Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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or fltinse'nitrtos :
DMlr ( Mornljsr Kdltlon ) Including
Dee , Onn Yenr . , . . . . $1001
For fll * Montln . . . 600
ForThroo Monlhi . . . . . 260
The Onmhn Sunday HKE , rattlleJ to nny
, One Ycur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
OMAHA Ornrr. No. Ml AHII sic. TAIWAN
Nrir YORK OrrtCK. ItoftM . TniHi-.xr.
All oommunlo tioni rejntlnu to neirs
torlal matter should be addressed lo the Knt
All lm fnoM letter * and romlttnneosiliould bo
ltddrnpocil to THE Hn 1'uni.iHiliNO COMI-ANV ,
Oimu. DrnfH , check * nnrt po tortlco orilcr. <
to be inmlo ptynble to the ordoruf thaconipan- .
K. KOSEWATKR , Knfton.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
State ot Nebraska , I. „
County of Douglas. f"8'
(5co. It. Tzsohuck , wcrctary of The Uco
Publishing company , tloos solcinnh' swear
that thonctunl circulation of tlio Dully Uco
tor tlio week ending Oct. JEW , ISbO , wns &
follows :
BMiirclav.Oct.10 . " ,000
Siinilav. 17 . J5UOO
Monday. IK. . ROM
Tues.iav. . 10. . 1S.7W
Wednesday. 20 . IS.TCO
Tlmnxlay , 21 . 12,815
Friday , " t . .12,010
Areraec . 12.053
Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence
this aw day or October , A. . , isso.
N. P. KKII. .
[ MEAL ] Notnry Public.
Oco. It. Tzschuok , belue first duly sworn ,
de POM "mi ml says tbat ho ii secretary of tlio
Doe I'linlUliltiK company , tliat the nctual av-
crnuo dally circulation of the Diillv Uco for
the month of Jnnunry. 18 i , was 10.i : < 8 copies ,
for February. 1W3 , lO.B'M ' copies ; for March ,
IBM , 11.KJ7"copies ; for April , ISSO , 12,101
comes ; for May. isso. 13,480 copies ; for Juno ,
1885 , 12,203 copies ; for July. 1830 , 13,314 copies ;
for Auenst , ItfbO , 13,404 copies if or September.
1880 , 13,030 copies. OKO. 1J. TzscitucK.
Subscribed and sworn to bufoie inn this2d
day of October , A I > . , I860. N. P. , ,
ISKALI Notary Public.
For ( iovcrnor-JOHN M. TUAYEU.
For Lieut. Governor-H. 11. SIIEDD.
For Secretary of Stato-O. L. LAWS.
For Troasuror-0. II. WILLARD.
For Auditor II. A. BAUCOOK.
For Attorney Gonural-WILLIAM LEESE.
For Com. Public Lands JOSBl'Il SCOTT.
For SuptPubllclnstructlon UKO.O. LANK
For Senators :
For Representative * :
w. a. wniTMouE ,
K. S. HALL ,
For County Attorney :
For County Commlsnlouoi- :
RHAD Church Howe's Wyoming rec
THE tlokot is now completed by the
Domination of the flout senator.
THE ex-marshal from Wyoming ap
poaru on the UKB'S canvas to-day. It is
tin interesting picture.
"Gown to See His Uncle , " is the title
of ii now novel issued in Boston. The
Object of the visit Is not slated , but ic is
presumed to have some connection with
the approach of the cold wnyo and the
pawning of last winter's overcoat.
Mil. GIADSTONK wns dauntless when
assailed by the hosts of conservatism , but
ho was easily vanquished by the charge
of u swarm of wasps. There arc circum
stances in which iv tough lildo is more
valuable than the gifts"of statesmanship.
MALICIOUS opponents of Mr. Uibbard
nro circulating rumors Unit ho is not op
posed to prohibition. Mr. Uibbard au
thorizes us to say that ho is opposed first ,
last and nil the time to the submission oi
u prohibitory amendment , and thut ho
endorses and stands firmly upon the plat
form of the Douglas county republican
GLOIUIK HniMitOD will poll a tremendous
deus voto. No more popular name is on
the republican tickot. Closely identified
with n number of Omaha enterprises ,
generous , able , benevolent and of un
questioned ability and integrity , George
Iloimrod will come to the front next
Tuesday with the best of the candidates
with n rousing majority.
A NKW Yoiuc paper discusses the char-
Rotor of the congressional delegation
from thut city , and does not present a
flattering opinion of the men who
fiVe now representing the com
rnorelal metropolis of the country
Ju congress , or 6 ? J-fcosp who
will probablj- succeed thorn , With
the exception of Mr. Hewitt thora is not
one of the present Now York City con
gressional delegation who is above
mediocrity , and tlio majority arc among
the weakest men in congress , They ere
more ward pol.ticlans , with a poverty of
both capacity nnd acquirements , and
exert no Iniluonco beyond tholr votes.
Of these who vrlll probably represent the
city In thq next congress , only S , S. Cox
has nny experience or known ability in
legislative duties , and It Is suggested that
In consequence of the somowlmt changed
condition of things within the past two
years oven ho may bo less successful in
the future than ho was in the past , Our
Now York contemporary justly regards
the fact of the vast interests of that city
being represented by such men as deplor
able , and remarks simply that It is "a
great mystery , " The explanation is
doubtless to bo found in the failure of the
business men of New Yard to adequately
concern themselves respecting the char
acter nnd qualifications of ttio men nom
inated to represent them , leaving the
wltolo matter of selection and election to
the politicians. This is too muuh thocaso
in urery largo community , and is a mis
take which business men ought to see and
remedy ,
SvIflo Charge * .
