8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : "WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 27 , 1880. GATHERED ABOUT THE CIH Edward Bosewater the Nominee of the Ploal Senatorial Convention. MICHAEL DAVITT'S ARRIVAL Ito In Ilccclvctl t jn. . Committee Took Off Ills Clot tics Mr. Mur ' Other phy's Dentil - IjOOUl M IlUerH , Float Senatorial Conrcntlon. The lloat fsonatorml convention ol Sarpy and Douglas counties was held yeste-rdav nflornoon at Justice llelslcye ofllce. On motion of J. J. Hrown. Vtl. A , lledirk was called temporarily to the chair. Thn chairman road the list of delegate ! from Douglas county an follows : C. C. Throne , Frank Kaspar , hco IlolsloyV. . A Hcttlck , J. i ) . Hrowii , A. It. Ilool , rep resented by .1. J. Blown ; \V. U. Whit- more , by U. U. Thrano ; Peter ( ilaiult , by Scth Cole , and O. \\olcott , by the eaino gciitleinati. Judge llelsloy was elected secretary. The chair read thu list of delegates froir Sarpy county as follows : K. L. lliloman , by Mielmttl Dunn ; (5eo ( liocknr. J. K. Hoover , by Win. Smith ; nnd A. Fncko. Suth Cole moved the temporary organ- y.alion ho nmtlo permanent. Tlio motion prevailed. U. U. Thrano nominated K. llosowater /or llo.it senator. The nomination wns seconded by Michael Dunn from Snrpj county. Will Gurloy , although not n delegate , requested to bo per milled to ask u few questions. Judged llelsloy moved that the required DPI mission be granted. Thu motion was seconded by J. J. Hrown. Mr. Dunn of Sarpy county objected , nnd Sir.Thrano saitl that if Mr , ( iiirlcy were a delegate , ho would not object tc having questions answered , but as Mr. ( iurly was not a delegate , ho did not have time to sit there to listen lo n political speech. A vote was taken on the motion , and was lost. Judge llelsloy alone voting in the ntlirmativc. There being no other nominations , on , motion of Uoncilman Kaspar , Mr. E. [ Ilosowatcr was nominated by acelama- ] tlon. ' Messrs. Thrano and J. J. Urown were appointed n committee to escort Mr. ' KuBowatcr to the room. Mr. Itosewator was introduced and ad vised of his nomination by the chair. He spoke us follows : Gentlemen of the Convention : In returnIng - Ing my guileful acknowledgments tor the honor you have conf"iipd upon mo , It may bo proper also to hay a few woitls explana tory of my position anil of tlio conditions under which I desire to accept this iiomiua tlon. 1'iiht anil foremost , I take It that this com pliment Is not so much intended to bo per sonal as It Is to be a compliment , or rather , an cmlni.s"inentot thegieiitpilnclples which tlio republican party has uihocated dininc the lust thirty years. Not only thnt , but as an eiuloi.scmcnt of the principles ot good government anil of honest ivimliilstratiou of st.Uu nnd national allair.s as it has been advocated by mysell thtoiigli the paper ot which 1 am ed itor. Yon aie all a\\aio that it Is no honor piuticnlarly for an ed itor of nny dally paper to accept an olflcoof this eliatnctcr. The ofllce of ed itor Is BiilUcicntly remunerative ( It It bo n woil conducted paper ) , and snlllelcntly man- tying lu the exeiciso of us powers to suit any man ; nnd as n matter of fnct 1 had decided from the start , since f have been editing a paper , never to accept any ollico within the Kill of the people. Bi.t circumstances have arisen atthis tlmo which were entirely un- forseen , and which have In a great measure continued my action. Kivo days ago lit ) one could Imvii Induced mo to accept the noini- Jiation.but the outrageous verdict of n Lincoln jury has marie mo feel thnt the time hascomo when some sncrlliee should be made by me lo enter the halls of the legislation nud bieak up the dishonest rings that have been fostered around the capitol. .Now , gentlemen. If tlio republican paity ami the people of Douglas county elect mo to the position for which you have nominated me , and I believe they willit will bo my carn- Cbt desire to give you a more economical and better administration of our state atl'alrs ; to Investigate the standing of public olliclals and place them within the line of duty ; to brpafcup penitentiary rings and to biingtho penitentiary to bo self-sustaining. Instead of an expense to thn people of Si'JO per ( lay ; to see thnt the labor of this state Is rcc- ognUcd ns well ns capital ; to sco that the vestetl rtahta of capital ; uo iccognl/.eil in their proper sphere , and that their powers slmll bo limited to the sphere and within the Hphero of action lor which they have been chartered. It will be my endeavor to have a charter framed foi Omaha which will give us better Koveinmentand n larger sphciu lor the city with Its lapld development. It will bo my ' endeavor , as far as possible , to see to it tha't laws shall bo unacted to piotcct the farmer , the r.ieclianie nnd the merchant nnd to nivo our people such government ns the fathois of onr icpubllo Intended then to linvo a government for the people and by the people. Again thanking you for the honor , f will now retire , The lloatsenatorial , committee was then appointed , as follows : Frank Kas par , chairman , ami J. J. llrown , of Doug las , anil Michael Dunne , of Sarpy. Adjourned. i DAV1TT. Arrival of Thin Celebrated Gentleman In Omaha. Yesterday morning Miehat'l.Davitt , the renowned Irish agitator arrived in the city over the Union Paollc road from Denver , He was mot at the tlepot by Messrs , Michael Donovan , Fred ( Jray and Thoa. IJrennan , constituting a committee ap pointed for the purpose by thn joint committees of the land league. Ho was driven lo the Millard hotel where ho took breakfast , after which ho retired to his room and enjoyed a few hours of rcs > t. Mr. Davltt was in excellent spirits. Since his departure from hero , about one month ago , he has visited all the principal towns on the I'acillo coast , anil the Important ones which intervene be tween there and this city , IIU last stop was at Denver , where , as on thn coast , the reception tendered htm amounted to an ovation. Thu cnthuslatm of his friends was almost unprecedented , and greatly transcended that which had bid den him wclcomo on his earlier visit. The reception was taken part in by citi zens of every class and nativity , and was especially distinguished because of the lntorc.it displayed by American sviniw tl\i/ers. The suns of tlio coast and mountains have given even u deeper tinge to his al < ready bron/od fnatures , anil imparted u deeper glow of health to his cheeks , which beveral weeks ago betokened the grateful recovery from a painful illness J'ho news published inyostordy mom inc i > HKK as u telegram to John Fitygorah from Mr Harrington , member of parliiv nicnt , of the election of Justin MiCarth\ \ as n member for Derry , was received bj Mr. Davitt with Ill-concealed feelings ol satisfaction and pleasure. Mr Davitt was driven around thp cltj yesterday afternoon by Messrs. Donovan lironnan and dray , and enjoyed the excursion cursion greatly , UOOK OFF HIS OLOTHUS , An Italian Creates a Sensation in Court I'ollcu IMoklimti. Thu principal event in police court yci tcrday morning was tho.ca o of Mottcm Reko nn Italian charged with assaulting > fellow drtfzo with tuc'sotncwhnt American- i/.od natno of JlrA Lnnz. The two men became Involved insomc dispute yesterday afternoon , and in the course of the row Lanz wns hit on the back with a hatchet. Mottcno'a friends did their best to indtico Lairto withdraw his complaint , but he waq stubborn. ' You no maka mo husha my mouth , ' ' ho said emphatically. "Mo shown dc jndcc what he hava done.11 He proceeded forthwith to divest him self of his raiment. First he took off his coat , thru his vest , and was just about to throw off hi shirt when one of his fellow Italiaim seized him and tried to make put on his clothes. lli un"orts wore unavail ing , however , for Lan/.obKtimately.strug gled out of his shirt. A lady who was sitting in the lobljy , waiting lo prefer a complaint before iMnlgn Stenberg beat a hasty cntcat , doubtless not caring to sco ' how' far Die Italian carried his tiro- cess of disrobing. The wound mllictcd by the hatchet was haidly more than a bruise , and as LJUIB displayed it with an a'r of injured Innocence a laugh wont around tin ; court room. Mottcno plead iriiilty anil was lined $10 nnd costs. Vivo drunks were arraigned. Out of this number three , \V. .1. Corlaskoy , Mike Hreiman and .John O'Contuill were fined $5 and costs. UKljUASRD ON HAIL. - Sour IH Allowed to Go Free on $ : ! ( > < > HoinlH. Herry Sour , the driver for tlio Mer chants' Kxpress company , who ran over John Collins Monday afternoon , was arraigned in police court this morning , after having spent the night in jail. "You are charged with reckless driv ing , " saitl the judge. "It depends upon what you mean by reckless driving , " replied Sour .sullenly. Ho was not ready to go on with the trial , and Judge Slenburg sot the trial for next week , lixing his hail at ! ? ! ! 