Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. OCTOBER - 30 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY MORNING OCT. .10 OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DelhtuU liy fnrncr In nnjpnMof tliocityn.1 twtnly ( tiits p r week , H. W. TIM ON , Manager. r , No. 43 , "NiuiiT KDITOK No. 21. MH.VJ'IUN. ' Now York Plumbing Co. Now fall floods nl llcitc.r'p. Cooper As JlcCJuo sell hardware. JJuv Seal brand oysters , tbo bust. Chcnp railroad tickets at HitchneH'fl. Panels at $ .1 f 0 per doat Sehmidl'B gallery , Main St , P. C. Du Vol has rocflvtd : the furnaces for the new Kpfacopal church ami will put them til ) in it few days. Frank Peter.iun is > lilting up the store No. 33IJ Broadway for a grocery Ptore , which hi ; will opoti in a few days. Married by Kev. J. Fisk. at his residence on Uenton utrnut , Thursday , October L'8 , Mr. Klinur Mclnlosli and Miss JiHtle Cob- bard , both of tins city. II , F. Clayton , of Macedonia , secretary of Iho Pal-merit' JJr.tiaual connrt'bs , re members the HKK with a comjilcte Vo- > ort of the last annual session at St. J ' : inl. The now tire alarm boxes have ar rived ami will be put in place as soon as the wires are completed , which will bo no soon as the rest of the poles arrive , which will be that's a conundrum. Last evening Harmony chapter No. 25 , Order Ktvsteru .Star , gave a seleet ball nd banquet at Temple hall. The i.ll'uir was enjoyable , and the details wens ar ranged with rare good taste. The private olllce of Ollicer it Pusny's banking IIDUXC has been lincly and ta to- fully papered and decorated by ( Jcorgo It. Heard. It is now one of Hie at tractive and pleasingly finished olliecs in the city. At the seventeenth annual convention of the Iowa Young Men's Christian asso ciations , being held at DCS Monies , this city is represented bj Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtis , w. A. Gearing. F H. Foxier and J.N.G. Wyllc. Kev. Mr. Brown , the pastor of the Afri can Methodic church , \Vas serenaded by the colored folks Thursday night. He was also given a generous supply ot pro visions , vegetables , chickens , etc. , enough to enable him to hold the fort for two weeks at least , without other supplies. On Thursday evening Mrs. J. E. Myers and Mrs , W. II. Metcalf entertained" Married Ladies' Progressive Kuchrc club. The gathering was the first one of the icason and was a highly enjoyable affair. There were about lorty guests present , and Mrs. Waddell and' Mr. Van Brunt were awarded the lirst ladies' and gen tlemen's ' prizes. A man named Strahm was here from the far west yesterday looking for his missing wife , who for some reason h.ul given him the sliu , taking the two chil dren with her. Ho had traced her by her tickets and baggage so fur as this city , but here could get no further trace of her. Ho seems willing to let tin woman go , but he is anxious for the children. The banquet served at the Creston bouse to the visiting Odd Fellows Thurs day night was one of the finest in all its details ever served in this city on anysneh occasion , and Max Molm has won much praise for the same. The rooms were beautifully decorated with flowers , and the ipread was not only bountiful , but was arranged and served temptingly. Tlio youth of to-day enjoy immense advantages oror those of forty years ago jn the way"vl 5i ! C2ti9nal nolps. The UEE man has looked over one * of the very latest and best aids in the study of physiology , which is being introduced Into this section by Smith & Musson , of this city. It is White's Physiological Manikin , a life size representation of the entire human form. BO arranged as to present it life size view of every bone , muscle , urtary , vein and nerve , also all the internal organs in their proper places , so they can bo folded out and hewn to the class with all their intricate relations to one another. Yesterday afternoon R man , whoso name was not learned , met with a singu lar accident and most fortunate escape on Broadway. As a load of hay was passing ho stood in the street plucking a blade of dry grass with which to pick. his teeth , presumably , when a horse and buggy came along at a lively rate , pass ing so close to the load of hay as to leave him little room. In trying to avoid a