Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Threats Made by tlio Trickster's Boodlcra
Which Cannpt be Oarried Out.
Jlo Snya Ho AVIII Not Work Tor tlio
Gootl of tlio nntlro First Dis
trict All the r icnl nncl
Soclnl Nous ,
IFHOM TitBnnr.'s i.tcot.x nuitKAtr.1
The club that has been held over the
fioat ! of the honest voters of Lincoln in
the way of threats of Howe's vengeance
need ahum no ono. W hen Ilowo bulldozed
the Lancaster county republican conven
tion into giving him tlio delegation to
the congressional convention by threat-
ruing to come to the legislature and fight
Lincoln , he was dealing with a crowd of
politicians just as craven as the candi
date was himself , but ho is dealing with
tlio p'joplo just al present and the revival
of the threat In the shape that if ho was
defeated at the polls a member elect of
the legislature would resign so that ho
could bo elected at a special election and
come to Lincoln to wreak out vengeance
will not work. There is a limit to bull
dozing , and men possessed of honest
manhood will not bo scared by IIowo
nnd the thieat.s of his henchmen.
Church IIowo does not own Nomaha
county , bound hand and foot , nml he
does not own the candidates on the
legislative ticket in that county.
\ \ lion the threat was first promulgated
in Lincoln that IIowo would
cause a vacancy in Nemaha county if
beaten and come up to Lincoln to wreck
the town , a prominent republican of
Lincoln , an interested property-holder ,
wrote to a republican equally prominent
in Nemaha county , who procured from
the legislative candidates in that county
the following written pledge , higned m
the handwriting of the candidates them-
helves and cheerfully furnished. The
following is a literal copy of the pledge.
and shows that the candidates are not
dummys of the Hon. Church Howe :
Octobet M. 18'0.
wo , the underslKtied candidates for tlie
ICKlalittuiooii the icinihllc.ui ticket , will , if
elected , In person represent nur people , ami
miller no clieiiiustancps icslcn , that anyone
in.iy lill our places. T. ,1. M.v.ioni ,
H. W. 31riuw ( ! : ,
T. J. A'.ixANiin. : :
The people of Lincoln who have boon
lend to believe that Howe could wreak
vengeance upon the capital city if they
did not prostitute their honestconvictions
and vote for him can read in the above
that IIowo will not be permitted for at
Just two years to wreak vcngeiinco upon
any ono , "and the threats of his Lincoln
hoodlcrs might as well ceaso. The des
perate efforts being made to frighten the
Lincoln voters by a picture of IIowo
stalking about iu wrath is all in tlio
Imagination of the boodlcrs themselves ,
and there will bo no resigning in Nomaha
county to m.iKo room for him in any
capacity but that of a retired politician ,
who will have learned the respect with
uhioli honest men regard him.
The vigorous denunciations of McShano
because lie is an Omeha man has been
prosecuted with all thu venom that the
Howe strikers iu Lincoln possessed , and
they have argued on the street corners
for weeks thivtMcShane. if elected , would
be an enemy to Lincoln , and that Church
IIowo was the only friend Lincoln had
ever hail in the state. In reply to these
vigorous .slanders , that appeal to Lincoln
men to vote and work through fear. Mr.
JSleSh.ino luw written the following
letter :
OMAHA. Oct 20.
P. II. CoorKit , Esq. , Ohutrnmn Central Coni-
tee :
JMv DK.VH Sin : Your letter of the 20th
instant. hiiyttiK theiu was .sc\ero anxiety on
the part ot the people of tlio city of Lincoln
und Lancaster county , , If elected to con-
( 'ti'os , 1 would work acalnst their Interest
U oit ) the fact of my be i in ? a resident ot
Onmlm , 1ms been received. Iloplylni ; thereto ,
let me assure you and the people of the city
of Lincoln anil Lancaster county , that If
elected to my \ \ hole energy shall bo
exerted to miviuico the best Interests and
general prosperity ot the pi-onle of Lancaster
county us neil as of each and every county
In the First district , nnd that my pie.sentresl-
ilrnco In the city of Omaha shall not In the
least defjiort Intel tore with my duty to your
people. My aim shall bo to icpresent the
\\hule dlstilct. Vonra truly ,
Lawyer Courtnay , who ha > ; worn the
Roh'8 oil' Ins shoes attempting to boost
Church IIowo , appeared to do about all
tlio work in tint Into torchuous parades.
ami it is said tliut Courtuay drilled the
Glee club that sung and scattered the
.sawdust in the link wherein pranced the
Nemaha man. It is generally expressed
that Courtuay is in mighty small biiii-
nebs titis campaign , and that ho had bet
ter eonline himself to his law olllco in
future. His boodle boss may pay him a
bij } fee , however.
The spectacle of the police force and
the llro department being hauled into the
hired parade for the benefit of IIowo was
a spectacle of partisanship worthy tiio
iiM'ciitivo ' head of the Lincoln city gov
ernment , and is jrenonilly condemned as
an uncalled-for procedure. It was about
all there was of the parade , and it was
evidently intended as a divine notice
upon the ilepaitiuents to vote Ho we or
bo beheaded.
'I'ho distriot court has transacted vcr } "
little business the past week , and the
dookot is decreasing In si/.o very
slowly. Wednesday tlio criminal cases
will bo on the call , ami as there are any
number of them the court will have a
busy season yet before adjournment ,
Polieo court was light yo ! oVtlny , only
'four caes of the inost commonplace
character coming up for n hearing , the
vU'tiiiiH receiving the regulation assign
ment of tines turn coats.
Thu city couneiliuen , who viewed the
new Northwestern line Fiidny IIH far its
Kremont , repoit a very pleasant trip and
a coidial reception i.t the hands of thu
The liuest ball of the season was the
verdict that wont forth following iu the
> \ako of the opening party given by the
Pleasant Hour clult Thursday evening ,
the Inaugural ball for the opening of Its
thirteenth year of existence , The
party was held at Temple hall , Professor
Thayor's Northwestern orchestra fur-
niMilng delightful music and with Fnink
Zohrunp ; as master of ceremonies , nothing
tending to the pleasure of the ovenlng
was lacking. The progratnmu consisted
of fourteen numbers carefully arranged.
