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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1886)
HE * \ > i : r SIXTEENTH YEAE , OMAHA , FKIDAY MOB astasra ! OCTOBER 20. 1836. NUMBER 123. IERR1BLE RAILROAD WRECK , The Limited Fast Express on thcMilwanken Bead Ditched , THE WORST DISASTER IN YEARS. Twenty-Hi * Snpposcil to lie Hurncil to Death All tlio CIcvv.s to tlio Identity of tlio Unknown Dead Destroyed. Fntnl Wreck on tlio Milwaukee. Mn.wAtncni : . Oct. 28. The limited passen ger train on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. r.uilralltoad which left bete last nlcht at 10 , was del ailed at Ilio when about three houis out and thrown Into nn old stone quarry. The particulars are hard to net , but It Is admitted nt the Rcneral olllceot the com pany in tills city that ono coach and tlneo ( sleepers were wrecked aitdllvuor six persons killed. I'hjblcl.uis left tins city on tlto oaily tinln for the scene of the disaster. It Is repotted that out of ten persons who occupied ono of the passenger coaches se.ven weio killed. A gentleman irom Chicago and two clilldien from Wlnonawcro the only ones saved from Ihe passenger coach. None of the occupants of the sleepers wcio Injured. Nothing h'as yet been leained In regard to the number wounded , limrl- neer Searle. at first lepoited killed , was only slightly hint. it. Lawenbach , a job printer of this city , who was on thewiccked train , savs tlie passenger ciach which contained between llfteen and twenty persons was tele scoped at both ends and the Ilio that envel oped the wreck prevented the Imprisoned mid Injuied patbenpeis iiom escaping * 1'as- senders fioi'i the slcepcis gathered around the bla/.lnc cars , but wen1 powerless to ren der assistance. Men and women could bo H'on tearing their hair in the ngony of the moment and frightful screams issued from the death trap. One heavy woman in paitlctilar , he says , tore up one of the heals and endeavored to bieak her way out , but her streiutli failed anil she tell to tlio Moor und met witli a horrible death. Only tluco persons Oic.tped fiom the passenger coach. Lawunbach says a man and two clilldien foict'd thmnselvcs out thiouu'h the ventilators to the top of tlio car , with all clothing from the waist down burned oil' his body , and the llcsh loasted and bleeding fiom cuts inlllcled by bioken glass. Lveiy oniiol the w recked weie consumed , with the execution ot the last .sleeper , which was cut away fiom the burning vvivek. All the bodies of the victims wore burned In the wieck. The Kvenlnp Wisconsin's special from l\ > t tngo says : Last night soon after mid night the west-bound limited e.xpiess was ditched at Kast Itlo Siding , u small station about thlileen miles east ol this city on tlie main line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. JMtil railroad. Theio are two bldo Hacks at thu place and al tlie lime tlie liain was due theiu last night bath weie occupied by liolghts : one by a wild train and the othei by train Xo. II , Conductor I ) . I' . Hatikev , of this c'ty ' , w hich had just pulled in fn m tlio west to allow the limited to piss. No. II wiis very long and the conductor was at the bead of 'iho train lelying upon thn brakeman to attend to the switch. Ono icpoit says tlie icar brakeman , whoso bus- ! lie's it was to cloio the switch after Iho tialn , tor some leasoii neglected altogether to do so. The other nnd moie ptobib'e story Is that ho started back to olosetlu s.vileh butbotoie liecoulil icach It fc > . the limited , which does not stop ill any ex cept latge places , came loiring down guide at lifty miles an hour and left the Kills at the open switch. The sldint : U In a cut whoio the load that the switch li ht can not be seen fiom the east until tlio train I.swilhln a few rods , HO the engineer of tlio limited could not bee the switch light turned wtonjj until too Into to stop. The engine left tha tiaclc , ran a short distance and biotuhl up against the Innk. The regular coaches iollowcd , while four sleepers kept the tails. The engine and ears that went oil' weio badly smashed and tool : lire t mm stoves. ' KiiL'incer' Uttles and Flieman Tgan were badly biuised and scalded. Thebaggageman had a lee bioken. All the passcngeis In the slecners pot out nulnjmed , except being slightly bruised , but In one day coach thn teen were penned and liteially burned to death. Many others wcic inju ed by a seveie cliak- ins up. The names of the victims are not yet known hen1. The whole train with tlio exception of ono s'eeper ' was burned up. Superintendent Colllow" was on tlio castboi nd passenger tiain No. 2 , which was waiting at tlie station , tour miles tills side ot the wreck , for tlio limited , and was fioon on the hcene. The wreckIng - Ing tiain with surgeons went from Ihlscity and did all possible to allev late the suffering and .save life. Xo. a was obliged to back up to Ihlscity and went over the Xoitliwestern via Harrison. Heaver Dam and Fox Lake , thusamo loutobeinsr used by tialns to-day. The w'icok. is not vet clcaied. Con- ductoi llnuton , of the trcliiht train , on w horn the ie.s | ) iislbllity of the disaster icsis , took to the woods In despair , leaving his train. He has alwa > s been a most caielul and etllulont man. much trusted by the com puny. It was a most lioniblo and sicken in. : spectacle , Iho ro.isllng people 'making Ihe night hideous with their jells while the bv- Ktamlei.s went nnablo to londei assistance. It was Ihe worst wieck overknov * n In the north west. An livening Wisconsin dispatch from Ilio sav.s : Twelve or thiiteen portions weio In thn day coach. A woman whoso homo Is in Minima handed her two children out of tlio window and was burned to death in the car. Louis lieinkcrand Kmll Wallcisdort. ot Col umbus , \\'ls. \ , ro among tin ) dead. The mimes and lesldimees of the othms cannot be learned. The burning ol the ba-iiragoob lilmates tha only clew to the Identity ol the occupants of the Inn tied car and it may never ho known to acoitalnty how many naiished In the wieck. From the most reliable accounts obtainable to-nliiht , the number who petlshed does not exceed ton , and these weie all In the pabsen- ger coach no\t the bagiMno car. The only oc cupants who weio Iwo clilldien whoso mother , Mis. C. K , Scheter , of Winona , handed them out to a hiakcman Mis. Scherer was pinned down by a ? eatum. ahendy enveloped in llames , The it'.scner's hands wmo burned to aerlKi ) . None ot the chimed lemaliiN can bo Identified. inr. KII.I.UI. As far as can bo leaintd up to to-nigh those who pctlslifd am : AlltS. C. K. SCHKUICH , of VVInona Minn. AfllS. ItOblNA JOHNS , of Winona. Hei motiier-ln-law. MltS. JOHNS. LOUIS 1UUNKHH , resldcnco unknown A voting woman believed to be MltS CKOIICK A. M.YKU , of Chicago. He Idontlty , liowovei. Is very uncoitaln. KMlli WALTKKSDOltF , residence un known. WAIiLACK STUAUT , ngcd twenty-two Columbus. WIs. rFVKOU ! MONK VKUSONS UN VTVO'SISTKHS \ OF OHA1HTV. one belu\ed ! \ to bo Mother Alexla , oupeilur of tut convent at Winona , Minn. , who was In .Mil wnukco to establish a new rtnycnt Till : INJUIII'.II , CoN-nt'noii Lrrius SII.VIIM : , of