Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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N.YTIoS'Ali W. U. 1' . 0.
lIlio'lii < jltic < ss > rrniiHaofl ! ! nt tlio Mcct-
' 'Ilia Yesterday.
Mix r.\i' M . Oct. i" . In HIP llrit srcllon
ot the National W. 0. T. U. convention ths |
mornlnit Mrs. H. 0. Pel'crs renil her report
ns Kiiictliitundciil | of the department tor
work amontf lumbermen. Slip urged the
appointment of stain and lix-al sntxTlntetid-
on Us and Uncut'li tlte e to raise a fund to
support mlisionary Work among these turn.
.Mr. DavLi. a pioneer missionary otnoni ;
IilinlieriniMi , snd ! nine ti'iilhs of the
money p.ild timin went , to the saloons.
Mrs.I. 11. N'lrlioli , national Miiivrlnlmlcnt ( !
of "lair Work , " siiKecstod night meetings for
( mployi-s on Ihi1 lair KioiiniK1 al ' > that lee *
Ifdntlvo notion prohibiting Ihe sale of liquors
( in HIP fair ( -roiinils he taken and tliat all in-
Hwncplip tiM'il against lior c racing.
In the sc'-ond FiTtloii Mary Weeks llnr-
nell.M. D. , of lllliiol" , spoke on "Heredity , "
advocating the I'slnlilNhmi'iit of reading
Hill ) * , womi'ii's podelli'saiul nrimarv classes
tor the ntlvwnrpinpiit and filmlv nf the < iws-
tldii. Kntc HushnHI , M. I ) . , of Illinois ,
spoke interestingly on the hlstnrv nf Ilic
While rios movement In the I'nlii'd .States.
Thirty-seven * tnto * lm\o taken up the social
purity init"-tloti. State smwrlnieniU'iils have
reiiorti'ii UflO of tnesi ) unions In the past year.
A White Cioxs inoiiiiniPiit has lieen started
In Knglnnil and the mode of work litre has
bunli lakoii friim thPin. ,
In the third rcctlon , Mis. K. K. W. llarpor ,
national superintendent ot work aiiiont : tlm
colored people of tlio north , read a report.
Miss Mary Allen West , superintendent of
training school * , jcportcd on four schools
( ' ( inducted the past year , and recommended
Hint they ho Inn-caked to ten llm cnmlnz
year. Sim slated Hint Mrs. Sherman hail Hie nso of the Mount Carroll , Ml. ,
seminary to the National . C. T. U. tor a
training school on condition lhat an endow
ment bo. raided.
At Hie Joint afternoon session rrcommpn-
dations of tlie executive committed were
lakun up. That referring to tlio proposed
denarlment of work amoii ! ; Mormon women ,
with Mrs. N'ewmnn as siipwintondcnt , was
put over. Whether thu national superln-
tundontliaR a right to open lines of woik In
states without consultation with general
ollleiiis , led to pioloimed discussion.
In the W. C. T. U. to-night Mrs. Helen
Hunt pre'ented the rcpoit of Hie committee
on resolutions pledging devotion lo tlio
cause of luinpcrance , promising the prohibi
tion pntsuppoit ; , protesting against Hie
United Stales government's toleration of Ihe
liquor traUle nr an attempt to regulate It , ten
dering sympathy to the widow of Hie mar
tyred Itiiv. tieorgo ( \ Haddock of Sioux City ,
asking moiv pronounced temperance utter
ances fiom pulpits , declaring against the
use of fermented wine In the hord's supper ,
asking legislation agulnst Sunday trains ,
nuwspnpoiH and excursions , placing tlie
blhlo In llie common schools and iiledgliiK
assistance lo llm movement against tlie Mor
mons , asking the. ballot for-women. A mi-
norilv report was sutimitU'd and rejected.
The \V. C. T. U. Ihis altcinoon re-elected
thooldollicurs for thn ensuing vear ns fol
lows : 1'iusidont , Krancls K. \ \ Illaril ,
Kvanston. HI. ; corresponding secretary ,
Mrs. Caroline H. Htie.II , Connecticut ; recoid-
Jng secretary , Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge ,
Iowa ; tieasiii-nr , Miss Ehler Pugh. Mrs.
Woodbrldifo was rcappntntcd tisassistant sec
retary to Mrs. M. Ij. .Slovens , of Maine.
Tlio lleoord orFiiinnciul Translations
the Tnst Week.
JlosfiiN , OcL Ii5. [ Special Telegram to the
JJui : . ] TliD following table , compiled from
special dispatches to Hie Post from the mana
gers of tlioleadiiigcloarinchoiisesof the Uni
ted States , dhows the gross dealings for the
weekending October 'A and the increase
or decrease from the coirespondiug time last
year- :
"Not Incliuled in lolals.
Hi-Ill and CarRo Ijost.
WINNIPEG , Oct. 25. Jfows has just lieen
iccelvcd here tlmt Ihe biig-antlne Con Owen ,
boloiinniK to the lludwin Day cninpniiy , was
wrecked near Fort Churchill August ! ! 0 , with
n cm-tfo. The loss Is p.stliimlfid al 510C.OOO. The
ciowaiul imssoiiKi'rs , noino twenty iioreons'
clunirto the wn'olc unlU helii frtulfl ue Sent
for fioiuliu | shore forty | iiil < . ' $ , di5tiUit.
AVill Stay Away From Krln ,
LONDON , Oct. 2.'i. 'I ho report that the
quuun will vlnit Ireland Is oillulully denied.
anil loxvitVcatlioi - .
