Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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: WEDNESDAY , QCTOBR 27 , 1886.
Delivered bjrnirlcr In nnj- part of thocltrat
t ent j- cents per week.
II. W. TH.TO.V. - Manager.
TKMi'llONK3 : :
ntPtNrKSOfncit , No. t'J.
Ntaiir Kmioit No. S3.
New York Plumbing Co.
New fall poods at Keller's.
f Cooper & McJcc sell stoves.
Buv .Seal brand o.yster.M , tbo bp > t.
Chcni | railroad tickets at HusbneH' ? .
Your last chance to niKi. t ir to day.
Panels at $3 liO per iloz at Schmidt's
gallery , Main St.
.1. C. Lange has moved tlio ofllre of
( lontity ruvenne collcetor to No. lOHL'carl
Btrcct , upstairs , over Odell Hios.
Iron work for the government building
Is being put on the grounds , and tbu
Diilldlng will now bo speedily finished.
About forty saloons have paid thrlr
license for October under the new order
of tlio mayor , who says they must pay or
This evening Mr. nnd Mrs. E. .1. Abbott
will entertain u few friend.s , the occasion
being their twcnty-llftli marringo anni
Chief Mullen and Captain O'Brien
were in Omaha yesterday looking after
the goods which -chcnmn ! had shipped
from Missouri Valley to that place.
Mrs. Anna Pralor has rommeiieed an
notion for divorce from I'ote Pralor , to
whom slio was married in Chicago in
January , 1870 , and who dutcrtcd her two
years ago.
A. T. Rico has sold to .1. C. Leo lot 18 ,
block 10 in llayliss' lirst addition , tin )
consideration being $2,000. The sale was
made by R. P. Olllcur , the real estate and
insurance agent.
One of tlio evening papers as a heading
to a letter from its "foreign correspon
dent" gives the very suggestive line , "Our
Tramp Abroad. " llio correspondent
abroad will doubtless q.iit writing letters
when lie finds out that ho is a tramp.
Members of the Y. M. C. A. are re
quested to attend a special meeting tills
evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of
eluding delegates to attend the annual
state convention of associations to beheld
held at Dos Monies. It will take but a
few moments to attend to the business ,
hence all are urged to bo on time.
Yesterday afternoon a drunken fellow ,
bearing the marks of having been in
uoiiio recent conflict , and looking hard
every way , was arrested by Officer 15cs-
wick on the charge of having sneaked a
hand satchel from J. Goldstein's store.
lie attempted to run that street , but was
not quite in running trim. The satchel
was recovered , ami the fellow lodged in
jail under the name of Peter McNorton.
Constable NVcsIoy is looking upon his
chances for re-election with a philosophic
eye. Ho feels secure anyway , for in
case of defeat he is not as those without
hope. Ho has seized upon a steamboat ,
"Polly May , " ami has advertised it for
aalo on November 8 at Lake Manawa. If
the people decide that he must take oil
his star , ho will on that dnv , the day after
election , take a trip in the steamer up
Salt river , taking along Dick Hickotts ,
and the other disappointed democratic
For a long time past the old Union
Avenue hotel property has been an oje
sore. The brick building is below the
grade of the fatrret , the sidewalk has
fallen in , the walls of Jho building are
falling down and the whole looks like a
biul wreck I'assers-by are obliged to
turn out and go around the spot , which
in muddy weather is far from pleasant.
The city has commenced an action to
have it eondemed as a nuisance and the
case came nn in the superior court yester
day. The uerspaeliprs , who own the
property , tile a counter claim that the
city has by change of grade and by
changes made in Indian creek , so dam
aged the property that it is not tenant able
nnd they claim of the city $1,000 dam
ages. The city attorney tiled si motion
for a more specific statement on the part
of these defendants , and the case has
been continurd until next Monday. Sapp
iV Pusoy have been engaged as attorneys
for the ( iorspachors and a lively light is
promised before the property is con-
In Underwent- Blankets.
Special bargains for the rest of this
week only at
Henry Eiscman & Co 's ,
People's Store.
iKi > r.KWiAit : I > II'AUT.MINT. : :
Two cases of underwear to bo sold at
tlio uniform price of 50c each , all reduced
from 7fio to $ t.L'5. Those are the biggest
bargains of the season.
Seventy-five do/.en scnrlot vests and
pants , si/en from 28 to ! ! ( ! inclies ; all at
the uniform price of $1.00 each , reduced
from if 1.20 16 $2.00.