Mllwan kce , badly InJiueil about the chest , but piob.v bly not fatally , W.uu : Cr.Miic , Oconomovvnc , baggage man , leg bioken. Cii.vmisT. : Svirni , INI Wnbash aven ol CliitMgo , bioken in m hud uiibt , farucut badly by bioUeiupeUacles. .1 A MI'S I'uit.i.irb , biakeman , cut badl about the head. No iiissongpi.s In any of thn sleepers wei killed. Conduct irSeailo was In the baggage par when the shock oecmreii.llh Hag- iiuttMiimt , and 1'hilllps , Iho buiUeman , heavy tiunks , tillable lo cxtr.cala .themselves. To their honor they saw the Jl IIUOH bur-it In from ono end of the car They redoubled their olTorls , nnd I'ldHhH managed lo crawl out. Con- dticloi Soatle , thus lelcised , followed mm. Claik , with a bioken leg. w'a ( rotted out and thethieocinwlcd tluough a window as , the tUMiiCi had ciept up within a tew Icec of them , TUP. coxnucron's sioitv. Conductoi Seailo Is now lying prostrated til his home In Milvvaukee.nnif tells tnlsstoiy : . us nt-.xily as he can recollect , thoU U uf the car wheto thutilKhtlul in- clnerntlon occurred Included n woman with a liltloglrl ot aboutslv yearst another dark- haired woman with a t-abo less than a jear old ; a blonde woman of thirty , who seemed to be a companion of the former , both bound for St. Paul ; two sisters of charity traveling on n pns * . He can it-call no description of tiny others , but says there were not to exceed lllfocn altogether. He has lost his tickets , and so there Is no record. . nn : ni'ATii LIST onoAvi.No. A late dlspilch to the Sentinel estimates the number of people bmnod nt twenty-six. Afoicoof mtnhavubccn engaged to-night In raking over the ruins of tlio coaches. At i 11 o'clock the charted remains of eleven victims hull bt-cn taken out. In the pocket of one man was an enveloped address. "J. Touiln , Forty-ninth street. Chicaco. 111. " A traveling mail named Dibbles was among the Victims , Mis. L , Tjowiy , of Milwatikee.also perished. Ilrlnker and Wnldetsdorlf lived at Columbus tltis state , and theie boarded iho train. TIII2 Tltf.IOIIT CONDITTOIl CltAZY. Conductor Hattkey , of the freight train , who lied into the wood * immediately atter tlie. catastrophe occuircd , has been found wandering around In a raving condition. Ho Is llk < lv to become a hopeless maniac. TUB I.ATl'.iT 1'AHTiri'r.AlH. Late to-nlclit Conductor Searle , who It Is believed will lecover , said nt the time ot the accidenttho train was running fotty-livo miles an hour. James Phillips , a brakeman , and Wade Claiko , n baggageman , weiu sit ting talking with mm in the baggacocar when the shock camo. All three weio tliiown to the lloor , and pinned theie by piles of bag gage. There was n tenlblu noise , all kinds of sounds at once , and In less than a minute , the llames commenced tin ; \\oik of destruction. By despciate ef- lorls the Ihiee managed to oxti lento them- selves. They found the passumrers pcieam- ing Inside HIM coach , w lilch was all In llames. The passengers seemed to bo pinned fast and iinaDlo to escape their fate. inn srnvivons AT hr. I-AUI. . ST. FAt'i. , Oct. ' . The Milwaukee tiain brinu'ini ! tluHo saved from the wieck leached hero nt G : : > 0 to-night. Among the passengers weie Dishop Whlpnlo and wile , of Fnlia- bault. Apart fiom meat tutlqiu : and neiv- ous piostiatlon the bishop was unlnjuied. He de.'crlbed Iho wreck as Iho most terrible sight ho ever saw. Theli peisonal baegage was destroyed. Cantain John Ames , of Nmlhlleld was in a .sleeper and bays Hlshop Wlilpple worked heroically to save the pas sengers impilsoned in tau wieck and brought out the children of Mrs. Sclierur. of Winona , but could not libciato her. After comparing notes vylth othei passonpers ho thinks theiu weie lilieon to twenly-lhreu , nassciutrs In the day coach , of whom only tnr.-o escaped. nisjioi1 winpi'i.r.'s srony. The Globe has Ilio following statement from Bishop Whlpplo in iclation to tlie acci dent : "A ireluht tiain reached Ulo about twenty minutes beloro tlio limited train which was wrecked , and tlio switch had been left open. Our tialn was colng at the rate of foity-llvo miles an hour , so the tiain oltlcials sail ) , and tlio courage and bravery of the engineer cannot bo praised too highly. Ho slaved with the engine , and 1 never knew an ait brake to be set so quickly and strotmly as that one was. Our train was composed ot an engine , nmil and haKgago car , day co.ich , and tlueti sleepers , and all except the slcopcis went elf the tiucK and look lire immediately. I was in Ihe hi"t sleeper and hail a berth fn tlie end next the day coach. Mi. McCinnh , of .Moilis1 , was in Ihebcith opposite me. The instant of thu shock ho .sprang liom the berth and tan to the liont end ot the car , but it was impossible to get out at Hint end. lor that end had telescoped. Hu lushed back and cilcd out : ' 'Come and help mo savu these people who aio being binned to death. " I had been awake but a lew minutes butoie , and had looked at my watch. It was 12:30 : o'clock. I had fol lowed Mctiinnls in my sUwkluir led. He ran faster than 1 , and when I came to the uuin- ing coach he hi it taken two childion trom a woman near the rear of thi * concli. She said her iiatim was Sbeier , of Winona , and asked him to save hoi cliildieii , tor their lather was llviifg. "We both tiled to lift the woman from the car , but we could not , tor she was wedged In beneath the bioken t-eat. A moment aftct wo u-aclied inn , hot dres ? toolr Ino nnd she fainted , und was burned to death befoio out ejos. There was connmiallvcly little screaming coming trom Iho cai , but there was rather a low moan ofsutleiintr , and 1 bcllcvo that most of Ihoso vrho perished weio killed imlrigiU. The car was telescoped at both mils. Mr. Ames , who was on the tialn , saw Jit" passt-ngeis In that coach and so did my wile , and they Ih nk t leio weio sevtnteon. Theio weio two sisteis ol charity who boauled the train bound for Winona. Theiu was u mother and .laughter , whose names aio unknown : tluee young men , a middle-aged man. Mis. Sheier. lei mother , ami two children ; a man thatu'ot > n al Columbus , two mini who boatdeil Iho . ar al Wateitown Junction ; Mr. Clnike , who cliniDed out at the top. Ho and two cliilUten weio saved. The otlieis were burned to death. In : < b ml an hour and a half Air. Collins , supeiintendent of that division , ariived trout Milwaukee , and 1'hillp Latiilev and Mr. lloyden ot ths com- nany , weiu on Urn lialn nnd OVLMJtiling iv as done that could bu done fur iho comfott of the passengers who were lelt. The ladies on the tiain were especially kind in cnilng for the two motherless clilldien. Ono was a little irlu about four j ears old , and the olhcr n baby a llttlo bov. Tlie passen gers In the sleeping eais had some slight bruises , but none weiu seilon- l > injined. " mi : bWiicn t.r.Kr oi'UN. CIIICAOO , Oct. IS. Mi. L. Lewis , of Now Yoilf , a inisenger on the ill-fated St. I'.iul limlled , le.u ted Chicago this evening. Hess s\\s : " 1 KIW the conductor of the lieight tialn that was standim : on tlio side track , and ho told mo ho wns standing with the NWltchniin , as he heaid the rumble of the anpioaeliliigexpiess , and , tinning , .said : " 'is the switch alt light' . ' ' ' "MvCJod 1 lelt It ' the ; open. was icply , and at the same time the min disappeared in the darkness , and has not been seen m heaid fiom since. Tlio frei lit conductor iiislied towaid the switch , but was too late. " Itlitlno'x Stnrrlni ; four. IlA/i.uio.v , Pa. , Oa.'J-i.