HE OMAHA. DAILY EE. SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , THURSDAY. MOR ETNG , OCTOBER 28. 1880. NUMBER 122. r < rvnp * * npi TIIV vi t pTtnvt I'OREUSr Ot lilt ELlGllOX , Indications of a Loss of Twenty-five to the Democrats in the Next Congress. VAN WYCK'S CAMPAIGN Great Intcrcflt MiuilfcHliMl I'.voeptlons to lie U In tlio t'reslilent's Onler to Ollluelioliler " . The DptnncratM Will llnvn to llnstlp WA UiMiTf > N , Oct. 27. [ Special Telecran totll'i Hr.i : . ) A centleman who this rtftc-r noon saw the latest eompilations of thi piobible result of tin1 elei-tions next Tuesday nt Iho liculipi irteis of the demiicritlc con giussionnl campaign committee gives thc.s < figures as the eiiuciwslons of losses to tin democrat ? * In congressional dialnctsr Nev Voik I , New .lersev U. Virginia 1 , West Vlr ginia 1 , North Carolina 1 , Ohio 5 , Michi gan -I , Indiana 1 , Illinois 2 , Iowa 2 , Ken tnckv 1 , Pennsylvania 1 ; total domocratit loss , 25. The democrats claim lhat thov vvll gain In Callfornli a , TonniHsee 1 , Sonti Carolina 1 ; total , 1. This will , aecmdlug ti theii tleuies , make tlielr losses aggiegalo il As theiu is but 11 tlemoeratie majority in tin hoiisi- , this would give thuiii onlj one nia joiltyin the Kiltluth congress. Theie vvll not be over . ' 15 per cent of tlu ) present mem hers in tliu next house , the largest cliangt known 1m very many vears. Mmv Imvi been beitcn In convention on the taiii question , anil It is thought at democratic com milt. ) looms tlml within the putytiinpio portion of tariff rjloi ins will be much largei in tlio Plltleth thin II s In tlie pit-sent eon giess In New Yotk , piill'-ularly ' , tliosi democints vvlio voted with Handall have gen crally been given a bickset , and as to tin general result ol the ek-etlon there Is inucl doubt. At no time during the past ten vears ha' ' there been n campaign tor thu election o inembcis of coimress which possessed s < many itnceitalnties . s the present one. Youi coriespoudent lias visited both comiressioiia campaign luadinuulo sliere anil talked will tlie ollicers , und Is wholly at a loss to sir vvh ch wav the t tie Is 1 kelv to turn. Then art ) eomplleatlolis in about two thirds of tin tlistiifls which tiieeludeanv thing IlKo Intel llgent reports to the Washington m.iuagei ! of thu camp.ilgns , and thev M-I > frankly sn ; tliej liave little to base vain ible opinion upon In the main the rampniirns in tlie vaiioii' states li.ne been and aiu being eoudueled or local Issues and interneine stufes , aio uivor tlie attention of boili spc.iKcis and piesv Wherever eiieial issues aio touched ujicr the tariff , tinnneo and pension In their oidei have been mentioned. Civil snivice ii-loru has been a loeal issue in places. Tlie dlv Isliin : In p.-nlv lines make tlie smoke thiougl which the lesult cannot bo dlscerut-d and tin it publicans1 hope ti ovcicome. tlio demo cratlc mnjoilty In the house olelv by litrhts growlnu' out of local illlllciiltles A I the lepitnlltan hcndtjnnrteis it Is static ! thai the iiietlous in natloiii 1 politics cannot glvt them sullli-lant advantage to insure vlctoiy , but they have hope tiom factional discus slou in tlio n nks ot the opposilit n , 1III5 VAN W\CK \-\IPAll.y. \ . Polltlelans m living here tiom all pait < of tlie country leport much inti-ieit ccutorctl In tlie campaign being waged bv Sen.itoi Van \V\clc ol Nebiaska. The Itleli of his opponents nuking a special piotesi against his appeal to the people to nominate aseiiatoi at tliu polls ne\t month Is the stiangest thing , tliuv say. In political annals , The sen.ttois ol both paities who have been \Vasliinirion duiing the imst mouth , anil those lieio now vvlio have given ( expression , say the nu-ie fact that. Senator Van \Vjck Is willing nnd anxious to lot the people ' instinct the leglslatnio by poptilai voe | jis to'vvho his Huecessoi shall be oimht to give him stiength with the people. Slnco Senatoi Van Wvck has letl the war on monopolists In the senate n zood tleal of Interest Is taken tluough the country In hlsietinn , and curlosltv is enter- tallied as to tlio stiength tlio monopolists will wlold against him. COMMIKSS10VAI , 1XVKST10A1 lONs1. Talk Is being Indulged in of two somewhat ranmikahlo concessional Investlgations- the Cutting atTair and the surrender ot Oeio- nlino. I'ho former It It takes place will in clude the Scdgwlck matter as well as the facts iclatlm ; to the airest of Cutting. This subject would goto the committee on forelirn ntfatrs If It comes up In either branch of con gress , and would bo gobbled In by tlio house. if an Intention lo do so was suspected to Hn- irei in the sunato. Perry Helmont Is the chaliman of tin ; house committee , and bc-lnu u lii m Irlentl of Hecrctaiy Hayard would not want the sonata committee on foielgn atfaiis , whose head Is Mr. Slieimnn , to have charge of the Investigation. Hence ho will move If he thinks there is serious thought of It In the senate. The objector nn investigation of the siirrendei ot Ueronliuo Is moro to get at the bottom tom of the Texas-Mexico border matter than an\ thing else to lc.it n Its actual status and what U needed at the hands ot congress tenet not only preset \ a peace with tlio Indians , Imt the Mexicans as well , and to guarantee Justice toourcltl/niiH when they go over the line. All. Wellborn , of Texas is chairman ol the house committee on Indian utT.ilrs , when anlnvestiu'atlonof this stiblectw on Jti likely go to , and being a thorough TUMID , tor Texas und hei pennlo , ho would doubtless like In conduct an Inquiry of this chauicter. lie IE n splendid lisjei nnd full of cntetpilse , anil would work Hup. VVOM i.vi'i.un.Nrn'iiiK II.UCUON : . President , Clevelund told one unfor tunate demociatic congressman this after noon that he did not Intend to make tiny appointments unless to meet unusual emergencies till alter thu elections , lie does not want to do nnjthlng to inllue.uct the election ono way or the other. riiu'Aiusn KOI : UIKCOMIXO M.SSIOV , Pruuaiatlons am alieady being begun al tlie ciultal for the session ot eongiess this wlntci. The Rending out ot Invitations tc members of tlio house committee on appio- pilatlons to meet on tlie llr.st of tlio last week In next m inth to vvoik upon appiopilntious , so us to have tlio most ciimbeisuno bill' roidy to report at the beginning of the ses Blon In Dec-ember , wii * the first tiling done to waul the preparations. The document looim having been well cle.ucil of the mattci stoiei ! In them , will bo put In condition foi the new Minpllrn. The loinmlttro rooms nio txdiu tint-died xip wlu-revei iep.dn > weie begun , ant mill Is coming In already for sonm of tlu Btnti'Miien who expuct to retuiii here at ttu clospof tlieii camnaign. it U Intended that nuiiii u'enernl liv'lilulloiiKiiall bo on.icttid diir Ing.tlietlnee iiioiitiisof this session tluiu Hit ei/ht nianths of last session. ( MIANOKB IX THR DUI'AUTMKXTS. " ( low laigo u per cent will the change * be in tlmoftlres In Iho departments nt the mu of this ) ear under this admluistratlun ? " re- p oatc-tl nn old tioj-ui v otllclnl lo day. "Well , ) will till vou. In the positions outside civ li Mrilco refbrm beh w gl.00and ( above SI.WK n ) e i I should Miy B5 per cunt. Outsl'U tliosi ) Inrupij mv e-tlinnte would be ! 