qucczo ho turned about just in time for the end of one of the buircy shaf Is to slip under his coat , run up his back and out by the collar , stripping the coat from end to end , quickly depriving him of further use of that garment and whirling him about in a terrifying way , lie was luckily uninjured , but is out a coat. Ho will now follow the fashion and sneak his toothpicks from the hotel counters. An Independent Candidate. I hereby announce myself as an inde pendent candidate for justice of the peace , and submit my claim to the voters of Council Blull'ri , la. , on the 2nd day of November , 1830. A , L. HK.NDIUCKS. Headquarters for glove * and mittens nt MircAji'Huo3. : Try a Garland Cook stove for soft hard Cooper & McGco have them. Personal I'jirnurnplm. Mrs. Spencer Smith has returned homo , . Horace Bundle Beatrice , Neb , , Is at thoPaeilio. P. J. Gallagher , of Weston , was nt the Pacific yesterday. II , llaburn , of Aurora , Neb. , was in the oity yesterday , Hon. John Y , Stone , of Glenwood , was at thoOgden yesterday. O.K. Wllkins , of Missouri Valley , was in the city on business yesterday. Mrs. H. 1) , Heinsheimer and Mrs , Russell , of Glenwood , wtiro in the clly yesterday. Dick Ladd , who travels for one of the ( rent cloak houses of Now York , was in the oity yesterday , George Swan was expected to arrive last evening on a visit to his parents , Colonel and Mr. < , Swan , A. Just , one of the oldest traveling man on the rojid for Arnold , Coiibtublo & Co. , New York , was In the city yotter- day. day.Mrs , Dibble and ilnv.ghU'r , of Michigan. wo hero visiting Mrs , Swan , corner of rjorco and Stmstiirm streets , who is a lister of Mrs , Dibble , John Hyley , agent for the "Bound to Bucceed" company , WHS | iero yesterday arranging for the appearance of tlm troupe item on Thursday evening of next went. Mr . Davidson , lu'oonipanled by Mrs. Unoou , of the KH.'GM huu.-e , .St. Joe , has fcc-en snonding u few days in the city vis iting her uncle. Mr. ChuvlHs \ \ . 1'ort'goy. fiho and her friend returned to St Joe la * ! evcninjr , John J. Wadsworth , jr. , returned yes terday with bis bride , Irotu f'hamuaigii , ill , , wnero they wcru on last Wednesday married , They rt-mniiU'U In the city yes terday , rcrisiving congratulations from the liiMiy friends of Mr.Vadsworlh , and lost wening left for Blair , Neb. , to Thiit the groom's parents. They will return on Monday , when Mr. Wadsworlh will return to his position with Messrs , liuruhurn. TulJeys.i1 ; Co. LAVISH LUXURY OF LAW , A Showing of the Eosults of the' Big Pee Bills of a Justice , THE SALOONS ARE BAYING. 1'rohihitlim Cse J < 'ront Atlantic ' What Nnola's People Arc Doing A Vni-lcty oritliilTy Now * . ATI K\pctilvc ) Court. The Bir. : readers have had several op- poitnnitles to acquaint themselves with the costs to which this county Is put to maintain Justice l-Yaln .y's court , as It has been conducted in the past. Now that In ; appeals again for ru-clvcllon , the public is entitled to the fuels a" ? shown by the record- ) , indicating that a largo number of trivial eases are entertained in this court , for which tlui county has to pny heavily. If real olVonders wcro being captured and punished , there might be some gooil reason for such expensive bills. The BKI : showed in detail the other day that Justice Kralnoy had c-laimed of the county $2M5 ( for his fees , while the other city justices , during the same period , claimed scarcely more than ono-tfiitH Of Jilts amount. It may bu thought that in Justice r'rainoy's court there was more cilminal business clouo and moie rogues punished , but a search of the records shows that only a small fraction of tlio criminal cases begun had any real loun- datiou to them. This too , according to Justice Frainoy's own decision. During his term of olbco thus far ho has had otw criminal cases , for which the county had been called upon to pay him heavily. Out of ( )03 ) cases , -120 have prac tically amounted to nothing. Out of the WCJ , about a do/.on eases only have been deemed serious enough to bo oven con sidered by the grand jury , and of this do/.en probability is that no morei than two or three have been or ever will bo found guilty oL the charges made against them. Out of the r > 03 there were 0 ! ) who were found guiliy of jinttv < ) Such is the hhowing. Justice rrainoy himself by Ills decisions virtually says that out of 00' ! criminal eases brought in his court 4 0 ought not to have been brought. The lollowmg is the showing in detail as gnthcrod from his reports to the county' board at its quarterly session : Al'KU. SESSION. 