-Tlio Hlaine left rottsvillu this moinliu ' " the rain nt 8:15. : Ihi vvns introduced ton ciovvd of tral liundied pi'isons nnd made a short speech. The piitj was welcomed at Mrush Chunk at 0o : : : , nnd whllit the special train was liaiisfeucd to thu Lshlgh Valley tall load , Hlaine addiessed about two thousand people In the conceit hull , speaking about ion mlnntfj. The tialn stopped two min utes at Wealherly. vvheiu Jilaluo appealed on tlio platfoim and ticclved chcuns and ac knovvledred compliments. WIIKIKM.MIUK. : Pa , Oi't. "SHnn. . .lame- , 11. Illaino ai rived bete this afternoon. Hu was mot at ( ilen Summit by an e.scoit of piomlnenl iitpitblicdiis of Lir/uino countv , v\ho nccompanled him to this city. On hi atrival nt ihubtallon IIP. was giceled by an enthusiasticeiowd and was escoited oy a vast concourse to the Metropolitan link , win r < ! a public meeting was held. Ho spukt about twenty mlnnles , chluily upon Hie taillf. Ho and hl paity lull lorScuntun this wen Inir. Inir.SCIIANTON , Oct. 23. Uhtluo'b lour thiougli the anthracite coal reirlon was concluded hcio this eveninc. Hlaine , both at Wllkes b urn and here , dwelt upon the laiilT and the jirico of coloied labor , Hegoot loNuvv Voik to-mortow. _ ( JoviM'iior Hill TiilkH , NKWAIIK , X , J. , Oct. V * . ( Special Tele gram to the llKii.J ( iovernor Hill , of New VuiK , ! > poi\u to a laige nssomblagu ol demo- diits bcic last night. Ho tailed on the woiklngmen to vote sol id foi the demociiitk party , which had always stood by them. Ho denied that the democratic pntty was ill vhled In Now Voik. In bwaklng of Hl.tlne's tnurtluoml | IVniisjlvaiiia , hu said lilalm. was claiming lobe a lilend \\oiMnT'inen and that uveryvvheio that ho went ho was the ctu-st ot thn most piomiinmt monopolists In the coiusu of hh speech hu saldthvri wen ) no civil t > crvlcu inles to movcnl hi spiv.Ulng to this audience , and If theto wern lie would bo tempted to brtuk them. I'ool Agree me n ( Slgnoil , CniPACiO , Oct , iis. The general managci of the lines party to the southwestern pas spngc ) association agiecmunt , met to daj ami sU'iit'il n contract for the pool , thus nut ling-It Inlo etfect. Thu pool dates from Octo liei I , and on November 1. nil latos llnoiuli enl thu teirlloiy are to bo restored tout Ituilf. This will advance iho present rate In tween Kniiiaa City und CliU'aui [ iom S'J t THE BIG STATUE DSVEILED , 3artholdl's ' Offering to the American Nation Pormally Accepted. THE PARADE AN IMPOSING ONE. President Cleveland nnd Cabinet Tnko Port in tlio Ceremonies An Ova tion Accorded to Burtliolill A Onla IJny In New York. Mlicrty llnvcltGtl. Nnw Yoiw , Oct. 28. The iidiistorm which irovnlled nil day yesterday erased lust night , wt Ilio wcnthcr this morning Is very ttnprom- sine for tlm festivities which nro to take itaco In connection with the Inauguration of ho Harlholdl Statue of Liberty. A slight fog i.iiigs ovrr the city and obscures lit a mens- irp the elnborato decorations of bulldlncs vltli which thu city lias boon beautified. The 'icncli and Ainurlcan llags aio Hying from lie hoiii-o tops and windows In every dh co lon , and a general holiday appeat- nco Is presented by thu moving ) odlcs of soldiers , 'civic oriMtilratluns nd by the collection on the sidewalks of ; ii\it crowds of people. Business during lie day will be almost eutltoly suspended. 'ho public schools mo closed and all Now 'oik will join In the celebration. Visitors rein alt section * of iho cotintiy have been omlng into the city for two days just and Ills moining thons.iniis more weiu ailded to hogioitthiong. The stnim greatly intoi- 'eri'd with Hit : work on Ik'dloe's Inland yes- erday , but as llttlo was lelt to do. It did not natter very much whether It lalnedor not. flic workmen toio down the old .steps that cd up the embankment and replaced them vIMi a wider and niuio substantial tairwny. They also laid n broad wooden walk leading lo Ihu giand In fiont ) f the fort. The platform that stood In one of the noilhwesti'rn angles of the oncltMitrn vas also lemovcd and the platform tor the peaKeis made ready lor their tcccptlon. A laiidsoino silk Fiench ll.ii ; will bo placed verlhe lace of tlio statue. Atawoidfrom I'li'sltlent Clevo'and It will bo drawn , un veiling the head of the coddess. The labor piratic which moved out at 1) ) o'clock Included > etweon twenlv-ilvi to thirty-live thousand men. The head of the column will icach tlio battery about noon. The naval parade starts it 13:45 : p. in. The president will reach Ucd- oo'.s Island. It Is expected , ut about 3 o'clock , and tlio exercises will commence as onn as he has reached his beat. It is estimated fully 1OOJOJO , people took iart In the festivities to-day. Th iM\ct pave incuts , mud , chilly atmosphere and eonornl liscomfoit weie not nupiccinblo In the public Mitlinsinfin. From the boundary line east iiul west at the il\ei liouts , tha drift of pco- ilo moved until when Hearing the line ot naich , then grow to bo a tide of humanity , aiiimctl up avalnst the police lines and set > aek aeonst'ihlly llowinir ) into near ) y avi'inii"Tim piocession wns to have ! ) , but at that hour It had only bo- 'an to form. The Filth United States ar- illery and engineer coips look their posi tion in tiont of Societal v Whltnej's house at Flfty-oluhlli sticot and Fifth avenue a tew minutes after ! ) o'clock. Next came the old jtiaid , who stood near the oaiiinges in wait- in ? for 1'icsident Clcvel.ind and membeis ot lis cabinet , to li'iuo Whitney's residence , vhoiotliey had spent the night. 1'iomptl.v at 10 the president , accompanied bv Seere- uiyUaiud , descended the steps and en- eied an open can law. They v 'ero lollowcd ) v Seerel.iiy Whitney , Postmaster General Yilas , Societal v Lamm. Itcar Admiral Luco and stnl ) and Major Wlilpple. The old auaril necuded the c.uiiagcs. and at 10:15 : com- nonced tin1 match down Filth avenue. Botlf sides ot tlio avonmi were crowded with penile - ile who waved their hats and applauded oudlyas the president'scnirliige passed. On illsldcsol tlie stiuet.s , tiom Conlral paik lown to the lovlewlnj stand on Twenty- ointh btreet , the diflorcnt military compa res and civic oiganizations weio tanned. -'aiiia.'oscontainlng thopiesldont and cabi- lot woio followed ny a bdttnlllon ot two iiun- liedand lifty police. The United States iiigadecame next , with the engineer corps , vlnch consisted of two bundled and lifty nen ; tlio second lo-'iment of national cirirds hen tell into linov together with a letachment ot the Massachusetts vol- intoct inllllT.1. They woio followed > ytho Seventh , niglith , Twelfth , Eleventh ind Hist regiments and Fiench societies. I'hiigoyeinois ot Massachusetts , Maine. Ver- nont , Connecticut. Uttodo Island , Now Jersey , Now Voik , Maryland and thair staffs. together with the United