Tlio costumes were olognnt , and fully
fifty coupled were present to enjoy thee
onlug ,
Tlio policemen's ball Friday night was
tin entire success. Karly tha gathering
commenced and until an early hour in
the morning the fi'Mlvitioj continued to
thiigtvat enjoyment of all. The music
was fin nishod by Hrown's orchestra , quit
it was estimated that fully ono hundred
ajul seventy-live coitplec were in attend
ance through the pvenhi'j , As an addi
tional incentive to the interest of the oc
casion a gold-headed cane wns put up und
voted to thu most popular -policeman ,
Chief Ik-aeh coming out the winning
man , ' ( 'ho receipts of the evening in
dollars run up in tro hundreds.
Tim theaters huvo been doinjj-nn excel-
Iciit btialiicad-llio pti t wenk. the enter
tainments at tlio FutiUti being largely
open tic , including Mmo. Itramoilla uud
company , the homo club in Mikado , and
ISwChloago opuru company in Pinafore
-\nd n Mikudo uiatiuee. At
the ( 'conlc's theater Sid C. Franco has
been playing a week's taml to largo
houses and evidently scoring a success.
The coming wcok Miss Ilattlo liornanl
nnd company occupy the boards at tha
People's , opening Monday evening with
Mrs. Governor Dawcs who has been
visiting with friends iu the cast returned ,
homo Friday.
Mrs. Klla K. Smith has gone to Jack
sonville , Illinois , fora visit with relative ?
In that city.
Mrs. C. L. Hart Is vlsltinsr for a few
weeks with her relatives at her former
home at Marietta. Ohio.
Miss Ktnma Siootun of lltica , Now
York , has arrived in Lincoln and will
pass the winter with Mr. and Mrs. O. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank firegg and Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Oregg were tn Hurling-
ton , Iowa , the past week attending the
wedding of a nistcr in that city.
Mis. H. A. Habcock and Mrs. Ilorr are
visiting for a couple of weeks with rela
tives in Carthage , Mo.
Kev. and Mrs. M. 1) . Hawes of Carrol-
ton , 111. , have been In the city thn past
week , guests at thu home of U. H.
Uandall ?
Mrs. M. L. liny ward of Nebraska City
Was in Lincoln Friday calling upon ac
quaintances at the capital cltv.
Ur. L. P. McKlnney , of ilolino , 111. ,
has located In Lincoln mid will , witli his
family make the capital city his homo
m future.
Mrs. J. 13. Calhoun. who visited a num
ber of days with relatives In Nemaha
county , returned homo the llrst of last
Mrs. W. A. Hoot has arrived In Lin
coln from Dayton , Ohio , where she joins
her husband for u winter residence at the
capital city.
Mr. and'Mrs. W. Q. Hell , who visited
for a week at Denver and Colorado
points , returned homo to Lincoln on
Sir. and Mrs. W. F . Fusow , of Cable ,
Ohio , Miss Morris , of Urbami , and Mrs.
Black , of Paris , mime state , are visiting
in Lincoln , guests of Mrs. 1C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lolghton , of OsKa-
loosn , Iowa , are visiting Mrs. Loightoif s
sister. Mrs. Llndloy , in this citv.
MissK. ( .icrraiis visited Sunday last
with Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Duke in Omaha.
Mrs. Sroat , of Nebraska , who vKitcd
several days with the family of 11. 1) .
Hathaway , returned to the citj Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J. Friend , accompanied
by their daughter , Miss Pauline Friend
and Air. Kd Fiieuil , departed for Atohi-
son , KtisVcdnesduy , where they were
guests at a notable w'eddlug in that city.
Mrs. J. liosttoni , of Chattanooga ,
Tenn. . arrived in Lincoln the past week
and will make the city her homo during
the winter.
P. S. Eustis , of the Burlington route ,
was a hurried visitor in Lincoln Thurs
day while cii route homeward to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobus and daughter
were in Lincoln the past week arm will
make tlio city their home.
Mr. and Mrs. L , B. Itlica , of Berlin ,
111. , are visiting in Lincoln , guests of
Mrs. It's brother J. I. Rued.
Among the hotel guests in Lincoln yes
terday were F. B. Stevens , Crete ; H. H.
Pollock , Pawnee City , C. O. Dates , Beat
rice : A. H. Fitch , Omaha ; J B. Parmolo ,
T. B. Hawley , Nebraska City ; lloury
Orcbo , J. T. Stanhope , Omaha.
They Lwlit tlio Foundations or n
Millionaire's Fortune.
New York Times : "Do any of you
know what became cf thn cotton that
General Jackson used for breastworks ut
the battle of New Orleans ? "
This inquiry was addressed by ono of
New York's old merchants the other
evening ton company of friends , not ono
of whom did know where that famous
cotton wont.
"It formed the foundation of ono of
Now York's bigsest , " went on
the merchant. "Thirty years or so ago
one of tlio millionaires of this town was
Stephen Whitney ; millionaires were
scurco then , but Mr. Whitney's fortune
was almost worthy of rank with that of
John Jacob Astor. Whitney started out
in life without much money , but had
matlo some progress when the
war of 1812 came. Ho was a conserva
tive merchant , with a reputation for care
fully considering every enterprise that ho
entered upon ; and naturally , therefore ,
lots of his friends were astonished when ,
at the close of the war , ho hurried down
to Now Orleans and bought the great
piles of damages cotton tht < had stood
between Jackson's soldior.s and the Bill-
ish bullets. The bulk of his fortune went
into the investment. Ho bought every
scrap of it. There were few people
oogni/.ant of this notion who did not bo-
tinvo that it would prove disastrous , but
Stephen Whitney put the doubters qulok-
ly to rout , The tons on tons of cotton
lie paid the government two cents a
pound for were soon upon the markets of
Great Britain , and , thanks to the effect of
, a long-continued embargo , netted him
something like fifty cents upon every
pound , u'horo was the great corner
stone of Merchant Whitney's fortune
a fortune that ligures still on Now York's
tax lists as "tho Whitney estate. " In
vestments in Now York real estate de
veloped the fortune.
