jnll Wi > ikhhi > llci > ind WlruScilk , ( 'or. J' . HO YKR ,0 CO. , A Rents for 11 all's Safe & Lock Co.s" Dra nnd rinrulBr Front Hnt'in , Time Ixiekii , Vnultl and Jail Work. 101J KMriura struct Oiimlm , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. I > IfJBROllr.f > CO , , Wliolnrnlu Mnnufiietnrurn of Sash , Dooi'fi , IllinilH ninl .MonlUin H Ilrunfh oClce. IZtli nnd Iriird Ms. , Omaljn.Jt'eli. . G. K LVMA.V , Sanli , Door , Dlinils , DulIdhiK l'i > ii r , ctr , 10TI1 tiiiutli Tlilrti-rntli t-'lroet , Omulia.Ntb. A coniitcta | ttock of lluildi'n' ll ntwre , SOUN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sas/i / , Doors , Blinds , UonldijiKK.Stair U'mknncl Interior ll.ni ! Wnod I'lnliU Just vpeuid , N , K. cor. 8lli ni.d J.cMtcnworti. ht , Omutift , Neb , Pumps. CJTURCJI1LL PUMP CO , , " \VIiolosalo \ PunijiH , Pipe , Kiltln s , gtasmimd Wnter Huinillfi. HcKilnnurlurii fur Must ( 'coilCo'XjiiuiU. 1111 1'urnum it. , Onjab.i. Ktb , A. 7JT7iTliAA' < Tcd. , Pumps , I'lpos nnil Kn lnps , Bteam. WH'.IT , Itulloar > . ; \ Xllllli.i : KuiMillei. II to , VM. y und VH Kur Mm it. , cnuuliii. Nek , U. ' . WiND'ENG INK itmTJ' UMP COMPANY. JIiilUdOT Wind tlllli ) nleam ind Whler Fupiillo , I'liiiiibiiiurjoodt , lleltlnif. lloiu. VIS HIM ! I'Jto ttt. li am it.l > niahH. H K. Kolton , Munugtr. J.'lepluitu No. 2IU. Trunks. n. n. MAitnoFF , Wholesale Trunks , Mllltrd llotul lllock , Ouittlia , Wagon * and Carriages , " A. J. SIMPSON , Tliq heading Can-Intro Factory , ISM ) II'W and Ull Uuilta street. Omi.li . BuilJing Material , o'MAIfA LU3IIIKK CO. , Deu erlu All Kiuilj ( > ; Jiuflilinc M.ttorial ut Wbolesale. litliHtrcv'lnnd Jiilun I'anirj'i 'I'rark , Ouulik ,