THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , OOTOBEU 28 , I88G. LINCOLN'S LEAP FOR LIBERTY . . A Hone Thief Jump * Prom a Moving Train But is Caught , FOURTH WARD REPUBLICANS. N'otcs 'Ilio Oprinnn-Ainorl- can School 'J Itu I'roiiionnilo Concert certKctiunliiK Court Note * . for Ubcrly. Wlioii the dummy linln frrnn Council llhiffi nirivpil nt tlm Union I'ncilic iloiol | lust evening shortly before 8 o'clock a crowd of curious people fathered nrouiul nn invalid clmlr winch was wheeled tip in fiont of one of tlio cur platforms. As n number of men bore tin- prostrate form of u man from the car anil tilncoil him in the chair , in.iiiy expressions of sympathy wcro lleard for the "poor clip- plu , ' ' ami tlio croud followed as the man vviia wheeled nlonj ; the platform and placed In a hack. Several other men jumped into the vehicle mid it was ill iv on lap'ully away. Tlio sympathetic and curious crowd then wandered oil' , bill their sympathy would have entirely disappeared nnil their curiosity increased . if the full paiticulars of the uaso had been known. The "poor oripplo' ' win in fact a desperate criminal , and the cause of his disability was a foolhardy and exulting attempt to escape from hid captor. homo four weeks ago a man known ns Charles Lincoln stole a horse and buj'gy froiuMrs. Buohtel.liviiigncarFortOinalia , and made hK escape with the property A few days ago Shot ill Cobiirn was informed that Lincoln was in Chicago under the name of Charles White. Air. Coburil Immediately ordered the man's ariest , and Deputy bhenll llenrv ( iiobo was scut to bring Lincoln to Omahu Mr ( ! rob ( > nrnv oil in Chicago all ritrhl and bccuiuil hit piisoner uitliout any liou- blc. The1 pair started on the trip to Omaha at O.JiO Tuesday evening on the Kock Inland , Mr. lirobe taking tlio pre caution to both handciill'and shacklu Ins prisoner. Lincoln icinuiiiod quint anil ortlcily duiiiifi tlio nigM and jeatorday morning , and Air. ( iriibc anticipated no trouble whatever from him. In the after noon ytsteiday Lincoln complained that the hhackles and hamlculls were chafing ids nkin b.idly , and in order to relieve him his captor unfastened them from one lotrand one arm , leaving them dangling on tin ) other limbs. Just as the train was leaving Avoea , la , about forty miles > > cast of Council Dliillti , Lincoln entered the water closet and Mr. ( Iiobo steped ] out upon the car platform. The latter hud hardly time toeloso the door behind him when ho saw Lincoln leap fiom the car window and fall bi'tido the track. The prisoner was tip and oil'in a minute , dragging tlm shackled attached to his light ankle. Air ( Jrebeini mediately pulled the bell cord and stopped thc'tiain. bee- ing a butohor'H wagon passing the nllircr jumped in and ordered tlm driver to pursue the Ilceing prisoner. Lincoln , seeing that escape was impossible , fell upon his face , and when tlio wagon ar rived vyith the olliccr announced that both his legs vveio broken. Ho was quickly placed in the wagon , his legs ag.un closely shackled and driven back to the tram , which had boon hacked to the. Aoca depot and kindly held by the raihoad men. An excited crowd of eiti- /cns qtncklv gathered ami gave the ollicer more trouble than the escaping prisoner , but both were soqn. in the- ears and the. r , train started , being delated < ml.y , about ' ten , , ruiuin.cfcby t.hicntirqpro.ceodiugs. } , Upon arrival at Omahsx olliecr and prisoner were convoyed to the county " "j.ul , where the .shackles were removed ft om the latter anil a surgeon summoned. Jr.Vilco \ answered the call , and , after u close examination , declared that no bones were broken , but both ankles were badly wrenched. Lincoln made a great ado sibout his iniuries , which was thought to bo nioro simulated than real. At any rale , .Jailer Joe Miller says ho will BOO to it that the prisoner has no chance to jump Ironi any more windows. The Promenade Concert. The audience Unit gathered at the ex position building last evening , though comparatively small , considering the muiit of the entertainment , was a. very enthusiastic ono and applauded every thing good nnd indifferent with equal warmth and occasionally with more good nature than discrimination. They were evidently there to enjoy all that was in it. Artistically , the concert was ono most complete success over recorded * in the annals of mtisio in this city. Mr. Simonson opened with the "Devil's Dance , " by Rubinstein , and showed him self a pianist of great skill , playing with intelligence and delicacy of execution. Mr. llirschbach followed with " 'Tis I , Alone Can Toll , " and appoareil to bottur ( advnntago than on his piovioiib appear ance here , when ho attempted oiotorio , but he has the same defects of making a niiittl forced tone , and shivoiing his notes , With proper tramingMr. lliisoh- bach would develop an agreeable voice , but tie has ignoiod the truth that thorn is J a royal road to k'tuning and ossavs to bo u professional singer without "proper previous training , which would soften his faults and do uvvtiy with whatever inanneritiins ho has. Ji seems a mistaken kindness to gloss over thu short coming of ono to whom knowledge might bi ing improvement. The third number , tin aria from Traviata , foil to the lot of the of the evening , lir.imbllla , and sue etc- ated u positive furore. Hur bweot silvery voice with its doll- cate timbie , poftm s and punty In the gioatest trout that \\o have Had since her laftappoai'.inco horo. Itecoms . htfunge tlmt the possesior of sueh a beau tiful and well tr.iinod voice should not be mm o generally knovui , but Hrambilla is ' yet destined to beeoino one of the most urilliiint of % .ooi ] blind In America , She sang i St. JL'otCiabuig and other Kutopenn cities , but her want of Urn- uiiitiu lire inovonled her becoming a pro- iioiiiu'ud succor. In her fcccoml number , "ISell Uagglo , " from Sominimldosho was oven moro She displaveua greater warmth and hocmod to have a certain fa'-iguo Unit slightly marred Konioot tlui passntrcsin horlir&tnelrction Miss Wjcotl'is a contralto of more than aveuigo e.xcolltnico , Iriving a sweet , vvull trained volro of good { .cope on the upper notcdi Slio madu a decided hit uucl was forced to reappear aftur each iiumbor. Mr Vttrup , the violinist , vrns another foatuio of tlio uvoning. Ho handled his rich toned violin with skill and feeling , nnd made an intitunl impulsion The concert closed with JIve dancing number * by the musical union orchestra , Grncrnl Tliuyor Tn-Nljjlit. Chairman Ueohol , of the county central committee , received n ilia patch yesterday Irbin ( jenuiul Thaycr stutiug that ho would bu in Omaha to address the citi- /.ens upon tlio Ib.suiw of the campaign. Thu exposition annex has bean bci.uircd for tin : liuldiiig of the mcellng , * The On * Well. NVork on the gas well was commenced yiuterdny. The trail will bu sunk on oily property near ilnr'a distillery , Tlm dor- ri ) k Imn been built nnd tlio foundation Cwiujdutcd for KOOHTHVAUD A Housing JDtcotltic nnd Itrllljant Spccolio * by Cnndlilntcs. A meeting of the fourth ward republi can club was held at the corner of Twenty-ninth and Farnam streets last night , and was largely attended. Mr. M. S. Jjtndsay was elected chairman and Mr A. T. . .Md'hnrson secretary. The preliminary business of the evening was the nomination of prceim-t asse or and constable . Mr James(5. ( Carpenter was nominated precinct assessor and the con- tial committee wa-s n'qtiiMteil to place his name on the ticket. Scrriiul of the can didate" on the count } ticket were present and calls were made for Messrs. Black burn , Simeinl , Uoscw.itor , Tcliuck < , Ileimrod and I'ierco. Hrief s ] > i-eclies neroal omado by Mr.Vebslot \ and a gentleman from Ncmalin county by the name of Stevens. Mr. Blackburn opened the speech mak ing by hUting that he wasgratilied at thor r < coption by the fotiith ward republican club , lie assured the club that If elected ho would labor for the best Interests of the county and city nnd use duo itlligeneo in discharging his duties without allow ing hiinsflf to be inlluuneod by any onci He itid not docm it necessary to say more at this time than that lie would go to thu legislature as a republican. Mr. Dlaekburn , in response to a question put by a workingman - ingman who cxpiv cd a four tha ho was rather lukewarm in his support ot Van Wyck , said that on the senatorial issue ho would go to the legislature un- pledged to any one. If ( ieneral Van Wyck received the republican caucus nomination bo would vote for him , but he did not propose to pledge himself ono way or the other. Mr Simoial followed in a rousing speech , lie dwelt at some length upon tlio achievements of the republican party and especially its efforts m behalf of tlio vvorkingman and the homesteader The county attorney ship being a now ollice , ho assured the club that he would devote his best energies to the disphaipe of the functions ( { evolving on that inipottanl olliee. Ho was unalterably opposed to prohibition , not only because it meant lice whisky and threatened to cripple the lo ourcos upon which the public schools depend , but because prohibition tends to curtail the individual liberty of the citi- /en enMr. . Rosewater said , in substance : Iain , pi-ihaps , tlm oldest lu&mVnt nttlio 1 oiirth ward now m tlii.s IOIMII. 1 have lived In this vvaid tvventythu'ucars ; have uipre- seated tills \vnut in i nimbi lean conventions } oais auo , and fiuni this \\nid 1 was chosen asicpii'suntatlvo of Douglas counu to the loglslntmo in 1870. To-ilay t 1 1 piouil that 1 am once more on the ticket w Ith the ullim old soldier vsho led the Tlist Nebiaskii icijl- uient , ( Jeucral John "M. Tlinvor. My lepubli- eaiilsm dates back a ( jieat deal fnrthei than my reldeiiLO in Uinaha. When I was a mere hov I trumped urouud with the pioci"ous ! durliij'the Kiemont and Dayton campalKii \\lien rujmhllcaiis neinlniiteil their lust picsl- denl. 1 then lived in the most inteasoly 10- publlcan districts of Ohio the Westeui Re serve a district that In Its day sout foith Joslmn U. Qi'ildiiiKs. Hen Wade and James A. ( isuliold. Tneie the cardinal iloeliinesipf rr ] > iilllcanlsin ) , with the battle cry o 'Freo speech , free press , fieo soil and tieo man , " were liiL'iained and instilled vvit'iin me. I cftiunwiist to Omaha from that other school of republicanism tlm school of the aimy in w inch I hud served both in the Held ami In the war department. 1 took a veiy active nut In republican campaigns long betorc 1 thought of starting n nowspapei , and In those days , so far as 1 can recollect , 1 onjojed a lotmtation as n decent and respectable cltl/t'ii. ( Laughter ) It is dltfrrcnt now. Nobody can conduct a dally paper without treading on a gieat many coins , and the pe culiarity of Miccessin the pioiession Is that the editor is unpupulai. To-day I am a candidate for tlm state PCII- atc , and , like other candidates , ha\o liuconm a subject for discussion and criticism. 