1883. Number of criminal cases. C8 ; bound over to grand jury , 2 ; found guilty , 5 ; bound to keep the peace , C ; discharged , 50. JUNK SKSSION , 18 % . Number of cases , 48 : none bound over ; convicted of petty ollenscs , 10 ; dismissed , 31. SEITEMllKU .SESSION' , 1886. Number of cases , 77 ; dismissed , C3 ; bound over , 2 ; found guiltv of petty of fenses , 7 ; changes of venue , i ) , bound over to keep the peace , 2. JANUAUY , 1880. Number ot cases , 11 ! ) , dismissed , 89 ; found guilty , 1C ; bound over , 5 ; changes of venue , 0 ; bound to keep the peace , < ' ! . Al'HIL , 1885. Number of cases , 25 ; dismissed , 20 ; found guilty , 1 ; changes of venue , 3 ; bouhd over to keep the peace , 1. JUNE , 188(1. ( Number of cases , 78 : found guilty , 0 ; to the grand jury , 2 : bound to keep the keen the oeaco , 4 ; changes of venue , ! ) . SKITEMIIKU , 1880. Number of cases , 87 ; convicted of petty oflonses , 24 ; to the grand jury , 2 ; bound tojkcop the peace , a ; changes of venue , 8. The justices' fees are but a small part of the expense thus entailed upon the county. In each of these cases there are fSCJ for constables and witnesses , which will amount to as iTJUChmore , so that it really appears that the county is asked for about four thousand dollars to pay the expenses of getting a do/en men bound over to the grand Jury , and a few potty offenders punished by a few days in jail or a nominal iino. In all these cases olllccrs are employed , and constable fees run up proportion ately fast. Constables Wesley and Rick- etts have done the of the work in Fraincy's court. Constable Wesley's bills from January 1 , 1880 , to September 1,1880 , in criminal cases in trainey's court alone , amount to $745,05 , which the county board cut down to $101.75 , the board figuring a total overcharge of ti80.30. ! During the same periol Consta ble Barhyte. who served as ollicor for Justice Ifuiulncks' court , Hied bills for criminal cases there amounting to only $170.05 , of which the board allowed as just and correct all but $4.1)5. ) During the same neriod Constable Wesley "s bills for cases in Justice Schur/'s court wcro $45.15 , ana in Justice Hen- dricks' court $15.85 , while his bills in Jus tice Frainoy's court were $745.05. Constable Rioketts' bills from lust Jan- nary to September for criminal cases in Justice Frainoy's court were f 102.10 ; from criminal cases in Justice Schur// court , $10.05 ; from cases in Justice Hondricks' court , fl3.GO. It appears , therefore , that the wonder ful amount of criminal cases started in Justice Frainoy's court prove a bomin/.a not only to him but to the constables , while tlio counlv has to foot the bills for the privilege of seeing 420 cases out ot 502 promptly dismissed , there being no til ing to them except costs. The best stove I over had , is the vcr- d'bt. of thousands who have used the Had Kint Homo base burner. Cooper & McUce , Agents. First class regular dinner 25 cents , 12 2 o'clock. PhtHiiix [ ohop house , 605 toroadwy. NntoH From Nnola. NKOI.A , la. , Oct. 20. Sam l-'rum and E. L. Shugart occupied the dry goods boxes yesterday. FritSuivorts has opened up a first class hotel In his now brick building , Slowart Brothers -occupying their new store and Pat Jiyrm will be in his in a few days. Operator Howe is acknowledged to bo the most churitably inclined young man in town. Clerk Shea and Scott Williams .were at thu rally last night. 