Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1886, Image 1

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Beef Killers Walk Out Because of an Or
der to Work Ten Hours.
The Men Hound to Have Eight Hours
or Hxtrn 1'ny An Attempt to Cull
Out Armour's SI en Pa I In
l > vcrj tlilni : I'cnccnulc.
Cntllo UiitoliorH Out.
CutcAoo , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to
tlio BMJ. : The strike of rOM , men at the
slock ynrds tills morning was not tnucli of a
surprise I'jthor to tlin packers or the public ,
us it has boon expected and predicted present.
The trouble only concerns two houses , those
of (5. V. Swift & Co. , and Nelson Morris.
They kill no hogs mid the men who are out
to-chiy are beef buthurs mid lugjer.s. Swift
A ; Co. and Mortis each employ about 3,000
men who am united against tlio retutn to ten
hours u day. They claim that If the packers
had shown any Inclination to increase their
pay the matter could have been passed o\er.
Not n weld has been said about pay for the
extra two hours and the men are out for the
purpose of bringing thn houses to an nnder-
fltandlng. The strikers aic under excellent
discipline and pence prevailed attheyaids
nil niornltiK , though Idle men were
Katheied In latgo crowds In alle > s and about
the packing hollies. None of the other pack
inghouses nru alTecled and It Is thought that
trouble will not spread. When the butchers
ntiuek this morning they rushed over to Ai-
iimur's and tried to net the men thete to go
out. The crowd btoke thiough tlie watch
men but Armour's men "stuck. " They
wanted no moie "strike In theirs. " When
It was clear that they eonld not pet the
Armour men out the crowd left In an oidcrly
way. There Is a feeling ol uulot satisfaction ,
noia word of which Is expiessed , but which
Is no less apparent among the packers who
had to make the ten hour light last month
that Swift and Nelson Moirisaro getting a
hott\\anl for playing double then. It was
not until Delegates Butler and Harry found
this out that It was known at the jards that
Swift and .MoilIs were "carrying watci on
) Ktli shoulders" they were secretly very much
pleased when the men walked out at Ar-
IIIOIU'R. The latter's tioubles are oxer now
and ho can watch with complacency the
Hctlloment of. thu troubles of the other beef
01 in.u i-AiiTicn.Ans.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. The threatened strike
among b et men at the block ynrds com
menced this morning , and nearly six thou-
B.inil men are now out fiom the slaughter
houses of ( . ! . K. Swift it Co. . nnd Nelson Moi-
rls. The trouble Is over the adoption of the
ten hour si stem , the men refusing to work
two extra hours without additional Dav. In
these two houses there aie no lions killed
nnd the employes saj thev cannot accept the
ten hiiui system. Kuch ol the lirius employ
about . ' 1.000 men , and at present many of
them are conuicgau-d about the streets and
on the corners near the big houses , but theie
Is yet no indication ot any tiouble. There Is
n gieat deal of excitement , but tin ; men are
orderly and insist that no act of thcli.swill
pieelpltate any tiouble. There Is no Indica
tion that tlie police will be called upon to
protect the two houses , but it Is yet too earlv
to deteimlne the Intention of the two tilms.
At 11 o'clock eveiytlUng was quiet.
Kmthei particulars fiom the stock yards
strike are to the effect that Swill's men sent
a committee to him Satmday and insisted on
having an Ineteaso ot litty cents n day should
thn llrm leturn to the ten houisjstem. This
moiiiing when the beef butrhcis went to
work they found that Korenmn Welder , of
Swift's had discharged Jamo ; Afatthcw-
hon , ono of the committee men They also
found that the wages of the laboters had not
been incieased , so they stiuck. Thev insist
now on havlni : Mnttliewsou leln&tatcu and
nlM ) the return to the eiirht-hour dav. On
lieaiing that Swift's men were out. the beef
bntclici.s ocmploycd by Nelson Moiris went
out. The croud went down to the Smith
machine shop and compelled the men there
to strike. After this they went to Armour's
for the purpose of calling his men out , but
tills move was anticipated by the Him , who
got u force of police to guard the
entrances , and the crowd was kept away.
' 1 ho stiikers have arranged to hold u meeting
dining tlio day. Amemberof the cxecutho
committee told a repoiter that unless the two
linns gave In all the emploves in the yards
would be called out.
Between two and Unco hundred ni"M in
Ilhby , McNullI < k Lllmv's canning establish
ment also went out. The reason alleged was
that Molds' establishment pnitlv supplies
tlio ill in with beef. A meeting of tlio Milkers
Mas held late this afternoon. No one except
Knights ot Labor were admitted. Fully ono
thousand non-union strikers congregated on
the outside , anxiously awaiting the action ot
the knlshts. Several .speeches were made ,
and wild applause gicctcd every lefeience tu
the oighMiour dav. A motion to makr
no compromise on'anything shoil of eight
hours was carried by a nnairimoiis vote. A
committee was appointed to take charge ol
tlie strike and given full power to act. A
Kulvht of Labor explained to-night that the
men hml been offered tlio lolnslatemiMit ol
the discharged man , hut would now hold oul
lor return of thn eight-hour Hvslem by all tin
lieef houses , Unsaid tlio prnmlrtois vvouh
hoghcn till Sntmday to decide what thej
would do , and if they ncislsti-d In tunning
ten hours a geneial stilke would piohahlv In
oidcrcd. which would include Swift's , Mor
rls' , and also Armoui's slaughter houses.
Dostrtictivo Kiro nt ItoolcfVm ) ,
UooKi'oni ) , III. , Nov. 1. A destructive fin
Js raging lime. Thu lire biokoont in n Imgi
fourstoty fiamo building occupied by tin
Northwestern Oatmeal company. The build
inn of Uhoads , Utter & Co. , Bartlett & Co ,
Aga.irditCo. and sovi-ial dwelling house :
me In llnmes. A strong wind It , blowing
fiom the south. The buildings dostiojed an
M.Johnson , oatmeal mill ; llartlett & Co ,
lloui and commission waiehonsu ; A. L. Halt
lell , mill and grain vvatehonse , and the iesl <
deuces of Mis. I' . Dnvloand William Jlalley
TliOHsllmated loss will i.-.ich SIOO.OU ) ; Insiir
mire , about half. The building occupied hi
the oatmeal companv. who wem the latgt-s
InsPtswnsa Iniuit foul-story house , whlcl
burned like u tinder box.
n\K \ Silver Hlillco lit KaiiHiiH.
CAI.IMVKI.I. , Kan. , Nov. 1. The discover ;
of silver In lids vicinity has caused much o.x
cltument. Samples of tlio ore wore sent t
the state assajor at Denver , Col. , and the ns
p.m-rof tlio mint at Philadelphia. The for
nur lepoits an assay of three hundred am
totty-two onnce.s of silver to tlm ton , th
latter ( luce bundled nnd ten ounces , encl
\\llh trace of gold. The oru crops out li
many localities. Caldwell now piescnts tli
in pMianeo of a mining town.
Itiihscll Ijowoll'ti Kngnuo.niont.
Nnw \ OUK , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram t
the llr.i.-.j A dispatch from London , HUE
land , Miys that tlio engagement of Jnme
Jln sell Lowell to the Dowagci Lady Lyttlc
ton , widow ot the lain nnd aunt by man lag
of the pre-ont Loid Lyttlcton has , like Mi
Lowell , been nhcady twice nidiiied. Sh
has Unco ehlldiuii and is about forty JCMI
/ „ old.
