Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAl Y BEEj SATURDAY , OCTOBER 30 , 1880. "THE FATHER OF BOODLERS , ' The Title Given to Ohnrch Howe b > a No maba Republican. THE VOICES OF CANDIDATES Buetl For filntiilor-I'nildy Kynn- Cotirt Notes Tlio llnnlcy Hccep- tlmi The Ilclirtiw Iimlleft' Work Other Ijocnl. "Tho Kilt hotof Uootltcra. " The Hon. John L. Carson , the prosl dent of the 1'irsl National bank of Drown villo , Is registered with his wlfo urn daughter nt the Millar , ! . Mr. Carson hai been in the banning business ut Drown villo for nearly thirty yc.ira , and lias dur ing Unit time taken a lively Inlurcst u political allalrs , being a staunch rooub lican of the old school. He belongs l < that class whoso party loyalty , howovci strong it may be , cannot compel him t ( support a candidate who ts unworthy o. tilaitarty. In speaking of the pulitica situation in Neniaha county to n UIE : ru poi ter last night , ho said : "Howo cannot carry Neniaha countj this year by more than 400 majority , aili I doubt if he gets that. Two years ngt U eaver carried the county by 800 inn jonty over Charley lirown , and the rounty has never gone by less than ( XX majority republican. " "Howe's boasted strength In his owr county , then , can not bo rollei upon ? " saitl tlio reporter. "No , sir , " replied Mr. Carson. "The fact is the greatest dissatisfaction , an open ono too , exists. The better class ol Nemalia republicans can not swallow Howe and Ins corrupt methods , and the bolt from the congressional nominee will bo even greater than is generally looked for. " "You have faith , then , in the charges that have been made against Howe ? " "Oh , wo have known of them all along. Howe's corrupt rccortl has boon generally understood , hut the HBK'S spo. oiho charges against him tiavo put the iiuonlo to thinking more about him , Howe is the father of boodlers. Ho has worked his methods so long in Nemalia that some of our republicans , men wlic claim to bo sincere in their loyalty to the party , have fallen into looking upon his methods as it matter of course ; but they have cone as far as they will , unil ho will run behind this year. Ol course , many of his tools , like Jim Stovcn.son , who was at your meet ingin thol'ourth ward the other niirht and who owes hi.s position with tlio B. 1X1 M. to Ilowc's inlluunoo , will stay by him to the last , but many of his former friends and supporters will sidetrack him this year. " "Stevenson's explanation ot Howe's standing on the prohibition question was not very clear. " "Howe is anything to suit the crowd , Ho got up at a church dedication in a Gorman settlement once in Benton precinct - cinct and invited the congregation out to where ho had some wine in the woods , but in the prohibition districts ho is in favor of prohibition or high license , any thing to be in accord with tlio provailin ; ; sentiment. Howe is jusj as much of a democrat as ho is a republican and on this account I do not think that republi cans ant under obligations tq give him their support. He is for Howe lirst , last and all the time. " CANDIDATES' VOICES. Thoy'Wcro Ilcnnl hast Night , ! ! * ! the ' First'atirt Second AV/xrtlsc . ' Last night witnessed'quite'aiV'nmounl of activity among the candidates of tht republican county ticket. H wus occa sioned by two meetings , ono of which was held by the Scandinavian republicans in Met/ hall in the First , and the other bv the Hoheminn republicans in the Seconil ward. Both of those were largely at tended. -In the Kirst ward the meeting was called to order by ex-Coiindliiian Thranc , Speeches were made by Messrs. Mathic- Ron , \Vhitmort ) , Hall , Pierce , Blackburn , Simoral , Ilosewator and Heimrcd , eacli of whom gave expression to pronounced views upon all of the questions raised since the commencement of the present conv uaign These remarks were listened tc with the greatest attention and at times evoked hearty applause. In the second ward Mr. Bartosu pre sided and Mr. Iless acted as secretary , Mr. Hoowater addressed the gathering in Hoheminn , nnd was frequently Inter rupted by applauho. Ho was followed bj Judge Berka , who made n lengthy nnd ctl'ectivo address , in which ho wont over every issue which has rown out of tin present canvass , Mr. Slmeral and ueortjo Heimrod then spoko. the formoi touching upon the necPSjsity of send ing good men to the legislature and his own nomination ns county attorney , tlio latter avowing his preference lor Van \Vyck for the next United States senatoi and his opposition to prohibition. Tin' meollng was large and iMilhusiastio , am ! every reference to Mr. Van Wyck wa : received with cheers. "The "Svenska I'oston , " a now Swed paper , made its appimrawo last nigh Biipporting the republican ticket with tin exception of Church Howe , placing J. A n' ' ' i in hisbtoad. > i' Sliindcr. John K. Svojda commenced a suit ii the district court yonorday by which In seeks to maku a follow Bohemian namei : Mfu-tin Svaoma pay § 10,000 , for making public .some alleged facts in the plain tilV's ' Career in the old country. Thti notl tionur alleges that on llio S7lh day o Oolobor , lyH'i ' , in the pntsonco of a lurgi number ol witno-ses , ho was accused ! r Svaoina of having .scrvctl a term in tin penitentiary in lioliemia us a thief , o IxMtig of iilciritimato birth ami of luin ! < tlm father of three illegitimate ! ehiltlrei wl'o are now in liohumia. As the plain tifl'is not a candidate for ollicn ho olijuct to having his roccnl cvamlin'tl ami con sidurs liimsolf damaged by Svaeiua'i iitiuomcnt in the sum of $10,000 for u'lucl amount he u.stcs jmlgincut. 