Take advantage of these bargains and
call at
Ilonrv Eisoman & Co.'s
PcoploV Store ,
Nos. Oil. aiti , yiS and 820 Broadway.
Wo will also bavo a special blanket
ealo , beginning to-day and lasting
throughout the balance of this week at
Hr.Nltl EliUMAN & Co 'S ,
People's Store.
Mr. James McMullen , of Crescent
township , was in town yesterday. Ho is
loud In his praises of 11 r. JoUuriB remedy
for diphtheria. His entire family of
children wore atllicted with malignant
diphtheria. They were all restored to
health by Dr. ilotVeris preventative and
cure for that terrible contagion without
tlio aid of a physician.
Frank Shlnn , of Carson , wns in the city
II. S. Culiek , of DCS MoIncH , was at the
racilio yesterday.
.John E. Ahles has set sail Ironi Non-
York for the old coui'.tvy ,
A. B. Tliorj-.e' , 0 { Sidney , ono of the
coming Judges , was in the city ycster-
Mrs. Flagler returned last evening
from a pleasant visit to friends in the
cast ,
Herman Mendel , of Ncoln , ono of the
most prosperous merchants of that place ,
wns in thu lllulls yesterday.
* Mr. Jacob Simms leaves to-day for
Sioux City on legal business , iso pro-
hlbitlon case this time.
J. W. Collier , jr. , ngont of J. T. Raymond
mend , was hero yesterday arranging for
Ills appearance hero November 3.
K , W. Holler , who has been conduct
ing a boot and shoo btoro at Avoca for J ,
M. Phillips , will boon become a resident
of this city.
Mr * . J , O , lilxby , who has been ilan
goroubly ill , was reported yostci day at
somewhat better , and friends think the
crifeia has passed ,
An Independent Caitdldnto ,
I hereby announce myself as an hide
pendent candldato for justice of the
peace , and submit my claim to the voten
of Council lilull's , la. , on tlio 2nd. day ol
November , 1880. A , L. HENPHICKS.
First class regular dinner 05 cents , 1 !
to 2 o'clock , Phumtx chop house. CO !
Broadway ,
The Tenth Avenne and New Bridge Project
Not Settled.
A YOIIIIK Man Oots llchlntl the Itarn
JJy Knlr It lit Knlso Pretenses
Oilier News In the
Tim City Council. )
Last evening there was a full attend
ance at the city council , nnd a large
number of citizens were also present ,
there being much curiosity and even
anxiety ns to what was to bo done with
the Tenth avenue project , and the ordi
nance In regard to the now bridge and
street railway company. This curiosity
was not especially gratified , ns the coun
cil took no definite action , and the
ordinances , after being talked over.
informally , were left in much the same
condition as before. In regard to both
matters it was decided to let them go
over until the ne\t regular meeting ,
which will be next Monday evening. The
council will meet , however , as a commit
tee of the whole tnls evening to consider
various features of both of these import
ant matters.
A petition was presented signed by
property owners on Tenth avenue urging
the council not to give the Union Pacitic
the right of way in front of their prop-
ertv. Placed on file ,
The city attorney expressed a view ,
held by many , that while these property
owners could undoubtedly collect of the
Union Pacific any just damages they
might bo able to prove , yet. if possible ,
their claimed damages should bo ad
justed in some fair way without compell
ing them to enter Into individual nnd
long drawn out lights In court. This sug
gestion seemed to meet with favor , and
tlif council formally ttcclned to have an
ordinance so drawn up as to prevent as
far as possible any hardships resting un
duly on the property owners in case the
avenue was given up.
The ordinance in regard to the new
bridge and street railway company was
also discussed. This ordinance was
drawn up by the attorney for the com
pany , and it was deemed , best to draw up
a new ordinance , or make such changes
In this , ns would more fully protect the
rights of the city , and inspire the
people with more confidence in the
lair intentions of the company. It seems
conceited that the projectors of the enter
prise mean to deal fairly with the city ,
but the fear that they may be figured
out , or that the rights granted miiriit fall
into other hands , Toads to a desire to have
the ordinance carefully prepared , so as
to avoid any possible disadvantage to the
city.Tlio present street car company peti
tioned tor permission to tear up , and at
their own expense , rolnj pavement ,
where necessary to change" tracks and
turnouts. Referred to committee on
streets and alleys and the city attorney.
