Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
± ' i&d m. : THE tWATTA DAILF BEE.SATURDAY : , OOTOBEtt 30 , 18SO. CI10RCITS IMPOSING CARAVAN A Motley Procession , Ohlefly "Made Up of Hired Howlers. AN EXCUHSION TO FREMONT. 1 he City Council Accepts n Tendered Trip Over the Now Klkhorit Vnlley Ijliio Teachers' Kciullnn Clr- olcs News Ahout Lincoln. i frnoM TUB ner/fl UNCOMT nunr.Au. | Thcro wi * n street piiriulo iit Lincoln yesterday tlmt struck terror to the hearts ot the entire populnco. Cmirch Ilown to town , llo came from Walibo over tlio Northwestern , coining to deliver liis edict to Lincoln. Atthu depot upon the nrrivnl of the trnhi the band hired with a Bi'jriinent of Church's boodle was on hand to greet llio chief. The example set by l\lark \ Twnin was followed without a hitch , and tliero was no Syracuse acci dent in the proceeding , for llowo had hired his hull and his bund in advance. When llowo had aligl'tod from the train nml responded to thoeheera of the dollar * ii-day boys posted by the chairman of the congressional committo on different parts of the platform , the procession was im mediately formed , the band wagon , druwn by six milk white chargers , taking thu load and displaying bunncrs an nouncing llowo as Lincoln's best friend , Immediately following the bund wagon oamo a hack containing the man who went to California when the Shite Journal's style of doing public printing was being investigated u few years ago , containing Chief Fugleman Mayor llurr , the most successful railroad , tool Unit Lincoln has over hail in the ntato senate , containing Chairman Court- nay , who in the county convention was rolled in the dust and under the bunches by the sumo liurr , and containing Church llowo. At intervals along thu line Court- nay and 13uir would ogle at each other to show the gaping bystanders that John Thuraton's cat story was not entirely mythical. Oilier carriages contained in one the Smith brothers , in another Johnny Knight and John U. Wright , the latter being taken along to illustrate an example ot what can bo done in the whip- ping-in hue. Still another uammro con tained Lawyer Caldwell and Howe's groom , Mercer , whoso late removal to Umaha lius made it possible 10 say that thorn is a Church Howe man in that city , and finally a carriage containing hiou- tenant G&vSlf.&r Snodil and Duteetivy i'ound , the hero of the stutu ! ; "USS rob bery , who was convicted and sentenced in the district court for his part in it. The procession , as formed with an acuteness - ness bulitting its array of statesmen , fol lowed a line of march that took them by the principal sporting resorts that arc the objects of solicitude at present in the whipping-mlino. When these saw the parade the cash drawers were looked in- Htantcr and the gathered throng fell in at once to takini : up a subscription , so natural did it seem to them to see llowo on the warpath again. Thu procession , after making the rounds of si few block ? , during which time desertions from the carriages were frequent when inmates would bee friends on the walk and cut ashamed of the crowd , wound up to the Capital hotel , where ilowo was carried to Xtois room by friends , and thu silence \vaa profound enough to cut with a knife. It was the nlost appropriate procession ol the campaign , and as the by-slanders say , the hearse plumes waiving on the heads of the hordes they felt tlio prophecy of llio downfall of the crowd thut thu plumes told in silence that was eloquent. CIllBCH I10WJS UKFOHK TUB NOMINATION. A prominent oiti/.on of Uago county savs that in his presence , between the itli ami 8th day of September , at Beatrice , thut Church llowo in thefurtnorpresence of J. , t. Uutler , A. J. llulo and \ V.V. . Morrison , oxprusnod himself on the coin ing campaign in the First district by stating in substance and in fact thul though it might not bo good republican ism to say so. but that ho would not sup , port Judge Weaver for congress if he was nominated. Thesu are good , reput ublo citizens , and if llowo ( lures to donj that he expressed himself in that wij : they will stand by it with ullldavits thai ho did say thobe very things concerning Judirc Weaver as the outline p/1 / what his course would bu if Weaver was ronoin mated. This is tlio same Church liowc who now has his cohorts in Lancaster ai work in the whippimr-in process on Lun caster republicans , who to bo hones' ' with themselves will scratch How 'i name trom thu ticket. The t-tatomont o the Gugu county uiun is only anothei illustration of llowe's straight republic anism whim it is not all for llowo. ON AN KXCUKSION. Yesterday afternoon the now Klkhort Viilltiy line , just completed to this city tenduied an excursion to Fremont aw rut urn to thu city council of Lincoln am a number of their friends who accom puniuil thorn , The excursionists doimrtoc over the no v line in thu best of spirits t < Kt-o what wan to bo seen and got ac qimintcd with the now