Ilarihnldl at the Falls.
HMTAI.O , N. Y. , Nov. 1. Baitholdt am
the Kiunch delegation to the Uniteil Slate.
with the csreptlmi qf Count Do Le.s eps , at
rlMi at Niagara J'alls on a. t-juM-lal train hi :
nl ht , acemiiiianiod by Lnvl I' . Mortoi
Cliauiiccj M. IH'pew andollici.s. Tlio \ \ . \ \ \
will .spend the day sUhNnclui : nt the fall
nnd lor uw Voik tills evening.
Cliniltnlilo Inicomotlvo
NKW YoitK , Nov. l. 1'ho con\ontlon <
the Interuallonal Uiotltorhoodof hocomoth
Knginoms adjourned tills afternoon alti
\otlng lV'j"0 for distribution amoiij ; U
mid Orphaiisof ciu'ineei $ .
CiiAiil rsTo.v , Nov , 1. Tlieie vas nnntln
! lish ohoeUof I-AI Hi'ina " t SUnim.uvil
The ropulntlon of 1'ixrU Spcnil It In
Honoring Their Dcail.
[ CnrvriyhlAW 1 > V Jamf * r7oiIon ( lltnnttt.l
I'AIIIS ( via Havre ) , Nov. 1. [ New York
lerald Cable-Special to the Hii : : . | Another
Toussaint has come and gone , mingling
nournlng with menIment. D.iinp , ciirt and
fog did their worst nil day , but tlio Prussians
snapped their lingers nt the elements and
lonored their dead as usual , From noon till
night thousands and tons of thoimnds
hronged the cemeteries , Mrects , squares
nnd inaiKet places on their way to 1'ero la
Chaise. Monthainassoand Mtintmartrc were
fragrant witli Howcrsand aglow with the color
ot countless Immoitelle wreaths. There were
oceans of chrysanthemums , Innks of violets ; ,
cart lends of bonded trophiesblackslilto
and blue. Every other person you passed
was bound for f-omocemetciy and canted a
bouquet or wreath In his hands. Most of tlm
iillgilm-j seemed cheerlul , though they wore
had clothes. It would often have been haid
but for their Immortelles to tell whether
they were pilgilms or nlcnickei. " .
There were over a hundred and ilfty
thousand vlsttois to Peru la Chalso alone.
Attlmes the whole mode lv Uominette was
black with head * . The \cnderfiol gallettes ,
'nil hot , all hot , " did a roaring trade , whllo
the younger pilgrims trot much amusement In
watching the led , crecn nnd blue wares ot
the enterprising air balloon merchants outside
the cemetery.
Inside the gate tlio avenues nnd lanes were
gay with llotal ollerlngs of all shapes nnd
sizes , with the usual Inscilptions. "A Mon
Marl , " "A Ma Hello , Mere , " "A Mon Beau
Peio , " "JJegrets , " 'Souvenirs , " and many
otheis. The hetoes , poets nnd politicians ,
who Ilo so thick lo ethei in Pero La Chaise ,
arc not forgotten. Alfied Ucnmssct's tomb
Is briglit with ivy and chiysanlheinums. Ad
miring crowds clustered lound the gothic
inonnmeiit In wlilch rest the luon/o
ligmes of llelolto and Abelaul.
None had lememhered Itosslnl
or Anber lids j ear , but Mlchelct's grave on
The Heights was eovcied with eveigieens and
violets , the most bromrht by lair hands. 1
saw only two cheap \ellow wie.iths at M.
Thlci's shrine while blood led boquets were
heaped hluli nbovo tlio tombs of Uasbail
Itlanqut anil the graves of tlio nameless com
munists who .slectJ on obscurely in the shadow
of the historic wall. Tlio wine shops and
restaunnts are doing well to-night and the
theatres are ciowded.
llio Cznr'H Warlike Or < lcr.
If'ojWto/il 18SG l > u Jaiiiti Goiilun Hewlett. ]
SOKIA , Nov. 1. ( New York Herald Cable-
Special to the UEI : . ] The Emperor himself
telegiaihs ) Kaulbars : "Leave at tlio I'nst case
occurring of a Russian subject being molested.
The consul , unarmed , to witness tlie ceie-
mony of lowering tlie Hag , for which the Uul-
gaiian government will bo asked to give the
signal by gun-liie. If they rctuse , let cuirtas-
sers lite a volley of musketry , then let the
Has bo lowered three tlmci , and at tlio last
time folded and handed to Kaulhais by his
SL'cretaiy , when all will enter carriascs and
go to Vaina wearing the medals. When
General Kanlbais and all the Russian consuls
leave Vaina Russia will occupy Bulgaria w ith
two divisions and older now elections , the
troops remaining until a new prince has
been chosen. " At the meeting of the
sohinnje to-day Xlkoff was elected presiding
ollicor. The linglisli and Italian olliccis at
tended the meeting. Kaulbais has refused
to accept the reply of the icgeney to his ulti
matum , and will leave Sofia , lie thieatens
to bombard tlie barracks and government
buildings at Varna if nny opposition is of
fered to the debarkation of Russians nt that
General Kuulbars infoimed M. KaiavelolT
by letter and the other regents by telegraph
that if the landing of the Uussians nt Varna
was opposed the town would bo bombarded.
Knraveloff asked how many Russians would
belauded. Kaulbars icplicd : "As many as
the c/ar pleases. "
I'oHltlon of Oie Powers.
LoNi)0.v , Nov. 1. The cabinet at the first
council slnco the lecess decided to instinct
Sir William White , British ambassador at
Constantinople , to Insist upon an Immediate
confeience at Constantinople to consider the
Bulgarian question and demand tlm suspen
sion of Russian intervention , diplomatic and
active , pendini : the decision of such confer
ence. The porto Is lenevving its entente cor-
illale with Kngland. nnd is in tavor ot the
pioposed conference. Italy concurs , while
Itnssla and France oppose the pioject. CJer-
ninny and Austria lemaln neutial.
The cabinet council discussed little to-day
except thi'lBtiliarianandKjjyptian questions.
It is believed the government will
shortly send a clicular to tno powers ex
plaining the linsincial position of 1' ypt. It
Russia ictuses to reeogni/o tlio sobranjo's
candidate for the Bulgarian tin one , England
vtlll piob.ibly pi op. isi ) n conference to can-
sldei the wlfolo question , The ministers me
not inclined to call pmliitmentbcloiethiiinld'
dlool Januaiy.
PKSTII , .Nov. 1. Seml-olllehil papers ndmll
that the finances of Hnngaiy aie in a cntlcal
Htale. Opposition papeis bluntly talk ol
bankruptcy nnd estimate tlio dehcii In nesi
year's biuuot of sixty million tlorlns. Al
though the goveinment eatlmates n shortagi
of only twenty-two million florins In tin
budget submitted Saturday , It Is calculated
thai thu mlnistei of finance will ho obllm-d U
contiact a loan of thliiy-sl.x million Hoilns
It Is inmoied that the minister ot hnanci
will icsign his olllce. The budget has ere
ated a biul impression at Vienna.
none la i-cn ( Jliulslorio.