The residents of lower Maine .street pe
titioned for nn extra night policemen.
The matter of a walk on Pearl street in
front of Dr. Woodburv's property and
Wright Baldwin's ollice was bi ought
up , and the same ordered built ,
The following bids on hard coal for the
city's use- were receivedlionton Fuel
company , f9 ; W.V. . Wallace. ? ! U)0 ;
Brown & Meyers , ? 9.50 : Council Bluffs
Fuel company , sf'J.CO ; Sackctt & Preston ,
? 9.20.
The contract was awarded the Hen Ion
Fuel company.
The council then adjourned to meet as
a comniittcc of the whole this evening ,
and in regular session next Monday
The stock books of the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com
pany have been opened for the subscrip
tion of stock. Everv resident of the city
is cordially invited to subscribe for stock
in any amount from one hundred dollars
upwards. As soon as all the stock is
subscribed here , anU it is expected that
it will bo by the middle of next week , the
directors will bo ready to go to Omaha
and perfect arrangements with the stock
holders there , wlio have their stock al
ready pledged. Call at my oilico.
By order of tlie board of directors.
i : F. WKIOHT , Sec'y.
Substantial abstracts ot titles an drnal
estate loans. J.V. . & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street. Council Blulls.
Seal brand oysters at H. .f. Palmer's.
Under Fnlnc I'rotcnses.
On the 16th of last month a business
like young man introduced himself at
Mctcnlf Hros.1 store as R. Eschelman , of
Harlan. He wanted to purchase some
goods for hi.s store , and made selections
ainonntinir to about fifty dollars. He
gave directions as to shipping them , and
in the meantime picked out a cheap over
coat , and concliuk'd to take that with
him , thu other goods to bo shipped to
Harlan. The commercial agencies show
ing Mr. Eschelman to bo perfectly ru-
sponsiblu , the goods were shipped as
directed. In thu course of mail a letter
was received from Mr. Eschelman saying
that ho had ordered no goods , and that
whoever did so borrowed his name , nnd
had been playing n confidence trick.
Mutcalf Hros wore only out a cheap
overcoat , bnt'thoy set themselves at work
to find the ollunder. They learned that
ho was a son of Mr. Eschelman , his namu
bolng E , H. Escholman. The overcoat
which ho had thus procured ho had im
mediately pawned at an upper llroadway
place , and getting thrco dollars on it had
skipped for Omalin , where ho had spout
it for a spreo. The next loanicfl Cif the
young man ho returno'l ' tQ this city , tc
° i'illtu'xvnl ' ' - Which ho had loft al
Max Worm's hotel. Ho learned that n
CiUim of his. who had stopped at the
hotel with htm , had called lor and ob
tained the valise. Ho was quite angry ,
and wont to consult J. J. Stewart about
commencing a suit against Mr. Mohn foi
the value ot the property. Mr. Stewart
informed him. that ho Know Mr. Mohn
would not do nn injustice , and advised
him asraiiibt the suit , ami loft him ir
the oilico while ho went down to sec
Mr. Mohn about it. \ \ liilo youmr Eschul
man was waiting his return a police
olllcor came into Mr. Stewart's oflico to
ECU him about some other business , bin
the presence of an pllicer apparently
frightened the young man , for ho wenl
out on the excuse ofgetting , a cigar , say.
ing ho would comn right back. In UK
meantime Mr. Stewart had ascertained
that Motcalf Hros , had got a warrant out ,
and soon nn officer entered to arrest the
young fellow , but he was still out aftei
Iiis cigar , and although n thorougl
search was made about the city , ho come
not be found. There the matter hni
rested until the other day , when it wai
learned that Escholman had recently vis
ited St. Joseph , and there succeeded ii
getting about sir hundred dollars' wortl
of goods on the strength of his father' )
reputation , and had started out to peddli
them through the country for cash. Tin
firms thus claiming to have been victim
izcd were R. L. McDonald At Co. , am
Ted Campbell. Track was cot of tin
young' man at Ncola , and an olliccr wa
snnt there , but ho had gono. Mo ml a
night ho was captured at Missouri Yal
ley , and a considerable amount of good
found in bis pos ession Ho was brought
to this city and lodged in jail , Motvnlf
Bros. Identified him , and will prosecute
the case , fn which they nro Interested , al
though the amount is small. By the time
that is disposed of the St. Joseph parties
will have lime to get the needed requisi
tion , nnd have him taken there for a trial
on tlie graver charge there , which will
probably result in his going to the peni
tentiary. His fast ways seem to have got
him into the c dishonest practices as
meaiih to secure money to squander In
riotous living.
