Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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A Scbcmo of the Nebraoka Boodlor to Bleed
Lincoln Property Owners.
Criminal Matters J. Stcrlluj : Morton
Spoil ! ; * to the Dcniocrnla nt Tliolr
First and Only 31 cot Ing TopIcs -
Ics of tlio Day.
IrnoM TttiMiBE's MNror.x
( . 'linreli llowo Isn't reputed mncli of a
Iriwyor , and tliu court tlockiils in his own
county urn not gorged with eases In
whieli Howe is nttonicy of record.
Neither jiro the tloeUels covered with
eases in winch Howe is an attorney. In
fact liio dockets of Lancaster county
might bo searched for years hack without
finding any signs of IloWo'a name except
in one instance , and that instance is a
glorious illustration of Church Howe's
Jove for Lincoln an illustration of his
great love in other particulars , his love
for bleeding the clti/.ons. Church Howe's
iiaino looms up on the appearance docket
of the Lancaster district court as attorney
of the .Board of Church extension of the
Protestant Methodist church against J.
1) . Johnson , u citizen of Lincoln ,
who is only one of hundreds
whoso property would bo placed in
jeopardy if there was any law or equity
in the ca&e that Church Howe has como
up into Lancaster county and the city of
Lincoln and has instituted against the
owners. That the case is
a worthless ono without shadow
of foundation and instituted on the beat
order is so prevalent an opinion with
every Lincoln man at all acquainted with
it , that the Hii : has yut to hear a word in
its favor. Howe's name is most nnpro-
priatoly connected with a case of this
character and it show.s the love ho bears
for Lincoln citizens when the only case
ho lias in the courts hero is ono that
causes people who have baon In undis
puted possession of their homes for years
to take up a collection among themselves
to hire attorneys to light Howe's ease in
the courts. Mr. Johnson , the individual
singled out for a test case , is only one of
many whose title to property has a cloud
cast upon it by Howe's ' schoino evidently
hatched up down in Ncmaha witli a man
named Young , who years before held a
title to the ground that the records ot the
district court on trial showed had long
since passed away from him. Young
movo'J to Nomaha county some j cars ago
where Howe has picked him up'ar.d used
the case that the district court lias twice
decided against them as a moans of
hlunvinir his great love to Lincoln.
Mr. A "J. Sawyer in u public meeting
.Saturday evening before a thousand people
ple said that the case had been otlercd to
him and refused , and that Lincoln at
torneys knew of its shallowness. Messrs.
Mnrqticttc , Uewcos and Hall and Judiro
( ) . 1' . Mason attorneys against the case
can tell any inquiring man just how much
work it was to twicoln district court with
the use of but one witness to overthrow
the ease and got u judgment for the de
fendant against the scheme , and Mr. J.
t ) . Johnson can toll just how much
money Howe's case cost the parties
whose property was endangered to lluht
and defeat it , all on account of the
plaintilV's great love for Lincoln. It is
Htated an a matter of fact by prominent
men in Lincoln that ihoorgani/.ation , the
board of church extension , in the name
of which the case was brought has long
since passed out of existence. All of
which further lays bare the scheme of the
chief attorney in the case to bleed the
owners of the property.
The record in tins case , taken from the
record books and papers in the district
court , show that summons were issued in
1'ebrtiaiy , 1884 , That on March 11 it was
tried to tlio court that the defense
Biipa-ned but ono witness , the county
clerk , and that the court found for the
dotcndant , Mr. Johnson , that he had the
logai title to the property and was entitled
to its possession. The plaintifl , Church
Howe , leading attorney , not satisfied
with this asked and obtained a now trial.
On November 11 , O. A. Million was ap-
1 pointed to take the testimony in the case ,
1 anJ on April 0 , 188.J , it was tried to the
court , ttie verdict being entered up
April 17 , 1885 , in the following strong
language : "The court being advised in
the premises doth find for tlio defendant
upon tlio issues joined , and that at the
commencement of this action the defend
ant had and still has tlio legal title and
est'ito to the property described in the
petition ; that the pliiintin" had no in
terest or estate whatever therein ;
that defendant is the owner absolutely ,
that the plaintiff take nothing by tins
writ and thai tlio defendant go hence
without delay and have and recover from
this plaintiff the costs expended in his
behalf , taxed at14.35. . " It might bo
well to interject at this point Unit these
costs have not as yet been paid and it
looks as though Howe differ * somewhat
'in ' this respect from Jones , of llmghanip-
ton.It would further seem that Howe with
bis snhmno ought to be satisfied with two
Hcparatn and distinct trials in the district
court , botli of them' Hqiiare against him ,
but ho evidently was not for the case was
taken to the supreme court where it
stands on the docket to-day with Howe's
name as leading attorney , a standim ;
monaco to the title of a largo amount o *
Lincoln property , and an advcrtisomeiu
to the public at largo that to these numer
ous property holders there is n cloud
upon the title to their homos. This is the
history of a case of Howe's love foi
Lincoln citi/.ons that is on thn record o
the court. A very convincing argumoni
this , lliat tlio Howe strikers should
on election day to show those resident. *
on tlio property that Howe in the mum
of a defunct organization and as an attorney
tornoy for such an organisation has at
tempted to grab , why they should sup
port this lover of Lincoln w' ' o loves then
for what ho can make as an attorney ii
throwing a cloud upon the titles of tlii'ii
homos and placiiigllhuir property in juop
Till : TIUlll ) ATTKMIT AT SU1C1 K >
The mania for solf-dostruction seem
to bo holding its own with surprising
rogul.trity in the capital city , and ilm
question of self-destruction soums to bo
confined to young girls whoso atfectlons
are wrought up to such an oxtnnt that
Ufa looiutt Us ohitrni. A young lady in
Lincoln was the third to attempt to end
her existence , taking a heavy dose of
laudanum , however , a. physician was
called in time to administer thn proper
restoratives anil yesterday the girl
was on the highway to
recovery. The case is being kept ns
closely covered from publio cars and ob
servation us possible , but as it is tdq
third attempt and in about a weeks'time ,
it will cause additional comment unit
inako it altogether no ensy task for the
girl to keep Jmr crazy act long out of the
Know leUjjo of the gossips. It will bn re-
inamborcd that the IIrat trial at snicido in
this present state of excitement proved
fatal , but instead of its being a warning
it scorned to harrow up the minds of some
weak girls to follow her example ,
The two parties hold iu jail were for
Friend oJllcials and taken there , have had
their hearing , ono of thorn. Doran , turn-
inj * state's evidence , and proving the
means of binding his fellow burglar even-
to trial under bouda of $500. 'Uorau is
the party who the summer' stele u
bat from the Capital hotel , aud who led
Ilfk Johnson , the popular clerk , a race
through the streets that developed him
into the champion long runner in the
The police arrested and locked in the
roolor Saturday night a chap named A.