For Nubi-iisliii and loxva : 1'alr , warmer
Nntlonnl Union Hi it to Tiokol AVltli-
KiiAiixuY , .Kob. , Oct. 25 , After 'con-
Biiltution all around : is fur : IR nniedcnble ,
mature ( lellboratlun , all wilh Ihe ailvlce
mid eonsonl of Al'r. J. Hurrows , it has
lieen deeuieilvso \ lo withdraw Ihe out ho
national union Htato tieknl. Thn conven
tion which nominated il was lielil too late
for a now pnrlY to Qrxnn\xo \ and progo-
onto a hlalu eanipui ii , for one reason ,
iinil another on'e of far greater 1111 port-
lineo , i.s thu faet that a ticket roore.senl-
Jntr 11 now party ( his year grcntlr ji'iip-
ordi7.cs the cleetlou.of Synator C. 11. Van
M'yok , buciilisu il anln < ; oiii/e : k' Ulntlvo
niul other loeal tlckeU. There 1st a warm
contest gomjr on nil over Uio state , both
in anil out of the republican part.y , for
niuinborri of the state benalu uiul house of
representatives favorable lo Senator Van
AV.yok , and Ihe legislative control and
vogiilalloii of Nebraska railways , mid
if Ihe people suecucd in Ihis dirt'c-
tioii on the eeond Tuesday of
l\ovenibor , it will bo victory
( iiiou h for ( ) iuiaiii\aiiii ) \ ) , In withdraw-
iug the national union' slate licKej. tlio
conlral committee does not abandon the
idea of the necessity of a third party or
nny of tint principles embodied in our
Vhitform , U is done that great oed
may bo acliiovcd this fall. Many voters
who are favorable our local tickets
ilesiru to vote the republican stale ticket ,
democratic or prohibition sfito tieUols ,
vho would volu auainst us it llie lighl
was made Keiieral , from ovurnor down ,
mid thorn Is no hopu of electiiiK one
ttato tioKot while tie | chances of sociiriit } ;
the le isluturo urn good. It is folly lo
risk JosiiiK a single member of the house
or senate Jor the sake/of procuring a few
thousand votes for the wtato tioknt. U is
hoped that no sjato tickets wil } bo printed
in any counties nf the state , as all our
candidates are withdrawn.
W , O. HOJ.DKN ,
Clmlrmnu State Contra ! C'ommittei ) .
Flour Atlll nurnod ,
O u , Kob. , yet. 5 . ( Sjeqlal Tulc nun li >
HIP UIK. : ] J. } J. McC'ray's st'cnm Hour mill
buinnl jntit nlj'ht. Loss , SO.VOJ ; ! jiwiia-.v ,
§ 1 , 00 ,
A Drummer Collects Over a Thousand On
His' Own Account.
linn ley's Welcome to Omulm The
( .inn AVcll Chloroformed iintl
Jtolibed Tnleq with Tr.iv-
! lors Odds nntl KmU.
A dwindlingHnli'Hiiinii. .
On the 1st of tlio present , month E. H.
Chapman & Co , Uio wholes-ale grocers
doing business at li07 ! Howard street , re
leased from their employ K. H. Day , one
of their traveling salesmen who had
grown careless in his methods of report
ing his sales and collodions to
the house. No serious error Was
found in Day's accounts at tlio time of
his discharge , and his employers , know
ing of some of his peculiar Iransaelions ,
congralulatcd themselves that they had
got rid of him so easily , A few days
ago , however , they received information
mation that Day had been out on
Uio road visiting his former
customers and collecting money
from them on old accounts ,
A man was luirridly sent 'out
over Day's territory , and his report con
firmed tlio informnlion. From a hasty
examination it has been learned that Day
has collected about $1,200 with a largo
number of customers to be heard from.
Since his discharge Day hns been
boarding at the Cox/leli's house.
Mr. Chapman wont there last night
and went _ through Day's _ baggage ,
securing evidence which convinced him
of Ins crookedness. lie met Day soon
afterwards and requcsti'd him to go with
him to the police station and .submit to
an examination of hi.s case. Day con
sented , saying that ho was willing to
huvo hi.s record examined and
started with his former employer. At
the corner of Fifteenth and
Hartley streets ho suddenly turned upon
Mr. Chapman and knocked him down
ami then lied through an ailey and made
his scap'j. Mr. Chapman notified the
police of the ease and they at once com
menced a search fjr the man. Day ap
peared at the Co//ons a litlle after mid
night last night and asked for his grip ,
but was informed that it was held for his
board bill. Ho has not yutf been appre
Friends of Dutnu Unites.
The meeting of the society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals , hold
at the house of Judge Savage last even
ing was largely attended by both ladies
and gentlemen. Colonel Chose was
elected temporary chairman , and Mrs.
Savage acted as secretary , llomarks
were made by several persons. Dr.
Ctc.or.go L. Miller said that in his opinion
an infusion of young and warm blood
was needed to forward , the interests of
tiie society. It was desirable also that
money should bo raised for the purpose
of cinuloying nn agent , not only of vigor
and determination , but also of prudence ,
who would neither be deterred from the
performance of his duty by threats , nor
lose his temper when opposed or insulted.
Ho announced his readiness to do his
part in a financial way to start the so
ciety on a working basis.
General S. E. Smith gave an interest
ing account of the mode of raising
money and conducting the workin
Wheeling , W. Va. As to finances , , ho
said that in his opinion an amend
ment to the present law might bo made
by which one-half of the prices imposed
for cruelty to animals should go to the
A letter from Mr. J. T. Hell was read ,
offering to give live dollars per month
towards the finances of the society.
The following ollicers were then unan-
mously elected : Colonel Champion S.
Chase , president ; ) tuigo J. W. Savage.
Judge Howard 1 $ . Smith and General J.
E. Smith , vice presidents ; Mr. Fred. Mil
lard , treasurer ; Mrs. J. W. Savage , cor-
resiionding secretary.
Various methods of raising the neces
sary amount to prosecute the work of
humanity wore discussed , and it was sug
gested that a ironoral meeting bo called
at an early date in a more central local
ity , the hall of the Young Mon.s Chris
tian association being mentioned as a
suitable place if it could bo obtained.
Remarks were made by Mrs. Dinsmoor.
Colonel Guy V. Henry , Dr. Giflbrd , How
ard Smith. Esq. , and n committee of
three , consisting of Mr. W. II. Baldwin ,
Mr. Fred. Millard and General Smith
were appointed a committee to arrange
for a subsequent meeting. It is designed
to elect , in addition to the above named
ollicers , an executive committee and a
board of managers and an agent at an
early day. After n further interchange
of sentiments the meeting adjourned.
The I'lisiilist Uuyally Itucoivoil by
11JH .Many Friends.
