THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. OOTOBEK 27 , 1880. 5 CHURCH HOWE'S ' LAST CAME , nypocritjcal Bootllers Bent Into McShano's ' X , Batiks to Steal His Money. DOINGS IN COURT CIRCLES. Ilnywnril nntl u tlnr > With n Hlrool Uullvvny Hull lltirclnrn Ajinln lit l.nruo Ijlnooln NrwH. fruoMTiir. lit There lins been a more cheerful np- Dcnniticc nmong the gang ut Into who tire trying to bootllo and bulldoze Lin coln voters Intotdandiiig up and swallow ing Church Howe for congress in ihufaco of tliu bitter recollections tlitilconiulioniu -V. , to them of what Howe has cot Lincoln In coltl cash In tlm punt. Tliu iirecions gang o ( pilil : workinon that llowu tins In Lincoln , with Attorney Courtnny tittlit'ir hi'ail , haw been Hitting up nlghl.s of Into , anil they give it out thut they huvn H'.cmtncd the lido of desertion thut wn.s rapidly decimating Hit' llowu crowd , and ( hut Howe will got : i intijoiily in Lancas ter nftur nil , Church Howe , coming on the M. &M. train between Omaha mid Lincoln on tlio morning of Monday , Octo ber 25 , told u reputable nntl protninenl man In the present campaign in the state , that Ida strikers woru going into thn McSlmiio ranks , anil pjoKhslng to be McShane men , were getting money lo .t- + . mi'ctlhulr expenses , anil then were coin ; ; oil' mid working for him. This kind of iv game in so emi nently characteristic of Howe and his methods that ii will not be < | iiestir > ned. If it is questioned It will bo proved. Kvi- dcnlly information of tins character , poured Into the cracked nnd scared cars of his Lincoln Is roustabouts , one c.xpln nil lion of the extra hilarity on tlio part of n few of the sappers hereand causes them to cry aloud anil repent for the "briiny" innn of Nomalia In Lancaster1 county the present week the whole work IH being ti 1 done on the shipping in plan and tliu s scare thai Howe will ruin Lincoln if not elected find that no man must vote for an Omaha man because ho lives in Omaha Is being worked for all and more lhan it is wortn. HITUKMi : C'OI'KT DOINOS. Court met yehtcrdny pursuant to ail jonrnmeiit. ftopubliean Valley Kailioad oonipan.y vs Brewstcr. Dismissed. The following causes were argued anil submitted : 1'ierco vs llellman , on mo tion ; fili'Mtirtry vs Edgorly Jensen vs Mnnilt , Kx | ) arto Havens ; Shriver vs Ale Cloud ; 1'crry vs Granger , on motion ; Aim-shall vslioe ; Million vs Itluck. Court adionrhed to this morning nt 8.00 o'clock. IN IIISTUICT COt'HT. The greater part of the last two days has been occupied by the jury , with .Judge llayward presiding , in tlio trial of tlio case of llichard Sweeney against the Lincoln Street Railway conmany. The case is brought on thupartof the plaintifl to recover $10,000 from the railroad corn- puny for damages. The attorneys in the ca o have bee'n giving it close attention and the question of negligence on the part of railway corporations of all kinds has been gone over in detail. The facts in the case , as recited in the petition of the plaint ! ! ) ' , are thai on the 8th of No vember , \WK \ > , Sweeney was ruling on the pint form of a slreut car on Iho Lincoln street railway line and that in driving over a switch too much speed , was ngcii by the driver so much , in fact , that Sweohoy was thrown oil' the car , ono wheel running over his lied io that for several months he was confined to his bed tinder the care of n doctor , After ward he was obliged logo on crutches tip to March , ISfcO , und up to Juno of that year was able to do onlv partial work nt a barber chair. The defense recites that Sweeney Millerod from his own careless ness in ridlti" on the nlulform instead of in the car andwas , guilty of contributory negligence , ANOTIIKK liUROIAUr. Monday night the store of Kandall & Co. , dealers in clothing , was burglarized and when the early morning brought the lirst nmu lo the store he saw the depre dations that had been committed. The burglars oU'octcd an entrance through a back window , removing u pnno of glass , and went to woik removing und invoic ing slock. As nuar as Air Kandall could determine at noon , they must have taken at least $500 worth , consisting of seal- fikin caps , suits , jewelry , gents' furnish ings and n few overcoats. No trace of the thieves or their plunder has been dis covered. . A iisiitviNi ; : ) UIVOHQR. Judge Pound yesterday granted u divorce to John W. Thackara , separat ing him from his wife. Laura j'hapkara , who obtained her husband In matrimony by fraud nnd deceit. The petition filed in courl by the husband recited that all the time In which the courtship was in JirogrCsu his wife roprobeUlod by word mid act thut she W\B ! chaste nnd virtuous , thai he so believed her nnd they were married on thooth of i'ovom- bur , and the first intimation the man had that ull was not right came to him on the -Hli day of tlio .March following , when his wife presented him with a bastard child , own ing up to it.s paronlago. Since Unit time a separation has existed In tlio Tlnickarii family and the wife departed for some other point and the case for divorce was brought In court. The verification of the pillion by nflldavits was made und the bill for divorce was granted as prayed , for. The case Is ono of n few out of 'tho grist In Lancaster district court that was considered n deserving ono. ill.VOlt MATTIiKS. The young man who pluyml an impor tant part in the suicide of Doru Johnson is named Andrew Loronson. When he was called to the house after Iho poor girl hail taken the fatal dose she remarked to him that II wus his fault , Ha seemed very penitent that his neglect had caused the girl to take her life , but us usual in mioh eases , penitence came too Into. The societies of the A. O U. W , in Lin- coin held an anniversary reception ut K. of I' , hall U'luimliiy o veiling In com memoration of the eighteenth itnniver- sun * of the founding ot the order. The wliistlo of the Chicago & North- wchlurn und out of Lincoln is the late.