Unpieccilcnteil Jfcntli ,
London Spectator : Ono would have
thought U impossible that there should
bo an unprecedented accident ; but it is
said that the catastrophe on Loch Fj'no ,
by which seven persons lost their lives
Saturday , had never occurred before. It
has been the custom of the bailies of Glas
gow to attend the annual "monster
blasts. " in the creat Crarao Quarries on
that loch , and this.yunr thn custom was
observed. Seven tons of powder wore
fired at onco. dislodging It is believed ,
some 80,000 , tons ofgranite.nnd after the
stone hat ) fallen the visitors strolled into
the quarries to , ne the result. Some iiOO
ladies andgentlomon were standing about
talking , when one after another was ob
served to fall apparently dead , till nearly
a bundled bodies were stretched on the
They wnro at once cairlcd out by the
quarry men ; but it was found that seven
were dead , and that thirty moro were
moro or lost injured , n few severely. The
visitors I mil been aspliyxiatcdQby the sul
phurous vapor catiKod by the blast , the
shortest hmong them feeling It first and
most sovorcly , Those who died , tiled
suddenly , and one wltuoss , who fainted
but recovered , testified that tha sensation
was "rather pleasant than painful , " No
blame attaches to anyone , thovnpor hav.
ing brCD retained longer than by
the horseshoe shape of the quarry , which
stops thu breo/.o on three sides.
On Friday a monster anllor was found
by persons who are engaged in cleaning
oul Yellow Creek , near Decatur , Ind ,
The antler Is live fcot long and has six
prongs , each measuring sixteen inches.
The antler u well preserved , yet has
doubtless boon there for aces ,
A young woman of Bethany , 111 , , in-
vih'tf : t largo patty to some private thcut-
ricais at IIIT homo , In the course of the
play R mnrriago took pluco. the young
woman acting the part of bride. Just
before the guests wont home they were
told that the marriage was a bona lido
ono. and that was really what they had
b -cu invited to sou.
A few years ago woodchuckb did so
much damage Iu La Porto county , Indi
ana , that n bounty of 30 cents was ottered
for each woodchuck scalp. Since tiicn
some twenty-live , thousand scalps have
been tnkon , and within tlio last three
months the county has paid
which represents 0,100 of the
The Result of the Trinco-Scbock Tilty Milo
Bicycle Baco.
A Coon Carver Jnclc Ifnitlcy's Ilenollt
A DARO Klioots n Hey Court
Notes Other
New s.
Tlio Hlcyclc Knoo.
The fifty mile race Albert
.Schock nnd John S.l'lincc.thn champion
ship long distance ruler , attracted about
TOO people to the exposition building last
night. 15ut for the counter sporting tit-
traction at Cunningham hull the attend-
unco would undoubtedly huvo been
larger. As It was the event was by no
means a failure financially.
The work of choosing scorers , time
keepers , etc. , being disposed of , the
track was cleared. The selections made
were as follows ; Scorers , A. C. Johll'o ,
V. M. Shaw ; timekeepers , Perry Hadolot ,
T. T. Mclloncr ; judges , Henry Schoek , F ,
S. I'urmaluo ; refereu , George K. Kay.
The truck was nine laps to thu mile , with
raised ends , By the terms of the ruce
Prtneo gave his antagonist ono milo start
in thu fifty.
About a quarter of eight o'clock both
mon appeared on the truck. Prince was
dressed in light blue shirt and trunks ,
while Schock wore u dark blue shirt and
lavender lights.
At 8 o'clock the timekeepers set their
stop-watches to ticking. The referee
lired the pistol shot. nnduolh men started
irom the scratch. Prince tore down the
truck at a terrillc pace , spurting far
ahead of Schook. At this end of the first
ilo _ ho had gained liulf a lap
on his opponent , at the end of
second tiro-eighths of n lap , and at the
third mile , he passed liini : uid started for
his second lap. By terrific spurting ,
Prince gradually increased the distance ,
und when he had lire miles to his credit ,
Sehock Mad but four miles and seven
lais. ) At the close of the eighth mile ,
Prince again .spurted and passed Schock
on the outside , starting on his third lap
uhciul. At the end of the eight mile ,
Prince was exactly three laps ahead of
Schoek , consequently having six more
hips to gain in order to accomplish his
tusk. In other words , uHhough the race
was not quito one-sixth run , Prince had
gained one-third the necessary number of
From this time on Prince bent himself
steadily to the work of gaining laps.
His method of accomplishing the work
showed his sagacity. Naturally possessed
of better , muscle and more science
than his opponent , ho employed these ad
vantages to accomplishing the best results.
After passing Seliook , ho would spurt
tremendously and gradually reach his
opponents hind wheel , thus gaining
the lap. Instead of trying to pass Schock
at once again , he would follow him about
for eight or ton laps more , pushing him
of course to his highest , .speed. When ho
hud gained his wind , and pretty
thoroughly exhausted Schoek , lie would
lurain throw himself upon his wheel and
making n terrific speed , would puss his
antagonist. These tactics ho pursued
until ho gained the necessary number of
laps.At .
At ten miles Prince had gained 3 1-5
laws , at 20 miles ! laps , at 22 miles 5
laps. This sort of thing was kept up
until at the iJSth mile and second lap ,
Prince had gained the necessary mini bur
of lups. lor the ne\t tire miles he
trailed closely titter Schock , pushing the
latter to a high notch of speed. At the
J8d milo and third lap , Prince shot
ahead of his antagonist for the tenth
time. Ho did not keep the lead long ,
however. Shock gritted Ins teeth , pre
pared for a great effort and by a
tremendous spurt of speed passed Prince ,
lie held himself in the front until at the
fortv-eiglith milo and fourth lap Prince
again passed him amid thu hearty cheers
ot the spectators. Again Schock tore
ahead of him , only , howorer , to lose the
lead on the .seventh lap of the fiftieth
mile. From this on Prince gradually
pulled away from Schouk , winning by
about an eighth lap. The fifty miles ,
us will bo scan by reference to thu ap
pended table , wore covered in exactly 2
hours and 35 minutes. The bust indoor
record over made before this was 3t3. :
achieved by Prince at Minneapolis a few
weeks ago. So that last night's race
lowers the world's indoor record by three
minutes. THE HACK.