LONDON , Nov. 1. Jolin Motley , nceomptin
iedbySli William \ornon Haicourt , vlsitci
1 la warden to-da > with the special object o
Inducing Mr. Gladstone to assent to n radica
extension of the Leeds programme. Thcr
is hinall leason to expect ttial Mr. Ulndston
will agree to make either Iho question of it
toi mot thu house of lunli or the the churcl
question a plank In the platform.
Hit : righting In Tonqiiln.
LOMIOV. Nov. 1 , A despatch from Ton
quilt says that n force of Chinese , armed will
repenting rllles , nttac kcd trom an ambush i
body of Tonqulneso rillemcn at Plinnso , ii
the province of Namdugii , killing tliiity o
them , At the same time 1'JOO Chinese atlaoKei
the posts ot DongsoiiL' , but were u-puKei
alter despi'iatu lighting.
Another IIiilKiirlnn Gunili < lAte ,
LONUO.V , Nov. 1 , Prlnco Coir/n ,
biother of Kliif Milan , hus become a o.null
date tot lliu Bidgtu Inn throne. Ho is n id ;
tlveotM , doGicis , Russian loreign mlnlstei
Cotton Hnrncil. Vov , I , ' 1 lie sin-don the doc
of the Wellington duel : burned yMfidi )
It contrdiud l.WK' ' bales of cotton. Los
A Sirr.mltMt
LONDONVov. . 1. All elfotts to float tli
steamer I'eiMan Miumich nslioic in 1'uitlan
Uoads tlii'.S fu have lulled.
Ciroasu Factory
Nr.w HAvr-.v , Conn. , NOV. 1. -
ACo. . , of this city , the only manufac tmer c
oleomargarine In Connecticut , has tuupcmliM
nstUey tegardiHl thl < iroveinment tax tirotdb
toiy. I'rom bW to 1,000 pef ons nro throw
out of employ mcnt.
The Krnkomali In Itlnino ,
Mil wAi'hKr. Nov. l-Tltu blame for tl
Kin dls.\ste \ | ' now s6 m > to b * > settling' ' o
WolN , the brakemau ; who lias been pluctd i
jaU t Poi test- .
A Disclmrged Employe Shoots the Surveyor
of the Port of Now York.
Noted CnnntcrfoUer Arrested In
ncnnolls The ( Jnoor 3Indo Nei\r
OinnhnPcuiule Hluliw.iy Hol > -
bers Other Crimes.
Niw : Yonic , Nov. 1. The survcor ot the
port of Now York , Mr. Bcattle , was shot
nbout noon to-day In his oHIco nt ( lie custom
house by n discharged Inspector who fired
live or six shots. It Is not known whether
the wounds me fatal or not.
The sinveyor's would-be nss.isiin , named
Louis literal. Is a man who gained some dis
tinction In the wnrof the rebellion. He was
lor about twelve years attached to the custom
house. About a week ago tlio surveyor dis
missed him fiom tlio sen Ice lor evading
monei fiom poor Immigrants at Castle tnr- !
den , wlieie he was lately stationed , lie
came to the olllce about U ! o'clock to day and
gained entrance to the survey oi's urlvato
olllee in the back ot the building
limiting on Smith William street ,
and at l'J:20 : o'clock Pilvato Secretaiy
Nichols and FAamlner lllatt heatd pistol
shots. The dlschmged Inspector itishc.l out
of the private olllce , pistol In hand , and Ian
thiongh the eoirldor to the oMt into Hanover
stieet mid threatened to kill a man who tried
to stop him , The man diopped back and
Blcinl tan along Beavei stieet , Into
which he turned nnd inn to the Cotton
exchange. A number of citl/cns follow ed
in pursuit , and Bieial , finding escape Im
possible , tinned and ran Into thu aims of a
policeman. He was taken to the old slip
station house and locked up. He describes
himsi-lt as being seventy-two veais old , mai-
lied , living at SVJ Sivtli avenue. He said ho
was a native of Bcattlo did not re
ceive all of the h\e bullets nnd is not mor
tally wounded ,
Coroner Low took tlio statement of Sur
veyor Deattle this altcinoon. He said tlie
prisoner was lemoved fiom Ids post ol inspector
specter on Ids lecomuu-ndation , as lie had
Illegally taken money fiom an immigrant
girl. The surveyor was sitting at his desk
when his door was thrown and the prisoner
enteiedvith a pistol in his hand ,
exclaiming : "Now , by 0 il , I'll teach
> ou. " Ho liied thiee shots , two of
which took ellect , one through tlio lleshy
part of tlm surveyor's left hand , mid the
other struck the crest of thu Ilium , glum-ing
in an inwaid and iipwmd dhectlon , This
hall has not yet been extracted. The piis-
oncr , whencaptuted , was peilectly calm , ad
mitted tlie shooting and added that lie did it
because Boattie letnsed to listen to the men
who went to him to appeal tor his leinstate-
mcnt. The prisoner was taken betoie the
injured official who unhesitatingly identified
Bieial said : "Yes : I am the man that did It.
He took the bread and butter out ol my fam
ily's month. " .
Tlio prisoner was subscquentls taken to
the Tombs police court , wheio ho contossed
to.lustico Muiphv to havinir lired the shots
and said lie did it because lie had discharged
him without cause. The wounded man re
tained consciousness throughout , and as
soon as itA.IS considered sate was nut into
an ambulance and catiied to his home.
ArrcHt of l ; < > male Highway Knbbcrs.
SVUACUSI : , N. Y. , Nov. 1. [ Special Tele-
giam to the Bin ; . ] The noitliwcstern riart
of Uneida county , bordei ing on the north
woods wildei ness , is much excited over tlio
mrest of Susan Scovllle and Mniy Jane
IJovin on the seiious charge of attempt at
highway robbciy. They have been held to
bail for examination Thuisday. Although
the crime was committed four weeks ago the
complaint lias just been made lor the icason
that the dating women threatened their vic
tims witli bodily hat in if they made any dis
closures. Hugh Dorrity sw ore out the war
rant , He dcclaies that late In the nlirlit ho
was Hding with Miss Jones on a lonely high
way when two peisons galloped up on hoises
nnd , presenting revolvers , demanded their
money anil valuables or their lives. He
rccogni/ed the voices of the women mid told
hem lie li id no money. They demanded
hat hestilko a match to disclose his identity.
By the flame lie recognl/cd his assailants as
these women. They weio diessed in male
attlionnd thoioiighly tinned. He says it is
supposed they mistoo'c ' him lor another per
son. They lelt him witli the tlneat men
tioned it he mido : any complaint. Mis. Sco-
vliio is a locktcnderon tlio Black liver canal.
Both women have ; been in oilier sensational
exploits. .f- |
A MjstorloiiH Murder.
CmrAflo , Nov. 1. At daylight this morn-
ng the dead body of Henrv Munro was found
at tlio intersection ot Asbury nventio nntl
Rogers' road In Hogeis' park , one block fiom
lib residence. Tliero were a number ol
wounds on the man's head which looked as
fluey had been inflicted by some blunt lu <
strument. So far there is absolutely no clew
to the muideicr.sand the exact hour when
tlie eiimu was committed Is unknown.