00. His bond was signed by Carlos Woodworth. " 1 propose to break up tiiis reckless driving \\hicli is becoming- more common every day , " remarked the judge , as lie signed the bond. "It is becoming nn every day matter for some accident to happen on account of fast driving. A man takes his lifu in his hand every time ho goes on the .street. The worst feature of your case , " ho continued , addressing himself to Sour , "is that after vou ran over Collins you didn't stop "to see whether yon had injured him or not , but whipped up your horses and tried to us- capo arrest. That is what makes the mat ter look suspicious. " Collins , the in Id roil man , is now nt thn poor farm , and is doing well. Tivico Cnpturod. As already mentioned in the Bni : , A. J. lllade nnd John Roberts , two crooks , were arrested in Omaha some days ago , charged with being fugitives from jus tice. They had cracked u safe in Shelby county , la. , antl stolen $1,000. They were turned over to the shot-in" from Iowa and taken hack. In some manner as yet un known , they contrived to make their cs- capo before being locked up. They cnmo back to Omalia and wore again arrested by the police. One of them , Hhulo , was turned loose bv Jiulgo Stenberg Monday and the other , John Roberts , was hold. Yesterday morning the Iowa sheriff again arrived in the city , only to Und that one of his prisoners was gone. IIo was consider ably incensed. Blade is now supposed to bo in citlior Omaha or Sioux City and an effort will bo made to recapture him. When last scon ho was crossing the river in company with a woman whom ho called his wife. Roberts will be taken back at once to Iowa. Will RcuuUo. A meeting of former students of Wyman's commercial college for the pur pose of holding a grand re-union of the same , wns hold Monday night at theoflice of U. M. Patterson. B. J. Scannell was elected president , E. E. Zimmerman , secretary , and Gustavo Kroeger , treasurer of the association formed to make the necessary arrangements. The general managing committee consists of U. M. Patterson , E. E. Zimmerman , ( ieorgo Holmes ana N. Parsons , while the com mittee on finances , which will bo pre sided over by the treasurer already men tioned , consists of Messrs. N. Parsons. O. P. Fulton and George Holmes. An other meeting of the same young men will be held at the same place on next Monday evening. It is the intention , on the day of reunion , toll arc alitcrary pro gramme in the afternoon with a banquet nnd a dance in the evening. Met Him nt the Train. In response to a telegram from Lin coln , Oflicor Matza , yesterday morning arrested Lou Lewis , a negro who is charged with" complicity in the robbery of a saloon in that place. Lewis professes all ignorance of the affair and insists that ho is innocent. 1 lie telegram from Lin coln says that the negro was accompanied by a white man , also implicated in the af fair , but the latter could not bo found. It Is probable hat ho jumped off the train at some point between Lincoln and Omaha. It turned out yesterday afternoon that Lewis is one of Will Visseher's colored quartette , nnd came hero to sing at the opera house. He was released. Maolc ami Into Ilcliislnted , Mention was made in the UEI ; Mon day of the temporary retirement of Con ductors Mack and Inlo , who run the dummy between this city ami the liluffe , The cause of the removal was an alleged unfavorable criticism of the management of the bridge dispatching. It was stated , however , by tins paper , that Monday would bring about the reinstatement was realized yesterday morning , when both of of the men mentioned. This statement the gentlemen resumed their runs. Tlio objectionable words wore put in writiii" and mibmittod to Mr. Konns. They were found to bu unworthy of attention , and Messrs. Maolc and Inlo were a ain or dered to their trains. Another Olovo Contest. Clew and McDonald have signed articles of agreement for a six-round glove contest to take place in this city on Thursday , November 4. According to the terms of the agreement the eon- test is to bo for SWO a slue , the winner to take 75 and the loser 25 per cent of the receipts. Marmiis