"I was never harder pushed in
my life , " said Prince to a
reporter as ho was being rubbed down
after the run. "I was in blasted poor
condition because I haven't trained as I
ought to have. Just look at the surplus
tleih on mot And then look at Seohck ,
Ho's in mighty good trim , 1 can tell you ,
and made me work hard to win. Why
on the forty-ninth mile I had the crumps
so bad that 1 could hardly sit in my sent
and I had a good notion to give up the
raco. I could never have gained another
lap in the world. "
John S. Prince , ttio winner of the race ,
is 27 yours of ago , weighs 170 pounds und
is five feet ten inches high. Sohock , the
loser , is BO years old , weighs 1-18 pounds
and is live feet seven inches in
height. Prince rides a Oil-Inch wheel ,
Sohock n 54 inch. By the terms of thu
contest Prince wins the $100 purse and
70 per cent of the not gate receipts ,
Schock receiving 80 per cent thereof.
The following will show Princes record
at every five miles , nlso the previous best
Indoor record nt 10 , 20 and 50 miles.
From this it will bo noticed that the
world's record was beaten In every cuso ;
JACK llANMJy'S ni3M3Pll\
An IntcrcBtltiK 1'rocrniniiin or Sports
at Gunninuliaui Hp.ll ,
Jack Hunloy's bonolit took place lust
night nt Cunningham's hull. There waa
an excellent nttcudaneo , nnd the pro
gramme arranged by the management
was sulliciontly varied to keep the at
tendance in excellent humor throughout
the evening.
Patsy Fallen acted as manager , time
keeper , referee and everything else.
The first feature was a sot-to between
two local young men , ono of whom was
distinguished by a check , while the other
wore a wliito shirt. This was a wildly
amusing engagement , in which the while
shirt gentlemen got the worst , being
knocked almost into a cocked hat , aim
faintly striving to save himself by u tltou-
land of aimless llttlu blows.
Professor Day , of Toledo , then enter
tained the crowd with some swinging of
Indian clubs.
The next feature was a four-round en
counter butwcen Duncan McDonald and
Professor Uay , The Montana cham
pion was encased in white shapes ,
black stockings 'and canvas shoes ,
Day appeared in pink shapes
and drab Blockings. . McDonald , it was
evident , was by far the moro scientific of
tlio two. lie ciouilncd himself mainly to
brushing Dn.vV.6li1'ok with long-reaching
left Imiulore , wliilf * Drty endeavored l
sustain liimsolf'by'Jiody blows unon hi ?
opponent , ttltlrhidld not oftcii reach
tholr aliu. Day succoedwl at intervals
in reaching the Montana chief's feature" ' ,
but with little' elloct , while , now nml
then , slight irntatlbn caused the latter to
rain liMaror * upon the professor until
his features resembled in hue of a par
boiled lobster. Twice Day was forced to
the ropes , but his antagonist did not
press ids advantage , anil smilingly
skipped on" and fillowed his opponent to
again conic forth uninjured. In the ln t
round McDonald dUplaytt 1 unusual
literally dancipg nronml his opponent ,
dealing him bapl ; hand blows nnd lock *
ingith consummate cie : with Day before -
fore the liitlor knew where ho stoodT and
then leaving without , in tlio slightest.
maniior , fctrivinj * to rai o the latter oil'
Ids feet , which ho might easily liavo done
if ho had but utiliriul his advantage ,
or exerted the strength which his tactics
increased. Ono of the latter was his
breaking aw.iy from ono of these locks ,
pirouetting upon his giant too and laughIngly -
Ingly dealing aback-hand slap upon Day ,
much to the murrlmcnt of the gathering.
when the professor felt that McDonald
was running away from him. Despite
McDonald's experience and skill. Day ae-
quitted himself creditably , anil displayed
extremely good retentive wind POWCM.
.Foil Smith then , in everyday shoes ,
danced a Lancashire clog , which was
warmly applauded.
Patsy Fallen Hum announced hlmsolf
as a reader. Ho buttoned his coat collar
over his biled shirt front , lingered his
looks over his luow and recited the dill- !
cult piece. "Tho Maniac's Pica , " with
such intulligeiico und dlluct that the
audience raided tumultuous appluto. :
McDonald then appealed anil treated
tlio audience to one of the lincst exhibi
tions of club-swinging which has"
over been witnessed m Omnlm. Hvory
feature was applauded , ami the impres
sion created was that McDonald had but
few superior.s In the country.
John P. Glow , with his boyish features
and manly form , the. latter encased as to
Ills limbs in pink tights and black stockings -
ings , jumpcd lightly upon the .stand.
Ho was received with cheers. Jack
llaiiloy f ol lowed and was mot with several
salutes of applause. Ho was announced
by Patsy Fallen and that brought out an
other selvo. Jack asked tlio indulgence
of the audience because of hi.s recent re
tirement , and the audience by its ap
plause bhowcd it was willing to grant the
request. Ho wore pink shapes , a light
gau/u shirt and purple stockings.
First round Clew stripped magnifi
cently , displaying a height and reach ,
physic.illy , beyond that of Ilanloy. He
was loss supple than the latter , and
seemed slightly taken aback at the hit
ter's agility. Cautious , yet sparring with
smiles was indulged in. Clew endeavor
ing to reach Hanley's check with his long
blows. Ho succeeded in Ins aim on sev
eral occasions , but never without being
warmly romenibnrod by Ilanloy in just
about the same fashion. In accomplish
ing this , llaiiloy frequently had to jump
upward to get in between or break down
the other's guard.1 ISoforo the close of
the round , Clww , wnj. neatly reached
across both face tinxl nose.
Secoi.d roimd Clew smiled , so
djd Hanley. } 5ut Clow's ' nose
displayed an 'incipient ' tendency to be
clarelty. Uotlnsparrcd , and Ilanloy got
two or three on the ribs , while /Jlow hud
his eais warmed for his trouble. Each
then weftt for the other's jaws , and blows
went in thick rind Jttist , but few reached
their objective point. Tlio amhenco
Ijkcd the sound of 'tho gloves , and the
fighters liked it also , because neither was
in the slightestannpyed by it.