3 pn rent. Prom tnbuhitisl ritateincnts which I have seen In the haiuU nf chiefs of dlvU ions I maketht"o estimates. Of couise , tlu navj and vvardepartmontaaionot liu'luded boeauso the employes there aie neail ) all h the nnvnl orinll'lniy ' heulcoandwlmpls lmv < assituuieuts lo desks , Tlio heaviest rhange1 have occur ) ed In the Inteiior drp-utineiit thiui the tre.ipur.v nml lluully the postotllct dep.utmunt. In tholattir 1 do not iucluili rostma < tein only clerks In lto : deimtmoiit specl.il nnd postal agents , etc. Vuiy Httk 1ms hern Mid about it. " he continued , "but ; toll von tlu'irt has been a radical vvejiilng on In the ileiiaitiueut of Jusll'C. At the end o tin ) \eat 1 doubt If mure than 10 per rent o Mr. Iliewstei's men will hold positions in II i dep.nltuoiit or in the lield uiidei It. QulcU\ \ bu ( t.'llet-llvely , Uatlai.d bugtxn to Uuocl oil the heads nf marshals , elerhs ot courtf Jiitlgc' , < tr. , and the-j disndsH'd ilio dumitio ! andelei'.s. Then the n\o began to fall vvitl pulntul legnlaiity In iho department lien till tlio assistants vveio disposed of , Whei t -e losults under .Mr. Clovelaud In thovvai of changes me summed up his. psit > lias littl to oompmln oJ , " THEHE JLIIK 80MK The action of the president vesti-i. nv Ii fuspoudmg District Attornevt Sn u a < < i U'liton for too ginat political activi'v is iu ceptrd us an Ir.dlcntlon that tlm older fo federal olllcelitldcrs to lut clcctiuneriin a'otio Is to bo strictly enforced. HI Is ex pected that a number of dismissals will re sult from vio'xMons ot this order , though tirolnbiv notall vvhonie guiitv wi 1 bo pun ished. It would p olnbl > bo found imprac ticable to have a ecneral court of inquiry , bill whenever serious charges a o made tie- Imitelj and are suppoited vvitti snlllcletil evidence , dismissals will fo low. Men whc Imvo l ) eii con jilriinit- l > offensive , wliethci deniO'ints 01 republ cans will have to co A oi i-i Hop nvii Hin\K : i < ji I siio.s-s. A gentli-nian - who wn evuin netl reccntU bv theelvll eivlce commission tor a special agonej In Iho wstolllfe depait lie-lit Ind this question propounded "Is collateral testluionv alinltled In the com is of to-dav' . ' Ho tepHed aflliuiiit veh and gave an illns trail m. He was matKcd as hiving been li tfior So , In tlie opinion of tlio man win marked the examination paper , onllatera1 tc-stlmonv 1 < no wid in the eourts of totHv Another tpiestlon was : "In provlnirlhc II legitimacy ol a child , on Whom does tlie bm tlen of nroof rest1. " ' flip applicant replied : "On the complain ant. " 'Ihe npnlicmt was lined fortv points. M\VS : vnoi r inn MIVIV. Hirst UeuUnxntUtisIj-M-l-rit , Po irth cnv aln , has miisteic 1 out his to nmautl of toitv oiglit Plema Indian Touts and i etui lied fiou Tnesnn to his rtvnlu station at Fort Howie , Ai z Tlie inspcctoisof rifle ptaction aie lobe re tained at the hcadipiaiteis ot tic uttiL'iapli cd military department inidei siieelal nu thority from the war tlep : r meiit , and vvil be added to the number of st ill otiicers lieio totorc regnliulv antlioi zitl. Llcutciiiitr ( ienerxl Snorhhn has dnpptiV Hie Kltrlith infantry , < iuuer.il August V Kniilz toehanie stitlon from Atl/onn totlu Department of tlio Platte , to take the plaet ol the Ninth in antiy , ( iiMier.il John S Mason , which icvently vvunt to Aii/onn ant New Mexico Captain ( IconicH. . Hodney , Pourth at tillerv , lias lu'i-n ti uisrcned liom batterv 1 to ll"litbittc'v \oveiiibei 1 , and Caiilaii ( i H Smith from light batteiy P to b < t ti-rv 1) . ' 1 lit-leave ol Assistant Suiceon John V Lauueidale isoNkndud ono month. 1-1 ItSON M , VllIMION. W. K ( iialT , of Iowa , is In the city. Till' : ItARTHOIjIH STAIUI'J. To-Day to Uo Obsi-rvoil as n Gonciii Ilolltltty In New York. Nuw Yoiw , Oct. U7. To-monovv vvll practically be a holiday In this city. It I estimated that fully thirty thousand mei will join In the procession attendant npo : the Hartlmldl statue of Llncity ecremonies and tliat it will extend seven miles. Presi dent Cleveland had Intended to leave fo Washington immediately aftet tlie dcdlca tlon ceremonies at Uedloe's Island , but it ii now stated that he will remain and atteni the banquet , Cyrus W. Field gavenhieak fast tlds moiiiiiiir at Deliiionlco's to Count De Lesseps and his daiightet and anuuibci of niemliers ot the Hruneh delegation in Ilu aldeimnnkehambei. . Major ( liacc piesenteti Ihe freedom of the city of NewYoik tc Uartlioldi and other mcmbeis of the Kiencl delegation. The tollowimris the ofllclal pro iamme ol exerrises to be observed at the unveilm ; : on Hedloe's island : Music dm ins thu landing ami sratimrof assemblv ; signal gunpiavci ; In Kev. Ilicliaid S. Stair , D. D ; Count Her- tlliiaud DeLessyps on behalf ot the Pranco- Ameiiean union ; piesentatioii addiess by Hon. William M. Kvinls on behalf ot tic Ameiiean committee : unveiling ot the stntue by tiie piesident ; salvo tiom all gun- : In th Imbor ; music : accept ance of the statue by tlie inesident from the representative on b-lialt of tlieiepublicof Hinnce , le miiiistit pleniputnntilio ot deleque e\tiaoidnarie ! , A. Lo I'aivio ; iiiusie ; commeiuoiative ad dress , Chauucov M. Dcpevv : music ; dooley - lo/y ; "Old Hundred , " In which the nsse-n- blv are invited to join : bencdletlon , Klghl I lev. Honrv V. Pottei , D. D. ; national salute , to bo fired simultaneously trom all b.itteiiei In the haibot , ashore and afloat ; illumination of tlitstatue with hreworks on Hcdlou's and Gov rnoi'-s 4sl mils ami the Hatti ry. The 1'ic.sicleiu la New York. Nivv : Yonic , Oct. 27. Presltient Cluvelant ] arrived here tiom Washington on the ! ' :1S : conuresslonal limited train. lie was accotn panied by SecretaiIoBavaid , Wliitneyanti Laninr , Postmaster General Vllas and Piivatc Seeietaiy Limont. A large crowd gathered at the Jersey City depot to greet him. The pnitv diovo to the residence of Secretary Whitney , at the corner of Fifty-f-eveutli street and Fifth avenue , where they will 10- main during their stay In tlie citv. The pii-Hldunt has not prepared anv spctch foi to-morrow's ceiemonles , but will speak ev lempoio. Business Failures. Yo i , Pa. , Oct. 27. The Glfln Kock Man ufacturlng company made a deed of assign ment \esterdny. Liabilities , 371,000 ; assets , 807,000. Nuvv YOIIK , Oct. 27. The Tiibuno thin morning says : Word was received in tht city jestetday that the well-known wholesale dry goods house of Shlply , Dorsev .tCo.,01 Cincinnati , lias asked creditors for an ex tension of two , four , six and ten months , on seemlty. The acceptance of this is reconv mended by the committee of the New York merchants , who aio Homo of tlieir creditors. The assets are SOM.ooo , liabilities SblO.OOO. In addition one of the paitnoisovnis real estate valued at 5100,000. on which there Is n inortgatre of Sin.OOO. The Hrin always hail n high standing , but recently it erected alaigc new building , which it overstocked. Tlio Onsc School Rnrnoil. Ui.ivKi.ANi > , O. , Oct. 27.Tho four-storj saiuUtonn building , occupied by the Case school of applied science at East Hml , whicli was completed and opened about a jeai age at a cost of S'.OO.OOO , binned tills moinlng al about 2 o'clock. The total loss amounts tr over 8200,000. The physiological and chemical appiiatus nnd geological collections wen among the tinost in the country. The chemi cal appliances were valued ntJO,000. It U thought tliat the building and contents were Insuied lei ยง 75,000. Petitioning tlie I'ojio. HAM iMonr. , Md. , Oct. 27. At a met ting ol the Catholic Uiilveiolly boa id hold here to-day at the cardinal's palace a letter vv.u prepared addressed to the pore , asking hi- holiness to bless and approve thu Institution nml Hiibiiiltted detallH of thu studies , disci nllne , oisianlzation , etc. , also one to the car dlnal pit-feet of the pinpngnntln , which vvai of n similar tenor. These weie intilisted tc nt. Hev. ItlslioiH Kenn , ot lUchraond.aiid Ire laud , of St. Paul , vvlui will earry them tc Koine , Milling fiom New York next Sat urdny , VrttraiiB tic-united , KANKAKKE , III. , Oct. 7. Two hundred survlvorsof tl o Seventy-sixth regiment ol Illinois volunteer * aie holding their nrst reunion union at Knnkiiki-p. Menders of the legcl- nu.nl aio piesciu from Iowa , Ohio , Indiana , KaiiBis ami Illinois. Tliej vveio addle-ssot ! to-night by their eo'.oncl , Musoy. ot Oham piUn. and othei leglmcntnl oflious , Tlu clti/eiisdt Kankakfogavoa bui'iUPt at the hotel to the siuvlvors. Iteportttnn Postal AfTiilrs. WASJUVU-ION , Oct. 27.-Oereral Sttporln tendent Jamison , of tlie railway mall service , In his annual report for the fiscal jcar ended JuiiOoQ List , shows that at the close ot tlu j ear the rail way poctofllets lines In operatiot mi'iibered S71 , occupy ins -11 vrholocus ami IJCviapaitments In ears , C. T. McDonaM superltiteiuUiit of the money order pvstem In Ida au nunl report to the postmaster gcu r i tl showing the opein'.loiis ot tliat M'i\ici Uiuing the last libcil vear , uhc-vv-i that tlu nntiotmgo of the systi-m ami-unted to fl 'J . 4VJ repilttanccs , Wauls to Capture Mexico. Nv.vv OUI.KANS , Oet. 3r. The Time * UeiiHHr.it Kl Paso s-p-ch ! says : Cutting I la re concocting n sch-mo to enlist IJ.OOO inei In invade Mexico for tro nuriioso nf conquci Iiif. H-e tlueo btutes ot Cldhi'alu'a , Souor ; und limauuo auvi ticctluii a republic , The Agreement With Spain Officially Rati fied by the Chief Executed WHAT ITS PROVISIONS ARE A Complete Susnenslon of All Dis- eliminating Outlet or Imposts Upon Vessels nml Cargoes of tlio ItcRncotuc Countries. Tlie Agreement With Spain. WABIHJ.OTOV , Oct. 27. The president issued the following moclam itlon this after- nuon : Uy the President of the United State : ofAiiiuiiea Pioclamatlon : Whoieas , sat Isfaetory proof lias been given ti me by the Government ot Spall that no disci linliintmg duties of ton n igo or Imposts are Imposed or levied In tin islands of Cubi anil Poito Itlco upon vcsscli whollj belonging to citizens of the Unltei States , or upon pioduce , nianutactuies o meich.indlsc impound tiom the Unltet States or fiom anv toiclcn countiv ; nnd Wheieasotilleitlon of sueh abolition ol discriminating duties of tonnage and Im uosts , as afoiesald , has been given to me b' ' mcnioradmu of an a leement signed thi. Oav in the city of Washington between tin SLciotaiv ol state of the United States am thoenvov extiaonlln.tiy and minister ploni potential j of her nmjestv , the queen u-gon of Spain , nectedlkd to the government of tlu United States ol America ; Now , then-tore , I , ( iiover Cleveland , pros ! dent ol the United Stiles ot Ameiiea , b ; vlitue of tlie authority vested in mo liv sec tlon 4,228 ot the levisfd statutesof tinUuitei Status , do lieiebv tleelato and pioel ilm Ilia trom and after tlie d.tteot tills , ni > proclama tlon , being also the date ot notltica tlon received , as aforesaid , loreigi dlsctlminntlng duties and Impost- within the United States an suspended and discontinued so far as re spccts vessels of Spain , and produce , matin factuies or mcicliandlse Ininoiteil in sail vessels Into the United Stiles fiom tlu islands of Cuba and Poito Hico , 01 from anv othei foreign countrj , such suspension tt continue as long as ic-clpiocal exemption o : vessels belonging to cltirens of tlie Unltet States and their cargojs shall be eontiiiU-jr In said Islands ot Cuba and Poito Rico , and no longer. In witness vviu-ieot i have heie unto set uiv hand'and caused the seal of the United States to be aflKetl. Done at the Citi of Washington this 27th day ot Octoboi in Hie veai ot our Lord out tluumiiil eight hundred and eighty six , and the independence of the United States tliu ono hundred anil eleventh. ( Juo'v KU CMVILAND. : : Bv the President : T. H. HAAUD , Suetetary of State. The following Is the agreement retciictl tc In thopiesidents pioclani.itioii : .Memorandum of aeicemont between the nov el iiiuent of the United States of Ameiiea anil the government of Spain tor a recipro cal and complete suspension ot all tils criminating duties of tonnage oi inmost1- in die United states anil in tlie Islands ol Cuba and Porto Kico upon vessels ot tin respective countiies and then eaigoes : 1. It is positively understood that trom lid- date an absolute equal/ition ! ot lonnacii and impost duties will at once be applied to the pioducts ot , and aitlcles pioceeding Irom , tlie United States 01 fiom any torcisn lountiv in vesse s owned In clli/ens of the United States to tl.e Mauds ot Cubi and Poito Hieo. anil tint nj hlgliei or other im port 01 tonn.igo duties will be levied upm 'iic'i vessels and merchandise1 cat lied In them , a'or-sald , than nrj iuipost.il upon Spin sh vessels and theii cirgoes under the snmi ! cucuiiistanccs. Undei the above con- d t'ons the president ot tlio United Stitcs will at onee issue Ids pioel iiuatlon declnlnc that foreign dKcrlnmiatmr duties ot toun.tgc. and Imp > sts within the United Slates aie suspentied and discontinued , so lai as ie- spects Spanish \tfssels anil pioduce , manu factures or merchandise nnpoited in them into the United States from Spain or her pos sessions aforesaid , or from any foreUn country. This memorandum ot agreement Is ottered by the government of Spain and accepted by the government ot the United Staks as a full and satisfnctoiy notification of the facts above lecltcd. 2. The United States minister at Madrid will be authorl/ed to negotiate with the min ister for foreign aftaiis , cither by an agree ment or trcaty.so as to place the coin meicial ic- latlons between the United States and Spain on a permanent footing , advantageous to both couiUrit s. In witness whereof tlie unttcisigned , Iti behalf nf the goveinmont ot the United States and of Spain ic- spectlvelv , have hereunto set theli bands and seal ? . Done at Wash ington this 371 h day of October , A. I ) . 18id. ( Signed ) : [ L3. ] T. H. BAYABD , [ LS. ] 1C. Di'.Mi'iiuAc-A , The treasuiyd'in.iitment this afternoon Is sued a circular of Instructions to collectors ol customs ami others in compliance with the action of the government. THIS FOUK1GN BUDGET. The Situation In Soflu. SOFIA , Oct. 27. General Kanlbais has no tified the regency that If the conspirators against Pi luce Alexander be punished , the Russian government will have recourse tc extreme me ; sines. The rezents , suspecting that It Is Kanlbais' Intention during theii absence at Tirnov a to assist the Zankollltes In Sofia to form a now mlnlstiy , have taken the piccautlon to cause thoauept of all sus pected persons , nnd have ordered the tioops to bo in loadlness to suppress a revolt , A state of siege will bo proclaimed In the evenl ot a coup d' ctat being attempted. Anothei Kussfan wai ship Is going to Varna. KusBla and Sr. I'hiLitsiiuiio , Oct. 27. The Ollicla Messenuer says : Tlio anaichy which prevails vails in Jinlgarln pievents Uusslan consult Irom pioteetiiisc the lawful Intciests of HUH sian icslrtents. After Geneial Kaulbars lefi Vaina several HU BI.IIISen \ arrested or Illozal pretexts. Two Husslan cuilsers wen thciefoio dUpatchcd to tliat pi tee , Rebel Outbreaks In Hurmali. l.D.voojf , Ocf. 27. Advices from Rangoon fcay that the rebellion In Mylngyan U in creasing. The mall for Vetnctlicn has been looted and the native escort killed. The liritlsh Imvo oruanUed forces to attick tlu rrbelflln the Memboo next week. State of Hlege Proclaimed. Oct , 87. A state of slego hai been procLilmed at Sofia. nrnten nnil Itobbcd , ItiTTi.K UOCK , Ark. , Oct , 27. The Qi- /ette's Denaro , Ark. , special says ; has night at 11 o'clock while County Tieasurei Waidviis going homo from his ofllcoa coupl ( of man sclml him , threw a coffee sack ovei his he d , Ixiat him badly , took his keys ant tobltcd the olllco of over 511,000. He was knocked senseless and when found his legs vteto tied together There IB no clew to tilt rob' ' eis. Poonliontas Cremated. POCAIIO.VTAS , Va. , Oct. 37. A lire this inoinlng binned sixteen houses , Including two hottls and several business houses , George Uarbor , ot Lynchburg , ) ) erlshed Ir the flames. Several others are missing. The Ilio waa the work of an Incendiary. A heavj lain saved the town. The loss amounts t < -VJooo , ; insurance. , unknown. Arthur Jle-oloclod. Nnw YOKK , Oct. 27-Tho Urothcthood o Locomotive Dnijliieers m-eleeted to-day lo yi.uul chief nnglneoi P. M. Artliui , foi a tein Nebrmku and lovva Wonthcr. Foi Kobruska ; 1'alr weather , vurlubli winds , cenerally southnrly , slightly warmer Kor lowat I1 air weather , variable w InUs ll'htl | , > ' warmer , cnuttgiiVOUK. . The Kplsconnl Convention. Cmrvoo , Oct. 87. A' ' incs ate was re reived this morning by tlio Keneraleomen tlon of the Protestant Kpkcopal chinch fion the house of bishops , declarlnn lhat in tin judgment of the bls'iops ' ttc ti e of the unfet inentcd juice of the Ki'upoiti the neiununt I ; not \\niianted by thd example of oil Lord , and was an unauthori/ed dcjnrt nre from tlie practice * of the Catholic clittieh anil that the mixing \vaterv\itlivvlno vva not objectionable , ptov ideil it bo not done i it iiiilisticallj until authorised In the change o rubrics. The mcvis.i c did not regime an ; action bj the deputies. rcsolutiun wa adopted to appoint a rommlttoo ti present a plan of making notiheatloi to dioceses of changes adopted In tin piajer hoolc. A respluUon was adopted pro vldliutot ncomiulttcoof thiec bishops , tlnei cleileals and tlnreo lavmcn to whom shotili bit rei'omiultted tlui whole subject of mar ilagoand divorce to report tlieieon at tin next tegular eoincntlon , on the second da' t'lereof. The house then resumed ennsldera tlon of the piopo ed amendments to tin book of common pmjer. The luopositlou to substitute In the ortlei fonnenlniscr\.ioi a prajer tor civ 11 author Itj In place ot tliu evistltn ; piajcr foi tin president of the United States excited m-icl ddiate. Tlie prajei us itported from tin committee , and asxint down bv the houce o bishops tnuilo no mention of Iho chief evceit thebvhlsolliie , but Instead contains tlu following : "ho nile thohe.uts of all thost whom Ihoti hast set In uuilioiltj tner us. tin tlioy , ' etf. The hotiso llnally rej cted tlu foim piop ( s'd bj tliO house ol bishops , am adopted the pravercont lined In the liook o : Notllle.Uion. This linger , which , if agrcet to bj th 1 c ise ot bishops , at once become' ' the pioperty of the. church and p.ut ol its re \ised pmjoi book , leads as follows : "S ( rule the hearts ot thy servants , the picsldetv of the United St lies , the govt'inor of till' stitc ami otlieis in anthoiltv tliat tliej , " etc It is noted that bv the printing of the phtasi "Iho tjoveiiini of this state" In Italics , not ! isconvojcd thatlts use is permissive , sinct thcieuia } ai ise ca cs n'hen tlio use o ! thli pliiaso would not ha applicable. A meisaKi from tlio house ot bishops vas iccelved tlnr ing the evening session jion-coneuiiiug will the resolution of the deputies on the canoi concerning marriage and divorce. The mes saco recommeiideirttiat the matter be passet oveitothe next convention as unllnishct business. ' ] he work of nuislnu the pravei book was continued until a later hour. Evnnyclicnl TmthcrniiB. CIIICAOO , Oct. 27. The general council o the Lv angelical Lutherans began itsslxtt daj's session this forenoon. The most Im poitant business was the report ol thu low ; sj nod , which declared at the lust annna meeting that it was not ready lot full oiganli lelatlon with the general council , ovvinp t ( certain nn Lutheran piaciices In the council. . iheropoit was fully consldeied and the ok relation letained , with tlife view that tlie ob stack's miglit be ovelcc > nici Rand tliej mltjhl enter Into full conn'ectlon cw 1th the council , A committee was appointed to icpn sent tin general coni.cil at the next meeting ot tlu low a sj nod In the Lutheran conference this after noon , Hev. T. At Kunklemaii , ol Greenville , Pa. , on ) behalt of the com mlttce , submitted a financial plan lor mission work. Tlie leatiue of thcf lepmt was tin ptovision tliat all sjnodslbo reijuested tc tiansfei the entile Louie mission work , within as well as without theii boundaiy , u a committee of the general council. Attci the tiaiiofer a Fceietaiy of Jiome mifslons i to ho appointed. The plan was not discussed owius to the lack ot time , but was coin- mendeii to disti ict , synods for consideration during the comliiK vcar. Jfs. Passavantann Spaotli and Ml.V. . 11. Stsixke vvcie anpointeil a Oimd of ditectors toi tho'proposctl Lutheran seminai \ In Chicago. Aftorthuappolntmenl of standing committee * Mho council ml jouined sinedie The council. will meet noxl v ear on tlio second TliunAlaviu September al Greenv ille , Pa. _ " * National . C. T. U. Jtix.KAroriS , Oct , 27. At thu opening ol the National Women's Christian Tempci- aiiec union convention this luornincit wiu urged that a memorial bo bent to congress against thu dispensing of beer to the in mates of tlie soldiers' and sailors' homes. The report of the committee on resolutions being taken up , the resolution on Mormon Ism was eairied by a rising vote , In whicli eveiy delegate arose. ' The resolution thai the national superintendents do not antag onize tlie policy ot the National W. C. T. U. was carried. Mrs. Uenjnnxln moved the foi- lowlnir tmhstltuto for No. 6 : Ilesolved , That we tender our sisterly sym- pathie-i to thfrwifo of Jlev. George C. Had dock and express our conviction that the death of this neiolc son of the church should Incite all lovnl citizens to ranowcd effort foi the oveithtow of tliat Iniquity which Is UK deadliest foe of the homo and the bin lotto the piogress of thnchilstian church Passed unanimously. Miss Pngb wan made Ameiluan treasuierot the world's W. C. T. U , The Women's C hrlstlan Totnperanco union Lomentlon adjouriudsine tlio at the closool th afternoon s - sslonnil unrintshod busl ness being referred totho executive com mlttoo. Political Murder. Niyv YOIIK , Oat. 27. John McKegnoy , ai old and respected cltlznn of the Twenty- third ward , was knocked down and beaten to deatli by John McGrath , of No. 419 Kas Klgbty-blNth street , for declaring his Inten tlon of voting for Henry Geonre. The as hault occurred Hi a bar-room nt Eighty-nlnti street and Third avenuevMeKegney w as a cai pcntcrund a member of the carpenter' nnloi And the llonry Geouo Campaign club , lit met McGralh , vvlio Is a muscular young bully in tlie saloonaiid soon after became Involvei ina dlseussloi ) as to'tho relative iiieritH oi tlieii lespectlve candidates foi nmvoi. ile Kognoy was no matchtor McGrath , and liu all > eiitled the discussion by saying : "Well heiolHono Vto ( ( Jcoije will get anjliow. ' At tills , it IB alleged , McGiath stiucli McKegnoy on the rlsrht side of the head with a brass knuckle. The ok man fell heavily to the floor , wjillo MeGiatl liuuledly left the place. When picked m McKegnoy was unconscious , and remained soaltei ho was taken to the Presbyterian hos pltal until he died at an early hour this morn ing. McGrath was arrested , ile denies hav ing struck McKcgneV vUth anything but hi1 list. McGrath Is a well know n character. Tin < > i ydars KM he was a candidate for the blue of a policeman , but tno tiny on which Im wa < to have an examluatlomhe wan intoxicated and Ids name-was taken : from the list. Me Kegney was nf ty-three yea of age , and hat a largo family. j Got TliniURhi tM ) Llnox SALT LAKE , Ocf. 2r. \-rA. \ church organ hero says to-night : The ; five Mormon em ! grunts sent baoit to Kngl ; nd by the action of the emicfaUoi o New York , Imvo arrived The ) vveio taken to Liverno ? .f there" placed oj another steamer for New SToik , as It was no noised around that tlmy J \ere Mormons ant asthoordmaiy niiBstioni ii . > ut to . _ . . . vveio Kat'sfactorily answered , they icaclu-i their destination without nrrthcr difficulty. Novninuer NVlilslcy ; AssessinentB. Cixcix.s'ATr , Oct. 27iAt a meeting of tin board of maulers of tlio Western Kxpor assoclatinn ( vvhUky p'oul ) the November aa sessmeut was tixed at 2) cents Der proof al Ion. 'Ihe price will romaln at & 1.UI. Matthew Hoper. ( on years old , colored residing in Philadpnhia | , mounted ; horse which was standing at Tenth " " ' Pine streets , onTliuisdayaftcinoon.rodi up Hroad street as far us Norris , and wn trying to sell the animal t6 , v man fo $4 , w'hon thu policu c > uigi3aut ixi > peiiei nnd took charge ot the boy und h < u o. The Women'fa Uhristian Temperanci Union of ISnrlington , N J , has ratsu ffiOO and otlerd it as a prtmiium to tin saloonkeeper who will exhibit the bus specimen of continued drunkard at tin coming comity fair ut Mount Holly. BIA1NE IN PENNSYLVANIA The Plumed Ki.ight Spsaka on Two Itii portant National Issues. HE SCORES PROHIBITIONISTS Slcn Warned ol' I'roin the Ooxvn-Trotldcn Colored I'coplcilolin Sliernian at Philadelphia , Ulalno Amonc the Conl PtfTsnt no , Oct 27. .lames G. Ulainclel here at 8 o'clock tills mornint : for his trl through the anthracite melons of Pennsy v.inl.x. The tour will take nptwodajs an Ulnlno will make sixteen siK-eclie" ! . Ur.itirnN-i : , Pa. , Oct. 'J7 lllalnc1. In be h.ilf of Gciienil Denver for governor , fpok here this afternoon bilelly , making the laiil tiuesiion the principal point of his remarks. Lf.w tsnunn , Pa. , Oct 'J7. Uhilne spoke 1 a hrgo crowd here , and In the course of hi icmarks sild : " 1'liu political eontest li Peniisvlvania this jcai beaisa very UiUn ; analog } to that wlilch we closed In Mainu li Soptembei , Wo had the republican paitj i ! tlie Hold , we had the democratic partj In th liehl , and wt > hid n third putj in the liehl piofesslni : special tlevotlon to the doctrinu o prohibition. Maine has ueon n nronlbltku state tor tlilrtj veais , ami thethhd pnif piohlbitionists In this eonntiy seemed t think they hail a pirtlcu'ai pxtent ilglit npoi all tempeiauce topics , and thev eame to Main to persuade usa prolitbitoi j state that th' ' republic in iiaityhad bettei be dispossess ot power , and the eaiKe of tciiipvrniio handed ovoi to the tendei meieie and kind eaie of the democratic p.uty 1 tinil the same condition ot tilings In tlu state with the exception tliat Punnsvlvnnl. has nevci pionounced in fn oi of proliibltlon Itut wolind tlio third partv or.anUcd for thl pm po'-e. and \\iUi the duel , ired intention ol tleleatliiK the lepnblican paity ami of bring ins ; the democratic party into powei. Xow vvhatever von may think , whatever I nia\ think , or whatever .my onn else may tliint as to tliee\petlienev 01 Inexpediency of pie hlblUon , we