-it music for the capital cily , and the first trains over the roud on the first day were well patronized. The members of Lincoln post , A , of the 'J1.1' . A. , are urged to bti present at a meeting of the post Saturday evening at the Windsor hotel parlors , as the post will have important business demanding attention. W. 11. Lan I us , of Grand Island , nnd 0. O. Mates , of Meutrlco , two of the prom * incut olllolals in the state organi/.ntlon of the K. of P. , as well as rnstlora in their individual callings wore In Lincoln yes terday. In the district court the ease of Hook- waller vs Lansing la set for trial on the Jlrd of November. This la n case that promts tp bo of no small amount of interest , ns it is n , conflict between owner nml tiguut in the transfer ot valuable real estate , The council at its last mootiuc trims- nctml little business of interest. A ? 250pnr contace on snlo of sewer bonds wa.t al lowed F. W. Louis , some petitions were received nml some Improvements in the ] > olice quartern were ordered , The young lady , Horn Johnson , whose attempt nt suicide was reported In yes terday's BEE , breathed her lust Monday evening after thirty hours of suf- fi rn u , Ohl. > ono lonesome cose was up in police coin t yesterday , although a g\ni- : \ bleiMvho was hanled over the coals do * itnVitcd enough with the olllcers to pay up a fine and costs. Finch , the piohibltion wind engine , Ill-Id forth down at Bennett Monday night , preaching for Hlgelow for cormrois uid the straight prohibition candidate , Howe having not yet succeeded in get- ling the prohibition candidate oil the track. Among the NebraBknns at Lincoln yes terday were noted the following C. Thompson , Ashland ; J. W Talln.agc , Fairmount , J. H. Mickey , ( ) * ceola ; II. 5. NorviU , H. C C'arnes/Seward ; John H , Hawley , Fremont ; John L Webster , O H. Ballon , John 11 Saltier , Omaha ; J. W Hoggs , Hlalr ; N. H Bell , Fiumont. lie Put Them in tlio Nov. Detroit Free Press"Looking for Jake , I suppose1 said Sergeant Bomlall UH Mr. Dundnr entered the station yes terday with a very long face. "Vlmll , 1 like to see Shake. I doan' know vims I shall do mil dot boy.1 "What is it tliis time ? " Mr. 1 hinder laid live alleged half del pieces on the desk in a row and re plied : "Alnvbn you see do.-o ? " " 1 do. " "Maybe It vhaa geol mnneyf" "Kvery one of 'em is bogus ! " " Dot Mi BO. Some fellers pass 'cm on mo for boor sometimes vhen I vhas in a hurry. L puts'cm all in a box hchiudt dor bar.11 " \\eli ? " "Vholl , last Sunday Shako taker a notion to go mil Sunday school. Del vhas all right. It vhtw dor vhay to make geol boys. Dis morning tier superin tendent comes down lo me mid dia bogus money anil nays : " 'Mr. I hinder , you Imf some boy mimed Shake ? ' " ' Y M. ' " ' llu vhas mil our Sunday school yos- terdav. lie vhas \\erry nice boy. ' ' "So ho vlisis. ' " ' \Vc \ lake up a lidlc collodion to buy .sonic new books unciotir son Shake puts all dis money in tier box. What shall .von do abondt ilV "Vliell , borgeant , you .see how it vhas. Dot vo.s some mote tricks by Shako , unit 1 haf to Hhell oudt two dollar tnul a half good money to make up. " "Ami where is Juke' ' "Ho shlips oudt when dot min comes in , nnd 1 doan1 lind him any more. Maybu you see him pretty boon ? If so , yust tell him del vlias sooch a goot shoko dot I laugh all oafur , mid dot he can come homo. I vlull bo laughing ha ! ha ! ha ! vlu-n he comes in , I shall keep latighin" ; till lie goes down cellar mil me to bco if dot gas meter was leeking , und den "Iseo. " "If you hear .somebody yell omit dot he was kiltund won't nofer do .so any more you go right along and mind jour busi ness. It vims Shake and me , unit I vhas taking tlot bogus money out of his hide ! " A. Ruiuitlt'nl Present. The Virgin Salt Co. , of New Havnn , Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every family , are making this grand offer : A Cra/.y Patchwork block , enameled in twelve beautiful colors and containing the latest Fancy Stitches ; on a largo Lithographed Card having n beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the oen- ter , given away with every 10-cent.pack- a c of Virgin Salt Virgin salt has no c'lual ' for household purposes. It it , the cleanest , purest and whitest Salt ever been or used. Remember that a largo paekasro co-ste only 10 cents , with the above present. ASK your grocer for it. Ono of Herrmann's Tricks. \ \ abhington Post : Ono story ho re peats is worth repeating. Ho was sum mering at u foreign watering place , and was constantly besieged by the Countess Somebody to perform some of his tricks. lie pleaded that he was on his vacation and that he desired to rest. Finally she cornered him in a pavilion overlooking the sea , and in the presence of a lai'go company entreated him to show them what he could do. "You have a beautiful necklace , " ho said at last ; "plcaso let mo have it. " The coun ters complied and Herrmann immed iately throw tlio costly chain of gems into the ocean. "How dare you do that ? " demanded the countess , angrily. Without replying , Herrmann reached forward and brought fourth a large bouquet from the inside of the gentle man s coat. Handing it to thn countess bo bade tier open it. "She did so , " says Herrman , laughingly telling the story , "and right in tlio bouquet she found her necklace. Now that was real nico.wasn'l' it ? " Cure of Ijlver Complaint. IOWA FALLS , Harciiu Co. , laJuno 8 , ' 85. I have been using Allcook'a