I can save you money in Stoves. Tin
ware and Hardware.V A. Wood.
Sec that your books are made by lore-
house it Co. . room 1 , Everett block.
. Seal brand oysters at II. J Palmcr.s.
Elcctt ic door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
Mrs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices. No. 828 Broadway.
'J'lio Murdorril Pelcrs.
Coroner Faul still sticks to the belief
that the body of the man found near
Crescent was that of Peters , the missing
witness to the Haddock murder. Ho has
watched the facts , so far as developed ,
and is satisfied that throe men started
from Sioux City down the river and that
only two arrived at Omaha , The third
one , ho thir.Ks , wns Peters , and that ho
was put out of the way. The place where
the body was found can easily bo reached
by a boat from the river , nnd , buried in
the willows , there was little chance of
discovery , lie ia awaiting impatiently
something Irom Sioux City , he having
sent there the description of the body and
clothing. He has other points which to
his mind confirm the theory. One is that ,
although the papers have as usual pub
lished accounts of the lindlnliof the body ,
there have been no inquiries on the part
of relatives. Generally he receives some
inquiry nt once , and in almost every case
the remains are identified. Ho has made
extended inquiry and can find no trace
of any other man in that part of the coun
try being missed. Coroner Faul's faith
in the theory that it was Peters who was
murdered and placed there grows daily.
Headquarters for gloves and mittens at
P. C. Do Vol sells Stewart , Acorn and
Westminster hard coal burners , Charter
Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges ,
Economy steam and warm air furnaces.
No. C04 Broadway.
Seal sacques , fur trimmings , seal caps ,
etc. , at MurcALFBitos.
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Phcuni.x Chop House1 No. OOo Broadway.
Nearly Suffocated.
Yesterday morning Mr. Smith , a car
penter living on Perrin avenue , and wife ,
were discovered in their house in an in
sensible condition , the result of coal gas ,
which had escaped from the stove dur
ing the night , Medical aid was sum
moned , and it was with difficulty that
they were saved. Their escape from
death was a narrow one , indeed.
Hard anil soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
tc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. C89
Broedway. Telephone No. 180.
Dr. Hanchett , oflice No. 12 Pearl street.
Residence 1"0 Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
Anything you want in Housekeeper's
Hardware and Tinware at Cooper &
Richmond Ranges for hard coal arc
the best. Cooper & McGee sell them.
J. Earnsdorf , having taken entire con
trol of the Phoinix chop house , desires testate
state that ho has secured the services of
Charles DeeKer , a first-class cook of Now
York city , The best tbo market affords ,
night and day , in the best style of the
art. Will also have a regular bill of fare.
How Baron Hnussinnnn Got. Out ol n
French Insnno Asylum.
Pall Mall Gn/.etto : On the 2d of Fob-
rnnry last Baron Artaud Hausmann , at
the Hotel do Louvre , Paris , attempted to
murder M. do Montau/.an. The per
petrator of the offense was not punished ,
as he was found after medical examina
tion not to be responsible for his acts.
He was accordingly sent as a patient to
the lunatic asylum at St. Anne , and after
ward to that of Charenton. Ho had a
private apartment , with two kceners ,
servants specially engaged to wait on
him. Ho was visited frequently by his
sister , Mmo. do Coiircollcs , aml'it was
supposed that she suggested a number of
ideas to him , and , among othersschemes
for escape. The directors of Ilia asylum
ordered that her visits should cease.
Mmo. do Courcelles then took up her
abode in a small house connected with a
convalescent homo near Charenton , un
der the charge of Mine. Berliner , a friend
of her family. A daily correspondence
was kept up between Baron Artaud and
his sister. Ho was allowed once a week
to taKe n duve under tlio surveillance of
his two keepers , who were , however , in
structed not to take fnm to any place
named by him , and not to allow him to
enter a house , or to communicate with
anyone. Last Tuesday ho expressed a
desire to visit Mmo. Borthier , and he ap
pears to have been permitted to do so.
lie got into an open carriage , under the
care of two keepers , ono of whom acted
as driver. On the previous evening the
baron had written to his sister that ho
was to pay her a visit. On the way ho
was very lively and amusing , 'Jjlo
keeper who was with him i i the carria"o
had disappeared baJoro reaching Mmo.