States judges en- . oil cairirigos at the Windsor hotel and It'll into line behind the Ftench associations. Alter these the following divisions wcie made up of | ma < ors and officials trqm vari ous cities , visiting policemen and tiiemen , veteians of 1M3 , ( iiand Armv posts , civic so cieties , volunteer fnemcn's associations , Knights of I'ythlis of Indiana , numbering U.V ) men , Odd Fellows and other organisa tions. Thupicsldent re.iched the levlewing bland at Madison sqnaio at Ix'MO. Alter the pu-sl- dent had taken his place on the levlewini ? .stand tin ) mi'iiiheis ol the French delegation weie piesonteil to him. Most of tlio space on HID bland was reseVvn I for the French enosts. The other illstlng'iislied ' guests of the ifvlo\v- ing stand were ( invomor Hill , Lieutenant ( ! oyei nor . ( ones und btalf and ( ieneral Sheri dan and stall. Tim crowd In Madison square when the president leaclied the ievievvin.c stand , was vast. The sidewalks wcio choked with hu manity , and Lioadway was elo 'ired with ve hicles and street cats above and boliw the In- teisection ot the line of mitrcli. When Har- lliolul , the sculptor , appealed and was easily reco nl/ed by tlm mass , who bad seen his piirlialts on pio'i'auiniPb and In Illustrated papei ? , aMiniit went up trom tliosu neatest the stand. The cry ot "llaitholdl , " "Uai- tholdl , " was then caught upon both the ie- viewing and grand stand. Tlio eiowds on the a\cnuo cniblngs tip and down , heaid the name and IMSM-.I It to the people In the paik and sldo stieets , until the heavy air was bhdkun wltli tlioioar of cheering that must Imo gladdened the heart of the AMuiun , who bowed und bowed Ills acknowledgments. And then , In can muos , ililven tot'io ' tear of thobtaml , eain.i President Cleveland and his party. Instantly ho was leeognl/eil , and niraln the ciowds .shook the welkin with tholi hllOlltS. The formation of the mniliio pait o'tho pa- ladu began In the Urn's ' > n liver , opposite West [ I'orlv-lltih slieet , at an early hour , Inn owlnii to the fog y weather It was nearly 1 o'clock bufoiotlm signal gun litetl. At tills time there were probably a hundred ves sels drawn up In two divisions. It was alter 1 o'clock when the Hlunal gun to start Was Hied ami the column bo an its foru aid move m cut. III.IHSII : : > # ' IIIIMAHKS. The music that was played while the ofll- rlals and guests weie assembling on Itedtou's Ishnd this afternoon was followed by siz- mil guns Hint announced thu beginning ol tlio coiemoiiies. Player wa * olTcreil by Itev. Dr. Itlch.inl S. Stons. and ( 'omit Fer dinand DeJ/c sois | thendellM'ied anaddre&s on liehalf of the I'ranco-Amerlcaii nnlon. Count Del.essops spokoln Freneh and with oneigy equal to any speaker of thu day. In HIM course of u Ghoit nddiess ho bald : You artulcht , American citizens , to bo proud of your "KO alioid. " In peiKlng ; loyoit ot tin sjmpathles of Fiance 1 know 1 expiess the thought ct all my coinpatilots. Them Is no painful or sad memory lieUM'cn the Uv < countries and biitonoMilitaiyiivaliy tl atol proaics * . Wo nrcjpt vour inventions , as you accept ems , without jealousy. Yoi love men whoihiennd nersoveio , I say 1 like your "go aluad. " We nndeibtand eacl othei when wtbpj.ik this language. I fee. . mybclt at I omowith jon. Tlieilliiatilonsde Hcondatilx of I'lt'iichnohlllty whoeiossi > d the Atlantic a bundled yesis ago bringing to ym ( he aniora of your independence tlio devoted voted co alteration of our national svmpa thlcs - - .di earned of your tlcsiinv. Thcao die\ni.i : liavo l > oen moio than realized. Senator U'illlam .M Kxarts next m.ido the piescnlutlon ulilross , which was as > follows Mi. Pies'dont ' : Thusi-t-no iwon which this a t assemblage Is eolli-cted iii [ da > s a tians notion In human ntfatr.s which hnds no proee dent or ircoid intliopiist , nor in the nei ; . Inline , woiuru fct-1 assured , will It ever con f unit its counfei part or p.iiallcl. How cat \\ulillylrnmii in welds thu sentiments , the motives , tlui emotions which liavo tilled am nun eil the hearts and minds ot two great mi in thebiiiU of the iioblo conception ho gmnd cmbodlmcntj the complcto nxocn- lon of tills stupendous monument now tin- oiled to the admiring tor.o of men , and em- jlnzoncd In Us coronation of tlio linHirxt vork with the plattdJta'olr HIP world. What irnniiictiH of speech what eloqtieiiou of luinan voice , wlial costly gifts of gold , frank- licence and injtth ol our heait's tiibnto can we brine lo < tlto celeliratlon of his trixi'rtph ' of genius , ot T < ill , of labor , of whloft speaks tc-day and vill sneak forever , tlic thoughts , the feelings ho fiiondshlps of these two nopulous , pow erful and free republic1' , knit together In their ) rldi' and Joy that their own p.s'abllshed recdom , find in thnlr hope and purpose that ho glad light of liberty shall cnlltrhtcn the > orld. The nenlm. tlto courage , t lie dcvo- Ion of spirit , the Indomitable will of the great sculptor Hartholdl whoso well-earned ninn Instilled tlio trust rommittcd to him.havo ok'ellu'r wroucht out In stubboin brass and ion the artist's dream , the airy conception of ilsmlnd. tlioohnpt'lysculptuiuof hit cunning land , till hero It stands upon Its linn ha < ; c as f aiialiiul ptaynlato to Ihu elements , fear- ng no harm from Alt the winds that blow. Vs with the French people so with our own , ho wliola nirtans for the gn > at oxpondituio of the work haw come from Irco contributions of he people themsel\es , and thus the common icopUiof both nations may justly point ton : reatcr , a nobler monument In nml of tin ; ilstoiy and process and wcllnru of the mman race than cinp inni , 01 kings , or governments Imvi-ever raised. Tlio statue , in thu 4th of .Inly , IHSt , in PmK was tin- Iveiod toaiidiiccoptcd by the co\erninentby nuthurllv of the president of the United Slates , delojnted to mid executed bv Minister Mnitnii. To-day In the name of the cllUcns it the United States , who ha\e completed ho pedestal and rnlsud theieon the tatite , and of tlio voluntary com- nltteo who have executed tno will if their fellow clti7ens , 1 declaio , In vour > iesence and in tins presence of those distin guished guests fiom Fiance , and of this august asscmblairo of honoiablc aiulhonoied uen of our land , and of ( Ids counties ? multi- he , that this pedestal and united wet It of uile two icpnbllcs Is completed and surrun- lercd totliocaicandkeenlng ot thofe'ovcin- nentantl ) ) eople of the United States. The ceiemony of unveiling the Slntuo of liberty then 1ooK place and was loltowe'l by i salvo from nil the s/uns In thu Itatbor. riiustitKNr oiivihANn's ; si'KKCir. After music President Cleveland formally ccojited the btatne , bpeaking as follows : The people of the United States nc- cpt with gratitude from their brcthieil of ho French republic the grand and completed voik of art wo here limncui- ate. This token of affection and onsldeiatloii ot 'tho people of France Icmonstrates the klnshlo of the republics nut conveys to us the nssnranco that in our Ifoits to commend and maintain the exc'tl- ence of a'govcrnment resting upon t'lepop- ' ilar will , we still have beyond the