Porous Piasters for four years , and I think I could not got along without thorn. For along time I was afflicted with a pain under my right shoulder blade ; I also had considerable difficulty in breathing. I applied an Allcoek's Porous Plaster on my back , and one on my chest. I kept changing thorn every four days , and at the end of throe weeks was entirely cured. E. S. STKYCKS. What Cleveland Overheard. Now York World : A Jew days ago , while enjoying the beautiful view' roM the upi/or porch of "lied Top , " Colonel Wilson remarked to the president that he thought ho was very sensible in build ing tlio porch BO wide , for it gave to the building the appearance of larger pro portions than it would otherwise have. "That is tlio way an engineer olllcor looks at it , " said Mr. Cleveland. "Tho ladies take a different view of its util ity. " "Ah ! and what do they say ? " asked Colonel Wilson. "I thought 1 overheard them say the other day that it would bo a splendid plaoo to push around n baby carriage , " and Mr. Clovcland looked at Colonel Wilson as though ho thought they were right. Mrs. J. M , Sters , the glovo-tittor nt Bennibon Bros , , was the pleased recipient last Saturday evening of a solid silver glove stretcher , made especially for her UfiU. MOST PERFECT MADQ Preptrad with itrlctrenrd to Parity , Strength , uni Je [ ltbfulotii. Dr. Prlco'a liiUns Powdercuatalot LoAmtnonUUtneAluraorI'ho phatO3.Dr.Prlc r Kxtracti , VwitlU , Lemon , etc flaTOldcUslOtt&ly. ROTTEN TO THE CORE Church Howe's Rascally Career aa United States Marshal of Wyoming , A TRAITOR TO HIS PARTY. Ho Dolts Republican Tickets and Supports Democratic Nominees. DRIQE-GIVER AND MONTE SHARK. Juries Packed for Mouoy by Howe and Mur derers Acquitted. FORCED TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY llofschioti Arro.stcil nml Jnllrtl a ( ill 'Jlirlr Stock Coiill c.ntc < l to Pny i" AlllilavltK Uy Men \Vlio Knew lllin. CilKVENNi : , W. T. , Oct. 23 , 1890. [ Spccliil Corrosionilonco | ot tlio HIM : . ] OUCH in n whllo It Is possible tliufii tnitti In public lifn , b.y rutibon of supurlor Intel- licence or groati'i * success , niay bo an ob ject pf slnmlcr at tlio li.imls of bis one- inios tind politieal opponents , and may roall.y bo not so bad as pamtoii ; butwliim onrofnl sciirch Into the rccoril ami an tecedents of an Individual without mallet ; or projiidiou tor or against tlio person re veals nothing but corruption both in public and private lift1 , it is time to stop atrl carefully conshlor and determine upon ilio developments untie. When u dualur wishes to test tlio quality of an pgg be holds It against tins sunlight , and a man asking the unpaiil support of his fellow mun for public position should bo able lo bear tln % same close scrutiny in order to determine whether ho is good or bad , and lit to carry out the trust , watch is to bcropoxcd in him. Your correspondent has incidentally looked tip the standing of Church llowo ( luring liis .sojourn in W.yoming as United States marshal and frankly it appears to bo even WOKM : IHAN ins NP.IIKASICA. itncoun , although greatly similar in political mot hods. In 1808 Wyoming WHS created into a territory , and among the officials appointed by President Johnson was Church Howe , who resided in Massachusetts. Almost immediately upon his arrival at Ciu-y- iMine , which was then sis it is now , the capital of tlio territory , llowo commenced a career which for violence of ail decency and regard for honest purpose appears to have no equal in the history of the ter ritory. Within a few months after his arrival ho mixed with the rougher clement of territory ami was known as one of Hie boy.s. At the time Cheyenne boingmnv was naturally rough , and variety shows and oilier dives to catoli the nionny of ignorant ami foolish men were numer ous in tlio city. Howe WIIB a constant , frequenter of these , and many old-timers remember him as a patron ot MolJaniols' famous hurdy-gurdy concern , as he made himselt more than ordinarily conspic uous by having the female attaches of the place gathered around him and seated on his lap. Shortly after llowo arrived in Wyoming ho appears to have perfected a political deal with the then management of the Union 1'acilic railroad , for when the 11mo came to hold a convention to nom inal a doiegato in congress ho called a meeting at 'Lnraniio City , and with Charles W. Meade , and a man named Hammond , Mipurln- tondcntb of Jho Union Pacific , assured prominent republicans that if they would nominate llowo for congress , they would insure the support of their road tor him. The offer was not accepted , and another gentleman was put up , to whom Howe gave only a negative support. Again , in 1870 , llowo was a candidate for tlio ollicc , but was again defeated by a gonUoman named W. K. Jones , one of the territorial judges. HOWE noiiTi > TIM : NOMINATION and worked for Jones' defeat. In 1873 Howe , after again failing to get the re publican nomination , went to the demo crats Mid endeavored to induce them to vote for him. Upon his failure to gain the support of either parly ho organ- i/.cd iu 1872 what was known as the "people's movement , " which had for Its chief object tlio overthrow of the republican party in the territory and to servo Howe's own personal ambition. He owned a paper at South Pass and its utterances , all inspired by llowo him self , were very bitter against the party and President Grant ; particularly against the latter wore many vile and libelous article which , had they appeared in the cast at that time oven , much less the prn&ont , would have undoubtedly insured Howe's either being assassinated or driven irora the community , decorated with a coat of tar and feathers. Asso ciated