country opunci up to Lincoln by the short line north. I was the determination of the council ti accept the road without question for thoi fonnd'it tirst cliss. TKACIIKltt ) ' ItKADINO CIIU1I.ES. State Superintendent Jones has been a work perfecting the plans for the No brasku Touchers' Heading Cirlos , whiej aim to have organizations in over' county , which the teachers can join ani tuku a two years' course , as mapped out by a conrsu of study prupnrod in advance Superintendent Jones has rocoivcd won in thu last few days of the orgai/.ution o cirelus in Sherman county ami also ii Jellui'son county , and circulars explain ing thu worn have been sent to all th county superintendents in the state. TOWN TOPICS. The eighteenth anniversary of th founding of thu ordisr of A. O. UV. . wa euluhrntcd in tho'Knights of 1'ytliias ha ] on Thursday evening by an assembly c Ihamoinborii of the two lodgns in Lincol ami their friends to the nnmhcr of tw hundred , ( irand Lecturer B. W. iicUoii nld welcomed the guests of tlio evening and J , U. Tate , of Kearney , delivered ai eloquent and appropriate address upu the order and it * work which WHS hstoue to with the closest attention by all , . collation wormy tlio occasion was spren in the banquet hall mljoininc the rocu | : lion ami it was dlseuiscd with the great pst relish by nil , Whun Attorney fourtnuy was arouiv towii in commnnd of a squad of bo.ys bll ing'the town for Church Ilowe'q lai ( minings speech ho posted ono up on tli wall aujoining a well Known buslnn < man's location. On these bills in 11 am in typo was the words "Church Howe , Lii coin's ljet friend , " find whan the bus IIDSK man saw that ho walked out and toi down the bill , coupling with t > omo cu phutlo words the stntumont that ho coul stand most unylhing but when thny calk Cluiroh Howe Lincoln's best frien ho ilrow tlie line thero. He happened I be one of a goodly number in thocii who hud contributed | 35 a few year * nf to assist in raisini ; a purs ? to muko Hov triendly to Lincoln , and ho couldn't star thii Siireasln of thu bills. The Michael Dayitt lecture and rnco tion Thursday niulit WIIB all and more ihe line of u popular ovHtion than tl most sanguine could expect , and the if turn delivered by Mr. Davltl was listem to with the closest attention ami w greeted with every murk of outhuslas that tmy orutor could de ir , Goyura Dawcs presided at the meeting , and among the lone list of vice-presidents were many ot Lincoln's most active and inllucntinfciti/ens. Mr. J. Sterling Mor ton , of Nebraska City , wns also an attend ant at the lecture. _ "Iloal estate movements are x'cry light at present , " romarKcd a curb stone broker the other day. "and as near as 1 can determine real estate and lot owners have marked 'om up another notch since the arrival ol the Northwestern road. " There was a movement all along the line in the way of sales recently , but when trade in this line moves , up go the prices. Two colored men fought ever a dusky maiden down on the bottoms yesterday , and ono of the chaps was bruised up and depended upon one eye for sight seeing after thu fracas. Detective Pound , who lias been actively at work trying to trace the Smith burg- lars'to their hiding place , reports that ho is in no way discouraged , and although the parties are not under arrest ho is conlident that he can locate them in a day or two. Policeman Malone , who has been hold ing n chap in juil who Is suspected of being a burglar from Friend , nnd who burnt up some of his clothing to try to cscnpo idetilitication , has received a tele gram that the oHlcors will come down from Friend ami take llio man in their charge. Sneak thieves entered the room of W. C. Dillon , ever Myers , Nisloy & Co.'s store , on P street , and extracted there- from a lot of clothing and trinkets to tlio value of semi ) twenty-live dollars. It is a pious plan to keep the key turned when ono is away from homo. 'J iio regular meetings of the three uni versity societies were held last evening anil carefully prepared programmes were carried out. From one of the stu dents the HIK : learns that tlio-soclcties at the university the present year are -oven more popular and larger in membership than ever boforo. Six cases of drunkenness wore up in police court yesterday morning receiving the usual tokens of remembrance from the judge , part paying out and the re mainder becoming actual boarders until after election. The policemen's ball was the attraetion in the city last , evening , and the boys had a royal good titno. J. Sterling Morton is booked for a speech nt the rink Saturday evening. Thorn was a reported burglary at J. II. IJIair's Thursday flight that created a good deal of talk" . It was a false alarm. Terror of I ho G/.ar. Clitcauo lleraM , A faint idea as to the state of mind in which the C/.ar of all the Kussias Iimls himself , in spite of his armed retainers , spies ana guards , may bo had from the fact that now leaks out