The Missouri Pacific train at 0 o'clock ,
last evening , brought to Omaha , Jack
llanloy , who had just been liberated
from imprisonment in Lincoln for his
light with Fell two years ago , lie was
accompanied by John and Ed Itothory ,
Jack Nugent , Goo. Barnes , Patsoy Fallen ,
Sack Morrison , Win. Morrlss , P. H. NolV ,
and Colonel A. II. Forbes , All of these ,
with the exception of Messrs , Morrison
and Fallen , went to Lincoln , on
Sunday night. The latter wont
tlioro vt'bterdny , arriving on Uio
15 , it M. but a few moments before Han-
ley and party left for Ihis citv on the
Paoilic. They thuroforq missed
the people they sought , but taking the
Union Pncilie train an hour later , headed 1
oil'the Missouri Pacjho at VYeopinjf Water
and there awaited the arrival of tiiij latter ,
when all the old acquaintances rode into
Omaha as described.
The party drove Immediately to Ed
Itothory s , on Eleventh , street , which ,
after a stay of a few moments , , they left
for Herb Itothory s , on Fix-
lecnlh street. At this point
the crowd of friends who gathered lo
welcome Jack Hanley tilled the saloon ,
and almost ovury welcome was accom
panied with a demonstrative handshake
and a demand to sol them up again ,
Ilnnluy , to use n very oht-stmiUy chest
nut , was tliij lion of the occasion. Ho
Doro his honors and the deep laudation
with modesty and smiled ono of his
swoi teat smiles.
There Is nothing about Hanley lo
show that lie has just come trom
the prison. With all the associa
tion he has had witji vicious people
ple , hi.s demeanor is dignified and gen
tlemanly , and his foatnrod retain the
ruddy , healthy lingo tint they possessed
nl Iho lime ot his incarcoraliou.
Shortly niter going lo the penitentiary
llanloy was put to work in tlio stone
yard , Thence , ho was changed to the
guard's room , later to the chapel and
hospital , Ho left the , place with
the recommendation of. both warden
nnd keepers that ho was ono of the best
behaved men who hud over been qoii'
fineti in the penitentiary-
Last cvumng a tiwtimonial banquet was
tnndored him by his /rJoniU at 31.1) ) South
Eleventh btrcct , Thu tables were most
t"njptingly arranged and a copious -mip-
p'y ' of di'lieiuslci" aixl ubstantiaU' was
* > > f > 'MonlliO board. Jula > Ruati ; of
Hiiflulo Bill's WildVcst , presided -
sided , and a very happy presiding
olllcor he made. On Ins right
sat Mr. llnnloy , while the gur-sts were as
follows : Ed. Hothory , Win. McCunc , J.
Curry , Lew llibbon. Jack Morrison ,
Henry Parish , Jim Conley , H. Miller ,
Ed. ( nddnho , marshal of Leadville : Goo.
Barnes , Ml. Hk-kards , 1'ntsey Fallen ,
Duncan McDonald , champion of Mon
tana ; Jack Nugent , Frank Dcllone , John
Murdoch , Thos. Bitlorson , J. Allen , P. II.
Noll' , J. 1-oloy , John ( . 'low , champion of
ColoradoCaptain ! O'Mnlloy , Mike Leary ,
mid the renresoninlUea of the press.
Air Keen in an eloquent manner spoke
ot Mr. llnnloy as ha heard him spoken ,
and detailed the pleasure it all'orded him
to meet the gentleman under such pecu
liarly happy circumstances. Ho con
cluded by cordially tc'inlinu Mr. Hanley
a warm welcome among Ids friends.
Mr. llanloy said ho could not make a
speech and felt that ho could do no more
than to say that he thanked them.
Speeches were then made in turn by
almost every man at the table , the tenor
of which was the esteem in which each
held the guest of the evening , and
the pleasure his presence once more in
their midst nUbruoil them.
Toward the close Messrs. Keen , BUter-
son and McCiino rendered some music in
a very pleasant manner.
The banquet was adjourned at 11:30 ,
and everybody had an excellent time.
The Gas Question Again.
Mr. Charles Cowin , who is superin
tending the work of sinking the gns well
for the stock yiin'.s company in South
Omaha , is going to make an investiga
tion of the qualities of the gas that hns
been found in the sinking of the wells.
Ho took a largo quantity of it yesterday
and sent it , in a rubber bag , to Lincoln
to have it tested nt the state university
labratory. If the material proves to bo
combustible the question of cheap fuel
will bu settled. It it proves to bo carbon
gas , as some think it is , it will prove very
valuable , as it can be , when subjected tea
a certain process , used in tnc cooling
rooms in the packing hon es. The re
sult of the test will bo awaited witli in
Chloroformed mill Uoblicd.
Cat Shult/e , living on North Eighteenth
street , awoke yesterday morning to llnd
the wind blowing through his pompa
dour from an open door , winch ho was
sure he had locked on Sunday night. lie
was sinTcring severely from a headache
while the unmistakable odor of chloro
form pervaded the room , lie found also
that his room had been plundered and
$100 in money and a number of other
valuables stolen ,
Short Interviews Gathered in lintel
K. D. Simms , Alton , III. : "If every
thing progressess favorably , there will
be another bridge built across the Miss
issippi river at Alton , III. 1 am not sure
yet whether congress has yet granted the
charter , but 1 am under the impression
that it has. If so the work of buildintr
the bridge will bo commenced .in the
spring. The bed of the river is such that
tlio bridge can be constructed with much
less labor than the ono at St. Louis. It
will afford an entrance into St. Louis to
the Chicago & Alton and other roads
wliioh are now compelled to patronize
the Gould bridge. "
D. McCool , M Joseph , [ Mr. McCool is
general manager of the St. Joseph &
Grand Island railway , and is in the city
on a mission. ] "There is no truth in tlio
report that- the St. Joe & Grand Island
contemplate'buildingjnto .Northern Ne
braska. Wo shall go nofnrthcr than
North Pintle. The Union .Pacific has a
monopoly of the territory north of that
place. "
J. K. Merrill , Chicago "Omaha , grows
on its visitors. I make this place every
thirty days and like it better every time 1
come. I never have any mail sent to mo
hero , though. I did for awhile , but 1
used to have to stay over a day longer
than my usual time to get it. There are
no boxes to rent and a man can't afford
to put in a day waiting toget a chance at
the delivery window. I nave my mail
forwarded from Chicago to Grand'Island ,
Hastings , or some other town on my
route where the postollico accommoda
tions arc in keeping with the size of the
town. "