with llowo in the "people's move ment" were II. J. Rogers , a broken-down banker at Choyenno. and J. W. Cook , a nondescript , each of whom were to bo rewarded by Howe with political prefer ment in the event of his success. Howe I drtiniuicd the matter up while traveling about the territory ut the expense of the goVermontand , iinnUy , in Juno , 1872 , issued an "iNUirrrMKNT OF THE ItEl'IIIILIOAN I'AUTTr" In his paper at South Pass , and ho after- lerwards read the fiunio document at the "convention" held by the "people's movement at" LaramioICity a few days later on. The indictment consisted of a lot of false charges against Grunt and Ills administration ; upon the party generally which ho said had become so corrupt ( ? ) that bo ( llowo ) could no longer stay in it. Tlio convention did not prove u suc cess and Howe , greatly enraged , wont over to the democratic party and tried to obtain its nomination for dcle&rato to congress , The democrats refused to take him up , and corrupt and otlicions to the lust ho interfered in its deliberations , and through the agenoj of money and the influence of the Union Pacific bought the vote of a member of the convention for W. H. Steele , who thereby obtained thn nomination bv one majority. The allidavit of M. P. Hanni- fm , u well known business man of Cheyenne at this time , who was a member of the conven tion In question , gives Unlit upon the matter and shows that he was also ap preached by one of Howe's missionaries , a man named Mr. Laughlm , with a bribe which was refused by Hannifin and taken up the next day by btlllman , whoso votn broke tlio tie which bad existed for throe days prior to that time between Luke Mnrrin and W. It. Htcelo and gave the nomination to the latter. During the canvass which ensued Howe used every moans to secure Stcelo's election over a republican and it was through his efforts that the republican nominee , Uou. W. W. Cor- lutt , now a leading resident of the tern- tofy nmi an ox-delegate to congress , was defeated for the ollice at tlint time. In every way ho worked /or the defeat of the republican ticket , Ho efforts and organisation of the "people's movement" attracted the attention of the Wyoming Tribune , the leading republican paper of the territory , which upon July n. 1873 , devoted the following artiola to Church Havre and his associates : I From the VVyomlnc Tribune of July 8 , lofUJ AND TUB MOUNTAIN I.AIIOJSKD. This paper has kept silent In reject U SUCCESS Which attended the Special Sale of Misfit and Uncalled-for G-arments , at the Only Has been even greater ihan was expected , but a number of tailor-made gar ments are still on sale , consisting of the best styles of make arid the finest goods extant. It will pay you well to see those handsome suits , as by refer ence to the price list it will be seen that they are being sold for less than ready made clothing , PANTS. SUITS. OVEH.COATS , . $23 00 Merc'nl Tailor Mode at .fl'J.OO 0 Merchant Pallor Made at $ 11.00 $ T ) Merchant I'allorMadoatiflO.OO 30.110 " ' " M.IX1 . " 1 " . 8 4.00 ; io 11.60 83.00 " ' " . 1(1.00 ( " ' " . ' to " " 14.75 10 " 5.00 JO IK ) 18.'r > 45.00 " ' " -JO.OO 15 1 " 30.00 13 it 0.00 . " ' " , . itu 50.00 3l.oO 50 " 1 " 38.00 . " ' " ' . ' . ( W.OO u . 'S.OO 15 7.50 ' 1 " . ( ! . -iOO " ' " SHI.OIl 00 20.50 Ml " " " 8.50 75.00 ' , ' " . ' 15.00 0 " " ii HO.OO MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS the people's inovoinrnt lest something It niii'lii say should ailit to lliodillluultv of a tlieiiumh oi-fnni7ntlun and conso- lidnt KIM ot the reiiililican ] of the teiiitury for woilc In the odinlns cam- palRti. While Chitrrli Howe , II. J. Itoseis and \i. \ W. Cook each hope to ! > e citiilit : ; up bvtho hluh tide of this auoitlvit Peoples Movement and bin no to the hnllsot conuioss ( 'luircli Howe buini ; the msli'iillicant leader of this piileet ( to destroy tlio nwlitillcnn or- Kiinl7.itlon in this tenltory. If Air. ( Jreeli'y is elected these Kentlenien may Imue for their rewaul and It would scorn to H calm i\n tui- prejndleed mind Hint the two Inst nientlnned distinguished eiti/ens luul staked their politi cal tiituio on tlio iirnsnrct of ehmbiiiK to dis tinction In the llio.'ley pitity on the Inoad slio\ililoia \ of the liitc.liutsoon to boaiipointed aaain inurslml of thn tcrutory. what me elulincd to bo the titmliles in the leimbllcau party are not tliliiKs of to-day or yesteiday. They begun as long ace ixs 1K > 7 when the ox-marshal two months In the territory failed to have his ( listIn ulshed nunlllicatiuns ne- knowleilfied in his mmiimUion over \V. W , Corlett. The war be an then n > ; aiiiHt the mea who , In the convention , favored Mr. Corlett UN against himself , he has rontlnned until the present day. Sometimes It was under one pietoxt , sometimes under another , but always with the one object la view of a ( .eat In I'onaiess la these ) u.irs which ha\o past we are not able to bee that the e.vmai- shal has nmdo inticli nroKress townids the peal ol Ida ambition. The ennl which this expert politician has depuiuleil upon to win Ids piuno has been the Influence ol the Union I'auiliu railroad , but wo think by ( his time he has dlscoven.'d that men arc men If thoyaio ouijilo > eU bv a peat coi poration. We nave no evidence bill tlio woiil of the cx-miuslml that be can control the rnlhoad company. The means ho uses to this end aio not pow- erlnl. ( living away other peoples' do.