Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Van Wyck'g Able Address to the
Workingmen Last Night.
Xlio Council ISonrd of Education
Swift Htccds In Transit The Now
Collector Court Notes-
The Jitiat Gun.
It Is safe to stnto tlmt no polilicnl
speaker in Nobniska , ever hnil ix inoro
nttutittvc mid intoruslctl nudluneo than
tlmt which wns addressed by Senator C.
11. Van \Vyj3k : it tliu main hull of the
exposition building last niirht. The
meeting was advertised to cointnenco at
8 o'clock At tlmt hour fully two thou
sand people tilled the scaling c.ipuoitv of
Ihomuin hall of the exposition building
mill lined the de.slrnblu portions of the
gallery. A few minutes after 8 o'clock
Senator Van Wyck was introduced by
Senator Saunders , chairman of the
meeting , and received tin ovation of ap
plause and cheers as he stooped to the
front of the platform and began
Ida address. After a brief intro
duction , in which lie acknowl
edged the compliment shown him
by the presence of so many of the citizens
of Omaha , he took up the discussion of
the labor question. The atrucglu between
capital and laborhe Bald , lias uoen going
on uince the landingof the Ark. It grows
out of the refusal of capitalists to adopt
the political platform promulgated by
Christ : "JJo unto others as you would
that others should do unto you. " As an
uxamplo of the early Htruggle between
capital and labor , vlie Hcnator referred to
the Savior's parable of the vineyard , ' .the
owner of the vineyard was si capitalist
and had work to be performed. Ho asked
the men who were lounging around , the
Hume ( | iii)8tion ) thai capital asks them to-
ilayj "Why stand yo here all the day
idloV" The men made the same answer
thatlabor iiiukt-s to-day ; "because no man
has hired us. " And the vineyard pro
prietor engaged them at the rate of a
penny a day and ho came in at the
eleventh hour and hired more mon.
When the night came he paid them nil
alike and tlio men who had worked
all day went out on ii strike
because they had received no more pay
than the mon who had only worked one
hour. Then the vineyard owner made
the same answer to their complaint that
capital makes to-day to the demands of
labor : "Shall not a man do witli his own
as ho chooses ? " The senator answered
the question by saying that a man can
do as ho chooses with his own , but asked ,
what is his own ? The money wrong
fully plundered from others is not the
rightful properly of the man who has
possession of it. Gould and \ under
bill build a railroad that costs
$20,000 a mile. .Then they bond it for
ifGO.OOO a mile. The rates are then put
up to nay a dividend on $60,000 per milo
and when the people remonstrate against
such injustice , the railroad bosses , like
the capitalists of old , ask , "Shall not a
man do with his own as ho chooses ? "
These monopolists have as strong hold
upon the people as the slaveholders did
upon their .slaves and the remedy is the
samo. Lot the people rebel , not , by arms
but by legislation , and demand Iheir
rights. NVIioii a man commences to
cry out against the burdens
of monopolists and corporations , said
the .senator , the capitalists slnrjt the
counter cry of communism and anarch
ists and nil that. What wo want is the
1 enforcement of the luw.Never mind the
man who steals a loaf of bread , but pros
ecute the mon who injure the people.
Tim best dynamite is the ballot in the
hands of conscientious citizens , and the
best bomb is Christian legislation , backed
l > y a government strong enough to reach
down and protect its humblest cili/.on.
As an instance of Uio different manner
in which the law is enforced upon the
dilVcront classes , the speaker cited the
fact that a slioit time ago a number of
men interested in the cause of labor met
in Now York to take slops to secure an
advance in the price of day wages. They
wore arrested on Uio charge of conspir
acy. A yory few days afterwards , six
men , who control the production of coal
iu a corlain district in Pennsylvania mot
in Wall streol anil decided lo stop
the production of coul in Uio
district , throwing thousands of men
out ot on ) ploy ID out and sending up the
price of coal HO that they put $8,000,000
in thejr pockets. Their was no cry of
conspiracy against them. A few days
ago "Jay Gould bought the controling
interest in seventy coal mines in the
vicinity of St. Louis. He has
not bought them for Uio benelit of manner
nor lite glory of God , but to control the
shipping rates from these mines. Hut
then thal's not a conspiracy. What
cares the Jaw when Jay ( Jould
is a criminal. The speaker
referred to the labor que.slion as being
above party. Ho referred lo Uio ollbrls
of the Wall street millionaires to sccuro
the demonetization of silver and of their
ollbrts to make all notes payable in gold
coin. Ho referred to the continual viola
tion of the interest law by men who have
the money to force borrowers to any
terms ,
After a further and masterly hand
ling of the labor question the
flunntor referred to his position
in this campaign and his desire
to obtain an expression from the people
of their preference for senator. Ho took
occasion to pay Ills complimonls to the
editors of the Uopublican and Lincoln
Journal who have heaped vituperation
upon him because ho cfoes not belong to
th same class of republicans that thov
do , tor which ho is thankful. Ho roforreil
to the candidacy of Air. Kostnvuter , who ,
ho said , had always been a
true friend to the interests
of Omaha and the stato. He closed his
address by thanking the Knights of Labor
who had invited him to deliver the ad-
ilrehS. The Knights of Labor , ho said ,
had been blnmeu for Inking a hand in
politics. No people liavo more right to
take a hand in thu political ntlalrs of thu
country. It is more lo their Interest to
know whether they shall receive $1 or
$1.U5 per day limn as to whether Jay
( imild hhall have $ l'00,000,000 or ? ; ) ; 5,000 , .
i OOll. It Is the duty of the Knights of La
bor to co that there is power cnouuh
placed behind the laws to have them en
forced upon the rich and the poor alike.
Tim address was listened to with the
utmost attention bythe immense audi-
onoo and many cries of " ( ! o on" were
heard when the senator said "In conclii *
mon. " Jl was an admirable mid telling
stii. nosuwATr.u.
At the close of Senator Van Wyck's
address calls were made for Mr. Hose-
water. Andy Wiggins , Judge Cooley and
a fyw innru of Church Howe's strikers
liwdutjn attempt to break up the meet
ing by calling lor Church Howe and an
nouncing Unit Howe was duliroring an
tulilrrss hi the exposition annex. Their
attempt was ineiloctual , however , and
Mr. Hosewatcr took the platform in
response to tho. imperative domaiuls of
the anillonco and was enthusiastically
rccuirixl. Ho said that it was not Ins
purpose to intorforu with the Hon.
Church llowo's meeting , nor ilid ho see
FO.O any roitflom why the hall , which had
linen engaged for Senator Van Wyck and
meiub'ms of Uio Jt'gislativo ticket , should
lui given up for Mr. Hovvu's bone-
lit , ilu rtifcmnl to a confidential
r-lrcular tlmt had been sent outaddressed ;
Jo "Thd Thoughtful Voter,1' ' adyocafiuc
opposition to Ins candidacy * The circu
lar win in itself an evidence of a cor
poration's attempt to intorford with the
jvill of the people. Twelve thousand of
them had been sent out from Hie ofilco of
ono of the corporations. Al this point ,
Wtegins , wild at his failure to draw ofl
the crowd lo the Howe sideshow , became
noisy , and began to demand that Mr.