G. E. Chandler , Cedar. Jfapids , la.
[ Mr. Chandler is connected with the
Cedar Rapids Gazette ] "Yes , prohibi
tion has killed Cedar Hapids. Three years
ago wo had 15,000 people with about fifty
saloons , paying a revenue of $30,000 a
year to the city. In that year nearly two
million dollars were placed in building
improvements. To-uay thorp arc two
hundred saloons running , selling "prohi
bition,1 n decoction that will paraly/.o a
man quicker than the worst grade of
ninety cent tanglefoot , and the saloons
pay not a cent of license. Drunkenness
has not decreased at all. Our popula
tion lias increased very slowly , and
$25,000 will cover the cost of the buildings
that have been erected this year. "
J. V. JIimton , Dcailwood "Deadwood
is experiencing a substantial boom this
year. Mnny line buildings are going up ,
replacing the rookeries that were put up
during the mining boom in ' 70 and there
abouts. Wo are anxiously looking for
railroad connections with Omaha. We
could furnish the smelting works herewith
with work enough to eiuiblo them to
build the road and pay for it in a few
years. "
Stray fietivus From u Reporter's Note
"You can talk of romantic marriages ,
but I have ono that takes the cake , ' * said
Charley Mitchell , the popular Milwau
kee conductor , as ho sat in the Millard
rotunda the other niglit swapping yarns
with nn insurance agent and a Chicago
clothing drummer. ' 'It happened lust
week. An elderly gentleman and a lino-
looking Italy , sty about thirty years of
ago , were on the train when 1 took charge
of it at Marion in the morning. I first
noticed them at breakfast , Both wc'ro in
mourning costumes. I noticed' the old
gentleman was distressing himself almost
to attend to the lady's every wisn , and I
knew they were not man and wife. Well ,
later in the day I caught the old man in
thu smoker , got into a conversation with
him and Boon heard his story. They say
old fools arc the biggest fools and 1 am
now convinced of It. That man was in
love so deep * that only u mar
riage will get him out and Ihero
conies the romance. Ho is going to got
out just that way. Hjs Story was that his
wife died and ho complied with tlio wish
she had of ion expressed while living to bo
buried at her old homo in Brattloboro ,
Vermont , and was just returning from
the funeral to his homo nt Silver Ciill' ,
Colorado. At Chicago he met his com
panion , the lady in question , who was on
nor loncsono journey home from tlio
newly made1 grave of her husband , who
hud died while visiting with her nt the
home of her mother at Sheboygan Falls ,
or near there in Wisconsin. Tlio result
of their acquaintuncn was that the old
man fell desperately in love with the
widow , and , if appearances could betaken
taken ino | account , the widow was mak
ing a good second inthe raco. Yesterday
I met the .old man at the transfer. He
had liEcn dbwn to the widow's homo , at
.Stniibury. Mo. . . and waon his way to
his own Colorado home. His faeo beamed
with n lover's Joy as ho told mo that lie
had persuaded the lady to become Mrs.
John Scolioldm Cristmas. I did not
learn the lady's nanir. " When Charley
linishcd his stof.v the 'first object that nt-
traded his ntiutitipn was a littio card
which the insni'iu\co \ man hold in his
hand. It bore the inscription , "I am
.something of a liar myself. "
"You don't know how much of an
Omaha a flair this paving block industry
1s , " sa'd a well known contractor. "Tin-
blocks that word laid on Sixteenth street
wore cut from tri-esthatgrt'won , Wiscon
sin lands , owned by F. W. Gray of this
city. He bought a largo tract of land and
had the timber cut. ii'inl sawed into blocks
especially for Onialla contracts. "
Mr. F. A. Nash , the general agent of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road ,
wears a rather scared visage at present.
A wild pony did it all. Mr. N's littio
girl has a small animal which she is very
fond of riding , and which is when his
mistress holds- the ri'igns is docile and
gentle. But the other day , when Mr.
Nnsh took a notion to ride the pony , it
behaved itself in anything but a pleasant
manner. No sooner had Mr. Nash
mounted it , and firmly holding the reins ,
gave it the word 'ir'lang , ' then it threw
up its tnil and started down hill at a
break neck speed. By a series of queer
antics , it managed to make things pretty
jively for the unfortunate rider. Finally
it gave a leap into the air , and when it
lighted on its leet again , Mr. Nash was
lying bruised and bleeding by the road
side. He picked himself up , limped pain
fully homo and paid n small boy a quar
ter to go after the pony. Hore'iifter Mr.
Nash will allow his daughter to do the
horseback ridinor for the family , and at
tend strictly to the railroad business.
DIITcront Kinds of Cruelty.
"I often wonder " remarked
, a gentle
man , "why it is that sonic people arc so
tender-hearted , that the very thought of
sulTcring or the sight of blood makes
them almost sick , while other people are
so excessively cruel. The oilier day a
friend of mine proposed that wo visit ono
of your Omaha packing houses , and
while there we saw a large fierce Texsis
steer knocked down and deprived of life
o quickly , that it was impossible that he
could have felt any pain or could have
realized that he was being hurt. But the
sight of the blood , and the thought that
a creature was being deprived of life.
was enough to make my friend sick and
ho hurried homo , only to think about it
and dream about it all night. The next
day he said ho would rather give $1,000
than to visit that horrible place again. A
few years : igo 1 visited Naples , in Italy.
and learned that in that city old horses ,
young goats and lambs , ( loirs , cats and
rats are all skinned alive , because the
skin when removed from the living
animal is considered more supple and
commands a higher price in the market ,
The dogs are soi/.ed by legalized dog-
stealers , thrust into a pound , kept two
days without food and then half-stunned
with a stick ajid skinned while living ,
Old and useless' , horses are placed in a
pound , and when totally exhausted from
hunger are nailell to1 planks and llaycd
alive. That is what I call cruelty. "
A Star KnoeJik Out a Ilneffncemnn ,
Last week at , 'n. h'fto hour Ella Juno
Meadc , the gifted entertainer and yocal-
ist , reached oneiif-OVnnha's neighboring
towns to lillan engagement. At the hall
she found a mistake had been inado in
checking , and insteatj of her truhks with
costumes for he.r copyrights , a foreign
article was waiting ; for an introduction.