1 very much icsiet that Dr. Jliller is not pleased with my republicanism. ( Laughter. ) Uo is awfully put out because I have not ob served at lift pally discipline. Hut the doe- tors lime has been " -n occupied In writing open lettcis to I'cto Ilei that ho had to farm out the job ot instructing in party discipline to his lined and polished tuulcrstrappoi. Dr. Miller's man Friday goes out of his way to tell mo a tiling 1 have alwass known that I have no education and that 1 am illiterate. Now I confess 1 am ignorant ot both Gieok and Sanskrit , but I know a city oidinanco from a state constitution , I nevci have re ceived a sheepskin or college degree. A great many other men in this countiy have ac quired knowledge and education in the meat bclmol ot experience. In that school 1 am still a student , but have not graduated vet. ( Laughter. ) Another great journalist has discovered tlmt several candidates of the lepiiblican party are dismialilied ftom serviiigiu the legislature because they aio my filends. Jlo goes so tar as to attack Mr. Siiui-ral because lie has becu my attorney. I should doubt less have employed Mr , Hitchcock if he had ever been a practicing attuincv. When Mi. Hitchcock was running for the ollico of councilman he did not consider mv supj ort as a valid reason why ho should not be elected. Ho might as well say that Mason & Wlnodon , who were my attorneys In the HolTimin libel suit , should bo barred from any elective olllce. Talking about Lincoln law yers , reminds me of the nbAiud chaigo that my only mission In the Icgislatuio would bo to vvrvaic vengeance on the people of Lincoln. Jn my speech accepting the nomination I stated my ambition was to break up the cor- nipt . 'Ings which infest tlio state house and prey upon the taxpaytus. This cannot bo intuipictcil as an Intention to vvauo vvai upon thocitUeiisof Lincoln or the Htito institu tions. On thu contrary , If elected , I pioposo to vote llbcial appropilatlous Jor ovt'ij state Institution , but It will bo my en deavor to In Ing about a ladlcal luloini in their nmnngt'iiient wherever It nmy ha needed. Wo want public buildings honestly consti noted , and st\te \ Institutions honestly managed. blxteen veais ago , when I lopiesentpd this cnuiitv In the legislature , wo brojco up a ring of plunderers ami Impeached two of tliestatu olliccis. A howl by the deposed d > nasty that thuir downfall meant thu iiiiu of the eltot Lincoln and the icmoval of the cajiltal , but Lincoln Imsgiowuuudprospciul In siito ) of iJicso terrible predictions. 1 lealixo tliat Omaha and Doiulas county have ntliei interests which it will bo my duty , If elccteu , to proi.noto. Omalri needs a clmiier to meet the wants of a mowing im'tiojmlls.Vo need countv leirislatiou us badlj as we do a charter , Wo need icvn-ed reveuuo laws that will meet our peculiar necessities. Ifou see lit to elect me , I Miall dovolo my tlmo ami best oneriries to thu tnilliei.ince ot these intorpsts. Wo all have identical inti'ie > , ts In advancing the welfare ot this city ami county by appiopri.ito legis lation. UvL-rvthing 1 have and evoivthiiig I I'VperttohavolscoiiU'ioil In Oinnlia , li Is , theiuloie. haidlv necessary for me to assure v on that 1 Mini ) hibor for the general -welfare ( ) l Him city , aiwell a.s forilinatale. The speaker addressed hifi icmarks to homo colored pouple pn'sont and called their attention to the fact that while ids republicanism was being abided ho hud ahvay.s been foioiuost in defending the rights of the colored race. When they were flist given the right of suffrage , lie , with MMIUI forty other republicans , at the risk of personal violence , cscoiteu tlioni to tlm poll--in tliofaeeof u thieatoning mob , lie had personally secured for them equal educational puviloges by en grafting in the school law , while u mom- tier of the legislature , n provision to place thorn on an equal with other citi- /.ens , In even'struggle for their civil rights he had phwdod their 011110. This was republicanism of a practical nature , and in cortribt with the bogus republi canism which now claims exclusive pat ent rights o-j p-irty piineiples , In ooucltiMon the | eakel paid"I -mi : i ropiibliean , but my principle is and al ways has been onlv to support honest ro- publicuiu , and 1 propose to support none otheis. Mos-ra , Tzschnuk , lloimrod nnd PioiTO followed and made brief and pointed speeches , Till ; GKU.M.l.N.XMKlTlCUN' SCHOOL A Tulr Ari-anjjctt I'or tlm Ucnollt of tlio Sehool. Ono of the most worthy educational i ! > ' ' ir'n > in this city la the German- American school , located on the corner of Harnny nnd Klncteenlh streets. It was established some three years ago by .several prominent Oeimaii citizens , and n line building erected. Since then the school has progressed finely , and It will to-day comnaro favorably with nny .school , public or private , in the city. In struction in the German language is made a specialty , although all other branches are given proper attention. Prof. M Humpol , one of tlio leading ed ucators in the country , is now principal , and no branch of education will fall of the best elucidation nt his hands. The meeting last evening was holit for the purpose of allowing the German ladies to tender their aid in dofrajing the expenses of the school , A small charge is made each pupil for tutelage , but it is merely nominal so that tlio cost of teach ers , janitors , heating building , etc. , ex ceeds the present income. Hence the ne cessity of something being done in the way of rai itigfinances. The ladies have decided to have a fair and last evening organi/ed for that purpose The moot ing was palled to order by Mr. Louis iu'imro 1 , a leading member of tlio asso ciation , and one whoso heart and soul are in the work. Ho made a brief speech announcing what the meeting was called for , and subsequnntlv the leaders otgau- bed by the selection of the following olll- cors Miss T.Lucko president , Miss Stella Kosowatcr , treasurer and Miss Augusta I'oni.v , secretary. A general discussion then followed as to what would bu the initiatory step towards getting up n fair for the school ono that would in every way snttsfv the pleasures of those who would attend , and at the same time return the largest amount possible for worthy object in view. Committees weio appointed to canvass subscriptions among the business and professional men of the city , and they intend to set at work at once. It is unnecessary to state that thu proper maintaiiianco of this school is near to the heart of ovorv one in Omaha who has a regard for the education of outh , and undoubtedly it will meet witli a