Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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{ ) Dc-limcd liy rmtttr in nn ) rnitor tliecltrnt
I' twnitj touts i i'i-w ' ek.
II. W. TII.IOJJ , Mnnaffor.
E , No. u.
Ktutii ICtitioii No. 21 ,
New York Plumbing Co.
Now fall goods at HniterX
Cooper & Mc(5ci ( ! sell hardware ,
litix Seal brand oysters , llni best.
Cheap railroad tickets at HuMmcll's.
Pain Is at $ : t W ) per donl Schmidt's
gallery , Main St.
The Ladies' Choral union meets this
nfternoon at ! o'clock tit the resilience of
Mrs. Rockwell.
M ( J. Wells was yesterday lined for
having a rumpus witliilohn Teter. John
escaped without tiny penalty.
Dell Allen was arrested for being
drunk and disturbing the peace , Mrs.
Allen herself making the complaint.
The big drunk four were lined yester
day in police court Henry .Johnson ,
.lulin Kennedy ' , d'eorgo llowcrton and
I'at llcllley-
Meetings will be cofttitmml this week ,
every night , at the mission , corner of
I'ourlh avenue and Seventeenth street.
Evcryhody invited.
To'morrow ' Is positively the last chalice
to register , and unless registered no one
can vote. Every voterjshoiild , therefore ,
toe to this important mutter.
The new Ilroadway theater , under the
1 management of Mr. Jo Driesbaeh ,
opened last evening , anil promises to bea
permanent and liuaneiul MICCCSS.
The move for a wagon britlgn has al
ready caused many inquiries about bottom
tom property , and a ripple of real estate
activity has already started in cheap lots.
The injunction case against William
Kohning was to have been heard In the
superior court yesterday , but was con
tinued until Thursday to accommodate
attorneys on both sides.
Hcv. T. J. Mackey , of St. Paul'sobm-eh ,
delivered a sermon on "Hobby Killing , "
last Sunday. lie knows just how to hit
nobbles hard , and there is no more out
spoken , fearless nulpit orator in the city.
Council llliifl's is remarkably fortunate
Qfi t l Jlntf. Jls. P.'ddnnls su rni not get
careless , however , csnccially at this.sea-
eon of the year. Look after the Hues
and hoe that the stoves are piopcrly
set up.
The irtipcr mill is getting , under way
mid will soon be operated with full force.
With new machinery and many improve
ments , the mill will speedily take rank
as one of the in the land , and a val
uable addition to the industries of the
cily.A .
A stranger , apparently a bricklayer or
plasterer , fell in a lit on the street near
the corner of Main and Broadway , yes-
terdav afternoon. Ho was taken to the
cily jail to be cared for , and there lay for
hours in an iinconsciou0 condition. The
need of a city hospital is made apparent
nltnosl daily.
Lumber is already being unloaded on
( lid grounds of the old foundry building ,
on Main street , recently lease : ! by the
Union Lumber company of Wisconsin.
The yards will be extensive , anil will be
under the management of Mr. Stephen-
BOH. Wholesale as well as retail busi
ness will be looked after.
John Nicholson expects about the lirst
of Jannarv to send his Heel runner Lima
Urown to Now Orleans. She is rapidly
getting into condition , and it is expected
will he a great winner. His other runner ,
Needier , is now being handled by parties
west of hare. He recently won atwo _
mile race , and promises still better things.
There is a large amount of the iron
work for the new court house already on
tbe ground , and it is rapidly being put in
plueo. The work is progressing well and
the building begins to show what , man
ner of structure it will be. Us sixu and
beauty are surpassing the expectations
oven of the enthusiasticcitiens , who
eagerly urged its building.
The city council meeting to-night will
be an important one. Some of the mai
lers now pending before that body arc ot
vital interest to Council Illufl's , and the
city fathers can kill enterprises or
help them along. The future of Council
IMull's depends largely upon the wisdom
of its aldermen. No sectional jealousies
or personal motivcsshould actuate them.
The greatest good to the greatest number
is what should be looked to.
There are numerous citi/icirs being
made in the superior court daily. Among
the curious cases yesterday was that of a
young man , whose father was born in
Canada , came to this country , was not-
nrali/.ed , and returned to Canada , where
the young man was born , soon after
which the family returned to the United
( States. So many iiieslions | arising as to
the right of the young man to votethat ho
concluded the speediest and surcnt. solu
tion of the matter was that of becoming
Jt is figured out by one knowing elti-
/eii , conversant with the trade and the
town , that there will he lifleen large lum
ber yards locatediiiConncil Kind's within
oix months. Tl'e advantages of cheap
ground for yards , wonderful facilities for
loading and unloading , and a center from
which all pans of the west can easily be
supplied , are the causes which will bring
the increase. The prediction is made
that the Missouri river bands will bo the
great supply depot for the lumber trade
of the west , instead of the bunks of the
The county recorder's ollice is lee im
portant n one to bo .subjected to experi
ments. The present olllclal , Mr. Chain-
born , whom the republicans have renotni-
natcd for another term , is peculiarly fit
ted for the position , and the satisfactory
manner in which every detail of that of
fice has been looked after cannot but
cause the people to continue him therein.