11. Norton , who has been at work on the
building of the Northwestern road. This
fellow , it appears , became unreasonably
drunk , and going down , in the bottoms
ho attempted to enter the homo of a re
spectable fiiipily when the woman of the
house took a Ilatiron and used it most
ulTectmilly as a weapon with which to
drive him away. The police were
notified , and ho will bo given a hearing
in police court to-day
Tlio democrats held their lirst and only
meeting of Hie campaign in this city on
.Saturday evening at the rink , who'ro a
largo audience was called together by the
announcement that J. Sterling Morton
was to speak. The meeting was pro-
stued over by J. V. Wolf , and the lirst
speaker was F. J. Sawyer , who confined
himself to the congrnsolonnl ana local
affairs largely , reviewing the speech of
Howe the night before and showing up
the falsities in Howe's argument's. Mr.
Morton delivered a speech largely on the
tariff and seemed to interest his audience ,
although there was the very evident de
sire on the part of many to hear more
of local Issues now at a fovcr heat.
A good many farmers of Lancaster
count } * , and other citizens as well , asked
the commissioners that the question of
township organization bo submitted to a
vote , and It will bo voted upon at the
coming election. So much excitement
has been wrought up in the loeal and
congressional canvass that It looks now
as though tlio question would go by default -
fault if the friends of organization do
not give it special attention. The ani
mosity of the State Journal to the meas
ure has a tendency to keep the people in
the dark regarding the measure or that
it is oven before the people.
.Kopubliean primaries to nominate pre
cinct candidates hi the four city precincts
are called to moot this morning at 1) )
o'clock. The primaries nro located as
follows : Government precinct at the
council chamber , Midland precincts at
Voith's store ; Antelope precinct at the
Howard house ; Capital precinct at the
ollice ot It. K Moore.
It is stated that the Missouri Pacific
roail will change its time of running
trains shortly and will put on an early
morning train from Omaha that will
reach this city at 0 a.m. , and that they
will put on an evening train eastward
that will connect for St. Louis at Weep
ing Water.
The Y. M. C. A. , encouraged by the re
cent state convention held in this city , is
actively at work through committees rais
ing funds for a building of their own and
the canvass of the city is showing thorn
that it can lie done and that the coming
year will see the Lincoln Y. M. C. A. the
builders and owners of one of the finest
structures in the city.
The board of public lands and build
ings can find by very little inquiry that
the matrons and pet employes at the
asylum continue to absent 'themselves
about when they choose and that some of
them the past week have been absent
from duties two or throe days at a time.
Colonel Wilson , formeily in the Pacific
hotel at St. Joseph. and unown at the of
fice of every hotel in the west , was in
Lincoln yesterday.
When Congressman Laird came to
Lincoln to speak in the campaign Mayor
Hurr did not order out the police and fire
departments for parade , neither did ho
when Morton .spoke , but for the especial
'jcnolit of Howe , Uurr was equal to the
The German republican paper at No-
n-aska City had extras out Saturday in
iVliich the name of McShano supplanted
hat of Howe in the ticket placed at its
The city jail hold up to about a ironeral
ivorago yesterday with cloven hoarders
ircsent for Sunday dinner sonic of whom
re serving sentences as well as waiting
ivn interview with the judge.
Work has been commenced on the
milding of a new liasin at the artesian
ivell on government square , an appro *
irintiou for which Senator Van Wyck so <
iurecl at the last session of congress.
The llvor.v stables reported an excellent
business yesterday , such a business as al-
.yays came to them a day before an olec-
ion when the last campaign lie of the
icason is being nailed.
The report is freely circulated that the
lowe boodlors propose to control the
gangways leading to tlio polls in the
wards of the city on election day , and it
behooves the McShano men and the tin-
corrtiptablo voters to look sharp for such
schemers and to break up ropuatin
ivhonovor it is attempted.
C. E. Baker , Heatrice ; W. C. ( Jarbor ,
lied Cloud ; S. W. Christy , Edgar ; . ! . S.
Mullen , Grand Island : John It. ( taper ,
IJawnco City ; J. Sterling Morton , Neb
raska City ; W. II. Aslily , U'ymoro , were
Nebraskan's at tlio state capitol ycstor
The lllHiory or Steel
A Unman metal pou is said to have
been found at Aosta , not a mure stylus ,
but a bron/.o pen slit , and there is some
evidence ot a pen or reed of bron/.o
nearly as early as the invention of print
inc : in the fifteenth century. A hundred
years ago some Btcol pens were m.ido in
Birmingham by Mr. Harrison for Dr.
Priestly , and boiuo of these passed into
the hands of Sir Joseph Mason in his
early days with Mr. Harrison , but nil
scorn to bo lost. The first pen of metal
of a definite date , boyoiul all question , is
one in a Dutch patent book of 1717. At
about the same time a polite ode of Pope
refers to a "stool and gold pen , " but
these were evidently luxuries only , am
it was not until about fifty or sixty years
ago that motalio pens became more gen
erally in use. It was about 18x'3 ! or IbM
tlmt the great revolution came by whiel
pens were made by a cheaper process
the hand sorow-pross , which pierced the
pens from sheet stool. Previously , pens
had been miido from steel rolled into
tube fashion , and tlio iomt formed the
slit ; but those required considerable lubor
to shape thorn into pen-form. The use of
the screw-press belongs to the period of
John Mitchell , Joseph Gillot and Josinh
Mason ; but on a careful review of the
facts , it seems to bo clear that John
Mitchell has the best claim to bo con
sidered nn the original introducer of
press-made pens Skinner , of Shelliold ,
was apparently ono ot the first to cheapen
steel pens , but his productions were soon
surpassed when the serow-press was hi-
ared vrllh itrtct r gtrd to Pnrltr , Btron ttb. ini
Dr. } 'iicu' niVtog Powdercoutiln j
no Ammonia , LI me.Alum orl'hoaphitoo. Dr.l'rlco'a
mtHfl , Lesuui , ctc fiavor
List of letters remaining uncalled fui
in tlio poslollico for the week uncling
Oct. 21 188(1- (
Koto Parties calling for these letters
will please say "Ailvertisml , " givinc.tlie
ate at the henil of tlio list , nnd itinnrei
or sumo nt the "Ladles' Delivery \Vin-
ow. ' '
To avoid mistakes have your mail nd-
.resscil to street ami number.