Berliner shouse , but his absence seems
not * o utivo caused any surprise. The
buron wont to the drawing-room , while
the driver was taken to the kitchen to
have Fomo refreshment. Mine , do
Courcolles had an engagement in Paris ,
and had not comn to meet her brother.
He was speaking to some ladies in the
drawing-room wlien he wns seized with a
sudden attack sickness , and had to run
off into iV private room. Ho did not re
turn for some time , and when a search
was made it was found that ho , too , had
disappeared. The keeper drove back nt
gallop to the nsylum to give notice of
what had happened. Intimation was
given to the polioothe next day the whole
country was searched , The fugitive
could nowhere bo found. A very tall
man , in gray , not known in the neigh
borhood , had been seen near Mmo. lior-
tiller's house on tlui day before the es
cape. A cab driver states that ho wns
wakened about 11 o'clock at night by
two men knocking nt his door , they
offered to give him 10 francs to drive them
to the station of Villcnenvo St. Georges.
Ono of them was very tall and wore a
gray coat. The baron is supposed to
have been aided by these man , to have
taken the night train to Lyons from
Yilleneuvo St. Georges , and to bo now
in Switzerland. Wlmt became of the
second keeper is not explained ,
Ittisola's Army.
Russia has gradually amassed a mag
nificent army. Inclusive of her navy
forces she has at her command fully
8,488,000 combatant ! ! , The process of
military reorganization has being going
on chiefly during the past twontv yearn.
The main army fb composed of 680 bat- ,
tUlions , uo3 squailrons and 353 battov' ( & ,
making u total ot 1,81)0,000 ) troops of all
arms. The reserve army is made up ol
522 squadron , " > 20 bnttlliions and 110 bat
teries'forming nh offensive force of 001-
000 men. Those are nil ready for service
at a moment's notice.
A Knted I'nmlly.
Peorln Journal f After a life of mar
tyrdom Mrs. Lydla Phutlpplai'o tiled the
other day within the , walls of the Rhode
Island state prison , ami so rounded out
a strange family history. Ono night
about twcnty-fivq.Vqars ago her husband
went home drunk and beat her until she ,
fearing for her life , split his head with
nn ax. She was ient to state prison for
life , accepted her fate without a word ,
and steadily refused a pardon. There
was no friend to take earn of her out of
prison walls , and so she lived on a con
vict until a few days ago she , a wrinkled ,
bent , tottering , gray-haired imbecile , fell
down dead. But a short time prior to
that circumstance her son took his own
life ; his grandfather was found dead
from unknown causes In a shanty ; one of
his uncles shot himself , and another was
killed on n railroad track. The death of
the old lady closed her family's strange ,
eventful history.
How ro Prove nn Alibi.
Monnioiith Ga/.ctto : The following
attempt to prove an alibi was made in n
Hock Island court : "Where , " asked the
counsel for the defense , examining n
Swedish farm hand , "was your boss that
night ? " " 1 tin not could say , " replied
the Swede. "Did you not tell mo down
at the foot of the stairs leading to the
courtroom that you would swear that he
was at homo that night ? " "May be ,
yces I did. The boss gave mo a pair of
slccyc buttons if I say so. The sleeve
buttons not good , I willgenf them back.1'
Sprclnl advertisements , eucli M I.OKt , Found
ToI/onn.For Snle , To Itcnt , V nnM , Hoardlnir ,
etc , will linlnportoil In this column nt the low
rntoof TUN CUNTS 1'KK LINK forthe first Inner-
Ion nnd FIvoContBl'cr Line for each subsequent
Insertion. Lcitvo ndvcrllsomcnts nt our olllco
No. 12 I'wil Eticct , near Ilrondwuy , Council
A flm-elius cook nt Hcch'olo'B
HotelCouncil Illuirs.
ANTUD-ny C. Slionllcld , riillwuy contractor -
tractor , 100 rnllwny laborers ntul 50 toum-
stors to work on Brnclo of Southern ICnnsas
riilirond In the Indian Territory , CO inlloa
noiith of Klomi , Kan. ( loodMapcs : good winter -
tor work. Work will ladt two years. For In
formation Inquire of N. Schurz , Council Illutra.
"IjlOlt HUNT A Rood double building sultnblo
JL ? for n irrocory store nnd dwelling. Good
locution. Thos. Voight , 303 North 8th gt.