Church Howe has tnado a general de
nial of every charge brought nsalnst
him , but up to thin hour ho has failed to
disprove nny of them. These charges
are not mere rumors , but wo have made
them specific.
1. as quartermaster of the Fif
teenth Massachusetts regiment ho made
the pnrty from whom he purchaied the
band instruments pay him a commission ,
from which ho realized several hundred
dollars. Kvidcncc of this is now on
lilo in the Massachusetts state house in
the form of n letter addressed by Howe to
Governor Andrew , begging not to bo
removed on account of this little spec
3. As n nmtmfnrturcr at Holden , Mass. ,
Church Howe failed , defrauding his
creditors , none of whom , it Is thought-
ever got si cent.
3 In 18GG Church Ilowo Johnsonizcd
and was appointed internal revenue col
lector for the Worcester district in Mass
achusetts , lie at once began a system
atic persecution of manufacturers and
rcali/.cd many thousands of dollars from
4. It is the prevailing belief at Worces
ter , Mass. , that Church Howe stele the
will of his father-in law nnd destroyed it ,
This will is said to have left property to
his wife In such u way that he could not
control it.
5. In 1809 he was appointed United
otates marshal for Wyoming by Presi
dent Johnson , and us such carried on
systematic raids on citUens of tlio terri
tory until he was politely requested to
vacate by General Grant.
0. That Church Howe , In 187-V74 , mas
queraded as a friend of the farmers ,
joined the grange , played upon the con
fidence of the grangers , had himself
elected grand master of the state grange ,
sold out'to the railroads and broke np the
7. That Church Ilowo , in 1875 , as a
member of the state legislature , received
$ J)00 ) ( ) for his inlluencc and vote for
Nclsn Patrick , a democratic candidate
for United Stales senator , whom he sup
ported with his vote , as proved by legis
lative record.
8. That Church Howe has time and.
agaiu used his position as a member or
the legislature for levying blackmail and
scouring bribes. Instance the fact that in
1881 , ho introduced a stringent prohibi
tion bill , and compelled the brewers and
liquor dealers to raise a largo fund for his
benefit. Moro than ono thousand dollars
lars was placed in the liands of Howe's
confidential agent by P. 15. Her , head of
the Willow Springs distillery of Omaha.
* ln 1883 Howe made very handsome
"stakes" out of the relief bills passed by
the legislature. Ho received $200 trom
J. W. Pearman and $500 from the Ne
braska City National bank.
l > . In 1885 Church Ilowo introduced a
bill lo make gambling a felony and a
fund of over $1,200 was raised by the
gamblers of Omaha and Lincoln and
placed in the hands of Charles II. Greene ,
attorney for the 13. & M. railroad , to
make Church Howe "lot up. " After
this boodle had been raised for Howe , he
lost all interest In the auli-gambling
10. We publish the affidavit of a
former agent of the Missouri Pacific at
Auburn , by which it is shown tliat Church
Howe , under pretense of assisting the
farmers and shippers of Nomalia county ,
secured n rebate of § 10 per car load on
stock , and swindled them out of $5 on
each car load.
Douclns Republicanand Prohibition.
The republican ticket in Douglas
county should not lese rt single vote of
those who oppose prohibition. Every
candidate on the ticket stands firmly on
platform which endorses the high license
law. Every nominee of the convention
Is pledged to work and vote against the
submission of a prohibitory amendment.
The names presented to the public for
their endorsement nro the names of men
whoso word can bo relied on and whose
aggressive work can bo depended upon.
Douglas county is opposed to prohibitory
legislation and' the candidates of the republican
publican party will represent their con
stilucuoy. If the submission of a prohibi
tory amendment is to bo beaten it must
be defeated through republican votes.
There is no shadow of a ohuucoof a dem
ocratic majority in the next legislature.
The entire democratic strength will not
exceed fifty votes. Every anti-prohibl
tion republican elected is worth two
democrats in influencing the party to
sensible and practicable legislation. None
know this better than men like Fred
Mote , Peter Her and other prominent
citizens who are personally Interested in
preventing the costly folly of a prohibi
tory enactment.
Give Him An Ovation.
General John M. Thayer will address
our citizens on next Thursday evening
in the exposition annex. The people of
Omaha owe It to themselves to give the
old war horse a rousing ovation , lie was
ono of their pioneers ! n early days when
Omaha wns a hutted village on the
muddy banks of the Missouri and Ne
braska , an unknown section on the
map. Ho led from the city the first regi
ment of volunteers to the war for the
preservation of the union and won for
himself and his troops high honors on
the field of battle and represented this
state nnd city in the national senate
j General Thayer was an ablc.oloqucnt and
devoted RJ'voOJilo ' of the interests of his
state on the lloor uf JJ'O upper house , the
friend nnd confidant of tiio most dis
tinguished public men and the honored
intimuto of General Grant.
Nebraska has no moro distinguished citi
zen to-day than her next governor , John
M. Thayer , Advancing years have not
quenched the burning fires of ills untiring
energy or the brilliancy of his eloquence.
Give the old war horse an ovation.
- BlUl IVsCllHClC.
Business men are vitally interested in
the legislation of next winter at the state
capital. Omaha will be once moro on
hand asking for now laws adapted to her
growth and development and fitted
to stimulate and to guard her municipal
advancement. It is of the highest import
ance that her senatorial representatives
shall be able and clear headed business
men conversant with the wants of the
city und competent to voice them.