1'iiKllitit Piiddy Uj nn. Among the passengers on thu Uuioi Paeillo overland train last night boum for San Francisco was Paddy Uynn , tin well known pugilist , formerly of Troy N. Y , , but now of Chicago , Pmldy i 01 Ills way to tliu coast where \w \ is to ligh John Ii. Sullivan , the champion , on No Vfinber S. llu is looking in oxculKui trim and is evidently in thu bc > t of spirits In conversation with n llu : reporter las ( mining hu Mvid that ho never telt bettc In his life uor in condition to make i ( un dor light. "At least , " Fold Ilynn with a smiln "Sullivan will know when the light i over that lie had MIUIO ono to light with 1 have nocars whatever of btaudingui befoift him , " Immediately upon his arrival in Sat Francisco Ilynn will go into aetivo tram ing. und expects to lie able to make i good showing when thu meeting lake place , After the exhibition in Umalu next week Sullivan will go direct to Sni Frunclscu for the big battlu. Court Nntos. .Tho case of tliu state against F. C Gorstenbcrg , clmrgcu with the burglar ; of KimbaU'd plauu nt Paul's par * , oeou plod the attention of Judge Nin'illu' court ye.itorday. Judge \VjxUiley \ WBH engaged ycstnr day in hearing the case of the cit ; ngnlrist Mrs. L. Hoyd , n suit to secure possession of city property occupied b : tlio defendant. In the county court ypstoraay Thoma : O. Echelbcrger commenced a suit agains George M. l chclbcrger to obtain a clam of $750 for commissions on real cstuti sold by the plaintilffor the defendant. William H. Owen , of Now York , fllot Hulbm the district court yesterday foi judgment against Day Crouch foi $118.70 for goods sold and delivered. An attachment was issued in Judgi McCnlloch's court yesterday in favor o the H. T. Clarke Drilg company agains Edward Wirt to secure a claim o $304.45 for goods sold and delivered. HEW KOHjrUH NKKOY. The Ifolirow Tindlofi' fiowlnc Hoclol ] OrKunUo for the V'cnr. A largely attended meeting of UK Hebrew Ladles' Sowing society wna lioli at the vestry of the Jewish synngogiu yesterday afternoon. The society h jus entering upon its second year's work. Its object is to aitl the needy poor of the city and for this purpose tlio members of the society meet on Friday of each wcok nnd devote a portion of tlio day to work in making garments that are ordered by : i committee whoso business it is to sccl , out the deserving poor and report tlieli wants. The society has a membership ol ninety-four ladles , thrtio of whom as3o < ciatcd thom. elves with tlio organization atyesterday's mooting. The treasurer's report was miulo , showing that $101.1).p ) had been collected for the work of the society exclusive bt tlm collections thai have already been made for the sccoml year. The olflecrs were elected for the cnsuinjtycar ns follows : President Mrs. M. Ilellman. Vice President Mrs. F. Adler. Secretary Mrs. Atlolph Meyer. Treasurer Mrs. B Newman. A committee was appointed to sock out the needy poor of the city and report their names and wants to the society. A Trnitip's Free Hide. Just ns the B. & M. train pulled out oi Lincoln yesterday afternoon , a tramp was seen to slide nimbly under ono of the cars and take a seat astride ono of the brake rods. In this manner ho rode safely to Ashland , where , when the train came to a standstill , ho was pulled out by the train men. The tramp started to walk up the track , and when the train again pulled out , going at considerable speed , ho again grasped a. truck and secured his former seat. At'South Bond ho was a second time removed by the tram men , but the passengers , who had watched the man's daring deeds , con cluded that he deserved a bettor fate than boimr mangled by the cars , and so a col lection was taken up and tlio tramp's fare paid to Dunlap , la. In conversation the man displayed marked intelligence , and it was learned that ho had but yes terday discarded n pair of crutches which ho had been forced to use on account oi an accident met with some time ngo which robbed him of tlio use of his lejrs. One of his limbs was still very sore , and taking everything into consideration hia crit and ngility was something remark able. Jnclc Hnnlcy'H TeHtlmoninl. Ti\o sale of tickets yesterday for the Jack Hanley'a testimonial nt Cunning ham's hull to night , attested the fact that that gentleman is now more popular than over in this city. In a short time no less than 400 wfare , which , with those that will bo disposed o ! to-day at this evening at the hall will assure an excellent attendance - anco Tha programme arranged com prises McDonald , the Montana champion , Jno. II. Clew , the Denver champion , to gether with several other local gentlemen in glove and athletic exercises , all includ ing with a sot-to between Jack Hanlcv and either Clew or McDonald. During the evening he will probably put on the cloves with both of these gentlemen. II is so long. since Mr. Hanloy has appeared in Omaha , that it will be agreeable to his friends to witness his old time skill , os. pceially where the array of other talent is such as to promise ono of the best en tertainments of the kind ever given in Omaha. _ To Organize the Club. A mcetinc ; of tlio stock holders in the new base ball association will be held tit Bundb's cigar store on Fourteenth htreol on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock foi the purpose of organizing the club and electing ofiicers. The required nniounl of stock , $5,000 , has been subscribed and the club as soon ns organized will make application for admission into the west crn league and will select delegates to at tend the meeting of the league whioli will be held in Loavonworth about the middle of November. Steps will also be taken to secure a suitable location for the grounds. Several sites are in conlomphv tion by tlio committee and will be pro * scnted for discussion at the meeting. Tlio Itloyclo Hace. All arrangements nro complete for the great lifty-milo bicycle race which take ; place to-night at the exposition buildiiifj at b o'clock. The new track was linishet : yesterday and ton or twelve wheelimn : wore training on it. Among them won Prince and Schock , and they claim it in tlio finest indoor track in America. Tlu jrirado will start from the cxposltior buildiiiL'nt OiUO p. m. . and the race com mences at 8 p. m. There is great excite ment over this race , nnd the record w 111 most likely be beaten , as both men are in line condition The race is for SlOJstnki and 70 pur cent of gate receipts , ami i will bo biiro to bo for blood. Doiitli of Gcoi'Klc As was anticipated almost , from tlu time of the accident which caused his in jury , little ( icorgiu Gallagher , the Jivu year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Galln ghor , died after siiU'ering for a week His ( loath took place yesterday nfternooi ut ! l o'clock. Iho little boy was injiirui at the time mentioned , rvhilo playiii' near his parents' ro.sidoncc. He full will a buction of fence ami sidewalk , whicl was undergoing repairs , the Hiduwall falling upon the little bov's head , ciuih ing the inner bkull. His death 1m aroused for his parents wide nnd heart felt sympathy. Tlm date of his burin will be announced Inter , SloicVillon Strangers. Mary C'houpkla , a young cirl ngod about seventeen years , wn taken from ( hi Buckingham homo on Twelfth street yes terdny afternoon , to St. Joseph's hospita in tint patrol wagon , suffering from a severe voro attack of typhoid fover. Sha Inis Intoli been engaged as a domestic in hotels ii South Omaha , and overworked lu < rolf. which Is Mipposud to bu the oausu of hut sickness , bin * was bent by her last inn ployer to the Buckingham house , bu soon bcramu so sick that it was fount necessary to transfer tier to thu hospital Tlio Chuutauqtiuiis , Thu members o ( the C. L. ( J , C. hold at mtorn.liiig session last night in Mnsonit hall , board of pdnnation rooms. A ful attendance of the Chantauquaiis wore oi hand , ami tlm meeting was prolitablo it more directions than QUO. Hood's Snivrnparlila has cured thous amU of cased of rhpumatism. This n abundant reason for belief that it wil oura you. Try if. AMI liUSBU-nUSOH. Tills Celcbrftted Finn to lnv.Cs $ rOOOO In Omnlin. George Krtig , manager of the cole brntcil Anheuser-Busch Brewing com pany , of St. Louis , Mo. , is in the cit ; with a view to establishing a mammotl store house at this point for their beet which is sold both in this city am throughout the territory west of us , Thi building \yill bo cnupi ! > cd with n paten refrigerating machine , which does nwn ; with ice entirely. It will bo built aftoi the general style of the Anheiiscr Buscli buildings , ooniprehcndlni strength , durability nnd beauty , and tin work of erection will bo commeiicei just as soon as the site can bo selected Tills building and ground will requln an outlay not far fiom $50,000. Tin company has had here for several vcan an elegant structure on North Nlntl sticet , which has proved inadequate t < tlie needs of tlio oompatiy. This place however , will bo retained until the mon commodious ami more available slriu > turc can ho completed. \VlntcrQimrtorfl. . The county jail is n desirable homo foi the pcttysneaks whoso summer's bnsinos1 lins been so unprofitable that , they hnv < nothing laid aside for the coming winter Two of them released from tin county jail yesterday and at once set tc work to get reinstated. Chns , Joliusor who was arrested a month or so ag ( charged with the larceny of Sam Beatly'i trunk was discharged by the grand jurj yesterday morning. Last nightho was ar rested by Ollleor Haze while in the act of breaking into the European hotel or South Tenth street. Frank Taylor , Hit nimble fingered sneak who has jusi served a term for tlio larceny of several suits of clothes , was arrested by Oflicon Brady and 1'nhoy last night with n bundle of clothes in his possession. Michael Davitt'H Ijcoturos. Mr. Michael Dnvitt left hero for St Paul last evening at 0:30 : o'clock. Hi ai rived hero early in the morning , and spout tlio day resting the Millard aftci the fatigue of lecturing at Lincoln tlu night before. It had been the liitontior ot Mr. Davittto continue his lecture tout until the latter part of December , but tin receipt of a cablegram from some of hh associate leaders of the Irish movement in Ireland , urgently requesting his presence there at the earliest moment possible , has compelled him to bring hi : lecture tour to n close at the end ol November. Ho. will then return to Cal ifornin , whore ho will bo married to Miss Yore , after which lie will go to Ireland Cruelty to Animals. 