IjTbltlAT.if-McdluTn eTycdDlubold s 7o : llrud-
-I ? uury Bcwln machine ; cnsh retristor ; split
ting machine ; brass Jaw lever crlmplnfr nm-
chlno ; clock ; snoomnkcrs tools ; residence iini
lota , nnd our wliolo ale bulldlnir , No. 41 North
Mnln street. Address Z T. Lindsay , Counnll
Diphtheria Isnirnln milking Itn annual visita
tion. Ten years' trlutof U1UTHOS. JCKKKIUS'
HKMKUV for thnt fatal innlady has demon
strated the fact thnt It in Inlalllulo as a prevent
ive and euro. If you permit your children to
dlo with diphtheria , "Their ulood bo upon your
head. " Tor biilo only at the olllco. No. 2.1 South
Mh ptrccit , Council Bluffs , In. , or sent by express
on receipt of price , J2.
From the Omaha llco :
Mr. .1. H. Uutlor , of Hazel Doll.Tottawattamlo
Co. , lown , nnd his family of I'leven pcreons ,
\\crc all sick with mullfrnnnt diphtheria. Kiy
ono or them haw rocovoieil by the us > o of Dr.
Jetrcrls' Priivcntlve and Cure for Diphtheria ,
without the uld of a physician.
C. 11. llln'Jcsleo ' , of No. H10 Campbell street ,
Omaha , who recently lost u beautiful and l.i-
tcrpsUiiK dmiKlitcr. nged about 15 years , l > y
tllphthcrln , under the treatment of ono of the
best physicians In Omaha , writes to Dr. Joffcrls ,
ot this city : "Your rortiedy for diphtheria cnmo
too late , our dear dauarhtor was dvlntf when It
was locolvcd. I um snt'.stlod that hop Hfo could
have boon saved. Another ono of our children
who Imd the diphtheria , bar throat wax filled
up with the putrid ulcerallono used yonr
medicine and in twelve hours the dlseiiFe wns
completely subdued. In the tntnro wo will
loci > your meclli'lno at all times In our house.
Wo foci thnt it saved the life of ono of our chil
dren. Wo are very thankful to you , and only
regret that wo did not call on you sooner. "
From the Council Illuffe Dully Globe :
M. A. McPluo , editor of the Cambria ( Ebens-
burtr , 1'a. ) Freeman , has been the personal
friend of the editor of the Olobo for more than
tw cnty yours , nnd Is known wherever ho U
known us onr of the best men living. His family
wns ravntred with diphtheria , and trieatly dis
tressed. Samn of Dr. Jetlorls' Diphtheria Cure
was UPort , and the lives of the rest of his child
ren snvod. Letters fioin Mr , McPIko are un
bounded in their expressions of frrutitudo for
finding t-onio means of avcrtlntr the loss of all
his little ones. Flvo of Mr. Mcl'lko's children
out of uight died from diphtheria before ho had
an opportunity of using Dr. JoffcrU' remedy.
uvsrnrsiAl DYSPEPSIA !
Dyspeptic , why live In misery and die in dls-
pair wltu concur of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas
Jclforls cures every ouso of Indignation and
constipation In a vary short time , llest of ref
erences given. Dyspoinlii is the cause of
ninety per cent or all diseased conditions.
I'rlco t-5 for two weeks treatment.
Dr. .lotferls' diphtheria medlclno is Infallible
for all kinds of pore throats. Indlspenslblu In
putrid sore throat , in malignant scarlet fever ,
changing ) ! InlShoursto the simple form. Infal
lible euro lor all Inflammatory , ulcrratlvo , put
rid , cancnrons ulcerntlon of thu womb and all
cmiirrlia ! conditions.
full printed instructions how to use the inodl-
cineq sent with them , No doctor reqnlird.
llr. Jcffcrlg' remedies cnn only bo obtained at
his ollice. No. i-'ll South Klghtn street , Council
Illuffs , lowu.or sent sy express on locelpt of
Attorney at Law ,
COTJlsrCIIj BriTJinins
Practices in the Stuto nnd Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 SluiKart lilo'ik.
Justice of tlie Peace
Onicc over American Exprcis.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
HOIIEC , sign and decorative painter. I'apicr
Maclic wall ornaments.
None but best ImiuU employed and charged
reasonable , , '
017 Nt. Clmrlo HtHt. . I.otil * . Ho.
f lUrcriJiiilt of l' < HiJIctl Coll.j.i. bu l .o l
Ncnoui Pioitrallon , Otbllltr , MtnUI and
Phjjlcil Wtiknoti ; MereurUI indolhir Altec.