generous response fiom every ono. They Gnu Now Ki joli > c. Many people in this city were terribly anxious over the fate of the steamship Aa-erica , which had such an eventful voyage across the Atlantic. The reason was that there wore many prominent Irish residents of this city reported on board. J. T , O'Connor of this city , as- sutcd them no anxiety should bo felt , as the parties had not taken passage on that vessel. To-day their fears can bo allayed by this notice , thati dispatch was re ceived by Mr. O'Connor ' yestoulay that the Citv of Montreal had arrived .safely at New York Tuesday with tlio following Omniums on board : JeremiahMahonoy , John Kennoally and wife , Thomas Col lins , wife and child , Jeremiah Dee and several relatives and friends of the afore said pat lies , who have boon induced to accept a residence in the "New Ireland" in preference to the "Oldlieland. " They started for Omaha at once , and , barring railroad accidents , will arrive homo in due time to receive a royal welcome. The A. O. U. \ \ . Ball. The first annual ball of the A. O. U. W lodge of this city was held hist night In tlio Masonic hall. No little pains had been taken to make complete all arrange ments for the ail'air , and the committee in charge , as well as the members in general - oral , are justly congratulating themselves that the ball was a grand success. Aboilt forty couples were presentaundlipjoybd themselves to the utmost limit. The pro gramme consisted of sixteen dances which hold the meny throng until about half past ono this morning. Supper was served at the intermission ty D.inbaum. This event is the auspicious opening of a series of balls which the lodge intends to give with the successive years of its growth. Although but - recently or"-an- uod this branch of the A. O. U. W. is"tho banner lodge of the state , and gives every promise of continued prosperity and usefulness. Mrn. Benson's Affliction. Mrs. Benson , wife of Kabbi Benson , received the sad intelligence yesterday of tlio death of her uncle. Mr. Solomon Block , at Camdcn , Arkansas. This is tha second time within a year that Mrs. Ben son has been called upon to mourn the loss of a relative at her home , the first being tlio death of her mother n few months ago. The sympathy of Mrs. Ben son's friends will be extended to her in her sorrow. Hebrew Ijiullcs' Society. An important meeting of the Hebrew Ladies' Sowing society will be held nt the vestry of the synagogue on Friday after noon at 2 o'clock. Tlio election of oflicors and other important business will come before the meeting. It is expected that all members of the society will bo pres ent as no notice will bo sent by mail. A. Falling Hmoku Snick. The smoke staeK on Fowler's now building at South Omaha fell yustorduy afternoon and caused some damage. No one was hurt. llalihl ISoiiHnn'H lecture. Kabbi Benson will lecture at the syna gogue on Friday evening on the subject "Life's Successes and Failures. " Divine services will bo held at the t-vnagoguo on Kriday evening at 7 1)1) ) ) o'clock. Brevities. General Tnayer to-night. ( ieneral Thayer at the exposition an- no.x to-night. The revenue collections amounted to SU.fiO-I.M ) yesterday. The work of laying the concrete for the city hall foundation will be commenced to-day , Permit to wed was granted yesterday to Robert D. Duncan and Mrs , Cecilia Giinn , both of Omaha. Charles Best , a former Omaha news paper man , now editor of the Noligh Tiibimo , Is in the city. The Union I'neilio has borrowed about a do/en of tlio Wabash engines to bo used in helping out in the present freight rush. rush.A A oak thief got in hU work on three valuable overcoats Jast livening at l.'orbes' boaiding house , on Eighth anrt Pacilio streets. A young man assisting in moylng n house on Tenth street had ono hand badly mashed yesterday , by having it caught botwren two rollers. Cora Lucas commenced suit in Judge McCulloclfrt court yesterday for juilg- ugainst A. W. Cowan & Co for $150 for goods bold by the Hrni for Ilio plaintiff. The work ot icgistration is progressing rapidly in the dillnront wards. The prob abilities are that the coming election will c-all out the largest yoto ever cast in Omaha. The meeting ot tlio first division of the Sunday School Temperance. Array will bo hold In the Third Congregational Church , on Nineteenth street , near Lake , Uds vvoiiing , at 7)0 : ! o'clock. The boys and gins have a guod programme , und would like to Imvu their friends comu and .hear them. Everybody In- Np SfLINTKBB. A HeceiitioniUo Hnnlcy-Sulllvnn Com- lim"/lBni o Mail Notes. T.lui friends' p(7Ack ( Hanley have made the prcllmiu.-utVuiranjroinents fora bcne- bit ontorlainwiofl ] ! tolio tendered to him at the position annex next Monday evening. Thr foiling is general among the sporting op c and lo\irs of sports In Omaha anij , tlir.oiiL'lioul the state that Hanley was - Wrongfully and extremely punished forbjs.yiolalioii , of thestato law in his momor.i'ble light with Toll. Ho set veil his seitteiflk ) like a man , however , and is now at { ibeity , without resources. His friends , lliot'efoio , propose to gi\o him a lift by a'ehinphmoutary benefit en tcitninment. The leading local sports have volunteered their son ices , and will furnish mi atti active programme. There will bo n series of sparring matches be tween Donaldson , McDonald , Clew and other pugilists , with club swinging exhi bitions , musical features , etc. The affair will bo managed by Kd Hothory , and will doubtless bo liberally patroniy.ed. Ailliam Gleason , in advinco of the John L. Sullivan combination , is in the city arranging Jot the appearance of the champion in this city on Thursday evening - ing next nt the exposition building. Sul livan is on Ins way to San Francisco , where ho will meet Paddy Kytin , on No- vonibor 15 , m nn eight-round glove con test. Ho Is accompanied by a