Kosowaler prove his assertian. The
answer sent Wiggins from the room with
the applause of the onliro audience ring
ing In his cms. Mr , Hosewatcr replied ,
naming the ollico , and also named the
legal representative of a certain railway
corporation who had made an open at
tempt to bribe members of the republi
can legislative ticket to Irado oil' the
nanios of Kosewaler and IV.schuck. Ho
said the qucslion to bo decided was
whether Uio voters of Doug
las counly arc free men con-
ti oiled by Ihclr own wills or by
corporations. He said that , elected or
defeated , lie would not yield ono iota to Uio
corporations , and he did not fear the cou >
sequence of being u friend of Charles 11.
Van Wyck ; Ho referred to Iho action of
the i ) . .V M. in defrauding Omaha out of
the stain fair , and showed that the com
pany is stilt working against the Inter-
tuU of Omaha In Irylng lo defeat mon
who have Omaha's interests most at
heart. He made n lengthy reference lethe
the prohibition question , spoico of Iho
evils thai will result from an attempt to
pass such a law and pledged Ins em
phatic opposition to any consideration of
Ihc qucslion by the legislature. Ho closed
by reminding nn hearers of the Import
ance of Iho questions Ihal are to bo de
cided by to-day's election , and asked
them to bo on hand ready for a day's
hard work.
At the close of Mr. Ilosowatcr's remarks -
marks the audience gave him three
rousing cheers , and aflcr lliree more for
Senator Van Wyck , dispersed.
OHiTiictt itmvK's siui : SHOW.
At 0 o'clock last night there was a very
thin showing of people in the annex.
Church Howe sac in one of the front
rows , looking sombre. The people were
not Hocking in as fast as ho had antici
pated. However , when the Van Wyck
meeting in the main building adjourned ,
the people' began to Hock in , and when
Senator Mandorson called Iho mceling lo
order , HIP front part of Iho room was
comfortably lilted.
Senator Mandorson briefly made a
speech of introduction for Church Howo.
Ulie lallor mounted the platform shortly
after Hie senator commenced and took a
seat in the rear. Ho smiled gently as
Senator Mandcrson referred to him as a
.slandered , much abused individual , who
had come lo Omaha to defend himself
from the vile attacks of his opponents.
That a very large proportion of his
audience was not in sympathy with the
speaker , became evident as soon as Howe
commenced lo talk. The people in Ihc
rear part of the house didn't want to hoar
Howe , but did want to hear some ono
else , for whom they called loudly. Mr.
Howe was embarrassed for a moment ,
but when comparative quiet was restored ,
called upon William A. Pnxton , who was
standing in the roar part of the house , to
"Please keep your friends quiet , Mr.
Paxtoti. " He was at length able to proceed -
coed Ho entered upon a harangue
which lasted about an hour , and was
mainly devoted lo defending himself and
abusing Iho HEI : and the editor of the
BKB. lie took uj > the charges which had
been made against him , and point bv
point tried to rofulo them. As a model
of injured innocence ho was not entirely
a success , for it must bo said
that ho failed to create the
impression that these charges wore
wholly withoutfoundalion. His explana
tion of how ho had robbed the slock
shippers of Auburn on Iho rebalo swin
dle was very glibly given indeed , but ho
totally failed to show why ho had pock
eted thousands upon thousands sf dollars
which did not belong to him and did belong -
long to his constituents. Ho reiterated
his falsehood to the ofTccl that the ox-
station agent at Auburn had been dis
charged by the Missouri Pacific and had
made the affidavit in consideration of flO.
lie perpetrated , luo old cheslnnt about
instructing his attorneys in Omaha to
sue the UKB for libel , but did not make
any ptra-tling impression thcrobv.
Mr. Howe concluded his remarks by
paying his regards lo Mr. McShanc. His
principal objection to that gon-
llcman seemed to bo that ho owned bov-
oral acres of land in Choyeuno. Keith and
Sioux countits , logelher with a herd or
two of cattle. For nboul lifleou minutes
by a slow watch , he tried lo show his hear
ers that McShano is a monopolist and
friend of corporations , ought not to bo
sent to congress.
At 10:15 : the meeting adjourned with
three feeble cheers for Church Howo.
The Council.
The council mol lasl evening , all Iho
members except Ford and Schroeder
being present. Work was done in an ex-
pcdllious manner and at 8:20 : an adjourn
ment was lakon lo November 9.
J. E. House , of the board of public
works , submitted an estimate for the
construction of sewers in sewer district
No. 20 , iu favor of Mount & Griflin ,
amounting to | 5C05. Approved.
Same For Iho west branch of the
Soutli Omaha sewer , amounting to
$5,018.54. Approved.
Same-Corlifying lo $31.80 in favor of
Murphy , Crcighlon & Co. , for oak hear
ers. Approved.
Same Submilling pay-roll of inppecl-
ons for Ihc month of Oclouoi , amounting
lo $1,300. Approved.
From Iho same , estimates for slroet
sweeping from October 3 lo October 01 ,
amounting lo $1,410. ! ) ! ) . Approved.
Same Kstimatu of second monthly ex
pense of constructing North Omaha
Bow r , amounting lo $0,017.83. Approved.
Same First monthly estimate of cost
of construclion ot the south branch of
Iho South Omaha sewer , In favor of P.
Fox & Co. , amounting to $3,900,13. Ap
Same Monthly ostlmalo of construe-
tion of Jones streol sewer , in favor of J.
E. Hiloy & Co. , amounting to $8.1)05,18. )
No bids having been received for the
grading of Seventh and Eighth streets
and otner , adjacent thoroughfares , on
motion of Mr. Lowery , Mr. House was
authorized to advertise again for bids for
work on Eighth street.
An ordinance making allowance for
Iho expenses of Iho oily , during Iho
month of October , was passed , amount-
iu to $ llr ) > 0U50. (
Aii ordinance was passed changing the
grade of Dodge Hlrcel between Twenty-
llftli street and Twenty-lift ! ! avenue.
The School Itonnl.
The board of education met at its
rooms last night , with a full attendance.
President PoinU occupied Iho chair.
The monthly report of the committee
on claims , recommending the payment
of salaries of teachers and janitors for
October was approved.
The salary of Miss Hriggs , assistant
principal of Central school , was lixod at
* 'JOO. Adjourned.
Licensed to Wed. '
Jtulgo McCultoch issued marriage li
censes yesterday to the following parties ;
Name. P.csldcnco. ARC.