American ontinont a steadfast ally.Vrt \ are not hero o-day to bow before the representation ol a icrceand warlike god , tilled with wrath and engo.inec , but wo joyously contemplate our > wn deity keeping watch and waul bcfmc .ho . open gates of Amerjea , ami gieatei than ill that linve been celebrated In ancient Troy. iistead of grasplnirin Imf uand thunderbolts of teirorand of death ; she holds aloft the Icht which Illtiirlnates the way to man's ea- lanchiscmcnr. We will not forget that ibetty has heio maile.her home , nor shall IPI- chosen altar ba neglected. Willing olaries will constantly keep uli\o Its /ires / , ind these shall gleam upon the sboios of our islcr lepubllc In the cist , icllectcd Ihenco ind joined witli answer- ) ! ; rays , a stteam of ittlit shall pierce Iho * darkness of ignoiunce and men's opptessiim , until lloeilyenllghlcns he woild. II.MMIK or niiNrir : : nr.rr.nhnxTATivi : . Altt-i PtesliU-nt Cleveland , came M. La Fevie , mliilsfM plenipotentiary , who spoke is the represBiitatlvij of the lepublic of ' 'lance. He closed hisj sllort address in tlio [ ollowing wouls : , "Among the thousands of ICmopcans whoaieually convened to ' tht-bo liospittiblo shores , ' iiJ one will pass'befoie thisjgloilotis emblem Without Immediately peicetvlng its moral -greiitnesv nnrt' WftnTfttir gieotlng It-with'rQspect an I lliankluinosn. " . There was iVlnic music W ( Jfdii > re's J'lventy-sei'ond Itcgliiu-nt band , and then Clmuiiccy > r. Uepew delivered Iho communic ative adilicss nb follows : Wo dedicate this statue to the filendship ) f the nations and the peace of the woild. The spirit of libel ty embraces all ia"cs in a common biothcrhood. It voices in alt lan- gtnsci the tame needs and asphatlons. The full power of lti > expansive and progressive nlluence cannot bo leichetl until waib cease , aimios are diabauded , and international ills- piitesaiubottlril bv lawful tribunals andllio ninciiiles of justice. Then tlie peojile ot very nation , beciirefiom invasion , and free Trom burden and menace and gientaimaments can calmly and dispassionately j r miote their own happiness and prosperity. The speaker then ievio\ved the progress ot the nation , dwelling at length upon the aid the Fiencti nntion had . jivcii during tlie lovolution. He gaveabrii-t biographical sketch of Lafay ette , of his jesolvo to Bid the colonies ! n their itmcples against Gieat Britain , and ol the > bst.iclos which he overcame in order to make a tender of his services to Washington. Alter bringing thu history ot the country down through ( Ho rebellion lo thu present. alwavs keeping In view fitment iclations with Fiance , the orator touched upon the monuments and symbols of other nations and times , and added : lint tliev me all dwarfs In hl/o and pigmies In spirit Lojlile th s mighty stnu'luio and its insuli luff thought ; bjglK'i than the monument InTrafalgarsquiiie winch commmnorate.s tlio victoucs ot Nelson onsen ; higher than the column Vendome which periR'luates the tii- itmphs of Napoleon on Innd ; higher than the tower of Hiooklyn bridge , which exhibits the latest and grandest results ol seionco. inv n- tionand IndtiMrlnl pio-re s , ( his Statue Qf Libel ty toward lio..ven to lllustiate the Idea which nerved th < ! tin en htindied at Thoiinopylti' and armed tlio Icn tiiousind at Miii.itlion : wliicli diovo TunininliB fiom Homo and aimed tholariow ol 'J'ell ; which charged with Cromwu' ! and his lionsido and accompanied Sidney to the block ; which hied tlio funnel's gun at I cdngtonand i.nml thu bistllo In Pails ; which inspired the chnrtei In the cabin ot the Mayllnwer and tins Doc-lara- tlon ol Indeponde.nce from the continental cllllle ! s Ilo concluded as follows : 1 de voutly believe that from the miscon and the unknown two gieatbonls have oomo to liciputo In Ililscclebiatlon ; the faith in vuiHi they died tnltillett the cause tar which they battled triumphant ; tlio people they loved in tlie full enjoyment of lights tor which they labored and fousht and htilfeied , the spirit voices ot vViishlngton and J.ayla- < tto join in glad acclaim ot I'Vnnco ' and Iho I 'nlfcd States to Llbeity Knliglitnlng the Woild , " ( ) ldlliindit'd"was | > lrtvedby1hobaiid.and the assembly joined in slnuiir- the Doxolo y. Tluicoicmonies wejecIoM'd wllli a bencdie- tlon pronounced bijr Hight Jtcv. Henry C. Potlur , I ) . 1) . , iisslbtniit btshoi ) of the dioeeso ot Xew Voik. Thenatiomil fcaluto was then ( hud simultaneously by all Iho batteries In tlie haibor , ulloU. and ashoro. nin n.\iui'.r. The banquet glvon | > y flio New Voile rlmm- berof eommereo in honjiir of the icpiesi'iita- lives of ( he Fiencli rppubllo and Invited guests was a notalilo QI e. It wns neaily mid night when the toasts' lMlnn. Thev were : 1. To thu I'luslde.nKjHIio United States. a. To the President p IhuFionch Hepnbllc , II. Tnourgui'hNfron lirjond the ben. J. Wnsiilngton n . ' . . To Jlaitholdi. | 0. To Fiance , o 7. 'J'o tlie PIO.SS. Muck in AVatt \VAi \ = iii.Nnox , Oct < - > 6. The president and membeis of the f.ililliet \\lio accompanied him to New \ ork , retiirneil safely. They ar- lived heii at a cimit ] < > - past vleven. Mis. Cleveland met the puny : it ( ho station. ICiU < Poi > oii8 Itudied 10 Dcnlli. l.ofisvii.i.t : , Oct. 2S. Tnesdav William 1'iK ) , Jlvinjr In a log cabin near Flat Itock , Knot county , Ky. . left liotuo on busi ness. Dunn- the night , lib wile , live young childion and two ladles of the neighborhood wort ) burned to death in the house. It was not known howjhe cabin can { In lice. A Km Oil Duel , PAW * , Oct. iii Maurice Jiernhanlt , son of Sarah liernliuidt , ( tnulit a duel with - lois. exhibitor of u painting ridiculing his mother. Lanuloisvvas womnliHl. . . null lov\a Wonllici- . For Nebraska : Fair vvcdlior. southerly wind- ! , warmer in eastern portion , nearly btationar ) temiieiattirki in vvi"-tein norlion. For Iowa : I-air vviMtber. vaiiablo whitlB , geiu'iatl > soi'ti t-ilj , s'lijlitli ' wuuut-r , ASH IIV AT COIX FLAN I ) . L tt\K \ Audience Mslin to nn A incut or Ulinruti Howe. CottTt.ANt ) , Neb. , Oct. 2S.rSpoclal Telo- ram to the lint ? . ] The grandest political ally that been held anywhere In Oago oitiity lids fall was held bore this evening. naptnin W. II. Ashby , ot Wymore , was hero ml addressed the largest atiJIenco that has vcr assembled in Coitlnnd. The German all , which has 'a callnc capacity of 600 , VMS tilled to the uttermost , and gicat onthusi- sm prevailed. Captain Ashby dealt with lie Issues of the diy In a m.isterly speech , lo showed tip Church Howe's record In n lear and positive manner , nnd lu such a way hat .Mr. llowo's vole will bo found lagging i way behind ills ticket on election d.iv. no of the fealtiifs of Cabtaln Vshbj'.s sticech was tho'-ntlroabboncoof any crsonal abuse and Iris remarks offended none no , nnd the staiinchost loptibllcans came orward to shako hands with the speaker , lovvo's tlrado of abuse agaitist the Cortlund 'onriml and other papers which don't sup- orl him. which ho dellvciod hero yesterday , vlll do him no gouil. ll\K \ .MoetliiR at Oakland. OAKLAND , Neb. , Oct. as , [ Special to the Ut.J : : Hon. Lorenzo Crounsc , of I-'ott Cal- oun , addressed a laigo and enthusiastic udlcncent this place last nl''hlon the po- tlcal issues of the day , Theie Is meat en- litislasm lu Itnrt county , which , with Us bOO epnlillcau majority , will on no\t Tuesday lecltwo rcptmllcan leghlatms favorable to ran Wyek. The scheme ol the democrats i not nllowing the namuof Van Wyek on icir tickets will be the means of demoral- /Mug / the domociaey In this county , as iho otois , legatdlcss of party , aio lutnvorof r < > n Wyek. _ _ _ _ _ _ Klros nt llnrvnrd. AiivAiin , Neb. , Oct. 