4. farmer named Chas. Elilers ycstor day ran into Mr. Danbaum's carriage on 1'arnam street and smashed the vehicle Ehlcrs then tried to get away and wa : whipping Ids team in an unnecessarily severe manner when Mr. Dnnbnum hail him arrested , charged with crucltv tc ' animals. Klilcro was take'n betorc Ju'dge Stcnberg and fined $5.00 nnd costs. He succceiled , however , when released , in making his escape without paying lei the damage to Mr. Danbnum's car riagc. He Fell In the Sewer. Chris Lars > en , a burly Dane who weigh ; about two hundred pounds , got full ol tanglefoot last night and fell headfirst into tin uncovered sewer , at the corner ol Sixteenth nnd Howard streets , Ho was fished out by Sergeant Mostyn and Olll cor Buruibh , in a half suffocated condl tion. -f , a- > - > - . * - * * ' - - * M ; Tlio South Omnha-'Salooiifl. The trustees of the newly incorporated village of South Omaha have passetl r. resolution requiring the saloons of the village to pay a license of $1,000 each pet year. Heretofore thu saloons in Soutl ; Omaha have only paid the government revenue on liquors. The Homo Circle. The opening party of its season was given la&t night in M-tsouiu hall , au.1 was greatly enjoyed by the thirty-live or forty couples in attendance. An extended no' tieo of tlio event is reserved for tlio BKU'S Sunday columns. Brevities. The work of laying concrete for the foundation of tlio city hall- was cbnv monced yesterday. The plans for the proposed county hospital are on exhibition at the ollice ol the county commissioners. The sacred concert which was to have taken place at the opera house Sundaj afternoon has been postponed. Work on the excavation of the foundiv tion for the new hotel nt Tenth and Far mini is being rapidly pushed. The question of the incorporation ol Park Vale will bu considered by the conn ty eommibbionors on Wednesday nnxt. Burglars entered the grocery store ol Hgerim & Johnson nt 12 : . ' ! ) North Nine tcentn street last night and got : uvi\ with two overcoats. It is a mistake about George Gollon beck , night watchman of the BHK , hav ing purchased tlio jmpur. His high step ping is over tlio arrival of atwelvii-pouiu daughter at his homo in Omnha View. Personal l'nrniraphH. Pnrke Godwin hab just returned fron his western trip. General Tliayor went down into tlu South I'lalto country yesterday ; morning U F. James , K. M. F. Lilians nnd J II McColl , of Plum Creek , nre in the citj yesU'idny. Mix P Hugus loavH to-night for Pnsa- doun , Cal. , to spend the winter with hoi son , Mr. John Hngiis. Mrs. Dickinson , wife of tlio assistan general superintendent of the Union Pa eillo , with headquarters at Denver , ar rived at Omaha from the west last even ing in a .special ear. She was nccom pained by her aunt. Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease , ulth distressing and ollcnaUo sjniptoms. llood'a BarsaiiarllU gives ready relict nnd * j > eedy cure , fuim the fact It acts tlmmcli the Mood , nnd thus reaches every part of thu sj&tem , " I suftm-il with catatrh flftecn years. Toolc Hood's Harsaparllla nnd I an ; not troubled any with catarih , and my general health Is much liettcr. " I. W. J-II.U9 , 1'ostal Clerk Chicago & St. Louts Kallroad. " I Buffered \\llh catarrh C or 6 years ; tried many \\ondcrful cures , Inhalers , etc , , sjieud- Ingnrarly one hundred dollars w llliuut benefit. I tried llood'a Barniiparilla , and nns greatly Improved. " II. A. AUBBV , Worcester , Mass. HooJ's SarsaparllU Is characterized i > y three peculiarities t 1st , the combination ot remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion i 3d , the precut ol securing the acllvo medicinal qualities. The result Is a mcdtclno or unusual strength , ( fleeting rures hitherto unknown. Bend lor book containing additional evidence , "Hood's Bar ta par Ilia tones up my eystera , purifies my blood , sharpen * my appetite , and neciiis to make maer. . " J. r. luoiU-BON , lU'elbterot Ueedj , Louell , JUi > 3. " Hood's Strsarkirllla beats nil others , and Is\\orth Its uelghtln c ld. " I , lAiini > are > , 130 Bunk btrect , NuwYorlc City. Hood's -Sarsaparilla Sold ty all druggists. (1 ; six for (5. Hada cnljrfcyO. J.'HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Do8O8Ono.Dollar. _ . . THE Alfe OF LAUGHING ii. jiMJ A Boy Who 'Attoitpta to Laugh , But Wh Cannot Even Raise a Smile. Mon VVho frrjiigti nntl I.'rovoko Its HotiltJi-ProtltioliiK tics AHvWoulil IjntiRli If jTJi y Could. St. Louis Gl&lxMJoniocirnt ; I have on boy who cuih qt laugh. Ho makes n ! tunipls ut it , but Jic uiizht as well attorn ) ] to brny. Otlftif wise a fine chnu , with capital head unil need nuikc-up , bo lack the imtlvo ift of laughter. \ \ lion I > docs try , it ataxies off the end of hi tongue In n to-be-he. The fuel is further more tbnt bo docs not laugh inside Jokes nro not at homo anywhere ln bi soul. Machines are. I ( tou't know om inaohlno from another ; can hardly tell i pii mi ) from a churn , but 1 like the dull cato "punch-blow" shades of a goot story. If old I'alstnft" were hero in thl room , .this boy of iniuo would wall nround him three or four times nnd giv < a guess at his weight , or tell mo hi thought him about' ono and one-half o n horse-power. "Knickerbocker's Nov York" i am obliged