II on i ol TKroat. Skin or Donoi , Dlood Polionlnj ,
cM Sorei ind Ulceri , r u.iui iu > . i r iiii i
MKCII , Olllntiel.6llO P'lB < IPl. . . l ' .lr ,
Olcidit Arlilng from Indlicrellon , Eictif ,
MiruouuiM Momjol itiaiiM , niwiu * * i ia i.
rcmJcrlnr Vlirrliu * Improptr or unfctppy ,
lc rk ; K.llt. ' | tll < 4 4il l ilj i HI l.
A PoiltUt Wrlltin Ouarantet | U | > ; . irr t-
' ' '
MARp'VAciirGu'i'DE ,
sec VAOm VntJ ! PtAT o , .i.i.x * M "
l' ' dl iii i l/ 5o. T } " . . Of f fir
% dtf M pl ( Ut. . . rv U llf | ri.l. : . < U.J ftU wll
. .
o. / . . . 7t . umUf ,
txt < ! t..tL f'MU' * I'I M
.HI * . A i < l fcff
Don't forget that the Council Itlnffs Carpet Company will mart *
change In their jinn on Sanitary 1st ne.rt , and thai then ' " ' < * bound to
materially reduce their stock before that day.
do see tlinin before yott purchase elsewhere , and obtain their prices.
If yon want to buy anythinf/ their line they tclll uirc yon prices that
will certainly unit yon
Their stock consists of all yradcs and makes of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
"Window Shades
Mattings , ,
A lot of Table Linens. Titwet-s and XttpMns to clone ont at LESS
THAX COST. Sec them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council BluiFs.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , nnd ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and state lands In Minnesota on 30 years' time 0 per
cent interest , hand Huyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
- -
No. 555 Broadway , Council HlulTH , Iowa , agent for Frcidrikson & Co. , C'licago. '
Bargains in Carpets This Week
If you wish a Carj > ct , no matter what grade , be sure to call and fee. us
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wc offer special bargains in Dress Patterns and Dress Goods thl *
ivceJf. JSi'eri/thlny In thli line will be sold cheap thte coining week. Sco
the immense stoclc.
No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Established 1SJ7
The only hotel in Council 15 lulls having
And all mo 'ern improvements.
215 , 217 anil 210 Main st. "
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Horses and Mules
For all burposcs , hought nnd sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council Bluflu.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a ? $ hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid , $10 , lound trip ,
I.e li ; r § , Joiirnalit , Coiuily and
ItiinU Work of All Kind * a Spec *
Prompt Atlenlionjo Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvorct Illock , Council
Standard Pnpern U ed All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
0. n. National Iluak , M. K. Smith JrCo. ,
CIIUoiiB1 llank , Dayrc , Wull * It Co.
> lr t NBlloiml Hunk. ( X II. InMirIl0a oJ '
Heduotion in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. ,
AtAV. S , Homer & Co's. No. 23 Main it
Council lilufTs ,
No. 328 Council Blufls.
. Broadway , - - - .
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Lale of the Parisian Millinery Co. ( Manager.
Iq ) he , following Companies :
German American , of Hem York
Phanilx. * of Hartfoid.
Hartford , " of Hartford.
Oallforntan , of San Francisco ,
Scottish Union A National , of
Unionof San Francisco.
State. * of Des Nalnfi.
WIIHanStJrg 0/iy / , of BiooMgn.
Those tnarktd with a Insure also against loss by
Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornaauts
IlU'lrb AM ) OMAIIt.
- . * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
Thli ijretcm U entirely nan nd line ulinplo tlmt wo
wlllKUonuiU'o tult'tcli roulu drnU iurioiifully In
u low linur * . Vmirim ilr ft " 11 tli i > uonn Hint li
niHHleil for tlie iiimllyn It rut all 'urmviiU irurn
iirluillo > , gtillumeiiuuil cli Iclrvi ,
l.silU > iiiul ueiiilmiien , U will ci t ion nothing
until run Imfolenrned. tlien jrpu "III vmil tlio litter.