12. Heicluirt nays Noola township will give a jood ; round democratic ) majority next Tuesday. Dr. J. H. Lovrrny , of West Point , has located in Neola and is working into a good practice , Dau Austin , one of our must promi nent young mun , wr.s married to-day to oua of Persia's estimable young ladies. Henry Hustln , of Omaha , is visiting here this wiiek , He will return IIQIIIU Saturday cvpning. Ho has made many frlnnds among the youu'g ladles of tlui place , and has assured more thnn > v do/.en that ho would like to May longer than a week at a time , but tint boom in Om.tha will not permit It , The Western 'I hcutro company play a three nli-'htfi engagement hero next week. Sid Downs , a former Nuola boy , is with the troupe. Tim Foley , of Willow Springs , Neb , , is back among his old friend ; for h short visit , Mr. Hill , formerly of Walnut , has con cluded to nptm a now moat market here. M. F , Uohrcr , of Council Blulls , the greatest man with a lead pencil in insur ance circles ib hero fu the ( utcre t of thu prospective widows. Pat tr ! : ou , while engaged in traus'act- ing sumo bu&iuess in tuwu u few ago , came very near loslnsr a valuable team of hordes in Mosquito creek. A Mr , Fleck has been looking up the different patches of timber about Neola and Yorkshire with a view of investing , but for what object ho refuses to state. The city building has become the abiding place of many spirit ? , owing lo a raid by our constable on ono of the saloons of the town to appease the wrath of one of its customers , However this has had no e I Vert on the business of the saloons , mid the coimell has adjourned one mouth so that they may not know that anything stronger than pop Is being sold under tnc protection of tlu-ir pop ordinance. The major , It is said , has ordered that no more lieou-M's be Issued after the iiOth of this moutn , which has caused some little uneasiness among some of our oldest Inhabitants. Last night was a great night for the democracy , who were here from miles around lo do honor to Colonel Keatloy. Tlio baud from Mindcn enlivened mat ters with Its good music. In the evening Colonel Keatloy addressed fully live hun dred people , and held the attention of the largo audience for two hours. The enthusiasm wan great , and the whole ufl'uir surpassed anything of the kind ever held In Xeola. To one lookmjj back some do/cti or more'yoar.s ago wlieiiKuatlcy used to make this his stopping place on his political tours one was forcibly reminded of the great growth and improvement of this town. _ J. Eiirn dorf , has'ing taken entire con trol of tlio PJurulx chop house , desires testate state that he has secured the services of Charles .Decker , a lirst ela s cook of New York city. The best the market nftou'.s , night and day , in the best style of the art. Will also have u regular bill of fare. I can save you money in Stoves. Tin ware and Hardware. W. A. Wood. Hard and soil coal , wood , lime , cement , etc. Council Binds Find Co. , No. o'JO Broo.dway. Telephone No. 10. ! ! THE OIID1XAXUK 1'ASSIOS. GrnntlitR a Charter to the Niuv Itrlduo anil Street Unllway Company. A special mcetinir of the uit.y council was held last evening to consider the or- dinaueo in regard to the new bridge and street car line. The ordinance as pub lished in the BEI : yesterday , ami as agreed to by the committee , was amended in some minor particulars , the only ini' portnnt change being the lixiug of the maximum rate of passenger fare to be ten cents from any point lit Council Binds to the western terminus of thu line in Omaha , and live cents anywhere inside of the city limits. The company is given two years lo complete the bridge , and its street car line so far as South tirct street , and three years to construct their street car linn on ( he south .side named. The ordinance as thus changed was then adopted by a vote of live to one , Alder man Shugart alone voting against the ordinance. See that your books are made by More- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmers. , Snb-tantial abstracts of titles and real citato loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street. Council Blulls. Tlioy All Pay. To the surprise of many the announce ment is made that all of the saloons , fifty eight in number , have paid their October licenses , $25 , excepting one , the prop rietor of which has only been in businsss two wco.ks , and he promises to settle this morning. There is some curiosity felt as to how long this system of collection will be kept up , but the mayor seems as de termined as ever that all those who refuse or neglect lo pay must be closed. An understanding lias been reached by which those to pay license will have until the lui'i of ouch month to settle , and if not paid by