Able as an attorney , accurate as an ollice [ |
man , genial ami accommodating , and J
Having ( he full confidence of all , there
ei-enis no occasion for any change.
One colored and one white vagrant
were before .Judge Aylesworth yestcr
ilny. The colored man showed up al
right , and was discharged , and rather
than , discriminate against the white man
lie was sot freu also , the judge's emiin
clpation proclamation covering both , I
is almost useless to attempt to do any
thing with those roving fellows under
the existing circumstances. The city has
no arrangements for working these fel
lows , ami if found guilty the only penally
Bt'omslo ba to lot them fatten in llio county
jtii ) at the public expense. They enjoy
this , it relieving them from the necessity
of rustling about to get board ami lodg-
1 ing for themselves , mid is hence no pun-
John M. Matthews , the republican
candidate for clerk of the courts , is not
making much lluster or bluster , but is
ftendily and quietly nt work. He is iso iso
ffell known that It is almost needless to
assure the readers of the HKK that if
alectcd ho would prove as olllcient and
capable a clerk as over lilled thn ollice.
As county superintendent of schools ho
made n record of which ho may well be
proud , Ho diil mopx than any other one
man to build up the educational interests
of this county , in whatever position ho
has been placed he has been found faith
ful to the Interests of the people , holiest
and cllicient , nml the republicans could !
not liayu inado u bolter or a stronger
A Vahinblt Addition to the Industries of
Oohncil Bluffs.
The Mnyor'M Proclamation Causes An
Vnrlccl IIIMIIM C'might on
tlio Ply.
. \ UlU KortuliP.
Tlio Picrks C'lrn Harvester Manufac
turing uoninaiiy , one of the new inst'tu- '
lions of Council Hlntl's , has just completed
thn erection of a laige two-story brick
bmlilng-in\UOfnct ! ) , with awing for an
engine room , moulding and casting
room-H'x'iO. This building lias just been
opened for work , and is lilted up with
the most approved machinery for nil
kinds of wood , iron and brass work.
This company intends making llio manu
facturing of all kinds ot corn machinery
the leading specialty. The business is
under the charge of M. J. Dicrks , man
ager , and U. K. Holt superintendent. Mr.
Dierkn has invented and patented a
corn harvester , which goes into a llelcl
and harvests and husks the corn. He has
hail the mac'ilno ' in successful operation
this fall , and orders are already begin
ning to come In for the harvester. Thn
company rcirrels that It was impossible
o complete the works in time to maun-
faclnre for the fall trade on buskers.
Hill next season they cixpeel lo inaugu
rate a revolution in the manner of har
vesting the grealcereal crop of the north
west. They willal.-o immediately begin the
maniifacl'iiro of shellers and grinders.
Mr. Slnttlcr , the foreman of the mould
ing room , is one of the best
practical iron workers in this country.
He was the lir-t man to successfully cast
the rings for feed grinders. They were
formerly cut trom sleel , but this made
tin' machine so expensive as ( o be im
The company \\ljl give special atten
tion to their jobbing department , and
will promptly Itll till orders for brass and
iron casting , and all kinds of machine re
pairing and cutting of geara. The build
ing is commodious , well lighted ana
heated bv steam throughout. The Hr.i ;
hope.- Unit tlie company will make a big
fortune out of their new invention.
Substantial abstracts ot titles and real
estain loans. . .1.V. . & K. \ > . S < | iiiro. No.
lot Pearl street..Council Ulnll'n.
Seal brand at U. .1. Palmer's.
Tlic Saloons I'a.viiisr.
The notice given by Mayor Cronowcg
that , the saloons must pay m > or shut up
begins to liayc its ell'o.el. Nearly twenty
paid the monthly license ye.aterday , and
others say that they will pay to-day. Thu
mayor says he means business , and that
lie finds nearly all llio saloon men tire
ready to pay if they can b" assured that
( hose wlio do not pay will not be allowed
to run. He proiicfecs to carry out tiiis
policy , anil to commence at once sliiilting
np all delinquents , lie holds , with tio. ! o
Unit are willing to pay , that it is not fair
for some to contribute j2.5 a tr.ontli anil
others contribute nothing. Those who
refuse or neglect to pay will be closed.
Such is tiie avowal of the new mayor.
Another perplexing feature lo the
saloon business is the fact that nearly all
the saloons have lunch counter.- , con
nected with ihcm , and they claim that
they cannot close their places of business
on Sunday or shut up at 12 o'clock at
night , because there are "boarders , "
who must be fed , and if the front and
back doors are locked , then the boarders
must go hungry. An ell'ort will be made
to force such places to either separate
their lunch counters from the saloon erse
so close their bars by screens or other
means , as to render it impossible lo have
drinks sold without being easily detected.