of Qunensbiiry rules willgovern. . Each man has de posited * 50 forfeit money with T J. Foley , of the Phomix billard hall. . DMondny night about 10 o'clock , W. J , Jatdino , bookkeeper fur \V. S. Jardine , proprietor of thn oxpres line while coming coming homo from a visit to the south ern purl of the city , was sot upon by a couple of foot-pads , ami beaten badly about the Jnoso , while ho received a painful slash from a knife in the arm. 1 ho fellows met with considerable oppo sition und finally were frightened away. Didn't Appear. Charley Ramsey , the bar-tender for Ilibbini & King , who cut Pat Mofvonua with a beer glass la > t week , appeared before Judge Stenberg for trial yesterday morning. Thu plamlin'was. not on hand to prosecute , and the judge released Ramsey. The latter agreed to pay the bill of the city physician for dressing Mclvunuu's wounds. HKCIHTKU AT ONCI2. Qualified Voter Must llnro His Nnmo On the List. The registrars are now sitting with open books waiting for the voters to come an d place their names on the list. It is highly Important that every quail Hod voter should attend to the matter at once , as the Comfcg olRctlon promises to bo one of the most warmly contorted over hold in Nebraska. Now is the tlmo to register. Don't put it on * until to-moriow. The rt'gUtrnrs areas follows ; Isaac Rubin , first district 1-irstward , 618 and WO South Tenth street. Henry Khrcnfort , second district First ward. Ii28 South Eleventh street. Alfred Virio-v , third district First ward , 111U South Sixth street. James Donnelly , s-r. , llrst district Second end ward , Heinirod & Co.'s store , u. w. corner of Thirteenth and Jackson. Julius Rudovvsky , second district Second end ward , Twentieth and Poppleton streets. Matt Hoover , Third ward , 1318 Dodge street. I ) . E. Keys , Fiist district , Fourth ward , 1'orsyth's drug store , corner Sixteenth and Capital avenue. Jas. G. Carpenter , Second district , Fourth ward , county surveyor's ollico , court house. \Vakelield. . First district , Fourth ward. 120J Cass streel. H. F. Redman , Second district , Fifth ward , 01-1 North Sixteenth street. Charles \Vilkins , First district , Sixth wartl , 2201) ) ( 'liming' , street. John Carr , Second district , Sixth ward , corner Twenty-fourth and Cumings streets. AT A Ull'U 01.1)VU13. . Mr. Thomaq Murphy , a Well-Known Clll/.en , 1'nsses A.wny. Monday afternoon Thomas Murphy , one of the older and most respected Irish citizens of Omaha , died at his residence , 1811 California street , at the advanced ago of seventy-three years and nine months. His illness was short and pain less , and his life came to a close with thn same serenity which had characteri/.cd it for many years. Mr. Murphy bad been feeble for some time , yet suffered only those physical annoyances which are in separable from old ago. On Sunday last in his ac customed manner lie went to the Holy Family church , on Eighteenth street , to attend religious service. When he nearcd the church , ho was suddenly stricken with paralysis. Ho was carried within and physical aid Mimmoned to his relief. Ho was soon after carried to his home , where at 8 o'clocic Monday afternoon , his de.atli took place. Mr. Murphy loaves a widow , nho ad vanced in years antl an estimable family all of whom were happily present when his death occurred. All the latter are well known and esteemed in this community. They comprise Messrs. John , Thomas and Kchvard. all of whom arc employed by the Union Pacific com- pny in various capacities , and the fol lowing daughters : Mrs. O'Rourkq , of this city ; Mrs. Colonel J. O'lveefo , of Crcston , la. , and Missus Luzie , Katie and Jennie , who reside in Omalia. The funeral will take ulaco from the church of the Holy Family this morning at 9 o'clock. KIT. A YOUIIJI JjailV "Who Wns Sold but Once in Her Lil'c. She was a bright young lady resident , say , on Nortli Nineteenth street. Her name , well no matter about that. She is a girl who is fond of joking and exces sively fond of belling her friends. The other night a small company ot people were gathered in her mother's-parlor. The conversation turned on tlic subject of sells. The young lady aforesaid remarked that she thought some people' were so easily sold. "If a person willonly mind the p's and q's"slic continued , a gentle smile wreathing her lips , "there is no need of his or