\Vn clinlloiiKa competition. Ilia mintexpiTli'iictm
ilriiitmukvri flint tnllori ucknowln IKII It * nupcrlorUjr.
hull ] or tliabu lnU9i with uvollto tu nmke memoir
nnd nilaw oihors to ilo HI l o , ( ) wa offer lluorul
flriui l < 'or further Inrnrinutlnn null or audren ,
Silts MAItV KAHTim > ( lF.en. Agoiit.
llonni .V. I'urlilo llouio , Council II I u la , lona.
W. A. WOIllv , I'roprletor.
18 N. Main st , Council Hluflj , la. , and 209
S , 15th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Marmracturor's .Agent for the
Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels ,
Plate and Window Glass , Show Oaecs ,
Elevators , ( hand and hydrau1. ' etc ,
luttieclty can be obtained by patronUlnif the
6 < OUro awnr V M.Council Bluff *
None but experienced hnndn employed
Out of town orders by mail or expreaso * .
Hclted , and all work warranted.
For a bilker to go where the largest Stock
and Gicntcst Varieties arc kept in any one w
line. Again , if seller has EXPERIENCED
AtooMMe NATIONS faithful niul trusty help *
the e \\lio buy will bo agreeably served ,
and if sellcrgives ri Lt , weights and nicas ,
nrc * , you have three excellent reasons for
patronizing such a firm.
Fuel consumers ought therefore to bu , ) of
No. O''S llioAihMi % , Council Hlufls.
Telephone 110.
_ _
. .4rrt.Tf / , l / ,
Agricultural Implements , Bugglai ,
CnrrlnKct , Elo . .V.loiinicil ( IHnfK low * .
Make the Original wnd Complclu
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill S Press ,
Nos. IfiOl , 1WI , 1KM nml 1507 ? outli JUIn Strait ,
_ _ _ Council luTR ) ( , Inw .
MnnuTrs nn < l Jobhon at
agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
j. nml nit Vln.U . of K rra Mnohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Counnll IHurf.
_ _ _ low * .
r.O. at.iunov , T. H.ToiJn7A ) a i' . Wiuoiir"
rius..VTrcaH. V1'roi AMan. Sco.ACounsoi.
Council Bluffs Handle Factory ,
. , ( Incorporated. )
HunufnctnroMof Ailo , I'lek , Hlediro * na Braull
, of every ilmcrlptkm.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixturoi , UpholMnrr (3ood ,
1-to. No. < 05 llromlway Council UluSg ,
Wholesale Jobbers In thn
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco Pipes
NOB. JS.Mnln ant ] 27 Pearl Sis. Council llluffi ,
Whol < iiilo
fruit and Produce Commlssioa Merchant !
No It Pearl St. Council 'Huffs.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
DrncgJsts' Sundries , Ute. No. Zi Main St. , and
No. 211'unrl St. , Council IIliilTii
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 513 Broadway ,
Council muffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocerl&j ,
NOB. in nnil 18 I'eurl St. , Council Dlnim.
L. K1HSCI1T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Donlors. No. 110 Broad-
wny. Council llliiffi ) .
Mann'nctuicrsof and Wholimlo Dunlerlta
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Ma Main St. . Council IHulIa , Iowa.
Jobbers in pats , Caps and Glo63.
No * . ills n nd 311 nro.-iilwar , Council lll-jltl.
\ \ liolo alu
Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood Stork , Council HlnlTs , Iowa.
7llItS A VO H'lHJJ.
1) . II. MeDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , l'cllsnrcn onnd Furs Council
Ilium Iowa.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Ganllu
B.TlioodoroAfoiit ( , Council ItlulTa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbsr , Piling
AnJIlrliluo MuliTlRl SiiiH.'lalUi'd.Wliuloaulo &Uta
berol all Ktniii. Ulllco No , UJ Main dt ,
Council muffs. lonrn.
Imported and Domestic Wlnss S Liquors
forSt ( iottlmrrt B Horli UUtorJ. No. U
Mnln HI. Council IlliiUrt.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Kotno Mitn . , Council lllujs.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
i Uuiuwy Depot.
E ?
S. 5
s " I
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or'li car loaus.Or
ders promptly filled by contract on short
notice , Stock sold on commission.
SiiLL'TKH & HOLKV , I'ropridS rs.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Bale Stables , corno
B t. ave and 4th struct.
R. RICE , M. B. ,
Or other Tuinur * romovcil n
itriuviin ; ot bluoj.
Over lliiny > uar | irncticult-xi > ffrlcnc ,
No. 11 Veurl Bt. , Council Uluffs.
U7 CoaaultutIon ( toe ,