! William U , Karinfcr..Omaha 21
J LliiaK. Weathers Oiiinha 18
i Patrick-Duffy Oiualm , . .27
( AmiesO'SliaueUnessy.Oinalm. : . . , 23
j 0. P. Wniloiibtuln Urooks. la S3
I fclla ilijlton , . , . . .Qouncll Ulnffs..24
I - } . . . - . , , . ; . City , Neb 36
1 Kltlo Kepler..Klk City. Neb 18
Stablemen ihould keep St ; Jacobs Oil
HI cases of sprains , galls and all such all-
Sonic Now Contemplated by the Mnn >
nscmcnt of CrclKhton ColloRO.
Crclghlon university has sold its prop
erty in Park place , adjacent to Iho Sacreti
Heart academy , for a consideration o
$35,000 , only a small part of which i ;
cash in hand. The rapid growth of Ilu
cily may bo judged from Iho facl Ihal
Ihi.s property , when bought about sh
years ago by the Hov. U. A. Slniffcl , then
president of the college , cost , about $1,200
The rector , Kev. M. P. Dowllng , was
found al home lasl evening , and upon in
quiry informed a reporter for Iho llr.i :
that il was the intention of the trustees
to dovotc Iho proceeds of this sale lo Ihc
erection of a chapel separate from Ihc
college Iniildinjr , so Ihal the present
college chapel , which is also used as n
Iccturo hall and exhibition room , might
lie used exclusively for secular purposes.
Ho was not prepared to say how soon the
work would begin , bill ho thought it
would bo some time in Ihc spring. It
would bo'iiecessary to consider Ihe mai
ler maturely , so Ihal Ihe contemplated
chapel migiil bo conveniently located ,
without interfering wilh the general
plan , which called for wings lo the pres
ent building. Though there wore at
present no available funds for the con
struction of either wing , he-had no doubt
that the generosity of benefactors would
in duo time remove. Ihal dilliculty and
give the college the room il needed for
its work. At present they were seriously
cramped for room and that inconvenience
was likely to go on increasing every
In answer to the micstion whether the
forthcoming chapel would bo intended
for the stuuonts or tor a congregation , ho
said he thought ho was justified
in saying thai it would bo for
both , just as the present chapel
is. It was rather early to decide
whether pows would bo rented ; he hoped
so. The agreement between Bishop
O'Connor and the Society of Jesus , when
the latter took charge of the college , al
lowed the erection of a collegiate church.
This chapel might answer the purpose
for Iho present and give much needed re
ligions facilities lo many Catholics near
thocolleae , particularly west of il.
Incidentally , Father Dowling gave sev
eral items of information about the col
lege not commonly known to the public.
Though thu institution is under the direc
tion of Iho Society of Jesus , its funds do
not belong lo Ihal society , which simplj-
administers them in accordance wilh Iho
conditions of Ihe Creighlon bequest. The
property of the nollogo cannot bo sold or
alienated. By the conditions of their
trust the directors of CreigJiton Uni
versity cannot use for the purchase of
real estate , any part of Ihe funds left by
Iho late Edward Crcighton for Ihe foun
dation of the college. Hence , whatever
money is devoted to the purchase of real
e&tate for any purpose whatever must
como trom some other source. The
money used for the purchase of tiie land
sold yesterday was so acquired. The
principal of the investment fund Ictt by
Iho Croiglilon ustalo can never bo
touched , onlv the interest of Iho money
being available for Iho support of Ihc
college. If , however , any of Iho interest
remain after paying the curr-mt expenses
of Iho college , mat may be used in build
ing. Naturally it would take a longtime
botore such a surplus would grow sulli-
cicntlv to allow of building a wing. The
president of the college is required to
give lo Uio bishop of Iho diocese of
Omaha an annual financial Statement of
thu condition of the funds derived from
the Creighton eslalo anil the use lo which
the interest of these funds ha ? been put ;
but ho is nol required to give any account
of money or property coming from any
other source.
Father Dowling leaves to-day for
Cincinnali , where ho is to engage In a
mission lo bo given in Iho cathedral of
that city. He will be absent for several
Thousands or Dollars of Horse Flesh
On n FlylnTrain. : .
Yesterday evening four palace stable
cars , furnished oxnrossly for Ihe purpose
to which Ihey are now being out , passed
through tliis city on Ihoir way lo the Pa
cific coast. They were supplied with
every accommodation necessary to make
the traveling of their occupants as agree
able as possible , each car carrying a
grain bin and supply of walcr for an in-
dclinilo period. In Iho four cars were
about fifty horses , comprising animals of
all ages , among which were strains of
Iho fastest and bcsl horses in Ihe United
Slales. There was a special selection of
line brood mares , some of which nro of
classes of Ihc fincsl over shipped across
Iho continent. Among Iho moro notable
of Iho steeds was Miss Woodford , who
was bought for $20,000 , Van Dyke and
Li//du Lucas , the latter a promising run
ning mare. These , togelher wltli Iho
entire number , are the property of J. B ,
Hagirard , who is taking them lo his largo
ranch on Iho coast , whore ho has thou
sands of horses. There were two well-
Known jockeys on' board the tram
Messrs. Holloway and Littlofield who
have long been in Iho employ of Mr.
Haggard. The Irain was in charge of
John Mackoy , who had as assistant W.
L. Sullivan. It ran as a special and will
maKe excellent time throughout.
B. II , Oalliouii Til Icon Chnrgo of the
Internal nev : sue Ollloo.
William Sommervillo , of Washington ,
special agent of the treasury depart
ment , was in the cily yesterday engaged
in transferring the oflico affairs of Uio
collector of internal revenue to Simeon
II. Calhoun , the now collector , vice
Gcorgo W , Post , rosgnod. During Mr.
Post's term of ollico from April , 1833 , to
October 30 , 1830 , the collections of the
oflico amounted to $ ( J,385C80.00 , Mr.
Post turned over to fiis successor in
stamps , clo. , $381,5iil.37. Mr. Sommcr-
villo stales that he found the afl'airs and
accounts of the ollico in first-class shape
and correct in every detail. The collec
tions of Iho oflico for Iho month ending
October iiOtli , were as follows :
On lists g 270.CO
Jlfur stamps 12,770.02
Snlrlt stamps 1 I,3S7,50
C.IKW stamps 4tt2.7U !
Tobacco stamps. ' . , . 170.02
Special tax Mamps nOl2.S3
Total S20llMU.bS
The collections on Saturday were $23-
003.80 , Yesterday's collodions amounted
to $ lf.47.01.
The oleomargarine lax law went into
cfl'ect yesterday.
'A Tin Soldier. "
Standing room only was to bo had at
the opera house last night , and Iho bois
terous and vociferous auaionco fairly
howled its approbation of Iho throe acts
of noisy nonsense in Iho Tin Soldier.