her being sold. Now I should like to sec any one try to soil mo ! " A deadly .silence pervaded the atmos phere. Finally a small boy in one cor ner of the room spoke up1 ; { ' , ljy the way , Miss , I heard of something to-day that would tickle you. " "Oh , dear mo ! " ejaculated the young lady who was nevorflold. "What was it ? Oh. do loll mo ; pleano do ! " "A feather , " returned the small boy solemnly. The young lady hasn't recovered yet. She may in time. EW OUTFITS FOIl XEAVSI'APEIIS. The Omaha Typo Foundry and Sup ply llouso for Printers nnd Publishers. The Western Newspaper Union at Omaha is prepared at all times to outlit publishers on short notice witli presses , typo , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks and rules , and in tact everything in the line of printers and publishers' supplies. Better terms and more liberal prices caii bo secured than by sending to Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by buylngnoar home. Second hand good's in the printing line bought and sold. Wo often have great bargains in this particu lar. Send for Tin : PuiNrnus' AUXILIAUV , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of goods and prices and from time to tinio proclaims unequalled bargains in now and second hmd material. WKSTT.UX Nuwsivm-.u UNICW , 12th Strcut , bet , Howard and Jackson , Omalia , Nebraska. District 'Court. Eliza W. Patrick files a petition in the district court to compel the county com missioners to reduce the assessment for 1880 upon her property in Douglas county , which assessment was made by 0 , J , Ryan , assessor , at an increase of 127 per cent over that of 1885 , which was an increase of 105 per cent over that of the highest appreciation of other property - orty in adjoining precincts. Milton Hcndrix sues to compel Rich ard M. Lackey to receive JfiloO for lots i ! und i ! in blook03 ; lots 1-1 and 5 in block G'J ' ; lots 0 , 7. 8 , 10. 14 and 15 in block 108 ; lots la and 15 In block 101) ) , In Flon > nco in this city , which said Lackey agreed to accept for sumo , but afterwards objected to comply with the agreement. In thu suit of Rov. W. Coohran vs , Mrs. Kate Cooliran , defendant moves to btriko from tlin files and dismiss thn plaintiff's amended petition , on the ground that the plaintiff has abandoned his original ground of action. In the suit of the Omaha Medical college - logo vs John Rush and Truman Ruck , the appeal bon'l of plaintitf was liled with Drw , U , C. Moore , J. C. Donlse , and F. M. MoKcnna , ns Miretles. This is to appeal from the decision of the dUtrict refusing to enjoin the collection of taxes upon one and two in block 280 , upon which thu Medical college of thu asaouia- tlon was formerly located To-day Judge Neville will return from Washington county , ami call the following criminal cases : Archlu Robin son , charged with indecent assault ; Chas , Williams with cutting Annie Johnson and John Williams for forgery. Hall Notes , Circulars were received in tie ) general maiiHgor'tj olliee yesterday announcing that S.B , W illbv had > cen'appointod comet trollor of thu Oregon Railway A : Navi gation company , in place of O J , Smith , resigned. Mr , Wllley'a headquarters will bo in Portland , Ore. H. Campbell , formerly agent for the U , I' , at Portland , has been appointed general freight ngcnl of thosuine comnanyi Air. Callaway MrJCttmmlngs nnd Gene ral Superintendent jSmlth left Motidav evening for a tour 45 inspection over the rond. They will go' s far west as Butte , Montana. . . . . . Notice to Traveling Men. The B. & M U H.tho U. P. II. R. and the St. Joseph & Grand Island R. R.will sell round-trip tickets at one and one- third rates to all traveling iiu-n to attend the meeting of the..Nebraska Stale Trav eling Men's Assoeisition , to bo held in Hastings , Nob. , Oft. 80. Tickets cootl from all stations in Nebraska from Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. Purchase full-faro ticket to Hastings , taking railroad agent's receipt for same , which will entitle you to re turn at one-third fure. O Eoiior. Si'ANni.Kii. President Nebraska State Traveling Men's Association. A Hie Holler. Yesterday morning one of the largest boilers that ever parsed through this city , nrrlvcdgfrom Cleveland , Ohio , on itsjway to Fowler's packing house at South Omaha stock yards. It occupied the whole of a platform ear and weighed