Calling the stafapri age'iit ho told her if
her trunk was - > t , the depot she could
have it. by identifying it. She hastened
there , pointed it ont-to the baggageman ,
but that stieklor"fdt"rcd ; tape llatly re
fused without the1 check. In vain she
showed her name on the trunk and said
the audience were waiting. Tiring of
his obstinacy she seined the trunk , so did
ho. Miss Mcado doubled her jeweled
list and made a Sullivan rush for the
tape mcasuru that caused him to lose hi.s
balance and the lamp chimney. Ik-fore
he got back from gross the twinkling
little star had her trunk outside and sat
down upon it with "You touch that
trunk now at your peril. " There was
genuine tragedy in the tones of her won
derful voice , and the baggageman was
so dumbfounded that ho forgot himself
and politely ran across the street for a
dray to take the trunk to the hall. Fif
teen minutes later the magnetic littio
woman was entrancing an audience as if
nothing had happened. An aillicted
public erics bravo 1
Ho Won "Clark S. "
The raflle of the well known bay geld
ing , "Clark S , " owned by Kinney Bros. ,
took place at Thompson & Little's saloon
last night. The lucky number was CO. and
was hold by John Boyd , superintendent
of the Union Stock yards.
To-Nlul t.
Will L. Visschor will appear at Boyd's
opera house to-night in his humorous
lecture , entitled "Sixty Minutes in the
War.1 His qinirtotto of Kentucky vocal
ists will form a feature of the entertain
ment. *
Military Matters.
First Lieutenant Ballard S. Humphrey ,
Ninth cavalry , now in Omaha , has beou
ordered to return to hi.s station at Fort
First Lieutenant Walter F. Finlny ,
Ninth cavalry , has been ordered from M.
Melvinncy , Wyo , , to tt. Leavonwortli ,
whore ho will report for duty.
Notice to Travolinir fllon.
The B. it M. H. K. , the U. P. H. H. and
the St. Jo.soph & Grand Island H. It , will
sell round-trip tickets at one and one-
third rales to all traveling men to attend
the mooting of the Nebraska Stale Trav
eling MCII'H Association , to bo held in
Hastings , Neb. , Out. UO , Tickets good
from all stations fn Nebraska from Oct.
20 } o N.oy. 2. Purchase full-faro tlokot to
Hastings , taking railroad agent's receipt
for same , which Will entitle you to re
turn nt ono-thirdnr ! .
Gl'TJllC.K 8l > AKfJLiit : ,
" * *
Association ,
Btowe Tnkw jiiixton's IMaoo.P
At n meeting 6f.hli domooratie county
central commit o $ st , evening W , A ,
Stowo was chftkn as thi > nominee for
state senator in ni"uof ; William A. Paxton -
ton , who refiiHei"to accepj.
Yisschor at
The delegates , JQ.J ( lie float senatorial
convention fromuDnugias and Sarpy
counties will meet jijjJndgo llolsley's of
fice at 3 o'clock'luiKafUirnoon ' to noun.
nato a candidato-lVir 'Iloat ' senator.
Fred. W. Fitch " ! think it would bo a
good scheme if two or three toboggan
clubs wore formed hero tills winter in *
stead of but ono. It is nn exhilerating ,
exciting sport , and far less dangerous
than coasting. After the clubs are
lairly organized and well practiced they
could go to St. Paul and attend the car
nival which is to bo hold theru this win-
tor. Special excursion rates will bo of'
ferbd , which would make the trip a very
cheap one. I am sure that the St. Pan )
people would do all in their power to un-
tertnin the Omaha people , and make
their visit a pleasant one. See if you
can't boom this in the BK.K. "
E. Gish "It appears to mo that the
bright hopes entertained by the demo
cracy for the coining cnmpnlcn nre fast
vanishing. I believe ItnU 'this year ( hn
democratic part.y will b < > snowe'd under'
loci deep to dig out.- '
\ \ illhun Nngl , M. D-"l should like to
see n good league phib .orgaliix'ed in thN
oily. Bull bi'licye It doubtful whether
the ne'cc. . ary money can be raised.-
The < iodinnn I'noklnij Company.
Work Is progressing favorably upon the
building to bp used by the Godinan Pack
ing company at the corner of Eleventh
mid Grace streets. The company expect
handling meat In about a month. They
will do nn exclusive meat curing busi
ness , purchasing their meat from thn
packing houses in So'ntli Omaha.
Ilntul.v AVilli a Hatchet.
John Lowitz and a fellow native of
sunny Italy named Matteroni , became
engaged in a altercation on South Thir
teenth street yesterday evening , over the
division of some drv goods boxes which
had been purchased by them as partners.
Matteroni finally assaulted I.owiland
struck him across the back witli the blade
of n hatchet , spoiling n sfiJ coat mid there
by greatly injuring its owners feelings.
The liatcaet artist was arrested ,
Danish association wil have their ladies'
evening Wednesday , in Met/'s ball.
San Goon , the Tenth street Chinese
merchant , was married at Council Bluffs
yesterday to Maria Peterson , of this city.
The engagement of II. J. Dovine , of
Los Angeles , Cala. . and Miss Ida Uren-
nine , ( laughter of William Brenning , of
Omaha , bus been announced ,
The county commissioners have de
cided to submit the plans for thu pro
posed county hospital to nine physicians
for their selection.
The "Octoroon" was well presented tea
a pleased audience at the People's thea
ter last night. Miss Aida Lnnranco , in
the title role , made a decidedly pleasing
Mr. P. J. Knrbiinh , who owns the build
ing on the southeast corner of Fifteenth
and Douglas , has notified the occupants
of the structure to move out by spring ,
lie will erect a six story building on the
silo of the present structure.
Criminal Cascs.D
The trial of the criminal cases will not
bo commenced in the district court until
Wednesday morning , Judge Neville hav
ing been detained at IMair longer than
wnsoxpcctcd. The eases that will bo
called on Wednesday will be against
Archie Robinson , charged with rape ;
Charles Wilson , charged with stabbing
Annie Johnson , and John Wilson for
forgery. _ _
Personal I'uraur.iphs.
D. Abbott , of Fremont , is in the city.
Dr. Stone , of S. Paul , Neb. , is in the
Frederick do Bellier , of Cheyenne , is in
the city.
George McMillan , of Pierre , Dak. , is in
the city.
D. C. Howard , of Kearney , is at the
Millard ,
nW. L. Wilson , of Nebraska City , is at
the Psixton.
A. S. Maxwell , of Grand Island , is nt
the Millard. ,
J. B. Bustid , of Deadwood , is at the
James P. Lnnsmorc , of Louisville , Ky. ,
is in the city.
James Goodfellow , of Malyern , la. ,
is at tlie Arcade.