George W. Lminger is such a man.
A successful merchant of many years
standing , an enterprising citizen , a clean
handed republican und a candidate who
stands firmly on the high license and
labor planks of his party platform , no
opponent dare assail his reputation or
| -w M
call Into question his sterling litness for
the ollice.
Bruno Tzschuok Is scarcely less known
to our pcoplo or to the state. His abound
ing common sense aud honest fidelity to
every interest committed to his care have
given him a proud position among the
Gorman-American citizens of Nebraska
and have commended him to nil with
whom ho lias been brought In contact.
As a public official state and federal ,
Bruno Tzschuck's record Is without a
llaw or stain nnd testifies to his olllelunl
devotion to the duties of the otlicc.i with
which ho has been honored.
Liningcr and 'L'zschuck nro good names
with which to head a ticket. They will
be the names of the senators from Doug
las in the next legislature.
A Dangerous Expedient.
In all the great strikes which have oc
curred during tlu past year at Chicago ,
and in some other ulacos , recourse has
boon had by those against whom the
strikes wore directed to the employment
of a special force for the protection of
properly and-employes designated as
"private detectives , " supplied by the
Pinkerton detective bureau , a private en
terprise the ramifications of which ex
tend all over the country. A force of
this character , armed with Winchester
rlllos , was employed during thu lute
strike of the pork packers at Chicago and
distributed among the various establish
ments Involved in thu difficulty. When
the trouble Was ended , a branch of this
force on duty in the town of Lake , while
returning to the city , was confronted at
two or three points along the route by
strikers and their sympathizers , who
abused the detectives , nnd the laller
allege attacked the cars with stones aud
ether missiles. The Pinkerton men re
taliated by firing into the crowd , and ono
man was killed. The captain of police
of the town of Lake Says the firing was
without provocation. The men who did
it were arrested and will bo tried , when
the question whether they were assailed
and fired In self-defense will bo judicially
This unfortunate occurrence has
directed attention moro seriously than
over before lo Hie policy of employing si
force of this kind , andcndowlng it with
full police power , when there is no
exigency requiring recourse to extraor
dinary moans , or wheii the lawfully or
dained forces for maintaining the peace
and protecting life and property have
not been exhausted. So far as wo have
observed. Iho consensus ot opinion con
demns Iho practice : is in conflict with
American institutions and a usurpation
having no warrant in law. While it may
perhaps bo maintained that it would bo
the right of the authorities , in an ex
traordinary emergency , such ns has tit
no tune existed in Chicago , to employ a
force of riiis kind , it should never bo
done until every regular means provided
by law has been exhausted , and then
only under the direct control and super
vision of the authorities. There has
been no exigency in Chicago or else
where , growing out of tlie controversies
between employers and worldngmcn , in
which the police power of the city and
the military authority of the state were
not ample , if wisely and properly used ,
for maintaining the pence and protecting
life and property , and therefore recourse
to a force * outside of these , lawfully
prescribed means was without warrant
or justification. It is clearly
a most dangerous expedient to confer
upon ! i body of irresponsible men , gath
ered together for the occasion , and owing
obedience only to an officer of a private
detective agency or bureau , all the power
which the law coutcrs upon regularly
appointed and sworn officials , and place
in their hands weapons to enforce their
authority. It is n policy that would not
bo thought of , not to say tolerated , in any
other country than this , and ' Jt ojight to
bo abandoned hero. If a 'private 'detec
tive system is necessary to aid the au
thorities in ferreting out criminals and
bringing them to justice , and wo will not
say it is not. lot it bo maintained , with
whatever authority of law may be required
to carry , it on efficiently , but solely in its
legitimate sphere. Whenever ; otherwise
employed , as it has been in Chicago , it
usurps a function to which it lias no
right , in the exorcise of which it is of ne
cessity obnoxious , and which is an almost
irresistible Invitation to popular resist
ance. Tlio law-abiding pcoplo of this
country are abundantly able to protect
themselves by the lawful means which
are provided by the statutes of every
state , and they will not pa
tiently acquiesce in the resort
to" extraordinary nnd unwarranted
expedients which has of late become
common with those who are not satisfied
with the prescribed instrumentalities of
the law , The pcoplo will not tolcriilo
the presence among them ot armed
bands of "private detectives" of whoso
official authority they know nothing , nor
can it bo well for any interest that such
organisations shall bocomc n permanent
part of the poiico systems of our cities ,
The same public sentiment which ap
proves the punishment of anarchists who
break our laws will demand that the
Pinkerton men who shot down IK'gloy in
the town of Lake shall receive the
pun'.bhmont ' they deserve.
THE re-election of Mr. U'illiam R.