that ho recently shot and killed nu ofllcer of the army V.a6m ho mistook for an assassin. The oiliucr was on guard in the imperial palace , ami , not knowing that the Em peror was near , unbuttoned his coat. Just then ho hoard the monaich coining , anil hastily undertook to arrange his uni form according to regulation. The Czar saw his movement , and , supposing him to bo in the act of drawing a weapon , ho shot him on the spot. It is said that the lives in constant terror , and is never at ease for a minute. Every noise all'iights him and in every person he sees a Kihilist. Kven the mem bers of his own family are under suspic ion , and in order to approach him it is necessary to give duo warning and effect- u-illy disarm his fours. Thus oa-jily un nerved and liable at any moment to com mit involuntary murder , what existence nibro horrible than his can bo imagined ? If it bo true that ho has reached this pass it is probably a question now of but a short time when thorn wriij boa relaxation of the iron rule which for centuries has made Russia the foremost tyranny of the world. A monarch as b.ully scared as the Czar scorns to bo cannot hold out much longer. Real ISstato Transfers. The following transfers wore Hied Oct. 28 , with the county clerk : Gee W Loonns to the public , plat of Oak Hill No -18-10 acres in : n. 13ii : Dedication. Jt M Lackey to Milton Hendrlcks , lots 8 , U , 7 , bloek S ; lots 1 , 4 , 5 , block 09 ; lots 6 , 7 , 8,10 , 14,15 , block 103 ; lots 13 , 15 , block 109 , Flor ence , tie s : 0. , ! acob Trojel to Win S Ileaton , lot 5 , block 7 , Cote llrllllante.wtl-SlM. Maiy W Ciaylord to Wairon Switzlcr , lot 27 , Itees Place , wd 83,000. I'ldllln Cassiday add wife to Win J Wagner , pait ol S , 11la. wd$0.000. A J 1'opnleton and wlfo to Khabcth E Poppleton , w 1-n lot 2 , block 134 , wd 81. Mm tha 1 Jrown and husband , Charles J , to Wm V Church , lot 9 , block 1,1'lalnvlew add , wd-sooo. Sand B Ho ers and wife to Oeo Schroeder , n l-i ! lot ! ! , block 5 , In S E Iloircrs add , wd 55700. 55700.Kdsar K Hastings to Wm A Goddaul , lot 0 , block 14 , West End odd , wd 51.750. Dennis Cuiuilnu'liain ot nl to Neil R Me- Lend et nl , lot 10 , block 15 , llanscoin Place , \\d-SU50. Louisa Hirth to Frank Gould and Win lloclioford. : i acres In a4,15 , ia. wd 84,500. Thomas H 1'ilco and wife to Melehlor Lets , lot 15 , block 16 Walnut Hill , \vd J'JTX ) . Win Louden and wlfo to Artemus M Clark , lots 41 , 42 , block : 8 , llanscoin i'lnco , wd § 5.000. Wendell Itonsnn and wlfo to Sand J Cham hers , lot 4 , block 1 , Paddock place , wd- 552,500. Chas II Sherman to E B Cole , lot 3 , bloct 20 , wd-Sl.'JOO. Some of our most prominet citizens have been cured of chronic rlieumatisn by that wonderful pain-banisher , Solva lie Oil. Prlca 25 cents. " \Vhy , Jones , what ahoarso ( you have in your throat ! " "Yes , I raised it from n coldt ( ) in my head. I've too inn eh livi Block.1' "Well , liuocurca like ; Dr. Bull' * Cough Syrup will cure you. The Hal. . will quickly ecaro the hearse ) away. . " A Sneak Thiel-s Raid. [ .Thursday afternoon shortly after 1 ! o'clock , a sneak tlilnf made a highly sue ci'bsful raid on Hosenberry's planinj. mill. 'The men were out in front of Jin the building , being photographed by ai itinerant artist , anil the thief had IK trouble in securing access to whatovci valuables had been left in the building Ho went through the men's coats am rests anil t > ncccedcd in getting a largt amount of jewelry and money. Aiiion other things ho took was a $235 watcl belonging to one of tlio men. 1.1ST . OP VOTERS Qualified Voters of Third Ward. Alter Jno 403s 14th Austin W A I'JOb Howard , Ainibtrong J J 1004 Dodge Allen. ) HUJ4 Douglas Adams Jtw O 201 n Uth Aboil Jas 118 sloth Arnold JX 218 Alexander W N 212 n llth Atwoll AM IrSHstlth Anderson 1' V 'M-J H 15th AnltsO J 140S Dodge Atkins S P 1311 D.xvenport Andcrbon J I'd e cor llth and lUveuyort Anderson Win At Anderson LA 12)1 ) Knrnam Aiuluison Oeo 318 s lOtli A In ley Wm Si Charles hotel Anderson Wallace iH)7 : Uupitol avt ) Atherton IS K ISitt DuiuUs Anderson U N > 1 Douglas , AuUIJasUB n llth AinoldlJno low Davoaixirt Arndt Fred enr liowaid ttnU llth n aide Atehlsun 11 1)414 a 14th or W T Dnuela.s tmt 13th and UtU Nut 1124 Kaiuunj lien ) H Metropolitan hotel Hurko Alex Ixit lull ) and llih Iturtou C A eor 14 IU and Dodg HlaUiHu'O Mo U unKlno ho jo lllake John J 11 1G Capitol nv U M 12lh and Cupitol ave Burklcy Patrick cor IHhnnJ D oil go JJernlmrd. I 810 Howard Hlbbcns C I ) Aicade lintel Hoecel F K cor 14th and Dodce Howmnn Itnlph ] r Dodue bet Utli and 10th Unsh Oeo 10i4 Doiiplas Uaker C W 1417 Fnrnnni lieiiRcle K J 1205 Harney Hatch F A n w cor Oth and Hartley Hraiich 0 ii 1204 rnrnnm Itrowncll S It Oth bet Cai > 1tol ave Davcuuort liloom Simeon 101 s intli Hradv'in Sth near Douglas Burster Julius 110 nPlh Hi oss iarncst414 : i llh ( lluitiiester A 1310 Dodge Iluckley A 1310 Dotluo niickley.olin2-il ) n 13th llrndy llainp 1109 la\eniort Holts George 12th and DodRO HehreiisAH lOJslOth lienb. loh U.I203I1 lotli Uowcrs W F Kmmct liouio Hnrnes .lolin Xo 2 engine house Hlalr K W 14th and Douslas Bryant C II City Steam laundry Baker C IS 120:5 : ' Douglas HollphPrcsaWs 18th Homier James 1 15 Douclas Bonncr W T 1H15 Douglas Hycis.lohn lion llth Bocso Henry 1210 Fninnm Urown James Cnpllnl ave bet llth and 12ll > Hovlc < Albert li2J ! Dodie Butler Philip L U15 n 12th Brcnnan John 100 s llth Buttuiman B City hotel Itiooks D PLeww hotel Barber Frank St Chailes hotel Bui ch Albert 207 s Wth Bannister Chas 1214 Dnttco Bedlont Chas A 1010 Capitol ave BnltzTTUKI Hartley Hiodle Chas A Mlllard hole ! Deatty Sam ! 