Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY Bifili , : TUESDAY OCTOBER 20. 18So. .
Tlir onuri'i 4TMi irnnnpTn
HIE brlifcuLAlivEMARKETS ,
WLeit Carried Up Fractionally At tlie
Opeiiing of the Session ,
1 lie Provision Market Dull Native
Cattle Scarce Tins llojj Mar
ket Opptm Stronger Hut
Closes lousier.
CmrAno. Oct. i" . [ SH'Cial | Teleeram to
tlie HKJ : . | Tlio momentum ltIt : over Horn
Katniday carried the pi Ices of wheat iinfinc-
tlonally at tlio opening. rirsttindesvveieon
n basis of 7Vc for November , ii' % for De
cember Htiil biijiij ( ! > ic for May. Cables as a
general tiling wt'ie quiet , nnil not ospcclall.v
encouraging. Itceeipts ut iioithvvestern
points were attain hoivy , and some commis-
slon llruib linil advices fioin tlio southwest
that there. wonlil bo an 1'icrcaso In HIP moM1
merit of winter wheat In the. near futtittiru.
Kirst dispatches brought In heavy icali/liu ;
oidcis fiom New York nnil other speculative
centers , anil a gicat load of lone wheat came
on till ! tnaikct. The outsMo was n good
buyer , ami otrerlnfis wens taken with picatcr
readiness than had been counted on , hut the
piessmeijiit heavier Instead ol lighter , and
them was a free fhort selling by the repie-
fceiilatlves ot suveial Inigc opL'iators. Slowly
the market gave way undei the -ombim-d
weight of lout ; wheat and speculative otlei-
IIIRS , ami by 11 o'clock November was down
to74Xcaml Decembct to Ti' . e. A lull oc-
viincd In tiadins at this point , the croud
waiting lor tlti ) visible supply statement , and
prices scarcely moved a sixteenth foi halt an
lioiiror moio. The visible incicase e.ime in
so much hn cer than hail neen expected thut
the market hollencd Immediately mid
November was quickly ptiuiuleil down
to 74' c , December to tO'se and
May to S' 4e. At this junctiiie
a cable was leet'Hed. It quoted wheat us
Rtu.n. ? at ever\ point ami in all posl-
tloiiH , London huliiB consplviious for an im
portant advance In uhcat and lloiu. The
ehortilio had sold mi the decline , inshed
to cover , hut toiind veij little mopeitv lor
sale , and the maikcl nd\incc > il tnT/ie / for No-
voinber aiulTitkp for December , ie te.u'tlott
belnu sliai p. The abruiitnc-s of tlie movc-
inent carried consternation tn the lanksof
tlie beats , but the bis lelhms ou fit-
safety valve and cheeked the rally , though
at I o'clock they lind not succeeded in tinning
thn tide the othei way. At 1 o'clock oiiota-
tloiiH weie veiy clo e to ilie li'-t cMamlsht'd
on the late idlriiocmu : market displayed
more independent slieiiKlh and hackboni ! in
tlie speculative maiket tn-ilay than it lias
foi weeks and tiadlin ; , although not heavy ,
was laigcr than the recent avei-
RBC. Scatteilni , ' out.Mile onleis were
leeched , but they weie on bolh
Bides ol tlio maiki t and cut no liirme. Hascd
on the latest bidof Saturday there was an
lmpio\ement dutliiK the regular session today -
day of a stimiK ' 40. Tlio ma > option opened
steady at 41 > jc , cased off to 4UnuH'.e ( , and
then sold up to-tl ctlKe on the spilt , clos-
Ini : at the ton at I o'clock. Novemhei iam-ed
from ; t5/ ' < fj.i'He : up to : ! tic , ami tested at 8'y c.
Provisions won1 dull to-day and theie is a
Binall change to icpoit in pi Ices. Spi'i-nla-
the inqulty was liirht and as packetmnnl -
fe.sted n o ilisposltion to sell tlicic was no
ptc.ssiiie either way.
2'iO : p. M. Wheat was weal ; and lower on
the aftei noon boaid , the inmorcd re-sclliutr
of siain at Now York taken tor oxpoit
liavliitra dnpicsslnc ; oll'cet on the niaikel.
Pecembet dropped lo 0'i170'4c ' ( ! , elo-iinjj ; at
Ii0l4i : . Tin n and oats wein also a little
clicapei. while pinvialon * sveie ipiieland not
malct lull ) changed.
rim1 vi:40 : i * . -I'lUIIcgcs on December
wheat 7r > 24'c , and r > J c hid.
CnifAno , Oct. 2. ' > . --jpccial ] Telegram to
tlio ! ; : . I CATTI.K Natlxe.s were sc.nce.
The gieat bulk ot flic tiesh airivals were
Texas anil noithein langeis , and among tint
latter were some really good iliovcs. lien
nathesf-old a-ihade stiongcr.&omu salesmen
Quoting an aihanee of IO'l'I5c ( ' ou the ouli-
nary run of tat cattle , while tneio weie
otheis , cijually as well qunlilied to give an
opinion , that maintained that there \vis ; no
possible ehaiiKe. One lact , however , was
that the stncl ; was acthe , and the natives
on sale weie disposed ot at an eatly liunr.
Native Imtcheib' stuck wns steady. Texas
and ramiers were not selling iiulte as hluh as
Kilday mid Satuiday. Thontocket and fecdei
tiade piesentod no new featmes. Slilpplnt :
Mci-ri , 1 , : to 1.MX ) lb * . S4.SVBS.-10 ; l.-JW to
l.VlbS4.'Oi ! ! ) < ? l.40UO ; < i to l.'Jwi Ibt. $ ; ' , . : Wic
4. U ) . Stockeis anil teedeis , iii'iriii ( ! ( ( ;
thron jh Texas cattle steady ; cow si'-WiC"- . " * ) ;
S3 50@t. : ! ' > 0. Common vvcMcni i a Hirers ,
lOc lower ; native and hall'bleeds , ? : Uoc : ! ' . " :
COVVH , S2.40iu'.l'0liiti.'iud ; Tcxaiis , f-2.Vi
lioos The maiket opened tatlicr strong
with an active Iniiuliy liom both speculators
and tegular bu.vcrs , unit lor a tlmo values
ruled a shade siionger than at this close Sat-
unlay. In somu instances u 5o advance was
ic.ilized. but tovvauls the cluso values ruled
easier and latu aitivals Mild a bhadu lowui
that at thu opc.niug. Hough and common ,
Sil.CO' : i.70 ; fair to itood mixed. SIl.MKiJ'l.O.'i :
best iieavj , S4.15 ; fancy butcher pi .s and
Philadelphia , S4.2U : light Milts , S..70@'JO ! !
tor common and VI.10 foi Yortteis.
Nrvv York. Oct. 2."i.--MovKY On call ,
quiet , ranglni : liom l&O pci cent , closing
nt Stfrt per cent.
I'IIIMK MuitoA.sriMt P.u-Kii 4@5 per
ecu i ,
dTKUMNn KXUIANOK-Quiet anil steady
at S4 , ) 'i ' for sixty day tiilis ; 4b.i'/i ' fordo
( ! ov'Kn.NMii.xrs ( ! meminent bonds weie
dull and heavy for 4J < .
KrocKh Dull , and lltictuatlons as a rnlo
routined within a nairow lanue , Theopen-
lui : was ueneiallj lirm , Hist piico.s showing
advances langini : fiom 'iu ' < i' ' ' , , ] ier cent.
Later prices vvcni Mimnwliat Iiiegiilar and In
borne eases fe.veiihh , beini : hilt at noon at
about the opening liguie.s , Thu market then
IK c ime intensely dull except tormounucnts
In Jersey Cential and Canada Southein.
Prices U'lrau 10 yield and at thu closu , vvhicli
was sicady , vv01 e generalIv a Irautlon below
the opening.
3V cent bonds. . Ulijtf.O. iV N. W . .
U. b. 4H'.s lllW pii-leired.
New 4's. 12h IH N. Y. 0. , . . . . .
' 05. Orciioii Trail.
Central Pacilic. . Paclnc Mail. . . .
C..t A P. I ) , it K 2111 , '
iirniericc. , . . . P. P. C 144
C. ft. itt > . Itock Island. . . , I25VJ
' ' ' ' ' ' St. L. it h , F. . . S4
1) ! it'll ( J. . . . . . . preferred. . fi-S
0. , M. , V : St. P. .
pro cried. . . jiiefened , 121"
Illinois Central. St. P. it ( ) ' *
1. , It. A-W piefened , . n ?
Kansas iVTuxas ,
LakeShoie Pacilic. . . 5in
Mich. Central , . . U3HI piufeiied. .
Mo. Paclllu ! K"iiWeMcrn Union.
Northern Pae. . . 'At i ( ) . . It , iVi.N
i , Oct. 25. Flour- Steady and nn-
chanced ; winter wheat flour , S4.UM4.10 ;
Bouthcin , Si.00a4.00 : : WlscoiihinS4'OOi'$4,10 ;
Michigan softsprlui : wheat , SiJ.WW4.10 ; Mln-
ncf > olabakersS.50vi(4.10 ; ! ; pali-ntsf-l.iy44.ix ; ) ;
lowgraile.s,8 1.7.Vi.75 ; iyo Hour , qnn-t at
3.25dsi.0 ! in tMiicls. and 53.00 < "J3.20 In
cack > .
Wheat Fairly active and unsettled ;
opened > 4(5bC ( above and closed J
'jelovv Satuiday'bcloso ; cabh,7Ufc : ; N
Oer. 743 , 'c : Oiwmbor , 70Uo ; May , Sic.
Corn Aloderatel * active , ojicned ami
jloind iiNmt Ihu tuiiiiii as Salitrduy ;
354o ; November , 35 MOcj December.
May , 4l o ,
Oats hlovv , easy nnn nboul steady ; cash ,
25 ? e ; November. 25Jb'c ; May. VO c ,
Hye Finn at 4lv. '
rinrlpy--Stead > al 52XS5. > c.
Timothy seeil-'Primu , S1.07 > < i31.CS.
WJnuKi151.IS. .
I'ork IrU'unlar and easier ; cash , bS.b5 ;
November. SB.87) ) * : Jiii.iHry , SU.77K.
hard -Steadv and unchanceil : cash atnl
J\Tov 'inber , 85.T-'Ji ; Januar > . 5.V8.'i@5. ! > 7 .
JUilk Meats Shoulders. SS.45yt.VOO ; anort
clear. $5.7ft/ii5. > ; short ribs , 50,60.
Huttcr Creamery , 30acflc : dairy , l.yg-'Oc ;
imckiiift stock , "C'tfCi
Cheese Steady ; full-cream clicddnr * . 11fni
1O0 ; ytmiiK Aninlca : , ll ( U2e ; fklms , .KW
.x u'tren siilled.fully cured ,
j licht. 'do , i iu1iliiinnti'd. ! ; . Tcr
lVbiilllilile ; , fiVdr : ' alted , U l 'o : illy
Ibnt. nHc ; calf skhiH , vfUV ) : ile. ons ,
.Tallow No. t eouiitry , S'4fn ' c ; No , 2.
Sc : cake. S4'c.
lii-celnt * . blilpmont * .
Flour , lib's ' . 14.0fO W.00
\Vbcat.bii . So.WJ M.WQ
Coin , on . MVPOO
( ) at .iu . in.UOii IO.IHX : )
Kye , on . n.ooii
Uarlev.Uii . 00,0000 ! ! 2.0 > JO
Now Voi-k , Oct. 2.'i. VVhi-nt Itecclpts ,
22r > .ool ; cviioii" . iVUK ) ; spot , itnll and iovvci ;
options opened llriuri. juhaiircd ' ( . © 'iC ' ,
s ion vMsiKi'iied nnd decl'neil- ' ( 1 Ue , clo lii ! {
heavv : tiniiued | led. 71WNM ; No. H led ,
y1 : No. I toil. 11V ; No. 2 n-il , S' > e in eleva
tor , siealloatoeniherclnsiiii ; : at N'I'J' ' ' ' .
Coin Spot dull and ln\\er ; nptiniit opened
' . 'u'li- ' Higher and eliiMile : k wllli ml-
> .incn Inst ; nceipts , TJt.ftV ; oxpoilt. 1JS.OCJ ;
uiiiradril- < 4 ! < ' | : , > ; old , No.HVjCj > o.
2. 4.V * | , iee In elt'vatin ; Noveinhci eln'-cd
tit I0e.
( ) atsModeraltlaclive : icrelpls Kn , oo.i . ;
exiioit1" , li.'t mixed ui'steiti , ! W ! t4c ; white
\\cMcin. 4" , | . > .
I'etroleum Ste.iih ; I'lilteil. clixed at r > ! > "iC.
Iv.'its - Klim ; wi'tli'in. 2l' ' 2l'/p.
I'otk Dull ; mess , sti.i.'i io.oo fur old ;
tlo.ooiUi.r.oior ( new.
Lard- Closed llitner ; writern ste.uu , spot ,
Huttci- Quiet and lather weak ; \\O-IKIII | ,
{ 'hee-c-.siriiilj ; westein Hats. lOJ TIle.
MllwnnUnc. Oct. 'iV- - Wheat U'eaUel ;
cash , 7ijsOi5i : Vo : No. ' > , December , 74"'sr. '
Coin Finn : No. ' , ' , " . 'i'/c. /
Oats-Slow No. 2 - .
- ; 2JMjc.
ItyeNominal. .
llailey-No. 2 , 5l'fc. '
I'otkOctober , xV .
Mlnni'iipnllo , Oct. --Wheat Knsler ;
No. I haril , cash nnd Novein'icr. T''iM'tc ' :
Decumbet , 7.'c ; No. 1 liiilthein. onuli and
Novembor. "P c ; Peeomber.Toc ; No. 2noith-
crn. cash and Novi'iner , r..i' ' ' e.
Flour 1'atents , JI.UHgl.'S ; bakers. SIO '
1 .
iiecelpts Wheat , 207.0JO bti.
.ShipmentsWheat , U,00 ) ( > bu. ; flour , 20.000
bhN.Wheat In sloio tt. & : ! ,02T bit. ; nt St. Paul ,
Cinoliiiiatl , Oct. 25. Wheat I'll m ; No.
2 led , Ibc.
Coin No. 2 mixed. ! 171 < c.
Oats No. 2 , misuilJiJ c.
KyuNo. . ' . ' , We.
I'otk - . . ( ) .
l.anl - .V7.\
\Vhlsky--81. 1H.
St. IjoulH , Oct. 2'i. Wheat Knsy : No.
2 mixed. Se.isli. T.'rVcilNovemhci4 , "iiiJse ; Div
comber , 7 c ; .May. s Kc.
Coin I'll m ; No. 2 mixed , cash , : " .V ;
November , . ' ' , 'au\ \ December , : n ? i : ; .May ,
: ! > ' , c.
Oats About -ite.uli ; No. Unused , caMi.
! 5 < ; < ; November , 'JC'dc ' ; DevvmU-t , 2it = 4c ;
May , ilOJ.e.
Ifveliasv atbJjV. .
Poik Firmei at SIMOOM.
l.ard.Steady at & 5. 70.
Mutter-Quiet nut easy : creamery. 24iJ23c ( ;
dull v , lAi/'J.le.
Alteinoon Hoard Wheat j c lower ,
Coin unchanged.
Knnsnx Cltv , Oct . Wheat ( Jitict ;
No. 2 red , ( Kicbld ; No\ ember , e.J/eblil ;
May , 7iHe : bid.
Coin Stead v ; No , 2. cash. R0' ' v ; No-
\embcr , : iO' ' ; c bid ; Deeumbei , : llJ.jC bill.
Oats No quotations.
Mvcrpuol. Oct. 2' fair
ileinanil : neNo. . 2 , wintei , ( is Nl , steady ;
spiinsr , Os ( M. steady.
Flour In fail demand at S.s 4d.
Coin Spot , Is M , s > tead > : October , 4s
4'u'd ' , stead } ; Noveinbei and Decumbet , 4s
ill , stl.Mll } .
1'cilcilo , Oct..1. " ) . Wheat Opened lower ;
closed dull and sliiriitly liisbei ; cash , 7J > e.
Corn Cash , " , ' , ' 0.
OalsUnchanged. .
Now Orleans , Oct. V > Corn Ea-lcr ;
mixed , -iTc : yellow. 4 c ; white , -WoOe.
Oats-Quirt ; eholce wcsturn , nV.
HtilK Mi-atH Dull and lowei ; shoulders
Sr.0 ! ! ; lone clea ; and clear ribs , feiKSJJ.
Coiiiincal Fair demand at ' .MG.
Ho ; I'lodncls Dull and unchanged.
ClilonKo. Out. 13. The Drovei 's Joutnal
repoits as Inllows :
. . , . ! ! < i ( ? | .
aii'3Stcaii } ; cows , ? 2 O. rJ.'JO ; hteers. , SiflOQ
, " , S ) ; common western ransers _ 10c lower ;
native.- , and half-bieeds. & : ; . : Wi'i.75 ( : ; cow. ,
$ ' 2.40i'ii2.)0 ; ! ) ; wlntoied Texans ,
noitheui raiificis : Montatias , .
Wvomings , Si.25 : ; Coloiado Texans ,
. .
llo s liccclpts , S.\000 : KPiieiallv steady ;
roimh and mlveil , S".5"i.05 ( ; packing and
.siiipplnir , & : : . ( ir4.l.i ; llRht , 5 = ' . 1004. 15 ; skips ,
. .
Shceti Kocclpl" , H.OOO ; steady ; natives.
S'J.HMi4.iW ( ; western , $ : i.HW : j.8J : 'lexans ,
ia'0ai.2o ( : : lambs , S4.wa4.,0. ) (
Italians City. Oct. 2- " > . Cattle Hecelpts ,
: i,0 > X ) ; shipments , 1,000' best firm ; others
slow and steady ; common to choice ,
$ : ! .r,0@4. < > 0 : Mockers , S2.2.yaa7ri ; feeding
steers , S2.bOa3.00 ; cows. Sl.fiO&'iOO.
Docs licceipts , 1,800 ; shipments , none ;
firmer and lOu hltilier ; common to cliolce ,
8:1.00 : 4.10.
Ht. Louis , Oct. 2 , " . - Cattle Iteoelpts ,
2,000 ; shipments. 1,500 : linn : Mtiootn mades
a shade hlfihor ; choice native steers , Sl.ow : ;
4hO ; fair to medium shlppeis. S.VO-ji4.20 : ! - ;
Imtcheis * steeis , common lo choice. Sii.OJyZ
4.15 : feedlne steers , fair to cood. S''JOiao.OO ;
stockeis , fair to good. 81.00(32.81) ( ) .
Heirs Itccelpts. 4,000 ; shipments. 000 ;
opened stioni ; , gradually became easy , clos-
inij steadv : choice heavy and butchers'
selections , 5J.OOCc4.iri : packet * ' , fair to best ,
Jll.S.ljM.O.'i ; Yorkeis , fair to choice.
4.00 ; pigs , common to good , sa
aviHTOCK. ; .
Monday K\nnlnff , Oct. 25.
Cattle The tocclpts ot range eattlu eon-
liinie heavy. Tlio maiket tor feeders was
veiy good to-daj andse\eral Imneheschanged
hands. A lew coin-led cattle weie in and
sold leadilv on arrival. Butchers' stock is
moving fairly well. Values remain about
steady on nil gtades ot cattle.
llos The icct-ipts were extiemely light
again to-day and the buyers added TK ; onto
thu market. Thu shipping demand is very
liiiht and the local demand also Inst at pies-
cut , und u linn maiket Is not anticipated nil'
til thu new packing houses open up. So
loin ; an the receipts are light and mu In excess
of Ihi ) local demand , a good market Is looked
for. but more liberal lecolpts would bo very
apt to eaubn a decline.
iucKirrs : ,
Cattle . 2,300
llo s . . . . . . KOO
I'rnvallltii ; 1'rlces.
Showlnet'ioprtwaHIngprieoi ' paid for live
stock on mis market.
Choice teurs , litVllo 1500 ibs . S4.2. @ 4,00
Choice steers , UIXi to 1303 Ibs . S.75W-I.OO
Mfdluiii steers , Vi'iO to 13VJ lls. . . H.fAfi'1.15
Fat little steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibj . . . : i.8Jj. . (
( Jooil feeders ,
( iood to clioira corn-fed cows . 2.iOi't. : < X )
Kangocows . . . . . . . , . 2.2."XtfJ.0
Fair to medium grass cows . S.OOrurjB3
( iood to uhoico bulls . l.Mlon.T.'i
Light and medium nogs . < g.Kr ; : ) )
( ! oed tocliolco iiiMvy l'gs . S.bO'.ct.iio
( iood to c ho I co mixed ho s . ' , ' , .rsit : > ' . r >
Uougli tluowonts , , , , . 2.10'uH.w
( iood to choieo sheep. . . . , . 2.7.V < ( : : i.25
Falrtogood sheep . 2.25 ( < J2.50
HcprowiMiuuivo Males ,
KUKi > iii : .
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV.
7S. . .U'J4 S2.70 7..11')0 ) S.XK )
W , . Dill irt ) 2. . .JIM ) J1.10
0. , lfOi ) 2.JO 20. . .llft-S ; ' . ,10
W. . 1151 2. ' . 100..lO'n . ' &
00. . . , mu : ioj
CHUN i'iiisirKKiis : ,
No. Av. IV , No. Av. IV.
ui. . . .tun ? 4.u : ) C1..J10J S4.a's
4. . . , 7'JJ ' 4.-IO
No. Av. IV. No. Av. IV.
21. , , .1,000 82.12 ! $ fa. . , 015 I'iSO
9. . , . y.Vi 2.25 Ul. , . . U75 2.50
No. Av. IV. No. Av. ' IV.
43 , , . .1210 51.50 5t..12K ) Sl.SO
No. Av , Shk. IV. No. Av. Shk.IV. .
72 , , 215 „ S.XM ) t . . .S7fi. 60 Sa.U )
& ? . 21 ! ifo aso ra. , ' 2rr fee a.uo
. .
No. ' Av. Shk , IV. No .Av. Shk , . IV.
1. , .2fiO . .83.75 0. , . ISO , .53.10
1..510 tO 3.10 .
pf Irloc < .
Showing the litithiMt and lowest prie. 5
paid for loads of hozs on this maiket during
thojust se\en dajs and for the s.inii' time
last year :
I Pvpt. I SMI , " t > et 18 ? < 1. | Hot. is n.
ttith StintAy n.M l4 in . : t.lO
' 'Oiii 4 nn © t is'i ' , i * )
Jl t t 4'i © 4 rn ' nfo ftn.w n ir. ! ' - ' " ' i
. > 2il i I 40 W4 ro ] 11.115 ® 1.75 ! l t < ' , i @ I - < '
JVI 4 OT 4tl 40 i M W * W J.l' & ' - ' >
Jlth ' Puiidav.
' . ' . I "
JMhj _ n.M qii'.io "undnv _
Shipment- " .
Hhowlnc the number of cars of cattle , hojs
and sheep shipped from South O.uaha during
the daj :
ru ii.i : .
No. mi-s. Itoute. Destination.
V. . N. W . Chleairo
All sales of stock In tills market aie made
ercwl. ll\e weight unics-t otherwise stated.
pehe hugs sell at Ke per Ib. for all weights.
" .Skins , " or hogs MoUldus : less tliini lee lln.
no laluc. I'tegiiaut sows aie docked 40 ibs.
and stags vo ii ) , . _
llo saihanci'diV.
l.lglil iccclptsot liogs ,
A teed many fecdcis selling.
A jrood cattle maiket foi Monday.
Hiilfalo lilll was \lsiior at the yards to-
da ) .
.1. S. Tewk lwtClniks , was a vMtor at
the jaiiK.
tieortre. M. I'.itlon , Ashland , was a visitor
at this yiinls ,
Sliver HHIS. , Sutton , was here to-day lookIng -
Ing tor feedeis.
M. lnrke ! Vr Sons had in two loads of cattle
fiom Itock Cieek.
John KIchaiiKon. DenniMm , la. , was a
slsilm at thuyauls.
C. lleckei , llunttnglon , had six loads of
cattle at the yaids.
lt'i 's aveiaged sl\ty-ulght to the ear ,
aL'ainst sl.\t\-fmir on Satuiday.
A thoroiighhied .Icisev bull was sold at the
yards to-day at M.M ) a hundred.
.1. P. Howies , hog sili'Mimi for Keonaii &
llaiiei-ck , was a visitor at the yaids to-day.
.1. W. .SiiMler , of I ) . II. nnd .1. W. bnvder ,
1 Iclf , Colo. , was hero with thiiteen loads ot
Thu Anglo Ameiic.iii Cattle companv ,
.Smithwlck , had loiuleen loads of cattle at
the. janN.
I * . L. Smith , Uawlins , was heie with seven
loads of cattle.V. \ . 11. VanhoUM'ti came in
with him.
Mr. Dcliillier , ol tlicliimol I'c-cheiiiackcr
vV Deltilllcr , wa- . | HKitli nluetecn'loails ot
catlli ! liom l.nsU , W\o.
Tim Swan l.and it Cattle companv had two
tiains ol thiriy-thiee cats in. They ha\e
another train on the load.
K. Tllotson had eleven loads of cat
tle in from Jiiisl ; , W.\o. ( Jioves & Tiliot-
son two loads. Mr. Tillotson was hero with
Andeisoii Cattle vompaiiy , Hock Creek ,
hail two carloads ol cattle In , and lloisn
l. ieel\ Cattle company one load liom the
same place.
On Hie maiket with ho s : L. Andcison it
Co. , Mead ; J. Wilhelmseii , Daiinelno : ; ; C.
Ii. We-sell. llavtniia ; Motse , lie er & Co. ,
Ninth Demi.
It Is estimated that Ihete are 1,500 ears of
lanye c-itlli ) yet to be shipped fiom Chailron
and vlcinltv. Tlie great ei jut t of these will
come to Omaha.
James Dovvd , foi HUM ly hog buyer for the
.liiliiibtone racking company , ol Chlca''o , is
heie and will bin lor Hie Upton house. They
will lnvln killiiiL : about the lirst of thu
month. ' Wm. Wallwoith will buy lor the
tfo\\ lei house.
James ( ioodrellow anil J. P. Uickabauih ,
ol Malvciu , la. , vvoro both heie with tour
jo.uls ot coin- ted steers. Adam Snyder , who
is about to open a butchers' shop at IOJ1 Far-
Ham street , bought twenty-live head of them ,
which aveiaged about 10UO imiinds. Tlicy
weie yearlings , and had been led coin tor
eluht mouths. They were b > all oddn the
hnest bunch of cattle ever 'bought at the
Yaids by an Omaha butcher , unless , pisihaps ,
Ml the lime ot the holidays.
Cultural iroctiice.
Monday , Oct. 25.
Tltc fallowing prices urc jor round loti of
produce , ns sufti 011 tlto market to-d < tii. The
i/i < of/ffoJi.v on fruit * represent tite prices ut
uMi'Ji nntxltle oulerx are tilled.
Koos The pievailing price to-day was 20c.
HtriTKi- active fcolinir preval's on all
line grades of creamery and dairy , as well
asMil'itly choice country butter , lor table
use , all of which are in limited supply. Re
ceipts of Inferior grades aie in excess ol
the demand ; a largu pronoitloii of tlie same
has to tie sola to paclcnrs at low ligures.
ifresh roll butter Hhould be picud In clean
boxis , noioxceedlne M pounds ; each roll to
lo wtapped in a pleceot muslin. It will pay
blupp r.i well to taker litilri pains lu pa-ik
ing their butter. A nice , clean package of
choice stock will always sell at outside lie-
un's. Fte-heieamerv , 'i" > @Jv < ' . ; liesh dairy ,
l8/-0e ( ; choice co'.intry roll , IKft'Wc ; choice
country roll , solid packed , nftiltfc ; good
country mil , l Ciil7e ; good ciuintry loll , felid
packed , LViSKie ; Fall , ll@14c ; common ,
4 fail.
"Ciuirsi ; Vull cream cheildarsslnglP,12J < c ;
lull cream Hats , twins , lUc ; Young American ,
mXc : fancy Swiss , I4@15u ; Swiss , imported ,
2Vu,27 : Mmtmrger , 12 , ' < j ; biick , i:5e. :
Pori.Titv The lecelpts weio heavy , and
tlie market ruled vnry weak. Old chickens ,
choice , per do/ . , S2.00@2.0 ; spiing chickens , ; ducks , S2.50frt2.75 ; turkejs , S7,0'J
( H'.l.mgeese ' Sf..00/S.04. ( !
OA.MI : Tins weather has been too warm
again for the past few da\s. and the market
tilled dull antf weak. S2.50J2.75 ( was very
outsldo olitainahln for selected prairie
chickens. The bulk of receipts proved to be
in had older and sold for less money. Ducks
also sold quite low. Fiairlo chickens ,
choice , per dozen , 52.50(3,1 ( ! . 75 : quail , 81.50 ;
nipe , plover , etc , 75 f3.51.'i'i : ducks. ( Mal
lard ) , S1.VI@2.00 ! ; ducks , ( Teal ) , 81. 00@1.S5 ;
ducks , mixed. 75crtl } 00 : geuse , ( ? : ) .00 ( < ji.50 : :
deer , saddles , per Ib. , ll$12c ( ; doer , carcas
ses , per Ib. , 7 ! io ; antelope , saddles , IKgt''e ;
antelope , carcasses , 7@ ' . > c ; elk , saddles , choice ,
per II ) . , lOJfllc ; elk ca-c.isses . , C@7c ; lack
rabbits , per doSH.50C < } 4.00 ; small , peruoz. ,
Ari' : on choice apples
are holding up very well. Mis
souri apples are In very liberal
supply. Thu following quotations are for
apples well pacned In bancls : choice Mis
souri slock. S2.UO'a3.s5 ; Michigan , 2.50(33.75 ( ;
fiiuei MichlganS..OocH.25. ! (
SwEhr PoTA'iois The maiket is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very cliolce
stock was sold this week at lj < je and uven
lower : Cholcoshipplng stock , peril ) . , I@lKc.
Ciiiuv : A great amount of very poor
stock lias been coming In , which has been
sold for what it would brine. 1'rlces on
choice stock remains about the samn as last
week : Choice slock , per do * . , 35(240c ( ; extra
large , per do/ . , 40(45c ,
OvhTKitsThu trade is in very much the
same condition as last week on account of
the continued warm weather. Prices are
low und dealeis are well supplied with Ihe
choicest Mock. Orders from tl > c outside am
being lilted in good sliapo : Mediums , 25c ;
standards , :10 : : selects , Soc : N. Y. counts , 40 ? .
Lr.MOSS .Messina , per box $8.00 ;
Malaga , S'l.OO ' ,
CALIKOHNIA Knurrs Stiay shipments of
Calltm ula fruits continue toanlve , but In
small quantities. O.raiwTokayh , 2.00irapes ; ,
black , S'.00 : pears , fS.OO ; plums , 81,75 ;
quinces , S-.SO.
( in A 1-r.s TlH ) market Is fairly well supplied
with New York grapes. New York , Con
cords , per 0-lb basket , 4ttiJ59c ; Catnwbas , 5 Ib
baskets. MOfAc.
OiiAXor.s Janialca , per box , $ l,50@fl.OO ;
CIIA.NIIKIIUIKS Stocks are moving fairly
welt at the same iiuotallons as hint week ,
Cape cod , fancv , per bbl. , Ss.fiO ; Jersey.
choice , S7.Vi ! : Wisconsin , 37/A
BANANAS Uananas am selling at the
same prices as last week. JIanaiias , yellow ,
per bunch. S2.00ft-j..V ( ) ; bananas , yellow ,
lare bunch , ti.axus.ra.
lloxi'.Y Nebraska , cliolce. wlilto clover ,
If-aiOe. ; Nebraska , dark , I2fjtl4ei California ,
1 Hi sections , l5cCalltoi ; nla. 8 Ib sections ,
. JAI-I.I : SUOAH Hrlck-s , per Ib , 12 ' ! < c ; pen
ny calces , per Ib , 15o.
MArt.r. jjvui'i'-JJulk , IS to 17 gal kegs ,
iwgal , Sl.Uiral ) ; cans , per gal , 51.05 ; y gal
cans , per gal. 81.10.
O.IIKB-New Voik.perbbl , * fi.MNew ) ; Vork ,
Jf bbl , S4.25 ; Crab , pei ihu qtn , Si.75 ; Mlchl'
gau refined ; per bbl , ,
VINKOitWhili ! wiiii ! , WiT'lSe ' : cider vin
egar , lS ( ? 15o : single sireuifih , iac { tilnle
stiengtli , irxttlSe
PitoviMOxs-Haii' , I2c ; plculc ham Oc ;
breakfast bacon , lOcclearslde ; bacon , DdW/c ;
dry salt sl.Jcs. . h | o : Fliouhlvrb , be ; dried beer ,
rwidar , 12o ; dried beef , ham.pieciis.15c ; lard
501bcans. C clttril,20 ; Ib cans , Falibanks
7e ; 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7c ! ; 5 Ib cans
FalrbankB , 7V : S Iti cans , . Falrtaiiks. 7ke.
HKANH-lnfenorstock S0.7Vji.OO ; teed
clean couuu > , Sl.00tfil.i3 ; medium , baud
poKeil , < l..V > itl.fiO ; IhtndT cKe.l Ii'uy , Sl.ffl
< ! . ' . I
PoTATons Them is vrnw al'ilsk dptntnd
foi siialght carsol , tuttlv ehoict < i > i > tat"isit
flog W pel bushel. .MUed varieties small ,
01 oili mise inferior flock continues \ury
dull and v'il ' not clt fni' inure than Ai or 4Jc.
O.vinssTI'.o ilemmd Is noi hcnvv and
the\ sue sollinc In a small wax : Choieo
stock , pel bu.O'H.iX. . ' .
} CAIIIIAHII'he : nmibct Is fnlrly well sup
plied : Choice stock , per d z. . 4' ' fet vie.
Fl.ofii AMI Mil.l.sirvKs U Inter wheat
Hour , best qiutliU patent , S2.V1 ; second
itv. ? 2.40 ; best qtiallty sin ing wne.1t
flour , patent. S2.IX ) ; bran. VJc per cwt : chopped
fewl , 70c per cwt ; 'Ahllb corn meal , 31.00 ;
. \ellow corn meal , Mu p'rcwt : screening , tXc )
lierewt : hominy , SX')1) ' ) pur cwt ; slioits , Kic
l > orcwt : eraham , Sl.wi ; hay , In bales , So.Wje
11.00 per ton.
( iiiAi.v Corn. 2ic ; new o.its , 2 ! e : rye -lOc ;
wheat , No. ' - ' . OOc.
Wool. Medium IVitJOo per Ib : lincheivy ,
ntlCv ; light. lirai-V ; uoarsc , 14lfc ( ! { ; buiry
wool , 2it ( > e oil' ,
lllintireen butchers , O'oc : gecen citied ,
SCrtsifpjdrv flint. lldtlJlc ; dry salt. ! ' itiV ;
green calf skins , I'tjit'si1 ' ! damaged hides ,
two-tlillds pilco. Tiillovv--tifc. : ( iiease
Prime while , : io ; yellow. 2c ; brown. laic.
Sheep I'elt" , 2gfic. ( ;
l.i.vritrii : 1'rimi' slaughter sole leather ,
nc ; prime oak sole leather , H'i'n.te ' * ! . Upper
leathci per font , 20 . ' " ; hem , kip , 2oC < n5c ;
oak kip. SKISCHFiencli ; Up. ;
hem , calf , 81.00vrfl.10 ; oak calf , Sl.OiUI.23 ;
French call , Sl.i > @l MJ : Moroceo , boot leg ,
; W'i"iJc : Moiocco oil pebtile. 2x .Wc ; topiiings
andlinlnisiw < ffi'.iic. ' )
HIIAVY H.vniiw.vui : Iron , rate S2.0 ;
plow stiel special cast , 4e ; ciiicible steel , tie ;
ca t tools , do , I2vi lse ; vvacon SUOACS , per set ,
Sl.73ft.00 : ) ; linlis , per set , J1.23 ; felloes ,
sawed dry. Sl.-Vl ; loniriies , eacli. 75c ; axels ,
eanh , 7."e ; sipiaio nuts , per Ib. 7i ( llc ; cell
chain , per Ib. ti'.fl2c ; malleable. RWV ; iron
wedges , Oc ; crowbais , fie ; haitow teeth , 4e ;
spiing steel , 7 ( se ; Hurdeu's horseshoes ,
( .40 ; liiuilen's mule shoes , S"i.-10. Barbed
wire , hi car lots , SJ.OO per 100 Ihs.
Nails , rates. 10 to W , S2.W ) ; steel nails * 3.iVi.
Shot , Sl.iW ; huckshnt , S1.N' > : oriental powder ,
kegs 82.50 ; do. hall kegs , & Ot ) ; do. iiuaiter
kegs , 61..V ) : blasting kegs , S2.V5 : ; fuse , per 10
feet. CMC. Lead bar , 51t > .
VAUNISHI.S ilanels , per gallon : Furni
ture. extra , ) ; furniture. No. 1. SUM ;
coach extra , SI. I" ; coach , No. 1 , ? l.2ii : Da-
mar , extra , SI.H ; Japan , 70c : asiihaltum ,
e\lia NIC ; shellac , S3.50 ; haul oil llulsli ,
1.-)0. )
hiMitiis Coloirne sniilts , is proof , SI. 17 ;
do 101 pmof , ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 1.17 : do 1W prool. JM.10. Alcohol ,
1 pioof , S' per wine gallon. Hedistllleil
whiskies , M.Oi ( ) l..VJ. Cin , blended , ? l. : < 0fi (
2.00 : ICentiicUj bomboiis , S'J.tXtaiO' ( ; ( ) ; Ken
tucky and I'ennsylvaiila rjes , S-.OO.ari.fiO ;
Golden Sheaf boinbon and rve whiskies ,
Sl.5ow.oo. : } Uraiulles , impoiteil , S5.TOCjS. . ) ;
domestic , Sl. : ) fit3.oo. ( Sins , Impoiteu. S4.50
( ( iti.OO ; domestic , S1.2Va3.oi ) . Champaunes.
impoiteil. per case , S28.XiXi.OO ( ) ( ; American ,
per case. SiO.OOiiiin.OO.
Duv TAINTS White lead , He : Fiench sine ,
12c ; Paris whllliiL' , 2' ' < , c ; whiting , eilders ,
2fe ; whitiiiir " , com'l , 1'jc ' ; lampblack , ( ! ei-
manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , S.1 ;
Prussian blue.uic ; ultramarine , INJ ; vaudy K-
biown , 8c ; umber , blunt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4e
1 . l i ; . , VIIIIIIIIUU , Jjliuil ll , 111 Ifll , l.rv ,
raw and burnt umber. 1 Ui cans , lie ; raw and
burnt .s.enna , I''c : vandvko blown , iic : : relined -
lined lampblack , 12e ; coach black and Ivoiy
black , Ific ; diop black , -10c ; Piussian blue ,
40e : ultiaiiiaiine black. 1 % ; chrome green , ! , . ,
M. & I ) . , Hie ; blind nnd Hliutter green , L. , M.
it 1) . , IGe : Paris greon18e ; Ir.dlan led , loc ;
Venetian icil , ! 'o ' ; 1'i'nseaii , 2-'c ; Aiueilcan
vcriullllnn , L. it I.20c ; yellow oclne , Uc ; L.
M. A : O. I ) . , IHs ; good ochre , Ific ; patent
diver , be ; training color , lii-lit oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut anil : ish , 12c.
Darns AND CiiEhnc vi.s. Acid , carbolic ,
! ! 2c ; aciu , tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
It ) . 4to : : bark sassalias , per Hi , lOc ; calomel ,
pur lt > , 7Sc , chinchoiiidta. per o40c ; chloroform -
form , per 1l > , "iOo : Dover's powders , pel Hi ,
SI.25 ; epsom salts , , pur ' Hi , Hv-ac ; glycetine ,
pure , per Ib. 22c ; lead.'acetate , per 1l . 2le ;
oil , castor. No. 1 , pevgiil. , Sl.AOu ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , Sl.-iO'oil ; olive , per gal. , 51.40 ;
oil orliranuum , 50c ; opium , Si.20 ; : quinine ,
1' . & W. and K. &S ; , peh oz , 70c ; potassium
Iodide , pnr ll , S2.8. > ; sallpin , peroz. 40c ; sul-
nhatu morphine , per oz , 52.35 ; sulphur , per
Id , 4c ; strvchnine , per or-SI,25.
PAI.N-IS IN OIL Wliitoleail. Omaha.P. P. ,
7 } < c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , § 7.75 ; Mar
seilles gieen , 1 ton Ib cans , 2c ; French zinc ,
irrecn seal , 12c ; Flenchinc. . reit seal , lie ;
French zine , in vainisli as t , 20c ; 1'rench
zinc , 7."ic : vermlllion , American , l c ; Indian
red , lOc ; ioso pinu. 14c : Venetian red , Cook-
snn's , 2j'c : Venetian red. Aniuiicau , Ike ;
red load , 7kc ; cliromo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
clirome yellow , K , 12c ; oclue , roehelle. 3e ;
ochre , French , 2J e ; oclne , American ,
l c ; Winter's mineial , 2' e ; heliigh blown ,
2 , ' < c ; Spanish brown , ' } lct'rince's \ icineral ,
Grocer's * [ jf t.
PICIU.ES Medium , in bols , S0..10 ; do In
half bbls. 58.75 ; small , in bbls , S7..10 ; do In
halt bbls , 84.23 ; gherkins , in bbls , 53.50 ; do
In hall bUls. S4.75.
&YUUV No. 70 , 4-gaiion uegs , S1.20 ; Now
Orleans , : iS@4Cc per gallon ; Maple Syrup , K
barrel , "old time. " 7-'c per gallon ; ! gallon
cans. SIO 00 per doz. ; > , ' gallon can S5.nO per
doz : quart cans , SU.OO.
STAHCH Minor gloss , i Ib , 6fc ; Mirror
. .
f \r\
, _ ; Klngbtord's bulk , 4c.
Ton.xcro Plug , climax , 42 ; hoiseshoe ,
37c ; star. HUj ; spear head. : i9c ; piper lieidsick ,
We ; gold shield , ! Hc ; merry war , 2.r.c ; J. T
I. . o2c.
ToiiArro Smoking , Durham , Is 51c ; J s.
54cjS , 57c ; ks , OOc ; inefirschiim , Hue ; old
stjle. iio ; V. N. O , 15e : spirit cured , 45e.
MATCitr.s Per caddie , 2Sc ; square cases ,
S1.70 ; muli ) square , 81,20.
CANDY Mixed , 0@llKe ! stick , 8H'9 } < c.
CiiACKKiis ( Jarneau's soda , butter .and
picnic , 5i e ; ciearns , SJ 'c ! ginger snaps , ° j c ;
cltr soda. 7Kc.
heArs Kirk's bavon imperial. * 2.0 ;
Kirk's satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk's standard , 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Uussiaii. 84.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. 83,85 : W abb board , S'i. 10.
White Cloud , Sll.75.
Keri : X incli.O c-.jYiinch , luMc ; } i Inch ,
Dntr.i ) FnriTS No. I quarter apples , 3 % @
4c ; iu evaporated boxes , O & 'J n ; lilackher-
DUUAHH Powdered , 7'/f(470'c ' ; cut loaf
7a/n/o ( : granulated. O-H Wc ; confectioners'
Ai 0 ( < iO'ic ' : standard extta C. 5C' > ccxlra ;
C , SVC'iS'ic : medium yellow , 6V < < 5uc.
OANNHP GOODS uysters , standaid. per
cas , $ ! I.HO ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. S2.00 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib per case. , 82,00 : California
peart , per case , 54,50 ; apricots , per case ,
S4. < 0 : poaches , per case , 85.25 ; whlto cherries ,
per case , S'l.OJ ' ; plums , per case , 83ii5 : blue
berries , per case. 81.85 ; ege plums , 'Jib , per
case. , 32.50 ; pineapples , Sib , per case , 83.20
65.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal-
moil per do/ , Sl.550l.fiO ; fb gooseberies ,
per case , 31.75 ; 2 ib fairing beans , per case ,
Sl.0:21b : lima beeps , per case. 81.60 ; a ib
manowfat peas , per rase. S2402 ; Ib early
June peas , per case. f2.75 ; 8 Ib tomatoes ,
52.4 ' ( 'f2.25 ,
COKKKES Ordinarygi'artes.lKaillk'c : fair ,
l'12Kc : prime. 12J ii lttc.choice , J3M ( < ? l4c ;
fancy grenn and yellow. 13 > f@i4c ; old cov-
DHworth's. lOKc ; Hod Cross. l > ic.
Dry immoor.
lOAlt > .
No.1 Com. s. 1. a. Ii , M'and ' 10 ft . 817.50
No.2 " 12 14'uudltt ft . 14.75
No.3 " " ] l' ' 14 and 16 ft . 13.50
No. 4 " " if. U Snd 10 tt . 12.00
| l2 f ' 20ft ft iM tt
2x4 llO.S010.HmW 17.00 18.00 21.00 21.00
SxB 1BJ | 1860J1H.5017.0UJ1H.032S.OO [ ] 2 .1)0 )
. .
4O 4 > < J JU tWi * l tlAJ , | f V j * l."Jl J.VWJ
ZilO , 1B.BJ law''n.uo ' ' is.ooha.oozioo
2x12 16.50 1B..W117.00 18.00 22.00-'iOO
H-Bl8 . . . . . . I Hi. 50 10.W ia.6Ul I7.0QI I8.1X)120 ) OOJ20.0U
* ' ' '
No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , iaan'dI'li'ft. , rough..817.08
No. 2,4 < k Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rouKh. . . 14.00
1st com. , j 'lu While Pine 1'artition..833.00
2d " " " " . . . . 27.50
2d Com. % In. Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . J4.00
A eiiich , white pine. 2il C , 529.00
O 6Inch , " 4 I ) . , , . 21.50
STOCK noAitns.
A 12 Inch. 8.1 s. 4HC , . . , . , 83iVOO
H 12 inch " " 4ai > 2U.50
No , 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10.184 20 ft.- . 21.00
No.2 , " ' ' " ' . , , W.50
No.2 , " 12it 14 ft 17.00
" " " " in ft iaoo
No. l.nUln,8 and iu inch. . 817.50
I\u. ' j > Un3 : ! and 10 inch U.0
SiriN'llt.K" , t.ATII.
XX < tear , SS'.V ; A slandard , SV.O ; No. 1 ,
Sl.Lath. : . S22.1. . '
, Posts-White Collar , C In. , V , Kc ; S In.
, qrs. , Ui e ,
, IstaudCit ; clear. Ii4 inch , s. 2s S.V.OJ
i > M , cleir , I lueli. . s 4.VM
Hd. clear. Hi. l , . 3 In 47.WJ
15 select , 1 Inch , s. 2s SIMM
, lisileol. 1'4. l.'m'J ' In ! AOO
I Or.UuMiee No. 1203.
ANdriliiMiicenriloriiiKMtnt pail of Vninsin
slier ! In l > ui Itiir IlisirlctB Noi Hlnn.l 07 , III
tin citj ol tliu.ilin. jmii'l with coihtr lilocK ,
an I oi'ilirinthe I our I of puM'c ' M-orks to
cnuciilil \ < nliirf to lie lonc.
VVh"ieii , tlie owner * ot the ienl evlnte In fiilit
I'rtvlnjr | ) i < ini'ta No. tlJ tuiil 0" luive ] iotillniio.l
tin' ma\or ntul council to paio Hint pint of ,
I'm mini Mte.t Innltl districts ltii oediu-
b'o'k , upon n concrete foundation ; HIV' ' ,
> \lii'ieii , lu iiililltlon to iu-li ( U"Uiiulioii of mu
ter nt li > snld uwnc s , t lu.iyor nti'l ' eltycottn
ell of find city < il oiniilin , il.i hetvlivdotormliio
iipniisueli mnli-rittl as the imuemil to be u iil
fer ui1i tmvlinr ; theiufme.
Hi-It ni-lnltielli > Iho elt ) "oinicll of thocllj of
Dm aim.
Sec. inn 1. That the purls of I'm iinnl slrret
In I'livniir Il ti-let No iiuml In I'tuintr Ul-ti ic'l
No. i.T , In theelt.i ot Oiniiliii. lie mid Iho MIMIC
me hirrliy onleird imveilMtli filar Moeks
upon it coni'ii'le li'Uiul.itlim , r.e < nnllntf to sped-
llentloinoii tile In theolliceof the 1 o.mlPl puli-
llc woiKx.
Soctlnn 2. 'I IIP Imaril of p ilille mints is heie
tJ ) nvilefed to eiiUH.itltl pav lllfT In In. ilnllP , llll 1
to outer Into contract toi'suue it ! ' thi-loHi' t
rcsjintiB I lo Mil lei''r liliN opcmvl i eorimry
Mil , lsG , teem toil In nnin e "I Hie ililvei-
tliemcntol kiilil I.OIMI ! ofp'ililii' winks lofiloln
pavlnv reouire 11 < r the yeiir ISNI
Section : ! . Thai ililsonlnmticu shalltnkpclleet
nml lie In foicplrom ini.l utter Its tiifynfe.
PIIS CH ! October luth. jsil.
WM. r. Ili-.riini. . 1'i-esiiipiit City fo-mcll.
J. II. SorTimm. citv I'leik.
Appiovod Ocloher luili , IsHl.
W.M r. ll.rnii : : , , Aclliitr Maor.
Notice of Rsgistration ,
rilO Till : Icir-il voters ot 'Jud llisti let , 1stVnr.1 \ ,
1In theelly oroimilni :
Von ate ht'iuiiy uolllleil that the mnlcicloned
will sit us reirNttiir lor Second OUtilit < it tin )
l'lr t Wiml at Niitlo , al Hull , lorner Kith ami
VVilllu-n * btreels. iictolicrMh ami'-.Mh , 1Ksii ,
lot the piupo e ol' iiv'WciIntall qmilillml
voters Mlthiii xulil Sucoml ilisti let. anil for the
puipo-e of milling to , mill oortoi t mt the icils-
tnillonnlroiil : ) iniiile , mul lor Mich purjio-e the
uniler-.lriieil ) lll Kit mul keep his hookot lejtls-
tuition open nt the plaio nlou iilil liom .r >
o'clock p in. until 11 o't lock p in Allqiiiilillcil
voters mo noMlloil ( ontlciiii and < co that tltiMr
names nit * piojieih reirl teretl.
ifI\IIY : Kintr.xi'rnitT.
oU'd-'t IlcKli-trm 'iul District. 1stV aril.
lit colois , shows nil couiitlo" , toitns , nillio
.Mliiloil for''tc.
Omaha City Map , ncii aiMitioii , etc. , 2"o.
Nebraska Stalu Oa/clto , Huslucss Directory
ml Tin mci's I.In , S > .
3. M. WOI.1T. & CO ,
l Jtf. 14th St. . Oiiiatia , N'eb.
Notice to Contractors.
S l'ATiKD 1'ropixals will tin roeelved liy the
Tiu ties ol Mullalicn rnlver * ! ! } tor the
election m d loinplt'tlon ol a proposed uulvur-
Mt.lim'dliK to ho erocH'il at linrtle.v , Nel ) , IIP-
corillnirlo nn ! is , details mul specifications iniulo
liy R M. Ull.s & C' i. , iirohltecls , Otnuhn. 1'liins
may lie M-'OII on ntul tiller ihu "till day ol Au-
Kiitt. 18 0 , nt the ollico ot I'll ) i-ecrutJii-.V nt Hart-
ley. Neb , nnil nt HID olllcn of the nr-lillt'Ctt-
DniiUni unt I Iho twenty-ninth ilavof llpccmhor ,
lf < Ml , nt ' ' . o'clock p. in. Allpr.nio-uls must bo on
lllc with the vecretary tit Hartley. Neb. , on or
tioloio Iho iilnno ilnlo mul hour , at wlilch tlnio
nml place liliK 111 lie oiuneil. | A ccrtillcil ilrnlt
or check of one thousand drlliirsvill liu iloj exIt -
It oil with ouch lil'liis n Kiiariiiitco tlmt thopuity
will entur Into com incl mul jrlxo u > .utl > tuctory
lioml lor the faithful | ierforiminuu of his con
tract In the iiinoiint of oiic-hult ol the contract
Tlio Ilo. ml of Trustees reserves the rittht to
rs-Ject uny or nil tikis.
llv otilorol the lloiuil of Trustees of Malnillen
L'nlvi-rMt ) at llmtlev. Nell.
I' C. JOHNSON. I'losutciit Tniitcus.
Al.l.K.s HVIITI.KV ,
\ltnil. ThoOrr trTm n
il'nri ' : | > Isnii. ? [ ( ' . .crurLKncsuato | !
] pacLacc fttul llouk for 111 cents in tlampi.
| E. U. .VinuiUAL CO . Hast Uauiploa , Cuaa.
> *
p }
pJ-H f-t
O J *
Artists' Material.
' "
A.ITOSPE , , . ,
Artists' Materials , Piunos and Organs ,
1J1.1 Douglufi Street , Omitlui.
Agricultural Implements.
' " " "
CHUltCni'LL '
J'AllKEK ,
Wholcsalu Denier 111
Agricultural Iinnli'inentH , Witffons ,
anil llucftjrs.nJonc Mrei't , belwucu illti
110thOiniibaNvb ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Wa'on ; , Cnrrlacn , IlinrKlo * , Itc.Vliolcsaln , Oinnhn ,
Wliolesnlo Dculon In
Agricultural Implements ,
tVagoni uiul Duegles. U01 , iUI , ' .OJ and ' .07 , Jones it
Butter and Eggs.
Ituyers of Uutter and Kggs.
IlefriRerator nnit I'arklnif Iluutc , llth nnd I ar
worth St. , U. 1 * . U. II. Trai-k , uiiiatm.
Builders' Hard Hare and Scales.
Mecbunlci'TooUanil Uurfalo Sraliit. HOI Kouifla. IU ,
Onialnt , Neb.
LEE , Fit I Eli < C C0 ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Hie. Aucnls for Howe licalet ,
and Miami rii der < 'u.OmnhnN li.
Wholesale Hardware.
Weutern aent > for Jcffcnon Klcel Nalln , Au > tlo
1'owderCu , Kulrbankn Mundard hc-alca. Corner
10th nnd Harnt-y , Oiualm.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
Brtditt , Vladiirta. Hoof Tnitkei , Rleam 1'ile Drlilnj ,
tllTny , Oak ami IMie Ilrlile I.urutr. IV.h ii. , near
t'arnam. Oniahu , Neb.
"Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam it. , Oniaba , Neb ,
Furniture , llodding , Upholstery ,
Mirror * , etc. lJOC.iaa.Jiid ItlO Faraam it. , Omaba.
Boots and Shoes.
-i ro.uiM.vr.
lacturcMnnd liolriti > le.icn ) ! In
Hoots nu < l Shoos ,
tork of Hnt"cr ii > .l nli i # on linnit
HXI SISlli > l , Diniititt , Ni t > \ T. Aa lln , ABfnt.
" Tr. /o/w/TTo m
loblicvfl of t'M ( ) | nnil linps ; , '
llll l rtiim tl.O'i pin. N < > b. .Mnnurnitoi ) , J-umnier
1 1 ( il'l , lll' tfi | ) .
. t.
li'iilibor Hon ( . ninl Sli"0- .
Ilahlttf * nmlollptl I" . t ! uin 1 IV I Uaalt , ' . IS. Utll
S i.'Pl.
Deer ,
. for AuliiMiMT-lttisli V.i'i'wiiisv
&l llrnml . T'lii't. Piiiiwoucf li
.s'/vj/iv ; o 7 r , ; : / ,
Iitiircr Heer ISfowei'-s ,
ft Nort'i ' l"liltwt. . Oinntin. N'ot > .
Cof'ep , Slices , t'ic.
Onialiii foil oo nnil Spire Mill .
Tcn'.Ooirro .vpicp Itiikini : 1'oniti'i. MITO-IIUEC-
tmun. I nanJir Illuo. : < UK lulturticr
Sirrci.Oinnhn , Neb
U.lTliN , COLIC it1 MILKS ,
Homo TolVep : inI ; Hpli-o Mills M'f'tr < ' < >
t' < irfpo U u tt'r3 ml Sphi rlnil i M . Mntinrntiur
t I'omlcr , KliMirlni ! i\trnrl : . Bliil-ii : . Dt
Tr olio rn i ni n ir l-ri > imt k , co Homo lllcnd llo.ilc < l
ttiininiuiotirut .imih i. MM. . .
Cornice ,
I-A a L coitxwn irojuts ,
John Epont'tor , Prop.
Mamtfftclui-rr rf ( InlTnulToil Iron ntul Oorntrp. 82S
lli'ileonnil 10 1 mid I i.'i.v , lOlh t. , ( ) mMi , Nrt > .
M.iniifitttiuora of
Oi'imiiicntnl ( iiilvutii/.otl Cornices ,
Dornirr Wlnilouf , Hnnt . Mciullri-kyllntit.i'lc. 310 S.
ni M . Omuli * .
" 1 1 'EiirKit y Co itj riTtT'oiiKsT
( \ Kpochl , Prop.
UnlvniiUrd Iron Cornlcoi , etc. Swot plmiiniToil 1'nt-
rut Mi-tiillc kyluht. UU ami 5lu S Uili M .uninlm.
Juliburi of
Carpets , Curtains ( ) il Cloths , lines *
L ! . . ; JMF , MHIIIUKI. nu > . ! Mi Dongs' fitrvct.
\Vliolcsilo. : Carpets , Oil Cloths.
s , Ciirtnln ( JoixK Kto. 1)23 I'lirnsm hlrcet ,
llmnhn. Neb.
Crockery anil Noiions.
W. L. UJtKillT ,
Agent for thcMumifnrturrrsmul Impoitcrn of
Crockery , U lasswuro , | > ! > , ( 'liluuict , t U' Oilier , , ! IT Smith 13th flt.
dinnhii , .Ncli.
Commission and Storage.
7)7 vJ. / / UHLE r ,
Coininission uml .lobbinr ; .
tJuttrr , Itosnnil I'rorturo. ronitirMmi.'nf * nolle tort.
Ue dq > inrtcm for St'inowniu , llrny Ilaxp * nnil
( .ir.tpv Hiipkutg. llll l > o < licMiertOnntiu.
Commission Mereliants.
Frtill . t'rottuco ntut l'ii\blotii ) ) . Oinnliu.Nrb.
IrrK. JtlDDEfJ , ,
anil Commission Jlcrcliant.
biwl-iltlcfi | Untie * . E B < . Chrcii' . Poultry. C.imc ,
O ) tern. ICtc. . IHc 112 Snulli Mill ntri'Ct.
11'IKlt KM. I .V , < T C07
Prodneo Commission Mcivluuits ,
Voullrj , lluttcr , liiinio , Kiiillf. cti : . ZM S. 14tU t
Oiuuhn. Nrli ,
General Commission Merchant ? ,
Anil .lobtiora of rnrclgn ami Dumcolc KrtilU. Corro-
flpotiilciu dollc'ltpil. Wnrclioui'e nnd < inicp. 110 N ,
Thirteenth HI. , Onnilm , Noli. Tolnpluuif ; ? > .
r. jtocco < c co. ,
iinnirturw find wlioli "alo tloilor In
Italian frotlnee ,
rlBn , nonictlcund Cnllfiirnhi KrnlH anil Coinmls
lion Aleri-liiirils. 101 S. IHIi st. Onlj onluslre
iiult Ilium * In Omithn.
Coal antLimr. .
j' > ; jVro vfiTo co. ,
lleilcre In
Hard nnil Soft Coal ,
Offlcuanit nnil Nk'hul.iiaf , . , Omabu , Neb.
Vtml 'I'uloiihiHit1 , nr.
Ueu.i . , nii.nii. I'rcs. ( ' . K. GOODMAN , V. Prc .
J.A HUNDMU.ND , bcu. HinlTruite.
Jobbers of Ifanl anil Soft Coal.
an nuth Thirteenth Stii'Pt , Oninlm , Nel > .
Hannfactnrtii's of Illinois White Lime
And Hitppum of Cnul HIK ! Col < e , Cetmmt , I'liHtor.
Umo , llnlr. Klro tlrlck , Drnln. Tile nnil huvver I'lpo.
nnic. ' . IMxton llntnl. Knrnum PI. . Om.ihn , Nrb.
> . 7 . FA r o co. ,
Mann fact nrinff Confectioners ,
Jobbcri of KiulU.Nuts nri'l Clfuiu. )2I1 ) hnrnum f-U.
Live Stock Commission.
M. HU11KK , r NOJfS ,
Live Stork Coininission.
tteo. llutke , Mannicer.
Union Stock Varda.a , unuiha. Tolrpliona 683.
tiAVAGKM GJlEl- : * ' ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
GblpmunK of uny anil nil kliiiln of Fiork BollolteJ.
Union PtiiL-k Yard. . Omaha , NVh.
Cigars antf Tobacco.
Jobbers of Ciparn , Tobacco ,
O-Jin nnil Aiiiniunltlnn , \ ' < ioKIH. Illli II. 1030 to
Mil rimmm st .Oinnhii.NcD.
WJ-ST tC FltrTfif'UKH ,
llnnnfactiircrs of Fine Ci'KiirH ,
And \Vhulronlu Dolfti In Ir f Tuburiiih , NUB. TO
nnil 110 X. Uth tln-et , O iinh.i.
i , o
) l talg lK'uler.1 In
, Tobaceos , IMiies and Smokers'
for n. I > ; hlor Inrf X Co. , Kino-Cut iinil flunk
K ToliHROon , MllwuiikueVlncoMnln. . .Vn. ; < U
Nurihbliteenthtreft Oiii'ihii , Neb.
Dry Oooi/s.
M. E. NMITII < V > CO , ,
Dry GoodH , FiirniHlifitfrOnoil * & Notions
1193smt 1IW IiniKli ; , riirlltli8t.OmiiliBNptJ
Dletlllen of I.lquorn , Alrohol nnd Spirits , Iraportera
and Jut > bcrr of VYIncianil l.lqunrf.
CO. ami ILKK 0 CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber ) of Fine Wlne iinrt I.lqnnri.
HuluiiKnuffioturrriiiif Kenned ; ' * imtlni1lH : Ult-
tertaml Dumri lo l.lquori.M \ \ llarnejrht ,
Drugs , Paints , Etc ,
Large * t Dniff , I'alnt , Oil k ( ! Iass House
Vftntof Cbloaiio. ( Vimiilrtu I.lnu of Drtigcliti Sun *
drlfi. llll Unnil y tt.Oui bn ,
wA ir ) HUG co , ,
\Vliolc8uln DiUjfjjists.
And Dealeri In I'ulnti , Olliiniiil Wlnrltut rilati.Oinaba ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. . II . . .
It. J. CARBOX. V.rrts , nml Cupt.
lilt A IS TTLIi CO. ,
Offlce 213 8. Uth it. , Omrhn , Neb. llnchliierr and
or llanufanturliiu Cvioeni Drain ' 1'lle.
Butchers' Tools.
LOUlfi IfHLLKll ,
'Hntchers' Tooln and Supplies ,
lau t Ckiln * n f all klnd nlnnrf In tlock. Hit
Jimvit.l > uiau.i.
Groceries ,
f./.vro.v. / a ( i.i.Atuir.n .r co , ,
Wliolostilo ( JroceviiN and 1'roVl rimis ,
_ > > 'o < TOa.7HT,7H > # nliUfM th .t Omaha Neb
JlhTOKr / , I ) 1 : .t' t'O. ,
Illllr > 1 t nrcnt rlli t Oni-ihn.
n : , i. unoATcii
Heavy I lard \\.iro , iron ami Steel ,
Springs , WIIRIIII 'lock , llarrtnHro l.innbrr etc 1
ii" I l.'l tinnier n < in > ilni.
Wliolexulo Iron and Steel ,
\Vu--innril I'linlnte Woinl Mm V. llenv llnnlrmrn.
Kt > > . I K .Mill \ & < l.enM-iiworihut .iiuiahi. Neb
Stoxos , Hanpfos Fuvnaees Tlli-i ,
, ( initcs , Hint ! lip. > , ! . I . .I und I.Q.1 Inium
tri' ! .
iAxfo\ t'Yiuti.ix
Iron \VorKs ,
\Vrtnislit nnil r l iron llnlldliu Work , Iron Mnlr *
lUllliiK , nr ni nml llnler , Menm tlniilnei. llrn > i
\Viirk.titnoral Koutiilrv , MArhlne ninl niniitvuitu
\V i > . tlflppnniliirk' , t . r It * mnll7lh ! iert.
EHltOLM , ( s Kl
Wliolesnlo .leueliTH and.Mnsii1 Dealers ,
Driller" In Silverware. Dlninnntlr.V'ili'lu' , rliuka.
JnirelrrsTooNnnrt MMiTCiK f.r 111 uiul 10.1 IJtli
t. , cur Dtnlito. IHiiHlin Nrh.
LOl'IS JlliAIt
Dealer in Lumber , l.atlt , Lime , Sasli ,
Doom , Ktc. Yiinl CorfierTth unil
lith iiiiit MiuulH1. .
Wholesale Lumber ,
BUS. 14lliKtrepl.OmiilinNeti. I .Culpctzor , M.ln. or.
( ' . Ar. DIET * ,
1'tli ami Cntirori'lit MieeU , Or.inlin. Ncli.
jvir. . Git A r
Lumber , Lime. Cement. Ete. , Ktc.
Cor. lUi mill ] > iUtl.iM ; ntn. , Oiuit'in ' , Nt'b.
T. ir. iiAitrEyitUMitKit co. ,
To Dealers Only.
Uniee , UO.I rninnm itreol.Oiiinlm.
7 > 777 .s. it. IJEK ,
Hardwood LnmbcV ,
'ctpaiiil ' I'urni'et KlnoilnR. Clh HCI |
A. irA tcKriELi > ,
\Miolesalo Iitimber , Hte.
Iniporteil nnil Anii > rliaii rortlnnil Ormenl. StnU
Aitent for.Mllmiukee lly.liiuille Cpiurul und llcat
( , 'nlnev While 1'nie.
i/Vo Stock.
Of Omalia.
I.lniltcil. Jnlin K. noJ , SiiporlntclOont ,
Millinery and Notions.
I. OIlKItFKLDEll , ( CO. ,
Inipoilriamiil Johbrrn of
Jlilliuery and Notions ,
HlAiinit IVl.'ilI.irnoy Ht.rct , Om.ihn , Neb.
c. s.
Aic the only IHiPi't lmnirters | < if ,
Gorman & Froncli 'J' > t Kaney ( Joods
In NiihniHka. C hkMC'i ' price * ilupllcnted wltliiint mid-
Ing IrelKht. 141.1 1'nrniini Mrert , Oniuliii.
WliiiICHilo Penler * In
Notions nml FnrnislUii" ; Goods ,
jinniul 4 < l'i H. Tenth . , Onnh i.
Jobbora In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing' '
( iOIKlS.
1X ! > ; nnil liHW Kirmim St. . Omaha , Nsb.
CO.Ifl'AXT ,
Jfanufaetnrers of Overalls ,
Jervns r.uitB , Shlrte , l"tr. IKK anil 1101 DoiiKlas Street ,
Oninlia , Noh.
.lob Printers , Blitnk Hook Makers.
And Hook Dlnrtcrn. 10' . unil HH Soiilli KimrU'Uiith
street. Umiilin , Keli ,
Auxiliary Publishers.
Donlcrt In Typo. l'riM d nri'I rrlnti'ir' Huppllos. fflj
HoiilhTivrlftli Street.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
, o co. ,
Mfiniifiicturcrii , Purkem anil Donleia In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
llnklnic I'owiler. riavnrlnu Kxtraem , TuMu Cniuo.
Trench Iliiiiuni u'j.jii liluliik' , ( Jriiirrf ( J-5'-.a ; ! !
holohiti'iiio tnr Vork Hiitii hiinil llutli.ed Apple Ol
der. KiJiil euv < n > vnrth > ( . . Omahii.
Safes , Etc.
Onialm Safe Works.
MnnufncturiTBOf rirtfiiticl nuiKliirl'rourSafK , V'nnlt
I > uiirnJnilVirkbhiil i'in unil VVIru VVnik , ( 'Mr ,
His. , , Njb.
for Hull's Sale & Lock Co.s'
Fire unit Umu'ar I'rauf Hnfon , Tlino lx'tk ' , VaulU
and Jail Wn . W4 > rur.iuta Ktn-et O'liuhit , Nob.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
\Vlioliuiilu ? Iiinufiic'iuror > of
Sash , Doors , Klinds and Mouldings ,
llranch cfflcuiih nnd Irnril flu. , Omunn , Neb.
Sash , Duor , lilinds ,
Ilulldlnv rHiior , ele. 1911 Fonth Thirteenth Hlreel ,
Uumhii , NcU. A C'luipletn Ktockof ) lulMi.r '
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mot ; it < nj > H.Stiir\Vorkiind ! Interior llnnl Woml Klnl U
Ju l ui'fhC'l. K. K. cor. 8lh and J-cavtnwiirlli Hl .
Oiiinbit , ,
Pumps ,
LL rmrr co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
dHiniiml Wuter Suppllei. llvailiiiuilrrii t r M lt
ro : tCo' tiiiuil * . llll I nrnam n. . Dinalin.Nrt ,
Pumps , Pip-js and Kngines ,
Bteam , Wnler , IlBllway anil Mlilli.i ; Siipiillri. Kto.
MS ) , iCIaud W < Karnuni miiiu.ihii , Nch. _
Ilillndar Wind Mlllii nifara mil ! WMer Huppllei ,
flumbdiK Uciolii , llo'tlnx , lloic. l'l nml ( C-0 Jur-
Hum t. , Dinnhii. M , K. Ktlum , Munuifer ,
ii. if."MAnnoFi > \
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnnl llDtel lllork.Dmuha ,
Wagons and Carriages.
A. / .
The LeailintrCarriaijo Factory ,
( IvV ) . )
ll % < nml llll l > o < U ; ilroel. Um h .
SuiMing Material.
' Dealer In Al | klnd of.
lUillillntf Material at Wholesale.
lSiuHlrootun4 Unluu 1'aclllo Track , Oumu * .