Morrison to congress is not assured , and
there is an apprehension in some
quarters that the leader of the democratic
majority in the present congress , by
virtue of his position ns chcirman of the
ways and moans committee , may be
missed from the next congress. The
OaTOeV ° f MrMorrison as a statesman
has no jicun brilliantly successful ,
largely du.o to his nllsinko of having per-
slstently meddled witli thp tattf ? ques
tion , of which he knows almost nothing , '
Hut ho lias been successful until now in
holding His homo following by reason
of the faith of his constituents in the
Honesty of hU aims , however unwise or
ill-judged his methods , and it Is doubt
less Just to say that ho deserved this con
fidence. Bite it now uppears that n con
siderable number of his constituents
have concluded that while hcnesty of
purpose in a representative is n most ex
cellent and desirable quality , it is not all-
sufficient , while there arn still others
whohavo a grievance growing out of his
recommendations for office. Thus ho Is
threatened with losing these dissatisfied
elements , the exact strength of which
cannot ho determined , but which are be
lieved to bo numerous enough to greatly
endanger his chance of winning. The
republicans in the district have made a
vigorous campaign , and they are
being helped by a strong faction
of the labor element which has hitherto
acted wilh HIP democraty. Furthermore ,
the republican trnttdldnto Is particularly
popular with tliH Germans , who are
quite numerous ftftho district. The ro-
tlri'inent of Mr. Morrison would cer
tainly leave a largo-opening In the dem
ocratic ranks in congress , and wo cannot
think of anyone who would quite fill it.
in industry , zeal aud oggre sivones3 , ha
has no peer among , tls political associates
in the present lions-
Pl'llUO PUINTKir'HKNKIHCt Is Still ttV'
Ing hard to make capital for himself to
the detriment of Ins predecessor. He
clmnics that tfic l.ulmlulslration of the
office by Mr. Rounds was criminally ex
travagant nnd has taken the unseemly
course of giving Iho largest publicity to
thu allegation in an interview with n
newspaper reporter , in which ho cites
examples of extravagance * This seems
very rash business for an official who
has not yet become acquainted with all
the details and requirements of his office ,
aud Is such a palpable assumption of
superior .solicitude in the direction of
economy as to suggest that the admin
istration of Mr. Benedict may later on
require to be closely sorntinteod. A
private letter from Washington indicates
that the sentiment there Isn't wholly
favorable to the now public printer , the
judgment of most people who know
anything about tlio matter buing that
Mr. Rounds administered the ollice with
ability. Benedict is a now hroom ; ho
must lake care he doesn't sweep his
handle oil' .
THK nominees on the republican legis
lative ticket are excellent. Whitmoro
aud Uibbard are of the stuff from which
able aud ellieienl lawmakers are made.
Every taxpayer can safely casl their
votes for Whitmoro and JiibbarJ. voter should sco to it that his
expression of senatorial preference is on
the ballot that ho casts next Tuesdav.
Patli will arrive in thlscountiy next month.
Airs. Lanitry is a clover pistol shot.
Lotta Is to lull her experience as an actress
In ono of the mai.azlncs.
President Cleveland Is not averse to good
whisky , but piefcrs beer.
Joseph Pulitzer's inolits this year as pro
prietor of the New York Woild will bo
Ericsson , the Inventor , though ncaily
eighty-three , is halo and hearty and still a
hard worker.
Kate Field will soon make Washington licr
home. She has invested her spare cash in
property thcie.
Charles F. Biush , the electric light million-
iiiie , owns one ot" tlio largest and costliest
stone residences In the country.
Mr. Parncll will probably spend the com
ing winter In Italy and the south of France ,
accompanied by hls-inotlicr and sister Anna ,
George Gould and wile will live at the
Windsor hotel , having flvo rooms on the second
end floor , for which' ho pays S290 per week.
This is a pretty good 'price ' tor a young man
who Is obliged to toll at his desk till mid
night In order to make cmls meet.
Cousin Hen Fol&om appears to have some
good points about him , nfti r all. It now
turns out that he has always been a icnubli-
can , and an energetic worker toriepuhlican
candidates. lie is1 well spoKen of by the
Buffalo papers , and will \o \ married befoio ,
ho departs for tun Sheffield consulship.
George Banciofr , the historian , Is now 80
years of nge. Ills form is thin , and every
atom of it Is as tough as a piece of curled
walnut. By continuous exercise and simple
living ho keeps himself in splendid condi
tion , and he works right alon * year after
year. He has devoted nearly filly years of
haul work to his history of the United
Baseless Fal > rio of n Vision.
DctrtM Tribune.
We have now been livlnc under a demo
cratic aamlnlauatlon nearly twenty months
aud the American microscopic association
finds nothing in the promised fulfillment of
that party's pledges to build a repoit on.
Given His liaet Cent for the Caunc.
CMcago Ttibune.
"If the Lord thinks moro of a shorn Iamb
than he does of a man with 810,000 worth of
overcoats on his hands , " said a prof ano cloth
ier ono sunny day last week , as he stood In
tils front door and looked discontentedly
around , "ive given my last cent for the mis
sionary cause. "
_ _
Just the Same.
CMcago Times.
President Cleveland has a "double , " who
called at the white house the other day and
created considerable amusement by his really
strllcinit resemblance to the president. What
Dialers It the nioio difficult to tell tlinm apart
fs the fact that the president Is no moro likely
to give anyone an ofllco than his "double. "
Her Ultimatum.
St. Fmtl Planter Press.
Miss Cleveland's ultimatum Is a half-Inter
est In Literary Life nnd moro salary , or no
president's sister for editor.
Paradoxes in Prolific Nature.
Kew Haven New * .
Kycs , yet they see not potatoes. Ears ,
yejthey hear not com. Mouths , yet they
speak not rlveis. Hands , yet they feel not
clocks. Brains , yet they think not dudes.
The liast Good By.
iMiitse Chandler MouUon < n The Ceniuru.