The lunch counter excuse has served as
a shield for many violations of the at-
templcd police regulations.
I can save yon money in Stoves. Tin
ware and Hardware ) . W. A. Wood.
Sec that your books arc made by More-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
. Seal brand oysters at 11. J. I'almer.s.
China Wccltllni ; In a Mack.
Yesterday afternoon Snn Goons , a
Chinaman from Omaha , and Katie. Pet
erson , a Norwegian maiden , came to this
side of the river to get married , They
stopped at Idol's hotel , but by the time
thu marriage license was procured there
was such u gathering of curiosity-seek
ers that the modest couple preferred not
to have the ceremony performed in the
lioiel parlors. They engaged asclliciating
clergyman Kev. A. Overtoil , a local
preacher , and finding that there were too
many curious oyrs tit lite hotel , they
concluded to take a carnage to Captain
Overtoil's ollice , and have the ceremony
performed there. There were a number
of persons nt the ollice , however , and al
the suggestion of the clergyman the
ceremony was performed in the car
riage , as it stood in thu street , in front of
Overtoil's ollico , tlic knot being tied
as tightly as though in a parlor. The
happy couple drove oil' , and took the
next'dummy train for their homo in
Omaha , where tlio bridegroom iscngaged
in the tea business.
Try n Garland Cook stove for soft coal.
Cooper & Mcicn ( have them.
Mrs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dressmaking
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices. No. I28 ! Hroadwny.
Tim Hush I'"or Ilt'iniinmN ContlniiuH.
The great rush at the remnant conn
ters in Etsoman's People's Store yester
day was similar to the great lawn sale
which will be remembered by till.
To-day this great sale will bo con-
tinned it will be the last day and every
remnant must go and at any price.
lidos : ! , don't miss this great opportun
ity to supply yourselves with silks , vel
vets , plushes and dress goods of every
description. The sain takes place in the
corner store of the People's Store.
In the domestic department we oiler
thousands of remnants of calicos , glng
hams , sheetings , linens , toxvelings , flan
nels , linsoys , Jeans , in fact till short
lengths of goods throughout the entire
house , regardless of their cost or
Call early to avoid the rush nt
llcnrv Eiseinan it Co.'s
People's Store ,
Nos. 3M , 810 , ! U8 and HiO UroaUway.
si'Eci.M. SAM : .
To-morrow we will place our winter
underwear on special sale. For full par
ticulars ECC to-morrow morning's paper. |
l'oolo's | ) Storo.
The beft steve I over luttl , is tlni ver
dict of thousands who have usiid tin ;
Uudtant llomu basu burner , Coounr &
McGuu , A culs.
Urlil t ! Company.
The stock books of thn Umnha &
Council UlulVu Hallway imcl Uddgo com
pany have buun opunud for the subscrip
tion of stock. Kycrv resident of the t-ily
! Is cordially itivitnt to nb > cribc for stuck J
in ; any amount from nn ' linndred dollars' '
upward * . As soon as all llio stock U (
subscribed bcrc , and it is exported that j
it will bo by thomi'ddlevf next wek , clip ]
directors will bo ready to go to . Omaha
and perfect nrrfingements with the stockholders -
holders there , wh'o have their -stock al
ready pledged. Call at my ollioo.
Hy order of the board of directors.
( imtitiK V. WiiwitT , bcc'y.
An Independent Candidate- .
I 'hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent 'candidali ! for justice of the
peace , and submit my claim to the voters
of Council Minn's In. , on the Slid clay of
November. 188i. ( A. L. ItcsDlttrKs.
First class regular dinner 2'i cents , 12
to 2 o'clock. PhtiMiix chop house , f.0" >
A I'lcnshiK I''iitnftnlntnctit ,
The ladies of thn M. K. church will
Hives an oyster supper in the basement of
tlielr L'litircli , on Uroadway , on Tliiir.-ilay
eveiiiim , Oct. ' 'H. The Indies will bo
assisted bv the eetehrated IVnls family.
A military band will tils-o be present lo
discourse music on the occasion. Kocit-
atious niul Instrumental music will addle
lo tlic interest of thu ovoinnj ; .
Headquarters for gloves and mittens at
P. C. DC Vol sells Stewart , Acorn and
Westminster hard coal burners Charter
Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges ,
Kconomv steam and warm air furnaces.
No. 304 Broadway.
A rumor has been started , whicn has
been traced back until it readies ono of
the Union Pacilic men , to the efleet that
within sixty days Union avenue will be
abandoned liy the company , whether
Tenth avenue is given or not. The rumor
is not generally credited as being proba
ble , but it seems to come irom one who
ought to know what he is talking about.
Seal saeqnes , fur trimmings , .seal caps
etc. , at Mr/iv.u.r linos.
Fresh oysters in every stvlo at the1
Pho'iiix Chop House. No. fiO.1 ( 'roadway.