Lu B. Cake , the Iowa poet and humor
ist , is in the city.
W. T. Metcalf , of Fort Madison , la .
was in tlio cit3r yesterday.
O. J. King , a well known contractor of
Corning , la. , is at the Merchants.
Miss Julia Foil , sister of N. P. Fiel , of
the BEE , is visiting at tlio residence of
Mr. Edward Hosewater.
Charles J. Brown , postofiico inspector
with .headquarters in Denver , after com
pleting the report on tlio free delivery
system in the Omaha po tolliee , left last
evening on a western trip.
Dr. Waldo Fisher , of Alton , Ills. , is in
the city , prospecting witli a view to
settling in Omaha. Like everyone else
who comes to the city , he is astonished
and pleased at what ho has seen in the
coming metropolis.
Mrs. Callawav , wife of the general
manager of the Union Pacific , left yes
terday afternoon in a special car for the
far east. Mr. Callaway departed for the
west in the evening , also' in a special
Union Pacific car.
| [ Henry Griescdicck , one of the mem
bers of the Excelsior gun club , of St.
Louis , Mo. , is in the city visiting Mr ,
William Krng , and with him will start
to-day on a duck hunt of several
days to the interior of Nebraska. As a
sportsman , Mr. G , was one of the guests
of the Omaha gun club Saturday night ,
and was amazed at the excellence of the
_ _ _ _ _
A Siberian Railway Project.
Pall Mall Gazettes The Novoo Vroinya
is again talking of a railroad to the Pa
cific ncrossSiboria. The project is absurd ;
not because such a line could not be
made , but because the expense of con
struction is more than Russian finances
could stand or than the circumstances ot
the country traversed would justify.
The Transcaspian line to the Afghan
frontier is a inure bagatelle compared
wilh a Siberian line through lo Vladivo-
stock. The former is under five hundred
miles ; while the latter would bo nearly
half us long again as the Canadian Pa-
cilic , and would run for most of the way
through a much more difficult country.
Practically , nothing has been done so far
to favor so stupendous a project : the Ufa
Xlatoust section of railway to Ekaterin
burg having only lately been decided
upon , after years of dispute over the con
flicting claims of din'erent towns. One
Russian enthusiast for a Pneilio railway
has estimated i'25.000,000 as not too little
for the enterprise. The Canadian Pacillc
from Montreal to Port Moody cost fully
A')2,000,000 ) for construction alone. . The
Russians will have to duvotu many years
to turning thojr gnn-inolal into plow
shares and their bayonoU into pruning
hooks before the Siberian railway project
becomes feasible. Meanwhilethe isolated
position of the Anipor provinces will invite -
vite the occupation of the first maritime
power that Russia linds herself at war
_ _ _ _ _ _
Where n Type-Writer Is UBoless.
Chicago Herald : The typo-writer will
never bo a universal favorite , It may bo
ami doubtless is a good thing to grind
out an editorial on finance , or to flay a
man whom you don't liko. Likewise a
good invention to turn out all sort * of
commercial correspondenco. But there
are fields whom tlio pen the old lash-
ioned pen is still mightier than the type
writer. And fanuy u sweetheart
bronthirtg her heart's secret , pouring'
bur passionate yearnings and fond expressions -
pressions on a sheet of paper where yon
iiayo to ring a bell at the end of each
lino. Lore never can get used to any
such mechanical apparatus as that. You
might as well expect to pound out un
opera on a shoot-iron boiler with a sledge
hummer. Imagine your sending a sen
tence of tins sort to your host girl ; "My
type-writer fails to express to you the
feelings of my heart. " What would a
bundle of typo-writer letters look like
tied up in a faded ribbon ? Do you
think any sensible girl would keep a
love iotter turned out by a type writer J
Would your A type-writer letter , to
USD a theatrical sentence , is good enough
for a one-nigiit stand , but no.ono ever
reads it over.
Besides , it H perfectly' useless m a
breach of promise suit. ,
Those C.imtinlcii BpcaUors'Slnnn ; o to
Have n l.lttlrl'un. .
New Ydrk Tribune : General George
A. Shoritlr.n , of LtnlNana , has had a
wide experience a * a political sneaker.
The Mode's he tells cif occurrences on thn
stump and of encounter * with public
men nre listened in eigerly in groups
that gather around him when lie appears
in public place * . The general tells of an
interview he had with General Chester A.
Arthur when Uio latter was managing
the republican campaign in ihis
state. General Sheridan had been mak
ing a series of speeches over the
stale. When he came back he
called al the headquarters to report to
General Arthur , who asked him how
much the committee was indebted to him
for Is expenses General Sheridan re
plied : " 1 have $ ! 15 left over from llie
check yon gave mo for expenses. The
committed does not owe me an.vthing.bnt
I want to say 1 was up in Potsdam the
other night to make a speech. There
are just eighteen democrats In thn town.
They lell me that no democrat was ever
known to attend a republican meeting
there. I had my $80 overcoat stolen. It
must l.avo been stolen by a republican.
If the republican committee feels like
giving mo a new overcoat 1 Miall con
sider the account square.1' General
Arthur laughed and ( juicily wrote out
an order on a New "i ork tailor for an
overcoat and a new suit of clothe- ' , say
ing that he proposed to preserve the in-
tejirily of I lie republican party if it took
all the clothes in Gotham.
While Mumping in Ohio a number of
years go General Sheridan had with
him as an alternate speaker a man of
somewhat slow observation. The general
had a favorite story which lie was in the
habit of tolling his audiences and which
invariably provoked uproarious laughter
and applause. Several appointments had
been tilled when ono day his companion
said to General Sheridan , "I would like to
ask u favor of you , I would hkn to have
you let mo tell that story of yours in my
speech lo-iuglit. " The general kindly
consented , but intimated at the same
time that a great deal of the .story con
sisted in the manner in which it was told.
His companion was extremely confident
that he could lell it in such n way as to
evoke the due applause. He took the
platform at night and at the proper time
proceeded with an attempt to tell the
general's story. lie boaH it in the mid
dle , told it both ways , and wound it up
so llatly that not eyeii a smile was pro
voked on the face of the most humor-
loving man in the audience. After the
meet ing was over the unfortunate speaker
said to the general :
"Did you hear me tell that story ? "
"Yes , "said Sheridan , dryly.