How shall wo know It Is the last good-by' '
The Hides will not bo darkened In that hour ,
No sudden blight will fall on leaf or flower ,
No single bird will hush Us careless cry ,
And you will hold my hands and binllo or
Just as before. Porbhanco the sudden tears
In your dear eyes will answer to my fears ;
But there will come no voice of j.rophi'oy ;
No voice to whisper MN ( < w , and not again ,
Space for last words , , last kisses , and last
prayer , . , >
For all the world uiimH'i.'atcd pain
Uf those , who. parting , clasp hands with
despair. " " '
"Who knows ? " wo sav"/ / hut doubt and tear
remain , "
Would any choose to part thus unaware ?
The Hotilo Ipi/ho Htooplc.
Boston Journal sillonairs are now being
mnde by Charles Aiibin , 11 stouplo climb
er O.1 * 4'n ' tail Ktooplu'of ' the South Hap-
list church , ni i ! > n eosjw of F btrot nd
Uroadwny , in ther * peninsular district.
r While taking dowiw tthe yune Gi K10
church , Aubin dlscAvUred a small botllo
containing slips of paper , OI1 ono Of
which was written :
"To comintr generations : This vane
was given by Brother William Orcutt , of
thu South Baptist church , and lifted to
its placu during the week ending May 1(1 ( ,
18DS. Ho was no vain man , and his pic
ture , which will bo found hero , does not
do him justice. "
Others bore the inscriptions :
"Tho talk of the hour is the impeach
ment of that bad man , Andruw Johnson ;
Good Lord , deliver U3.
"This bottle was put up by Rev. Granville -
ville S. Abbott , a true friend of the
South Baptist church , May 14. 1869.
"To the man who opens this bottle :
'What think ye of Christ1 "
There were , besides , a list of the offic
ers of the church in 1833 and a number
of hymns. The bottle , with the papers ,
will bo restored to Its pluoo when the
vane is put back ugalu.
Keep It Beftoro nepubllcnns.
The republicans of the First district
should tisk themselves whether a man
having such n record as that of Church
Ilowo has any rightful claim upon the
support ot any decent republican. Leav
ing out of question his corrupt methods
and notorious venality we appeal to re
publicans to pause nnd reflcel before
they put a premium upon party trea
son nnd conspiracy against its very exist
Ten years ago , when the republican
party was on the verge of disaster , and
every electoral vote cast for Hayes and
Wheeler wns needed to retain the party
In power , Church Howe entered Into
u conspiracy to deliver republican
Nebraska into the hands of the enemy.
This Infamous plot is not a mere conjec
ture. The proof of It docs not rest on
surmise or suspicion It Is not to bo
pooh-poohed or brushed away by pro
nouncing it ono of Roscwater's malicious
campaign slanders ,
Tlu records of the legislature of which
Church Howe wo ? a member in ' 70-77 ,
contain the indelible proofs of the treasonable
enable conspiracy , and no denial can
stand against evidence furnished by his
own pen. Hrlolly told , the history of this
plan to hand over the country to Tildon
and democracy Is ns follows :
in 1870 Nebraska oh-eteil .Silas A.
Strickland , Aniasa Cobb and A. II.
Connor presidential electors by a vote of
31,010 as against a vote of 10,1)51 ) cast for
the Tildmi and Hciulricks electors. After
the election it was discovered that the
canvass of this vote could not take place
uhder Iho then existing law before the
legislature convened. The electoral vote
had to bo canvassed In December
at the latest , and the regular ses
sion of the legislature did not begin
until January. In order to make
a legal canvass of the ole.etoral returns ,
Governor Garber called a special session
of the legislature lo convene on the Gilt of
December , ' 70 , at Lincoln , tor the pur
pose of canvassing the doctoral vote of
the state. The democratic efibrt lo cap
ture republican electoral votes is historic.
Tildun's friends , notably.Lr. ) Miller , had
been plotting for the capture of ono of
the electors from Nebraska , and it is also
historic that a largo bribe was offered to
ono of the electors , General Strickland.
The call of the legislature- broke into the
plan of the plotters , and they found a will
ing and reckless tool in Church Howe.
When the legislature convened at the capi
talChurch Howe Hied a protest which maybe
bo found on nages 0 , 7 and 8 of the Ne
braska House Journal of 1877. The fol
lowing extract makes interesting reading :
" 1 , Church Howe , a member of the legisla
ture of Nebraska , now convened by procla
mation of his excellency , Governor Silas
Harbor , for the purpose of canvassing and
declaring the result of the vote cast in Ne
braska for doctors for president and vice
president of the United States , heicby enter
my solemn protest against such act , denying
that the governor has power to call this body
In special session for any su''h purpose , or
that this body has any authority to canvasser
or declare the result of such vote upon the
following [ 'rounds :
First. This Irulslalure now convened hav
ing been elected under what Is known as the
old constitution , has no power Id act in the
promises , the now constitution of the state
having been in foicoBlnco November , 1875. "
The second and third clauses deal with
technical objections and nro somewhat
lengthy. The concluding sentences of
this precious document are as follows :
"For the foregoing reasons I protest
against any canvass of tlio electoral vote
of the state by his body , and demand
that this , my protest , be entered upon
the journal. " ( Signed ) Church Howe ,
member of'thc ' legislature of Nebraska.
The democrats did not respond , to the
call of the governor nnd Ihere was barely
a quorum in the senate , while there were
several u > spare in the house of which
Ilowowas a member. The protest en
tered by Howe was doubtless prepared
by the Tildcn lawyers in Omaha and
Howe had the glory of being the sole
champion of Sam Tildon. The legisla
ture ignored Church Howe , spread his
protest on its record and canvassed the
electoral vote in spite of it.