Hard and soil coal , wood. lime , cement ,
te. Council ! I'.lnll's Fuel Co. , No. Mil
HroL'dway. Telephone No. Ui. ! (
The body of the unfortunate Hans
llansen was yesterday buried here. It
had already been buried tit I'latlsmonth ,
where it was found in the river , it not
being identified or claimed there. When
the Iricnds went there they Lad it laki'ii
up and bronchi tf , ( | , | s ciy ( for btirml.
Custom-made railroad shoes and Oer-
mtm slipers | ) at CJ. Hl.ixsim's , Main si.
Dr. llanchett , olliee No. I1'Pearl street.
Residence l'-U Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
Mrs. J. C. Hixby has been very ill for
several days past.
Colonel McKis > oek , of the Wabash ,
has returned from St. Louis.
11. C. Cheney , of the Sioux Cily route ,
is struggling against malaria.
A. P. Cramer , Avoca's blond and
bland postmaster , was in the city yester
day.J. .
J. II. Welpton , a prominent insurance
man of Red Oak , was at tlio Pacilic yes
A. E. Hnchanan , division superintend-
on t of the Wabash , was in the city yes
J. W. llnntinglon , of Jellcrsou , la. ,
has decided to make his residence in
Council HlnlVs.
( icorge Reider , who travels for ( ? rone-
weg & Sclioentgen , left yesterday to visit
his trade in Nebraska.
W. H. Lett ami wife , of Denver , spent
Sunday in the city visiting frienels , and
ast evening left for Beatrice , Neb.
.James K. Edmunds and U. Holt Early ,
of Virginia , were among the dis
tinguished arrivals tit the Ogden yester
Cory A. Heed returned yesterday from
the east. He has been in attendance at
the Knights of Labor convention in Rich
Harry Curtis and wife arrived home
last night from Lincoln , where they have
been attending the state convention of
tlio Nebraska Y. M. ej. A.
J. 15. Severance and A. J. Severance ,
ot Rockford. 111. , are al the Pacific house
and seeking to establish a trade here on
an invention of theirs , a palcnl wash tub
Mrs. W. A. Highsmitli , wife of the
yardmaster of the Union Pacilic , lias
gone on a brief visit to friends anil rela
tives at Willow Vale , Kan. She is ac
companied by her sister , Miss Lucy
C. U. Jacipiomin , of Helena. Mont. ,
has been spending n few days here look
ing over tlio jewelry establishment in
which lie is interested. He loft last evening -
ing for New York , where he will make
purchases of holiday goods for the house
hero and the one at Helena.
The i\o\v Vnnety Slum' .
A largo audience attended tliu perform
ance at the opening of the new variety
show last night. The entertainment was
n generally pleasing ono. The orchestra ,
composed of six pieces , rendered music
that was a genuine amt pleasing stir
prise to the society bloods present who
have been alllietcd so long with the mis
fit combination that grinds out discord
at the opera house. , Performances will
be given nightly.
Electilo door bolls , burglar alarm ? and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at thu New York I'lnmhing Co.
J. Karnsdorf , having taken entire con
trol of tint Hiu'iiix chop house , desires to '
sttite that he has secured thu services ot
Charles Declcer , a first-class cook of Now
York city. The best the market affords ,
night and day , in the best style of the
art. Will also"tinvo a regular bill of fare.
Spontaneous Combust Ion.
During those October days when Chicago
cage was having , in the year 1871 , a
somewhat interesting though a rather too
warm experience , it was noted that
buildings remote from others that were
blazing suddenly burst into llaine , al
though no sparks were seen to alight on
them , In the forests of .Michigan and
Wisconsin tall dead pines , standing in
the woods far from the nearest hrcs.were
.seen to suddenly and without apparent
canso lire up and become new centers of
destruction , Fences of oak a mile from
Ihu nearest bla/.o llamed up without thu
least provocation , ho far as was seem by
thn witnesses , The parched grass in the
meadows and the brush-heaps in the
clearings were swept by fires started , no
one knew how. In "Kcgnarok" sucl
cases were cited as evidence that the
world was at that time passing throngl
a comet , thu heat ot which lired the build
ings , trees , and fences. Those who dii
not believe in that theory , and the few
who never heard of it , tried to sustain thu
belief that those isolated lires , cases of
seeming spontaneous combustion , were
caused by the dropping of sparks which
noliody happened to see. But tliu on-
served facts were too strong against these
believers , nnil to many thu matter has
never been accounted for satisfactorily.
An accident that happened in the
laboratory of M. Cosson , of the French
Academy of Sciences , suggests ti solution
of tlio mystery of the Michigan , Wiscon
sin , and Chicago eases. While M. Cosson
was working in his laboratory a part of
the boarding ot thu lloor tired spontane
ously. The boards were near nn air hole
through which came u current of warm
nir- from a stove on Ihr iluor below , and
some liiiileeu ftet inv'av J'lvo years be
fore a like Cii'o T.-US nbAjrvod in the ame
place , and to prevent n recurrence tin-
boards [ adjoining tlio -air hole
\\fra roplaeeel by a mar
ble \ : slab. The wood' Which after
ward ignited was nevt to the marble.