Henry Munio was a wcnlthy dil e.stato ownei
mid the best known Ucrman In the townshij :
ol Kvanston.
The vest on the body of Mnnro was ton
and part of it pulled over Ids face. His head
and face was coveted with blood. Then
werutlaeescali ) wounds and a hole in thn
tight temple. Tlio hole was apparently made
by some blunt Insttnmcnt , which Is stipposei
to bo half a pound stone found near hi
coveud with blood , His pockets had evl
dently been illled , as no money was sound Ii
them , Thu police suspect a man ntiiuec
Joint Catties , vvlio was seen with Muniolas
night and cannot bo tound to-day.
Dangerous Counterfoltcr An-oslod.
MiNNFArous , Nov. 1. Detectives Quln
Ian und Kiuj ; attested last night James Hin
dlo alias McDonald , a notoiious connteifeite
mid crook , who has been passing and dispos
ing of In vaiious ways tor tlie past tvn
weeks In this city finely counterfeited silve
dollars. This spin Ions coin is nc.iily a pot
feet countei part of the genuine , Iho only dlf
feieiK o being that It Is a trlllo lighter. Sotm
SI 1. 000 of this stuff was lound concealed it
a cavn near Cedar Lake. Hlnilio con
fns cd to the detectives last night that th
stiill Is made by n well oiganl/ed gani ; Ic
rated near Omaha. HI mile. 1ms served ;
term In Wnbnsha penitentiary for safe blow
Ing. He also confesses that tlio gang hai
been orgunl/ed to biirglatko mveial of th
prominent banks and business nouses In SI
Paul and Minneapolis to-monovv niglu
lllndlo Ib about thirty-ilvo years old , six fee.
tall , weighs ono bundled and eighty poiindr
light complected nnd good looking , Utlit
anebb may follow.
Attempted .Murder and Suicide.
Nr.w YOHK , Nov. 1. An old feud botvvee
Joseph Ott , a ( lUiman waiter , and Chaile
Bnbln , chef of the Astor house , vvn
lovhed to-nl htvheii the men met in th
kitchen , whither Ott had gone to fill a gno t'
order. Alter some words Ott drew , n piste
nnd llrcd two shots nt tlie chef. Both bullet
entered Iho sida of thn man , who fell toth
Hour. Ott , Imagining that ho had complete
his work , lied from tlio building. Ho vvn
dressed In his claw-hammer coat , mid In hi
haity Illzht went olT halloas. An hour latet
tlio police , who had been notltied ot his ac
by general alarm , were soliciting tor him.
oill/eii found his dead body In a cellar I
Park place , two blocks nvvay. Ho had sent
bulliit Uiiongh his head and killed himself h
stantly. Babln U shot in the ilcht side , hi
the wounds are not looked upon usdai
gerous. _
Shot In Scll-Dcl'enso.
HjsvnEiiso.v , Ky. , Nov. 1. About2o'cloe
this morning Ollicer Koonoy shot and li
stantly Killed a negro , James Green , In sell
defense. La t night the uegio residents !
the city cave a ball , and as midnight aj
preached they became noisy mid turlmlen
A bout 'J o'clocii tUid morning javuea Giten ,
roupn , became Involved In a quarrel with a
stranger , nnd attempted to stab him. but was
prevented by Kooney , who placed ( Irccn un
der arrest. Ho made n snvaeo attack on the
otllcer and cut him several times. Hooney at
last drew his revolver nnd lired four times ,
each shot taking effect in ri vital * pot. Tills
Inoko the dance up Instantly. Hoonoy de
livered himself UP. but was not held , the
shooting be.i 111 : plainly In defense ol Ids own
lite. _
iTuvcnllc Duelists.
Nnvv YOHK Nov. 1. Ocorgc Wny nnd
Wllllnm Dlngwnll , two fourtcen-jear-old
boys residing In thes.imo house In Jersey
City , quarreled ovir n girl nnd both boys
whipped out knives and commenced slashIng -
Ing each other. They fought until they vvoro
botlt covered with blood nnd so weak that
they could light no longer. Dlngwnll had
seven stab wotiniK and m lying at his homo
in a ciitical condition , j His ante-mortem
Rt-xtemenl was taken to-nk-lit nnd the h' y
Wny wai placed under attest to nvvnlt the re
sult of his victim's InjnriK
A Uriil ( | ltlon Denied.
Nnw HAvr.N'BCoiin. , Nov. 1. Oovcrnoir
Harrison has refused to hnndr the reiiulsitlon
from the governor ot Irtwa asking for tlio
snricndcrclVllllam \ H. Bradbury , nccttsed
of forgery.
Dcspcrntn Htrugnle With n Servant
Having Dclirlnin T'rcnicna.
NKW YOHK , Nov. 1. A most extraordinary
stoiyvvas told by a complainant In a police
court to day. The prisoner was .a powerfully
built j onng colored woman who answered to
the name of Rachel Mackens. She had been
employed as cook in tlio family ot Mr.
Vernon , manager of the llljon opera house.
Mr. Vctnon was the complainant. Ho said
that when he returned to his homo fiom the
theatre last night ho heard n nolso
on the roof mid some ono shouted
"nuuderl" mid "helpI" Hurrying Into
the house , Mr. Vernon went up
to the roof nnd there found the servant , who
was rolling nbout as if mad. As soon as tlio
woman saw him she rushed towaid him ,
shrieking , "Police 1 Police ! Ah , I've got yon
now I" Before Mr. Vernon vvasavvarooflt
the vvomnn had spuing upon him , and , grasp
ing him by the throat , threw him dow n. Her
gtip wasso sliongthat Mr , Veinou was un
able to call tor help , and a totrilic struggle
followed. Slowly but surely the fren/.ied
woman , who had stopped shouting
and now struggling silently , cairled her
employer to the edge ot the loof , informing
him that she was going ( o throw him over
Into thu stieet. The house Is a fotir-stoiy
nnd high basement btown stone. The struggle
that had taken place was mere child's play to
what followed. The grip on Vernon's
throat was slowly but snroly weakening him ,
and ho felt that he could not hold out much
longer , when a ttiumnhant ety from the
wommi showed that they vveic at the edge of
thoioof. One moie effort was made on Mr.
Vernon's pmt to imsh back , nnd the woman
elaxcd her hold , while her employer
ell backwaid over the edge of the
roof. Foitunately for Mr. Veinon there
was n net worlc of telephone and elec
tric light wiies just below the coi nice , and
these saved Ills lite. Tlio wires held him and
: ie was enabled by a superhuman elfoit to te-
galn the root. Tlio woman stood near tlio
edge ol the coinlce with her hands
clinched. In a. moment she renewed
the attack. By souio means the struggling
couple managed to reach tlio s-tittle
'ending into tlio house. Down they went ,
'milling lietcely at each step. Through the
muse they fought to the front hallway.
Mi. Veinon opened the door and they
reached the stieet and ) cries of "HelpI'
brought two policemen , ho.spnut . the next
live minutes ineaptutlngs'.ws Intuilatcdctent
itle. She was quiet In court this morning ,
nnd Justice Foul sent her to the Island tor
tlnce months. She had been drinking lieav-
ly , and dining the stnigirlo witli Mr. Ver
non was under the influence of. deliiliim tie-
metis. '
The Various Bcqnestx of the k'x-MII-
liomilre's Widow.