'J < . [ Special Tele- iam to the llir. : . ] At2 a. in. liio wasdls- ovcrcd In the livery bain ol S. Plsley. 'wenty-two horses wcio burned , an end- taut named J , C. Lisps losing a span of talllons valued at SoJO , The total loss Is bout S4,5'JO. At abaut iho same tlino lltu in n of Joslah Cox. n larmerslx miles noilh- ast ol llaivaid , burned with eight horses nd mules. The loss Is total. Failure of u Rnulc. LINCOLN , HI , , Oct 28. Tno greatest fail le in the history of Logan county occuucd o-day. The banking hon o ot William M. Dustln cloned witli liabilities at S * > ooou. 'he banker is preparing to make nn assign ment. A Crookotl I.awj cr. Dunro.i'1 ! , la. , Oct. "i" , ISpeclalTelceiam o the Hun. ] Albert Ulalr , a hivvverot I'aola. inn county , was btought befoie Ihe United States commissioners hero to-day on the barge of violating the United States pension aws ly ) exacting Illegal fees. 'I he lavvfoi- idsitttornojs from charging mole than S" > n ordinary claims , nnd it is clnrced that tlah charged 5-03 , of which S"-r was paid ero. He was b.mnd over for trial al the icxtterm of the fcdeial court. Iowa Y. M. O. A. Convent Ion. Dr.s MOINF.S In. , Got. 2 . The annual tate convention ot the Young Men's Cluls- Ian As'O'latlon opened in this city to-dav. There are Wi delegates present , the largest lumber that have ever attended an annual .onventlon , icpiescntlngbesides the regular iranches of the association seveial colleges mil nnlveisltles. Theie was a bnef bible icivice this nfti'i noon and a praise seiviee hjs evenjnu , and the regular work of the roilventlon will begin to-monow. _ 7own-Pi'lHoi > ors'-Aid Association. DE MOIXJS : , In. , Oct. as. [ Special Tele- Biam to the JJKI1.1 The Iowa I'lisoners' Aid ssoclalion L'CKan Us aunaal meeting in this ilaee to-day. A business session was held , t which tlio president. Key. Dr. S. S Hunt- ncr , made his annual repnit. Aildie os vvcru lolivcred by Chaplain Williams , and Chap- ainCiinnof tlie state penitentialles. and ; reat interest is taken in the pioceedinss. A i-'ntnl Hnnavvny. SANUOU.N- . , Oct. 2. * . ( hjiccial Tclcginm o thu UiiK.1 Mr. J. D. Dunning , father-m aw of Uepiesentative ( icorge W. Schce , of his ( O'Urien ) county , was run over by his * MIIII to-uav , which took HIglit at a passing .tain , and inllicted Injutlcs which may piove ralal. A Noxv Union Depot Tor Clinton. CM.NTOY , la. , Oct. US. [ Special Telegram to the 13n.1 : The Chicago , Burlington & Julncy ai < d Uiirllngton , Cedar Hapids & Xoithem railroads have united in building a iasemcr depot and will at once begin to constiucf a building at a cost of § 7,000. Will Sink Artofiinii Wells. CI.INTOX , la. , Oct. 28. [ Special Tclejtrnm o the BKK.I The water works company to- lay decided to sink : artesian wells for Iheli water supply instead ot depending upon the river nt > ii'.ctofoic. Cut His Tliront. Iis : Morses , la. , Oct. iiS. [ Special Tele gram to the HKK. ] John ( Sardner , a well cnovvn citi/en of ( illmoiu City , Poeahontas Bounty , cnmmitted suicide this morning by cutting ills tlnoat. f ofJIrs. Stowart. NKW YOIIK , Oct. 2S. Tlio Mineral of Mrs. Coinclla Slewait , widow ot tha late diy goods mllllonnlie , took place lo-day from her mansion on Fifth avenue. Xooncwasnd milted to the iosldeni-0 except the iclatlves mil uleiuls of the deceased. The body was place. ! In a valuable casket with sliver trim mings , and lusted on a Moral catafalque In the center of the went pallor. The Hoial do- Hlgns weie nnmeioiH , most of which weio made ot sinllnx , Ivy and ioes. . Fifth aveniio and Thlrty-hflh sticet vvuro crowded In the Immedlatu vicinity ot the. mansion and a squad of police kept the stieet clear In fiont 01 the entrance at Tliiity-lourth stieei. Jllshop Lilllajohn and Key. Aithiir liiooks otllcialed and re.ui n iiortlon of Ilio sei vice fiom the iltunl of the KplECopal chiueli , At 'J p. m. thu easket was hoi no down the stciw and placed In the hcnise. Al Hunters I'olnt a sueclnl train took tins Jili'iuls to ( iaideii City , vvlicro thu obsequies weiu holii in tlio catnodial. About sixty people utended ! the sei vices nl the honso nnd about toily went to ( iaiden City. National .Joclcoy Clnl ) KncoN. WAMiixnro.v , Oct W. At tlie National Jockey cJnl ) races tl.o . track was heavy. Soven-elgldlm milo : Etior won , Uhr Hoail second , Uc.sslo third. Time l:4iW : , T' ' olds , mile nnd eighth. : Ada 1) , won , Hess second , ICurus thlid. Tlmu ' 4:01. : Mile : Kdgefold 'von , Hose second , Jesslt. thlid , 'lime l'A" $ { , Handicap , mile andoighth : linriiinn won , Telia Uoo second , I'ericles thlid. Time " ' 'Five tmloncs : IJIcaner won , Mamie Hunt hccond , llo | > elnl thlid. Time loy-j. : NovtH From Clihia nnd SANT FiiAXCi-co , Oct. 2S. Tim bteamer San Piiblo iiulvetl lo-day with Hong Kong dates to October 'J and Yokohama to October 13. Joseph Dicinse , tie | aceompllcj of HetMin , the Hong Kong forgei , has be.m found guilty and benteiiced to ten veain Iiu- piisnnment. Though cholein in Japan s ome\vhat \ abating the moilality Is Mill enoimoir Fiom .September 'JT to October 7 there i\t-io i'H ; , ' casfli and ll > deaths. KIllllIC MOM ! Cllltl. ! . CiucAfio , OuL'-W.-Ownersof thu rninran- lined dWlllciy cattle continued killing lu ! < ! r healthy animals to-day under Urn Inspection of tlie state idtfiiunrlan. Dr. Stalha. The lovvaMati ) veterinarian an 1 a piolr oi In the Ames , la. , Asiieiilturiil colU'Ki'Illotl ' the illhtlllcrles , arcompanltd by Di. Il.H.ei Simla number of students fiomws ! < ol- Ii'iii1. They dlhsccled M'Yc-ial cii-ass s iud k'ctuifs weie gl > en by tlie doUur m 1 i inb .jixt ; of jUutiro-pnuuinonla , DEMOCRATS , Departments Dosortcd by Doraooratio Etn- plojos Going Homo to Voto. REPUBLICANS AFRAID TO LEAVE. TlieXovvCcrtlllcntcsTnklnjrilio IMnuo of Silver llollnrs Kluurlni : on Cliciiper Postntjc ingtnn News. Tholr Uop.irtnro. WA niMiTo.v ! , Oct. -Sneslal | Telegram o the Itt.K.j A laico number of govern- mint etnplovcs vvhu huvo come Into thoscr- vha under the present admlnUtiation left he city to-night for tlieir homes in different inrts ol iho country , while many others wcia seen nbont the ralltoad ofllces making in julries about the depaitnrc of trains , prices of tickets , etc. Visits to the depirtmcnts o-day revealed the fuel that every one ol the lemocratle employes were either absent or mvc ari.inged to leave before the end ol HID \eek. N'ono of thoeleiks who cime In under lie it'pnbl lean administration have expressed adcslio to exorcise their right of franchise. On next Tuc'dav Iho usual desertion of tic- tai tmeiilb