Third roumiT-Ilaiiloy seemed to bo
most active in the lead. Clew , while not
afraid , moved 6uitibtisly , sometimes tret-
ting Himley's ronoli',1 nnd leaving him to
saw and punch tno air. When thoj * cttmo
near enough to exchange courtesies ,
Hanloy did more than his share of the
Foiuth round Both still smiled , but
they wont in to wind up. And they did
it in magnificent style. The face and
neck of each warmed , and at ono time
several of Ilanloy's beauties seemed to
crawl lightly in upon the Colo-
radaus peepers , but before the latter
could be ofl'cotod time was called
anil the audience gave ono wild yell of
approval and the entertainment was
It was ono of the most orderly , satis
factory and best conducted entertain
ments of the kind over given in Omaha.
Jack Hanley has lost none of his skill
or agility during his imprisonment.
A "f njo" ( Fruit Dealer Shoots n Boy
In the Hack.
Last night about 0 o'clock a shooting
afl'ray took plr.ce on Tenth street near the
Union Pacific ciossiug. Frank Parsell , a
boy about toiirtecn yours of age , was the
victim , ami his assailant was an Italian
fruit vendor known as. "Dago , " who
keeps a stand on tlieJTenth street front
of Dowov < Ji Stono's furniture ware-
hoii- > . Tlio facts of tlio afl'air
are meagre , but as nearly as may bo
learned they go to show , that , for some
Umo back , a crowd of young roughs , who
infest the locality mentioned , huvo been
a fiourco of annoyance to the fruit-
vendor. It is claimed that they have
persecuted him witli rocks , insulted him
with impunity and repeatedly stolen the
fruit from his display. Last evening , it
is reported , the "Dago" said to a friend
of his : "If anything happens to-night ,
yon must take charge of my stand as soon
a.s it is over. " This friend complied with
the request , and with the "Dago's"
mother , closed the stand and ran awav
m loss than a do/.on minutes after tlio
shooting. As ft cause f6r the shooting ,
H seems the young roughs men-
ttont'd nt the hour noted , began
their usual annoyance and depredation ,
ono young fellow , with a half-sightless
eye , being the leader. The "Dago , " it m
claimed , warned him nnd the otliors oil1 ,
but without effect , when the Italian drew
his revolver and shot , intending to lilt
the half-eyed youngster. known
to his chums as "rats. " The ball ,
however , struck Parsoll in the back ,
under the right xhouldor blatln and then
passing around to ( lie right and in all
probability lodging In the lung on that
side , The lad wnb carrieti to Bell's drug
store , and subsequently to St. Joseph's '
hospital. Dr. Dnrrow , who was called to
attend the Victim , probed the
wound for a distance of about
four Inches , lint 'without ' finding the
bullet , IIH ! impression being such as is
outlined abovot 'i'ho ' doctor considers
the wound a dangerous ono , though it
may not result fatally at the present
Tl 8hootlngJ5vnrfno sooner over thnn
the dngo fled , and up to the last accounts
had not been arrested ,
A Morntnc nlnioj htolca Up $11,000
Worth ol * Property ,
A few minutes before 1 o'cloek this
morning a Jiro was discovered In the
largo barn of G. W , Holdrodgo , just west
of llanscom park. The fire depart
ment was called by telephone and
mailo the run in twenty-five *
minutes but were unable to do anything
toward caving the barn , the fire had
made such progress , and had hard work
to keen the lrunes ! from connecting with
Mr. Holdredgo's now residence. The
origin of the lire is a matter of mystery.
It was first discovered by
the hostler , a Swede named Andrew
Swnnson who was sleeping in the earn
and saved himself from being burner ! to
death by jumping from the second fctory
of ( ho building , i'ho barn and content * ,
including u carriage team and a team of
Shetland ponies were entirely destroyed.
The loss will exceed (0.000 and IB but
partly protected by insurance. *
-OF rltu
ChlcaplMilwaubie&StPaulRly ,
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , I'cilnr liaphls ,
Clinton , Dnbitquo , Davenport ,
Rock Islaiu1Freeport , Rock ford ,
Klifin , Madison , Jnncsvlllc ,
lielolt , Wlnoim , La Crossc ,
Atulall other 'mportnnt ' points Hast , Northeast
Htiil 8outhoft < t.
rorthroimh tickets unit on the Ticltot A
nt 1401 rurnnm utiout ( In 1'itxton llotoD.or a
Utiloti Vncltlo Depot ,
rtillnmn siot'uera niul the nne t Olnlnif Cnrs
in tliuroild nro run n the mitlu HUM of the
niul oviiry nltontlnn If ) paid to pussonicots b/
couttoons oinplot > 4of the coinpaiiy.
H. MII.I.KII , Uonrrnl Miinii or.
J. F. TttUKKit , Assistant ( luiterat
Tlelcot Airont.
( H.o. K IlKArroim , Assistant General
ger nml Ticket Axont
J , T. CtiAitK , UuneriU SuporlntenJont.
IJUAI.t.llH tlf
rl'sSar&3 ! ! , Vaults Jim s lochs
and Ja1 ? ' , Work.
1020 Ftirnam Street , O.ualm. Neb.
Red Star Line
Cnrrrltifrthpnnlffltira nnd United States
Miill.stillliiL. u\ury buturdity
Bsiwesn Antwerp & Hew York
Bftlon from $00 to $7V Kxourslon trip from
J110 to $ UJ. Second Cabin , outward , * < i
prepaid , $4P ) ; oxcurslon , fUO. Btocrn o naB3ixo
nt low rates. Peter Wrleht & Hotia , Oonora
Afcnts , 65 llroadway , Now York.
llonry 1'unJt , 1218 Kimntmst. : Paulson L Co ,
1129 rurnnra t : I ) , ( ) . Fruuman , U-l KHin.xm st
In colots , shows nil counties , towns , rullio
illiiled for U'Cc.
Omuhu City Jtap , now additions etc. , 25c.