Knvv VOHK , Nov. 1. The will of Airs. Cor
iclia M. Stew ait , wife of tlie late millionaire
dry goods meiciiant , was Tiled for piobato to-
lay by ovJudge Horace IJnssoll , Henry
Hilton's son-in-law. Citations were inline-
liately Issued to the heiis nnd next ot kin
made retmliable November 13. Mis. Stewarl
bequeaths 520,000 per j ear dining life to hei
biothet Charles P. Clinch ; to each of lict
sistcis , Ann , Kinnia , nnd Julia Clinch , she
leaves an annuity of 810,000 ajeartohei
niece Sarah N. Smith slio.leaves 82,500,000 ; tc
Cornelia S. Butler she leaves SW.OOO.OOO , mid
to each of her chH'iien , Lawrence anil
ailes Butler. 850,000 ; to Kate A. Smith ,
-j-MO.OOO ; to each of the remaining children ol
Sarah N. namely , Louisa , Besaio nnd
James , § 100,000 ; each cliildien ol'herds
ceased .sister Louise , ( formerly wife ol
Chmles K. Butlei ) , namclv , Uosnlle , Ellen ,
Virginia , Felian , Maxwell andPtescott , SfiO-
000. All the ol the estatfe , ic.d and pci-
sonal , she bequeaths to Charles J. Clinch , now
ot P.uls , mid Henry Hilton , of this city ,
None ol the legacies nro to be payable until
three juars Horn the final piobate ot tiie will ,
not any of the annuities until sixmonth'
after such piobato. Tlio executors to the will
me , Clias , ,1. Clinch and Henry Hilton. Thu
will is dated July 'A Ib77. She i evokes the
bequest of Henry Hilton of one. . hall of hei
icslderary estate and Instead bequeaths bin ;
oho half of the le.slduo or her piopirty anil
e.stato In tinst , to receive hold , manage , con
tiol , sell and apply tlie Ramo to the comple
tion ot the .Stewart Memorial church now
in coinso of election nt Garden City
Lone Island , and to supply It with all ncccs
sarv to make Itntice church , and eulliedi.i
for tlio Protestant Kpiscopal church lor the
diocese ot Lonir Island , N. Y. . to endow It
witli such money as will maintain it tor
evei , witli apiovlsion for tlie bishop ot tb
diocese nnd assistants to ronstiuct am
endow with money siitllclent to sustain then
lorover , two buildings , to bu used as school !
and seminaries , to lie attached to such catli
edtal , and to erect othoi Imildlncs as tin
cathedtal , schools mid semlnailes may it-
quiie. All these buildings ate to bo erected
on Mrs. Stcwaid's lands , known as Homestead
stead Plains. Tlm buildings , when com
phited , are to be conveyed to the use totovei
of tlio Protostmit Kpiscopal chuieh of tlu
diocese ot Long Island , Or to the Cathedral
of tlm incarnation In tho- diocese of Lorn
Island. If any heir becomes n patty to unj
proceedtu-'to ! Inteifeie. with the will the pro
vision In ilia will In bis or hei favor is to bi
The last codicil Is dated November 30,18S.1 ;
After stating that a cathedral and St. Paul'i '
school ut ( iaiden City hat beitn completei
and endowed , levolcesalliformpf clauses ti
the will and codicils thi-roto except tlmt tin
trustee Is empowered at his discretion ti
build and endow a .seminary of learning fo
women as described In pitwlons codicils , am
to erect snrh other institutions and building
connected witli the ratltudnil as may h
lucjssary , Tlio absoliita title of the propert
Is vested In a legatee to convey and transfe
the piopertv In accordance with tlio pin
visions ot tlio will nnd codicils ,
Torchlight IVooosilon Mohhed. , Nov. 1. While tlie varlon
loptibllcan clubs of the city weio mnrchln
thtoiigh the streets to-night In a torchligli
procession numbcrln : ; several thonsnni
men , an attack was made at various point
nloug the line , the assailants hulling dam
nged eggs mid vegetables and hindly stone
nnd brickbats. Several torch beau-is wei
seriously hint and ti.msparencles and ban
nero v.eie riddled. The policu being t-alii-
upon for protection , nrrosted several ot tlios
In tlio ptoecbsion.
KI gin Dairy Market.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1 , Tlio Inter Ocean E
gin , His. special snjs ; On the hoard of trad
to-day the regular sales of biutei were ! WK3
pounds at'-V ( < Fi7 cents. Tliero were no loj
ulnr sales of cheesc.Total bales , STOXK ( .U (
Nebraska and lovvu AVenther.
For Nelimska and lowu ; lour , ) rains , fo
levied by fair weather , cooler , winds bhittln
Bhino Thinks Ho Oan Carry Now York and
is Willirg to Run.
KnlRhti of Ij.ihor Who Do Not Kiuor
IJeiHiinoiifs I\\K \ Sohoinc Hard
Civil Service llxanilnatIons
Washington News.
lllalno Wants the Nomination.
WASIUNOTON , Nov. 1. [ Special to Iho
UKI.I Ono ot Iho most widely known
and inllncntial republican lenders of Maine
lias vv rltten n letter to n friend here In which
ho says : "Tliero Is no longer any question
about Mr. Blalno desiilng the nomination
for tlio piesldeney. Ho has not spoken to
anjoue that 1 know ot who Is authorised to
give the public any Information on the sub
ject , but from frequent pilvato talks with
him I am positive tlmt ho has nbout nude up
his mind to let the nomination come to him.
For awhile after the camp\lgn ot IbSI ho was
In great doubt as to the propilety of being
renomlnatcd. It was n question whether ho
would do nny better In the second lace In
New Yoik than ho did in the fust ince. 1 am
quite sure that lie has concluded that ho can
c.ury New York , and now the problem rests
with the people and not witlt him. "
OI'1-OSK1 > ' 1O Till : I.tHOIt CONQllKSS.
Two or tlneo Knights of Labor hero are
very much interested in the scheme pie | oscd
at Richmond dining the recent convention
to establish a congress in Washington for
the propagation of measuies to bo picsontcd
to the national IcirHatnic. Men who are In
terested because ( hey hopn to bo members of
It and thereby secuie berths pav ing S3 a day
have been coiicjpondlng with the urand
master woikmen ot local assemblies , and
piominent knights generally in dilieronl
parts of tliocoiintiy , say tlie project Is unpop
ular mid will not be executed. An impression
prcvtilK It appeals from the e\piesslons
gleaned , tlmt It is a scheme to secure salaries
tor some "aspiring politicians nnd would-be
statesmen , and that It will result In nothing
which cannot and will not bo secured tlnongh
the channels which meahendy being worked.
Hie general olllcet.s ol the organisation nro
reported to bo opposed to tlio proposition to
establish alnborcongioss on the gioiind that
It would dlsoigani/.o individual and local
etfoitsatid influences which are brought to
bear on members of congress pioper. Some
of those who mewotking for places undci
the , tnoelc legislating aie evincing.some feel
ing on account ot tlio opposition from Mr.