Each successive piece of Hoyl's scorns lo
gain in boislerousncss wlial it lacks in
art and this rough hewn satire on plumb
ers , borrowing neighbors and every
species of domestic grievance is the very
culmmallon of uprourlousness. Without
possessing an over abundance of wit ,
the piece is made bright and catchoy bv
means of an unusual amount of good
specialty work. Aiiiy Amos , as thp
eruptive domestic , was undeniably
clever , particularly In 'her songs , and
James'1. Powers , a companion figui to
Orimoa In the "Bunch of Key § " spec
ialty , wriggled himself Into popularity ,
notwithstanding his evident lack of back
bone. Bonifaco contributed much to the
general fun in hi part of Iho plumber
and the rest of.thl company wore satis
factory in lhoir"parls. "A Tin Soldier"
will bo repeated tjilg evening.
" 5 ' ' i
Hum Joijon Coining.
This celebrated * evangelist will roach
Omaha , next Saturday. In preparation
for Iho servlcofjyhjj'ch will bo held under
his leadership , * prayer meeting will beheld
hold in the BaMifft church every after
noon of this week at 4 o'clock. With
Jones comes SuinlBiimll , whose sermons
are thought by Wino to bo oven boiler
than Ihoso of Jones. Prof. E. A. Excell ,
of Chicago , will also bo present and help
in the singing. A largo chorus will bo
gathered from Iho singers of our ellv ,
who will bo drilled by Prof. Maxwell.
Notice of Iho first mooting of Ihe chorus
will appear later. During the meetings
just clospd in Toronto the exposition
was crowded at every mceling and the
last day thousands could not gam admit-
lance ,
A. Wnrrnm for .71m Stoplionson.
Constable I ) , B. Houck went to Jim
Stcphenson's barn yesterday lo serve
some papers upon men employed by
Stophcnson. Jim is a candidate , tho' It
is nol generally known , for the legisla-
lure on the domoeralio licket. Mr.
Houck Is a republican candidate for the
same position. Jim thought that Hnuck
was trying to get a chance to do some
electioneering on his own account sind
refused to allow him to enter the build
ing. Mr. Houck started to go in anyway
and was forcibly ejected by the irate Jini.
A warrant has been issued for Stephen-
son's arrest on the charge of re
sisting an ofllcer of the law.
Court Notca.
The docket in the counly court , for Iho
November term , will bo called to-morrow
The courts have all adjourned for
to-day ,
The examination of Joslo Gibson
charged with being insane has been post
poned until Wednesday morning.
Thu cnsu against John Wilson charged
wilh forgery will bo called before Judge
The Y. M. C. A. has commenced suit
In the district court seeking to restrain
the cily from collocling by sale a special
assessment levied for sidewalk purpose.
The defense made is thai Iho association
was nol notified of the council's resolu
tion ordering such improvement.
A Case of DcHtltullnn.
Mrs. Carl Stephan , of South Omaha ,
applied to the police for aid yesterday.
Her husband , who is a painter , is sick
and unable to do anything for the sup
port of his wife and four children. The
family lost all oftheir , household goods
by lire early In Qclober and arc now Hy
ing in a miserable lint in South Omaha.
A Mnnnracturinc Enterprise.
J. G. Thompson ; of Now Haven , Conn. ,
lias written to Ih'ojOmaha Board of trade
to ascertain what inducements will bo
offered by this city for Iho localion of an
establishment for the manufacture-
wrenches , mils , bills , elc.
A Sad Charge.
Charles 11. Brtilton commenced suit
in Ihe district court yesterday for a di
vorce from his wife , Augusta Brullon.
The pctilioucr slates that he was married
to the defendant at Contralia , 111. , in
ISO ! ) , and charges , for the purpose of se
curing the divorce , that since that time
Lhis wife lias bcooan habitual drunkard.
' Brevities.
C. J. Smythe , democratic candidate for
Ihe legislature , and W. A. Slowo , sena
torial candidate on Iho domocralic
lickel , addressed a meeling of Firsl ward
democrats last night.
Charles Lincoln , the alleged slealor of
Mrs. Bochtel's horse , and who made
such a desporalo leap for liberty from a
Irain last wccicwas broiightbef6ro'Justice
Anderson yesterday for preliminary
hearing , lie waived examination and
was bound over to Iho district court in
the sum of 3,100 and remanded to jail.
Yoslerday $2'IOO was subscribed bv Iho
members of Iho Firsl M. E. church for Ihc
purchase of the Iwo lots on Ihe coiner of
Twenliolh and Davenport slrcots. There
is still a balance duo on the pronorty ,
which is to cost $10,000. When the pay
ments are completed a handsome church
cdilicc will be erected on
The Central division of the Sunday
School Temperance army will hold a
meeting flthis ( Tuesday ) evening at
7:30 o'clock ' in the Lutheran church , cor ,
of Harney and Sixteenth streets. The
boys and girls have a jrood programme
prepared and would like to have their
friends come and hoar them. Admission
J. W. Lloyd is in jail charged with
spending hia employer's money. Lloyd
came to Omaha a few days ago to canvass
fora house selling rugs , ,
olc. Saturday lie sold three rugs for $0
each , and his'commissions amounted lo
exactly onc-thild of .Iho $18. 1 unload of
sellling witli bus employer accordingly ,
ho gel on a spree and appropriated the
whole amount. Ho will bo tried for the
Mr. A. Hallam , of Ida Grove , la. , is
visiting with Mr , Percy Snyder at 317
North Seventeenth street. Mr. Hallam
has but recently returned from Califor
nia where ho spent Iwo months , visiting
all the larger cities. On his return lie
stopped al Iho principal cities in Arizona ,
Now Mexico , Colorado and Kansas. Ho
considers that the future prospeots for
Omaha are far bettor than for any town
he has visitod. Ho likes Omaha so well
that ho will locate hero permanently in
the spring , and in thu inouutimo will in
vest largely in real cstalo.
Personal Paragraphs.
M. Trnsan , of Iho Hannibal & Si. Joe
railroad , arrived in Omaha from Iho
west last evening in the special car Ly-
coming. Ho was accompanied by Gen
eral Crook.
C. E. i'ost vhts a passenger on the
Union Pacific vj'crland last evening- ,
hound for a two week's trip lo Portland ,
Oregon , and vicinity.
Mrs. J. W. Morse , wife of the general
ticket agent of Ifu- Union Pacifio , accom
panied by a party of friends , loft last
evening on the Union Pacific overland
tram for the wesf. ,
A linnuUrtil I'rcHont.
The Virgin SailCo. * , of Now Haven ,
Conn , , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family are making this grand ollbr ; A
Ora/y Patchwork Klook , enameled in
twelve beautiful' Colors , and containing
the latest Fancy Stilcheson a largo Litho
graphed Card having a heaulitul gold
mounted Ideal Portrail in the center ,
given away with every 10 cent package
of Virgin Salt. Virgin Salt has no equal
for household purposes. It is the clean
est , purest and whitest Salt over seen or
used. Remember that a largo package
costs only 10 cents , witli the above pres
ent. Ask your grocer for it.