The heat to which It wn sitbipcted was
only that of'air at 7 ? degrees Fihronhoit ; ,
f-'ill ' the wood slowly ea'rboni/od , and be
ing thus made extremev ! porous ranidly
absorbed the oxygen of the atmosphere ,
and liKit enough was ibeii produced to
eatiMcombustion. . A similar incident
occurred al 1'assy n few-days before from
the action of the heat from the air-hole
above n love upon < he woodwork.
If long continued dry heat of 17decrees
Fahrenheit will put wci id into n condition
in winch it is rc-.dy to luir-t into
the hoards in tlio laboratory of tlio Fro noli
soioiiist are said to have done , the spoil-
l.'xnroli.lires of that fearful October are
easily accounted for The drought had
been long and tlio heal intense for weeks ,
without dew to moisten anytliintr. Tlio
winds had for weeks blown from I he
westward , and had drawn almost everv
particle of moisture from exposed wood ,
which may have beeome cnrboni/ed ,
ready to 'burn fiercely whenever the
temperature rosea few 'degrees or other
cause came to start the bla/.e. The facts
slated by At. Cas < oii suggest precautions
that .should bo taken where danger has
not been stispecled.
Ball players should use St. .Jacobs Oil
for bruises and sprains received while
Spcelnl advertisements , smh as Lost , Fo.nul
To Loan , Tor Snip , To Hunt , Vanls , lloimlliur.
etc. , nil ! Ix'liifcrto.l in tliu column nl llio Ion-
rntforTKN OK.NTS IV.II LINK for the flr.n lii."or-
lonimil l-'lvoConts 1'ci1 1,1mfor cui'li subsequent
Intuition , l.eiivu ailvurll-ciiiciits t our olll.'ii
No. U l'eil blrci't , Ilroiuliv.iy , Council
WANTI'D-llyT1. Slii > iitH'lil7"riiTl\vuy coii
trnt-tor , 1UO railway laborer * anil rn tciitii-
story to work on ifriulo ot Southern Kunsns
riiliruuil In tlio Inilliin Turrltorv , HU inllos
Einilli of Klown , Kan. tiood wiites ; wood win
ter work. Work will lu t two yours. For In-
lormiitlniiltniutrrorN. Sclinrz , t'nitiu'll Itlnrr * .
1/WJU HUNT-A flood double liitlMInc sullnlilo
-I ? for n motory store nnil liwrlllnjr. ( iood
locution. Th'i ! < . VowlitLUl Ninth nth st.
Flt S.M.15Medium sired IMobrld snl'ej TTwd"-
bury owlii' ninuliliio ; cnsli rojis'.er ; spill-
tin * , ' nmclimo ; bni1nv len-r I'ti'ijii'njf mil-
rlilno : elr.ok ! srn'iunurH'r- -.gis jcslaonco HUM
lots , aiii ! ftur ! i.iv.-uio ouiiuiiiLr , .MI. 41 Noi'th
Main struct. Addrcs * 7. T. Umlspy , Conni-ll
Dlnlithrrin Ismrnln iniiklns Its iinunid vNita-
lion. 'I on } curt * ' t mil or illt. Tlldd. JKKKHKlS'
Itl'.MKDV tor that fiitiil mi'lii ly IKH duiuoti-
strutodtho I'lii-ttlnit II Is lulnllililous a prevent-
Ivu luMeiirn. If you penult your chlldri-n to
illo with dlphlhi'flu. "TliulL' Jiloo.l ho upon yiiur
lii'iid. " 1'or sulo only at dm ollico. No. ii : South
Sth ftri'oi.L'on.icll lllnll'.s , ln.or.sont liy c.vpie-5
on receipt of prlfi' . $ - * .
1'roin the Oiiiiiliu lluo : ,
Mr. .1. II. llntlcr , of Iliixcl , Dcll.I'ottuwattmnio
Co. , Iowa , uml his linully of oluvon purMing ,
wore nil sloU with iniillviiaiii d phtlicrln. Hvcry
onool'thom hns rccovi'roil , liy thu no of Dr.
Jt'llvils'I'liivriillvu and Ouro Cor Diphtheria ,
without thu aid of u physician.
U. II. lllaknslui' , of No. Mill Cuniplicll struut ,
Oninliu , who ruco.itly lost it , beuntifnl and I i-
ten < tlmr ilaii liti'r , eil nliout 15 years , hy
.llphtlu'da. iimlor thotrcntmoiUiOf ono of the
host physician * In Onmtm , writer to Dr. .Ivllcris ,
ot this city : "Vour rcmody I'ordipljlheriu came
too late , ourlenrdaunhti-r wn ? itvhiK hen It
was received. I am sntifitlixl that her Illo could
have linen saved. Another on ? ot oiii-L-hlldren
who had the diphtheria , h r thioat wits lillo.1
up with the putrid nlcoration , wo need your
me'ilclncand In twelve hours the disease wii.s
compleifcly puhiln--d. In the luttiro wo will
keep your ineilli'ino Bt nil tlmcn In our house.