combina tion of pugilists , under the management of Pnl Sheedy , ami will give sparring exhibitions on route. The company in cludes , besides Sullivan , Stove Tarlor , Pete McCoy , ( Joorgo Lo Blanche , Dan Murphy , Jim McKeon and George Weir. The pugilists who are already in the city will assist the combination in the pre sentation of their -programme. T1IK Cl.OW MCDONAI.l * MATOU. The match that has been announced to lake place on next Thursday evening bo tvvccn McDonald and Crow has practi cally been withdrawn on account of an alleged dissatisfaction that , exists with their backers. The fact is , it is gonorallv believed , that the principals ate not at all anxious for the match. Both men re ceived their instructions in the ait from Frank Haves , both sue very equally matched , have fought one draw light and do not care to meet in a contest. HASH UAI.I. JIATTKKS. Tlio committee appointed at the recent meeting of the base ball enthusiasts to solicit subscriptions to a stock company completed their work yesterday , having secured subscriptions amounting to iRi.OOO. A meotinir will be called probablj on Sunday to elect ollicers anil select select grounds. List of Voters ih tlio Second District Fourth AVui-tl. Anilrt-st > n E M 24JO llarucy Ambrose ( Sen W 10l ! Fninani Anderson AndiQ\v \ 'Jith bet Fainam and Douglas Amleison F 10th and Ihitnev Austin Samuel ( col-s ) e coi 20th and Hatncy Alulerson A UTCfi and Dodge s sldo Anderson P -I.lttnipid Dodge Albciisins A Daugas and 2Sth Allen U U Clark mrtr St Mary's ave Austin T UOth and llaruoy Arnold Kdwaid s w-cnr : Uth ) and Douglas Andrews C A JtllM-'mnain Alt.0 A aU2 fat Maij's ave AudiowsC AWJt tfftrnam Ainuld Fiank'M 4.W < Joiivout Atkinson A 1818 Kftrham. Ahlmiest A T. 5 fcJWlaik Aguew Thomas1 ! ' rmv cor 10th and ramam Anderson C A-40fl V filth linker Gee Blown C P nw cur .18th and Ilovvam ' Benson N J JJiW ; Upward Benedict Fred iipri > ali v lew Burluy A If led U/M-irAi uaui Bartholomew Win OTU4 llnruey Ulo.mber > : Ohas/AS.f7s > OJail . t . Uin-mestor CfmsT : rtTr" > Oth alid Fainam u n\ mini / Miinunuui mm i .uinim t Uiekeiiliold 'Hans 11 n vv eoi 1'itb ' aiutTai- n am liiov > n Gee F 201.0 Ilarnov ' ' ' Brown \\m 11)2010 ) Jlainey - Bevms Andrew f/il Faimew BteckomidiroC VWfi FiiJrv'.nvY Bushman wnf M 1512 Ilow.ud Bellls K I-154 ) Convent Bryant Fiank B S30 Pleasant Blown Frank I ) 117s IMh BinvvnS H 2100 Knrnairt Biishimm IlenV.v litllovyard Belback Cluvj J5il Ilarnav- JilIInnsA8MU3Iliiiiioy ! Bushman Win 111P11 Uojvnrd ' ' UosvvitMortzlDOl Fain im Bosvvltz Ilbhn KS > I'leasant UosvvitSamliet ll'OJ r.nifam liaseman A ( col ) 1'Jth bet and Har noy , Benson George KSOtti bet Undfje mid Doup- licnson Georce Oth and Dotutlas Brush George2012 Hainey Baiker John a.W > St Mary's ave Dnnnford John S.509 Karnam Biovvor K G nvv cor Ibth and Farnam Bowman N 231 s 215th Blown W II52010 Harnoy Beaon IVter ! i710 Dnuglns UJorklund Allied Kil n Clark Hronl tireen ( col ) IHth and Ilnrney Brandies Arthur 5M PleiiHant Baiker Gee > J.i08 St JIary's ave Brandies J L 521 I'leasint Bradslmvv David B UM near Ilainoy Bush Herman Fl'-iSs ailth BeiiKon Wondull tiMl ! Dm Baker CM 1011 Fainam Adolph l > 0tli and liliinki'r Wm JWlli hct Douglas and Kill ton ChnKnoi I'lcasniit lininosT li our 11 nil and I'lill Slioiidaii IlaitlcttKM 2 11) ) I'ninam lliirkusG ilSOU Douglas Mlaukburii T W Colfax ui J/i > avonworth liaclimann U .M s n uor llitli and F.unam -Draiululs Hineal .VJ11'loisaiit Haudoll KranlcV IMOlIainoy liootli.Inlm A MHO ( Mi nurd I-2U4 bt Mim'Hiivo lcrtiaudi ! i : lliil P.iiimin a liuiniitt D.txld K I.W.I Ki-rimm Hit KsC A 2001 ht .M.uj'savo linlch n U 2J17 Dod o li 210 ! ll Oushliu UO UUsiS Clirihlunsoii .John C 400 B I9tn C.npeiilor Ja > ( i fii'i I'auvlovv Caini'iitPHii-o'l' r > ir ) Kairvlow OrovvellKlI 172) ) llarncy Clicshli'i Lc.unlrr AI IbS } Furnaui Coin i : li 151 ! > Hanicy CoiTKi'shell Aliuon K'iltt ) llarney OiiliiutzcrFr.uirv iuitliNMiat coiner 2otli and Doughs' I'-4 Cook Alvli ) H IKS tfariiaiu Chilslonai'ii 1' Xl TO h lUth Chamhor Win Cohli ICmnry Ai , ciiuk w I'ao.ifiri ! ( Clark A M 241.1 HnrnVy Cmry Daniel n'Jh'JiUi Cr bo Joseph bel'2dand ! 21th Harnev Connor F N . 'VM.likaiJtit Coolv.1 S 1 H Hftfifor HftfiforV Carter Janiei Di * Virginia nvu icabHiT'iiium ' Cab li Cook 1'BV ll-Jh 1 Ih Clnpm W II lii ! Hi Cell man Y 11 Dr ti noni St Mai ) ' * ave Chamhcrland .11) 1 Chnmhcrland 1) M Kni nam Chilston .Inlin UmPit Seldun's add Ca ! > ton ( ! NT M'J. 'Mi Crovvell K M fiJl V.iTk ave Crewel ! Elv fiat Paikavo Currier. ) Pll. ! 2,5d Contllnj ; F W 34U-l llaruoy Calm Auion 2-15 Fiirniin ) Calm Martin S-JIB Fainnm Calm AHyit'fill rariiuin Clark A J 400 s IVlli. ' Cole J U 17th nnd Harney Caribou n j nit ; g null Cormlck Tiutmah nw cor Ifith nod Farnam Cook H r&oc s Phil fehtfililuii Curtis S S nw cor J.tjavunvvorth nnd Paik uve Chandler F2828 I.eavenworth Carr J > V noror Center and Lunvcnwortli Crlukuuiro S It I'M I I'arnam Clark Willis FlMlB Harney Clark KSB415 Hat nny Calilll A lux ) tli In11 Karnnin nnd Iiouglas Corcomn P J MV cor Dnuulas aim liCtli DnviaV W Cnuicti and Proiuwt D.ivla Josoiili .S t'lmr.'li and Prospect CUas II 1015 Dufmnp A R 1 ,1 Dousln * Di-GioitHS It.dfcks block 1V > ftnul C H llctlk-ki bloc-li Dnttdj r. S ttcorclaavc nnd Slicrmau niiinlv P. S Irironnclanvpiuid Hliormau Pm licit Wm I' ( col ) litlt mid St Marys arc Diumiiit.l II ] ' ? ) < i 2ltli Monllttln W KailO llarncv ' Dodils. ) A 4W Ooiivent DnvltMlohlp 1MO Pariiam DoiH'ckcn A 11 Ivirtcnud Scldous nJd Daillnu Mlltmt V ) Plrasniit Dei'MlcldpSHT Ilnrnor Frank MWK Fatunin D.inli.uun I.vmin l.'ll I'm nam ppmaioitWm PIMM llaruoy iclert : A AM2 Pl.-n-salit F.nXson 'I'liO' * 1TJ 1 1) ) I'VtT-Oll .los 41J s lUI ! | Krlotsdii Pied iiuh lu't Paiiiam auil.llarncy Pilkxon Wm M r. : i Dntiitlas r.itKirv K h ! ? A > 1 Parimm Kmorv hnloin 2-irtO Painniii iimld : : r.ui iiouni.i P.morj Chax Mo Falrvlaw Kdvvaidi.lolin P Oti : Oolfnx Henry 'MW loili ) u ( i. 