Crichton & Whitney soli hard and soft
coal , 18lhandly.ard and 218 S. 15lh street.
If you buy lumber anywhere -without
first getting Hoaglands prices you will
lose money ,
All kinks of Job Printing , Omaha
Lithographing & Stationery Co.
We havAMpairs for your stove.
Additional hist of UcKlstnrrtl Voter
Second District , Second Want.
Arnold II A cor Popnfeton and ( leoicl.i
Adams ha 20th hot llaltlmoro'mitl Center
Abernathy Clmi 17th and Mnson
Ashley O I' cor 20tli and I'ierco
Adams' 0 D 2W5 StMary's aVe
Ansoii Oliver
Ahinnnson ( Urn L8U S 17th
1 lai t CM 0113 JPnrkavo
Hnller ,101711 .Incksou
Bowman U'ni SIMnrv.s nvc and ISIh si
imbcock A W Situ near Poiiulotou
Brad way N ta > Cnllccc
Bush FStililslUthsl
Baker S B 2317 PleiM
Bollard II 11810 ( 'olfax
lps\yell | Tims S413 .Johnson
Birch KM 2311 TnelUc
Hnehr Mnx .1 805 s 20th
ell WM 2201 I'ierco
jnlon W S 112JI OeorKlaavo
Burnett L n t.ris21st
Bui bank Hymn ( ! 7Usl8th
Bell Nelson 0 2424 I'opnletou ave
Brown AS 018 s 17th
Blnck Alex Km s20tn
Hiiok ( ! W 1712 St Marys ave
Busch.lnnTa * ) s ISth
Biown C KtX)7s2.- )
Blown T DK.O siBM
B.ihcoek K KOWs ( IDtli
Jjiiike Tlioums lOlh and Mare/
rltflit HM817.S IStn
Breen .1 T2HO Popplcton ave
Hncklniid Alexander 23d and Lenvctnvotth
Bockhoir ( Irorne A 1712'f ' .liickson
Bnislleld ( ! uorue20th near U P 11 U
Bllz .Jos T 17U9 St Mnrv's ave
HoelilVcrner \ A13.s 10th
Hayes \V \ 1' 202 ; ! Pierce
Bi adics J L ar.ii St Marr's ave
Ilrnndlcs Kmil SMll SI Mary's ave
Brandied SI jv.iry'savo
Crawford Atuliow 100(1 ( s IMIi
Conrad Mixx 1118 South ave
Connorati W 34th and Mason
Cummins John Popplcton buisoth aiid22J
Cochran A T
Campbell J H 1311 Georgia two
Colby O L l'\U \ Ceorma ave
ClarUsnn T S 2.10N Lcnvunwurth
Carr.lV : W Mason
ClmlTeo C L 5-JO > Lea von worth
Cowherd W M ! > ! ! Uooruia ave
Ctiswell 0 .1 121:1 : ( leorula ave
Cowlo ,1 1) a w eorUTith and Marcr
Campbell 8 S Virginia ave and Woolwoith
Clnpu 0 K 25 IT. St Mary's ave
Clayton K W 20th and Woolworlh
Corey J W2' l poplt ] > tnn ave
Couch Clmrlcs Government eorrall
Dennis . ) II Ui02 ( IcoiEla ave
Dnnlinm Martin & ! S s 17th
Ounmler C K KM s 17th
DennlH (5 L 1".03 Oeorula ave
Day K T Catherine near Ml I'
Doerwahl Fred cor Pierce and ISth
Denney D 11 carbarn Park ave
Diekonsoii Win E20tli and Pierce
De\erll ! CicniL'c 100 ! ) Howard
DoverlllN P 1230Cntheiinc
Debevolsel L Oils 18th
Dtillluhl M J cor 20th and L'lereo
li ler Aileust 1'nrlc live
Daniels Kdwaiil 18th near Lcavonwoitb
Dutirlcka .Jos 10iSs : 18th
Drew 11 A 01 1 H 17th
Dull Huiltl 1C07 Howard
Kredrlokson Andtmv 1010 Olarkson
KHehett < Jeo H Loaveiuvoilh anil Virginia a >
FituliPttJohull LeaveinvoUhrtiul Virginia a )
I1 K.J cor 20th and Mason
Fitch O 11
Filch K S
( Jibsnii . ) S 2.110 St Mary's ave
( Ireen .las 20lh near U 1' track
( Innleiier 11 AOOSs 17th
GrimthsJ KffUsnth
( iurhold John J near ovl corral !
( ladd 12 T Pails ave near Lcavoawori
( lordeii O llCTtfi Pnpplutnn ave
( iarticr L A 2-J1S Leavenwoitl'
( iailtsch Ktlw 107s : ! 20lli
Grunt .John 1)15 ) Pnik ave
Gibson K M 8il s lltth
( iiccn Jos f ! llanscom nlnco
( icntzke A F W 2015 Pierce
llinzoy E C nor 25th and Pierce
HiRloy Judhon 100. " . Georgia ave
Haven Wm 25 U St Miuy's ave
Hensol Martin cor Miuh'niul 'Kill
Hall Jas I'hll Shoiilin near I'oniilcton
II in ley D.J 810s 2-M
Haas AndicwU&l Park ave
lliinswald TlicoSISs 2Jth
Harden lien S ! KI ) s Kith
lliuold Jas cor20th and I'ierco
linden J 025th and Woolworth
Holl'eit M Ktfiils 21st
llilli ; KSlOs I'Jth '
IlifWiilmttnm cor J toward and Ifltli
llammnii II A cor Jlowanl ami lOtli
llakoll II IU2 Park ave
llansen Nels2id ; and Popiileton ave
Ilartz I lump- ; horse cur b.irn . P.irls ave
Ilasenlldw Kdhoisocai liiiru Puikavo
Ilomiessey Jo'm 020s lth ! )
Haywooil 0 S Stt : s 10th
Jk'into llnu-ntii-is Wth
Ileint'/e AlbniKI'iSs 17h (
Holmhcii ; .John sr. : sC2l
Hiinziker Fied 1700 St Maiy's ave
lluqhesB USJOs ISth
Holmes O C cor Popptetnn ave and 31st
HuntbiTV It M K4 : ! slfpth
Hncblii K D J'leicc and 2T.tli .