105 410th Dttrrou hs J 11 1417 Dnvciinott Blown FC Jacobs block Beaver U L 1110 Howard Hildpes Win 1018 Fniimni Boner C. C 1S3 n Will Brttes W 11 HOi Cncltol ave Bates Kobt Dotlco Get llth and 12th Bowman Win 2ui s 18th Broshekc 8US s 10th Huciu MnvllFarmers' house BasscttJ W Mlllard hotel Hi comer Caviar 100J llarncy Biaite L ( r City holei Boyle J K I'axlon hotel Bnitton Win 14th bet Dodtre and Douglas Bow KIT 0 cor llili and Dodue lilci bachl ) 411 s 14th Burke Chas K Fariuun bet lltli and 12th Burke A.I IDS Howard Buiuly 11 F 208 s 14lh Beverly J A Institute hotel Blaekmar F K Institute hotel Bowler A L I'm naiu hut loth and llth Henlniann Wm ols llth Beach John A 1310 Douglas Booth J A 1314 Capitol ave Chase C S 102 s 13th Chasn C 0 103 s liltli Caulfield Jno S litOl Farnam Canllcld ( ieu C.Hilielil IIOUHO ( ustaru D C i)15 : ) Capitol a\e N Case Wm H HUM F.miam Clluo Walter 100 n 12th Clair John 211 n Uth Conant Henry 1210 Douglas Carlttm Fied cor 10th and Douglas Curry Jno A 1412 Dodge Clark ( i P 100 M 12th rowly Sam No 3 enxlnc house -'rowed W F Cantleld house wfoi'lJ B MetioixjllUi' holel ilIiJasl-03r,5i'o ; ! Jecil W V4l4s 14th Chapman Jus ( ! i07 : ! Capitol ave Cameron llobt M7 Dodxo Jarler Itlohard Millard hotel Collins. ! S laid DniiKlis Connelly .las list Davenport ' . 'ounelly Tom Ml D.wenpoit iuoll J as 102-1 Pmljie .lair M W Paxton hotel Junan M J1020 llaiuey "aryP H 013 F.unam lark W K Lewis ho'.ol lnisoJno P 12.1s llth Collins (5 205 s 18th Carpenter. ! II 1411 Dodge Clark F X 1415 Douglas Copeland W 11 cor Uth and ; al low av Hairy llSslOtli Juiiler Frank Jacobs blk Jtowl Jacob ; ; iu si2th a'-tles John J 013 rainam * : 'olol ) F1411 Hartley Joiim-rO B 1210 DoiiRlas Jox JC1I24 Dodao j'urton UV I'lnmet house 'lino Tom Klil'Jb 13th ebb W H 1415 Cuitol ] ) a\c Culllcnn Win 1415 Capitol nvo Connolly Michael 100 s lltli 'JuuiiliiKham .las 100 s lltli Jolo Peter K L 101 s 12th Co-cJ W City hotel Church N 11 1100 Capitol ave Clark i' II Canlield house Joats Frank 10th and llarncy Joleman Chas h 10th bet Dodge and Caplto ave Connelly Marl 913 Davenport Connelly Michael Oil Davenport ConnellinVK3. : Collopy Patrick 1318 Dodfco Carr Timothy 100s 10th Christie G B Granite block Campbell David Doran house Cruron John I'm n am bet llth and 12th Crothers J A City hotel Callahan J A ! 0 Douglas Connor H K cor 14'h and Dodge Carpenter 1) W Jacobs block Campbell ( i X Millard hotel Coad Chas 1109 Farnam Cook C B I'lOil Douglas Cook Hemy C 107s Uth Conradt A F 1310 Fninam Games Jas 7 Canliold house Colliding ( J L 1210 Uodne Crawley F H Granite block Cairalt ViTiu Jamess 209 n 13th Conwav J A 12th and Capitol ave Craft W K Wlthncll building Caboy James Aicadu hotel Deeuan John 212 s 10th Dm 11 K C cor 13th mid Dodgn lu Mollns.lolm I ) 1118 nouu'Iaa Dysait F S eor 14th ami Dodxo Denton Klmcr 111'- Davenport Dimlcavy Michael 201 n lOih Dale A H American IIOUHC Devlno Win 1109 Farnam Davis H S I'axton house Dcvrles ,1 F 122-1 Farnam Davidson C H 1220 Capitol ave Duncan Cliarleo K 1214 Howard DowK II 210 sloth Danro Michael 1018 Capitol avenue Doyle Moses 100 n Otti Dellouei rank 124 n 13th Dlugman John ( J 1104 Dodge Ditncin Peter 1018 Capitol ave Day ( J W Canlield house Dckcns I'eter Cimllehl linuso Donahoo Charles 212 s 10th Dovlu llenrv 141 ! ) Farnam Den E A 220 s 14th Drexel John C 1417 Farnara Duiil.ip J A bt Charles not el Davis Frank 210ii 10th Doyle Peter 315 s 10th DailacVcC A315slOtli D.iy Louis -lifts 10th DdLorlmer LF203s Oth Dlnan Thomas 101 s tcth Dunn S FSt Charles hotel Dickerson J no 107 n 10th Delaney Jas 212s 10th Demoieht Chas 111 n llth Durranee U H Millard hotel Davenport O X Mlllard hotel Davidson D W 1301 Douglas Dunn Win 724 Douglas Duncan GW Canlield house D v < nes J 1000 Capitol ave Dysart J W 424s 12th Dwycr JaoOth and Dodge Dolliaeyer T J M 210 s IKth Doran James 212s 10th Drake DK 218 n Oth Dakln Bart Green Tree house Kurgens A Occidental hotel Evans Tlios 100 n loin Kmersnn T 0 1418 Harney Klvin John 1110 Cupitol ave Kruest S G 121U Farnam KvansC AlOTslOlit KiiblromJuoOlSsl'itli Kills James 1002 Capitol ava KbyJuoM 1310 Hat ney 11'aii ICdwartl 1)13 ) Fariiam Kmenhober Geu 1024 Douglas KdwanNL ,1 lOSnlUu Kib < , Wm 414s 10th KL'an T H 110 s 13th Kddy J M Mlllard Hotel Kd wards