-s to rallioad ollici.ds In Oni.ilm maybe deciding inthieiiCH on the political ( tcstiny of this ter- iltory. but wo have confidence that no new organization , to the destruction of the lepnb- licjui patty , can be built upon such a touiiil.v tmn. To levlew the ) ) olltlcal reeord of the px-inqiMml in this territory is to give the hUtoiy of all tlio trouble in the republi can paitv nntl the orisla ot the Oieeloy move ment. Ills strength In this tanitoiy does not number fifty votes , ando \ \ \ power he boa.sts of with the lallro.ul company N a confession of Ids weakness before the people. Wo all know that when < ludio ; Jones \\asnoinitmteil the cx-maishal annuuncrd himself as an In dependent candidate , but afterwards con cluded bo could do more harm by feigning ncqulcscenco in the decision of the conven tion. In that campaign he sold the influence of the South Pass News , a paper which ho owned , to John Wauless , the democraticcan- tlldnto , forSiaO , and this very paper , to-day , Is published at Lartuuie City , as the Independent , a nomlcsciipt bush whacking journal , devoted to nothing bat the abnso of the republican party from President Grant down ana to the support of the ex-marshal. We have devoted this much of our sjiaco to the ex-marshal , because ho is held up us the lender of this now party In the territory which was born ot his disap pointment and deteat and the plutfoim of which is published to the people In the silly twuddlo of the bill of Indictment which was read nt Ijnramio tlio other evening. With snclia leader and such a platform what may not those distinguished citi/.ens expect to ac complish with Howe In congress , Cook as chief justice and itogers as governor. Then , Indeed , will our territory have reached Its political mlllenium. " A IHSTUHIIING FACTOIt. Having boon such a disturbing factor in the party since I in advent into tlio ter ritory , and for other and ollicial reasons ho was removed by tlio president in the early part of 187s , ami u gentleman named Mil toy , a valiant and useful ofll- cor in the union army , was appointed from Indiana to fill Howe's ulaco. The artful dodger learned of Milroy's ap pointment and took good care to'bo on band when the ( 'eneral arrived Meeting him upon the arrival of the first train Howe falsely told the general that lie himself had been forced to resign the oflico because ho eould not make any thing out of it , and as a friend would ad. vise him nottotakoit. The general , a. sim ple minded old gentleman , thoroughly unaware of Howe's real character , allowed himself to bo fooled nnd left on the next train back to his homo. The truth was the olliee was the most lucra tive ono ; honestly conducted , and much nioro so under Howe's rule if tlio stories of tlio bcStuQd most responsible residents of the territory Bpoijk the truth , and they , undoubtedly do , aa will lipPl'ar ' further on. At the time of Howo'a cicutftlon from the republican partv Dr. GeorgoW , Corey , the leading physician of the territory - tory , nnd at present an honorable and prominent citizen of Cheyenne , was chairman of the territorial republican committee and also chairman of this liitraimo county contra ) committee. I saw this gentleman , wfco < being an ardent and true republican from principle , wus grieved and astonished to learn that Howe had secured thoilentihlioan nom- illation to congress jn Nebraska , and upon being requested assented to mak ing an allidavit of facts which had come under his notice during Church HOWO'H hojourn in Wyoming. ' Dr. Corcy'u afli- davit is as follows : 1W. COUCV'S AFFIDAVIT. Wvomlng Territory , Lardmle County ss. : George W. Corey , belli * nrst dulv swoin , ( luiosw ) ( unit says that even since IHtlO ho has been , and now is , a lebidnnt and pi ctlcin physician Jn the city of , gtieyenne , in the county and territory abonrtiamed ; that ever since IBC'J ho has been umlshtlll Is personally uaqimintcd with Cluuth JIowc , now n reil- ( font of hcmuhacounty , In ho state of Ne- bruska : that tlio g.ild howrowain resident of the fcnld city of Cheyenne from IBCStill 1873 , and din Ing the said period of time he wan United States iimrsliafin and forthe said ter ritory : that ho receive. ! his appointment to suld ofllce under a republican administration , partially upon the ground , that he was a re publican ; that at the time ot his coming to said territory mm entering upon Ids dutias as such United States marshal , ho professed to be a staunch republican ; aj boon us he cunie here ho went into politic * and soameu perfectly willing to ally Viimself to any party or to jirotess and champion any political creed , provided he shoulu tlmreby be able to promote Ids ambition lor official honor and jwwer. He had scarcely lauded here before ho began to scheme for the highest ollicial position * Jn the territory. Atone time vrjdle hero ho joined forces with Silas Heed , Uien surveyor Koucral of Uie territory , and aSslitoil In organizing what was Known as the "p ODl 's move ment" whose avowed purpose was to 0r > iiM3 anrt overthrow the republican party of the territory. Immediately after coming here lie sought to t > o elected a delt'gntol to concurs at the hnndsof the icpublican paitv. falling to get thd nnniliiiitloii , ho sulfeoqiu'nlly on- dcavou'd to get a noniiiinllini tor thobamn ( illlco fiom the domocintle pmty , iittuniled cine ot their conventions nnd made a liiiht fin It , but wnsimnln deft'iit-d by one \ \ ' . It. Steele. Thut dining the period of ibii'J to IbTi ! ( .aid tilllantn chtiiriiian of the territo rial icimhllcuu central cdiinnittee and nNo chairman ot tliu Lnrnmlo comity central reininlttoe. Tliat us such olllcer Mild ulllant \Mislainillarwlththo politics or snltl teril- torv. About IM2 Howe was romoml fiom his enieeus United Suites inarsh.ilon account ot It rcgulai Mies , anil ( Jeiicral Mllro > , of In diana , who had aerveil his ceiintiv In the foilcial army during the late win. was nil- pointed In Ini stend. Upon the arilval uf ( ient'i-.d Jlilrov In