NebraskaStnto Oit/ottc , Iluslncss iliiuctory
nd Farmer's LUt , to.
J. SI. WOLl'R & CO. ,
120 S. 14th St. . Oinnhii , Nel ) .
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only road to take for Deg Uolnos , Mnr-
Blinlllnwn.f olnr Rniilils , Clinton , Dlxlo. Chica
go , Milwaukee and nil points To the poo-
iil o of Nebraska , Coloruclo , Wyomlnff. Utah ,
Idaho , Nomlu , Oiournn , WiiHhliiRton nml Cnli-
fornln. It offcri supoilor ailvaiitagoa not potsl-
ulo by any ether line.
AmoiiK n few of the numerous points of u-
perloiltr enjoyed liy the patrons of this road
uetn oi'n Omnlm mm ClilonRO , mo its two truing
ndnyof DAV COACHES which are the finest
tnnt human nrt anil Ingenuity cnn create. Jta
PALACK Sr.KKl'INO CARS , * hloh nro modnU
of comfort nnd olegnnco. Itn PA HI/OH DltAW.
INQ HOOM CAHB , linsurpnsindbv any. audits
widely colohrntod PALATIAL DININO CAHS ,
the equal of whk-h cnnnot ho found elgewhero.
At Council muffs the trnlna of the Union Paci
fic Ry. connect In Union Depot with thope of
the Chicago & Nmthnistorn Hy. In Chicago
the trains of this line innko close connection
with tho'o of all onstorn llnop.
For Dntrolt , Columhus. Indliinnpollit. Clnoln
natl. Klptrnra I'nlls , IlntTnlo , IMttohurtr , Toronto ,
Montreul. llncton , Kew Yoik , Phlliidelphhi , llnl-
tltnore , Wnahlni inn imil ull points In the onit ,
ask the tlclcetnitnnt for tickets via the
If you ulsli the host nocnrnraodntlons. Alt
ticket lurents Boll tickets via this line.
Jf. W'OIIITT , 75. 1' . WILSON.
lioncrnl Jliumirur , ficnl. r Bj'r , AKUtif
ChlciiKO , HI.
WJI IlAIlCOCIf , L. II. nOLTr.3 ,
Gonl.WeMoru Apt. ( Mtv 7'nss Agt.
1411 Knrnum St. , Omahu , Nob.
Artists' Material.
A. HOSVE , JR. ,
Artists' MaterialH , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 nouitlas Street , Omcbn.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholesale Denier In
Agricultural Implement H , Wagons ,
* rrtaRe nnd llutrplen , Jonee Rlroet , lietwooa 9th
anil lUtli.Oiniilm , Neb.
Agricultural Implements ,
, IliiKKlcs , Ktc. , Wliolrtkla , Omaha ,
WliolCBuloDeulers In
Agricultural Implements ,
( Vugoni and nnpgloi. Wl , W3 , U05 und 'Ml , Jono st
Butter and 33 $ .
liuycrs of Imtter and Egt'8.
ncfrixerntor nnd Parking House , llth nml
worlhSt , II.i' , ft. II.TruckOmuhu ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
IJuIldors'irardwaro&Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tooli nnd IlufTulo Hrnles. 1IS5 Doualm tu ,
Onialm , Nfh.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Hlipot Iron , Klc. AconU for JIowu bculoi ,
Bnil Miami Powder Co .Oinnlia.Neli.
Wholesale Hardware.
Wettirn flrent for JetTernon flr l Nnlln , Aiutln
1'owderCu , Kiilrbanlm Mniuliinl hcali * . Coruur
10th und llnrnejr. umaliu.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
Brldcef , VlmlncU IlcxiITnu'fS. Steam I'llo DrlTlhz
I'llToK,0 k anil I'lnoIIrldce Lumber , litlist. , titut
tarnam. Oiuababut.
Wholesale Dealers lit .Furniture.
Kornira it. , Omtlia , Neb.
Furniture , Jieddinjf , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1506,1203 upd Ult ) firnata it ,
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturers nmlVliolojMo tenlert ) In
Hoofs niul Shoes ,
nlock of Hiibl-pr ( Joods nlirajs on hand
.VJ 8.13th at. , OinnhN , Neb. A. T. AiKtln , ARC nt.
m rTyioiiji'islv'co.
.lubbers of Hoots nnd Shoe ? .
till Knrnnm fct. , Otuotin.Npti. Mnnuduturr ,
street , llnMon.
/ . r. LfxnsEY , i > ro.
"Wholesale Kuhher Hoots and Shoes.
tlubllcr nmlOllril CliifilniriiiM Kelt Hoot * . .V > 3. lull
Beer ,
. for Anhciiscr-llush Brewing Ass'u
PpeclM ItruuK Kmi'tliiil ) < rcl < ernnd Kr
Lnger Boer Brewers ,
U31 North t ih HtrcPt , Omnhn.Neb.
Coffee , Spicts , Etc.
Omaha Coffee nnd Spice 3HIN.
Tcn .GoTr ! ! , Spire * , linking 1'owdcr. KlivorlnnEr-
tract * , Lnumur llluo. Ink. Kir. Mil-It' Humor
Street , Oninlin , .Sob ,
a A T'EscoLE v MILKS ,
Homo Colleonml Splco .Mills .M'f'jr Co.
OntTpononterBBiHl Splcn Orltiilprn. Msn-ifnittin-ra
nt llnklnit Tutiler , HiiYorlni ittriot : , Itlulnit. Kin
1 rv ono CIKP of our ! | > HI knuo Homo Illoiul Ku iMcil
OolTot ! . livi Uownrtl nt .OninhH , Neb.
Cornice ,
MAG-LI : < > RNivlKWORKS ,
.lohn Kponctcr , Prop.
Slnmifnetiirnr nf Gnlrnnlreil Iron niul Cornlca. 933
DmlKonuil 103 niul 1CS N , 10th ft. . Dmnliu , Nob.
RlfEMriXG ,0 HOLTE ,
Mnnufnctui-cm of
Ornamental ( Jalvnnizcd Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Unnls.Mclsllr kyllclt.oto. 310 S.