that time , then the war is to begin without further ceremony. In regard to the old scores , they will probably be allowed to go , and let the bygones genes be gone-bys. It is imimatcd that it is not to be expected that the new mayor is to worry himself collecting amounts which ought to have been col lected under the old administration. Seal brand oysters nt H. J. Palmer's. Seal sacquos , fur trimmings , seal caps , etc. , at METCALK Buos. Fresh oysters in every stvle at the Phccnix Chop House , No. 505 Broadway. Atlantic Prohibition. Yesterday Judge Connor was in the city , and held a session in chambers. The principal matter brought before him was Iho case in which it is attempted to get an injunction against the Atlantic distil lery , and other parties there , who arc said to be violating the prohibition law. The most of the afternoon was spent in the argument of the order of court for the defendants to produce in court certain books , showing their sales , as required to bo kept for ofllcial inspection. It was argued that the court could not require thu , as the order was one in efl'ect com pelling a defendant to produce evidence to bo used in an attempt to convict him of an olVenso , ami no man being com pelled to criminate himself. The judge decided to order the defendants to pro duce the books asked for , or to show cause for not doing so. Attorneys Allen and Dorlny appeared for the plaintiff , and Attorney's Hoekafellow and Delano , also of Atlantic , for the defendants , The mat ter will be further considered next Thurs day. _ Klcctiio door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli- niiccsjit the New York Plumbing Co. The district telegraph company Is making arrangements to secure complete returns from every polling place in the clly on the coming election day , and tliso : ( desiring to secure them at the earliest possible moment , anxious candi dates and others , can do so by making arrangements with Al , B. Brown , the manager. P. C , Do Vol sells Stewart , Acorn and Westminster hard coal burners , Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges , steam and warm air furnaces , economy o , 504 Broadway. A telegram has boon received hero an- nmmcinc the death of W. K , Whitney , at lil-s homo In Illinois , where ho went frpm here about two weeks ago. Ho was a young man who was well known and greatly esteemed hero. Ho was for 601110 time connected with Burnlmm , Tulleys & Co. , and Inter was In the oilico of Kim- bull & Camp. He was lately taken with quick consumption , and was in u feeble condition , and rapidly declining when he left hero for his homo. Dr. Hanchett , otllce No. 12 Pearl street. Residence 120 Fourth stm-l. Telephone No. 10. _ _ _ A. C , Dvcr has boon appointed op. the polieo force , in accordance with the request - quest of the property owners and busl- ncss'imm of lower Main street to have a policeman located In that part of the city. Mrs. S , A. Hall is prepared to do dressmaking - making on short notice and at reabonablo prices. No , B'JS Broadway , Andy Ncally , who wixs stabbed about u week ago , was yesterday abh : to bo out * on the t > ircotsrund didu't look much like dtiadmuu , On and after to-day the ferry train , which has boon leaving hero at < i:30 : in the morning , is abandoned , Hhcro being no demand for It longe ! ' , "it having been put on Jargt'Iy for the accommodation of the vegetable men during the summer season. Tlio American District Telegraph com pany has purchased u light , covered de livery wagon for the package delivery work of the company. .The company will thus be able to betlor accommodate jis patron * . SPECIAL NOTIOEa Speclnl mlvcrtlscmctite , uch ni Lost , Fo.nul To l inn , For S.\le , To Kent , V > < xnt , tlonnllns , etc. , nil ) boliKorlod In thin column nt tlio loir rmoorTKNOn.NTSPKIl MNK forltio first liiFor- Ion ninl I'll o Cents 1'cr Uno for cnch subsequent Insertion , l.uuvo Advertisements nt ottr ofllco No. 12 1'cnl sticct , nolr Ilroailwiiy , Council llhifls. WANTS. "yyAM'KD-.A nrst-emB9 cook nt Ilcth'clo's HotelCouncil llluirn. \\rANTin > -Ily C. Shonllcld. rnllwny contractor - > tractor , tX ( ) nillwny laborers nml Wl toiitn- etorn to work on Kriulo of Southern Kansas niliroml In Iho liullnn Territory , 00 miles son111 of Klowu , IVBII. tiooil > VIIKCS : jfooil w | , , . lorworh. Work will last two yours. I'or In- rormntlon Inquire of N. Hchnrr , Council Illuirs. 