the teiritoiy to nssumo the duties of that ofllce. he was met by Howe , uho , by falsalv lepiespnling thnt the oflico was not a lucrative pusithin , and that there was little or no money In it , HO discouraged the general that lie declined to quality or take the otlioc , and relumed to Indiana im mediately , his former home. The purpose of llowo In niaklnsr these mls- icprcsentntlnns wus to frighten ( ioneral Mil- iny away and retain the ollice himselt. In this he wus Fiiccosslul , and was lein.stutod to the ofllce which ho held lor about a year i thereafter. While serving heto u ? United States mar shal , Howe anil his deputies weie suspected , anil accused of sto.dlm ; , and being inter ested 111 the Mealing ot horses. It was a matter ot gout'iul talk nml neneial notoriety tlrit llowo as United States mai- shd : was In the luxblt of pick-In * Jmles and received p.iy for it. ( ! KO. W. Cour.v. Subscribed anil s\\or'i to at Chojcniie , bo- loie me , this S d day of October , A. I ) . IbbO. K. J. I'Altsll.u.l. . = 3 Notiuy I'ublic. ntnr.i.xo A Mt'ii : > iuiu. : : In 1803 a railroad contractor mimed John Kelly foully murdered a young man named Charles Maxwell , nt Ihe town of Dennett , in Wyoming. He es caped at the timi' , but was afterwards captured at Hod Oak , Iowa , by N. K. Moswell , sheriff ot Albany county , Wy oming , and brought back to the te/ritory lor trial. Ho was tried at llawlins , the case having boon taken out of the terri torial ollicera' hands and given , through the Influence of money , to the Unitetl Stales officials to try. Howe as marshal .summoned the jury which tried the case , ami according to Herman Ulallke , u prominent citizen of Wyoming and at present living in Cheyenne , received $8,000 for his services in securing a jury that would acquit Kelly. Kelly was itcqiiitlcd , although Ihe crime was unprovoked and cold blooded. It was charged at the time that it was largely through Howe's inllnenco that Kelly secured - cured his acquittal. Mr. Boswell , as staled , at the time was sheriff of Albany county und had gone to expense in pot ting Kelly bnck to Wyoming to answer for his crime. Ho felt that a great In justice had Leon done the people of the territory by this travesty on justice. Ho was familiar witli Howe's character in former transactions and know porlectly well that ho would scruple ot nothing to gain his ends. At a convention which Howe had endeavored to get the nomi nation at ho had been approached by Howe , wlio endeavored to bribe him. As Mr. Boswell is an honest man it made him very angry to bo thus approached and he spurned the oiler. Mr. Moswell was seen und ho expressed perfect wil lingness to swear to what he said con cerning Howe und his allidavit is hero given : Territory of Wyoming , county ot Laramle. N. K. Uoswell , being duly hvroin , deposes and says that bo now Is nnd ever since IMS has been a leshlont of Wyoming territory ; that he was acquainted with ono Church llowo during the years from 1608 to 1873 ; that In the year 1H7J said afliant attended a lopiihllcm ten I tot liil convention ; that dur- Inc suid convention the afliant met said Chinch liowe when the following convoca tion , In substance ensued : llowo said , "Uoswoll joti are n d d fool to work for Jonesas ho has no money ; hero , rake tills , " at the Mime time Imndlim out a roll or money which ho olTeied to afliant , but which was refused. Afliant further states that llowo was u candidate at said convention lor dele gate to congress and that the money was offered us n bilbo ; atliaiit further states that thn mild Howe used many other corrupt menns to secure snid nomination ; that ono ( icorgn Kills , a delegate to Bald convention from U In tali county declared to afliant that at Hurt ji'Sie said Howe offered him ( Kills ) $3 000 , for tUe vote * ot the two delegates fiom said Ulntah conni > ' . Alllant further elates that 111 ISCS ono John Kelley shot and killed ono Charles plaxwi'll at tliu town of Ucnton in said tetrllory ; that subsequently In the year 1670 wild niliunt pursued and captured , wlillo acting as u deputy under said Church Ilnwe , who at the time was United Stales imushnt of said ter ritory , the bald John Kelly at Kcd Oak , la. , and brou lit him back to Liiiumlo City lor trial tor the killing of said Maxwell ; thai buld trial occurred at Uawlins in said terri tory , and thut although bald Kelly was guilty of a foul minder , ho wits acquitted and set tree : that there were rumors af tlio time that undue and Illegal means were used for the acquittal of bald Kelly and tlmtsald Howe was concerned therein. Said Alllant fuitlier Btates that ( luring bald period he was bhorln of Albany county , Wyoming , N , K. Hoswi'.l.u Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo ut Cheyoimo. Wyoming , thin 83ml ciny ot October , A. I ) . , ibbfl. A. J. I'AIISIIAI.L. Notary 1'ubllc. I100IIS AHKKSTS. Upon the authority of a former chief jiistloo of the territory , a mun whoso record through u long residence in thin city has made his character well known to be far above reproach , tells me that Howe wus certainly not u good man. Some time after his appointment a man , whoso muna ho forgot , shipped eighteen head of horses to Cheyenne from Nevada and hold them for salo. Church Howe ar- rcbted the mun Und. taking him beforoitn ignorant justice of tlio peace at Cheyenne , named William Rollins , had the horse man bound over for trial upon no real ground whatever. Through tliu conni vance of these corrupt men the Nevada man lost till his horses which wore sold and the proceeds appro priated by the ofh'ciuls. There was no proof hut what the mun honestly owned the horses nnd it wus afterwards proved that they jypro his. This arrest and