Gen eor 13th and Dodge Eastman A' H 11 ? ) Farnam Kbtabrook L K Granite- block Featherstou W X llth and Dodg * Fuulsh J 0 Xo 3 engine house Fisher J 0 IIS u 14th Furren Joti't'h 1024 Douglas Ferris W A ail * s lltli Ford Patrick 212 s 10th Foster Tlios O 1112 Capitol ave Frank John 1021 Doughis Fliegel John 1320 Douula * Floyd F. D HUn I2tu FlliiB W C212s 12Ui FatrtaxCA 1002 Caplkol a/ Faniiln O X Emmet house Fisher Aug K Wi Fanmiu Fox-James bli Faniam Fox James J r t > l& Fanmm Kreuch Howard CnulieM house' Foley Pat Doian htiuw > Folcy .Ins I' United State * holol Paean W M ffio Fatnam Flint Itoht 1'aMoiV lAitel Flynn'lhos 21011 Mil Fhumery John J 421 s i'th ' FlUcernld M J 14tli nnd Dotlga ' Fuller Wm A tsa ILuney Frith Chan 141 n , lath Fislier U 10 < h ! DotlRo Fleck Jolm 10-J1 Douglas Hlhnoie John 10-il Doiiclns ' Falloii P.itrlpk Odd Fellows' block Fisher Uei nh.xrt I'acllic house Fay FP i21t I'ariiam Faux J F 1110 DwlitO Fredevest Ilaminoiul liltli bet Dodge Pot lies A II eor lltli nml llarnt'V Fleming Tlinmafi W Capitol a\e anil lllli Fortl Peter 1121 Iodjte Fowler Win 113si 1th Fell U F cor Dnu-nport and 15th Glenn KobtTMtS Douglas Gotham A 1012 C.xpltol ave Gotham Frnuk 1012 Capitol ave Gcls eltiian II W.4Ms ( 12th [ Sritlln Gen P 1010 Potiglai litrke Henry curl'tli ' and llarnoy Gcrko Wm Cfiiifteld house Gllmoie Win 00:1 : n Ulli Uwjer W A Occidental house G\\\er W A jr Occidental honso Grllllth Oeo6203n 10th Gieen Peter SH Dotlito ( liven Chase 107 n 10th Iray Gee W Mlllard hotel irosjenn JuliiHlN-J Douglas Uhullbh Win 10J s 12th Glsh Kilns 1417 Fin imm ( lormati PJ l > l81Iarnev Gladstone A 11117 s I4tli Garry Pat 1202 Harnev Grandon Thos 201 n fotb ( Jeorge K It 1110 Dotire ! Oreer Italpli 1101 Faniam ( Slaves ( Jen 1011 Capitol ave (5rnce ( Jos 412 s 8th Gioss A K I3in Onpltol ave 0resell Peter 4M sl4th Gentleman Kobert lOSs 10th ( ilhhs A 11 107s 14th Get.scho Fred ! M7 s tilth Gaskcll James 1'Jth anil Capilol ave ( tieboTlieo N'o2Riialno IIOUMI GieRg AV A Elkhorn V-dley house Giegorv DD117n 14th ( ! n\\es 0 E 14l0 ! Doinjlas Gallagher John P.icliic house ( ! ia\o Frank Xo 3 cmliie hou&o GllliKan James 204 n 10th Gidibler .1 H 1210 Dud o Hicks Wm 212 n llth Hastings G 0 iUl : Donclas llenrv H 1015 Ilainey Ilelt Joseph C Knimet honso Husband W S Doditc bet 10th and llth llimhes C W UiOO Donclas Hathaway (5 A 1121 lumlas ; t = a Hill Jas 117 n 14th Holland J J lOlh bet Capitol ave and Daven port Hunter W J 020 Douglas HiK-lni Frank Omaha house Ilivnis C W 12th bet : iavenport and Capitol Duckworth C II cor 13th nnd Capitol ave Hoo\er Matt 1215 Iodo lluba Jacob 810 Jodi ) o 11 arris Peter 219 n lltli Hyde Gee W 1201 Harnoy llcit/mann Philip 1210 Dodge llciUniiinnJ F12101)odic Hclsley l.eo Canlield House llollner Jos 313s 10th HBSKileiiway W W Krcn/er'stillc Heartt Chester 913 Fain.uu Hartley Lee 1213 Uaxcoport Haide Clias U'2o Douglas HtillJ 11212s 12th j. Hubbnrd ueury 1120 DodRe Herman Jitmcsi)12 ) Cnpitol ave Haieiman TlictfWT'llarney ' Hill Xelsoii 101 s 12th Hale L F Ii08 Douglas Harrison Oliver 1018 Capitol ave Hill Lew Is W 1408 I/nrnam Harris Jacob \lf.KX \ Fninain HeneKen.llliiOrtblltli Hants M.I t .l Farii'am ' HorriK n PlOTs llth Hollls H C 1K0.1 Canjtol ave Hemy Vm U17 nl2h ( llouhen Fei-il U5 n 12th HarKraves 'l'ho > K n 1-th llanlnan Monti lOli s llth IIotchkI.ssCLil2iri3th Hoybrtiok L ( t 140 > > Howard Holsman H U 1IMIS farniim Henson Tims Kicitic hotno Hcrcley D.m (3 'M ) n 10th Hubbnid llenrv ll'ty'Dimao ' Henr.rcn Moirls S12 C.ipitol nvo Hemleison C W 100 ' - ? ; ! * * ave Henncy K MelroDOIItan liotel Holder A 012.1s liitli Huston Win 101S Karnam Hobble C W 14th and Uodgo Hailson PM3M n latli Hallalmn J H 201 Capitol ave Harnlsch K L 211 n Uth llarcont W H1209 Douglas liowaid Ulchaid 1018 Capitol ave Haiilin JaclciSteuheusun barn Hooker Andrew 210 s 10th Htilett C C Millard holei Ilaicourt W 1200 Douglas Heller Albert C 14th bet Ilainey and liowaid llibbler Lewis 412 s 13th Hellman A J T04C&p'tol ave llamens Ilauy 110s 10th Holmes AT 218 n'Jtli Howard J E 130 ! ) Cupitol ave HilLTit U\\i5420s ) bill Hudson Wm102s 12th Hatch.irK B 107 s 14th Hall C L Co/ions house Hurinn F S 110 ! ) Farnam Honslncer Chris cor Farnam and llth Ilngle II K 142J Failiam llnriii L'iuN icth and Douglas Her. ) D Mlllard hoti-l Irvine Frank 318 s 10th liigttlNO F8i8sJth ) Is win 1'K City hotel li win FK City hotel Jame.sJosX'iOUn lltli Jones II A 1U ! ) Dnudas Jardlne J II112 n lOtli Jiudliio WS112n 10th Jmall Henry 110s lltli Johnson Gordon 1210 Douglas Johnson C F 1223 Dodge Jennings Wlltou T lioyds opera house Johnston C E Kinmett house Jenkins Jno 2ir , n 12th Jones W J 807s llth Johnson Jno 1321 Farnam Jones II I ) St Charles hotel Joslyn Goo A St Charles hotel Johnston A I' 1400 Fuiiium . * Jensen H 415 s 10th JohasenS 402s IDth Judge MIchNoa alOth Jewell J J L C1117 Douglas Jutland W 1n wear Kith and Capitol ave .lobst J J 1007 Farnam Jones K J co r 13th and Dodge Jordan Chas 