'Oth ami D.niclas I ) K I'jrouvont Kspwjrcn .lolin N" ' . " .1111 bcl Farnam nnd Doug las Ku'M.I IMS ! Convent Fnlst I.ouls n o cor tlcorgla ave nnd U H ( Ir.iiit ave FovUoi HA1&05 Fntnam PlnnC NS'UI-J ! llirncv Poster ( ! II ion DoiiL'fas IvHti'i ,1 W Kill Dotutlns Klt/jmtilck WinF.VW Pulnlcw Puller Chas H Jffll St Maij.s ave Flynn Jnltii swi3 Fftiiiaiu Funkliou er At F Sl l7 Doil-ro Field .John 51H s Will Font ) K H 27.U ) Lo.iv Free David LoavisnvMulh nnd Colfax Frank lilmerD ( ir-orpla ave nrMiuiiuan I'llfk C JC Ptosprrt and Oobuin Klteliett C M S iill ! ) Ilainoy PosiUko U E44 ( ) Convent Freeman 1) ( ) lH ! ) Cdiivent Forsx tli ,1ns ISO sU-lth Proynait .Iiio A WH Pleasant Faulkner 4H s P cor Dnuclas and 10th Falilcv.l FSi Falrviow Fiune > Wm A s vvcoi Dodge and Jcffurson Pcisiisun J I ) 1712 DotiKlns Piiiirlii'nn H .1 room Jo Ilcillck blk Fitch F WUIlOPai nnm Flnl.i\sin ( Alo'J.'ts Hatiu-y Koran Phil p.YJT Clark ( iilllith .lamps A tM Park nvc ( iroMiiaiiu John II 2tis2.d : ! Giimtli.l \ "iir ave ( iallanher lU-uj 2fltii and Domjlas ( Jelili-n Mattlio\v 2fith and Farnam j Snnil 210t ) llninoy ( iiidlev F Pu\v 001 IStli and t'arnain ( iaiildltoht Dim Parkiivo liiillen .loot A 501 Pleasant ( lortou L C Chinch imd Center ( raves Fnink : il'i ' s Itith ( ibsnii dco.Vki Paliviow ( iilnon Wm2tU l'\irnam ' ( iondilch C b 20li ( and St Muiy's Cilllitlis. ) K2iits Uou las ( ii'tschcr 11 C Isaac A. Soldon's add ( Si'tsclier Pliillp Isaac Soldon's add Uiltbon Win A La 11.1 Fainnm Graham C1I ( col ) IMh bet Fiunam and Har- noy Green Itiphaid ( col ) Georgia ave cor Shci- luan Gorhardt P L 2fils U S Grant Gullen.r lllsiiiPainain Gtav W I..1M Philblieiidan Giaj-Hon li ( i Ibth and llaruey Graves W 15 2sth and ( JulTeu A W aTilJSt M.nj'savo ( ioiild Finnic P271S Douiilas ( rillls Kvietl 'JO'.s astli " (5.11 ( lipr L A M7 Plensint Gilllltli.i A.V471Mrkavc ( iporno C W 4.'tO Convoiit ( Jailiohs K I. , 114s 24th Giatton Mis Mary U ' )412 Ilaincy Haner H H ! J1J llarncv Hunt II M tor Giant and Virginia ave ilammoiid J F Vliqinin nve nt-ai .oavnn- vvoilh llav Joseph l io Farnam Hull PL 1514 Hainey Munloon S A 510 I'liM ant Mallei Chas vV 1f > OjPiirnaiu Holmes Finnic S'JOU F.unam Hiintoon Win K 510 Pleasant Hall It S 2.S2J Farnam Hellci Albeit 2318 bt Mail's ave ITorbaih.I V Ittii Douglas Iliniov I > d 1801 Farnam Hurtiiian Chris 3UO Farnam llendiix Milton ' 07 Hownul Hohdilx.1 R24'it llatnoy f lo > v-.ird .lolin O ? ' * > Plu saiil ' Hail S De-.W Farnam ' - " Hunt A li iVit Pai nam Itayvvnrd T C 1-riactt Seldon's addltlou HuntS.I Ml Con vent. licickt Ilenir + 45 Convent 1 leicjvt Chai les145 Convent lldaglalid ( ieoran A 123 s Ifith 11311011011 uaoil hi Mary's ave Hardy WU HHsl7tli lliluman A , V 10JH Douclns Hi'ibOU W li f.JO Geoisi.1 ave HolTnian O'b ( ) - , Hbvvaid.I C , W > Pleasant Urines J G SO.1 s 21th .Hart C L20riP.ii nam Iloltioif .lolin CB003 Famam Hill Louis ISUUllainey Haisha W J 20 > s25tli Huliermaun A li ; 7H ( > Douclas Housovvorth W S25IhSt Mniy'bavo Jlajdcn K 1C Kedlok's block Hayden bt v\ait Hedlek'.s block Iloyn Gee -Ifi'j Convent Hushes E 11 2J23 llainuy Iloel Frank 2-407 Ilainoy Ho ward I'M IWsiM Ilantybciiy H M 20'fl SI Maty'ti ave Ilalli : li 4 0 Convent lloj t U II Virginia ave n Lenvenwortli Halt Thomas 2714 Donirhis HuntGJ ( iiant and Vliuinlanvo Ilamann C I ) 'J7tli nnd Douglas 1 licks G X20.lolIeiMm llulijpitJ H Wl Foiost ave IlallM li 190 % Farnam Iliiiillnir W Kintl Farnnm Iimmli ( icoiKO 2(124 ( IIo\vaul llodge-s Frank 210 b VJtli 1 Inilito .1 'R s > C'lark n ht Mary's ave 1 ) \V4fHConvent \ Inuram cnrDlth aullotiglns ( ) Johnson Louis 405 H llHli Jnidan it C 201 1 Harnoy Join's Alfied I ) ; ) ir > h Kitli Jaorf Andruw 411s I'.lth Johnson Cluis iDslUih Jonas A C bt M.nj'savo bet Convent nnd Ml Ple.ibant Johnson Andrew "sth nnd Farnam Johnson C J 2 22 Fnrnam Johiibiin Clulbll'MTJlli Johnson James No 1 2ith and llniney Jeii en Maas 2 ( Ki Farnam Junes AC2JISS1 Marv'snvo , lisk.ilck Jacoli llilb Tth Johnson G A ll.-inmj bet 10th nnd 20th JefleiU TC 1MO F.iimim Johnson F aiM b aoth Jatvls Wmlt Hbs24tli Jiuirjuson J 1C 2010 Ilainoy Johnson James No22Mh and Dodge .luni's K K (510 ( Vliuinla nvo Knnui Josojih -I.'onvnl ( ! Kcniston 1) 1514 llainev Knlin J MSllOSt Man's uvo Kiilin N A 2-no St Mao'b ave Klin ball I ) KlilOs Ihtli Keulell UdvMird P 20th brt Douglas and Dodge K-iimard Al J 'Ki7 | Dodge Klelto Max 2 Sth ami Douglas Kocn A lien 3i. ) i Fainam Ki'iin.ud.1 L2i7 : : Dudu'o KibWA H 1 1 ! ! H 17th Kaufman Lovl lllir. Pat nam K.iu S Pflinam bel 20tli and Olst KIIIHIU Call t > | h and Dnduo Kuiinod } JoluiJ 103 s iftth KIiiK Pull colored 1'Jtli bel Farnam audiiar- u oy Kent Art 432 Convent Kitchen H li into Harney Kelley Kd 1) 1M < Farnam KoityL 11 1510 Hovvaid Kfilton Thos L 115 s astli Kardc-lIP KiaosUiitb Kanlinan Henry .Ws s 'Mth l.cndaev .S H i > cor Ibth and Harnoy Lo > ve Fredli Isl'J I'm n , tin lov , < ) . ) is : lu ihlji Farnnm LowoT 11 ISl'.i ' Farnam Lovit'icn J Ail Hi liouaiil Ludinsiton H I' 100,1 Fnrnam Leo J G 2ilth and F.irnam Lovitt J L 2114 tit Mill ) 'n ave Lock f > K 127 ninth Landiuck C' Ki.'l Ilovvaid l/.irtion II n vvcoi > lh and Dnuplas LuvvoV JI K vv cor loth and Howard LocjjnlbU W200J Frfinam Llnahan J A'-toili ami Harnoy Loieiuefi W F.Vji320tli ! Laison L P'SiOG Harnoy Limnev W 1) ht Marj'bavo bel 17th and IBth Lei T II 210 h toth Lindbnin N H 23th and Farnam Larson Ajulum 20ih Iti-t Farnam and Doug las Larimer AVin 1 KB Park ave , Mead FDauji Farnam MoodidJohn C517 Pleasant MalloJohn L 2.518 Dnii-l.u , Me lck Wm A 107 b 27111 Mulfuid llany ] J2l3 iid : ilaisli J A cor tilth ami Lu tveinvortb Mulntosh Alex 2117 Harnoy MaUon Klmur 400 M 1'Jtli MuitiuV C 1MO liarut-y Mnndellmric N 4 t Convent Marklry H A Phil Sheridan and St Mary's a' ' Mntmlmh P lut lonveitt Mm row .1 C Parnam