When Iho legiblutlire convened in Jan
uary , 1877 , the presidential contest was
at its height in Washington. Church
Howe had changed places from the house
to the senate. Early in the session , a
resolution was introduced expressing the
conviction on the parr of the senuto that
Hayes and Wheeler having rccoived n
majority of the electoral voles were en
titled to their seats. This resolution
gave rlso to a very lively debate which
lusted two ( lavs. Church Ilowo asken to
bo excused from Doling when It first
caino up and was so excused. On the
final passage of the resolution the record
[ page 370 , Senate Journal 1877 , ] shows
the following result : Yeas Ambrose ,
Batrd , Blanclmrd , Uryant , Calkins ,
Cams , Chapman , Colby , Dawos , Garfield -
field , Ulilinm , Hayes , Kcnnard , Knapp ,
Popoon , Powers , Thummol , Van Wyck ,
Walton'nnd Wileox-20.
Those voting in the negative wore :
Aton , Brown , Covoll , L'orguson , Hlnman ,
Holt , Church Ilowo and North 8.
During the same session of the legisla
ture , Church Howe's vole on United
States senator for the first throe ballots h
recorded as having been cast for B. W.
Thomas , n South Carolina democrat ,
[ pages 108 and 208 Senate Journal , ] All
this time Church Ilowo professed to bo a
republican independent , republican on
national issues and a temperance granger
on local issues. We blmply ask what
right a man with such a record has to
ho support of any republican.
Nohrnwlcu. Jottings.
Throe glandorod horses were killed in
Hastings lately.
The September receipts of the Valentino
land office were $35,458.87.
Trenton boasts of the first two-story
brick building in Hitchcock county ,
Frank Carruth , n prominent business
I lj of PJattsmouth , is about to move to
Omalul ,
An elevator wltli a 6apa. ly ot 75,000
bushels and a mammoth corn crib are
going up in Loup City ,
Josooli Durr , a prominent Otoo county
farmer , has been missing sineo last * 'ri-
dny. His property is worth $20,000 ,
The judges of u baby show at Fullcrton
last week escaped the wrath of thu off
ono's mother by sliding through u crack
in the fence.
Washington county will vote this fallen
on the proposition to bond ttio county in
the sum of $33,033 with which to erect
now court houue.
The boiler in the bottling works of
Kloss & Burr , in Nebraska City , exploded
aud shook up ( ho crockery. The bottles ,
however , were uninjured.
DDuring Saturday night the dwolllngaof
11. J. Carpenter aud T , C. Sexton , at
Fontancllo , were burglarized and from
six to eight dollars in money tuktm from
each besides a check for § 811,70 from the
U. & M. surveyors arc browsing in the
Box Buttu country and bathing in Dis
mal river. They appear to be enjoying
themselves throwing linos.
Nollgh hits let the contract for n sys
tem of waterworks to the Strang com
pany , of Omahn , for $ ! M)7f ) > , Iho job to be
completed by tha 1st of January
The tromont Tribune criiollyhlnls thai
"If railroads could bo bulk of wind and
talk Omaha would have one a thousand
miles long constructed within , thu past
thirty duys. "
Sparks from the engine set fire to the
grass in n dozen different places botwoun
noroainl Howard City , last Saturday , and
the result was thai several farmers sus
tained heavy losses.
\t. G. Olluger , prohibition candidate
for congressman In the Third district , is
six foot , seven inches in height , nnd can
roach over a bar nnd finger the bhtck
bottle without milling his spine.
A theatrical combination recently went
to pieces in Falls City , and the tiiombcrs
of the company , Including the two
"stars , " wont to work in Wnltmoyor's
canning establishment , tlio lending
heavy man , named Kelly , soldering cans ,
and ills wife pcollnsr tomatoes.
Jackson Marlon lies In the Gage
county jail charged with murder , lie
has been twice convicted and sentenced
to bo hung , nnd his case is now before
the supreme court. Ills prosecution has
ahoady cost Gage county about five
thousand dollars , and ho Is not disposed
of yet.
Iowa Items.
Prairie fires are doing much damage in
Pocahontas county.
Jefferson has decided to invest $5,000 ,
in an artesian well.
OutstuiHliilg stnto warrants nro within
$7118 of $1,000,000.
A Carroll county farmer saved eight
out of u drove of 300 hogs attacked by
The care of the patients in Mount
Pleasant hospital the past three months
cost this state U'J77. ,
Delaware county farmers claim that
the past has boon the best season they
have hud for manv years.
A E. Whituoy , deputy marshal of the
Aniunosa penitentiary , has resigned on
account of ill health. Carl Burr will suc
ceed him.
The Minnesota & Northwe&torn rail
road have began the erection of their
depot at Dubuque , It is lo bo a two-
slory brick , costing $10,000.
A bald-hoadcd citizen of Cedar Falls
is having his wife , who is very skillful
with a brush , paint a spider on the top
of his head lo frighten away the flics.
A Pella ' broke
tour-j'car-old girl nearly
up a meeting by coming to the church
door and hallooing to lior sister ,
"Mollie Mollie is ' I1' '
, , your baby u-fussm'
Webster county has but ono patient In
the insane hospital at Alt. Pleasantvvhilo
Polk county has thirty-two. Webster
county has Jess insane patients than any
other county in the state.
The DCS Molnos base ball management
has signed several of the best players of
the country for the next season , and they
are very liable lo bring the northwestern
pennant of 1887 into Iowa.