to translate to tin chap. What , after all , is laughter ? Here is i friend of mine up in Michigan with sucl a gift of laughing that lie shakos youi rafters. Jokes snap and crackle as thoj ily out of his mouth , while he clasps hi ; luuids to Ills buck and roars. Unokwim and forward ho runs/ only stopping llni tremendous broadside long enough U catcli breath. The last time 1 saw bin was at the depot in A - . Unfortunately the platform was not long enough tc cover hLs backwuru strides , ami over lu went. Hut ho climbed on again , will the last half of a joke still good in hi : mouth , and liryd it at mo as the trail moved out. Curiously , a laugh is in feclious , and sueli a man keeps a crowc in a roar without exactly knowing why John 13. dough's best thing was to tel an audience that be intended very soot to make thorn laugh laugh at something silly , lie gave them preparatory notici that what ho was going to say amountct to nothing ; was not wortli laughing at yet they would all laugh tnem elvo ; tired. Then he went on coolly to do it And they always did laugh , and then looked at cacli other to see what the. > were laughing at. No one over fount out , and John Mild to them : "I told you so. " He had the art of making langh'tor Ho was not himself a good laugher b\ any measure. In private lie was dccid edly a sober , mattcrof-fact man. Can you then get at the diflorenee in folk ? A. judge holding court for some time , in waiting for a witness named Sarah Money , announces at last that as the witness is not forthcoming ho will adjourn court "without cpre-mony. " One of his lawyers amazed to see every one laughing. lutftivtj ) , o way homo the joke penetrates him , , and lie stops and hoids on to a fencowhlle the wave nns-ps over him. Reaching ! hrtmc ho repeats it to his wife "the grfeite : t joke of the season. " "Tho judge adjtJuVned the court without Marymoney.don't , / , see the point ol that , " insists njLUa poor woman. ' 'You will in aboutuivOlmimites , " ho replies "I didn't at lintc,1'.1) You say what are we to make of 'sttcli u dolt as that ! No more lllton"1 " lie makes of you , People come . ; tt > ! n.ore nii.suuderat'aud- iilg on thi5f"ipjqtjf / of laughter than on any other. \ \ b.yisit people don't like tc be laughed ut' ? Yfliat is laughter , any way ! Appai'cnUyju very innocent affair ; n , muscular contortion rarely a comely twist of the features. Could you imrgine anything moroJiuighablo than to have , ( JhnrusSuninitt ] _ * > ami Tom Corwin bronchi into social contact for an hour ? Siimnci always felt ofn/jofae as he would thu handles of a battery , and the result was a shooU. Ho-hiitiid a jqker. Cprwm was corruscuting with wit ami Inn in spite of himself. Ho was the greatest .statesman and wit combined the country has pro duced. He died at last as you have seen a vast discharge of rockets Hashing and illuminating , and then suddenly all was darkness. Lincoln , however , was more grim. He was not so royally a laugher as Corwin. JJnt what would yon give to sec the span in I'aradiso. "Alas lor cquilibilum ! " so cried ono oi England's greatest jokers. His theory was that much laughter-making worn him out. I have a Iricnd who says , "I would give half know if , like H. over there , I nidn't care whether I knew any thing 'or r.ot. Oivo mo a few years ol dead level. " There is , however , a sort ol gentle mirth that sparkles so quiutlj1 that it produces no friction. Stevens , the traveler , when crawling intoa hole of the old masonry in ono of the ruined cities ol Central America , heard a tiger roar from within. Ho coolly remarks that the timu ho occupied in hackiii" out "is hardly worth the mention. " It would bo delight ful to lie laughed at by Washington Irv ing. Mirth makers are , as a r.ilo , not happy men. They can see nice bhadings of contrast , and bring the contrast out , as when friction makes a Hash ; but they do not dwell in peace. Lamb and Hood were sad. Nearly all our comedians have been noted lei tragedy in juivnto. 1 prefer a good laugher to u good niirtlnnakor. Tholuttci is liUe your Italian organ grinder. The funniest thing in tno world is tc see an an exiled assassin from Naples grinding out "Ann'us Laurie or "Tho Ciirl 1 Left liohind M t ( from a hand organ The inutdcroiis wretch not to trivo over his love for killing ! And to prctond it is music ! I have u triend who lines an at1- cordcon , nnd he asiiircs me if I only had an ear tor it , a Scotch bagpipe wonhl please me. I never dispute with Mich n man. There is not an animal that I know of that doo-i not try to Ituigh , and maku home approach HI it , only none of them have as good Itiiighing-muschis us we have. It is partly a mutter of check. Hut what a jolly nllnir a dog i& when his master comes homo. He splits up n roaring laugh holwccn his head and nil , Between the two his whole body is eon * tortedinto grftA thut , linally work off as barks. Thoy'wiy'wild dog do not bark , It is because tljejyd [ ; > not laugh. Biologists tell UH "tho gonn of bead and tail Ho in the fact that the protoplasmic cell is an oyoid. " Tluvtnmmit of the ovoid is the polo of highest- dynamic action. Here the food is tnfccri' in. Nature already says hero slwlJbuX head. This is nat urally the 'Jouijiinnt and dominating point , Hut tlm domination is not alto gethcr , and " at1 once , differenced to that pttlo.vj So ages after , when a lii'ii\l \ IB really constructed , and a brain , : ( hd'\nih it are concentrated all the higher farms of sensation , the op posite polo still h'olds some portion oi jxjwer. The mil of/tho bird and the do divide with tlui'lwtt ) the function of Ian- guag . The language of the tail of thr robin is as oxitf cssivo as the lungungo ol tlm tongue. Tho'tuil is never given up by natiiro until its possible functions have been drafted off to the hand and tht tongue , \Vntch the taii of a cat in iU power to. toll joy , expectation , grace , anger , apprehension. Dumb .inliniilbarc not so very dumb. The emotion thai keeps .Mrs. Van Housen's tongue swing ing like an eight-day clock's pendulum I- in these creatures worked offat both amis. Instnud ofquickening Ids gait my horfcc unswersuguntlut.ipuf tlm whip with ulhn : of his tail. A cow must express hcrsoll with tliu tail or her hoof. A cow whose tail troubles 3011 in milking is not n kicker. Hut of what use any longer is n tail to an animal that can rend Tom llood und sit lutok to u.fciiltt Bplitf.n } ! roar ? That can laugh with his eyes , mouth and nee and t < houki > y Nature throws it away at last as usolt'Sj. That v = why man has no tail , lie dons not not it to laugh with Laughing is : x trie nature has for shaking off trouble an shaking out the incntnl fogs. There no time whun 1 sympathise with animn so much as when thoy'fcel awful jell nnd cannot tell it. Man bns the advai tngp , not so much in bis troubles ns in h delights. Ho cannot cry-any bettor tlia a host of other animals. What a horribl bcnst bo is when ho cries and screan with pain or wrath ! Hut ho can laugh. You should always have for a famll doctor a man who can laugh. A laug once saved my life. U never is so usofi as by the way of medicament. Mydoi tor tells n good story , and has n gonnin smile. Snnlos are no' generally not got nine. They are mostly grins , ha smothoroJ. When your doctor look cheerful and hopeful you catch it of bin Lincoln , bearing the country on Insbcai in hours of disaster , fortunately coul laugh. George W. Julian tells us that who Lincoln approached the laughing spot ! a good story he would lift his left foot t Ids right knee , and , clinching his fee with both hands and bending forward his whole Iramo would bo convulsed wit his .sensations of dnlight. Washington was never known to hnv laughed but onco. it was at Vallc ; Jb'orge. He had ordered that whoever olllcer or private , got drunk , should b compelled to out , a stump in pieces Where the camp was formed thcbRstump were overabundant , Quo morning while making bis tour of observation , In came upon a soldier who was chopping out the very last stump. Washingtoi called to him pleasantly : "Well , Root fellow , ftf > \ \ have found the last stump ? ' "Yes , sir , " growled the man , "and nov when an ollicor gels drunk there won't b < a stump left tor him. " The genera laughed heartily und looked at Ids otll cors , as if there were some of them entitled titled to fool relief. Thoreau know a good laugher once and tells us a good deal about him it "Waldon" : "when I approached hln ; he would suspend his work , Ho alone the trunk of a pine which ho bad felled and. peeling off the inner bark , ohcwei it while ho laughed and talked. Such ai exuberance of animal spirits had he tint' ' he sometimes tumbled down and rolled on the ground with laughter at anything that tickled him. Looking around at tin trees lie would exclaim : 'By George , 1 can enjoy myself wull enough hero cnop ping ; 1 want no better sport. ' As ho bat on a log to eat his dinner the clilcku decs would light on his arms and peck ai the potato in his lingers , tie said lu liked the Httlu fellows about him. ' ' Thorcau's own laughter is of the silcnl sort. I am afraid he laughs at me per sunnily occasionally. What we cal laught.or is only the explosion. Laugh ter itself is not a noise. Carlyle , in "Sartor Resartus , " tells ol laughter that takes in the whole man from head to heels. There are as ninnj styles of laughing ns there are laughers Ono begins slowly , the fun gently creep : out along the risible muscles , then tin bands Ily up , the feet Ily out , and tin mouth Hies open. This man becomes tin victim of a joke , for it is very dillieull tc stop when no gets to a reasonable max ! mum. Tom Jones that is not his name , but that makes no difference here novel laughs without such a rush of blood tc his head I am afraid for his life. Conceited laughter wags the head tc and fro , as if to say : Yon see I take tin joke ; I am quick to catch. Dr. Overwooi never laughs exeepts at his own joke1- These please him. Ono of them will lasi him for half an hour. I have known bin to be all day ut a joke and so in capita ! humor all day. But my friend L. hn < only seven jokes , and these lie has gone over and over till wo all know them and when to expect them. So wo begin tf Jaugh beforehand , and that's the fun o ! it. His Monday joke and his Tuesday joke never get transferred. His Sundaj joke is a general article , adapted to tht clay and liable ! to niake us better men. Hi sits at the end of our table and carves om beet and our fun. Permit- * . Inspector Wliitlock issued building per mits yesterday as follows : O. S. 1'ettis & Co. thtce-stoiv Ir.iinp addition to waiehoiisc , l ! < Ub to KH4 l/.aidMiccr . SIOC John Welsh , Iraine burn , Leavoiuvoith and Irwin stieels . IK Collins. ! onion , two-stoiy tiamt stuit1 , SOU ! earnings street . 1,501 Three permits agyregatiug . 5M.14 : A J'rlsonnr's Ingnmii ty. Santa Clara ( Cal. ) Mercury. James Smith , ono of the "trusties'1 at the county jail , who is finishing up a sen tcnco for misdemeanor , hiib invented i1 water wheel which ho believes will bo : i great improvement on the tur jinc. It i' constructed on something of the sanu principle of the last named device , tin improvements consisting in the applica tion of the water , which is done by means of no/ales , thus utilixing the force as > well as the weight of the lluid. He says that ho ex pects to dispose of bis invention to the Japan government , in the employ ol which ho formerly was. It is stated thai Smith is a fictitious name , and that hu if a thorough machinist , who learned hi ; trade in Scotland. Ho is also a skillful hand-weaver , and during Ids imprison ment lias devoted a portion of his spare time to manutucturinga number of sup erior doormats. He is the man who , some months ago , created a disturbance in ono of our hotels , while intoxicated , and was .sentenced to 200 dnyfa' imprison ment , of which lie has still about fifty tc serve. A SWIXDLKR Docs not refer posKib.e pmchascrs to his victim * ! , The Athlophoios Co , ylHilly re fer * Miflurerb fioin rheumatism , neurnlgin , eciaticn , nervoui. or tick hc.-utachc , kidney and liver complaints to those who have been cuicd of these dibeases by Atblo- phoros , and will ftnnUh names and ail- iliebtus of many Mich persons to tbo'e de siring them. Allilopiirosjs the only ism- cdv for these diseases thnt can Bland Mich test. Kdgcrtoni Kan. , Jan , ijlb , iSSp , I was alllietedith iheumntUui for ci ht years , nnd it bad become chionic in its worst form , and after utdng one bottle oi Atlilopohrot , I have not felt any symptom of it for six months It done more than than that ; my wife was afflict d with neu ralgia for twelve } < an > , had un attack ev ery month After taking one bottle , hix months ngo , has only felt it once or twice since. J , C. DOOM 1C , Mrs , TJios , Mr.Cue , S.inlord , Block , cor ner 8th and Main streets , Duhurpie , Iowa , says : "I , un Mill well , Laaintcr wub a very sc\cre and cold one ( or me , but I did not have any return of the rheumatism. Athlophoros has proven a good medicine [ or , ' About A year aye Mrb McCuc had a very severe attack of imtlammatory rheumatism in which the feet and hancU were very much bwollcn , so much so that ou could scarcely see one ot the anklet. , and some of the toe 'mils ere completely coveted lor many weeks. She hud uillcr- cd almost the agonies of death , Kinally , after reporting to varies icinediesvitli no avail , her husband noticed the advertise ment of Athlophoros , Thu result of its me was miraculous ; the swelling was soon re duced , the pain tubJurd , and she was again up and around and hat not been troubled since , Every druggist should keep Athlopho ros ami Athtophoro3 Pills , but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Atldophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. . Now York , will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt of regular price , which is f 1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and DOo. for Pills , For lU'iir unil UuiU'X iili > eu ua. Ujnu-psla , In- illKOllOn , wi-uKiii-ss , nuruiuii liability , dU t ! ) ( itoiuuii , I'onslljiuUmi , liuuilKche , impure jlood. ic. , Atliloiliuros J'lIU uri uau'iualed. 11 HOWTO ACQUIRE WEALTH. _ U JILAXKSt ritlZES OXhn Kvrry Yearowu Million Distribut ed. A Drawing AYrrJToittli / , With first pa\inent of only Si , yoit can acquire six Eoropcnn Government lloiuN , wtlch ] not only guarantee a safe investment ol capital , as , ( it the worst the .invested money must r > c paid back , but also offers the opportunity to make a fortune byun - ning a big prize. ONLY S2 KEQJJWED to buy a Uoynl Italian , lee francs gold bond. These bonds participate In 22 $ drAwinin , four drawings cvorv ycnr , and retain their ojit- innl value until the year 1004 Prizes of 3,000,000 : 1,000,000 } M)0,000 ) , will be drawn , Besides the certainly of receiving back the 100 francs in cold , you can win four timcka jcnri and so come into possession of a fortune. We oflcr thc o b.nds for $33 , in monthly installments of $ . } , or for cash at $25 , as long as our sup ply lasts. Money can be eut by registered letters , money orders , or by expressami in return vo will forward the bond , The next drawing will take place oil Novem ber 20th. For further information apply to , BKKMN BA.VKINO Co.505 Hro.idvt.iy. New York. N. B. These bonds arc not lottery tickets , and are by law nermitttd to bo sold. Display at tholr v/arorooms , 1 SOB and 1807 Fanmm the largest assortrriont of Pianos and Organs to bo found al any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tha highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY v BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most ( iboral Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible ti&focts In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , K.OG & 1307 ARNAM STREET RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specially. All work warrant- cd. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha A Dock thnt crcrr father hould place In hln onn ImndJ nnd rraJ himself wltIitL utniort care. Ulrus all the ftjmptoms iu.d terrlbtu remilla of ! > iM nai due to Earljr Vlc nnd Jynur * . ame > . U'rof. Jean Clrlale. ) HurtwnJs nnd Ilcftdj of FamOf 1'arli France. ) Ulenmrd 1C. Testimonials ft om umliiont london Ducton FRENCH HOSPITAL for Prftlnn , Tlicay. Wralcniwn , Lo t Vitality , Ftc. Sent inly vcalc-it. Trru Canoitttntlnn. From 0 A M . tti 5 r u. jiviXiJ- i\tJi. : U4-uit. > n Irt. . .Now lurk. Cure wltnout medi A POSITV cine. Putentol Octo ber liJ , 1870. Ono box will euro tlio most obttnatocixsn In fourdays Ho nnusoons doses of cubebs , eormlbn orollot enndnUvood tluit tire corlalii to nroduco dyspcp- Flabvilo-tiovlmrtho oo.ttlnn of the stomiioli , J'rfcogl.GO. Bold by oil drills-lots or mulled on rcfolptotprlco. For furtlior pirtlfulars Bout torctrculnr. P.O. Dor 1531. /1TTTD 3" . C. LJlaA.iT CO. , IjllKK v w * * " M John St. . Now York. FOI1 WHISKERS MUSTACHES AND BALDNESS Uhhr blf C tH | MUptvkM ih ! > . U. JI. U L'.ll.CO. , tOl A 803 C Atr.i 1'ilillar. HI * . , C. 8. Till BEST TONIC ) UNEQUALEDforCONSUMPTIOn WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEOIUTY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , DH. KDIV IWAIJ.INd. . Fur EPOII In Cliler , National Uuu ( of N J. , Miltra "tlHltmlina wn rnllod tt jinir KPMlono Jlitlt UMikpy bj Mr lAiIor , llriicBl'l , 'f In'nloa and I Imvo nitA n TOM li.tllai ullli far Ix'llol cHni t tlinn any j liuin liad I inn ncmmiirmirnf .lour arlU-lo In in ) ] > inrllce , uad flinl It iery i > ututictur > .M BEWAfiE OF lUITiTI3S3. HSMI1 t MFMIKI.IUV ou tlio LnUt Ki't JjfDCirjr ih U 8 ) 810.318 and 920 Ilaca St. Philadelphia. Pa. ( looiltnan Drug Oo.Jnnl ( AgentsOmah , XchrasKa. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hunt. I-urnUliixl The Tremont , J. C. 1TIY.CJKitAljD. % KON , 1'iopilulorj. Cor. Fth and I'bls , Llni-iilii , Nob. rtHton fll/l pur Jarbtreet curl Iromliuuta to any pirt of Hifl eltr. " JT H. W. HAttlTlNsT Architect , nmci'3n. : . : il nml 4J , Illoliards UlooU , Uncoln , Neb , Klouituronlltn htioet. Ilrcodernl IM ' Live Stock Auctioneer Knlea madu In nil nuiU of tlm U rf. atfulr rnloi. llooni il.Stiitu IHouk , l.liic.'iln , Noli , ( irtllmms und Short llot-ii bulls for sale. jTll. GOt'hDINoi ' Farm Loans and Insurance , rnnalii rtvurJ tu lonni Itoum , HliiU i J Hloult , I.lnuoln , Nob. Ibiversicle Short Horns Of ii lety ! tiuru Hates ttnl llatud Tu | > i'utlcuttl < i. lluni uniiiticrd uliunt M lioad. KHiulllv ruiru"iiti'l | ( : t'iilioiti , Cr.UfH. Acotnto. Hfiilui , ItotiMif SliHrf.nt Musi Itosm , KuUbtly JJuuliovfes , Hat Crooc YUUQI ; UaryH , Vliylllscs , Ixiuutu aiul'l rim I.OYP > . llulls tor inlu. 1 1'iiro Hiitei Fip : ri , | I'nra DKti'i C'rHirK" . ) ilosoof Sliaixiii , ] Vduntr Mury. ll'uio OrnloV Klmnk HIV ! othum Conio nuj Ill8l > vi-llho liorJ. AddlCJJ , UHAS. M. llltAS- BON , Uuooln.NeU. _ _ IVJiuu in tilocola lup nt National Hotel , And veinKood ulunerfo - . ' < " - . KKDAWAV I'rop , Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 30,000 II. W. Yatci , President. A. E. Touzalin , ino President. W. II S. Hushes , Cashier , DlltCOTOHS ! W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Ilccd. A. E. Ton/.alin. * -BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , . Cor 12th and Farnam Sts I A Go.-.crul Banking Jiusincss Transacted N. W. HARRIS & Ccv ItJiA'KJiltfi , C11ICACO. DAUtflC Of Counties , Clttps ninl ol horn of uUllUd lilffh Krndo bought nn < 1 sold Canton ) offco ) LH Uovonshlru at. . Boston. CorivspooA enuo solicited. Or Clio Mqiior llnliil , ! * < > Ultcky 4'uroil by Admliilttcrliiff I > r. llulncv' Opldcii Npucilla. It can be given In H cup or collun or Un trltboot thl know \eiige \ ol tlia pcroun taking It , In ubeolutol ? barmloii , nnd will effect a pprmnnent * nd spndy Care , wliotfivr thn pittlrnt Inn modcrntodrlnlcero * > u Hioouollc wreck. It has been given IP iboa * Ninas of mitt , nnd In evtrlii > ticcen > ierfect cam bufolloneil. It nnror fal ! , The system OOM liapn Hnatcd wltb lliu bpcomen an uttol tin possibility fur tliu liquor appclltu to oxlit FOR HALE 11Y FOLLOWISU UltUUOIHTS : /VUIIN & : CO. , Cor. 15th nnd Danclni , ua4 18th & Cumin * Bin. , Umu a , Neb. " A. I ) . POSTUR iV IlKU. . Council Illnn > , loira. Callornrltit for pnmpLlst contnlnlnpr liuudrad * c ! t-:3tliijinUli from tlmbcjt nuunu uid maclMal tliicounuv. _ j CO , , STAR Delicious Flavor. No pains are spared to make tlicKo mcatn BEST lliat can bo ] ) rotlucud. People of EPICUREAN TASTES are highly with thorn. If yuurUiormirKfarltPtninn da nut krrn Ui u , icuit dlrrcl to-lruiuur.l : Co , , f" TM rolv parfect substitute fur Mntht/'i milk. Inviiluitbiu in Cholera Infantum ml Teothlnci * pridliiB teiJ food ( or Qy > Replies , Conkumntlvn * , convalescents , ertoot n.ilrleiit In H Wasting nisoucus * Hwiulr no i-uoUlnor. Our io < ik , The Uur * one ! HciucJlnK . of Infiints , rntllud rr < - . imrinl. ' ; ( | ( > OIl.a CO , . Boston. MM _ _ OUR rT\HHH. Th ( ! ri > tO rm a l'jc > ni.t ntjtl IS < < fur | O crnli ln t uiii , K. 11. ill. Ulf A I. CO , KM Jluuptcu , Uotin. PUTS AND CALLS. OnVliout , Coin , Oul , 1'oik , I.nid un I H. B. Plonks , Jnrl-onir ntnl Bliurt Time. iJinul ( < ir l'jlc l.'iH.ulnr. U. I' . HAHT ft ( 'At.M Wiiblilniiton ft. , Clilf.ifo , III. Kuluronuu ! Air.crli.-ttu Kx cbatiit'N"ulioi l Hunk oed liuiilcini nti wllli r ch Ixiltlt , Messrs. Kuhn & ( "o , ,