llne.slls Daniel PIeiconifil2. > tli
Hllihanl F F 1015 llnw.nd
Hiuuinn Frank 1015 Hmuml
I Innldns Curtis 7iis ( : ' . ' 4th
Iiuhrani A ( ! lOllDiiaue
IchdJ II ! )07s20th )
.lackson . Marlon n w cor Hanscom Pnrl
rJahn IKMinan n w cor 1'ailc
Johnson John 23 < 1 mill Mason
Johnston. lolm 725 s20th
ilamlssnn David S2t : s20th
Kai'liacli Clias.J 201 Ii and Lc.avenwnrth
ICaibacli William 20th mid Leaven worth
Koni ) M SV 10th anil Lcaveiuvorth
Klmb.dlJUeli.ird 710 R lUlh
Kicbs Krne.st2Tith near 1'oppleton ave
Kostelntsky Itobcrt near uovernmcnt corral
Korty L H Pnpnleton av but 'ttth nmt 20th
Kliiney F M imh and Jackson
KlnuevP H ISth and Jackson
Kimhall K U IDJOJaclcsoii
Keller C'nirles 1218 . 'ark ave
Kretschiimn II 170II St Mary's ave
Krenan Jonn Kith nr U P track
Kmtfiimn I sack mi s 18th
Krello W F
Ley Louis KilSs 25th
Lieblcr. Max 1105s IDth
Lo'usonrliiB F G 70(1 ( s IKth
Lottie John S Ilelleviie Avenue house
Lemlng l , J 1518 Virginia ave
Llndblad JoluiKII s KUli
Ledwleh John so cor Poppleton ave and Vir-
Kin la
LiHlwIeh FxiGrand T so cor Popplcton ave
and Virginia
Loy Peter 10th nud Marey
Lewman H A 1107 n UUh
LnrMHi ( leiniro' HIi and Pacific
LaiiL'eiAiitiin J 70:1 : s 2Uh
Met'hi'Json John 2107 Leavcnwoith
Miller Lurln 511 s 10th
Mmlje NirnmOlils Kith
Maynll Will M ! ! Ueorijla nvo
Minekiis M A 20th anil I'ac.lliu
MalKuvJ DSlOl'htUSIieiidnn
McCovorn T J 17m St Mary's ave
Mnmtian T B 18th bet Jackson and Leaven-
MeKlvoy W A 820 s 2lbt
MuOiiIro Will 007 H 20th
McGreal James horse ear bnrn Paik ave
McCov Archlliald 101 s Ibth
Meilhlile Emmet 810 sloth
N'lcola Jolin cor 1'lcrco and 20th
Micohi JiHHpli cor 1'Iercu ami 20th
XnlliiiK'i'r G H th and I'ierco
Nnwlnmls William 1 ! 0 s 18th
N'elson Charles | OKlK24lli
DeUert'l'hos near Gov Corrnll
DnrslerJ MtK)4s20lh )
U'Neal Jas 1,81'Js 17th
Dqle.sby Wm llow.ud and KHh
Peiry A A Poppletmi ave IMII 20th and 22d
Perkins Aitluir L \ iorlnla ave near Leaven-
Plcard K J 62S Viru'lnla ave
Park KM SMI St. Marys ave
Palterhon WO 10.73 3I
IVtcrson Louis iVll Mauon
I'uiiy K < lw nil H 17th
ItobhiiusJ W J41 Georphi ava
ItlmailesS O 1213 Virginia ave
Itccd Itobt A ! ) ' )7 ) Oeortila ave
Itowlaud W II
Ithoades W ( i 1233 Virginia ave
ltho.nles'11 I ) 12-U Virginia ave
It.vsmussen NeU lioit > e carliarn Park ave
llicB Louis 17th and Jackson
llo-en/ut'l ? A I5ii : Jackson
Iteiiiliait 11 < > 2oih and Leavcnwortli
Se.iver Chatles
miili'leo Il'JOl.'il'icico
Sylvester. ! W 23d and Masum
Sylvester Isnac2iil : and Ma&un
Snow \VBllQ2lth \
Shelley A ussns'Jith
Schroedi'r Jolm 1714 St Mary'e ave
Shaw 0 V 1015 Howard
Schmltz Kdward cor 17th and Jackson
Siindeilanil J A 1320 ( Jcorula
Steehi John 1'JIH Catlmilne
ShipmanU IlfvMblTUi
SowardOrl'-iwasd .
Start ( Ji-o < J lllt > s 10th
Slu'art O M SilK Mason
SinllliJ Kfti'ih lh
jcltuld Aailiuw cur20lh ami Picrco
StoimJ S 818 H 18th '
SansomSY 1201 a 20th
SchaelTer Herman 18 17U > . '
Sixuttor Balthcs 81S s 171U
Btockilnle J.imes 814 s UHh
Schlmonsky S W V 043 s 20th
Sel/.lo Sebastian 20H I'opplcton nvo
Helimcllnir A 1701 SI Mftry'a ave
S \\onson ( lust SK ) aUSd
Slkes Llnkoln Y 810s ISth '
Smith J L Popplcton bet ( leorgla and Vlr-
SmlthV S Popnlcton bet Oeorcta and Vlr
SlirwarUN . ,
Tliniiitson James W JJutlctt s add.
Tnte Samuel 17th and Howrtrd
Tiilniniluo Kllas H 2115 Lravcn worth
Taylor ( ; eoipoV horse car barn Park ave.
Tioiel Jiw K 20th bet Leaven worth and
TaltnaKo L At 211. " . Lcnvonwortti
TnlmuL'o It W 311.1 Loavein\orlh
Van Noy Wm II 2112 Populcton avfl )
Welly DM < XHs ISth
Wollo.l M til" Catherine
Wlllli ; Kdwnid 810 s 21st
Woods Jos 1.818 Park ave
WiiL'ht W S 1017 Gcoreia nvo
Wllhnell K NWJsanh
Watson \V \ B S4'.l ' s 17th
Wleso ( lustnvo 1703 St Mary's ave
Votes John T ! > s UUh
1 hereby cortlfy Hi at the above Is n cnrrccl
copy of legal voters of Second district ol
Second ward , ns appears on th register up to
date. Jin.Hts KUIWW.SISY ,
Iteslslrar ot 2d dlsU of 2d ward.