Powderly mid the other otliccis , anil claim
that selfish motives arc behind them ; that the
opposition Is based upon adeslio to curtail
all expenses and all woik which will decrease
their power in legislation as well as in
geneial direction ot the or ani/atlon , The
men who aio inging tlm adoption of thu
scheme intend to woik it up and push It
thiougli the convention at Minneapolis next
Octohtr. It Is not improbable that this tiling
will make tumble jet.
Applicants tor positions through the civil
service commission complain that the exami
nations ate voiy much mure dllheult now
than they weio a yeai ago , and twice as com
plicated as they weio at lust. The questions positions nro quite as
difficult to nnswei , they say , as those hist
piopoundcd tortechnlcal duties and positions
In ttio liisher branches of the federal serv ice.
At the headqu.u ters of tlm commission it is
stated that the examinations mo made more
strict so as to lediico tlio number of eligibles ,
tlmsjlccreaslng and simplifying the affairs
In'tholnaUrT of'nppointments , nnd to secnrc
a higher class of appointees. The majority
of appointments for the liist , second nnd
thitd classes (81,000 , , Sl. ' OO and § 1,400) ) mi1
made from tH2 college mid school te.icheis ol
the country.
The tecent expetiments in and about
Chicago In pleiiro-piienmonia have slim-
iilitcd , it is said , some of the lending veterinary
inary suim-ons of the country to begin
prcpaiation.s tor iiiging upon congress when
It meets this wintei tlie necessity of broadei
legislation to extinguish this epidemic. Kv
pctlmcnts have been made nt Chicago suc
cessfully , so it is icported to the agiictiltuial
department heie , which will enable .scientist ;
to give congiess Infoinmtlon ot greal
value i'l legislation upon this subject. Al
pie-ent there It , no lemedv except In destioy
inu'llio cattle alleeted. It Is believed thai
quarantine and medical measuies will IK
adopted tor stopping the epidemic and cut-
ing diseased cattle.
POSTAL ciiAsnr.n.
Phillip McKean was to-day appoints ,
postmaster at Tnckciville , Ctister county
vicu Foidinmidimmcier , icsigned. Alsi
the following in Iowa : Heniy Meiir
etta , Pilot Clove. Lou cotintv. vice W. D
Jackman , rcblgned ; Mrs. n. I ) . Smith , Swat
Lake. Kmmet count } , vice A. Jenkins
deceased ; K. J. Ingetsol. Dallas count } , vle
Ole Aupensen ,
Public Debt Statement.
WASIUVOTON , Nov. 1. The following Is t
recapitulation of the debt statement issuec
to-day :
Interest bearini : debt , pilnclpal
nnd interest . 81,10 ! . CSO.GT :
Debt on which Inteiest has
ceased slnco matin ity , princi
pal and interest . M.MS.OS1
Pi-litbcaiingno interest ; princi
pal . r injijw : , ;
Total debt , pilneipal . 1,715,1 ! > ? , IO !
Inleiest. . . . . . { >
Total . l,7JI-Hli,40 ,
Total debt , less available easli
Items . 1I07,1S1H
Net cash in tte.isnry . a , ? ! * ! , ! ! ) !
Deciease of debt dining the
month . 13'i01,01 !
Total available lor i eduction of
debt . 217,23 )11 )
Total cash in treasury as shown
bj treasuret's general ac
counts . 451.00S.03 ;
The C7oon ( | AVcro Dntlnlilo.
AVASiMNnro.v , Nov. 1. Judge McCno
solicitor of Iho ticnsury , has given an oplnloi
lo tlio secretary in u-gaul to wines and othe
aillcles broiitflit fio.n abroad by ollicern o
tlio United States steamers Poitsmouth am
Sniatoun. Integmdtotho articles biough
by tlio olllcers for tlio use of othei peisons. a
gifts orothorwi'o , the solicitor say.s they ai
dutiable and tint thme is no dlscietlon ii
customs olliceriJ or In Iho secretary of th
treasury lo abate any portion ot the dutle
presciibed by law.
N'npoloon nnd Cleveland.
WASiuxriTo.v , Nov. 1. Prince Louis Nr
] > elf on railed at the White House to day an
paid his respects to the piesldent. Ho wa
accompanied by his private secu-tarr an
Albert Dol-'orcslor of the Italia
legation. The piesentatlons WPIO mailo h
Seciclmy Baynrd. Tlio inesidPiit leceive
them in the blue parlor , Tlio piesldent an
prince conveibcd together about littec
minutes , _
Llhurty KnllKhtoned ,
NEW YOHK , Nov. 1. Tlio pyioteclinle dl
play In honor of the inamrnrntlou of tli
HarthoHl st\tne ! \ , vv liich hud been postpone
because ol nnfavoiablo weather , was vei
siiccessfnlly made lo night. linim'iis
ciowds tlironce.l tlio Buttery and the lowt
parts of Broadway nnd ndjar-ent streets t
witness the bight. The siatuu of Libert
wus lighted , and rockets , llotnan iniidlcsan
elaborate lirewotks , ornamentations tioiii tli
Buttery , ( Jovernors Island and Bt-dlon
Island serve l as a grand entertainment. ' 1 i
amount of light thiovvu fiom the toichof t !
colossal statue did not i oino up to the xcnet. .
the Oleo Tax.
WASIUXC.ION , Nov. l. Tlio law taxln
oleomniKarino went Into opetatlon to-da ;
Iteports received by Commissioner Mllh
show that all classes of manufacturers an
< lealcts , Including it-tall men , ptoposo t
meet the tax and coiitinmJ In business.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. a. As a re-mlt of th
going Into etlectot the oteomaiiracino tiiM
censes were taken oit | in thin district to-ila
by three manufacturers , two wholesalers an
lo Sponkn in Kn or of llonry Gcor jo
In Now Yorlc.
Nr.w YORK , Nov. 1. Mr. Powdtrly , speak-
ng In bolialt ot Henry tleorco ( onlay , in the
onrso of tils remarks f-Mil - : "I am liero to
sk } ounot to go fiom ( his hall to-night to
our own homes and there remain until to-
norrovv , but to ask yon to go to your neigh-
mi's and do all you c in to Increase the minter -
er of our voln.i , leiucmberlng that vvoio-
Hiiro all the votes Jon should nnd
mtst plvo to-morrow. Kcmember
lint not only tlm eyes of this
It vet New \ oik , but of the tnltro western
voild mo Inrnt-d toward this city In the
lope mid expectation tliat you will lolcoin
lie fair name of tlio metropolis of this conn-
i } from the Insults that have been east upon
t fchcors ] , and give to New Votk City a man
vho will properly and honestly administer
he affairs of your city as they never have
teen administered before. " He ciospd by
ounsL-lIng them to avoid the siloons to-mor-
inv , mid subsequently spoke to a largo crovVd
vho could not get into the hall.
1'olltlcH In
Ciiicvoo , Nov. 1. Hvery indication to-
light points loan exceptionally heavy vote
n this city to-moitovv. The registration has
been remarkable for thoroughness. There
no four distinct tickets in the Held , nnd an
ninsnal number of Individual candidates
lave been making a hot personal canvass.
.11 addition to tlm republican and democratic
ickcts tiicre an- two lists of label-candidates
the United Labor patty and thu Labor
> agne. The united labor ticket differs from
he. oth"is In beaiing tlio names of several
ivowrd socialists. At a late hour the sKy Is
iromlsing fora warm , sun-shiny day.