about ton tons. It will bo placed in the rendering establishment ot the packing house in a few days. Another ForconHt. The following is the weather forecast for the week ending Wednesday , Novem ber 8 : Seasonable autumnal weather generally mild , quite warm In sections October ends with Some storms ot'a local nature November opens line- cold antl windy. Itcnl Estate Trtuiaron. Tlio following transfers were liled Oct. 25 , with the county clerk : Dennis CunnltiKlintn ct al , to TV Wyllo. lol'JI , Ivelley's mid. beini : a Mib division tit lots 11 to 20 inclusive : in sub division of lots 1 to ( i Inclusive , ot block 1 , Washington 11111 , \\d-S 210. K ) Vales and husband to .Joseph O'Con nor , part lot 7 block 0 , Park Placewd 81,1-10. Catrlo Slilnn to A. ) Stanley ot al , lots 1 , 'J , 5C _ , , 8 , In block 'Q , ' Sliinn's'Jnil iuli ] , qc 53700. 53700.Win L Monroe ct nlto John Stovcnsonpait of lot 1 , block 1 , Ilurb.ich 2nd add , wd ' ' . S'-,400. Jehu 11 Hnncato to John W Paul , lots 17 antl la , block ( I , Hertford Place , wd 81,200. Herman Knnntzo nnd wife to Clementine Urown , lots 1 , 7 , H , block 1 : lots 1 nnd 2 , block 7 ; lots 10 and 11 , block U , Kountzc Place , wd ( lee W Ames and wife to Gee Jj Ayrcs , lot 3 , block 8 , Newport , wd 5800. KlishaV ( Jiover anil wife , to Henry O Johnes , lot 11 , Nelson's add , wd S'MOO. L. P. Pinvn and wife to II J Tlatk , lot 05 , Paiyn's subdivision of s W of lot 24 , Mil- lard's and Caltlwell's mid , wil 52,250. Jotin W Toops to Lime W Reed , pnit ot lot 97 , Glso's add. wd Sl.GOO. Gee T Mills et al to 0 W Uiler. lot 20 , block 1 , Deer Pa ik , wd-SUOO. Alary A Howe ot al to Brlileet Howe , 87.-8 ! acres M or L , In 8J , 15,13. qc SI. Itrldifet Howe to OeoV Ames , 20 acres in 32 , 15 , in , wd S24.000. J H llui bey and wife to J K Webster , part of lot 00 , Giso's add , wd 8050. Ennna L Stewart to Gertrude M Webster , lot ! ) , block 1. Pottei'sadd , wd 81.000 Ilenrv .I Windsor and wife to Chas Gold smith , lot4 , block 0 , Hillside add Mo. 1 , wd 51,050. Amealia E Paso and husband to Alice Ostrum , lot 5 , A Kountzo add , wd SI OOJ. Kllen Lucas to Goo .N Hicks lots 11. 12 , 13 , 14. block 7. llaiisconUPIacc , wd 810.C01. Sarah McMIUen and liu bniul , to Louisa Vancott , unit lot 17 , Rces Place , \\rt-82.700. Henry Mies to A U Dutrcne lot 31 , Paul- sen's arid , wd 81,700. Lucius D Morse tot D.ivid L Simpson , lots 1 and 2 , block 0. Omalia View , wd-81,230. The Lmiimlry Secrct-Thc Patent Glo s Chicago Inter-Ocean : The question how the brilliant gloss 'on linen done up > in laundries is obtained is often asked , anil the general impression is that this shin ing surface is owing to some peculiar substance put into the starch. 15ut a skilled laundryman , when asked what was the secret of this work , replied : "Tho secret is pressure , nothing more. " Tlio pressure of moving hot cylinders is used in steam laundries. It must bo admitted , however , that this pressure , combined with heat , is very hard upon tlio texture of the linen , and every woman who for convenience in the city sunds her husband's shirts and collars and onil's out to be laundered knows well how much sooner they are worn out than when of old she had them done up by her servant main , or by her own busy hands. A correspondent of an exchange writing on the subject of laundry work has somn suggestions wo fancy our renders will find of interest , and wo quote nt length : In a reccni visit to a steam laundry wo were much interested in the patent ap pliances for laundering cuffs and collars to make them look like now. and wo found that the linen was passed between two moving hot cylinders under a pres sure of 120 pounds and thus receives the high polish. The laundry work of the Cninaman is unsurpassed , and ho seems to gain the result by suitable irons and tlio expendi ture of physical strength. The ordinary ironcr will succeed well if , after being sure the articles are washed thoroughly , rinsed free from all traces of soap ? and dipped in pure , clean starch , she will usa clean , smooth iron , and boar down heavily upon the round too of the iron in rubbing the linen. Practice will give a good degree of success. It might bo easier to try a culY at first , then a collar , because the former has a broad , smooth surface , with fewer edges and beams to turn yellow if tlio iron Is too hot. There