First DlHtrlct , Second Wnrd ,
tinned. ,
Addis Itobl I ) Ulhnnd l.crvvcinvorth
Adilis ( Ire 1) 14th and Leaveiuvoith
Anhpr.1 \ \ 718s 14th
Alexander Joe Jones hot 13th and llth
Alison Oliver 15108 14lh
Anion Chns ir lU H 14th
1 JoltsJohn ; : 1-itli
liiennon 1'atrlcl : nth bet Hickory and Ccn
lloyie Owcu 171 h hot Williams and Center
HuructtThoMi 17lh and Williams
Hunk 1) R Jiicksoii bet lllli and 15th
lliodwick Sti-pheii 1451 s KHH
litrlhollK Max C 15th and Jackson
Hander 1 > M ' . ' 5th nnd .Incksoii
Itiadlcv .loliu 11 SOIIi mid Center
IliiiUt'.s Marshal 14lh and Castollar
lliiii-rliait KH W ITOls 16th
Hnicchnrt II A KITOrtsimh
liandlo 1'Vank W Mir , Howard
Hurklov Hniry K 140-1 Jones
HciiuhV \ itllli l.c.vvenwoith
Mall Kaiol 15th net I'leruu and Williams
Belli Albeit 11"s HHIi
Crow Martin Will Jones
Craverott Homy liHti Lcavenwoith
( Jmuioines.los iUIJackson :
Cnmmims .Ino nit ) s Kitli
Claik .lames 1)14 ! ) I'iurcu
Tridtfo ( ! ( ( . 1118s lilth
Ciulhi L. alley- bet Jackson nnd .lottos
Cnmoran W tl 14th nnd Cautcllar
Doetncr Peter SOI I .Martha
Delong Edw .Mlh and Center
Idler.I WK322 Jones
Kuan W H
KiUgernld ( ! oo 1114 Pacific
Kunk A If V tilth , ud Castellar
Kiomlul A111 : 111 ? Howard
Farwell J 1' 10th but Williams and Hickory
Gilbert David 14th and Hickory
( ioll A It
( iruby John HIS Lcaveuworth
( iorduuS K U'iis l.illi
Cr.iiineserTlieo | ; 14IU i , 13th
( ! oos Peter 15th and Jai-kson
( lees I'reill5th anil Jackson
CieRiihurc II 14th but Howard anil Jackson
( Jivlo K H mo s Win
( icrinan Thos 14th and Leaven worth
HcllwuKi'i * Ei nst 14th ket llowaid nnd Jack-
JlospodskyJ A 14 > 2s Kilh
llollinan K II 17th and Williams
llnanmn K C1 2 tli nnd Castcllar
llnamnnhasOth ( nnd Ciislcllar
Ihmnian John 'JOlh and Cnstcllur
iloiiin John J KHG .Jiickhon
IliideeekJosllSJit ISth
Hall John I ! sl4lh
Jlnisch W 14th nnil Howard
llanna K 1)1411) ) Howard
iiiiu ( i W IMIO JaeliMin
Halt W H IDKlJackbon
Jlcil/Jiniiwii II 0
Ilamlln Thos lot h nnd Hickory
llinryVm \ 11113 Jackson
Juitcui A i : > lh and JauUson
lolinson I' H w.MiK inth
Johnson Jaroh ilfilxckson : ! :
Johnson K P 5Ws l".th
Jnmbor Joe 14th bet Hickory and Center
Johnson A J ISth and Unstellnr
.India Jan inth bet Plercuaiul Williams
Klaus Philip ith : ! and I. pa veil worth
Kuliis .IcKcpli 15th and \Villlams
Kelly John Al Kill Jaokson
ICiecdi rChHB Williams bet 13th and lllli
Kelly Henry l.VJOrt liiili
Kclkenny Jas It i : > th and Jackson
Kious 14th but Williams nnd Hickory.
Kniel Jnines Yv U'illinms bet Uth nnd 15th
Koonman P K l s IMh
Kntcn John 1510 s IClh
Lewis 11 C Cith and Howard
Lewis DC iith : anil Howard
Larson S .1 IBlh nnd Custcllar
Lanrenciiji iil'J'LLMVfnworth :
Lacy Lucius ISth and C.islellar
Lynch Pat 1114 hot Pleicuiind P.iclfie
Lemon Harmon 1520s illi : !
Lvckliolni J Lfi'iis IKth
.Mllli'i Clns K 14UU Jones
-Muiiiiu John 14th and Jack.sou
Meyeis Jltmry 15th but Pierce and Williams
Mathrw H II 14th and Lcavenwoith
Maslijck K llth and Picico
.MnMtnck Anton llth and Picrco
] MoiinKlianJolm Center bet iiih : ami 14th
.Malioucy PatneU 14th nnd Luavunwoith
iMiIlorU 17th and Ulrkorv
ileLaiiphlln A W lilil s 15th
McCoy Danl 1H19Jones
MeUiady Chns 1 ills : 14th
XulduwulsurUtlo li.lli bet Duicas and Mar
Oe.strrclchcr Kdw Leavcn-\orth hpt lUth aud
O'Mally MichI 1114 ! Jackson
Piebdisky Kiaiik 14th and Hickory
lit-ls Alois 'JUth and Castellar
lids Urban -Ulh and Caslellar
Knple I'lanldln IMOslOlh
llodL'ors n I' H 1414 s 10th
Helhdornh T U 14'.U M 19th
llyau Philip 17th and Center
Itnsiniisseu It IMhand Vlutoii
Itasinusscn John 1'itli and Vlnton
Klchaidson Ocn lllli and Jackhon
ItcKlstt-r C C iith : and Jackson
Kooni > y Jiio 1511.H loth
ItvaiiV L llth bet Jones and Lcavenwoith
Hfewart S H KUli nnd Jackson
ScmliT Kit'd Kith het I'luieonnd Williams
StuiiliiMison W II OSWis l.ith
HlnlKleyS C 023 Jones and 15th
Svnrlna Peter liJth and Williams
KclirooniT Augli 1403 Leaven worth
Scott ltMVUlKl5th (
Sweeney John Cili I'lercn
SimtnoiiK Frank 17th and 1'lcrce
Silhu limn Alnaiu i'W Jones
Sliearer A W Kilo Jackson
Hnl/Ie Jacob iicoili and \Villhiun
Scliulu Kaspni- i : > th and \Vllliauis
Swobodii Jou l'ith and Williams
Hlin'i.'l ; Jno I5tli lict Picrtui and
HlieanVllllain 1511 s l"tli
tihean David 1514 s iilli :
niwr ANH
Containb no Opium In Any Form.
$1 I ur Itolllo
The 25-CKNi UoriLicsare put up for
the nccouunoilaticn ofull who dc lic simp
Those desiring a icnicdy for CON
bhould secure tlic large fl bo life ,
As an Expectorant it has no Equal
Dircctioiu iccompiinr each bottle ,
JlUUOll ) r lr _ . .
_ . .fo.Maamiln licit.
fl J ru , coBibmrf1. auar0nfecJtlio
"vnfUna In lti wtrldfreniTAlliitf
conllnuocil Xllftrle it JJcigntlli
GHrrtnt. UtfiviitlQcfuwcrfuj. lurablci
" . ATOld
' * * * r orrriLOou uurtj. ( .entht4iLpfoi < iuiiti
AtSII KI.E n Jilt ) JIKLT * I'OII ltl E'e
Docs not refer po II .e purclinsers to In *
victims. The Athloplioro < > Co , gladly re
fers sufferers from rheumatism , ncnrnlgi.i ,
Rcinlica , nervous or f > ick headache , kidney
nnd liver complnlnts to those who hnve
been cured of these diseases by Athlo-
plioros , nndvill furnish names iuul ad
dresses of many such persons to those de
siring them. Athlopliros Is the only rein-
cdv for these diseases that stand such a
test ,
Kdgcrton , Knn. , Jnn , t.tlh , IS86 ,
I was aflllctccl with rhcumntiMii for eight
yc.irs , nnd it had become chronic in its
worst form , and using one bottle of
Athlopohros I have not felt nuy symptom
of it for siv months It done more than
than that ; my wife wns nlllict d with neu
ralgia for twelve years , had an attack cv >
cry month. Aftc'r taking one bottle , six
months ago , has only felt it once or twice
since. J. C. DOOMK ,
Mrs , Thos , McCue. Sanlord , Dlock , cor
ner Sth and Main streets , Duhuque , fown ,
says : "I am still well. Last winter was a
very severe and cold one lor me , but 1 did
not have any return of the rheumatism.