Illcanl Registration In New York.
NKwYoitK , Nov. L Inspector Bj rue's
stall to-day received vvairants for the attest
> f a larue number of men for illegal icglstra-
lon. They will be executed to-morrow when
ho men piescnt themselves at tlie polling
ibccs. An Investigation made at the In
stance of the district attorney showed that
lieio weio many instances of colonization or
voters , principallv in the lower wards of the
city. AH soils of names were assumed by
ho offenders , such as "Tim Bumm" nnd
'Jack Buster. "
Itlnino in New Jersey.
CAMDIX , N. . ) . , Nov. 1. Mr. lllalno ad-
Itcsscd an audience of live thousand people
n the city armory to-night , whllo tvvo-
housandlhc bundled were unable to gain
ulmltlaiice. His address was confined
wholly to the discussion of the tariff and the
southern question. He was frequently inter
rupted by bmst.s of applause and wild cheers.
Clothing Dcnlei'H Kail.
MII.WAVKII : , Nov. 1. L. Abrahams & Co. ,
wholesale clothiers , were closed up on at-
.icliments to-day. Liabilities , about S"XK > ,
'OJ ' ; assets , unknown. Creditors are mostly
ocal lit ms.
How Two Detectives Secured an Old
Man's Murderer.
It was iiveryordinury-arjpcnring trunk
of rather lnro ( si/.o , and shipped from
L < hiciigu to Now York ; but when , after a
time no ono claimed it , mid a sickening
odor issued from Its locked depths , the
authorities broke it open and revealed
a murder.
Yes , a cruel , deliberate murder of an
old gray-haired man , a wealthy broker as
it proved , who hail boon reported missing
in Chicane. Alasl the trunk had too well
concealed the crime and given the mur
derers time to o.senpo.
A largo reward was ollbred for the
guilty perpetrators by the broker's wife ,
mid detrotives vvoro looking high anil
low for .some clew , but for days tliero ap
peared not one ray of liirht in the dark
True a number of suspicions wore
nursed , ono particularly , that pointed
toward John Gascon , tlio broker's
adopted son.
'I lie stricken wife , a young and beauti
ful Italian , kept her room , and only a few
were permitted , to enter her jire'r.o. .
A detective , while loitormg near tlio
residence of the murdered man , saw ono
day coming out of the side entrance a
black-eyed , black-haired man , a servant
apparently , but .something in the man's
daric face attracted the olliccr's noticp.
"I've seen that follow somewhere in n
dill'ereiit iig , but where lor the lifo of me
I can't tell. 1 think I'll keep an eye on
him. "
And he did.
The result was ho again met the same
humble appearing individual , but thi'
tinio as he passed him the wind , just then
blowing turiouslv , throw oiwn the miin't
coat and revealed the glitter of a diamond
mend stud.
'All. I thought him other ( nan lit
fieemeil ! Now to discover who and what
ho is. "
Thcro came to tlio door of the mur
dered man's residence ono day two old
Deiilcr- , with wares such as to charm tin
servant girls.
"Yon patronize an Italian pcdlor , " salt :
ono of tlio oht men ; " eo if we can't give
von butter bargains than lie ! "
" "La no ! " cncd the cook ! "IIo's nc
ppclk-r , " and she lauirliud gleefully.
" \\hatislie. tlienV"
But the cook hhook horlierid.
"See1" said the pcdler , holding alolt n
glittering jtillow necklui-o , "I'll givt
yon thai if you'll toll , and let us sloop all
night in in tint laundry , under the Kitchen
wo are very wviry. "
" 1 wouldn't date , and I don't know
aught ot the uontlciiiiin ; only that In
seems a iirimo lavorito ot thu missus
Hark ! what is that ! Oil , oh ! " she- wailed ,
"Its tlm olliccrs conic to dr.ig oil' Mttatci
John. I feaiod so , 1 feared so. "
It was mil to true ; in a few ininutns , tin
young heir , in spite ol indignant jno
tests was lodged m jail on the chnrgo ol
inurdoilng his bunetactor , pi-cfurictl bj
tlio joung wito.
"Yon don't bcliovo htm guilty , thonV
queried one ot the peddlers , when tin
cook could be made to listen.
" ( Juiltyy him" ' she cried angrily , "win
fairly worshipped tlio ground tlm olt
mnster trod on. Wiiat do you take mi
for ? "
Hut by a generous bribe the two n | (
peddlers .ileut in the laundry tlmt night
About midnight the rook awoku in i
fearful tremor.Vlut \ wa.s Iho noise in
stairs ? Could ll-oso I wo innocont-lookin ;
old peddlers be burglar * ? Oh , what win
to hi ; donov for the heard a surcam and ;
heavy fall.
Shu Hiiraug out of hml , throw on a per
lion of ncr elotttes and < jmcky ) let hci.sol
out the back way.
Inn fuvv minntod slin rcturiiud aceoiu
paniud by two policemen.
Tlio sight they behold as they enteri-i
msidam's door almost piitaljyed then
with astonishment , for tlu-io sat th
bioker's Leitiitifuloitng vvno with he
siiapely hands in handciill's , and near he
upon tlm floor Iny an Italian.
Tlio two two innocent appearing pod
dler.s weio ddiu'thcf , and had oveilu-ar
much'of the conversation of the tw
uinliir arrest- much they fell tput
positive they held the ten ! imirdurut. u
iho old broker.
Thu plan lifid been to slay tlio old ,1111 ;
and lav tlio ciimo on his adopted bii'i
Wiili him' out of the way the tre iclu-rou
wife ami her confeduiato vvoio to aucur
the hpoils , and ily to .sunny Italy.
lint the real ending win. altogetlior dn
forent ; tiiu tivideiH'o Was not snllii-icnt t
convict them of murder in thu lif < t di
greo. John ( lascon was reiu.ised onei
of course , mid U wicked wUu nnd h
apcomplico cv ntually received a 'ii '
Ecnleucu ut lu-.rd labor.
Oloso of tlo Thirtieth Annual Session of
the Nebraska Association ,
ttccnn c of His tllrl'n
Ho Shoots Illmsolf Jay
Cunt rllint Ion to the Iloxvo
THKMONT , Neb , > 'ov. 1. fSpeclal to the
lur ) The tlditleth state itsfociatton of Con-
M-egallonal ministers and chncrhes closed Hit
ivodajs session last evening. The meetings
vveioheld at lliu Congregational church mid
all sessions weio largely nllendcd. Tlicio
wore pro-sent from Nebraska mid other states
ibout two hundtcd nilnlstrn and visitors.
The convention opened Wednesday even-
ng , this session being given up
arcely to hand shaking mid 10-
iinval of old acqutint.uiccships. A
.ilo irainc was conducted by 1. 1C.
Brown , n repiesontatlve ol the Y. M. C. A. ,
> l Vow YOIK City. His tonic was : "I'ho
Holy bplul , " the subject being amplllled In
n most interesting manner. Thursday , Rev.
Hampton , of KiaiiKlin. was chosen mod-
eiatornnd rreslded at nil the icnialnlng ses
sions. Itov. Bioss , of Chadtou , nnd Kuv.
French , ot Lincoln , were elected secietarle.i.