1818 Capitol ave Jackson Homer Lewis lioiibO Kacer F J 10S s lOtli Key Thomas 10th and Capitol ave King John B Millard hotel Knight James 1213 Davenport Knnpp I M Oth and Capitol ave Kenjon Mrs S A cor 13th and Dodge Kosters F H 1019 Harney . Kitchen Blchard Paxton hotel Kitchen J B Paxton hotel Klotirr 11107 n 13th Kotzenheiir Frank 4W s 14th Kuchl Kdw.ud 0 : slOth Kirk Clmtles 10 $ Dodge Kelley Jas 13 Farnam Kclchum Ketehum 1210 Doilga Kiilin .Ino F 2-241113th Klttiedge K E.lMMon hulej Kerw In Kdwnnl \ \ ' 210 9 12th Klrclibmiuii Chas 215 n llth Keiincv HSCQn lltli Kirk Jullon 1' 1411 Dodgp Keeler 1) J IW s Mh Kellogg ( Jcdico .V Metropolitan hotel Kean Juo 1107 Capitol ave Koch Ileurv City hotel Keano 1' K Kmmelt house Kal cr Matliew Klkhorn Valley house KluirelC U1210Doimlas Kenan John 41if ! ) slOth Koestei BlOUHIarnov Kerney Joseph I4'i1 Douglas | Kelloii J I ) Occidental liotel Klnir.Iohn ! ' 1W ! Capitol ave Kellogg H 2I5 n I4th Keiinelly J II HiOS Capitol ave Knit Frank A Metropolitan hotel Kelkeiiney J B 107 n 14lh King Sam 122 n llth Keef Matt 120(1 ( Capitol nvo Kohlmpjer Chailes 1113 Doilco Knoll Kilist 11 is 14th Kalmhnch Chrl.s 1121 Douglas KiebsThosOlS Douclas Knmmerllue Aug 814 s 10th Klssatice lllch'd cor llth and Ilarncr Kerehkdtr Jno II 1221 Dodge Lhescy It K 121(1 ( Capitol a\e Llvesey .1 L1210 Capitol a\o Lhc ov Henry 1210 Capitol ave Logan John l' < -4 Capitol nvo Learuey Miclmel 117 Doiljsu iJjhtfoot\Jvlnll3nlOtn \ LoiiuM EOJ4 Douglas Lynch 1'iauk 109 n 10th Laiuion John 212 sl2ih IiiehteliergerJoliu 11 Catifu-lil house Lamphler Chailes Milliard hotel Lytlo T S 1008 Caplt < il ave Lancaster John 1815 Capitol a\o Leaiy Casper 021 ( Japltol ave Llvliiirston T S 14th and Dodge Ltckstiom John 1019 Farnam Light C U12081 I/ward Luehuer Hem v 415s lOlh Lee W G St Clfarles holei Lytlo John W 1M19 Davenpoit Ltvlneton T C 1010 liowaid Love Pc.ul Ameiiean house Lewis Ftank 10th bet Capilol ave ami Doilgo Lewis Jolm 1018 Capilol ave Levon Henry 410 sloth Lewis H liowaid bet llth anil 12th Larson D F 323 n 12th Lyons John 10ts ! 10th Looker WJH A 210 n Wth Long Dan F Emmett house Lavviencp L U 130C > Douglas Lathrop EIC 1113 DaveiiXit | Lynch Win GiecnTice house Liverpool FiankMlllaid hotel Logos Henry Xo 3 Engine house Lacey John 100 M 10th LaiiMnr John 8th bet Harnoy and Howard Lovcjnvll S1224 Dodao Langroln J L 1210 Farnam Leo E W Paxton hotel Meyer Green'Douglns bet 13th and 14th Morrison John S 315 s 13th Mo'ris C J ror 13th and Capitol ave MeDouiraU W 1331 Douglas Moriek Wm 210 s 10th Martin Fiank A 101'J Haruey Miller B13JI Dmiclas Mullhern Domnlck Mlllard hotel Magraw Edward Doian hou o Aforlev Thos 10th bet Douglas and Dodge McCuliock Peter cor 13tli and Dotliro McXIcholas A II 1024 Douglas MoCue J'eter 210 s 10th McDowell Frank C 1403 Douglas Myers H B 1211 Capitol ave Mentor C J 1321 Dodge Maurer Ed 1311 Farnam Maiideison C F Millaid hotel Maul M O 1407 Farnam Moian W H 1011 Davenport Mnttlcc J E 107 n 13th Merrltt Jom 1007 Farnam Mauco Hairy 101H Douglas Mi > > cr Julius 131i ! Faniam Mitchell L E 122. ! Capitol ave Movnlhan A J 109 s 14th -Miller Gee A 122.1 Dndire Muck Jacob 1201 F.unam Mills S L Colons hotel Moi-gyn Wm Ilia Ca-'ito ' ! ave ilutK 104 n 10th Moiaii J E1009 Davenport Majo Gideon 210 slOth Mtirdoclc E7ia 1321 Douglas Morrison Win 118s 10th Miller J P 1200 Dodge Mulligan Pat 313 s 10th Moie J II 010 Cnjiltol avft Miller Gee Cnnfielil liouiu Murray Lewis 121 n 13th Moker Marshall 213 n 12th Miller Harry St Charles hotel Mot/ Samuel 224 n I2ti ! Montgomery O P 131 s 14th Mover W A 204 n Will Muhan X S 112 n 14th Mageellobtt-llDod.'e Murnhy .lohn 113 s 10th Marau John 1018 Davenport Mai shall L A 1203 Harney MIttaur Gee 109 n 9th Magner W E Canlield house Meyer Max Millard hoiiM ! Magraw Nathan 1415 Capitol ave Monroe Wm L 523 Douglas Murphy Thos 108s 10th Mover.- , Henry 41bs 12th Miller Win J 1'acilic house Mills A .1 St Charles liotel Moshett Jos 12th bet Capitol ave aud Daven port Malm John Millard hotel 201 n Ulh ) MosnlliaiiJ It 109s lltli MoserG X120I Howaid Mattlce W L 213s 10th Mulvlhlll Martin 212 s 10th Monis A D Canlield house Mlkesell Chas 101 st llih Moise J G 111 n 13th JMoiibchlem Herman A 201 s 13th Mahar B 1201 Howard Martin E S 13W Dottgo Mead H J Emmet house Mm i ay A W 1W Capitol ave Alahlur James 400 s bth Mulcahy W II 123s 9th Mulcahy KP4'iIsOth Mumaiigh Chas M cor 1511 : and Farnam Magce John A 817 Capitol ave Moycr A 201 s Uth Millard Levl 415s lOlli Musser W B 1815 capital ave Mover O E 313 s 15th Mercer D H n w eor 12th and Howard Milton A P Farnam bet 13th and 14th Murphy Martin llth bet Dodge aud Capitol ave Milllgon E A 1204 Howard Miller Philip 1009 Davenport Mai rlott A E Millnrd hotel Me.Menamy J W cor 18th ana Capitol ave Meliauat Win 13. ) n 13th McKonno Wm 212 H 10th . MeKonno Michael 212 lOlh McKlnney Wnl 1103 Farnam McFarland John Canlield turns * Mcllerion C \ \ 1015 Harney McGunan Donilnlek 212 s lUlli McIttle , ias 1101 Farnam 'Me\lttleJ FllOl rarnam Met'ordJS31ii ! | llth MoLanej Mtehael 1007 D.