OKNri .KMEN'fl . LIST.
Mien J J F Aufkerman M M
Mien S 8 Anderson A
\nilerson A AinoldFH
inlnons D H Anderson T
ndeison C G Allen T It
Mien T It Ainlndson 0
MIeyF 15
linav V Hrooks F 11
loyd J C Hoyle A L
lurnott I )
larclay 11 Hvwiiter C
ImelineldS.S HoMwIck S
liamlenks W E Homdilo M
lumn M ( I HeebeO L
lurclmid 1' H Imtyland PS
tames It E Hlake W S
tourkoJ W Hnrqinan I
Itowu T Jilooilll
tall J b Htailwav X
Jainett W 11 HlackhiirnV C
Jell R Ityidd
( ass G .M Hen > on U
t.mics.l II liell .1
lolm G Klalrli O
Saie.l Ualrd ' ! '
! iown H U.irclott ,1 h
Hillock C 15 Howler. )
liown JV \ Kea chllin ; J
'laik 1 H Cook A It
'low A J Ualscn A
'olilns C IJ Conner r O
'laik M Clawson R It
'allwav II Cat lei O M
'lomya WV \ Utilley W
'on i ad W ClnimoniH1
Jrayli O (5 Cummins K D
Joiiner DV Ca > JO M K
3haM ) F W Condon I )
. 'unlliri'T Copiu-nhottem & Co
Jahio F I' Cole F I- '
Coin-land < ! W ( /'oilmen H
Cornell E Lox Cliamheilnm J
/ox H Clean U ( ! "
Chailolon .1
01 nell G D CulveitUO
Carlson P
Koyln 1 > J
\V Doellinircr Mr
Dnnnllnc T Dolan .1
Darnal O Ur Io\loK
Diislmbcri : E P DiiL-ali A
rO IS Dallli-nost O
Diimlt'V 0 U ] ) oiithuity ! AD
Douglas V DlettF
DiiKan A Dorn C M
Davul.son J JH'iit.l
iirK IS H Javis I-
Doimhfily U N1 Uoweet U
D-ydun It
Knilaml R Klllotl h
ICllls VV M KeUeit.l 11
Kiirie.l Kartell U '
Kiench C Kov O
I' ' > I1 < .IT . S V FNier 0
Kautto ! ' ( J Knrth J
I'Vnlnn J
inlLMl , ) ( leiler 1 1 K
5lhlmns(1.I ( Caith S
ill'IIIIXII T ClllrtleOCr
Grant M ( inimbnrg J
instafson T A. ( Ireen J
( Jeekc C ( ireener F
( MlloidT
lluborT Hanson P
Haves A B Ileirelinan T
iiolt iu Hnlllat F
Hampton 0
Ilomlcs O Hardy N A
Helm S.I Hotmail It
Haiuer J Haitley M
Hanson E O Hall C
Hoiiderson M A Havt-stailt A
Haitlcy AO HniKlciliaik A
Jackson T lolmson C T
Johnson I 3 Johnson A M
.loiu-s . U , ) .lolinson 11 O
Johnson S .lonps Mr
Ki-nali ! J 3 Klefastpr.I C
Ku.stcr K Kcaln W U
Kilhtline * Son Kivuns ( J
Kcyesj \ \ ' Kami K
Keenli ; K Knaiiss C H
Krat'inoier S Kewlcli Hti
Kiimcv O H Kewitv ( i
Kelly T .M Kingston G A
Kninse K
LocUwnod 11 T Lirson .1
1. a wen U Leo l ; M
I.apii.M Kami ) H
r.oulh O iM I. umber N" 15 Co
LdWlT ( r I. at son C A
Lamp 1" J.llldl'It J
1"A hittle J
A hoe O
icvy I *
Mai tin r Martin Hros
Mcliny S MclIod.-esOl'
Murphy KV Mnnlord K H
Myles C Jtliknl.skl .1
MeUall II C McClelland J
Motter 11 O Mm thins W W
Miller O Mayinson R
Matheson K Mortimer W II
Morse W Mercer F
Mollnnn A Morris M 0
M6rvan K Minehaii O
MuCuiily I ) Miller C
Mnrston S Ii Malliessein K
itiiiisiioar.l Mutntoril S K
-Matteson U Moore 15
Mnrnoa ( ) Meirer F H
Mooncy K T Melluniy F O
Mull V Montgomery U
Nance T W Nulton l
Mallln AN" McNon I'
NuwKraM : NieUon S F
Neal I ! K Kielson U C
( Kbnine.l M. Oleson C
Orleans K Olson C
I'oU-'ason K J I'liceCG
IVilcn II Patrick 11 F
1'iovenaioN" Priee.I 1)
1'etnrs H Piatt KJP.