"Well , did you notice that there was
not a single smile in all the audience ? "
"Yes. "
"Well. I say , Sheridan , the audiences
to which yon have told that story have
always laughed heartily. "
"Yes. "
Then there was a silence for the space
of two or three minutes , during which
his companion was in a brown study out
of which ho waked up with a remark
which nearly took the general ofl" his feet.
This is what he said : "General , it is re
markable what a difference thorc is in
audiences. "
"Wrongs ol'AVorktiifj Girls ,
New York Sun : Tlio committee ap
pointed by the Central Labor unions of
this city and Brooklyn , to investigate the
charges of immorality brought" against
certain persons in a \ \ iliiainsbiirgn fac
tory has been holding sessions in temper
ance hall , Kent avenue , and has exam
ined more than fifty girls and twenty
men and boys lately employed in the fac
tory. Members of the committee say the
reports of immorality have been substan
tiated by the testimony. The committee
to-day will place the testimony taken in
the hands of District Attorney Ridgway.
The sillog-itions are that prostitution has
been enforce ! as a condition of retaining
employment. The action of the commit
tee is a sequel of a strike caused by the
discharge of two girls on the ground that
they came late to work in the morning.
How to Get Itiolic.s.
Don't .speculate in mines.
Don't speculate in anything whatso
ever that yon are not conversant with.
Don't go on any one's bond.
Don't ' drink when asked to.
Don't drink when not asked.
Don't buy anything you don't need.
Don't Waste your time.
Don't marry"an extravagant woman.
Don't marry an extravagant man.
Don't marry a penurious man.
Don't marry a penurious woman.
Don't got amusement-crazy.
Don't got crazy at all ,
Don't ' buy wheat and poll at a loss ,
Don't buy wheat at all.
Don't lend money.
Don't spend money.
Don't dabble in stocks.
Don't stay out late at niglit.
Don't have' anything to do with pol
_ _
Dtlko As a Sivoi ( Ismail.
Sir Cliarieu Dilke , it is well known , is a
first-class swordsman. During his recent
stay at Royat he passed no less than
three hours n dny in the fencing hall of
the commander of the Thirty-sixth artill
ery. Every morning Sir Charles drilled
two hours with tliiscrack fencing muster ,
and every evening one hour , astonishing
by his vigorous sword thrusts , alertness
aiid quickness of action such practiced
liabilities of the hall as the Marquis do
Saint-Paul , Victor Manuel , Mullat and
Leronx , deputy from La Vendee. Nobody
who saw Sir Charles walking on the
hlreet , wilh hi.s si ili' , melancholy stride
and blank coal buttoned up to ( he chin ,
would ever dream that beneath that stolid
aspect were concealed such extraordi
nary energy and f > iipplonu < .s of move
A .loiii-naliHl'r Ktitminittinn Paper ,
A funny fellow in thu German Tage-
bhitt siifc'gestH that ( lie following exami
nation paper should be snt to all candi
dates for journalistic employment :
1. ( liven a bundle of old newspapers
and a pair of siosors only , how would
you ( ill your paper with "original arti
cles" and "special telegram ? "
a. Givou fuwHamplii notes to accom
pany the return of MSS , to important
personages ,
1) ) , How many pngee _ of a book is it
iioccn-jary to read in" order to write ( a )
bibliographical note , ( b ) a full review ?
4 , Point out in general terms the
form in which a theatrical criticism
should be written ( u ) so as to please
everybody , ( b ) so as to make out that a
piece which is hihsed oil' lite stage is a
grand success.
0 , Give a list of the commonplaces
and notations with winch articles may
best PO betrnn and ended.
( J , If an editor has benn condemned
twenty-five tunes for "offenses against
Prince Bismarck , " may he colnhrnto the
jubilee of his cnnvic-lion , or would Mich
a celebration itself constitute a twenty-
sixth olftmf o ?
jvo Tlokci'H Nrcil Apply.
Wall Street NCW.SUncle : Isaac , " lie
called to a Georgia darkey , "are you
speculating in cotton any more * "
"A wecry lee.ili ! , sail , but I has changed
o' doin' il . "
my way , yur oo.
"How's thaty"
"Why , will , I used to buy fuchers , nn1
dar was no tellin' wliar a body would
land. Now' J work on a suil : ( thing. "
"Explain. "
" 1 pick up do raw material at. night ,
an * .my wife totes it to town by daylight. "
HH. C. Eckcnbei-ger .and wife , general
agent Chicago & Northwestern railway ,
of Portland , Oregon , 'is In the city.
5 , Fiunell , a morcliantof Hamburg ,
la. , is at thy Pnxton.
When one has been suffering tlio ago
nies of n severe attack of rheumatism , '
nen'ralgla or sciatica , aiid relief comes , it
seems as if a ne'W lease of life had been
grained. Such have been the feelinc * of
thousands who , after 'Irving- physicians
and numberless remedies , have iiscil
Athlophoros and found to their great joy ,
that lids medicine reallv diil euro thcso
( licenses.
At Dnbnqnc , Iowa , the dniggisls say'
Athlophoro * beats Dti'in all. We thought
it would be like man > other rheumatic
medicines that have been put upon thn
market , sell for a while then gradually
Milk out nf our memory , tint such Is not
the case with Atiilophoros , instead of
our sales diminishing they inereaMi , and
what makes us have more faith in its fu
ture mission , isilmt our customers como
back and praise its good work in the
highest terms. Said olio drutfgisl lo tlio
writer : "My conlidenee is so great in
Atiilophoros that I olten sell a bottle
with the understanding that if is not sat
isfactory 1 will refund the money. I have
never yet had to pay the money back. "
Mrs. C. J.AIabeck.1007 Clay st.'lubuqiio )
Iowa , say.s : "I was subject to frequent
altaeks of inflammatory rheumatism and
have been nearly all my life , at times I
would be almost helpless. When I com
menced wilh Atiilophoros 1 was carrying
my arm in n sling , I could not move my
lingers without causing mo pain. Ono
evening while suffering this way 1 heard
of Atiilophoros. The next day I soul for
a bottle. 1 was a little afraid of it at first
on account of the bnx/.ing sensation it
caused in my head , bill it worked like a
charm , the.swelling and pain were gone ,
my rhminmlisin was well. It is now a
year and a half , and I have not sulfercd
any since.
fivory druggist should keep Athlopho-
ros and Atiilophoros Pills , but where
they cannot be bought of the druggist
the Atiilophoros Co. , 1W Wall St. , Now
York , will send either , carriage paid , on
receipt of regular price , which is $1 per
bottle for Allilophoros and BOis for the
J-'orllvnrnnil Uulnn.v illsi-nsw , ilyspcii.iln. In-
illifcMltin , wiMiknuns , nervous ilcliillty , ili i-iiR s
( il women , eoiftliwtlon , licmlmhi' , Imimrn
liliinil , etc. , Athlopliorosl'llls mo iuuimlliil. < | .