Tliorepoits fiom the educational Institu
tions occupied a good deal of time and Inter
est. Piesldent Perry reported in bi-half of
Do.tnc college , the state school located at
Cicle. It was of an oncouiavlng nature ,
showing that the piospeiltyot the school Is
con Until 111 : and that the number of students
isluger than over bcloie. Ho also made an
earnest appeal for fi lends and onrourapc-
ment. Plot. Kalichlld will mnko tan active
canvass nmong tins chinches this jear in Iho
Interests of the school. An effort Is being
miuUi to secuto nn endow ment lor the college
of S-5,000. Thuisdny ovcning the time was
pilncipallj occupied by Dr. Barrows , of Now
Yoikclty , fceciotary of the Ameiican Homo
Missionary society , who brlelly outlined thd
work accomplished nnd methods of tlmt Im-
tioi taut organl/atlon. The latter portion of 1
tlio evening \vo-s yielded to the Woman's
Missionary society.
Friday n nnmner of Interesting papers
were leatl by Kov. John Askln , of Kemney ;
Itev. L. 11. Cobb , New Yoric ; Kov. A. M.
Case , Jllafr ; nnd Jlev. S. ,1. Humphrey , of
Chicago , the latter being tlio district sccie-
tary tor tlio American board of mlMsloiiB
with heiulqnaiters nt Chicago. Sunday was
the closing day. In the moining thetei-
nion was dcllveied by Dr. Cobb. In the
evenlngaddn-.sses weio made by lev. ! . Bios" ,
Cobb and Malle. Fmewell u-sponses wee
elvcn by Moderator Hamilton nnd llev.
awing , local castor. In addition totlie nota
ble peisotis piesent fiom abroad , besides
those above mentioned : Itev. II. M. Hoills-
ter , of the Chicago theologicnl seminary ;
Miss PlnUerton. n leturned missionary from
Atiicn ; and Miss Bi ooks' , another mission
ary who leturned about six weeks ace Iroin
missionary woik In Turkey. The conven
tion was consldcied ono ot the best ever
held In the state. The next meeting will beheld
held at Lincoln. The business committee in
whoso hands Its management will ho en
trusted , are Rev. Lewis Giegory and Charles
West , Lincoln ; and K 11. Ashinun , Beat
_ _ _ _
Ills Girl Provoil Utifnlthful.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. l. fSpeclal Tclo
cram to the Br.i : . | The people this mornIng -
Ing about sovcn miles southeast of Kennc-
saw , In tills county , arc oxcitcd over a snl-
cldo vv'hlch oceuiied there last night , the
party taking his life being n > oung Dane
about twenty-two yenii. old , whoso naino
could not bo leai ned. He had just returned
liom chinch when lie told his companions ho
wa.s going to shoot himself. No attention
was paid to tlm threat , but in a tow moments
n gun shot was heard and upon lushing bade
they found the fellow dead , having blown
tlie top of his head clear olt. The coioner
to-day renJeu-d a verdict ol deatli by his
own hand. No icason is assigned for the
lash act. except that ho was despondent bo-
rauso his ulrl In Donmaik had pioven'un-
ti uu to him.
The HoodlorH'
Neb. , Nov. 1. fSpeclal Tele
gram to tlm BKH.J Tlio Howe boodleis
boast to-day that .lay Gould handed over his
check foi 550,000 to aid their candidate , and
the amount of money spent bv tnoin fully
eouoboiates the Mntemcnt , Yet Howe is
jxising as a gieat anti-monopolist. Tlio bat
tle piomisei to be exceedingly hot.
Houo Mon Give Up. , Neb. , Nov. -Special [ Telegram -
gram to the Bun.J Chinch Howe's stiiker.s
mcgivingnp the JiRht.
Rimlnoer Injured A Hllz/.nnl.
LAKAMIIC , Wyo. , Nov. 1. [ Special Tele
gram 1 1 the Bi'.K.j i ast night Knglneer D.
F , Doty , at Gianlto Canon , a point between
heie and Cheyenne , while oiling Ills' enclno ,
had ono hand completely severed from the
vv i M.
A hll/raid fiom tlio noi tli weft set In hero
at an e.uly hour this motnini ; mid It > liouily
incieaslnu in violence.
at AIlil.i.
Iis : MOINKS , In , , Nov. ] . [ Special Tele
gram to Iho Bi'.n.j The Chicago. Burlington
, fc Qiilncy depot. nt | Albla was binned thin
forenoon. The baggage and fieight in sloio
weie saved. The total loss will ho 80,000.
Vtsterday the llouiiinr mill belonging to
Moses Kdw.uds. also at A I bin. was binned.
Loss , S'j.uuu ; insmcd ioi , in tlio
Mutual liibinanco company ,
Ililiish Grain 'J'radc Knvlciv.
Nov. 1. Tlm Mailc Lane n < .
prc s , In Its uivlovv ot the Btitlsh gialn tiado
dining tlio past week , feav.s : Dcliveilcs of have been small at MtTclt
above the previous w celt. Sales of Knghsh
wheat weio Itt.tllO qumteis nt ! > 0s 10 ! < I ,
against 5tU ( ! ) qumteis nt ! ilsId dining
the coi responding peiloU ot last jcar.
Country lloui Is Him nnd ( id dealer. Fair
tiade isdolngln b.uiuy nt an advance lor
the line-it ol .is and lor seconds of Is , For
eign wheats aru himlv held. Values are un
changed , Coin has risen" Mfm id. Linseed
hagiilned Is. TlnoociiiK't'i * of ur-
nvi-u ; onorMigo was withdiawn and two te-
nialneil , At to-ilay'b ni.uket wlieat wai
him , thomrh there was less demand. Tliero
was a hhoi i simply ol corn , and n.iles were
fieely m ulo at td ! advanei . Barley vvaH
sic.iify , Uats , beans and pens weio uu-
Now I-'ronUH ol' Mother I7nrlh.
SAN riiAXcibco , Nov. 1.A letter pub
lished in this evening's BnUHIn , undei dulo
of Opla , Octohei 15 , H.I > S authentic neuslms
leached Samoa that on the inoiiilni ! of , S < p-
temltcr 10 ovei one hmidied I uivy eailli-
rjuikcs occniied on the island of Nliiiifon ,
oiieot the Tonga gionn , and Hut liom tlm
Imllom of a lake which had a depth ol ' , ' ,000
ieet n moiintidn inis miheii in the lu'luhth of
: i/ ) le-t nhiivo Its t-infaci" alho , that tlilH
mountain has Inn st out In llames and tluown
out hot stones iind sand In such quantities us
to deploy two third * ot thucocoanuts on ( lit * In Sauiot we mo having light
sliuclcsof caitlKinnki-sso fioqm-utli now
tliuj mo no loiigt'i noticed by u-sidents.
Vit4ihl ( ) Siippl
CIIICAOO , Nov. -Then-poit of the visible
supply on OctolieriiO , ns leiiorled by ( ho sec of the Clitcagu bo j id ut tiade , is as
Wheat . V.l'l..tO (
Coin. . . , . . . . . , . li/J7,0(0 ! ( (
Oats . ( VUAttiu
. . .K.T.OX )
Ini'ieawiot TfcO.O'jrt biifchcls of
v > In i - - els ui u.ils. : ! 1 , < XX ) bushels of
. iiisi' nl .SVi.lOJ bulsol