Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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"A Big OhicagoOlique Engineers an Imnienfe
Deal in Corn ,
Cnltlo Offcrlngf ) Pnlrly Imr o nnil nt
S iron if I'rlcoB The Unit Mnrkot
Aotlvfl nnd Higher < Jcn-
crnl QtiixtntlonM.
Oct. 29. | Special TclrKrntn to
tlioliKK.J There was moro weakness than
fclroo tli In the early mnrkct , anil prices In
wheat were easier by Kc than llioy closi'd
last nlRlit , UC3inbcr opvilcil on the regular
board at 75c , nnd for the first few minutes
l.cpt very close around that figure , but linnlly
dropped back to 74J8'c. May corn opened KC
lower at 4'JKc , nnd January pork 2J e off at
810.05 , The early tendency fn everything
was downward. Corn broke off rapidly from
42 } < c to 42J c tinder heavy sales. Mncfarland
started the break by offering 2.'i,000 bushel
lots. About the same quantities were sold
by Jones and others nnd soon the unloading
became very general. Cables on Indian corn
were Id lower , and helped the local ilepri's-
t'oi. Up fo lOs-TO wheat showed no dis
position to fcu below " * J c ; In fact , It stuck
between that and 75c with marked persist
ency. Pork was A slow deal , January gclllnc
oil to SiO.M ( > if. but recovering a shade. It
did not take May corn IOIIK' to Ket down to
42c under the deputing Influcnco of heavy
offerings , and by noon this was the rullnc
price , though not much stuff nas changing
liandfi. Wheat did about nil Us llucluatlnir
up to 12.0 : o'cUck between 7lJ 'c. and i5c' ,
being nt the lo\\er lit'iirc more fieiiucntly
than at the lilsher one. Mr. Itcam ciino
out during tl'O day with a Hat statement
that ho was not a bull on wheat , though
for sumo luasons bo did netlike
like to bo put down as bcln ; :
In favor of lower pi ices. Ho thotuht , how
ever , they were Inevitable nnil that tiodo
might as well nmko up Its mind to a cheaper
market. Trade was of a very desuHoty char
acter and indulged In chlcllv bv locnl Ilshts.
Yeslciday on the afternoon boatd ,
the com pit \\as elcctiillnl by
Norton & Woitb < nton bn > lu'ii 1.030.lX ) ( )
bushels of corn Inside of Use min
utes. The buying was done , too , in a \ > ay to
advance the price , nnd with no ideiplnlnly ,
of buvlnrcniefully. Mny coin was runup
f rom 42/'H/4i ' : < M'c , nnd thin the linn tinned
around and Mild just as wildly. Thu whole
transaction was a in > Hturv tintll this morn
ing. It now turns out that It was a bit : job
Bet tip on the bucket hhops and piob.tbly cov
ered the whole country. TI e clliiin | boimht
orn at Kansas City and Clilcngo. Now York
mid ehowhero in Ducket shops at about -IMn
for May. Tl > ny then dliected Norton ite
WorthlnglOii to a'lvnncu the tmtrket lieu- ,
undoubtedly ably protecting the linn with
nmr lns The tlnio selected was tliu short
afternoon board. Thu pncn was run up n
cent in live minutes. Trades nt the "bucket
shops" were nil oideied closed at flic top. At
Kansas Cltv , however , this motuln , ' , a big
'bucket " refused and
shop" ptoprlctor to pay ,
claimed that It wits n sot tp job. Tills Is thu
wny the story cot out.
2 : * ) p. m. Wheat active on selling against
privileges with n slightly downward ten
dency. Cm n steady with model ate Hading.
There was no outhlde news to affect thu
market. Wheat a Mmdo lower ; 7e ! October ,
73c November , " ( HiTl e Decuiuber , Com
teatly ; : w/fo / October , : rX ( JOc No
vember , 87i e Uecemb r , 43'c May.
Oats ( juli't : U-V/Tc / Ortobor , 'r > ; < ( - No-
veuib"r , ' OJCc December. I'ork a shade
easier ; $ S.JK ! ) October. S8.97 > ; November ,
8 .i ' < UoA'iniicr. Lard steady ; fcj SO Octo-
boi , 8x8U , ? 5.b.r ) December. Shoit
tlhs iinchnngfd.
Jr : > p. in. 1'uts on December wheat sold at
; calls r.t 7r > > C'J7.VsC. ' ! 1'uts on May corn ,
; calls , 4iJic.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
the UICK.J CATTI.K The olfcilngs to-day
were fairly large , but the n.nportlon of desir
able i attln was small , tinlcof good to choice
\vcro at strong prices , while the general
market was steady. Common thin and rough
cattle sold very slowly , but nt steady rates.
Shipping steers , 13.V ) to ISOOlbs , SI KK&'i.SS ;
120010 13.VI Us $1.20(34.70 ( ; U.V ) to 1200 Ibs ,
S3.20. ! ! The it-cclpts to-day wore 11,500
western cattle and 2,000 through Tcxans.
The market \ \ ns slow and weak onoiigh on
common to fait quality , which wciu abund
ant. Prices o i the whole wetu about steady.
The quality was wietcluully poor , as It has
t been all w eek. Consldcilng the quality it Is
no wonder cattle nre selling low. Sales :
K WjoiiilUBR , 1 M Ih.s , 8:1.00 : ; \Vjomlngs ,
12-M Ibs , .50 ; l Wjomlnss. 1 I3 Ibs ,
3.50 ; \VvomiiiB-Te\ans ! , lOO.SJln , ? .so : 100
NobitisKu bnlf hneds , UMi Ibs , { . ; i.OJ ; : Ne-
pntHka half breeds. 1110 Ibs. ga.OO ; W ) W ) out
ing. 1004 Jbs , iS.'O ; \Vyomliis , UKi-i Ibs.
83.1.T ; 17 Montina-TcMins. l i Ib. " . $ ,1.0ri ;
KJ Montnim-Texans , IMS Ibs , SJt.OO ; 212
Montaua-TiDuius , ! KI2 Ibs , 8 .7fi ; 4S Mont.ina-
Texans , IHKt Ibs , s..Tfi : \Vvomlng-To\niis ,
W'Jlbs , J.bO } ; \Voniing-To > .uis , CGTilbs.
$ J.80.
Hotis Tlie market WHS active and 6@lOo
bluhuron nbout all giudts. Shippers we to
libel al buyers , nnd all the tucking linns , with
the exception of one Insignliicaiit concern
Tretualso llbeinl buji'ts. bpioulators.staite
the boom and wete ublo to la-en tip the snma
until the rlopo. Kough and common hold nt
83.U < 3 ! . < < ) ; fair to good ml\eJ , S.NJC : ! t.lKj ;
fnni-y heavy and Philadelphia" , S4.00l < W.O.'i ;
llu'ht soils \\eio In fnlr demand nnd sold nt
84.ou ; < < Jw. forjoiki-rs and si.CO@.lbO : for
common nnd medium.
New York. Oct. 29. MONEY On call ,
active at4fii7 pei cent.eloslngat.vao percent.
PIIIMK MnncA.vritK 1'Ai'Kit 4@5 per
t nt.
BTinit.tKO KXCIIANOK Dull but steady
t 34.80 ; $ tor blxty 'day bills ; 84.84 lor do-
UovicRNHksrs Government were dull
but steady.
STOIJKH Stocks weio moro active. The
opening vvos active and strong , thu gains
over lust evening's linal lUtnes lauging fiom
> tf to X I'or cent , Ptlees vveie Mwmwlmt Irregular -
regular , but genurnllv heavy In earlier
Ings , xvhllo , lir. > oy Ccntial and Lackavvanna
were conspicuously weak. Thn niiirKei soon
rallied and Wehlrrn Union beeamo the
special feature. Tbero vvasu peilod of weak
ness in thu ufteinoon , followed by n tally ,
but In thu last hour the murkct nirun ; rtcedo 1
and closed weak.
8 V cent bonds , & N. W t
II W Jl 'd preferred. . .
N.Y. C
1'aclllc O's of ' 95 , Orecon Tran. . . .
Central Pacltlc. , Paeltlc Mull
O.A A P. 1) . & K
pruicncci. . , . P. P.O
O. ft. AU Rock Island. . . , .
It. I * AW St. L. AS. F. . . .
1) . Alt U nrefened. . .
Kile. . , 3. , M. ( fcSt. P. . .
preferred , . preferred. . .
Illinois Ct-utral , Ht.P.AO
" , H. i" " " pieferred. . .
Texas Pacific. . .
ke Shore . Union Pacllio. . .
W. , St. L.A P. .
Ulcli. Cential. . . jirefeircd. . .
So , Padua Wrslein Union.
Norlhcin 1'fto. . . H. AN 1MU
preferred , . .
Cliiuaeo , Oct. W. * Klour-SteaJy and tin-
cluuiced ; winter wheat Hour , 4.ttG4.10 ( :
simthein , $ . < .VO < vv4.00 ; Wisconsin , S4W > < I.1U ;
Wlchigan soft snrlni : wlitiiU 83.0 < ftJ.lU ; Slln-
Besol.\biloisS3. : iii < 4 .10 ; patc-nu. g4.30 ( < { 4.CO ;
low rndeti , l .Vitv.'JS ; rjo tlour. quiet ut
iu bjncla , and 3.00 3.20 In
Wheat Killed somewhat lower , closing
slightly over Kc lower than jesteiiliiy : cash ,
7ao ; January , fs c ; Mny , 8l t > ij o.
Corn l.e-ss doing , cloolnu' about KC
undtT Mfti'nlni ; casli , 85ce ; Deveiuoor ,
371AC ; Jiintmiy. ! l7K'c ; Mny , 4'J J c.
.O.ils Dull nnd heavy with no divided
niifu ; cash , 85\o ; November , 26J < Q ; Muy ,
lijirley Dull nt
Tiinotny seed I
l'l \
Pork-Closed about . * i@7 c lower ; cash ,
.87 ; January , 810.fr2J .
hard Sttonirer. closfnf 5 < < ? 10e hie her ;
cash , S5.80 ; November , 55. 87 * , Januarj ,
8ft. 00.
Hulk Mrats-Shouldero , Sf > 4ri rr,0 ; short
clear , StinofflOfo ; short rib , 50.35.
Mutter liill but steady ; creamery , 10@
2"xi ! dairy , 17SCOc ( ,
Cheese rirm : full-crc-mn clicddars , ll'X '
llat , iPiffflt'ic ; young America : ,
Ku''s-rirm at 15' '
Hides Heavy green silted , fully cured ,
lltrht. do , SKia.c ; damaged , 7@
bull hides , OWe ; drv sailed. ll@12c ; dry
flint. Iftr i4c ; calf skill" , ti lOJicj deacons ,
c each.
Tallow No. 1 country , 8J3j c ; No , 2.
3c : cake , SJfc.
Kecolnt.s. Shipments ,
Plour.bbM . 13..IUO 2 1,000
Wheat.bu . 10,000 11.000
Corn. Dlt . 107,00 ! ) 187.000
O to.bu . , WXX ( ) l l.l X )
Kyp , bit . 2ouo
IJariev.ou . 32.000 40,000
New York. Oct. 29. Wheat Easier ; re
ceipts. : iO : > ,000 ; exports , JH.OOO ; ungtndud red ,
- ; No. : l red , K2.l ( . > 2Jic ; No. 2 red , SHrnl
M'4' ' ( ! In elevator , a ) K . b. ; No. 1 m l ,
BSc : No. 2 red and November closlngatdlU'c.
Corn Steady ; iccclpls , 2U,000 ; expntts ,
17.000 ; tingradPil , M'fWIi'x1 ! No. S. 4'iJ4'S.1fo ' ' !
In elevator , 40c alloat ; November eiuslng at
Oats Pali | y active ; iccelpts , 131,009 ; ex
ports , 4 , 0) ) ; iiiKed westein , 8J J34c ; white
western , HoC'MOc.
Petroleum Stead v ; United closed
Ktrgs Sttonger ; western , 2JCt2JXc.
Lard Active ; sales nt wcslern steam , spot ,
and to arrive. 80.10@flt2) ; spot. fcO.U7i to
arrive , cost and fi eight.
llutter-Quli't ; vvestorn , 12@27c.
Cheese Quiet but llrm ; westetn fl.tls
Mllwnnkoc. Oct. 29. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , 71Jfc ; Novembci , 71o ; December ,
7lVe. !
Corn Scarce ; No. 2 , flGc.
Onts No. 2 , 2.'i'fc. '
Kye-No. 1 , Me.
H.irley No. 2 , MXc.
Poik Steady ; October , SS.05.
Oirtoltuintl. Oct. 2 ! . WliiMt Weaker ;
No. 2i l , 77c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2. 37fr.
Oats Active nnd lower ; No. 2 , mixed , 27c.
Kyo-No. - ' , We.
Pork-fri.f ( > > > , ; .
lnrd-5. " > .b ( ) .
Whisky S1.1S.
MlnncnpollH. Oct. --Wheat Active nt
nbmit Jjjc decline ; No. 1 hard , 72c for cash
nnd November ; 78Kc for December ; 75c tor
.Iiint'nry ; No. 1 ndrtiieiii , 70c for e.isli and
November ; 7l > iiC for December ; Xo. 3 north
ern. OSc for cash and Novembut ; O'.ic ' for De
Kloiir P.tteuts. 84.10@t,25 ; b.ikots , S.10
@ : i.2.r. . -
Iti-cplpts Whi-at , 222,000 Im ; Hour , 100 bbK
bhlpments Wheat , 1)2,000 ) bu. ; Hour , 28.000
Now Orlennn , Oct. 29. Coin Steady
and linn.
Cornme l Steady.
HocPioducts Steady with fair demand.
Lard SO.OO.
IJulK Meats Shoulders , S5.23 ; long clear
and clear ribs , Stl.53.
Bt. tiould. Ocl. 29. Wheat Weak and
lower ; No. 2 ted , cash , 7ljfc ; November , "Sc ;
December , 7CVr ; Mny , N'iXr. '
Corn Weak ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , : ; % @ : ' ;
December. iHJtfc : Jltiv , WtVc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 20o ; De- , ' Te ; May , : tlc.
Kvc-Fiimci nt 4bJj@4'Jc ,
\Vhisky-Sl.l3. \
Pork Kasy at S9.25.
hard Steady at SS.bO.
butter Quiet and .steady ; creameiy. 24 ®
2.r.c ; dairy , 121t23c.
Aflernoon Iio.ird Wheat Kasy and 'tCQJ ' c
lower. Com ! c lovvui. O.its Ste.idv and
a shade better.
Toledo , Ocl. 29. Wheat Dull and weak ;
cash , 77c.
Corn Cash , 38c.
Oats Neglected ; cash , 27c.
KaiiHHH City , Oct. 20. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , MM bid ; November , CO c
bid ; December , O''c bid.
Corn Weaker ; No , 2 , cash , S0gc } bid ; No
vember , 29 > ( c ; December , line.
Oats Nominal : Mali , 24 } c bid.
Mvorpool , Oct. 2U. Whcat-In fair de
mand ; new No. 2 , winter , steady ut & , 8d ;
spring , steady at ( is ! > d.
Klnur In fair demand ; spot , steady nt
8s 8d.
Corn In fair demand ; spot , steady at 4s
5d ; October , steady nt 4s J d ; Novembei ,
steady at 4s lit ; December , dull nt 4s S' d.
1,1 , VE STOCK.
Clilcngo. Oct. 29. The Diover's Journal
ronorts as follows :
Cattle Kecolpts , 8,000 ; steady ; eood erodes
firm ; shipping .steers , 8 : > .23&n3 ( * > ; stockerh
and feeders , S2.00@'t.25 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 81.25@:5.00 : ; bulk , 82.oo@2.0o ; throimh
Toxaacattle steady ; cows , S2.00C W.59 ; steers ,
83.70IH.2.'iebtof ( ( ; n rangers slow but steady ;
Iceders , J2bO@'J.STi ; . natives and bulf-breecls.
SH.OOS ? 1.0.1 : cnws , . < 2.50@2.70 ; wlntoiedTex-
ans , S.N@l ) , ; nmthern rangers : W > om-
ings , : : ; Montana Texans , S2.70 ®
8.05 ; Nebraska half-bleeds , S'LOO. '
llo s Kfcelpts. 20,000 ; sttoiiL' and /XftlOc /
higher ; rouah and mixed , SH.WftJl.OO ; pack-
Inir and slilnpinc. 9.'S.70@.10 ; light ,
4.(0HkIps ( ; , 8a.2.-,4i. 10.
Sheep- Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives ,
8V.OiKnl.bwestern ; , SS.40@i.05 : ; Texnns , 82.10
( &I.CO ; Iambs , 5S 00(31.60. (
st. Ijotiia. Oct. 29. - Cattle Receipts ,
0,000 ; shipments. 03 ; all were sold early at
strong pi Ices ; choice nntlvc steers , S4.tO@ :
4.tO ; fair to methuin shipper ! ) , si.0(34.20 : ( ;
butchers' steert. , fair to good , Si.OfS4.15 : ( ;
loeders , fair to good , S2.00uo.25 ( ; htocUuis ,
Hogs Hecelnts , 2,000 ; shipments , WO ;
opened linn , advanced rapidly and closed S e
lee hlcliiM- than yestetdnv : cholco heavy and
btitcliers' polectlons , 83.8r > r4.10 ; packets , talr
to best , sy.7r > ® 4.05 ; VorKers , talr to cholco ,
: i.74 CO ; pi s , common to seed , S2.00@
83. H ) ,
Ktinaiif ) City , Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts ,
2 , . nH ) ; shlnmonts , 2,000 ; Miipplnf , steers
weak ; best tat cows stroiiff and n shnde
higher ; common to choice , 8n. ; !
stockers , S2..5a.7'i ( ! : feeding steers ,
8.CO ; cows , S1.5'JQ'.MO.
llous Receipts , ri.OOO ; .shipments , none ;
opened f > c higher nnd closed lOc ( duller ; com
mon lo choice , $ J.5diKl.U.X (
Friday Evening , Oct. 29.
CATTI.I : The lecolpli weio light of nil
grades of cattle. Them were a few corn ted
stews , In which sold on the maiKut. Feeders
were selling slowly.
lines Tlio receipts were light nnd the
mnrknt was nbout b lower. The demand
was very fair at Urn decline nnd everything
was hold. Thn market Is still higher In pro
portion tlinn other markets. a. " <
Sheep -'Iherii were n few sold to-day.
Cattle . COO
Ho s . 1,000
Sheep . MOO
Prevailing Prlom.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on till ) market.
Choice steers , 18W to l.VM Ibs . 84.2S@4.CO
Choice stecrri , 1100 to 1300 Jbs. . 8.7r > fC4.00
Medium btecrs , 1250 to 13JQ Ibs , . . ! t.CO { > c4lA
Fat llttlo steers. 1050 to 1100 Ibj
( .Soort feeders . , ,
Oood to choice corn-fed cows . . . .
ItiinpjO cows. , , . 1.22.'X )
Fair to medium gi.iss cows . 2.00&'V25
( iood to choice nulls . l.ftOC'M 73
Light and medium nogs . U.rGgJ.70 (
( lood to choice heavy Nigs . 8iBi < i3.7S
( iood to choice mixed no.'s. . . . . Ii.WiW.OS
Rough thiow nuts . : ; .MJI.OO :
( iood to choien sheep . 2.7.w'J5 : !
K.ilrtogood sheep . 2.25 2..r,0
Uoiirewontutivo HiUeu.
J'Ell KU < .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
K.I. . . vm S2. < w 40..ioio saoo
ll . . , .102a 2.75 lS4.llb7 3.15
No. Av. Pi. No. Av. Pr.
W..10.YT 52.M W..100C 82.05
7 . . 1045 2.W
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . , VJO 13.50 80. . . ,1147 $4.10
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
2'J. ' . IM 240 3.fi5 31. , . .812 210 83.70
31. . . . 60 aC5 84 , . , . 217 40 3.70
21 . . .Stt bO 8.05 a5.S.S3' 100 3.70
48. . . , 221 bO 3.W 20..2.W 40 'J.70
74..2ill 240 atl-i 4 1 , . , . US ! 8.70
32. . . .819 i.00 8.05 20..85S 100 3.70
29 . . . W N ) 8.05 6. . . .255 49 8.7 }
Sl. . , > a > a 4bO 8.70 2Z . . . ! Ji5 f f
20. . . . 353 60 ? , ; sg.1. 10
.11 . . .S7 2SO 3 70 31 . . .870 2 0 3.70
2 ? . . . . 247 W 3.70 58..S23 40 375
14..S4.1 370 62. . . .332 fcO S.75
51..2ja : 3.70
tlnngo ofl'ilccs.
Showing the highest nnd lowest prices
paid for loads of ho s on this ntniket dining
the past seven dnj s and for the same tune
lost year : _ _ _ _
I Sept. 18SO , I Dot 1880. I Oct. I8'5.
srid line JM (0 ti so < ai.80 , ? J.l3 0123
, . . - . .
2 h 42 0 3.H ) ? .IW Suiidny
26th Sun.lny , 3.t ) ( ai.ou ' 322'i.v '
27thi 4.13 514.37'i , II W lSsl 00 a Ifr Q.TJT'J '
2 lhj 4J.KUfi .170 '
gQllil < .3Q Q)4 ) 40 I : Ui5
Khovvlng thn number of cars nf cattle , hogs
and sheep shipped from South Omaha during
the day :
No. cars. ] ! outo. Destination.
U . R. 1 . v.Hoston
All sales of stock In this market nre mndo
percwt. llvu weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell nt Kc per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welching less than lee Ibs.
no value. Picguaiit sows ate docked 40 Ibs.
nnd stags bo Ibs.
Hogs nveragcd CO to the car.
Hogs on the downward road.
Very light receipts of range cUtle.
T. II. McCJee , Cheyenne , had two loads of
cattle In.
James Kealy , Sheldon , had thlrly one head
of cattle In.
A. Duffov , Ciiojcnno , had 002 head of sheep
nt the yards ,
lllack A.Jorecnsen had two loads of hogs
In tioin .Mlndcn.
J. K. Cleaver , Malvcrn , In. , was In with a
leak of cattle.
A. W. HaVgood. Cheyenne , had four loads
of cattle at the jnnK
Thu Standard Cattle Co , Huttons had live
loads of cattle In to-day.
K. L. Klmiiiins was on the market with two
loads of sheep noin Deer Trail.
. ) . W. Conn , Plattsmoiith. was here and
sold two loads at coin fed rattle.
The Caller Cattle Company. Rock Cieek ,
had eight li ads of cattle nt the ) aids.
.1. A. McDill , Kmerson.In. , was a visitor nt
the yards to-day. Hu will .ship 11048 hero this
b.J. Fisher and A. P. Rolmcrs , Clcn Hock ,
Neb. , weie here and biotuht forty-six head ot
Q. lirtidcn , n well known live stock dealer ,
was at the yards to-day and bought three
loads ot fecdeis.
hid P.tti'cV , formerly In the live stock commission -
mission business heie , was mound to-day
.shalin ; , ' hands with his old acquaintances.
Tw o ears ot hogs weio turned over to the
Union Pacific at Council Blulls at 10 o'clock
this morning , nnd nt 4 o'clock this afternoon
they had not jet arrived nt fiu stock yards.
Wanted Some one to wake up the Stock
" \ ards Co. A little energy on their part
would do a creat deal tovvaiils icniPilylnir the
unnecessiuy delays , in delivering stock nt the
jituls , nftei it has been tumid over to the
Union Pncllic nt Omaha or Council Bluffs.
On the mnrkct with hoes : Bliss , V Co.
Watuiloo ; J. F. Lower , Stromsburg : Spalls ,
tVCo , Ur.tinnrd : Stltt it Hrynnf , Co n , fa. ,
11 B. Dexter. Uinli ; Nelson t younir , Onk-
land ; ( ! . ( iiosvenor , Tekamah : KtlkennviV ;
BieElderrj , Mo. Valley ; .lolin Neb , HovvelN ;
D. A. Hale , Madi-on ; Wolsey Weynnt. jr. !
Cerumntown ; J. J. Harms , Fitlh ; C. D.
Moore , iliu.ird. .
General Produce.
Friday , Oct. 29.
Tlte following prices are JOT roiuul lota nf
ptof/ucc , as sold oil tlie nuir\cl to-daii. Tlus
quotations on fruits icpreient tnc prices at
ti'hlcli nulxiac order * are tilled.
K ts Teh provallfnf price to-dav was 20c.
Bin nu An uctivo feolin. | > revails on all
line crades of creamery nnd dnlry , ns well
as sti idly choice country butter , for t.iblo
use , all of which are in limited supply. Ru-
ceipta of Inferior grades are In excess of
the demand ; a larie propoition of the Annie
has to be sold to packers al low ligurcs.
Fresh roll butter sliould bo picked ir clean
bo\es , not exceedliiK bO pounds ; each roll to
be wtappcd in n piece ot muslin. It will pay
shipp rs well to laku p. Ilttlii pains in pack
ing their butter. A nice , clean package of
choice stock will always sell nt outside ilg-
unls. Fre-Ji creamerv , 252c ; ttcsli dairy
IBC Jc ; cholco country roll , lK-'Oc ; cholco
country roll , .solid packed , 17@18c : good
country toll , I0@i7c ; good country roll , { -olid
packed , l.ViJIGc ; Fair , ll@14u ; common ,
4 ( :9. :
CIIIKSI : : Full cream cheddarssIiiglPl2Xc ;
full cream Hats , twins , 13u ; YoungAmprican ,
inj c : fancy Swiss , I4@15c ; Swiss , imported ,
2X" 7 : Limbingcr , 12)4 ; brick , 13c.
POUI.TKV The receipts were heavy , and
the market ruled very weak. Old chickens ,
choice , per do/ . , S2.002.0 ; spring chickens ,
g2.00iai2.25 ; ducks. S2.50ftt2.75 ; ttlileys , 87.00
(39.00 ; geeso' S0.008.04.
QA.MK The weather has been too warm
again for the past few daj.s. and the market
ruled dull aim weak. S2.M ) ( )2.75 ) was very
outsldo obttlnablo for selected prairlo
chickens- . This bulk of receipts proved to bo
in bad order and sold for le s money. Ducks
also sold quite low. . Prairie chickens ,
' " " " " -
choice ,
nipe ,
lard ) ,
ducks , _ _ . . _ _
deer , saddles , per Ib. , llQllic ; deer , carcas
ses , per Ib. , 7 < g9u ; antelope , saddles , ll@l2c ;
antelope , carcasses. 7@9c ; elk , saddles , choice ,
per Ib. , 10cllc ( ; elk carcasses , 0@7c ; lack
rabbits , pur doz. , S3.ftO@4.00 ; small , pei ( lot. .
S1.00 1.2o.
PorA'toKs There Is now n brisk demand
foi straight cars of stt Ictly choice potatoes nt
fiO@55c per bushel. Mixed varieties , small ,
or otherwise Inferior stock continues vciy
dull nnd will not sell for moro than 35 or 40c.
ONIQS& The demand Is not heavy nnd
thov urc helling In u small wny : Choice
slock , purbu. , N1.00. )
CAintAni : The market Is fnlrly well sup
plied : Choice stock , per doz. . 40@f > 0c.
Ai'i'i.ES Prices on cholcu apples
are holding up very well. Mis
souri apples nre In very liberal
supply , Thn following quotations nre for
apples well packed In barrels : choice MIs-
Hourlstock , SJ.OOT42.25 ; Michigan , 82.50Q2.75 ;
fancj Mlchigan.53.OOW3.25.
SVVKIIT POTATOES The niuiket Is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock was bold this weeK at IJ c and even
lower : Choice shipping stock , perlb. , l@lXc .
Cit.inv : : A great amount of very uoor
stock has been coining In. which bus been
sold lor what it would brim ; . Prices on
choice stock remains about the samnas last
week : Cholcu stock , per doz. , 35@40c ; extra
largo , per do . . 40134,10.
OvhrKiis-'Tho trade Is In very much the
same condition as last week on account of
the continued warm weather. Prices are
low and dealers are well supplied with the
choicest stock. Orders from tnu outside nre
being tilled In good shape : Mediums , 25o ;
standards , : (0 ( ; selects , SSc ; N. V. counts , 40c.
LEMONS Mebslna , per box StJ.CO ;
Malaga , gii.on
CAI.IFOIINIA FIIUITS Stray shipments of
California fruits continue to ai rive , but In
small quantities UraneVl'okajs.Si 00 ; trapes ,
black , I'-.OO ; peais , $3.00 ; plums , 81.75 ;
ijulnccs , 8 .50.
GiiAi'KS The mnrkct Is fairly well supplied
with Now Voik grapes. Now York , Con
cords , per9-lb basket , 4W53c ( ; Catawbas , 5 Ib
baskets , 50&Vc. Jamaica , per box , ij.iXKaO.OO ;
per bbl. , 111.00.
CitANiiKiiiiir.s Stocks are moving fairly
well at the same quotations ns last week.
Capo cod , fancy , per bbl. , gb.fx ) : Jersey ,
choice , S7.M ) ; WUconaln , S7.0.
UANAMAS UanuimH are selling at the
MUUO prices as last week , Ilannnas , yellow ,
per bunch. 42.00&U'.OOj bannnua , jellow ,
hrifO bunch , 82.50ft3.60 ,
Ihisuv Nebraska , eltolce , white clover ,
ItolCc. ; Nebiaska. dark,12@l4c ; California ,
1 Ib sections , I5c ; California , 2 Ib sections ,
MAI > I.K Si'OAit-Hrlcts , per Ib , 12Xc ; pen
ny rakes , per Ib , 15c.
MAi'i.KKvuui1 Hulk , 13 to 17 gal kegs.
per gal , 81.00 ; u'al cans , per gal , $1.05 ; ' gal
cans , per 81.10.
C.iiunNew York.perbbl , 60.60Now ; York ,
K bbl , S4.25 ; Crab , per do * qts , 82.75 ; Michi
gan refined , per bbl , fcO.SO.
ViNEOAii White wine , 13@15c : elder vin
egar , 1315c ; single btrengtn , 12c ; triple
gticiiL'th , 15@lbc.
Pitiivisioxb Ham , 12c ; picnic ham Oc ;
breakfast bacon , lOc ; clearslde bacon , WcCJj c ;
dryt > alt sides , a c : bhoulders , be ; dried beer ,
te/ular , 12c ; dried beef , ham pieces. 15c ; lard ,
© 1.0.V
FLOUII ASU Miu.6TUFire Winter wheat
flour , best nunlitv. patcnf , ? i.75 ; srcond qual-
Itv. 82.40 ; best qu * | ty spring
Hour , patent. SJ. ( ' < 0bra.iiir : > Oapi'rcwichoppi. : > d
fcul , 70c per cwt : white corn meal , voo ;
> el low corn meftl. 'fc per cwt : screen > ngr ixvj
per cwt ; hominy , SLitw > or rwt : sliorts , fOc
per cwt ; crahain , I.CO ; liay , In bales , 55.50 $
0.00 per Ion. v
( litviv Corn. 2'c ; new oats , 2. > c5 rye 35c ;
wheat. No. 2. < V > c.
Wool. Medium fV SOc per Ib ; line heavy ,
Hfglifc ; light. irxftlfce ; 'eoaise , 14 < Ainc ; burry
, . . ,
HlliKS ( Ireen butchers , O'tfc ! geeen cured ,
8 < ast c drv Hint , lldilKc ; dry sAlt.
LiiATiir.n Prime slaughter snlo leather ,
8Jc : pilinti oak .solo hiatlier , AKii-fec. lpiie.i
leather per foot , SO iTe ; hem , kip , 2.'iasc ( ;
oak kip. S.W-V : rrvnch kip , 81.00il0 ;
hem , calf , S1.UO@I.10 ; oak call , 81.0J..U.2J . ;
Fiench calf , Sl.'A > @l.bO ; Morocco , boot leg ,
' " Morocco oil pebble.2SQKcstoppings !
HIAVHAiiDWAiti : : Iron , rate j < 2.iO : ;
plow sti el special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , tic ;
cast tools , do , 12.'ilSc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.7.X'(300 ; hubs , per set , fcl.2.5 ; telloes ,
sawed dri. SLOT ; tongues , each , 75c : nxels.
raeh. 75csiimi : i nuts , per Ib. U < t7lc ; cell
chain , porlb. O'd2c ; malleable. OC'tSc ; iron
wedueo , Cc ; cowbnrs,0e ! ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7'tSc ( ; lluiden's horse shoes.
84.40 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ * > .40. Barbed
who , In car lots , Sl.OO per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 tof , S2.50 ; steel nnlls , S2.w. (
Shot , SI.OTi ; buckshot , 81.S5 ; oriental powder ,
kegc , S250 ; do. half kegs , $2.00 ; do. quarter
kegs , 51.50 ; blasting kegs , S2.S5 ; fuse , per 10
feet. 05c. Lead bar. S10.
VAHNisnr.s Bnirels , tier gallon : Furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. L Sl.OO ;
co.tcii n\tia , 81.40 ; co.tch , No. 1 , 51.20 : Da-
inar , extra , S1.7ii ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaUum ,
extia Me ; shellac , S3.M ; hard oil linlsh ,
Si'iniTS Coloirne stilrlls , Ib8 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , SI. is ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do IM proof , 81.10. Alcohol.
INS proof , .V.M8 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies 61.oOjCl.5J. ( Jin , blended. 51.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentiickv bourbons S2.OOfflO.oo ; Ken
tucky and Pt'tinsvlvitnla i.ves , SJ.
Gulden Sheaf houiiiim and rve whiskies ,
5 1.50@3.00. Brandle.s Imported , SS-WKjiS. ' * ;
domestir , 81. 053.o | : ) . Oiiis , Imnoited , S4.50
QO.OO ; domestic , Sl.35ft3.00. Champ.iJtnes ,
Impoited. per cave. S2S.OOi.t.OO : ; Aitciican | ,
pur case. giO.OQtflW.oo.
Dr.Y PAINTS Wldte lend , 8c : French sine ,
12 < ; : Pails wliltltnr. 2' ' < c ; vvhulng , ullders ,
2Ji ; ; whiting , coin'l , IJic ; lampblack , < ! cr-
manstowii , I2c ; lampblack , oidlnnty , Mo ;
Ptusslnn blucr > 5cultr.ituiirliiL ; l ISc ; vandy K-
biown , .V ; umber. Inimt.Ic ; umber , i.uv , 4e
sienna , buint , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4e : Pane
giecn. irenulne. 2oc , Paris green , roiumoii ,
22c ; chrome trrecn , N. Y. , 20oclironn green
K , 1'Jc : vermlllion , Kngll h , In oil , 7r > c ;
raw and buint umber. 1 1l > cans , Uc ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c ; vandjkc blown , 13c ; ro-
Hned lampblack , 12c ; conch black nnd ivory
black , lOc ; drop black , We ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramatlno black , 18c ; rhrome green , L. ,
M. & D. , Klc ; blind and shutter green , L.M.
& 1) . , lOc : Pails green , ISr ; Ir.dian led , 15c ;
Venetian red , DC ; ; Tuscan. 22e ; American
vermlllion , L. fe D. , 20c ; jellow ochre , S'c ' ; L.
M. & O. D. , Ibc ; good octnr , lOc ; patent
diver , fSc ; urAln Ing color , lluht oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , 12c.
DnuiiHAN'i ) CHEMICALS. Acid , carbolic ,
82c ; ncid , tartarlc , fiJc ; balsam copaiba , pet
11 > . 43c ; bark sahsaltas , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7Uc , chlnclionldia , per o ? , 40c ; cldoro-
ioi m , per 11 > , 50c ; Dover's powders , per Hi ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per ll > , 3 } c ; glycotine ,
pure , pur Ib. 22c ; lend , "acetate , per Ib. 21c ;
oil , cantor , No. 1 , per giF. , Sl.ftOc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , SL4Uuilxllvv ; , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil oriirannum , 50a ; opium , 83.20 : tiiiininp ,
P. & W. nnd K. iVtjnv , \ oz , 70c ; potassium
Iodide , pur lt > , S..tvi ; saltern , neroz. 40c ; btil-
phate morihlnc , i > cr oz. SJ.35 ; sulphur , pei
Ib , 4c ; sttychnlne , lioroA S1.2" .
PAINTS IN On. M'hiiu lead. Omaha , ! ' . P. ,
7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.75 ; Mar
seilles green , I to 5 Ib caiis , 2c ; French yinc ,
crcen seal , 12c ; Frencln zinc , red seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc , In v.tinlhh asst , 20c ; l-rench
zinc , 75c ; vermillion , Ajneiican , ISc ; Indlnn
red. lOc ; rose pinic. 14c : Venetian ted , Cook-
son's , SJKe ; Venetian rpd , American , IKc ;
red lead , 7j c : chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chiomo yellow , Ktl2e ; ochre , rochclle , 3c ;
oclue. trench , -/e ; oclire , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2) ) ; Lehigh bio\vn ,
2 > < c ; Spanish brown , J c ; Prince's tuineial ,
3c. . ,
Grocers' 'TUt-
PIOK/.HS Medium , inbols , SO.W ; do In
half bbls. 8i. : " , ; small. In bbls , 87.50 ; do In
half bbls , 54.25 ; gheiklns , iu bbls , 88.50 ; do
In halt bbls. 84.73.
bYKUf No.70 , 4-gaiion Kegs , 81.20 ; New
Orleans , 88 < a4Gc per gallon ; Maple Syrup. X
barrel , "idd t me. " 7Jo pur gallon ; ! gallon
cans. $1000 per doz. ; ± f gallon can 85.'H ' ) per
dnz : quart cans , 83.00.
STAHCII Mirror gloss , i Ib , 5s , c ; Mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5Uc ; Mlrior gloss , 0 Ib , Otfc ;
Graves corn , 1 Ib , fie ; Kingsfoid's corn , 1
Ib , 7c ; Kingsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Klngs-
ord's glops. 0 Ib , 7' c ; Klngsford's pure , 31b.
? ic ; Kinusford's bulk , 4c.
ToitAcro Plug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. 39j ; spear head. 39e ; piper heldslelt ,
COc ; gold shield , 34c ; merry war , 25c ; J. T .
TOIIACCO Smoking , Duiham , Is Mo ; } s ,
54c/s ; , 57c ; Jtfs , rxc ) : meprsclium , 3ic ; old
style , 2'c ; V. N. O , I5c : soli It cured , 45c.
MATCiii'B Per caddie , 28c ; square cases ,
(1.70 ; mule square , 81.20.
CANDY Mixed,9@l1Kc ; sticir , 8K@ X < s.
CUACKKIIS ( iiinicau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 , ' c ; cicams , 8)40 : ginger snaps , 8 > < c ;
cltr Eo < la. 7' < c.
30AI s Kirk's Savon imperial. 2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk's standard. 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Russian. 84.00 ; Kirk's While
Cap. 80.50 : Dome. S3.85Washboard. . 83.10.
White Cloud , 83.75.
; > i inch. l'Ji'c-tf.lneb ' ; , 10 > c ; X Inch ,
Dnir.D FitoiTB No. 1 quatcr ! apples. 3Jf@
4c ; In evaporated boxes , Oji ? < 5i9Vfo ; blackbcr-
rlc.s , boxes , 9 @ 9 c ; peaches , eastern , 4.6 < qa
s c ; peaches , evaporated , 15U@17c : Suit
Lake , new , SKfehftfi1 ; inspberrlcs , new , l1-
© 18 > jc ; currents , u7c ; prunes , new , ' " '
SnoAits Powdered ,
7ffi7'4'c ( : granulated , r
A. rKuC'cc ' ; standard
C , SVtf'Stc : medium , , . , „
CANNED GOODS oysters , staudaid. per
cas , 83.30 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. $2.00 ;
raspberries , a Ib tier case , * 2.00 ; California
peart , per case , " 81,00 ; apricots , per case ,
84.U ) ; poaches , per case , 85.25 ; white cherries ,
per case. 8t.03 ! ; plums , per case , blue
berries , per case. Sl.ttt ; egg plums.Jib , per
raKO. 52.50 ; pineapples , alb , per case , 83.20
@ 5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per doe , $1.00 ; 2 Ib gooseberies ,
per case , 31.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case ,
81.70:2 : Ib lima beons , per case. 81.00 ; 2 Ib
marrowfat peas. Tier raso , 8240a ; Ib eatly
Junoneas. per case. 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes ,
Sf2.4 ' ( ii'J.25. '
rdtnarygrades. ll@HVo : fair ,
prlmu. l'J .choice. 13M@l4c ;
Dilworth's , 10 > , 'c ; Red Cross ,
Dry ljumuor.
No.l Com. t. l.s. 12 , Hand 10ft 817.50
No 3 12 14 and 10 ft 1175
No.3 " " 12 , Kami 18 tt 13.50
No. 4 " " 12.14 and 16 ft 12.00
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch , 12 find M ft , rough. . , $17.W (
No. 2 , 4 ACInch , 12 iid.U ft. , rouuh. . . 14.00
1st com. , # ln Wlilto I'lno Partition. . . . 8M.OO
2d " " " " . . . . 27,50
StlCoin. ? ln. Norway PlneCelllntf. . . . 1100
A Cinch , white plno,2JiC ( . S29.00
COInch , " " M D . 21.W
A 12 Inch. S.1B. 4 < JC . . . 5 UOO
IH-JInch " " 4aD . 2A80
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 B. . 10. 18 A 20 f t. . , 21.00
No , 2 , " ' ' " ' . . . 1H..V )
No. 3. " " " 12 A 11 ft . 17.001
" " " Ifift . 10.00 ,
RIIIP i < Ar.
No. 1 , plaln,8and 10 inch . < 817.SO
No. 2 , plaint und 10 Inch . 15. ' *
XX clear , 52 iO ; A standard , 82.50 ; > { o. U
81 ; 5 ; Lath. 82.25. " "
b White Cedar , 0 In. , a. 10-- g jn
, , . . .
ict .ic-
if,1- . clear , iw inch , s. 2 s
'Hi , wear , 1 Inch , s. 3 a. . . . . 45.OJ
Utt. clear , 1. . 1'sT , 2 in . 47.-W
15 select , 1 inch. s. 3 s . SO.M
U select , 1 > 4 , lh,2li . , . % X > .W
Mr niUt Mrs , Max Meyer arc no >
tered at tlio Millurd hotel.
-OF niB
.MIIwaukcefiSLPauIR1 . }
lira mm uJ COUNCIL BLUFFS il
COUNCIL ni.urty
Cl'ksigo ' , AND Milwaukee ,
SI. Paul , Minneapolis , I'cdar
Clllnlon , Dubuqiie , Davenport ,
llw rt [ slnml.Frcuport , Rockford ,
Elitlhi , Matlisan , .lunesvlllc ,
BH > u > ! tt Wnoni ! : , La Crosse ,
AluViDlt othrr 'inportnnt ' point" Knst , NortlioaM
niul Southeast.
Porthroujh tlcXols cul ! on the Tcckot Aion
nt I Ml Knrnain Btroct ( in Piutoti Hotelor ) a
Utalio'n 1'nclrto Uopot.
ruilliunn aiDotiun uii.l thn flnost Dlntnir Can
InttUiu vtorld nro run on tlio uitilu llnftt of tltu
CilliClno , > HI.W < UKBS Ac ST. l'\ui. UAH.WAV ,
nrji.l Mery iittoittlon In | > Md to pmionuors b.r
comiriwjnBetniiloicsor the rompnnjr.
H. Mn.LKii , Octicrnl Manniccr.
Jl B. TtlCKKit , As3l t nt Ucnoral Manncer.
H , V. H. UAHPRNTKH , Ucncrkl Pusienjer nd
UHK > . R. HBrroitD , AsiUtnnt Oeaoral I'aissn-
K < t t nn < l Ticket AKOIII
C T , CI.AIIK , Oonenil Stlperl'itandoiU.
, ,
and Jafl Work.
1020 l-'arnani Struct. U\mlm. Nob.
Star Line
Hey l nml Unllod
Mull.f-.illiii uvcty s-utiwlrty
Antwerp & Hew York
IW.Ion from JOO to $ ? ' ) . Excursion trip from
din ) to $ K\ Second Cabin , outward , $ ( " > ;
puopBiil$4"i ; excursion. $90. Stoornpo uassage
U Low ratoi. Peter Wrlrht & Sons , Genera
lf inU. K Broadway. Now York.
Henry 1'uiult , 1218 Farnutn st. : Paulson i Co.
LU ! $ turn am st : 1) . O. Krcemnn , 1321 Fntn.ira st
Im colors , shows till eountlu" , towim , inllio
Qnmhn City Mnp , new nildttions , etc. , 2"iO.
M l > rnskii Stuto ln/cttc , IliiBittPSS Dlmctory
nti Fjirmcr'sJ.lst , 15.
J. M. WOKi ! : & CO. ,
1SJ S. Hth St . Oinalm , Neb.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Ch only rosd to take for Des .Molnoe , Mnr-
M i lltnwni elnr Kanidn. Clinton , Dlzlo. Cbfca-
RW Mi In aulcee nnd all points cast. To tin pco-
rp'le ' of Nolirnska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah ,
Bctotio.NovRiln. Oiopnn , Wnililnpton and Call-
Bniirnla , It offeM suneiior adrantajros not paisl-
fliilo br any ether line
iA.monir a few of the numerous points of f u-
tfimloilty enjoyed by the pntrons of this road
iimlvraenOmnlinnnd ClilcnRo , are Its twotrnlni
u flay ot DAY COACHES which are the flnegt
llSiat hiimnn art and 'nennlty ' can create. Ita
JPM.ACE SLKEPING CA1I8 , which nro modrlt
10 ( oamfort nnd eluif.inco , III PAHIXJR DRAW-
FII ! Q ROOM CAHS , iingiiri > n ; < sndbv any , and It *
' Uolj eelobrntcd PALATIAL DININfi OAKS ,
MfiiK ! eiual nf which cnnnnt be found e'lewherc.
Mt Council Illurrsllio trains of the Union Fuel-
lll Rr. rnnncct In Union Deficit with thope of
tltiK ) ClilrBKO & NorthweBtcrn Ky. In Chlcairo
'Illie ' trains of this line muke close connection
iwlilli tlinpe nf all eastern llncp.
For Dptrolt , CnlunibiiB. ImllimapollP. Clncln
MU. Nln nra Knlld. RnfTalo , I'lttBlnirK , Toronto ,
M nlronl. Ooslon , NIHT York , Philadelphia , Halt -
t Itmor * . Washington and all rolnta In th * antt ,
Ui t the ticket aenl fnr tlckota via the
11 you wish the lion nocnmmndatlonf. AB
ItlLket aireiils poll tlckeli vlntlile line ,
Gononil Mnniivor , Gcnl. Pais'r , At'onf
riilcngo , III.
I'oKternrt. ( . Cltv Pass -\ft. (
1411 rartmm St. . Omaha , Nob.
Artists' Material.
/Artists' / Materials , Pianos ami Organs ,
1513 Pouglus Street , Omaha.
Agricultural Implements.
Wholesalu Dealer In
Affrlcultural Implements , Wagons ,
unit Uaert't. Jones street , between Cth
' mi3luih.Oiuuba.Ncb. _
Affi'IciiHurnl Iniiilcmonta ,
) WBBoni.rarrlagcs , riiigitles , Ktc. , ' .VholanaU , Qmnh * .
Wholesale Ueulon la
Ar riciiliurol Impleinents ,
i and Buggies. 90l,8U3.'JOi and 'J07 , Jonti at
Butter and Eggs.
linyers of Untter and Eggs.
intefrUerator nml racking House , llth and Liattn-
vorthSt.U.l' . R. II. 'liack , Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
ElullilKi'B'Hurrtwuro&Sedlo Repair Shop
Wetbunlcs'TuoUnnd IltilTulo Srales. 1(05 Douglas st. ,
Omalia , Nf b.
LEE , FRIED < 0 CO. ,
Jobbers of Ilnnhvnrc anil NttHs ,
Tlanare , fiheet Iron , Elc. Atientu for Howe Bcales ,
ml illanil I'owdcrt > . . OmiiliiiN h. _
AVholcsnle Hardware.
rWtrrn nenti for Jetferton Heel Nails , Austin
L'OWdcrCo , t'HlrbunlK hlKuJurcl i-rales. Curur
10th and Ilarnejr , Omaba , _
Engineers and Contractors
11AYMOND o ;
r Hn < j Contractors ,
. .iadi"l . Hoof Troiset. Btcara I'ilo Drlilng.
"rj > , Cckainl I'lnollrld.-e Lumber , liih at. , ueur
I lirrum , Omaha , Neb.
Wholcsalo Dealers in Furniture.
. f'urnimil. , Omaba , Nob.
Furniture , UoildinV , Upholstery ,
Uliron.ctc. laBiSM ( ftn < J 1-10 Karnuru St. , Omaba.
i 4
Boots and Sheet.
A-'i/o/i' ro.w/M.vr ,
Mrnurnclnrrraiiml Wholesale ifo.tlers In
If (10(3 ( ( II 11(1 ( Simp ? ,
Compl'lo Mork of Unbl-fr Cooil * nlw.ij' on lift net
HB S. nthal..umnlin , .Nob. \ r. Aii tin. Agttil
Of HoOtS Illld
1111 I ( trnnin > t . Oiniihn. .Vb. . Mnnufacto , V
Mrrc1lti ( t < ni.
z. T. LL\DSEr , ro.
AVIiolpsnlo Itnlibof Hnot4 ami Shoos.
Itulillor niulOlldl Clot I mnml Kelt Hoot" , VOJS llth
* 8.root.
" " " "
j/TJr/i i
Afft. for Auliptwi'-HiiMi Hrowimj Ass'u
Pucilil llrumK KnuKl.ltmlirelrPriiml Krlfiogrr.
Lsitjcr Ucer Hrevvers ,
ral NCirlh Kih strp | , Omntin , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
CLA JtJfffnii'o.i. IP * co , ,
Omnlin Cofloo nittl Spire Mills.
Te , OoFi > ftplrii ! . linking I'oirdet , VI nrln lCjt-
tractsl.aundir Jllue , ink. Klc. lilt iGlliirncjr
Mrr tl > nMn , Neb.
llomn Coffee niul Spii-o Mills M'f'c Co.
Offpe Rentiers nnd Fplca Grinder * . Manifnuurvri
oflltMng I'owder , I l Torln Burnett , llluliiK. Kir.
Tr > nno cn i > of o ir l-tt | irknu Homo Blend lUm-toc ]
OorTrr. Mb Howard t. omihx , Noti.
John Kponeti'i1 , Prop.
Manufacturer of C lt.inlicit Iron nnil Cornice. 823
Ucdfonml 10.1 and 1,6 ts , 101 li M , DmiliB.Neb.
Mnni.fniturcrr of
Ornitniontal ( iiilvani/eil Cornices ,
Dormer VVImlon .nn tii.Metii1lcSkjlletitetc. S10S.
I2ti M.Onmhn.
0. .Sprclit , Prop.
Qalvnnlred Iron Cornlcps , etc. Bnpct > ! mpro pd l' t-
! M nndSlUK ttlti M.tnmlia.
Carpels ,
Jobber * of
Carpels , Curtains Oil Clothe , Husr
Linoleum * , Mn It I lies. rcte. 1MI Douc > n * ttrvpt.
Wholesale Cnrppls , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlne . Cnrtiln oed . Utc. 1123 1-nrnani Street ,
Omaliit , N > b.
Crockery and Notions.
w. L. WRfG iiT ,
Acent fur the Uimiificturcru and Importers of
Crockery , ( Jlasswaro ,
I.nnipi , ( 'lilume ) ! * , etc. Offiip , SI * South 13th at.
Omaha , Nub.
Commission and Storage.
' " "
Commission and .lobbing.
Ilutter , F.VKBBtiit 1'riHluci1. t'oiislK'ilucnm Hollilted.
IlcadquartPra for Btimowans Jlcrry Bom n mid
fjrntio llaalvCii. Illl IXjdnObluM I.Onulm.
Coniinisaion Morcliaiits.
Friiltn , I'roducu aiut Prnrltlons. Onmbn.Nob.
w. E.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Bpcclultlci Uultcr. ICcRi. Clicoso , Poultrjr. ( Jam * ,
U ) lerg , Ittc. , Ktc. 113 poiuh 14th elrret.
Prodnpe Commission Jloirhants ,
Poultrj , lluttor. Game , Fruits , etc. 320 8. Ktb it.
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobber * of Korolgn and DornOKtlc Fnilts. Corre-
apomlcnte Bnllcltetl. Warehouse nnd nUlco , 110 N.
Thirteenth st , Oinnhn , Neb. Tclcphnnn .7X
rnporlcm and nliolcntilo dcalerj In
Italian Produce ,
Furelcn , Dome-tic anil CalirnrnU Fruits and Corarnll.
alon Uenliants. 1QIH. Htlnt. Only ezcluilT *
fruit house hi OriiHha.
Coal antLime. .
'P. ailLESTOITK Tc CO. , '
Duilera In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OfflcoanJ ynnl. Ji.tli and Nicholnn ots , OraaliA , Nab.
Ynrd Tc'leplioric , UKJ.
OEO. i. , . , MiA < ill. Pros. C. F.nooiiMAX , V. Pre .
J. A. SUNDKKLAND , Sea. and Trrns.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
JOU hontli Thirteenth Street. Omaha. Neb.
J. .T. JOHNSON & CO. ,
ManufuctiirorR of Illinois White Lime.
And Hhtppern of Coal nnd CO F. Ceinunt. Plaster.
Uine.Hiclr. Uru llrlck , Drnln , Tile and .Hewer Tlpu.
OOloo. Paiton Ilutal. Karinim ft. , Omnlm , Nxti.
Telephone 611.
HanufacturiiiR1 Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fiults.Nute and HITIUB. 1211 tanmia Et. .
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stork Commission.
_ Geo. Ilurke , Manaiter ,
Union Stock Yards , H. Omnlia. ToUplione Ml.
SA VA G K < C G1 { EEN ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bblpmeotaof any und ull klndi of Block solicited ,
_ Union Stuck \ rd > , ( ) uiaha , Neb _
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbnra of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouns and Ammunition , 215 to 2X1 8. llth ( t. , 1010 to
IV.'I Karnnm ( . , OmnhnNel > ,
Munufactnrcrs of Fine Cigars ,
And \Tholoal Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Not. 108
_ and 110 N. l lh street , Omaba.
Wholetaln Doalcro In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Anentafor 1) , I.oldcrsJorf A Co , HnoOutand Hmok-
Inc Tobaccos , MIlHuukeu , Wisconsin. Nc. 31J
North Sliteenlh Htrtet , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goods ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
UOi and 1104 Oouiclas , cor. llth t. , Omaha , Nob.
. . . . .
> * NyWW > * v % * ww 1 - - * - 'N * " ' ' " * i * .i * * * * * " *
Dlatllltri nf Mqunrn , Alcohol and PplrlH. Importer !
Bud Jobbers of Wlnesand Liquors.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importers mid Jobbers of Kino Wines and Mquori.
boloionnufnoturernfif Krnnedy's East India ull-
ters and Domes'le I lijuori. Illl Uarn r tit.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Lai-gent Drug : , Taint , Oil * . Giasd ' ,
VT itof Cblcato. Complete Line -
Wholesale * Druggists.
And Dealers In 1'alnU , Oils and Window Olasi.Omaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. Il.BAfZit.I'rrs J Y.IIr.nrorin.Hoc.4Treiis
it. J. ( UtlBOK , V.I'res. sudBwpl.
Office 213 E. lUh st , Omaha. N b. Machinery and
Supplies for Manufacturing Cement Drain Tile.
Butchers' Tools.
' " " "
, HutchiTS1 Tooli and S'upplips ,
< aui ge Cuilu < < of all klndi nln ri lu stock. 12IS
Groceries ,
Wholpsalo Groceries nud Provisions ,
No tfV. . W , TCP ami til H. lOlli y t . OmilK. .Neb
p co. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1'lh nnd l.ravcnwn-tll Ml , Om M ,
ir. . / .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stocl ,
Pprli > ttVn rnn kli V , llardnnro Immber.clc. 120 *
_ nnO l.MI llnrney t . Urnnlta ,
Wliolosnlo Iron and Steel ,
Wncon nnd CurrlnireWoiiil Stock. Upary llnnlwur
lt : < \ l.'Uluirt I2IJ l.rnTl'imorth ( t.linxlin , Neb ,
Hlo\e < , Katnjros , Kuinncos Tiles ,
rn'itirKYta. Inland ltU
Mrr t.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroutbt and ( " > t Iron HnltcllngVork , Iron Ftalrn ,
HnllliiK. llcninn and tllnlort , MPOUI KniiltiCK. llra
\Tcrk , tit lifrnl Foundry , Mai bine anil lllnrk mUb
Work , onire nndorko , t' ' , I1. ltr.anditlii > tiri-t ,
Wholesale .loaders andMiisiu Dealers.
Drnlcri In HlUvrwaro , Dlatunndr , Watrben. riork * .
Jiifeler'i Tonlikiid MnturlHli , * ic. lot nndlOJ lilh
it.cor. IKxlitp , ( imaliii. .Neb.
Denier in Lumber. Lutli , Lime , Sash ,
DoortKto Y < -CornorTlh and I > micli\ ! Corner
Vthnnil Don tin * .
Wholesale Lnmher ,
814 8. lull i-lmel , Omalin. Nob. r.Colpetrer ,
C. If. DTETX ,
Lumber. nnd Cflllforrla Flreetc , Omnlm. Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. fill and DDiiulan sts. , Oumlin , Nub.
2' . 7r. JIARVEYLUMliER CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1103 F.inum itreetOmaha.
JIardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and 1'arotiet KloorliiR. Stb un
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American 1'orll mil CeniPilt. Ptat
Acent forltllniinkco llTdraullc IVuient nnd licit
( , 'iilncy Wliltol.lmc.
Life Stock.
S CO ,
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Bojd , Buperlnterdent ,
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 1213 Hnrnor St.ect. Omaha , Neb.
c. s. Gooimfcir o co. ,
Are the only Direct Importer ! of
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Nebraikn. Chicago prlcoa duplicated nltlmut add
ing freight. UI51'nrnam hMcpt.Omnlui.
j. T. itoiuxsoyr ifoTioit co. ,
Wholesale Dcalera In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
n and ( ti 8. Tenth HI , Omaha.
Notions , Hosiery and Gents'
lOOd and 1003 Karnam t. , Oinnlia , Nnh.
Mannfactnrers of Overalls ,
Jenrn Pant ! ) , Slilrtfl , Ktc. 1103 and 1101 DouRlun Ftrect ,
Jo ! ) Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book llluilcrs. 101 and 1 < H Htmtli Fourtuunth
Btroct. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Do lcn IriTrpo. Prnmn * and rrinteri'Supplloi. d09
ruiitliT tcltthhtrcct.
_ _
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Mannfacturort , 1'acUcri nnd I > rnlora In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
Ilaklnc I'owilrr. Unvorli'S ' ICxtnini. Table Hnuce.
French MuBlii" ' , Wn > h llmlntl. ( jrocere1 f I-PC ! , " . ! ' . ! : !
tiolo ugt nti fur York Slnte hnnil Itetlncd Apple Ci
der. KIM I eiivrnworth ! . , Onniha.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Workn.
UinuffcturerHiif Fire und llurclnr Proof Hafci , * \ il
JJoorK , Jail NNiirk.Miiit en nndMrn V.'ork. Cor.
iuiimn , Omr.lin , NJb ,
J' . lOYEJt C CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Klro and Ilnru'ar Proof Snfoi , Tims Uieki , VaulU
nd Jail Work , IOJI Vanum utrc-et OnmhH , .Sob ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wboleinla Mnnufnctureri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilrnnch oiHceltli and Uard ! . , Omnlni.Neli.
G. I < \ JjYMAN ,
Sash , Door , Ilind ! , Mouldings ,
Balldlni I'aner , etn. 1001 Rnuth Thlrteentli Hlroet ,
Omaha , Neb. A complete itock uf liulldcra'
Hani < fare.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jiui.Malr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlih
Juil opened , N. U. cor. 8ili and Leamnnorth Bit.
Omnbi , Neli.
" \VhoIesalo Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Bteamnnil Water Hunpllei. Headquarter * for Malt
'n. Illl I amain it. , Omaha , N b ,
" "
J'unipH , Pipes anil F
Stum. Water , lUllwaj and Alllll Eta
MO od K '
, VM W rn in „
U. S.'WI , ftNGINE anil PUMP
fr.lltdiir Wlu WHUt Btoam and Witer Suppllw ,
" " lohlrnrduodi , BeItlni ; . lloie. V13 and ( OO f r-
namit. , < ) uiatii. H. K , l > luin , Mno g r.
Trunks ,
JL JL MAR 110Fir ,
\Vholcsalo Trunks ,
Mlllard Hotel Illock , Omaba.
Wagons ami Carriages ,
The Lending Oarriatro Factory ,
( KUT * III 1511 til 18) ! )
1(09 and HI I Dodjo atrcot , Omaha.
Building Material.
I-ilcrln AIIKIndiof
liuiltlliiir Mutoriiil ut Wholesale.
latti HUtolunS Union I'aclllo 'Lnck , Orn h * .