1'aikcnC H Pritcrson J 11
1'nnsloy 0 Pan lev ( '
I'eck K .1 Pleico H
QiiiirkKiihnss I'V ( juabcr K
quick K. I u
Uiekle TV ItlchardJ W
Itoelos Ci Hoclil O
Unth H Itathovnor A
Iteynaid.I II Hobinson W L 3
Kami O K Iteed A K
KItchcy t ! KichaidsCF
llhoilcs 1) C n Uios
Hominy 0
Kaimlolpli V
Swan W Slccet 11
Storm ( ! F Storm K
Mroliloni U Slienin K
Slialfco A .1 Shaler F N
Stoekdalo U Stcu'crll
Schrpcklnu II A StulmrerG
Sweeney 0 SMI 0 L
Scott F BchinvJerF 0
ScaiilanV Sent P
tjlinpson O V Sluiiison O F
Stean H L Sbtrnm C
Scllusohn K Schlalnmn S
Stueker S Smith A J
Sol nml H Siullli U F
Samlstrom J K Schanibeller C
Sims 0 11 Sknllwrtcp 0
Star K Strand I1 ;
Sailor U Santo I )
Snow M
Sldilens T Sehnnil D
TiamklH Tain ? 0
Thoinp.iou U Thomas V
Tnwiiftunil M L 3 Troop K
Thompson 1) O
Yeohlfor II O Volilit F
VairmyTI * Valentino H
Valstrom C
Welch W Williams
U'lioatltif ; S Wiilturll U
Wnlt-or 1) Winder J M
Weiss .1 White J
William F Wliltcomb F
While tl W WlBlnuton J M
WnldllnucrJ U urlielcn 11
Wilson U Wood 0
Wotiiimi ) D Wilson S l
Welch K Wacbt'rhou O
Winner K Wagner P
Walsh 1'
Youn T N
Zimmerman O
Allen Mra F.2 AnguslliieM
Anderson A J Allen 0
Allehon AJ A berg mrs 0
Allen F H Allen H
Allen nirs M Hiockman A
Heals mrs L Hcnson W
Hecrs mm J H liell 1)
Hiowns mrs 1 DurL'ett mrs I )
lirailbnrkmis C C Hock A
Hrown M lirace mrs L
Hicud mrs M Hrown 1)
Hrown mrs K Helis A3
Hurnult HIM A G Jluhnrui Miss
Hunker mrs W Hulls 0
Hurkert A Hots mrs S
Hrantiier K Hcnson A
Hlom P Utlliter Miss
Hlodgood mrs H Uicelow M
llaumau mrs C J Hakur mrs E
Hell mrs CM Heason S
Cummins mrs K J Carson M
Conway A Craven I ,
Uauiplielu mis Jt Cisaldy mrs IJ
'Imralie mr.3 A CarUofi mis A
. 'ox HIM C ChrUtnati mrs r ,
'hatttnnn mrs A . Camiiholl mrs W P
'niss mis K S Conibec mid U
'rowcll mrsG Doylcmit U
) onley mrs J Domtlas Mre
) nnn C i Dnral inrs.I U K
) ondila L Out r mrs M
) ay S A Daily mis K
) even A
Cdwatdi .Mr * KlbertT
'raler nu * II 13 Fnlk mis M
"audit IUI4 n rii'ldlnR mis ] , A
"lahetty li I'lteh mis A
'inney L Flnbray IIIN J 11
'cdley mrs M Flannerv M
'rank misG Franklin H
'iix.M ' Foster J
irall tnrsT < Uilwatte N
! istaKon ; S ' ( itiitroid mrs 0
ioat C 10 < > uid mis It
iaiil mrs C K ( ilayser Jl
lavliaitMls 11 ( ileger M
lendrnon mrs J
lermon mrs S Herman S It
lanlonS Hill Mis A
HIlerL lli-lninii mrs 1 ,
tollman HH Hltes F
I mi key A llnnkelman M.
Inlander mrs C Howard M
loclalld I , Hall K I.
lainty mrs P Howell mrs II
li-iU inisM A
lohns'in tnw A ,101111 011 M A
lolmson mts A b .lonebom C
\ollnci ; inrs M Kehl M
Cnaiip mrs A Knight mrs J C
Ciiney mis H l.att mis H
< owd mis F Lennatd mis M
.onny M Larson 11
l.n HIaiic Mrs l.alloie mrs A
McCoy mis L MrGoa 1
"MaitinPT Mi-.vermisJ
Monan ; mrs H 3 Morgan H
'MooHMinsRW MovMeyC
MeCnire M Mel.aimblin mrs J
McCloskey mis U Mcasklll ( ! Mrs
MeCahc III.H H McKbiloty Mrs H
McLaity Mrs Mnlone mis , )
Mnly F Maokiiitoi-liinisUS
Miinalian mis Ij Mack A M
Mcklln H
O'A'ell X O'Urlcn X
Orinful Mrs Oldleman R
O'VistlanderL Oyler H
Gathont K
I'amiiter mrs S J Patteison .1
l'alt"ison.I Powell A F
IV.w.'llCJI Polanderll
ISn el mis K Ko\\en mis ( ) H
It coves mis U Ilichnidson K M
HollA KakeM
HoniKiioll mis P Howley mrs A
Heryaiiiheck mrsL Shaw mis C 1C
Shepheid A Sherloek 1)
Simpson G Simpson mrs M
Smith X K Smith mrs H
Smith mrs M Sliepard 1 ! K
Sunday mrs K Splncler M
Swan H Stiatten ,1
Sneiiy mrsM Stonh IS
Sanors mis FJ l.erllo mrs D
Selmaidt M Se\son L
Seliutluck L Seine K
Strant K A Swanson mrs A
Swanson L
T .1111 nor J TliiKley i :
Toles mrs L Tiuko 1 >
Van Gaidcn mrs E D Vetter M
Veitch . )
Wesley mrs M Weeks mrs G-
WiNtmrsMlS White II
Wlicatley E Wlland It
WeltonJ WellliiKionM
Williams D Wallace mrs N M
Walnei 15 Ward O L
Woodsel E Wood J'
Wilson M WlsallS
Vitnxor K 1'oiniK S
Yalllnsuril , „
, C. K. CotTANT ,
. Postmaster.
List of Voters Tlilril Ward.
Adams ( } F 13th ami Capitol ave
Ai instead. I TSlfislStii
( Domrlas
Atleheirv Irvin nnslUli
HIIIVO-.S U N 1 IBS Farnatu
JJoek Jacob 117 Vi 1-lth
Hrooks F K ( 'atilield house
Hialnaid C H ( 'anlield honso
Hiant Gen I ) lus ! lilth
Hrown F W liCn 1-lth
Barlow Matt Dmmlas bet IRIli and Utli
Hnloid MattCiizzuns house
Hos s G II Pnxton liotel
Hovlo P.I "th and Howard
HarmHHTn ! Hti |
Coviii ton Kd Coy.7.ens house
Coo C M Institute hoti-1
Cn-inhton .1 H Metropolitan liotel
Case Win H Institute hotel
Canlicld Slierinan 1' ) Canlii'ld lioitso
Claik C 1 ! California liouso
Coomer A Institute hotel
Cioner Lewis r'th bet I'm nain and Ilatncy
Crolle C 1C 1'itli ' nnd Doimlui
Dadlsman .1 I ) Paxton hotel
KsnllGottleihMII hdqrs
Fold W A 11 ( Cap ave
Fletcher Win 1017 Douglas
Flnry KdwbuHarney : !
Faust \ \ in cor loth and Doimlas
ForlivC 11 1 lOtl Douclas
Fox Gee J IHth hot Cap ave and Douglas
Fosdike Caleb Faimeis honso
Grove C U 111 ! ) Davenport
Gustafson Jno A S15 Ooitgo
Goodlett 15 X ' "J n lilb
Gtuonbcri ; Sol 1COS Cap ave
I lowland J H Cautield house
Harrison C F i : tb bet Farnain and Douglas
Huiiton S HIT Davenpoit
Ilimicli Wm-lWsl-ltli
Heins.Ioh'i lO'.s 1-ltli
llimlis 1) 15 101S Capitol ave
HtiKhs 15 H 100. ; Kaiiiiiin
Howes A L 10th bet Capitol ave and IXiveu-
Ilenseil Peter ! > JO Douglas
Hnicoek FE 181)odi.0
hidings 11 A Hlli and Douglas
.lensen Chas'.ciO Douglas
Jewell H N Paxton hotel
JamlBon J A tilth and Capitol ave
Kendiirk A J su cor 1Mb and Douglas
Keller ISIIIott 11-Ji Dod o
Klvlln Edw'J20 Douelas
Kelly Martin Hoyd's ojicra house
Kenlston Fiank'On t'Jtli
Kern Peter : iir > H 10th
Kami Elmer 117 n i-ltli .