-nenport McCiuio Win 1108 Capitol a\e McKlnney Frank 413 s 12th MoKliiane F U 1T22 DotUo McAlpIn Thos U15 Canltol nvo McKtmo A K 1317 Capitol ave McClellan J 11 KM n llth McMillan Thos H 1215 Capitol ave Medium ) Win P. 1007 D.iuuipurt McCIosky J PAmeilcan house J Oni.iha Mouse McCaitliy J P218s llth McLnn hllii W G Canlield house Mel.eainy Frank 10th bet Capitol ovc anil Davenport MeGrt-er Leo 1014 Canltol ave McDoiural J W lifil Douslas McCulloeh Peter cor l"th and Dodge MeN'IcholsA H 1021 Douglas MeCuo Peter 2IOs 10th McDowell Frank C 140.1 Dotulas McKeever David 2ISn Uth Xoiri'H 212s 12th XiuelV F Ic.'O Canltol ave Noirls Da\ld lift' ) Hiunoy Nell Atlnm 1010 Douglas XimUnrd Andy 107 n 13th Xnonan Patrick No 2 engine house MeholsF H 10511 12th Nolan J F 102 s I4lh NeberClmilos 13311 10th NIccolN T H li'-OS Cajillol eve Neetlham J W Coz/ens house NoUer.l Occidental hotel Neep WmUll Dodge Nelt/el Louis 1214 Uoilca NliliYcr Win coi l-ithiind Dodge Xelson John 117n llth O'Connor Thos.118s 12th O'Connell John HH s loin O'ConnorD.uld 10,1'j ' n Uth Ole-on C O irj" ) Dotnrliis O'Callauhan Jtihii U S hotel Orchard S A 1401 DotlRO OrrAC llir , Harney ( lakes Wm Omaha house Olson O B 413 s lOlh Over Frank 210s 10th O'Merra Wm 21(1 ( n Uth O'Grnily Jerry Kmmett house O Hi Ion Tlirs 1213 Davcilpnit Oliver John Caiilield house O'Hiuilon J F1015 Hiuney Peaison Jos Omaha liotise Pardeo.I H41bBiilh : Peters AJ 122.1 Faniam PaulshM H 12.1 n Mth Paine Gee Lewis hotel Pariott John J Kmmett house Peel Wm 403 s 14th Pyment A California hnuso Peasnerd 1211 Howaut Pfcolps Albeit N 1015 llarney Paytoil W U 12H-.1 DodKO Parrlsh HA'.214 Harney Paxton \V A Paxton hotel Parr Michael tvMsinth Phillips Claylmmii 1201 Farnam Pcter.son ( Jen 1113 Douglas Pickett WmS 1117 Dodge Powers W 11 1817 Davenport Powers Eilmund 1217 Davenport Patrick Gee 818 DodRO Penney Chns 1213 Douglas Penney II Low Is hotel PiinceSol320slOth PenlnsAlev 117s 10th PerrisroJ O 1117 llarney Pulndexlcr Win 20ii n llth Painter. ! 1425s 10th Peteison Olov 140J Douglas Pollack P 1821 DouL'las Peteisoii Chas F 10.54 Doilpo ; Paik Win A 211 n 14th Poland U C IHM ! Capitol ave Powell G K 110 n 14th Pony John 114 n llth Pitts E J 20'J s 14th Pierce J It hOS Dodsro Qulnlan M 204 n 10th Iteith Jacob X Douglas bet 10th and llth Ituano Thos No 3 engine hoiibo J tedding Leo liiOG Doiwlas HalniK Anton 1412 Dutlite ItotheryKtltrarasis llth Itlehenuen ; Isaac 1203 Douzlas Hichio Sand K Aicailit luitol KoekKleld John 1012 Cubltol ave liobinson G A 105 n 13th UuineyViu208n 13th lUacliMEl"OJHnrnov Kuthciford WO120sl4th Htopo Albert No 3 eimlne house Keed Philip K bet Dodge nnd Capitol ave Kead Guy it C 130-i Douglas Kaiislam Fivd Canlield house Koth John Canlield house Uhoda Chas F J.OU ) ( JaoitftirT lcovros Jrjtyfj ; , s lutll Kamgu M artm 415 h lOlh liuukles K W Emmet house Hogers Frank Mlllard hotel liotholt/ Julius 411s 10th Chas lilt Farnam liamachittu H L 1117 Hainoy Kosengweig A 211 s lllu lianiL'u Jacob 1)21 ) Farnam lieed TE St Charles hotel llebeit M A 140t Farnam HeinhaitC1207 Harnoy Kupp Chas 1013 Faniam Hoc J W iWi : Douglas Hllcy Edward 13IQ Douglas Kansom llenrv ll'M Dodge liunkles W A Emmett house Itussell Robert 12th and Capitol ave Kcddcn .John 311 n Oth HIloy Fiaiikl210 Douglas Ulcwo Chas 1000 Farnam Uoss C W Douglas Ituplnski M219B 13th liobhiMii Wm2inn I8tli ItoueXowton 217 n 12th Kuthery Arthur : 3 Uth Itathery Heihliisl5ih : SahlerJolmll 1223 Dodge Snowden A B 312 s Mth Swaysland II E 1220 Farnam boxaur Bobt'JSIn 13th Soxaiu Wm 22.5 n 13tli bnttC H20Snlth ! KohultAiurlOOSDodgo Stein Paul91i liowaid Smith Herman \OfZ \ s Uth Swiggett J L 1224 Capitol ave Sandeii WO 102 s 14th Salisbury Frank 123 n 13th Smith Arthur 1205 Harney Shannon Thos 131 n 10th Stiitts Leu 314 n Uth Swobe Tims Millard hotel Sheppard A C Mlllard liotel SteinsdorllJ no 113n Oth Shanpuell Juo 1008 Douglas Ktober SamI 20J s 15th banders Piicu 1018 Capitol ave Snraguo F M Biickingliam home Siinson Jno Xo 3 engine house Stoltenburg Peter 114 n 14th Speeht Aug F toirt Howard Scott J M Co//ens houbo Smith Isaac M 1211 Douglas Smith Jesse 1115 Capitol ave Shelley J F 1434 Howard htanton J X B 1221 Dodge StrlcklerJ420siitli : Stcln Fred 1210 llouslas Snuudeis John 101s Capllnl ave b'oJderstrom Win IM n Uth St'haeller Fred 140i Dpdgo Srhlauk Slcmon 410 , s loth Steward Edw 1108 Cat Itolnvo Sylv ecter droll ! ) slHtn Shields Martin 313 s lOtli SheimrdJ El 113 Douglas Slfp'mn ' AugWI Douglas Smile C S St Charles hotel Selimutzborger C 810 Harney , SlorusdorlTGcoJ U3n th Smith Frank 101 n llth Selilaiik Chas : WO sloth Stlnson Chas T IW.i Capitol ave Stein Jos 11 10 Douglas Slit Ivor WG 107 s 15th Smith Cuns 10th and Cnpltol ave ' Smith G'l ; I'axton hotel Slecpor A L lOrts 12th hitler W 11 I4th ami Douglas Schai uweber Wm 311 n ( Hit Smith F L 130iU'apltnl aui Snjder John 4Wa 10th ' . Stein Kmll 1210 