will all agiec that the ono part ; in the United States which has never tlom anv thing for tlie cause of temperance Is tin democratic paity. lAp.ilauso. | And hero li PemisylvaniabefoiflnMalncthutlilidpait ! ) organf/ed especially to piomote tumpeiance w orks oblously to the entl of throw Ing 11 ixl over to the control ot tlio natui.il , Intieiitei anil perpetual enemies of temperance * The laboring men of this state and of tin northern states aie about entering upon an other question. They are about entering on n ( iiicstion of cieat : irl impeiious magnitude That is. with tlio power ot the natlona government , in the hands of the tlomocratit patty , there is no possible hope foi thurlsuo : in ogress of nearly two millions of colorut laborers. In the south , 'lliey give tlum m vote , they give them nootce , th 'v give tlicn no Inlliiei c % . They Keen tliem living in hut ; on starvation wages , ami they aie liuiijiiiL tliuiu bv the millions Into compel ! tion with noitliein men. Now , i ; the deinocialle paitv liolds the goveintiien ot this countt ) , and keeps tliat laboi servile as it was when the chains of slaveiyweit fastuned upon it , its competition with tin viiite laborol this countiy will glow mon anil more heice , and more and 111010 vvll they hive to cuiifiont this diiect and Im puriant truth that either that gieit mas1 of laborers in the south must hi raised in tlie scale of intelligence and compensation , or they will pull dowi northein men to theli I < svel on wages. Gentlemen tlomen , this is no catohvvvoid ol tlio cam paigrt ; It is no more icvrcsomcc of polltiea necessity ; it Is not tlie ciy ot a party de fealcd or of a'paHy that ex ) > ects to bo victor ! ous. It Is a solemn , undeniable indnstria fact. Pray retlcct upon It/ ' At Snamokln a larger crowd than at mos of the stopping places welcomed IMainc. Ht spoke trom the balcony of tlie hotel to ovei 0,0(0 ( people. _ Shorinnn at Philadelphia. iiA , Oct. 27. Senator Join addiessed a lane audience at tin Academy of Music to-night nndei the mil pices of the young icimblicau club. He said "Theioaro at this moment two ereat con trolling factors In American politics. One i' ' the Immediate dan , ci that nowtlueateiis tin overthrow of the economic an-1 Indus tria policy built up by the rcpubl'cin party which , as has been shown , has doubted tlu wealth of our country within twenty yean ami Uo'JlJd its production ; and second , tin complete succeis of what Is known as tlu Mississippi plan , by which more than OIK million of legal voters of tills country liavt been deprived of all rights conferred upoi them by the constitution aim the law , espe chilly tlie right to vote. " After referring to the necessity , on accoun ot the War , which led conirrets to tax every thing , Sherman said : "But after the win this system of Internal taxes gudnally tils appealed. One by one they were repealei by the republican party , so that nndei tlu policy ot tliat patty to-day there Is no ta > levied bv the United Statej of Ameilca or any article made in this country , or any propertv existing In this country or on any man living in tills cmintiy , to : there is no intmnal tax except on whisky , to b xceo and beer , and whunevei theio Is a pub lie demand anil n public necessity foi leliev ing these taxes , I am willing to join mj demociatic trieiitts in repealing them , " Altui devoting some time to the dlseiissior of the merltsol a protective policy , fcdiermai concluded as follows : "So woiideifu has been the ellect of tlio appllca tlon ot these slmulo inles tha out of SO-W.OCO.COJ of imported goods , probably but three or four hinidict millions aie aitlcles that could ho protluiet In tbls country , for vvhlfh wo have the ii/ material , and on those aitieles is a protectivi taiHT levied vaiylng ttom OS to 'JO per cent Most of them tut ) articles which wo aio no yetprnpaied to make , but thu llmo IB not f.i distant when wo will nianulartnio , nndei tin piotectlon of a judicious taillf , ovoiy artlcli necessaiy lo human life , \Vns It Suloldo or Murder ? 8nri.uYII.I.I : , III. , Oct. 27. homo fi\i weeks ago Miss Maiy Selbeit , of llollaiu township , this county , died with symptom Indicating stiyclinlno poisoning. At tli llinoit was believed a clear case of suicide though no otllclal Investigation wa held by the coroner , Thouiand jitr last week hail such evidence biougli beloro U as to justify n judicial In vcstlgatlon , nd vestenlay thobotlv was c\ liumed anil a postmortem held. To-da > th coronet's jmy rendered a vmdlct that tli joung woman was a victim of poisoning tlioueh whether self-adinlnihtered or glvei by another was not clear , and iceommentlei a further examination tiy an expert. Th stomach will be sent to a Chicago chemist No reason for suicide Is known to exist norlstlieronny knovvn cause for tout play It is a very singular case , and excites mud comment. A Formidable Array of Testimony br. Louis , Oct. 27. On rc-ount. of th great length of the testimony In thu Max wo ! and Chlncso highbinder cases , . .JudgeVai \Vngonei , before whom the casea were diet has found It necessary to Miant further tliu to attornojs for the defendants to prepai transeilpts In the cases , and extentUd th tlmo In both until nuxt New Ycar'b daj Shorthand repoilers and tjpe-wrlttrs hal \ l > een eniraireil for several months transciili Ing the testimony In tlieso cases , but the ! w ml ; Is still far fiom complete , a thoia u cannot Im tauen to the btatc supiemecout without the t A laumtlo MilIII * * \ \ \ ' . < \ lnn ) > . Jl1. , Oct 27 , - Vt 0 1 Is u o , iin John Diiiinv , of Xut ; i Dho'i. Ml o I l.ls wit will in axis , hiltm , ' lie1 ; 1 i t .c uc > , suvei In.'lltu sjiln I cnrl 1'einy h t , ii--n ii.-.ilo tut o UU n ns ne v- 1 nn , it m Met 1 > d to I ) vni. ui | i liad luVJl li'-en > < to Uiva.iliim. TIU : nvritnsH uounnitv. 'I he Tliipf AtnuinniTo lllniselr tlu Lust ol the .lames ( iatii ; . ST. Lot i , ( ) i t. S7. Tliero ire no new de velopments In Iho Adams cxpiess robbeij a this vvrltlni ; . Damsel was H-CII nt his ufllci this moinlin ; and saltl absolnteh notliliij ntw Ind tinned up. In reuaid to the leper that Mes'-eiKii Patherincliam had uiailo t confession , he stated theio was no truth In It but he w as in constant communication vvitl theollliLrsof the enmpati ) and thedeleetivi" vvlio have the case in baud , and Is altllni tin-in as mneh as he Is able In their atlomp lo ilUcovei the vvhuuaboutK and ulentltv o the lolibci. Patheilnttham was seen at the roinpiu > ' < olllee this uiDinlngbv a leporter , to whom In told the sttu j of the lobbi iv. Hi' nude hi' ' statement In a fi.uiU. siinlghttnrvv ml man ner wltlmut tlm slightest hint al emburass- mi-lit or confusion , lli said ho vvts v\el aware of tbu-lioumstaiitlatcvidetuopolntiiu s-ttonglj to his belli } . ' an acoissoiv to ( lie lob beiy , hut Im Ind notiiiiiK loeonceal and wa' ' coinident the tesult of the invesllgatloi would elear him of all suspicion Tim onlv point In Iho mes't-ngei's statemrnt whirl was not L'ivon out yesterdav Is that tlie lobbei told 1 atheiingliam he had an aceompllct upon the tiain who , if lie ( Iho robber ) wa- unable to eatiy out his plans unaUlcd would coiiit' to Ids astistaiice. ratlieiiiiKliani , In lelatlnir In detail his ev peilenco with tlio robber , to-d-iv s-xid : be lore he lelt lie s-xid to me : "You would bt surprised il I told you who 1 am " 1 said : " 1 don't know is 1 would. " " \ \ ell , " hn continued. " 1 am Jim Cnmiiigs , the last of Jesse .iamts gang. 1 wus ii that Biiio t'ut job and only tot ? 