Lestoi JasV \ lltli bet Dodge and Cap ave
Little Chas 314 s Kllli
Levenstono S 1 OK Cup live
Laihnor.l FaoUslMh
l.owery James toot Harnov st
McGnlre Prior 12th bet Cap ave and Doilco
McCallum Frank Farnain hetlOth and lltli
McCormlck Jas Farnain bet loth and lltli
Mosservo C H 1411 Douglas
Moiiaity J T Granite bloek
Maxwell John 101:1 : Hartley
MnehusHKO0 Doimlas
McCaithy P F coriith and Howard
Mclletli C F Canficld house
MrCalllster GeoCoons hotel
Maelc Jno cor Utli and Douglas
Measlier John American honso
Mover Adoliili Mlllard liotel
Mlddleton Doc Douglas bet UUli and 14th
McXnllSvlv ' 1'iH Capitol aye
McVitllo'W J 1101 Finnam
Mote J H 10th near Douglas
Messervo A C 1411 Douglas
Mayo II H 1117 Hartley
Maloy Jno C ! I14 s fllli
Overton I L 1014 lluward
PiilsIferC W laio Douglas
Kico Hlehd 310 n UUi
Smith W W 10th bet Cap ave and Doimlas
.Schmidt W F Metropolitan hotel
Sbafronth W P'JlflrilUth
tUrmnpf M : ii : < s l ! > th
Sork JoollWs I'ilh ,
Jnmmers Jno E Paxton hotel
Smith Jas sis HariioV
Sinners C F 1'il n l-'tlr
Spatard T W 4'JJ H UHh
Smith Milton LA\vl3liouso
Severe Jimies istli iwid Dndno
Severe Hobt 12th nnil Dotinlas
Swazlck J M Can avii bet UHli and Hth
Slnipn Jim 1001
Thomson Jnoii-j n lltli
Thompson W W Ul I 8 Will
Tomiikiiis Arcade lM > lel
VolKlit Herman U1S Howard
Wcu H F 3-i } n i'.ihf
Walker Jaiiiei Coigns hotiso
Wilson J H n oi-or nth and llowaid
Williams J H 10ii ; Ilarnuy
Williams Simiro Co//ciis house
Woikcnlf U Coz/ens lionso
Williams John ttth ami Doduo
Walters J H 13th and Doditu
Xliumeito Gee 1119 DouglasMATT
JleuUttar J'Jilnl Ward ,
Klrst Dlstriut Kourtli AVariL
ArnibtJouKiigino Planters' house
Atkinson J W ; ioth and Chicago
A-lairWK 17JO Capitol
HrldKt's W O ( 'reunion block
liisliop A II 1U17 ChioaRO
UurrotiKlis E W 1017 Dodge
Hrown FA ! ! iin'J3d :
Jinr l 11 , icth and Douglas
IJmirher Frituk 1511 Uodjro
Bresel I lj 10th and Dougla *
IJrpwn FA
IJonnerV" \
Iradlej G L-J. Davenpott ,
U-ll. lamps A leoli 101 11 ICtli
littler ClIottK \ 3iX ) ; Davenport
'iioliinan C II rrrlehtott block
Cutler CJI l'\'n IMh
Con neil ; v Peter ItttO DoOalas .
Cramlall Gee 1 ! Crelchton liloqk '
'liambi'M J K HlW Capitol t\\e
Cotton Gair-tl Slttt Chlcairo
'oe C M ii > > Dongas
. 'ow in Jolin C ' 'Oth and Capitol nvo
) nncan Itobt D2V.X ) Davenpoit
) owiiliuj W H KVS5 Dodge
) antiamn I , IStS led .e
JvsaitJ Up mil Doik'u
) lck on Im I \ Hod o
) imlaiiCSiyt ( ) Dodco
) ct\MIer W Hoi ; n ' -'d
5varls.I W l.Mt DoitEli :
Venoli J M Ifiih and lottl.n )
'loyd J G1SII Dodw
' Jos P tilth and Capitol ave
'en wick Jas 1024 Doitclas
'il/.cerald.l F liVi'i Dddso
? llrk.lolin W l.'iO-J Dudce
loirise ( C ' . ' 014 Davenpoit
iiou's.Tolm 'J.'ilh ami Chicago
iootS'JJll Doticlns
laller ! ' 1,2-Jl n iMh
lolm Jolin : tll n 3lth
lliuli'Chnilesl.Vil DoiUo
ilolsnian H I > 15.M Doiit'tas
Hull Dwltht 17ih and Capitol ave
HaincsA C 34110 D.ivenporl
llelmiod Georco 170
Henshaw A X ! Wd and Caiiitol ave
Her , ) C IDli'i loilio )
Jackiiian K A lolS Dodco
lones D I ) IClh and Capitol nvo
Joidon II G Wl Dodai
Judkitis II S KOI Capitol ave
Joidon 1 ! C30."ui 3.d !
Johnson Frank HUTiH Capitol nvc
Johnson ( 'has G JU7Chicao
Kern Irvlnu' 111 n 17lh
Kransh I' ire ) Douglas
Keet Fied 1.1U-J Dodto
Kiieiibaum Hen Kith and Capllolavo
Kleth J H llSn'j-M
Kelley It II X.Ti Capitol ave
l.eake.1 T 1'J-J n l.Mh
Lemon T ] Jrii n 'lltli
l-aiso P IfJ71"ChlcaBO
Lewis G mitt Capltolnvc
Lovett I riel'i"d7 Davenport
Lewis 11 P-iJ-J ! ) Dodso
Lou-ail .1 W : il'J n : w
Mills D.iv uvjll Doilu'o
Miller D.tvld D lilli : Dodio ;
Moil ell FA 334 n 31th
Mmphy P H loth and Capitol a\o
Murphy John A 1-Mb and Capitol av
Martin liolit G IKi ) Capitol a\o
Monroe Win L3IH Capitol a\o
M mi-ay KX''fiP'J Dodijo
.Mount" D T Iinslsth
Mullen Kh'itd3tri ! : Cliioairn
Mmiianuh .1 K 'J.VW Capitol ave
McLean Tlios J Uiciuhton blm-k
McE.ilhton WJ CiolKhtim bloclc
McConnell F U'MO Davenport
MeCormick Cnas ism ami Dodio
Mi-liityre Peter 101 n 1Mb
Xorrls II F 104 s 10th
> oruiul Andrew 30th nnd Chicaso
Nelson Ktind Uuil and D.iveupoil
Xi-llsi'ii Hans : I16 n 31th
O'Xell Thos J Creichton bile
O'Htleii E A ItilO Uiidee
O'Pntmer'JP Davenpoit
O'Heilloy K.I HW1 Cap live
Peterson Win ilMli and Chleaso
Pelei-nen 1C 3its : Cap ave
Pntehaid Jos llllsHth
Peck W P3I10 Davenpoit
Potter A J Planters honsu
iv.ii.-on AC ill n 17th
Pane W T 171S Dodt'o
IVtcispii L C 'S'.tS Cap ave
Prlei * Jno ir > l Dodce
PatlerBon Jno V 3103 Douglas
Phillips FM'iMODoilL'o
Piiliianf A S l-'ilh and Donclas
Philhin.l J CieiL-hton blk
Patteison A W lilDodie ! ! ) :
Pe\eke lamest V.SI Douglas
lV\cko.liiliu- Dnias (
Peyeke Ed l3l ! Douu'l.i.s
Preston WT llf , nS4tli
Pe'.urson G A : iflth and Davenport
PanotleVm \ l iDth and Douglas
On.ickenbos4 H M ill n ITtli
Heinhail F A 15W Domrlas
I'ecd A L ' . ' 4th and Dod o
Itnof Georu 1oOi Dod. e
Hess Win C 3ID4 Uodifo
lim\valt ! J K 1511 Dodro
Haymond J 11 l.VJi Dodto
Kosi'beiry Frank Ifi lCaptfol ave
Klieinl at : Ed 305 n 'jd ; ;
lllchatdson Tlios 1713 Douglas
Klii''er CT31st and Davenpoit
Jolnson ! ! ' ' H 3"ii ! Capitol ave
Swaiiz G LSl'Jn ffia ?
Sweeney. I V air , n ifitli
Stiai.-ht F IfiMBChlcimo
Sel ren Otto Kith and Capitol nvo
Sasstiom Frank 3.7'fl Davennott
Southard E H Planters house
Schmidt C H3llb D.nettpoit
Solilcssinirer Saninel 3J11 Daveiiiiart
Smith Til lii-'O Donclas
Smith T L IM'i Doiluo
Ston.'li StuaiL 15th and Dodge
Smith Allen H 3 142 Davenport
Siemas-en O 1'JIO Doilcu
Smith Henry D 31.7 ! Dovcnpoi t
Si-ribner Frank 10th and Chicago
SinipMin G 1V.M DodKO
Smith Hoswell 150 : , Capitol . \\o
'i' E F 3113 Chicago
Tioup A C DodL'o
Tillotson 15 M lOM DoiiUlas
TieakleEM 31lin llilh
TlmmpMMi C D J'JI'i Capitol ave
Uplon M A 31th and Davenport
Void II T Kith and Capitol ave
Warien Hamilton Cronnse bloclc
Williams Then HSn ISth
Woiccster 11 J Kiil Dod o
Wliltlm C C3441 Davenport
AVooilmansee P idth and Capitol ave
WilooxSM ir.ui Dodiro
WlmrT U 3510 Capitol nvii
WiUon John M S 1701 Capitol ave
Walker T ( col ) SlI'J ' Clilc.tco
Wolfe L W 1(131 ( Ciiuitol ave
Wilkins U F HUl Chicago
Waiiiih M J 3.-i4r ( Davenport
Wiedi'inan C 1010 Dod o
Winning Fred Ciclgliton block
iVhitnoy David Ulst and Capitol ave
Wyman E 1.1th anil Capitol avy
Wood GPO H 31.1 n mill
Welsh WL17l3lodgo )
Walker J 117s 17th
Welsh F P 1713 Dodeo
WatiKh J S LTill Davenport
Wauuli It E 3l'J Daveniiort
Xlmnier Gee T 34111 Davenport
A Into copy of additional names of voters
of Hint district , Fourth waul.D.
Third Adilltlonnl Ijlst , of
Ije al Voters Kocond Ulati-iot ,
Ki.xth Ward.
Ancell Goo H 'HOO Rass
Deal. I no W3-'OI Saunders
Hedtoid. ) W ttro Wlieaton
Hraaseh Fritz Kendall bet Sid and H3rd
Uaker G W 3u ! : Parko
HutlerJos Charles ninth of Ciimlnc
Cooley A H MIO Seward
Cook Henry Kliiand [ Patrick ave
Creedoii P.I .Mtli and Webster
Dewltt .1 A IhO'J n 27th
DniiKheitv A D Lake
Day Goo F 3010 Seward
Dorley J H373itCiimtn > ;
Falfk Ohns 3410 Patiiek nvo
Oilman DT3nih nnd Hamilton
GalPH Albert F Charles nor Ciiiiitne
Ha no Thos Pier and Indiana
Horanll PSStliand Hurt
Holmes H H Boston Maunders
Halo Jas GU'W Center
linlianks Henry E : : itb and Charles
Jones J W Hiistol nr SitunderH
Johnson Hutim ' , ' . > ! ! Franklin
Keeiiln Edxviml Stain and Iturdette
Kltlon 15 I ) 37th and Paiko
Kiillfth Hiram WV ) Hamilton
Limn D W 1710 Division
Meier Gee Miami lift DM and 3d
McGlvein .loiin : : ith nnd Ciimlnt ;
Prckiinm 15 L : > lth nnd California
Koircrs 15 Hint bet Klst and ! tM
Jdibll J W 37th and Cbailes
Hhett ( ! MiHIS Raid well
Sehmldt Louis 040 Division
Si'io 'i'liK ) Dennis ! "J Center
Seroj'L'ins Henry l tJ Cctitar
Sliairfht F M 'Jii'i Hloiido
Sleverh Henry W1 Knitihlhi
Swan ChaHp3S'7CubS {
Sliatman l'ritzr ) th nml Ciimin
Siiup.-'on G I ! Chillies and King
Tiostlcr Simon : U3 n 31th
Taulman W 11 KliKjandChailes
WoodariJ Jas I : ; ith ami Hint
Wliii iuler HrunoiMth nnd Cninini ;
Wlmjander Jarob 'Mth and Otimlui ;
Wlcingtoii W Pier nnd Jilondo
XJmerman A ! iOih and CumlnuA.