bel 31th ami SOU * Mlllard.l H KMO Fainnm MnnnitiK W TWI aflth Mullfr.l .t wyt Itatnuy Millatd \ \ li Kill Parimm Mnrlln W J wil Hiirupy Muirnv 'I'lios 17J1 llarucy ' . - . ' MilCHitllo'.JT-'O Hoiitlas ( .MnniiliiK"IW1 \ St Mntv's arc Mendelsohn 1.'j.Mhnnd DodRO MaMIn W ( ' IMOllnrnnv MatlH'vvo W OSO.H ) M Mnri't nvo M tr lmll .1 WJH s M McKtilieWin II Wl s'JOth Mever \ HVV cnr'.iJlh and Douglas Mills K A lir > M-J.1lli Monell.lohn ,1 Ji .WfrH.SI Marvsav Miirrj P A BMVKSA HUN mid M.utin C W .Hill Ilniney .Mmtin vV . ! ioil llnnuiy Mow A I ) IM * DotiKlas Miitthfi-von ( i r aoil Pnriinm Mount D I 110 lYtnum MnmlV (5 ( s\v eor llith mid IOU1.13 MaKraiu * I ( ! . ' 0-JDSt Marvs vvy Meallo Win \ 1.110 Hnrney MealloS N 1M ! > llnrnoy MilnijV \ ITiV. rie.i'-ant Millet ThovWJt Doduo Aliijcrdfo P'.IH Dodco Meuentli S.I 1WI rnriiam Moiipll Adam Jelfer < on hot rntuvm nml ; ' ? ( ' ) | HSOMi MmiteiiiiiPtv C l 2 ( W llarncy Mcliiiiitli Jos 2-0t Farnam Malcolm K 1,1DOJ Fainam Moulsscy .Ins 27W Doiho Meidimbcr I'd n''H ! Harucv Melehei F W Wi" > Ilinviud " MnriUon W A Ills Doujilas Mltchal Tliot GIOVP cot Leaveinvortlv Mans It ( t 1523 Douglas Melqulst Honj "fitli and Ilovvaid Mct7cl Alex 1.1(51'J ( Fainam Maikell ino-i - Dottcbs Mancbpster ( J "X Ml I Tarnam Mair Win Doll Colfav Mlsenei W S nili I'nils ave MKener J WHIP P.nkavc Millci A I ) 1lHh and Hainey MeCltiH ! 1C A V S VlnrlnlA ave McCliuo Ilany W VitRlnianvo McWhorierS AiVi" Put nam MidiMth S. | ivwParnam P.I Paik avn n Iji-avenvvorth McCoid W 11 204slbth Mc'allieOwi'iiSlJi ( Hainey McCalliev.lohn P l.eavenvviutlv and Col fax MiC.illicv IIitL'h lj"avenv\oith and ColCax McDonald I ! HUH Donulis McLean Thos.I Kilo F.unam Mc.siiano.John ASOthand Fainam McL.tiKlilin I" D l.ritr > Karnmn MeP.lioj W A WJI St Mao's ave M ( ( 'lure I ! C' M s I'Oth McieeJohn ( S lith n St Maij'savo MelCen/Ip A Sid and Dodco McCandllsh \ N' ( , 'Jl Vltglnfa ave McCan John -IGi Convent .MuGuekin 1) I , s o < oi Clh and Dodge McKcnna 1 , P.Mo Finest ave Millov.I A "I" " ) Pnhview Mever Ma2"ilh bet Douglas and Dodco Mojean Louts'011 llainev Nelson A ( r 2iitliliot DotKlasaiid Farnam Noimoen Nels Bests A llill't addition Nelsoti BLMI itith bet Fainam und Harnoy Noimeen \ .vl HJs'JMIi NullKh.l , ) IMKI Fainam Nelson C 'JOth bet Farnam mid llaruey Nash KV \ 1HI2 lluinej XeHmaiin Win 1310 Fainam I ) 150 Fainam Nellcinv 11 ails Shi 'eliu'li Win 20lli bet St Mao's ave and Nason A W JOlb St JLirv's ave Neville James 20th and llatuoy Now man H C ills ILirnoy Nortluop J ,114 Pleasant Ts'evvcomb llenii It " > 2is Clark Omlen Cliaa cor Lltli and Fainam O Connor J J 4J7 Convent O'Connor Ch is I'atk ave and Lcavenvvortti Obeilelder Is.iao "M 2,1th OL'leshy WmHHslSth Obt'iteldei S 2.1th and Fainam O'Dnnalioc D J 2012 Fainam Osboin F 1 < HU" F.miaui Olson IJ.IIDPV cm I'.tth ' and Ilarney On Thmiias M 51H Pleasant Pbelps D T HUl Fainam Poitei Colm.m 1. coi Lfavciivvoitli and Park juc Paulson C T eor 20th and Il.lrney Penniov P M Isa.ic & hcldun'b adilltlon l'atoi.xon ( ! eo 110 s24lli , PovvuIICMJSaiPlL'.iu.iiit " " ' ' Ponil Ki.inlc ( JioVo iii\irJriiiiiim Poland Lutlioi 8309'jtinam I'eti'rsnn Ole liners Js Hill adilltlon PatUei A A 2-10' ) Iodo ( ; I'uti'ison John 2T01 DodKQ PikoH 1) J42J Parnnm Pottr John W242 ! ) DniiRlas Poland J W 2T,0 % Pariiam Petcii-nu Loui < ; 440 Convent Pe.ioooli AndievrSJlil Harney Pent/ul Jeiumu llith nnd Fainam Poitei W Su-jOl iiarnoy Polluck A tb'-M Fainam Polton Win J 1.112 Faihain Pettet II W H vv corillsiand Douglas Pauott Kl 2.1J' ? Fainam Panott J II 2.12'lPjinam PrilelteltGooi o E20Ssl&lh Pioslou J Kll5himh PiuvH Itobtcor JelTeison and StMaiy'n ave I'i alt 0 U210 s24th Piindt HuniySISs 17th Piindt II 2ia blTth Pieston Wm 2115 How aid P.nker O 2-iOS st Stair's ave Pcterion K C 40f > s li'tli ' Pnltorsnn ( ledge Ill's ' 24tll ] > hels | F P 'Ji07 Farnam Piiiiiisluml ivtacih bet Dodge and Douglas IVtcison UClbJl Parnam Phillips. I N 17J2 llniney Iiuapko Louis 171,1 Douglas Uoseiivveiji H 1515 Douglas lloso Cvi us 1'liil bheiidnn and Hull Itcdlck Win A s vcor ( ! eoi0'la avonnd Giant Kasiiiussun Chris Harney bet filth and ! JOth llanoy O IUIKH Farnam liltlilei ( ! ' 201,1 Painam I'uatio Thos Ifith and Fainnm ICi > ichonbtiiiS2.oi ; P.iinam Ulcktoi 11 1.015 Fainam ItobldoliIleni ' , " . ' . " .1 Painam Itnspvvntei Andiuvv 2IM ) ) Parnam IIIcliardsT WT'JU B mil Ituslitdii C liinej Iliuiify Itellei .1 no 1W ( llarnuy Itallinmnn 11 Ilainey and 20th 1 icitllj that tlio nbovo names ate a true and eoneot eopj of thu registration bookb ot Ilio Second dlnti let , Fointli vvaid. . C.Alll'1 NT Kit , P.t'Sistiar. A KWINDLFJl Decs not refei pot ih.e purcbai-cr to his victims. The Aihlophnios Co , glatlU re fers sullerers fiom ilieiiinatibiii , neuralgia , sciatica , nervous or hick lu-adacbc , kidney and livn complaints to those who have been cured of thete diseases by Athlo- plioios , nnd will furnisli nanict. nnd ad dresses of mtnhiich peisonfc to those de eiiin theni. Athlopliro ! > it , the only icm ed ) for thcfcc diseates that can stand sucli a test. nd ertonKan. , Jan , j tli , 1886 , Ias I . .illlictedNJtli rheninalisni for ei ht years , and it had become chronic in itf , vvorht fornii and after u ing one bottle of Atlilopoltiob I have not felt any hjmptom of it for tix months It done more than than that , my vvlfowas uflllct d with neu- lalgi.i for twelve \cart , , had an attack ev ery month. Aftei taking one bottle , m months ago , has only felt it once or Uvice since J. C. DOOMK , Mrs , Thos. TilcCue. Sniiloni , Illork , cor ner Hlh and Main ttrccis , Uiibuque , loua , BS S "I am still well. Latt winter was a verysevcie and cold one foi me , but I did not have an ) return of the Atlilophoros has proven a good medminc lor nie ' Abouta rai aiu Mib McCne IiaJ a v iy sevrrt- attack of unfbinmatort iliciiinuttsin in the fuel nnd hands v\ere v ny much swollen , o