are starches of various kinds , patent glosses nnd divers Inventions said to produce a polish upon linen ; but the bettor way is to depend - pond upon the common starch bought in the bulk antl of the best grade. You can adtl the other ingredients to suit yourself. Some laundresses stir the hot starch once or twice round with a spermaceti candle kept for the purpose , and others add a bit of clean mutton tallow ; but foreign substances like wax , gum urnbie , salt or sugar , must bo added with caution. Very nice laundry work is done by the aid of Mire starch alouo , with no additions. Whatever may bo tl/o / preparation used in largo laundries , \fre know they do not depend entirely nju/n / the starch to pro duce the coveted gl6ss. Absolutely Pure. ThUpowJer never rarlai. A murre of pur- t7 , strength and vrlioloiomenoss. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds and oanntuo old Inooinpctltlon with the multitude of low toit.ihort weight luu or ohnsptute iiowdora. oldonir In oansu KOTAI. BAKIJ.O PoWDEU Co York Of those who have favored the NEBRASKA CLOTHING- COMPANY with their patronage is that they have the utmost confidence in re ceiving greatest value for their money. Our aim from the time we made a place for ourselves among you has been not alone to insure the 0011- tiniiance of each customer , but also to secure a vast circle of their as sociates , and that only can be done by giving more goods for less money than any other dealer , To give you an illustration of how money can be saved : When you buy their men's all wool cassimere business suit for $6 , which would cost you at leasb $9 anywhere else , you save $3. For the $3 left you can buy other useful articles. For instance : 2 scarlet all wool men's undershirts at 50c , - $1,00 2 " " ' * drawers at 50c. - - - - - - 1,00 2 fancy dress shirts with collars and cuffs at 35c - 70 2 pairs all wool men's heavy half hose at 15c - . 0 Extra saved the guit $3.00 goods on - - - - - - - During this week they make the following notable offerings : 125 men's chinchilla pea jackets , worth $6 , for $4 ; 150 nice chinchilla pea ackets and vests , worth $9 , for $6,90 ; 75 men's all wool Melton over coats , worth $11 , for $7.50 ; 100 men's all worsted dress overcoats in black and brown , worth $12 , for $7.75 ; 130 dozen white unlaundried shirts 30c each , worth double the money. And all goods marked in plain figures at strictly one price at GOT. Douglas and 14th sts.Omaha. . PLASTIC STOVE-LINING. of the most desirable articles for the rOne over produced. Knsily applied by any one at jess than lialf the coat of brick linings , while it is far more durable. Only one half the thickness of ordinary fire-brick is requited , lea\ing uiore space for fuel. Suitable for ull kinds of Stoves , Itaiigcs , nud Furnaces. ASBESTOS FURNACE & RETORT CEMENT , I'nr Cementing Joints In IFeaturs , Stores , i'ltruiices , etc. It will not slirlnk ; will fltatidauy amountof hcAt ; lias no i.flciiiiho odor ; and provcutu escape of gss ami emolic. TUcpa article * arc supplied ready for UP * * In C nud 10 Ib. cans ; also In Kegs&DblB. formauufictuiers. Descriptive 1'rlco I.iita free by mall. II. W. JOHNS Jl'F'Q CO. , 175 RANDOLPH ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. KEWYOKK , PUILAUKLPIIIA. LONDON. LEV ! CAnTEII , President. B. H. IIAYDEN , Secrotnrj- . MANDFACTTJUEnS OP OSTE1B , Fox * Sale by all the Leading1 Paint , Oil and ! Houses of the West. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and Ifitli streets , Omaha S. W , COR. 15IH AND FAKXAltf , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lands for sale in every county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Mans of thn city state or county , or any other information desired , furnished free of charge upon application. ELECTRIC REQUIRES NO HOIMNO. DOES NOT STICK TO Till : 1IIOK. mtnuto : ( irei labor , tlnia nn > l lUndr foru lnon ' . til - l unUrr < trouble' cent lni all the lugrcdlem.uied ) > uieuj glret a tuudiuiuor vollthtliaa ' 'Zft'y ' * J. . P HII.U e er in nuf ctur * li It fi put up In I'ACKAUKS. oo 1ort weUhtf. One Bouna ' PUTS AND CALLS. On Wtieitt , Corn , O t , I'ork , I.ard and It. IL Stock * , for Ixjuir mill Short TIIIID. bend forl'rlcn ClicuUr. H. 1 * . lUiiT A. Co. , lift ) Wutlilnuton St. , Chicago , 111. Kelcreucu : American Kx- chRDgeNatloaal Dunk P. BOYEB & 00. PEALEHS IM and Jail Work. 1020 1'amuin Street , Omaha. Nob. Red Star Line Carrrlnif tlionolslutn Moyul mid Unltud State * Muilf > ullinic every butuiduy Between Aniwern & Hew York TO THC RHINE , GERMAHY , ITALY , 1IOL- LAUD AND FRANCE , I'AI.I. ANI ) WINTKIt. 