will be noticeable and the prospects nic that Washington will produce as many votes In tlio various state * as she did In the congressional elections beloro the Induction of Mr. Cleveland. It is ascertained that a argii per cent of tlio chlels of divisions have > een absent from their jiosts ot duly from one o three weeks , wmk'liig quietly In cam- > algns. These who usually gave out Information mation concerning thu absence of govern- ncnt officials , have been sajlnc that very few would have the city or their desks , and since it Is discovered that so many lave gone , or will go. it Is believed hat Instillations to "koap mum" have wen Issued bv those In antlioiity. .hist at his period Wabhlt glou Is very dull. The lews in depaitmunt" Is nil nnd the usual launts of politicians and such aie empty. It will remain so tor another week. An appointment elcik says there will bo Itilo difference In the atmosphere on next Tuesday fiom that which has been noticed on election dnv s for years mst. "Ncai I y all ho out-and-out democrat ! , , says ho. "will go lomo and vile. Only Iho old lepublican om- iloyes and those who feel nil indiffeicnco on account ot having secured their places .lirough civil service laws will stay huio. " "Could not the rcouhlicans get leaves logo home nnd vote ? " was asked. The appointment clcik laughed signifi cantly , as he icplied : "Oh , yes ; but they 110 afraid to. You may be stuo there will not 10 many republican voles cast bv icpublieans in the depaitments , while the present ad ministration pievalls. The demociatic em- plojeanil Miosu who have not into tlie ser vice tluougli competitive examination , feel r. degree ol sccntity , but republicans are atnild to do anything. " Only about one-third ol the employes who could vote have at their posts on election d.ivs in past , anil it Is al together piolublo thai a census of the men on duly on nexlTuusday will show a similar condition. sn.vnn QKTS TIIK oo-nv. Already in the letail mails ot Washington the effect of thu issuance of the new silver cpitilicate is felt. Instead ot the staml.iid silver dollar , everywheio cettlucate.s and SI andS'3 mwnbacKs aio ueen. Ftveyears nuo one would icceivu a silver dollar very uiitro- and the silver dollars begun to pour out , till tor three joais people almost universally ic ceived silver in change fet 510. The cash loom ol the treasury dep utmcnt is the sup ply house for meichaiits and othcis who want change. I'anks aio not often usked for change till after the depattment houis for banking , which is U o'clock. The now $1 cer- Hlic.Ue-i , wiiich urob lng issued nl the iatn ol about eliihtj Ihousaiid a day , aie picked up voiaciousiv. Men call foi liiom at thoticaMiry and cairv great lolls about for the noveltv of the thins. A man sut- prised his tailor by couiiling out elglity-hvo of them this moining tor a suit ol clothes. Alter.i few weeks ttie now money will Ou- come common and Washington will not have such a disnropoitionnto sharfl ot the ceitincate.s. Some attention is being paid at tlie mints now to tlio matter ol tiaellonal oiurcncv , and nickels , dimes , etc. , will g-t : into the hands ol iho public moio plentituilv. The ledemp- lion ot bonds will enable the treasury to circulate to a better advantage any class ot monej desired. IJomls will be farcely re deemed in the now ceititieates , and it begins - gins to look now as thomrh theiu would sonn bo a clamor tor the dlsappeailng coin. Cold has been a drni ; foi tlueti rniuiiixif ON riiK\i'iu ; I.ITTIIIS. : : The slow manner in which the new loUIIng postal letter is taken by the public and the dccieaslng popuhuity of the old-tutliloned iiennv postal caid has led the postotllce de- paitincnt folks to coninio n now plan tor catcilnir a cheij : > postal coinmunicaliii , ; me dium. The folding It-tier costs two cent" , and docs not seouie the writer finni prying e > 's. Tlie postal card hah come to bo looked upon as : vn insult in many pi ices Indicating that the writer does not valiio l'ie ' inloimn- tlon woilh moie limn u cent and not wotth the sceiccy of an envelope. Inside of two veais , anil possibly within Hlx months , it Is stuted at the department , some kind ol a eon- til viineo will bo adopted which "ill alloid people a salHy foiiimunle.'itiu ! medium lor a pennv. Wlit'ii the wuter has to pay two cents tor anything to communicate muni in tlie niiillh It has been deiuonstiatcd that lie will almost invni'l ilily give a | ienny nioro to make it ecciotivi' . .MlI.ll'AUY MOVKVII.NTS. Cieneral Joseph P. Potter. U. S. A. , who wns retiied Oclobt'i 1'J , will inaKo his pel- manenl rosuloneo at San Antonio , To\ . Pnvnto Donald Sinclair , company Tvvontv-secotid int.intiy , has been gian eJ a tour mouth's finlomth from I'ort ijyon , Colo. Captains lleniy W. Lawton and John II. Don.t , Fotitth cavalry , have been relieved fiom temporary duly : tt ( lencial .Miles' ' lioad- quartets ami ordeied to their rcspccilvo tioops. Fhst Lieutenant Wilbur U. Wilder , Fourth cavaliy , is oideicd fiom the lecuitlng station at St. LonlH to Fort Lowell , Ailus witness Intlmcouit in-.ii Hal of Lieutenant David X. McDonald. Fonith eavali v. ( ienoial Miles has lelieved Captain WII Ham A. Thompson , Fonith cavaliy , ; is acting assistant adjutant general ot his licadquai leis lor tield woik and oideiedhnnto nls troop at Foil Howie , AilCapt.ln Thompson's bet vices liming tlio Apuclm campaign aio veiv warmly lomiiiunden in a older. The following aimy leaves have been h ' Caplal'n AIi > oitK. Woodson , Fifth cavaliy , Foil Iteno , Indian Teirltory , two months , with p i mission to apply tor a lour months exti'iixlon : Lieutenant John L. Lelion , Fourth infantty , Foit Ca-tn d'Aleno. Idaho , thii tv-suv t'n uayb ; Lleiitenanl James 1. Kei r , Seventeenth inlantiy , Foil Le.ivenwoitli iwo vvi'cbb oxtwislon ; Capt-iiii John Y Laudcidale , assistant suiceon , Koit Copeho Tov. , one month extension ; Captain Allm Smith , Fonilli ravahy , Fort LowellAri/.ona one month , with | , eimls'lon tu apply Tor ai extension of onu month : 1'iist JJeiitenan Henrj P. KliiL'IIIIM , Sixth cavalry. Fort Wiii'-'ale , Now M'\lco , one. month ; Lieittun antMletrao ) ,1. O'ililen , Thliteenlh infanliv , Foit Wingate , liflecn d. ; Major W. 1 { . King , coips of ensinrt'in , Willets J'olui , Vew VUIK , onu month exteiibion. I' I'diMM. Fiank A. V'leteiier , ol Iowa , has been ap pointed to a SI.10a ) yt-ar spwlal o.s.uiuner- hhip in tlio patent olll'ii ; . letter been al lowed lor Dfb Molnns , la. , to begia on next Moiiday. Tin : IIIP.II : . \MI.IIICI' i M'osrnov. The inumbfis ol the | .ei . tianunl boaid of piuiiiolion < if iho tiueo Ameilt.ts ov- portion , to bo located in this city , pave been appointed nnd have am-nted , ii fed- lowIn ; Nebraska , the govvinoi of NP- lim-n i , the mu > or ol Om iliii , jirt-ildiMil ( if. IlieOiiinlia board of ir.ido , lliOM'i-ietiiiy id Ihe Ointha bo.ud 01 naile , Ilio i.wHan ut tlifsjatt bnml of n-i < cilturo In I , \ . \ . Hu > govt'inor ol I ma , thi tiuin of tii'n 'lo fie may > i ot IvtoU ik , "a ma.\or o ? 