Wo feel that It i-ave.l the life of ono of our chil
dren. Wo are very thmiKul | to you , ami only
recret that we did not call on yon sooner. "
From the Council Illuirs Oully Oloho :
M. A. Mel'lko. editor ot the Cntnlirlix ( Kbens-
hurtr , 1'n. ) I'Veeman , has liuon the personal
Irlond of the editor of the Ololia for more than
twenty years , nml Is k town wherever ho Is
known as ono ot'tho best mon llviiw. His family
was rnviiKPil with diphtheria , ami triently < lis-
tressed , t-omo of Dr. .lolTcrls' Diphtheria Cnro
was upcil , and the lives of the rp t of hlsehlld-
run saved. Letters from Mr. Mel'lUo are un-
liiiiimlcd In tholr expressions of gratitude for
ilndlnir Mime means of avertlmr the loss of all
his little ones. I'ivo of Mr. Mcl'llto's elilldron
( Hit of elKht died from diphtheria hofore ho had
an opportunity of UIIK | Dr. Jofforls' remedy.
nyspgjitlc , why live In mr-ory and dlo in dls-
pair with canci-rot the Ptoinacn ? Dr. Thomas
JclforU cures ovcry c.iso of indljrostlon ami
eoiiMtlpation In a very short time. Host of ref
erences invoii. lvsponla is the eauso of
ninety per cent of ml diseased crmd.lions.
1'rlco t't for two weeks treatment.
Dr. .leffei-Is1 dlphtlierlii mediclno Is Infallible
for nil kinds of sore throats. Imllspenslblo In
putrid K'.iro tluimr , in inallsrnant s.-arlot 1'ovor ,
chaiiRlimltln I ? hours to thoi-linplo form. Infal
lible euro for all Inllainniiitnrv , iilcorutlvo , put
rid , cancerous nlcoriitlon of the womb and all
cntiirrlial conditions.
Full prlntej instructions how to n o thoiupill-
emos sent with them. No doctor ruiitilrt'il.
I'r. .lefferls' romodlos can only bo obtained nt
his ollice. No."H South Eilthtti struct , ( . ouncll
Illulls , I own , or bin ) t W express on receipt of
JACOB Sims ,
I'mctlcuR ill the Stiti : > mill Kodoral courts
Jtooins 7 and 8 SlinRiirt Hlo-ik.
Justice of the Peace
Ollice ever American Kxpress
Pays Best
. . . .
FuRNItMtD TO Rt rON l li PHTI j
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
Suce.iwn to H P HUBBARD ,
Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts , !
Etttblithtd 1871 Inct po' t d 1885 , [
New Haven , Conn.
i03Oun 200 P oi C > T > Loauc or
Nw s pri . " GIHT F I ON
To One and All-Are you suffering
frnniu INnmli , C < iM , A.thras , nronchltlurun / nftlie
rurli.m iiiilinonurr troiihlp tlu' ; oflon fmi In raiii ;
ruino-lonl lf n. u o'-WlllKir .ruriii Cod-Mrar f > "l "
nna I .line. " nfu unit miru romedr. Di'i N no qiitirk
pri-i'Tilioa. liutt reiul rIrpre crllH l lir tlifl mn-ll-
! -al J.ic-.iHv. . Mxnufn-turcd o'llr br A. 11. Wll.lmll
clicniln , llot'on. Sold tiy nil druicl > ti.
'Jill : UU.MI.KMK.VM J'lUK.M ) .
( llxxt Implnnrnmtltlifach Ixilllr. Buro
or < > in 2 iu4day > . > * W j-uu
or It. * * ul lu uny AdurvM fur e i .ou ,
MAI TDOK MT'fl. CO. , Borlnirlloia , 0.
Messrs. Kuba & Co , , Agenti.
i't fnrtirl Itnit tlir ( ' ( tnni-tl lllti ; ) ' * Cai'itH OIWJWHit'lll / HUilte n
' In tln'tr lli'iii nn liiiiiHti'H lut nr.rl , < tn < l tltttt tlirartbo ) it ml to
IIKltfl'lllllH IVtlllW tllt'il' KlOflf IH'/'OI'C Unit / / / .
do KIT tlicin iH'ftire HOIIxm7i / < clucirln'i-c , unit olittfin Iht'ti'
If I/DII mint tit linn tniiitlilnii In tlii'ii' line they ii'lll ' yii'i'on ' / iH'lctw
ii'lll fi-i-litlnlif f > nlt n < nt
Tfirir utorli finislnlit nf nil f/ivufi'x nnil Huiki' . * of
Mattings , Window Shades ,
.1 lot uf Tithlr IJnctisTinrcls < nnliiithiim tn close out < it IHSS
Tll.tCOST. . Src tticni.
Council Bluffs Caiapet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Farming Lainl * in Iowa. .Mlnne.soln , Kansas , unit ranging from $ r > .00 to
$10.00 iHTiu'iv. School anil stale laiuls in Mlni.esotsi un tl I j'uar.V tinio 5 per
eent interi'M. Kniul Unyers fare free. Information , etc. , jiiven bv
a J J J A. V ' A J. iv ' TJ
No. o.Vi Uro.iclWiiy , Connc'il HlullV , Iowa , ngunl for l'rniilrik- & ' . ( . 'o. , C'lictigo. '
> - < -
t &
Bargains in 'Carpets Tins Week
A T-
rj'ijoii wish n C < tri > rt. no mutter ii'linl tjwulc , i > mire to cull and AP.K nn
We. H/'er siH'dul lini'i/aiiis in Jtrtinn 1'nftmiK anil Dress ( tutxlit Hit *
H'ri'lt. JSi'ct'iitlilnif In lliift Unit it-Ill be $ ol < l cliatjt tliiii coinlniwcelt. . , SVo
tlic iiint'ciine stock.
No. 401 Broad ' , ay , Council Bluffs.
Established 1SJ7
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Council
And all modern Improvements.
SID , ai"uudai9MainM.
ilAX JIOHN , Vrop.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes. tiO'ight and sold , nt rotall ant !
In kits. Lartfo iuantltlo3 ] to t > eleuf tiom
i-uveral piilrsot' ( Inn drivers , shiKloor douhlo.
Council Kind's.
No. 13 PepSt. . , Council Bluffs.
JIoiiso , Fljtn and Decorative Piilnter. I'upler
Macho Wall Ornaments ,
None hut host hands employed and charges
ii , JoiirnaU , Coiuily niul
ICaiili Work of All Kinds a Spec- .
Prompt Allenlionjo Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvcrct Block , Council Hltifls.
Staiulanl Papers Usud. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines anil
C. a Niitlonal II MW , . 15. Smith 4c Co. ,
ClUzenn' Hunk. Ie ) r - . Well * t < Co. ,
Hret National Bank. U II. Insurance U > . ,
odlcorA : 1'uhev.lliuikur rinvlnzd Dunk.
Beduotion in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. ,
At W. S.Hcmcr & Co'a. No. 33 Main st
Council Bluffs ,
No. 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Parisian Mil inary Co , Manager.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
103 Imyln ? u f" > lint or Ilonnet , one Taor
da will bo paid ; $10 round trip.
Irj lhe , following 'Companies ;
Cermnn American , of New York
PlKCtilt , * ot Hart/otd ,
Hartford , * of Hartford ,
Callfornian , of San Ftanchca ,
Scottish Union A National , of Edlnoarg ,
UnlunotSan Francisco ,
State , * ofOes Molnes.
iVIIIlamsburg City , * of Brooklyn.
Those marked with a * Iniuie alto ngalint loss by
Wind Storini , Cyclones and Tornadoes
ran BAI.R IN roi NCII ,
ONI5Y LOAN'KD os ooot > ctrv
UAftlS. * * * , , * + ' " * * * *
It ) N. .Main St. , Council JtlulTH , la. , and
20 ! ) S. lOth St. , Room 10 , Oniiilm , Nob.
TtMitH , AwnlniTH. Koofliifr Slald , Mau-
telH , I'lnto uml Window ( JlasH , Show-
Cases. Klcvatord ( hand and Jiy-
dranliu &c.
In the city can bo obtained by | mtronUlnjr tlio
MOIlroHdway VJ ft ? /'ouncM DlulTi
GKO , w. svnrNi > ur < K ,
None but oxporjcncuil liamlH u
Out of totvn ordcrri by mail'or u
llcitcd , and all work warranted.
DliURli , WKLLS & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Baggie ; ,
. Wo , 1'to. Ciiiincit Ilium , Iowa.
> iiiko Iho Orlzliittl nnil Comjiloto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
CONN SIIKM.KIIS AND KURD rt'TTKIH. , 1503 nti.l . 15)7 ) South Mala Slro t ,
Ooitnull lliiKTs. limn.
Mniiuf'i-smi I Jobber * of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cftrt ( Afro * . unit nil klniU of Vnrm Mnolilnorr.
1100 to Ilia south Mniti Street , Council Ulurfi ,
AXK > \nt.KS. .
P.p. { li.Ktiox. T. lI.Doirdl.lM. ( JKO.F. Witninr.
I'lW.ATrens. V.-l'ros A.M'in. 8iti0ounivl.
Council BluTs Handla Factory ,
. . i.