6lon from t'K ) to $75. Excursion trip from tllO to flu tJooonj Cabin , outward , H > ; linuimdl , 145 ; uiciirjlon. J'JO. Steornre uMiaca nt low ratua. 1'etor VTrlrht & Sous , U uor * Agtnti , 65 ISrooilwnr. Now York. llourr I'umlt , 1-ia rurnuinst , ; Paulson Co. H2B t'arniiro st ; U. O. l-'rC'Ciuati , lUt 1'iirn.Ma at NRRVITA. } ยง * TRIAL NtrT u l * < tlUtj lofolaa ttrjr 1-w * * ! , L t AluuLnod , 4 k.Und tfftcll * TiW | . < kitJW. UM riMilcUcf. UU. A.O. UI.IN 00. . ! > w Myi' ' u tiCl.rt . III. fi > V rl' ck > K . feUrurtkOO. Capitol , , mi TfllATMINT Or Att. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. " DR. MorflENAIYnr. Proprietor. SIKUCU jL r ' llosimal und Trlvutu 1'rnctlca Woliuvu the facilltlci , niipfltiltiu nnd tcmcdlci for tlio tnccccafitl treatment of every form of all. i iu reiiuirinn rlilicr medical omuritlcal trentmeut , ntul Im Ha all t come and luvrttlgnto frr thounth ci r correspond with ui. Long expe ricnce In trf St. Ing caseii bj Icttvr t'nabUs nn to treat many eiii | iclcnlldrnll/ without Fi-alui ; them WRITE > 'OK eillOULAU on Defortnitlei nrt nrnces , Club Feet , Ourrnturn of tlio all sur ; lcnl opcr.itlone. liattarlri. luhalen , nrncrg , Truuoi , dHJ | .ill kinds ot MeJlcnl And Sur lcnl Appliance ! , nljlU- ufncturcd and for nale The only reliable Medical Inttitule making Private , Special f Nervous Diseases r A SI'lTciAI.IY. ' i ALL CONTAUIOUS ANI ) 1JI.OOD DISEASES , from wlinlcner cause produced , encceiifully trcntcil. \\'c can remote yjjilillltlc poison from tUe Bjllcii without mercury , NcwrntoratiTetreatmfiit for loss of vital paVfr. ALL CO.MMUNIUATIONH CONriDEOTIAt , . Cull nnil consult u or aond nimo and poit-ofilco nildreis plainly written enclose ntamp , and vro will Kond yon , In plain wrapper , our . PRIVATE CinCULAR TO MEN uros J'nivtTi , Srrciii.iiM ) Ncnvcui Ji9 i r.9 , iietiivir. WrtKMii , HrxnviToKniKXA , IwroitN- ' cr , BTI-IIII.II , CJo-NOKitiiuti , Utrxr , Vinicot-iLr' , KTRICTUIIB , AND iLi , uisnvzs or Tilt OCMITO- UniMAnr OBOAKS , onendhlitorj of jo\n \ cato for an opinion. Person ? unable to \ ! lt us may ho grated at their homea , by corrrvpondence iledlclneiiani ) Instru ments lent by mall or riprcis SBCUHKIA' I'AfK- ED FUOM OllSBUVATION.no marks to IndUata contents or fender. One personal luterrlow p - ferred If concnlent. Fifty rooms for the a-couv moilatlon of patltntf Bonnl and attendance at reasonably prices. Address all Letter ! to Omalia Medical and Surgical Institnte , Cor. I31HSI. and Caullol AvoOMAHA. . HEQ. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. fe , Ear , Itoom 9 Williams lltillilliiK , Cor. 15th am ) Dodge , Onmlin , Nub. Houis , 8 to ] 2 n. in.to ; 4 ii(17to3 p. m. J. t. WILKIE , Mnmifncliiiur of. 100 S. t-Jth st. Onitilia , Neb. D Onlers by umil solicited and willro- cuive prompt attention. McolN BUSINESS DIRECTORY llccumtj Unlit. Ncnlf I The Tremont , J. C. FlT/.OKItAU ) A hON , Troprlotors. Cor. Fth und I'tits , Lincoln , Nob. IlalcitUM ) pet < Uy. btrcot cat * from lioiua to anf pirtorili * cftr , J. 11. W. HAWKINS , Architect , Omci'd-3) ) . : H anil < ' - . lll'.lmrdi liloul. , Lincoln , Nob. KlovRlurnnlltli slicct. Hri' "ierol lri | > ilerof Oil.l u\V V CATll.t Pimm lluiiN C.trTI.1 F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Kale * irinUo In nil imil * of thn 1. ' H. at fiir rules. lluumJ , Blutu lllo < .li , liin.-nlu , Nub. ( ialluwai anil Hliort lloin hulls for biilu. ' H II. COULDINCi , Farm Loans ami Insurance , CorrcsiionilPiico In ri'Kiir.l to lonni nollvlted. Itoom i , UlclinrJa Hlo-k , l.luuolu. Nob. Ed verside Short Hoimii Of strictly pure lluti-s ami limes Tupped cattle , ll ( < nl niiuibcru nliout 'U houil. it'it8uitcil | ) : KllhorH. CrnKXHi nlc < , llojoar HliHi-ons. Musa llosos. ii'luwsos , riHU'rvuk Voiiiltj Mnrj ! , I'hjrlllsoii , I oiiune mill Ti iiu 1/ivui llulln lor e-ilo. 1 I'uiu Uutcs 1'ilueit , 1 i'ura Bali i Cruesr , 1 Uosoul .Slmioii , 1 Viiiiiiit Mury/ 1 I'uiu C'rulcW hlianlc nnd nlimis Cumn ouj inspect tbo hvrJ. Aililiess , LMIAH. M. UHAKi BON , Lincoln , Neb. U'Ucu in Mnculii flop fit National Hotel , u tctU dlutigr tuM