A. Kicnrini ,
Deputy Itoilster , Second DisllcL
Omaha , Oct. 30 , 1W _
Of Iteglbtored 1'onirH , 3rd District
I'lrst Ward.
Hena Vilcn .Spruce bet -Sfd and 4lh
liurcliardT lto&7th
* . * *
' < -
_ _ - .
Otic of Iho most doMrabto articles for'tho
lioiuolif Id ever produced. Easily nulled
by any one at leAs than hnlf the cost of Ifrlck
lining ! * , while It 1 fur more durable.
Only one half the thickness of onlinnry
flre-hiick is requited , leaving more spnco
for fuel. Suitable for till Kinds of Sto\c9 ,
Itnnge * , and I'urimccs.
I'nr Omi-ntlMK , li > In < < In llrotur.t ,
MoU't , riminrrA , rtc.
It lltnotfiliHnli. wlUMimcli nrnmnimlcf lirnt :
IIFIKIIO olTcinho inlor ; ml itrtncula csc i'0 ot gi
an it Miiokc.
T ie articles nrp mii < pllcil rfaily for n In S nml
10 lit mini nUo In KfRn-V llliU. for innuiifacturcru ,
DcscrliilUo 1'rlco Lints frco 1 < ; mull.
It. W. .101IXS M t" CO , ,
a Saa to
s , xv , COK. B.'iiii A.\R > I-'ABIVVM : : , OMAHA ,
Property of every do.icrlptlon for sale m till parts of the city. Limds for snlo
every county in Nebraska.
Of Tltto1' of Donplus county kept. Alups of the city state or eoiinly , or any oilier
Jnformalion desueit , furuibiied free of charge upon application.
§ 7 Ov _ ; 'BEST CART ON EARTH. "
1 9 UK. l.MMIn. S.Tlli * .
Sls. " -i7. : " $111.
Crated frco on board cars.
, T , ALLEN ,
Mention Ounilin lieu.
lolemier ! ; | Limit cor iird nml 1'iiio
liokeniiierC'hiiillecoritul and Pine
Ilrldees fj Clieiry bet "i l nncl 4th
Christiansen Tlieoilnre C > 07 1'aclilo
Chumplcy .1 C 1415 h filh
ChniniileV K C Uin.soih A Oil ) I'ncllle
Cliristeasen I' 0 KH ) I'.nclllc
Dlvomlc Kmnic Spuire bet ilnl and 4th
Dn.iUb 1 * II Hickory bet Oth and 7th
Kov .John TOO I'.iellle
J-'ietly .loieiih : inl anil Clieri v
Kitz'ieraltr.lolin ror-lthniiil Walnut
Krrmison 1) M < Wt 1'ieieo
Cvoves 11 A ITOSsfith st
( liirrltv.lnlm eor4th and Sprnco
II in ley John 1'Jll sr > lh
Ilui5un : .leiisSpineo hot fitli nnil 7lli
llarncy Joseph cor i'ul and Siruro |
lliickscll Harry -115 Walnut
Holm.iiu'oli-itli nnil Division
.lepnsun S T415 Sprnru
Jai-obsoii Jaruhiith and Division
.Jeiismi Henry 'M nml 1'lereo
.Inhiihon John Division liotwot-n Oth atiil 7 th
Katilnii .loslid nnd Crstcllar
Kaisi'i'liristdrili Walnut bet Bit and 4th
Kiuse Dins AU Snnicu
KlnihallTliosL lilOSTlhavo
Loinienv F X 40C , Wilnut
Leinni Hlliiboil anil lliclcniy
Mnnay Jno cnriltli nnd Division
.Mjeis U.M s e cm Hth and llh'hniy
MeKlnnell Win C.I.7 1'acllic
iMcKemm It. ! It'J-lTlh ' ave
JleAnilc I'litCilli nntl Spruce
JoKilli.l ! ! | < mrll Divisu.ii
Jk'Dennott Win Jitl nml tjpruco
Nlcliolsun Henry 111K I'lorco
Newninn J' ' < > idlnaiul 4-th and Division
Nelson Call UirisGlh st
O'Toolu I'.it Ath and Ci
O'llaia P II C.or I'acilio
I'mpKeh Win Sil nnd Siirnce
Jtsisiiiiissen U ITil-J 1'acllio
liosenlield .Inlin ( Uli iiiul Division
KIIBO Alex "d nnd Iltc ] iry
HiuK-uwit Prod 3d and IMno
Stiaimliu John id ! and I'ino
Sorensen Aiulmw .rit4 Kpinca
Scliinltt Henry 'M and C < inter
.Sina.Ioliu 1st and lliriv < iry
.Stt'lioiiolc ' Mike4th nml Divisina
TuckerS II enr 7th and I'aelliu
I'niesduil W KlllSvOtn
Uslier W ,1 Ith iinil Spiueu
Waellnhu Fieil Di\isim ! bct.'M nnd Ith
Weith Krleilnclt rorflth mill Doicas
\VilIls.N ! ! < land Outer
Wllhihn M adn Division
Weeks L 1' 1SI3 s .Ith
While (5 ( (51111 sTth
Wilson J ClSUOs.lth
WittbifjG W 4th and Plerco
A. ViN-nv ,
KosNtriir.'Jd district l t waid.'S
October GOth , is * ; .
Prof. Ghas , Ludwig Von Seeger
profp orof Mortlclno nt the lloynl ( Iiiltcroltri
Knlslit nf tliu lloynl Aimlrian llnlnr of HID Inni
Crnivn ; ICiilflit Cumm'indur ' nf Dm lloritl
OrUeroflHiiljolta ; Knliditnf tlio Hoynl Or-
ili'rof fin llort KiiKloiUhovallcr t Ilia Leulan of
Jloiidr.elc. . etc. . Hyfl ;
"i.iiiiiui co-.s Jiot/A ni'.r.v TONIC should not bo
oonrnuiidei ] wllh thnlumle ( if trusbj euro alii. It II
111 noni'nsuof tlio wunlit pulant rumuity. I nm Uior-
ouihlyronvori < iuitwUhlti > mole of pir > | iiliillnn : iimj
know U to lie nut only a iHirUtiimtii iilmrmiumitlual
proiluct. tint uUowiirlurof I' " ' Ills' ' ' uiiuneniliitliiiiH
U liHRrucolvod In nil ports nfilio world , It ronlnlni
oiifncii of llpof , CIMMI. yiilnliio. Iron na dillnrA.
which nre ( tlstnlreil In I'liru ' u i > ul'iu SpanHU Imperial
Crown Hh rry. "
lnT lunlil loiill whn lira Hull I 0wn , Nertmn , Dr-
peptic , Dillons , Malarlom ur nillulod irltU wcuk Ikl-
nojru. Ji E V A nf. n r I M \TIO.N K.