Notwithstanding the latonosa of Iho
season Iho packet companies in the Mis
sissippi riyer arc doing a treed business.
Naturally the passenger trade is light ,
but tht ! consignments pi freight ofiorodat
the. dill'eront Iowa points are largo for
Miss Pluma Calkins , a young lady liv
ing in Algona , who for several years has
been totally blind , had her "Bight sud
denly restored to her recently through
the agency of the "faith cure.'f She-says :
"L prayed God to euro mo ; 1 had faith in
his power , and now 1 see. "
A stranger sold n span of horses in
Dubuque on the 31st hist , for $135. The
horses were worth at cast $300. The
purchaser afterwards became suspicious
and caused the man's arrest , recovered
about $ SO in money , and lodged him in
jail to await developments. It was soon
discovered that the horses had been
stolen that morning from a farmer living
near the city , and that the stranger was u
professional horsothicf.
The school debt of Aurora county has
been reduced $13,000 in the last two
Over 75,000 pounds of wool have been
shipped out from the vicinity ot Deadwood -
wood this year.
The Black Hills Pioneer association ,
consisting of over sixty pioneers of the
vintage of ' 70 , has been organized.
The Homtistuke has declared its Sep
tember dividend of $50,000 , or 40 cents
per share . The total dividends this year
amount to about $500,000.
The Watertown Insurance company
has been incorporated with a capital
stock of $100,000 , all taken in that city ,
nnd will be ready for business Novem
ber 1.
Real estate in Load city is becoming
tiotivo and advancing ; houses to rent are
not to bo found. New and rich mineral
camps are being opened there , and on
the whole it is believed that Load has a
permanency that no other town in the
Hills can boast.
Watortown has five railroads and a
sixth building , thirteen manufacturing
establishments , sixty-one retail stores ,
thirty-throe private offices , four banks ,
five loaning institutions , three news
papers and printing oflices , fonr saloons ,
three billiard halls , eleven hotels , six
restaurants , four lumberyards , fourgraln
olovatorfi , five grain warehouses , four
livery stables , six blacksmith bhops , six
church edifices , three largo school build
ings , a $25,000 court house nnd a United
States luna office.
\Vyotnlntf ,
Larumie had Its first snow storm last
week ,
Ton miles of rails have beuii laid on the
Cheyenne & Northern.
Three stock thieves were tried in Chey-
oiino Monday and sent lo Iho 'pen. ' "
Two hundred and seventy-five thous
and tics will ho used on thu first eighty
miles of the Cheyenne & Northern Of
these 75,000 are now stored hi Cheyenne ,
Luke Murriu , chairman of the territor
ial democratic committee , has received n
letter from Henry G. Unlch , in which ho
declines thu nomination for dolcgato and
h'ay.s "huhas hiK pockctbook In ono hand
and a six-shooter in the other , " und any
party that gets boodle out of him will
catch him
A Ilrolcnn Our Cannes n
Juadlson ( Wis. ) Journal : Onu beauti
ful day two summers ago .Miss Mary
Tyuor , accompanied by her i ter , Mltw
Louisa , und two other young ladies who
were in the city to attend the meeting of
the National Kducatlnnnl association ,
was onjojing a boat rldo on Lake Mon-
ouii when an oar broke. Four strange
young Ceiit'"nln ' ) ) w'10 ' w ° ro rowing by
gallantly pulfcil'Up toii.j ! M " ' ' kindly
made a tender of u pair of ours , or vruil'h '
lioy | had two. Tnu oiler wus gratefully
accepted by the ladles. One of the gen
tlemen was Prof. J , Frapk Barf , princi
pal of the high school at Lohlghton , Pa. ,
who was also in MudUon to attend the
educational convention , Thu mishap of
the broken our led to an acquaintanceship -
ship between the Prof. Barr and Alias
Mary Tyner , and at 1 o'clock this after
noon a happy marriage occurred in
which they were the principals. A sig
nificant and yet ouo of the most beautiful
decorations which the liousa contained
was a floral boat with u broken our. It
is whispered tbat two other weddings will
tirobablv result from that romantic meet
ing on the lake.
The Advice of Republican Pap rs to the
Voters of the First District ,
Tlio titter Knllf of Attempting to j
Whitewash n DomnROKiio nnd
Trickster CJaRO County '
Jllin , *
An Uii uceou rnl Granger
Hlair Itouiiblicanr Church Howe wns
not a Mtoeess as a Granger , but his ablN
It } * to political hell on an expansive
scale is unquestioned. He threatens to
rumoVu the capital , to put an embargo
on railroad bulidlnc In the South Platte ,
even to vote for prohibition If the repub
licans do vote him into congress. They
ought to give him an everlasting fur
lough ns a demagogue nnd trickster.
Can't Ilo Whitewashed.
Liberty Gazelle ( Hop. ) : Having become -
como convinced ( hat Church Howe is a
corrupt politician and actuated by mo
tives of personal gain , wo can no longer
support his candidacy for the high ollice
to which ho aspires. The interests of this
district.aro too sacred to be trusted in the
hhiids'of ' n man whose every act Is meas
ured with a price. Wo ( lid thinkwo
would try and oat our part of tho.crow
and support the ticket , but wo have con
cluded that In justice to our honest and
candid opinions and our readers , wo
cannot do it. It is folly for us to try to
whitewash men whom we know that our
readers know to bo unxvorthy their suf
j frage , and wo know that In this the
gooil people of this county will stand by
Scratch Ills N'nuio.
Wymoro Reporter ( Rep. ) : The con
gressional affairs m the First dlstricl are
in a deplorable state. Wo candidly
stated our views as to Church Howe in
our first issue after he was nominated.
We did it without regard to what others
ml"ht think or say. Hut timu has de
veloped llui fact that five out of the ten
republican papers in Gage county will
not support Church Howe , thu nominee
of the republican congressional conven
tion. The act of the convention virtually
disfranchises a large number of republi
cans of Gage county , from thu fact that
they nominated "such a notorious ,
disreputable man that they cannot
vole for him , and unless they vole for
a democrat or the prohibition nominee
they have to scratch Howo's name ofl'tho
ticlsot ana thereby disfranchise them
selves. But we consider thai il is an net
of principle to scratch Church Howe's '
name oil' the ticket and vote n blank
rather than vote for him because ho in
our party nominee. No republican
should vote for a man that did all in his
power to prevent the electoral vote of
Nebraska from being canvassed and
thereby place .Samuel J. Tildon in the
presidential jail. This , Church Howe
( lid , as the house journal of 1877 shows.
This act alone should bo nnoimh lo pre
vent every true and loyal republi
can of tlio First district from cast
ing a vote for him. It would bo a
shame and a disgrace to the republican
party of this district to bo represented by
such a dishonorable man as Church
Howe. We very much regret that such a
man was nominated. Bill the fact that
ho has spent months in manipulating
conventions ami packing delegations in
the interest of his nomination , has not
been idly disregarded by Iho intelligent
voters of the district , and they will not
siifler themselves lo bo forced by the
party hibh to support such a disreputable
IMoro or lloivn mill Colby.
Cortland Journal ( Hep. ) : The last issup
of the Journal created considerable stir
in political circles. A fnw of tlio republi
cans who place party above principle
wcro indignant because wo saw fit to
drop Church Howe nnd L. W. Colby , and
went so far as to threaten to got up an
indignation meeting and down the paper.
Nothing would please us better than an
Indignation meeting m this preemot nnd
WH challenge and defy any opposition to
the course wo are pursuing , to go ahead
with their indignation nicotines , provided
wo bo allowed a hoarins. Wo nave assur
ances tliat Iho belter element of the re
publican party in this precinct will eland
by us in bolting the nominations of
Church Howe and L. W. Colby. Ever
since the Beatrice and Wymoro packed
caucnssos were held wo have declared in
nearly ovcry issue of the Journal that the
people were becoming disposed to ex
amine candidates for high offices of trust
and responsibility , and were less under
the control of party than In years past ,
when great Issues divided parties. The
Journal is not the otilv republican paper
in this county thut believes that the only
way by which the republican parly cnh
maintain the confidence of the people is
to cast aside corrupt candidates who
force themselves to tnn front by corrupt
and disreputable means.
This is an off your , the republicans in
this county nro asked to support Church
Howe and L. W. Colby , and now Is the
time and opportunity to show .such men
that the party Htands for some things ex
cept the spoils of ollico. The republican
party in the past has been progressive ,
I Us leaders have boon men of brains and
patriotism , ready at all times to deal
with the great questions of the day , and
in order to maintain that confidence the
people must sco to it ( hat honest and
capable men are put for
ward to onnot and enforce -
force the laws of the land and
not men who enter the hallsof legislation
simply to draft and introduce wholesome
laws and resolutions for the purpose of
defeating them themselves for largo
pecuniary coiiKidnralioiiH. Such trans
actions nni charged iigamst Church Howe
and published to the world , and are not
donlod by him or his fronds , L , U. Colby ,
the disciple of Church Howe , has already
made a record in Gage county that will
keep him from participating In the next
legislature. Ho IH a man of brains unit
cunning , but ot no political sagacity
Ho presume- ! lee muuh on the credulity of
tlio votors'of the county when he chances
everything on securing a nomination.
How A Trump JMnilct Millions.
Ishpmning ( Minh. ) Cor. Now York
Herald : A man named John T , Jones ,
who was generally supposed to bo a
tramp , and who dressed like ono , ap
peared hero two months nito , and after
working for a whiloaboutdiilbrnntminoH ,
ollbrod U5 cents a ton for a pile of refuse
rook at Iho Winthropo Homalio com-
pany's mino.x , the money to be paid as tlio
reek wns removed. Jones said ho
thought ho could make a little Homctliiug
oil'Iho rock.
The company xvas surprised one duy
when Jones a t a force of mon at work
sorting Urn rook und carting oil' the oro.
Jones also bought other piluH of rook at
the sumo figures.
It now inuisplros that the rook pans
out ono half good ere , for whloli Jones
received Sfl.GiJ a Ion. The Winthropo pile
alone contained live hundred thousand
tons of rook und nulled Jours over $1-
MO.OOO , O&pr jiilus luive netted him /
about $ -1,000,000 , TI10 vfork jins been *
conducted under the very eyes of the
mill-owners , who have rocurdml thu rocjf
plle.s as wouhless and paid no attention
to Jones ,
Within a few days the fact has leaked
out tlitt the Jones orn has buen rifilppml
largely to Joliot. Ill , The nuwHcamo
back Irom that point ; md has created u
great sensation. Jones appeared m his
own can-logo to-day aud is treated an a
leading citizen. Ho can buy no moro
rook piles for 25 cents a ton , The own-
CM an golni : about in largo numbers
sampliim thu heaps of refuse which dot
the mining fields.