1MO miloi It Since then 1 have PISM-I ! eoiisldeiabli tune In Australia ami San Pianclsco. " lln seiMiioa familial with thu names anil doings of vaiious memheis of the Jaiuc' gang. When wo began talking he remove. . the gag from niv month , but wlieu thetiali ; leaclu'd a point ne.u Pacllio he lepl iced it sc lhat 1 could make no outcrv , in ( lie mean time thteatcnliii ; to blow my' brains out II 1 attempted toattiactauj one's attention. Katheiiiiiiliatu's stitements Imve thus fai been remaikiblv cleat and stiaiglitfoivvait and fieu liiim rontratlletlon. The opinion I * gaining sticngth that the robboiy wasn bon.i lideatlali , anil that tliu messenger was in nc wav accessor to It. THE SENATORSHIP. 1'rcns Comment on Van Wjck'H Cnin- I'Vcmont'l'ribiino : Theio are 100 members bors of the house of represonativcs inn ! ai ) sonatois. Of this 1113 munibers there are usually tiomM to 39 democrats , Icav ingixbout 105 ropnblit-.ins , unti rcquirmp 50 for : x majority Of the republican1 nominated , 15 senators and 55 represcna- mes are snppoiteis of Van \Vjck. This , in a u'iibhcan | emeus , would nominuti him with about a do/.en votes to bpjiro , If , on the other Imntt , the "nnti'.s" refnsi to K into caucus , the okl man is &uro te gut theio tinyliow. So Air. CJuro may lit well make up his mind to otuluro th'j okl maivtbout si\ years loiinor. Coilsn Ilapitls Hepublic.in : Van \Vycli is really tins sti oncost 111:111 : in Nt-biaski for the senatorsliip , popnlaritv , intellect' uully ittul in piineiplo , uiul ho i ono oi the strongest man in the S'jnato clumber U e hsxvu nil alonfXicfraHleilliKro-olectioii as a for ono ooncltision. Ho has really been helped by tlie enemies' ho has ninth anil their foolish method ol lighting him \Vo know Vim W-\ck \ bat-k in Vorl , State , anil that commonwealth lost a con signment of good stock w hun ho joinoi Iho innumerable caravan of Westward Ik men. men.Wood Wood Kivcr Gavicttc ; During lii ; sdmxtorinl lomi of about six yestrs Via W.ydk has never bilppriitcd a ptinciuh thtit was unroimblican ami in all of hi' public career he is jiot on iccortl in n single instance us be-ing nnytliinc olhc than : i staunch fricnti of tlie peonle. Tt sum it nil up the only trouble with Van W ck ib , he hub f.xllun out with the party leaders by refusing to allow them to use him as a tool for ihe furtherance ol schemes anil jobs which public mtoiests demanded should DO suppressed. Koi this only ho is beinc iinuthomuti/.ed by the leaders of a faction of his parly , and for this ho will bo defeated if the afore said element can accomplish it It re mains with the people to say whether Van or his tradueers are right , and il they hure a fair opportunity to oxpri-s- themselves , wo are of the opinion tlml the senator need have no fear AS to tlu voidict. Tlio Ktuto Journal vt. . Van WycU. Crete Vitiotte : Thr- State Journal hat persistently fought Senator Van W.vot since 1878. Nearly every issue ol 'tlu Journal for the i-iv has past - years con tained one or more articles of calumny und abuse against tlie "old num. " Jit 18a ( he objected to the "dtcal" of the Journai : us state printer. Ilu Riimmoned Mr. Hiithavvuy , one of the Join mil proprietors , befoie the semite committee and put him in u "hot box" on the witness stand. Mr Hathaway relused to answer-many qut-E tions , which tended to criminate him , bill under oath , swore that there was no col lusion between the Journal and Omalii Heiald on the contract for state printing Mr. Gibson , of the Omaha Heiald , w lee conscientious to follow in the footsteps stops of Hntimvvuy , and ho look a leave o : absence ami went lo California anil 10 mained thine until after the session oi the seriate. Webster ICaton was not pul upon the stand , but ho admitted privntolv tht-.t In ; had a sealed bit ! to put in on tin the printing and that the State Jouina and Omaha Herald paid him a certain amount of money anil lie wUluhow hi' bid. That collusion o\icted no well in formed man seemed to tlenj . This is OIK ot the s-ecrets for the bitter vituperation of the State Journal. Son.itur Van \Vyol ; headed oll'many tniiidiilont claim of the Join iial and suvcd thousands of dollar ; to the tax payers of Nebraska. The Journai was in the habit of paying ill pi inters for setting solid mntte'r , ami then would slug out an inch space be twcun the lines on HIP house Hills am senate liles , and charge the state fomollt : matter. U their woiu cost them $1KH ( thu stale hud to pay on account of till- - .slugging from tVXM t" $10,030. Do tlu tax pavers of Nt-braska blame Sonatoi Van Wyek for his action in the ease We think not , If hit hail patted Gore am Hathaway on the bite ) , and stood in will the "rings of Lincoln , " as did Chum Hovro and ( Junies , ho would have buui applauded by the Journal as.an lioiuis anil and able senator , a faithful bervan und a statoman of the highest oidor. HoM'l With tlio COIL Dotioit Kreo 1'ieis ; At noon icsterda ; a Micliigan aMniuetrroour made a suddei dtxsh foi his open door , nnd n boy win hud been standing outside mudo just n sudden , a da-li for thu middle of tin ritlCCt , "i tell you 1 won't ht-iud this jimol longnr , " shouted the grocer as lie thool hie , list at thu ijov. "What WHS 1 doing ? " "You wi-ro bieakmg these i-auots t < pieces. " "Well , can't ' a fellow see if ilini , xr < rlpo. " "Von look ouij I'll h.ivu nn ollluo ; ttfler vou. ' "The one on hhis liratS" "Yes , the one on t'lis IsaU" | "ItalH' ll couiling mvMstiir , r.iu -ouc-in i iningiiiM tliu sort of Collar he'i gi\e nioi Jtist lut hint wilkiiuiiovvi mill Hull wiil sluuli ; li.ja lit.0 mi old douv mat ! " _ _ _ InvitatioiH 'ind KU' iii.t liih i't < 1 1'oat des. n ( } \ \ \ . \ , ; < Sc St 'S oury Co A BIG LIAR'S LI FILE LIES , riattsniouth People Surfeited by Howe With Slander oi tlio Uco's Editor. THE TIRtD AUDIENCE LEAVES. A llljr Haloh ol'.Saloon CAHPS tlcforo the Court at Sloiiv Ollj Dentil of Well ICntixv n IMttor IIIVVA nnilt irnnkiNews. ) . Slorlen Whloli rNt-oil No Denial , PI.AITBMOI in , Nell , Dot S7.