Or Ilic l.liimiMulill ,
fiired l > y Administering- .
IlaliiOM1 Uoldcii NjK-cinc.
.1 tan bu Klvcn In i\ cup of cufVeo ur ten without
IhskmiKlcilKPol lli person UMux nl nl > ; uliilalr
nnruileu. anil will ollVct a permanent tml psrdy
cure , wliH ! > vr the patient 111 moUcriu-'i'rlnkorot
t < > niiiiiuillc wreck. It lint heon given In tbou.
! ] * ; ult ot omc.i , niul In nrciy lusUi.i-cv > ieiect cur *
bai tolloupil. H nuvcr Ihli * TliD cyMoni one *
IrapiPgnnlcd with the KpeclPc , U becomenil uttet
Impo-ulblllty for tlie liquor npielltttocjuxt
A.VIIN iV CO. , Cor. lath mid noaclim. nni )
ISlh & C'nniliiK SIN. , Onmbu , Ncb.
A. II. POST I ! It it 11IK ? . ,
Conncll ninfTN , Iowa.
Ctall or write for pamphlet containing hundred *
cy I'Oi-ilmi.nlals [ rouitli l > ct women uudmenltoot
ail usrUut Uit cuunuv.
( mtTrrlng from lo |
* '
l > flilll < 7. .
VrrninUirn Ilnollt > , etC.rCKilllinffrom fiidlscicllnnsor
WSYi IflAT151AKSTO NmT K K AWm ? . *
Nrolrd Io k unit Orf. SliniiKlho fMil by Fa then
nmlMftrrtl In P
the hinds ofB
tfplefc-wl [ I M Torn t Inn of rat 110 to nil men.
MARSTONRI-MSDYCO l9ParkPlaceNewYork. I !
MuMtuni Omaha IJuo.
USE HIRSUTINE. ! ' ; ' . ' . ' , ; : .l'vi' ' ;
. . , . . . . .
k.rr. * - ir.rii i.h. frtu\l.t rr
UITED U k > .llutaTM.IMfl fwuil.n.
. . . If
U II. .V r.ll. Co. , .1111 * 303 K jL < r. , frlillxtill. . , C. 8. 1-
fj III ! .1
_ 7Ae on// GENUINE ones mada
_ _ T/ie most comfortable and"dtarnbta
chape for walking.
. . , NiTwrnkles..Eaey as art
W shoe. . .Always retain tlio sKape , '
Jtiijljwriire the 7eet in long walks. J
Made in 1 1 mllha an3 air sTzos. " * *
Look on Sole for Kama nj Addroil of
For Sale by Ifaywanl liros. , G07 JIow *
nril Street , Omaha.
( lir HI. IinrIcu.S ! ( . , Nl. IonlMMo.
A regular griUuitaof t o Uedlet > lCa1i { ti , lim iron loirtr
DfitguJfu tbf ki'C UI lr &lmoGtor CHHOKIC , lliHrut/i , Hkiv
Bd Jluoi > Dm * * * ! th&o HOT OILI'trBlcliui lutil. Lent * ,
M cllf | > r.prr > fttiow * nj ) ) old rt I'ltuli ' Pbow
Ncrvnue. Prnslrallon , UcMlllf , Mental and
Physical Vvoakness ; Mercurial and oilier Altec-
ileus of Throat. Skin or Honea , Blood Pollening ,
Cld Sdrcs and UlCCrS , art IrotM lll < .tiirtlloJ. !
luervii.vnUKFlxIrntmapUnrllilei.Rtrelr. rrloialr.
Diseases Arhlno from Indiscretion , Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , l.lcH \ . , < Aur , , oa or tu.
fc | ! < j luy rifrcl * i ier * titne it dcbllitr , diDi. ta of ilbt
oil ilrfccllrH lQCinorjr , J'llajilegon Ilie f ec , I'b/Ali ldlu/i
TCf'lon toti6 ! Mucltljof r * iniliif. ODnfutloB of Jdiu , tit * * .
ronrtorlng IJ rrluiu Jmurorer or unhappy , > tt
tcrmutcllj tur.1 , ] ' . , | | , , 1)c.n ) IH.rlVio.lcil
-orl/din .ln.lled" ' J.I lellrOolldtnlUl' .
A Positive Written Guaranlee urcu in tr ,
- "clue. Ueaielniicukero/ li rjhjreal ) rc
sno PAOB3 , prwn TJ ATER , timnt
blodluK , ic l d for 3Go. In rft.ta Doreuritee.
oi > 4nfal | tu plclvrri , Iruo l > 111 , | trllcl * , uIht t
A Dock that ororr futhrr
ItouM lilnco In hU itolt'ji l.alU <
mi > l rf < 1 MuiMlf witli theutcioiit
cute. ( Jlvi-s oil the ) iitiiUtn
nnd t rnblii jm.ulu tr Ir t-u t4
duo to I'.utly Vlcu i.nd Jiruur *
Ju-liKlid | < l anil llf < la it FaioW'f l' ' 'l" Kianie )
lloaill-oil 1C. ' ( tMtlttwnMttruiutmliici.ll . iidrii JJlorl
For Vralnr , Ixvur. We ViiM , Jxiit Vllallty. Xtr. ( Ion !
milfualr l , r rr * < oHHiiliuilou , 1'roinVi u.lo&r.K.
C'lVIAI.i : AUll.SOV. 114 1'iiltuu tiu , .Neir Yorb.
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs ,
t the old H ( ana 1407 rurniiniit , Ordcri
tr.ii'jrm > ! i fo.lcitcd mid piomptly at-
U lul to. T.clcplione Ko. g'jg.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
vera elilppeil during the put
tv/o Voars , . without n drum *
; ! ( r fii our oiui > loy , Koutlur
> ii > uioln tim world cuu truth'
. ( tlealer tatlil
'p'1 11 o oa town ,