12t i el , Omnli.i.
WESTERN c ( > iiNicE WORKS ,
C. Kpecht , Prop.
GnlTnnlzeil Iron Cornices , etc. flhert'slmprovei ! Put-
cut Metnlla Skylight. HM nnd fill ) S litli M.Onmiin.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs ,
l.lnolenms , .Matllnea. Kte. 1511 Doiidn * ttrett.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
> ! attln ( , Curtain Cnort' . Ktc. 1(23 Kurnom Street ,
Crockery and tMions.
Aeont for tlio > [ nu fnctui ers nnd Importers ot
Crockery , GInsswnre ,
Lamps , t'lilmncyr , ntr. Offloc , 31 ? South 13th Bt.
Unmlm , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
llntlcr , KmJsniii ) Trodurc. Con > lKiimcni pollcltfd.
llcudiuiirtorA | fop bttmuwixiij , licrry Moxi'8 uud
tirnpo llaBkam. Ill ) Doilcuntreet , Omaha.
Commission llcrehiiutH.
Fruits , 1'rodiico nnd Pro\liloii ! , Omnlm. Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Itnttor. ERRH , Chci'so. Ponllrj. Came ,
Oyatorn. Ktc. . Ktc. 113outH ! lllh iHrcet.
rAv co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , 13uUcr , Giinio , I'rnlta. otc. : W 8. lUhat.
Om tba , Nub ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Korclun nml Domppllo Fruits. Torre-
BponilciHOtinllcltoil. Wamhoimo unit anicc. 110N.
' 1 hlrtviHitli Kt. , Oninliu , Nob. 'Jrlnptiiinn TT.'i.
r. itocco co. ,
niptirtors nnd whottisnlo iluulora In
Italian Produce ,
Foreign , Domostlcand California Krults nnd Commls.
lon Murcbnnte. 101 S. 14th it. Only oxcluilTU
irult houio In Omahn.
Coal antf Lime.
Dealorn In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Offlconnd yard , inth anil Nlcliolns BIS. , OmuhR , Nob.
Yard Tolopbono , 067.
OEO. iI.AIIAUII. . I'm. r. F. OOODUAN , V. Prof.
J. A , SUNIKItrAf n , Hoc. and Trcns.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
_ ari South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
,7. , T. J 6llNliON M CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And hhlppcrn of Coil mid Cokn. Coiiient , I'lHutor ,
Umo , lliur. Hru Urli k , Drnln. Tllo nml Hewer IMpn
oniro , I'.ixton Ilotal. Knniiim et. , Onmlm , Ni > b.
Tulophonoail. _
-p. JTFAY & co.r
Manufacturing ConfeRtioners ,
Jobbers of KniltB.Nutannil Clfaik. 1211 l-urnum gt.
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ooo. llurkc , Manngfr.
Dillon Btoelt Vardi.H. Omnlm. 'leleplinno fS3.
Live Stock CommlsHloii Merchants ,
Shipment ! of an ; und nil kliuli of Stock ollolted.
Union Stock Y r.t , Oniaba , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouni mid Ammunition , 315 toKI B lllh it. , 1030 to
1014 Kurnamst , OiTmliil.Nnl ) .
Mtinufacturers of Fine Clears ,
And Wbolcinln I > rilor 111 Leaf Trlmrroi , Nils. 109
unit 111) N. lllh ftr t. Oiiulin.
HO US Ell c < > WOODLAND ,
Wholorila houlcrs In
UJsrars , Tobaccos , J'ipos and Smokers'
Artinlen ,
Agenti for 1) . lolli > n lorf i On , Mno Cut nnd Nnujk-
tui Tobacco' , Mlltvuukoii , WUcniitln. N' > . 3U
orth yi teeuth mr et , Om ihn , tfeU.
Dry Gooila , FiirnisiihitfOooilH & Notions
1IU2 unit 1101 llouvl'is , ror. llth Kt , Omnlm , Ni > h.
OlBtlllori of Iluuri | , A1"ohnl Mid Pplrlti , IiniorterB
and Jobber' of \ \ Inf niimJ l.lquort ,
CO. and ILEll ,1 * CO. ,
Importers und Jobber * of Klne Wlni i nml Liquors.
bolcnmilufiiQInroimif Konnfi1) ' Knit Inillx Ult-
tori andicim ) llol.l'ui | > ri , IIU lUrnor SU
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Drntr , Paint , Oil & Glass Jionso
Wo > tof CtilCKBo. t'nniplt.l Una of llriigKUti Buu-
ilrlm Kill ilninejaOmaha ,
Wliolcsule Dinp/firlsts.
AnlPttklerilal'alntt , Olltoiul Wlnrtcur ( ilRo.n
Drain Tile , Etc. ,
A. 11.81 K'U'rn. J.W.lKnrnnn 8f r.dTioat
U. J. Ciiuotf , V.l'rfi. ud supt.
JUtAlNTfLI-i CO. ,
OWco 118 8. 14th it , Omnbn , Neb JMnrlllnerr vnd
fiupplle for llaaufaoiuilnn Ctiupot J > ruu 'I 'lt < .
Butchers' Tools.
Hntchera1 Took und Rnpjklies ,
i'o Cuilugt of nil klnrts iilwHjr ln ntuck. 1S1J
Groceries ,
I'AXTOy , GALLAGlllSlt , P CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries find Provisions ,
Mw TiV > , TtI7.rWAndil S. 10tht ! , Omatm. Neb.
Me CO Kl ) , JlllAIrtO CO. ,
Wholcsnlo Grocers ,
llth nnit l.eiTonworth M * . .Omiha.
tr. „
Heavy Hardware , Iron and SIcel ,
' ' i , WnRftn Slock , lUrtlitArft Lumber , etc. 1200
ami Ull Itntncy in , oiunln , i.N
IilNE\P Gilt no N ,
AYhnlc < wlo Iron and Stool ,
Wnsonnml CmrlKgoWoml Stock , Hm f llnHirnr&
Kto. l.'KiiiHl nni l.cucnwurthM.Oiniilii , .Nnl > .