-Speeinl [ 'I elect , m 10 the HIT. ] Chinch llovvti deliv * red an utldressheio tills evc'iiitif , wherein Im elalmed lo itfutellio eharces made by the HI.I : . lie even went so fiu as to say that Mr. Uosovvatei cauui lo him to nnke aimmo- ; inonts tosiipiioithim In this campaign , llo stated th.it Ito-ewatei oU"-ed ! ttiiiippoit hint Uioxltlhii ; lie ( Howe ) w > uld divide Ids two je.u'sHiiaij with lilm tin a uvompunso. llo made a nutubei of attaik * on tlie edltoi of the lint. . AniiniK them hocliaixed him of iliivlni ; Prank U'eloh , Seimtoi llltehcock , his w ft- , son and duuhtet to an eailx Kravuby publishing slaiiilerous articles about their chaiaeleis. Ile sud at the tlmo he ( Howe ) wasservluuhlseountij during theiebelllon tliat Itosewatei was then a mxtlvoof Ho- hemin. Tim audience bee unit t r d of hli speech and a Ixw majuritj had lelt the liall bcfoio he was tluou h. Honnior Van Wjclc nt Home. XKHIIAHKA Cm , Neb. , Oct. a" | Special Teleeiain to tinHi : , Theie was u rousing Van Wvck ineotlni ; held last evening at Svracuse. Neb , over six bundled people bolnn pre'-ent. Van \ \vasieeel\edv\lth enthusiasm. He was followed bv lion , .John C. Wiitson , eamlldato lei the lenlslatnrofrom tlds count v , who uald a glowing tribute teem om net senator. Morton nt Smvnrd , Fr.w Ut ( ) , Nib ; Oct. 'J7.- [ Special Tekviam to the Ilr.i : . ] Tlieduuit cuits of this illy hold alarpo political mot tint : in the opein house to-nUht. lion. J. Slerlh g .Morton addiessed the meetim : on the taiill ouostton. lie also treated on thu evils of [ r hdiitltm. Sioux Cltj H.iloou Cnnoti. SiorCii v. In. . Get , S7. ( Special TolcKram to the BKI.J : Considerable tlmo was spent by tlie illstilct court to-day In the injunction cases. Settlements as per stipulation were made In cases wheie the lolluwlni ; wen- de fendants : Hied ( ielnke , Kiank Klepch , M. J. Dillon , Adolph Herman , Pelei Kanpes and FlanIlathcnburg. . tViuuincnt Injunc tions by default were made In tlio cases of Win Hcrminclmm , Mrs. A. llau/en and Joseph Kaiiftman , John Kaullman , et al. , K. A. Lapaia , Mike O'Donnell an-1 Herunrd Nolan , O. T. Platt t Co. , W. Louis , Ceo. Tieber , Jno. Schvvait7. Tilton Hros , . et al. , John Ihovv and Thomas .M.ilone , I/ . ( ! . Houiiett and .Mis. U. C. Itounett , J. Laiktn anil It. K. Purslow , Win. lari and , las. Dar- inidj , Daniel O'Connell and Mmnhy nnd lilies , Pied Paik and J. P. . Dadb't-iovv , Kit-haul Small and .Mis. I ! . Small , Wm. Len It/ and wile and 15. Unalc , et al. In these crises the defendants did not apncar nnd tin ' .V-its and attornuvs' feesvveio taxed to each. It is imdeistood that nlnetv or more f-aloonlsts en join ml will all bo solved likewise with the exception of about ten or tilteen , who will cany tliiili cijsob to the su-v preirc uunrt A lar o Obligation was lime to-day Irom Kmnsloy , la , nuiiieious Injunc tion eases fioni that pi ice being in court hot o which Attorney Wood asVs to be made pmmaiieiit. A Stntiio ol' Her. Ilutliloolc. Siou.x CITV , la. , Oct. U7. [ Special Telo- Kram to the Hr.n.J Heinicats have been 10- ceived Iiero fiom Colonel S. T. S. Conollo , tlio well-known Illlnolsscnlptoi , for intorma- tion , pliotOKiaplis , etc. , that would be useful to him In preparing a Hto-sUo statue of the late Hev. llnddnuk. Colonel CorioIIo says that he has been niged by advocates of the temperance cause all ovei tliu country to uu- deitakti the work and has ulio.ul ) pieiiareil a block suitable tor a lite si/o statue , lie will lepicseut the mnrljr aKCinshin ; ; n snake. A I'romlnont Farmer Killctl. Ai.ni A , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele- ginm to the HIK. ] Jnmcs McHndden , prominent fanner and stock dealer of Monioe county , attempted to get on a moving tr.dn on the Chicago , HurlhiBton & Qulncv railroad at Albia to-day , but missed his footing and. fell iintlei the cais , and was so badly Injiued that he died in two hums. Tlio Sionx City Rritlcn. Sioux Ciiv , In. , Oct. 'J7. [ Special Tele gram to the HKI. . ] A company of en lneera and survejors aio hero now making uuiveys near ( Jreenvllle , a subuib of Sioux City , nnd prospecting tor a favoiablo ] ) laeo to locate n biidgoaciosslho Missouri. His undtnstood the hiiriouudings and approaches will likely piovosatlsfaetoiy at tno place named. The puglnciirs , of comse. Imvo made no ieoit | as > ct , but tlit-y say them Is no ( | iie tlon but what tlie vvoikol 'juildini : lhebidgi ! < will bo commenced vej soon. JiUh or nn IMIior. OAIIIIOM. , la. , Oct. 27. [ Sper-lnl Tele- uitim totlm HiK.J-Mr. : r. . H , Huntings , tor sKteon vears editor ot the Cairoll Ihinld , ami pie iilnentlv knovvn In tlio politics of westt-in Iowa , tilt d nl his homo to-day after a lingeilng attaek ol dlabitls Stoa in liMonilnK mill ISnriifil. Auutno.v , la. , Oet , S7.--Speclnl | Tele gram to the Hr.i'.J The largo steam llonrlng mill of Nicholson Dins , limned thin morning , tlestiovlng the nun hlm-rv anil grain valued at 813,000 ; luMiiancc , ftl.OOO. Atlantio'H ! Ce lHtrnllon , ATLAMir , In , Od.27 , | SpecialTelearMii to the UijK.J The total vote roxlfctered In Athntlo Is MO , lift\-tvvo being lopsided to-tla > . This is seventy votes ICFS tiuin the irgular city vote , Wrnncllni ; Hallrontl 1'oolB. ( iuiCAao , Oct , J7. ISpccml 'IVlo.-rnm to thelKK. ! | Tin * ujinmltteo to which was ic- ferred tin * Unlc of getting the new southwest ern passenger agreement Into nhnpu i.o it can bo ini'scnteil at to-inorrow'ii meotliiK for slgnatmca of the managers , have pefoimcd that duty. Theio Is but little hope that the St. Louis San I'lanrldco can bo induced to join tno pool , ant ) without tli-m the tnfkof inulnl-ilnlng i.ues vvll1 be n hopeU-K- . one , mi- Ins-i the w < * hUrn and noitlivvrsierii loads via Omaha , agree to foim and maintain pools of similar nntine to thu Southwestern. Vke- Ptesident Pottei , of the llurliiigton , b iscalk il Hiiii'dluKcif thoniana-'ersot Iby various lomH between Chieneo , hi. Louis and Couuell Blulfs mid Omaha lot next Kilday , to male anolhi-i ollort lo pool western pnfi < ! ! < r tratlle. The noithv.estnn jiassenc j coiun.it- tee has not yet bi on called together. Pailti lo Aurn < * > Coi.i'iiKff. , Nib , Oct. i.7.-Spcclal | Telc- piam to tlio JJKr.J TI o jury filled to I't-rto ' on the trial of ICdwnut Ui nt lor nisou ' : or being 'nt olglilcH'ii hoiu-d , Thrio w.isirctt - InUsit-iV t.i ! > eii In the enfiti. Tlu tiling oj the barn wait jteinlUh. is an old imui and tihry we o .le p 'IK thcroand baiety esu pul w tli tlll'U IttOt. { run Works ilise. , O t. 'Jr. 'Jlje riilliug luiilojn , , OM Co 'iiiy Iiin wiuljs at } t 1' , i' uriu-d ia ! j UiU miliiliiBr , caus.ng h. to , vi&o.tw. 1'nn nly ! li su'iivd.