Her Majesty's ' Paorillo CosmetlcGlyoBrina
Uiod by Her lloynlllhnr < the I'rincou of Wnlei
and the iinulllly. Kor the Skin , Cutnplnilon , F.riiiH
llon .CbHilnc | , nnuiilin B .ll.yj. Of
LIKUlf ) CO'H ( janiilue Mrrup
ftiaruntood li.thu best fiirnnparlllnlnlliu markot.
State Agents
FOli 'J'l
Omaha , Neb.
i A vu f iSfcit *
C tologoc and Prlronou application
litti i' rrl cu Hullrteri nod Dtilers.
Chl AAfint
Succcssoi'i to Jnu , U , Jacobs ,
At tlio oldstanii 1-107 1'arntiin st. Orders
by tuli > ( rraih | so.icltuil and promptly at
tended to. Tuloplione No. 'J25
. _ . _ „ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
Iff AtfiZts't Uli Inr.n nmlHu ul , l ! i io H < | tntii.
Ucnt'.on Omaha Uea.
l'lTAL I'UI/.B ,
Tickets only $ > . Sliarus in proportion.
'Wuitn lioroli'corltly unit vo supervise thu
nrrntiKiMnontfl for mi the Monthly HIM yunrtorly
Jn\winjrs of The Uinlsluim Stnto Ixittorr
Coinimny mid In DDI OII iiiuium-o nn < t control
tlielriiwliiK < tliiMntelvu- ) , and Hint tli nmonro
conducted with iKMieity , Tnlrnu nnd In KooJ
fnltli toward nil i > nrtlo4. and wo nulhorlzo tlio
Company to use thhcorttncato , with ffto-slmlioi
ofour Bltfinituroj nttnohnil In ita lulvortlainetif
Wo.Uionnilri-sls-ntxl Hunks nnd llnnkors , will
) 'ny nil Prizes drmvn In Tlio I < oulslium Stutu I.otJ
toiii'd wlilcli mn > - bu pin-ionloil nt our couuturJ
.1. II. Ollt.I2.SHT ,
Pros. Louisiana National Bank.
Prcs. State National Bant
Pros. Kcw OrlcansNational Bank.
Jncoriioruted In IBM fori" > yours by the loirU.
tnture lor KUuoutlonnl nnil I'liiirltnblo liurpoH
ullliuonpitnl of SIUJil.iMJ-tii wlilch n roiorwo
fund of ovur f.VW.OOO hns slniM lioon iiddod.
Ily nnnverwlidiiilnjr inipnlar vote It.s franohlsa
wns uiiulou pin t ol'lliu in CMMII Stuto Conltltutlon
udontpilDi.H.-iiiiinuriM A. D. 1S7U.
Tito only lottery ovur voted on nna endorsed
by the pco ! > l of nny slato.
Jt norm1 su.ilos or postponm.
Iipui-iinil hhiKio iiiiinliur drii\vins take plaao
inontlily , Hurt tlio ovtiaorillnnry drawlnirs I-OKU-
Inilyory tlnro inoiiths Inxloiid ol M..iU-iiniiU
nliv lo ni'K'toloic , iit' lnnliiK' Miu'oli , 1KS < ) .
A Si'i.KMiin OpennTiiNiTVTo WIN A KOUTUNH ,
Fill ( it.MM.l . llriuvliiif , Class II , In tlio Aondcmvot
MUSUNDW Orlnims. Tuujiluy. Novoinlier Utli ,
IS3I , mh Monthly Itrmrmir.
GAP8TAL PR8ZE $75,000.
Itti.liOTickots nt Kivo Dullnra Kncli. I'ltiotloiu
In Fllllis , in 1'ioportloa.
LIST or ruizis :
ICAl'lTAMMtl/IJ . , . $ T5,009
dl .1 1 1UAA
) do
1 ( to do
El'Itl/iS : OK.
r , (10
10 do
Jno do
11XK ) do
mltililtUiiil'il/ekut $750
do do frtl
do do i'M )
Ili07 1'l | 7PH. nniOUlitliiK to
Appltcntlon for rntn-t to chilis should hn mndq
onlr to tliu olllco of the company In Noir Or
For furlhor Inrnrmatlon wnto clcniiv. mnnt
full K'ldnm. ' 1'OSTAI. NOI'IW , Uipnm Monuy
lirdors. or New Vork KxulmnKo in ordinary luU
tor. currency by tixiut's.s at our exjiunio ad
OrM.A.TA.n..IIN. ) . .
WuHhltik'ton , 0. 0.
O. JJonoy OrJora pnrablo nnd Addron
reiUterml laltori to
Now OrlitMia C * .
e FOft SALE BY. * „ f
Ono. J. Aiinliru < tSJVlCuni ( nv ft.
1) . | l llawniiiii. 1JI7 Karjiiiiu si.
John IliiSrtii ) , Ul' ) ; Ciiiiilrih'St.
llonnnii ICiliuln.ill'.l Houili luth t.
O.I.mneil ; : Houtli IMlli t.t.
J'nuliuii & Mlllor , HIS North latli it.
J. Iliny. . 5U.I North Mth nt.
W K.Kfoi-lxul , PK1 llcjwnnl ft.
0. W. HIcopet.iiOTSiulli HtU it.
Tfcetfnly perfect guhttltute for Molhfr't
milk , Jnvuluatle fi Cholnrii Inlantum
nnct TeothlnK. A pni-aiiieuteit rood Ipr Dys *
Peptics , OoneutnptjvBw , Convatetcuntc.
orfect Qutrleut In lul Waiting Olieaeei.
Uvqulren DU cooklnir Our Hook The Care (
nnd Fuocllng of Infants , mtlli" ! rt * .
PeUBEll. OOODALU it CO . JIOMton , U&M
JIB cnu o , nnd n nmr unJ
BticcufetituH'I'Uiin : your own
i tinu who uud Ui < at t ciily Mv'it '
yoarJ.MIDI \ > y of tliu noloiln \ "til
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I1'ill inrti nliiii. Kent < > 'l | | | * 'loa T ,
1'AUi : , .No 41VulJ. . t St. , N' .v i'ur.iO bit F