Douglas Smith Sam Stephensoii's bnrn S mln Louis 119 u llth Shannon Thos 131 n 10th beaveins Cnus L 102-1 Douglas Stov er Gee W 415 moth Spauldlng W C 140,1 Farnam Schnuir Joseph KM I Dom las Sleigh U M MV ) Douglas Salteis Chas A Xo 3 oimhtc house Spain Thomas KH ) ' Capitol ave Stewatl E 110 slOth Scott Wm Mlllard hotel Smith A Emmett house Saul Held Fred 318 s 131 h Schilling Chas HSii llth Seliroetler Fred t-tii 12th and Capitol ave SolimbeitMai tin 414s Hill SchHHler M T D10 I'JJU ' o.Uinuers 1 B llth bet Douqlas and Cap av * Shelby Sam Farnam bet 13th and 14th Shepimid A H llllinnil Faniam Smith John M 109 n Uth Swetiiiiin Jas M 321 s l.Mh Sehwni/ Henry 414 14th Swlek W F Fanners' hou-o Sehilliren J W 1311 Capitol ave Thompson Wm Ul u llth Tinev Jas tilth bet Capitol ave and Doilso Tolson C 11 Mllhud hotel Tix'uvvltli Geoigu 1109 Fatnam Tc.ihon Joseph 415s 10th Tlllottson K.l 1001 Hainey Thompson Hugh liiHtltut < > .liotcl Tunica Francis Wltlinetl block Thomas J S tO-1 Dom-'las . Talmblac Geoice2l2 s loth Tn-ylor James G Paxton hotel Taylor Blehaid Caiilield house Thomas Wm fc01 Douglas Taj lor Anderson 331 s 12th Taylor Josmih 10 < ) S Capitol ave Tiiiiins M F 223 n 13th Thlelo Julius m Farnam Thomas Henry 115 s 10th Tlgnorltl'llOUDodgrt Taylor Jos $00 llaruev Thornton Flank Lew I * hotel Thelslug E C 1311 Douglas Tlnnell Jell'lOlO Fuinum Tillson X H eor 13th ami Cap ave Topper X A P.xxton hotel Tracy Jos 13th bet Capitol ave and Dodge Tolson C II Mlllard hotel Trenvvltli Gee 1100 Farnam Uhtof AC U30 Douglas Uhrig Fred 113 n 13th Verllnder Chris cor 10th und Hainoy Vodica Frank 319 s 12th A' lucent CM 410n 14th Vandenberg L H 1409 D.ivouport Vogt Win Omaha house Van Veghten T S 1124 Dodge Wymun A X Millaid hotel Waples P U Haruev bet 10th and llth Whaleu Jas Milluid hotel Wlclituimann J A mot ) Capitol ave Webb Wm Xo 3 engine IIOUKO West J U eor 12th aud Capitol ave White ( i F1IJ31 Douglas Wade F M 1203 Dodue Williams Wesley L Fainam bet llth anU 12th Walker C M Emmett house Wlukler M allhus 1313 Capitol ave Wright LU - ) ! 13th Weiss A uit 234 nth Wnrli Fivd 324 s 10th Wiietlnieh John 1133 Dodge Whth John A 1311 Douglas Whetsell Wilbur Lewis hotel Walker B F 215 n 14th Williams P J 1217 Douglas Weher Chas 1318 Dodge Wood C L 14th hud Douglas Whltemarsh J W 1311 Davenport \Vootluiansco Peter Ull ! Farnam Willis All 2iinr.'th : Wtiymuller C F 112. " Douglas Wymlller F C 112.1 Douglas irnarKiankii WateisW m 31Gn 13th Weckbach (5ustav41Hs llth Williams J W Xo3 engine house Wilson Albert 1018 Capitol ave White Gee Canlield house Wagnei Xehimlah Canu > Id bouse Wlndheim Gee P 415 8 10th Washington Jacob 1017 Capitol ave Welst n B .732 s 13th Walt MG 211s 12th Wllhi Chi 1st 1012 Howard Wills OF 110s 13th Wluson W H lift s 10th Wolf Peter lath and Capitol ave Wilde Win 1212 Dodge Wlgeors HniisSOils 15th Witltor W S 1310 Harney Wyatt Louis 331 s 10th Withnell It X Millar < t hotel Wallace JHS 101S Caltol | ) ave Weabaseat W 410 H 10th Welsh -Siinil Emmett house Williams Hli am 100 sloth Walker 0UO ! Douglas Way Jas W 13th ami Douglas Westberif Jno X HIM B nth Wesley 11 A Elkhoin Valley house Winter H A 12lhand llaiuey Woodcrhon Jno 100 s 15th White G F 1201 Faiuam Williamson I-aac llth but C.ipltol AVU auJ Davenport Wiushlp Fiank 104 s llth Wright Joe 310 n 13th Wallace Jno 008 Don-las Welding W KOtS Faniam \VolteJ M UOs 14th Williams C H Are.ido hotel Wood F C St Chailes hotel Wells W W nw cor bth and Howard Williams W X Omaha Xatloiul bank bid Whitten llenrv Lewis house West C L 420s Kith Ward Patk Undue but bth and Oth Vutes Frank D 315 1 Uth Vutes G 13 s 10th 1 herehv ccrtity that above Is a tiuo copy of thn ( | ualllied voters registered to date. Xotlec Is hereby given to all masons Inter ested to appear befuiu mo at Xo. 1U1B Dyd o street , fiom 11 a. m. to 7 p. in. , on October 3ilh and 29th , and Monday , Xovember 1 , tp 1'i ( . 'clock in. , lor the of addlDgto and collecting the reKlstrotion already mado. to corntct omissions or other errors in said list , and to strike olT any name that Is not entitled to appear thereon. Given under my hand this 28th day ot October , l&bi ) . MATT lloovni. Ileglstuir Third Ward. HE GREAT - Which attended the Special Sale of Misfit and Uncalled-for Garments , at the Only t Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. , Has b en even greater than was expected , but a number of tailor-made gar ments are still on sale , consisting of the best styles of make and the finest goods extant. It will pay you well to see those handsome suits , as by refer ence to the price list it will be seen that they are being sold for less than ready made clothing , PANTS. OVERCOATS , $ 0 Merchant Tailor Made at $ 3,00 ? 'J5 Alerohunt Tailor Mudo utf 10.00 8 " ' ' 4.00 ao " " " HCO . 40 " " J4.76 10 6.00 " " 8000 12 * " 6.00 45 60 " " " 22,00 15 * 7.60 CO " " " 20.W 10 ' " 8.60 70 " " " 80.00 MISFIT CLOWNO PARLORS MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS