Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Hutchlnson Credited With Trying to Break
Wheat on tbe Open Board.
Cnttlc Bell Knrljr In tlic Morning nt
Firm ItntcH An Active He-
ninnd 1'or HORH General
CuirAOO , Oct. 25. * iSiKJclM Telegram to
tlic UUK.J Crudlt Is gUcn Hutclilason for
tiylntt < j break wlicnt on the open board ,
but fill ellorts to pet the price under "fa
\\cto unsuccessful. The nmtkct opened and
closed nt tills figure , hut on the i ocular board
there were more sellers than across the street
and trades were 'fc lower. The opening at
VSJfe was Just ' 40 down from last nit-lit at the
closing. Later It sold nt 7ft c hut rccoveicrt
to 70c. There was talk early that privilege
bidders would jump on the mniknt pretty
heavily , but they failed to do so. May euro
opened at 41Bc , about K" under last o\eu-
I n IT'S closing tlgurcs. January pork was
quoted nt 59.75. The receipts were again de-
preBslngly lit-avy , being 311 of winter and U74
cars of sprlns wlicat , 423 cars of corn , 107
cars of oats. The markets for the first hour
were barren of niiythlnu llln fcntiiro or In
terest. December wheat got down to 754@ }
7 , ' ) * < c , but hesitated nhuutgotni ; lower. Thoio
was , however , no great disposition to cross
It. Trading wns entirely between
scalpers. May corn sola very generally
between 41' c. nnd 41c and Jan *
nary pork between 80.7JJ antl S0.75.
Htitcli was ttie liist sttnnblhiK block the bulls
met in their path , and It was later found 1m-
iiONslble to overcome the InUiienco ot his
iieuyy sales early In the day. It would seem
that thu piompt taking of oITurliiKS by
Milnilnu < k Itudmun would have left no cl-
lect the other way , but outside conditions
were weak and fnvorcd n decline anyway.
From the northwest came reports that the re
ceipts would In all likelihood Inciuaso be
yond the present heavy proportions , which
probpecU were far fiom plcaslne , nnd natu
rally mode the northwest fnvor the bear sldu
of tin1 mniket. December struck 75li75Ko ; ( ( ;
BOIIIC tlmo before noon , but news fiom lialii-
more. to the etlcct that exporters weie tak-
ipg all the offurinKS , held It up to that point
and later even put It n shadu over. The
great hulk of the day's transactions were
near 7o5 < c for December. The ones that made
the insldooroutslde of that worn hardly worth
iiitmlonlnE. The morning session closed
heavy nnd very dull , Uy noon Jlay corn
had declined to41ifcnnd wns lightly traded
In. Oats followed the dnwnwiinl tondrncy
outlined by wheat and May sold at HOJ c.
J'ork showed very little lite , the principal
llucltintlons being the liuttrrs given above.
A still easier feeling chamrtcrUed the second
session , wheat selling at "fijjc for December ,
with scant bids for n Inrgeolunieof uion-
city otleriid. The closings were : Wheat ,
weak and lower ; 7-JJsJc for October , 73fcc ; for
JJovembor. Corn , easier ; 3IJ c for October ,
a5 > fc for November , 4Ujc for May. J'ork ,
steady ; for October. S8.S7K for > iovcm-
bor. 'Lard , steady : 35.75 for October ; S5.7S
for Novemher. Short ribs , bteady ; SO.U5 tor
October , SS.O'JJtf for January.
2:45 : p. u. Puts on December wheat , 745 0 ;
calls , 75J W7oc ; puts on May corn , 413o ( ;
calls , 4If c
CHICAGO , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the UnE.J CATTI.I : Quite early this morn
ing some few tnt cattle sold at S1.75@5.25 ,
rates which wcro considered lirm. Sales
men were asking higher prices , hut buyeis
were at outs , and determined to pay no
more than steady rates. They complained
of the poor quality of cattle , and began bid
ding ir.QOSc less than yesterday's best prices ,
while there were numerous lots of rough and
half-fat cattle for which they had no bid to
ninko. The sales of the day were 10@l5c
lower than on yesteidny , and as inferior to
fair qualities were no better than steady
they sold that much lower than last week.
Tlicro wore some common to fair cattle which
could not he sold within i0@'J5c ! of yesterday
morning's prices. A lot of prettv peed 1,800
Ib bteers sold atSUO , with 1,350 ib steers to
an exporter at 51.50. Some 1,707 Ib cattle
sold at 85.00 , with some 1,510 Ib bullocks at
$1.75. The market closed very bad. Shinning
Btcers , 1.H.W to 1,500 Ibs , S1.7083 : l.iiOO to
150 ! ! Ibs. S4.I0u ! ( > 4.70 ; 000 to 1,200
Ibs , 83.4004.70. The receipts to-day
were about 2,500 western cattle and
l.tCO direct from Texas. The market was
slow and lOo lower , some of the undcsiuiblo
grades soiling lower , but the general market
for Tcxnnsdid notvhowmuphchange. Sales :
28 Montana , 1277 Ibs. § 3.50 ; 2SIColorado Tcx
nns , 1081 Ibs , W.J > ; V.l onws , 1006 His , S2.CX ) :
217 Colorado , 111(1 ( Ibs , S't.M ' ) ; 88 feeders , HUG
Ibs , 5S.15 ; 31 feeders , 1011 Ibs. Sa,12'tf ; M
Wyoming Texans , VTO Ibs. Sli.DU ; 104 Mon
tana , 10U7 Ibs , 33.10 ; 177 Wyoming Texuns.
IWJ IDs , S'J.95.
Jloos At the opening theio wns nn active
demand , with rt slight upturn In prices , but
later on. and more especially at the close ,
traders looked dull , Inter arilvals.selling sub-
Manually lower tlmn ut the oiioulnv. Sales :
Koiuh nnd common. $3.59 :1.0. : ' ) ; fair to uooJ
mixed , Hitch as suits the ordinary packinc
demand$3.75(23.00 ( , and best heavy , g4.00ffl
4.05with a tew fancy Philadelphia , at S8.40 ;
light sorts , S.CO@3.bO for common nnd S3.W
Now York. Oct. M.-MoNBY On call ,
aetlvo ut 4)t'c 7 pur cunt , closing at 5 pei
cent asked.
1'ltnttt JMICHOANTII.B 1'APKIl 18 pel
cunt , , . , ,
„ „
STKiiusn UxciiAmE--IuH ) but steady
at 8UO > j for sixty Uay bills ; $4.84 for de
UovKn.vxiicNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
STOCKS The stock market until the Insl
hour wcsented the same general fe.ituiu that
It has for several days past , The opening
was tlrm toslioncr , tlrst prices showing ad
vances over the cloulnp ( inures of last oven-
IiiB of liom h to | ( f per cent Rfncrally , while
Now England and Union 1'acillc were each
up f P1" ' cent. The erneral market wiia
heavy and dull and so continued until the
artuinuonvhcii a hicak occurred In 1'aclllc
Mall , Them was then some- improvement In
juices , which In the last hour became a de
cided upward movement over thu whnhi llbt.
and curly losses wcio icgnlnnl In almost
every case , llio nmi'Ket closlnic sttonjf at 01
near thuhobt llgmcs of the day.
S 3 rent lioiida. . 100 0. & X. W
imiforrcU. 140
New N.Y.O 112 *
Oieeon Tran. , s-'Ui
Central I'lWlllc. . 40 I'aciilcMall. . . ? x4 *
O..V A 143 J.J ) . & K
ICO r.i * . o iliXn
C. B , A ( J 187" " ! ' IJock Island. . J
1) . l.tcVf HO iSt. L. AS. K. .
J ) , 4 K O HIH preform ! . JI"
JCrlo S4JS 0. , M. * St. 1' . I"
pro erred , . . 7V ' preferred. . .
Illinois Central. 14 St. I1. , tO . Isil
* fc , prrferrcd. . . 112
Kansas cVTexus. Texas 1'aclllo. . . 21 l
LnkoShoru U1 Union I'arltio. . .
\V.St.L.&P. .
Mich. Central ! ! ! prefen ( id. . . BftJ ,
Wcitcrn Union. 77fc
.Northern Toe. . . as * , ' O. , 11. &N . lOOJj
pieferred. . . 03
Ctilcnso , Oct. 88. Klour Firm nnd nn
chunked ; winter whfat Hour , 84.0.'xS4.lO
southvtii , 8S.Wot4.00 ; Wisconsin , S4'00i4-1.10 !
Jdlchlgitn soft sniiiii.viieat Slf .lO ; Mln
. . . > . . . .
fv , i > fji'f. . . . w * > * . nuiir. quiet a
tv.-J.ixra in oarejSi and 58.00(33.30 ( li
Wheat Weak and lower ; opened about K
lower and closed KQJftO below yesterday
cash. WKc ; November , 73 c ; Ieccmboi )
75 M6c ; May , fca 'e.
Corn Or-cncU fcomo\\ lint lower aud clo' &
Irregular ; cash , S Wc ; November , 85 7-lCc
JJecember , StiVc ; Alay,41Vc.
Oata About steady ; casn , 25c ; Novembei
S5We ; May , 80 MOc. *
Kyp Finn at i'-i e.
Jlarley Quiet at K < c.
Timothy seed Prlmu , 81,09(31.70. (
Flax-heed U7c.
Port About steady ; cash , 58,85 ; Koveu :
bar , f8.67 j Jtuuary , BO mi/
l.nrd About 2Jg.rx ( . hlehrr ; cash nnd
November , S5.7f > : January , S5.QU.
Hulk AlMti-Shoiildero. S.V-t.vgS.W ) ; short
clear , S0.7.V50.60 ; short ribs , so. jr. .
Unttef blow ; creamery , IS'tcaarx ; ; dairy ,
IGta''Oc ,
Cheese Stradv : full-cream chcddars , 11 ®
ll c ; llat , 11'4 11 'c ; young Americas , \\i \
Uidcs llcnvy grocri salted , fully cured ,
P si4-C ; lleht. do , 8 } < f * &c ; dntnaircd , Tfe
VV" ; hull hides , 0fe } ; drvsaltrd. Il@l2c ; dry
Hint , lV.U4c ; calf skins , tK210)ic ; deacons ,
COo each.
Tallow No. 1 country , SJtfgO'fc ; No , 2.
3c : cake , 3Jfc.
K cclnt * . Bhitimrnts.
Flour. bbU . 18.000
Wlieat.bii . 511,000 S5.000
Corn. Dn . KBIWO
Oatc.dii . mcoo
Hyo , on . 8,000
liarlrv.Dti . Co.tWW 0.000
Now Vork . Ofct. 2d. Wheat Ileceipts.
270,000 ; exports , inK)0 : ( ) ; spot. J@kc and
oDtlons HWJf lower , closing heavy ;
ungraded red , 7b < 3N ) c ; No. : i red , 83 ! e ;
No. 1 ted. iKte ; No. 2 red , 84' { Wc In elec
tor , b.'xSsS e alloat ; November closing nt
Corn Spot 1 < XS * < C and options WWi'o '
lower , closing weak ; receipts , icy.ouo ; ex-
imi ts , 52.000 ; ungraded , 44J-IOc : No. . ' ' ,
> in elevator , 4.f > % @ 4Cc atloat ; No\ ember
closing at 4.C.
Oats Lower and fairly active ; receipts ,
10)00cxiorts ! ) ; ) , none ; mixed western , 32 ®
34e ; white ueMcrn , n.v40c.
Petroleum Slcadv ; Unltod closed atCS' c.
KICKS Steady ; western , aua IJfc.
Pork Dull ; mess , 8U.7n@lo.uu for old ;
io.ooraio.ffl for new.
Lard Hluhcr and active ; western steam ,
Hntter Quiet ; western , 12@2"e.
Cheese Quiet and llrm ; wcslcin Hats. lOJi
nillwnukco , Oct. aft Wheat Dull and
weal cash 72 > November : % Dcceiu *
; ; , 72ic ; , ;
ber , wjfi- .
Corn-No. 2 , : i7@ Sc.
Oats No. 2 , 2SJ < e.
Kye60c. .
Harley-No. 2. C8 ( R5-tr.
Pork-Lower ; October , S8.30.
Mlniicnpolln , Oct. 2C. Wheat Opened
weak ; closed Ic lower ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
TJytfe ; November , 72J c ; December , 74Uc ;
No. 1 northern , cafli , 70 > < c ; November.
70jfc ! ; No. 2 northern , cash , CSJic ; November ,
Flour-Patents , 54.10QJ.25 ; bakers , 53.10
< a3.2T .
Kecelpts Wheat , 274,000 bu. ; Hour , 225
bhlpmcnts AVheat , 11,000 mi. ; rtour , 28,000
Cincinnati , Oct. 20. Wheat Quiet : No.
2 red , 7Se.
Corn No. 2 mixed , STJ e.
Oats No. 2 , mixed , 27@7tfc.
Kyo-No. 2. We.
Lard55.75. .
Whisky Active and tlrm atSi.13.
St. Ijouts. Oct. 20. Wheat Weak ; No.
2 cash. 74 ? < @ 7r > c : November , 75 @T5 ? < ; c ;
December , " 'i'i'c ; May , fcO's'e.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , cash , W ®
| BJf c ; November , 33 > 'd'c ' ; December , 34c ; May ,
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 25o :
November , 20l , < tr December , 27e ; JIny , 3
Kve-Weak at 4SJ < e.
Poik-Kasy at 59.25.
Lard § 5. ,0 ,
Utitter ( Juiet buteasiercreanicry ; ,
dnlrv , 12 < il20e.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Weak nnd % @
% c lower. Corn 3t@We lower. Oats A
shade lower.
KunsiiH City. Oct. 20. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red. cash , fil'tfc bid ; November , C2c
bid ; December , KlJjc.
Corn-Lower ; No , 2 , cash , 20ii@9c ; No
vember. S'.ijfe bid ; December , : ! 04c bid.
Oats No quotations.
Ijivciipool , Oct. 20. Wheat In fair
demand ; new No. 2 , winter , Os 8d , steady ;
sprinur , Os .id , steady.
Flour In lair demand at 8s 4d.
Corn Spot. 4s 5d , steady : October. 4s
4'tfd , steady ; November and December , 4s
4d , .steady.
Toletlo , Oct. 20. Wheat-Steady but dull ;
cash , 77c.
Corn Cash , 38c.
Oats Cash , 27c.
Now Orleans , Oct. 20. Corn Dull and
lower ; mixed , 40Q47c ; yellow , 47@45c ; white ,
Oats- Quiet and steady.
Hoz Products Easier.
1'oik S9.50 for relined tierce.
HiilK Meats Shoulders , ? 55,25 ; long clear
nnd clear ribs , SO.COK.
Corumeal Kulr demand at 82.15.
Chicago , Oct. 20. The Drovci's Journal
reports as followh :
Cattle ItceolptR , 8,000 ; weak andlOfiJlSe
lower ; shlpplnR steers , SU.40@5.25 ; stockers
and feeders 82.SO@i,50cowsbnlIs : ; and mixed ,
31..r 0@.00 : ; bulk , 82.2302.75 ; throimh Texas
cattle steady ; COWB , 82.102.CO ; steers ,
S2.fiU@'t.3i ) ; western rancors lOc lower ;
natives nnd half-breeds. SB.U5@3.GO ; win
tered Texitns. SJ.80.35 : ! ; northcin rangers :
Montanas , &UO@.fiO ) : ! : Wyomlng-Toxans ,
S2.703.1K ) ; Colorados. S3.30.
lion's Ucceipts , W.OOO ; steady early but
closing lOc lower ; rotich and mixed , S3.50
fi3.03 ; packln nnd shlpplnc. 83.7504.10 ;
lljiht. 83.5 ( ) ( < HOe ; skips , S3.JO@3.30. :
Shcoi ) Itccelpb , 0,000 ; steady ; rnattvos ,
S3.00ffi4.00 ( ; western , 83COj.8t : ) ; Texans ,
iS 25683.25 ; Iamb" * , 83.70@1.50.
Kansas City , Oct. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
1,000 ; shipments. 2,000 ; best quality of coin-
led and glass tangu steady : others slow and
we.ik ; common to choice , 83. 30@4.0. ; stock-
em , 52.25(33. ( 75 ; feeding steers , S2.SOti.CO : ;
cows , Sl.fi032.00.
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
weak and GtftlUc lower ; common to choice ,
3.40C HOO.
Ht. Loula. Oct. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; strong ; choice na
tive steers , S4.SOg4.80 : fair to medium. S3.Y5
(34.20 ( ; butchers' steers , common to choice ,
S3.00@1.15 ; feudinj ; stoeH , lair tofcood. 82.70
Q3.10 ; stoekers , fair to irood , 81.75W2.SO.
Iloits-ltecclpts , 3,000 ; shlpmehts. 800 ;
openlnt ; inilot , assumed some activity on
llborul demand , closing steady : choice heavy
nnd butchers' selections , 84.00WI.15 ; pack
ers' . fair to best. SS.H4.05 ; Yoikcrs , fail-
to choice , 83.60 1.00 ; pigs , common to good ,
53.00f3.bO. ( !
Tuesday KvenhiB , Oct. 20.
Cattle The fresh arrivals of western rtuiKO
cattleaio liberal. The market Is about steady.
Corn fed cattle aie In Rood request and are
selling quickly.
IloKn The market opened actlvo at an advance -
vance of about lUc , owing to the llijht ie-
CellHH ,
Slirop I'hcre wua nothing doing In the
market ,
Cattle 1,800
HoKd 000
Sheep 2JO
Prevailing I'rlcoi.
Showing the pravalllnt ; prlco * paid for llvti
stock on thU market ,
Choice steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs S4.2-5fTM.60 !
Choice Steers , llOOto IHOO.lua 3.75W4.00
Medium steers , I'JVto 1HM Ibs. . . . 8.COcn > 4.15
Fatllttlostuors. 1050 to UWlbd . . . . a.8)4.00
Good fecdet s ? , Wi ( ) . 'J. ' )
Good to choice cnm-fuil cows e.OO(7cH.OO (
Kangocowa a.U@ ! > J.jO !
Kalrlo medium grass cows 2.00MvVJi
GOCK ) to choice Dulls l.TiOfitl. " . " )
Light and medium IIORS a.K.Wil.U'i
( iood lo choice heavy ho s , 8.Wv < lOu
Good to choice mixed hoja . - . lU.X'W.M '
Houili tluow outs a.r > 0uU.OO (
Good to choice bhei'p 2.7Srtjt.'J5 :
FalrtOKOOd sheep 2.35(32.50 (
Roprcbontntivo Males.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
44. . . . 1008 fS.0 (
COBS KK1) STEtl'0-
N & ' -Vl' No. " Av. Pr.
/ ' . . .o 83.M 140. . . ,1170 S4.W
50..11SO 4.20
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
07..2W 240 fiaOO 47 . . .2iK ) 120 83.SU
r,4..2.0 ! 100 3.0U 40..27U fcO 8..I3
51. , . 20J 40 3.l 57. , . .271) ) ICO 3.W
55..VJ70 80 8.W 50. . , ,201 bO 4.W
07 , . . . 241 200 8.U5 67 . . .203 3--0 4.0 (
51 , . . . 274 1'JO 8.05
Til now OUTS.
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr ,
8. , , .107 bO 83.85 10 , . , IM 100 83.
13. . . .181 . . 3.50 10.41'J IMO 3.
2 , , . . 880 SO aw 7..44S IfO 3.K
6 , , . . 320 100 8.50 10.4'Jfl SCO 3.7 (
5. . . 433 2fW 3.55 5 , . . . 830 10 8.7 !
o uri'rlcca.
Sliowlnir the hluhest and lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this marker
the past seven days and for the same time
last year :
I Sept. ISM. > Oct. 1881. Oct. 18'5.
20th 4 SO CM r2'j ' 3.M 04.05 1.10 ® 320
2ist 4 to 4 w n.s-o rw.w 3.16 ( % i'B'i
K < 1 4 40 Cl4.fiO I > tRI.'A
Zkl 4 SO C44 40 ' 3 83 W.I SO
24th I Si
ZMIil ! 3.fO 8 u n day
ICthl 3.CO
Showing the number of cars of cattle , hops
and sheep shipped from South Omaha during
the day :
iVo. onrs. Itoutc. Destination.
'M It. 1 Chlcatro
13 Mil Chicago
IS C. U. ft ( J Chlcairo
I. . . Chicago
All sales of stock In this market arc made
nor cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hngi sell at KC per Ib. for all weight * ,
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than loolns.
no value. I'rennant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags W ) Ibs. .
Hogs take a lOc step upwind.
Hecelpt.s of hogs continue light.
l aac Waxel , Chicago , was hero looking for
John Hess , Adalr , la. , was looking around
thu yards
T. F. 1'umphrcy , Friend , was a visitor at
I' . 1) . .Smith , St. Kdwards , had seven loads
of cattle In.
lied Meyer , a heavy feeder of Chicago , was
at the yauls.
J. L. Hitter , of Morse. Hogersit Co. , North
Demi , was a visitor at tliu yards.
The Swan Land and Cattle company , Hock
Creek , were In with three cars ot cattle.
The Anglo-American Cattle company ,
Smlthwlck , had fifteen loads of cattle at the
The Oirnllala innd and Cattle company
had a train ot twenty-livo cars of cattle at
tlio yards.
The Hay State Cattle company had thirty-
ono curs of cattle from Uiownson , which nr-
rlvcd late last night.
Conklin & ColTmau , Dcnton , had a car of
hogs and six cais of corn fed cattle In , Mr.
Conklin came in with them.
On the market with hoes : F , C. Hawks ,
Cedar Hapid ; , ; Nelson & Young , Oakland ;
Dowllng vt 1'iirccll , North Hend ; ClarK , ilca-
ton & Co. , Weston ; A. L. Spearman , Spring
field.lohn ; Agertor , Stuart ; Peter Truelson ;
JI. It. Knnlkncr. Gothunlmrc : Aldrltt & Co. ,
Friunil ; Davis , Kearney : Fisher A : Wamicr.
York ; VInrln & Nelson , Utlca ; Nichols &
Uarstow , Ord.
General Produce.
Tuesday , Oct. 23.
Tticfalloiclng prices arc jar round lot of
produce , tin sold on Uic market to-dau. Tite
quotations on fruits represent tne prices at
which r ttnlac orders itre filled.
Kdds Thu piovalllng price to-day was 20c.
BuTTEii An active feeling prevails on all
line grades of creamery and dairy , as well
as stilctly choice country butter , for table
use , all of which an * in limited supply. Re
ceipts of Inferior gr.Ades are in i-xcess of
tliu demand ; a Inrce proportion bf the same
has to he sold to packers at low figures.
Jfresh roll butter should bo picked in clean
boves , not exceedine ISO pounds ; each mil to
he wrapped in a piece ol muslin. It will pay
shipp'r.- ! > well to lake a little pains in pack
ing their button A nice , clean packavo of
choice stock will always Fell nt outsldo lit-
tires. Fii"hcrcamorv , 9 > @ 3ec ; fiesli dairy
18C < 5'-Oc ; choice country roll , 18H ( > ; Oe ; choice
country roll , solid packed , 17l c : good
country roll , 10iJl7c ( ; good country i oil , solid
packed , 15glJc ! ( ; Fair , Il@l4c ; common ,
CiinKSE Full cream chcddarssInglp,12Xc ;
full cream Hats , twins , 13c ; ,
llljfc ; fancy Swiss , 14@15c ; Swiss , imported ,
21M27 : Limbiiru'er , 12) , ; biick , 18c.
POUI.TIIY The receipts were heavy , and
tlio maiket ruled very weak. Old elnckons ,
choice , per doz. , SvJ.OO S.fX ) : spiing chickens ,
S'J.OO i2.2-i ; ducks. S2.50i2.73 ( ! ; turkeys , S7.00
( a'.I.OO ; Kcesu' 80.00 8.04.
G.V.MI : The weather lias been too warm
again for the past lew d.-us. and the market
ruled dull and weak. S'J.fjO@2.75 was very
outside obtalnablo for selected prahio
chickens. Tim bulk of receipts pioveil to bo
In bad order and sold for less money. Ducks
also sold quito low. Prairie chickens ,
choice , per dozen , S2.nOg2.75 : quail , 31.50 ;
nipe , plover , etc. , 7r caS1.25 ( : ducks. ( Mal
lard ) , S1.W@2.00 ; ducks , ( Teal ) , Sl.00@l.23 ;
ducks , mixed. 75c@1.00 : geese , 53.00@3.50 ? :
deer , saddles , uer Ib. , IKglUc ; deer , carcas
ses , per Ib. , 7@'Jc ; antelope , saddles , iKglUc ;
antelopo. carcasses,7@'Jc ; elk , .saddles , choice ,
per Ib. , 10gllc ( ; elk caicisscs , C@7c ; Jack
labbits , per doz. , S3.50@-l.00 ; small , periio . ,
POTATOES There is now a brisk demand
for straight cars of. stilctly choice potatoes at
50@5oc per bushel. Mixed varieties , small ,
or otherwise inferior stock continues very
dull and will not sell for moie than : J5 or 4Uc.
ONIONS The demand Is not heavv and
thov aio selling in a small way : Choice
stock , per bu. , M1.00. )
CAUIIAOK Thu market is fairly well sup
plied : Choice stock , per doz. . 4Uf3jOc. (
Ai'i'i.EH Prices on choice apples
are holding up very well. Mis
souri apples are in very libmtl ;
supply. The following quotations are tor
apples well packed in banels : choice Mis
souri stock. § 2.00v2.5 ! ! ; MichiganS.B.60.73 ! :
fanci MichiganSfH.OOvWaM.
SWKKT POTATOES Tlio inatkct is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock was bold this wcelc at l } c and uvcn
lower : Choice shipping stock , perlb. , l@tKc.
CULKIIV A great amount ol very uoor
block has been coming in. which has been
hold for what It would hrln . Prices on
choice stock remains about thu samn as last
week : Choice stock , per do/ . , 35@40s ; extra
large , per do/,40 < 3r > c.
Is In much the
OvbTius--Tho : trade very
samu condition as last week on account of
the continued warm weather. Pi Ices are
low and dealers aru well supplied with the
choicest stock. Orders from the outsldo aio
being tilled In good shiipo : Mediums , 2.rc ;
standards , 150 ; selects , 33e ; N. V. counts. 40c.
IIMONS : .Messina , per box 83.00 ;
Malaga , SO.OO.
CAI.IKOIINIA Fiturrs Stray shipments ot
California trults contlnuo toiiriv : , but In
small quantities. GrauoVi'okajhS'J.OOirraiies ; ,
black , S2.00 ; pears , fJ.OO ; plums , S1.75 ;
basket" , BOfiJMc.
OKANOKH Jamaica , per box , § 3.50@0.00 :
CitANiiiiiiuiufl Stocks are moving fairly
well at the same quotations as last week.
Capo cod , fancv , per bbl. . 58.50 ; Jersey ,
chuico , 37,50 ; Wisconsin , $7.50.
UANANAS JJauanas urn selling at the
fanio prices as last week , Bananas , yellow ,
per bunch. S3.0056a..riO ; bananas , yellow ,
larpo bunch , S'.503.50.
JloKKY .Nebiaska , choice , whlto clover ,
ISMlito , ; Nebraska , dark , 12@14c ; California ,
1 Ib hcetlons. I6c ; California , 'J Ib sections ,
; SUOAH Dilcks , perlb , 12fc ; pen
ny eatn , per Ib , 15c.
AlAi'i.BSyuui' Hulk , 13 to 17 gal kegs.
per gal , 51.00 ; gal cans , per gal , S1.03K ; gal
cans , per gal , St. 10.
O.uKB-Xmv Vork.perbbl , S0.50Now ; York ,
K bbl , S4. & ; Crab , per doz qts , S'J.75 ; Michi
gan rehncd , per bbl , 80.50.
ViSEOAii Wulto wine , l @ 15o : cider vin
egar , 13jl5o ( ; single stiength , 12c ; triple
Pitovistoss Ham , 12c ; picnic ham Oo ;
breakfast bacon , 10u ; clearsldo bacon , tWJH'c ;
dry unit sides , 8'io ' : bhouldcrs , EC ; dried beer ,
regular , 12o ; dried beef , ham pieces , ISc ; lard ,
50 Ib P.I us , OJ c ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Faiibanks ,
7o ; IQlbeaiiH. Fairbanks , 7J/c ; 5 ib cans ,
Fairbanks , 7&o ; 8 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 73 o.
HKANS Inferior stock. 0.75@l.OO ; goiwi
clean country. S1.00@1.25 ; iii - " J . - .
iiifk-cii * I" MifeiQI \ i , ' . . .nil , Hand
@ 1A " 0ltWl. -au picked navy , 51.00
1'i.oun AND MIU.STUKKS Winter wheat
Hour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second nual-
Ity , S2. 0 ; best quality spring wheat
Hour , patent. 3.00bran,50opercwtchoppcd ; ;
feed , 70o per cwt : white corn meal , UOc ;
yellow corn meal , tflc per cwt : Bcreenlng , Cue
per cwt : hominy , $2.00 per cwt ; shoits , , SSo
pcroAvt ; crohain , 81.00 ; hay , In bales , 85.50 ®
0.00 per ton.
. . . -JN Corn. 25cuew ; oats , 23c ; rye H5c ;
wheat , No. 8. 65c.
General Markotf.
WooL-Medlum 16@20c perlb ! fine heavy ,
Htgllic ; light , 10lSc ; coarse , 14@10cburrv ;
wool , 2Q.V ) ou.
IluiKs Green butchers , OWc ; geeen cured ,
eas c ; dry flint , IKojKic ; dry salt , ( K lOu
green calf skins , flQOJw damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. . Tallow Stfc. Grease- !
Prime white , Scv yellow. 2c ; brown , l i'c.
biiceo Pelts , 853750.
UKATIIEK PnniB slaughter sole leather ,
82c ; prime oak sole leather , aX33Sc. Uppci
lcat * ' jr iMr ; foot , 00 ( < J2oc ; hem , kip. a @ < c ;
oak kip. Mrt'J5e ( : French kip , ;
hem , calf , 51.OiXSl.10 ; 'oak calf , S1.0W1.35 ;
French calf , ? 1.3.X1.H ) ; Morocco , boot leg ,
ftXrtitto : Morocco ol I jKbhle.SSft."ic ! ( ; toppings
and linings , fiO.a-.ioo. .
Hr.AW llAfiDWAnu lrou , rate S2.SO :
plow sttol special east , -c ! ; cnieiblc steel , Cc ;
cast tools , do , iWlSo : wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.75 ; < ? 8.00 ; hnhs , per set , $1.2.5 ; lelloes ,
sawed dry , S1.50 ; tongues , vach , 75o ; nxcK
each , 7ftc ; square- nuts , pur1 Ib. Tftille ; cell
chain , porlb. 0tfl3e [ ; niallehble. < Xrtc ; Iron
wedces , Oc ; crowbars , ( V ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
siirlng steel , 7HSc ( ; Hurden's horse shoes ,
S4.40nurden's ; mule siloes , $3.40. Hatbed
wire , In car lots , . ? 4oO : per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , Si50 : steel nails , S3.05.
Shot , Sl.fio ; buckshot , SltKi ; oriental powder ,
kegs , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , 3'iOO ; do. quarter
kegs , 31.50 : blasting kegs , 82. : ; HISP , per 10
feet. lV > c , Lend bar , Sl .
VAIJNJSIIKS Barrels , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture , No. 1. 51.00 ;
co\clioxtia , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.iW : Dn-
mar , extra , $1.75 ; Japan , 70c : nsiihaltum ,
p\tra 80c ; shellac , 53.50 ; Imid oil linlsh ,
bpiniTs Colocno snlrlls. IRS proof , SI. 17 ;
do 101 proof , S1.1S ; spirits s-ecoiul quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do 1SS proof , 81.10. Alcohol.
1 ! > S proof , S.18 per \\lne gallon. Kcdlstllled
whiskies , S1.0flrtl.50. ( ( Jlu , blended. 51.50 ®
2.00 : Kentucky bourbons , S2.oofl.oO ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryc , ;
Golden Sheat bourbon and rye whiskies ,
81.50(33.00. ( Hrandles , Imported , SS.OOga.ftO ( ;
domestic , Sl.30c33.00. ( Jins , Imported , 54.50
( gO.OO ; domestic , Sl.aVnS.00. Champagnes.
imported , per ease , f > 'JSOOM33.00 ; American ,
per case. SlO.OOtSlfi.OO.
Dnv PAINTS Whlto lead , Sc ; French sine ,
12 < s ; Paris whltlns. 85fe ; whitlng.-cllders ,
2 c ; whiting , com'l , luc ; lampblack , tier-
maiistown. 1''e ; lampluack. ordinary. 8c ;
Prussian blne,55cultrnmarlne ; , 18o ; vandy k-
brown , } > e ; umber , burnt. 4o ; umber , inw , 4o
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane
green , genuine , 25e , Pails green , common ,
23c ; cliromo green , N. Y. , 20ochronn ; green
K , I2c ; vermllllon , KiiL'lish , In oil , 75c ;
raw and burnt nmbcr , 1 Ib cans , 12c ; raw niiti
burnt slcnnn , 12c : Vandyke brown , iHc ; relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black nnd Ivory
black , 10c ; drop black , 1Cc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : iiltrnmaiiiui black. li < c ; chrnmo menu , ! , . ,
M. & 1) . , Ific ; blind and shutter gieen , L. . M.
k D. , lOc : Paris green , 18 < - ; Indian led , 15c ;
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , 2 : > e ; American
vermlllion , L. A : D. , BOc ; yellow ochre , tic ; I , .
M. & O. D. , ISo ; good ochre , llc ( ; patent
dryer , Sc ; training color , lluht oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut nnd nsh , I'.V.
Diii'ds AN'D CHEMICALS. Acid , carbolic ,
32c ; ncld , tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copnllm , per
ll , 4-'tc : b.irlc sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 78c , chinchonidla , per o40e ; chloro
form , per It ) , 50c : Dover s powders , per lt > ,
51.23 ; epsom salts , per 11) , ! l > e ; glyceilne ,
pure , perlb. 2-Jc ; lead , acetate , per Ib. 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , pergr , ! . , Sl.dOc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , SI.40 ;
oil oHi'iinnum , 50e ; opium , S3.20 : quinine ,
P. & W. and K. & S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , 5'-.85 ; saltcln , perez , 40c ; sul- .
nhntumorplilnc , per oz , 82.35 ; sulphur , per
It ) , 4c ; strvchnine , perez , 51.20.
PAINTS IN Oir , While lead. Omnha.P. P. ,
7Wc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. 87.75 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2c ; French zinc ,
creon seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; French
xinc , 75e ; vermllllon , American , ISc ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose plni : , 14c : Venetian led , Cook-
son's , 'JJi'c ; Venetian led , American , IV.c ;
red load , 71 < Tc ; ehromo yellow , genuine , UOc ;
chromu yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochclle. 3c ;
ochre , t tench , 2c ; oclue. * American ,
l c ; Winter's mineral. 2 'e ; Lehigh blown , *
2f < c ; Spanish brown , 2 c ; 1'rinco's re incral ,
Sc. _ _
Gi-ocors' Jilat. Medium , in bols , Srt.50 ; do lu
half bbls , 53.75 ; Mnall , In bbls , 87.50 ; do in
hnlfbbls , S4.25 : gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do
In halt bbls. S4.75.
syiiur No. 70 , 4-gaiion Kegs , S1.20 ; New
Orleans. 3S40c per gallon ; Mnplo Syrup , y
barrel. ' 'old time. " 72c per gallon ; ! gallon
cans. 81000 per do ? . ; J&gnllon cnn S5.uo per
doz : quart cans , 53.00.
STXIIPII Mirror clossi Ib , 5,8c ; Allrror
Klnirsloid's bulk , 4e.
TOIIACCO Plug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. .7Jj ; spear hcad.'Jc ! ; plpor heidiielc ,
OOc : gold shield , 34c ; merry war , S5e ; J. T
54c ; ,
style. . , _ , _ _ .
MA.TCHr.s- caddie , JJSc ; square cases ,
51.70 ; mule square , 1.20.
OASDY Mixed , 9@ll c ; stlcK , 8K@9 > c.
CiiACKnns Ciarncnn's soda , butter nnd
picnic , 5Kc ; creams , 83 c ! ginger snaps ,
cltT soda. 7Vfc.
boAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. S3.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. S.00 : ) ; Kirk's standard , S3.03 ;
Kirk's white Russian , S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. SG.50 : Dome. S3.8. ) ; Washboard , 83.10.
White Cloud , S3.75.
HOPE X Inch. OXcj iincli , 10 } c ; X inch ,
UniKi > FRUITS No. 1 guarlor apples , 8J/ @
4c ; in evaporated boxes , 0 © 9Vjc ; blackber
ries boxes , ' . ' ( S'-UbC ; peaches , caitein , 4 % @
fij c ; peaches , evaporated , 15K@17c : Salt
Lake , new-XKHho ; inspberrles , now. 17K
- " - - - currents , ii @ 7c ; prunes , new , 4 %
SUOARS i'owdcred , 7W < ! ! 7 c ; cut loaf
fcranulated. 0-affii ( ( > fc ; conlectionurs'
A , OteO.'nc : standard extra C. W' c ; extra
C , 5 ( < tr c : niPdium yellow. 6V ( oic. !
OANNED GOODS Oysters , stamlaid. per
cas , SiO : ! : ; strawberries , a Ib. per case. S3.UO ;
laspberricb , ! 1 Ib per case , 52.09 ; California
pcnrt , per case , 84,50 ; apricots , per easy ,
rnno. $ U.noilnenpnles ; , "lit , per case , 53.i0
65.7 ! ) ; i ib nmckorcl. per do351.30 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per dol.f $ ? > " > i31.iO ( ; 13 ll ( jooscberies ,
per case , SI. 7,5 ; a Ib string beans per case ,
31.70:3 : Ib lima beens , pei case. Sl.CO31b ;
marrowfat pons. per case. 53.-103 ; Ib eaily
June pens , per case. 53.75 ; B Ib tomatoes ,
Or ?
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , H und 10 ft . S17.BO
No.a " 12 , Handle It . 14.7-
No.3 " " 12,14aildl01t . 13.50
No. 4 " _ liU4and 10 ft . 13.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .317.01
No. 2,4 it0inch , 12und 14 It. , lotich. . . ll.OU
mu.i.vo ANr > r.uini'io.v.
1st com , , % in While Pine Partition.SWJO
2d " " " " . . . . 27,50
2 < l Com , ? in. Norway Pine Ceiling' , . ! KOO
A filnch , white pine'JflC ) 509.00
C Olnch , " " si J ) 21.50
STOCK noAjins.
A 12 Inch. s.Is. 400. . . . ; . gw.oo :
li U inch " " 421) . . ' . : 2H..7)
No , 1 , cum. 12 In , , s. 1 s.f'10 ' , ISA 20 ft. . . 21.00
No.'J , " " " / f . . . l .f,0
No. 2 , " ' 12 & 14 It 17.1)0 )
" " " " ,10 ft 10.0o
No. 1 , plan,8andlO ! inch. , ' 817.50
No. 2 , plain.B and 10 Inch. 15.50
v PORTS VVhTto Cedar , to , 'in. , MS , 12o- " iv
qrs. , 0) c. , V - '
, , , FIJfIP-WD
1st and 2cj ) clear. " . / - v „ v on
" ' -i , i Inch.'s.3 s.t. ' , " , 45.W
od. clear. 1J1U , a , . ; , ( 47.SO
U select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. : > . 29.00
H select , llf , IJi.ain. , . , KO.OO
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
D.L , $ UANE , Superintendent .
Of llcglstcrcl Voter * , Socoiul Utntrlct
Slith Ward
Hrauii Henry Parkerandrcth
Chrlstenson X A ! Wd nnd Coiby
Clark O 1) l > .7 . Division
Donahue Michael Dceatur bctCClh and " 7th
D.ilcy .Ino Kn : li and Franklin
Firtli Fred \ \ 2(110 ( Cumlng
( Jiirncy C P 24th and Scward
Hushes K 2012 Dceatur
llaynes Otis Sntnidcis and Xcwton
Hnynes Roht A SMiiiders and Newton
.Jones ( Iroice 261S Parker
Manvlllo Ilnny (5 ( 240 : ! Franklin
Nickln * Wm 1H7 Wheaton
Peterson Peter K Irene and Hurdelte
Roltli.lohn I .lamos and Franklin
Seht oder 1V 1 ifcth bet Hurt and C'alifornh
Striker CKaflinctiiiiliiB
Slmi'tnl .1 M 28lh nnd Ind avc
Simernl KV 2Mli and Ind ave
Southard .1 BUM ! Pier
Tucker Wm A Lake and Saundcis
N'ciro James : fith nnd Hint
Williams I. H State nnd Casslus
Williams O H State nnd Callus
Weber William axu Cnmlim
A Rirnrrii.
Deputy Registrar 2nd ills. Olh waul
OMAIIA. Oct. r > , ls-o. ?
Wednesday Evening , Oct. 27tli.
Special DiiK'KBoiMrnt of tlio Cclol > iatod
Concert Co. ,
tliu f
Ait Lots ,
Signora Linda Brnmbilln , Primu Don
na Soprano.
Miss Kvii May WyeotI . Coiitridto
Mr. lllrfohlmcli . Tenor
Mr. Yttrup . Violinist
Mr. T. Slinonsoii . 1'lunlst
And thu
Umlor the Direction or
Admission HU cents.
Notice to Contractors.
SEAI.KD 1'roposnls will bo received nt 1ho
olllcu oC Uio clilof oiiKlncoiof ttin Union
1'aclllo railway , nt Uinnha , Nebraska , until the
evonliiB- MouilBy , tlio First diiyof November ,
lor the tfrncJIng , tiri < liltn ( , ' , ti-uckmvliiu und Biir-
rncintf of tliu t'lilou Pnclllc nnd Western Colo-
rndo railway In the viilloyor Hlue Hvor , Colo-
rndo , nbout Torty miles.
Profiles and plans cim l > o seen ixt ofllce of cli ! cf
onsrlnecr. Uinnlin , artor Outcibor S'ltli ,
The right Isroborvoil to rojcct utiy or all InOs.
s. K. L-AI.LAWAV ,
Oct.l7dl5t Gcn'lMnnnt'cr U. P.lty.
Propoaals for Grading" .
) Proposals will bo iccolvod by the
SEALKI until 11 o'clock n. in. , Oclolior
acth , ) f(0 , roi-Kradlng , vlttfghth : Btreet Irom
I.rnvonwoitli to the nlloy no\t north tlicrcof ;
Seventh ttroct Irom Ivavcn\\orth to .hints
Bticots ; ns per Ordlnunces Nos 11UI nnd llTfi ,
nnd In iiccordnncuwlth pliinB , profiles and spocl-
flontloTiB ( in fllo ill the olllcu oT tlio Hoard of
Public Works.
IIUIswIlllio mndoon iirlnted blanks furnish
ed by tlio board , mid will bo necoinpnnlcd wltli n
ooitilled chock in the sum of llvo Uumlred dollars
lars , paviiblo to tuo clfy of Oimilm , us nu ovl-
ilcnco of tjooil Inlth.
Thoriffht to reject nny or nil lild orwnivo
dolcctblsr0 orvo < l. J. C. HOI'Si : .
Cliairmnn Ilo.iril ot Public Works.
Omnlm , Nob. Oct. lUtlil&C. olS-ia-'j-
Notice of Registration.
mOTHR loftnl voters of 2nd IJlsttlct.lst Want ,
.1 in tlio city of Omnlm :
You are lioroby notlllcd Hint the undcralffiicd
will Bit us registrar lor Bocond District ot tlio
First Ward lit National Hull , corner lllth nnd
Williams Btreots , October 28th nnd Slllli , 1KWI ,
for the purpose of rcBistoilngr nil tiuiililied
voters within fiild gccoud district , nml for tlio
purpose of ndiliuif to , nml correcting the rca-ls-
trntion already iniiilo , nnd lor such purpose the
undorpiKiiod will sit nnd Keep his bonk of rc is-
trntum upon nt thu plni'O nloroMihl from n
o'clock ] > . m. until o'clock p. in. All fluidified
votois nro notified to attend and ECO that thulr
niunos are proporlv rcylstuioil.
o25a2t IteitlstrarSnd District , 1st Ward.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $260,000
Surplus 30,000
H. W. Yatcs , President
A. E. Toii/.iilin , Vioc President.
W. li S. Hushes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H.W.Yutes , Lewis S.Ilced.
A. E. TouKiilin.
Cor 12th : md Fiirnum Sts
A Ue.-.cntl I'ankinR Unsincss 'J'rtinsnctod.
Cfip.lJ'jC'Of Counties , Cities mid otlicrsot
IswiJMis high Krudu hoiiKlitiind bolil. Unstuni
otllce 6S Dovonshlro St. lloston. Correspond-
Artists' Material ,
A. ITOSrE , .JR. ,
Artists' Siaterjals , 1'ianos nnd Organs ,
1513 Dougliia ptrcet , Omnlm.
Agricultural Implements.
fnlo Denier In
Atrrlctiltttral Implements , " \Vnffons \ ,
Currlagen und llutvlcs. Jonon titrect between 'Jth
nna lOtli.Oniiibu , Null.
AsrJcuItnral Jniplcmcnts ,
Wagont.CarrlaKan , DuirRlon , Ktf. , Wliolcitala , O-nnha.
Wlioleaala Dealers In
Agricultural Iniiilcruciits ,
IVnconinnil Raeelot. 901.03.-JOS unit007 , Jones t
Butter and Eggs.
McSlFANE , B SCintOEDEll ,
Ilnycrs of Butter mid Kjjgs.
Itefrlser.itor nml I'arklnc llouie , llth J Laarea *
\rorlli St. . U. 1' . It. It. ' 1'rBCt , OrrBhu.
I5uildors'Iardware&ScaleneiiairShop ]
llcclmnlci'U'oolt anil HulTttlo Hcnlc * . 1(05 Doujln iu ,
Omaha , Nub ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Slieet Iron , Kto. Apentt for Howe Bcalei ,
und Hl ml rowler'o.Omali , twlj.
Wholesale Kardware.
Wettern ncenti for Jettenon fieri Nullf , Auitln
rowdcrt'o , Kalrbankii hundird Bc lf . Corner
OlU and Harnuy , Oraaba.
Engineers and Contractors ,
npiicers : ! and Contractors ,
Urideei , Vtaduoti. Hoof Truisei , Steam rile Drlrlnj ,
I'lllug , Oak surt I'lnu llrldt.-o Lumber , litii at. , uur
Kurnum. Oruaba , JVcb.
Wliolesalo Dealers in Furniture.
r'arnam at. , Omulm , Neb.
Furniture , Doddiner , UjiholHtery ,
Mlrrora ; tc. lJOH.lgBand H10 Farnam > t. . Omaba.
Boots and Shoes ,
Miuufaoturf rmntl WbctriMeDtMttrti In
Hoofs nml Shoes ,
Complete ttork of Itutihor Ooodo MWRJH on hand
.W S. 13lh ! . . Umatin , .S'rti. A. T. Aattln. Antnt.
H * . r. MOUSE p co.
Jobbers of Knots niul Shoes.
llll far mm ft. , Onmlm , Nob. Miimifnrtor ; , Pnmtnei
> t top ( , llo Uin.
Z. T. Limits E 1' ,0 CO.
Wholesale Knlilicr Hoot * ami Shoos.
nubllor amluilril t'lofilnt mid Kelt Heel , WJS. llth
Atft. for Anliouscr-Htislt Hrewiup ; Ass'n
Bi'orlnl llrnmtf. Knust , IhulTltcr ml Krlnngrr.
1/asrer Hei'i * Urcwers ,
1M1 North l ih SUCH , OmMin , N b.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Oninliu foflVo nnd Spice Mills.
Tf > . OofToe * . holie * . Unking Powilnr. Fl Torln < tnx-
tracla , Laundry nine , ink , Kir. nil 1C llnrnej
t > 1re iOinatia , Neb ,
Homo Coll'eo nml Splro Mills M'Pf * Co.
Coffee Hooter * ami Pnlco Orlndfri" , Mannfauurrri
of lUUnit rowder. KUrorlnit Kilrnct , IlluliiK. Kin.
Trv unc rn o of our 1 ft tinrliHBQ Homo Illond Honrted
Ootreo. ItOJ llotviml ft , Om U , Nrb.
John EpenctPV , Prop.
Manufacturer of llilvanlrod Iron nmt Cornice. 923
Dudftn unU 10.1 and Mi N , Will ft. , Omaha , Neb.
MunnfncturcrK of
Ornninontal ( inlvnuized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlnilow ? , nnnlf.MolnllcEkyllKlit.ctc. 3108 ,
IZt'i St. , UnmhR ,
C. Spoclit , Prop.
: inlvnnlrcil Iron Cornier * , etc. Sppct'nlmprtwed l' t
cut Mctallc Skyllulit. ( 3 nnd ill ) B. mil M.Omnlia ,
OMAirAljARl'ET CO. ,
Jobbers of
Carpels , Ciirtuins , Oil Cloths , Hutrs ,
I.lnoluunu. MnltlfiRS , Etfl. Itll Dounlai ilrcct ,
ft' . A. OilCjfA 11 ft ,
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Jtnttlnis , Curtain Goodi , Klo. 1123 Knruuni Btreet ,
Omalin. Nrb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glixsswitre ,
Lamps , Ohlniue > > , etc. Office , 317 South 13lh et.
Onmha , Nob.
Commission and Storage ,
Conniiissiou ami .l
Butter , HcKftAnd I'roduco. ConslRiimentB solicited.
llcadqu rtTi for ht < m wnro , Ilprry HOJCPH und
( irapo inteliels. 1414 Doilgrairect , Umatm.
Commission Merchants.
Frultn , Produce and Provisions , Onmhn , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merclmnt.
Specialties Iliillcr. KKK , Chose , Poultry , ( iumo ,
Oyi > tcr , Kta. lite. US South llth street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , lluttcr , Giune , Trillin , etc. 220 8. Uth et ,
fjtunhn , fsi'h ,
Gcnoriil Commission Merchants ,
Anil Jobbers of Foreign ami Domcntlo Fruits. Poire-
suomlenco dollrltcd. Warehouse tinrt < itlco , 110 N.
Tliirtoenlli HI. , Omnlm. Nob. Telephone 77. > .
/ . ROCCO .0 CO. ,
mportcra nnd tvholonnle dealers In
Italian Produce ,
Foreign.ToinCRtlciind California Fruits nnd Commlii
Ion Mercliantn. 104S.141U it. Oulr oxcluilr *
fruit house InOnmha.
Coal antf Lime.
" fvrrTWT ? n ff\
Jj . TirTT" , / .
Jfl JL J-jJ'fj-L v,1 Ji c4' v L/.y
Dealers In
Hard nnd Soft Coal ,
Office and jnnl , H'th mid Nli'liolss | B. , Omnlm , Neb ,
Ymcl Tulvpliunu , Uj7.
Uliu. r. I.AIIAIIM. 1'ras. C. F. OOODMAN , V. Pros.
J. A. HUMiKHt.AXD , bee. and Trens.
OMAHA CO A L , COKE .0 jrllJ3
c'Oii/pjL r ,
Jobbers of Hard nnd Sofl. Coal.
KK ) South Thirteenth Street , Omnlm , Neb.
, T. , T. JOIIXNOX' M CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal nnd CoUp , Comont. 1'lnstcr ,
IJme , llalr. Tire llrlek. Drain , Tlla nnd : < e\rer 1'lpo.
ORIro. 1'axton Hotel. Kurnum el. , Oiuitlm , .Neb.
Tolopnono BU.
F'P. co. ,
Mnnnl'actiiritig : Confectioners ,
Jobbers of HullsNuts nnd duals. 12111'urnum St. .
Live Stock Commission.
M. JintlCJl , l tiOJTS ,
Live Stork Commission.
fleo. llinLD , Jlanacor.
Union Block Yurdn , U. Oiunhn Telephone
Live Stock Commission .Merchant ; ? ,
Bhlpmontsof snr und nil kinds of Slock eollclted ,
Union htocli Vards , Omnba , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
QUDB nnd Ammunition , 215 toZZI B. lllh > t. , 1WJ to
1O. ! Kui ri'iui m. , OmnUti , Neb ,
irnnufacturers of Fine
And WUoloule Dealers In Tobncroe , Nos.lW
tudllO.N.luh street , Oinuhn ,
Wliolntnlo Deulen In
Ciffars , Tobaccos , Pines and Smokers'
Agents for P. LnlrturnJorf , t Co. , Kino-Out nnd Smok
Inn Tobnceoi , illlwauioo , Wliconsln. No. 314
North Slxteentti Street. Ornulm , Mob.
Dry Goods.
n t Fnrntl..nir Rood's & Notions
DletlllerB of I.iquon. Alcohol and Hplilts. I uj porters
and Jobbers of Wlnesand Uquori.
CO. und ILER C CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers ol Kino Wines and Minors.
bolo rn nu ( oturer of Kenncdr'n Kail Inrllii lilt-
tern nnd Doninllo Mquor . llll llarney BU
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Largcit Drug- , Paint , Oil & filass Jlonso
Westof Cblrieo. Complete I.I no of Druggist . ! Pun
drlon. llll i [ rnoyet. , Ouinlm ,
Wholesale Druggists.
An4 Deattrs In Taints , Oils and Window Olan.Omnha ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. . It. BAfEii.Prcii. J.W.nmronD.Sec.iTroit
It. J. ClBSON. V.l'rei.aud Hupt.
Office 213 8. 14th St. . Omalm. Neb. Muclilnerr nncl
Supplies for anufctiirluv Curaent Drain Tile ,
Butchers' Tools.
lluto'.iers' ' Toola and Huppljes ,
of H' | klu.1lifar * IQ stock. 12U
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries ami Provisions ,
N'o TQj.TOT.TOland'll S , 10th ? t , Omaha. N b (
McC02tl > , BRADY ,0 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and t.earenworth ti.Omaha.
. :
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Stool ,
Waton Mock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1 !
and 1711 llarnrr M. , Omalm.
EWE r , r
Wliolesalo Iron nnd Steel ,
Wagon nnrt r rrl ire Wood Stock , llta ? ; lUMwar
Ktc. 1217 und Uia l.mTcnnurthM. , Om ha , Neb.
Stoves , Uanpes , Knrnnces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , ( i rates , Ura < ! oodi. 1331 nod ISM Karoam
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WroHtht and Cait Iron HulMlns Work , Iron Stalrt ,
Itallliir , llrnnn nnd ( llnlern , Meam KnRlnei , llraii
Work , ( Kucml Foundr ; , Machine ami lll i > .imllb
_ Workonice and Workn.t ) . r. ity ami litli meet.
- - ' -i
EmioLir .c
Wliolesnlo Jewelers amlMiislc Dealers.
If lcrn In Hllrcrwarti. Dlamondn , Wfitchpn , Tlocki ,
Jenfler'BToolnaml MnlerlaU , < MC. 101 andlOl litb
lU.cur. Dodge , Onmhn , Neb.
Dealer in Luinlier. Lath , Limp , Sash ,
Ooori , Kto. Yards-Corner 7th and lougl i | Corner
Wholesale Ltnnlicr ,
811 B. Uth Urcct. Omaha. Neb. F. Colpotter. Manmior.
13th and California FtreelB , Omaha , Neb.
Fit ED W. Gil AY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth nnd noiiRlan nt . , Omnna , Neb ,
To Dealers Only.
Oince , 1(0.1 ( Fnrnnm elrct't , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood CarpctB and Parquet Flooring. Sth und Douglas
AVholPsnlo Lumber , Ktc.
Imported ami American Portltntt Cement. Ptato
orllllnnnkco llrdroullc Cemcut nnd licit
( julncy White Mme.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Mmltcd. John r. Bojd , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
T. OltEltFELDER 0 CO. ,
Importers and Jobliers of
Millinery and ifotions ,
1213 nnd Uirillnrtioy Kt.cot , Onmhn , Nob.
Notions ,
c. s. Goomticir c co. ,
Arotlioonly Direct Importers of
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In KcbniBkn. Chicago prlcei dunllcntod nlthotit add-
InulrclKht. 14l5Kurnani Street , OnnihH.
Wholenalo Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing1 Goods ,
< atnnil 4Qj 8. TfntliSt. , OmiiliH.
Jobber * In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Fnrnishlnff
1000 and 10W Fsrimin et. , Omnhn. Nnl ) .
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcano lanta , Bblrta , Ktc. 1107 nnd 1101 DOURHB | Htrcot ,
OmnhH , Noli.
Job FrlutorH , IHank Dook Makcra.
And liook Ulndpm. IIKI und 1 ( tioutb Kourtccntb
street. Omnlm , Neb ,
Auxiliary PublislierB.
noalern InTjrpo , I'roocf und I'rlntcrA'Uupplloi.
Bouth Twelfth Mil cot.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
CO. ,
Jlnnufuctuic'u. riuLemund Dealers In
Picklcp & Strictly Pure Apjilo Vinegar
Dnklne Powder. Vnworlnp KxtrneiF'I'ablo Rnure ,
French lliut "i Wnrb Illulnir , ( liui'ers' arest ! : ! ! :
hole i.tcnt for York Hutu hiinil llutluud Apple Ci
der. 140) ) I cnvrnn'jrth n , . Onmtri.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturerof Fire und Ilargtar Proof 8afen , Vnult
Doom , Jail WcrkBhutter and Wire Work. Cor.
lUhundJttCkBOiiPt * . , timnh.t. Nob.
P. BO YEJl .6'O07
Affonts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flro and llnrii'ar ' Proof Siifas , Time I.uck , Vaults
and Jail Work. 103) mrnim Btroot Onniliu , Neb ,
Sash , Uoors , Etc.
M. ArmsjijUolr A co. ,
Sash , Doors , JtlintlH and MouldlnqrB ,
Ilranch otKco , 12th ami Irord htt. , Omaha , Nel > ,
_ „ _ _ _ _ - _
Sash , Door , Blinds , Mouldings ,
UulMlne 1'iiiwr , cic. 1001 South Thirteenth Htrnet
OmnlmMub. A complete rlovk ' "n" ' . . . -
Ilardwiiie , ' "en
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouhl'jiEB.FtalrWoikand ' Interior Uanl Wood Finish
Juit upenud , tl , a , cor. 8tb and .Lcurtinirbrtbtils.
Omulin , Neb ,
Pumps ,
AVholoKdlo FumpH , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Suuiillca , Headquarters t"r > l
Ko itCo's Ouods. Ifll l-'nrnum St. , Onmhu.Neu.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , Wat r. ItalUar and Mllllnir Supplies , tlo.
yap , V aodto Farnam tt.Uiuaha , Neb.
nalladajrWInit Mills ) ntcum and Wkior
Plumbing oos. Ileltlnii.llnie. V' d Ir/j Far-
Dura St. , Omaha. H. K. Fcltnn ,
TelepbimeNo , 310.
jr. jr.
Wholesale Trunks ,
MllUrd Hotel Jllock , Omaha.
Wagons and Carriage * ,
"A ,
The Loading Carriage .Factory ,
( KHTAI11.I8I1EIJ 16 3. )
1(09 and llll Dodge street , Omaha.
Building Material.
Dealer In All Kinds of
Jtuildiiicr .Material at Wholesale ,
lath Streolund.Uuloa Paclfto Trick. Omaha.