1/HH ) KKNT-A KOOI ] double biillilliiR Btilinblo for n grocery filore nml dwelling. Uooil lorntion. Tlios. Voight , : W1 North 8th at. TTNTlfsAtllfMedium Hl/uQ ITlrboid siifo : llrnil- - 1bury sowing machine ; cash rntrutDr ; gillt- | tlnir nincluno ; brnss jaw lover crlmplnp urn- oiin ! l clock ; sliopmiikcrs tools ; roslilenc-o nml lots , nml our wholesale bulidinjr , No. 41 Mortb Mnln Rtroot. Address / . T. Mndsoy , Council llluirs. llluirs.MURDER MURDER ! ! Dlplitlicrlnlsncnln in nk I tiff Its iimnmt visita tion. Ten years' triiilof lIt. THUS. JEKl-'KlttS' - Iti'.MKUY tor Hi ut I ninl nirluly hns dcinmi- dtrateil the fuel that It is Ittfnlllblo us a prevent ive ami euro. If you permit your chlldron to dlo with diphtheria , "Tholr blood lie upon your hond. " For siilo only nt the olltco. No. U'l ) South "th street , Council IlluITg , In , , or sent by express on receipt of price , f" . Kiom the Omntm lluu : Mr. .1. H. llutlor. of Htucl Dcll.Pottnwattamlo Co. , loirn , mid Ills rumlly of eleven persons , \M-ro all sick with mnllirnnnt diphtheria. livery one o'thorn ! hus tecoveiol by the ut-u of Dr. .Toirurlft' I'rnvcntlvo ami Cure for Diphtheria , without the uid of n physician. C. II. Hlakcslouof No HID 0 tni > t > cll street , Oiimhn , who roco.itly lost a bcmitltiil nnd 11- torrstlnir dmifthtor. npc.l about 15 your ? , by diphtheria , under the treatment ot < mu of tbo liost phyKlclnns In Onmlm , wi ite to Dr. Jcl'eri , of Ibis city : "Your remedy for diphtheria c.imo too into , our dear daughter livinguhen It was i OL-elved. I am Bitlsllcd thnt her life could hnve been saved. Another ona ot oiirthllcjnm who Imdlhodlphlhcriii , her thioiit wus tilled up with the putrid ulccriUIoti , wo used your medicine und In twelve hours the disease wn completely subdued. In the future we will keep your modlnlno at nil times In our lionse. We foci that It tnvu.l the life of ono ol our chil dren. We nro very thiuiKful to you , nml ouly roarct Hint we Oil ! uit Cf\ll on yo'i sooner. " From the Council matin U. l'y ' Qiobos M. A. McPiko , editor of the OSmbrlii ( libens- burtr , 1'a. ) Krcoimm , Inn boon the person il friend of the editor of tlio Oloho for inure than twenty years , nnd Is known wherever he M kiioirn us ono of the best men livlnw. IIH family was rnvtifrcd with diphthorln. nud iriontly dis tressed. Somoof Dr. Jelloils' Diphtheria Cure was iiped , nndtho lives of thp rostof his child ren saved. Letters from MK lul'iko are un bounded In their expressions ol frrutltudo for finding gome menus of nvcrtimrtho loss of nil his lltilo onus. Vive of Ml' . MdPIKo's children out orciyht died fiom diphtheria before us bud nn opportunity of nxlng lr ; Jqltcrls' remedy. VS1'KI'.SIA I nVPPUPflA1. Dyspeptic , why live in ral'oryVind dlo in dls- pnlr with cancer of tlio stomach ? Dr. Thoinna Jelferis cures every CHSO' ' of Indigestion nml constipation in u very short time , llcnt of rol- crenccs eivon. Oygpopgtit mi the cuuso of ninety per cent ot nil diseased conditions. I'l Ice 15 for two wcclra treatment Dr. JoHcris' diphtheria inodiulno Is infallible for nil kind * of tore throat ? . Indisponslblo In putrid sore throat , In mal&nnnr seurlot fever , changing it in 43 hourto th6 sltnplo form. Infal lible euro for ull InUmnmntbry , 'ulcerntlvo ' , nut- rid , cancerous ulcorulion of the womb and nil ciitarrhal conditions. " Kull printed iiistructloni how to use the medi cines sent with thorn. No doctor required. Dr. .Tctlprii' remedies cnn only bo obtnlnoci it till oflice , No. 21) ) South li&tjtti street. Council lllurrs , lown , or sent y express on receipt of price. JACOB SIMS , Attorney at Law , OOTJITOIlj BIjXJininS Practices in the State and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Shngart lilo'jk. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Express. P , C. MILLER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. WALL PAPER , IATK3T DESIGNS. MANUFAOTUBER OF PAINTS. House , sign and decorative painter. Papier Macho wall ornaments. None but best hands employed and charges reasonable. Horses and Mules For all burposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to selec fiom. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or double. MASON WISE. Council Bliifls. . 21,026,850 TansllFs Punch Cigars were shipped dnrlnc tbo part two yoor , wlU out. a drnm- IIUT ui our employ , Kootber liomeln tbo vrbrldcBn trulli- tully make auah a ihowiuc. Ono agent ( dealer only ) wanted in each town. IOLD W IEADIMO DDUCCIITS. R.W.TANSILL&C0..5D Stite StChicBgo. rnht lnlALi ml H Jr.d f ll n | . TrUI MC i n. A. e. OI.IN cp. [ II. 1.00 per r cC . . . . . , . . . . TMJf \MlatOTl9VlO UUuwv. A w.u * * i Orrrn.Ooocurjrt. Bi-cjBt.inipTorii mjlUet ALIU KLKUtlllO 1IEI.TH ftH BISEAbtg. Ol. HORHE. UVtNTOS. 181 WBAtH AYE. . CHICACO. ESTABLISHED ffi ? ? USED IN AIL Calaloeut * od IVlcM on aiiillc tlon. BUd by all Ibc but ( VtrUxe Bullrtem od lt ler . CARPETS. Bargains in Carpets This Week -AT- Harkness Brothers' If yon wish ( i CVtrjJcf . no mutter ivlinl { jrnttc , l > r mire to cell ( induce n.t ' nin'clntnhi/ brfoi'c ( / Wcafl'er special iHirt/ttIns In DIVM I'nttc.rns and Dress Goods Hits week. Krci'iitlilnu In till * line will be sold cheap this coinlni/wcch : Sec the Innrcnsc slock * HARKNESS BROTHERS , No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WHATEVER ELSE YOU DO , Don't forget that the Council Jtln/fn Carpet Company will make a channe In their Jinn on January Jt next , and that they arc bound to tnatcrlalli/ reduce their stock before that day. Go see them before i/on purchase elsewhere , and obltttn their prices. If you want to butanythlnu In their line they will ulvc you prices that will certainly suit , you. Their stock consists of all tirades and makes of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades Mattings , , CURTAIN AND UPHO3CSTE&Y GOODS , Etc , A lot of Table Linens. Towels and Napkins to close out at LESS TITAN COST. Sec them. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. f Farming Lands m Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , nnd Ringing from $5.00 to $10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 3'J years' tune 5 pur cent interest. Land linyurs fare free. Information , etc. ' , given by ' No. 555 Broadway , Council Uluirs , Iowa , agent for Froidrikson & Co. , C'licngo. ' ' 3. C. L GILLETTE , HAIR GOODS , uu , -f tS 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs. licadipq St.LjIcs and Irppoptahiops ( cnobanbly op 14OO Fnriiam Street , Omnha , Neb. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , EetnbllBlicd 185T CKESTON HOUSE The only liotel in Council UlulFs hnving And all mo 'ern improvements , 215 , 217 and 210 Main st. MAX MOIIN , Prop , FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St , , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a $5 hat or , one fare will be paid ; $10 , lounil trip. BOOK HNDHG H , Journuli , rouiily and Itiuili Work of All Illiidn uSjiec. iultjr Prompt Attentlonjo Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & GO. Room 1 Evoret Block , Council ISIufla. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind. ing m MugazinRE and BLANK BOOKS. nKFKHKNCES : O. B. National Hank , M. R Smith it Co. , Citizens' Hank , HeeroVcll 4 Co. , llrst National Bank , G. II. In ur noo. . , officer & I'ueey.Uttnkers.0. 11 duTlnzs Hank. Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc. , At W. S. Homer & Co's , No. 23 Main st Council luflr . ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY , No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs. Mrs. O. A. Rogers , Late of Hie Parisian Millinery Co , , Manager. FIRE IHSURHNCE \ rfhe \ , following Companies ; German American , of Ntiu York fnvntx , * of Hartford. Hartford , * of Hartford. Callfornlan. of San Francisco , Scottish Union A. National , offdlnourg. Unionof San Franclico. State'of Da Holnts. Wltllamsburg C/ty , * of Bron'/j . Those tnnilieil with a * Insure alto against loss by Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadces a ron sAi.a IN COUNCIL 2. HLLTFS AND OMAHA , ONEY LOANED ON coon CITV M AND FAIIM I'KOI'KIITY AT I.OWEST * * * * * Inltieoltycun lioobtnlnod by patroulzluir tli HomeSteam ' GKO , W. SVUINDELE , Prop , None but experienced hands employed Out of town orders br mtiil or exprossos. liclted , and all work warranted. R. L. WILLIAMS 18 N. Main st , Counpil BlufT's ' , la. , and 209 S. 18th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's Agent for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Hoofing , Slate , Mantelb , .Plate and Window Glass , Show Oases , Elevators , ( hand -and hydraulic , etc. For a buyer to go where the largest Stock and Greatest Varieties are kept In any ono lino. Agniu , if feller has EXPKRIKNCED ACCOMMODATIONS faithful and trusty help * those who buy will be agreeably served , and If seller gives rutt , weights and urc < s , you have three excellent reasons for patronizing such a firm. Fuel consumers ought therefore to buy of HEATON FUEL Co. , No. C28 Hroadway , Council Dlu/ls. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING EIOXTSBS OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. IMI'LKMKXTti. DKKUB , WELLS & CO. , WbalcBalo Agricultural Implements , Bowles , > _ nnjiwMric , ito. : rouncil llluffg , I KKYSTONK MANUFATUiUNG ( > tnho the Urllnn ) and Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , AN1 > " - ' - " I ! * * JM t AlllVC H. IBM nml 1517 .South Main Hire * * * , Oilmen H.utT , Iowa. DAVID HHADLKY * "ca ; " Mannf'rs an I Jobbers of Sgricnltnral Impleraents.Wagons . , Bnggles , ? vJrinVtnlln(1 , ? ( nl ! , k.ln'u ' ot rrm Miwhlnerr. South Main Street , CounoU Blufk Iowa. AXE ) M.VOffiS. K.O. Ui.R\40N. T. H.Douons Oio.F. iuniiT. Pi CB. * I mm. Wi'm * AM in. SQJ ACoimsnU Council BiuTs Haidh Facto/1/ / , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle. 1'lck , Slodire and Small Hiindlp , of every ( Inscription , COUNCIL Hl.UFFS CAUl'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil riolhs. Curlnln rizturcB , UpholMcry OooJai ttc. Na < 03 Urortdway Council Ululls , lown. c ; . < H. , ion.icro , HTC. l'KKKOV & MOOKK , WholoF.ilo .lobbers ill the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Kos. ZSMnln mid 27 Vonrl Sts. Council Illuffs , towa. COMMISSION' . SNYDKH & LKAMAX , rfnJi and Produce Commission Hercinnti No 141'cirl St. Council 'HuITi. HAULK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale DraggUts , Oils , Paints , Glass , ts' Pnndrles. Hto. .N'o. ! Mnln St. , anil No. : . ' ! l'cirl St. , Connull lit V/Vt. o.r. . Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Genera ! Commt'Elon. No. 51) Itroadway , Council lllnfft. WIU'J' & DUQUKTTK , Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy GrocarUs. Nos. 18 nnd 18 Po.-ul St. , Council llliilfs. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries , Also Wholesale Liquor Donlorft. No. 41ft llrotul- wny , Council lllutri. lIAItffKSS. ETC. HECKMAN , STROHBKI1N & CO. , Mnnu'nctnrors of and WholH no ! Onalors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Jfoj Ktt Main St.Coiinall _ lllulfi , Iowa. HATH , CAPS. KTC. MKTCALF HllOTHKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gbves. NOP. 812 and : ill Ilromlw/iy , Coirioll J/'l' HAItDH'AUK. KE KLINE & FELT , Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware And Wood Stock , CoiiiiL-ll IllnnTH , lown. IIIDKK Ar > irnor , U. H. MoDANKLI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , J'elH.dreasoanJ l' ° ur < Council Muff * Iowa. COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholo-'nlo Doalcis in llnminatiug & Lubricating OiU Ganllu 333TO. , H3TO. E.Thoodoro.AKont , Council llluir . lown , /'J///.VO KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Plltog , And llrldiru Mnti > rlAl ici > ni < lnltlniiWlioloinln ) Luin- all Klii'la. ' Ulllco No. l'.l ) Main tit. , I UlUlfB. IflWH. 'lffBS AND MQUOHS. JOHN LINDER , \VholoH lo mported and Domestic Wlnej & Liquors Avtmt forHt. Colllixi'rt'a Herb Illltfra. No. U Mulnrit. Council IIUltTfl. SCHNEIDER & I5ECK , 'orclga and Domestic Wines and Liquors , , . L'nuned Star Sale Stabfe and Mule lards , J3UOAWVAY , COUNCIL HLUI'TS , Dummy Depot. cm * ' * * g " K Homes and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at mtall or in cur louds.Or- dors promptly lillnd by contract on short nolico , .Stock sold nn commission. ( Telephone No , 1M. Fgrmcrly of Koll Sale , Stnliles , corner 1st. Hve uiut-Hli street. " " B. BIOS , M. DM ffinrpr" : Or otliorTuinoriJ ivi'ioKwill'Oll ! ' ou/i-c/ j 0 tmfo orclrinvii"- I Jood. Urur Ibiuy yonra prHctu No. II } 'c-urUU. , Comic ; ) 1 ( fOonsui'.uliac iiii