Mnnufnrtiircrsor Axle , 1'lok , SIMpo and Small
_ Ilntiilli' < , of livery iletorlptlnn.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloth ? , Curtnln natures , ITtiholstory Cloodj ,
Kio. No. 405 llrmvlwny Counoll llluffi ,
H , Klll.tCCO , Kn\
Wltnlontii .loliliiTS III tlui
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. iSMalu miJ 2T I'oitrlSts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Mercliinlj ,
Xo Hl'oirl St. , I'omii'il 'Ilitffj. '
nit ran j
IlAItLK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
' sundries. Ktti. No. ft ! Mnln St. , and
NO. KlrtuirT t , Council IUinr .
O.V. . HUTTS ,
Wholesale Califoraii Fruit ? a Specialty
Gonurnl Coinml'tlon. Nn. 511 Iliomlway ,
Council lllliIT * .
Wlmfslo ! : !
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. inuiuUa Pearl ? t. , Council Illillfi.
L. KIKSC11T & CO. ,
Jolibers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wliolosnlc Llrjuor Dcnloi-K. No. 410 llroiij-
way. Council IHiilN.
iiimiriirliirt ! > i-s of nml Wlioi | iiln Do iloM I.I
Leather Harness lite.
, , Saddlery , .
No. Wo Jlnln Pt. . Coiincll llluTi , Iowa.
//.ITS , ( MIW. r.TC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps an ! 61)733.
No ? , arinii'l ' nil llrnmltriiCoir.icll UluT * .
Iron Steel Kails Harden
, , , Heavy ,
Ami Wood Sloslc , Council HluIN ,
S A vo
J ) . H. McDANKLD & CO. ,
Commission Mercliants for Sala of Illtos I
Tallew , Wool , I'elts , ( Jrcasoan.l Kura Council
llluffd low.i.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating Lubricitlij Oil ; Ginlln
HTO. , H3TO.
H.Theodoro , Acent , Council Illulf.Iowa. ! .
A. OVKIITON & ( X.I. ,
Hard Wood , Soutnora Lumbar , Pili-iJ ,
IndllrldKU Material Spocliill l' > < i Luiu-
bor of all Kinds. Olllco N'o. 130 Mnlu St. ,
Counoll Illnlfs. lown.
Imported and Doraostic Wlnei & Liquors
Aifoiu fin-PC. CotlliirH'H llorlt HlltcrJ. No. 1)
Main St. Counall III MM.
Foreign and Domestic Winos an ! Liquors ,
A , biu Main nt. . L-iincll ll'.njs. '
Slar Sale Sables and Mule Kards ,
i > nmmv Urpot.
_ _
sr g
. . * "
khv - -m * * * - ni
HorscH nml iniih-H kept ooiiblwiiuv n
luiiHl , Mr snlo nt rotiiil or it ) oar loiiUH.Or-
dors promptly lillmt by contract on hliort
notlco. Slock sold on oommihslon.
SiiM'TKit ' & HOJ.KV , rroirlu2r ) .
Tclojihoiid No. 11-
Foriniirly of Roll Sil : StnDlrs , cornu
hi. uvu mid 4th
ThU It outlri'lir no * and In xi iluiil | lliut
wlllrfuuriinlvo liiluuc ! ) youtci ilnift mwi-nfiilly In
n ( utr liour' . Voacitn Urmi ull thu iiiilUTiin Uml K
Ni'O'lcil f'jr tMG fuinll ) ' , in II rut > M yiiiiiiitnl * wnru
lit luil o , giitleinriiHiiil vlillilrun ,
Ijulloi ini'l yenllviiiBii. II will runt THU nollillu
until you lmViiiUJrnt < d , ttivn ) u will MJiiillhu lilt jr.
\Ve rluilluiiKO romiiolltlnn. Tliu morl oxperluiiou. !
< lrii nuikiri ! ttiitl tulliirturkuiiwj.i .fa n uwrlurt ! > - .
Illithalnreiillon nf Mmlunin Wulki-r. u wi'll kiio-n
Krencli mii.lltle. U ia-lli r > n > > illr HIIU k'ou.l uyi'i.n
nuke inunuy. Wu wunl rtriU'l i urnlt tiluku
lidlil of ib biii > liio < rllli in. Wullka In imike nmnur
nicl Hlloir olliiTi til ilii IMI Him , nl wo r.ffrr lll'ornl
trmi r' t turtliaInrirniulluii cull IT oUitrrrr ,
MI1S MAHV KAKrillllliK.IK'il. Apot.l.
lliiiim M. I'Hi'liln lnu | a , ( ! outicll II I u Hi , | UITU :
W. A. WOIIK , I'mprliitur ,
. , . . ,
" ' ' "tllorTuilltir * rcUinvo I U5oU
( Ivor iliiity yvnnt | n-nctlr lfit | > rlriict <
Nn. II I'oiirlHt , Cxiuncil llliiUn.
I'tT't'oiuulUtlon tree.