pros- ecutipn wus mntit > ) y Howe and it was al- ways supposed that he got most of the money resulting from the .sale of the horses. Among Howe's deputies was a notor ious three card monte man named Jack McDonald , a friend and pal of the well known Canada Hill A favorite scheme of this fellow's , was to go about ( 'hoy- onno and take up horses and arrest their owners on frivolous charges. He always picked out ignorant ner.sons and then terrorize him into either paying money or uiving up ; the horses. A favorite method of action was lo pick out a horse belonging to some herder who had come to town to see the sights. McDonald would go up to the horse , and mixing up a liltlo dirt and water , mark U. S. upon tlio horse's shoulder. He would then go into the saloon where thn half-drunken owner was drinking and him why ho had stolen a government , horse. Upon the owner's protest McDonald would lead him out and show him the mark put on by himself. The poor drunken herder half .scared to death would bo arrested and taken to Fort D. A. Hussell , near Chovonne , and loeked up. In n day or two lie would be permitted to go minus his horse , which was ' . ' "COSTS11 CONKIM'ATr.l ) 111 PAY created bv Huwo and his deputy Mc Donald. These are-btit a few instances of Howe's utter depravity. In 187iibout ( : a year after his first removal ho was summarily bounced from the ollice. The department of jubilee at Washington dispatched a man out to the territoiy to look over Howe's all airs and tlioy woio found in bad shape , llowe'was absent from the territory at the time , without leaye , and , although the government , thoroughly frightened by a long article published in the Cincinnati Gazette at tlio time charging Howe with A i.AKCP. I.MIIK//I.IMINT : : of government funds , he eould not bo found. The next heard of him was in Nebraska , where he has since resided. The statement made by Mr. Hannifin is as follows ; MIU KANMKIN'S AFKII > AVIIT. Wyomlnir Teriltory , l-aramlu county , ss : .Martin 1' . llaiinilin , uoiim duly sworn , deposes and says that ho Is chief of tlio lite ( lepnitmenl of the city of Ch > enne , in the enmity and territory above nnmeil ; that ever over since 1807 ho has boon and ntill is a resi dent and citizen of the said city of Cheyenne ; that ho was personally acquainted with Church llowo , now a resident of Nemuha county , In the state of Nebraska , between IBO'J and 1673 , when the said Howe was United States maislial in nud for the sahl territory , and that during the said period of time nlnant was familiar with the political career of the said llowo In said territory. Affiant further s.iys that immediately nflcr his coming heio. tlio said Howe wnnt actively Into politics , urging hliself upon the re publican party with great persistence for the highest o111ccs In the territory , but falling of pro'iioliou in that paity us rapidly as ho wished ho boiran to curry favor with the democrats , that In 1R72 ho ( Jiowo ) was ores- out at a domocrn 1 convention held Jn Laramie city lo nominate a dolcgate lo repre sent the territoiy in and that allmnt wns ono of the delegates of the s.ilrt conven tion , and wnn porsunnlly present during Its deliberationAlllant further says that said Howe wnsm attendance upon the sahl con * volition throughout its OUUIH session which continued for thiee days , and that U wai the general unilerHtnnillng and talk among tlio delegates that said Howe wanted the con vention to honor him with the nomination. The light for the nomination Dually nar- rnwrd down between Luke JIuirlu and W. II. Steele , each of whom for a lingo number ot ballots iccelved nn equal number of votes thus making the matter n tie. Alllant fuithor says that S500 nnd a pass over the Union Pacific railroad was offnrca to him by Jiirtua McLaughlin If he would vote for Steele , bat affiant declined tlio offer and continued to support Mun in to the last. The next day the same offer was made to ono Judge Stillman of Swrotwfttor county , a delegate In the said coiiTentlnn , If lie would vote forSteeio. Still- man accepted the bribe , cast Ids vote acconl- inglyanil Steele was nominated. Howe wan known to have been woiklmr In the Interest of Steele , after It was ascertained that ho himself had no show , and It was rumored , generally understood , and believed thut Ho wo hnnilleiland manipulated the boodle which corrupted Kllllman , Alllant further says that In 1873 Howe joined forces with two other individuals and assisted In on.'uni lng what was known as "the People's Movement" whoso avowed pur pose was to oppose and overthrow the re publican party of the territory. A ( limit further says whllo heio the imputation of llowo both as a private cltl/en nnd a public olllcer was ot an unsavory character ami It was a matter of much talk and geneinl no- torleiy , that In Ids ofllce ns United States Mnrstihl. ho was In the habit ol packing Jmlw , and receiving pay therefor. M. T. HA.V.VIKIN. SubsetIbod and swoin lobciV n this Blst. , Soptombur. 