Soves ( , Uangps , Furnaces Tiles ,
Mantlet , llrnto , llrnuCtxxli. 1.31 nnd 1333 I'nrnnox
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
\VrouRht and Tim Iron lliillillns Work , Iron flairs ,
llnllhiR. llennis nnd ( ilnlem , Stenm Iliijilnev lirnu
Work , ( li iicnil Kiiiinilr ) , Mnrhlnn niul IllarknmltU
Wo , trtkHiinldrkn ) , II. r , Ity. nnd Kill rttrot.
Wholesale .lowolers and Music Dealers ,
Denlerf In llTi'rK r . Dlntnundn , Wntchc' , Olnekt ,
Jonolor sTouUmu ! Mntnriali > , < > ic. UHniullWlilli
tcor. OodKi' , Oniiilm , .Si'li.
LO ns nil A D r
Dealer in Lumber. Lutli , Lime , Sash ,
Ioor ) , Kto. Yiml' PoniorTtli nnd l > oviilna ; | Oornor
litlinnd Doiulns.
Wholesale Luinber ,
81t S. Uth trect , Omnliii. Neb , r . Colpettcr ,
litth nnd CnllfornlnStrootn. Omaha. Nob.
jFJtian ir. ( uiAY ,
Binuber , Limo , Cement , Etc. . Ktc.
Cur. Cth und Douulns sti , Omahn , Neb.
To Dealers Only.
Odlco , HOI Farnnm street , Omnlm.
Jlardwootl Lninhc ? ,
WooitCnrpotunnd I'nrnnel PlourliiK. Oth und Uouatu
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc.
Imporled nnd Amerlenn Iorthnd Cement , Htntd
AKunt forSlllvrnnkeo lly.lnuilUi Ccmonlunil Host
Qulney Wliltul.liiH' .
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
I.Hnllod. John F. Uojd , Huporliitordont ,
Millinery and Notions.
I. OIlEltFlSLDEll .0 CO. ,
Importort nnd Jobbers of
Millinery nnd Notions ,
1311 nnd 13151 Iiirno/ . eel , Onlilliii , Mob.
Are the only Direct Importing of
Gorman & French Toys & Kancy Goods
In Nobrnsk/i. DilciiKo prlcemliiiilleittoil wlthiitii | < ld-
Iwt rrolnht. HIS I'nniuin , treot , Umiiliu.
Wliolci.alo l > enler In
Kolions and Furnishing Goods ,
< ill niul 4l'i ( B. Tenth Ht , Omnlm.
FfNi"A It D & "Nt' IINE1 It lilt ,
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing :
JOOiinndltW ) Pirnam nt. Onmlm , Nnh.
CO Ml' A NY ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Joiins IMnU. Slilrta , IHo. 1102 and 1104 Douutas Btroot ,
Omaha. Mob.
.lob Printers , llliuik Hook 3fakera.
And llook Uliuler : . 101 und 1M South lourtcoDth
olrnct. Omnlm , Neb.
Anxillnry Publishers.
Dealers I"Typo , l'r > M m mul l rtnlor ' huppllos. 09
Hnulli Twelfth Hlieiil.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
co ,
Mannfiicturorn , 1'nckcra and Dcalarn In
Pickles & Strictly Piirn Apple Vinerjar
llaklnu' I'onilcr , 1 lavnrlnp Kxtrurli , Tnlilo Sauro ,
fri'in'h Jliiitii" ! Wnrh Illuliii. , tlinn'ri' hpist'u ! : ! '
Hole nKi'nli l r York Mute Mind lUilneil Apple LH >
dur. HW1 vn\en > ioMli M. . Oniiihii.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Kafo Works.
Manufncturcmof Kirftnnrt lluri.'lurl'roofSnfri , Vault
l > Ours.Jall Work.Hliutlom nnd Wlrn Work. Cor.
llthnndJurksini Ht , umaliu , Neb ,
P. JlOYEll ,0 CO' ,
Afronts for Hairs Safe & Lock Co.a'
Flra nnd llnrx'nr ' Proof Bafns , Tlma Ixxsks , Vault *
and Jail Work. 103) rarnnra Klrt-ut Omaha. Neb ,
5ns// , Doors , Etc.
fi co. ,
Wholcenlo Manilfnetnron o'
Sash , Doors , Jllhnls and Mouldings ,
llnincli nnico.l''tli nnd Itnril f l
Cf. F ,
Sash , Door , Ullmfs , Mouldings ,
diln rnnar. do. IflOl Hniitb 'I'hlrtf inilli HIroot ,
Oumhu , Neb , A cniuplclB moclcuf llullilum'
VOIJN MANUFAfjririllNd CO. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monlrt'jiiri'.htalr ' Wi'rknnd Interior Hard Wood Finish
Juil ( j | I'ufU. N. K cor. 8th and I , x\eiwoilli2lt. )
Uniaba , Ncu.
Pumps ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ! * ,
Stoamnnd Water hupiillos lIindrinBclors fi r Hast
( ovttOo'tdiMidt. nil I n rim m n , Ui.itiliti , Nrh.
Pninp.s , Pipes and E
BM m. Winer. lUllwny and Mlllln fiupiillci. IStft
Vta , yjiu.d 'Jll l-ntoin n.Oiuahr , Neb ,
7 H. WAY iNK
Wind Jllllii rlfmn unit WMer Hiipiiles ,
J'lunit/liiR Ilootla , ItnltliiK , Iloie. tilH nnd ' . < > tur-
luiiii i. , ( minnii , H K l-'eltoii , ilimuLcr.
'J'lephiniuKi , ai'l. '
( )
_ _ _ _ _
\ \ holpsulo Trunks ,
Ulrt'l HotiJ Illurk , Omuhu.
Wagons and Carriages ,
A. , r , RIM
The FiCiKliiKf Uat'ijuffO Factory ,
( ICHTAnl isfllll 1STM )
UK ) imil 1111 Doitjre treel , ) % | n. '
Buildirig Material.
t co.t
llculefln AM f'rrtiof '
Jluilillin ? Jlfatorlul nt A\rli6lwn'l ( , '
13th blniut and I'ulon j'aclilc Tia'clc , Ou | ll .