Athlophoros has proven a good medicine
forme. " About n year ago Mrs McCuc
had a very scvcie attack of imtl.unmatory
ihcumatism in which the feet and hands
were very much swollen , so tnuch so that
you could dcaiccly sec one ot the ankles ,
and some of the toe nails were completely
covered lor many weeks. She had suflcr-
cd almost the agonici of death. Finally ,
after tcsorling to varies remedies with no
avail , her husband noticed the advertise
ment of Athlophoros , The result of its u c
was miraculous ; the K welling \\as soon re
duced , the pain subdued , nml she was again
up and nrouml and has not been troubled
since ,
Kvcrydrupcist should keep Athlopho-
ros itnd Athlophoros I'ills , but whurotlioy
ennnot bo bought of thn driiuutat the
Athlophoros Co. , 113VallSt. . . Now York ,
will send cither ( carringo paid ) on ri'culpt
of rccnliir ; nrico , which is $1.00 nor boltlo
for Alhlophoros : inil 5 o for i'ills ,
1'or liver niul kldnoy illsonsoj. ilygpvn ln , In-
illifoslloti , wi'iikiu'.ss , nurx'oim iloulllty , ( ll.sonsos
orvoiiuin , r nstlpntlon , liriulnclio , linpuro
blooilc. . , Athlojihuros 1'llls iiro linoiimlcil. | 11
Or the Liquor iluJtli , lUNllltrl > -
Curixl by AiliulnNlorliiK nr.
IluliiCH1 Uoldoii Nprcllln.
> .t can bo nlvc-n In n cup of colTon i > r ten wicni
the knnnlvriicenr the IIOTJOII InVliiR lt.labohiu > lr will cm > ct a permanent anil newly
cure , n hot tier Uio uatknt H n niwlutnie drinker o
* u nicaiiollo wreck U liat been ijlvcn IP itou.
iitndiof CIMCI , nmlln rvety lii tHi.epn > iprfoctcuro
lias followud. It nnrrr fill * , Tha syitcin onca
ImpitjgnMed ltli thu Specie , It bccnnm Aiiutlol
IinpiHilhlllty fur thu liquor njipptll torxl t
AUIIN < k CO. , Ciir. I .Till RIH ) Kouelnii , nni )
ISlli & Cniiilntr SIN. , Omiibn. Neb , <
A. n. I'osTim & UK ; ? . .
Cnnnoll ninllH , loiv * .
Call or write for pnmpbbt cnnliiliiliiK laiBdrfda
r' tc'tlinonhil. from thiibtH vrumvn and manlica
Cure witnout inoill-
A POSITIVE oliio. I'ntoutoi Octo
Ono box "III cure
the most obtlnatocnso In four day * i
Allan'tiiolubleMedicdtedyougies ' ,
No nnusoous rte in of cubohi , conalbn or oil of
Bundnlwood tlmt nro cortnln tn uroduco dyspop-
Plnbrdcctrovlnir the coiitliir ) < of the atmniioli.
J'rlcnSI.Sa SoM Mr nil ( Iriurirl't'j or mnltud an
rwelptof pricn. For fitrthur pnrticulurs gnat
torclroulnr. P.O. Ilorim. '
= T. C. .UXj-A.HT CO. . CORE.
. Now Yoru.
perfect substitute ror Mother's
nyaiuablo In Cholorn tnfantum
- - - -
nnd Teething. A prp-dleeBlecl food for Ova-
Raotlca , Cohiumntlvos , Convalescents ,
crfoct .mtrlout m all Waiting niseases.
Requlron nn cooklnijr Our IlootJ. The Care
and reeding of infants , mailed no. .
" "rT"I" > " '
OOODALH U CO. . Doatou.
Its cnu os , nud n noxv and mDivW Mircoostul t'l'ltHnt your otrn
lioniu Dy olio who wiis dcnf tviunty clffhr
renrR. Treutod by most of ilio notnd ix > c'lii
sin williout liunollt ; uurcil liiinsolC In thin
nonti8 ) , nml sliuiu Hi on Inunlruds of ntlmr
I'lill jiirtliMiliira Hunt on nniil niitloii. T.
I'AGK , No. 41 WostlllstSt. , Now Vorko Slty
ucj Mid Prlr s on uppllratlon. Hold t > *
llthu Lett Currlnio Ilullileiaund leal r > .
Obi * Adi'fM
Successors to Jno , G. Jacobs.
UJX D E it : T AK E R S
AM >
Attlm oldstima 1 107 Fnriiuni st , Onlrnt
> y so.icitcd nnd promptly nt-
ended to. olonhonu No. 12 5 ,
State Agents
ffi5R ! BBO'S. ' PIANOS
Omaha , Neb.
A IVtok tht
houM lOaoe tn hl < nan'i li
uiilrtfuililiniK'lf with theuliaoitt ( lhr nil the uytnptoui4 If-rrlWu roiutu ur iMieaacs
luolo KarlVIro and Jgnor-
ll'jof. Jtnn cirmln. >
nri'l Hfuli of F tn ( Of I'rt Ii Franro. )
d It. VtmlluioiiUUfiuin eminent uHHluu lucluri
I'nr Drain' , Ducajr , Wr knr , It VlUlitrtc. . Rent
inly rrnlod. ! > ' l'i'i ullutlon. FruitiVA u.tnAr U
IJlVJAI.i : .MJI'.MJV. 17-1 I'Mllor , KI. , .Nrir 1 ork ,
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
\Tcru uliliipcil diivfnx Mm imit
two yeirt , uriUiimt a drinu >
nrrln mirxinplny , K'.oUmr
P' JIOIlBblU tllU Wll | < t fHU tl lltll *
Jully m lai U3i | u tlimvnu :
'h ' ( } no iiL'enl MfaliT only )
i WUIl'llll 111 Illlfll t'JWII ,
R .W.TANSILLACO.,55 State Sl.Chica.m
to Work for Us nt Their Own
J7 to $10 Per Week Can Be Qalstly Mad- ' .
fxttiliul'i , 1'Jiiaru iinttiiir ln , l' ( r til'C in c .
iluu. Igiin' ! uiMnr nt onrii ;
IU t'unlrjtl * t Hi t n. Iluu. llci 11 ill
' '
' '
ouihful laij.i
curt , whlf h li willMnJ fft EE lo bU Irllow jR r < rK