18WI. J , W. Fi6lKR | , ' , P. I have seen dozens of tlio bestrcsljonta of Cheyenne who were hero when Church Unwn lived hero and llioy all remember him us a sharp.uiiscnipulous man against whose honesty many stories were cur rent at the time. H , C. Eckonborger and wife , general agent Chicago & Northwestern railway , of Portland , Oregon , is in the cilv. Prof , Chas , Ludwig Von Seegor Medicine l tti * Kojtl Unlvrnltr ; KiilKtit at Iliu Ituul Amman OrJer of thalruu Crown ; Knlilit Cumuunder ol the Itoyal Wn nl h Ord ) ll ! i < iii.litGf the u < ir l I'rcinUuO deroftholted K gleJlmraller : uf the I. nt > u ot Kciuor.vte.iitc. , r t "I.K1I11LJ COM COCA nl'.KV TONIC ibnul4 not ba couluiinrtnil with tlmhorJo of tnulir ruraulli. Itll lu noienaa of Ilia wonlu patani rotiiAily , I am lUor- ouf blf cunversaot with It * luuilu of prepHrutlon : iJil know It to bo nut onlr H liultlmulo plurmiicuiitlcal product , but nlio worthr uf the blr'i ' roinmeii'tiitl'iiii Itliutrucelvrrt laall ( lartnof Iliu wuflil. It rnnU HI e wnre of lleef , Cocn , Quinine. Iron anil rnlliiKa. wnliti nruulivilfadlnpurHBOnulnobuaultti Iruuurlil Crown Hliertjr. " Inrnlnnbleto ull who are Hun Down , Nurvoui , Ir ) . per-tic , Illllouv ilitlirlout vr antctud wllb wetK kid- ncjf. bKWAKEorlunjiiiu.M , Her Majesty's ' Fayorltte CosmoticGlycerlnB U pa l > r Her Korftl IlUhoeii tlt I'rlnreu of Waloi andtlie uuMUtr. fur tbe Skin. Coruploilun , Ktau- ( ( | .Ctiaipliii ; ! llouKliucio.UOl. of rtrugiilstt. I.IKIIIU GO'S ( Jenuliiu hrrup gu r ntuiJ Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey mid Duffy's Formula. Dyimitrr ) < Crampo , nj in ; , Mo. Ortil iKinmi 1 liatu m > > J ynnr IHiflj'n l'ur M ill W lmli > y with lli nnjal lirnttllcial LtlpcU , iljr troulikwiu CuHinio liiairhir * WAL1KK 11UIIUA11U. KO WCLCU hinr.tT. Uhe t < r , P . Oflnllflmtn - 1 ) IM I'fton aalTnHiic for trt ypftraviltl rftUrrll nf th HtuniAch ( result af ( fptiut1 ! fti r ) . rLtiiiit.ii Into djriflnUrT unit ulccr Uoiif > f tiif tawrr bonel. ThAb nttirftidi ) 01 MbUker n ? nr nniln.l iu > i' > lt until I tMliul 7 ur Hull ) ' ! 1'uia M l UliUki-j , nblah ku Blion enllitist ! > ol'l ; r > ulli. 011 AS. A. WlttDNEIl. nitTix , Willltmn Oonntr , Ohio. UentUravn 1 nat truubl d with cramttn of thfi tlnniiih fora lonr Hmn. until I found out } nur DufTy' Vur MultHlif > jr and DuflT't Furiuilla. 1 HIT * tted tb tnaod find lhattu * ermpi do nut rolurn. rolurn.MAiiTiNBonorr. . MT. tlort AVI. , Pnici'i HILL ! y Ulncl D ll.OUIo. ( ' < 5 nllemen. I liar * b n aiok all tn < wlnt r with ualnrrli of thi , btouurh and driBnt rr , And I find your DulTj'j l'ur Mill \Vhi.k.r th liatt ri-mndj 1 afer uB d. IMtAse send fwur Uufli'fl Furmum to Ink * with It. MI13. MBAUA. WINSTON , Kortli Onrolln * . < 1 ntlmnn For l\tu Turn I mifTi > r < l with lut tlitttloctot * ral'pil ' ( Jnrvnla DlarrhniK , and ITU unble to f t rnliftt. 1 nan rr aU/ reduced * L , n I uommrnreil thi * tn nf your Duffy' * I'oro Mull Whlnkfy , > luu > hloh 1 liuro er. n rlnncud frnnt rrltof , nd bar * caluvd inur * pouu t a w " DQO OOATEa. 109 Mnnni ; HIRKICT , I'hllndatphla , P . TbHteutvd llii , Durty'M formula KluiicwitH Iuft > ' < run , Mnlt WiuieglTiiif It Co my child nf liven yoara , nuilc K d ] ic U rouiiRCit , . Mi lii , bni-ii illiiiV a lunr tlm * wild marnrmui ! . I m Uct to o j tbat UlBre U adoilded hmiroTMaenL. JOHN 1IUKUAN. TIU : MALT winsicnv x > , liiLTI.MOUE. l rff Dtify't'uriMifu i' a ip'elal ha > tnhilt application if U < tft > 'n 1'nrt Mult WMtKty.tom- linid jriiid/po// ) ( with rait te'Jstrak. t 11711111 form , without cvtLttia or cAn/iicuf chaiigtiI furniilti niuijuitttd htfnJ forming material , iiAcr < l > v tha tKfp.Sf mill ttrengtli nit incriatrd. It it tlit wi1 palatotli jind tfieatituj btrj frrimiation tier mail. It cjn he hail of oft at OXE DOILA.R PKtl DOTTLK. GATARflH CUht : , &XMIOO Single Unit * n.ilj . hjr ( H n mi i , in nor.on. who Im trurellnil kit omr tin I'nitf.l Mjitoi CJ > r-T 111 'lnii.i.l..rftvU.II ' . IOI.D * rU < OMVAVV it. . ni'iill. , MD. UtS * t2f-CAI'ITAL PIUXK , Tickets only IV Shares in Proportion , LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , 'Wodo herotiy cortltr ttntt > re supervise tlm nrrniKroinniits for nil thu Moinlily iiim Qiturtorljr Jrn > rmKS of The Louisiana Btiite Lottorr Cornpnny und In piirenn iunnn o nnd oontrol tliellrnvrlnprs thoinsclvoa , and ( Imt tlioRnmonra conducted with linnosty , fnlrnom nnd ID i oed fftllh toward nil i..irtloi , nud wo authorize tlio Compalyrto UBOthlROortincnto. with fwvalmtio * ofour Bftrnivturoi uttnolioJ in its advnrttsmcat W , the nilnr lfiiod ( Hanks and Hankers , will pny ftll Prizes ( Irnirn In The f/illJlnna Htalo f'Ot- toilno wlilrli may bu prusoiiUid nt our oounlurj J. II. OOLKHICT , Pros. Louisiana National Bank J. W. 1C I'.TII , Pres. State National Baal A. BVI.IVI.V. . Pres. New Orleans National Bant InroriiorRtod la 1813 forS'i yearn liy tlio loirli Inttiru lor Bdiiciitlotml nnd Cimrltublo imnidioj with ucapltiil of SI.OOO.WW to wliloli u ruSorve fund of ever TiM.OUJ IIHH blnco boon iiddud. Uy uiiovorwIichiihiK populur vote Its I'raiKjIil.iu wits miidii n pin t of tlm in iwunt Hhiio Constitution utlniitod JpcHinDur2d A , I ) . 137U. Tlio only lottery over voted on and ondorsad by tliu pcuplu of uny nuuo. 1 1 never vcnlus or postponns. llKirriind hlnylo iniiiilior ilruirmtrn tuko plaoa monthly , und tlm uitiuonllnni1dniwlns ivju- Inrly inoiy lliroo inonllis lnt > t ud or iillv us noiololoro , DcglniiliiK Mnroli , IKHn. A Bl'I.KMtlllOl'I'OIITIINITrTO WIN A KOUriJNIL Hl Oittiid DniwliiK , Clans H. In tlio Academy uf Music. Now Orlimna , Tnosduy , Noroinliurtiiii , IBSJ , imni Monthly Uniwmx. CAPITflL 810,000. lOO.OUOTIcKdtunt Klv liiioli. 1'raotlom In I'MllliB , In .itr OK o" , uiTinuntlnK Appllratlnn for rnt i to clnlm uliould Im inndo only to tliu onifjo of tliu Company In Nuw Or . For furlhor Infnnnntlon wrilu olniirlv , Biviuir fulladdrn 9. J'O.Sl'AI. NlU'IW. Kxpre * * Monu/ Oitturn.orNbir yorkKxcliuinu in ordinary lot. Icr. curreiior Itr utnruts ut our uipuiuo nd ' MA. DAUPHIN , a . O. Money Urdeit p T b ) Rnd ddrflii ( ! lollcru NKW OKbUAKU NATIONAL HANK , NowUrlimuj , t * . fTAOKE I1 , Tr\M3IUO Tansill's ' Punch Cigars 1 4- were ohlppei ) during thu put ) t o yoara , witr jut drum. ' , rrfn ( iirniijiy. | | T hiitiieln the world can triitth. lNt fullyin kuBu : . Ono uiieiit ( dimltr oialjrj 'p'i iu onrh Icntn. JDV3 ft UAUIKC D4UCCIST3. n.W.TANbltL&CO.,55Stal.SLChlc 20.