11 n . Ion. the president of the Itiirllngton board ol trade nnd the secretary of Ihe Sioux City chamber of commerce. Al > MlTTT.t > TO IMIACTICK. Albert W. MoXoel,1 : ot ! rnnd Islinrt , Neb. ; lldwaid F. Fish , of Molnsc , In. ; lohn A. Owen , of he Smet. link. , and Isaac . llenyon , of Union , DnK. , hnvo .icon admitted to practice before the Interior Ifp.irtnient. T ! ml Auditor Williams' Iloport. WASIHNOTON- . 23. Third Auditor Williams' report , sent to the sccrotuy of Iho lonsury to-day , shows that the lotal num ber ot claims , accounts nnd cases settled nnd llsposed of during jonr ending tune 30 , 1&8'1 ' , was 11,0"0 , Involving 8159,401- M4. During tno inocedlng fiscal year the muibor was 8MU , Involving S'Jl,6aC"oV An. nereasi ) of M per cent 1 Ihus shown over lSSl-'i in the number of claims , etc. , disposed > f. nnd nbout 74 jwr cent lu money In volved. _ t'orptnr.v Mnnulncto UOKIIIIIO Worlr. WAfiitNiiToy , Oct. 3S. Secictnry Mhii- line wilt rusuniQ nctual control of the TtMstiry dcpaitmcnt to-morrow and h'alichitd will bo relieved of Ids luties its acting fcocietary , wldcli ofllcq 10 lias held from tha time Mannliu was akon sek ! nplodato. Oulcrs hive been is- hnvo the treasury mall to-morrovr for thu signature of Mannluif. Sprnulo Will WASIIINOIOV , Ocl. ' . The secretary ot stale made another effoit to-day lo secure * Jn liter lepi love for i.I'.Spronlicondemned : ' it bo hanged to-moriow at Vlctoila , U. 0. , 'or minder. No reply being received It Is resumed the Canadian autitottties , who post- toned tlii ! uM'iMitlon tlneo times upon the re quest of thu American dcpartmout of stale , > vill not show fntther leniency. Ifish ItcntH. Duni.tx , Oct. 2S. A Iniuo number ot land- 01 < ls InVeit \ Claio made a leduetlon in their rents to-day. The rents on the Uruwno DS- ate were reduced per e nt , anil on the ; ) 'ICelly estates ; > 0 per cent. Colonel Stewart nadn a icduetlon of 'JO , nnd Captain Mot an it 15 percent. Thu tenants gcneially are paying. _ \Vholo Kainlly Croinntctl. Hniu.i.v , Oct. 28. AtTilberg , In the Black 'orest. the house of a miller named Sisset was destioj cd by lire and tno miller , his wife , four children and a MM van t weiu burnrd to ishes , The remains weie burled In onu ; rave. To Alainlnln Their I'olloy. SOIMA , Oct. 28. At a private meeting at . Tiinova of deimlles' b lonuing to the govetn- ' nent paitv It was unaiilniouslr decided to naintain Hie govern menl's policy toward Kussia. _ Seven SIoii Drowned. Loxnnx , Oct. 28. The steamer Ifordcrcr , 'rom Boston , collided with the Minerva In he Thames. Tlie latter vessel sunk and seven pcisons were drowned. Tlio ICpiHcopal Convention Closes. CHICAGO , Oct. US. In the Episcopalian convention , owing to a iniuundcrstandini ; , Jiii deputies did not moot the bhops : at hinch , where it was ptoposed to hold the closing set vices. Alter waiting at Cen tral Music hall two honis , liev. Morgan Dlx referred in stiOng latigu.tgo to the strange complication , -ind alter the benediction do- claied the hoiiso adjouiiied hlnu die. At Grace chinch , owing to the postpohoniont gtowine out of tlio uilsuudorbtandlrfg of : the deputies , tlierQvvas only a small attendance. Tlio pastoral of the bishop was read only to the bishops and attending latty , none ot the house of deputies being ptosunt. A finllcmt fi'aluieof tlie iiaslonil Is the declaration that the chinch must take higher , .slionger. more dciinltc-giound in regaid to the education of tlio young. K. Walsh , a livy delegate f torn Calitoinhi , died this evening from heart disease. His two daughters woie present at the time ot his ( loath. Hallway Po tnl Kxponscs. , Oct , 28. From the annual icport ot the second assistant postmastetjjen- eial , A Leo Kuott , it appears that the , an nual rate ol expcndltuio for iiliondttnuis- ; ! Dortatlon on the : iOlh of Juno , 18S < ) j was fcl.r.r/:0IUl : , lib aualnst U"iSUi5nn , thd Sdth of June , it-iA. Tin ; estimates for the' next jcar aio Sl.bCTU03 , being an Incicasc of onlj SJ.S.ftiOovui Iheappropilatloir lor * tlio cnricntjear. _ _ "V. , , -3 A Knyal Koinanoo. Not the lenht of the losses which the gallant Piincc Alexander of Bulgaria seems likelv lo sustain is the litiiul in tuarrin o of "tho I'rinenss Victoria , oldest danglilt-r of Fredeiiek William , crown pi-moo of the German umpire , The render who cures for romance need looK no farther than thix case for what ho seeks. It is an old story now , the story of tlu > lirst meeting between these two , the subsequent ulVcction which both con fessed anil the onposition ol the stern German prince nml his still flternrr slro , the cinpuror. ConsUlRnitioiis of stnto could not admit of tlio mnrrfaga of this dark brewed prince to the descendant of HO powerful n hoiiso so long , nl toast , us tumoro nm- bilions union was not improbable. Tiie.n. cnnie the .Survo-Hnl ariiin vvur. however , itiul the handsome Hallcnbcrg went to the front to win the admiration of the world nnd lo further endear himself to tlm wistful heart of the waiting prlncosa. When ) ieicu : came upon honorable terms to him the amiouiiwmjnt wns made that the opposition of both tlio emperor nnd crown prince had yielded lo tlio o I on mint arguments of the Imndsoino hero ol tlio hour. A tronssutiii vvus buiiig prepared , it was said , under Iho happy supervision of the prospective bride and her equally Impp.y mnthor , the crown princess , who hud secretly approved of iho match. The unforced abdication of Alexander at the instance of the c/.nr ilisiiTiui : es nil these delightful plans und the n n noun coin nnt now camuH that the two are to bo forced apart. Thii Most Densely Populated 1'laco. It IIIVH been fur a long linio asscrtotl and hiilioved that the Lslnnd of Harbudos , with Kill hqiinri ) miles and a population of 17fi,003. which in 1,051 persons to Ihe Eijiinro milo , was the most dciiKoIy inhab ited portion of the tiiirth'H siuliioo. from n I'ommiinicntiun of Mr John Worthing ; Ion , thu consul of the United States at Valletta , Mnltit , it aimcnrs that in the matter of density of population BiirtmJos must yield the palm to Malta. That island contains innoty- five Hipinro niilos of surface and contains I1ir ! , > 0 ( > inliubilanls ( iiu-lnalvo of thu lirit'sli ' uarrisoii and vlsltnrs and non ro.sidents ) which is nn nvorago of 1.500 lo thu snnaro miln Tlio i > ] ty of Vnllntta contiiins u 'reat plnlhoni of potnilatlon Its urii.'t being O.itlH i-quaro milo , und its poulutioii | , liclng'Jl.yiJ. n poiudation of ? 8l.r)7 pcr.son.s to the h < ] intie milo , Thcru Is ono specially populous ( [ iiarler ofYalletla. known us the .Mnndonigirlo , the imm of vvliirh ia O.noi hquni'o milo , or U./W / norcs. whoroln dwi'll ' . ' , riH port > oiiH-u pojnilittion of 0W.HM ! ( ) sonlH to HID brjunro milo. If wo nvclndo the nno-lhirdof thn isluiul vvhtnh is uiihiiitablu for clvili/ntion find the area neeiipicd l y buildings , the population of Malta reaches tlio larg imuibcr of 2,000 | ) i-r oiib to the sijnufu milo. ( 'lull. The I'liiloiuoii club guyd Us u.irty nt ; Masonic hall lust nljrhl. Ahout twi-nty I'oniilns were in sittt-uiliiiico and rnJ'Mi-il lhovevi'nl greiillv , Ai | uxtotided K. ' I'uf ilui iilUnr will : vpicir | : In iho M i Men iv < % uli iniin