nnicli t > o that jtouwnild scairely SLU one ot tue a > klc , and some of the tutnniU uere completely coxervd lorni.iti ) ' vtcekv. She hnd ttiiflcr- ed almost the agonm * of death Finally , alter retorting to varies remedies with no nviiil , her hueband nuliccd the advertise- muni of Alhlophprci , ' 1 he n hull of iU use vva > viniraetiloiu , ih > ! suellmt ; U < I KOOII re duced , the pain Mib'lu d , and the was again up and around and has not been troubled bince , Kvwr druggist Bhout < l knop Athlopho- ros nml Athlojihoros I'illn , hut wlterothoy cannot bo bought of tlm dru ist thu AthlophoroB Co. , ll'J Wall bf NowYorJf , will send olthor ( c rrluo paiii ) on recoiDt of regular pi ice , M hlch in $1 00 nur bottle foi Alhlopliorod : intl 5Jn. for i'lllu. I'ur ll > er nml Llinu > y ilistinsb" , d ) < iiuii > lnln- dlrfeiitloii. iu.uknuaTi , nuri'uns Jelijht.i , UUoHv-t , nf noinuii , ( oii Ni4il | ii , liL'uihume , lint tiru blood , itc. , AtljlDp iuiot > J'lIU lire uie > | ilu'c ' I II ALLEN'SLUNGBALSAM ' AN OLD CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , COLDS , CROUP , FOR AM ) AM. fiimivp Hiconnnendol tj l'li } lclnni A * a SiU'r IXiicctoruiit UctiUMl } , . IT CO'JIAINS NO OPIUM. A WORD OF CAUTION. Tltore are innm Conitli ( 'inn * . > oh repra simlliiK to lip "jn t n ( PIMM u ' Al.tiKN ri [ , l Nil IIAI.SAM. Slum tin-IKC ill all n.ine.lloj Itli- out met It. Culiror and IIP sure joii Ret ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM , Piico , S5c. , BOc. nml $1.00 n Bottlo. AT DRUGGISTS. J. N , HARRIS it CO. , iLimllacn , Proprietors , UNUNNA'll , OHIO. A Took th t crrrr r thrr fthnuKl nUc In liti on'R Imnri * nml iA hlmivl f 1th IboiiUnoot cnrc. ( Ihr * all Ilia flvmptumi atul terrlttU frtulta of PiifMtfl fine to hnrlj > lce iinfl lnvr- UTof.J nnd IlfAil * of Fnm- ( Of ! < Im inner ) uevil It. Tiatlmimlabi fromimtncntlouilon Put tort FREHCII HOSPITAL TREATMENT Tor l > mln , Uivnjr , Wr kn < . T < i l Vitality , He Bfnl onlT roflll l I'rrr Con nhntlon. Iruttl 9 A . Bfnlt C1V1AI.I. AVL.XUi. IS-i 1'ullon ht. . .XciT lur t CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Ilip Orlirlnnl and Onlj Ociinliio. tnn.nrnuMc la LADIES. A U ) mr llriilil tbr " < lilrhrAlrrn FnclUI 'ftnil uli > n vltirr or Inrlow 4e ( uiuptlto ii f.r lurtkitltri tn Irlttr l > t rrlitt-n mnlL NAME PAPER. < Mrhrilrr Chrnilp.l < 'o. . JftlH Moll.onN1.inrrl'hll | , , ' " Jb , l pn nj lrrjrwhrre. l i . A k fc-r " < hlchft Or the I.lqtiuttlulill , I'osltlvv-l- t'uroil by AUntliilHtrrlnyr Dr. llulm * * ' < olili'ii Kportnn. it tan be git UK lu n ( .up of colltn or tr nltlimit the. knowlfilgr of tlmrvnon UUnglll abrolulelr unnnltvi * , uiul will ellt'rl u ppriimnriit and sprint/ cure , ubrllivr th" putleni liu inodnnii'arlnkor i i ii uicutuille ri > < W It I mi bern slvtn In the * . Ilk.lcUut mos.nnrl In r > t-ij' Inslir.icj ; ; fipri cure lion folloni-it it iiiTiir iHlln Tli kistem nc Impteenntod ulih the 8praic , It boromi * nu utter Impossibility fur thu liquor appetite to rxl t FOU aAi.iJ nv roi.LowtNd niiudoiBTa : AO1IN ifc CO. , t'nr. J3th anil Do-asla . nnd ISth & f'ninliiR Sl . , Omujiu , Nob. ' A.I ) . FOSTl Il A : Dill ? . , Council III u ID , . Itnra. Call or wrltr for pampblH cuiiluliiini ( l.utirtmU " " ' - ' , lriiintlinb : t uiul la nil urirtsof th"touutr I * vr , Ir tiii tiirr , llrrllu * . etc , rciiillln ftnm Itidljcrttliin or OXrmurK c ir,1 > 1 1 1 , nil I H1nnrli Itl , , ll , , . , tbd CniiAT fllAKSTO.V THKATMKNT. Nrnlrtl l > nnk n < nt frfr. BhoiiM be trad liy rather * Hmlptncj.1 In" Ihol.ui.ll . of [ tlieirSons _ _ _ _ tf ntrls wiih hiTorniTtlon ofvalurTo nil tain. MARSTON RCMEDYCO ! 9Pnrk HUco , New York. Jlcnt on Omiihn Ilro. FOR WHISKEI'S , MUSTACHES A'10 lALONEsi " USE HIRSUTINE. JMriVWiZ V.n > I.M. h IU | l UMp ) J ) . i 4 UMI. r. . Ih. , MlAUMftM k.W < "TRADE MARK * ] S''zl ? l3' ' ' ' " II , A I'.II. I o. . Sill * > < I * " I'MiUn' . Illi , . I , S. A- Carry Inirt ho Del Iiira nnd United Slutoj Jlall.sullliu uvtry lllUlaay Bsi esn Anttver & flew York TO THE RHIHE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCB. rvr.i. VNO u mi Kit Baton from JIV ) to f.C. Krcurslon trip from J110 to JU ) . Sacoad Cubm , outwnm , SIJ ; ut lotr rnios. J'ctwr Wriclit & tinus , Goiiorn Ajcntx , U Ilronuwny , Now VorJc. llumy I'niUt , 1J1B Kiirniini st. : I'milson t Co. H 1'Rrnnm fct : J ) . O. 1'tooiuan , 13J < t Hrn.vm it ,7TriikiDunlblIKl ( _ ' 'only ano Intlio worlrlKrncrAllna , KlKlrie lla v * * - "utrrtit. trientlilc rowcrfni , fxirubl . Poinf rt ittlw Aurl Tlfoctlrn. ATola rraudf. . tiiprnt pimnUleU IIT/IN r u IHIAHI n. III. HOIItlE. itHf mi W r s , < AVE. CHiCAin. Curu irltiiout moiU- POSITIYEi ; oluo. I'ntentoi Oclo t > ur ta. 1870. Ono box will aura the mom obttnuto ca n In four days leMeilicat No MIUIBPOHK i1o ns of rnnobi ponalbi or fill of rn/tdnlwooil Iliat are coi fun tn tirniiiini ilr | i p- f In bvitoMrnvlmr tlio ivvitlnirs of tlm sKiimuli , J'tlcoSI.W. Sold liy nil dni'f jt H or imillccl oo recolptof pilcn. For furliior jurtloulai * Bent toiTlrculnr. T.O. noxlin. /ITTDD T. c. .A.ijrrj.A.Jsr co. , 1 1 i I li K UUA6JLJ1 Now Yorlt. luuti tu-iiitiyin it Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars nt ro nhlppod ilnvlnn tbo ; m t Iwo yoam , vrltlioui a drum * i'oi in i > uriiiiiloy. | Mo otliur li'Hisela tlio world ( nn trulb- tull maliiimuhii lnn7ljtf. ] Ono it aiit ( duller only ) won loft In 01 ch town. eulU PY ICADING DRUCCISTS. n.W.TANfciaaCO.,555 aloSLCIiica30. USED IN ALL PARIS OF THE WORLD ucH iul i'ricxon niihcallin BI CiirUi. * Hulli , ir unit li'tl CJ.NtJI.NNATI. I ) . H. A. BBSXEL & MAUL , SlU'CUfiSOr.a to JllO ( i JllCOllS , t rji / > K If TI K IS It S AM > it hn olil .tut 11)7 ) Kara nn U Onion t l osrrfu'i 10 lotti I in J p11) ! ! ) ! at- tied to T.'lopliono Xi J."i WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents FOU'i HE DRUM m PIANOS Neb.